path: root/mcopidl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mcopidl/')
1 files changed, 2645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mcopidl/ b/mcopidl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8ff23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcopidl/
@@ -0,0 +1,2645 @@
+ /*
+ Copyright (C) 1999 Stefan Westerfeld,
+ Nicolas Brodu,
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Permission is also granted to link this program with the Qt
+ library, treating Qt like a library that normally accompanies the
+ operating system kernel, whether or not that is in fact the case.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <stack>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "namespace.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Arts;
+int idl_in_include;
+int idl_line_no;
+string idl_filename;
+ * if we start parsing an include file, we push the name of the file
+ * and the line number where we left it on the stack for later usage
+ */
+stack<pair<int,string> > idl_include_stack;
+list<EnumDef> enums;
+list<TypeDef> structs;
+list<InterfaceDef> interfaces;
+list<string> packetTypes; // just an evil hack to get experimental video
+list<string> customIncludes; // just an evil hack to get experimental video
+list<string> includes; // files to include
+list<string> includePath; // path for the includes
+// names that occur in included files -> no code generation
+list<string> includedNames;
+ModuleDef module;
+void addEnumTodo( const EnumDef& edef )
+ enums.push_back(edef);
+ if(idl_in_include)
+ {
+ includedNames.push_back(;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ module.enums.push_back(edef);
+ }
+void addStructTodo( const TypeDef& type )
+ structs.push_back(type);
+ if(idl_in_include)
+ {
+ includedNames.push_back(;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ module.types.push_back(type);
+ }
+void addInterfaceTodo( const InterfaceDef& iface )
+ interfaces.push_back(iface);
+ if(idl_in_include)
+ {
+ includedNames.push_back(;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ module.interfaces.push_back(iface);
+ }
+bool fromInclude(string name)
+ list<string>::iterator i;
+ for(i=includedNames.begin(); i != includedNames.end();i++)
+ if(*i == name) return true;
+ return false;
+void startInclude( const char *line )
+ const char *file = "*unknown*";
+ char *l = strdup(line);
+ char *a = strtok(l,"<\"");
+ if(a)
+ {
+ char *b = strtok(0,">\"");
+ if(b) file = b;
+ }
+ idl_in_include++;
+ idl_include_stack.push(make_pair(idl_line_no, idl_filename));
+ idl_line_no = 0;
+ idl_filename = file;
+ free(l);
+void endInclude()
+ assert(!idl_include_stack.empty());
+ idl_line_no =;
+ idl_filename =;
+ idl_include_stack.pop();
+ idl_in_include--;
+bool isPacketType( string type )
+ list<string>::iterator i;
+ for(i=packetTypes.begin();i != packetTypes.end(); i++)
+ if((*i) == type) return true;
+ return false;
+bool isStruct( string type )
+ list<TypeDef>::iterator i;
+ for(i=structs.begin();i != structs.end(); i++)
+ if(i->name == type) return true;
+ return false;
+bool isEnum( string type )
+ list<EnumDef>::iterator i;
+ for(i=enums.begin();i != enums.end(); i++)
+ if(i->name == type) return true;
+ return false;
+bool isInterface( string type )
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator i;
+ for(i=interfaces.begin();i != interfaces.end(); i++)
+ if(i->name == type) return true;
+ return (type == "object");
+string formatMultiLineString(string s, string indent)
+ string result = indent+"\"";
+ string::iterator si = s.begin();
+ int lineLen = 80-indent.size()-6;
+ int i = 0;
+ while(si != s.end())
+ {
+ if(i == lineLen)
+ {
+ result += "\"\n" + indent + "\"";
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ result += *si++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return result+"\"";
+#define MODEL_MEMBER 1
+#define MODEL_ARG 2
+#define MODEL_READ 3
+#define MODEL_REQ_READ 4
+#define MODEL_RES_READ 5
+#define MODEL_WRITE 6
+#define MODEL_REQ_WRITE 7
+#define MODEL_RESULT 8
+#define MODEL_INVOKE 9
+#define MODEL_STREAM 10
+#define MODEL_MSTREAM 11
+#define MODEL_ASTREAM 12
+#define MODEL_AMSTREAM 13
+#define MODEL_SEQ 1024
+ * generates a piece of code for the specified type/name
+ *
+ * model determines if the code is a parameter declaration, type member
+ * declaration, write-to-stream code for, read-from-stream code or whatever
+ * else
+ */
+string createTypeCode(string type, const string& name, long model,
+ string indent = "")
+ string result = "";
+ if(type.length() >= 1 && type[0] == '*')
+ {
+ model |= MODEL_SEQ;
+ type = type.substr(1,type.length()-1);
+ }
+ if(type == "void")
+ {
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if(result) delete result;\n";
+ }
+ else if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ {
+ result = indent + name+";\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = "void";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(type == "float")
+ {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = "float";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<float>";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = "float";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<float>&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = "float";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<float> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_STREAM) result = "float *"+name;
+ if(model==MODEL_MSTREAM) result = "float **"+name;
+ if(model==MODEL_ASTREAM) result = "Arts::FloatAsyncStream "+name;
+ if(model==MODEL_AMSTREAM) assert(false);
+ if(model==MODEL_ASTREAM_PACKETPTR) result = "Arts::DataPacket<float> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = name+" = stream.readFloat()";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.readFloatSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if(!result) return 0.0; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "float returnCode = result->readFloat();\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<float> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<float>;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "result->readFloatSeq(*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ result = indent + "float "+name+" = request->readFloat();\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<float> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "request->readFloatSeq("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "stream.writeFloat("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.writeFloatSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "request->writeFloat("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "request->writeFloatSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + "result->writeFloat("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<float> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "result->writeFloatSeq(*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(type == "boolean")
+ {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = "bool";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<bool>";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = "bool";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<bool>&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = "bool";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<bool> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = name+" = stream.readBool()";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.readBoolSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if(!result) return false; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "bool returnCode = result->readBool();\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<bool> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<bool>;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "result->readBoolSeq(*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ result = indent + "bool "+name+" = request->readBool();\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<bool> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "request->readBoolSeq("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "stream.writeBool("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.writeBoolSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "request->writeBool("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "request->writeBoolSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + "result->writeBool("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<bool> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "result->writeBoolSeq(*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(type == "byte")
+ {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = "Arts::mcopbyte";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte>";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = "Arts::mcopbyte";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte>&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = "Arts::mcopbyte";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = name+" = stream.readByte()";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.readByteSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if(!result) return 0; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "Arts::mcopbyte returnCode = result->readByte();\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte>;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "result->readByteSeq(*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ result = indent + "Arts::mcopbyte "+name+" = request->readByte();\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "request->readByteSeq("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "stream.writeByte("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.writeByteSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "request->writeByte("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "request->writeByteSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + "result->writeByte("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<Arts::mcopbyte> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "result->writeByteSeq(*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_ASTREAM)
+ result = "Arts::ByteAsyncStream "+name;
+ if(model==MODEL_ASTREAM_PACKETPTR) result = "Arts::DataPacket<Arts::mcopbyte> *";
+ }
+ else if(type == "long")
