path: root/ksayit/src/doctreeviewimpl.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commit00bb99ac80741fc50ef8a289719373032f2391eb (patch)
tree3a5a9bf72f942784b38bf77dd66c534662fab5f2 /ksayit/src/doctreeviewimpl.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'ksayit/src/doctreeviewimpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 1141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksayit/src/doctreeviewimpl.cpp b/ksayit/src/doctreeviewimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663933b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksayit/src/doctreeviewimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+// C++ Implementation: doctreeviewimpl
+// Description:
+// Author: Robert Vogl <voglrobe@lapislazuli>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <stdlib.h> // getenv
+// Qt includes
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+// App specific includes
+#include "doctreeviewimpl.h"
+#include "contextmenuhandler.h"
+#include "parasaxparser.h"
+#include "docbookclasses.h"
+#include "docbookgenerator.h"
+#include "docbookparser.h"
+// TreeView Implementation
+DocTreeViewImpl::DocTreeViewImpl(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl)
+ : DocTreeView(parent, name, fl)
+ m_rootItem = NULL;
+ m_url = KURL();
+ // the hidden formated id to set a sort order
+ listView->setSorting(3, true);
+ listView->setColumnText(0, i18n("Chapter"));
+ listView->setColumnText(1, i18n("Info"));
+ listView->setColumnText(2, i18n("Page"));
+ listView->setColumnText(3, "");
+ listView->setResizeMode( KListView::NoColumn );
+ listView->setColumnWidthMode(0, KListView::Maximum );
+ listView->setColumnWidthMode(1, KListView::Maximum );
+ listView->setColumnWidthMode(2, KListView::Maximum );
+ listView->setColumnWidthMode(3, KListView::Manual );
+ listView->setColumnWidth(3, 0);
+ listView->setAlternateBackground( QColor(230, 230, 240) );
+ listView->setSelectionModeExt( KListView::Single );
+ m_idCounter = KSayItGlobal::item_initial_id;
+ m_stopped = false;
+ m_currentItem = m_rootItem;
+ m_parasaxparser = ParaSaxParser::Instance();
+ m_editMode = false;
+ m_changedContent = QString::null;
+ m_contextmenuhandler = NULL;
+ m_contextmenu = NULL;
+ if ( m_rootItem )
+ delete m_rootItem;
+ delete m_parasaxparser;
+ if ( m_contextmenuhandler )
+ delete m_contextmenuhandler;
+void DocTreeViewImpl::enableContextMenus( bool enabled )
+ if ( enabled ){
+ m_contextmenuhandler = new ContextMenuHandler(this, "contextmenuhandler");
+ } else {
+ if ( m_contextmenuhandler )
+ delete m_contextmenuhandler;
+ m_contextmenuhandler = NULL;
+ }
+void DocTreeViewImpl::clear()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::clear()" << endl;
+ m_url = KURL();
+ if ( m_rootItem )
+ delete m_rootItem;
+ // inform BookmarkHandler
+ //
+ emit signalSetBookmarkFilename( QString::null );
+ listView->clear();
+ m_rootItem = new RobDocument( listView, i18n("unnamed") );
+ m_idCounter = KSayItGlobal::item_initial_id;
+ m_stopped = false;
+ m_currentItem = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(m_rootItem);
+void DocTreeViewImpl::createEmptyDocument()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::createEmptyDocument()" << endl;
+ // create empty document
+ QByteArray data;
+ QTextStream wrapped(data, IO_ReadWrite);
+ wrapped.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ wrapped << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<!--" << endl;
+ wrapped << "!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC \"-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN\" \"dtd/kdex.dtd\"" << endl;
+ wrapped << "-->" << endl;
+ QString header(data);
+ m_parasaxparser->setProcessingInstruction( header );
+ wrapped << "<book>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<bookinfo>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<title><![CDATA[" << i18n("Empty Document") << "]]></title>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<authorgroup>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<author>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<firstname>KSayIt</firstname>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<surname>Wrapper</surname>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</author>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</authorgroup>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<copyright>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<year>2005</year>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<holder>Robert Vogl</holder>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</copyright>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</bookinfo>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<chapter>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<title><![CDATA[" << i18n("Untitled") << "]]></title>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<para>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "";
