path: root/kstars/kstars/geolocation.h
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1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kstars/kstars/geolocation.h b/kstars/kstars/geolocation.h
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+ geolocation.h - K Desktop Planetarium
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Feb 11 2001
+ copyright : (C) 2001-2005 by Jason Harris
+ email :
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2005 by Pablo de Vicente
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "dms.h"
+#include "timezonerule.h"
+#include "kstarsdatetime.h"
+/**@class GeoLocation
+ *Contains all relevant information for specifying a location
+ *on Earth: City Name, State/Province name, Country Name,
+ *Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings
+ *Time rule.
+ *@short Relevant data about an observing location on Earth.
+ *@author Jason Harris
+ *@version 1.0
+ */
+class GeoLocation {
+ *Default constructor; sets coordinates to zero.
+ */
+ GeoLocation();
+/**Copy Constructor
+ *@param g the GeoLocation to duplicate
+ */
+ GeoLocation( const GeoLocation &g );
+/**Copy Constructor. Differs from the above function only in argument type.
+ *@param g pointer to the GeoLocation to duplicate
+ */
+ GeoLocation( GeoLocation *g );
+/**Constructor using dms objects to specify longitude and latitude.
+ *@param lng the longitude
+ *@param lat the latitude
+ *@param name the name of the city/town/location
+ *@param province the name of the province/US state
+ *@param country the name of the country
+ *@param TZ the base time zone offset from Greenwich, UK
+ *@param TZrule pointer to the daylight savings time rule
+ *@param iEllips type of geodetic ellipsoid model
+ *@param hght the elevation above sea level (in meters?)
+ */
+ GeoLocation( dms lng, dms lat, QString name="Nowhere", QString province="Nowhere", QString country="Nowhere", double TZ=0, TimeZoneRule *TZrule=NULL, int iEllips=4, double hght=-10 );
+/**Constructor using doubles to specify longitude and latitude.
+ *@param lng the longitude
+ *@param lat the latitude
+ *@param name the name of the city/town/location
+ *@param province the name of the province/US state
+ *@param country the name of the country
+ *@param TZ the base time zone offset from Greenwich, UK
+ *@param TZrule pointer to the daylight savings time rule
+ *@param iEllips type of geodetic ellipsoid model
+ *@param hght the elevation above sea level (in meters?)
+ */
+ GeoLocation( double lng, double lat, QString name="Nowhere", QString province="Nowhere", QString country="Nowhere", double TZ=0, TimeZoneRule *TZrule=NULL, int iEllips=4, double hght=-10 );
+/**Constructor using doubles to specify X, Y and Z referred to the center of the Earth.
+ *@param x the x-position, in m
+ *@param y the y-position, in m
+ *@param z the z-position, in m
+ *@param name the name of the city/town/location
+ *@param province the name of the province/US state
+ *@param country the name of the country
+ *@param TZ the base time zone offset from Greenwich, UK
+ *@param TZrule pointer to the daylight savings time rule
+ *@param iEllips type of geodetic ellipsoid model
+ */
+ GeoLocation( double x, double y, double z, QString name="Nowhere", QString province="Nowhere", QString country="Nowhere", double TZ=0, TimeZoneRule *TZrule=NULL, int iEllips=4 );
+/**Destructor (empty)
+ */
+ ~GeoLocation() {}
+/**@return pointer to the longitude dms object
+ */
+ const dms* lng() const { return &Longitude; }
+/**@return pointer to the latitude dms object
+ */
+ const dms* lat() const { return &Latitude; }
+/**@return elevation above seal level (meters)
+ */
+ double height() const { return Height; }
+/**@return X position in m
+ */
+ double xPos() const { return PosCartX; }
+/**@return Y position in m
+ */
+ double yPos() const { return PosCartY; }
+/**@return Z position in m
+ */
+ double zPos() const { return PosCartZ; }
+/**@return index identifying the geodetic ellipsoid model
+ */
+ int ellipsoid() const { return indexEllipsoid; }
+/**@return untranslated City name
+ */
+ QString name() const { return Name; }
+/**@return translated City name
+ */
+ QString translatedName() const { return i18n("City name (optional, probably does not need a translation)", Name.utf8().data()); }
+/**@return untranslated Province name
+ */
+ QString province() const { return Province; }
+/**@return translated Province name
+ */
+ QString translatedProvince() const { return i18n("Region/state name (optional, rarely needs a translation)", Province.utf8().data()); }
+/**@return untranslated Country name
+ */
+ QString country() const { return Country; }
+/**@return translated Country name
+ */
+ QString translatedCountry() const { return i18n("Country name (optional, but should be translated)", Country.utf8().data()); }
+/**@return comma-separated city, province, country names (each localized)
+ */
+ QString fullName() const;
+/**@return time zone without DST correction
+ */
+ double TZ0() const { return TimeZone; }
+/**@return time zone, including any DST correction.
+ */
+ double TZ() const { return TimeZone + TZrule->deltaTZ(); }
+/**@return pointer to time zone rule object
+ */
+ TimeZoneRule* tzrule() const { return TZrule; }
+/**Set longitude according to dms argument.
+ *@param l the new longitude
+ */
+ void setLong( dms l ) {
+ Longitude = l;
+ geodToCart();
+ }
+/**Set longitude according to argument.
