path: root/quanta/data/chars
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commite9ae80694875f869892f13f4fcaf1170a00dea41 (patch)
treeaa2f8d8a217e2d376224c8d46b7397b68d35de2d /quanta/data/chars
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'quanta/data/chars')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quanta/data/chars b/quanta/data/chars
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5d2a4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quanta/data/chars
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+! (&#033;) Exclamation mark
+" (&quot;) Quotation mark
+# (&#035;) Hash mark
+$ (&#036;) Dollar sign
+% (&#037;) Percent sign
+& (&amp;) Ampersand
+' (&apos;) Apostrophe
+( (&#040;) Left parenthesis
+) (&#041;) Right parenthesis
+* (&#042;) Asterisk
++ (&#043;) Plus sign
+, (&#044;) Comma
+- (&#045;) Hyphen
+. (&#046;) Period
+/ (&#047;) Slash
+: (&#058;) Colon
+; (&#059;) Semicolon
+< (&lt;) Less than
+= (&#061;) Equals sign
+> (&gt;) Greater than
+? (&#063;) Question mark
+@ (&#064;) Commercial at sign
+[ (&#091;) Left square bracket
+\ (&#092;) Backslash
+] (&#093;) Right square bracket
+^ (&#094;) Caret
+_ (&#095;) Underscore
+` (&#096;) Grave accent
+{ (&#123;) Left curly brace
+| (&#124;) Vertical bar
+} (&#125;) Right curly brace
+~ (&#126;) Tilde
+ (&nbsp;) Nonbreaking space
+¡ (&iexcl;) Inverted exclamation mark
+¢ (&cent;) Cent sign
+£ (&pound;) Pound sign
+¤ (&curren;) Currency sign
+¥ (&yen;) Yen sign
+¦ (&brvbar;) Broken vertical bar
+§ (&sect;) Section sign
+¨ (&uml;) Diaeresis
+© (&copy;) Copyright
+ª (&ordf;) Feminine ordinal
+« (&laquo;) Left Pointing Guillemet
+¬ (&not;) Not sign
+ (&shy;) Soft hyphen
+® (&reg;) Registered trademark
+¯ (&macr;) Macron
+° (&deg;) Degree sign
+± (&plusmn;) Plus-minus sign
+² (&sup2;) Superscript 2
+³ (&sup3;) Superscript 3
+´ (&acute;) Acute accent
+µ (&micro;) Micro sign
+¶ (&para;) Paragraph sign
+· (&middot;) Middle dot
+¸ (&cedil;) Cedilla
+¹ (&sup1;) Superscript 1
+º (&ordm;) Masculine ordinal
+» (&raquo;) Right Pointing Guillemet
+¼ (&frac14;) Fraction one-fourth
+½ (&frac12;) Fraction one-half
+¾ (&frac34;) Fraction three-fourths
+¿ (&iquest;) Inverted question mark
+À (&Agrave;) Capital A, grave accent
+Á (&Aacute;) Capital A, acute accent
+Â (&Acirc;) Capital A, circumflex accent
+Ã (&Atilde;) Capital A, tilde
+Ä (&Auml;) Capital A, diaeresis
+Å (&Aring;) Capital A, ring
+Æ (&AElig;) Capital AE ligature
+Ç (&Ccedil;) Capital C, cedilla
+È (&Egrave;) Capital E, grave accent
+É (&Eacute;) Capital E, acute accent
+Ê (&Ecirc;) Capital E, circumflex accent
+Ë (&Euml;) Capital E, diaeresis
+Ì (&Igrave;) Capital I, grave accent
+Í (&Iacute;) Capital I, acute accent
+Î (&Icirc;) Capital I, circumflex accent
+Ï (&Iuml;) Capital I, diaeresis
+Ð (&ETH;) Capital eth
+Ñ (&Ntilde;) Capital N, tilde
+Ò (&Ograve;) Capital O, grave accent