+ wrapped << "</para>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</chapter>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</book>" << endl;
+ QDomDocument domTree;
+ if ( ! domTree.setContent( data ) ){
+ kdDebug(100200) << "Kein gueltiges Dokument!!" << endl;
+ };
+ // inform BookmarkHandler
+ emit signalSetBookmarkFilename( i18n("Untitled") );
+ QDomElement root = domTree.documentElement();
+ QDomNode node;
+ if( root.tagName().lower() == "book" ){ // DocBook
+ DocbookParser docbookparser(m_contextmenuhandler);
+ docbookparser.parseBook(root , m_rootItem);
+ m_idCounter = docbookparser.getIdCounter();
+ }
+ // Initial view
+ m_currentItem = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>( listView->lastItem() );
+ listView->setSelected( m_currentItem, true );
+ listView->ensureItemVisible( m_currentItem );
+ slotItemClicked( m_currentItem );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::openFile(const KURL &url)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::openFile(" << url.path() << ")" << endl;
+ m_url = url;
+ // open file
+ QString err;
+ QFile file( url.path() );
+ if( ! ){
+ err = i18n("Unable to open File.");
+ throw(err);
+ }
+ QDomDocument domTree;
+ // check document
+ if( domTree.setContent(&file) ){
+ // extract Header
+ file.reset();
+ QString header = QString::null;
+ QString line;
+ int offset;
+ file.readLine( line, file.size() );
+ while( !file.atEnd() && (offset = line.find("<book", 0, false)) < 0 ){
+ header += line;
+ file.readLine( line, file.size() );
+ }
+ file.close();
+ header += line.left( offset );
+ kdDebug(100200) << "### Header: " << endl << header << endl;
+ m_parasaxparser->setProcessingInstruction( header );
+ // inform BookmarkHandler about the opened file
+ emit signalSetBookmarkFilename( url.fileName() );
+ } else {
+ // File is not a valid XML-File. Wrap it
+ file.reset();
+ QByteArray data;
+ QTextStream wrapped(data, IO_ReadWrite);
+ wrapped.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ wrapped << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<!--" << endl;
+ wrapped << "!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC \"-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN\" \"dtd/kdex.dtd\"" << endl;
+ wrapped << "-->" << endl;
+ QString header(data);
+ kdDebug(100200) << "Header (Wrapper): " << endl << header << endl;
+ m_parasaxparser->setProcessingInstruction( header );
+ wrapped << "<book>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<bookinfo>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<title><![CDATA[" << url.path() << "]]></title>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<authorgroup>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<author>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<firstname>KSayIt</firstname>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<surname>Wrapper</surname>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</author>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</authorgroup>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<copyright>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<year>2005</year>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<holder>Robert Vogl</holder>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</copyright>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</bookinfo>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<chapter>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<title><![CDATA[" << i18n("Plain File") << "]]></title>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "<para><![CDATA[";
+ wrapped << QString( file.readAll() );
+ wrapped << "]]></para>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</chapter>" << endl;
+ wrapped << "</book>" << endl;
+ file.close();
+ // Try again
+ if (! domTree.setContent(data)){
+ err = i18n("Failed wrapping the file into XML.");
+ throw(err);
+ }
+ emit signalSetBookmarkFilename( i18n("Plain File") );
+ }
+ // check if correct document type
+ QDomElement root = domTree.documentElement();
+ if( root.tagName().lower() == "book" ){ // DocBook
+ DocbookParser docbookparser(m_contextmenuhandler);
+ docbookparser.parseBook(root , m_rootItem);
+ m_idCounter = docbookparser.getIdCounter();
+ } else {
+ err = i18n("The file is of type %1, 'book' expected.").arg(root.tagName() );
+ throw(err);
+ }
+ // Initial view
+ listView->setSelected( m_rootItem, true );
+ slotItemClicked( m_rootItem );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::saveFile()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::saveFile()" << endl;
+ makeCurrentNodePersistent();
+ QString err;
+ if ( m_url.isEmpty() ){ // file has no name, ask user
+ QString usershome( getenv("HOME") );
+ m_url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(usershome, "*.docbook", this, i18n("Save File"));
+ }
+ if ( m_url.isEmpty() ) // dialog cancelled
+ return;
+ if ( !m_url.isValid() ){
+ err = i18n("The given URL is invalid. Try 'File save as...' instead.");
+ throw( err );
+ }
+ if ( m_url.isLocalFile() ){
