path: root/bibletime/frontend
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-09-10 05:14:00 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-09-10 05:14:00 +0000
commitfa949b6b7fa553547f26305d4227e8baa0091c1f (patch)
tree9199255f7d3e0f276f6f53000f13fb0081f3c4c5 /bibletime/frontend
Added initial Trinity version of BibleTime
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'bibletime/frontend')
127 files changed, 24947 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/ b/bibletime/frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f22646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libfrontend_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libfrontend.a
+libfrontend_a_SOURCES = btinstallmgr.cpp cbtconfig.cpp cinputdialog.cpp \
+ manageindicesform.ui cmanageindiceswidget.cpp coptionsdialog.cpp \
+ cswordsetupdialog.cpp cprofilemgr.cpp cprofile.cpp cprofilewindow.cpp cexportmanager.cpp \
+ cmdiarea.cpp kstartuplogo.cpp cdragdropmgr.cpp cinfodisplay.cpp cprinter.cpp \
+ crossrefrendering.cpp cswordsetupmodulelistview.cpp \
+ cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.cpp cmoduleindexdialog.cpp
+all_headers = cmdiarea.h \
+btinstallmgr.h \
+cbtconfig.h \
+cinputdialog.h \
+coptionsdialog.h \
+cmanageindiceswidget.h \
+cswordsetupdialog.h \
+cprofilemgr.h \
+cprofile.h \
+cprofilewindow.h \
+cexportmanager.h \
+cmdiarea.h \
+kstartuplogo.h \
+cdragdropmgr.h \
+cinfodisplay.h \
+cprinter.h \
+crossrefrendering.h \
+cswordsetupmodulelistview.h \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libfrontend_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
+SUBDIRS = util searchdialog mainindex keychooser displaywindow display
+noinst_HEADERS = cmoduleindexdialog.h
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/btinstallmgr.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/btinstallmgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1332d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/btinstallmgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "btinstallmgr.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+//Sword includes
+#include <filemgr.h>
+#include <swconfig.h>
+#include <swbuf.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+//Stl includes
+#include <functional>
+using namespace sword;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+ const QString BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::swordConfigFilename() {
+ // Q_ASSERT( CPointers::backend()->sysconfig );
+ return QString::fromLatin1("%1/.sword/sword.conf").arg(getenv("HOME"));
+ }
+ QStringList BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::sourceList( sword::InstallMgr* mgr ) {
+ // qWarning("BTInstallMgr::Tool::sourceList( sword::InstallMgr* mgr )");
+ Q_ASSERT(mgr);
+ Q_ASSERT(mgr->installConf);
+ QStringList names;
+ //add Sword remote sources
+ for (InstallSourceMap::iterator it = mgr->sources.begin(); it != mgr->sources.end(); it++) {
+ names << QString::fromLocal8Bit(it->second->caption);
+ }
+ // Add local directory sources
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ sword::SectionMap::iterator sourcesSection = config.Sections.find("Sources");
+ if (sourcesSection != config.Sections.end()) {
+ sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceBegin = sourcesSection->second.lower_bound("DIRSource");
+ sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceEnd = sourcesSection->second.upper_bound("DIRSource");
+ while (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
+ InstallSource is("DIR", sourceBegin->second.c_str());
+ names << QString::fromLatin1(is.caption.c_str());
+ sourceBegin++;
+ }
+ }
+ return names;
+ }
+ QStringList BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::targetList() {
+ QStringList names = CPointers::backend()->swordDirList();
+ return names;
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::setTargetList( const QStringList& targets ) {
+ //saves a new Sworc config using the provided target list
+ QString filename = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "bibletime/") + "sword.conf"; //default is to assume the real location isn't writable
+ bool directAccess = false;
+ QFileInfo i(LocalConfig::swordConfigFilename());
+ QFileInfo dirInfo(i.dirPath(true));
+ if ( i.exists() && i.isWritable() ) { //we can write to the file ourself
+ filename = LocalConfig::swordConfigFilename();
+ directAccess = true;
+ }
+ else if ( !i.exists() && dirInfo.isWritable() ) { // if the file doesn't exist but th eparent is writable for us, create it
+ filename = LocalConfig::swordConfigFilename();
+ directAccess = true;
+ }
+ bool setDataPath = false;
+ SWConfig conf(filename.local8Bit());
+ conf.Sections.clear();
+ for (QStringList::const_iterator it = targets.begin(); it != targets.end(); ++it) {
+ QString t = *it;
+ if (t.contains( QString("%1/.sword").arg(getenv("HOME")) )) {
+ //we don't want HOME/.sword in the config
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ conf["Install"].insert( std::make_pair(!setDataPath ? SWBuf("DataPath") : SWBuf("AugmentPath"), t.local8Bit()) );
+ setDataPath = true;
+ }
+ }
+ conf.Save();
+ if (!directAccess) { //use kdesu to move the file to the right place
+ KProcess *proc = new KProcess;
+ *proc << "kdesu";
+ *proc << QString::fromLatin1("-c") << QString("mv %1 %2").arg(filename).arg(LocalConfig::swordConfigFilename());
+ proc->start(KProcess::Block);
+ }
+ }
+ sword::InstallSource BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source( sword::InstallMgr* mgr, const QString& name ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(mgr);
+ InstallSourceMap::iterator source = mgr->sources.find(name.latin1());
+ if (source != mgr->sources.end()) {
+ return *(source->second);
+ }
+ else { //not found in Sword, may be a local DIR source
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ SectionMap::iterator sourcesSection = config.Sections.find("Sources");
+ if (sourcesSection != config.Sections.end()) {
+ ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceBegin =
+ sourcesSection->second.lower_bound("DIRSource");
+ ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceEnd =
+ sourcesSection->second.upper_bound("DIRSource");
+ while (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
+ InstallSource is("DIR", sourceBegin->second.c_str());
+ if (!strcmp(is.caption, name.latin1()) ) { //found local dir source
+ return is;
+ }
+ sourceBegin++;//next source
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ InstallSource is("EMPTY"); //default return value
+ is.caption = "unknown caption";
+ is.source = "unknown source";
+ = "unknown dir";
+ return is;
+ }
+ const bool BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource( sword::InstallSource* is ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(is);
+ if (is)
+ return !strcmp(is->type, "FTP");
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::addSource( sword::InstallSource* is ) {
+ if (!is) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ if (!strcmp(is->type, "FTP")) {
+ //make sure the path doesn't have a trailing slash, sword doesn't like it
+ if (is->directory[ is->directory.length()-1 ] == '/') {
+ is->directory--; //make one char shorter
+ }
+ config["Sources"].insert( std::make_pair(SWBuf("FTPSource"), is->getConfEnt()) );
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(is->type, "DIR")) {
+ config["Sources"].insert( std::make_pair(SWBuf("DIRSource"), is->getConfEnt()) );
+ }
+ config.Save();
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::initConfig() {
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ config["General"]["PassiveFTP"] = "true";
+ config.Save();
+ }
+ const QString BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::configPath() {
+ const char *envhomedir = getenv("HOME");
+ QString confPath = QString(envhomedir ? envhomedir : ".");
+ confPath.append("/.sword/InstallMgr");
+ return confPath;
+ }
+ const QString BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename() {
+ return (configPath() + "/InstallMgr.conf");
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::removeSource( sword::InstallMgr* mgr, sword::InstallSource* is) {
+ Q_ASSERT(mgr);
+ Q_ASSERT(is);
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ //this code can probably be shortened by using the stl remove_if functionality
+ std::pair< ConfigEntMap::iterator, ConfigEntMap::iterator > range =
+ isRemoteSource(is)
+ ? config["Sources"].equal_range("FTPSource")
+ : config["Sources"].equal_range("DIRSource");
+ ConfigEntMap::iterator it = range.first;
+ while (it != range.second) {
+ if (it->second == is->getConfEnt()) {
+ // qWarning("found the source!");
+ config["Sources"].erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ config.Save();
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::resetRemoteSources() {
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ config["Sources"].erase( //remove all FTP sources
+ config["Sources"].lower_bound("FTPSource"),
+ config["Sources"].upper_bound("FTPSource")
+ );
+ config.Save();
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::resetLocalSources() {
+ SWConfig config(Tool::RemoteConfig::configFilename().latin1());
+ config["Sources"].erase( //remove all FTP sources
+ config["Sources"].lower_bound("DIRSource"),
+ config["Sources"].upper_bound("DIRSource")
+ );
+ config.Save();
+ }
+ CSwordBackend* BTInstallMgr::Tool::backend( sword::InstallSource* const is) {
+ Q_ASSERT(is);
+ if (!is) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend* ret = 0;
+ if (RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(is)) {
+ // qWarning("## remote backend for %s", is->localShadow.c_str());
+ ret = new CSwordBackend( QString(is->localShadow.c_str()), false );
+ }
+ else {
+ // qWarning("## local backend for %s", QString(is->directory.c_str()).latin1());
+ ret = new CSwordBackend( QString(is->directory.c_str()) );
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(ret);
+ if (ret) {
+ ret->initModules();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr::BTInstallMgr() : InstallMgr(Tool::RemoteConfig::configPath().latin1(), this) { //use this class also as status reporter
+ this->setFTPPassive(true);
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr::~BTInstallMgr() {
+ terminate(); //make sure to close the connection
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::statusUpdate(double dltotal, double dlnow) {
+ if (dlnow > dltotal)
+ dlnow = dltotal;
+ int totalPercent = (int)((float)(dlnow + m_completedBytes) / (float)(m_totalBytes) * 100.0);
+ if (totalPercent > 100) {
+ totalPercent = 100;
+ }
+ else if (totalPercent < 0) {
+ totalPercent = 0;
+ }
+ int filePercent = (int)((float)(dlnow) / (float)(dltotal+1) * 100.0);
+ if (filePercent > 100) {
+ filePercent = 100;
+ }
+ else if (filePercent < 0) {
+ filePercent = 0;
+ }
+ emit completed(totalPercent, filePercent);
+ }
+ void BTInstallMgr::preStatus(long totalBytes, long completedBytes, const char* /*message*/) {
+ qWarning("pre Status: %i / %i", (int)totalBytes, (int)completedBytes);
+ emit downloadStarted( "unknown filename" );
+ m_completedBytes = completedBytes;
+ m_totalBytes = (totalBytes > 0) ? totalBytes : 1; //avoid division by zero
+ }
+// FTPTransport *BTInstallMgr::createFTPTransport(const char *host, StatusReporter *statusReporter) {
+// return new KIO_FTPTransport(host, statusReporter);
+// }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/btinstallmgr.h b/bibletime/frontend/btinstallmgr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a366d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/btinstallmgr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTIme includes
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+//sword includes
+#include <installmgr.h>
+#include <ftptrans.h>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+ typedef QPtrList<sword::InstallSource> InstallSourceList;
+ /**Our own reimplementation to provide status bar updates.
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class BTInstallMgr : public QObject, public sword::InstallMgr, public sword::StatusReporter {
+ class Tool {
+ class LocalConfig {
+ static const QString swordConfigFilename();
+ static QStringList targetList();
+ static void setTargetList( const QStringList& );
+ LocalConfig() {}
+ ;
+ };
+ class RemoteConfig {
+ static void initConfig();
+ static const QString configPath();
+ static const QString configFilename();
+ static void resetRemoteSources();
+ static void resetLocalSources();
+ static QStringList sourceList( sword::InstallMgr* );
+ static sword::InstallSource source( sword::InstallMgr*, const QString& name );
+ static const bool isRemoteSource( sword::InstallSource* is );
+ static void addSource( sword::InstallSource* );
+ static void removeSource( sword::InstallMgr*, sword::InstallSource* );
+ RemoteConfig() {}
+ ;
+ };
+ static CSwordBackend* backend( sword::InstallSource* const );
+ Tool() {}
+ ;
+ };
+ BTInstallMgr();
+ virtual ~BTInstallMgr();
+ /* Reimplementations of method in StatusReporter */
+ virtual void statusUpdate(double dltotal, double dlnow);
+ virtual void preStatus(long totalBytes, long completedBytes, const char *message);
+// virtual FTPTransport *createFTPTransport(const char *host, StatusReporter *statusReporter);
+ long m_totalBytes;
+ long m_completedBytes;
+signals: // Signals
+ void completed( const int, const int );
+ /**
+ * Emitted when a new file gets downloaded.
+ */
+ void downloadStarted( const QString& );
+ };
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbbec1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cbtconfig.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qfontdatabase.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#if KDE_VERSION >= 0x030200
+#include <kactioncollection.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kcharsets.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
+#include <khtml_settings.h>
+//Sword includes
+#include <versekey.h>
+//init statics
+QFont* CBTConfig::m_defaultFont = 0;
+CBTConfig::FontCache* CBTConfig::fontConfigMap = 0;
+/* No constructor and destructor, because this class only contains static methods.
+ It won't be instantiated. */
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::strings ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case bibletimeVersion: return "bibletimeVersion";
+ case language: return "language";
+ case displayStyle: return "displayStyle";
+ case bookshelfCurrentItem: return "bookshelfCurrentItem";
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QString CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::strings ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case bibletimeVersion: return "NOT YET INSTALLED"; // main() will realize this and set the value to VERSION
+ case language: return (KGlobal::locale()->language()).local8Bit();
+ case displayStyle: return CDisplayTemplateMgr::defaultTemplate();
+ case bookshelfCurrentItem: return QString();
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::modules ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case standardBible: return "standardBible";
+ case standardCommentary: return "standardCommentary";
+ case standardLexicon: return "standardLexicon";
+ case standardDailyDevotional: return "standardDailyDevotional";
+ case standardHebrewStrongsLexicon: return "standardHebrewLexicon";
+ case standardGreekStrongsLexicon: return "standardGreekLexicon";
+ case standardHebrewMorphLexicon: return "standardHebrewMorphLexicon";
+ case standardGreekMorphLexicon: return "standardGreekMorphLexicon";
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QString CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::modules ID) {
+ // CSwordBackend* b = CPointers::backend();
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case standardBible: return "KJV";
+ case standardCommentary: return "MHC";
+ case standardLexicon: return "ISBE";
+ case standardDailyDevotional: return ""; //no default
+ case standardHebrewStrongsLexicon: return "StrongsHebrew";
+ case standardGreekStrongsLexicon: return "StrongsGreek";
+ case standardHebrewMorphLexicon: return "StrongsHebrew";
+ case standardGreekMorphLexicon: return "StrongsGreek";
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::bools ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case firstSearchDialog: return "firstSearchDialog";
+ case readOldBookmarks: return "readOldBookmarks";
+ case toolbar: return "toolbar";
+ case mainIndex: return "mainIndex";
+ case infoDisplay: return "infoDisplay";
+ case autoTileVertical: return "autoTileVertical";
+ case autoTileHorizontal: return "autoTileHorizontal";
+ case autoCascade: return "autoCascade";
+ case lineBreaks: return "lineBreaks";
+ case verseNumbers: return "verseNumbers";
+ case tips: return "RunOnStart";
+ case logo: return "logo";
+ case autoDeleteOrphanedIndices: return "autoDeleteOrphanedIndices";
+ case crashedLastTime: return "crashedLastTime";
+ case crashedTwoTimes: return "crashedTwoTimes";
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::ints ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case footnotes: return "footnotes";
+ case strongNumbers: return "strongNumbers";
+ case headings: return "headings";
+ case morphTags: return "morphTags";
+ case lemmas: return "lemmas";
+ case hebrewPoints: return "hebrewPoints";
+ case hebrewCantillation: return "hebrewCantillation";
+ case greekAccents: return "greekAccents";
+ case textualVariants: return "textualVariants";
+ case scriptureReferences: return "scriptureReferences";
+ case morphSegmentation: return "morphSegmentation";
+ case bookshelfContentsX: return "bookshelfContentsX";
+ case bookshelfContentsY: return "bookshelfContentsY";
+ case magDelay: return "magDelay";
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const bool CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::bools ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case firstSearchDialog: return true;
+ case readOldBookmarks: return false;
+ case toolbar: return true;
+ case mainIndex: return true;
+ case infoDisplay: return true;
+ case autoTileVertical: return true;
+ case autoTileHorizontal: return false;
+ case autoCascade: return false;
+ case lineBreaks: return false;
+ case verseNumbers: return true;
+ case tips: return true;
+ case logo: return true;
+ case autoDeleteOrphanedIndices: return true;
+ case crashedLastTime: return false;
+ case crashedTwoTimes: return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+const int CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::ints ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case footnotes: return int(true);
+ case strongNumbers: return int(true);
+ case headings: return int(true);
+ case morphTags: return int(true);
+ case lemmas: return int(true);
+ case hebrewPoints: return int(true);
+ case hebrewCantillation: return int(true);
+ case greekAccents: return int(true);
+ case textualVariants: return int(false);
+ case scriptureReferences: return int(true);
+ case morphSegmentation: return int(true);
+ case bookshelfContentsX: return 0;
+ case bookshelfContentsY: return 0;
+ case magDelay: return 400;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::intLists ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case leftPaneSplitterSizes: return "leftPaneSplitterSizes";
+ case mainSplitterSizes: return "mainSplitterSizes";
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QValueList<int> CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::intLists ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case leftPaneSplitterSizes: //fall through
+ case mainSplitterSizes: {
+ return QValueList<int>();
+ }
+ }
+ return QValueList<int>();
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case searchCompletionTexts: return QString("searchCompletionTexts");
+ case searchTexts: return QString("searchTexts");
+ case bookshelfOpenGroups: return QString("bookshelfOpenGroups");
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QStringList CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case searchTexts: {
+ QStringList list;
+ list.append(QString::null);
+ return list;
+ }
+ case searchCompletionTexts:
+ return QStringList();
+ case bookshelfOpenGroups:
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ return QStringList();
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID) {
+ switch (ID) {
+ case searchScopes:
+ return QString("SearchScopes");
+ };
+ return QString::null;
+const CBTConfig::StringMap CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID) {
+ switch ( ID ) {
+ case searchScopes: {
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map;
+ map.insert(i18n("Old testament"), QString("Gen - Mal"));
+ map.insert(i18n("Moses/Pentateuch/Torah"),QString("Gen - Deut"));
+ map.insert(i18n("History"), QString("Jos - Est"));
+ map.insert(i18n("Prophets"), QString("Isa - Mal"));
+ map.insert(i18n("New testament"), QString("Mat - Rev"));
+ map.insert(i18n("Gospels"), QString("Mat - Joh"));
+ map.insert(i18n("Letters/Epistles"), QString("Rom - Jude"));
+ map.insert(i18n("Paul's Epistles"), QString("Rom - Phile"));
+ //make the list to the current bookname language!
+ CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
+ sword::VerseKey vk;
+ vk.setLocale("en_US");
+ for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
+ sword::ListKey list = vk.ParseVerseList(, "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ QString data;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i) {
+ data += QString::fromUtf8(list.GetElement(i)->getRangeText()) + "; ";
+ }
+ map[it.key()] = data; //set the new data
+ };
+ return map;
+ };
+ default:
+ return CBTConfig::StringMap();
+ }
+ return CBTConfig::StringMap();
+const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language ) {
+ return language->name();
+const QFont& CBTConfig::getDefault( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const) {
+ //language specific lookup of the font name
+ //return KApplication::font();
+ if (m_defaultFont) {
+ return *m_defaultFont;
+ }
+ static KStaticDeleter<QFont> sd;
+ //TODO: We need a better way to get the KDE konqueror KHTML settings
+ KConfig conf("konquerorrc");
+ KHTMLSettings settings;
+ settings.init(&conf);
+ const QString fontName = settings.stdFontName();
+ const int fontSize = settings.mediumFontSize();
+ sd.setObject(m_defaultFont, new QFont(fontName, fontSize));
+ return *m_defaultFont;
+const QString CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::strings ID) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "strings");
+ return config->readEntry(getKey(ID),getDefault(ID));
+CSwordModuleInfo* const CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::modules ID) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "modules");
+ QString name = config->readEntry(getKey(ID),getDefault(ID));
+ return CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(name);
+const bool CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::bools ID) {
+ //special behaviour for the KTipDialog class
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, (ID == CBTConfig::tips) ? "TipOfDay" : "bools");
+ return config->readBoolEntry(getKey(ID),getDefault(ID));
+const int CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::ints ID) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "ints");
+ return config->readNumEntry(getKey(ID), getDefault(ID));
+const QValueList<int> CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::intLists ID ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "intlists");
+ return config->readIntListEntry(getKey(ID));
+const QStringList CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "stringlists");
+ return config->readListEntry(getKey(ID));
+const CBTConfig::StringMap CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, getKey(ID));
+ if (config->hasGroup(getKey(ID))) {
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map = config->entryMap(getKey(ID));
+ switch (ID) {
+ case searchScopes: { //make sure we return the scopes in the chosen language. saved keys are in english
+ CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
+ sword::VerseKey vk;
+ for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
+ sword::ListKey list = vk.ParseVerseList(, "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ QString data;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i) {
+ data += QString::fromUtf8(list.GetElement(i)->getRangeText()) + "; ";
+ }
+ map[it.key()] = data; //set the new data
+ };
+ return map;
+ }
+ default:
+ return getDefault(ID);
+ }
+ }
+ return getDefault(ID);
+const CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair CBTConfig::get
+ ( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language ) {
+ if (fontConfigMap && fontConfigMap->contains(language)) {
+ return fontConfigMap->find(language).data();
+ }
+ if (!fontConfigMap) {
+ static KStaticDeleter<FontCache> sd;
+ sd.setObject(fontConfigMap, new FontCache());
+ }
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "font standard settings");
+ FontSettingsPair settings;
+ settings.first = config->readBoolEntry(getKey(language));
+ config->setGroup("fonts");
+ settings.second =
+ settings.first
+ ? config->readFontEntry(getKey(language))
+ : getDefault(language);
+ fontConfigMap->insert(language, settings); //cache the value
+ return settings;
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CBTConfig::strings ID, const QString value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "strings");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CBTConfig::modules ID, CSwordModuleInfo* const value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "modules");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value ? value->name() : QString::null);
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CBTConfig::modules ID, const QString& value ) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(value);
+ if (module) {
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (ID, module);
+ }
+void CBTConfig::set
+ (const CBTConfig::bools ID,const bool value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ //special behaviour to work with KTipDialog class of KDE
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, (ID == CBTConfig::tips) ? "TipOfDay" : "bools");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
+void CBTConfig::set
+ (const CBTConfig::ints ID, const int value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "ints");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CBTConfig::intLists ID, const QValueList<int> value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "intlists");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID, const QStringList value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "stringlists");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID, const CBTConfig::StringMap value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, getKey(ID));
+ config->deleteGroup(getKey(ID)); //make sure we only save the new entries and don't use old ones
+ config->sync();
+ config->setGroup(getKey(ID));
+ switch (ID) {
+ case searchScopes: {
+ /**
+ * We want to make sure that the search scopes are saved with english key names so loading them
+ * will always work with each locale set.
+ */
+ CBTConfig::StringMap::ConstIterator it;
+ QString data;// = QString::null;
+ sword::VerseKey vk;
+ for (it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) {
+ sword::ListKey list = vk.ParseVerseList(, "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ data = QString::null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i) {
+ if ( sword::VerseKey* range = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(list.GetElement(i)) ) {
+ range->setLocale("en");
+ data += QString::fromUtf8( range->getRangeText() ) + ";";
+ }
+ }
+ config->writeEntry(it.key(), data);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ for (CBTConfig::StringMap::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) {
+ config->writeEntry(it.key(),;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+void CBTConfig::set
+ ( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language, const FontSettingsPair& value ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "fonts");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(language), value.second);
+ config->setGroup("font standard settings");
+ config->writeEntry(getKey(language), value.first);
+ if (fontConfigMap && fontConfigMap->contains(language)) {
+ fontConfigMap->remove
+ (language); //remove it from the cache
+ }
+const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults() {
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions options;
+ options.lineBreaks = get
+ (CBTConfig::lineBreaks);
+ options.verseNumbers = get
+ (CBTConfig::verseNumbers);
+ return options;
+const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults() {
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions options;
+ options.footnotes = true; //required for the info display
+ options.strongNumbers = true; //get(CBTConfig::strongNumbers);
+ options.headings = get(CBTConfig::headings);
+ options.morphTags = true;//required for the info display
+ options.lemmas = true;//required for the info display
+ options.hebrewPoints = get(CBTConfig::hebrewPoints);
+ options.hebrewCantillation = get(CBTConfig::hebrewCantillation);
+ options.greekAccents = get(CBTConfig::greekAccents);
+ options.textualVariants = get(CBTConfig::textualVariants);
+ options.scriptureReferences = get(CBTConfig::scriptureReferences);
+ options.morphSegmentation = get(CBTConfig::morphSegmentation);
+ return options;
+void CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(const CBTConfig::keys type, KActionCollection* const actionCollection) {
+ QString groupName;
+ switch (type) {
+ case allWindows : {
+ groupName = "Displaywindow shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case writeWindow : {
+ groupName = "Writewindow shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case readWindow : {
+ groupName = "Readwindow shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case bookWindow : {
+ groupName = "Book shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case bibleWindow : {
+ groupName = "Bible shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case commentaryWindow : {
+ groupName = "Commentary shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case lexiconWindow : {
+ groupName = "Lexicon shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case application : {
+ groupName = "Application shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ };
+ actionCollection->readShortcutSettings(groupName, CBTConfig::getConfig());
+void CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings(const CBTConfig::keys type, KActionCollection* const actionCollection) {
+ QString groupName;
+ switch (type) {
+ case allWindows : {
+ groupName = "Displaywindow shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case writeWindow : {
+ groupName = "Writewindow shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case readWindow : {
+ groupName = "Readwindow shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case bookWindow : {
+ groupName = "Book shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case bibleWindow : {
+ groupName = "Bible shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case commentaryWindow : {
+ groupName = "Commentary shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case lexiconWindow : {
+ groupName = "Lexicon shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ case application : {
+ groupName = "Application shortcuts";
+ break;
+ };
+ };
+ actionCollection->writeShortcutSettings(groupName, CBTConfig::getConfig());
+const QString CBTConfig::getModuleEncryptionKey( const QString& module ) {
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "Module keys");
+ return config->readEntry(module, QString::null);
+void CBTConfig::setModuleEncryptionKey( const QString& module, const QString& key ) {
+ // if (CSwordModuleInfo* const mod = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(module) ) {
+ // // if an empty key is set for an unencrypted module do nothing
+ // if (key.isEmpty() && !mod->isEncrypted()) {
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // else if (key.isEmpty()) {
+ // return;
+ // };
+ KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "Module keys");
+ config->writeEntry(module, key);
+KConfig* const CBTConfig::getConfig() {
+ KConfig* config = KGlobal::config();
+ if (KApplication::kApplication()->sessionSaving()) {
+ qWarning("Using session config");
+ // config = KApplication::kApplication()->sessionConfig();
+ }
+ else if (KApplication::kApplication()->isRestored()) {
+ qWarning("isRestored(): Using session config");
+ }
+ return config;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.h b/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c91c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#ifndef CBTCONFIG_H
+#define CBTCONFIG_H
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/clanguagemgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+//Forward declarations
+class KAccel;
+class KActionCollection;
+class KConfig;
+ * This class is the interface to the config object of BibleTime
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CBTConfig {
+ typedef QMap<QString, QString> StringMap;
+ enum strings {
+ bibletimeVersion,
+ language,
+ displayStyle,
+ bookshelfCurrentItem
+ };
+ enum modules {
+ standardBible = 0, //just to make sure, default is IMHO 0, so that's redundant here
+ standardCommentary,
+ standardLexicon,
+ standardDailyDevotional,
+ standardHebrewStrongsLexicon,
+ standardGreekStrongsLexicon,
+ standardHebrewMorphLexicon,
+ standardGreekMorphLexicon,
+ lastModuleType = standardGreekMorphLexicon
+ };
+ enum bools {
+ firstSearchDialog,
+ readOldBookmarks,
+ toolbar,
+ mainIndex,
+ infoDisplay,
+ autoTileVertical,
+ autoTileHorizontal,
+ autoCascade,
+ lineBreaks,
+ verseNumbers,
+ tips,
+ logo,
+ autoDeleteOrphanedIndices,
+ crashedLastTime,
+ crashedTwoTimes
+ };
+ enum ints {
+ footnotes,
+ strongNumbers,
+ headings,
+ morphTags,
+ lemmas,
+ hebrewPoints,
+ hebrewCantillation,
+ greekAccents,
+ textualVariants,
+ scriptureReferences,
+ morphSegmentation,
+ bookshelfContentsX,
+ bookshelfContentsY,
+ magDelay /* The delay until a mouse move makes the content appear in the mag */
+ };
+ enum intLists {
+ leftPaneSplitterSizes,
+ mainSplitterSizes
+ };
+ enum stringLists {
+ searchCompletionTexts,
+ searchTexts,
+ bookshelfOpenGroups
+ };
+ enum keys {
+ allWindows,
+ readWindow,
+ writeWindow,
+ bookWindow,
+ bibleWindow,
+ commentaryWindow,
+ lexiconWindow,
+ application
+ };
+ enum stringMaps {
+ searchScopes
+ };
+ typedef std::pair<bool, QFont> FontSettingsPair;
+ typedef QMap<const CLanguageMgr::Language*, CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair> FontCache;
+ static const QString get
+ ( const CBTConfig::strings );
+ static CSwordModuleInfo* const get
+ ( const CBTConfig::modules );
+ static const bool get
+ ( const CBTConfig::bools );
+ static const int get
+ ( const CBTConfig::ints );
+ static const QValueList<int> get
+ ( const CBTConfig::intLists );
+ static const QStringList get
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringLists );
+ static const CBTConfig::StringMap get
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringMaps );
+ static const FontSettingsPair get
+ ( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const );
+ static const QString getDefault( const CBTConfig::strings );
+ static const QString getDefault( const CBTConfig::modules );
+ static const bool getDefault( const CBTConfig::bools );
+ static const int getDefault( const CBTConfig::ints );
+ static const QValueList<int> getDefault( const CBTConfig::intLists );
+ static const QStringList getDefault( const CBTConfig::stringLists );
+ static const CBTConfig::StringMap getDefault( const CBTConfig::stringMaps );
+ static const QFont& getDefault( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::strings, const QString value );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::modules, CSwordModuleInfo* const module );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::modules, const QString& moduleName );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::bools, const bool value );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::ints, const int value );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::intLists, const QValueList<int> value );
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringLists, const QStringList value);
+ static void set
+ ( const CBTConfig::stringMaps, const CBTConfig::StringMap value);
+ static void set
+ ( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language, const FontSettingsPair& fontSettings );
+ static const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions getFilterOptionDefaults();
+ static const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions getDisplayOptionDefaults();
+ static void setupAccelSettings(const CBTConfig::keys type, KActionCollection* const actionCollection);
+ static void saveAccelSettings(const CBTConfig::keys type, KActionCollection* const actionCollection);
+ static const QString getModuleEncryptionKey( const QString& name );
+ static void setModuleEncryptionKey( const QString& name, const QString& key );
+ /** The config object.
+ * @return A config object which is used currently, may be the global config or the session config
+ */
+ static KConfig* const getConfig();
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::strings );
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::modules );
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::bools );
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::ints );
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::intLists );
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::stringLists );
+ static const QString getKey( const CBTConfig::stringMaps );
+ static const QString getKey( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const );
+ //static caches
+ static QFont* m_defaultFont;
+ static FontCache* fontConfigMap;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cdragdropmgr.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cdragdropmgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c014eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cdragdropmgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cdragdropmgr.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Sword includes
+#include "versekey.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qdom.h>
+CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::BTDrag( const QString& xml, QWidget* dragSource, const char* name)
+: QTextDrag(xml, dragSource, name) {}
+//static function to see whether we can decode tje given mime type
+bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::canDecode( const QMimeSource * mime ) {
+ if ( mime->provides("BibleTime/DND") ) { //we can decode this type!
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false; //not yet implemented
+bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::provides( const char* type ) const {
+ return (type == "BibleTime/DND"); //return only true if the type is BibleTime/DND
+const char* CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::format( int i ) const {
+ if ( i == 0) { //we support only one format!
+ return "BibleTime/DND";
+ };
+ return 0;
+bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::decode(const QMimeSource* e, QString& str) {
+ if (canDecode(e)) {
+ str = QString( e->encodedData( "BibleTime/DND" ) );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::decode(const QMimeSource* e, QString& str, QCString& /*subtype*/) {
+ return decode(e, str);
+QByteArray CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::encodedData( const char* /*type*/ ) const {
+ return QTextDrag::encodedData("text/plain"); //hack because QTextDrag only accepts text/plainand not our BibleTime/DND type
+///////////////////////////// new class //////////////////////
+CDragDropMgr::Item::Item( const QString& text )
+: m_type(Text),
+m_text(text) {}
+CDragDropMgr::Item::Item( const QString& moduleName, const QString& key, const QString& description )
+: m_type(Bookmark),
+m_text(QString::null) {
+ //we have to make sure the key is saved in it's english representation, so we convert it
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* mod = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( moduleName )) {
+ if (mod->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || mod->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) {
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(0);
+ vk.key( key );
+ vk.setLocale("en");
+ m_bookmarkKey = vk.key();
+ // qWarning("english key of %s is %s", key.latin1(), m_bookmarkKey.latin1());
+ }
+ }
+CDragDropMgr::Item::~Item() {}
+const CDragDropMgr::Item::Type& CDragDropMgr::Item::type() const {
+ //returns the type of drag & drop action this item represents
+ return m_type;
+/** Returns the text which is used by this DragDrop Item, only valid if type() == Text */
+const QString& CDragDropMgr::Item::text() const {
+ // Q_ASSERT(!m_text.isEmpty());
+ return m_text;
+/** Returns the key, ony valid if type() == Bookmark */
+const QString& CDragDropMgr::Item::bookmarkKey() const {
+ // Q_ASSERT(!m_bookmarkKey.isEmpty());
+ return m_bookmarkKey;
+/** Returns the bookmark module, ony valid if type() == Bookmark */
+const QString& CDragDropMgr::Item::bookmarkModule() const {
+ // Q_ASSERT(!m_bookmarkModuleName.isEmpty());
+ return m_bookmarkModuleName;
+/** Returns the bookmark description, ony valid if type() == Bookmark */
+const QString& CDragDropMgr::Item::bookmarkDescription() const {
+ // Q_ASSERT(!m_bookmarkDescription.isEmpty());
+ return m_bookmarkDescription;
+////////////////////////////////// NEW CLASS //////////////////////////
+CDragDropMgr::CDragDropMgr() {}
+CDragDropMgr::~CDragDropMgr() {}
+const bool CDragDropMgr::canDecode( const QMimeSource* const mime ) {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::canDecode(mime)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if( QTextDrag::canDecode(mime) ) {
+ qWarning("QTextDrag can decode this mime!");
+ return true;
+ };
+ return false;
+QDragObject* const CDragDropMgr::dragObject( CDragDropMgr::ItemList& items, QWidget* dragSource ) {
+ if ( items.count() ) {
+ //process the items and set the data to the dragobject we return later
+ QDomDocument doc("DOC");
+ doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );
+ QDomElement content = doc.createElement("BibleTimeDND");
+ content.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", "1.0");
+ doc.appendChild(content);
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList::iterator it;
+ for ( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) {
+ Item item = (*it);
+ if (item.type() == Item::Bookmark) { //a bookmark was dragged
+ //append the XML stuff for a bookmark
+ QDomElement bookmark = doc.createElement("BOOKMARK");
+ bookmark.setAttribute("key", item.bookmarkKey());
+ bookmark.setAttribute("description", item.bookmarkDescription());
+ bookmark.setAttribute("moduleName", item.bookmarkModule());
+ content.appendChild(bookmark);
+ }
+ else if (item.type() == Item::Text) { //plain text was dragged
+ //append the XML stuff for plain text
+ QDomElement plainText = doc.createElement("TEXT");
+ plainText.setAttribute("text", item.text());
+ content.appendChild(plainText);
+ }
+ }
+ BTDrag* dragObject = new BTDrag( doc.toString(), dragSource );
+ // qWarning("DND data created: %s", (const char*)doc.toString().utf8());
+ return dragObject;
+ };
+ return 0;
+CDragDropMgr::ItemList CDragDropMgr::decode( const QMimeSource* const src) {
+ //if the drag was started by another widget which doesn't use CDragDropMgr (a drag created by QTextDrag)
+ if (canDecode(src) && QTextDrag::canDecode(src)) { //if we can decode but it's a QTextDrag and not a BTDrag object
+ QString text;
+ QTextDrag::decode(src, text);
+ // qWarning(text.latin1());
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems;
+ dndItems.append( Item(text) );
+ return dndItems;
+ }
+ else if (!canDecode(src)) { //if we can't decode it
+ return CDragDropMgr::ItemList();
+ };
+ QString xmlData;
+ BTDrag::decode(src, xmlData);
+ if (xmlData.isEmpty()) { //something went wrong!
+ // qWarning("CDragDropMgr::decode: empty xml data!");
+ return CDragDropMgr::ItemList();
+ }
+ // else {
+ // qWarning("Drag&Drop data is: %s", xmlData.latin1());
+ // }
+ //we can handle the dropEvent and have xml data to work on!
+ ItemList dndItems;
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ doc.setContent( xmlData );
+ QDomElement document = doc.documentElement();
+ if( document.tagName() != "BibleTimeDND" ) { //BibleTime was used in syntax version 1.0
+ qWarning("DragDropMgr::decode: Missing BibleTimeDND doc");
+ return CDragDropMgr::ItemList();
+ }
+ // see if there's a section with the name MAINWINDOW
+ QDomElement elem = document.firstChild().toElement();
+ while (!elem.isNull()) {
+ if (elem.tagName() == "BOOKMARK") { //we found a bookmark!
+ // qWarning("found a bookmark!");
+ const QString key = elem.hasAttribute("key") ? elem.attribute("key") : QString::null;
+ const QString moduleName = elem.hasAttribute("moduleName") ? elem.attribute("moduleName") : QString::null;
+ const QString description = elem.hasAttribute("description") ? elem.attribute("description") : QString::null;
+ dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(moduleName, key, description) );
+ }
+ else if (elem.tagName() == "TEXT") { //we found a plain text passage!
+ const QString text = elem.hasAttribute("text") ? elem.attribute("text") : QString::null;
+ dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(text) );
+ };
+ elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement();
+ };
+ return dndItems;
+/** Returns which type the given drop event has, if it's a mixed one (both bookmarks and plain text), which shouldn't happen, it return Item::Unknown. */
+CDragDropMgr::Item::Type CDragDropMgr::dndType( const QMimeSource* e ) {
+ ItemList dndItems = decode(e);
+ if (dndItems.isEmpty()) {//wrong dropEvent or something strange
+ return Item::Unknown;
+ };
+ //check whether all items have the ssame type, if they do return the type
+ //as soon as two items have different types return Item::Unknown
+ ItemList::Iterator it;
+ Item::Type type = Item::Unknown;
+ for( it = dndItems.begin(); it != dndItems.end(); ++it ) {
+ if( type == Item::Unknown) { //if Unknown is set this is the first loop, don't return Unknown
+ type = (*it).type();
+ }
+ else if (type != (*it).type() ) {//items have different type, return Item::Unknown
+ return Item::Unknown;
+ };
+ };
+ return type;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cdragdropmgr.h b/bibletime/frontend/cdragdropmgr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f0ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cdragdropmgr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qdragobject.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+//forward declarations
+class QDropEvent;
+class QWidget;
+/** This class is the drag'n' drop manager for BibleTime.
+ * The dnd is managed by XML code, which defines the type of the drag/drop, the items and the action (moe, copy etc.).
+ * It's possible to create the XML code by passing a list of keys etc.
+ *
+ * Functions:
+ * - dnd_type(), returns either CDragDropMgr::Action_Drag or CDragDropMgr::Action_Drop
+ * - dnd_action(), returns either CDragDropMgr::Move or CDragDropMgr::Copy
+ * - dnd_acceptDrop(), returns true or false. True if the drop could be handled by the CDragDropMgr class, otherwise false
+ *
+ *
+ * The functions which create the XML stuff can't be reimplemented, too. Otherwise we could not guarantee for good XML code
+ * which works everywhere.
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CDragDropMgr {
+ //The class which represents one single drag&drop entry (e.g. a bookmark or a portion of text)
+ class Item {
+ /**
+ * The possible types of Drag&Drop actions.
+ */
+ enum Type {
+ Bookmark = 0, /* A bookmark: Has a key, a module and a description*/
+ Text, /* Simple text, e.g. can be dropped on a module to start a search in this module using the dropped text */
+ Unknown /* For situatiosn like CDragDropMgr::dndType */
+ };
+ /**
+ * This function returns the type of drag this item has
+ */
+ const CDragDropMgr::Item::Type& type() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the key, ony valid if type() == Bookmark
+ */
+ const QString& bookmarkKey() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the module name, ony valid if type() == Bookmark
+ */
+ const QString& bookmarkModule() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the bookmark description, ony valid if type() == Bookmark
+ */
+ const QString& bookmarkDescription() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the text which is used by this DragDrop Item, only valid if type() == Text
+ */
+ const QString& text() const;
+ // protected:
+ friend class CDragDropMgr;
+ /*
+ * We use protected constructor and destructor because creation of objects
+ * of this class sould only be possible for CDragDropMgr
+ */
+ /** Constructor for a text item
+ * This constructor automatically sets the type member to Text
+ * This is also the default constructor
+ */
+ Item(const QString& text = QString::null );
+ /** Constructor for a Bookmark item
+ * This constructor automatically sets the type member to Bookmark
+ */
+ Item(const QString& moduleName, const QString& key, const QString& description);
+ virtual ~Item();
+ Type m_type; //the member to save the type of the action
+ QString m_bookmarkModuleName; //the modules which is used by this item, only valid for type() == Bookmark
+ QString m_bookmarkKey; //the key of a bookmark, only valid if type() == Bookmark
+ QString m_bookmarkDescription; //the description of a bookmark, only valid if type() == Bookmark
+ QString m_text; //the text of this item, only valid if type() == Text
+ }
+ ; //end of class CDragDropMgr::Item
+ //the item list we're using
+ typedef QValueList<Item> ItemList;
+ /** Return whether the drop should be accepted
+ * This functions tests whether the drop should be accepted or not. It returns true if the drop object
+ * is supported by the CDragDropMgr and if it cotains valid data. Oterwise this function returns false.
+ */
+ static const bool canDecode( const QMimeSource* const mime );
+ /**
+ * This function returns the drag object with the data which represents the items given as parameter
+ * If the list is invalid or empty we return NULL.
+ */
+ static QDragObject* const dragObject( CDragDropMgr::ItemList& items, QWidget* dragSource );
+ /**
+ * Decodes the XML stuff we passed to the dragObject at creation time.
+ * Returns a list of CDragDropMgr::Item objects.
+ * If it's a wrong dropEvent we return an empty ist
+ */
+ static CDragDropMgr::ItemList decode( const QMimeSource* const src );
+ /**
+ * Returns which type the given drop event has, if it's a mixed one (both bookmarks and plain text),
+ * which shouldn't happen, it return Item::Unknown.
+ * It also returns Unknown if the drop event is not supported.
+ */
+ static CDragDropMgr::Item::Type dndType( const QMimeSource* e );
+ //The class which represents our XML drag object stuff
+class BTDrag : public QTextDrag {
+ BTDrag( const QString& xml, QWidget* dragSource = 0, const char* name = 0);
+ //reimplemented static publoc function to provide functionality for BibleTime XML drags
+ static bool canDecode( const QMimeSource * e );
+ virtual bool provides( const char* type ) const;
+ virtual const char* format( int i = 0 ) const;
+ virtual QByteArray encodedData( const char* type ) const;
+ friend class CDragDropMgr;
+ //made protected because the BibleTime classes may not manage the data of BTDrag
+ // virtual void setText(const QString& text);
+ //made protected because the BibleTime classes should not manage the DRag&Drop stuff themself
+ static bool decode(const QMimeSource* e, QString& str);
+ static bool decode(const QMimeSource* e, QString& str, QCString& subtype);
+ };
+ //protected constructor and destructor because we do not allow inheritance, functionality is provided by static functions
+ CDragDropMgr();
+ virtual ~CDragDropMgr();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cexportmanager.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cexportmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1092e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cexportmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cexportmanager.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/centrydisplay.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
+#include "backend/chtmlexportrendering.h"
+#include "backend/cplaintextexportrendering.h"
+#include "frontend/cprinter.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qprogressdialog.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+//Sword includes
+#include <swkey.h>
+#include <listkey.h>
+using namespace Rendering;
+using namespace Printing;
+CExportManager::CExportManager(const QString& caption, const bool showProgress, const QString& progressLabel, const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions, const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions) {
+ m_caption = !caption.isEmpty() ? caption : QString::fromLatin1("BibleTime");
+ m_progressLabel = progressLabel;
+ m_filterOptions = filterOptions;
+ m_displayOptions = displayOptions;
+ m_showProgress = showProgress;
+ m_progressDialog = 0;
+const bool CExportManager::saveKey(CSwordKey* key, const Format format, const bool addText) {
+ if (!key) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!key->module()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QString filename = getSaveFileName(format);
+ if (filename.isEmpty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = m_filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CHTMLExportRendering::Settings settings(addText);
+ util::scoped_ptr<CTextRendering> render (
+ (format == HTML)
+ ? new CHTMLExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ : new CPlainTextExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ );
+ QString text;
+ QString startKey;
+ QString stopKey;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(key->module());
+ CSwordVerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key);
+ if (vk && vk->isBoundSet()) {
+ text = render->renderKeyRange( QString::fromUtf8(vk->LowerBound()), QString::fromUtf8(vk->UpperBound()), modules );
+ }
+ else { //no range supported
+ text = render->renderSingleKey(key->key(), modules);
+ }
+ if (!progressWasCancelled()) {
+ CToolClass::savePlainFile(filename, text, false, (format==HTML) ? QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 : QTextStream::Locale);
+ closeProgressDialog();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+const bool CExportManager::saveKeyList(sword::ListKey* list, CSwordModuleInfo* module, const Format format, const bool addText) {
+ if (!list->Count())
+ return false;
+ const QString filename = getSaveFileName(format);
+ if (filename.isEmpty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = m_filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CHTMLExportRendering::Settings settings(addText);
+ util::scoped_ptr<CTextRendering> render (
+ (format == HTML)
+ ? new CHTMLExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ : new CPlainTextExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ );
+ CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
+ setProgressRange(list->Count());
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings itemSettings;
+ itemSettings.highlight = false;
+ *list = sword::TOP;
+ while (!list->Error() && !progressWasCancelled()) {
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)(*list)) , module, itemSettings) );
+ incProgress();
+ (*list)++;
+ }
+ const QString text = render->renderKeyTree(tree);
+ if (!progressWasCancelled()) {
+ CToolClass::savePlainFile(filename, text, false, (format==HTML) ? QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 : QTextStream::Locale);
+ closeProgressDialog();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+const bool CExportManager::saveKeyList(QPtrList<CSwordKey>& list, const Format format, const bool addText ) {
+ if (!list.count())
+ return false;
+ const QString filename = getSaveFileName(format);
+ if (filename.isEmpty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = m_filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CHTMLExportRendering::Settings settings(addText);
+ util::scoped_ptr<CTextRendering> render (
+ (format == HTML)
+ ? new CHTMLExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ : new CPlainTextExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ );
+ CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
+ setProgressRange(list.count());
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings itemSettings;
+ itemSettings.highlight = false;
+ for (CSwordKey* k = list.first(); k && !progressWasCancelled(); k = {
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(k->key(), k->module(), itemSettings) );
+ incProgress();
+ };
+ const QString text = render->renderKeyTree(tree);
+ if (!progressWasCancelled()) {
+ CToolClass::savePlainFile(filename, text, false, (format==HTML) ? QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 : QTextStream::Locale);
+ closeProgressDialog();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+const bool CExportManager::copyKey(CSwordKey* key, const Format format, const bool addText) {
+ if (!key) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!key->module()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = m_filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CHTMLExportRendering::Settings settings(addText);
+ util::scoped_ptr<CTextRendering> render (
+ (format == HTML)
+ ? new CHTMLExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ : new CPlainTextExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ );
+ QString text;
+ QString startKey;
+ QString stopKey;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(key->module());
+ CSwordVerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key);
+ if (vk && vk->isBoundSet()) {
+ text = render->renderKeyRange(
+ QString::fromUtf8(vk->LowerBound()),
+ QString::fromUtf8(vk->UpperBound()),
+ modules
+ );
+ }
+ else { //no range supported
+ text = render->renderSingleKey(key->key(), modules);
+ }
+ KApplication::clipboard()->setText(text);
+ return true;
+const bool CExportManager::copyKeyList(sword::ListKey* list, CSwordModuleInfo* module, const Format format, const bool addText) {
+ if (!list->Count())
+ return false;
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = m_filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CHTMLExportRendering::Settings settings(addText);
+ util::scoped_ptr<CTextRendering> render (
+ (format == HTML)
+ ? new CHTMLExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ : new CPlainTextExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ );
+ CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings itemSettings;
+ itemSettings.highlight = false;
+ *list = sword::TOP;
+ while (!list->Error() && !progressWasCancelled()) {
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)(*list)) , module, itemSettings) );
+ (*list)++;
+ }
+ const QString text = render->renderKeyTree(tree);
+ KApplication::clipboard()->setText(text);
+ return true;
+const bool CExportManager::copyKeyList(QPtrList<CSwordKey>& list, const Format format, const bool addText ) {
+ if (!list.count())
+ return false;
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = m_filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CHTMLExportRendering::Settings settings(addText);
+ util::scoped_ptr<CTextRendering> render (
+ (format == HTML)
+ ? new CHTMLExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ : new CPlainTextExportRendering(settings, m_displayOptions, filterOptions)
+ );
+ CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings itemSettings;
+ itemSettings.highlight = false;
+ for (CSwordKey* k = list.first(); k && !progressWasCancelled(); k = {
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(k->key(), k->module(), itemSettings) );
+ incProgress();
+ };
+ const QString text = render->renderKeyTree(tree);
+ KApplication::clipboard()->setText(text);
+ return true;
+const bool CExportManager::printKeyList(sword::ListKey* list, CSwordModuleInfo* module, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) {
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ QString startKey, stopKey;
+ setProgressRange(list->Count());
+ (*list) = sword::TOP;
+ while (!list->Error() && !progressWasCancelled()) {
+ sword::VerseKey* vk = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(list);
+ if (vk) {
+ startKey = QString::fromUtf8((const char*)(vk->LowerBound()) );
+ stopKey = QString::fromUtf8((const char*)(vk->UpperBound()) );
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(startKey, stopKey, module, settings) );
+ }
+ else {
+ startKey = QString::fromUtf8((const char*)*list);
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(startKey, module, settings) );
+ }
+ (*list)++;
+ incProgress();
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CPrinter> printer(new CPrinter(0, displayOptions, filterOptions));
+ if (!progressWasCancelled()) {
+ printer->printKeyTree(tree);
+ closeProgressDialog();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+const bool CExportManager::printKey( CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& startKey, const QString& stopKey, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions ) {
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ settings.keyRenderingFace =
+ displayOptions.verseNumbers
+ ? CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey
+ : CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ if (startKey != stopKey) {
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(startKey, stopKey, module, settings) );
+ }
+ else {
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(startKey, module, settings) );
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CPrinter> printer(new CPrinter(0, displayOptions, filterOptions));
+ printer->printKeyTree(tree);
+ return true;
+const bool CExportManager::printKey( CSwordKey* key, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) {
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ settings.keyRenderingFace =
+ displayOptions.verseNumbers
+ ? CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey
+ : CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(key->key(), key->module(), settings) );
+ util::scoped_ptr<CPrinter> printer(new CPrinter(0, displayOptions, filterOptions));
+ printer->printKeyTree(tree);
+ return true;
+/** Prints a key using the hyperlink created by CReferenceManager. */
+const bool CExportManager::printByHyperlink( const QString& hyperlink, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions ) {
+ QString moduleName;
+ QString keyName;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(hyperlink, moduleName, keyName, type);
+ if (moduleName.isEmpty()) {
+ moduleName = CReferenceManager::preferredModule(type);
+ }
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ settings.keyRenderingFace =
+ displayOptions.verseNumbers
+ ? CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey
+ : CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName);
+ Q_ASSERT(module);
+ if (module) {
+ //check if we have a range of entries or a single one
+ if ((module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) || (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary)) {
+ sword::ListKey verses = sword::VerseKey().ParseVerseList((const char*)keyName.utf8(), "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < verses.Count(); ++i) {
+ sword::VerseKey* element = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(verses.GetElement(i));
+ if (element) {
+ const QString startKey = QString::fromUtf8(element->LowerBound().getText());
+ const QString stopKey = QString::fromUtf8(element->UpperBound().getText());
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(startKey, stopKey, module, settings) );
+ }
+ else if (verses.GetElement(i)) {
+ const QString key = QString::fromUtf8(verses.GetElement(i)->getText());
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(key, module, settings) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(keyName, module, settings) );
+ }
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CPrinter> printer(new CPrinter(0, displayOptions, filterOptions));
+ printer->printKeyTree(tree);
+ return true;
+const bool CExportManager::printKeyList(const QStringList& list,CSwordModuleInfo* module, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) {
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ settings.keyRenderingFace =
+ displayOptions.verseNumbers
+ ? CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey
+ : CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ setProgressRange(list.count());
+ //ToDo: Fix that as soon as we use Qt > 3.1
+ // const QStringList::const_iterator end = list.constEnd();
+ const QStringList::const_iterator end = list.end();
+ //ToDo: Fix that as soon as we use Qt > 3.1
+ // for (QStringList::const_iterator it = list.constBegin(); (it != end) && !progressWasCancelled(); ++it) {
+ for (QStringList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); (it != end) && !progressWasCancelled(); ++it) {
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem(*it, module, settings) );
+ incProgress();
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CPrinter> printer(new CPrinter(0, displayOptions, filterOptions));
+ if (!progressWasCancelled()) {
+ printer->printKeyTree(tree);
+ closeProgressDialog();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/** Returns the string for the filedialogs to show the correct files. */
+const QString CExportManager::filterString( const Format format ) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case HTML:
+ return i18n("*.html *.htm | HTML files\n *.* | All files (*.*)");
+ case Text:
+ return i18n("*.txt | Text files\n *.* | All files (*.*)");
+ default:
+ return i18n("All files (*.*)");
+ }
+/** Returns a filename to save a file. */
+const QString CExportManager::getSaveFileName(const Format format) {
+ return KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, filterString(format), 0, m_caption);
+/** Returns a string containing the linebreak for the current format. */
+const QString CExportManager::lineBreak(const Format format) {
+ if (static_cast<bool>(m_displayOptions.lineBreaks))
+ return (format == HTML) ? QString::fromLatin1("<br/>\n") : QString::fromLatin1("\n");
+ return QString::null;
+/** No descriptions */
+void CExportManager::setProgressRange( const int items ) {
+ if (QProgressDialog* dlg = progressDialog()) {
+ dlg->setTotalSteps(items);
+ dlg->setProgress(0);
+ dlg->setMinimumDuration(0);
+ dlg->show();
+ // dlg->repaint();
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents(); //do not lock the GUI!
