################################################# # # (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian # serghei (DOT) amelian (AT) gmail.com # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# # required stuff find_package( TQt ) find_package( TDE ) tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) ##### check for gcc visibility support if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) tde_setup_gcc_visibility( ) endif( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) ##### find X11 find_package( X11) ##### check for headers check_include_file( unistd.h HAVE_UNISTD_H ) check_include_file( string.h HAVE_STRING_H ) check_include_file( sys/time.h HAVE_SYS_TIME_H ) check_include_file( sys/stat.h HAVE_SYS_STAT_H ) check_include_file( stdlib.h HAVE_STDLIB_H ) check_include_file( stdarg.h HAVE_STDARG_H ) check_include_file( time.h HAVE_TIME_H ) check_include_file( locale.h LOCALE_PREFIX ) check_include_file( pthread.h USE_XSLDBG_AS_THREAD ) ##### check for functions check_function_exists( gettimeofday HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY ) check_function_exists( usleep HAVE_USLEEP ) check_function_exists( stat HAVE_STAT ) if( (BUILD_QUANTA) OR (BUILD_KXSLDBG) OR (BUILD_KLINKSTATUS) ) ##### check for icu's c++ standard pkg_search_module( ICU_UC icu-uc ) tde_execute_process( COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --variable=CXXFLAGS icu-uc OUTPUT_VARIABLE ICU_CXXFLAGS OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) ##### check for libxml-2.0 pkg_search_module( LIBXML libxml-2.0>=2.6 ) if( NOT LIBXML_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "libxml-2.0 version >= 2.6 is required but was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBXML_FOUND ) ##### check for libxslt pkg_search_module( LIBXSLT libxslt ) if( NOT LIBXSLT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "libxslt are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBXSLT_FOUND ) if( BUILD_QUANTA ) if( WITH_QUANTA_CVSSERVICE ) tde_import( cervisia ) find_file( CVSSERVICE_HEADERS NAMES repository_stub.h cvsservice_stub.h cvsjob_stub.h ) if( CVSSERVICE_HEADERS ) set( ENABLE_CVSSERVICE 1 ) set( CVSSERVICE_LIBRARIES "cvsservice-static;cvsservice-shared" CACHE INTERNAL "tdesdk and embedded cvssercice libs" FORCE ) else() tde_message_fatal( "csv service (cervisia) is required for quanta but not found on your system." ) endif() endif() find_program( WGET_EXECUTABLE wget ) if( NOT WGET_EXECUTABLE ) message( STATUS "wget (download utility) installation is advised since some quanta's features will make use of It." ) endif() find_program( TIDY_EXECUTABLE NAMES tidy tidy5 ) if( NOT TIDY_EXECUTABLE ) message( STATUS "tidy (HTML/XML syntax checker) installation is advised since some quanta's features will make use of It." ) endif() find_program( TDEFILEREPLACE_EXECUTABLE tdefilereplace ) if( NOT TDEFILEREPLACE_EXECUTABLE ) message( STATUS "tdefilereplace (Batch search and replace tool - tdeutils) installation is advised since some quanta's features will make use of It." ) endif() find_program( KOMPARE_EXECUTABLE kompare ) if( NOT KOMPARE_EXECUTABLE ) message( STATUS "kompare (diff utility - tdesdk) installation is advised since some quanta's features will make use of It." ) endif() endif( BUILD_QUANTA ) if( BUILD_KXSLDBG ) find_package( Threads ) tde_save( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${LIBXML_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set( LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable docbook input files" ) check_include_file( "libxml/xinclude.h" LIBXML_XINCLUDE_ENABLED ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ) ##### check for libexslt pkg_search_module( LIBEXSLT libexslt ) if( NOT LIBEXSLT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "libexlt is required but was not found on your system" ) endif() ##### check for readline find_path( READLINE_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "readline/readline.h" "readline/history.h" HINTS "/usr/include" "/usr/local/include" DOC "Looking for readline header's path" ) find_library( READLINE_LIBRARY NAMES readline history DOC "Looking for readline libraries" ) if( (READLINE_INCLUDE_DIR) AND ( READLINE_LIBRARY ) ) set( HAVE_READLINE 1 ) set( HAVE_HISTORY 1 ) set( READLINE_LIBRARIES ${READLINE_LIBRARY} ) set( READLINE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${READLINE_INCLUDE_DIR} ) else() tde_message_fatal( "readline is required but was not found on your system" ) endif() ##### look for Curses tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${READLINE_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${READLINE_LIBRARIES} ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include int main(void) { char *result = readline(\"prompt\"); return 0; }" BUILD_READLINE_STANDALONE ) if( NOT BUILD_READLINE_STANDALONE ) find_package( Curses ) if( NOT CURSES_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "(n)curses is required but was not found on your system" ) endif() list( APPEND READLINE_LIBRARIES ${CURSES_LIBRARIES} ) endif() tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) endif( BUILD_KXSLDBG ) endif( (BUILD_QUANTA) OR (BUILD_KXSLDBG) OR (BUILD_KLINKSTATUS) ) ##### option other editors if( WITH_OTHER_EDITORS ) set( ENABLE_EDITORS 1 ) endif( WITH_OTHER_EDITORS ) ##### define TQTDOCDIR if( BUILD_KOMMANDER ) if( NOT DEFINED TQTDOCDIR ) find_path( TQT_DOCDIR ntqsql.html PATHS ${TQTDIR}/doc/html $ENV{TQTDIR}/doc/html /opt/trinity/share/tqt3/doc/html /usr/share/doc/packages/tqt3/html /usr/lib/tqt3/doc /usr/lib/tqt3/doc/html /usr/doc/tqt3/html /usr/doc/tqt3 /usr/share/doc/tqt3-doc /usr/share/tqt3/doc/html /usr/X11R6/share/doc/tqt/html ) if( TQT_DOCDIR ) set( TQTDOCDIR "${TQT_DOCDIR}" ) endif() endif() endif( BUILD_KOMMANDER )