+ QFile file( m_url.path() );
+ if ( ! ){
+ err = i18n("Unable open file to write.");
+ throw( err );
+ }
+ // write file
+ QTextStream doc(&file);
+ doc.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ doc << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << endl;
+ doc << "<!--" << endl;
+ doc << "!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC \"-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN\" \"dtd/kdex.dtd\"" << endl;
+ doc << "-->" << endl;
+ DocbookGenerator generator;
+ generator.writeBook( doc, m_rootItem );
+ // update root item
+ m_rootItem->setText(0, m_url.fileName() );
+ m_rootItem->setValue(KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, m_url.fileName());
+ m_rootItem->setValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, m_url.fileName());
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ err = i18n("Save operation currently works on local files only.");
+ throw( err );
+ }
+ // inform BookmarkHandler
+ emit signalChangeBookmarkFilename( m_url.fileName() );
+ slotItemClicked( m_currentItem );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::saveFileAs()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::saveFileAs()" << endl;
+ QString err;
+ makeCurrentNodePersistent();
+ m_url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(QString::null, "*.docbook", this, i18n("Save File As"));
+ if ( m_url.isEmpty() ) // dialog cancelled
+ return;
+ if ( !m_url.isValid() ){
+ err = i18n("The given URL is invalid.");
+ throw( err );
+ }
+ if ( m_url.isLocalFile() ){
+ QFile file( m_url.path() );
+ if ( ! ){
+ err = i18n("Unable open file to write.");
+ throw( err );
+ }
+ // write file
+ QTextStream doc(&file);
+ doc.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ doc << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << endl;
+ doc << "<!--" << endl;
+ doc << "!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC \"-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN\" \"dtd/kdex.dtd\"" << endl;
+ doc << "-->" << endl;
+ DocbookGenerator generator;
+ generator.writeBook( doc, m_rootItem );
+ // update root item
+ m_rootItem->setText(0, m_url.fileName() );
+ m_rootItem->setValue(KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, m_url.fileName());
+ m_rootItem->setValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, m_url.fileName());
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ err = i18n("Save operation currently works on local files only.");
+ throw( err );
+ }
+ // inform BookmarkHandler
+ emit signalChangeBookmarkFilename( m_url.fileName() );
+ slotItemClicked( m_currentItem );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::setEditMode(bool mode)
+ m_editMode = mode;
+ bool editable = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::ISEDITABLE) ).toBool();
+ if ( editable && mode ){
+ emit signalEnableTextedit( true );
+ slotItemClicked( m_currentItem );
+ return;
+ }
+ makeCurrentNodePersistent();
+ slotItemClicked( m_currentItem );
+ emit signalEnableTextedit( false );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::makeToSingleLine( QString &content )
+ // canonify string
+ content.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "" ); // remove Newlines
+ content.replace( QRegExp(" {2,}"), " " ); // remove multiple spaces
+ content.replace( QRegExp("[\t|\r]{1,}"), ""); // remove Tabs
+QString DocTreeViewImpl::selectItemByID(const QString &ID, const QString title)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::selectItemByID(" << ID << ")" << endl;
+ if ( ID.isNull() )
+ return QString::null;
+ QString sTitle = title.lower();
+ QString err = QString::null;
+ /**
+ * Search on structure (URL)
+ * e.g. 1=RobDokument|1=BookInfo|1=KeywordSet|2=Keyword
+ */
+ QStringList partList;
+ partList = QStringList::split("|", ID);
+ QStringList::Iterator it = partList.begin();
+ it++; // skip first element (allways RobDocument)
+ int childNum = 0;
+ QString childType = QString::null;
+ ListViewInterface *item = m_rootItem;
+ bool hit = false;
+ for (; it!=partList.end(); ++it){
+ kdDebug(100200) << "Part: " << (*it) << endl;
+ if ( !item )
+ break; // expected item does not exist
+ item = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>( item->firstChild() );
+ if ( item ){
+ childNum = ((*it).section('=', 0, 0)).toInt();
+ childType = (*it).section('=', 1, 1);
+ childType = childType.lower();
+ for (int i=1; i<childNum; i++){
+ item = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>( item->nextSibling() );
+ if ( !item )
+ break; // expected item does not exist
+ }
+ if ( !item )
+ break; // expected item does not exist
+ QString type = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ type = type.lower();
+ if ( childType != type )
+ break; // structure has been changed
+ }
+ }
+ if ( item ){
+ QString itemTitle = getItemTitle( item );
+ itemTitle = itemTitle.lower();
+ if ( sTitle.left(itemTitle.length()) == itemTitle )
+ // Title made unique by KDE by appending "(2)", "(3)"...
