CvsOptionsWidgetBase cvsOptionsWidget 0 0 500 507 CVS Options unnamed groupBox4 Common Settings unnamed m_rshLabel 5 0 0 0 &Remote shell (CVS_RSH environment variable): cvsRshEnvVarEdit cvsRshEnvVarEdit sets the CVS_RSH variable Set this option to "ssh" to use ssh as remote shell for CVS. Note that you need password-less login (see the ssh documentation for how to generate a public/private key pair) otherwise CVS will just hang forever. textLabel1_2 CVS server &location: serverLocationEdit serverLocationEdit groupBox1 When Updating unnamed createNewDirWhenUpdateCheck Create &new directories (if any) pruneEmptyDirWhenUpdateCheck &Prune empty directories recursiveWhenUpdateCheck &Update subdirectories too groupBox2 When Committing/Removing unnamed recursiveWhenCommitRemoveCheck &Be recursive groupBox3 When Creating Diffs unnamed diffOptionsEdit 7 0 0 0 m_diffLabel 5 0 0 0 Use these e&xtra options: diffOptionsEdit contextLinesInput 3 0 65535 textLabel1 5 0 0 0 Con&text lines: contextLinesInput kdialog.h knuminput.h knuminput.h