+ }
+/** Creates the progress dialog with the correct settings. */
+QProgressDialog* const CExportManager::progressDialog() {
+ if (!m_showProgress) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!m_progressDialog) {
+ m_progressDialog = new QProgressDialog( m_caption, m_progressLabel, 1, 0, "progress", true );
+ m_progressDialog->setCaption("BibleTime");
+ }
+ return m_progressDialog;
+/** Increments the progress by one item. */
+void CExportManager::incProgress() {
+ if (QProgressDialog* dlg = progressDialog()) {
+ dlg->setProgress( dlg->progress() + 1 );
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+const bool CExportManager::progressWasCancelled() {
+ if (QProgressDialog* dlg = progressDialog()) {
+ return dlg->wasCancelled();
+ }
+ return true;
+/** Closes the progress dialog immediatly. */
+void CExportManager::closeProgressDialog() {
+ if (QProgressDialog* dlg = progressDialog()) {
+ dlg->close();
+ dlg->reset();
+ }
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents(); //do not lock the GUI!
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cexportmanager.h b/bibletime/frontend/cexportmanager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc654f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cexportmanager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+class ListKey;
+class CSwordKey;
+class CSwordModuleInfo;
+class QProgressDialog;
+/** Contains the functions to export text to disk, clipboard or printer.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CExportManager : CPointers {
+ /** The format the export actions should have
+ */
+ enum Format {
+ Text
+ };
+ CExportManager(const QString& caption, const bool showProgress = true, const QString& progressLabel = QString::null, const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults(), const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions = CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults());
+ const bool saveKey(CSwordKey* key, const Format format, const bool addText);
+ const bool saveKeyList(sword::ListKey* list, CSwordModuleInfo* module, const Format format, const bool addText);
+ const bool saveKeyList(QPtrList<CSwordKey>& list, const Format format, const bool addText );
+ const bool copyKey(CSwordKey* key, const Format format, const bool addText);
+ const bool copyKeyList(sword::ListKey* list, CSwordModuleInfo* module, const Format format, const bool addText);
+ const bool copyKeyList(QPtrList<CSwordKey>& list, const Format format, const bool addText );
+ const bool printKey(CSwordKey* key, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+ const bool printKey( CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& startKey, const QString& stopKey, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions );
+const bool printByHyperlink(const QString& hyperlink, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+ const bool printKeyList(sword::ListKey* list, CSwordModuleInfo* module, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+ const bool printKeyList(const QStringList& list,CSwordModuleInfo* module, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Returns the string for the filedialogs to show the correct files.
+ */
+ const QString filterString( const Format format );
+ /**
+ * Returns a filename to save a file.
+ */
+ const QString getSaveFileName(const Format format);
+ /**
+ * Returns a string containing the linebreak for the current format.
+ */
+ const QString lineBreak( const Format format );
+ QString m_caption;
+ QString m_progressLabel;
+ bool m_showProgress;
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions m_filterOptions;
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions m_displayOptions;
+ QProgressDialog* m_progressDialog;
+ /**
+ * Creates the progress dialog with the correct settings.
+ */
+ QProgressDialog* const progressDialog();
+ /**
+ * Returns the CSS string used in HTML pages.
+ */
+ void setProgressRange( const int item );
+ /**
+ * Increments the progress by one item.
+ */
+ inline void incProgress();
+ const bool progressWasCancelled();
+ /**
+ * Closes the progress dialog immediatly.
+ */
+ void closeProgressDialog();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..255a392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+// C++ Implementation: cinfodisplay
+// Description:
+// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cinfodisplay.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/crossrefrendering.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Sword includes
+#include <listkey.h>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qscrollview.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstdaction.h>
+using namespace Rendering;
+using namespace sword;
+namespace InfoDisplay {
+ CInfoDisplay::CInfoDisplay(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+: QWidget(parent, name) {
+ QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ QLabel* headingLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Mag (\"shift\" to lock)"),this);
+ headingLabel->setMargin(5);
+ m_htmlPart = CDisplay::createReadInstance(0, this);
+ m_htmlPart->setMouseTracking(false); //we don't want strong/lemma/note mouse infos
+ KStdAction::copy(m_htmlPart->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copySelection()), 0, "copyMagSelection");
+ connect(
+ m_htmlPart->connectionsProxy(),
+ SIGNAL(referenceClicked(const QString&, const QString&)),
+ SLOT(lookup(const QString&, const QString&))
+ );
+ layout->addWidget(headingLabel);
+ layout->addWidget(m_htmlPart->view());
+ }
+ CInfoDisplay::~CInfoDisplay() {}
+ void CInfoDisplay::lookup(const QString &mod_name, const QString &key_text) {
+ qWarning("%s %s", mod_name.ascii(), key_text.ascii());
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(mod_name);
+ Q_ASSERT(m);
+ if (!m)
+ return;
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(m) );
+ key->key( key_text );
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr* mgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
+ settings.pageCSS_ID = "infodisplay";
+ // settings.langAbbrev = "";
+ QString content = mgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::displayStyle), key->renderedText(), settings);
+ // qWarning("setting text:\n%s", content.latin1());
+ m_htmlPart->setText(content); // scroll to top
+ CHTMLReadDisplay *d = dynamic_cast<CHTMLReadDisplay *>(m_htmlPart);
+ d->view()->ensureVisible(0, 0);
+ }
+ void CInfoDisplay::setInfo(const InfoType type, const QString& data) {
+ ListInfoData list;
+ list.append( qMakePair(type, data) );
+ setInfo(list);
+ }
+ void CInfoDisplay::setInfo(const ListInfoData& list) {
+ //if the widget is hidden it would be inefficient to render and display the data
+ if (!isVisible()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (list.count() == 0) {
+ m_htmlPart->setText("<html></html>");
+ return;
+ }
+ QString text;
+ ListInfoData::const_iterator end = list.end();
+ for (ListInfoData::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
+ switch ( (*it).first ) {
+ case Lemma:
+ text.append( decodeStrongs( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ case Morph:
+ text.append( decodeMorph( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ case CrossReference:
+ text.append( decodeCrossReference( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ case Footnote:
+ text.append( decodeFootnote( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ case WordTranslation:
+ text.append( getWordTranslation( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ case WordGloss:
+ //text.append( getWordTranslation( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ case Abbreviation:
+ text.append( decodeAbbreviation( (*it).second ) );
+ continue;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ };
+ }
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr* mgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
+ settings.pageCSS_ID = "infodisplay";
+ // settings.langAbbrev = "";
+ QString content = mgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::displayStyle), text, settings);
+ // qWarning("setting text:\n%s", content.latin1());
+ m_htmlPart->setText(content);
+ }
+ const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeAbbreviation( const QString& data ) {
+ // QStringList strongs = QStringList::split("|", data);
+ QString ret;
+ QString text = data;
+ ret.append(
+ QString("<div class=\"abbreviation\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Abbreviation"))
+ .arg("text")
+ .arg(text));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeCrossReference( const QString& data ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!data.isEmpty());
+ if (data.isEmpty()) {
+ return QString("<div class=\"crossrefinfo\"><h3>%1</h3></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Cross references"));
+ }
+ // qWarning("setting crossref %s", data.latin1());
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions dispOpts;
+ dispOpts.lineBreaks = false;
+ dispOpts.verseNumbers = true;
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOpts;
+ filterOpts.headings = false;
+ filterOpts.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOpts.morphTags = false;
+ filterOpts.lemmas = false;
+ filterOpts.footnotes = false;
+ filterOpts.scriptureReferences = false;
+ CrossRefRendering renderer(dispOpts, filterOpts);
+ CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
+ // const bool isBible = true;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardBible);
+ //a prefixed module gives the module to look into
+ QRegExp re("^[^ ]+:");
+ // re.setMinimal(true);
+ int pos =,0);
+ if (pos != -1) {
+ pos += re.matchedLength()-1;
+ }
+ if (pos > 0) {
+ const QString moduleName = data.left(pos);
+ // qWarning("found module %s", moduleName.latin1());
+ module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName);
+ if (!module) {
+ module = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardBible);
+ }
+ // Q_ASSERT(module);
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(module);
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings (
+ false,
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort
+ );
+ if (module && (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible)) {
+ VerseKey vk;
+ sword::ListKey refs = vk.ParseVerseList((const char*)data.mid((pos == -1) ? 0 : pos+1).utf8(), "Gen 1:1", true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < refs.Count(); ++i) {
+ SWKey* key = refs.getElement(i);
+ Q_ASSERT(key);
+ VerseKey* vk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(key);
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem* i = 0;
+ if (vk && vk->isBoundSet()) { //render a range of keys
+ i = new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString::fromUtf8(vk->LowerBound().getText()),
+ QString::fromUtf8(vk->UpperBound().getText()),
+ module,
+ settings
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ i = new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString::fromUtf8(key->getText()),
+ QString::fromUtf8(key->getText()),
+ module,
+ settings
+ );
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ tree.append( i );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (module) {
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem* i = new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ data.mid((pos == -1) ? 0 : pos+1),
+ module,
+ settings
+ );
+ tree.append( i );
+ }
+ // qWarning("rendered the tree: %s", renderer.renderKeyTree(tree).latin1());
+ //spanns containing rtl text need dir=rtl on their parent tag to be aligned properly
+ return QString("<div class=\"crossrefinfo\"><h3>%1</h3><div class=\"para\" dir=\"%2\">%3</div></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Cross references"))
+ .arg(module ? ((module->textDirection() == CSwordModuleInfo::LeftToRight) ? "ltr" : "rtl") : "")
+ .arg(renderer.renderKeyTree(tree));
+ }
+ /*!
+ \fn CInfoDisplay::decodeFootnote( const QString& data )
+ */
+ const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeFootnote( const QString& data ) {
+ QStringList list = QStringList::split("/", data);
+ Q_ASSERT(list.count() >= 3);
+ if (!list.count()) {
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ const QString modulename = list.first();
+ const QString swordFootnote = list.last();
+ // remove the first and the last and then rejoin it to get a key
+ list.pop_back(); list.pop_front();
+ const QString keyname = list.join("/");
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(modulename);
+ if (!module) {
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ key->key(keyname);
+ key->renderedText(); //force entryAttributes
+ const char* note = module->module()->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][swordFootnote.latin1()]["body"].c_str();
+ QString text = module->isUnicode() ? QString::fromUtf8(note) : QString(note);
+ text = QString::fromUtf8(module->module()->RenderText(
+ module->isUnicode()
+ ? (const char*)text.utf8()
+ : (const char*)text.latin1()
+ ));
+ return QString("<div class=\"footnoteinfo\"><h3>%1</h3><p>%2</p></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Footnote"))
+ .arg(text);
+ }
+ const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeStrongs( const QString& data ) {
+ QStringList strongs = QStringList::split("|", data);
+ QString ret;
+ QStringList::const_iterator end = strongs.end();
+ for (QStringList::const_iterator it = strongs.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const module = CBTConfig::get
+ (
+ ((*it).left(1) == QString("H")) ?
+ CBTConfig::standardHebrewStrongsLexicon :
+ CBTConfig::standardGreekStrongsLexicon
+ );
+ QString text;
+ if (module) {
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ key->key( (*it).mid(1) ); //skip H or G (language sign), will have to change later if we have better modules
+ text = key->renderedText();
+ }
+ //if the module could not be found just display an empty lemma info
+ ret.append(
+ QString("<div class=\"strongsinfo\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Strongs"))
+ .arg(*it)
+ .arg(text)
+ );
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeMorph( const QString& data ) {
+ QStringList morphs = QStringList::split("|", data);
+ QString ret;
+ for (QStringList::iterator it = morphs.begin(); it != morphs.end(); ++it) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = 0;
+ bool skipFirstChar = false;
+ QString value = "";
+ QString valueClass = "";
+ int valStart = (*it).find(':');
+ if (valStart > -1) {
+ valueClass = (*it).mid(0, valStart);
+ module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( valueClass );
+ Q_ASSERT(module);
+ }
+ value = (*it).mid(valStart+1); //works for prepended module and without (-1 +1 == 0).
+ // if we don't have a class assigned or desired one isn't installed...
+ if (!module) {
+ // Morphs usually don't have [GH] prepended, but some old OLB
+ // codes do. We should check if we're digit after first char
+ // to better guess this.
+ // No need to check len, if at(1) is > len QChar::null is
+ // returned which is ok to .isDigit()
+ if ( {
+ switch ( {
+ case 'G':
+ module = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon);
+ skipFirstChar = true;
+ break;
+ case 'H':
+ module = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardHebrewMorphLexicon);
+ skipFirstChar = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ skipFirstChar = false;
+ //TODO: we can't tell here if it's a greek or hebrew moprh code, that's a problem we have to solve
+ // module = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //if it is still not set use the default
+ if (!module) {
+ module = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon);
+ }
+ }
+ QString text;
+ Q_ASSERT(module);
+ if (module) {
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ //skip H or G (language sign) if we have to skip it
+ const bool isOk = key->key( skipFirstChar ? value.mid(1) : value );
+ Q_ASSERT(isOk);
+ if (!isOk) { //try to use the other morph lexicon, because this one failed with the current morph code
+ key->module(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardHebrewMorphLexicon));
+ key->key( skipFirstChar ? value.mid(1) : value );
+ }
+ text = key->renderedText();
+ }
+ //if the module wasn't found just display an empty morph info
+ ret.append( QString("<div class=\"morphinfo\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Morphology"))
+ .arg(value)
+ .arg(text)
+ );
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const QString CInfoDisplay::getWordTranslation( const QString& data ) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const module = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::standardLexicon);
+ if (!module) {
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ key->key( data );
+ if (key->key().upper() != data.upper()) { //key not present in the lexicon
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ QString ret = QString("<div class=\"translationinfo\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
+ .arg(i18n("Word lookup"))
+ .arg(data)
+ .arg(key->renderedText());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*!
+ \fn CInfoDisplay::clearInfo()
+ */
+ void CInfoDisplay::clearInfo() {
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr* tmgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
+ settings.pageCSS_ID = "infodisplay";
+ m_htmlPart->setText( tmgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::displayStyle), QString::null, settings) );
+ }
+} //end of namespace InfoDisplay
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..789aab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// C++ Interface: cinfodisplay
+// Description:
+// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "backend/ctextrendering.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qpair.h>
+//class forward declarations
+class CReadDisplay;
+namespace InfoDisplay {
+ /**
+ @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CInfoDisplay : public QWidget {
+ enum InfoType {
+ Abbreviation,
+ CrossReference,
+ Footnote,
+ Lemma,
+ Morph,
+ WordTranslation,
+ WordGloss
+ };
+ typedef QPair<InfoType, QString> InfoData;
+ typedef QValueList<InfoData> ListInfoData;
+ CInfoDisplay(QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
+ virtual ~CInfoDisplay();
+ void setInfo(const InfoType, const QString& data);
+ void setInfo(const ListInfoData&);
+ void clearInfo();
+ const QString decodeAbbreviation( const QString& data );
+ const QString decodeCrossReference( const QString& data );
+ const QString decodeFootnote( const QString& data );
+ const QString decodeStrongs( const QString& data );
+ const QString decodeMorph( const QString& data );
+ const QString getWordTranslation( const QString& data );
+protected slots:
+ void lookup(const QString &, const QString &);
+ CReadDisplay* m_htmlPart;
+ };
+} //end of InfoDisplay namespace
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cinputdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cinputdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d27a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cinputdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//own includes
+#include "cinputdialog.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kseparator.h>
+CInputDialog::CInputDialog(const QString& caption, const QString& description, const QString& text, QWidget *parent, const char *name, const bool modal ) : KDialog(parent,name,modal) {
+ setPlainCaption(caption);
+ QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 5,5);
+ QLabel* l = new QLabel(description, this);
+ topLayout->addWidget(l);
+ topLayout->addSpacing(10);
+ m_editWidget = new QTextEdit(this, "edit widget");
+ m_editWidget->setWordWrap( QTextEdit::WidgetWidth );
+ m_editWidget->setText(text);
+ if (!text.isEmpty())
+ m_editWidget->selectAll();
+ topLayout->addWidget(m_editWidget);
+ KSeparator* separator = new KSeparator(KSeparator::HLine, this);
+ topLayout->addWidget(separator);
+ QHBoxLayout* buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout(topLayout);
+ buttonLayout->addStretch(2);
+ QPushButton* cancel = new QPushButton(this);
+ cancel->setText(i18n("&Cancel"));
+ connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject()));
+ buttonLayout->addWidget(cancel,1);
+ buttonLayout->addSpacing(15);
+ QPushButton* clear = new QPushButton(this);
+ clear->setText(i18n("C&lear"));
+ connect(clear, SIGNAL(clicked()),m_editWidget, SLOT(clear()));
+ buttonLayout->addWidget(clear,1);
+ buttonLayout->addSpacing(15);
+ QPushButton* ok = new QPushButton(this);
+ ok->setText(i18n("&Ok"));
+ connect(ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept()));
+ buttonLayout->addWidget(ok,1);
+ m_editWidget->setFocus();
+/** Returns the text entered at the moment. */
+const QString CInputDialog::text() {
+ return m_editWidget->text();
+/** A static function to get some using CInputDialog. */
+const QString CInputDialog::getText( const QString& caption, const QString& description, const QString& text, bool* ok, QWidget* parent, bool modal) {
+ CInputDialog* dlg = new CInputDialog(caption, description, text, parent, "", modal);
+ QString ret = QString::null;
+ const bool isOk = (dlg->exec() == CInputDialog::Accepted);
+ if (isOk) {
+ ret = dlg->text();
+ }
+ if (ok) { //change the ok param to return the value
+ *ok = isOk;
+ }
+ delete dlg;
+ return ret;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cinputdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/cinputdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b0812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cinputdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialog.h>
+class QTextEdit;
+class QWidget;
+/** This is a small input dialog with
+ * a multiline edit for the text input.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CInputDialog : public KDialog {
+ CInputDialog(const QString& caption, const QString& description, const QString& text, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, const bool modal = true);
+ /**
+ * A static function to get some using CInputDialog.
+ */
+ static const QString getText( const QString& caption, const QString& description, const QString& text = QString::null, bool* ok = 0, QWidget* parent = 0, bool modal = true);
+ /**
+ * Returns the text entered at the moment.
+ */
+ const QString text();
+ // ~CInputDialog();
+ QTextEdit* m_editWidget;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cmanageindiceswidget.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cmanageindiceswidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b861b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cmanageindiceswidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cmanageindiceswidget.h"
+#include "cmoduleindexdialog.h"
+#include "cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+/** Constructor */
+CManageIndicesWidget::CManageIndicesWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name) :
+ ManageIndicesForm(parent, name) {
+ initView();
+ populateModuleList();
+ CBTConfig::set( CBTConfig::autoDeleteOrphanedIndices, m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox->isChecked() );
+/** Initializes the look and feel of this page */
+void CManageIndicesWidget::initView()
+ // Set description label
+ QVBoxLayout* box = new QVBoxLayout(m_labelFrame, 0, 0);
+ QLabel* mainLabel = CToolClass::explanationLabel(m_labelFrame,
+ i18n("Manage module search indices"),
+ i18n("You can use the list below to create and/or delete search indices for your installed works."));
+ box->addWidget(mainLabel);
+ // configure the list view
+ m_moduleList->addColumn(i18n("Module"));
+ m_moduleList->addColumn(i18n("Index size"));
+ m_moduleList->setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ m_moduleList->setColumnWidth(0, 150);
+ m_moduleList->setColumnAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight);
+ m_moduleList->setSorting( -1 );
+ m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox->setChecked( CBTConfig::get( CBTConfig::autoDeleteOrphanedIndices ) );
+ // icons for our buttons
+ m_createIndicesButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("folder_new", 16));
+ m_deleteIndicesButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("remove", 16));
+ // connect our signals/slots
+ connect(m_createIndicesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createIndices()));
+ connect(m_deleteIndicesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteIndices()));
+/** Populates the module list with installed modules and orphaned indices */
+void CManageIndicesWidget::populateModuleList() {
+ m_moduleList->clear();
+ // populate installed modules
+ m_modsWithIndices = new QCheckListItem(m_moduleList, i18n("Modules with indices"),
+ QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_modsWithIndices->setOpen(true);
+ m_modsWithoutIndices = new QCheckListItem(m_moduleList, i18n("Modules without indices"),
+ QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_modsWithoutIndices->setOpen(true);
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules = CPointers::backend()->moduleList();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it = modules.begin(); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ QCheckListItem* item = 0;
+ if ((*it)->hasIndex()) {
+ item = new QCheckListItem(m_modsWithIndices, (*it)->name(),
+ QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
+ item->setText(1, QString("%1 ").arg((*it)->indexSize() / 1024) + i18n("KiB"));
+ }
+ else {
+ item = new QCheckListItem(m_modsWithoutIndices, (*it)->name(),
+ QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
+ item->setText(1, QString("0 ") + i18n("KiB"));
+ }
+ }
+/** Creates indices for selected modules if no index currently exists */
+void CManageIndicesWidget::createIndices()
+ QCheckListItem* top = m_modsWithoutIndices;
+ bool indicesCreated = false;
+ QCheckListItem* item = (QCheckListItem*)top->firstChild();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo moduleList;
+ while (item) {
+ if (item->isOn()) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module =
+ CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(item->text().utf8());
+ if (module) {
+ moduleList.append( module );
+ indicesCreated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ item = (QCheckListItem*)item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ //Shows the progress dialog
+ if (indicesCreated) {
+ CModuleIndexDialog::getInstance()->indexAllModules( moduleList );
+ populateModuleList();
+ }
+/** Deletes indices for selected modules and selected orphans */
+void CManageIndicesWidget::deleteIndices()
+ // delete installed module indices
+ QCheckListItem* top = m_modsWithIndices;
+ bool indicesDeleted = false;
+ QCheckListItem* item = (QCheckListItem*)top->firstChild();
+ while (item) {
+ if (item->isOn()) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module =
+ CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(item->text().utf8());
+ if (module) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo::deleteIndexForModule( module->name() );
+ indicesDeleted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ item = (QCheckListItem*)item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ // repopulate the list if an action was taken
+ if (indicesDeleted) {
+ populateModuleList();
+ }
+void CManageIndicesWidget::deleteOrphanedIndices()
+ QDir dir(CSwordModuleInfo::getGlobalBaseIndexLocation());
+ dir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs);
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dir.count(); i++) {
+ if (dir[i] != "." && dir[i] != "..") {
+ if (module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( dir[i] ) ) { //mod exists
+ if (!module->hasIndex()){ //index files found, but wrong version etc.
+ CSwordModuleInfo::deleteIndexForModule( dir[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ else{ //no module exists
+ if (CBTConfig::get( CBTConfig::autoDeleteOrphanedIndices ) ){
+ CSwordModuleInfo::deleteIndexForModule( dir[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cmanageindiceswidget.h b/bibletime/frontend/cmanageindiceswidget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d9cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cmanageindiceswidget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "frontend/manageindicesform.h" // uic generated
+#include <qwidget.h>
+class QCheckListItem;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+* This class encapsulates the "Manage search indices" page of the Bookshelf
+* Manager. It allows for creation and deletion of search indicies for each
+* installed module. It also allows for deletion of orphaned indices.
+class CManageIndicesWidget : public ManageIndicesForm
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ CManageIndicesWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~CManageIndicesWidget();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the look and feel of this page
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Populates the module list with installed modules and orphaned indices
+ */
+ void populateModuleList();
+ // member variables
+ QCheckListItem* m_modsWithIndices;
+ QCheckListItem* m_modsWithoutIndices;
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Creates indices for selected modules if no index currently exists
+ */
+ void createIndices();
+ /**
+ * Deletes indices for selected modules
+ */
+ void deleteIndices();
+ /**
+ * Deletes orphaned indices if the autoDeleteOrphanedIndices is true
+ * Always deletes indices of existing modules where hasIndex() returns false
+ */
+ static void deleteOrphanedIndices();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cmdiarea.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cmdiarea.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1584466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cmdiarea.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cmdiarea.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "config.h"
+//KDE includes
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+//QT includes
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#if QT_VERSION < 0x030200
+//We need this to close all windows with Qt < 3.2
+#include <qwidgetlist.h>
+CMDIArea::CMDIArea(QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: QWorkspace(parent, name),
+m_appCaption(QString::null) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ readSettings();
+/** Initializes the view of the MDI area */
+void CMDIArea::initView() {
+ setPaletteBackgroundColor( parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor() ); //work around a KDE bug (IMHO was in KDE 2.x)
+/** Initilizes the connectiosn to SIGNALS */
+void CMDIArea::initConnections() {
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(windowActivated(QWidget*)),
+ this, SLOT(slotClientActivated(QWidget*)));
+/** Called whan a client window was activated */
+void CMDIArea::slotClientActivated(QWidget* client) {
+ if (!client || !isUpdatesEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CDisplayWindow* sp = dynamic_cast<CDisplayWindow*>(client);
+ Q_ASSERT(sp);
+ if (!sp || !sp->isReady()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QWidgetList windows = windowList();
+ for ( QWidget* w = windows.first(); w; w = ) {
+ //Don't use!! It would disable accel enabling for the active window, see CDisplayWindow::windowActivated
+ /* if (w == client)
+ continue;
+ */
+ CDisplayWindow* window = dynamic_cast<CDisplayWindow*>(w);
+ window->windowActivated( (window == sp) ? true : false);
+ }
+ emit sigSetToplevelCaption( ( m_appCaption = client->caption().stripWhiteSpace() ) );
+/** Reimplementation. Used to make use of the fixedGUIOption part. */
+void CMDIArea::childEvent( QChildEvent * e ) {
+ QWorkspace::childEvent(e);
+ if ( m_childEvent || !e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_childEvent = true;
+ if (!windowList().count()) {
+ m_appCaption = QString::null;
+ emit sigSetToplevelCaption( KApplication::kApplication()->makeStdCaption(m_appCaption) );
+ emit sigLastPresenterClosed();
+ }
+ if ((e->inserted() || e->removed()) ) {
+ if (e->inserted() && e->child() && e->child()->inherits("CDisplayWindow")) {
+ e->child()->installEventFilter(this); //make sure we catch the events of the new window
+ }
+ else if (e->removed() && e->child() && e->child()->inherits("CDisplayWindow")) {
+ e->child()->removeEventFilter(this); //make sure we catch the events of the new window
+ }
+ triggerWindowUpdate();
+ }
+ m_childEvent = false;
+/** Reimplementation */
+void CMDIArea::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) {
+ QWorkspace::resizeEvent(e);
+ if (isUpdatesEnabled()) {
+ triggerWindowUpdate();
+ };
+/** */
+void CMDIArea::saveSettings() {}
+/** */
+void CMDIArea::readSettings() {}
+/** Deletes all the presenters in the MDI area. */
+void CMDIArea::deleteAll() {
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030200
+ closeAllWindows();
+ QWidgetListIt it(windowList());
+ while (it.current() != 0){
+ it.current()->close();
+ ++it;
+ }
+/** Enable / disable autoCascading */
+void CMDIArea::setGUIOption( const MDIOption& newOption ) {
+ //now do the initial action
+ m_guiOption = newOption;
+ triggerWindowUpdate();
+/** */
+void CMDIArea::myTileVertical() {
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled() || !usableWindowList().count() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QPtrList<QWidget> windows = usableWindowList();
+ if ((windows.count() == 1) && {
+ m_appCaption =>caption();
+ }
+ else {
+ QWidget* active = activeWindow();
+ QWorkspace::tile();
+ active->setFocus();
+ }
+void CMDIArea::myTileHorizontal() {
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled() || !usableWindowList().count() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QPtrList<QWidget> windows = usableWindowList();
+ if ((windows.count() == 1) && {
+ m_appCaption =>caption();
+ }
+ else {
+ QWidget* active = activeWindow();
+ if (active->isMaximized()) {
+ active->showNormal();
+ }
+ blockSignals(true);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ int heightForEach = height() / windows.count();
+ int y = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < int(windows.count()); ++i ) {
+ QWidget *window =;
+ window->parentWidget()->showNormal();
+ qApp->sendPostedEvents( 0, QEvent::ShowNormal );
+ const int preferredHeight = window->minimumHeight() + window->parentWidget()->baseSize().height();
+ const int actHeight = QMAX(heightForEach, preferredHeight);
+ window->parentWidget()->setGeometry( 0, y, width(), actHeight );
+ y += actHeight;
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ active->setFocus();
+ blockSignals(false);
+ }
+/** */
+void CMDIArea::myCascade() {
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled() || !usableWindowList().count() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QPtrList<QWidget> windows = usableWindowList();
+ if ( !windows.count() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((windows.count() == 1) && {
+ m_appCaption =>caption();
+ }
+ else {
+ const int offsetX = 40;
+ const int offsetY = 40;
+ const int windowWidth = width() - (windows.count()-1)*offsetX;
+ const int windowHeight = height() - (windows.count()-1)*offsetY;
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ QWidget* const active = activeWindow();
+ if (active->isMaximized()) {
+ active->showNormal();
+ }
+ blockSignals(true);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ for (int i(0); i < int(windows.count()); ++i) {
+ QWidget* window =;
+ if (window == active) { //leave out the active window which should be the top window
+ continue;
+ }
+ window->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ window->parentWidget()->raise(); //make it the on-top-of-window-stack window to make sure they're in the right order
+ window->parentWidget()->setGeometry(x, y, windowWidth, windowHeight);
+ x += offsetX;
+ y += offsetY;
+ window->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ active->parentWidget()->setGeometry(x, y, windowWidth, windowHeight);
+ active->parentWidget()->raise();
+ active->setActiveWindow();
+ blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ \fn CMDIArea::emitWindowCaptionChanged()
+ */
+void CMDIArea::emitWindowCaptionChanged() {
+ if (activeWindow()) {
+ m_appCaption = activeWindow()->caption();
+ }
+ emit sigSetToplevelCaption(currentApplicationCaption());
+ \fn CMDIArea::usableWindowsCount()
+ */
+QPtrList<QWidget> CMDIArea::usableWindowList() {
+ QPtrList<QWidget> ret;
+ QWidgetList windows = windowList();
+ for ( QWidget* w = windows.first(); w; w = ) {
+ if (w->isMinimized() || w->isHidden()) { //not usable for us
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret.append( w );
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool CMDIArea::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(o);
+ Q_ASSERT(e);
+ QWidget* w = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>( o );
+ bool ret = QWorkspace::eventFilter(o,e);
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
+ if ( w && (e->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) ) {
+ if (o->inherits("CDisplayWindow") && ((w->windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized) || w->isHidden())) { //window was minimized, trigger a tile/cascade update if necessary
+ triggerWindowUpdate();
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ else if (!o->inherits("CDisplayWindow")){
+ qDebug("CMDIArea: bad mdi child classname: %s", o->className());
+ //o->dumpObjectInfo();
+ //o->dumpObjectTree();
+ }
+ }
+ if (w && o->inherits("CDisplayWindow")){
+ if ((e->type() == QEvent::ShowMinimized) ||
+ (e->type() == QEvent::Hide)){
+ triggerWindowUpdate();
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!o->inherits("CDisplayWindow")){
+ qDebug("bad mdi child classname: %s", o->className());
+ //o->dumpObjectInfo();
+ //o->dumpObjectTree();
+ }
+ return ret; // standard event processing
+ \fn CMDIArea::triggerWindowUpdate()
+ */
+void CMDIArea::triggerWindowUpdate() {
+ qDebug("CMDIArea::triggerWindowUpfdate");
+ if (isUpdatesEnabled() && usableWindowList().count() ) {
+ switch (m_guiOption) {
+ case autoTileVertical:
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(myTileVertical()));
+ break;
+ case autoTileHorizontal:
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(myTileHorizontal()));
+ break;
+ case autoCascade:
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(myCascade()));
+ break;
+ default:
+ qDebug("CMDIArea::triggerWindowUpdate: no known m_guiType");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cmdiarea.h b/bibletime/frontend/cmdiarea.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4178b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cmdiarea.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#ifndef CMDIAREA_H
+#define CMDIAREA_H
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qworkspace.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qstrlist.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+class KPopupMenu;
+class CSwordModuleInfo;
+class CSwordKey;
+/** The MDI widget we use in BibleTime.
+ * Enhances QWorkspace.
+ * @author The BibleTime Team
+ */
+class CMDIArea : public QWorkspace, public CPointers {
+ /**
+ * The options you can set for this widget.
+ */
+ enum MDIOption {
+ autoTileVertical,
+ autoTileHorizontal,
+ autoCascade,
+ Nothing
+ };
+ CMDIArea(QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 );
+ /**
+ */
+ void readSettings();
+ /**
+ */
+ void saveSettings();
+ /**
+ * Enable / disable autoCascading
+ */
+ void setGUIOption( const MDIOption& newOption );
+ /**
+ * This works around a problem/limitation in QWorkspace. QWorkspace sets every time the
+ * application caption on its on way. This confuses BibleTime - wrong captions are generated.
+ * This function returns the right caption (using the MDI child).
+ */
+ inline const QString currentApplicationCaption() const;
+ void emitWindowCaptionChanged();
+ /**
+ * Forces an update of the currently chosen window arrangement.
+ */
+ void triggerWindowUpdate();
+ QPtrList<QWidget> usableWindowList();
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Called whan a client window was activated
+ */
+ void slotClientActivated(QWidget* client);
+ /**
+ * Deletes all the presenters in the MDI area.
+ */
+ void deleteAll();
+ /** Our own cascade version which, if only one window is left, shows this maximized.
+ * Also necessary for autoCasacde feature
+ */
+ void myCascade();
+ /** Our own cascade version which, if only one window is left, shows this maximized.
+ * Also necessary for autoTile feature
+ */
+ void myTileVertical();
+ /** Horizontal tile function
+ * This function was taken from Qt's MDI example.
+ */
+ void myTileHorizontal();
+ /**
+ * Emits the signal to create a new display window in the MDI area.
+ */
+ inline void emitCreateDisplayWindow( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString keyName );
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Used to make use of the fixedGUIOption part.
+ */
+ virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent * e);
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation
+ */
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);
+ /**
+ * Initializes the connectiosn to SIGNALS
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the view of the MDI area
+ */
+ void initView();
+ bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e );
+signals: // Signals
+ /**
+ * Emits a signal to set the acption of the toplevel widget.
+ */
+ void sigSetToplevelCaption(const QString&);
+ /**
+ * Is emitted when the last presenter was closed.
+ */
+ void sigLastPresenterClosed();
+ void createReadDisplayWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& keyName);
+ MDIOption m_guiOption;
+ bool m_childEvent;
+ QString m_appCaption;
+/** This works around a problem/limitation in QWorkspace. QWorkspace sets every time the application caption on its on way. This confuses BibleTime - wrong captions are generated. This function returns the right caption (using the MDI child). */
+inline const QString CMDIArea::currentApplicationCaption() const {
+ return m_appCaption;
+/** Emits the signal to create a new display window in the MDI area. */
+inline void CMDIArea::emitCreateDisplayWindow( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString keyName ) {
+ emit createReadDisplayWindow(modules, keyName);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..172ca41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// C++ Implementation: cmoduleindexdialog
+// Description:
+// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2006
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "cmoduleindexdialog.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+CModuleIndexDialog* CModuleIndexDialog::getInstance() {
+ static CModuleIndexDialog* instance = 0;
+ if (instance == 0) {
+ instance = new CModuleIndexDialog();
+ }
+ return instance;
+void CModuleIndexDialog::indexAllModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules ) {
+ qDebug("indexAllModules");
+ if (modules.count() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_currentModuleIndex = 0;
+ progress = new KProgressDialog(0, "progressDialog", i18n("Preparing instant search"), QString::null, true);
+ progress->setAllowCancel(false);
+ progress->progressBar()->setTotalSteps( modules.count() * 100 );
+ progress->setMinimumDuration(0);
+// progress->show();
+// progress->raise();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for( ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it = modules.begin(); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ (*it)->connectIndexingFinished(this, SLOT(slotFinished()));
+ (*it)->connectIndexingProgress(this, SLOT(slotModuleProgress(int)));
+ progress->setLabel(i18n("Creating index for work %1").arg((*it)->name()));
+ qDebug("Building index for work %s", (*it)->name().latin1());
+ (*it)->buildIndex();
+ m_currentModuleIndex++;
+ (*it)->disconnectIndexingSignals(this);
+ }
+ delete progress;
+ progress = 0;
+void CModuleIndexDialog::indexUnindexedModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules ) {
+ qDebug("indexUnindexedModules");
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo unindexedMods;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for( ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it = modules.begin(); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->hasIndex()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ unindexedMods << (*it);
+ }
+ indexAllModules(unindexedMods);
+ \fn CModuleIndexDialog::slotModuleProgress( int percentage )
+ */
+void CModuleIndexDialog::slotModuleProgress( int percentage ) {
+// qDebug("progress %d", percentage);
+ progress->progressBar()->setProgress( m_currentModuleIndex * 100 + percentage );
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 10 ); //10 ms only
+void CModuleIndexDialog::slotFinished( ) {
+ qDebug("indexing finished()");
+ progress->progressBar()->setProgress( progress->progressBar()->totalSteps() );
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 1 ); //1 ms only
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff4798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// C++ Interface: cmoduleindexdialog
+// Description:
+// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2006
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qobject.h>
+//forward declaration
+class KProgressDialog;
+ * This dialog is used to index a list of modules and to show progress for that.\
+ * While the indexing is in progress it creates a blocking, top level dialog which shows the progress
+ * while the indexing is done.
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team <>
+class CModuleIndexDialog : public QObject {
+ /** Get the singleton instance.
+ *
+ */
+ static CModuleIndexDialog* getInstance();
+ /** Starts the actual indexing. It shows the dialog with progress information.
+ */
+ void indexAllModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules );
+ /** Indexes all modules in the list which don't have an index yet.
+ */
+ void indexUnindexedModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules );
+ KProgressDialog* progress;
+ int m_currentModuleIndex;
+protected slots:
+ void slotModuleProgress( int percentage );
+ void slotFinished();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/coptionsdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/coptionsdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af01965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/coptionsdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1044 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "coptionsdialog.h"
+#include "cprofile.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplayrendering.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//QT includes
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qhbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qwidgetstack.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qinputdialog.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapp.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kkeydialog.h>
+#include <khtml_part.h>
+#include <khtmlview.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <ktabctl.h>
+#include <kapp.h>
+#include <klistbox.h>
+#include <kkeydialog.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kconfigbase.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+//Sword includes
+#include <localemgr.h>
+#include <swlocale.h>
+using std::string;
+using std::list;
+COptionsDialog::COptionsDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name, KActionCollection* actionCollection )
+: KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Configure BibleTime"), Ok | Cancel | Apply, Ok, parent, name, true, true, QString::null, QString::null, QString::null) {
+ m_settings.keys.application.actionCollection = actionCollection;
+ setIconListAllVisible(true);
+ initDisplay();
+ initLanguages();
+ initSword();
+ initAccelerators();
+COptionsDialog::~COptionsDialog() {
+ //the actionCollections objects are deleted by their QWidget parent
+/** */
+void COptionsDialog::newDisplayWindowFontSelected(const QFont &newFont) {
+ CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair oldSettings = m_settings.fonts.fontMap[ m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText() ];
+ m_settings.fonts.fontMap.replace( m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText(), CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair(oldSettings.first, newFont) );
+/** Called when the combobox contents is changed */
+void COptionsDialog::newDisplayWindowFontAreaSelected(const QString& usage) {
+ useOwnFontClicked( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[usage].first );
+ m_settings.fonts.useOwnFontBox->setChecked( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[usage].first );
+ m_settings.fonts.fontChooser->setFont( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[usage].second );
+/** Called if the OK button was clicked */
+void COptionsDialog::slotOk() {
+ saveAccelerators();
+ saveLanguages();
+ saveSword();
+ saveDisplay();
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+ emit signalSettingsChanged( );
+/*called if the apply button was clicked*/
+void COptionsDialog::slotApply() {
+ saveAccelerators();
+ saveLanguages();
+ saveSword();
+ saveDisplay();
+ KDialogBase::slotApply();
+ emit signalSettingsChanged( );
+/** Opens the page which contaisn the given part ID. */
+const bool COptionsDialog::showPart( COptionsDialog::Parts /*ID*/ ) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ /* switch (ID) {
+ default:
+ break;
+ }*/
+ return ret;
+/** Initializes the startup section of the OD. */
+void COptionsDialog::initDisplay() {
+ QFrame* page = addPage(i18n("Display"), QString::null, DesktopIcon(CResMgr::settings::startup::icon,32));
+ QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(page);
+ layout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ {//daily tips
+ m_settings.startup.showTips = new QCheckBox(page);
+ m_settings.startup.showTips->setText(i18n("Show tip of the day"));
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.startup.showTips, CResMgr::settings::startup::dailyTip::tooltip );
+ m_settings.startup.showTips->setChecked( CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::tips) );
+ }
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.startup.showTips);
+ layout->addSpacing(5);
+ { //startup logo
+ m_settings.startup.showLogo = new QCheckBox(page);
+ m_settings.startup.showLogo->setText(i18n("Show startuplogo"));
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.startup.showLogo, CResMgr::settings::startup::showLogo::tooltip);
+ m_settings.startup.showLogo->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::logo));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.startup.showLogo);
+ layout->addSpacing(20);
+ }
+ layout->addWidget(
+ CToolClass::explanationLabel(page, i18n("Display templates"),
+ i18n("Display templates define how text is displayed. Please choose a template you like.")
+ )
+ );
+ layout->addSpacing( 5 );
+ QHBoxLayout* hboxlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser = new QComboBox( page ); //create first to enable buddy for label
+ connect( m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
+ this, SLOT( updateStylePreview() ) );
+ hboxlayout->addWidget(
+ new QLabel(m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser, i18n("Available display styles:"), page)
+ );
+ hboxlayout->addWidget( m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser );
+ hboxlayout->addStretch();
+ layout->addLayout( hboxlayout );
+ m_settings.displayStyle.stylePreview = new KHTMLPart(page);
+ layout->addWidget(
+ new QLabel(
+ m_settings.displayStyle.stylePreview->view(),
+ i18n("Style preview"), page
+ )
+ );
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.displayStyle.stylePreview->view());
+ m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser->insertStringList(
+ CPointers::displayTemplateManager()->availableTemplates()
+ );
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser->count(); ++i) {
+ if ( m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser->text(i) == CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::displayStyle) ) {
+ m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser->setCurrentItem( i );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ updateStylePreview(); //render it
+/** Init fonts section. */
+void COptionsDialog::initLanguages() {
+ QFrame* page = addPage(i18n("Languages"), QString::null, DesktopIcon(CResMgr::settings::fonts::icon, 32));
+ QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(page,5);
+ layout->setResizeMode( QLayout::Minimum );
+ { //Sword locales
+ layout->addWidget(
+ CToolClass::explanationLabel(page, i18n("Specify a language for names of Bible books"),
+ i18n("Sword has a number of locales available which can be used to internationalize the \
+ names of books of the Bible. You can specify which locale to use. If you want to \
+ create a new locale, see for details."))