+ hit = true;
+ }
+ if ( !hit ){
+ /**
+ * Not found, search on title
+ */
+ // walk trough the entire tree and try to find an item
+ // with the given title.
+ item = NULL;
+ QListViewItemIterator sit( m_rootItem );
+ QString itemTitle = QString::null;
+ while ( sit.current() ) {
+ item = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(sit.current());
+ if ( !item )
+ break; // expected item does not exist
+ itemTitle = getItemTitle( item );
+ itemTitle = itemTitle.lower();
+ if ( sTitle.left(itemTitle.length()) == itemTitle ){
+ hit = true;
+ err = i18n("Maybe the structure of the document has been changed. Please check if this bookmark is still valid.");
+ break;
+ }
+ ++sit;
+ }
+ }
+ // still not found => Failure
+ if ( !hit ){
+ err = i18n("Bookmark not found. Maybe the file content or the bookmark URL has been changed.");
+ return err;
+ }
+ // show
+ bool editable = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::ISEDITABLE) ).toBool();
+ if ( editable )
+ makeCurrentNodePersistent();
+ listView->setSelected( item, true );
+ listView->ensureItemVisible( item );
+ slotItemClicked( item );
+ return err;
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotItemClicked(QListViewItem *item)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::slotItemClicked()" << endl;
+ if ( item != m_currentItem ){
+ makeCurrentNodePersistent();
+ }
+ if ( item ){
+ m_currentItem = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item);
+ QString str = QString::null;
+ QTextStream msg(&str, IO_ReadWrite);
+ msg.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ // check if item has a child and check state
+ // of Edit Mode.
+ bool editable = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::ISEDITABLE) ).toBool() && m_editMode;
+ emit signalEnableTextedit( editable );
+ recursiveTextCollector( m_currentItem, msg, !editable );
+ emit signalContentChanged( str );
+ // Create Bookmark-ID depending on the location of the item
+ // within the tree
+ QString idstring = QString::null;
+ QTextStream id(&idstring, IO_ReadWrite);
+ id.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ id << "1=RobDocument";
+ recursiveBuildItemIdentifier( m_currentItem, id );
+ // inform the Bookmark Manager about the new item.
+ QString title = getItemTitle( m_currentItem );
+ emit signalNotifyBookmarkManager(idstring, title);
+ }
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotRightButtonPressed(QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &pos, int)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::slotRightButtonPressed()" << endl;
+ slotItemClicked( item );
+ if ( !m_currentItem )
+ return;
+ m_contextmenu = m_contextmenuhandler->getPopupMenu( m_currentItem );
+ if ( !m_contextmenu )
+ return;
+ m_contextmenu->exec( pos );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::recursiveBuildItemIdentifier(ListViewInterface* item, QTextStream &idstring)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::recursiveBuildItemIdentifier()" << endl;
+ if ( !item )
+ return;
+ // 1. Do we have a parent (=parentItem)?