+ {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = "long";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<long>";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = "long";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<long>&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = "long";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<long> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = name+" = stream.readLong()";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.readLongSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if(!result) return 0; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "long returnCode = result->readLong();\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<long> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<long>;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "result->readLongSeq(*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ result = indent + "long "+name+" = request->readLong();\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<long> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "request->readLongSeq("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "stream.writeLong("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.writeLongSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "request->writeLong("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "request->writeLongSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + "result->writeLong("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<long> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "result->writeLongSeq(*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ } else if(type == "string") {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = "std::string";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<std::string>";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = "const std::string&";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<std::string>&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = "std::string";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<std::string> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = "stream.readString("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.readStringSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::string "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "request->readString("+name+");\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<std::string> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "request->readStringSeq("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if(!result) return\"\"; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "std::string returnCode;\n";
+ result += indent + "result->readString(returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<std::string> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<std::string>;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "result->readStringSeq(*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "stream.writeString("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.writeStringSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "request->writeString("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "request->writeStringSeq("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + "result->writeString("+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<std::string> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "result->writeStringSeq(*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ } else if(isPacketType(type)) {
+ if(model==MODEL_ASTREAM)
+ result = type+"AsyncStream "+name;
+ if(model==MODEL_ASTREAM_PACKETPTR) result = "Arts::DataPacket<"+type+"> *";
+ } else if(isStruct(type)) {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER)
+ result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ)
+ result = "std::vector<"+type+">";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG)
+ result = "const "+type+"&";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ)
+ result = "const std::vector<"+type+">&";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = name+".readType(stream)";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "Arts::readTypeSeq(stream,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ result = indent + type+" "+name+"(*request);\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<"+type+"> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "Arts::readTypeSeq(*request,"+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = name+".writeType(stream)";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = name+".writeType(*request)";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "Arts::writeTypeSeq(stream,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "Arts::writeTypeSeq(*request,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + type + " _returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "_returnCode.writeType(*result);\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<"+type+"> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "Arts::writeTypeSeq(*result,*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent +
+ "if(!result) return "+type+"(); // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent+ type + " _returnCode(*result);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<"+type+"> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<"+type+">;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "Arts::readTypeSeq(*result,*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<"+type+"> *";
+ } else if(isEnum(type)) {
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<"+type+">";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<"+type+">&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<"+type+"> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = name+" = ("+type+")stream.readLong()";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.readLongSeq("+name+")"; // TODO
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent +
+ "if(!result) return ("+type+")0; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + type+" returnCode = ("+
+ type+")result->readLong();\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ result = indent +
+ type+" "+name+" = ("+type+")request->readLong();\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "stream.writeLong("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "stream.writeLongSeq("+name+")"; // TODO
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "request->writeLong("+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ result = indent + "result->writeLong("+name+");\n";
+ } else if(isInterface(type)) {
+ // the "object class" is called Object
+ if(type == "object") type = "Arts::Object";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER) result = type+"_var";
+ if(model==MODEL_MEMBER_SEQ) result = "std::vector<"+type+">";
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG) result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_ARG_SEQ) result = "const std::vector<"+type+">&";
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT) result = type;
+ if(model==MODEL_RESULT_SEQ) result = "std::vector<"+type+"> *";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ)
+ result = "Arts::readObject(stream,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_READ_SEQ)
+ result = "Arts::readObjectSeq(stream,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "if (!result) return "+type+"::null();\n"; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + type+"_base* returnCode;\n";
+ result += indent + "Arts::readObject(*result,returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return "+type+"::_from_base(returnCode);\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_RES_READ_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<"+type+"> *_returnCode ="
+ " new std::vector<"+type+">;\n";
+ result += indent + "if(!result) return _returnCode; // error occurred\n";
+ result += indent + "Arts::readObjectSeq(*result,*_returnCode);\n";
+ result += indent + "delete result;\n";
+ result += indent + "return _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ)
+ {
+ result = indent + type +"_base* _temp_"+name+";\n";
+ result += indent + "Arts::readObject(*request,_temp_"+name+");\n";
+ result += indent + type+" "+name+" = "+type+"::_from_base(_temp_"+name+");\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_READ_SEQ)
+ result = indent + "std::vector<"+type+"> "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "Arts::readObjectSeq(*request,"+name+");\n";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE)
+ result = "Arts::writeObject(stream,"+name+"._base())";
+ if(model==MODEL_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "Arts::writeObjectSeq(stream,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE)
+ result = "Arts::writeObject(*request,"+name+"._base())";
+ if(model==MODEL_REQ_WRITE_SEQ)
+ result = "Arts::writeObjectSeq(*request,"+name+")";
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE)
+ {
+ result = indent + type+" returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "Arts::writeObject(*result,returnCode._base());\n";
+ }
+ if(model==MODEL_INVOKE_SEQ)
+ {
+ result = indent + "std::vector<"+type+"> *_returnCode = "+name+";\n"
+ + indent + "Arts::writeObjectSeq(*result,*_returnCode);\n"
+ + indent + "delete _returnCode;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"error: undefined type %s occurred\n",type.c_str());
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if((model & ~MODEL_SEQ) == MODEL_MEMBER
+ || (model & ~MODEL_SEQ) == MODEL_ARG)
+ {
+ result += " ";
+ result += name;
+ }
+ return result;
+string buildInheritanceList(const InterfaceDef& interface, const string& append)
+ vector<string>::const_iterator ii;
+ string result = "";
+ bool first = true;
+ for(ii=interface.inheritedInterfaces.begin();
+ ii != interface.inheritedInterfaces.end();ii++)
+ {
+ if(!first) result += ",\n\t"; else first = false;
+ result += "virtual public "+*ii+append;
+ }
+ return result;
+string mkdef(string prefix)
+ string result;
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<prefix.length();i++)
+ result += toupper(prefix[i]);
+ result += "_H";
+ return result;
+const char *generated_disclaimer =
+ "/* this file was generated by the MCOP idl compiler - DO NOT EDIT */\n\n";
+FILE *startHeader(string prefix)
+ string header_name = prefix+"";
+ FILE *header = fopen(header_name.c_str(),"w");
+ fprintf(header,"%s", generated_disclaimer);
+ fprintf(header,"#ifndef %s\n",mkdef(prefix).c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"#define %s\n\n",mkdef(prefix).c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"#include \"common.h\"\n\n");