+ );
+ m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo = new QComboBox(page);
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo, i18n("Language for names of Bible books"), page);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo, CResMgr::settings::sword::general::language::tooltip);
+ QHBoxLayout* hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ hBoxLayout->addWidget(label);
+ hBoxLayout->addWidget(m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo);
+ hBoxLayout->addStretch();
+ layout->addLayout(hBoxLayout);
+ QStringList languageNames;
+ languageNames.append( languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev("en_US")->translatedName() );
+ // languageNames.append( i18n("English") );
+ list<sword::SWBuf> locales = sword::LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr()->getAvailableLocales();
+ // locales.push_back(SWBuf("en_US"));
+ for (list<sword::SWBuf>::const_iterator it = locales.begin(); it != locales.end(); it++) {
+ // qWarning("working on %s", (*it).c_str());
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const l = CPointers::languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev(
+ sword::LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr()->getLocale((*it).c_str())->getName()
+ );
+ if (l->isValid()) {
+ languageNames.append( l->translatedName() );
+ }
+ else {
+ languageNames.append(
+ sword::LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr()->getLocale((*it).c_str())->getDescription()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ languageNames.sort();
+ m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo->insertStringList( languageNames );
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const l = CPointers::languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev(
+ CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::language)
+ );
+ QString currentLanguageName;
+ if ( l->isValid() && languageNames.contains(l->translatedName()) ) { //tranlated language name is in the box
+ currentLanguageName = l->translatedName();
+ }
+ else { //a language like "German Abbrevs" might be the language to set
+ sword::SWLocale* locale = sword::LocaleMgr::LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr()->getLocale(
+ CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::language).local8Bit()
+ );
+ if (locale) {
+ currentLanguageName = QString::fromLatin1(locale->getDescription());
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentLanguageName.isEmpty()) { // set english as default if nothing was chosen
+ // currentLanguageName = i18n("English");
+ Q_ASSERT(languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev("en_US"));
+ currentLanguageName = languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev("en_US")->translatedName();
+ }
+ //now set the item with the right name as current item
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo->count(); ++i) {
+ if (currentLanguageName == m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo->text(i)) {
+ m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo->setCurrentItem(i);
+ break; //item found, finish the loop
+ }
+ }
+ layout->addSpacing( 20 );
+ }
+ { //Font settings
+ layout->addWidget(
+ CToolClass::explanationLabel(
+ page,
+ i18n("Select custom fonts per-language"),
+ i18n("Here you find a list of all languages of the installed works. \
+ You can specify a custom font for each language that needs a special font \
+ to be displayed correctly.")
+ )
+ );
+ layout->addSpacing(5);
+ QHBoxLayout* hLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ m_settings.fonts.usage = new QComboBox(page);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.fonts.usage, CResMgr::settings::fonts::typeChooser::tooltip);
+ hLayout->addWidget(m_settings.fonts.usage);
+ CLanguageMgr::LangMap langMap = languageMgr()->availableLanguages();
+ for ( CLanguageMgr::LangMapIterator it( langMap ); it.current(); ++it ) {
+ const QString name = it.current()->translatedName().isEmpty() ?
+ it.current()->abbrev() : it.current()->translatedName();
+ m_settings.fonts.fontMap.insert(name, CBTConfig::get
+ (it.current()) );
+ }
+ for( QMap<QString, CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair>::Iterator it = m_settings.fonts.fontMap.begin(); it != m_settings.fonts.fontMap.end(); ++it ) {
+ if ( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[it.key()].first ) { //show font icon
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->insertItem(SmallIcon("fonts"), it.key() );
+ }
+ else { //don't show icon for font
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->insertItem(it.key());
+ }
+ }
+ m_settings.fonts.useOwnFontBox = new QCheckBox(i18n("Use custom font"), page, "font checkbox");
+ connect(m_settings.fonts.useOwnFontBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(useOwnFontClicked(bool)));
+ hLayout->addWidget(m_settings.fonts.useOwnFontBox);
+ layout->addLayout(hLayout);
+ //#warning TODO: remember the last selected font and jump there.
+ m_settings.fonts.fontChooser = new KFontChooser(page, "fonts", false, QStringList(), true, 5);
+ m_settings.fonts.fontChooser->setSampleText(i18n("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.fonts.fontChooser);
+ connect(m_settings.fonts.fontChooser, SIGNAL(fontSelected(const QFont&)), SLOT(newDisplayWindowFontSelected(const QFont&)));
+ connect(m_settings.fonts.usage, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), SLOT(newDisplayWindowFontAreaSelected(const QString&)));
+ m_settings.fonts.fontChooser->setFont( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText()].second );
+ useOwnFontClicked( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText()].first );
+ m_settings.fonts.useOwnFontBox->setChecked( m_settings.fonts.fontMap[m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText()].first );
+ m_settings.fonts.fontChooser->setMinimumSize(m_settings.fonts.fontChooser->sizeHint());
+ }
+/** Init accel key section. */
+void COptionsDialog::initAccelerators() {
+ QVBox* page = addVBoxPage(i18n("HotKeys"), QString::null, DesktopIcon(CResMgr::settings::keys::icon,32));
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(
+ CBTConfig::application,
+ m_settings.keys.application.actionCollection
+ );
+ QHBox* hbox = new QHBox(page);
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Choose type:"), hbox);
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser = new QComboBox(hbox);
+ connect(
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)),
+ SLOT(slotKeyChooserTypeChanged(const QString&))
+ );
+ QLabel* dummy = new QLabel( hbox ); // empty label for stretch
+ hbox->setStretchFactor(label, 0);
+ hbox->setStretchFactor(m_settings.keys.typeChooser, 0);
+ hbox->setStretchFactor(dummy, 1);
+ page->setStretchFactor(hbox, 0);
+ m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack = new QWidgetStack(page);
+ Q_ASSERT(m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack);
+ page->setStretchFactor(m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack, 5);
+ m_settings.keys.application.title = i18n("BibleTime"); //don't set the app action collection to NULL
+ m_settings.keys.general = Settings::KeySettings::WindowType(i18n("All text windows"));
+ = Settings::KeySettings::WindowType(i18n("Bible windows"));
+ m_settings.keys.commentary = Settings::KeySettings::WindowType(i18n("Commentary windows"));
+ m_settings.keys.lexicon = Settings::KeySettings::WindowType(i18n("Lexicon windows"));
+ = Settings::KeySettings::WindowType(i18n("Book windows"));
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser->insertItem(m_settings.keys.application.title);
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser->insertItem(m_settings.keys.general.title);
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser->insertItem(;
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser->insertItem(m_settings.keys.commentary.title);
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser->insertItem(m_settings.keys.lexicon.title);
+ m_settings.keys.typeChooser->insertItem(;
+ Q_ASSERT(m_settings.keys.application.actionCollection);
+ m_settings.keys.application.keyChooser = new KKeyChooser(
+ m_settings.keys.application.actionCollection,
+ m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack
+ );
+ // ----- All display windows ------ //
+ m_settings.keys.general.actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this, "displayActions", 0);
+ CDisplayWindow::insertKeyboardActions( m_settings.keys.general.actionCollection);
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(
+ CBTConfig::allWindows,
+ m_settings.keys.general.actionCollection
+ );
+ m_settings.keys.general.keyChooser = new KKeyChooser(
+ m_settings.keys.general.actionCollection,
+ m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack
+ );
+ // ----- Bible windows ------ //
+ = new KActionCollection(this, "bibleActions", 0);
+ CBibleReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions(;
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(
+ CBTConfig::bibleWindow,
+ );
+ // ----- Commentary windows ------ //
+ m_settings.keys.commentary.actionCollection= new KActionCollection(this, "commentaryActions", 0);
+ CCommentaryReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( m_settings.keys.commentary.actionCollection);
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(
+ CBTConfig::commentaryWindow,
+ m_settings.keys.commentary.actionCollection
+ );
+ // ----- Lexicon windows ------ //
+ m_settings.keys.lexicon.actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this, "lexiconActions", 0);
+ CLexiconReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( m_settings.keys.lexicon.actionCollection );
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(
+ CBTConfig::lexiconWindow,
+ m_settings.keys.lexicon.actionCollection
+ );
+ // ----- Book windows ------ //
+ new KActionCollection(this, "bookActions", 0);
+ CBookReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions(;
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(
+ CBTConfig::bookWindow,
+ );
+ slotKeyChooserTypeChanged(m_settings.keys.application.title);
+/** Init Sword section. */
+void COptionsDialog::initSword() {
+ QVBox* page = addVBoxPage(i18n("Desk"),QString::null, DesktopIcon(CResMgr::settings::sword::icon,32));
+ KTabCtl* tabCtl = new KTabCtl(page);
+ { //Standard works
+ QFrame* currentTab = new QFrame(tabCtl);
+ tabCtl->addTab(currentTab, i18n("Standard works"));
+ QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout(currentTab,10,2, 5,5); //the last row is for stretching available space
+ gridLayout->setResizeMode(QLayout::Minimum);
+ gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(
+ CToolClass::explanationLabel(currentTab, i18n("Standard works"),
+ i18n("Standard works are used when no particular work is specified, \
+ for example when a hyperlink into a Bible or lexicon was clicked .")),
+ 0,0,0,-1 /*fill the horizontal space*/
+ );
+ m_settings.swords.standardBible = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardBible, i18n("Standard Bible"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardBible, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::bible::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,1,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardBible,1,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardCommentary = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardCommentary, i18n("Standard Commentary"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardCommentary, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::commentary::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,2,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardCommentary,2,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardLexicon = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardLexicon, i18n("Standard Lexicon"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardLexicon, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::lexicon::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,3,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardLexicon,3,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional, i18n("Standard Daily Devotional"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::dailyDevotional::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,4,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional,4,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong, i18n("Standard Hebrew Strong's Lexicon"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::hebrewStrongs::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,5,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong,5,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong, i18n("Standard Greek Strong's Lexicon"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::greekStrongs::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,6,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong,6,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph, i18n("Standard Hebrew Morphological Lexicon"), currentTab);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::hebrewMorph::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,7,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph,7,1);
+ m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph = new QComboBox(currentTab);
+ label = new QLabel(m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph, i18n("Standard Greek Morphological Lexicon"), currentTab);
+ label->setAutoResize(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph, CResMgr::settings::sword::modules::greekMorph::tooltip);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(label,8,0);
+ gridLayout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph,8,1);
+ gridLayout->setRowStretch(9,5);
+ //fill the comboboxes with the right modules
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules = backend()->moduleList();
+ QString modDescript;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ modDescript = (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description);
+ switch ((*it)->type()) {
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
+ m_settings.swords.standardBible->insertItem(modDescript);
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary:
+ m_settings.swords.standardCommentary->insertItem(modDescript);
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon: {
+ bool inserted = false;
+ if ((*it)->has(CSwordModuleInfo::HebrewDef)) {
+ m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong->insertItem(modDescript);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ if ((*it)->has(CSwordModuleInfo::GreekDef)) {
+ m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong->insertItem(modDescript);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ if ((*it)->has(CSwordModuleInfo::HebrewParse)) {
+ m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph->insertItem(modDescript);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ if ((*it)->has(CSwordModuleInfo::GreekParse)) {
+ m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph->insertItem(modDescript);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ if ((*it)->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::DailyDevotional) {
+ m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional->insertItem(modDescript);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ if (!inserted) {//daily dvotionals, striong lexicons etc. are not very useful for word lookups
+ m_settings.swords.standardLexicon->insertItem(modDescript);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default://unknown type
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //using two lists and one loop is better than six loops with almost the same code :)
+ QPtrList<QComboBox> comboList;
+ comboList.setAutoDelete(false);//don't delete the combos accidentally
+ QStringList moduleList;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= (int)CBTConfig::lastModuleType; ++i) {
+ //fill the combobox list in the right order (i.e. same order as the CBTConfig::module enum list)
+ CBTConfig::modules moduleType = (CBTConfig::modules)(i);
+ switch (moduleType) {
+ case CBTConfig::standardBible:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardBible);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardCommentary:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardCommentary);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardLexicon:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardLexicon);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardDailyDevotional:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardHebrewStrongsLexicon:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardGreekStrongsLexicon:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardHebrewMorphLexicon:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph);
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon:
+ comboList.append(m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph);
+ break;
+ };
+ //fill the module list
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const m = CBTConfig::get
+ ( (CBTConfig::modules)(i) );
+ if (m) {
+ moduleList << m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description);
+ }
+ else {
+ moduleList << QString::null;
+ }
+ }
+ QString module = QString::null;
+ int item = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (QComboBox* combo = comboList.first(); combo; combo = ) {
+ module = moduleList[];
+ count = combo->count();
+ combo->setMaximumWidth(300);
+ for (item = 0; item < count; item++) {
+ if (combo->text(item) == module ) {
+ combo->setCurrentItem(item);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { // ---------- new tab: filters -------- //
+ QFrame* currentTab = new QFrame(tabCtl);
+ tabCtl->addTab(currentTab, i18n("Text filters"));
+ QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(currentTab,5);
+ layout->addWidget( CToolClass::explanationLabel(currentTab, i18n("Text filters"),
+ i18n("Filters control the appearance of text. \
+Here you can specify default settings for all filters. \
+You can change the filter settings in each display window, of course.")) );
+ layout->addSpacing(5);
+ m_settings.swords.lineBreaks = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.lineBreaks->setText(i18n("Insert line break after each verse"));
+ m_settings.swords.lineBreaks->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::lineBreaks));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.lineBreaks);
+ m_settings.swords.verseNumbers = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.verseNumbers->setText(i18n("Show verse numbers"));
+ m_settings.swords.verseNumbers->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::verseNumbers));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.verseNumbers);
+ m_settings.swords.headings = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.headings->setText(i18n("Show section headings"));
+ m_settings.swords.headings->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::headings));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.headings);
+ m_settings.swords.scriptureReferences = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.scriptureReferences->setText(i18n("Show scripture cross-references"));
+ m_settings.swords.scriptureReferences->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::scriptureReferences));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.scriptureReferences);
+ m_settings.swords.greekAccents = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.greekAccents->setText(i18n("Show Greek accents"));
+ m_settings.swords.greekAccents->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::greekAccents));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.greekAccents);
+ m_settings.swords.hebrewPoints = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.hebrewPoints->setText(i18n("Show Hebrew vowel points"));
+ m_settings.swords.hebrewPoints->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::hebrewPoints));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.hebrewPoints);
+ m_settings.swords.hebrewCantillation = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.hebrewCantillation->setText(i18n("Show Hebrew cantillation marks"));
+ m_settings.swords.hebrewCantillation->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::hebrewCantillation));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.hebrewCantillation);
+ m_settings.swords.morphSegmentation = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.morphSegmentation->setText(i18n("Show morph segmentation"));
+ m_settings.swords.morphSegmentation->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::morphSegmentation));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.morphSegmentation);
+ m_settings.swords.textualVariants = new QCheckBox(currentTab);
+ m_settings.swords.textualVariants->setText(i18n("Use textual variants"));
+ m_settings.swords.textualVariants->setChecked(CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::textualVariants));
+ layout->addWidget(m_settings.swords.textualVariants);
+ layout->addStretch(4);
+ }
+void COptionsDialog::saveAccelerators() {
+ if (m_settings.keys.general.keyChooser) {
+ m_settings.keys.general.keyChooser->commitChanges();
+ }
+ if ( {
+ }
+ if (m_settings.keys.commentary.keyChooser) {
+ m_settings.keys.commentary.keyChooser->commitChanges();
+ }
+ if (m_settings.keys.lexicon.keyChooser) {
+ m_settings.keys.lexicon.keyChooser->commitChanges();
+ }
+ if ( {
+ }
+ CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings( //application
+ CBTConfig::application,
+ m_settings.keys.application.actionCollection
+ );
+ CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings( //read display windows
+ CBTConfig::allWindows,
+ m_settings.keys.general.actionCollection
+ );
+ CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings( //bible
+ CBTConfig::bibleWindow,
+ );
+ CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings( //commentary
+ CBTConfig::commentaryWindow,
+ m_settings.keys.commentary.actionCollection
+ );
+ CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings( //lexicon
+ CBTConfig::lexiconWindow,
+ m_settings.keys.lexicon.actionCollection
+ );
+ CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings( //book
+ CBTConfig::bookWindow,
+ );
+/** No descriptions */
+void COptionsDialog::saveLanguages() {
+ for(QMap<QString, CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair>::Iterator it = m_settings.fonts.fontMap.begin(); it != m_settings.fonts.fontMap.end(); ++it ) {
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang = languageMgr()->languageForTranslatedName(it.key());
+ if (!lang->isValid()) { //we probably use a language, for which we have only the abbrev
+ CLanguageMgr::Language l(it.key(), it.key(), it.key()); //create a temp language
+ CBTConfig::set(&l,;
+ }
+ else {
+ CBTConfig::set(lang,;
+ }
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void COptionsDialog::saveDisplay() {
+ CBTConfig::set
+ ( CBTConfig::logo, m_settings.startup.showLogo->isChecked() );
+ CBTConfig::set
+ ( CBTConfig::tips, m_settings.startup.showTips->isChecked() );
+ CBTConfig::set
+ ( CBTConfig::displayStyle, m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser->currentText() );
+/** No descriptions */
+void COptionsDialog::saveSword() {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= (int)CBTConfig::lastModuleType; ++i) {
+ QString moduleDescription = QString::null;
+ CBTConfig::modules moduleType = (CBTConfig::modules)(i);
+ switch (moduleType) {
+ case CBTConfig::standardBible:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardBible->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardCommentary:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardCommentary->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardLexicon:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardLexicon->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardDailyDevotional:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardDailyDevotional->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardHebrewStrongsLexicon:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardHebrewStrong->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardGreekStrongsLexicon:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardGreekStrong->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardHebrewMorphLexicon:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardHebrewMorph->currentText();
+ break;
+ case CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon:
+ moduleDescription = m_settings.swords.standardGreekMorph->currentText();
+ break;
+ default:
+ qWarning("Unhandled module type.");
+ };
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const module = backend()->findModuleByDescription(moduleDescription);
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (moduleType, module);
+ }
+ QString languageAbbrev;
+ const QString currentLanguageName = m_settings.fonts.swordLocaleCombo->currentText();
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const l = CPointers::languageMgr()->languageForTranslatedName( currentLanguageName );
+ if (l && l->isValid()) {
+ languageAbbrev = l->abbrev();
+ }
+ else { //it can be the lang abbrev like de_abbrev or the Sword description
+ list <sword::SWBuf> locales = sword::LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr()->getAvailableLocales();
+ for (list <sword::SWBuf>::iterator it = locales.begin(); it != locales.end(); it++) {
+ SWLocale* locale = LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr()->getLocale((*it).c_str());
+ Q_ASSERT(locale);
+ if ( locale && (QString::fromLatin1(locale->getDescription()) == currentLanguageName) ) {
+ languageAbbrev = QString::fromLatin1(locale->getName()); //we found the abbrevation for the current language
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (languageAbbrev.isEmpty()) {
+ languageAbbrev = currentLanguageName; //probably a non-standard locale name like de_abbrev
+ }
+ }
+ if (!languageAbbrev.isEmpty()) {
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::language, languageAbbrev);
+ }
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::lineBreaks, m_settings.swords.lineBreaks->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::verseNumbers, m_settings.swords.verseNumbers->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::headings, m_settings.swords.headings->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::scriptureReferences, m_settings.swords.scriptureReferences->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::hebrewPoints, m_settings.swords.hebrewPoints->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::hebrewCantillation, m_settings.swords.hebrewCantillation->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::morphSegmentation, m_settings.swords.morphSegmentation->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::greekAccents, m_settings.swords.greekAccents->isChecked());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::textualVariants, m_settings.swords.textualVariants->isChecked());
+/** This slot is called when the "Use own font for language" bo was clicked. */
+void COptionsDialog::useOwnFontClicked( bool isOn ) {
+ m_settings.fonts.fontChooser->setEnabled(isOn);
+ m_settings.fonts.fontMap[ m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText() ].first = isOn;
+ if (isOn) { //show font icon
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->changeItem(
+ SmallIcon("fonts"),
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText(),
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->currentItem()
+ );
+ }
+ else { //don't show
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->changeItem(
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->currentText(),
+ m_settings.fonts.usage->currentItem()
+ );
+ }
+void COptionsDialog::updateStylePreview() {
+ //update the style preview widget
+ using namespace Rendering;
+ const QString styleName = m_settings.displayStyle.styleChooser->currentText();
+ CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ settings.highlight = false;
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString("\n<span class=\"entryname\"><a name=\"John316\" href=\"sword://Bible/WEB/John 3:16\">16</a></span>%1")
+ .arg(i18n("For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.")),
+ settings));
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString("\n<span class=\"entryname\"><a name=\"John317\" href=\"sword://Bible/WEB/John 3:17\">17</a></span>%1")
+ .arg(i18n("For God didn't send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him.")),
+ settings));
+ settings.highlight = true;
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString("\n<span class=\"entryname\"><a name=\"John318\" href=\"sword://Bible/WEB/John 3:18\">18</a></span>%1")
+ .arg(i18n("He who believes in him is not judged. He who doesn't believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.")),
+ settings) );
+ settings.highlight = false;
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString("\n<span class=\"entryname\"><a name=\"John319\" href=\"sword://Bible/WEB/John 3:19\">19</a></span>%1")
+ .arg(i18n("This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil.")),
+ settings));
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString("\n<span class=\"entryname\"><a name=\"John320\" href=\"sword://Bible/WEB/John 3:20\">20</a></span>%1<br/>")
+ .arg(i18n("For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn't come to the light, lest his works would be exposed.")),
+ settings));
+ tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
+ QString("\n<span class=\"entryname\"><a name=\"John321\" href=\"sword://Bible/WEB/John 3:21\">21</a></span>%1")
+ .arg(i18n("But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God.")),
+ settings));
+ const QString oldStyleName = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::displayStyle);
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::displayStyle, styleName);
+ CDisplayRendering render;
+ m_settings.displayStyle.stylePreview->begin();
+ m_settings.displayStyle.stylePreview->write( render.renderKeyTree(tree));
+ m_settings.displayStyle.stylePreview->end();
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::displayStyle, oldStyleName);
+void COptionsDialog::slotKeyChooserTypeChanged(const QString& title) {
+ //delete all KKeyChoosers which may not share accels, because this class checks in all instances for key conflicts
+ typedef QPtrList<KKeyChooser> KeyChooserList;
+ KeyChooserList list;
+ list.append(;
+ list.append(m_settings.keys.commentary.keyChooser);
+ list.append(m_settings.keys.lexicon.keyChooser);
+ list.append(;
+ //commit all changes in the keychoosers
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030200
+ for (KeyChooserList::iterator it(list.begin()); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it) { //the list may contain NULL pointers
+ (*it)->commitChanges();
+ }
+ }
+ //Normally we know a QPtrListIterator is done when it.current() == 0
+ //but now a value can actually be zero, which would be
+ //indistinguishable from the end condition.
+ //Therefore, more complex logic is needed.
+ QPtrListIterator<KKeyChooser> it(list);
+ if (!it.isEmpty()){
+ while (!it.atLast()){
+ if (it.current()){
+ it.current()->commitChanges();
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ //We still have the last item to process.
+ if (it.current()){
+ it.current()->commitChanges();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Delete all the keychoosers in the list,
+ * the keychoosers are set to NULL, because they are QGuardedPtr
+ */
+ list.setAutoDelete(true);
+ list.clear();
+ Settings::KeySettings::WindowType* t = 0;
+ if (title == m_settings.keys.application.title) { //Application wide
+ t = &m_settings.keys.application;
+ }
+ else if (title == m_settings.keys.general.title) { // All display windows
+ t = &m_settings.keys.general;
+ }
+ else if (title == { // Bible windows
+ t = &;
+ }
+ else if (title == m_settings.keys.commentary.title) { // Commentary windows
+ t = &m_settings.keys.commentary;
+ }
+ else if (title == m_settings.keys.lexicon.title) { // Lexicon windows
+ t = &m_settings.keys.lexicon;
+ }
+ else if (title == { // Book windows
+ t = &;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(t);
+ if (!t->keyChooser) { //was deleted, create a new one
+ t->keyChooser = new KKeyChooser(
+ m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack
+ );
+ t->keyChooser->insert(
+ t->actionCollection,
+ t->title
+ );
+ }
+ m_settings.keys.keyChooserStack->raiseWidget(t->keyChooser);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/coptionsdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/coptionsdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6431ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/coptionsdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cprofilemgr.h"
+#include "cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//QT includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <kfontdialog.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <kcolorbutton.h>
+#include <kapp.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+class QHBox;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QComboBox;
+class QRadioButton;
+class QWidgetStack;
+class KListBox;
+class KKeyChooser;
+class KTabCtl;
+class KHTMLPart;
+class KActionCollection;
+ * The optionsdialog of BibleTime
+ * @author The BibleTime Team
+ */
+class COptionsDialog : public KDialogBase, public CPointers {
+ COptionsDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name, KActionCollection* actionCollection);
+ virtual ~COptionsDialog();
+ enum Parts {
+ Startup,
+ Font,
+ DisplayTemplates,
+ Desk,
+ Hotkeys
+ };
+ /** Opens the page which contaisn the given part ID. */
+ const bool showPart( COptionsDialog::Parts ID );
+ struct Settings {
+ struct StartupSettings {
+ QCheckBox* showTips;
+ QCheckBox* showLogo;
+ }
+ startup;
+ struct SwordSettings {
+ QComboBox* standardBible;
+ QComboBox* standardCommentary;
+ QComboBox* standardLexicon;
+ QComboBox* standardDailyDevotional;
+ QComboBox* standardHebrewStrong;
+ QComboBox* standardGreekStrong;
+ QComboBox* standardHebrewMorph;
+ QComboBox* standardGreekMorph;
+ QCheckBox* lineBreaks;
+ QCheckBox* verseNumbers;
+ QCheckBox* headings;
+ QCheckBox* hebrewPoints;
+ QCheckBox* hebrewCantillation;
+ QCheckBox* morphSegmentation;
+ QCheckBox* greekAccents;
+ QCheckBox* textualVariants;
+ QCheckBox* scriptureReferences;
+ }
+ swords; // not: sword instead of sword -> namespace error
+ struct KeySettings {
+ QComboBox* typeChooser;
+ QWidgetStack* keyChooserStack;
+ struct WindowType {
+ QGuardedPtr<KKeyChooser> keyChooser;
+ KActionCollection* actionCollection;
+ QString title;
+ WindowType() {
+ keyChooser = 0;
+ actionCollection = 0;
+ };
+ WindowType(const QString& newTitle) {
+ title = newTitle;
+ keyChooser = 0;
+ actionCollection = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ WindowType application;
+ WindowType general;
+ WindowType bible;
+ WindowType commentary;
+ WindowType lexicon;
+ WindowType book;
+ }
+ keys;
+ struct DisplayStyleSettings {
+ QComboBox* styleChooser;
+ KHTMLPart* stylePreview;
+ }
+ displayStyle;
+ struct FontSettings {
+ QComboBox* swordLocaleCombo;
+ KFontChooser* fontChooser;
+ QComboBox* usage;
+ QCheckBox* useOwnFontBox;
+ //the pair os to check whether the standard font (bool == false) or whether an own font should be used (true)
+ QMap<QString,CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair> fontMap;
+ }
+ fonts;
+ }
+ m_settings;
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Called when a new font in the fonts page was selected.
+ */
+ void newDisplayWindowFontSelected(const QFont &);
+ /**
+ * Called when the combobox contents is changed
+ */
+ void newDisplayWindowFontAreaSelected(const QString&);
+ /**
+ * Called if the OK button was clicked
+ */
+ void slotOk();
+ /**
+ * Called if the Apply button was clicked
+ * commented out for the time being. ck
+ */
+ void slotApply();
+ /**
+ * This slot is called when the "Use own font for language" bo was clicked.
+ */
+ void useOwnFontClicked(bool);
+ /**
+ * Update the style preview widget
+ */
+ void updateStylePreview();
+ /**
+ * The type of the keyaccel area changed
+ */
+ void slotKeyChooserTypeChanged(const QString&);
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes the startup section of the OD.
+ */
+ void initDisplay();
+ /**
+ * Init Sword section.
+ */
+ void initSword();
+ /**
+ * Init accel key section.
+ */
+ void initAccelerators();
+ /**
+ * Init fonts section.
+ */
+ void initLanguages();
+ /** Save the display settings.
+ */
+ void saveDisplay();
+ /** Save the key accel settings.
+ */
+ void saveAccelerators();
+ /** Save the font settings.
+ */
+ void saveLanguages();
+ /** Save the Sword specific settings.
+ */
+ void saveSword();
+signals: // Signals
+ void signalSettingsChanged();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprinter.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cprinter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fad2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprinter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cprinter.h"
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+//KDE includes
+#include <khtml_part.h>
+#include <khtmlview.h>
+/* Class: CPrinter */
+namespace Printing {
+ CPrinter::CPrinter(QObject *, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions)
+: QObject(0),
+ CDisplayRendering(displayOptions, filterOptions),
+ m_htmlPart(new KHTMLPart(0, 0, this)) {
+ //override the filteroptions set in the c-tor of CDisplayRendering
+ m_filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ m_filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ m_filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ m_filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ m_filterOptions.headings = false;
+ m_htmlPart->setJScriptEnabled(false);
+ m_htmlPart->setJavaEnabled(false);
+ m_htmlPart->setMetaRefreshEnabled(false);
+ m_htmlPart->setPluginsEnabled(false);
+ m_htmlPart->view()->resize(500,500);
+ m_htmlPart->view()->hide();
+ }
+ CPrinter::~CPrinter() {
+ delete m_htmlPart;
+ m_htmlPart = 0;
+ }
+ void CPrinter::printKeyTree( KeyTree& tree ) {
+ m_htmlPart->begin();
+ m_htmlPart->write(renderKeyTree(tree));
+ m_htmlPart->end();
+ m_htmlPart->view()->layout();
+ m_htmlPart->view()->print();
+ }
+ const QString CPrinter::entryLink(const KeyTreeItem& item, CSwordModuleInfo* module) {
+ Q_ASSERT(module);
+ if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) {
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(module);
+ vk = item.key();
+ switch (item.settings().keyRenderingFace) {
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort:
+ return QString::fromUtf8(vk.getShortText());
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteLong:
+ return vk.key();
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey:
+ return QString::null;
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey: //fall through
+ default:
+ return QString::number(vk.Verse());
+ }
+ }
+ return item.key();
+ }
+ const QString CPrinter::renderEntry( const KeyTreeItem& i, CSwordKey* ) {
+ const CPrinter::KeyTreeItem* printItem = dynamic_cast<const CPrinter::KeyTreeItem*>(&i);
+ Q_ASSERT(printItem);
+ if (printItem && printItem->hasAlternativeContent()) {
+ QString ret = QString::fromLatin1("<div class=\"entry\"><div class=\"rangeheading\">%1</div>").arg(printItem->getAlternativeContent());
+ if (i.hasChildItems()) {
+ KeyTree const * tree = i.childList();
+ for ( KeyTreeItem* c = tree->first(); c; c = tree->next() ) {
+ ret.append( CDisplayRendering::renderEntry( *c ) );
+ }
+ }
+ ret.append("</div>");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return CDisplayRendering::renderEntry(i);
+ }
+ const QString CPrinter::finishText(const QString& text, KeyTree& tree) {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules = tree.collectModules();
+ Q_ASSERT(modules.count() > 0);
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang = modules.first()->language();
+ Q_ASSERT(lang);
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
+ //settings.modules = modules;
+ settings.pageCSS_ID = "printer";
+ settings.langAbbrev = (lang && (modules.count() == 1) && lang->isValid())
+ ? lang->abbrev()
+ : "unknown";
+ settings.pageDirection = (modules.count() == 1)
+ ? ((modules.first()->textDirection() == CSwordModuleInfo::LeftToRight) ? "ltr" : "rtl")
+ : QString::null;
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr* tMgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
+ return tMgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::displayStyle), text, settings);
+ }
+} //end of namespace
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprinter.h b/bibletime/frontend/cprinter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd28280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprinter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#ifndef CPRINTER_H
+#define CPRINTER_H
+//BibleTime backend
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplayrendering.h"
+//BibleTime frontend
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qobject.h>
+class KHTMLPart;
+namespace Printing {
+ /**
+ * The CPrinter class manages the print item queue and the printing of them to the printer.
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CPrinter : public QObject, public Rendering::CDisplayRendering {
+ CPrinter(
+ QObject *parent, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions
+ );
+ virtual ~CPrinter();
+ void printKeyTree( KeyTree& );
+ virtual const QString entryLink(const KeyTreeItem& item, CSwordModuleInfo* const module);
+ virtual const QString renderEntry( const KeyTreeItem&, CSwordKey* = 0 );
+ virtual const QString finishText(const QString& arg1, KeyTree& tree);
+ KHTMLPart* m_htmlPart;
+ };
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprofile.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cprofile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..309329e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprofile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cprofile.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace Profile {
+CProfile::CProfile( const QString& file, const QString& name ):
+m_name(name.isEmpty() ? i18n("unknown") : name),
+m_geometry(10,20,640,480) {
+ m_profileWindows.setAutoDelete(true);
+ if (!m_filename.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty()) {
+ loadBasics();
+ }
+ else if (m_filename.isEmpty() && !name.isEmpty()) {
+ m_filename = name;
+ m_filename.replace(QRegExp("\\s=#."),"_");
+ KStandardDirs stdDirs;
+ m_filename = stdDirs.saveLocation("data", "bibletime/sessions/") + m_filename + ".xml";
+ init(m_filename);
+ }
+ else {
+ qWarning("CProfile: empty file name!");
+ }
+CProfile::~CProfile() {
+ m_profileWindows.clear(); //delete all CProfileWindows objects (autodelete is enabled)
+/** Loads the profile from the file given in the constructor. */
+QPtrList<CProfileWindow> CProfile::load() {
+ QFile file(m_filename);
+ if (!file.exists())
+ return QPtrList<CProfileWindow>();
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream t( &file );
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ doc.setContent(;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ QDomElement document = doc.documentElement();
+ if( document.tagName() != "BibleTimeProfile" && document.tagName() != "BibleTime" ) { //BibleTime was used in syntax version 1.0
+ qWarning("CProfile::load: Missing BibleTime doc");
+ return m_profileWindows;
+ }
+ if (document.hasAttribute("name")) {
+ m_name = document.attribute("name");
+ }
+ //load settings of the main window
+ {
+ // see if there's a section with the name MAINWINDOW
+ QDomElement elem = document.firstChild().toElement();
+ QDomElement mainWindow;
+ while (!elem.isNull()) {
+ if (elem.tagName() == "MAINWINDOW") {
+ mainWindow = elem;
+ break; //found the element
+ }
+ elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement();
+ }
+ if (!mainWindow.isNull()) { //was found
+ setFullscreen( (bool)mainWindow.attribute("fullscreen").toInt());
+ QDomElement object = mainWindow.namedItem("GEOMETRY").toElement();
+ QRect rect;
+ if(!object.isNull()) {
+ if (object.hasAttribute("x")) {
+ rect.setX(object.attribute("x").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("y")) {
+ rect.setY(object.attribute("y").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("width")) {
+ rect.setWidth(object.attribute("width").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("height")) {
+ rect.setHeight(object.attribute("height").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("isMaximized")) {
+ this->setMaximized( static_cast<bool>(object.attribute("isMaximized").toInt()) );
+ }
+ }
+ setGeometry(rect);
+ }
+ }
+ m_profileWindows.clear();
+ QDomElement elem = document.firstChild().toElement();
+ while (!elem.isNull()) {
+ CProfileWindow* p = 0;
+ if (elem.tagName() == "BIBLE") {
+ p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::Bible);
+ }
+ else if (elem.tagName() == "COMMENTARY") {
+ p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary);
+ }
+ else if (elem.tagName() == "LEXICON") {
+ p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon);
+ }
+ else if (elem.tagName() == "BOOK") {
+ p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook);
+ }
+ if (p) {
+ m_profileWindows.append(p);
+ if (elem.hasAttribute("windowSettings")) {
+ p->setWindowSettings( elem.attribute("windowSettings").toInt() );
+ }
+ if (elem.hasAttribute("writeWindowType")) {
+ p->setWriteWindowType( elem.attribute("writeWindowType").toInt() );
+ }
+ if (elem.hasAttribute("hasFocus")) {
+ p->setFocus( static_cast<bool>(elem.attribute("hasFocus").toInt()) );
+ }
+ QRect rect;
+ QDomElement object = elem.namedItem("GEOMETRY").toElement();
+ if(!object.isNull()) {
+ if (object.hasAttribute("x")) {
+ rect.setX(object.attribute("x").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("y")) {
+ rect.setY(object.attribute("y").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("width")) {
+ rect.setWidth(object.attribute("width").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("height")) {
+ rect.setHeight(object.attribute("height").toInt());
+ }
+ if (object.hasAttribute("isMaximized")) {
+ p->setMaximized( static_cast<bool>(object.attribute("isMaximized").toInt()) );
+ }
+ }
+ p->setGeometry(rect);
+ object = elem.namedItem("MODULES").toElement();
+ if(!object.isNull()) {
+ if (object.hasAttribute("list")) {
+ const QString sep = object.hasAttribute("separator") ? object.attribute("separator") : "|";
+ QStringList modules = QStringList::split(sep, object.attribute("list"));
+ p->setModules(modules);
+ }
+ }
+ object = elem.namedItem("KEY").toElement();
+ if(!object.isNull()) {
+ if (object.hasAttribute("name"))
+ p->setKey(object.attribute("name"));
+ }
+ object = elem.namedItem("SCROLLBARS").toElement();
+ if(!object.isNull()) {
+ int horizontal = 0, vertical = 0;
+ if (object.hasAttribute("horizontal"))
+ horizontal = object.attribute("horizontal").toInt();
+ if (object.hasAttribute("vertical"))
+ vertical = object.attribute("vertical").toInt();
+ p->setScrollbarPositions(horizontal, vertical);
+ }
+ }
+ elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement();
+ }
+ return m_profileWindows;
+/** Saves the profile to the file given in the constructor. */
+const bool CProfile::save(QPtrList<CProfileWindow> windows) {
+ /** Save the settings using a XML file
+ * Save the CProfileWindow objects using a XML file which name is in m_filename
+ */
+ bool ret = false;
+ QDomDocument doc("DOC");
+ doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );
+ QDomElement content = doc.createElement("BibleTimeProfile");
+ content.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION);
+ content.setAttribute("name", m_name);
+ doc.appendChild(content);
+ //save mainwindow settings
+ {
+ QDomElement mainWindow = doc.createElement("MAINWINDOW");
+ mainWindow.setAttribute("fullscreen", fullscreen());
+ QDomElement geometry = doc.createElement("GEOMETRY");
+ mainWindow.appendChild(geometry);
+ const QRect r = this->geometry();
+ geometry.setAttribute("x",r.x());
+ geometry.setAttribute("y",r.y());
+ geometry.setAttribute("width",r.width());
+ geometry.setAttribute("height",r.height());
+ geometry.setAttribute("isMaximized",static_cast<int>(this->maximized()));
+ content.appendChild(mainWindow);
+ }
+ for (CProfileWindow* p = windows.first(); p; p = {
+ QDomElement window;
+ switch (p->type()) {
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
+ window = doc.createElement("BIBLE");
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary:
+ window = doc.createElement("COMMENTARY");
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon:
+ window = doc.createElement("LEXICON");
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook:
+ window = doc.createElement("BOOK");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (window.isNull())
+ break;
+ window.setAttribute("windowSettings", p->windowSettings());
+ window.setAttribute("writeWindowType", p->writeWindowType());
+ window.setAttribute("hasFocus", p->hasFocus());
+ //save geomtery
+ const QRect r = p->geometry();
+ QDomElement geometry = doc.createElement("GEOMETRY");
+ geometry.setAttribute("x",r.x());
+ geometry.setAttribute("y",r.y());
+ geometry.setAttribute("width",r.width());
+ geometry.setAttribute("height",r.height());
+ geometry.setAttribute("isMaximized",static_cast<int>(p->maximized()));
+ window.appendChild( geometry );
+ QDomElement modules = doc.createElement("MODULES");
+ modules.setAttribute("separator", "|");
+ modules.setAttribute("list", p->modules().join("|"));
+ window.appendChild( modules );
+ QDomElement key = doc.createElement("KEY");
+ key.setAttribute("name", p->key());
+ window.appendChild( key );
+ QDomElement scrollbars = doc.createElement("SCROLLBARS");
+ scrollbars.setAttribute("horizontal", p->scrollbarPositions().horizontal);
+ scrollbars.setAttribute("vertical", p->scrollbarPositions().vertical);
+ window.appendChild( scrollbars );
+ content.appendChild( window );
+ }
+ QFile file(m_filename);
+ if ( ) {
+ ret = true;
+ QTextStream t( &file );
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ t << doc.toString();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ else
+ ret = false;
+ return ret;
+/** Saves the profile to the file given in the constructor. */
+const bool CProfile::save() {
+ return save(m_profileWindows);
+/** Returns the filename used for this profile. */
+const QString& CProfile::filename() {
+ return m_filename;
+/** Returns the name of this profile. */
+const QString& CProfile::name() {
+ return m_name;
+/** Initializes the XML for the first time (use to create a new profile) */
+void CProfile::init(const QString file) {
+ const QString oldFile = m_filename;
+ m_filename = file;
+ save(QPtrList<CProfileWindow>());
+ m_filename = oldFile;
+/** Changes the name of this profile. */
+void CProfile::setName( const QString& newName ) {
+ m_name = newName;
+ saveBasics(); //save chanegd name
+/** Loads the basic settings requires for proper operation. */
+void CProfile::loadBasics() {
+ QFile file(m_filename);
+ if (!file.exists())
+ return;
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream t( &file );
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ doc.setContent(;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ QDomElement document = doc.documentElement();
+ if (document.hasAttribute("name"))
+ m_name = document.attribute("name");
+void CProfile::saveBasics() {
+ QFile file(m_filename);
+ if (!file.exists())
+ return;
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream t(&file);
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ doc.setContent(;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ QDomElement document = doc.documentElement();
+ document.setAttribute("name", m_name);
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream t( &file );
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ t << doc.toString();
+ file.close();
+ }
+/** Returns true if the main window was in fullscreen mode as the profile was saved. */
+const bool CProfile::fullscreen() const {
+ return m_fullscreen;
+/** Set the parameter to true if the main window coveres the full screen size. */
+void CProfile::setFullscreen( const bool fullscreen ) {
+ m_fullscreen = fullscreen;
+/** Returns true if the main window was maximized as the profile was saved. */
+const bool CProfile::maximized() const {
+ return m_maximized;
+/** Set the parameter to true if the main window is maximized. */
+void CProfile::setMaximized( const bool maximized ) {
+ m_maximized = maximized;
+/** Returns the geometry of the main window */
+const QRect CProfile::geometry() {
+ return m_geometry;
+/** Stes the geoemtry of the main window */
+void CProfile::setGeometry( const QRect rect ) {
+ m_geometry = rect;
+} //end of namespace Profile
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprofile.h b/bibletime/frontend/cprofile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..711bdf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprofile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#ifndef CPROFILE_H
+#define CPROFILE_H
+#include "cprofilewindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+namespace Profile {
+/** Manages one profile file. Provides functions to save and restore settings of the available display windows.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CProfile {
+ CProfile(const QString& fileName, const QString& name = QString::null);
+ ~CProfile();
+ /**
+ * Saves the profile to the file given in the constructor.
+ * @param windows The list of windows available in the profile.
+ */
+ const bool save( QPtrList<CProfileWindow> windows );
+ /**
+ * Saves the profile to the file given in the constructor.
+ */
+ const bool save();
+ /**
+ * Loads the profile from the file given in the constructor.
+ * @return The list of profiled window which exist in the profile.
+ */
+ QPtrList<CProfileWindow> load();
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of this profile.
+ */
+ const QString& name();
+ /**
+ * Returns the filename used for this profile.
+ */
+ const QString& filename();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the XML for the first time (use to create a new profile)
+ */
+ void init(const QString);
+ /**
+ * Chnages the name of this profile.
+ */
+ void setName( const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the main window was in fullscreen mode as the profile was saved.
+ */
+ const bool fullscreen() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the parameter to true if the main window coveres the full screen size.
+ */
+ void setFullscreen( const bool fullscreen );
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the main window was maximized as the profile was saved.
+ */
+ const bool maximized() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the parameter to true if the main window is maximized.
+ */
+ void setMaximized( const bool maximized );
+ /**
+ * Sets the geoemtry of the main window
+ */
+ void setGeometry( const QRect rect );
+ /**
+ * Returns the geometry of the main window
+ */
+ const QRect geometry();
+ /**
+ * Loads the basic settings requires for proper operation.
+ */
+ void loadBasics();
+ void saveBasics();
+ QPtrList<CProfileWindow> m_profileWindows;
+ QString m_name;
+ QString m_filename;
+ bool m_fullscreen;
+ bool m_maximized;
+ QRect m_geometry;
+} //end of namespace Profile
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprofilemgr.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilemgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef810a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilemgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cprofilemgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+namespace Profile {
+CProfileMgr::CProfileMgr() : m_startupProfile(0) {
+ m_profiles.setAutoDelete(true);
+ KStandardDirs stdDirs;
+ m_profilePath = stdDirs.saveLocation("data", "bibletime/sessions/");
+ QDir d( m_profilePath );
+ QStringList files = d.entryList("*.xml");
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) {
+ if ((*it) != "_startup_.xml") {
+ m_profiles.append(new CProfile(m_profilePath + *it));
+ }
+ else {
+ m_startupProfile = new CProfile(m_profilePath + *it);
+ }
+ }
+CProfileMgr::~CProfileMgr() {
+ m_profiles.clear(); // autoDelete is enabled, so all profiles are deleted
+ delete m_startupProfile;
+/** Returns a list of available profiles. */
+const QPtrList<CProfile>& CProfileMgr::profiles() {
+ return m_profiles;
+/** Creates a new profile with the name "name" (first parameter). @return The profile object */
+CProfile* CProfileMgr::create( const QString name ) {
+ CProfile* p = new CProfile(QString::null, name);
+ m_profiles.append(p);
+ return p;
+/** Removes the profile from the list and from the directory containg the profile files. */
+const bool CProfileMgr::remove
+ ( CProfile* p ) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ QFile f( p->filename() );
+ if (f.exists())
+ f.remove();
+ if(m_profiles.remove(p))
+ ; //auto delete is enabled
+ ret = true;
+ return ret;
+const bool CProfileMgr::remove
+ ( const QString& profile) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ for (CProfile* p = m_profiles.first(); p; p = {
+ if (p->name() == profile) {
+ remove
+ (p);
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+/** Returns the profile with the desired name. If there's no such profile 0 is returned. */
+CProfile* CProfileMgr::profile(const QString& name) {
+ for (m_profiles.first(); m_profiles.current(); {
+ if (m_profiles.current()->name() == name) {
+ return m_profiles.current();
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** Returns the startup profile if it exists, otherwise return 0. */
+CProfile* CProfileMgr::startupProfile() {
+ if (!m_startupProfile) {
+ m_startupProfile = new CProfile(QString::null, "_startup_");
+ }
+ return m_startupProfile;
+/** Refreshes the profiles available on disk. Use this function to update the list of profiles after another instance of CProfileMgr created a new profile. */
+void CProfileMgr::refresh() {
+ m_profiles.clear(); //delete all profiles
+ QDir d( m_profilePath );
+ QStringList files = d.entryList("*.xml");
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) {
+ CProfile p(m_profilePath + *it);
+ if ( == "_startup_") { //new startup profile
+ if (!m_startupProfile) { //don't put this in the if clause above,it doesn't work!
+ m_startupProfile = new CProfile(m_profilePath + *it);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!profile( { //don't have it already
+ m_profiles.append(new CProfile(m_profilePath + *it));
+ }
+ }
+} //end of namespace Profile
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprofilemgr.h b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilemgr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f55d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilemgr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cprofile.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+namespace Profile {
+/** The manager for profiles.
+ * Provides functions to create, delete, save and load profiles.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CProfileMgr {
+ CProfileMgr();
+ ~CProfileMgr();
+ /** Creates a new profile with the name "name" (first parameter).
+ * @return The profile object
+ */
+ CProfile* create( const QString name );
+ /**
+ * @return a list of available profiles
+ */
+ const QPtrList<CProfile>& profiles();
+ /**
+ * Removes the profile from the list and from the directory containg the profile files.
+ */
+ const bool remove
+ ( CProfile* p );
+ /**
+ * Removes the profile from the list and from the directory containg the profile files.
+ */
+ const bool remove
+ ( const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Returns the profile with the desired name. If there's no such profile 0 is returned.
+ */
+ CProfile* profile(const QString&);
+ /**
+ * Returns the startup profile if it exists, otherwise return 0.
+ */
+ CProfile* startupProfile();
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the profiles available on disk. Use this function to update the list of profiles after another instance of CProfileMgr created a new profile.