+ // If no -> return, if yes -> recursive call
+ ListViewInterface *parentItem = NULL;
+ parentItem = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>( item->parent() );
+ if ( parentItem ){
+ recursiveBuildItemIdentifier( parentItem, idstring );
+ } else {
+ // break recursion
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2. Which child of the parentItem are we? Append no. to idstring.
+ int childno = 0;
+ QString itemID = item->text(3);
+ ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>( parentItem->firstChild() );
+ while( i ){
+ childno++;
+ if ( i->text(3) == itemID )
+ break;
+ i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>( i->nextSibling() );
+ }
+ idstring << "|" << childno;
+ // 3. Who are we? Append ID to idstring.
+ QString itemType = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ idstring << "=" << itemType;
+QString DocTreeViewImpl::getItemTitle( ListViewInterface *item )
+ if ( !item )
+ return QString::null;
+ QString col0 = item->text(0);
+ QString title = QString::null;
+ // if ( col0 == i18n("Paragraph") ){ // better to use XmlContextName?
+ if( (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString() == i18n("Paragraph") ){
+ title = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA) ).toString().left(32);
+ // canonify string
+ title.replace( QRegExp("^( |\t|\n)+"), "");
+ title.replace( QRegExp("( |\t|\n)$+"), "");
+ } else {
+ title = col0.left(32);
+ }
+ return title;
+void DocTreeViewImpl::recursiveTextCollector(ListViewInterface* item, QTextStream &msg, bool header)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::recursiveTextCollector()" << endl;
+ QString text;
+ if ( header ){
+ // if header==true get Headers
+ msg << ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER) ).toString();
+ text = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::RTFDATA ) ).toString();
+ } else {
+ // get raw data (Edit Mode)
+ text = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA) ).toString();
+ }
+ if ( !text.isNull() )
+ msg << text;
+ // check if current item has a child
+ ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
+ while( i ){
+ recursiveTextCollector( i, msg, header );
+ i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());
+ }
+void DocTreeViewImpl::sayActiveNodeAndChilds()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::sayActiveNodeAndChilds()" << endl;
+ m_stopped = false;
+ if ( !(m_currentItem->firstChild()) ){
+ // current item has no childs. It may be changed.
+ makeCurrentNodePersistent();
+ }
+ recursiveSayNodes( m_currentItem );
+ emit signalAllNodesProcessed();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::recursiveSayNodes(ListViewInterface* item)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::recursiveSayNodes()" << endl;
+ QString str;
+ QTextStream msg(&str, IO_ReadWrite);
+ msg.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ msg << ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER) ).toString();
+ msg << ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA) ).toString() << "\n" << endl;
+ // request say task
+ if ( !m_stopped ){
+ emit signalSetText( str );
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ // check if current item has a child
+ ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
+ while( i ){
+ recursiveSayNodes( i );
+ i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());
+ }
+void DocTreeViewImpl::stop()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::stop()" << endl;
+ m_stopped = true;
+void DocTreeViewImpl::setNodeContent(QString &text)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::setNodeContent()" << endl;
+ m_changedContent = text;
+void DocTreeViewImpl::makeCurrentNodePersistent()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::slotMakeCurrentNodePersistent()" << endl;
+ if ( m_changedContent.isNull() )
+ return; // no changes were happen
+ int maxlines = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::MAXLINES) ).toInt();
+ if ( maxlines == 1 ){ // Item with max. 1 line.
