This document tries to give a little overview about Quanta classes and their interactions. The document is for Quanta+ 3.3 as of 27-05-2004. 1. src directory ----------------- - the main classes KSplash: the splash screen class (used only for KDE < 3.2.3). Called from the KQApplication classes. KQApplicationPrivate: the common class for the unique and non-unique mode Quanta application. KQApplication: the non-unique version of the Quanta application. KQUniqueApplication: the unique version of the Quanta application. QuantaApp: the main window class of Quanta. The main purpose is to handle general user events and to process and provide general informations. As it inherits from KMdiMainFrm it also does some window managing jobs. There is one global object of this type called quantaApp, but it's recommended that you use the signal/slot mechanism instead of calling directly the QuantaApp methods. It interacts almost with every other class. QuantaInit: a class used only on startup to build the user interface, load the options, set up the signal/slot connections, etc. It has a very short life and can be imagined as a part of QuantaApp. QuantaDoc: an old class inherited from the pre-KMDI design of Quanta. The methods from it most probably belong somewhere else (eg. QuantaApp). The main tasks now are related to document opening and handling of some user events. There is only one object of this type. QuantaView: a QuantaView can be imagined as a visual representation of a document, plugin, part. It's the widget on a "tab" in the user interface. Each object may hold either a Document (real document), QuantaPlugin (a plugin) and/or a common widget (anything, like the preview part, documentation part). It has methods to save the document, switch between different view modes (VPL, source) and reacts to some events, like getting the focus. The views are managed by the ViewManager. ViewManager: singleton object which manages the QuantaView's. It has methods to create, remove, save views, reacts to view change, handles the tab context menus and the D&D of tabs. Interacts with QuantaApp and QuantaView. Document: an editable (KTextEditor) document with advanced, Quanta specific features. There is a 1-1 relation between a Document and QuantaView. Each view can have one Document and each Document can have only one view. Multiple views of the same document is not supported by Quanta at this moment. The class has methods to manipulate the KTextEditor::Document and KTextEditor::View via the various KTextEditor interfaces in an editor independent mode. Main tasks are: - react to user keypresses - handle autocompletion (when it should appear, what should appear in the completion box, autocompleting of child tags) - react to changes in the document and ask for a rebuild of the node tree - modify the closing/opening tags based on the node tree - create temporary files of opened documents (and after each save) - create backups of documents - handle text and tag insertion - handling tag modifications - react to changes made to the document outside of Quanta - detect the main DTD of the document. Each Document has a main DTD, but may contain other pseudo-DTDs inside. - provides convenience methods to work with text documents (find, findRev, findWordRev, currentWord, text selection) - keeps track of untitled and modified status DTDs: stores and loads the DTEPs from disk as they are requested. Works with DTDStruct classes (structures). Interacts with every class which works with DTEPs. Singleton. DCOP* classes: the DCOP interfaces of Quanta. WindowManagerIf is the general purpose interface working mainly with views and files, implemented in the QuantaApp class. SettingsIf is an interfaces towards various Quanta settings and QuantaIf is an interface towards Quanta internals like selectors, used in some of the DTEP definition files. The interfaces (except WindowManagerIf) have a separate implementation class. 2. parsers directory --------------------- - parsing and node tree related classes (yes, QTag might not belong here) Parser: parses a document and builds the node tree. It does a quick parsing of XML tags, special areas are not parsed in detail, only their start and end region is determined. For XML areas it parses also for groups and does a quick parsing of included (XML) files as well. It has a method to parse only the changed area of the document (rebuild) and a method to find the node from the tree corresponding for a place in the document (nodeAt). It calls the detailed special area parser in the background via a singleshot timer. Interacts with the SAParser, StructureTreeView and any other class requesting information from the node tree. There is usually only one Parser object in the memory, but it is not a singleton as it's used in the table editor as well. SAParser: special area (pseudo DTEP) parser. Parses scripts, CSS, etc. Can do a quick or detailed parsing in synchronous or asynchronous mode. The later means that the parsing is done in small steps, using singleshot timers to call the next step, so the user interface is not blocked while the detailed, time consuming parsing is done. The parsing is context based. Calls the special area group parser for every special area