+ fprintf(header,"#include \"arts_export.h\"\n\n");
+ list<string>::iterator cii;
+ for(cii=customIncludes.begin(); cii != customIncludes.end(); cii++)
+ fprintf(header,"#include \"%s\"\n",(*cii).c_str());
+ if(!customIncludes.empty()) fprintf(header,"\n");
+ return (header);
+void endHeader(FILE *header, string prefix)
+ fprintf(header,"#endif /* %s */\n",mkdef(prefix).c_str());
+ fclose(header);
+FILE *startSource(string prefix)
+ string header_name = prefix+".h";
+ string source_name = prefix+"";
+ FILE *source = fopen(source_name.c_str(),"w");
+ fprintf(source,"%s", generated_disclaimer);
+ fprintf(source,"#include \"%s\"\n\n",header_name.c_str());
+ return source;
+void endSource(FILE *source)
+ fclose(source);
+/* moves file to BASE, but only if there are any changes. Otherwise
+ is simply removed */
+void moveIfChanged(string base)
+ string newn = base+".new";
+ FILE *oldf = fopen(base.c_str(), "r");
+ if (!oldf) {
+ rename(newn.c_str(), base.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ FILE *newf = fopen(newn.c_str(), "r");
+ if (!newf) {
+ fclose(oldf);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool different = false;
+ unsigned char *oldb, *newb;
+ size_t blen = 65536;
+ oldb = new unsigned char[blen];
+ newb = new unsigned char[blen];
+ while (1) {
+ size_t olen = fread(oldb, 1, blen, oldf);
+ size_t nlen = fread(newb, 1, blen, newf);
+ if (olen != nlen) {
+ different = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!olen) break;
+ if (memcmp(oldb, newb, olen)) {
+ different = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (olen < blen) break;
+ }
+ delete [] newb;
+ delete [] oldb;
+ fclose(newf);
+ fclose(oldf);
+ if (different) {
+ rename(newn.c_str(), base.c_str());
+ } else {
+ unlink(newn.c_str());
+ }
+bool haveIncluded(string filename)
+ list<string>::iterator i;
+ for(i = ::includes.begin();i != ::includes.end();i++)
+ if(*i == filename) return true;
+ return false;
+void doIncludeHeader(FILE *header)
+ list<string>::iterator i;
+ bool done_something = false;
+ for(i = ::includes.begin();i != ::includes.end();i++)
+ {
+ char *include = strdup((*i).c_str());
+ if(strlen(include) >= 4)
+ {
+ if(strcmp(&include[strlen(include)-4],".idl") == 0)
+ {
+ include[strlen(include)-4] = 0;
+ if(!done_something)
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"// includes of other idl definitions\n");
+ done_something = true;
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"#include \"%s.h\"\n",include);
+ }
+ }
+ free(include);
+ }
+ if(done_something) fprintf(header,"\n");
+void doEnumHeader(FILE *header)
+ list<EnumDef>::iterator edi;
+ vector<EnumComponent>::iterator i;
+ NamespaceHelper nspace(header);
+ for(edi = enums.begin();edi != enums.end(); edi++)
+ {
+ EnumDef& ed = *edi;
+ if(fromInclude( continue; // should come from the include
+ nspace.setFromSymbol(;
+ string ename = nspace.printableForm(;
+ if(ename == "_anonymous_") ename = "";
+ fprintf(header,"enum %s {",ename.c_str());
+ int first = 0;
+ for(i=ed.contents.begin();i != ed.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ if(first != 0) fprintf(header,", ");
+ first++;
+ fprintf(header,"%s = %ld",i->name.c_str(),i->value);
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"};\n");
+ }
+void doStructHeader(FILE *header)
+ list<TypeDef>::iterator csi;
+ vector<TypeComponent>::iterator i;
+ NamespaceHelper nspace(header);
+ for(csi = structs.begin();csi != structs.end(); csi++)
+ {
+ TypeDef& d = *csi;
+ if(fromInclude( continue; // should come from the include
+ nspace.setFromSymbol(;
+ string tname = nspace.printableForm(;
+ fprintf(header,"class ARTS_EXPORT %s : public Arts::Type {\n",tname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"public:\n");
+ /** constructor without arguments **/
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s();\n",tname.c_str());
+ /** constructor with arguments **/
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s(",tname.c_str());
+ int first = 0;
+ for(i=d.contents.begin();i != d.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string name = createTypeCode(i->type,"_a_" + i->name,MODEL_ARG);
+ if(first != 0) fprintf(header,", ");
+ first++;
+ fprintf(header,"%s",name.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(header,");\n");
+ /** constructor from stream **/
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s(Arts::Buffer& stream);\n",tname.c_str());
+ /** copy constructor (from same type) **/
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s(const %s& copyType);\n",
+ tname.c_str(),tname.c_str());
+ /** assignment operator **/
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s& operator=(const %s& assignType);\n",
+ tname.c_str(),tname.c_str());
+ /** data members **/
+ for(i=d.contents.begin();i != d.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string name = createTypeCode(i->type,i->name,MODEL_MEMBER);
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s;\n",name.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"\n// marshalling functions\n");
+ /** marshalling function for reading from stream **/
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid readType(Arts::Buffer& stream);\n");
+ /** marshalling function for writing to stream **/
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid writeType(Arts::Buffer& stream) const;\n");
+ /** returns the name of the type **/
+ fprintf(header, "\tstd::string _typeName() const;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"};\n\n");
+ }
+void doStructSource(FILE *source)
+ list<TypeDef>::iterator csi;
+ vector<TypeComponent>::iterator i;
+ fprintf(source,"// Implementation\n");
+ for(csi = structs.begin();csi != structs.end(); csi++)
+ {
+ TypeDef& d = *csi;
+ if(fromInclude( continue; // should come from the include
+ string tname = NamespaceHelper::nameOf(;
+ fprintf(source,"%s::%s()\n{\n}\n\n",,tname.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"%s::%s(",,tname.c_str());
+ int first = 0;
+ for(i=d.contents.begin();i != d.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string name = createTypeCode(i->type,"_a_" + i->name,MODEL_ARG);
+ if(first != 0) fprintf(source,", ");
+ first++;
+ fprintf(source,"%s",name.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,")\n{\n");
+ for(i=d.contents.begin();i != d.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string n = "_a_" + i->name;
+ fprintf(source,"\tthis->%s = %s;\n",i->name.c_str(),n.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** constructor from stream **/
+ fprintf(source,"%s::%s(Arts::Buffer& stream)\n{\n",,tname.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"\treadType(stream);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** copy constructor **/
+ fprintf(source,"%s::%s(const %s& copyType) : Arts::Type(copyType)\n{\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::Buffer buffer;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tcopyType.writeType(buffer);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treadType(buffer);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** assignment operator **/
+ fprintf(source,"%s& %s::operator=(const %s& assignType)\n{\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::Buffer buffer;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tassignType.writeType(buffer);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treadType(buffer);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn *this;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+#if 0 /* not needed if types use vector<Type> instead of vector<Type *> */
+ /** virtual destuctor: free type contents **/
+ fprintf(source,"%s::~%s()\n{\n",,tname.c_str());
+ for(i=d->contents.begin();i != d->contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string stype = (*i)->type;
+ string type = stype.substr(1,stype.length()-1);
+ if(stype[0] == '*' && isStruct(type))
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\tfreeTypeSeq(%s);\n",(*i)->name.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** marshalling function for reading from stream **/
+ fprintf(source,"void %s::readType(Arts::Buffer& stream)\n{\n",;
+ for(i=d.contents.begin();i != d.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string code = createTypeCode(i->type,i->name,MODEL_READ);
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s;\n",code.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** marshalling function for writing to stream **/
+ fprintf(source,"void %s::writeType(Arts::Buffer& stream) const\n{\n",;
+ for(i=d.contents.begin();i != d.contents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string code = createTypeCode(i->type,i->name,MODEL_WRITE);
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s;\n",code.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** returns the name of the type **/
+ fprintf(source,"std::string %s::_typeName() const\n{\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn \"%s\";\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ }
+string createReturnCode(const MethodDef& md)
+ return createTypeCode(md.type,"",MODEL_RESULT,"");
+string createParamList(const MethodDef& md)
+ string result;
+ int first = 0;
+ vector<ParamDef>::const_iterator pi;
+ for(pi = md.signature.begin(); pi != md.signature.end(); pi++)
+ {
+ const ParamDef& pd = *pi;
+ string p = createTypeCode(pd.type,,MODEL_ARG,"");
+ if(first != 0) result += ", ";
+ first++;
+ result += p;
+ }
+ return result;
+string createCallParamList(const MethodDef& md)
+ string result;
+ bool first = true;
+ vector<ParamDef>::const_iterator pi;
+ for(pi = md.signature.begin(); pi != md.signature.end(); pi++)
+ {
+ if (!first) result += ", ";
+ first = false;
+ result += pi->name;
+ }
+ return result;
+void createStubCode(FILE *source, string iface, string method,
+ const MethodDef& md)
+ string rc = createReturnCode(md);
+ string params = createParamList(md);
+ vector<ParamDef>::const_iterator pi;
+ Buffer b;
+ md.writeType(b);
+ fprintf(source,"%s %s_stub::%s(%s)\n",rc.c_str(),iface.c_str(),
+ method.c_str(), params.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tlong methodID = _lookupMethodFast(\"%s\");\n",
+ b.toString("method").c_str());
+ if(md.flags & methodTwoway)
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\tlong requestID;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::Buffer *request, *result;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\trequest = Arts::Dispatcher::the()->"