+ makeToSingleLine( m_changedContent );
+ }
+ m_currentItem->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA, m_changedContent );
+ m_currentItem->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFDATA, m_changedContent );
+ m_currentItem->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA, m_changedContent );
+ m_changedContent = QString::null;
+/** replaced by slotRightButtonPressed()
+ */
+// void DocTreeViewImpl::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e)
+// {
+// kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::contextMenuEvent()" << endl;
+// if ( !m_currentItem )
+// return;
+// m_contextmenu = m_contextmenuhandler->getPopupMenu( m_currentItem );
+// if ( !m_contextmenu )
+// return;
+// m_contextmenu->exec( e->globalPos() );
+// }
+ * Context-Menu functions
+ ******************************************/
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotRenameItem()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::slotRenameItem()" << endl;
+ if (!m_currentItem)
+ return;
+ bool responseOK;
+ QString newname;
+ newname = KInputDialog::getText(
+ i18n("Rename Item"),
+ i18n("Please enter the new name of the item:"),
+ m_currentItem->text(0),
+ &responseOK,
+ this,
+ "queryNewItemName"
+ );
+ if ( !responseOK )
+ return;
+ // update TreeView
+ m_currentItem->setText(0, newname);
+ m_currentItem->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newname );
+ m_currentItem->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newname );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotDeleteItem()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::slotDeleteItem()" << endl;
+ ListViewInterface *itemToDelete = m_currentItem;
+ ListViewInterface *parentItem = NULL;
+ parentItem = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(itemToDelete->parent());
+ if ( !parentItem )
+ return; // delete only items with parent
+ // try to delete bookmark
+ QString url = QString::null;
+ QTextStream id(&url, IO_ReadWrite);
+ id.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ id << "ksayit://1=RobDocument";
+ recursiveBuildItemIdentifier( itemToDelete, id );
+ QString title = getItemTitle( itemToDelete );
+ emit signalDeleteBookmark( url, title );
+ // remove TreeView item
+ delete itemToDelete;
+ // reindex entire remaining tree
+ ListViewInterface *item = NULL;
+ m_idCounter = KSayItGlobal::item_initial_id;
+ QListViewItemIterator itr( m_rootItem );
+ while ( itr.current() ) {
+ item = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(itr.current());
+ item->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(++m_idCounter).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ // show
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+ listView->setSelected( parentItem, true );
+ listView->ensureItemVisible( parentItem );
+ slotItemClicked( parentItem );
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewBookInfo()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "RobDocument" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexFirstChild();
+ Overview *overview = new Overview( m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Overview") );
+ overview->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( overview );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewChapter()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "RobDocument" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Chapter *chapter = new Chapter( m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Chapter") );
+ chapter->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newTitle = i18n("New Chapter Title");
+ chapter->setText(0, newTitle );
+ chapter->setValue(KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newTitle );
+ chapter->setValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newTitle );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( chapter );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewKeywordSet()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "BookInfo" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexFirstChild();
+ KeywordSet *keywordset = new KeywordSet(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Keywords"));
+ keywordset->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( keywordset );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewKeyword()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "KeywordSet" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Keyword *keyword = new Keyword(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Keyword"));
+ keyword->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newKeyword = i18n("New Keyword");
+ keyword->setText(0, newKeyword );
+ keyword->setValue(KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA, newKeyword);
+ keyword->setValue(KSayItGlobal::RTFDATA, newKeyword);
+ keyword->setValue(KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA, newKeyword);
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( keyword );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewAbstract()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "BookInfo" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Abstract *abstract = new Abstract(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Abstract"));
+ abstract->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( abstract );
+ // add a new Para-Element
+ ListViewInterface *backup = m_currentItem;
+ m_currentItem = abstract;
+ slotNewParagraph();
+ m_currentItem = backup;
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewAuthorGroup()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "BookInfo" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexFirstChild();
+ AuthorGroup *authorgroup = new AuthorGroup(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Author(s)"));
+ authorgroup->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( authorgroup );
+ // add a new Author-Element
+ ListViewInterface *backup = m_currentItem;
+ m_currentItem = authorgroup;
+ slotNewAuthor();
+ m_currentItem = backup;
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewAuthor()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "AuthorGroup" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Author *author = new Author(m_currentItem);
+ author->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ author->setText(0, i18n("Author") );
+ QString newAuthor = i18n("Firstname Surname");
+ author->setText(1, newAuthor );
+ author->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA, newAuthor );
+ author->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFDATA, newAuthor );
+ author->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA, newAuthor );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( author );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewDate()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "BookInfo" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Date *date = new Date(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Date"));