node. Emits signals to indicate the ending of parsing and the need of the structure tree rebuilding. SAGroupParser: the special area group parser called from SAParser. This can behave asynchronously as well. Emits signals to indicate the ending of parsing and the need of the rebuilding of the group part of the structure tree. ParserCommon: common (static) methods used by the Parser and SAParser, and holds parser-global data structures as well. Node: an element of the Node tree. Each Node has a parent, child, next and previous Node (of course they can be NULL) and a Tag. The Tag cannot be NULL. Each node appears at least once under the visual structure tree (mainListItem), but can appear more than once if it's part of some structure groups (listItems) There are convenience methods which helps navigating through the node tree and some flags noting the status of the node. See the description of the class attributes. Tag: a parsed tag. Each node has a tag. A tag can be a real XML tags from the document or some other special tag noting text, empty area, structure begin, structure end, comment, etc. XML tags are parsed and it's possible to read the available attributes and attribute values, modify them, etc. Each tag has a DTD associated with it, meaning that "this tag was parsed and should be interpreted as part of this DTD", holds the position in the document, the original text found at that position, a cleaned version of that text (without comments), etc. A Tag is not necessary a valid tag of the DTD. is a tag in any DTD. QTag: a valid DTD tag. When the tagXML files are read, each DTDStruct will contain many QTag objects describing the valid tags in that DTD. The QTag gives us the possible attributes and their values, the relationship regarding other QTags and some other status information (single, optional, etc.). A QTag can hold information about pseudo-DTD tags, which are not real XML tags, but they can describe methods, classes, functions, etc. DTDParser: parses a real DTD definition file and converts to tagXML. 3. utility directory ------------------- - helper, convenience classes; other classes not belonging anywhere else QuantaCommon: static convenience methods, used in many places. QConfig: holds the Quanta configuration settings. QuantaToolBar/ToolbarTabWidget/ToolbarXMLGUI: classes needed to make the user toolbars work. TagAction: an extended KAction, which can be modified in Quanta. May be of three types: Tag, Script, Text. Script actions can be executed in synchronous (execute) or async. mode (insertTag). TagActions are usually put on the user toolbars and under Tags menu, but they can be plugged anywhere just like the normal KActions. 4. treeviews directory ----------------------- - classes dealing with the different treeviews FilesTreeView/FilesTreeBranch/FilesTreeViewItem: shows the file and directory structure in a tree. Can show more than one tree at once. By default it shows a tree starting with the root directory (/) and one starting with the $HOME directory of the current user. It's possible to specify other such top-level directories. The toplevel directories can be remote directories as well. The class handles the events of the file and folder context menus and communicates using signals with QuantaApp, for example to indicate that a file must be opened. It's an extension of the KFileTreeView. ProjectTree* : an extension of the FilesTree* classes to show the project files in a tree. The project files are not what are under the project directory, but only those that are listed in the .webprj file. Communicates with QuantaApp and the Project object via signals. It's a singleton class. TemplatesTree*: an extension of the FilesTree* classes to show the three special template directories (global, local and project template directory). Handles template specific actions (insert, template settings, send in email), D&D. It's a singleton. ScriptTreeView: an extension of FilesTreeView class which shows the global and local script directories, makes possible to execute or edit the scripts, view or edit their descriptions. StructTreeView: the visual representation of the internal node tree. Build the visual tree from the node tree, makes possible to navigate through the document using the tree. StructTreeTag: an element of the structure tree. Every element has an associated Node and the element is included in the listItems of the Node. The problem checker is done in the constructor of the StructTreeTag element, by verifying if the Node associated with the element holds a valid Tag for the current DTD and the relation between the Node and the surrounding nodes are valid in this DTD. UploadTree*: a treeview and it's file/folder elements with a special look. There is a column with a 3 state checkbox. In case of folders checked means that every element under the folder is checked, un-checked means that none of the elements under the folder are checked and grayed means that some elements (but not all) are checked. Used in the project upload dialog, the project folder scanning dialog and in the new project wizard. TagAttributeTree/EnhancedTagAttributeTree/EditableTree/ DualEditableTree/TopLevelItem/Attribute*: classes used to edit the attributes of a tag. DocTreeView/DocItem/DocFolder: the treeview and it's elements which show the different loaded documentation files, including the project documentation. The tree shows the documentation titles and the content is opened in a HTML part embedded in a QuantaView or a separated toolview. 