+ */
+ void refresh();
+ QPtrList<CProfile> m_profiles;
+ QString m_profilePath;
+ CProfile* m_startupProfile;
+} //end of namespace Profile
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprofilewindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilewindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..142dd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilewindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cprofilewindow.h"
+namespace Profile {
+CProfileWindow::CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type)
+: m_type(type),
+m_writeWindowType(0) {
+ m_scrollbarPos.horizontal = 0;
+ m_scrollbarPos.vertical = 0;
+CProfileWindow::~CProfileWindow() {}
+/** Returns the size of the window including the x,y coordinates. */
+const QRect& CProfileWindow::geometry() const {
+ return m_windowGeometry;
+/** Sets the size of the window. */
+void CProfileWindow::setGeometry( const QRect& rect ) {
+ m_windowGeometry = rect;
+/** Returns the type of the managed window (bible window, commentary window or lexicon window). */
+const CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType CProfileWindow::type() const {
+ if (m_type != CSwordModuleInfo::Unknown)
+ return m_type;
+ return CSwordModuleInfo::Unknown;
+/** Sets the modules. */
+void CProfileWindow::setModules( const QStringList& modules ) {
+ m_moduleList = modules; //copy module pointers into our own list
+/** Returns a list of module names which are chosen in the managed window profile. */
+const QStringList& CProfileWindow::modules() const {
+ return m_moduleList;
+/** Returns the current key set in the modules. */
+const QString& CProfileWindow::key() const {
+ return m_key;
+/** Set the key used in the modules. */
+void CProfileWindow::setKey( const QString& key ) {
+ m_key = key;
+/** Sets the current position of the scrollbars. */
+void CProfileWindow::setScrollbarPositions(const int& horizontal, const int& vertical) {
+ // m_scrollbarPos = {x,y};
+ m_scrollbarPos.horizontal = horizontal;
+ m_scrollbarPos.vertical = vertical;
+/** Returns tghe position of the scrollbars */
+const CProfileWindow::ScrollbarPos& CProfileWindow::scrollbarPositions() const {
+ return m_scrollbarPos;
+/** Sets the type of the used modules. */
+void CProfileWindow::setType(const CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType& type) {
+ m_type = type;
+/** Returns true if the window is maximized. */
+const bool& CProfileWindow::maximized() const {
+ return m_maximized;
+/** Sets the windows maximized state to true or false. */
+void CProfileWindow::setMaximized( const bool& maximized ) {
+ m_maximized = maximized;
+/** Returns true if the window is maximized. */
+const bool& CProfileWindow::hasFocus() const {
+ return m_hasFocus;
+/** Sets the windows maximized state to true or false. */
+void CProfileWindow::setFocus( const bool& hasFocus ) {
+ m_hasFocus = hasFocus;
+/** Returns an integer with the window specific settings */
+const int& CProfileWindow::windowSettings() const {
+ return m_windowSettings;
+/** Sets the window specific settings. */
+void CProfileWindow::setWindowSettings( const int& settings ) {
+ m_windowSettings = settings;
+/** Tells this profile window to represent a write window. */
+void CProfileWindow::setWriteWindowType( const int& writeWindowType ) {
+ m_writeWindowType = writeWindowType;
+/** Returns whether this profile window represents a write window. */
+const int& CProfileWindow::writeWindowType() const {
+ return m_writeWindowType;
+} //end of namespace Profile
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cprofilewindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilewindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddc5059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cprofilewindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+namespace Profile {
+/** Contains the settings for one window saved in the profile.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CProfileWindow {
+ struct ScrollbarPos {
+ int horizontal; //the position of the horizontal scrollbar
+ int vertical; //the position of the vertical scrollbar
+ };
+ CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type = CSwordModuleInfo::Unknown);
+ ~CProfileWindow();
+ /**
+ * Sets the modules.
+ */
+ void setModules( const QStringList& modules );
+ /**
+ * Returns the type of the managed window (bible window, commentary window or lexicon window).
+ */
+ const CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the type of the used modules.
+ */
+ void setType(const CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType& type);
+ /**
+ * Sets the size of the window.
+ */
+ void setGeometry( const QRect& s );
+ /**
+ * Returns the size of the window including the x,y coordinates.
+ */
+ const QRect& geometry() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of module names which are chosen in the managed window profile.
+ */
+ const QStringList& modules() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the key used in the modules.
+ */
+ void setKey( const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Returns the current key set in the modules.
+ */
+ const QString& key() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the current position of the scrollbars.
+ */
+ void setScrollbarPositions(const int& x, const int& y);
+ /**
+ * Sets the windows maximized state to true or false.
+ */
+ void setMaximized( const bool& maximized );
+ /**
+ * Sets the windows hasFocus state to true or false.
+ */
+ void setFocus( const bool& hasFocus );
+ /**
+ * Sets the window specific settings.
+ */
+ void setWindowSettings( const int& settings );
+ /**
+ * Returns an integer with the window specific settings
+ */
+ const int& windowSettings() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the window is maximized.
+ */
+ const bool& maximized() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the window has the focus in the MDI area.
+ */
+ const bool& hasFocus() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns tghe position of the scrollbars
+ */
+ const CProfileWindow::ScrollbarPos& scrollbarPositions() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether this profile window represents a write window.
+ */
+ const int& writeWindowType() const;
+ /**
+ * Tells this profile window to represent a write window.
+ */
+ void setWriteWindowType( const int& writeWindowType );
+ CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType m_type;
+ QRect m_windowGeometry;
+ QStringList m_moduleList;
+ QString m_key;
+ ScrollbarPos m_scrollbarPos;
+ bool m_maximized;
+ bool m_hasFocus;
+ int m_windowSettings;
+ int m_writeWindowType;
+} //end of namespace Profile
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/crossrefrendering.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/crossrefrendering.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aad9d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/crossrefrendering.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// C++ Implementation: crossrefrendering
+// Description:
+// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "crossrefrendering.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+namespace InfoDisplay {
+ /**
+ */
+ CrossRefRendering::CrossRefRendering( CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions)
+: CHTMLExportRendering(Settings(), displayOptions, filterOptions) {}
+ const QString CrossRefRendering::finishText( const QString& text, KeyTree& ) {
+ // qDebug("CrossRefRendering::finishText");
+ return text;
+ }
+ const QString CrossRefRendering::entryLink( const KeyTreeItem& item, CSwordModuleInfo* module ) {
+ QString linkText;
+ const bool isBible = module && (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible);
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(module); //only valid for bible modules, i.e. isBible == true
+ if (isBible) {
+ vk = item.key();
+ }
+ switch (item.settings().keyRenderingFace) {
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey: {
+ linkText = QString::null;
+ break; //no key is valid for all modules
+ }
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort: {
+ if (isBible) {
+ linkText = QString::fromUtf8(vk.getShortText());
+ break;
+ }
+ //fall through for non-Bible modules
+ }
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteLong: {
+ if (isBible) {
+ linkText = vk.key();
+ break;
+ }
+ //fall through for non-Bible modules
+ }
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey: {
+ if (isBible) {
+ linkText = QString::number(vk.Verse());
+ break;
+ }
+ //fall through for non-Bible modules
+ }
+ default: { //default behaviour to return the passed key
+ linkText = item.key();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!linkText.isEmpty()) { //if we have a valid link text
+ // qWarning("rendering");
+ return QString("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>")
+ .arg(
+ CReferenceManager::encodeHyperlink(
+ module->name(),
+ item.key(),
+ CReferenceManager::typeFromModule(module->type())
+ )
+ )
+ .arg(linkText);
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/crossrefrendering.h b/bibletime/frontend/crossrefrendering.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..144d9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/crossrefrendering.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// C++ Interface: crossrefrendering
+// Description:
+// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+//Backend includes
+#include "backend/chtmlexportrendering.h"
+namespace InfoDisplay {
+class CrossRefRendering : public Rendering::CHTMLExportRendering {
+ friend class CInfoDisplay;
+ CrossRefRendering(
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions = CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults(),
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults()
+ );
+ virtual const QString entryLink( const KeyTreeItem& item, CSwordModuleInfo* module );
+ virtual const QString finishText( const QString&, KeyTree& tree );
+ };
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b6950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cswordsetupdialog.h"
+#include "cswordsetupmodulelistview.h"
+#include "cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+// #include "btinstallmgr.h"
+#include "cmanageindiceswidget.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//QT includes
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qwidgetstack.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kdirselectdialog.h>
+#include <keditlistbox.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+//Sword includes
+#include <installmgr.h>
+#include <swmodule.h>
+#include <swversion.h>
+using namespace sword;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+ CSwordSetupDialog::CSwordSetupDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Bookshelf Manager"), Ok, Ok, parent, name, true, true, QString::null, QString::null, QString::null),
+ m_removeModuleListView(0),
+ m_installModuleListPage(0),
+ m_installModuleListView(0),
+ m_progressDialog(0),
+ m_refreshedRemoteSources(false) {
+ setIconListAllVisible(true);
+ m_swordSetupChanged = false;
+ initSwordConfig();
+ initInstall();
+ initRemove();
+ initManageIndices();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::initSwordConfig() {
+ QFrame* page = m_swordConfigPage = addPage(i18n("Bookshelf path(s)"), QString::null, SmallIcon("bt_swordconfig",32));
+ page->setMinimumSize(500,400);
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(page, 6, 4);
+ layout->setMargin(5);
+ layout->setSpacing(10);
+ layout->setColStretch(0,1);
+ layout->setRowStretch(5,1);
+ QLabel* mainLabel = CToolClass::explanationLabel(page,
+ i18n("Configure bookshelf path(s)"),
+ i18n("You can store your bookshelfs in one or more directories, which you can specify here.")
+ );
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(mainLabel, 0, 0, 0, 3);
+ QString swordConfPath = BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::swordConfigFilename();
+ QLabel* confPathLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Your bookshelf configuration file is <b>%1</b>").arg(swordConfPath), page);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(confPathLabel, 1,1,0,3);
+ m_swordPathListBox = new QListView(page);
+ // m_swordPathListBox->setFullWidth(true);
+ m_swordPathListBox->addColumn(i18n("Path to bookshelf"));
+ connect(m_swordPathListBox, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slot_swordPathSelected()));
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(m_swordPathListBox, 2,5,0,1);
+ m_swordEditPathButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Edit Entry"), page);
+ m_swordEditPathButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("edit", 16));
+ connect(m_swordEditPathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_swordEditClicked()));
+ layout->addWidget(m_swordEditPathButton, 2, 3);
+ m_swordAddPathButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Add Entry"), page);
+ m_swordAddPathButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("edit_add", 16));
+ connect(m_swordAddPathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_swordAddClicked()));
+ layout->addWidget(m_swordAddPathButton, 3,3);
+ m_swordRemovePathButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Remove Entry"), page);
+ m_swordRemovePathButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("editdelete", 16));
+ connect(m_swordRemovePathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_swordRemoveClicked()));
+ layout->addWidget(m_swordRemovePathButton, 4,3);
+ setupSwordPathListBox();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::initInstall() {
+ m_installPage = addPage(i18n("Install/Update works"), QString::null, SmallIcon("bt_bible",32));
+ QVBoxLayout* vboxlayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_installPage);
+ QHBoxLayout* hboxlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ hboxlayout->setAutoAdd( true );
+ vboxlayout->addLayout(hboxlayout);
+ m_installWidgetStack = new QWidgetStack(m_installPage);
+ hboxlayout->addWidget(m_installWidgetStack);
+ m_installSourcePage = new QWidget(0);
+ m_installWidgetStack->addWidget(m_installSourcePage);
+ // m_installSourcePage->setMinimumSize(500,400);
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(m_installSourcePage, 7, 3);
+ layout->setMargin(5);
+ layout->setSpacing(10);
+ layout->setRowStretch(6,5);
+ layout->setColStretch(0,5);
+ QLabel* installLabel = CToolClass::explanationLabel(m_installSourcePage,
+ i18n("Install/update works - Step 1"),
+ i18n("Please choose a (local or remote) library and a bookshelf path to install the work(s) to. \
+After that step click on the connect button.<br/>\
+<b>WARNING: If you live in a persecuted country and do not wish to risk detection you should NOT use \
+the module remote installation feature!</b>")
+ );
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(installLabel, 0,0,0,2);
+ QLabel* sourceHeadingLabel = new QLabel(QString("<b>%1</b>").arg(i18n("Select library")), m_installSourcePage);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(sourceHeadingLabel, 1,1,0,1);
+ m_sourceCombo = new QComboBox(m_installSourcePage);
+ layout->addWidget(m_sourceCombo, 2, 0);
+ QPushButton* deleteSourceButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Delete library"), m_installSourcePage);
+ deleteSourceButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("remove", 16));
+ connect(deleteSourceButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slot_installDeleteSource()));
+ layout->addWidget(deleteSourceButton, 2, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
+ QPushButton* addSourceButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Add library"), m_installSourcePage);
+ addSourceButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("folder_new", 16));
+ connect(addSourceButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slot_installAddSource()));
+ layout->addWidget(addSourceButton, 2, 2, Qt::AlignLeft);
+ m_sourceLabel = new QLabel(m_installSourcePage);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(m_sourceLabel, 3,3,0,1);
+ QLabel* targetHeadingLabel = new QLabel(QString("<b>%1</b>").arg(i18n("Select bookshelf path")), m_installSourcePage);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(targetHeadingLabel, 4,4,0,1);
+ m_targetCombo = new QComboBox(m_installSourcePage);
+ layout->addWidget(m_targetCombo, 5, 0);
+ m_targetLabel = new QLabel(m_installSourcePage);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(m_targetLabel, 6,6,0,0,Qt::AlignTop);
+ //part beloew main layout with the back/next buttons
+ QHBoxLayout* myHBox = new QHBoxLayout();
+ vboxlayout->addLayout(myHBox);
+ m_installBackButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Back"), m_installPage);
+ m_installBackButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("back",16));
+ myHBox->addWidget(m_installBackButton);
+ myHBox->addSpacing(10);
+ myHBox->addStretch(5);
+ m_installContinueButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Connect to library"), m_installPage);
+ m_installContinueButton->setIconSet(SmallIcon("forward",16));
+ connect(m_installContinueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_connectToSource()));
+ myHBox->addWidget(m_installContinueButton);
+ m_installBackButton->setEnabled(false);
+ connect(m_sourceCombo, SIGNAL( highlighted(const QString&) ), SLOT( slot_sourceSelected( const QString&) ));
+ connect(m_targetCombo, SIGNAL( highlighted(const QString&) ), SLOT( slot_targetSelected( const QString&) ));
+ populateInstallCombos();
+ slot_sourceSelected( m_sourceCombo->currentText() );
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::initRemove() {
+ QFrame* page = m_removePage = addPage(i18n("Remove works"), QString::null, SmallIcon("edittrash",32));
+ page->setMinimumSize(500,400);
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(page, 4, 4);
+ layout->setMargin(5);
+ layout->setSpacing(10);
+ layout->setColStretch(1,1);
+ layout->setRowStretch(2,1);
+ QLabel* mainLabel= CToolClass::explanationLabel(page,
+ i18n("Remove installed work(s)"),
+ i18n("This dialog lets you remove installed works from your system. Choose the modules and then click on the remove button.")
+ );
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(mainLabel, 0, 0, 0, 3);
+ QLabel* headingLabel = new QLabel(QString("<b>%1</b>").arg(i18n("Select works to be uninstalled")), page);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(headingLabel, 1, 1, 0, 3);
+ m_removeModuleListView = new CSwordSetupModuleListView(page, false);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_removeModuleListView, 2,2,0,3);
+ m_removeRemoveButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Remove selected work(s)"), page);
+ m_removeRemoveButton->setIconSet( SmallIcon("edittrash", 16) );
+ layout->addWidget(m_removeRemoveButton, 3, 3, Qt::AlignRight);
+ connect(m_removeRemoveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(slot_doRemoveModules()));
+ populateRemoveModuleListView();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::initManageIndices()
+ {
+ QFrame* page = m_manageIndiciesPage = addPage(i18n("Manage search indicies"),
+ QString::null, SmallIcon("filefind",32));
+ page->setMinimumSize(500,400);
+ QVBoxLayout* box = new QVBoxLayout(page, 4, 4);
+ CManageIndicesWidget* mi = new CManageIndicesWidget(page);
+ box->addWidget(mi);
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slotOk() {
+ writeSwordConfig();
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+ emit signalSwordSetupChanged( );
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::writeSwordConfig() {
+ if (m_swordSetupChanged && m_swordPathListBox->childCount()) {
+ QStringList targets;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( m_swordPathListBox );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ QListViewItem *item = it.current();
+ if (!item->text(0).isEmpty()) {
+ targets << item->text(0);
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::setTargetList(targets); //creates new Sword config
+ }
+ }
+ const bool CSwordSetupDialog::showPart( CSwordSetupDialog::Parts ID ) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ switch (ID) {
+ case CSwordSetupDialog::Sword:
+ showPage( pageIndex(m_swordConfigPage) );
+ break;
+ case CSwordSetupDialog::Install:
+ showPage( pageIndex(m_installPage) );
+ break;
+ case CSwordSetupDialog::Remove:
+ showPage( pageIndex(m_removePage) );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::populateInstallCombos() {
+ m_sourceCombo->clear();
+ BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::initConfig();
+ QStringList list;
+ {
+ BTInstallMgr mgr;
+ list = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::sourceList(&mgr);
+ }
+ if (!list.count()) { //add Crosswire entry
+ InstallSource is("FTP"); //default return value
+ is.caption = "Crosswire";
+ is.source = "";
+ = "/pub/sword/raw";
+ BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::addSource(&is);
+ BTInstallMgr mgr; //make sure we're uptodate
+ list = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::sourceList(&mgr);
+ Q_ASSERT( list.count() > 0 );
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr mgr;
+ for (QStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source(&mgr, *it);
+ if (BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(&is)) {
+ m_sourceCombo->insertItem( i18n("[Remote]") + " " + *it ); //remote source
+ }
+ else { // local source
+ QFileInfo fi( );
+ if (fi.isDir() && fi.isReadable()) {
+ m_sourceCombo->insertItem( i18n("[Local]") + " " + *it );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Fill in the targets in the targets combobox
+ //list = (m_targetCombo->count()) ? m_swordPathListBox : BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::targetList();
+ if (m_targetCombo->count()) { //we already read in the list once, we have to use the Sword paths list items now because this list is newer
+ list.clear();
+ QListViewItemIterator it2( m_swordPathListBox );
+ while (it2.current()) {
+ list << it2.current()->text(0);
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ list = BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::targetList();
+ }
+ m_targetCombo->clear();
+ for (QStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+ QFileInfo fi(*it);
+ if (fi.isDir() && fi.isWritable()) {
+ m_targetCombo->insertItem( *it );
+ }
+ }
+ //init widget states
+ m_targetCombo->setEnabled( (m_targetCombo->count() > 0) );
+ m_installContinueButton->setEnabled(
+ (m_sourceCombo->count() > 0) && (m_targetCombo->count() > 0)
+ );
+ slot_sourceSelected( m_sourceCombo->currentText() );
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_sourceSelected(const QString &sourceName) {
+ //remove status parta
+ QString source = sourceName;
+ QString rep = i18n("[Local]") + " ";
+ int i = source.find(rep);
+ if (i>=0) {
+ source.remove(i, rep.length());
+ }
+ rep = i18n("[Remote]") + " ";
+ i = source.find(rep);
+ if (i>=0) {
+ source.remove(i, rep.length());
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr mgr;
+ QString url;
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source(&mgr, source) ;
+ if (BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(&is)) {
+ url = QString("ftp://%1%2").arg(is.source.c_str()).arg(;
+ }
+ else {
+ url = QString("%1").arg(;
+ }
+ m_sourceLabel->setText( url );
+ m_refreshedRemoteSources = false;
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_targetSelected(const QString &targetName) {
+ m_targetLabel->setText( m_targetMap[targetName] );
+ target = m_targetMap[targetName];
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_doRemoveModules() {
+ QStringList moduleList = m_removeModuleListView->selectedModules();
+ if ( moduleList.empty() ) {
+ return; //no message, just do nothing
+ }
+ const QString message = i18n("You selected the following work(s): %1.\n\n"
+ "Do you really want to remove them from your system?").arg(moduleList.join(", "));
+ if ((KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, message, i18n("Warning")) == KMessageBox::Yes)) { //Yes was pressed.
+ sword::InstallMgr installMgr;
+ QDict<sword::SWMgr> mgrDict; //maps config paths to SWMgr objects
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = moduleList.begin(); it != moduleList.end(); ++it ) {
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(*it)) { //module found?
+ QString prefixPath = m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::AbsoluteDataPath) + "/";
+ QString dataPath = m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::DataPath);
+ if (dataPath.left(2) == "./") {
+ dataPath = dataPath.mid(2);
+ }
+ if (prefixPath.contains(dataPath)) { //remove module part to get the prefix path
+ prefixPath = prefixPath.remove( prefixPath.find(dataPath), dataPath.length() );
+ }
+ else { //fall back to default Sword config path
+ prefixPath = QString::fromLatin1(backend()->prefixPath);
+ }
+ sword::SWMgr* mgr = mgrDict[ prefixPath ];
+ if (!mgr) { //create new mgr if it's not yet available
+ mgrDict.insert(prefixPath, new sword::SWMgr(prefixPath.local8Bit()));
+ mgr = mgrDict[ prefixPath ];
+ }
+ installMgr.removeModule(mgr, m->name().latin1());
+ }
+ }
+ CPointers::backend()->reloadModules();
+ populateRemoveModuleListView(); //rebuild the tree
+ populateInstallModuleListView( currentInstallSource() ); //rebuild the tree
+ //delete all mgrs
+ mgrDict.setAutoDelete(true);
+ mgrDict.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::populateRemoveModuleListView() {
+ CSwordBackend myBackend;
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ myBackend.initModules();
+ m_removeModuleListView->clear();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo list = myBackend.moduleList();
+ int mod = 0;
+ sword::SWConfig moduleConfig("");
+ mod = 1;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = list.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(list.begin()); it != end_it; ++it, ++mod) {
+ m_removeModuleListView->addModule(
+ (*it),
+ (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleVersion)
+ );
+ }
+ m_removeModuleListView->finish();
+ }
+ const bool CSwordSetupDialog::refreshRemoteModuleCache( const QString& sourceName ) {
+ if (m_refreshedRemoteSources) { //the module info is up-to-date
+ return true;
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr iMgr;
+ m_currentInstallMgr = &iMgr; //for the progress dialog
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source(&iMgr, sourceName);
+ bool success = false;
+ m_progressDialog = new KProgressDialog(this, 0, i18n("Download"), QString::null, true);
+ m_progressDialog->progressBar()->setTotalSteps(100);
+ m_progressDialog->setLabel( i18n("Downloading library information...") );
+ m_progressDialog->setMinimumDuration(0); //show immediately
+ m_progressDialog->setAutoClose(false);
+ m_progressDialog->show();
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ connect(
+ m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()),
+ SLOT(slot_moduleRefreshProgressCancelClicked())
+ );
+ connect(
+ &iMgr, SIGNAL(completed(const int, const int)),
+ SLOT(slot_moduleRefreshCompleted(const int, const int))
+ );
+ if (BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(&is)) {
+ // int errorCode = 0;
+ if (!m_refreshedRemoteSources) {
+ if (!iMgr.refreshRemoteSource( &is ) ) { //make sure the sources were updates sucessfully
+ m_refreshedRemoteSources = true;
+ success = true;
+ }
+ else { //an error occurres, the KIO library should display an error message
+ qWarning("InstallMgr: refreshRemoteSources returned an error.");
+ m_refreshedRemoteSources = false;
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_progressDialog->close();
+ delete m_progressDialog;
+ m_progressDialog = 0;
+ return success;
+ }
+ bool CSwordSetupDialog::populateInstallModuleListView( const QString& sourceName ) {
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ Q_ASSERT(m_installModuleListView);
+ if (!m_installModuleListView) { // this may be an update after removing modules
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_installModuleListView->clear();
+ BTInstallMgr iMgr;
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source(&iMgr, sourceName);
+ if (BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(&is)
+ && !refreshRemoteModuleCache(sourceName)) {
+ // qWarning("finish");
+ m_installModuleListView->finish();
+ return false;
+ }
+ //kind of a hack to provide a pointer to mgr next line
+ // qWarning("createing remote_backend");
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordBackend> remote_backend( BTInstallMgr::Tool::backend(&is) );
+ // qWarning("config path1 is %s", remote_backend->configPath);
+ // qWarning("config path2 is %s", BTInstallMgr::Tool::backend(&is)->configPath ); //mem leak
+ // qWarning("after creating remote_backend");
+ Q_ASSERT(remote_backend);
+ Q_ASSERT( BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(&is) );
+ if (!remote_backend) {
+ m_installModuleListView->finish();
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend* local_backend = CPointers::backend();
+ Q_ASSERT(local_backend);
+ // qWarning("local backend has path %s", local_backend->);
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ //local_backend.initModules();
+ // qWarning("config path3 is %s", remote_backend->configPath);
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo mods = remote_backend->moduleList();
+ Q_ASSERT(mods.count() > 0);
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = mods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(mods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ // qWarning("adding module %s (%s)", (*it)->name().latin1(), (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::AbsoluteDataPath).latin1());
+ bool isUpdate = false;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const installedModule = local_backend->findModuleByName((*it)->name());
+ if (installedModule) {
+ // qWarning("module is already installed in %s", installedModule->config(CSwordModuleInfo::AbsoluteDataPath).latin1());
+ }
+ // Q_ASSERT(installedModule);
+ if (installedModule) { //module already installed?
+ //check whether it's an uodated module or just the same
+ const SWVersion installedVersion(
+ installedModule->config(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleVersion).latin1()
+ );
+ const SWVersion newVersion(
+ (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleVersion).latin1()
+ );
+ isUpdate = (newVersion > installedVersion);
+ if (!isUpdate) {
+ // qWarning(" mod %s is not an update", (*it)->name().latin1());
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Q_ASSERT(installedModule);
+ m_installModuleListView->addModule(
+ (*it),
+ installedModule
+ ? installedModule->config(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleVersion)
+ : QString::null
+ );
+ }
+ m_installModuleListView->finish();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_connectToSource() {
+ if (!m_installModuleListPage) { //the widgets are not yet created
+ m_installModuleListPage = new QWidget(0);
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(m_installModuleListPage, 7, 2);
+ layout->setMargin(5);
+ layout->setSpacing(10);
+ QLabel* installLabel = CToolClass::explanationLabel(m_installModuleListPage,
+ i18n("Install/update works - Step 2"),
+ i18n("Please choose the works which should be installed and/or updated and click the install button.")
+ );
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget(installLabel, 0,0,0,1);
+ layout->setRowStretch(0,0);
+ m_installWidgetStack->addWidget(m_installModuleListPage);
+ m_installModuleListPage->setMinimumSize(500,400);
+ //insert a list box which contains all available remote modules
+ BTInstallMgr iMgr;
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source(&iMgr, currentInstallSource());
+ m_installModuleListView = new CSwordSetupModuleListView(m_installModuleListPage, true, &is);
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_installModuleListView, 1,6,0,1);
+ layout->setColStretch(0,5);
+ layout->setRowStretch(1,5);
+ connect(m_installModuleListView, SIGNAL(selectedModulesChanged()), SLOT(slot_installModulesChanged()));
+ }
+ if (populateInstallModuleListView( currentInstallSource() ) ){
+ //code valid for already existing and newly created widgets
+ disconnect( m_installContinueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_connectToSource()));
+ connect( m_installContinueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_installModules()));
+ m_installContinueButton->setText(i18n("Install works"));
+ m_installContinueButton->setEnabled(false);
+ m_installWidgetStack->raiseWidget(m_installModuleListPage);
+ connect( m_installBackButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_showInstallSourcePage()));
+ m_installBackButton->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_installAddSource() {
+ sword::InstallSource newSource = CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog::getSource();
+ if ( !((QString)newSource.type.c_str()).isEmpty() ) { // we have a valid source to add
+ BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::addSource( &newSource );
+ }
+ populateInstallCombos(); //make sure the items are updated
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_installDeleteSource() {
+ BTInstallMgr iMgr;
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source( &iMgr, currentInstallSource() );
+ BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::removeSource( &iMgr, &is );
+ populateInstallCombos();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_installModulesChanged() {
+ // This function enabled the Install modules button if modules are chosen
+ // If an item was clicked to be not chosen look if there are other selected items
+ // If the item was clicked to be chosen enable the button without looking at the other items
+ const int moduleCount = m_installModuleListView->selectedModules().count();
+ m_installContinueButton->setEnabled(moduleCount > 0);
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_installModules() {
+ qWarning("CSwordSetupDialog::slot_installModules()");
+ // m_installContinueButton->setEnabled(false);
+ // m_installBackButton->setEnabled(false);
+ //first get all chosen modules
+ QStringList moduleList = m_installModuleListView->selectedModules();
+ Q_ASSERT(moduleList.count() != 0);
+ if (moduleList.count() == 0) { // no modules selected
+ return;
+ }
+ const QString message = i18n("You selected the following works: %1.\n\n\
+ Do you really want to install them on your system?").arg(moduleList.join(", "));
+ if ((KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, message, i18n("Warning")) == KMessageBox::Yes)) { //Yes was pressed.
+ BTInstallMgr iMgr;
+ m_currentInstallMgr = &iMgr;
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source(&iMgr, currentInstallSource());
+ qWarning("installing from %s/%s", is.source.c_str(),;
+ QString target = m_targetCombo->currentText();
+ //make sure target/mods.d and target/modules exist
+ QDir dir(target.latin1());
+ if (!dir.exists()) {
+ dir.mkdir(target, true);
+ }
+ if (!dir.exists("modules")) {
+ dir.mkdir("modules");
+ }
+ if (!dir.exists("mods.d")) {
+ dir.mkdir("mods.d");
+ }
+ sword::SWMgr lMgr( target.latin1() );
+ //module are removed in this section of code
+ m_installedModuleCount = 0;
+ m_progressDialog = new KProgressDialog(this, 0, i18n("Download of work(s)"), QString::null, true);
+ m_progressDialog->progressBar()->setTotalSteps(100 * moduleList.count());
+ m_progressDialog->setMinimumDuration(0); //show immediately
+ m_progressDialog->setAutoClose(false);
+ m_progressDialog->show();
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ connect(
+ m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()),
+ SLOT(slot_installProgressCancelClicked())
+ );
+ connect(
+ &iMgr, SIGNAL(completed(const int, const int)),
+ SLOT(installCompleted(const int, const int))
+ );
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = moduleList.begin(); (it != moduleList.end()) && !m_progressDialog->wasCancelled(); ++it, ++m_installedModuleCount ) {
+ qWarning("installing %s", (*it).latin1());
+ m_installingModule = *it;
+ //check whether it's an update. If yes, remove existing module first
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(*it);
+ Q_ASSERT(!m);
+ if (m) { //module found?
+ QString prefixPath = m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::AbsoluteDataPath) + "/";
+ QString dataPath = m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::DataPath);
+ if (dataPath.left(2) == "./") {
+ dataPath = dataPath.mid(2);
+ }
+ if (prefixPath.contains(dataPath)) {
+ prefixPath.remove( prefixPath.find(dataPath), dataPath.length() ); //complicated to work with Qt 3.0
+ //prefixPath = prefixPath.replace(dataPath, ""); //old code working with Qt 3.2
+ }
+ else {
+ prefixPath = QString::fromLatin1(backend()->prefixPath);
+ }
+ sword::SWMgr mgr(prefixPath.latin1());
+ iMgr.removeModule(&mgr, m->name().latin1());
+ }
+ if (!m_progressDialog->wasCancelled()
+ && BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::isRemoteSource(&is)) {
+ // qWarning("calling install");
+ int status = iMgr.installModule(&lMgr, 0, (*it).latin1(), &is);
+ // qWarning("status: %d", status);
+ Q_ASSERT(status != -1);
+ }
+ else if (!m_progressDialog->wasCancelled()) { //local source
+ iMgr.installModule(&lMgr,, (*it).latin1());
+ }
+ }
+ m_progressDialog->close();
+ delete m_progressDialog;
+ m_progressDialog = 0;
+ //reload our backend because modules may have changed
+ backend()->reloadModules();
+ populateInstallModuleListView( currentInstallSource() ); //rebuild the tree
+ populateRemoveModuleListView();
+ }
+ m_currentInstallMgr = 0;
+ m_installBackButton->setEnabled(true);
+ slot_installModulesChanged();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::installCompleted( const int total, const int /* file */) {
+ if (m_progressDialog) {
+ m_progressDialog->progressBar()->setProgress(total+100*m_installedModuleCount);
+ m_progressDialog->setLabel( i18n("[%1]: %2% complete").arg(m_installingModule).arg(total) );
+ }
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_showInstallSourcePage() {
+ connect( m_installContinueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_connectToSource()));
+ disconnect( m_installContinueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_installModules()));
+ m_installBackButton->setEnabled(false);
+ m_installContinueButton->setText(i18n("Connect to library"));
+ m_installContinueButton->setEnabled(true);
+ m_installWidgetStack->raiseWidget(m_installSourcePage);
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_swordEditClicked() {
+ if (QListViewItem* i = m_swordPathListBox->currentItem()) {
+ KURL url = KDirSelectDialog::selectDirectory(i->text(0), true);
+ if (url.isValid()) {
+ const QFileInfo fi( url.path() );
+ if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isWritable()) {
+ const int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("This directory is not writable, so works \
+ can not be installed here using BibleTime. \
+ Do you want to use this directory instead of the previous value?"));
+ if (result == KMessageBox::No) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i->setText(0, url.path());
+ m_swordSetupChanged = true;
+ writeSwordConfig(); //to make sure other parts work with the new setting
+ populateInstallCombos(); //update target list bof on install page
+ populateRemoveModuleListView();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_swordAddClicked() {
+ KURL url = KDirSelectDialog::selectDirectory(QString::null, true);
+ if (url.isValid()) {
+ const QFileInfo fi( url.path() );
+ if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isWritable()) {
+ const int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("This directory is not writable, \
+ so works can not be installed here using BibleTime. \
+ Do you want to add it to the list of module directories?"));
+ if (result == KMessageBox::No) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ (void)new QListViewItem(m_swordPathListBox, url.path());
+ m_swordSetupChanged = true;
+ writeSwordConfig(); //to make sure other parts work with the new setting
+ populateInstallCombos(); //update target list bof on install page
+ populateRemoveModuleListView();
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_swordRemoveClicked() {
+ QListViewItem* i = m_swordPathListBox->currentItem();
+ if (i) {
+ delete i;
+ m_swordSetupChanged = true;
+ writeSwordConfig(); //to make sure other parts work with the new setting
+ populateInstallCombos(); //update target list bof on install page
+ populateRemoveModuleListView();
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::setupSwordPathListBox() {
+ QStringList targets = BTInstallMgr::Tool::LocalConfig::targetList();
+ m_swordPathListBox->clear();
+ for (QStringList::iterator it = targets.begin(); it != targets.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ new QListViewItem(m_swordPathListBox, *it);
+ }
+ m_swordPathListBox->setCurrentItem( m_swordPathListBox->firstChild() );
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_swordPathSelected() {
+ m_swordEditPathButton->setEnabled( m_swordPathListBox->currentItem() );
+ }
+ const QString CSwordSetupDialog::currentInstallSource() {
+ QString source = m_sourceCombo->currentText();
+ QString rep = i18n("[Local]") + " ";
+ int i = source.find(rep);
+ if (i>=0) {
+ source.remove(i, rep.length());
+ }
+ rep = i18n("[Remote]") + " ";
+ i = source.find(rep);
+ if (i>=0) {
+ source.remove(i, rep.length());
+ }
+ return source;
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_installProgressCancelClicked() {
+ //cancel possible active module installation
+ Q_ASSERT(m_currentInstallMgr);
+ if (m_currentInstallMgr) {
+ m_currentInstallMgr->terminate();
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_moduleRefreshProgressCancelClicked() {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_currentInstallMgr);
+ if (m_currentInstallMgr) {
+ m_currentInstallMgr->terminate();
+ }
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupDialog::slot_moduleRefreshCompleted(const int /*total*/, const int current) {
+ if (m_progressDialog) {
+ m_progressDialog->progressBar()->setProgress(current);
+ }
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77a6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "btinstallmgr.h"
+//QT includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+class QWidget;
+class QLabel;
+class QComboBox;
+class QWidgetStack;
+class QButton;
+class QPushButton;
+class QLineEdit;
+class QListView;
+class KProgressDialog;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+ class CSwordSetupModuleListView;
+ /**
+ * The Sword configuration dialog of BibleTime
+ * @author The BibleTime Team
+ */
+class CSwordSetupDialog : public KDialogBase, public CPointers {
+ CSwordSetupDialog(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ enum Parts {
+ Sword,
+ Install,
+ Remove
+ };
+ /** Opens the page which contaisn the given part ID. */
+ const bool showPart( CSwordSetupDialog::Parts ID );
+ void initSwordConfig();
+ void initInstall();
+ void initRemove();
+ void initManageIndices();
+ void writeSwordConfig();
+ void setupSwordPathListBox();
+ void populateInstallCombos();
+ const QString currentInstallSource();
+ QFrame* m_swordConfigPage;
+ QListView* m_swordPathListBox;
+ QPushButton* m_swordEditPathButton;
+ QPushButton* m_swordAddPathButton;
+ QPushButton* m_swordRemovePathButton;
+ QStringList m_swordPathList;
+ bool m_swordSetupChanged;
+ QFrame* m_removePage;
+ QFrame* m_manageIndiciesPage;
+ QFrame* m_installPage;
+ QWidgetStack* m_installWidgetStack;
+ QString source;
+ QString target;
+ QLabel* m_sourceLabel;
+ QLabel* m_targetLabel;
+ QComboBox* m_sourceCombo;
+ QComboBox* m_targetCombo;
+ QMap<QString, QString> m_targetMap;
+ CSwordSetupModuleListView* m_removeModuleListView;
+ QPushButton* m_removeRemoveButton;
+ const bool refreshRemoteModuleCache( const QString& sourceName );
+ void populateRemoveModuleListView();
+ bool populateInstallModuleListView(const QString& sourceName);
+ //install module stuff
+ QPushButton* m_installBackButton;
+ QPushButton* m_installContinueButton;
+ QWidget* m_installModuleListPage;
+ QWidget* m_installSourcePage;
+ CSwordSetupModuleListView* m_installModuleListView;
+ KProgressDialog* m_progressDialog;
+ QString m_installingModule;
+ bool m_refreshedRemoteSources;
+ unsigned int m_installedModuleCount;
+ BTInstallMgr* m_currentInstallMgr; //pointer to the current installmgr object so we can access it in the cancel install slot
+private slots:
+ void slot_sourceSelected(const QString &sourceName);
+ void slot_targetSelected(const QString &targetName);
+ void slot_doRemoveModules();
+ void slotOk();
+ void slot_connectToSource();
+ void slot_moduleRefreshProgressCancelClicked();
+ void slot_moduleRefreshCompleted(const int, const int);
+ void slot_installAddSource();
+ void slot_installDeleteSource();
+ void slot_installModules();
+ void slot_installModulesChanged();
+ void slot_installProgressCancelClicked();
+ void slot_showInstallSourcePage();
+ void installCompleted( const int, const int );
+ void slot_swordRemoveClicked();
+ void slot_swordAddClicked();
+ void slot_swordEditClicked();
+ void slot_swordPathSelected();
+signals: // Signals
+ void signalSwordSetupChanged();
+ };
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..504ab7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BT includes
+#include "cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdirselectdialog.h>
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+ const QString PROTO_FILE( i18n("Local") ); //Local path
+ const QString PROTO_FTP( i18n("Remote") ); //Remote path
+ CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog::CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog(/*QWidget *parent*/)
+: QDialog() {
+ QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
+ mainLayout->setMargin( 10 );
+ mainLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ QHBoxLayout *captionLayout = new QHBoxLayout( mainLayout );
+ QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n("Caption"), this );
+ captionLayout->addWidget( label );
+ m_captionEdit = new QLineEdit( this );
+ m_captionEdit->setText("Crosswire Bible Society");
+ captionLayout->addWidget( m_captionEdit );
+ mainLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout( mainLayout, 3, 3 );
+ layout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Type"), this);
+ layout->addWidget( label, 0, 0);
+ m_serverLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Server"), this);
+ layout->addWidget( m_serverLabel, 0, 1);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Path"), this);
+ layout->addWidget( label, 0, 2 );
+ m_protocolCombo = new QComboBox( this );
+ layout->addWidget(m_protocolCombo, 1, 0);
+ m_protocolCombo->insertItem( PROTO_FTP );
+ m_protocolCombo->insertItem( PROTO_FILE );
+ m_serverEdit = new QLineEdit( this );
+ layout->addWidget( m_serverEdit, 1, 1 );
+ m_serverEdit->setText("");
+ m_pathEdit = new QLineEdit( this );
+ layout->addWidget( m_pathEdit, 1, 2 );
+ m_pathEdit->setText("/pub/sword/raw");
+ mainLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
+ QHBoxLayout* buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout( mainLayout );
+ buttonLayout->addStretch();
+ QPushButton* okButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Ok"), this);
+ QPushButton* discardButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Discard"), this);
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( discardButton);
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( okButton);
+ buttonLayout->addStretch();
+ connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotOk() ) );
+ connect( discardButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
+ connect( m_protocolCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( slotProtocolChanged() ) );
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog::slotOk() {
+ //run a few tests to validate the input first
+ if ( m_captionEdit->text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) { //no caption
+ QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n("Please provide a caption."), QMessageBox::Retry);
+ return;
+ }
+ BTInstallMgr iMgr;
+ sword::InstallSource is = BTInstallMgr::Tool::RemoteConfig::source( &iMgr, m_captionEdit->text() );
+ if ( (QString)is.caption.c_str() == m_captionEdit->text() ) { //source already exists
+ QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ),
+ i18n("A source with this caption already exists.<br>Please provide a different caption."), QMessageBox::Retry);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( m_protocolCombo->currentText() == PROTO_FTP &&
+ m_serverEdit->text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) { //no server name
+ QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n("Please provide a server name."), QMessageBox::Retry);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( m_protocolCombo->currentText() == PROTO_FILE) {
+ const QFileInfo fi( m_pathEdit->text() );
+ if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isReadable()) { //no valid and readable path
+ QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n("Please provide a valid, readable path."), QMessageBox::Retry);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( m_pathEdit->text().isEmpty() ) {
+ QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n("Please provide a path."), QMessageBox::Retry);
+ }
+ }
+ accept(); //only if nothing else failed
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog::slotProtocolChanged() {
+ if (m_protocolCombo->currentText() == PROTO_FTP) { //REMOTE
+ m_serverLabel->show();
+ m_serverEdit->show();
+ }
+ else { //LOCAL, no server needed
+ m_serverLabel->hide();
+ m_serverEdit->hide();
+ KURL url = KDirSelectDialog::selectDirectory(QString::null, true);
+ if (url.isValid()) {
+ m_pathEdit->setText( url.path() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sword::InstallSource CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog::getSource() {
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog> dlg( new CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog() );
+ sword::InstallSource newSource(""); //empty, invalid Source
+ if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ if (dlg->m_protocolCombo->currentText() == PROTO_FTP) {
+ newSource.type = "FTP";
+ newSource.source = dlg->m_serverEdit->text().utf8();
+ //a message to the user would be nice, but we're in message freeze right now (1.5.1)
+ if (dlg->m_serverEdit->text().right(1) == "/") { //remove a trailing slash
+ newSource.source = dlg->m_serverEdit->text().mid(0, dlg->m_serverEdit->text().length()-1).utf8();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ newSource.type = "DIR";
+ newSource.source = "local";
+ }
+ newSource.caption = dlg->m_captionEdit->text().utf8();
+ = dlg->m_pathEdit->text().utf8();
+ }
+ return newSource;
+ }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d039a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "btinstallmgr.h"
+#include <qdialog.h>
+class QLabel;
+class QComboBox;
+class QLineEdit;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+class CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog : public QDialog {
+ static sword::InstallSource getSource();
+ CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog();
+protected slots:
+ void slotOk();
+ void slotProtocolChanged();
+ QLabel *m_serverLabel;
+ QLineEdit *m_captionEdit, *m_serverEdit, *m_pathEdit;
+ QComboBox *m_protocolCombo;
+ };
+} //namespace
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupmodulelistview.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupmodulelistview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e06dc9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupmodulelistview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cswordsetupmodulelistview.h"
+#include "btinstallmgr.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//QT includes
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+using namespace sword;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+ /** Tooltip implementation for QListView widgets.
+ * @short Tooltip for InstallationManager listviews
+ * @author Joachim Ansorg
+ */
+ class ToolTip : public QToolTip {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor which takes the listview to operate on.
+ * @param listview We operate on this widget to request tooltips from it'd child items.
+ * @short Constructor.
+ */
+ ToolTip(CSwordSetupModuleListView* listview)
+ : QToolTip( listview->viewport() ),
+ m_parent( listview ) {}
+ /** Reimplementation of QToolTip::maybeTip. It's requested if a new tooltip may be displayed.
+ * @short Display a tooltip if we're over an item
+ */
+ virtual void maybeTip(const QPoint& pos) {
+ QListViewItem* i = m_parent->itemAt(pos);
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ const QRect rect = m_parent->itemRect(i);
+ if (m_parent->showTooltip(i, pos, 0)) {
+ const QString tipText = m_parent->tooltip(i, 0);
+ tip(rect, tipText);
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ CSwordSetupModuleListView* m_parent;
+ };
+ /** Listview specially made for the installation manager.
