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+<title>TQIMEvent Class</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQIMEvent Class Reference</h1>
+<p>The TQIMEvent class provides parameters for input method events.
+<a href="#details">More...</a>
+<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qevent-h.html">qevent.h</a>&gt;</tt>
+<p>Inherits <a href="qevent.html">TQEvent</a>.
+<p><a href="qimevent-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
+<h2>Public Members</h2>
+<li class=fn><a href="#TQIMEvent"><b>TQIMEvent</b></a> ( Type&nbsp;type, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;text, int&nbsp;cursorPosition )</li>
+<li class=fn>const TQString &amp; <a href="#text"><b>text</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>int <a href="#cursorPos"><b>cursorPos</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>bool <a href="#isAccepted"><b>isAccepted</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#accept"><b>accept</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#ignore"><b>ignore</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>int <a href="#selectionLength"><b>selectionLength</b></a> () const</li>
+<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
+The TQIMEvent class provides parameters for input method events.
+<p> Input method events are sent to widgets when an input method is
+used to enter text into a widget. Input methods are widely used to
+enter text in Asian and other complex languages.
+<p> The events are of interest to widgets that accept keyboard input
+and want to be able to correctly handle complex languages. Text
+input in such languages is usually a three step process.
+<p> <ol type=1>
+<li> <b>Starting to Compose</b><br>
+When the user presses the first key on a keyboard an input context
+is created. This input context will contain a string with the
+typed characters.
+<p> <li> <b>Composing</b><br>
+With every new key pressed, the input method will try to create a
+matching string for the text typed so far. While the input context
+is active, the user can only move the cursor inside the string
+belonging to this input context.
+<p> <li> <b>Completing</b><br>
+At some point, e.g. when the user presses the Spacebar, they get
+to this stage, where they can choose from a number of strings that
+match the text they have typed so far. The user can press Enter to
+confirm their choice or Escape to cancel the input; in either case
+the input context will be closed.
+<p> Note that the particular key presses used for a given input
+context may differ from those we've mentioned here, i.e. they may
+not be Spacebar, Enter and Escape.
+<p> These three stages are represented by three different types of
+events. The IMStartEvent, IMComposeEvent and IMEndEvent. When a
+new input context is created, an IMStartEvent will be sent to the
+widget and delivered to the <a href="qwidget.html#imStartEvent">TQWidget::imStartEvent</a>() function.
+The widget can then update internal data structures to reflect
+<p> After this, an IMComposeEvent will be sent to the widget for
+every key the user presses. It will contain the current
+composition string the widget has to show and the current cursor
+position within the composition string. This string is temporary
+and can change with every key the user types, so the widget will
+need to store the state before the composition started (the state
+it had when it received the IMStartEvent). IMComposeEvents will be
+delivered to the <a href="qwidget.html#imComposeEvent">TQWidget::imComposeEvent</a>() function.
+<p> Usually, widgets try to mark the part of the text that is part of
+the current composition in a way that is visible to the user. A
+commonly used visual cue is to use a dotted underline.
+<p> After the user has selected the final string, an IMEndEvent will
+be sent to the widget. The event contains the final string the
+user selected, and could be empty if they canceled the
+composition. This string should be accepted as the final text the
+user entered, and the intermediate composition string should be
+cleared. These events are delivered to <a href="qwidget.html#imEndEvent">TQWidget::imEndEvent</a>().
+<p> If the user clicks another widget, taking the focus out of the
+widget where the composition is taking place the IMEndEvent will
+be sent and the string it holds will be the result of the
+composition up to that point (which may be an empty string).
+<p>See also <a href="events.html">Event Classes</a>.
+<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
+<h3 class=fn><a name="TQIMEvent"></a>TQIMEvent::TQIMEvent ( <a href="qevent.html#Type-enum">Type</a>&nbsp;type, const&nbsp;<a href="qstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;text, int&nbsp;cursorPosition )
+<p> Constructs a new TQIMEvent with the accept flag set to FALSE. <em>type</em> can be one of TQEvent::IMStartEvent, TQEvent::IMComposeEvent
+or TQEvent::IMEndEvent. <em>text</em> contains the current compostion
+string and <em>cursorPosition</em> the current position of the cursor
+inside <em>text</em>.
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="accept"></a>TQIMEvent::accept ()
+<p> Sets the accept flag of the input method event object.
+<p> Setting the accept parameter indicates that the receiver of the
+event processed the input method event.
+<p> The accept flag is not set by default.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#ignore">ignore</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>int <a name="cursorPos"></a>TQIMEvent::cursorPos () const
+<p> Returns the current cursor position inside the composition string.
+Will return -1 for IMStartEvent and IMEndEvent.
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="ignore"></a>TQIMEvent::ignore ()
+<p> Clears the accept flag parameter of the input method event object.
+<p> Clearing the accept parameter indicates that the event receiver
+does not want the input method event.
+<p> The accept flag is cleared by default.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#accept">accept</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="isAccepted"></a>TQIMEvent::isAccepted () const
+<p> Returns TRUE if the receiver of the event processed the event;
+otherwise returns FALSE.
+<h3 class=fn>int <a name="selectionLength"></a>TQIMEvent::selectionLength () const
+<p> Returns the number of characters in the composition string (
+starting at <a href="#cursorPos">cursorPos</a>() ) that should be marked as selected by the
+input widget receiving the event.
+Will return 0 for IMStartEvent and IMEndEvent.
+<h3 class=fn>const&nbsp;<a href="qstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp; <a name="text"></a>TQIMEvent::text () const
+<p> Returns the composition text. This is a null string for an
+IMStartEvent, and contains the final accepted string (which may be
+empty) in the IMEndEvent.
+<!-- eof -->
+This file is part of the <a href="index.html">TQt toolkit</a>.
+Copyright &copy; 1995-2007
+<a href="">Trolltech</a>. All Rights Reserved.<p><address><hr><div align=center>
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