+ "createRequest(requestID,_objectID,methodID);\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::Buffer *request = Arts::Dispatcher::the()->"
+ "createOnewayRequest(_objectID,methodID);\n");
+ }
+ for(pi = md.signature.begin(); pi != md.signature.end(); pi++)
+ {
+ const ParamDef& pd = *pi;
+ string p;
+ p = createTypeCode(pd.type,,MODEL_REQ_WRITE);
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s;\n",p.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"\trequest->patchLength();\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t_connection->qSendBuffer(request);\n\n");
+ if(md.flags & methodTwoway)
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\tresult = "
+ "Arts::Dispatcher::the()->waitForResult(requestID,_connection);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s",
+ createTypeCode(md.type,"",MODEL_RES_READ,"\t").c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+bool haveStreams(const InterfaceDef& d)
+ vector<AttributeDef>::const_iterator ai;
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ if(ai->flags & attributeStream) return true;
+ return false;
+bool haveAsyncStreams(const InterfaceDef& d)
+ vector<AttributeDef>::const_iterator ai;
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ if((ai->flags & attributeStream) && (ai->flags & streamAsync))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+string dispatchFunctionName(string interface, long mcount)
+ char number[20];
+ sprintf(number,"%02ld",mcount);
+ string nspace = NamespaceHelper::namespaceOf(interface);
+ for (string::iterator i = nspace.begin(); i != nspace.end(); i++)
+ if(*i == ':') *i = '_';
+ string iname = NamespaceHelper::nameOf(interface);
+ return "_dispatch_" + nspace + "_" + iname + "_" + number;
+void createDispatchFunction(FILE *source, long mcount,
+ const InterfaceDef& d, const MethodDef& md,string name)
+ /** calculate signature (prevents unused argument warnings) **/
+ string signature = "void *object, ";
+ if(md.signature.size() == 0)
+ signature += "Arts::Buffer *";
+ else
+ signature += "Arts::Buffer *request";
+ if(md.flags & methodTwoway)
+ {
+ if(md.type == "void")
+ signature += ", Arts::Buffer *";
+ else
+ signature += ", Arts::Buffer *result";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(md.type != "void")
+ {
+ cerr << "method " << << " in interface " << <<
+ " is declared oneway, but not void" << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"// %s\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"static void %s(%s)\n",
+ dispatchFunctionName(,mcount).c_str(), signature.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ string call = "((""_skel *)object)->"+name + "(";
+ int first = 1;
+ vector<ParamDef>::const_iterator pi;
+ for(pi = md.signature.begin(); pi != md.signature.end(); pi++)
+ {
+ const ParamDef& pd = *pi;
+ string p;
+ if(!first) call += ",";
+ first = 0;
+ call +=;
+ p = createTypeCode(pd.type,,MODEL_REQ_READ, "\t");
+ fprintf(source,"%s",p.c_str());
+ }
+ call += ")";
+ string invoke = createTypeCode(md.type,call,MODEL_INVOKE,"\t");
+ fprintf(source,"%s",invoke.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+// generate a list of all parents. There can be repetitions
+vector<std::string> allParents(const InterfaceDef& iface)
+ vector<std::string> ret;
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator interIt;
+ vector<std::string>::const_iterator si;
+ // For all inherited interfaces
+ for (si = iface.inheritedInterfaces.begin(); si != iface.inheritedInterfaces.end(); si++)
+ {
+ ret.push_back(*si);
+ // Find the corresponding interface definition
+ for (interIt=interfaces.begin(); interIt!=interfaces.end(); interIt++) {
+ InterfaceDef& parent = *interIt;
+ if ( == (*si)) {
+ // Now add this parent's parents
+ vector<std::string> ppar = allParents(parent);
+ ret.insert(ret.end(), ppar.begin(), ppar.end());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+// generate a list of all parents - without repetitions
+vector<string> allParentsUnique(const InterfaceDef& iface)
+ map<string,bool> done;
+ vector<string> parents = allParents(iface),result;
+ vector<string>::iterator i;
+ for(i=parents.begin();i!=parents.end();i++)
+ {
+ string& name = *i;
+ if(!done[name])
+ {
+ result.push_back(name);
+ done[name] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+InterfaceDef findInterface(const string& iface)
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator i;
+ for(i=interfaces.begin();i != interfaces.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const InterfaceDef& d = *i;
+ if( == iface) return d;
+ }
+ return InterfaceDef();
+InterfaceDef mergeAllParents(const InterfaceDef& iface)
+ InterfaceDef result = iface;
+ vector<string> parents = allParentsUnique(iface);
+ vector<string>::iterator pi;
+ for(pi = parents.begin(); pi != parents.end(); pi++)
+ {
+ string parent = *pi;
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator i;
+ for(i=interfaces.begin();i != interfaces.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const InterfaceDef& d = *i;
+ if( == parent)
+ {
+ /* merge attributes */
+ vector<AttributeDef>::const_iterator ai;
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ result.attributes.push_back(*ai);
+ /* merge methods */
+ vector<MethodDef>::const_iterator mi;
+ for(mi = d.methods.begin(); mi != d.methods.end(); mi++)
+ {
+ result.methods.push_back(*mi);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+struct ForwardCode {
+ bool constructor;
+ string fullifacename, result, mname, params, callparams;
+ string baseclass;
+void checkSymbolDefinition(const string& name, const string& type,
+ const InterfaceDef& where, map<string,string>& defs)
+ string xwhere = + "::" + name + " ("+type+")";
+ string& mapentry = defs[name];
+ if(mapentry.empty())
+ {
+ mapentry = xwhere;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cerr << idl_filename << ": warning: " << xwhere
+ << " collides with " << mapentry << endl;
+ }
+void doInterfacesHeader(FILE *header)
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator ii;
+ vector<MethodDef>::iterator mi;
+ vector<AttributeDef>::iterator ai;
+ string inherits;
+ NamespaceHelper nspace(header);
+ list<ForwardCode> forwardCode;
+ /*
+ * this allows it to the various interfaces as parameters, returncodes
+ * and attributes even before their declaration
+ */
+ for(ii = interfaces.begin();ii != interfaces.end(); ii++)
+ {
+ InterfaceDef& d = *ii;
+ if(!fromInclude(
+ {
+ nspace.setFromSymbol(;
+ fprintf(header,"class %s;\n",nspace.printableForm(;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"\n");
+ for(ii = interfaces.begin();ii != interfaces.end(); ii++)
+ {
+ InterfaceDef& d = *ii;
+ string iname;
+ string fullifacename =;
+ if(fromInclude( continue; // should come from the include
+ // create abstract interface
+ inherits = buildInheritanceList(d,"_base");
+ if(inherits.empty()) inherits = "virtual public Arts::Object_base";
+ nspace.setFromSymbol(;
+ iname = nspace.printableForm(;
+ fprintf(header,"class ARTS_EXPORT %s_base : %s {\n",iname.c_str(),inherits.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"public:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic unsigned long _IID; // interface ID\n\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic %s_base *_create(const std::string& subClass"
+ " = \"%s\");\n", iname.c_str(),;
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic %s_base *_fromString(const std::string& objectref);\n",
+ iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic %s_base *_fromReference(Arts::ObjectReference ref,"
+ " bool needcopy);\n\n",iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic %s_base *_fromDynamicCast(const Arts::Object&"
+ " object);\n", iname.c_str());
+ /* reference counting: _copy */
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s_base *_copy() {\n"
+ "\t\tassert(_refCnt > 0);\n"
+ "\t\t_refCnt++;\n"
+ "\t\treturn this;\n"
+ "\t}\n\n",iname.c_str());
+ // Default I/O info
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual std::vector<std::string> _defaultPortsIn() const;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual std::vector<std::string> _defaultPortsOut() const;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\n");
+ // Casting
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid *_cast(unsigned long iid);\n\n");
+ /* attributes (not for streams) */
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ string rc = createTypeCode(ad.type,"",MODEL_RESULT);
+ string pc = createTypeCode(ad.type,"newValue",MODEL_ARG);
+ if(ad.flags & attributeAttribute)
+ {
+ if(ad.flags & streamOut) /* readable from outside */
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual %s %s() = 0;\n",rc.c_str(),
+ }
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn) /* writeable from outside */
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual void %s(%s) = 0;\n",
+, pc.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* methods */
+ for(mi = d.methods.begin(); mi != d.methods.end(); mi++)
+ {
+ MethodDef& md = *mi;
+ string rc = createReturnCode(md);
+ string params = createParamList(md);
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual %s %s(%s) = 0;\n",rc.c_str(),
+, params.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"};\n\n");
+ // create stub
+ inherits = buildInheritanceList(d,"_stub");
+ if(inherits.empty()) inherits = "virtual public Arts::Object_stub";
+ fprintf(header,"class ARTS_EXPORT %s_stub : virtual public %s_base, %s {\n",
+ iname.c_str(), iname.c_str(),inherits.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"protected:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s_stub();\n\n",iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"public:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s_stub(Arts::Connection *connection, long objectID);\n\n",
+ iname.c_str());
+ /* attributes (not for streams) */
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ string rc = createTypeCode(ad.type,"",MODEL_RESULT);
+ string pc = createTypeCode(ad.type,"newValue",MODEL_ARG);
+ if(ad.flags & attributeAttribute)
+ {
+ if(ad.flags & streamOut) /* readable from outside */
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s %s();\n",rc.c_str(),
+ }
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn) /* writeable from outside */
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid %s(%s);\n",
+, pc.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* methods */
+ for(mi = d.methods.begin(); mi != d.methods.end(); mi++)
+ {
+ MethodDef& md = *mi;
+ string rc = createReturnCode(md);