+ date->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ // get current date
+ QString today;
+ today = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(QDate::currentDate(Qt::LocalTime), true);
+ date->setText( 1, today);
+ date->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA, today );
+ date->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFDATA, today );
+ date->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA, today );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( date );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewReleaseInfo()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "BookInfo" ){
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ ReleaseInfo *relinfo = new ReleaseInfo(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Release"));
+ relinfo->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newRelease = "0.0.0";
+ relinfo->setText( 1, newRelease );
+ relinfo->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA, newRelease );
+ relinfo->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFDATA, newRelease );
+ relinfo->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERDATA, newRelease );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( relinfo );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewTitle()
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewParagraph()
+/* // Create Null element
+ QDomElement parentElement = QDomElement();
+ NodeList_type list;
+ list.clear();
+ m_currentItem->getNodes( list );
+ parentElement = (list.front()).toElement();
+ if ( parentElement.isNull() )
+ return;
+ // New TreeView item
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Para *para = new Para(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Paragraph"));
+ para->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( para );
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewSection_1()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "Chapter" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Sect1 *sect1 = new Sect1(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Section Level 1"));
+ sect1->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newTitle = i18n("New Section Title");
+ sect1->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newTitle );
+ sect1->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newTitle );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( sect1 );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewSection_2()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "Sect1" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Sect2 *sect2 = new Sect2(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Section Level 2"));
+ sect2->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newTitle = i18n("New Section Title");
+ sect2->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newTitle );
+ sect2->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newTitle );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( sect2 );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewSection_3()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "Sect2" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Sect3 *sect3 = new Sect3(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Section Level 3"));
+ sect3->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newTitle = i18n("New Section Title");
+ sect3->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newTitle );
+ sect3->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newTitle );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( sect3 );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewSection_4()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "Sect3" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Sect4 *sect4 = new Sect4(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Section Level 4"));
+ sect4->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newTitle = i18n("New Section Title");
+ sect4->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newTitle );
+ sect4->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newTitle );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( sect4 );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+void DocTreeViewImpl::slotNewSection_5()
+ QString whoAmI = ( m_currentItem->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
+ if ( whoAmI == "Sect4" ){
+ int newIndex = newIndexLastChild();
+ Sect5 *sect5 = new Sect5(m_currentItem, NULL, i18n("Section Level 5"));
+ sect5->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(newIndex).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ QString newTitle = i18n("New Section Title");
+ sect5->setValue( KSayItGlobal::RTFHEADER, newTitle );
+ sect5->setValue( KSayItGlobal::SPEAKERHEADER, newTitle );
+ m_contextmenuhandler->registerPopupMenu( sect5 );
+ }
+ m_rootItem->sort();
+int DocTreeViewImpl::newIndexFirstChild()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::newIndexFirstChild()" << endl;
+ int currentIndex = (m_currentItem->text(3)).toInt();
+ // walk trough the entire tree and increment all
+ // indices greater than currentIndex
+ ListViewInterface *item = NULL;
+ int itemIndex;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( m_rootItem );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ item = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(it.current());
+ itemIndex = (item->text(3)).toInt();
+ if ( itemIndex > currentIndex ){
+ item->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(itemIndex+1).rightJustify(8,'0') );;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ m_idCounter++;
+ currentIndex += 1;
+ return currentIndex;
+int DocTreeViewImpl::newIndexLastChild()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::newIndexLastChild()" << endl;
+ // find highest index of the subtree with
+ // m_currentItem as root
+ int lastIndex = 0;
+ findHighestIndex( m_currentItem, lastIndex );
+ kdDebug(100200) << "Letzter Index: " << lastIndex << endl;
+ // walk trough the entire tree and increment all
+ // indices greater than lastIndex
+ int itemIndex;
+ ListViewInterface *item;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( m_rootItem );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ item = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(it.current());
+ itemIndex = (item->text(3)).toInt();
+ if ( itemIndex > lastIndex ){
+ item->setText(3, QString("%1").arg(itemIndex+1).rightJustify(8,'0') );
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ m_idCounter++;
+ lastIndex += 1;
+ return lastIndex;
+void DocTreeViewImpl::findHighestIndex(ListViewInterface* item, int &index)
+ int currentIndex = (item->text(3)).toInt();
+ index = currentIndex > index ? currentIndex : index;
+ ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
+ while( i ){
+ findHighestIndex(i, index);
+ i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());
+ }