+ * @short InstallationManager module listviews
+ * @author Martin Gruner
+ */
+ CSwordSetupModuleListView::CSwordSetupModuleListView(QWidget *parent, bool is_remote, sword::InstallSource* installSource)
+ : KListView(parent), m_is_remote( is_remote ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(installSource);
+ new BookshelfManager::ToolTip(this);
+ m_backend = installSource ? BTInstallMgr::Tool::backend(installSource) : CPointers::backend();
+ addColumn(i18n("Name"));
+ setColumnWidthMode( 0, QListView::Maximum );
+ setColumnWidth( 0, 200 ); //don`t get too broad
+ addColumn(i18n("Status"));
+ setColumnAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight);
+ addColumn(i18n("Installed version")); //version
+ setColumnAlignment(2, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ if (m_is_remote) {
+ addColumn(i18n("Remote version")); //version
+ } else {
+ addColumn(i18n("Location"));
+ }
+ setColumnAlignment(3, Qt::AlignLeft);
+ setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
+ setFullWidth(true);
+ setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ setResizeMode(QListView::LastColumn);
+ setTooltipColumn(0);
+ init();
+ }
+ CSwordSetupModuleListView::~CSwordSetupModuleListView() {
+ if (m_is_remote) {
+ delete m_backend;
+ }
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupModuleListView::init() {
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030200
+ m_categoryBible = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Bibles"), QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_categoryCommentary = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Commentaries"), QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_categoryLexicon = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Lexicons"), QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_categoryBook = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Books"), QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_categoryDevotionals = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Daily Devotionals"), QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ m_categoryGlossaries = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Glossaries"), QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ // Qt <= 3.1.x doesn't support the CheckBoxController!, remove the define as soon as we switch to the new Qt
+ m_categoryBible = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Bibles"), QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ m_categoryCommentary = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Commentaries"), QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ m_categoryLexicon = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Lexicons"), QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ m_categoryBook = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Books"), QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ m_categoryDevotionals = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Daily Devotionals"), QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ m_categoryGlossaries = new QCheckListItem(this, i18n("Glossaries"), QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ m_categoryBible->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ m_categoryCommentary->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ m_categoryLexicon->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ m_categoryBook->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ m_categoryDevotionals->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ m_categoryGlossaries->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ m_categoryBible->setOpen(true);
+ m_categoryCommentary->setOpen(true);
+ m_categoryLexicon->setOpen(true);
+ m_categoryBook->setOpen(true);
+ m_categoryDevotionals->setOpen(true);
+ m_categoryGlossaries->setOpen(true);
+ // connect(this, SIGNAL(executed(QListViewItem*)), SLOT(slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem*)), SLOT(slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*))); //items have to be clicked only once in double click mode
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(spacePressed(QListViewItem*)), SLOT(slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*)));
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupModuleListView::finish() {
+ if (!m_categoryBible->childCount())
+ delete m_categoryBible;
+ if (!m_categoryCommentary->childCount())
+ delete m_categoryCommentary;
+ if (!m_categoryBook->childCount())
+ delete m_categoryBook;
+ if (!m_categoryLexicon->childCount())
+ delete m_categoryLexicon;
+ if (!m_categoryDevotionals->childCount())
+ delete m_categoryDevotionals;
+ if (!m_categoryGlossaries->childCount())
+ delete m_categoryGlossaries;
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupModuleListView::clear() {
+ QListView::clear();
+ init();
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupModuleListView::addModule(CSwordModuleInfo* module, QString localVersion) {
+ QListViewItem* parent = 0;
+ switch ( module->type() ) {
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
+ parent = m_categoryBible;
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary:
+ parent = m_categoryCommentary;
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon:
+ parent = m_categoryLexicon;
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook:
+ parent = m_categoryBook;
+ break;
+ default:
+ parent = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ //handling for special module types
+ if ((parent == m_categoryLexicon) && (module->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::Glossary)) {
+ parent = m_categoryGlossaries;
+ }
+ if ((parent == m_categoryLexicon) && (module->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::DailyDevotional)) {
+ parent = m_categoryDevotionals;
+ }
+ //now we know the category, find the right language group in that category
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang = module->language();
+ QString langName = lang->translatedName();
+ if (!lang->isValid()) {
+ langName = QString(module->module()->Lang());
+ }
+ QListViewItem * langFolder = 0;
+ if (parent) {
+ langFolder = parent->firstChild();
+ while( langFolder ) { //try to find language folder if it exsists
+ if (langFolder->text(0) == langName) { //found right folder
+ break;
+ }
+ langFolder = langFolder->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!langFolder) { //not yet there
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030200
+ langFolder = new QCheckListItem(parent, langName, QCheckListItem::CheckBoxController);
+ langFolder = new QCheckListItem(parent, langName, QCheckListItem::Controller);
+ langFolder->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ langFolder->setOpen(false);
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(langFolder);
+ QListViewItem* newItem = 0;
+ if (langFolder) {
+ newItem = new QCheckListItem(langFolder, module->name(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
+ } else { //shouldn't happen
+ newItem = new QCheckListItem(this, module->name(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
+ }
+ newItem->setPixmap(0, CToolClass::getIconForModule(module));
+ if (m_is_remote) {
+ newItem->setText(1, localVersion.isEmpty() ? i18n("New") : i18n("Updated"));
+ } else {
+ newItem->setText(1, i18n("Installed") );
+ }
+ newItem->setText(2, localVersion);
+ if (m_is_remote) {
+ newItem->setText(3, module->config(CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleVersion));
+ } else {
+ newItem->setText(3, module->config(CSwordModuleInfo::AbsoluteDataPath));
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList CSwordSetupModuleListView::selectedModules() {
+ QStringList moduleList;
+ QListViewItemIterator list_it( this );
+ while ( list_it.current() ) {
+ QCheckListItem* i = dynamic_cast<QCheckListItem*>( list_it.current() );
+ if (i && i->isOn() && i->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox ) {
+ moduleList << i->text(0);
+ }
+ ++list_it;
+ }
+ return moduleList;
+ }
+ void CSwordSetupModuleListView::slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*) {
+ emit selectedModulesChanged();
+ }
+ bool CSwordSetupModuleListView::showTooltip(QListViewItem* i, const QPoint&, int) const {
+ QCheckListItem* checkItem = dynamic_cast<QCheckListItem*>( i );
+ Q_ASSERT(checkItem);
+ return (checkItem && (checkItem->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox));
+ }
+ QString CSwordSetupModuleListView::tooltip(QListViewItem* i, int /*column*/) const {
+ QString ret;
+ QCheckListItem* checkItem = dynamic_cast<QCheckListItem*>( i );
+ if (checkItem && (checkItem->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox)) {
+ const QString moduleName = checkItem->text(0);
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = m_backend->findModuleByName(moduleName);
+ ret = CToolClass::moduleToolTip(module);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupmodulelistview.h b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupmodulelistview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c7cac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/cswordsetupmodulelistview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//Sword includes
+#include <installmgr.h>
+//QT includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klistview.h>
+class CSwordModuleInfo;
+class CSwordBackend;
+namespace BookshelfManager {
+class CSwordSetupModuleListView : public KListView {
+ CSwordSetupModuleListView(QWidget* parent, bool is_remote, sword::InstallSource* installSource = 0);
+ virtual ~CSwordSetupModuleListView();
+ void addModule(CSwordModuleInfo *, QString localVersion);
+ void finish();
+ QStringList selectedModules();
+ void clear();
+ virtual QString tooltip(QListViewItem* i, int column) const;
+ virtual bool showTooltip(QListViewItem* i, const QPoint& pos, int column) const;
+protected slots:
+ void slotItemClicked(QListViewItem*);
+ void init();
+ CSwordBackend* m_backend;
+ bool m_is_remote;
+ QListViewItem* m_categoryBible;
+ QListViewItem* m_categoryCommentary;
+ QListViewItem* m_categoryLexicon;
+ QListViewItem* m_categoryBook;
+ QListViewItem* m_categoryDevotionals;
+ QListViewItem* m_categoryGlossaries;
+ void selectedModulesChanged();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/ b/bibletime/frontend/display/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a79921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libdisplay_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libdisplay.a
+libdisplay_a_SOURCES = \
+cdisplay.cpp \
+creaddisplay.cpp \
+chtmlreaddisplay.cpp \
+cwritedisplay.cpp \
+cplainwritedisplay.cpp \
+all_headers = \
+cdisplay.h \
+creaddisplay.h \
+chtmlreaddisplay.h \
+cwritedisplay.h \
+cplainwritedisplay.h \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libdisplay_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/cdisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/display/cdisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce97e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/cdisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cdisplay.h"
+#include "chtmlreaddisplay.h"
+#include "cplainwritedisplay.h"
+#include "chtmlwritedisplay.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+CDisplayConnections::CDisplayConnections( CDisplay* display ) : m_display(display) {}
+void CDisplayConnections::selectAll() {
+ m_display->selectAll();
+void CDisplayConnections::saveAsHTML() {
+ m_display->save(CDisplay::HTMLText, CDisplay::Document);
+void CDisplayConnections::saveAsPlain() {
+ m_display->save(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::Document);
+/** Emits the signal. */
+void CDisplayConnections::emitReferenceClicked( const QString& module, const QString& key) {
+ emit referenceClicked( module, key );
+/** Emits the signal. */
+void CDisplayConnections::emitReferenceDropped( const QString& key) {
+ emit referenceDropped(key);
+/** Emits the signal. */
+void CDisplayConnections::emitTextChanged() {
+ emit textChanged();
+void CDisplayConnections::copyAll() {
+ m_display->copy(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::Document);
+/** No descriptions */
+void CDisplayConnections::copySelection() {
+ qWarning("copyign the selected text");
+ m_display->copy(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::SelectedText);
+void CDisplayConnections::printAll(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) {
+ m_display->print(CDisplay::Document, displayOptions, filterOptions);
+void CDisplayConnections::printAnchorWithText(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) {
+ m_display->print(CDisplay::AnchorWithText, displayOptions, filterOptions);
+void CDisplayConnections::copyAnchorOnly() {
+ m_display->copy(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::AnchorOnly);
+void CDisplayConnections::copyAnchorTextOnly() {
+ m_display->copy(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::AnchorTextOnly);
+void CDisplayConnections::copyAnchorWithText() {
+ m_display->copy(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::AnchorWithText);
+void CDisplayConnections::saveAnchorWithText() {
+ m_display->save(CDisplay::PlainText, CDisplay::AnchorWithText);
+void CDisplayConnections::clear() {
+ m_display->setText(QString::null);
+void CDisplayConnections::zoomIn() {
+ m_display->zoomIn();
+void CDisplayConnections::zoomOut() {
+ m_display->zoomOut();
+void CDisplayConnections::openFindTextDialog() {
+ m_display->openFindTextDialog();
+CReadDisplay* CDisplay::createReadInstance( CReadWindow* readWindow, QWidget* parent ) {
+ return new CHTMLReadDisplay(readWindow, parent);
+CWriteDisplay* CDisplay::createWriteInstance( CWriteWindow* writeWindow, const CWriteDisplay::WriteDisplayType& type, QWidget* parent ) {
+ // qWarning("CDisplay::createWriteInstance");
+ if (type == PlainTextDisplay) {
+ return new CPlainWriteDisplay(writeWindow, parent);
+ }
+ else {
+ return new CHTMLWriteDisplay(writeWindow, parent);
+ };
+CDisplay::CDisplay(CDisplayWindow* parent) :
+m_connections( new CDisplayConnections( this ) ),
+m_popup(0) {}
+CDisplay::~CDisplay() {
+ delete m_connections;
+const bool CDisplay::copy( const CDisplay::TextType format, const CDisplay::TextPart part ) {
+ const QString content = text(format, part);
+ QClipboard* cb = KApplication::clipboard();
+ cb->setText(content);
+ return true;
+const bool CDisplay::save( const CDisplay::TextType format, const CDisplay::TextPart part ) {
+ // qWarning("CDisplay::save( const CDisplay::TextType format, const CDisplay::TextPart part )");
+ const QString content = text(format, part);
+ QString filter = QString::null;
+ switch (format) {
+ case HTMLText:
+ filter = QString("*.html *.htm | ") + i18n("HTML files") + QString("\n *.* | All files (*.*)");
+ break;
+ case PlainText:
+ filter = QString("*.txt | ") + i18n("Text files") + QString("\n *.* | All files (*.*)");
+ break;
+ };
+ const QString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, filter, 0, i18n("Save document ..."));
+ if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
+ CToolClass::savePlainFile(filename, content);
+ }
+ return true;
+/** Emits the signal which used when a reference was clicked. */
+void CDisplay::emitReferenceClicked( const QString& reference ) {
+ qWarning("reference clicked %s", reference.latin1());
+ QString module;
+ QString key;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ /*const bool ok = */
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(reference, module, key, type);
+ if (module.isEmpty()) {
+ module = CReferenceManager::preferredModule( type );
+ }
+ m_connections->emitReferenceClicked(module, key);
+/** Used when a reference was dropped onto the widget. */
+void CDisplay::emitReferenceDropped( const QString& reference ) {
+ QString module;
+ QString key;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ /*const bool ok = */
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(reference, module, key, type);
+ // if (module.isEmpty()) {
+ // module = CReferenceManager::preferredModule( type );
+ // }
+ m_connections->emitReferenceDropped(key);
+/** Returns the connections obect used for signas and slots. */
+CDisplayConnections* const CDisplay::connectionsProxy() const {
+ return m_connections;
+CDisplayWindow* const CDisplay::parentWindow() const {
+ return m_parentWindow;
+/** Installs the popup which should be opened when the right mouse button was pressed. */
+void CDisplay::installPopup( QPopupMenu* popup ) {
+ m_popup = popup;
+/** Returns the popup menu which was set by installPopupMenu() */
+QPopupMenu* const CDisplay::installedPopup() {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_popup);
+ return m_popup;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/cdisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/display/cdisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d37692c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/cdisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#ifndef CDISPLAY_H
+#define CDISPLAY_H
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+class CDisplayConnections;
+class CReadWindow;
+class CWriteWindow;
+class CDisplayWindow;
+class CReadDisplay;
+class CWriteDisplay;
+class QPopupMenu;
+/** The base class for all display widgets.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CDisplay : public CPointers {
+ enum WriteDisplayType {
+ HTMLDisplay = 0,
+ PlainTextDisplay
+ };
+ static CReadDisplay* createReadInstance(CReadWindow* readWindow, QWidget* parent = 0);
+ static CWriteDisplay* createWriteInstance( CWriteWindow* writeWindow, const WriteDisplayType& type = PlainTextDisplay, QWidget* parent = 0 );
+ enum TextType {
+ HTMLText, /* Used for HTML markup */
+ PlainText /* Plain text without links etc. */
+ };
+ enum TextPart {
+ Document, /* All text */
+ SelectedText, /* Only the selected text */
+ AnchorOnly,
+ AnchorTextOnly,
+ AnchorWithText
+ };
+ /**
+ * Copies the given text with the specified format into the applications clipboard.
+ */
+ virtual const bool copy( const CDisplay::TextType format, const CDisplay::TextPart part );
+ /**
+ * Saves the given text with the specified format into the applications clipboard.
+ */
+ virtual const bool save( const CDisplay::TextType format, const CDisplay::TextPart part );
+ //the pure virtual methods of this base class
+ /** Returns the text in the given format.
+ *
+ */
+ virtual const QString text( const CDisplay::TextType format = CDisplay::HTMLText, const CDisplay::TextPart part = CDisplay::Document ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Sets the new text for this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setText( const QString& newText ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the display widget has a selection. Otherwise false.
+ */
+ virtual const bool hasSelection() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the view of this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual QWidget* view() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Selects the document text.
+ */
+ virtual void selectAll() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the connections obect used for signas and slots.
+ */
+ virtual CDisplayConnections* const connectionsProxy() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the parent window used for this display widget.
+ */
+ CDisplayWindow* const parentWindow() const;
+ virtual void print( const CDisplay::TextPart, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Installs the popup which should be opened when the right mouse button was pressed.
+ */
+ void installPopup( QPopupMenu* popup );
+ /**
+ * Returns the popup menu which was set by installPopupMenu()
+ */
+ QPopupMenu* const installedPopup();
+ virtual void zoomIn() {}
+ virtual void zoomOut() {}
+ virtual void openFindTextDialog() {}
+ enum NodeInfoType {
+ Lemma
+ };
+ virtual QMap<NodeInfoType, QString> getCurrentNodeInfo() {
+ return QMap<NodeInfoType, QString>();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used when a reference was dropped onto the widget.
+ */
+ void emitReferenceDropped( const QString& reference );
+ /**
+ * Emits the signal which used when a reference was clicked.
+ */
+ void emitReferenceClicked( const QString& reference );
+ CDisplay(CDisplayWindow* parent);
+ virtual ~CDisplay();
+ CDisplayWindow* m_parentWindow;
+ CDisplayConnections* m_connections;
+ QPopupMenu* m_popup;
+class CDisplayConnections : public QObject {
+ CDisplayConnections( CDisplay* parent );
+public slots:
+ virtual void selectAll();
+ void emitReferenceClicked( const QString& module, const QString& key);
+ void emitReferenceDropped( const QString& key );
+ void emitTextChanged();
+ //stuff which works in every CDisplay
+ void saveAsPlain();
+ void saveAsHTML();
+ void saveAnchorWithText();
+ void printAll(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+ void printAnchorWithText(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+ void copySelection();
+ void copyAll();
+ void copyAnchorWithText();
+ void copyAnchorTextOnly();
+ void copyAnchorOnly();
+ void clear();
+ void zoomIn();
+ void zoomOut();
+ void openFindTextDialog();
+ void referenceClicked(const QString& module, const QString& key);
+ void referenceDropped(const QString& key);
+ void textChanged();
+ CDisplay* m_display;
+ struct {
+ QString module;
+ QString key;
+ } m_referenceClickedCache;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4219f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "chtmlreaddisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cdragdropmgr.h"
+#include "frontend/cinfodisplay.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//We will need to reference this in the Qt includes
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qcursor.h>
+#include <qscrollview.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qdragobject.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#if KDE_VERSION < 0x030300
+//We will need to show the error message.
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <khtmlview.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include <khtml_events.h>
+#include <dom/dom2_range.h>
+#include <dom/html_element.h>
+#include <dom/dom2_traversal.h>
+using namespace InfoDisplay;
+CHTMLReadDisplay::CHTMLReadDisplay(CReadWindow* readWindow, QWidget* parentWidget)
+: KHTMLPart((m_view = new CHTMLReadDisplayView(this, parentWidget ? parentWidget : readWindow)), readWindow ? readWindow : parentWidget),
+m_currentAnchorCache(QString::null) {
+ setDNDEnabled(false);
+ setJavaEnabled(false);
+ setJScriptEnabled(false);
+ setPluginsEnabled(false);
+ m_view->setDragAutoScroll(false);
+CHTMLReadDisplay::~CHTMLReadDisplay() {}
+const QString CHTMLReadDisplay::text( const CDisplay::TextType format, const CDisplay::TextPart part) {
+ switch (part) {
+ case Document: {
+ if (format == HTMLText) {
+ return document().toHTML();
+ }
+ else {
+ CDisplayWindow* window = parentWindow();
+ CSwordKey* const key = window->key();
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = key->module();
+ //return htmlDocument().body().innerText().string().latin1();
+ //This function is never used for Bibles, so it is not
+ //implemented. If it should be, see CReadDisplay::print() for
+ //example code.
+ Q_ASSERT(module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon || module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary || module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook);
+ if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon || module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary || module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook) {
+ //TODO: This is a BAD HACK, we have to fnd a better solution to manage the settings now
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CPointers::backend()->setFilterOptions(filterOptions);
+ return QString(key->strippedText()).append("\n(")
+ .append(key->key())
+ .append(", ")
+ .append(key->module()->name())
+ .append(")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case SelectedText: {
+ if (!hasSelection()) {
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ else if (format == HTMLText) {
+ DOM::Range range = selection();
+ return range.toHTML().string();
+ }
+ else { //plain text requested
+ return selectedText();
+ }
+ }
+ case AnchorOnly: {
+ QString moduleName;
+ QString keyName;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(activeAnchor(), moduleName, keyName, type);
+ return keyName;
+ }
+ case AnchorTextOnly: {
+ QString moduleName;
+ QString keyName;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(activeAnchor(), moduleName, keyName, type);
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* module = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName)) {
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ key->key( keyName );
+ return key->strippedText();
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ case AnchorWithText: {
+ QString moduleName;
+ QString keyName;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(activeAnchor(), moduleName, keyName, type);
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* module = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName)) {
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ key->key( keyName );
+ //TODO: This is a BAD HACK, we have to fnd a better solution to manage the settings now
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions;
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.strongNumbers = false;
+ filterOptions.morphTags = false;
+ filterOptions.lemmas = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ filterOptions.textualVariants = false;
+ CPointers::backend()->setFilterOptions(filterOptions);
+ return QString(key->strippedText()).append("\n(")
+ .append(key->key())
+ .append(", ")
+ .append(key->module()->name())
+ .append(")");
+ /* ("%1\n(%2, %3)")
+ .arg()
+ .arg(key->key())
+ .arg(key->module()->name());*/
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ default:
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::setText( const QString& newText ) {
+ begin();
+ write(newText);
+ end();
+/** No descriptions */
+const bool CHTMLReadDisplay::hasSelection() {
+ return KHTMLPart::hasSelection();
+/** Reimplementation. */
+QScrollView* CHTMLReadDisplay::view() {
+ return KHTMLPart::view();
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::selectAll() {
+ KHTMLPart::selectAll();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::moveToAnchor( const QString& anchor ) {
+ m_currentAnchorCache = anchor;
+ //This is an ugly hack to work around a KDE problem in KDE including 3.3.1 (no later versions tested so far)
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotGoToAnchor()));
+ // instead of:
+ // slotGoToAnchor();
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::urlSelected( const QString& url, int button, int state, const QString& _target, KParts::URLArgs args) {
+ KHTMLPart::urlSelected(url, button, state, _target, args);
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.doWorkaround = false;
+ // qWarning("clicked: %s", url.latin1());
+ if (!url.isEmpty() && CReferenceManager::isHyperlink(url)) {
+ QString module;
+ QString key;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(url, module, key, type);
+ if (module.isEmpty()) {
+ module = CReferenceManager::preferredModule( type );
+ }
+ // we have to use this workaround, otherwise the widget would scroll because it was interrupted
+ // between mouseClick and mouseRelease (I guess)
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.doWorkaround = true;
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.url = url;
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.state = state;
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.button = button;
+ = _target;
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.args = args;
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.module = module;
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.key = key;
+ }
+ else if (!url.isEmpty() && (url.left(1) == "#")) { //anchor
+ moveToAnchor(url.mid(1));
+ }
+ else if (url.left(7) == "http://") { //open the bowser configured by kdeb
+ KApplication::kApplication()->invokeBrowser( url ); //ToDo: Not yet tested
+ }
+/** Reimplementation. */
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::khtmlMouseReleaseEvent( khtml::MouseReleaseEvent* event ) {
+ KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ m_dndData.mousePressed = false;
+ m_dndData.isDragging = false;
+ m_dndData.node = DOM::Node();
+ m_dndData.anchor = DOM::DOMString();
+ if (m_urlWorkaroundData.doWorkaround) {
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.doWorkaround = false;
+ connectionsProxy()->emitReferenceClicked(
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.module,
+ m_urlWorkaroundData.key
+ );
+ }
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::khtmlMousePressEvent( khtml::MousePressEvent* event ) {
+ m_dndData.node = DOM::Node();
+ m_dndData.anchor = DOM::DOMString();
+ m_dndData.mousePressed = false;
+ m_dndData.isDragging = false;
+ if (event->qmouseEvent()->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
+ DOM::Node tmpNode = event->innerNode();
+ DOM::Node attr;
+ m_nodeInfo[CDisplay::Lemma] = QString::null;
+ do {
+ if (!tmpNode.isNull() && (tmpNode.nodeType() ==
+ DOM::Node::ELEMENT_NODE) && tmpNode.hasAttributes()) {
+ attr = tmpNode.attributes().getNamedItem("lemma");
+ if (!attr.isNull()) {
+ m_nodeInfo[ CDisplay::Lemma ] = attr.nodeValue().string();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tmpNode = tmpNode.parentNode();
+ } while ( !tmpNode.isNull() );
+ setActiveAnchor( event->url().string() );
+ }
+ else if (event->qmouseEvent()->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
+ m_dndData.node = event->innerNode();
+ m_dndData.anchor = event->url();
+ m_dndData.mousePressed = true;
+ m_dndData.isDragging = false;
+ m_dndData.startPos = QPoint(event->x(), event->y());
+ m_dndData.selection = selectedText();
+ if (!m_dndData.node.isNull()) { //we drag a valid link
+ m_dndData.dragType = DNDData::Link;
+ }
+ }
+ KHTMLPart::khtmlMousePressEvent(event);
+/** Reimplementation for our drag&drop system. Also needed for the mouse tracking */
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::khtmlMouseMoveEvent( khtml::MouseMoveEvent* e ) {
+ if( e->qmouseEvent()->state() & LeftButton == LeftButton) { //left mouse button pressed
+ const int delay = KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay();
+ QPoint newPos = QPoint(e->x(), e->y());
+ if ( (newPos.x() > m_dndData.startPos.x()+delay || newPos.x() < (m_dndData.startPos.x()-delay) ||
+ newPos.y() > m_dndData.startPos.y()+delay || newPos.y() < (m_dndData.startPos.y()-delay)) &&
+ !m_dndData.isDragging && m_dndData.mousePressed ) {
+ QDragObject* d = 0;
+ if (!m_dndData.anchor.isEmpty() && (m_dndData.dragType == DNDData::Link) && !m_dndData.node.isNull() ) {
+ // create a new bookmark drag!
+ QString module = QString::null;
+ QString key = QString::null;
+ CReferenceManager::Type type;
+ if ( !CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(m_dndData.anchor.string(), module, key, type) )
+ return;
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems;
+ //no description!
+ dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(module, key, QString::null) );
+ d = CDragDropMgr::dragObject(dndItems, KHTMLPart::view()->viewport());
+ }
+ else if ((m_dndData.dragType == DNDData::Text) && !m_dndData.selection.isEmpty()) {
+ // create a new plain text drag!
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems;
+ dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(m_dndData.selection) ); //no description!
+ d = CDragDropMgr::dragObject(dndItems, KHTMLPart::view()->viewport());
+ }
+ if (d) {
+ m_dndData.isDragging = true;
+ m_dndData.mousePressed = false;
+ //first make a virtual mouse click to end the selection, it it's in progress
+ QMouseEvent e(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, QPoint(0,0), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton);
+ KApplication::sendEvent(view()->viewport(), &e);
+ d->drag();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (getMouseTracking() && !(e->qmouseEvent()->state() & Qt::ShiftButton == Qt::ShiftButton)) {
+ //no mouse button pressed and tracking enabled
+ DOM::Node node = e->innerNode();
+ //if no link was under the mouse try to find a title attribute
+ if (!node.isNull() && (m_previousEventNode != node)) {
+ // we want to avoid processing the node again
+ // After some millisecs the new timer activates the Mag window update, see timerEvent()
+ // SHIFT key not pressed, so we start timer
+ if ( !(e->qmouseEvent()->state() & Qt::ShiftButton)) {
+ // QObject has simple timer
+ killTimers();
+ startTimer( CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::magDelay) );
+ }
+ m_previousEventNode = node;
+ }
+ }
+ KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseMoveEvent(e);
+/** The Mag window update happens here if the mouse has not moved to another node after starting the timer.*/
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *e ) {
+ killTimers();
+ DOM::Node currentNode = nodeUnderMouse();
+ CInfoDisplay::ListInfoData infoList;
+ // Process the node under cursor if it is the same as at the start of the timer
+ if (!currentNode.isNull() && (currentNode != m_previousEventNode) && this->view()->hasMouse()) {
+ DOM::Node attr;
+ do {
+ if (!currentNode.isNull() && (currentNode.nodeType() == DOM::Node::ELEMENT_NODE) && currentNode.hasAttributes()) { //found right node
+ attr = currentNode.attributes().getNamedItem("note");
+ if (!attr.isNull()) {
+ infoList.append( qMakePair(CInfoDisplay::Footnote, attr.nodeValue().string()) );
+ }
+ attr = currentNode.attributes().getNamedItem("lemma");
+ if (!attr.isNull()) {
+ infoList.append( qMakePair(CInfoDisplay::Lemma, attr.nodeValue().string()) );
+ }
+ attr = currentNode.attributes().getNamedItem("morph");
+ if (!attr.isNull()) {
+ infoList.append( qMakePair(CInfoDisplay::Morph, attr.nodeValue().string()) );
+ }
+ attr = currentNode.attributes().getNamedItem("expansion");
+ if (!attr.isNull()) {
+ infoList.append( qMakePair(CInfoDisplay::Abbreviation, attr.nodeValue().string()) );
+ }
+ attr = currentNode.attributes().getNamedItem("crossrefs");
+ if (!attr.isNull()) {
+ infoList.append( qMakePair(CInfoDisplay::CrossReference, attr.nodeValue().string()) );
+ }
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode.parentNode();
+ if (!currentNode.isNull() && currentNode.hasAttributes()) {
+ attr = currentNode.attributes().getNamedItem("class");
+ if (!attr.isNull() && (attr.nodeValue().string() == "entry") || (attr.nodeValue().string() == "currententry") ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ( !currentNode.isNull() );
+ }
+ // Update the mag if there is new content
+ if (!(infoList.isEmpty())) {
+ CPointers::infoDisplay()->setInfo(infoList);
+ }
+// ---------------------
+CHTMLReadDisplayView::CHTMLReadDisplayView(CHTMLReadDisplay* displayWidget, QWidget* parent) : KHTMLView(displayWidget, parent), m_display(displayWidget) {
+ viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
+ setMarginWidth(4);
+ setMarginHeight(4);
+/** Opens the popupmenu at the given position. */
+void CHTMLReadDisplayView::popupMenu( const QString& url, const QPoint& pos) {
+ if (!url.isEmpty()) {
+ m_display->setActiveAnchor(url);
+ }
+ if (QPopupMenu* popup = m_display->installedPopup()) {
+ popup->exec(pos);
+ }
+/** Reimplementation from QScrollView. Sets the right slots */
+void CHTMLReadDisplayView::polish() {
+ KHTMLView::polish();
+ connect( part(), SIGNAL(popupMenu(const QString&, const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(popupMenu(const QString&, const QPoint&)));
+/** Reimplementatiob from QScrollView. */
+void CHTMLReadDisplayView::contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent* e ) {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::canDecode(e) && CDragDropMgr::dndType(e) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark) {
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems = CDragDropMgr::decode(e);
+ CDragDropMgr::Item item = dndItems.first();
+ e->acceptAction();
+ m_display->connectionsProxy()->emitReferenceDropped(item.bookmarkKey());
+ return;
+ };
+ //don't accept the action!
+ e->acceptAction(false);
+ e->ignore();
+/** Reimplementation from QScrollView. */
+void CHTMLReadDisplayView::contentsDragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* e ) {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::canDecode(e) && CDragDropMgr::dndType(e) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark) {
+ e->acceptAction();
+ return;
+ }
+ e->acceptAction(false);
+ e->ignore();
+\fn CHTMLReadDisplay::slotPageLoaded()
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::slotGoToAnchor() {
+ if (!m_currentAnchorCache.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!gotoAnchor( m_currentAnchorCache ) ) {
+ qDebug("anchor %s not present!", m_currentAnchorCache.latin1());
+ }
+ }
+ m_currentAnchorCache = QString::null;
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::zoomIn() {
+ setZoomFactor( (int)((float)zoomFactor()*1.1) );
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::zoomOut() {
+ setZoomFactor( (int)((float)zoomFactor()*(1.0/1.1)) );
+void CHTMLReadDisplay::openFindTextDialog() {
+#if KDE_VERSION >= 0x030300
+ findText();
+ QMessageBox::information(0, "Not Supported",
+ "This copy of BibleTime was built against a version of KDE older\n"
+ "than 3.3 (probably due to your distro), so this search feature\n"
+ "does not work.\n\n"
+ "This is a known issue. If we do not have a fix for the next\n"
+ "version of BibleTime, we will remove the option.");
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b875cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "creaddisplay.h"
+//#include "frontend/ctooltip.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <khtml_part.h>
+#include <khtmlview.h>
+#include <kparts/browserextension.h>
+class CHTMLReadDisplayView;
+/** The implementation for the HTML read display.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CHTMLReadDisplay : public KHTMLPart, public CReadDisplay {
+ //reimplemented functions from CDisplay
+ /**
+ * Returns the right text part in the specified format.
+ */
+ virtual const QString text( const CDisplay::TextType format = CDisplay::HTMLText, const CDisplay::TextPart part = CDisplay::Document );
+ /**
+ * Sets the new text for this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setText( const QString& newText );
+ virtual const bool hasSelection();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual QScrollView* view();
+ virtual void selectAll();
+ virtual void moveToAnchor( const QString& anchor );
+ virtual void zoomIn();
+ virtual void zoomOut();
+ virtual void openFindTextDialog();
+ virtual QMap<CDisplay::NodeInfoType, QString> getCurrentNodeInfo() {
+ return m_nodeInfo;
+ }
+ friend class CDisplay;
+ CHTMLReadDisplay( CReadWindow* readWindow, QWidget* parent = 0 );
+ virtual ~CHTMLReadDisplay();
+ virtual void urlSelected( const QString& url, int button, int state, const QString& _target, KParts::URLArgs args);
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void khtmlMouseReleaseEvent( khtml::MouseReleaseEvent* event );
+ virtual void khtmlMousePressEvent( khtml::MousePressEvent* event );
+ virtual void khtmlMouseMoveEvent( khtml::MouseMoveEvent* event );
+ virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);
+ struct DNDData {
+ bool mousePressed;
+ bool isDragging;
+ DOM::Node node;
+ DOM::DOMString anchor;
+ QString selection;
+ QPoint startPos;
+ enum DragType {
+ Link,
+ Text
+ } dragType;
+ }
+ m_dndData;
+ QMap<NodeInfoType, QString> m_nodeInfo;
+ CHTMLReadDisplayView* m_view;
+ struct URLWorkaroundData {
+ bool doWorkaround;
+ QString url;
+ int button;
+ int state;
+ QString target;
+ KParts::URLArgs args;
+ QString module;
+ QString key;
+ }
+ m_urlWorkaroundData;
+ DOM::Node m_previousEventNode;
+ QString m_currentAnchorCache;
+protected slots:
+ void slotGoToAnchor();
+class CHTMLReadDisplayView : public KHTMLView, public CPointers {
+protected: // Protected methods
+ friend class CHTMLReadDisplay;
+ CHTMLReadDisplayView(CHTMLReadDisplay* display, QWidget* parent);
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from QScrollView. Sets the right slots
+ */
+ virtual void polish();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementatiob from QScrollView.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent* );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementatiob from QScrollView.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* );
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Opens the popupmenu at the given position.
+ */
+ void popupMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& );
+ CHTMLReadDisplay* m_display;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlwritedisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlwritedisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e535f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlwritedisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "chtmlwritedisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <ktoolbar.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kfontcombo.h>
+#include <kcolorbutton.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+CHTMLWriteDisplay::CHTMLWriteDisplay(CWriteWindow* parentWindow, QWidget* parent)
+: CPlainWriteDisplay(parentWindow,parent) {
+ m_actions.bold = 0;
+ m_actions.italic = 0;
+ m_actions.underline = 0;
+ m_actions.selectAll = 0;
+ setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
+CHTMLWriteDisplay::~CHTMLWriteDisplay() {}
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::setText( const QString& newText ) {
+ QString text = newText;
+// text.replace("\n<br/><!-- BT newline -->\n", "\n");
+ QTextEdit::setText(text);
+const QString CHTMLWriteDisplay::plainText() {
+ return QTextEdit::text();
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::toggleBold() {
+ setBold( m_actions.bold->isChecked() );
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::toggleItalic() {
+ setItalic( m_actions.italic->isChecked() );
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::toggleUnderline() {
+ setUnderline( m_actions.underline->isChecked() );
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::alignLeft() {
+ setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::alignCenter() {
+ setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::alignRight() {
+ setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
+/** The text's alignment changed. Enable the right buttons. */
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::slotAlignmentChanged( int a ) {
+ bool alignLeft = false;
+ bool alignCenter = false;
+ bool alignRight = false;
+ // bool alignJustify = false;
+ if (a & Qt::AlignLeft) {
+ alignLeft = true;
+ }
+ else if ((a & Qt::AlignHCenter) || (a & Qt::AlignCenter)) {
+ alignCenter = true;
+ }
+ else if (a & Qt::AlignRight) {
+ alignRight = true;
+ }
+ // else if (a & Qt::AlignJustify) {
+ // alignJustify = true;
+ // }
+ else {
+ alignLeft = true;
+ qWarning("unknown alignment %i", a);
+ }
+ m_actions.alignLeft->setChecked( alignLeft );
+ m_actions.alignCenter->setChecked( alignCenter );
+ m_actions.alignRight->setChecked( alignRight );
+ // m_actions.alignJustify->setChecked( alignJustify );
+/** Is called when a new color was selected. */
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::slotColorSelected( const QColor& c) {
+ setColor( c );
+/** Is called when a text with another color was selected. */
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::slotColorChanged(const QColor& c) {
+ m_colorButton->setColor(c);
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::slotFontChanged( const QFont& font ) {
+ m_actions.fontChooser->setFont( );
+ m_actions.fontSizeChooser->setFontSize( font.pointSize() );
+ m_actions.bold->setChecked( font.bold() );
+ m_actions.italic->setChecked( font.italic() );
+ m_actions.underline->setChecked( font.underline() );
+void CHTMLWriteDisplay::setupToolbar(KToolBar * bar, KActionCollection * actions) {
+ m_actions.fontChooser = new KFontAction( i18n("Choose a font"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::underlinedText::accel,
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::fontFamily::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.fontChooser->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::fontFamily::tooltip );
+ m_actions.fontChooser->plug(bar);
+ connect(m_actions.fontChooser, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setFamily(const QString&)));
+ m_actions.fontSizeChooser = new KFontSizeAction( i18n("Choose a font size"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::fontSize::accel,
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::fontSize::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.fontSizeChooser->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::fontSize::tooltip );
+ m_actions.fontSizeChooser->plug(bar);
+ connect(m_actions.fontSizeChooser, SIGNAL(fontSizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setPointSize(int)));
+ m_colorButton = new KColorButton(bar);
+ connect(m_colorButton, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotColorSelected(const QColor&)));
+ bar->insertWidget(50, m_colorButton->sizeHint().width(), m_colorButton);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_colorButton, CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::fontColor::tooltip );
+ (new KActionSeparator())->plug(bar); //seperate font options from formatting buttons
+ m_actions.bold = new KToggleAction( i18n("Bold"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::boldText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::boldText::accel,
+ this, SLOT(toggleBold()),
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::boldText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.bold->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::boldText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.bold->plug(bar);
+ m_actions.italic = new KToggleAction( i18n("Italic"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::italicText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::italicText::accel,
+ this, SLOT(toggleItalic()),
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::italicText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.italic->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::italicText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.italic->plug(bar);
+ m_actions.underline = new KToggleAction( i18n("Underline"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::underlinedText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::underlinedText::accel,
+ this, SLOT(toggleUnderline()),
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::underlinedText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.underline->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::underlinedText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.underline->plug(bar);
+ (new KActionSeparator())->plug(bar); //seperate formatting from alignment buttons
+ m_actions.alignLeft = new KToggleAction( i18n("Left"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignLeft::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignLeft::accel,
+ this, SLOT( alignLeft() ),
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignLeft::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.alignLeft->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignLeft::tooltip );
+ m_actions.alignLeft->plug(bar);
+ m_actions.alignCenter = new KToggleAction( i18n("Center"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignCenter::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignCenter::accel,
+ this, SLOT(alignCenter()),
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignCenter::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.alignCenter->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignCenter::tooltip );
+ m_actions.alignCenter->plug(bar);
+ m_actions.alignRight = new KToggleAction( i18n("Right"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignRight::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignRight::accel,
+ this, SLOT(alignRight()),
+ actions,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignRight::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.alignRight->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignRight::tooltip );
+ m_actions.alignRight->plug(bar);
+ // m_actions.alignJustify = new KToggleAction( i18n("Justify"),
+ // CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignJustify::icon,
+ // CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignJustify::accel,
+ // this, SLOT( alignJustify() ),
+ // actions
+ // );
+ // m_actions.alignJustify->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::alignJustify::tooltip );
+ // m_actions.alignJustify->plug(bar);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(const QFont&)), SLOT(slotFontChanged(const QFont&)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentAlignmentChanged(int)), SLOT(slotAlignmentChanged(int)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentColorChanged(const QColor&)), SLOT(slotColorChanged(const QColor&)));
+ //set initial values for toolbar items
+ slotFontChanged( font() );
+ slotAlignmentChanged( alignment() );
+ slotColorChanged( color() );
+/** Reimplementation to show a popup menu if the right mouse butoon was clicked. */
+QPopupMenu* CHTMLWriteDisplay::createPopupMenu( const QPoint& /*pos*/ ) {
+ if (!m_actions.selectAll) {
+ m_actions.selectAll = new KAction(i18n("Select all"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(selectAll()), this);
+ }
+ KPopupMenu* popup = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ popup->insertTitle(i18n("HTML editor window"));
+ m_actions.selectAll->plug(popup);
+ return popup;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlwritedisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlwritedisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad5faa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/chtmlwritedisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cplainwritedisplay.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+class CWriteWindow;
+class QPopupMenu;
+class KToggleAction;
+class KFontAction;
+class KFontSizeAction;
+class KColorButton;
+/** The WYSIWYG implementation of the write display interface.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CHTMLWriteDisplay : public CPlainWriteDisplay {
+ /**
+ * Sets the new text for this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setText( const QString& newText );
+ /**
+ * Returns the text of this edit widget.
+ */
+ virtual const QString plainText();
+ /**
+ * Creates the necessary action objects and puts them on the toolbar.
+ */
+ virtual void setupToolbar(KToolBar * bar, KActionCollection * actionCollection);
+ friend class CDisplay;
+ CHTMLWriteDisplay(CWriteWindow* parentWindow, QWidget* parent);
+ ~CHTMLWriteDisplay();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to show a popup menu if the right mouse butoon was clicked.
+ */
+ virtual QPopupMenu* createPopupMenu( const QPoint& pos );
+protected slots:
+ void toggleBold();
+ void toggleItalic();
+ void toggleUnderline();
+ void alignLeft();
+ void alignCenter();
+ void alignRight();
+ void slotFontChanged( const QFont& );
+ /**
+ * The text's alignment changed. Enable the right buttons.
+ */
+ void slotAlignmentChanged( int );
+ /**
+ * Is called when a new color was selected.
+ */
+ void slotColorSelected( const QColor& );
+ /**
+ * Is called when a text with another color was selected.
+ */
+ void slotColorChanged( const QColor& );
+ struct {
+ KToggleAction* bold;
+ KToggleAction* italic;
+ KToggleAction* underline;
+ KToggleAction* alignLeft;
+ KToggleAction* alignCenter;
+ KToggleAction* alignRight;
+ KFontAction* fontChooser;
+ KFontSizeAction* fontSizeChooser;
+ //popup menu
+ KAction* selectAll;
+ }
+ m_actions;
+ KColorButton* m_colorButton;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/cplainwritedisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/display/cplainwritedisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e81db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/cplainwritedisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cplainwritedisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/cdragdropmgr.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+CPlainWriteDisplay::CPlainWriteDisplay(CWriteWindow* parentWindow, QWidget* parent) : QTextEdit(parentWindow ? parentWindow : parent), CWriteDisplay(parentWindow) {
+ setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
+ connectionsProxy(), SLOT(emitTextChanged()));
+CPlainWriteDisplay::~CPlainWriteDisplay() {}
+/** Reimplementation. */
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::selectAll() {
+ QTextEdit::selectAll(true);
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::setText( const QString& newText ) {
+ //make sure the text has been converted to show \n instead of <br/>
+ QString text = newText;
+// text.replace("\n<br /><!-- BT newline -->\n", "\n");
+ text.replace("<br />", "\n"); //inserted by BT or the Qt textedit widget
+ QTextEdit::setText(text);
+const bool CPlainWriteDisplay::hasSelection() {
+ return hasSelectedText();
+QWidget* CPlainWriteDisplay::view() {
+ qDebug("CPlainWriteDisplay::view()");
+ return this;
+const QString CPlainWriteDisplay::text( const CDisplay::TextType /*format*/, const CDisplay::TextPart /*part*/) {
+ return QString::null;
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::print( const CDisplay::TextPart, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions ) {
+/** Sets the current status of the edit widget. */
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::setModified( const bool modified ) {
+ QTextEdit::setModified(modified);
+/** Reimplementation. */
+const bool CPlainWriteDisplay::isModified() const {
+ return QTextEdit::isModified();
+/** Returns the text of this edit widget. */
+const QString CPlainWriteDisplay::plainText() {
+ QString ret = QTextEdit::text();
+ //in plain text mode the text just contains newlines, convert them into <br/> before we return the text for display in a HTML widget
+ ret.replace("\n", "<br />");
+ return ret;
+/** Reimplementation from QTextEdit. Provides an popup menu for the given position. */
+QPopupMenu* CPlainWriteDisplay::createPopupMenu( const QPoint& /*pos*/ ) {
+ return installedPopup();
+/** Reimplementation from QTextEdit. Provides an popup menu for the given position. */
+QPopupMenu* CPlainWriteDisplay::createPopupMenu( ) {
+ return installedPopup();
+/** Creates the necessary action objects and puts them on the toolbar. */
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::setupToolbar(KToolBar* /*bar*/, KActionCollection* /*actionCollection*/) {}
+/** Reimplementation to insert the text of a dragged reference into the edit view. */
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::contentsDragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* e ) {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::canDecode(e)) {
+ e->accept(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ e->accept(false);
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+/** Reimplementation to insert the text of a dragged reference into the edit view. */
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::contentsDragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* e ) {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::canDecode(e)) {
+ placeCursor(e->pos());
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ e->accept(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ e->accept(false);
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+/** Reimplementation to manage drops of our drag and drop objects. */
+void CPlainWriteDisplay::contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent* e ) {
+ if ( CDragDropMgr::canDecode(e) ) {
+ e->acceptAction();
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList items = CDragDropMgr::decode(e);
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList::iterator it;
+ for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) {
+ switch ((*it).type()) {
+ case CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark: {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = backend()->findModuleByName((*it).bookmarkModule());
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
+ key->key( (*it).bookmarkKey() );
+ QString moduleText = key->strippedText();
+ const QString text = QString::fromLatin1("%1\n(%2, %3)\n").arg(moduleText).arg((*it).bookmarkKey()).arg((*it).bookmarkModule());
+ placeCursor( e->pos() );
+ insert( text );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CDragDropMgr::Item::Text: {
+ placeCursor( e->pos() );
+ insert( (*it).text() );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/cplainwritedisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/display/cplainwritedisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9219578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/cplainwritedisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//Bibletime include files
+#include "cwritedisplay.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+class CHTMLWriteDisplay;
+class KAction;
+/** The write display implementation for plain source code editing.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CPlainWriteDisplay : public QTextEdit, public CWriteDisplay {
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void selectAll();
+ /**
+ * Sets the new text for this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setText( const QString& newText );
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the display widget has a selection. Otherwise false.
+ */
+ virtual const bool hasSelection();
+ /**
+ * Returns the view of this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual QWidget* view();
+ virtual const QString text( const CDisplay::TextType format = CDisplay::HTMLText, const CDisplay::TextPart part = CDisplay::Document );
+ virtual void print( const CDisplay::TextPart, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual const bool isModified() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the current status of the edit widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setModified( const bool modified );
+ /**
+ * Returns the text of this edit widget.
+ */
+ virtual const QString plainText();
+ /**
+ * Creates the necessary action objects and puts them on the toolbar.
+ */
+ virtual void setupToolbar(KToolBar * bar, KActionCollection * actionCollection);
+ friend class CDisplay;
+ friend class CHTMLWriteDisplay;
+ CPlainWriteDisplay(CWriteWindow* parentWindow, QWidget* parent);
+ virtual ~CPlainWriteDisplay();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from QTextEdit. Provides an popup menu for the given position.
+ */
+ virtual QPopupMenu* createPopupMenu( const QPoint& pos );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from QTextEdit. Provides an popup menu.
+ */
+ virtual QPopupMenu* createPopupMenu();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to manage drops of our drag and drop objects.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent* e );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to insert the text of a dragged reference into the edit view.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* e );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to insert the text of a dragged reference into the edit view.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* e );
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/creaddisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/display/creaddisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c4f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/creaddisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "creaddisplay.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordlexiconmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbookmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordtreekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordldkey.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+CReadDisplay::CReadDisplay(CReadWindow* readWindow) :
+m_useMouseTracking(true) {}
+CReadDisplay::~CReadDisplay() {}
+/** Returns the current active anchor. */
+const QString& CReadDisplay::activeAnchor() {
+ return m_activeAnchor;
+/** Sets the current anchor to the parameter. */
+void CReadDisplay::setActiveAnchor( const QString& anchor ) {
+ m_activeAnchor = anchor;
+/** Returns true if the display has an active anchor. */
+const bool CReadDisplay::hasActiveAnchor() {
+ return !activeAnchor().isEmpty();
+void CReadDisplay::print(const CDisplay::TextPart type, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions) {
+ CDisplayWindow* window = parentWindow();
+ CSwordKey* const key = window->key();
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = key->module();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Print keys"),false, QString::null, parentWindow()->filterOptions(), parentWindow()->displayOptions());
+ switch (type) {
+ case Document: {
+ if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) {
+ CSwordVerseKey* vk = dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key);
+ CSwordVerseKey startKey(*vk);
+ startKey.Verse(1);
+ CSwordVerseKey stopKey(*vk);
+ CSwordBibleModuleInfo* bible = dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(module);
+ if (bible) {
+ stopKey.Verse( bible->verseCount( bible->bookNumber(, startKey.Chapter() ) );
+ }
+ mgr.printKey(module, startKey.key(), stopKey.key(), displayOptions, filterOptions);
+ }
+ else if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon || module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary ) {
+ mgr.printKey(module, key->key(), key->key(), displayOptions, filterOptions);
+ }
+ else if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook) {
+ CSwordTreeKey* tree = dynamic_cast<CSwordTreeKey*>(key);
+ CSwordTreeKey startKey(*tree);
+ // while (startKey.previousSibling()) { // go to first sibling on this level!
+ // }
+ CSwordTreeKey stopKey(*tree);
+ // if (CSwordBookModuleInfo* book = dynamic_cast<CSwordBookModuleInfo*>(module)) {
+ // while ( stopKey.nextSibling() ) { //go to last displayed sibling!
+ // }
+ // }
+ mgr.printKey(module, startKey.key(), stopKey.key(), displayOptions, filterOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ case AnchorWithText: {
+ if (hasActiveAnchor()) {
+ mgr.printByHyperlink( activeAnchor(), displayOptions, filterOptions );
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/creaddisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/display/creaddisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3e51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/creaddisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cdisplay.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+class QPopupMenu;
+class QWidget;
+/**The base class for all read-only widgets like KHTMLView.
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CReadDisplay : public CDisplay {
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the display has an active anchor.
+ */
+ const bool hasActiveAnchor();
+ /**
+ * Returns the current active anchor.
+ */
+ const QString& activeAnchor();
+ /**
+ * Moves the widget to the given anchor.
+ */
+ virtual void moveToAnchor( const QString& ) = 0;
+ virtual void print(const CDisplay::TextPart, CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions);
+ void setMouseTracking(const bool trackingEnabled) {
+ m_useMouseTracking = trackingEnabled;
+ };
+ const bool getMouseTracking() const {
+ return m_useMouseTracking;
+ };
+protected: // Protected methods
+ friend class CDisplay;
+ friend class CHTMLReadDisplay;
+ friend class CHTMLReadDisplayView;
+ CReadDisplay( CReadWindow* readWindow );
+ ~CReadDisplay();
+ /**
+ * Sets the current anchor to the parameter.
+ */
+ void setActiveAnchor( const QString& );
+private: // Public attributes
+ /**
+ * The member which hols the current anchor.
+ */
+ QString m_activeAnchor;
+ bool m_useMouseTracking;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/cwritedisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/display/cwritedisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3ad4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/cwritedisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cwritedisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+CWriteDisplay::CWriteDisplay( CWriteWindow* writeWindow ) : CDisplay(writeWindow) {}
+CWriteDisplay::~CWriteDisplay() {}
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/display/cwritedisplay.h b/bibletime/frontend/display/cwritedisplay.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1222e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/display/cwritedisplay.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cdisplay.h"
+class KActionCollection;
+class KToolBar;
+/**The base class for all read/write-display classes.
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CWriteDisplay : public CDisplay {
+ friend class CDisplay;
+ friend class CPlainWriteDisplay;
+ CWriteDisplay( CWriteWindow* writeWindow );
+ ~CWriteDisplay();
+public: // Public methods
+ /**
+ * Sets the current modified status of the widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setModified( const bool modified ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the current text was modified.
+ */
+ virtual const bool isModified() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the text of this edit widget.
+ */
+ virtual const QString plainText() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Creates the necessary action objects and puts them on the toolbar.