5. project directory --------------------- - project management related classes Project: the main project management class. Loads, stores, modifies the .webprj file. Project related actions like project rescan, new project, project upload, project properties, adding/removing files to the project are handled here. It's a singleton. ProjectNew*: classes for different stages of the new project wizard. They are instantiated from the Project object. ProjectUpload: class that handles uploading of project files. It has also a special mode when the UI is minimized and in this mode the class can be used to modify the upload profiles. RescanPrj: class that handles rescanning of the project directory and marking the files that are under the directory but not in the .webprj file. It does not show or mark the files that are excluded from the project in the project options. ProjectURL: an extended KURL with some status informations including description, upload status and a note if the URL is a document-base folder or not. Used inside Project and the other classes dealing with the project files (ProjectUpload, ProjectTreeView) 6. plugins directory --------------------- - (mainly) classes related to the plugin system QuantaPlugin: manages a configured Quanta plugin (a KPart). Takes care of loading and unloading of the part, embedding it in a widget and calling the part's openURL method with the configured argument. Special plugins that needs to have a more detailed communication with Quanta can have a plugin class inherited from QuantaPlugin. QuantaPluginInterface: the interface between QuantaApp and the QuantaPlugins. Reads the plugins, returns pointers to them on request, validates them, etc. QuantaPluginEditor and QuantaPluginConfig: classes which helps configuring the plugins. SpellChecker: Quanta specific spellchecker. Not a real QuantaPlugin and most probably it belongs to the utility directory. 7. parts directory ------------------ - KParts used inside Quanta. WHTMLPart: simple TDEHTML based class which can display HTML pages. Used in preview and documentation. kafka directory: VPL related classes 8. messages directory ------------------------ - messaging system MessageOutput/MessageItem: widget to show messages from external applications or from Quanta. Used to display the result of actions, but used by the Problem reporter as well. It has a methods to find the line and column number inside a message and clicking on a text containing the line and column moves the cursor in the editor to that position. 9. dialogs directory --------------------- - some dialog implementations used in Quanta. The settings subdirectory contains the widget implementations for the different Quanta setting pages, the tagdialog directory contains classes dealing with the tagXML dialogs. ActionConfigDialog: makes TagAction configuration possible. Displays all possible actions (not just TagActions) in a tree, all loaded user toolbars with the actions on them. TagActions can be created, deleted, modified and plugged/unplugged in a user toolbar. CopyTo: class which is used in many places to do asynchronous file copy. It signals when the file copy is done and the object can be deleted. Mainly used inside the Project* classes to add files to the project. DirtyDlg: dialog offering some possibilities for the user when a document was changed outside of Quanta. In case of comparing the files it launches Kompare, waits until it finishes and returns afterwards, this way blocking Quanta while Kompare is running. FileCombo: widget class offering a combobox and a button to select files. Used in the Tagxml class. SpecialCharDialog: a dialog which offers the user a list of special characters. AbbreviationDlg: handles the code abbreviations (adding/removing/editing them) FileMasks: a badly named class. Currently takes care of editing the environment settings. ParserOptions: make possible to finetune the parser and the structure tree behavior. PreviewOptions: another not so well named class, as currently it makes possible to configure the UI look and behavior. Between others it offers possibility to change the preview and documentation location, the tab and toolview behavior, etc. tagdialogs directory: classes and widgets used to build a dialog from a tagXML file, which makes possible to edit a tag in a document. Based on a Tag and the corresponding QTag. 10. components directory --------------------------- - holds classes dealing with specific functions, many are DTD specific. csseditor directory: classes for the visual CSS editor cvsservice directory: a classes providing CVS functions for different context menus (document context menu, treeview context menus) using cvsservice from Cervisia. debugger directory: classes providing interface towards different debuggers, including the Gubed PHP debugger. framewizard directory: classes for the visual HTML framewizard (frame editor) tableeditor directory: dialog to visually edit HTML tables