path: root/src/tools/qtextstream.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/qtextstream.h b/src/tools/qtextstream.h
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index fcc8baad..00000000
--- a/src/tools/qtextstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-** Definition of TQTextStream class
-** Created : 940922
-** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#ifndef QT_H
-#include "qiodevice.h"
-#include "qstring.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#endif // QT_H
-class TQTextCodec;
-class TQTextDecoder;
-class TQTextStreamPrivate;
-class Q_EXPORT TQTextStream // text stream class
- enum Encoding { Locale, Latin1, Unicode, UnicodeNetworkOrder,
- UnicodeReverse, RawUnicode, UnicodeUTF8 };
- void setEncoding( Encoding );
- void setCodec( TQTextCodec* );
- TQTextCodec *codec();
- TQTextStream();
- TQTextStream( TQIODevice * );
- TQTextStream( TQString*, int mode );
- TQTextStream( TQString&, int mode ); // obsolete
- TQTextStream( TQByteArray, int mode );
- TQTextStream( FILE *, int mode );
- virtual ~TQTextStream();
- TQIODevice *device() const;
- void setDevice( TQIODevice * );
- void unsetDevice();
- bool atEnd() const;
- bool eof() const;
- TQTextStream &operator>>( TQChar & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( char & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( signed short & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( unsigned short & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( signed int & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( unsigned int & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( signed long & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( unsigned long & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( float & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( double & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( char * );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( TQString & );
- TQTextStream &operator>>( TQCString & );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( TQChar );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( char );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( signed short );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( unsigned short );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( signed int );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( unsigned int );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( signed long );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( unsigned long );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( float );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( double );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( const char* );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( const TQString & );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( const TQCString & );
- TQTextStream &operator<<( void * ); // any pointer
- TQTextStream &readRawBytes( char *, uint len );
- TQTextStream &writeRawBytes( const char* , uint len );
- TQString readLine();
- TQString read();
- void skipWhiteSpace();
- enum {
- skipws = 0x0001, // skip whitespace on input
- left = 0x0002, // left-adjust output
- right = 0x0004, // right-adjust output
- internal = 0x0008, // pad after sign
- bin = 0x0010, // binary format integer
- oct = 0x0020, // octal format integer
- dec = 0x0040, // decimal format integer
- hex = 0x0080, // hex format integer
- showbase = 0x0100, // show base indicator
- showpoint = 0x0200, // force decimal point (float)
- uppercase = 0x0400, // upper-case hex output
- showpos = 0x0800, // add '+' to positive integers
- scientific= 0x1000, // scientific float output
- fixed = 0x2000 // fixed float output
- };
- static const int basefield; // bin | oct | dec | hex
- static const int adjustfield; // left | right | internal
- static const int floatfield; // scientific | fixed
- int flags() const;
- int flags( int f );
- int setf( int bits );
- int setf( int bits, int mask );
- int unsetf( int bits );
- void reset();
- int width() const;
- int width( int );
- int fill() const;
- int fill( int );
- int precision() const;
- int precision( int );
- long input_int();
- void init();
- TQTextStream &output_int( int, ulong, bool );
- TQIODevice *dev;
- int fflags;
- int fwidth;
- int fillchar;
- int fprec;
- bool doUnicodeHeader;
- bool owndev;
- TQTextCodec *mapper;
- TQTextStreamPrivate * d;
- TQChar unused1; // ### remove in TQt 4.0
- bool latin1;
- bool internalOrder;
- bool networkOrder;
- void *unused2; // ### remove in TQt 4.0
- TQChar eat_ws();
- uint ts_getline( TQChar* );
- void ts_ungetc( TQChar );
- TQChar ts_getc();
- uint ts_getbuf( TQChar*, uint );
- void ts_putc(int);
- void ts_putc(TQChar);