+ */
+ virtual void setupToolbar( KToolBar* bar, KActionCollection* actionCollection ) = 0;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86417c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libdisplaywindow_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libdisplaywindow.a
+libdisplaywindow_a_SOURCES = \
+cbiblereadwindow.cpp \
+cbookreadwindow.cpp \
+ccommentaryreadwindow.cpp \
+cdisplaywindow.cpp \
+clexiconreadwindow.cpp \
+cmodulechooserbar.cpp \
+cmodulechooserbutton.cpp \
+creadwindow.cpp \
+cwritewindow.cpp \
+cplainwritewindow.cpp \
+chtmlwritewindow.cpp \
+all_headers = \
+cbiblereadwindow.h \
+cbookreadwindow.h \
+ccommentaryreadwindow.h \
+cdisplaywindow.h \
+clexiconreadwindow.h \
+cmodulechooserbar.h \
+cmodulechooserbutton.h \
+creadwindow.h \
+cwritewindow.h \
+cplainwritewindow.h \
+chtmlwritewindow.h \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libdisplaywindow_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e80a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cbiblereadwindow.h"
+#include "ccommentaryreadwindow.h"
+#include "cbuttons.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cmdiarea.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include <math.h>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidgetlist.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CBibleReadWindow::CBibleReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo moduleList, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name ) : CLexiconReadWindow(moduleList, parent,name) {
+CBibleReadWindow::~CBibleReadWindow() {}
+void CBibleReadWindow::applyProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* const settings ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::applyProfileSettings(settings);
+ const int count = displaySettingsButton()->menuItemCount();
+ int result = settings->windowSettings();
+ for (int i = count-1; i>=1; i--) {
+ if (result-(int)pow((double)2,i-1)>= 0) { //2^i was added before, so item with index i is set
+ result -= (int)pow((double)2,i-1);
+ displaySettingsButton()->setItemStatus(i,true);
+ }
+ else {
+ displaySettingsButton()->setItemStatus(i,false);
+ }
+ }
+ displaySettingsButton()->setChanged();
+void CBibleReadWindow::storeProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* const settings ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::storeProfileSettings(settings);
+ const int count = displaySettingsButton()->menuItemCount();
+ int result = 0;
+ //now check every item
+ for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { //first item is a title
+ if (displaySettingsButton()->itemStatus(i)) //item is checked
+ result += (int)pow((double)2,i-1);//add 2^i (the i. digit in binary)
+ }
+ settings->setWindowSettings(result);
+/** Reimplementation. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a ) {
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next book"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextBook::accel,
+ a, "nextBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous book"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousBook::accel,
+ a, "previousBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next chapter"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextChapter::accel,
+ a, "nextChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous chapter"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousChapter::accel,
+ a, "previousChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next verse"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextVerse::accel,
+ a, "nextVerse"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous verse"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousVerse::accel,
+ a, "previousVerse"
+ );
+ //popup menu items
+ // new KAction(i18n("Select all"), KStdAccel::selectAll(), a, "selectAll");
+ //copy menu items
+ // new KAction(i18n("Copy reference only"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyReferenceOnly");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Text of reference"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyTextOfReference");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyReferenceWithText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Copy chapter"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyChapter");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Copy selected text"), KStdAccel::copy(), a, "copySelectedText");
+ //save menu
+ // new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveReferenceWithText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save chapter as plain text"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveChapterAsPlainText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save chapter as HTML"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveChapterAsHTML");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveReferenceWithText");
+ //print
+ new KAction(i18n("Print chapter"), KStdAccel::print(), a, "printChapter");
+void CBibleReadWindow::initActions() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initActions(); //make sure the predefined actions are available
+ //cleanup, not a clean oo-solution
+ actionCollection()->action("nextEntry")->setEnabled(false);
+ actionCollection()->action("previousEntry")->setEnabled(false);
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next book"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextBook::accel,
+ this, SLOT(nextBook()),
+ actionCollection(), "nextBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous book"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousBook::accel,
+ this, SLOT(previousBook()),
+ actionCollection(), "previousBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next chapter"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextChapter::accel,
+ this, SLOT(nextChapter()),
+ actionCollection(), "nextChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous chapter"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousChapter::accel,
+ this, SLOT(previousChapter()),
+ actionCollection(), "previousChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next verse"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextVerse::accel,
+ this, SLOT(nextVerse()),
+ actionCollection(), "nextVerse"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous verse"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousVerse::accel,
+ this, SLOT(previousVerse()),
+ actionCollection(), "previousVerse"
+ );
+ m_actions.selectAll = actionCollection()->action("selectAll");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.selectAll);
+ m_actions.findText = actionCollection()->action("findText");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.findText);
+ m_actions.findStrongs = new KAction(
+ i18n("Strong's Search"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::findStrongs::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::findStrongs::accel,
+ this, SLOT(openSearchStrongsDialog()),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::findStrongs::actionName);
+ m_actions.copy.referenceOnly = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copyAnchorOnly()), actionCollection(), "copyReferenceOnly");
+ m_actions.copy.referenceTextOnly = new KAction(i18n("Text of reference"), KShortcut(0),displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copyAnchorTextOnly()), actionCollection(), "copyTextOfReference");
+ m_actions.copy.referenceAndText = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copyAnchorWithText()), actionCollection(), "copyReferenceWithText");
+ m_actions.copy.chapter = new KAction(i18n("Chapter"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(copyDisplayedText()), actionCollection(), "copyChapter");
+ m_actions.copy.selectedText = actionCollection()->action("copySelectedText");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.copy.selectedText);
+ = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(saveAnchorWithText()), actionCollection(), "saveReferenceWithText");
+ = new KAction(i18n("Chapter as plain text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveChapterPlain()), actionCollection(), "saveChapterAsPlainText");
+ = new KAction(i18n("Chapter as HTML"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveChapterHTML()), actionCollection(), "saveChapterAsHTML");
+ m_actions.print.reference = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(printAnchorWithText()), actionCollection(), "saveReferenceWithText");
+ m_actions.print.chapter = new KAction(i18n("Chapter"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(printAll()), actionCollection(), "printChapter");
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::bibleWindow, actionCollection());
+void CBibleReadWindow::initConnections() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initConnections();
+ /* if (m_transliterationButton) { // Transliteration is not always available
+ connect(m_transliterationButton, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), SLOT(lookup()));
+ }*/
+void CBibleReadWindow::initToolbars() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initToolbars();
+void CBibleReadWindow::initView() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initView();
+ parentWidget()->installEventFilter( this );
+/** Reimplementation. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::setupPopupMenu() {
+ popup()->insertTitle(CToolClass::getIconForModule(modules().first()), i18n("Bible window"));
+ m_actions.findText->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.findStrongs->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.selectAll->plug(popup());
+ (new KActionSeparator(this))->plug( popup() );
+ m_actions.copyMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Copy..."), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::copyMenu::icon, popup());
+ m_actions.copyMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.referenceOnly);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.referenceTextOnly);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.referenceAndText);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.chapter);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(new KActionSeparator(this));
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.selectedText);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.saveMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Save..."),CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::saveMenu::icon, popup());
+ m_actions.saveMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.printMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Print..."),CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::printMenu::icon, popup());
+ m_actions.printMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.printMenu->insert(m_actions.print.reference);
+ m_actions.printMenu->insert(m_actions.print.chapter);
+ m_actions.printMenu->plug(popup());
+/** Reimplemented. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::updatePopupMenu() {
+ qWarning("CBibleReadWindow::updatePopupMenu()");
+ //enable the action depending on the supported module features
+// bool hasStrongs = false;
+// ListCSwordModuleInfo mods = modules();
+// for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it) {
+// if ( (*it)->has( CSwordModuleInfo::strongNumbers ) ) {
+// hasStrongs = true;
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// m_actions.findStrongs->setEnabled( hasStrongs );
+ m_actions.findStrongs->setEnabled( displayWidget()->getCurrentNodeInfo()[CDisplay::Lemma] != QString::null );
+ m_actions.copy.referenceOnly->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+ m_actions.copy.referenceTextOnly->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+ m_actions.copy.referenceAndText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+ m_actions.copy.selectedText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasSelection() );
+>setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+ m_actions.print.reference->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+/** Moves to the next book. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::nextBook() {
+ if (verseKey()->next(CSwordVerseKey::UseBook)) {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+ }
+/** Moves one book behind. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::previousBook() {
+ if (verseKey()->previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseBook)) {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+ }
+/** Moves to the next book. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::nextChapter() {
+ if (verseKey()->next(CSwordVerseKey::UseChapter)) {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+ }
+/** Moves one book behind. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::previousChapter() {
+ if (verseKey()->previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseChapter)) {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+ }
+/** Moves to the next book. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::nextVerse() {
+ if (verseKey()->next(CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse)) {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+ }
+/** Moves one book behind. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::previousVerse() {
+ if (verseKey()->previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse)) {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+ }
+/** rapper around key() to return the right type of key. */
+CSwordVerseKey* CBibleReadWindow::verseKey() {
+ CSwordVerseKey* k = dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(CDisplayWindow::key());
+ Q_ASSERT(k);
+ return k;
+/** Copies the current chapter into the clipboard. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::copyDisplayedText() {
+ CSwordVerseKey dummy(*verseKey());
+ dummy.Verse(1);
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(*verseKey());
+ vk.LowerBound(dummy);
+ CSwordBibleModuleInfo* bible = dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(modules().first());
+ dummy.Verse(bible->verseCount(, dummy.Chapter()));
+ vk.UpperBound(dummy);
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Copy chapter to clipboard ..."), false, i18n("Copying"), filterOptions(), displayOptions());
+ mgr.copyKey(&vk, CExportManager::Text, true);
+/** Saves the chapter as valid HTML page. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::saveChapterHTML() {
+ //saves the complete chapter to disk
+ CSwordBibleModuleInfo* bible = dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(modules().first());
+ Q_ASSERT(bible);
+ if (!bible) //shouldn't happen
+ return;
+ CSwordVerseKey dummy(*verseKey());
+ dummy.Verse(1);
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(*verseKey());
+ vk.LowerBound(dummy);
+ dummy.Verse(bible->verseCount(, dummy.Chapter()));
+ vk.UpperBound(dummy);
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Saving chapter ..."), true, i18n("Saving"), filterOptions(), displayOptions());
+ mgr.saveKey(&vk, CExportManager::HTML, true);
+/** Saves the chapter as valid HTML page. */
+void CBibleReadWindow::saveChapterPlain() {
+ //saves the complete chapter to disk
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(*verseKey());
+ CSwordVerseKey dummy(*verseKey());
+ dummy.Verse(1);
+ vk.LowerBound(dummy);
+ CSwordBibleModuleInfo* bible = dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(modules().first());
+ dummy.Verse(bible->verseCount(, dummy.Chapter()));
+ vk.UpperBound(dummy);
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Saving chapter ..."), true, i18n("Saving"), filterOptions(),displayOptions());
+ mgr.saveKey(&vk, CExportManager::Text, true);
+void CBibleReadWindow::reload() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::reload();
+ if (m_modules.count() == 0) {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ //refresh the book lists
+// qDebug("lang is %s",backend()->booknameLanguage().latin1());
+ verseKey()->setLocale( backend()->booknameLanguage().latin1() );
+ keyChooser()->refreshContent();
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::readWindow, actionCollection()); //setup the predefined actions
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::bibleWindow, actionCollection());
+/** No descriptions */
+bool CBibleReadWindow::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e) {
+ const bool ret = CLexiconReadWindow::eventFilter(o,e);
+ // Q_ASSERT(o->inherits("CDisplayWindow"));
+ // qWarning("class: %s", o->className());
+ if (e && (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn)) { //sync other windows to this active
+ /* This is a hack to work around a KHTML problem (similair to the Drag&Drop problem we had):
+ * If new HTML content is loaded from inside a kHTML event handler
+ * the widget's state will be confused, i.e. it's scrolling without having
+ * the mousebutton clicked.
+ *
+ * This is not really in a KHTML event handler but works anyway.
+ * Sometime KDE/Qt is hard to use ...
+ */
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(syncWindows()));
+ }
+ return ret;
+void CBibleReadWindow::lookup( CSwordKey* newKey ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::lookup(newKey);
+ syncWindows();
+void CBibleReadWindow::syncWindows() {
+ // qWarning("syncing windows");
+ QWidgetList windows = mdi()->windowList();
+ // Q_ASSERT(windows.count());
+ if (!windows.count()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (windows.first(); windows.current(); {
+ CDisplayWindow* w = dynamic_cast<CDisplayWindow*>(windows.current());
+ // Q_ASSERT(w && w->syncAllowed());
+ if (w && w->syncAllowed()) {
+ w->lookup( key()->key() );
+ }
+ /* else {
+ qWarning("class sync: %s", w->className());
+ }*/
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2326700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbiblereadwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "clexiconreadwindow.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+class CTransliterationButton;
+/**The read display window for Bibles.
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CBibleReadWindow : public CLexiconReadWindow {
+ CBibleReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CBibleReadWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* const settings );
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* const settings );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ virtual void initActions();
+ virtual void initToolbars();
+ virtual void initConnections();
+ virtual void initView();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void setupPopupMenu();
+ /**
+ * Reimplemented.
+ */
+ virtual void updatePopupMenu();
+ /** Event filter.
+ * Reimplementation of the event filter to filter out events like focus in.
+ */
+ virtual bool eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e);
+ struct {
+ KAction* selectAll;
+ KAction* findText;
+ KAction* findStrongs;
+ KActionMenu* copyMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* referenceOnly;
+ KAction* referenceTextOnly;
+ KAction* referenceAndText;
+ KAction* chapter;
+ KAction* selectedText;
+ }
+ copy;
+ KActionMenu* saveMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* referenceAndText;
+ KAction* chapterAsPlain;
+ KAction* chapterAsHTML;
+ }
+ save;
+ KActionMenu* printMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* reference;
+ KAction* chapter;
+ }
+ print;
+ }
+ m_actions;
+public slots:
+ void nextBook();
+ void previousBook();
+ void nextChapter();
+ void previousChapter();
+ void nextVerse();
+ void previousVerse();
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the content of this display window and the content of the keychooser.
+ */
+ virtual void reload();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Copies the current chapter into the clipboard.
+ */
+ void copyDisplayedText();
+ /**
+ * Saves the chapter as valid HTML page.
+ */
+ void saveChapterHTML();
+ /**
+ * Saves the chapter as valid HTML page.
+ */
+ void saveChapterPlain();
+ virtual void lookup( CSwordKey* newKey );
+ void syncWindows();
+ friend class CCommentaryReadWindow;
+ /**
+ * Wrapper around key() to return the right type of key.
+ */
+ CSwordVerseKey* verseKey();
+ // CTransliterationButton* m_transliterationButton;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a4627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cbookreadwindow.h"
+#include "cmodulechooserbar.h"
+#include "cbuttons.h"
+#include "backend/cswordtreekey.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qsplitter.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CBookReadWindow::CBookReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name) : CLexiconReadWindow(modules, parent, name) {}
+CBookReadWindow::~CBookReadWindow() {}
+void CBookReadWindow::applyProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::applyProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ const bool enable = static_cast<bool>( profileWindow->windowSettings() );
+ if (enable) {
+ m_treeAction->activate();
+ }
+void CBookReadWindow::storeProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::storeProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ //store information about our show tree structure button
+ profileWindow->setWindowSettings( static_cast<int>( m_treeAction->isChecked() ) );
+void CBookReadWindow::initActions() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initActions();
+ //cleanup, not a clean oo-solution
+ Q_ASSERT(actionCollection()->action("nextEntry"));
+ Q_ASSERT(actionCollection()->action("previousEntry"));
+ actionCollection()->action("nextEntry")->setEnabled(false);
+ actionCollection()->action("previousEntry")->setEnabled(false);
+ m_treeAction = new KToggleAction(
+ i18n("Toggle tree view"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bookWindow::toggleTree::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bookWindow::toggleTree::accel,
+ this, SLOT(treeToggled()),
+ actionCollection(), "toggleTree");
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::bookWindow, actionCollection());
+void CBookReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a ) {
+ new KToggleAction(
+ i18n("Toggle tree view"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bookWindow::toggleTree::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bookWindow::toggleTree::accel,
+ a, "toggleTree");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Copy reference only"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyReferenceOnly");
+ new KAction(i18n("Copy entry with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyEntryWithText");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Copy selected text"), KShortcut(0), a, "copySelectedText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save entry as plain text"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveEntryAsPlainText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save entry as HTML"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveEntryAsHTML");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Print reference only"), KShortcut(0), a, "printReferenceOnly");
+ new KAction(i18n("Print entry with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "printEntryWithText");
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBookReadWindow::initConnections() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initConnections();
+ connect(m_treeChooser, SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)),
+ this, SLOT(lookup(CSwordKey*)));
+ connect(m_treeChooser, SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)),
+ keyChooser(), SLOT(updateKey(CSwordKey*)));
+ connect(keyChooser(), SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)),
+ m_treeChooser, SLOT(updateKey(CSwordKey*)));
+/** Init the view */
+void CBookReadWindow::initView() {
+ QSplitter* splitter = new QSplitter(this);
+ setMainToolBar( new KToolBar(this) );
+ addDockWindow(mainToolBar());
+ m_treeChooser = new CBookTreeChooser(modules(), key(), splitter);
+ setDisplayWidget( CDisplay::createReadInstance(this, splitter) );
+ setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser::createInstance(modules(), key(), mainToolBar()) );
+ setModuleChooserBar( new CModuleChooserBar(modules(), modules().first()->type(), this) );
+ moduleChooserBar()->setButtonLimit(1);
+ addDockWindow( moduleChooserBar() );
+ setButtonsToolBar( new KToolBar(this) );
+ addDockWindow( buttonsToolBar() );
+ setDisplaySettingsButton( new CDisplaySettingsButton( &displayOptions(), &filterOptions(), modules(), buttonsToolBar()) );
+ m_treeChooser->hide();
+ splitter->setResizeMode(m_treeChooser, QSplitter::Stretch);
+ setCentralWidget( splitter );
+ setIcon(CToolClass::getIconForModule(modules().first()));
+void CBookReadWindow::initToolbars() {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_treeAction);
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.backInHistory);
+ m_actions.backInHistory->plug( mainToolBar(), 0 );
+ m_actions.forwardInHistory->plug( mainToolBar(), 1 );
+ mainToolBar()->insertWidget(0,keyChooser()->sizeHint().width(),keyChooser());
+ m_treeAction->plug(buttonsToolBar());
+ m_treeAction->setChecked(false);
+ buttonsToolBar()->insertWidget(2,displaySettingsButton()->size().width(),displaySettingsButton());
+ KAction* action = actionCollection()->action(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::search::actionName );
+ if (action) {
+ action->plug(buttonsToolBar());
+ }
+ action->plugAccel( accel() );
+ #endif
+/** Is called when the action was executed to toggle the tree view. */
+void CBookReadWindow::treeToggled() {
+ if (m_treeAction->isChecked()) {
+ m_treeChooser->show();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_treeChooser->hide();
+ }
+/** Reimplementation to take care of the tree chooser. */
+void CBookReadWindow::modulesChanged() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::modulesChanged();
+ m_treeChooser->setModules(modules());
+ lookup(key());
+void CBookReadWindow::setupPopupMenu() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::setupPopupMenu();
+ popup()->changeTitle(-1, CToolClass::getIconForModule(modules().first()), i18n("Book window"));
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6effe83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbookreadwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "clexiconreadwindow.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordtreekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+class KToggleAction;
+class CBookTreeChooser;
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CBookReadWindow : public CLexiconReadWindow {
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ CBookReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CBookReadWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ virtual void initActions();
+ virtual void initToolbars();
+ virtual void initConnections();
+ virtual void initView();
+ virtual void setupPopupMenu();
+ protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to take care of the tree chooser.
+ */
+ virtual void modulesChanged();
+ KToggleAction* m_treeAction;
+ CBookTreeChooser* m_treeChooser;
+private slots: // Private slots
+ /**
+ * Is called when the action was executed to toggle the tree view.
+ */
+ void treeToggled();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbuttons.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbuttons.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddcfadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbuttons.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//HibleTime includes
+#include "cbuttons.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+// CTransliterationButton::CTransliterationButton(CSwordBackend::FilterOptions* filterOptions, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+// : KToolBarButton(CResMgr::displaywindows::transliteration::icon, 0,parent,name) {
+// m_filterOptions = filterOptions;
+// m_filterOptions->transliteration = 0;
+// m_popup = new KPopupMenu(this);
+// setPopup(m_popup);
+// setPopupDelay(0001);
+// connect(m_popup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(optionSelected(int)));
+// populateMenu();
+// }
+// CTransliterationButton::~CTransliterationButton(){
+// }
+// /** Resets the buttons with the list of used modules. */
+// void CTransliterationButton::reset( ListCSwordModuleInfo& /*modules*/ ){
+// m_popup->clear();
+// // popuplateMenu();
+// }
+// /** Setup the menu entries. */
+// void CTransliterationButton::populateMenu(){
+// m_popup->clear();
+// m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Transliteration"));
+// m_popup->setCheckable(true);
+// if (!CPointers::backend()->useICU())
+// return;
+// Q_ASSERT(CPointers::backend()->transliterator());
+// if (!CPointers::backend()->transliterator())
+// return;
+// sword::StringList options = CPointers::backend()->transliterator()->getOptionValues();
+// sword::StringList::iterator it;
+// for (it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it) {
+// int id = m_popup->insertItem(QString::fromLatin1((*it).c_str()));
+// if (m_filterOptions->transliteration == m_popup->indexOf(id)-1 ) { //workaround
+// m_popup->setItemChecked(id, true);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// /** No descriptions */
+// void CTransliterationButton::optionSelected(int ID){
+// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_popup->count(); i++)
+// m_popup->setItemChecked(m_popup->idAt(i),false);
+// m_popup->setItemChecked(ID, true);
+// m_filterOptions->transliteration = m_popup->indexOf( ID )-1; //workaround
+// emit sigChanged();
+// }
+ *********** CDisplaySettingsButton *************
+ ************************************************/
+CDisplaySettingsButton::CDisplaySettingsButton(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions *displaySettings, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions *moduleSettings, const ListCSwordModuleInfo& useModules,QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: KToolBarButton(CResMgr::displaywindows::displaySettings::icon, 0, parent, name) {
+ // qWarning("CDisplaySettingsButton::CDisplaySettingsButton");
+ m_displaySettings = displaySettings;
+ m_moduleSettings = moduleSettings;
+ m_modules = useModules;
+ m_popup = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ setPopup(m_popup);
+ setPopupDelay(0001); //Fix, O only opens menu on mouse release or move
+ connect(m_popup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(optionToggled(int)));
+ populateMenu();
+void CDisplaySettingsButton::reset(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& useModules) {
+ m_modules = useModules;
+ populateMenu();
+ //disable the settings button if no options are available
+ if (!populateMenu()) {
+ setEnabled(false);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (this, i18n("Display settings: No options available"));
+ }
+ else {
+ setEnabled(true);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (this, i18n("Display settings"));
+ }
+void CDisplaySettingsButton::optionToggled(int ID) {
+ m_popup->setItemChecked( ID, !(m_popup->isItemChecked(ID)));
+ if (!m_popup->text(ID).isEmpty())
+ *(m_dict[m_popup->text(ID).remove('&')]) = m_popup->isItemChecked(ID);
+ emit sigChanged();
+/** No descriptions */
+int CDisplaySettingsButton::populateMenu() {
+ int ret = 0;
+ m_popup->clear();
+ m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Display options"));
+ m_popup->setCheckable(true);
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Use linebreaks after each verse"), &m_displaySettings->lineBreaks, (m_modules.first()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible));
+ //only show the verse numbers option for bible modules
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show versenumbers"), &m_displaySettings->verseNumbers, (m_modules.first()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show headings"), &m_moduleSettings->headings,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::headings));
+ /* ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show footnotes"), &m_moduleSettings->footnotes,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordBackend::footnotes ));*/
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Highlight words of Jesus"), &m_moduleSettings->redLetterWords,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::redLetterWords ));
+ // ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show Strong's Numbers"), &m_moduleSettings->strongNumbers,
+ // isOptionAvailable(CSwordBackend::strongNumbers ));
+ /* ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show morphologic tags"),&m_moduleSettings->morphTags,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordBackend::morphTags ));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show lemmas"),&m_moduleSettings->lemmas,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordBackend::lemmas ));*/
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show Hebrew vowel points"), &m_moduleSettings->hebrewPoints,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::hebrewPoints ));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show Hebrew cantillation marks"), &m_moduleSettings->hebrewCantillation,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::hebrewCantillation ));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show Greek accents"), &m_moduleSettings->greekAccents,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::greekAccents ));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Use alternative textual variant"), &m_moduleSettings->textualVariants,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::textualVariants ));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show scripture cross-references"), &m_moduleSettings->scriptureReferences,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::scriptureReferences ));
+ ret += addMenuEntry(i18n("Show morph segmentation"), &m_moduleSettings->morphSegmentation,
+ isOptionAvailable(CSwordModuleInfo::morphSegmentation ));
+ return ret;
+/** No descriptions */
+int CDisplaySettingsButton::addMenuEntry( const QString name, const int* option, const bool available) {
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (available) {
+ m_dict.insert( name, option );
+ m_popup->setItemChecked(m_popup->insertItem( name ), *option );
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool CDisplaySettingsButton::isOptionAvailable( const CSwordModuleInfo::FilterTypes option ) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ // for (m_modules.first(); m_modules.current() && !ret; {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = m_modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(m_modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ ret = ret || (*it)->has(option);
+ }
+ return ret;
+/** Returns the number of usable menu items in the setttings menu. */
+const int CDisplaySettingsButton::menuItemCount() {
+ return m_popup->count();
+/** Sets the item at position pos to the satet given as 2nd paramter. */
+void CDisplaySettingsButton::setItemStatus( const int index, const bool checked ) {
+ const int ID = m_popup->idAt(index);
+ m_popup->setItemChecked(ID, checked);
+ const QString text = m_popup->text(ID).remove('&');
+ if (m_dict[text]) {
+ *(m_dict[text]) = checked;
+ }
+/** Returns the status of the item at position "index" */
+const bool CDisplaySettingsButton::itemStatus( const int index ) {
+ return m_popup->isItemChecked( m_popup->idAt(index) );
+/** Sets the status to changed. The signal changed will be emitted. */
+void CDisplaySettingsButton::setChanged() {
+ emit sigChanged();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbuttons.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbuttons.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac72f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cbuttons.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#ifndef CBUTTONS_H
+#define CBUTTONS_H
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+//QT includes
+#include <qdict.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <ktoolbarbutton.h>
+class KPopupMenu;
+/** This class manages the transliteration of the selected modules.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+// class CTransliterationButton : public KToolBarButton {
+// public:
+// CTransliterationButton(CSwordBackend::FilterOptions* displayOptions, QWidget *parent, const char *name=0);
+// ~CTransliterationButton();
+// /**
+// * Setup the menu entries.
+// */
+// void populateMenu();
+// /**
+// * Resets the buttons with the list of used modules.
+// */
+// void reset( ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules );
+// protected slots: // Protected slots
+// void optionSelected(int);
+// private:
+// KPopupMenu* m_popup;
+// CSwordBackend::FilterOptions* m_filterOptions;
+// signals:
+// void sigChanged();
+// };
+/** This class manages the display options of the selected modules.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CDisplaySettingsButton : public KToolBarButton {
+ CDisplaySettingsButton(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions *displaySettings, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions *settings, const ListCSwordModuleInfo& useModules, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ void reset(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& useModules);
+ /**
+ * Sets the item at position pos to the satet given as 2nd paramter.
+ */
+ void setItemStatus( const int pos, const bool checked );
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of usable menu items in the setttings menu.
+ */
+ const int menuItemCount();
+ /**
+ * Returns the status of the item at position "index"
+ */
+ const bool itemStatus( const int index );
+ /**
+ * Sets the status to changed. The signal changed will be emitted.
+ */
+ void setChanged();
+ void sigChanged(void);
+protected slots:
+ void optionToggled(int ID);
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions* m_moduleSettings;
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions* m_displaySettings;
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions m_available;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo m_modules;
+ QDict<int> m_dict;
+ KPopupMenu* m_popup;
+ int populateMenu();
+ bool isOptionAvailable( const CSwordModuleInfo::FilterTypes option);
+ int addMenuEntry( const QString name, const int* option, const bool available);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9355831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "ccommentaryreadwindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CCommentaryReadWindow::CCommentaryReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name) : CLexiconReadWindow(modules, parent,name) {}
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a ) {
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next book"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextBook::accel,
+ a, "nextBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous book"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousBook::accel,
+ a, "previousBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next chapter"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextChapter::accel,
+ a, "nextChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous chapter"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousChapter::accel,
+ a, "previousChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next verse"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextVerse::accel,
+ a, "nextVerse"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous verse"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousVerse::accel,
+ a, "previousVerse"
+ );
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::applyProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::applyProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ if (profileWindow->windowSettings()) {
+ m_syncButton->setChecked(true);
+ }
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::storeProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::storeProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ profileWindow->setWindowSettings( m_syncButton->isChecked() );
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::initToolbars() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initToolbars();
+ m_syncButton = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sync with active Bible"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::accel,
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::actionName
+ );
+ m_syncButton->setToolTip(CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::tooltip);
+ m_syncButton->plug(buttonsToolBar());
+/** Reimplementation to handle the keychooser refresh. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::reload() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::reload();
+ //refresh the book lists
+ verseKey()->setLocale( backend()->booknameLanguage().latin1() );
+ keyChooser()->refreshContent();
+/** rapper around key() to return the right type of key. */
+CSwordVerseKey* CCommentaryReadWindow::verseKey() {
+ CSwordVerseKey* k = dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(CDisplayWindow::key());
+ Q_ASSERT(k);
+ return k;
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::initActions() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::initActions(); //make sure the predefined actions are available
+ //cleanup, not a clean oo-solution
+ actionCollection()->action("nextEntry")->setEnabled(false);
+ actionCollection()->action("previousEntry")->setEnabled(false);
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next book"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextBook::accel,
+ this, SLOT(nextBook()),
+ actionCollection(), "nextBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous book"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousBook::accel,
+ this, SLOT(previousBook()),
+ actionCollection(), "previousBook"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next chapter"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextChapter::accel,
+ this, SLOT(nextChapter()),
+ actionCollection(), "nextChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous chapter"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousChapter::accel,
+ this, SLOT(previousChapter()),
+ actionCollection(), "previousChapter"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next verse"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextVerse::accel,
+ this, SLOT(nextVerse()),
+ actionCollection(), "nextVerse"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous verse"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousVerse::accel,
+ this, SLOT(previousVerse()),
+ actionCollection(), "previousVerse"
+ );
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::commentaryWindow, actionCollection());
+/** Moves to the next book. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::nextBook() {
+ if (verseKey()->next(CSwordVerseKey::UseBook))
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+/** Moves one book behind. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::previousBook() {
+ if (verseKey()->previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseBook))
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+/** Moves to the next book. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::nextChapter() {
+ if (verseKey()->next(CSwordVerseKey::UseChapter))
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+/** Moves one book behind. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::previousChapter() {
+ if (verseKey()->previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseChapter))
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+/** Moves to the next book. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::nextVerse() {
+ if (verseKey()->next(CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse))
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+/** Moves one book behind. */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::previousVerse() {
+ if (verseKey()->previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse))
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key());
+const bool CCommentaryReadWindow::syncAllowed() const {
+ return m_syncButton->isChecked();
+ \fn CCommentaryReadWindow::setupPopupMenu()
+ */
+void CCommentaryReadWindow::setupPopupMenu() {
+ CLexiconReadWindow::setupPopupMenu();
+ popup()->changeTitle(-1, CToolClass::getIconForModule(modules().first()), i18n("Commentary window"));
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/ccommentaryreadwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cbiblereadwindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CCommentaryReadWindow : public CLexiconReadWindow {
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ CCommentaryReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ virtual const bool syncAllowed() const;
+public slots: // Public slots
+ void nextBook();
+ void previousBook();
+ void nextChapter();
+ void previousChapter();
+ void nextVerse();
+ void previousVerse();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to handle the keychooser refresh.
+ */
+ virtual void reload();
+ virtual void initActions();
+ virtual void initToolbars();
+ KToggleAction* m_syncButton;
+ CSwordVerseKey* verseKey();
+ virtual void setupPopupMenu();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eebba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "creadwindow.h"
+#include "cbiblereadwindow.h"
+#include "ccommentaryreadwindow.h"
+#include "clexiconreadwindow.h"
+#include "cbookreadwindow.h"
+#include "cwritewindow.h"
+#include "cplainwritewindow.h"
+#include "chtmlwritewindow.h"
+#include "cmodulechooserbar.h"
+#include "cbuttons.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/cmdiarea.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CReadWindow* CDisplayWindow::createReadInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char* name) {
+ switch (modules.first()->type()) {
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
+ return new CBibleReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary:
+ return new CCommentaryReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon:
+ return new CLexiconReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook:
+ return new CBookReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
+ default:
+ qWarning("unknown module type");
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+CWriteWindow* CDisplayWindow::createWriteInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const CDisplayWindow::WriteWindowType type, const char* name) {
+ if (type == HTMLWindow) {
+ return new CHTMLWriteWindow(modules, parent, name);
+ }
+ else {
+ return new CPlainWriteWindow(modules, parent, name);
+ }
+ return 0;
+CDisplayWindow::CDisplayWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea *parent, const char *name )
+#if KDE_VERSION >= 0x030200
+: KMainWindow(KMainWindow::NoDCOPObject, parent, name, WDestructiveClose),
+: KMainWindow(parent, name, WDestructiveClose),
+m_displayWidget(0) {
+ setModules(modules);
+CDisplayWindow::~CDisplayWindow() {
+ delete m_swordKey;
+ m_swordKey = 0;
+CMDIArea* const CDisplayWindow::mdi() const {
+ return m_mdi;
+/** Returns the right window caption. */
+const QString CDisplayWindow::windowCaption() {
+ if (!m_modules.count()) {
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ return QString(key()->key()).append(" (").append(m_modules.join(" | ")).append(")");
+/** Returns the used modules as a QPtrList */
+ListCSwordModuleInfo CDisplayWindow::modules() {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo mods;
+ for (QStringList::iterator it = m_modules.begin(); it != m_modules.end(); ++it) {
+ Q_ASSERT(backend()->findModuleByName(*it));
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(*it)) {
+ mods.append(m);
+ }
+ }
+ return mods;
+/** Set the window caption. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setCaption( const QString& ) {
+ QWidget::setCaption( windowCaption() );
+ m_mdi->emitWindowCaptionChanged();
+void CDisplayWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a ) {
+ KStdAction::zoomIn(0, 0, a, "zoomIn"); //no slot
+ KStdAction::zoomOut(0, 0, a, "zoomOut"); //no slot
+ KStdAction::close(0, 0, a, "closeWindow"); //no slot
+ KStdAction::selectAll(0, 0, a, "selectAll");
+ KStdAction::copy(0, 0, a, "copySelectedText");
+ KStdAction::find(0, 0, a, "findText");
+ new KToolBarPopupAction(
+ i18n("Back in history"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::accel,
+ a,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::actionName
+ );
+ new KToolBarPopupAction(
+ i18n("Forward in history"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::accel,
+ a, CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::actionName
+ );
+void CDisplayWindow::initActions() {
+ new KAction(i18n("Search"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::search::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::search::accel,
+ this, SLOT(slotSearchInModules()),
+ actionCollection(), CResMgr::displaywindows::general::search::actionName
+ );
+ KStdAction::zoomIn(
+ displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(zoomIn()),
+ actionCollection(), "zoomIn"
+ );
+ KStdAction::zoomOut(
+ displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(zoomOut()),
+ actionCollection(), "zoomOut"
+ );
+ KStdAction::close(
+ this, SLOT(close()),
+ actionCollection(), "closeWindow"
+ );
+ KStdAction::selectAll(
+ displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(selectAll()),
+ actionCollection(), "selectAll"
+ );
+ KStdAction::copy(
+ displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copySelection()),
+ actionCollection(), "copySelectedText"
+ );
+ KStdAction::find(
+ displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(openFindTextDialog()),
+ actionCollection(), "findText"
+ );
+ new KToolBarPopupAction(
+ i18n("Back in history"), CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::icon, CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::accel,
+ keyChooser(), SLOT( backInHistory() ),
+ actionCollection(), CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::actionName
+ );
+ new KToolBarPopupAction(
+ i18n("Forward in history"), CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::icon, CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::accel,
+ keyChooser(), SLOT( forwardInHistory() ),
+ actionCollection(), CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::actionName
+ );
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::allWindows, actionCollection());
+/** Is called when this window gets the focus or looses the focus. */
+void CDisplayWindow::windowActivated( const bool hasFocus ) {
+ if (accel()) {
+ accel()->setEnabled(hasFocus);
+ }
+/** Refresh the settings of this window. */
+void CDisplayWindow::reload() {
+ //first make sure all used Sword modules are still present
+ for (QStringList::iterator it = m_modules.begin(); it != m_modules.end(); ++it) {
+ if (!backend()->findModuleByName(*it)) {
+ it = m_modules.remove(it);
+ if (it == m_modules.end()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_modules.count() == 0){
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (keyChooser()) keyChooser()->setModules( modules(), false );
+ if (m_moduleChooserBar) { //necessary for edit windows which have now chooser bar
+ m_moduleChooserBar->setModules(modules());
+ }
+ modulesChanged();
+ lookup();
+/** Returns the filter options used by this window. */
+CSwordBackend::FilterOptions& CDisplayWindow::filterOptions() {
+ return m_filterOptions;
+/** Returns the display options used by this display window. */
+CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions& CDisplayWindow::displayOptions() {
+ return m_displayOptions;
+/** Sets the new display options for this window. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setDisplayOptions( const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions& displayOptions ) {
+ m_displayOptions = displayOptions;
+/** Sets the new filter options of this window. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setFilterOptions( CSwordBackend::FilterOptions& filterOptions ) {
+ m_filterOptions = filterOptions;
+/** Returns true if the widget is ready for use. */
+const bool CDisplayWindow::isReady() const {
+ return m_isReady;
+/** Set the ready status */
+void CDisplayWindow::setReady( const bool& ready ) {
+ m_isReady = ready;
+/** Returns true if the window may be closed. */
+bool CDisplayWindow::queryClose() {
+ return true;
+/** Returns the keychooser widget of this display window. */
+CKeyChooser* const CDisplayWindow::keyChooser() const {
+ return m_keyChooser;
+/** Sets the keychooser widget for this display window. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser* ck ) {
+ m_keyChooser = ck;
+/** Returns the key of this display window. */
+CSwordKey* CDisplayWindow::key() const {
+ Q_ASSERT( m_swordKey );
+ return m_swordKey;
+/** Sets the new sword key. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setKey( CSwordKey* key ) {
+ Q_ASSERT( key );
+ m_swordKey = key;
+void CDisplayWindow::modulesChanged() {
+ if (moduleChooserBar()) { //necessary for write windows
+ setModules( m_moduleChooserBar->getModuleList() );
+ }
+ if (!modules().count()) {
+ close();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (displaySettingsButton()) {
+ displaySettingsButton()->reset(modules());
+ }
+ key()->module(modules().first());
+ keyChooser()->setModules(modules());
+ }
+/** Returns the module chooser bar. */
+CModuleChooserBar* const CDisplayWindow::moduleChooserBar() const {
+ return m_moduleChooserBar;
+/** Sets the module chooser bar. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setModuleChooserBar( CModuleChooserBar* bar ) {
+ if (m_moduleChooserBar) {
+ disconnect(m_moduleChooserBar, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), this, SLOT(modulesChanged()));
+ }
+ //if a new bar should be set!
+ if (bar) {
+ m_moduleChooserBar = bar;
+ connect(bar, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), SLOT(modulesChanged()));
+ }
+/** Sets the modules. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& newModules ) {
+ m_modules.clear();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = newModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it(newModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ m_modules.append((*it)->name());
+ }
+/** Initialize the window. Call this method from the outside, because calling this in the constructor is not possible! */
+const bool CDisplayWindow::init() {
+ //BibleTime::createReadDisplayWindow calls the show() method
+ initView();
+ setMinimumSize( 250,200 );
+ setCaption(windowCaption());
+ //setup focus stuff.
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus);
+ parentWidget()->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus);
+ initActions();
+ initToolbars();
+ initConnections();
+ setupPopupMenu();
+ m_filterOptions = CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults();
+ m_displayOptions = CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults();
+ if (displaySettingsButton()) {
+ displaySettingsButton()->reset(modules());
+ }
+ setReady(true);
+ return true;
+/** Returns the main toolbar. */
+KToolBar* const CDisplayWindow::mainToolBar() const {
+ return m_mainToolBar;
+/** Returns the main toolbar. */
+KToolBar* const CDisplayWindow::buttonsToolBar() const {
+ return m_buttonsToolBar;
+/** Sets the main toolbar. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setMainToolBar( KToolBar* bar ) {
+ m_mainToolBar = bar;
+/** Sets the main toolbar. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setButtonsToolBar( KToolBar* bar ) {
+ m_buttonsToolBar = bar;
+/** Returns the display settings button */
+CDisplaySettingsButton* const CDisplayWindow::displaySettingsButton() const {
+ return m_displaySettingsButton;
+/** Sets the display settings button. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setDisplaySettingsButton( CDisplaySettingsButton* button ) {
+ if (m_displaySettingsButton)
+ disconnect(m_displaySettingsButton, SIGNAL( sigChanged() ),this, SLOT(lookup() ));
+ m_displaySettingsButton = button;
+ connect(m_displaySettingsButton, SIGNAL(sigChanged()),this, SLOT(lookup()));
+/** Lookup the current key. Used to refresh the display. */
+void CDisplayWindow::lookup() {
+ lookup( key() );
+void CDisplayWindow::lookup( const QString& moduleName, const QString& keyName ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(isReady());
+ if (!isReady()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName);
+ Q_ASSERT(m);
+ if (!m) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //ToDo: check for containsRef compat
+ if (m && modules().contains(m)) {
+ key()->key(keyName);
+ keyChooser()->setKey(key()); //the key chooser does send an update signal
+ }
+ else { //given module not displayed in this window
+ //if the module is displayed in another display window we assume a wrong drop
+ bool found = false;
+ //create a new window for the given module
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo mList;
+ mList.append(m);
+ mdi()->emitCreateDisplayWindow(mList, keyName);
+ }
+void CDisplayWindow::lookup( const QString& keyName ) {
+ /* This function is called for example after a bookmark was dropped on this window
+ */
+ Q_ASSERT(modules().first());
+ //qDebug("CDisplayWindow::lookup: %s", keyName.latin1());
+ lookup(modules().first()->name(), keyName);
+/** Update the status of the popup menu entries. */
+void CDisplayWindow::updatePopupMenu() {}
+///** Returns the installed popup menu. */
+KPopupMenu* const CDisplayWindow::popup() {
+ // qWarning("CReadWindow::popup()");
+ if (!m_popupMenu) {
+ m_popupMenu = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ connect(m_popupMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(updatePopupMenu()));
+ if (displayWidget()) {
+ displayWidget()->installPopup(m_popupMenu);
+ }
+ /* else {
+ qWarning("CDisplayWindow:: can't instal popup menu");
+ }*/
+ }
+ return m_popupMenu;
+/** Returns the display widget used by this implementation of CDisplayWindow. */
+CDisplay* const CDisplayWindow::displayWidget() const {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_displayWidget);
+ return m_displayWidget;
+/** Sets the display widget used by this display window. */
+void CDisplayWindow::setDisplayWidget( CDisplay* newDisplay ) {
+ m_displayWidget = newDisplay;
+void CDisplayWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e) {
+ if (!queryClose()) {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ else {
+ e->accept();
+ }
+void CDisplayWindow::slotSearchInModules() {
+ Search::CSearchDialog::openDialog(modules());
+void CDisplayWindow::printAll() {
+ m_displayWidget->connectionsProxy()->printAll( m_displayOptions, m_filterOptions);
+void CDisplayWindow::printAnchorWithText() {
+ m_displayWidget->connectionsProxy()->printAnchorWithText( m_displayOptions, m_filterOptions);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c166687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordtreekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordldkey.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kmainwindow.h>
+//Forward declarations
+class CMDIArea;
+class CReadWindow;
+class CWriteWindow;
+class CMDIArea;
+class CDisplaySettingsButton;
+class CDisplay;
+class CKeyChooser;
+class CModuleChooserBar;
+class CDisplaySettingsButton;
+class KAccel;
+class KToolBar;
+class KPopupMenu;
+/** The base class for all display windows of BibleTime.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CDisplayWindow : public KMainWindow, public CPointers {
+ enum WriteWindowType {
+ HTMLWindow = 1,
+ PlainTextWindow = 2
+ };
+ static CReadWindow* createReadInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ static CWriteWindow* createWriteInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const WriteWindowType type = HTMLWindow, const char* name = 0);
+ /**
+ * Insert the keyboard accelerators of this window into the given KAccel object.
+ */
+ // static void insertKeyboardActions( KAccel* const accel );
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ CMDIArea* const mdi() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the right window caption.
+ */
+ const QString windowCaption();
+ /**
+ * Returns the used modules as a QPtrList
+ */
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the window caption.
+ */
+ virtual void setCaption( const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Sets the new filter options of this window.
+ */
+ void setFilterOptions( CSwordBackend::FilterOptions& filterOptions );
+ /**
+ * Sets the new display options for this window.
+ */
+ void setDisplayOptions( const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions& displayOptions );
+ /**
+ * Returns the display options used by this display window.
+ */
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions& displayOptions();
+ /**
+ * Returns the filter options used by this window.
+ */
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions& filterOptions();
+ /**
+ * Set the ready status
+ */
+ void setReady( const bool& ready );
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the widget is ready for use.
+ */
+ const bool isReady() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the window may be closed.
+ */
+ virtual bool queryClose();
+ /**
+ * Returns the keychooser widget of this display window.
+ */
+ CKeyChooser* const keyChooser() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the new sword key.
+ */
+ void setKey( CSwordKey* key );
+ /**
+ * Returns the key of this display window.
+ */
+ CSwordKey* key() const;
+ /**
+ * Initialize the window. Call this method from the outside, because calling this in the constructor is not possible!
+ */
+ virtual const bool init();
+ /**
+ * Sets the main toolbar.
+ */
+ void setMainToolBar( KToolBar* bar );
+ /**
+ * Sets the buttons toolbar.
+ */
+ void setButtonsToolBar( KToolBar* bar );
+ /**
+ * Returns the main toolbar.
+ */
+ KToolBar* const mainToolBar() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the buttons toolbar.
+ */
+ KToolBar* const buttonsToolBar() const;
+ /**
+ * Initialize the toolbars
+ */
+ virtual void initToolbars() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the display settings button
+ */
+ CDisplaySettingsButton* const displaySettingsButton() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the display settings button.
+ */
+ void setDisplaySettingsButton( CDisplaySettingsButton* button );
+ virtual void setupPopupMenu() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the display widget used by this implementation of CDisplayWindow.
+ */
+ virtual CDisplay* const displayWidget() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the display widget used by this display window.
+ */
+ virtual void setDisplayWidget( CDisplay* newDisplay );
+ /** Returns whether syncs to the active window are allowed at this time for this display window
+ * @return boolean value whether sync is allowed
+ */
+ virtual const bool syncAllowed() const {
+ return false;
+ };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Lookup the specified key in the given module. If the module is not chosen withing
+ * this display window create a new displaywindow with the right module in it.
+ */
+ virtual void lookup( const QString& module, const QString& key );
+ /**
+ * Lookup the key in the chosen modules.
+ */
+ virtual void lookup( const QString& key );
+ /**
+ * Refresh the settings of this window.
+ */
+ virtual void reload();
+ friend class CMDIArea;
+ friend class CBibleReadWindow;
+ CDisplayWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CDisplayWindow();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the intern keyboard actions.
+ */
+ virtual void initActions();
+ /**
+ Is called when this window gets the focus or looses the focus.
+ */
+ virtual void windowActivated( const bool hasFocus );
+ /**
+ * Sets the keychooser widget for this display window.
+ */
+ void setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser* ck );
+ /**
+ * Returns the module chooser bar.
+ */
+ CModuleChooserBar* const moduleChooserBar() const;
+ /**
+ * Lookup the given key.
+ */
+ virtual void lookup( CSwordKey* ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Sets the module chooser bar.
+ */
+ void setModuleChooserBar( CModuleChooserBar* bar );
+ /**
+ * Sets the modules.
+ */
+ void setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules );
+ /**
+ * Initializes the signal / slot connections of this display window.
+ */
+ virtual void initConnections() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Initialize the view of this display window.
+ */
+ virtual void initView() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the installed popup menu.
+ */
+ KPopupMenu* const popup();
+ virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e);
+protected slots:
+ virtual void modulesChanged();
+ /**
+ * Lookup the current key. Used to refresh the display.
+ */
+ void lookup();
+ virtual void updatePopupMenu();
+ void slotSearchInModules();
+ void printAll();
+ void printAnchorWithText();
+ CMDIArea* m_mdi;
+ //we may only cache the module names bacause after a backend relaod the pointers are invalid!