+ string params = createParamList(md);
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s %s(%s);\n",rc.c_str(),
+, params.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"};\n\n");
+ // create skeleton
+ inherits = buildInheritanceList(d,"_skel");
+ if(inherits.empty()) inherits = "virtual public Arts::Object_skel";
+ fprintf(header,"class ARTS_EXPORT %s_skel : virtual public %s_base,"
+ " %s {\n",iname.c_str(),iname.c_str(),inherits.c_str());
+ bool firstStream = true;
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if(ad.flags & attributeStream)
+ {
+ if(firstStream)
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"protected:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t// variables for streams\n");
+ firstStream = false;
+ }
+ /** generate declaration of the variable: multi stream? **/
+ string decl;
+ if(ad.flags & streamMulti)
+ {
+ if(ad.flags & streamAsync)
+ decl = createTypeCode(ad.type,,MODEL_AMSTREAM);
+ else
+ decl = createTypeCode(ad.type,,MODEL_MSTREAM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(ad.flags & streamAsync)
+ decl = createTypeCode(ad.type,,MODEL_ASTREAM);
+ else
+ decl = createTypeCode(ad.type,,MODEL_STREAM);
+ }
+ decl += ";";
+ /** write to source **/
+ string comment;
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn) comment = "incoming stream";
+ if(ad.flags & streamOut) comment = "outgoing stream";
+ fprintf(header,"\t%-40s // %s\n",decl.c_str(),comment.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if(!firstStream) fprintf(header,"\n");
+ bool haveAsyncStreams = false;
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if((ad.flags & attributeStream) && (ad.flags & streamAsync))
+ {
+ if(!haveAsyncStreams)
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\t// handler for asynchronous streams\n");
+ haveAsyncStreams = true;
+ }
+ string ptype =
+ createTypeCode(ad.type,"",MODEL_ASTREAM_PACKETPTR);
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn)
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual void process_%s(%s) = 0;\n",
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"\tvirtual void request_%s(%s);\n",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(haveAsyncStreams) fprintf(header,"\n");
+ bool haveChangeNotifications = false;
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if((ad.flags & attributeAttribute) && (ad.flags & streamOut)
+ && (ad.type == "byte" || ad.type == "float" || ad.type == "long"
+ || ad.type == "string" || ad.type == "boolean"
+ || ad.type == "*byte" || ad.type == "*float" || ad.type == "*long"
+ || ad.type == "*string" || isEnum(ad.type)))
+ {
+ if(!haveChangeNotifications)
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"protected:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t// emitters for change notifications\n");
+ haveChangeNotifications = true;
+ }
+ string pc = createTypeCode(ad.type,"newValue",MODEL_ARG);
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline void %s_changed(%s) {\n",
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t_emit_changed(\"%s_changed\",newValue);\n",
+ fprintf(header,"\t}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(haveChangeNotifications) fprintf(header,"\n");
+ fprintf(header,"public:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s_skel();\n\n",iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic std::string _interfaceNameSkel();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tstd::string _interfaceName();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tbool _isCompatibleWith(const std::string& interfacename);\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid _buildMethodTable();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid dispatch(Arts::Buffer *request, Arts::Buffer *result,"
+ "long methodID);\n");
+ if(haveAsyncStreams)
+ fprintf(header,"\tvoid notify(const Arts::Notification& notification);\n");
+ fprintf(header,"};\n\n");
+ nspace.leaveAll();
+ // Create object wrapper for easy C++ syntax
+ fprintf(header,"#include \"reference.h\"\n");
+ // Allow connect facility only if there is something to connect to!
+/* if (haveStreams(d)) {
+ fprintf(header,"#include \"flowsystem.h\"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"\n");
+ nspace.setFromSymbol(;
+ inherits = ": public Arts::Object";
+ fprintf(header,"class ARTS_EXPORT %s %s {\n",iname.c_str(),inherits.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"private:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic Arts::Object_base* _Creator();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s_base *_cache;\n",iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s_base *_method_call() {\n",iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t_pool->checkcreate();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\tif(_pool->base) {\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t\t_cache="
+ "(%s_base *)_pool->base->_cast(%s_base::_IID);\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t\tassert(_cache);\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\treturn _cache;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t}\n");
+ // This constructor is now protected. use ::null() and ::_from_base()
+ // if necessary. It is protected, though there should be noinherited
+ // class
+ fprintf(header,"\nprotected:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(%s_base* b) : Arts::Object(b), _cache(0) {}\n\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\npublic:\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\ttypedef %s_base _base_class;\n\n",iname.c_str());
+ // empty constructor: specify creator for create-on-demand
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s() : Arts::Object(_Creator), _cache(0) {}\n",iname.c_str());
+ // constructors from reference and for subclass
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(const Arts::SubClass& s) :\n"
+ "\t\tArts::Object(%s_base::_create(s.string())), _cache(0) {}\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(const Arts::Reference &r) :\n"
+ "\t\tArts::Object("
+ "r.isString()?(%s_base::_fromString(r.string())):"
+ "(%s_base::_fromReference(r.reference(),true))), _cache(0) {}\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str(), iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(const Arts::DynamicCast& c) : "
+ "Arts::Object(%s_base::_fromDynamicCast(c.object())), "
+ "_cache(0) {}\n", iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ // copy constructors
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(const %s& target) : Arts::Object(target._pool), _cache(target._cache) {}\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(Arts::Object::Pool& p) : Arts::Object(p), _cache(0) {}\n",
+ iname.c_str());
+ // null object
+ // %s::null() returns a null object (and not just a reference to one)
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline static %s null() {return %s((%s_base*)0);}\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline static %s _from_base(%s_base* b) {return %s(b);}\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ // copy operator.
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s& operator=(const %s& target) {\n",
+ iname.c_str(),iname.c_str());
+ // test for equality
+ fprintf(header,"\t\tif (_pool == target._pool) return *this;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t_pool->Dec();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t_pool = target._pool;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t_cache = target._cache;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t_pool->Inc();\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t\treturn *this;\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t}\n");
+ // casts to parent interfaces
+ vector<string> parents = allParentsUnique(d);
+ for (vector<std::string>::iterator si = parents.begin();
+ si != parents.end(); si++)
+ {
+ string &s = *si;
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline operator %s() const { return %s(*_pool); }\n",
+ s.c_str(), s.c_str());
+ }
+ // conversion to _base* object
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s_base* _base() {return _cache?_cache:_method_call();}\n",iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\n");
+ vector<string> all = parents;
+ vector<string>::iterator i;
+ all.push_back(;
+ // InterfaceDef allMerged = mergeAllParents(d);
+ map<string, string> definitionMap;
+ for(i=all.begin();i != all.end();i++)
+ {
+ InterfaceDef id = findInterface(*i);
+ string baseclass ="_base";
+ /* attributes */
+ for(ai = id.attributes.begin();ai != id.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ ForwardCode fc;
+ fc.fullifacename = fullifacename;
+ fc.constructor = false;
+ fc.mname =;
+ fc.baseclass = baseclass;
+ checkSymbolDefinition(, "attribute", id, definitionMap);
+ if(ad.flags & attributeAttribute)
+ {
+ if(ad.flags & streamOut) /* readable from outside */
+ {
+ fc.params = "";
+ fc.callparams = "";
+ fc.result = createTypeCode(ad.type,"",MODEL_RESULT);
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s %s();\n",
+ fc.result.c_str(), fc.mname.c_str());
+ forwardCode.push_back(fc);
+ }
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn) /* writeable from outside */
+ {
+ fc.params =
+ createTypeCode(ad.type,"_newValue",MODEL_ARG);
+ fc.callparams = "_newValue";
+ fc.result="void";
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline void %s(%s);\n",
+ fc.mname.c_str(), fc.params.c_str());
+ forwardCode.push_back(fc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* methods */
+ for(mi = id.methods.begin(); mi != id.methods.end(); mi++)
+ {
+ MethodDef& md = *mi;
+ ForwardCode fc;
+ fc.fullifacename = fullifacename;
+ fc.result = createReturnCode(md);
+ fc.params = createParamList(md);
+ fc.callparams = createCallParamList(md);
+ fc.constructor = ( == "constructor");
+ fc.baseclass = baseclass;
+ checkSymbolDefinition(, "method", id, definitionMap);
+ // map constructor methods to the real things
+ if ( == "constructor") {
+ fc.mname = iname;
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s(%s);\n",
+ iname.c_str(),fc.params.c_str());
+ } else {
+ fc.mname =;
+ fprintf(header,"\tinline %s %s(%s);\n",fc.result.c_str(),
+ }
+ forwardCode.push_back(fc);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(header,"};\n\n");
+ }
+ nspace.leaveAll();
+ /*
+ * Forwarding code. We have to do this here, as the classes may depend on
+ * each other, e.g. an argument of one function are a SmartWrapper which is
+ * declared later in the text.