+ *Differs from above function only in argument type.
+ *@param l the new longitude
+ */
+ void setLong( double l ) {
+ Longitude.setD( l );
+ geodToCart();
+ }
+/**Set latitude according to dms argument.
+ *@param l the new latitude
+ */
+ void setLat( dms l ) {
+ Latitude = l;
+ geodToCart();
+ }
+/**Set latitude according to argument.
+ *Differs from above function only in argument type.
+ *@param l the new latitude
+ */
+ void setLat( double l ) {
+ Latitude.setD( l );
+ geodToCart();
+ }
+/**Set elevation above sea level
+ *@param hg the new elevation (meters)
+ */
+ void setHeight( double hg ) {
+ Height = hg;
+ geodToCart();
+ }
+/**Set X
+ *@param x the new x-position (meters)
+ */
+ void setXPos( double x ) {
+ PosCartX = x;
+ cartToGeod();
+ }
+/**Set Y
+ *@param y the new y-position (meters)
+ */
+ void setYPos( double y ) {
+ PosCartY = y;
+ cartToGeod();
+ }
+/**Set Z
+ *@param z the new z-position (meters)
+ */
+ void setZPos( double z ) {
+ PosCartZ = z;
+ cartToGeod();
+ }
+/**Update Latitude, Longitude and Height according to new ellipsoid. These are
+ *computed from XYZ which do NOT change on changing the ellipsoid.
+ *@p i = index to identify the ellipsoid
+ */
+ void changeEllipsoid( int i );
+/**Set City name according to argument.
+ *@p n new city name
+ */
+ void setName( const QString &n ) { Name = n; }
+/**Set Province name according to argument.
+ *@p n new province name
+ */
+ void setProvince( const QString &n ) { Province = n; }
+/**Set Country name according to argument.
+ *@p n new country name
+ */
+ void setCountry( const QString &n ) { Country = n; }
+/**Sets Time Zone according to argument.
+ *@p tz new timezone offset
+ */
+ void setTZ( double tz ) { TimeZone = tz; }
+/**Sets DST rule pointer according to argument.
+ *@p txr pointer to the new DST rule
+ */
+ void setTZrule( TimeZoneRule *tzr ) { TZrule = tzr; }
+/**Set location data to that of the GeoLocation pointed to by argument.
+ *Similar to copy constructor.
+ *@param g pointer to the GeoLocation which should be duplicated.
+ */
+ void reset( GeoLocation *g );
+/**Converts from cartesian coordinates in meters to longitude,
+ *latitude and height on a standard geoid for the Earth. The
+ *geoid is characterized by two parameters: the semimajor axis
+ *and the flattening.
+ *
+ *@note The astronomical zenith is defined as the perpendicular to
+ *the real geoid. The geodetic zenith is the perpendicular to the
+ *standard geoid. Both zeniths differ due to local gravitational
+ *anomalies.
+ *
+ * Algorithm is from "GPS Satellite Surveying", A. Leick, page 184.
+ */
+ void cartToGeod(void);
+/**Converts from longitude, latitude and height on a standard
+ *geoid of the Earth to cartesian coordinates in meters. The geoid
+ *is characterized by two parameters: the semimajor axis and the
+ *flattening.
+ *
+ *@note The astronomical zenith is defined as the perpendicular to
+ *the real geoid. The geodetic zenith is the perpendicular to the
+ *standard geoid. Both zeniths differ due to local gravitational
+ *anomalies.
+ *
+ *Algorithm is from "GPS Satellite Surveying", A. Leick, page 184.
+ */
+ void geodToCart (void);
+/**The geoid is an elliposid which fits the shape of the Earth. It is
+ *characterized by two parameters: the semimajor axis and the
+ *flattening.
+ *
+ *@p index is the index which allows to identify the parameters for the
+ *chosen elliposid. 1="IAU76", 2="GRS80", 3="MERIT83", 4="WGS84",
+ *5="IERS89"};
+ */
+ void setEllipsoid( int i );
+ dms GSTtoLST( const dms &gst ) const { return dms( gst.Degrees() + Longitude.Degrees() ); }
+ dms LSTtoGST( const dms &lst ) const { return dms( lst.Degrees() - Longitude.Degrees() ); }
+ KStarsDateTime UTtoLT( const KStarsDateTime &ut ) const { return ut.addSecs( int( 3600.*TZ() ) ); }
+ KStarsDateTime LTtoUT( const KStarsDateTime &lt ) const { return lt.addSecs( int( -3600.*TZ() ) ); }
+ /* Computes the velocity in km/s of an observer on the surface of the Earth
+ * referred to a system whose origin is the center of the Earth. The X and
+ * Y axis are contained in the equator and the X axis is towards the nodes
+ * line. The Z axis is along the poles.
+ *
+ * @param vtopo[] Topocentric velocity. The resultant velocity is available
+ * in this array.
+ * @param gt. Greenwich sideral time for which we want to compute the topocentric velocity.
+ */
+ void TopocentricVelocity(double vtopo[], dms gt);
+ dms Longitude, Latitude;
+ QString Name, Province, Country;
+ TimeZoneRule *TZrule;
+ double TimeZone, Height;
+ double axis, flattening;
+ long double PosCartX, PosCartY, PosCartZ;
+ int indexEllipsoid;