+ QStringList m_modules;
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions m_filterOptions;
+ CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions m_displayOptions;
+ CDisplaySettingsButton* m_displaySettingsButton;
+ CKeyChooser* m_keyChooser;
+ CSwordKey* m_swordKey;
+ bool m_isReady;
+ CModuleChooserBar* m_moduleChooserBar;
+ KToolBar* m_mainToolBar;
+ KToolBar* m_buttonsToolBar;
+ KPopupMenu* m_popupMenu;
+ CDisplay* m_displayWidget;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/chtmlwritewindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/chtmlwritewindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e91e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/chtmlwritewindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "chtmlwritewindow.h"
+//frontend includes
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CHTMLWriteWindow::CHTMLWriteWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name)
+: CPlainWriteWindow(modules, parent, name) {}
+CHTMLWriteWindow::~CHTMLWriteWindow() {}
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::initView() {
+ CWriteDisplay* writeDisplay = CDisplay::createWriteInstance(this, CDisplay::HTMLDisplay);
+ Q_ASSERT(writeDisplay);
+ setDisplayWidget( writeDisplay );
+ setCentralWidget( displayWidget()->view() );
+ setMainToolBar( new KToolBar(this) );
+ mainToolBar()->setFullSize(true);
+ addDockWindow(mainToolBar());
+ setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser::createInstance(modules(), key(), mainToolBar()) );
+ mainToolBar()->insertWidget(0,keyChooser()->sizeHint().width(),keyChooser());
+ mainToolBar()->setFullSize(false);
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::initConnections() {
+ CWriteWindow::initConnections();
+ connect(keyChooser(), SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)),
+ this, SLOT(lookup(CSwordKey*)));
+ connect(displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SIGNAL(textChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(textChanged()) );
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::initToolbars() {
+ //setup the toolbar
+ m_actions.syncWindow = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sync with active Bible"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::accel,
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.syncWindow->setToolTip(CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::tooltip);
+ m_actions.syncWindow->plug(mainToolBar());
+ m_actions.saveText = new KAction( i18n("Save text"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::accel,
+ this, SLOT( saveCurrentText() ),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.saveText->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.saveText->plug(mainToolBar());
+ m_actions.deleteEntry = new KAction(i18n("Delete current entry"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::accel,
+ this, SLOT(deleteEntry()),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.deleteEntry->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::tooltip );
+ m_actions.deleteEntry->plug(mainToolBar());
+ m_actions.restoreText = new KAction(i18n("Restore original text"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::accel,
+ this, SLOT(restoreText()), actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.restoreText->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.restoreText->plug(mainToolBar());
+ KToolBar* bar = new KToolBar(this);
+ bar->setFullSize(true);
+ addDockWindow(bar);
+ displayWidget()->setupToolbar( bar, actionCollection() );
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::storeProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CWriteWindow::storeProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ profileWindow->setWindowSettings( m_actions.syncWindow->isChecked() );
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::applyProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CWriteWindow::applyProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ if (profileWindow->windowSettings()) {
+ m_actions.syncWindow->setChecked(true);
+ }
+/** Is called when the current text was changed. */
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::textChanged() {
+ m_actions.saveText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->isModified() );
+ m_actions.restoreText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->isModified() );
+/** Loads the original text from the module. */
+void CHTMLWriteWindow::restoreText() {
+ lookup(key());
+ displayWidget()->setModified(false);
+ textChanged();
+const bool CHTMLWriteWindow::syncAllowed() const {
+ return m_actions.syncWindow->isChecked();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/chtmlwritewindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/chtmlwritewindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b70f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/chtmlwritewindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cplainwritewindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+class KAction;
+/** The WYSIWYG implementation of the editor.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CHTMLWriteWindow : public CPlainWriteWindow {
+ CHTMLWriteWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name = 0);
+ virtual ~CHTMLWriteWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* );
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* );
+ virtual const bool syncAllowed() const;
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initialize the state of this widget.
+ */
+ virtual void initView();
+ virtual void initConnections();
+ virtual void initToolbars();
+ virtual const CDisplayWindow::WriteWindowType writeWindowType() {
+ return CDisplayWindow::HTMLWindow;
+ };
+protected slots:
+ /**
+ * Is called when the current text was changed.
+ */
+ virtual void textChanged();
+ /**
+ * Loads the original text from the module.
+ */
+ virtual void restoreText();
+ struct {
+ KAction* saveText;
+ KAction* restoreText;
+ KAction* deleteEntry;
+ KToggleAction* syncWindow;
+ }
+ m_actions;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b36118d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "clexiconreadwindow.h"
+#include "cmodulechooserbar.h"
+#include "cbuttons.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordldkey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <ktoolbar.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+// #include <kactionclasses.h>
+CLexiconReadWindow::CLexiconReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo moduleList, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name) : CReadWindow(moduleList, parent,name) {
+ setKey( CSwordKey::createInstance(moduleList.first()) );
+CLexiconReadWindow::~CLexiconReadWindow() {}
+void CLexiconReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a ) {
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next entry"), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::nextEntry::accel,
+ a, "nextEntry"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous entry"), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::previousEntry::accel,
+ a, "previousEntry"
+ );
+ // new KAction(i18n("Copy reference only"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyReferenceOnly");
+ new KAction(i18n("Copy entry with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "copyEntryWithText");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Copy selected text"), KShortcut(0), a, "copySelectedText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save entry as plain text"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveEntryAsPlainText");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save entry as HTML"), KShortcut(0), a, "saveEntryAsHTML");
+ // new KAction(i18n("Print reference only"), KShortcut(0), a, "printReferenceOnly");
+ new KAction(i18n("Print entry with text"), KShortcut(0), a, "printEntryWithText");
+void CLexiconReadWindow::initActions() {
+ CReadWindow::initActions();
+ m_actions.backInHistory = dynamic_cast<KToolBarPopupAction*>(
+ actionCollection()->action(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::backInHistory::actionName
+ )
+ );
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.backInHistory);
+ m_actions.forwardInHistory = dynamic_cast<KToolBarPopupAction*>(
+ actionCollection()->action(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::forwardInHistory::actionName
+ )
+ );
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.forwardInHistory);
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Next entry"), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::nextEntry::accel,
+ this, SLOT( nextEntry() ),
+ actionCollection(), "nextEntry"
+ );
+ new KAction(
+ i18n("Previous entry"), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::previousEntry::accel,
+ this, SLOT( previousEntry() ),
+ actionCollection(), "previousEntry"
+ );
+ m_actions.selectAll = actionCollection()->action("selectAll");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.selectAll);
+ m_actions.findText = actionCollection()->action("findText");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.findText);
+ //m_actions.findStrongs = new KAction(i18n("Strong's Search"), KShortcut(0),this, SLOT(openSearchStrongsDialog()), actionCollection(), "findStrongs");
+ m_actions.findStrongs = new KAction(
+ i18n("Strong's Search"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::findStrongs::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::findStrongs::accel,
+ this, SLOT(openSearchStrongsDialog()),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::findStrongs::actionName);
+ m_actions.copy.reference = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copyAnchorOnly()), actionCollection(), "copyReferenceOnly");
+ m_actions.copy.entry = new KAction(i18n("Entry with text"), KShortcut(0), displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copyAll()), actionCollection(), "copyEntryWithText");
+ m_actions.copy.selectedText = actionCollection()->action("copySelectedText");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.copy.selectedText);
+ = new KAction(i18n("Entry as plain text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveAsPlain()),actionCollection(), "saveEntryAsPlain");
+ = new KAction(i18n("Entry as HTML"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveAsHTML()), actionCollection(), "saveEntryAsHTML");
+ m_actions.print.reference = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(printAnchorWithText()), actionCollection(), "printReferenceOnly");
+ m_actions.print.entry = new KAction(i18n("Entry with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(printAll()), actionCollection(), "printEntryWithText");
+ // init with the user defined settings
+ CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(CBTConfig::lexiconWindow, actionCollection());
+/** No descriptions */
+void CLexiconReadWindow::initConnections() {
+ Q_ASSERT(keyChooser());
+ connect(keyChooser(), SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)),
+ this, SLOT(lookup(CSwordKey*)));
+ connect(keyChooser(), SIGNAL(historyChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(slotUpdateHistoryButtons()));
+ //connect the history actions to the right slots
+ connect(
+ m_actions.backInHistory->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
+ this, SLOT(slotFillBackHistory())
+ );
+ connect(
+ m_actions.backInHistory->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ keyChooser(), SLOT(backInHistory(int))
+ );
+ connect(
+ m_actions.forwardInHistory->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
+ this, SLOT(slotFillForwardHistory())
+ );
+ connect(
+ m_actions.forwardInHistory->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ keyChooser(), SLOT(forwardInHistory(int))
+ );
+void CLexiconReadWindow::initView() {
+ setDisplayWidget( CDisplay::createReadInstance(this) );
+ setMainToolBar( new KToolBar(this) );
+ addDockWindow(mainToolBar());
+ setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser::createInstance(modules(), key(), mainToolBar()) );
+ mainToolBar()->insertWidget(0, keyChooser()->sizeHint().width(), keyChooser());
+ mainToolBar()->setFullSize(false);
+ setModuleChooserBar( new CModuleChooserBar(modules(), modules().first()->type(), this) );
+ addDockWindow(moduleChooserBar());
+ setButtonsToolBar( new KToolBar(this) );
+ addDockWindow(buttonsToolBar());
+ setIcon(CToolClass::getIconForModule(modules().first()));
+ setCentralWidget( displayWidget()->view() );
+void CLexiconReadWindow::initToolbars() {
+ //main toolbar
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.backInHistory);
+ m_actions.backInHistory->plug( mainToolBar(),0 ); //1st button
+ m_actions.forwardInHistory->plug( mainToolBar(),1 ); //2nd button
+ //buttons toolbar
+ KAction* action = actionCollection()->action(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::search::actionName);
+ Q_ASSERT( action );
+ if (action) {
+ action->plug(buttonsToolBar());
+ }
+ action->plugAccel( accel() );
+ #endif
+ setDisplaySettingsButton( new CDisplaySettingsButton( &displayOptions(), &filterOptions(), modules(), buttonsToolBar()) );
+ buttonsToolBar()->insertWidget(2,displaySettingsButton()->size().width(), displaySettingsButton());
+void CLexiconReadWindow::setupPopupMenu() {
+ popup()->insertTitle(CToolClass::getIconForModule(modules().first()), i18n("Lexicon window"));
+ // m_actions.selectAll = new KAction(i18n("Select all"), KShortcut(0), displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(selectAll()), actionCollection());
+ m_actions.findText->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.findStrongs->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.selectAll->plug(popup());
+ (new KActionSeparator(this))->plug( popup() );
+ m_actions.copyMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Copy..."), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::copyMenu::icon, actionCollection());
+ m_actions.copyMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.reference);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.entry);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(new KActionSeparator(this));
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.selectedText);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.saveMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Save..."), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::saveMenu::icon, actionCollection());
+ m_actions.saveMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->plug(popup());
+ m_actions.printMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Print..."), CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::printMenu::icon, actionCollection());
+ m_actions.printMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.printMenu->insert(m_actions.print.reference);
+ m_actions.printMenu->insert(m_actions.print.entry);
+ m_actions.printMenu->plug(popup());
+/** Reimplemented. */
+void CLexiconReadWindow::updatePopupMenu() {
+ //enable the action depending on the supported module features
+/* bool hasStrongs = false;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo mods = modules();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it) {
+ if ( (*it)->has( CSwordModuleInfo::strongNumbers ) ) {
+ hasStrongs = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_actions.findStrongs->setEnabled( hasStrongs );*/
+ m_actions.findStrongs->setEnabled( displayWidget()->getCurrentNodeInfo()[CDisplay::Lemma] != QString::null );
+ m_actions.copy.reference->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+ //m_actions.copy.entry->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+ m_actions.copy.selectedText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasSelection() );
+ m_actions.print.reference->setEnabled( displayWidget()->hasActiveAnchor() );
+/** No descriptions */
+void CLexiconReadWindow::nextEntry() {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(ldKey()->NextEntry());
+/** No descriptions */
+void CLexiconReadWindow::previousEntry() {
+ keyChooser()->setKey(ldKey()->PreviousEntry());
+/** Reimplementation to return the right key. */
+CSwordLDKey* CLexiconReadWindow::ldKey() {
+ return dynamic_cast<CSwordLDKey*>(CDisplayWindow::key());
+/** This function saves the entry as html using the CExportMgr class. */
+void CLexiconReadWindow::saveAsHTML() {
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Saving entry ..."), true, i18n("Saving"), filterOptions(), displayOptions());
+ mgr.saveKey(key(), CExportManager::HTML, true);
+/** This function saves the entry as html using the CExportMgr class. */
+void CLexiconReadWindow::saveAsPlain() {
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Saving entry ..."), true, i18n("Saving"), filterOptions(), displayOptions());
+ mgr.saveKey(key(), CExportManager::Text, true);
+void CLexiconReadWindow::slotFillBackHistory() {
+ // qWarning("fill back history");
+ QStringList keyList = keyChooser()->getPreviousKeys();
+ QPopupMenu* menu = m_actions.backInHistory->popupMenu();
+ menu->clear();
+ QStringList::iterator it;
+ int index = 1;
+ for (it = keyList.begin(); it != keyList.end(); ++it) {
+ menu->insertItem(*it,index, index);
+ ++index;
+ }
+void CLexiconReadWindow::slotFillForwardHistory() {
+ // qWarning("fill forward history");
+ QStringList keyList = keyChooser()->getNextKeys();
+ QPopupMenu* menu = m_actions.forwardInHistory->popupMenu();
+ menu->clear();
+ QStringList::iterator it;
+ int index = 1;
+ for (it = keyList.begin(); it != keyList.end(); ++it) {
+ menu->insertItem(*it,index, index);
+ ++index;
+ }
+void CLexiconReadWindow::slotUpdateHistoryButtons() {
+ // qWarning("updating history buttons");
+ Q_ASSERT(m_actions.backInHistory);
+ Q_ASSERT(keyChooser());
+ m_actions.backInHistory->setEnabled( keyChooser()->getPreviousKeys().size() > 0 );
+ m_actions.forwardInHistory->setEnabled( keyChooser()->getNextKeys().size() > 0 );
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29e4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/clexiconreadwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "creadwindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+class CSwordKey;
+class CSwordLDKey;
+class KToolBarPopupAction;
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CLexiconReadWindow : public CReadWindow {
+ CLexiconReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CLexiconReadWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ // virtual void storeProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ // virtual void applyProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ // static void insertKeyboardActions( KAccel* a );
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ virtual void initActions();
+ virtual void initToolbars();
+ virtual void initConnections();
+ virtual void initView();
+ virtual void updatePopupMenu();
+ virtual void setupPopupMenu();
+ struct ActionsStruct {
+ KToolBarPopupAction* backInHistory;
+ KToolBarPopupAction* forwardInHistory;
+ KAction* selectAll;
+ KAction* findText;
+ KAction* findStrongs;
+ KActionMenu* copyMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* reference;
+ KAction* entry;
+ KAction* selectedText;
+ }
+ copy;
+ KActionMenu* saveMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* reference;
+ KAction* entryAsPlain;
+ KAction* entryAsHTML;
+ }
+ save;
+ KActionMenu* printMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* reference;
+ KAction* entry;
+ }
+ print;
+ }
+ m_actions;
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to return the right key.
+ */
+ CSwordLDKey* ldKey();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ void previousEntry();
+ void nextEntry();
+ /**
+ * This function saves the entry as html using the CExportMgr class.
+ */
+ void saveAsHTML();
+ /**
+ * This function saves the entry as plain text using the CExportMgr class.
+ */
+ void saveAsPlain();
+ void slotFillBackHistory();
+ void slotFillForwardHistory();
+ void slotUpdateHistoryButtons();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11492b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cmodulechooserbar.h"
+#include "cmodulechooserbutton.h"
+#include <qtimer.h>
+CModuleChooserBar::CModuleChooserBar(ListCSwordModuleInfo useModules, CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: KToolBar(parent,name),
+m_buttonLimit(-1) //-1 means no limit
+ //insert buttons if useModules != 0
+ // for (useModules.first(); useModules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = useModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(useModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((m_buttonLimit != -1) && ( m_buttonLimit <= (int)m_buttonList.count()) ) { //we reached the button limit
+ break;
+ };
+ addButton( *it );
+ }
+ // We can add a button to choose an additional module
+ if ( (m_buttonLimit == -1) || (m_buttonLimit > (int)m_buttonList.count()) ) {
+ addButton(0); //add a button without module set
+ }
+/** Adds a button to the toolbar */
+CModuleChooserButton* const CModuleChooserBar::addButton( CSwordModuleInfo* const module ) {
+ CModuleChooserButton* b = new CModuleChooserButton(module, m_moduleType, ++m_idCounter, this);
+ insertWidget( m_idCounter, b->size().width(), b );
+ m_buttonList.append(b);
+ connect( b, SIGNAL(sigAddButton()), this, SLOT(addButton()) );
+ connect( b, SIGNAL(sigRemoveButton(const int)), this, SLOT(removeButton(const int)) );
+ connect( b, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), SIGNAL(sigChanged()) );
+ connect( b, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), SLOT(updateMenuItems()) );
+ b->show();
+ updateMenuItems(); //make sure the items are up to date with the newest module list
+ return b;
+void CModuleChooserBar::addButton( ) {
+ addButton(0);
+/** Removes a button from the toolbar */
+void CModuleChooserBar::removeButton( const int ID ) {
+ for (m_buttonList.first(); m_buttonList.current(); {
+ if (m_buttonList.current()->getId() == ID) { //found the right button to remove
+ CModuleChooserButton* b = m_buttonList.current();
+ m_buttonList.remove(b);
+ b->hide();
+ b->deleteLater();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ emit sigChanged();
+ updateMenuItems(); //make sure the items are up to date with the newest module list
+/** Returns a list of selected modules. */
+ListCSwordModuleInfo CModuleChooserBar::getModuleList() {
+ const int currentItemIndex =; //make sure we don't change the current list item
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo list;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = 0;
+ for ( m_buttonList.first(); m_buttonList.current(); {
+ m = m_buttonList.current()->module();
+ if ( m ) {
+ list.append( m );
+ }
+ }
+ currentItemIndex );
+ return list;
+/** Sets the number of the maximum count of buttons. */
+void CModuleChooserBar::setButtonLimit(const int limit) {
+ m_buttonLimit = limit;
+ if (limit == -1) //no need to delete buttons
+ return;
+ const int tooMuch = m_buttonList.count() - limit;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tooMuch; ++i) {
+ CModuleChooserButton* b = m_buttonList.getLast();
+ m_buttonList.remove(b);
+ b->hide();
+ delete b;
+ }
+ updateMenuItems();
+/** Sets the modules which are chosen in this module chooser bar. */
+void CModuleChooserBar::setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo useModules ) {
+ setButtonLimit(0);
+ setButtonLimit(-1); //these two lines clear the bar
+ if (!useModules.count()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // for (useModules.first(); useModules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = useModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(useModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ( (m_buttonLimit != -1) && (m_buttonLimit <= (int)m_buttonList.count()) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ addButton( *it );
+ }
+ if ( (m_buttonLimit == -1) || (m_buttonLimit > (int)m_buttonList.count()) ) {
+ addButton(0);//add button without module set
+ }
+ updateMenuItems();
+ \fn CModuleChooserBar::updateMenuItems()
+ */
+void CModuleChooserBar::updateMenuItems() {
+ QPtrList<CModuleChooserButton> buttons = m_buttonList ;
+ for (buttons.first(); buttons.current(); {
+ buttons.current()->updateMenuItems();
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab2009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cmodulechooserbutton.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qhbox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <ktoolbar.h>
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CModuleChooserBar : public KToolBar {
+ /**
+ * Default constructor
+ */
+ CModuleChooserBar(ListCSwordModuleInfo useModules, CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of selected modules.
+ */
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo getModuleList();
+ /**
+ * Sets the number of the maximum count of buttons.
+ */
+ void setButtonLimit( const int limit);
+ /**
+ * Sets the modules which are chosen in this module chooser bar.
+ */
+ void setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules );
+ /**
+ * Adds a button to the toolbar
+ */
+ CModuleChooserButton* const addButton( CSwordModuleInfo* const module );
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /* Add a button
+ * This slot calls the addButton function above to add a button.
+ */
+ void addButton();
+ /**
+ * Removes a button from the toolbar
+ */
+ void removeButton( const int ID );
+ void updateMenuItems();
+ CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType m_moduleType;
+ int m_idCounter;
+ int m_buttonLimit;
+ QPtrList<CModuleChooserButton> m_buttonList;
+signals: // Signals
+ void sigChanged();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbutton.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbutton.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5eaa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbutton.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cmodulechooserbutton.h"
+#include "cmodulechooserbar.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+CModuleChooserButton::CModuleChooserButton(CSwordModuleInfo* useModule,CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type, const int id, CModuleChooserBar *parent, const char *name )
+: KToolBarButton(iconName(), id, parent, name),
+m_id(id), m_popup(0), m_moduleChooserBar(parent) {
+ m_moduleType = type;
+ m_module = useModule;
+ if (!m_module) {
+ m_hasModule = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_hasModule = true;
+ }
+ setIcon( iconName() );
+ setPopupDelay(1);
+ populateMenu();
+CModuleChooserButton::~CModuleChooserButton() {
+ m_submenus.setAutoDelete(true); //delete all submenus
+ m_submenus.clear();
+ delete m_popup;
+/** Returns the icon used for the current status. */
+const QString CModuleChooserButton::iconName() {
+ switch (m_moduleType) {
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
+ if (m_hasModule)
+ return CResMgr::modules::bible::icon_unlocked;
+ else
+ return CResMgr::modules::bible::icon_add;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary:
+ if (m_hasModule)
+ return CResMgr::modules::commentary::icon_unlocked;
+ else
+ return CResMgr::modules::commentary::icon_add;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon:
+ if (m_hasModule)
+ return CResMgr::modules::lexicon::icon_unlocked;
+ else
+ return CResMgr::modules::lexicon::icon_add;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook:
+ if (m_hasModule)
+ return CResMgr::modules::book::icon_unlocked;
+ else
+ return CResMgr::modules::book::icon_add;
+ default: //return as default the bible icon
+ return CResMgr::modules::bible::icon_unlocked;
+ }
+CSwordModuleInfo* CModuleChooserButton::module() {
+ for ( KPopupMenu* popup = m_submenus.first(); popup; popup = ) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < popup->count(); i++) {
+ if ( m_popup->isItemChecked(popup->idAt(i)) ) {
+ QString mod = popup->text(popup->idAt(i)).remove('&');
+ return backend()->findModuleByName( mod.left(mod.find(" ")) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; //"none" selected
+/** Returns the id used for this button. */
+int CModuleChooserButton::getId() const {
+ return m_id;
+/** Is called after a module was selected in the popup */
+void CModuleChooserButton::moduleChosen( int ID ) {
+ for ( KPopupMenu* popup = m_submenus.first(); popup; popup = ) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < popup->count(); i++) {
+ popup->setItemChecked(popup->idAt(i),false);
+ }
+ popup->setItemChecked(ID, true);
+ }
+ m_popup->setItemChecked(m_noneId, false); //uncheck the "none" item
+ if (m_popup->text(ID).remove('&') == i18n("NONE")) { // note: this is for m_popup, the toplevel!
+ if (m_hasModule) {
+ emit sigRemoveButton(m_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!m_hasModule) {
+ emit sigAddButton();
+ }
+ m_hasModule = true;
+ m_module = module();
+ setIcon( iconName() );
+ emit sigChanged();
+ setText( i18n("Select a work") );
+ m_popup->changeTitle(m_titleId, i18n("Select a work"));
+ QToolTip::remove
+ (this);
+ if (module()) {
+ QToolTip::add
+ (this, module()->name());
+ }
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CModuleChooserButton::populateMenu() {
+ m_submenus.setAutoDelete(true); //delete all submenus
+ m_submenus.clear();
+ delete m_popup;
+ //create a new, empty popup
+ m_popup = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ if (m_module) {
+ m_titleId = m_popup->insertTitle( i18n("Select a work") );
+ }
+ else {
+ m_titleId = m_popup->insertTitle( i18n("Select an additional work") );
+ }
+ m_popup->setCheckable(true);
+ m_noneId = m_popup->insertItem(i18n("NONE"));
+ if ( !m_module ) {
+ m_popup->setItemChecked(m_noneId, true);
+ }
+ m_popup->insertSeparator();
+ connect(m_popup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(moduleChosen(int)));
+ setPopup(m_popup, true);
+ QStringList languages;
+ QDict<KPopupMenu> langdict;
+ //the modules list contains only the modules we can use, i.e. same type and same features
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo allMods = backend()->moduleList();
+ // for (allMods.first(); allMods.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = allMods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(allMods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->type() != m_moduleType) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ modules.append( *it );
+ };
+ //iterate through all found modules of the type we support
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ /*ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator*/
+ end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ QString lang = (*it)->language()->translatedName();
+ if (lang.isEmpty()) {
+ //lang = QString::fromLatin1("xx"); //unknown language -- do not use English as default!!
+ lang = (*it)->language()->abbrev();
+ if (lang.isEmpty()) {
+ lang = "xx";
+ }
+ }
+ if (languages.find( lang ) == languages.end() ) { //this lang was not yet added
+ languages += lang;
+ KPopupMenu* menu = new KPopupMenu;
+ langdict.insert(lang, menu );
+ m_submenus.append(menu);
+ connect(menu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(moduleChosen(int)));
+ }
+ }
+ //Check the appropriate entry
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ /*ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator*/ end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ QString lang = (*it)->language()->translatedName();
+ if (lang.isEmpty()) {
+ lang = (*it)->language()->abbrev();
+ if (lang.isEmpty()) {
+ lang = "xx";
+ }
+ }
+ QString name((*it)->name());
+ name.append(" ").append((*it)->isLocked() ? i18n("[locked]") : QString::null);
+ const int id = langdict[lang]->insertItem( name );
+ if ( m_module && (*it)->name() == m_module->name()) {
+ langdict[lang]->setItemChecked(id, true);
+ }
+ }
+ languages.sort();
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = languages.begin(); it != languages.end(); ++it ) {
+ m_popup->insertItem( *it, langdict[*it]);
+ }
+ if (module()) {
+ QToolTip::add
+ (this, module()->name());
+ }
+ else {
+ QToolTip::add
+ (this, i18n("No work selected"));
+ }
+ \fn CModuleChooserButton::updateMenuItems()
+ */
+void CModuleChooserButton::updateMenuItems() {
+ QString moduleName;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = 0;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo chosenModules = m_moduleChooserBar->getModuleList();
+ for ( KPopupMenu* popup = m_submenus.first(); popup; popup = ) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < popup->count(); i++) {
+ moduleName = popup->text(popup->idAt(i)).remove('&');
+ module = backend()->findModuleByName( moduleName.left(moduleName.findRev(" ")) );
+ Q_ASSERT(module);
+// if (!module) {
+// qWarning("Can't find module with name %s", moduleName.latin1());
+// }
+ bool alreadyChosen = chosenModules.contains( module );
+ if (m_module) {
+ alreadyChosen = alreadyChosen && (m_module->name() != moduleName);
+ }
+ popup->setItemEnabled(popup->idAt(i), !alreadyChosen); //grey it out, it was chosen already
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbutton.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbutton.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd9fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbutton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <ktoolbarbutton.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+class KPopupMenu;
+class CModuleChooserBar;
+/** The CModuleChooserButton displays a list of submenus sorted by language which contain the possible modules
+ * which can be displayed together with the first one.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CModuleChooserButton : public KToolBarButton, public CPointers {
+ CModuleChooserButton(CSwordModuleInfo* useModule, CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type, const int id, CModuleChooserBar *parent, const char *name = 0 );
+ ~CModuleChooserButton();
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module();
+ /**
+ * Returns the id used for this button.
+ */
+ int getId() const;
+ void updateMenuItems();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ void populateMenu();
+ /**
+ * Returns the icon used for the current status.
+ */
+ const QString iconName();
+ bool m_hasModule;
+ int m_id;
+ int m_noneId;
+ int m_titleId;
+ CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType m_moduleType;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m_module;
+ KPopupMenu* m_popup;
+ QPtrList<KPopupMenu> m_submenus;
+ CModuleChooserBar* m_moduleChooserBar;
+private slots:
+ void moduleChosen(int ID );
+ void sigRemoveButton(const int ID);
+ void sigAddButton();
+ void sigChanged();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba95bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cplainwritewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qregexp.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CPlainWriteWindow::CPlainWriteWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo moduleList, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name ) : CWriteWindow(moduleList, parent, name) {
+ setKey( CSwordKey::createInstance(moduleList.first()) );
+CPlainWriteWindow::~CPlainWriteWindow() {}
+/** Initialize the state of this widget. */
+void CPlainWriteWindow::initView() {
+ // qWarning("CPlainWriteWindow::initView()");
+ setDisplayWidget( CDisplay::createWriteInstance(this) );
+ setCentralWidget( displayWidget()->view() );
+ setMainToolBar( new KToolBar(this) );
+ mainToolBar()->setFullSize(true);
+ addDockWindow(mainToolBar());
+ setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser::createInstance(modules(), key(), mainToolBar()) );
+ mainToolBar()->insertWidget(0,keyChooser()->sizeHint().width(),keyChooser());
+ mainToolBar()->setFullSize(false);
+void CPlainWriteWindow::initToolbars() {
+ m_actions.syncWindow = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sync with active Bible"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::accel,
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.syncWindow->setToolTip(CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::tooltip);
+ m_actions.syncWindow->plug(mainToolBar());
+ m_actions.saveText = new KAction(i18n("Save text"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::accel,
+ this, SLOT(saveCurrentText()),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.saveText->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::saveText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.saveText->plug(mainToolBar());
+ m_actions.deleteEntry = new KAction(i18n("Delete current entry"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::accel,
+ this, SLOT(deleteEntry()),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.deleteEntry->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::deleteEntry::tooltip );
+ m_actions.deleteEntry->plug(mainToolBar());
+ m_actions.restoreText = new KAction(i18n("Restore original text"),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::icon,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::accel,
+ this, SLOT(restoreText()),
+ actionCollection(),
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::actionName
+ );
+ m_actions.restoreText->setToolTip( CResMgr::displaywindows::writeWindow::restoreText::tooltip );
+ m_actions.restoreText->plug(mainToolBar());
+void CPlainWriteWindow::initConnections() {
+ CWriteWindow::initConnections();
+ connect(keyChooser(), SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)),
+ this, SLOT(lookup(CSwordKey*)));
+ connect(displayWidget()->connectionsProxy(), SIGNAL(textChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(textChanged()) );
+void CPlainWriteWindow::storeProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CWriteWindow::storeProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ profileWindow->setWindowSettings( m_actions.syncWindow->isChecked() );
+void CPlainWriteWindow::applyProfileSettings( CProfileWindow* profileWindow ) {
+ CWriteWindow::applyProfileSettings(profileWindow);
+ if (profileWindow->windowSettings()) {
+ m_actions.syncWindow->setChecked(true);
+ }
+/** Saves the text for the current key. Directly writes the changed text into the module. */
+void CPlainWriteWindow::saveCurrentText( const QString& /*key*/ ) {
+ QString t = displayWidget()->plainText();
+ //since t is a complete HTML page at the moment, strip away headers and footers of a HTML page
+ QRegExp re("(?:<html.*>.+<body.*>)", false); //remove headers, case insensitive
+ re.setMinimal(true);
+ t.replace(re, "");
+ t.replace(QRegExp("</body></html>", false), "");//remove footer
+ const QString& oldKey = this->key()->key();
+ if( modules().first()->isWritable() ) {
+ modules().first()->write(this->key(), t );
+ this->key()->key( oldKey );
+ displayWidget()->setModified(false);
+ textChanged();
+ } else {
+ KMessageBox::error( this,
+ QString::fromLatin1("<qt><B>%1</B><BR>%2</qt>")
+ .arg( i18n("Module is not writable.") )
+ .arg( i18n("Either the module may not be edited, or "
+ "you do not have write permission.") ),
+ i18n("Module not writable") );
+ }
+/** Loads the original text from the module. */
+void CPlainWriteWindow::restoreText() {
+ lookup(key());
+ displayWidget()->setModified(false);
+ textChanged();
+/** Is called when the current text was changed. */
+void CPlainWriteWindow::textChanged() {
+ m_actions.saveText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->isModified() );
+ m_actions.restoreText->setEnabled( displayWidget()->isModified() );
+/** Deletes the module entry and clears the edit widget, */
+void CPlainWriteWindow::deleteEntry() {
+ modules().first()->deleteEntry( key() );
+ lookup( key() );
+ displayWidget()->setModified(false);
+/** Setups the popup menu of this display widget. */
+void CPlainWriteWindow::setupPopupMenu() {}
+const bool CPlainWriteWindow::syncAllowed() const {
+ return m_actions.syncWindow->isChecked();
+void CPlainWriteWindow::initActions() {
+void CPlainWriteWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const ) {
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f9b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cwritewindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+class KAction;
+class KToggleAction;
+/** The write window class which offers a plain editor for source code editing.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CPlainWriteWindow : public CWriteWindow {
+ CPlainWriteWindow( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name = 0 );
+ virtual ~CPlainWriteWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* profileWindow );
+ /**
+ * Setups the popup menu of this display widget.
+ */
+ virtual void setupPopupMenu();
+ virtual const bool syncAllowed() const;
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initialize the state of this widget.
+ */
+ virtual void initView();
+ virtual void initConnections();
+ virtual void initToolbars();
+ virtual const CDisplayWindow::WriteWindowType writeWindowType() {
+ return CDisplayWindow::PlainTextWindow;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initializes the intern keyboard actions.
+ */
+ virtual void initActions();
+ /**
+ * Insert the keyboard accelerators of this window into the given KAccel object.
+ */
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ struct {
+ KAction* saveText;
+ KAction* deleteEntry;
+ KAction* restoreText;
+ KToggleAction* syncWindow;
+ }
+ m_actions;
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Saves the text for the current key. Directly writes the changed text into the module.
+ */
+ virtual void saveCurrentText( const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Is called when the current text was changed.
+ */
+ virtual void textChanged();
+ /**
+ * Loads the original text from the module.
+ */
+ virtual void restoreText();
+ /**
+ * Deletes the module entry and clears the edit widget.
+ */
+ virtual void deleteEntry();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1bcd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "creadwindow.h"
+#include "backend/centrydisplay.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplayrendering.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "frontend/cmdiarea.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cmodulechooserbar.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//KDE includes
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <kstdaccel.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CReadWindow::CReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name )
+: CDisplayWindow(modules,parent,name),
+m_displayWidget(0) {
+ // installEventFilter(this);
+CReadWindow::~CReadWindow() {
+ // qWarning("destructor of CReadWindow");
+/** Returns the display widget of this window. */
+CReadDisplay* const CReadWindow::displayWidget() {
+ return m_displayWidget;
+/** Sets the display widget of this display window. */
+void CReadWindow::setDisplayWidget( CReadDisplay* newDisplay ) {
+ CDisplayWindow::setDisplayWidget(newDisplay);
+ if (m_displayWidget) {
+ disconnect(m_displayWidget->connectionsProxy(), SIGNAL(referenceClicked(const QString&, const QString&)), this, SLOT(lookup(const QString&, const QString&)));
+ disconnect(m_displayWidget->connectionsProxy(), SIGNAL(referenceDropped(const QString&)), this, SLOT(lookup(const QString&)));
+ }
+ m_displayWidget = newDisplay;
+ connect(
+ m_displayWidget->connectionsProxy(),
+ SIGNAL(referenceClicked(const QString&, const QString&)),
+ this,
+ SLOT(lookup(const QString&, const QString&))
+ );
+ connect(
+ m_displayWidget->connectionsProxy(),
+ SIGNAL(referenceDropped(const QString&)),
+ this,
+ SLOT(lookup(const QString&))
+ );
+/** Lookup the given entry. */
+void CReadWindow::lookup( CSwordKey* newKey ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(newKey);
+ using namespace Rendering;
+ Q_ASSERT(isReady() && newKey && modules().first());
+ if (!isReady() || !newKey || !modules().first()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(modules().first()->getDisplay());
+ CEntryDisplay* display = modules().first()->getDisplay();
+ if (display) { //do we have a display object?
+ displayWidget()->setText(
+ display->text(
+ modules(),
+ newKey->key(),
+ displayOptions(),
+ filterOptions()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if (key() != newKey) {
+ key()->key(newKey->key());
+ }
+ setCaption( windowCaption() );
+ // qDebug("[CReadWindow::lookup] Moving to anchor %s", CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(key()->key()).latin1());
+ displayWidget()->moveToAnchor( CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(key()->key()) );
+/** Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object. */
+void CReadWindow::storeProfileSettings(CProfileWindow * const settings) {
+ QRect rect;
+ rect.setX(parentWidget()->x());
+ rect.setY(parentWidget()->y());
+ rect.setWidth(width());
+ rect.setHeight(height());
+ settings->setGeometry(rect);
+ // settings->setScrollbarPositions( m_htmlWidget->view()->horizontalScrollBar()->value(), m_htmlWidget->view()->verticalScrollBar()->value() );
+ settings->setType(modules().first()->type());
+ settings->setMaximized(isMaximized() || parentWidget()->isMaximized());
+ settings->setFocus( (this == mdi()->activeWindow()) ); //set property to true if this window is the active one.
+ if (key()) {
+ sword::VerseKey* vk = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(key());
+ QString oldLang;
+ if (vk) {
+ oldLang = QString(vk->getLocale());
+ vk->setLocale("en"); //save english locale names as default!
+ }
+ settings->setKey( key()->key() );
+ if (vk) {
+ vk->setLocale(oldLang.latin1());
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList mods;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo allMods = modules();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = allMods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(allMods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ mods.append((*it)->name());
+ }
+ settings->setModules(mods);
+void CReadWindow::applyProfileSettings(CProfileWindow * const settings) {
+ // parentWidget()->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ if (settings->maximized()) { //maximize this window
+ // Use parentWidget() to call showMaximized. Otherwise we'd get lot's of X11 errors
+ parentWidget()->showMaximized();
+ }
+ else {
+ const QRect rect = settings->geometry();
+ resize(rect.width(), rect.height());
+ parentWidget()->move(rect.x(), rect.y());
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+void CReadWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const ) {}
+/** No descriptions */
+void CReadWindow::copyDisplayedText() {
+ CExportManager mgr(QString::null);
+ mgr.copyKey(key(), CExportManager::Text, true);
+ \fn CReadWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e)
+ */
+void CReadWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* /*e*/) {
+ displayWidget()->moveToAnchor(
+ Rendering::CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(key()->key())
+ );
+void CReadWindow::openSearchStrongsDialog() {
+// qWarning("looking for lemma %s", displayWidget()->getCurrentNodeInfo()[CDisplay::Lemma].latin1() );
+ QString searchText = QString::null;
+ if (displayWidget()->getCurrentNodeInfo()[CDisplay::Lemma] != QString::null) {
+ searchText.append("strong:").append(displayWidget()->getCurrentNodeInfo() [CDisplay::Lemma]);
+ }
+ Search::CSearchDialog::openDialog( modules(), searchText, 0 );
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd36b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/creadwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+class KPopupMenu;
+/** The base class for all read-only display windows.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CReadWindow : public CDisplayWindow {
+ // static void insertKeyboardActions( KAccel* const a );
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ CReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CReadWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings(Profile::CProfileWindow * const settings);
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings(Profile::CProfileWindow * const settings);
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Sets the display widget of this display window.
+ */
+ virtual void setDisplayWidget( CReadDisplay* newDisplay );
+ /**
+ * Returns the display widget of this window.
+ */
+ virtual CReadDisplay* const displayWidget();
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);
+protected slots:
+ virtual void lookup( CSwordKey* );
+ /**
+ * Update the status of the popup menu entries.
+ */
+ virtual void copyDisplayedText();
+ /** Open the search dialog with the strong info of the last clicked word.
+ *
+ */
+ void openSearchStrongsDialog();
+ CReadDisplay* m_displayWidget;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34be15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cwritewindow.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
+#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
+//KDE includes
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+using namespace Profile;
+CWriteWindow::CWriteWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name )
+: CDisplayWindow(modules, parent,name), m_writeDisplay(0) {}
+CWriteWindow::~CWriteWindow() {}
+// void CWriteWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KAccel* const /*a*/ ) {
+// };
+void CWriteWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const ) {
+ /* new KAction(
+ i18n("Next book"), CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextBook::accel,
+ a, "nextBook"
+ );*/
+void CWriteWindow::initConnections() {
+ // qWarning("CWriteWindow::initConnections()");
+ Q_ASSERT(keyChooser());
+ connect(keyChooser(), SIGNAL(beforeKeyChange(const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(beforeKeyChange(const QString&))
+ );
+void CWriteWindow::initActions() {}
+void CWriteWindow::storeProfileSettings(CProfileWindow * const settings) {
+ settings->setWriteWindowType( writeWindowType() );
+ QRect rect;
+ rect.setX(parentWidget()->x());
+ rect.setY(parentWidget()->y());
+ rect.setWidth(width());
+ rect.setHeight(height());
+ settings->setGeometry(rect);
+ // settings->setScrollbarPositions( m_htmlWidget->view()->horizontalScrollBar()->value(), m_htmlWidget->view()->verticalScrollBar()->value() );
+ settings->setType(modules().first()->type());
+ settings->setMaximized(isMaximized() || parentWidget()->isMaximized());
+ if (key()) {
+ sword::VerseKey* vk = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(key());
+ QString oldLang;
+ if (vk) {
+ oldLang = QString::fromLatin1(vk->getLocale());
+ vk->setLocale("en"); //save english locale names as default!
+ }
+ settings->setKey( key()->key() );
+ if (vk) {
+ vk->setLocale(oldLang.latin1());
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList mods;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo allMods = modules();
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = modules().first(); m; m = modules().next()) {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = allMods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(allMods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ mods.append((*it)->name());
+ }
+ settings->setModules(mods);
+void CWriteWindow::applyProfileSettings(CProfileWindow * const settings) {
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ if (settings->maximized()) {
+ parentWidget()->showMaximized();
+ }
+ else {
+ const QRect rect = settings->geometry();
+ resize(rect.width(), rect.height());
+ parentWidget()->move(rect.x(), rect.y());
+ //setGeometry( settings->geometry() );
+ }
+ // displayWidget()->view()->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue( settings->scrollbarPositions().horizontal );
+ // m_htmlWidget->view()->verticalScrollBar()->setValue( settings->scrollbarPositions().vertical );
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+/** Sets the write display-widget for this write display window. */
+void CWriteWindow::setDisplayWidget( CWriteDisplay* display ) {
+ CDisplayWindow::setDisplayWidget(display);
+ m_writeDisplay = display;
+/** Look up the given key and display the text. In our case we offer to edit the text. */
+void CWriteWindow::lookup( CSwordKey* newKey ) {
+ //set the raw text to the display widget
+ if (!newKey)
+ return;
+ if (key() != newKey) { //set passage of newKey to key() if they're different, otherwise we'd get mixed up if we look up newkey which may have a different module set
+ key()->key(newKey->key());
+ }
+ if ( modules().count() ) {
+ displayWidget()->setText( key()->rawText() );
+ }
+ setCaption( windowCaption() );
+/** Returns the write display widget used by this window. */
+CWriteDisplay* const CWriteWindow::displayWidget() {
+ return m_writeDisplay;
+/** Saves settings */
+bool CWriteWindow::queryClose() {
+ // qWarning("queryClose called!");
+ //save the text if it has changed
+ if (m_writeDisplay->isModified()) {
+ switch (KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this, i18n("Save text before closing?")) ) {
+ case KMessageBox::Yes: { //save and close
+ saveCurrentText();
+ m_writeDisplay->setModified( false );
+ return true;
+ }
+ case KMessageBox::No: //don't save and close
+ return true;
+ default: // cancel, don't close
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void CWriteWindow::beforeKeyChange(const QString& key) {
+ Q_ASSERT(displayWidget());
+ Q_ASSERT(keyChooser());
+ if (!isReady()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //If the text changed and we'd do a lookup ask the user if the text should be saved
+ if (modules().first() && displayWidget()->isModified()) {
+ switch (KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("Save changed text?")) ) {
+ case KMessageBox::Yes: { //save the changes
+ saveCurrentText( key );
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {// set modified to false so it won't ask again
+ displayWidget()->setModified(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.h b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa4c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cwritewindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "frontend/display/cwritedisplay.h"
+#include "cdisplaywindow.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+/**The base class for all write-only display windows.
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CWriteWindow : public CDisplayWindow {
+ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a );
+ CWriteWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CWriteWindow();
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void storeProfileSettings(Profile::CProfileWindow * const settings);
+ /**
+ * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object.
+ */
+ virtual void applyProfileSettings(Profile::CProfileWindow * const settings);
+ /**
+ * Returns the write display widget used by this window.
+ */
+ CWriteDisplay* const displayWidget();
+ virtual void initConnections();
+ virtual void initActions();
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Look up the given key and display the text. In our case we offer to edit the text.
+ */
+ virtual void lookup( CSwordKey* key );
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Saves the given text as text of the given key. Use this function
+ * as backend in each write window implementation.
+ */
+ void setDisplayWidget( CWriteDisplay* display );
+ virtual const CDisplayWindow::WriteWindowType writeWindowType() = 0;
+ virtual bool queryClose();
+ virtual void saveCurrentText( const QString& key ) = 0;
+protected slots:
+ /** Save text to the module
+ */
+ void saveCurrentText() {
+ if(key()) {
+ saveCurrentText(key()->key());
+ };
+ };
+ virtual void beforeKeyChange(const QString&);
+ CWriteDisplay* m_writeDisplay;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af817e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libkeychooser_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libkeychooser.a
+libkeychooser_a_SOURCES = \
+cbiblekeychooser.cpp \
+clexiconkeychooser.cpp \
+ckeychooser.cpp \
+cscrollbutton.cpp \
+ckeychooserwidget.cpp \
+ckeyreferencewidget.cpp \
+cscrollerwidgetset.cpp \
+cbookkeychooser.cpp \
+all_headers = ckeychooserwidget.h \
+cscrollbutton.h \
+ckeychooser.h \
+clexiconkeychooser.h \
+cscrollerwidgetset.h \
+cbiblekeychooser.h \
+ckeyreferencewidget.h \
+cbookkeychooser.h \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libkeychooser_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbiblekeychooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbiblekeychooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88a2a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbiblekeychooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cbiblekeychooser.h"
+#include "ckeyreferencewidget.h"
+#include "cscrollbutton.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+CBibleKeyChooser::CBibleKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: CKeyChooser(modules, key, parent, name),
+m_key(dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key)) {
+ w_ref = 0;
+ setModules(modules, false);
+ if (!m_modules.count()) {
+ qWarning("CBibleKeyChooser: module is not a Bible or commentary!");
+ m_key = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
+ layout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight );
+ w_ref = new CKeyReferenceWidget(dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(m_modules.first()), m_key, this);
+ layout->addWidget(w_ref);
+ connect(w_ref,SIGNAL(changed(CSwordVerseKey *)),SLOT(refChanged(CSwordVerseKey *)));
+ setKey(m_key); //set the key without changing it, setKey(key()) would change it
+CSwordKey* const CBibleKeyChooser::key() {
+ return m_key;
+void CBibleKeyChooser::setKey(CSwordKey* key) {
+ Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key));
+ if (dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_key = dynamic_cast<CSwordVerseKey*>(key);
+ emit (beforeKeyChange(m_key->key())); //required to make direct setKey calls work from the outside
+ w_ref->setKey(m_key);
+ emit keyChanged(m_key);
+void CBibleKeyChooser::refChanged(CSwordVerseKey* key) {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_key);
+ Q_ASSERT(key);
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled())
+ return;
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ if (m_key)
+ emit beforeKeyChange(m_key->key());
+ m_key = key;
+ emit keyChanged(m_key);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+/** Sets te module and refreshes the combos */
+void CBibleKeyChooser::setModules(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh) {
+ m_modules.clear();
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || (*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) {
+ if (CSwordBibleModuleInfo* bible = dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(*it)) {
+ m_modules.append(bible);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // First time this is called we havnt set up w_ref.