+ */
+ if(!forwardCode.empty())
+ fprintf(header,"// Forward wrapper calls to _base classes:\n\n");
+ list<ForwardCode>::iterator fi;
+ for(fi = forwardCode.begin(); fi != forwardCode.end(); fi++)
+ {
+ if(fi->constructor)
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"inline %s::%s(%s)\n", fi->fullifacename.c_str(),
+ fi->mname.c_str(), fi->params.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"\t\t: Arts::Object(%s_base::_create())\n",
+ fi->mname.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"{\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\tstatic_cast<%s*>(_method_call())->constructor(%s);\n",
+ fi->baseclass.c_str(),fi->callparams.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"}\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(header,"inline %s %s::%s(%s)\n",
+ fi->result.c_str(), fi->fullifacename.c_str(),
+ fi->mname.c_str(), fi->params.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"{\n");
+ fprintf(header,"\t%s _cache?static_cast<%s*>(_cache)->%s(%s):"
+ "static_cast<%s*>(_method_call())->%s(%s);\n",
+ fi->result=="void"?"":"return",
+ fi->baseclass.c_str(),
+ fi->mname.c_str(),fi->callparams.c_str(),
+ fi->baseclass.c_str(),
+ fi->mname.c_str(),fi->callparams.c_str());
+ fprintf(header,"}\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+enum DefaultDirection {defaultIn, defaultOut};
+bool addParentDefaults(InterfaceDef& iface, vector<std::string>& ports, DefaultDirection dir);
+bool lookupParentPort(InterfaceDef& iface, string port, vector<std::string>& ports, DefaultDirection dir);
+bool addDefaults(InterfaceDef& iface, vector<std::string>& ports, DefaultDirection dir)
+ vector<AttributeDef>::iterator ai;
+ vector<std::string>::iterator di;
+ bool hasDefault = false;
+ // Go through the default ports of this interface
+ for (di = iface.defaultPorts.begin(); di != iface.defaultPorts.end(); di++) {
+ bool foundIn = false, foundOut = false;
+ // Find the corresponding attribute definition
+ for (ai = iface.attributes.begin(); ai != iface.attributes.end(); ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if ((ad.flags & attributeStream) && ((*di) {
+ // Add this port to the list
+ if (ad.flags & streamIn) {
+ foundIn=true;
+ if (dir==defaultIn) ports.push_back(*di);
+ }
+ // Add this port to the list
+ if (ad.flags & streamOut) {
+ foundOut=true;
+ if (dir==defaultOut) ports.push_back(*di);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool found = false;
+ // Not found, might come from a parent
+ if (!(foundIn || foundOut)) {
+ found = lookupParentPort(iface, *di, ports, dir);
+ }
+ if ((found) || (foundIn && (dir==defaultIn)) || (foundOut && (dir==defaultOut)))
+ hasDefault = true;
+ }
+ // If no default was specified, then try to inherit some
+ if (!hasDefault)
+ hasDefault = addParentDefaults(iface, ports, dir);
+ // Still have no default?
+ // If we have only one stream in a given direction, make it default.
+ if (!hasDefault) {
+ vector<AttributeDef>::iterator foundPos;
+ int found = 0;
+ for (ai = iface.attributes.begin(); ai != iface.attributes.end(); ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if (ad.flags & attributeStream) {
+ if ((ad.flags & streamIn) && (dir == defaultIn)) {
+ found++; foundPos=ai;
+ }
+ if ((ad.flags & streamOut) && (dir == defaultOut)) {
+ found++; foundPos=ai;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (found == 1) {hasDefault=true; ports.push_back(foundPos->name);}
+ }
+ return hasDefault;
+bool addParentDefaults(InterfaceDef& iface, vector<std::string>& ports, DefaultDirection dir)
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator interIt;
+ vector<std::string>::iterator si;
+ bool hasDefault = false;
+ // For all inherited interfaces
+ for (si = iface.inheritedInterfaces.begin(); si != iface.inheritedInterfaces.end(); si++)
+ {
+ // Find the corresponding interface definition
+ for (interIt=interfaces.begin(); interIt!=interfaces.end(); interIt++) {
+ InterfaceDef& parent = *interIt;
+ if ( == (*si)) {
+ // Now add the default ports of this parent
+ bool b = addDefaults(parent, ports, dir);
+ if (b) hasDefault = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hasDefault;
+bool lookupParentPort(InterfaceDef& iface, string port, vector<std::string>& ports, DefaultDirection dir)
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator interIt;
+ vector<AttributeDef>::iterator ai;
+ vector<std::string>::iterator si;
+ // For all inherited interfaces
+ for (si = iface.inheritedInterfaces.begin(); si != iface.inheritedInterfaces.end(); si++)
+ {
+ // Find the corresponding interface definition
+ for (interIt=interfaces.begin(); interIt!=interfaces.end(); interIt++) {
+ InterfaceDef& parent = *interIt;
+ if ( == (*si)) {
+ // Now look at the ports of this parent
+ vector<AttributeDef>::iterator foundPos;
+ bool found = false;
+ for (ai = parent.attributes.begin(); ai != parent.attributes.end(); ai++) {
+ if ((ai->flags & attributeStream) && (ai->name==port)){
+ if (((ai->flags & streamIn) && (dir == defaultIn))
+ || ((ai->flags & streamOut) && (dir == defaultOut))) {
+ found = true; foundPos=ai; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {ports.push_back(port); return true;}
+ // Not found, look recursively at the parent ancestors
+ bool b = lookupParentPort(parent, port, ports, dir);
+ if (b) return true; // done
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void doInterfacesSource(FILE *source)
+ list<InterfaceDef>::iterator ii;
+ vector<MethodDef>::iterator mi;
+ vector<AttributeDef>::iterator ai;
+ long mcount;
+ for(ii = interfaces.begin();ii != interfaces.end(); ii++)
+ {
+ InterfaceDef& d = *ii;
+ if(fromInclude( continue; // should come from the include
+ string iname = NamespaceHelper::nameOf(;
+ // create static functions
+ fprintf(source,"%s_base *%s_base::_create(const std::string& subClass)\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::Object_skel *skel = "
+ "Arts::ObjectManager::the()->create(subClass);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tassert(skel);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s_base *castedObject = "
+ "(%s_base *)skel->_cast(%s_base::_IID);\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\tassert(castedObject);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn castedObject;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s_base *%s_base::_fromString(const std::string& objectref)\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::ObjectReference r;\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(Arts::Dispatcher::the()->stringToObjectReference(r,objectref))\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\treturn %s_base::_fromReference(r,true);\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn 0;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s_base *%s_base::_fromDynamicCast(const Arts::Object& object)\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(object.isNull()) return 0;\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s_base *castedObject = (%s_base *)object._base()->_cast(%s_base::_IID);\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(castedObject) return castedObject->_copy();\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn _fromString(object._toString());\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s_base *%s_base::_fromReference(Arts::ObjectReference r,"
+ " bool needcopy)\n",,;
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s_base *result;\n",;
+ fprintf(source,
+ "\tresult = (%s_base *)Arts::Dispatcher::the()->connectObjectLocal(r,\"%s\");\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(result)\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\tif(!needcopy)\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\tresult->_cancelCopyRemote();\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t}\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\telse\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\tArts::Connection *conn = "
+ "Arts::Dispatcher::the()->connectObjectRemote(r);\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\tif(conn)\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\tresult = new %s_stub(conn,r.objectID);\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\tif(needcopy) result->_copyRemote();\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\tresult->_useRemote();\n");
+ // Type checking
+ /*
+ * One may wonder why we first claim that we want to use the object
+ * using _useRemote, then check if we *can* to use it (if the
+ * type is right), and finally, if we can't release it
+ * again.
