path: root/kmouth/phrasebook/phrasebookdialog.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kmouth/phrasebook/phrasebookdialog.h')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmouth/phrasebook/phrasebookdialog.h b/kmouth/phrasebook/phrasebookdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..774387f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmouth/phrasebook/phrasebookdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ phrasebookdialog.h - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Don Sep 19 2002
+ copyright : (C) 2002 by Gunnar Schmi Dt
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <qbutton.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <kmainwindow.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kkeybutton.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include "phrasebook.h"
+#include "buttonboxui.h"
+class QListViewItem;
+class PhraseTreeItem;
+class PhraseTree;
+class QStringList;
+class QString;
+class KListView;
+struct StandardBook {
+ QString name;
+ QString path;
+ QString filename;
+typedef QValueList<StandardBook> StandardBookList;
+/**The class PhraseTreeItem is an ListViewItem for either a phrase or a phrase book.
+ *@author Gunnar Schmi Dt
+ */
+class CheckBookItem : public QCheckListItem {
+ CheckBookItem (QListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *last,
+ const QString &text, const QString &name, const QString &filename);
+ CheckBookItem (QListView *parent, QListViewItem *last,
+ const QString &text, const QString &name, const QString &filename);
+ ~CheckBookItem();
+ virtual void activate ();
+ virtual void stateChange (bool);
+ virtual void propagateStateChange ();
+ virtual void childChange (int numberDiff, int selDiff);
+ int numberOfBooks;
+ int selectedBooks;
+ * This class represents a widget for configuring the initial phrasebook.
+ * @author Gunnar Schmi Dt
+ */
+class InitialPhraseBookWidget : public QWidget {
+ InitialPhraseBookWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name);
+ ~InitialPhraseBookWidget();
+ void createBook();
+ /** initializes the list of standard phrase books */
+ void initStandardPhraseBooks ();
+ KListView *books;
+ * The class StandardPhraseBookInsertAction implements an Action for
+ * inserting a standard phrase book.
+ * @author Gunnar Schmi Dt
+ */
+class StandardPhraseBookInsertAction : public KAction {
+ StandardPhraseBookInsertAction (const KURL &url, const QString& name, const QObject* receiver, const char* slot, KActionCollection* parent)
+ : KAction (name, "phrasebook", 0, 0, 0, parent, 0) {
+ this->url = url;
+ connect (this, SIGNAL(slotActivated (const KURL &)), receiver, slot);
+ };
+ ~StandardPhraseBookInsertAction () {
+ };
+public slots:
+ void slotActivated () {
+ KAction::slotActivated();
+ emit slotActivated (url);
+ };
+ void slotActivated (const KURL &url);
+ KURL url;
+ * This class represents a widget holding the buttons of the phrase book
+ * edit window.
+ * @author Gunnar Schmi Dt
+ */
+class ButtonBoxWidget : public ButtonBoxUI {
+ ButtonBoxWidget (QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
+ ~ButtonBoxWidget ();
+ KKeyButton *keyButton;
+ QButtonGroup *group;
+ QGridLayout *keyButtonPlaceLayout;
+ * The class PhraseBookDialog implements a dialog for editing phrase books.
+ * @author Gunnar Schmi Dt
+ */
+class PhraseBookDialog : public KMainWindow {
+ friend class InitialPhraseBookWidget;
+ /** Constructor. It is private because this class implements the singleton
+ * pattern. For creating the instance of the dialog, use the get() method.
+ */
+ PhraseBookDialog ();
+ static QString displayPath (QString path);
+ /** Returns a pointer to the instance of this dialog. As a part off the
+ * singleton pattern it will make sure that there is at most one instance
+ * of the dialog at a given time.
+ */
+ static PhraseBookDialog *get();
+ /** Destructor. */
+ ~PhraseBookDialog();
+ bool queryClose ();
+public slots:
+ void slotTextChanged (const QString &s);
+ void slotNoKey();
+ void slotCustomKey();
+ void capturedShortcut (const KShortcut& cut);
+ void selectionChanged ();
+ void contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &pos, int);
+ void slotRemove ();
+ void slotCut ();
+ void slotCopy ();
+ void slotPaste ();
+ void slotAddPhrasebook ();
+ void slotAddPhrase ();
+ void slotSave ();
+ void slotImportPhrasebook ();
+ void slotImportPhrasebook (const KURL &url);
+ void slotExportPhrasebook ();
+ void slotPrint ();
+ void slotDropped (QDropEvent *e, QListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after);
+ void slotMoved (QListViewItem *item, QListViewItem *, QListViewItem *);
+ void phrasebookConfirmed (PhraseBook &book);
+ static StandardBookList standardPhraseBooks ();
+ void initGUI();
+ /** initializes the KActions of the window */
+ void initActions();
+ /** initializes the list of standard phrase books */
+ void initStandardPhraseBooks ();
+ QListViewItem *addBook (QListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after, PhraseBook *book);
+ QListViewItem *addBook (QListViewItem *item, PhraseBook *book);
+ void setShortcut (const KShortcut &cut);
+ void _warning (const KKeySequence &cut, QString sAction, QString sTitle);
+ bool isGlobalKeyPresent (const KShortcut& cut, bool warnUser);
+ bool isPhraseKeyPresent (const KShortcut& cut, bool warnUser);
+ bool isKeyPresent (const KShortcut& cut, bool warnUser);
+ PhraseBook book;
+ bool phrasebookChanged;
+ PhraseTree *treeView;
+ ButtonBoxWidget *buttonBox;
+ KAction* fileNewPhrase;
+ KAction* fileNewBook;
+ KAction* fileSave;
+ KAction* fileImport;
+ KToolBarPopupAction* toolbarImport;
+ KActionMenu* fileImportStandardBook;
+ KAction* fileExport;
+ KAction* filePrint;
+ KAction* fileClose;
+ KAction* editCut;
+ KAction* editCopy;
+ KAction* editPaste;
+ KAction* editDelete;