- bool ts_isspace(TQChar);
- bool ts_isdigit(TQChar);
- ulong input_bin();
- ulong input_oct();
- ulong input_dec();
- ulong input_hex();
- double input_double();
- TQTextStream &writeBlock( const char* p, uint len );
- TQTextStream &writeBlock( const TQChar* p, uint len );
-private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
-#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
- TQTextStream( const TQTextStream & );
- TQTextStream &operator=( const TQTextStream & );
-typedef TQTextStream TQTS;
-class Q_EXPORT TQTextIStream : public TQTextStream {
- TQTextIStream( const TQString* s ) :
- TQTextStream((TQString*)s,IO_ReadOnly) { }
- TQTextIStream( TQByteArray ba ) :
- TQTextStream(ba,IO_ReadOnly) { }
- TQTextIStream( FILE *f ) :
- TQTextStream(f,IO_ReadOnly) { }
-private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
-#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
- TQTextIStream( const TQTextIStream & );
- TQTextIStream &operator=( const TQTextIStream & );
-class Q_EXPORT TQTextOStream : public TQTextStream {
- TQTextOStream( TQString* s ) :
- TQTextStream(s,IO_WriteOnly) { }
- TQTextOStream( TQByteArray ba ) :
- TQTextStream(ba,IO_WriteOnly) { }
- TQTextOStream( FILE *f ) :
- TQTextStream(f,IO_WriteOnly) { }
-private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
-#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
- TQTextOStream( const TQTextOStream & );
- TQTextOStream &operator=( const TQTextOStream & );
- TQTextStream inline functions
- *****************************************************************************/
-inline TQIODevice *TQTextStream::device() const
-{ return dev; }
-inline bool TQTextStream::atEnd() const
-{ return dev ? dev->atEnd() : FALSE; }
-inline bool TQTextStream::eof() const
-{ return atEnd(); }
-inline int TQTextStream::flags() const
-{ return fflags; }
-inline int TQTextStream::flags( int f )
-{ int oldf = fflags; fflags = f; return oldf; }
-inline int TQTextStream::setf( int bits )
-{ int oldf = fflags; fflags |= bits; return oldf; }
-inline int TQTextStream::setf( int bits, int mask )
-{ int oldf = fflags; fflags = (fflags & ~mask) | (bits & mask); return oldf; }
-inline int TQTextStream::unsetf( int bits )
-{ int oldf = fflags; fflags &= ~bits; return oldf; }
-inline int TQTextStream::width() const
-{ return fwidth; }
-inline int TQTextStream::width( int w )
-{ int oldw = fwidth; fwidth = w; return oldw; }
-inline int TQTextStream::fill() const
-{ return fillchar; }
-inline int TQTextStream::fill( int f )
-{ int oldc = fillchar; fillchar = f; return oldc; }
-inline int TQTextStream::precision() const
-{ return fprec; }
-inline int TQTextStream::precision( int p )
-{ int oldp = fprec; fprec = p; return oldp; }
- Returns one character from the stream, or EOF.
-inline TQChar TQTextStream::ts_getc()
-{ TQChar r; return ( ts_getbuf( &r,1 ) == 1 ? r : TQChar((ushort)0xffff) ); }
- TQTextStream manipulators
- *****************************************************************************/
-typedef TQTextStream & (*TQTSFUNC)(TQTextStream &);// manipulator function
-typedef int (TQTextStream::*TQTSMFI)(int); // manipulator w/int argument
-class Q_EXPORT TQTSManip { // text stream manipulator
- TQTSManip( TQTSMFI m, int a ) { mf=m; arg=a; }
- void exec( TQTextStream &s ) { (s.*mf)(arg); }
- TQTSMFI mf; // TQTextStream member function
- int arg; // member function argument
-Q_EXPORT inline TQTextStream &operator>>( TQTextStream &s, TQTSFUNC f )
-{ return (*f)( s ); }
-Q_EXPORT inline TQTextStream &operator<<( TQTextStream &s, TQTSFUNC f )
-{ return (*f)( s ); }
-Q_EXPORT inline TQTextStream &operator<<( TQTextStream &s, TQTSManip m )
-{ m.exec(s); return s; }
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &bin( TQTextStream &s ); // set bin notation
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &oct( TQTextStream &s ); // set oct notation
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &dec( TQTextStream &s ); // set dec notation
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &hex( TQTextStream &s ); // set hex notation
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &endl( TQTextStream &s ); // insert EOL ('\n')
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &flush( TQTextStream &s ); // flush output
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &ws( TQTextStream &s ); // eat whitespace on input
-Q_EXPORT TQTextStream &reset( TQTextStream &s ); // set default flags
-Q_EXPORT inline TQTSManip qSetW( int w )
- TQTSMFI func = &TQTextStream::width;
- return TQTSManip(func,w);
-Q_EXPORT inline TQTSManip qSetFill( int f )
- TQTSMFI func = &TQTextStream::fill;
- return TQTSManip(func,f);
-Q_EXPORT inline TQTSManip qSetPrecision( int p )
- TQTSMFI func = &TQTextStream::precision;
- return TQTSManip(func,p);