+ *
+ * However, if we don't, we can't release it either, as we may not
+ * release an object which we don't use. If we would not call release,
+ * we would on the other hand create a *local* memory leak, as the
+ * _stub wouldn't get removed.
+ */
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\tif (!result->_isCompatibleWith(\"%s\")) {\n",
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\t\tresult->_release();\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t}\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn result;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ // Default I/O info
+ vector<std::string> portsIn, portsOut;
+ vector<std::string>::iterator si, di;
+ addDefaults(d, portsIn, defaultIn);
+ addDefaults(d, portsOut, defaultOut);
+ vector<std::string> done; // don't repeat values
+ fprintf(source,"std::vector<std::string> %s_base::_defaultPortsIn() const {\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"\tstd::vector<std::string> ret;\n");
+ // Loop through all the values
+ for (si = portsIn.begin(); si != portsIn.end(); si++)
+ {
+ // repeated value? (virtual public like merging...)
+ bool skipIt = false;
+ for (di = done.begin(); di != done.end(); di++) {
+ if ((*di)==(*si)) {skipIt = true; break;}
+ }
+ if (skipIt) continue;
+ fprintf(source,"\tret.push_back(\"%s\");\n",(*si).c_str());
+ done.push_back(*si);
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn ret;\n}\n");
+ done.clear();
+ fprintf(source,"std::vector<std::string> %s_base::_defaultPortsOut() const {\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"\tstd::vector<std::string> ret;\n");
+ // Loop through all the values
+ for (si = portsOut.begin(); si != portsOut.end(); si++)
+ {
+ // repeated value? (virtual public like merging...)
+ bool skipIt = false;
+ for (di = done.begin(); di != done.end(); di++) {
+ if ((*di)==(*si)) {skipIt = true; break;}
+ }
+ if (skipIt) continue;
+ fprintf(source,"\tret.push_back(\"%s\");\n",(*si).c_str());
+ done.push_back(*si);
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn ret;\n}\n\n");
+ /** _cast operation **/
+ vector<std::string> parentCast = allParentsUnique(d);
+ fprintf(source,"void *%s_base::_cast(unsigned long iid)\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(iid == %s_base::_IID) return (%s_base *)this;\n",
+ vector<std::string>::iterator pci;
+ for(pci = parentCast.begin(); pci != parentCast.end();pci++)
+ {
+ string& pc = *pci;
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(iid == %s_base::_IID) "
+ "return (%s_base *)this;\n",pc.c_str(),pc.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(iid == Arts::Object_base::_IID) return (Arts::Object_base *)this;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn 0;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ // create stub
+ /** constructors **/
+ fprintf(source,"%s_stub::%s_stub()\n" ,,iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t// constructor for subclasses"
+ " (don't use directly)\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s_stub::%s_stub(Arts::Connection *connection, "
+ "long objectID)\n",,iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(source," : Arts::Object_stub(connection, objectID)\n");
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t// constructor to create a stub for an object\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** stub operations **/
+ /** stub operations for object methods **/
+ for(mi = d.methods.begin(); mi != d.methods.end(); mi++)
+ {
+ MethodDef& md = *mi;
+ createStubCode(source,,,md);
+ }
+ /** stub operations for attributes **/
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if(ad.flags & attributeAttribute)
+ {
+ MethodDef md;
+ if(ad.flags & streamOut) /* readable from outside */
+ {
+ = "_get_";
+ md.type = ad.type;
+ md.flags = methodTwoway;
+ /* no parameters (don't set md.signature) */
+ createStubCode(source,,,md);
+ }
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn) /* writeable from outside */
+ {
+ = "_set_";
+ md.type = "void";
+ md.flags = methodTwoway;
+ ParamDef pd;
+ pd.type = ad.type;
+ = "newValue";
+ md.signature.push_back(pd);
+ createStubCode(source,,,md);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // create skeleton
+ /** _interfaceName **/
+ fprintf(source,"std::string %s_skel::_interfaceName()\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn \"%s\";\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ // Run-time type compatibility check
+ fprintf(source,"bool %s_skel::_isCompatibleWith(const std::string& interfacename)\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ // Interface is compatible with itself!
+ fprintf(source,"\tif (interfacename == \"%s\") return true;\n",;
+ // It also provides the parent interfaces
+ for(pci = parentCast.begin(); pci != parentCast.end();pci++)
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\tif (interfacename == \"%s\") return true;\n", pci->c_str());
+ }
+ // and is ultimately an Object
+ fprintf(source,"\tif (interfacename == \"Arts::Object\") return true;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn false;\n"); // And nothing else
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"std::string %s_skel::_interfaceNameSkel()\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn \"%s\";\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** dispatch operations **/
+ Buffer methodTable;
+ /** dispatch operations for object methods **/
+ mcount = 0;
+ for(mi = d.methods.begin(); mi != d.methods.end(); mi++, mcount++)
+ {
+ MethodDef& md = *mi;
+ md.writeType(methodTable);
+ createDispatchFunction(source,mcount,d,md,;
+ }
+ /** dispatch operations for attributes **/
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin();ai != d.attributes.end();ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if(ad.flags & attributeAttribute)
+ {
+ MethodDef md;
+ if(ad.flags & streamOut) /* readable from outside */
+ {
+ = "_get_";
+ md.type = ad.type;
+ md.flags = methodTwoway;
+ /* no parameters (don't set md.signature) */
+ md.writeType(methodTable);
+ createDispatchFunction(source,mcount++,d,md,;
+ }
+ if(ad.flags & streamIn) /* writeable from outside */
+ {
+ = "_set_";
+ md.type = "void";
+ md.flags = methodTwoway;
+ ParamDef pd;
+ pd.type = ad.type;
+ = "newValue";
+ md.signature.push_back(pd);
+ md.writeType(methodTable);
+ createDispatchFunction(source,mcount++,d,md,;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** methodTable **/
+ string methodTableString = formatMultiLineString(
+ methodTable.toString("MethodTable")," ");
+ fprintf(source,"void %s_skel::_buildMethodTable()\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tArts::Buffer m;\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\tm.fromString(\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s,\n",methodTableString.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"\t\t\"MethodTable\"\n");
+ fprintf(source,"\t);\n");
+ long i;
+ for(i=0;i<mcount;i++)
+ fprintf(source,"\t_addMethod(%s,this,Arts::MethodDef(m));\n",
+ dispatchFunctionName(,i).c_str());
+ vector<string>::iterator ii = d.inheritedInterfaces.begin();
+ while(ii != d.inheritedInterfaces.end())
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\t%s_skel::_buildMethodTable();\n",
+ ii->c_str());
+ ii++;
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ fprintf(source,"%s_skel::%s_skel()\n",,iname.c_str());
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin(); ai != d.attributes.end(); ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if((ad.flags & attributeStream) == attributeStream)
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"\t_initStream(\"%s\",&%s,%d);\n",
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /** notification operation **/
+ if(haveAsyncStreams(d))
+ {
+ fprintf(source,"void %s_skel::notify(const Arts::Notification "
+ "&notification)\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin(); ai != d.attributes.end(); ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if((ad.flags & (attributeStream|streamAsync))
+ == (attributeStream|streamAsync))
+ {
+ const char *fname=(ad.flags&streamIn)?"process":"request";
+ string packettype =
+ createTypeCode(ad.type,"",MODEL_ASTREAM_PACKETPTR);
+ fprintf(source,"\tif(%s.notifyID() == notification.ID)\n",
+ fprintf(source,
+ "\t\t%s_%s((%s);\n",
+ fname,,packettype.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ /*
+ * create empty request_ methods for output streams
+ * (not everybody uses requesting)
+ */
+ for(ai = d.attributes.begin(); ai != d.attributes.end(); ai++)
+ {