+Ó (&Oacute;) Capital O, acute accent
+Ô (&Ocirc;) Capital O, circumflex accent
+Õ (&Otilde;) Capital O, tilde
+Ö (&Ouml;) Capital O, diaeresis
+× (&times;) Multiplication
+Ø (&Oslash;) Capital O, slash
+Ù (&Ugrave;) Capital U, grave accent
+Ú (&Uacute;) Capital U, acute accent
+Û (&Ucirc;) Capital U, circumflex accent
+Ü (&Uuml;) Capital U, diaeresis
+Ý (&Yacute;) Capital Y, acute accent
+Þ (&THORN;) Capital thorn
+ß (&szlig;) Small Sharp s
+à (&agrave;) Small a, grave accent
+á (&aacute;) Small a, acute accent
+â (&acirc;) Small a, circumflex accent
+ã (&atilde;) Small a, tilde
+ä (&auml;) Small a, diaeresis
+å (&aring;) Small a, ring
+æ (&aelig;) Small ae ligature
+ç (&ccedil;) Small c, cedilla
+è (&egrave;) Small e, grave accent
+é (&eacute;) Small e, acute accent
+ê (&circ;) Small e, circumflex accent
+ë (&euml;) Small e, diaeresis
+ì (&igrave;) Small i, grave accent
+í (&iacute;) Small i, acute accent
+î (&icirc;) Small i, circumflex accent
+ï (&iuml;) Small i, diaeresis
+ð (&eth;) Small eth
+ñ (&ntilde;) Small n, tilde
+ò (&ograve;) Small o, grave accent
+ó (&oacute;) Small o, acute accent
+ô (&ocirc;) Small o, circumflex accent
+õ (&otilde;) Small o, tilde
+ö (&ouml;) Small o, diaeresis
+÷ (&divide;) Division
+ø (&oslash;) Small o, slash
+ù (&ugrave;) Small u, grave accent
+ú (&uacute;) Small u, acute accent
+û (&ucirc;) Small u, circumflex accent
+ü (&uuml;) Small u, diaeresis
+ý (&yacute;) Small y, acute accent
+þ (&thorn;) Small thorn
+ÿ (&yuml;) Small y, diaeresis
+Ă (&#258;) Capital A, romanian accent
+ă (&#259;) Small a, romanian accent
+č (&#269;) Small c, caron
+ď (&#271;) Small d, caron
+ě (&#283;) Small e, caron
+ň (&#328;) Small n, caron
+ř (&#345;) Small r, caron
+Ş (&#350;) Capital S, cedilla accent
+ş (&#351;) Small s, cedilla accent
+š (&#353;) Small s, caron
+Ţ (&#354;) Capital T, cedilla accent
+ţ (&#355;) Small t, cedilla accent
+ť (&#357;) Small t, caron
+ů (&#367;) Small u, ring above
+ž (&#382;) Small z, caron
+Ş (&#536;) Capital S, comma accent below
+ş (&#537;) Small s, comma accent below
+Ţ (&#538;) Capital T, comma accent below
+ţ (&#539;) Small t, comma accent below
+‐ (&#8208;) Hyphen
+– (&ndash;) En dash
+— (&mdash;) Em dash
+‘ (&lsquo;) Left Single Quotation mark
+’ (&rsquo;) Right Single Quotation mark
+‚ (&sbquo;) Single Low-9 Quotation mark
+“ (&ldquo;) Left Double Quotation mark
+” (&rdquo;) Right Double Quotation mark
+„ (&bdquo;) Double Low-9 Quotation mark
+† (&dagger;) Dagger
+‡ (&Dagger;) Double Dagger
+• (&bull;) Bullet
+… (&hellip;) Horizontal Ellipsis
+‰ (&permil;) Per Mille sign
+‹ (&lsaquo;) Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
+› (&rsaquo;) Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
+⁄ (&frasl;) Fraction slash
+₣ (&#8355;) French Franc sign
+₧ (&#8359;) Peseta sign
+₪ (&#8362;) New Sheqel sign
+₫ (&#8363;) Dong sign
+€ (&euro;) Euro currency sign
+™ (&trade;) Trade Mark sign