+ AttributeDef& ad = *ai;
+ if((ad.flags & (attributeStream|streamAsync|streamOut))
+ == (attributeStream|streamAsync|streamOut))
+ {
+ string packettype =
+ createTypeCode(ad.type,"",MODEL_ASTREAM_PACKETPTR);
+ fprintf(source,"void %s_skel::request_%s(%s)\n",
+ fprintf(source,"{\n");
+ fprintf(source," assert(false); // this default is for "
+ "modules who don't want requesting\n");
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Smartwrapper statics
+ // _Creator
+ fprintf(source,"Arts::Object_base* %s::_Creator() {\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"\treturn %s_base::_create();\n",;
+ fprintf(source,"}\n\n");
+ // IID
+ fprintf(source,"unsigned long %s_base::_IID = "
+ "Arts::MCOPUtils::makeIID(\"%s\");\n\n",,;
+ }
+void doInterfaceRepoSource(FILE *source, string prefix)
+ Buffer b;
+ module.moduleName = "";
+ module.writeType(b);
+ string data = formatMultiLineString(b.toString("IDLFile")," ");
+ fprintf(source,"static Arts::IDLFileReg IDLFileReg_%s(\"%s\",\n%s\n);\n",
+ prefix.c_str(),prefix.c_str(),data.c_str());
+void doTypeFile(string prefix)
+ Buffer b;
+ module.moduleName = prefix;
+ module.writeType(b);
+ FILE *typeFile = fopen((prefix+"").c_str(),"w");
+ unsigned long towrite = b.size();
+ fwrite(,1,towrite,typeFile);
+ fclose(typeFile);
+void doTypeIndex(string prefix)
+ FILE *typeIndex = fopen((prefix+"").c_str(),"w");
+ vector<string> supportedTypes;
+ vector<InterfaceDef>::iterator ii;
+ for(ii = module.interfaces.begin(); ii != module.interfaces.end(); ii++)
+ if(!fromInclude(ii->name)) supportedTypes.push_back(ii->name);
+ vector<TypeDef>::iterator ti;
+ for(ti = module.types.begin(); ti != module.types.end(); ti++)
+ if(!fromInclude(ti->name)) supportedTypes.push_back(ti->name);
+ string supportedTypesList;
+ vector<string>::iterator si;
+ bool first = true;
+ for(si = supportedTypes.begin(); si != supportedTypes.end(); si++)
+ {
+ if(!first) supportedTypesList += ",";
+ supportedTypesList += (*si);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ fprintf(typeIndex, "# this file was generated by the MCOP idl compiler - DO NOT EDIT\n");
+ fprintf(typeIndex,"Type=%s\n",supportedTypesList.c_str());
+ fprintf(typeIndex,"TypeFile=%s.mcoptype\n",prefix.c_str());
+ fclose(typeIndex);
+void exit_usage(char *name)
+ fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [ <options> ] <filename>\n",name);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nOptions:\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -I <directory> search in <directory> for includes\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -e <name> exclude a struct/interface/enum from code generation\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -t create .mcoptype/.mcopclass files with type information\n");
+ exit(1);
+extern void mcopidlParse(const char *code);
+bool match(vector<char>::iterator start, const char *string)
+ while(*string && *start)
+ if(*string++ != *start++) return false;
+ return (*string == 0);
+bool fileExists(const char *filename)
+ FILE *test = fopen(filename,"r");
+ if(test)
+ {
+ fclose(test);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+string searchFile(const char *filename,list<string>& path)
+ if(fileExists(filename)) return filename;
+ list<string>::iterator i;
+ for(i = path.begin(); i != path.end(); i++)
+ {
+ string location = *i + "/" + filename;
+ if(fileExists(location.c_str())) return location;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' not found\n",filename);
+ exit(1);
+void append_file_to_vector(const char *filename, vector<char>& v)
+ FILE *f = fopen(filename,"r");
+ if(!f) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' not found\n",filename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ char buffer[1024];
+ long l;
+ while((l = fread(buffer,1,1024,f)) > 0)
+ v.insert(v.end(),buffer, buffer+l);
+ fclose(f);
+void append_string_to_vector(const char *string, vector<char>& v)
+ while(*string) v.push_back(*string++);
+void preprocess(vector<char>& input, vector<char>& output)
+ string filename;
+ enum { lineStart, idlCode, commentC, filenameFind,
+ filenameIn1, filenameIn2 } state = lineStart;
+ vector<char>::iterator i = input.begin();
+ while(i != input.end())
+ {
+ if(state != commentC && match(i,"/*")) // check if here starts a comment
+ {
+ state = commentC;
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ else if(state == commentC)
+ {
+ if(match(i,"*/")) // leave comment state?
+ {
+ state = idlCode;
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ else // skip comments
+ {
+ if(*i == '\n') output.push_back(*i); // keep line numbering
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(state == filenameFind)
+ {
+ switch(*i++)
+ {
+ case ' ': // skip whitespaces
+ case '\t':
+ break;
+ case '"': state = filenameIn1;
+ break;
+ case '<': state = filenameIn2;
+ break;
+ default: cerr << "bad char after #include statement" << endl;
+ assert(0); // error handling!
+ }
+ }
+ else if((state == filenameIn1 && *i == '"')
+ || (state == filenameIn2 && *i == '>'))
+ {
+ append_string_to_vector("#startinclude <",output);
+ append_string_to_vector(filename.c_str(),output);
+ append_string_to_vector(">\n",output);
+ if(!haveIncluded(filename))
+ {
+ ::includes.push_back(filename);
+ // load include, preprocess
+ vector<char> file,filepp;
+ string location = searchFile(filename.c_str(),includePath);
+ append_file_to_vector(location.c_str(),file);
+ preprocess(file,filepp);
+ // append preprocessed file
+ output.insert(output.end(),filepp.begin(),filepp.end());
+ }
+ append_string_to_vector("#endinclude",output);
+ state = idlCode;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if(state == filenameIn1 || state == filenameIn2)
+ {
+ filename += *i++;
+ }
+ else if(state == lineStart) // check if we're on lineStart
+ {
+ if(match(i,"#include"))
+ {
+ i += 8;
+ state = filenameFind;
+ filename = "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(*i != ' ' && *i != '\t' && *i != '\n') state = idlCode;
+ output.push_back(*i++);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(*i == '\n') state = lineStart; // newline handling
+ output.push_back(*i++);
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ /*
+ * parse command line options
+ */
+ int c;
+ bool makeTypeInfo = false;
+ while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "I:P:C:te:")) != -1)
+ {
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case 'I': includePath.push_back(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'P': packetTypes.push_back(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'C': customIncludes.push_back(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 't': makeTypeInfo = true;
+ break;
+ case 'e': includedNames.push_back(optarg);
+ break;
+ default: exit_usage(argv[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if((argc-optind) != 1) exit_usage(argv[0]);
+ const char *inputfile = argv[optind];
+ /*
+ * find out prefix (filename without .idl)
+ */
+ char *prefix = strdup(inputfile);
+ if(strlen(prefix) < 4 || strcmp(&prefix[strlen(prefix)-4],".idl")) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"filename must end in .idl\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ prefix[strlen(prefix)-4] = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * strip path (mcopidl always outputs the result into the current directory)
+ */
+ char *pathless = strrchr(prefix,'/');
+ if(pathless)
+ prefix = pathless+1;
+ /*
+ * load file
+ */
+ idl_line_no = 1;
+ idl_in_include = 0;
+ idl_filename = inputfile;
+ vector<char> contents,contentspp;
+ append_file_to_vector(inputfile,contents);
+ // trailing zero byte (mcopidlParse wants a C-style string as argument)
+ contents.push_back(0);
+ // preprocess (throws includes into contents, removes C-style comments)
+ preprocess(contents,contentspp);
+ // call lex&yacc parser
+ mcopidlParse(&contentspp[0]);
+ // generate code for C++ header file
+ FILE *header = startHeader(prefix);
+ doIncludeHeader(header);
+ doEnumHeader(header);
+ doStructHeader(header);
+ doInterfacesHeader(header);
+ endHeader(header,prefix);
+ moveIfChanged(string(prefix)+".h");
+ // generate code for C++ source file
+ FILE *source = startSource(prefix);
+ doStructSource(source);
+ doInterfacesSource(source);
+ doInterfaceRepoSource(source,prefix);
+ endSource(source);
+ moveIfChanged(string(prefix)+".cc");
+ // create type file
+ if(makeTypeInfo)
+ {
+ doTypeFile(prefix);
+ doTypeIndex(prefix);
+ moveIfChanged(string(prefix)+".mcoptype");
+ moveIfChanged(string(prefix)+".mcopclass");
+ }
+ return 0;