+ if (w_ref) w_ref->setModule(dynamic_cast<CSwordBibleModuleInfo*>(m_modules.first()));
+ if (refresh) refreshContent();
+void CBibleKeyChooser::refreshContent() {
+ setKey (m_key);
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBibleKeyChooser::updateKey(CSwordKey* /*key*/) {}
+void CBibleKeyChooser::adjustFont() {}
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbiblekeychooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbiblekeychooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e987e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbiblekeychooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include "ckeychooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
+class CKeyReferenceWidget;
+class CSwordVerseKey;
+class CSwordBibleModuleInfo;
+/** This class implements the KeyChooser for bibles and commentaries
+ *
+ * it inhertits @ref CKeyChooser
+ *
+ * it uses a CKeyReferenceWidget 's to represent the bible keys
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CBibleKeyChooser : public CKeyChooser {
+ /**
+ * the constructor
+ * you should not need to use this, use @ref CKeyChooser::createInstance instead
+ */
+ CBibleKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key=0, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * see @ref CKeyChooser::getKey
+ */
+ CSwordKey* const key();
+ /**
+ * see @ref CKeyChooser::setKey
+ */
+ virtual void setKey(CSwordKey *key);
+ /**
+ * Sets the module
+ */
+ virtual void setModules(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh = true);
+ /**
+ * used to react to changes
+ * @param index not used
+ */
+ void refChanged(CSwordVerseKey *key);
+ void updateKey(CSwordKey* key);
+ void adjustFont();
+ void refreshContent();
+ CKeyReferenceWidget* w_ref;
+ QPtrList<CSwordBibleModuleInfo> m_modules;
+ CSwordVerseKey *m_key;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbookkeychooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbookkeychooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0741bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbookkeychooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2007 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cbookkeychooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordtreekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbookmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+QMap<QObject*, int> boxes;
+CBookKeyChooser::CBookKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+: CKeyChooser(modules, key, parent,name), m_layout(0) {
+ setModules(modules, false);
+ m_key = dynamic_cast<CSwordTreeKey*>(key);
+ if (!m_modules.count()) {
+ m_key = 0;
+ }
+ setModules(modules, true);
+ setKey(key);
+ adjustFont();
+CBookKeyChooser::~CBookKeyChooser() {}
+void CBookKeyChooser::setKey(CSwordKey* newKey) {
+ setKey(newKey, true);
+/** Sets a new key to this keychooser */
+void CBookKeyChooser::setKey(CSwordKey* newKey, const bool emitSignal) {
+ //qDebug("CBookKeyChooser::setKey");
+ if (m_key != newKey) {
+ m_key = dynamic_cast<CSwordTreeKey*>(newKey);
+ }
+ /*const */QString oldKey = m_key->key();
+ if (oldKey.isEmpty()) { //don't set keys equal to "/", always use a key which may have content
+ m_key->firstChild();
+ oldKey = m_key->key();
+ }
+ const int oldOffset = m_key->getOffset();
+ QStringList siblings;
+ if (m_key && !oldKey.isEmpty()) {
+ siblings = QStringList::split("/", oldKey, false);
+ }
+ int depth = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+ m_key->root();
+ while( m_key->firstChild() && (depth <= int(siblings.count())) ) {
+ const QString key = m_key->key();
+ index = (depth == 0) ? -1 : 0;
+ const QString sibling = siblings[depth];
+ if (!sibling.isEmpty()) { //found it
+ bool found = false;
+ do {
+ ++index;
+ //qDebug("set 'found'");
+ //found = (QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_key->getLocalName()) == sibling);
+ found = (m_key->getLocalNameUnicode() == sibling);
+ }
+ while (!found && m_key->nextSibling());
+ if (!found) {
+ m_key->key( key );
+ }
+ }
+ setupCombo(key, depth, index);
+ depth++;
+ }
+ //clear the combos which were not filled
+ for (; depth < m_modules.first()->depth(); ++depth) {
+ CKeyChooserWidget* chooser =;
+ if (chooser) {
+ chooser->reset(0,0,false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (oldKey.isEmpty()) {
+ m_key->root();
+ }
+ else {
+ //m_key->key(oldKey);
+ m_key->setOffset(oldOffset);
+ }
+ if (emitSignal) {
+ emit keyChanged(m_key);
+ }
+/** Returns the key of this kechooser. */
+CSwordKey* const CBookKeyChooser::key() {
+ return m_key;
+/** Sets another module to this keychooser */
+void CBookKeyChooser::setModules(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh) {
+ m_modules.clear();
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ( (*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook ) {
+ if (CSwordBookModuleInfo* book = dynamic_cast<CSwordBookModuleInfo*>(*it)) {
+ m_modules.append(book);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //refresh the number of combos
+ if (refresh && m_modules.count() && m_key) {
+ if (!m_layout) {
+ m_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
+ }
+ //delete old widgets
+ m_chooserWidgets.setAutoDelete(true);
+ m_chooserWidgets.clear();
+ m_chooserWidgets.setAutoDelete(false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_modules.first()->depth(); ++i) {
+ // Create an empty keychooser, don't handle next/prev signals
+ CKeyChooserWidget* w = new CKeyChooserWidget(0, false, this);
+ m_chooserWidgets.append( w );
+ //don't allow a too high width, try to keep as narrow as possible
+ //to aid users with smaller screen resolutions
+ int totalWidth = 200; //only 1 level
+ if (m_modules.first()->depth() > 1) {
+ if (m_modules.first()->depth() > 3)
+ totalWidth = 400; //4+ levels
+ else
+ totalWidth = 300; //2-3 levels
+ }
+ int maxWidth = (int) ((float) totalWidth / (float) m_modules.first()->depth());
+ w->comboBox()->setMaximumWidth(maxWidth);
+ w->comboBox()->setCurrentItem(0);
+ connect(w, SIGNAL(changed(int)), SLOT(keyChooserChanged(int)));
+ connect(w, SIGNAL(focusOut(int)), SLOT(keyChooserChanged(int)));
+ m_layout->addWidget(w);
+ boxes[w] = i;
+ w->show();
+ }
+ //set the tab order of the key chooser widgets
+ CKeyChooserWidget* chooser = 0;
+ CKeyChooserWidget* chooser_prev = 0;
+ const int count = m_chooserWidgets.count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ chooser =;
+ Q_ASSERT(chooser);
+ if (chooser && chooser_prev) {
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(chooser_prev, chooser);
+ }
+ chooser_prev = chooser;
+ }
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(chooser, 0);
+ updateKey(m_key);
+ adjustFont(); // only when refresh is set.
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBookKeyChooser::adjustFont() {
+ //Make sure the entries are displayed correctly.
+ for ( CKeyChooserWidget* idx = m_chooserWidgets.first(); idx; idx = ) {
+ idx->comboBox()->setFont( CBTConfig::get
+ ( m_modules.first()->language() ).second );
+ }
+/** Refreshes the content. */
+void CBookKeyChooser::refreshContent() {
+ if (m_key) {
+ updateKey( m_key ); //refresh with current key
+ }
+void CBookKeyChooser::setupCombo(const QString key, const int depth, const int currentItem) {
+ CKeyChooserWidget* chooserWidget =;
+ const unsigned long oldOffset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->key(key);
+ if ((depth == 0) && chooserWidget && chooserWidget->comboBox()->count()) { //has already items
+ //set now the right item
+ if (CKeyChooserWidget* chooserWidget = {
+ chooserWidget->setItem( chooserWidget->comboBox()->text(currentItem) );
+ }
+ m_key->setOffset(oldOffset);
+ return;
+ }
+ //insert an empty item at the top
+ QStringList items;
+ if (depth > 0) {
+ items << QString::null;
+ }
+ do {
+ //items << QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_key->getLocalName());
+ items << m_key->getLocalNameUnicode();
+ }
+ while (m_key->nextSibling());
+ if (chooserWidget) {
+ chooserWidget->reset(items,currentItem,false);
+ }
+ //restore old key
+ // m_key->key(oldKey);
+ m_key->setOffset( oldOffset );
+/** A keychooser changed. Update and emit a signal if necessary. */
+void CBookKeyChooser::keyChooserChanged(int /*newIndex*/) {
+ const int activeID = boxes[const_cast<QObject*>(sender())]; //no so good code!
+ QStringList items;
+ CKeyChooserWidget* chooser;
+ const int count = m_chooserWidgets.count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ chooser =;
+ const QString currentText =
+ (chooser && chooser->comboBox())
+ ? chooser->comboBox()->currentText()
+ : QString::null;
+ if (currentText.isEmpty() || i > activeID) {
+ break;
+ }
+ items << currentText;
+ }
+ QString newKey("/");
+ newKey.append(items.join("/"));
+ if (newKey.length() > 1) {
+ newKey.remove(newKey.length(),1); //remove the traling slash
+ }
+ // qWarning("key changed: setting to %s", newKey.latin1());
+ m_key->key(newKey);
+ setKey(m_key);
+/** Updates the keychoosers for the given key but emit no signal. */
+void CBookKeyChooser::updateKey(CSwordKey* key) {
+ setKey(key, false);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbookkeychooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbookkeychooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586996e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbookkeychooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "ckeychooser.h"
+#include "ckeychooserwidget.h"
+//Sword includes
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qsize.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+class CSwordKey;
+class CSwordBookModuleInfo;
+class CSwordTreeKey;
+namespace sword {
+ class TreeKeyIdx;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+/** The keychooser implementation for books.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CBookKeyChooser : public CKeyChooser {
+ CBookKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key=0, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ ~CBookKeyChooser();
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the content.
+ */
+ virtual void refreshContent();
+ /**
+ * Sets another module to this keychooser
+ */
+ virtual void setModules(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh = false);
+ /**
+ * Returns the key of this kechooser.
+ */
+ virtual CSwordKey* const key();
+ /**
+ * Sets a new key to this keychooser
+ */
+ virtual void setKey(CSwordKey*);
+ /**
+ * Sets a new key to this keychooser
+ */
+ void setKey(CSwordKey*, const bool emitSignal);
+public slots: // Public slots
+ /**
+ * Updates the keychoosers for the given key but emit no signal.
+ */
+ void updateKey(CSwordKey*);
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Fills the combo given by depth with the items from the key having depth "depth".
+ * The parent sibling is given by key.
+ */
+ void setupCombo(const QString key, const int depth, const int currentItem);
+ /** No descriptions */
+ virtual void adjustFont();
+protected slots:
+ /**
+ * A keychooser changed. Update and emit a signal if necessary.
+ */
+ void keyChooserChanged(int);
+ //is called when a keychooser widget wants to jump to the next/previous key
+ // void nextEntry();
+ // void previousEntry();
+ QPtrList<CKeyChooserWidget> m_chooserWidgets;
+ QPtrList<CSwordBookModuleInfo> m_modules;
+ CSwordTreeKey *m_key;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_layout;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e95fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2007 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cbooktreechooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordtreekey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbookmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qcursor.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::TreeItem(QListViewItem* parent, QListViewItem* after, CSwordTreeKey* key, const QString keyName)
+: KListViewItem(parent, after),
+m_keyName(keyName) {
+ //qDebug("first CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem ctor");
+ const unsigned long offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->key(m_keyName);
+ //setText(0, QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_key->getLocalName()) );
+ setText(0, m_key->getLocalNameUnicode() );
+ m_key->setOffset( offset );
+CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::TreeItem(QListViewItem* parent,CSwordTreeKey* key, const QString keyName)
+: KListViewItem(parent),
+m_keyName(keyName) {
+ //qDebug("second CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem ctor");
+ const unsigned int offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->key(m_keyName);
+ //setText(0, QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_key->getLocalName()) );
+ setText(0, m_key->getLocalNameUnicode() );
+ m_key->setOffset( offset );
+CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::TreeItem(QListView* view, QListViewItem* after,CSwordTreeKey* key, const QString keyName)
+: KListViewItem(view,after),
+m_keyName(keyName) {
+ //qDebug("third CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem ctor");
+ const unsigned int offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->key(m_keyName);
+ //setText(0, QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_key->getLocalName()) );
+ setText(0, m_key->getLocalNameUnicode() );
+ m_key->setOffset( offset );
+const QString& CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::key() const {
+ return m_keyName;
+/** Initializes this item with the correct caption. */
+void CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::setup() {
+ const unsigned int offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->key(m_keyName);
+ setExpandable(m_key->hasChildren());
+ m_key->setOffset( offset );
+ KListViewItem::setup();
+void CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::createChilds() {
+ //make sure that we don't change the status of the key!
+ const unsigned long offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->key(m_keyName);
+ if (m_key->hasChildren()) {
+ m_key->firstChild(); //go to the first child
+ QListViewItem* oldItem = 0;
+ do {
+ if (oldItem) {
+ oldItem = new TreeItem(this, oldItem, m_key, m_key->key());
+ }
+ else {
+ oldItem = new TreeItem(this, m_key, m_key->key());
+ }
+ // oldItem->setExpandable( m_key->hasChildren() );
+ }
+ while (m_key->nextSibling());
+ }
+ m_key->setOffset( offset ); //restore the old state
+void CBookTreeChooser::TreeItem::setOpen(bool o) {
+ //setup the tree under this item
+ if ((!isOpen() && o) && childCount() == 0) {
+ listView()->viewport()->setCursor(WaitCursor);
+ createChilds();
+ listView()->viewport()->unsetCursor();
+ }
+ KListViewItem::setOpen(o);
+CBookTreeChooser::CBookTreeChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+: CKeyChooser(modules, key, parent,name),
+m_key( dynamic_cast<CSwordTreeKey*>(key) ) {
+ setModules(modules, false);
+ if (!modules.count()) {
+ m_modules.clear();
+ m_key = 0;
+ }
+ //now setup the keychooser widgets
+ QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
+ m_treeView = new KListView(this);
+ layout->addWidget(m_treeView);
+ m_treeView->addColumn("Tree");
+ m_treeView->header()->hide();
+ m_treeView->setSorting(-1);
+ m_treeView->setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ m_treeView->setFullWidth(true);
+ connect(m_treeView, SIGNAL(executed(QListViewItem*)), SLOT(itemActivated(QListViewItem*)));
+ setKey(key);
+ adjustFont();
+CBookTreeChooser::~CBookTreeChooser() {}
+/** Sets a new key to this keychooser */
+void CBookTreeChooser::setKey(CSwordKey* key/*newKey*/) {
+ setKey(key, false);
+/** Sets a new key to this keychooser */
+void CBookTreeChooser::setKey(CSwordKey* newKey, const bool emitSignal) {
+ if (m_key != newKey ) {
+ m_key = dynamic_cast<CSwordTreeKey*>(newKey);
+ }
+ const QString key = m_key->key();
+ QStringList siblings;
+ if (m_key && !key.isEmpty()) {
+ siblings = QStringList::split("/",key,false);
+ }
+ //find the right listview item
+ const int count = siblings.count();
+ int index = 0;
+ QString currentSibling = siblings[index];
+ QListViewItem* child = m_treeView->firstChild();
+ while( child && index < count ) {
+ if (child->text(0) == currentSibling) { //found a parent of our item
+ //found right entry?
+ TreeItem* i = dynamic_cast<TreeItem*>(child);
+ if (!i || i->key() == key) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i->setOpen(true); //automatically creates childs
+ child = i->firstChild();
+ currentSibling = siblings[++index];
+ }
+ else {
+ child = child->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ m_treeView->setCurrentItem( child );
+ m_treeView->setSelected( child, true );
+ m_treeView->ensureItemVisible(child);
+ if (emitSignal) {
+ emit keyChanged(m_key);
+ }
+/** Returns the key of this kechooser. */
+CSwordKey* const CBookTreeChooser::key() {
+ return m_key;
+/** Sets another module to this keychooser */
+void CBookTreeChooser::setModules(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh) {
+ m_modules.clear();
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if (CSwordBookModuleInfo* book = dynamic_cast<CSwordBookModuleInfo*>(*it)) {
+ m_modules.append(book);
+ }
+ }
+ if (refresh && m_modules.count() && m_key) {
+ const uint offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ setupTree();
+ m_key->setOffset( offset );
+ /* m_key->root();
+ m_key->firstChild();
+ setKey(m_key, true);*/
+ // m_treeView->clear();
+ //
+ // const QString oldKey = m_key->key();
+ // m_key->root();
+ // m_key->firstChild();
+ // setupTree(0,0,m_key);
+ //
+ // m_key->key(oldKey);
+ //
+ // updateKey(m_key);
+ adjustFont(); //only when refresh is set.
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBookTreeChooser::adjustFont() {
+ //Make sure the entries are displayed correctly.
+ // if ( m_modules.first()->isUnicode() ){
+ m_treeView->setFont( CBTConfig::get
+ (m_modules.first()->language()).second );
+ // qWarning("Unicode Book detected");
+ // }
+ // else{
+ // m_treeView->setFont( CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::standard) );
+ // qWarning("Standard Book detected");
+ // }
+/** Refreshes the content. */
+void CBookTreeChooser::refreshContent() {
+ if (m_key) {
+ updateKey( m_key ); //refresh with current key
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBookTreeChooser::itemActivated( QListViewItem* item ) {
+ TreeItem* i = dynamic_cast<TreeItem*>(item);
+ if (!i) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_key->key( i->key() );
+ if (i->childCount() > 0 || i->isExpandable()) {
+ i->setOpen(true);
+ }
+ emit keyChanged(m_key);
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBookTreeChooser::updateKey( CSwordKey* key ) {
+ setKey(key, false);
+/** Reimplementationm to handle tree creation on show. */
+void CBookTreeChooser::show() {
+ CKeyChooser::show();
+ if (!m_treeView->childCount()) {
+ KApplication::setOverrideCursor(WaitCursor);
+ setupTree(); //create the first level of the tree structure
+ m_treeView->resize(m_treeView->sizeHint());
+ KApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ }
+/** Creates the first level of the tree structure. */
+void CBookTreeChooser::setupTree() {
+ m_treeView->clear();
+ const unsigned long offset = m_key->getOffset();
+ m_key->root();
+ if (m_key->hasChildren()) {
+ QListViewItem* item = 0;
+ m_key->firstChild();
+ do {
+ //the TreeItem constructor doesn't change the state of the key
+ item = new TreeItem(m_treeView, item, m_key, m_key->key());
+ }
+ while (m_key->nextSibling());
+ }
+ /* m_key->root();
+ m_key->firstChild();*/
+ m_key->setOffset( offset );
+ setKey(m_key, false); //the module may have changed
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b03d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cbooktreechooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+/** The treechooser implementation for books.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "ckeychooser.h"
+#include "ckeychooserwidget.h"
+//Sword includes
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qsize.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klistview.h>
+class CSwordKey;
+class CSwordBookModuleInfo;
+class CSwordTreeKey;
+namespace sword {
+ class TreeKeyIdx;
+/** The keychooser implementeation for books.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CBookTreeChooser : public CKeyChooser {
+ CBookTreeChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key=0, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ ~CBookTreeChooser();
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the content.
+ */
+ virtual void refreshContent();
+ /**
+ * Sets another module to this keychooser
+ */
+ virtual void setModules(const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh = true);
+ /**
+ * Returns the key of this kechooser.
+ */
+ virtual CSwordKey* const key();
+ /**
+ * Sets a new key to this keychooser
+ */
+ virtual void setKey(CSwordKey*);
+ void setKey(CSwordKey*, const bool emitSinal);
+public slots: // Public slots
+ virtual void updateKey( CSwordKey* );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementationm to handle tree creation on show.
+ */
+ virtual void show();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Creates the first level of the tree structure.
+ */
+ void setupTree();
+ virtual void adjustFont();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ void itemActivated( QListViewItem* item );
+class TreeItem : public KListViewItem {
+ TreeItem(QListViewItem* parent, QListViewItem* after, CSwordTreeKey* key, const QString keyName);
+ TreeItem(QListViewItem* parent, CSwordTreeKey* key, const QString keyName);
+ TreeItem(QListView* view,QListViewItem* after, CSwordTreeKey* key, const QString keyName);
+ const QString& key() const;
+ void createChilds();
+ virtual void setOpen(bool);
+ /**
+ * Initializes this item with the correct caption.
+ */
+ virtual void setup();
+ CSwordTreeKey* m_key;
+ QString m_keyName;
+ };
+ QPtrList<CSwordBookModuleInfo> m_modules;
+ CSwordTreeKey* m_key;
+ KListView* m_treeView;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dcd878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "ckeychooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordcommentarymoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordlexiconmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "clexiconkeychooser.h"
+#include "cbiblekeychooser.h"
+#include "cbookkeychooser.h"
+CKeyChooser::CKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo, CSwordKey *, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: QWidget(parent, name),
+m_inHistoryFunction(false) {}
+CKeyChooser::~CKeyChooser() {}
+CKeyChooser* CKeyChooser::createInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent) {
+ if (!modules.count()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ CKeyChooser* ck = 0;
+ switch ( modules.first()->type() ) {
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary: //Bibles and commentaries uise the same key chooser
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
+ ck = new CBibleKeyChooser(modules,key,parent);
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon:
+ ck = new CLexiconKeyChooser(modules,key,parent);
+ break;
+ case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook:
+ ck = new CBookKeyChooser(modules,key,parent);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ck;
+void CKeyChooser::backInHistory() {
+ backInHistory(1);
+void CKeyChooser::backInHistory(int count) {
+ m_inHistoryFunction = true;
+ // qWarning("go back %d items in history", count);
+ Q_ASSERT(m_prevKeyHistoryList.size());
+ QStringList::iterator it = m_prevKeyHistoryList.begin();
+ //pop_front count items, the top item is then the new current key
+ int index = count;
+ while ((index > 0) && (it != m_prevKeyHistoryList.end())) {
+ // qWarning("pop_front");
+ m_nextKeyHistoryList.prepend(*it);
+ it = m_prevKeyHistoryList.remove(it);
+ --index;
+ }
+ //the first item is now the item which should be set as key
+ if (it != m_nextKeyHistoryList.end() && key()) {
+ CSwordKey* k = key();
+ k->key(*it);
+ setKey(k);
+ }
+ m_inHistoryFunction = false;
+void CKeyChooser::forwardInHistory() {
+ forwardInHistory(1);
+void CKeyChooser::forwardInHistory(int count) {
+ m_inHistoryFunction = true;
+ // qWarning("go forward %d items in history", count);
+ Q_ASSERT(m_nextKeyHistoryList.size());
+ QStringList::iterator it = m_nextKeyHistoryList.begin();
+ //pop_front count-1 items, the top item is then the new current key
+ int index = count;
+ while (index > 0 && it != m_nextKeyHistoryList.end()) {
+ // qWarning("pop_front");
+ m_prevKeyHistoryList.prepend(*it);
+ it = m_nextKeyHistoryList.remove(it);
+ --index;
+ }
+ //the first item of the back list is now the new key
+ it = m_prevKeyHistoryList.begin();
+ if (it != m_prevKeyHistoryList.end() && key()) {
+ CSwordKey* k = key();
+ k->key(*it);
+ setKey(k);
+ }
+ m_inHistoryFunction = false;
+void CKeyChooser::addToHistory(CSwordKey* k) {
+ // qWarning("addToHistory");
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_inHistoryFunction);
+ if (k && !m_inHistoryFunction) {
+ Q_ASSERT(k->key() == key()->key());
+ m_prevKeyHistoryList.prepend(k->key());
+ }
+ emit historyChanged();
+const QStringList CKeyChooser::getPreviousKeys() const {
+ QStringList ret = m_prevKeyHistoryList;
+ if (ret.size() >= 1) {
+ ret.pop_front(); //the first item always is equal to the current key
+ }
+ return ret;
+const QStringList CKeyChooser::getNextKeys() const {
+ return m_nextKeyHistoryList;
+ \fn CKeyChooser::polish()
+ */
+void CKeyChooser::polish() {
+ QWidget::polish();
+ //connect the history calls just before we show, we want an empty history
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(keyChanged(CSwordKey*)), SLOT(addToHistory(CSwordKey*)));
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ad246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+class CSwordModuleInfo;
+class CSwordKey;
+ * The base class for the KeyChooser.
+ * Do not use directly, create a KeyChooser with
+ * @ref #createInstance , this will create the proper one
+ * of the classes that inherit from @ref CKeyChooser
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CKeyChooser : public QWidget {
+ /**
+ * Creates a proper Instance, either
+ *
+ @ref CLexiconKeyChooser or
+ * @ref CBibleKeyChooser
+ * @param info the @ref CModuleInfo to be represented by the KeyChooser
+ * @param key if not NULL, the @ref CKey the KeyChooser should be set to
+ * @param parent the parent of the widget to create
+ */
+ static CKeyChooser* createInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent);
+ const QStringList getPreviousKeys() const;
+ const QStringList getNextKeys() const;
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * sets the @ref CKey
+ * @param key the key which the widget should be set to
+ */
+ virtual void setKey(CSwordKey* key) = 0;
+ /**
+ * sets the @ref CKey
+ * @param key the key which the widget should be set to
+ */
+ virtual void updateKey(CSwordKey* key) = 0;
+ /**
+ * gets the current @ref CKey
+ *
+ * @return the current @ref CKey
+ */
+ virtual CSwordKey* const key() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Sets the module of this keychooser and refreshes the comboboxes
+ */
+ virtual void setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh = true ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Freshes the content of the different key chooser parts.
+ */
+ virtual void refreshContent() = 0;
+ void addToHistory(CSwordKey*);
+ void backInHistory();
+ void backInHistory(int);
+ void forwardInHistory();
+ void forwardInHistory(int);
+ /**
+ * is emitted if the @ref CKey was changed by the user
+ */
+ void keyChanged(CSwordKey* key);
+ /**
+ * Is emitted before the key is changed!
+ */
+ void beforeKeyChange(const QString& key);
+ void historyChanged();
+ /**
+ * the constructor - DO NOT USE! -- use @ref #createInstance instead!
+ */
+ CKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo info, CSwordKey *key=0, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CKeyChooser();
+ /**
+ * Set the appropriate font do display the modules
+ */
+ virtual void adjustFont() = 0;
+ QStringList m_prevKeyHistoryList;
+ QStringList m_nextKeyHistoryList;
+ int m_currentKeyHistoryPos;
+ bool m_inHistoryFunction;
+ virtual void polish();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooserwidget.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooserwidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64de499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooserwidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "ckeychooserwidget.h"
+//BibleTime frontend includes
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+CKCComboBox::CKCComboBox(bool rw,QWidget* parent,const char* name)
+: QComboBox(rw,parent,name) {
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus);
+ if (lineEdit()) {
+ installEventFilter( lineEdit() );
+ }
+/** Reimplementation. */
+bool CKCComboBox::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) {
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) {
+ QFocusEvent* f = static_cast<QFocusEvent*>(e);
+ if (o == lineEdit() && f->reason() == QFocusEvent::Tab) {
+ int index = listBox()->index( listBox()->findItem(currentText()) );
+ if (index == -1) {
+ index = 0;// return 0 if not found
+ }
+ setCurrentItem( index );
+ emit focusOut( index );
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f->reason() == QFocusEvent::Popup) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f->reason() == QFocusEvent::ActiveWindow) {
+ emit activated(currentText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f->reason() == QFocusEvent::Mouse) {
+ emit activated(currentText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (o == this) {
+ emit activated(currentText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return QComboBox::eventFilter(o,e);
+/** Scrolls in the list if the wheel of the mouse was used. */
+void CKCComboBox::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* e ) {
+ return QComboBox::wheelEvent(e);
+ const signed int change = (int)((float)e->delta()/(float)120);
+ int current = currentItem();
+ if ((current+change >= 0) && (current+change<count()) ) {
+ setCurrentItem(current+change);
+ e->accept();
+ emit activated( currentItem() );
+ }
+ else {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+CKeyChooserWidget::CKeyChooserWidget(int count, const bool useNextPrevSignals, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent,name) {
+ m_useNextPrevSignals = useNextPrevSignals;
+ for (int index=1; index <= count; index++) {
+ m_list.append( QString::number(index) );
+ }
+ init();
+ reset(m_list,0,false);
+CKeyChooserWidget::CKeyChooserWidget(QStringList *list, const bool useNextPrevSignals, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget(parent,name) {
+ m_useNextPrevSignals = useNextPrevSignals;
+ if (list) {
+ m_list = *list; //deep copy the items of list
+ }
+ else {
+ m_list.clear();
+ }
+ init();
+ reset(m_list,0,false);
+void CKeyChooserWidget::reset(const int count, int index, bool do_emit) {
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled())
+ return;
+ m_list.clear();
+ for (int i=1; i <= count; i++) { //TODO: CHECK
+ m_list.append( QString::number(i) );
+ }
+ reset(&m_list,index,do_emit);
+void CKeyChooserWidget::reset(QStringList& list, int index, bool do_emit) {
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled())
+ return;
+ m_list = list;
+ reset(&m_list,index,do_emit);
+void CKeyChooserWidget::reset(QStringList *list, int index, bool do_emit) {
+ if (isResetting || !isUpdatesEnabled())
+ return;
+ // qWarning("starting insert");
+ isResetting = true;
+ oldKey = QString::null;
+ // m_comboBox->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ //DON'T REMOVE THE HIDE: Otherwise QComboBox's sizeHint() function won't work properly
+ m_comboBox->hide();
+ m_comboBox->clear();
+ if (list) {
+ m_comboBox->insertStringList(*list);
+ }
+ if (!list || (list && !list->count())) { //nothing in the combobox
+ setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ else if (!isEnabled()) { //was disabled
+ setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ if (list->count()) {
+ m_comboBox->setCurrentItem(index);
+ }
+ if (do_emit) {
+ emit changed(m_comboBox->currentItem());
+ }
+ const QSize dummySize = m_comboBox->sizeHint(); //without this function call the combo box won't be properly sized!
+ //DON'T REMOVE OR MOVE THE show()! Otherwise QComboBox's sizeHint() function won't work properly!
+ m_comboBox->show();
+ // m_comboBox->setFont( m_comboBox->font() );
+ // m_comboBox->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ isResetting = false;
+ // qWarning("inserted");
+/** Initializes this widget. We need this function because we have more than one constructor. */
+void CKeyChooserWidget::init() {
+ oldKey = QString::null;
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus);
+ m_comboBox = new CKCComboBox( true, this );
+ m_comboBox->setAutoCompletion( true );
+ m_comboBox->setInsertionPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsertion);
+ m_comboBox->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus);
+ m_mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_comboBox,5);
+ m_scroller = new CScrollerWidgetSet(this);
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget( m_scroller );
+ m_mainLayout->addSpacing(2);
+ setTabOrder(m_comboBox, 0);
+ connect(m_scroller, SIGNAL(scroller_pressed()), SLOT(lock()));
+ connect(m_scroller, SIGNAL(scroller_released()), SLOT(unlock()));
+ connect(m_scroller, SIGNAL(change(int)), SLOT(changeCombo(int)) );
+ connect(m_comboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotComboChanged(int)));
+ // connect(m_comboBox, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), SLOT(slotReturnPressed(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_comboBox->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotReturnPressed()));
+ connect(m_comboBox, SIGNAL(focusOut(int)), SIGNAL(focusOut(int)));
+ updatelock = false;
+ isResetting = false;
+/** Is called when the return key was presed in the combobox. */
+void CKeyChooserWidget::slotReturnPressed( /*const QString& text*/) {
+ Q_ASSERT(comboBox()->lineEdit());
+ qWarning("return pressed");
+ QString text = comboBox()->lineEdit()->text();
+ for (int index = 0; index < comboBox()->count(); ++index) {
+ if (comboBox()->text(index) == text) {
+// emit changed(index);
+ emit focusOut(index); // a workaround because focusOut is not checked, the slot connected to changed to check
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/** Is called when the current item of the combo box was changed. */
+void CKeyChooserWidget::slotComboChanged(int index) {
+ qWarning("CKeyChooserWidget::slotComboChanged(int index)");
+ if (!isUpdatesEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ const QString key = comboBox()->text( index );
+ if (oldKey.isNull() || (oldKey != key)) {
+ emit changed(index);
+ }
+ oldKey = key;
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+/** Sets the tooltips for the given entries using the parameters as text. */
+void CKeyChooserWidget::setToolTips( const QString comboTip, const QString nextEntryTip, const QString scrollButtonTip, const QString previousEntryTip) {
+ QToolTip::add (comboBox(),comboTip);
+ m_scroller->setToolTips(nextEntryTip, scrollButtonTip, previousEntryTip);
+/** Sets the current item to the one with the given text */
+bool CKeyChooserWidget::setItem( const QString item ) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ const int count = comboBox()->count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ if (comboBox()->text(i) == item) {
+ comboBox()->setCurrentItem(i);
+ ret = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ comboBox()->setCurrentItem(-1);
+ return ret;
+/* Handlers for the various scroller widgetset. */
+void CKeyChooserWidget::lock() {
+ updatelock = true;
+ comboBox()->setEditable(false);
+ oldKey = comboBox()->currentText();
+void CKeyChooserWidget::unlock() {
+ updatelock = false;
+ comboBox()->setEditable(true);
+ comboBox()->setEditText(comboBox()->text(comboBox()->currentItem()));
+ if (comboBox()->currentText() != oldKey) {
+ emit changed(comboBox()->currentItem());
+ }
+void CKeyChooserWidget::changeCombo(int n) {
+ const int old_item = comboBox()->currentItem();
+ int new_item = old_item + n;
+ //index of highest Item
+ const int max = comboBox()->count()-1;
+ if(new_item > max) new_item = max;
+ if(new_item < 0) new_item = 0;
+ if(new_item != old_item) {
+ comboBox()->setCurrentItem(new_item);
+ if(!updatelock)
+ emit changed(new_item);
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooserwidget.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooserwidget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5893ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeychooserwidget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include "cscrollerwidgetset.h"
+class CLexiconKeyChooser;
+//class CMinMaxLayout;
+class QIconSet;
+//class QComboBox;
+class QStringList;
+class QPoint;
+class QMouseEvent;
+class QWheelEvent;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+* We use this class to conrtol the focus move in the combobox
+* This class is used in the key chooser widgets
+class CKCComboBox : public QComboBox {
+ CKCComboBox(bool rw, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
+ /**
+ * Returns the size this widget would like to have.
+ */
+ // virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e );
+ /**
+ * Scrolls in the list if the wheel of the mouse was used.
+ */
+ virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* e);
+ /**
+ * Emitted when the user moves the focus away from the combo by pressing tab
+ */
+ void focusOut(int itemIndex);
+ * This class implements the KeyCooser Widget, which
+ * consists of a @ref QComboBox, two normal ref @QToolButton
+ * and a enhanced @ref CScrollButton
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CKeyChooserWidget : public QWidget {
+ /**
+ * the constructor
+ */
+ CKeyChooserWidget(QStringList *list=0, const bool useNextPrevSignals = false, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ /**
+ * the constructor
+ */
+ CKeyChooserWidget(int count=0, const bool useNextPrevSignals = false, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ /**
+ * This function does clear the combobox, then fill in
+ * the StringList, set the ComboBox' current item to index
+ * and if do_emit is true, it will emit @ref #changed
+ *
+ * @param list the stringlist to be inserted
+ * @param index the index that the combobox is to jump to
+ * @param do_emit should we emit @ref #changed(int)
+ */
+ void reset(const int count, int index, bool do_emit);
+ void reset(QStringList& list, int index, bool do_emit);
+ void reset(QStringList *list, int index, bool do_emit);
+ /**
+ * Initializes this widget. We need this function because
+ * we have more than one constructor.
+ */
+ virtual void init();
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ // virtual void adjustSize();
+ /**
+ * Sets the tooltips for the given entries using the parameters as text.
+ */
+ void setToolTips( const QString comboTip, const QString nextEntry, const QString scrollButton, const QString previousEntry);
+ /**
+ * Sets the current item to the one with the given text
+ */
+ bool setItem( const QString item);
+ /**
+ * Return the combobox of this key chooser widget.
+ */
+ QComboBox* comboBox() {return m_comboBox;};
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * is called to lock the combobox
+ */
+ void lock()
+ ;
+ /**
+ * is called to unlock the combobox
+ */
+ void unlock();
+ /**
+ * is called to move the combobox to a certain index
+ * @param index the index to jump to
+ */
+ void changeCombo(int index);
+ void slotComboChanged(int index);
+ /**
+ * Is emitted if the widget changed, but
+ * only if it is not locked or being reset
+ *
+ * @param the current ComboBox index
+ */
+ void changed(int index);
+ /**
+ * Is emitted if the widget was left with a focus out event.
+ * @param index The new index of the ComboBox
+ */
+ void focusOut(int index);
+ /**
+ * indicates wheter we are resetting at the moment
+ */
+ bool isResetting;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ QString oldKey;
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Is called when the return key was presed in the combobox.
+ */
+ void slotReturnPressed( /*const QString&*/ );
+ friend class CLexiconKeyChooser;
+ QStringList m_list;
+ bool m_useNextPrevSignals;
+ bool updatelock;
+ /**
+ * Members should never be public!!
+ */
+ CKCComboBox* m_comboBox;
+ QHBoxLayout *m_mainLayout;
+ CScrollerWidgetSet * m_scroller;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeyreferencewidget.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeyreferencewidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fc7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeyreferencewidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "ckeyreferencewidget.h"
+#include "cscrollerwidgetset.h"
+//BibleTime frontend includes
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <kcompletion.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include <kcompletionbox.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <kguiitem.h>
+/* Override the completion box for our references */
+CKeyReferenceCompletion::CKeyReferenceCompletion(CSwordBibleModuleInfo *mod) : KCompletion()
+ m_key = new CSwordVerseKey(mod);
+ m_module = mod;
+QString CKeyReferenceCompletion::makeCompletion(const QString &text) {
+ if(!text.isEmpty() && m_key->key(text)) {
+ // XXX: key() does not check bounds properly if we only have eg the NT.
+ return m_key->key();
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+/* To get popup working we have to rework KLineEdit too */
+CKeyReferenceLineEdit::CKeyReferenceLineEdit(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KLineEdit(parent,name) {
+void CKeyReferenceLineEdit::makeCompletion(const QString &text) {
+ KCompletion *comp = compObj();
+ KGlobalSettings::Completion mode = completionMode();
+ if ( !comp || mode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionNone )
+ return; // No completion object...
+ QString match = comp->makeCompletion( text );
+ if ( mode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopup ||
+ mode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopupAuto )
+ {
+ if ( match.isNull() )
+ {
+ KCompletionBox *compbox = completionBox();
+ compbox->hide();
+ compbox->clear();
+ } else {
+ QStringList t;
+ t.append(match);
+ setCompletedItems(t);
+ }
+ } else {
+ KLineEdit::makeCompletion(text);
+ }
+CKeyReferenceWidget::CKeyReferenceWidget( CSwordBibleModuleInfo *mod, CSwordVerseKey *key, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent,name) {
+ updatelock = false;
+ m_module = mod;
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus);
+ // Erase button
+ KGuiItem erase_picture;
+ erase_picture.setIconName("locationbar_erase");
+ KPushButton *clearRef = new KPushButton(this);
+ clearRef->setGuiItem(erase_picture);
+ connect(clearRef, SIGNAL(clicked( ) ), SLOT(slotClearRef( )));
+ m_bookScroller = new CScrollerWidgetSet(this);
+ m_textbox = new CKeyReferenceLineEdit( this );
+ setKey(key); // The order of these two functions is important.
+ setModule();
+ m_chapterScroller = new CScrollerWidgetSet(this);
+ m_verseScroller = new CScrollerWidgetSet(this);
+ m_mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget(clearRef);
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_bookScroller);
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_textbox);
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_chapterScroller);
+ m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_verseScroller);
+ setTabOrder(m_textbox, 0);
+ m_bookScroller->setToolTips(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextBook::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::scrollButton::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousBook::tooltip
+ );
+ m_chapterScroller->setToolTips(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextChapter::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::scrollButton::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousChapter::tooltip
+ );
+ m_verseScroller->setToolTips(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::nextVerse::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::scrollButton::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::bibleWindow::previousVerse::tooltip
+ );
+ // signals and slots connections
+ connect(m_bookScroller, SIGNAL(change(int)), SLOT(slotBookChange(int)));
+ connect(m_bookScroller, SIGNAL(scroller_pressed()), SLOT(slotUpdateLock()));
+ connect(m_bookScroller, SIGNAL(scroller_released()), SLOT(slotUpdateUnlock()));
+ connect(m_textbox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotReturnPressed()));
+ connect(m_chapterScroller, SIGNAL(change(int)), SLOT(slotChapterChange(int)));
+ connect(m_chapterScroller, SIGNAL(scroller_pressed()), SLOT(slotUpdateLock()));
+ connect(m_chapterScroller, SIGNAL(scroller_released()), SLOT(slotUpdateUnlock()));
+ connect(m_verseScroller, SIGNAL(change(int)), SLOT(slotVerseChange(int)));
+ connect(m_verseScroller, SIGNAL(scroller_pressed()), SLOT(slotUpdateLock()));
+ connect(m_verseScroller, SIGNAL(scroller_released()), SLOT(slotUpdateUnlock()));
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::setModule(CSwordBibleModuleInfo *m) {
+ if (m)
+ m_module = m;
+ delete m_textbox->completionObject();
+ CKeyReferenceCompletion *comp = new CKeyReferenceCompletion(m_module);
+ m_textbox->setCompletionObject(comp);
+ m_textbox->setCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopup);
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotClearRef( ) {
+ m_textbox->setText("");
+ m_textbox->setFocus();
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::updateText() {
+ m_textbox->setText(m_key->key());
+bool CKeyReferenceWidget::setKey(CSwordVerseKey *key) {
+ m_key = key;
+ updateText();
+ return true;
+KLineEdit* CKeyReferenceWidget::textbox() {
+ return m_textbox;
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotReturnPressed() {
+ m_key->key(m_textbox->text());
+ updateText();
+ emit changed(m_key);
+/* Handlers for the various scroller widgetsets. Do we really want a verse scroller? */
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotUpdateLock() {
+ updatelock = true;
+ oldKey = m_key->key();
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotUpdateUnlock() {
+ updatelock = false;
+ if (oldKey != m_key->key()) emit changed(m_key);
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotBookChange(int n) {
+ n > 0 ? m_key->next( CSwordVerseKey::UseBook ) : m_key->previous( CSwordVerseKey::UseBook );
+ updateText();
+ if (!updatelock) emit changed(m_key);
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotChapterChange(int n) {
+ n > 0 ? m_key->next( CSwordVerseKey::UseChapter ) : m_key->previous( CSwordVerseKey::UseChapter );
+ updateText();
+ if (!updatelock) emit changed(m_key);
+void CKeyReferenceWidget::slotVerseChange(int n) {
+ n > 0 ? m_key->next( CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse ) : m_key->previous( CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse );
+ updateText();
+ if (!updatelock) emit changed(m_key);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeyreferencewidget.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeyreferencewidget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcb6bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/ckeyreferencewidget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cscrollerwidgetset.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kcompletion.h>
+class CLexiconKeyChooser;
+class CSwordVerseKey;
+class CKeyReferenceCompletion : public KCompletion {
+ CKeyReferenceCompletion(CSwordBibleModuleInfo*);
+ QString makeCompletion(const QString &);
+ QStringList allMatches();
+ CSwordVerseKey *m_key;
+ CSwordBibleModuleInfo *m_module;
+class CKeyReferenceLineEdit : public KLineEdit {
+ CKeyReferenceLineEdit(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ void makeCompletion(const QString &);
+class CKeyReferenceWidget : public QWidget {
+ /**
+ * the constructor
+ */
+ CKeyReferenceWidget(CSwordBibleModuleInfo *, CSwordVerseKey*, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ bool setKey(CSwordVerseKey* key);
+ KLineEdit* textbox();
+ void setModule(CSwordBibleModuleInfo *m = 0);
+ void changed(CSwordVerseKey* key);
+ void updateText();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Is called when the return key was presed in the textbox.
+ */
+ void slotReturnPressed();
+ void slotClearRef();
+ void slotUpdateLock();
+ void slotUpdateUnlock();
+ void slotBookChange(int);
+ void slotChapterChange(int);
+ void slotVerseChange(int);
+ friend class CLexiconKeyChooser;
+ QHBoxLayout *m_mainLayout;
+ CKeyReferenceLineEdit *m_textbox;
+ CSwordVerseKey *m_key;
+ CScrollerWidgetSet *m_bookScroller;
+ CScrollerWidgetSet *m_chapterScroller;
+ CScrollerWidgetSet *m_verseScroller;
+ bool updatelock;
+ QString oldKey;
+ CSwordBibleModuleInfo *m_module;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/clexiconkeychooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/clexiconkeychooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff55602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/clexiconkeychooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "clexiconkeychooser.h"
+#include "ckeychooserwidget.h"
+#include "cscrollbutton.h"
+#include "backend/cswordlexiconmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//STL headers
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <map>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+CLexiconKeyChooser::CLexiconKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: CKeyChooser(modules, key, parent, name),
+m_key(dynamic_cast<CSwordLDKey*>(key)) {
+ setModules(modules, false);
+ //we use a layout because the key chooser should be resized to full size
+ m_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
+ m_layout->setResizeMode(QLayout::FreeResize);
+ m_widget = new CKeyChooserWidget(0, false, this);
+ //don't allow a too high width, try to keep as narrow as possible
+ //to aid users with smaller screen resolutions
+ m_widget->comboBox()->setMaximumWidth(200);
+ m_widget->setToolTips(
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::entryList::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::nextEntry::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::general::scrollButton::tooltip,
+ CResMgr::displaywindows::lexiconWindow::previousEntry::tooltip
+ );
+ m_layout->addWidget(m_widget,0,Qt::AlignLeft);
+ connect(m_widget,SIGNAL(changed(int)),SLOT(activated(int)));
+ connect(m_widget,SIGNAL(focusOut(int)),SLOT(activated(int)));
+ setModules(modules, true);
+ setKey(key);
+CSwordKey* const CLexiconKeyChooser::key() {
+ // qWarning("key");
+ return m_key;
+void CLexiconKeyChooser::setKey(CSwordKey* key) {
+ if (!(m_key = dynamic_cast<CSwordLDKey*>(key))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // qWarning("setKey start");
+ QString newKey = m_key->key();
+ const int index = m_widget->comboBox()->listBox()->index(m_widget->comboBox()->listBox()->findItem( newKey ));
+ m_widget->comboBox()->setCurrentItem(index);
+ // qWarning("setKey end");
+ emit keyChanged( m_key );
+void CLexiconKeyChooser::activated(int index) {
+ // qWarning("activated");
+ const QString text = m_widget->comboBox()->text(index);
+ // To prevent from eternal loop, because activated() is emitted again
+ if (m_key && m_key->key() != text) {
+ m_key->key(text);
+ setKey(m_key);
+ }
+ // qWarning("activated end");
+inline const bool my_cmpEntries(const QString& a, const QString& b) {
+ return a < b;
+/** Reimplementation. */
+void CLexiconKeyChooser::refreshContent() {
+ if (m_modules.count() == 1) {
+ m_widget->reset(m_modules.first()->entries(), 0, true);
+ // qWarning("resetted");
+ }
+ else {
+ typedef std::multimap<unsigned int, QStringList*> EntryMap;
+ EntryMap entryMap;
+ QStringList* entries = 0;
+ for (m_modules.first(); m_modules.current(); {
+ entries = m_modules.current()->entries();
+ entryMap.insert( std::make_pair(entries->count(), entries) );
+ }
+ QStringList goodEntries; //The string list which contains the entries which are available in all modules
+ EntryMap::iterator it = entryMap.begin(); //iterator to go thoigh all selected modules
+ QStringList refEntries = *(it->second); //copy the items for the first time
+ QStringList* cmpEntries = ( ++it )->second; //list for comparision, starts with the second module in the map
+ while(it != entryMap.end()) {
+ std::set_intersection(
+ refEntries.begin(), --(refEntries.end()), //--end() is the last valid entry
+ cmpEntries->begin(), --(cmpEntries->end()),
+ std::back_inserter(goodEntries), //append valid entries to the end of goodEntries
+ my_cmpEntries //ci_cmpEntries is the comparision function
+ );
+ cmpEntries = ( ++it )->second; //this is a pointer to the string list of a new module
+ /*
+ * use the good entries for next comparision,
+ * because the final list can only have the entries of goodEntries as maxiumum
+ */
+ refEntries = goodEntries;
+ };
+ m_widget->reset(goodEntries, 0, true); //write down the entries
+ } //end of ELSE
+ //make sure the list sorted
+ /* This is not the best solution, module()->entries() should be sorted already */
+ // Q_ASSERT(m_widget->comboBox()->listBox());
+ // m_widget->comboBox()->listBox()->sort();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CLexiconKeyChooser::adjustFont() {
+ // //Make sure the entries are displayed correctly.
+ // m_widget->comboBox()->setFont( CBTConfig::get( m_modules.first()->language() ).second );
+/** Sets the module and refreshes the combo boxes */
+void CLexiconKeyChooser::setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh ) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_modules.autoDelete());
+ m_modules.clear();
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_modules.autoDelete());
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::const_iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ CSwordLexiconModuleInfo* lexicon = dynamic_cast<CSwordLexiconModuleInfo*>(*it);
+ if (lexicon) {
+ m_modules.append(lexicon);
+ }
+ }
+ if (refresh) {
+ refreshContent();
+ // adjustFont();
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CLexiconKeyChooser::updateKey(CSwordKey*) {}
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/clexiconkeychooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/clexiconkeychooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10283eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/clexiconkeychooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include "ckeychooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordldkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordlexiconmoduleinfo.h"
+class CKeyChooserWidget;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+ * This class implements the KeyChooser for lexicons
+ *
+ * it inhertits @ref CKeyChooser
+ * it uses 1 @ref CKeyChooserWidget to represent the lexicon keys
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CLexiconKeyChooser : public CKeyChooser {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * you should not need to use this, use @ref CKeyChooser::createInstance instead
+ */
+ CLexiconKeyChooser(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CSwordKey *key=0, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * see @ref CKeyChooser::getKey
+ * @return Return the key object we use.
+ */
+ virtual CSwordKey* const key();
+ /**
+ * see @ref CKeyChooser::setKey
+ */
+ virtual void setKey(CSwordKey* key);
+ /**
+ * used to react to changes in the @ref CKeyChooserWidget
+ *
+ * @param index not used
+ **/
+ virtual void activated(int index);
+ /**
+ * Reimplementatuion.
+ */
+ virtual void refreshContent();
+ /**
+ * Sets the module and refreshes the combo boxes of this keychooser.
+ */
+ virtual void setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo& modules, const bool refresh = true );
+ CKeyChooserWidget *m_widget;
+ CSwordLDKey* m_key;
+ QPtrList<CSwordLexiconModuleInfo> m_modules;
+ QHBoxLayout *m_layout;
+ virtual void adjustFont();
+public slots: // Public slots
+ virtual void updateKey(CSwordKey* key);
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/crefselectdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/crefselectdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c0552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/crefselectdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "crefselectdialog.h"
+// QT
+#include "qlayout.h"
+#include "qlineedit.h"
+#include "qlabel.h"
+// backend
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+//CRefSelectDialog::CRefSelectDialog(QWidget *parent)
+// : KDialogBase(parent, "Refenences",
+// true, i18n("Refenence selector"),
+// KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true),
+// m_oldPos(0,0)
+// m_page = new QWidget( this );
+// m_placeholder = new QWidget( m_page);
+// QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( m_page, 0, spacingHint());
+// m_lineedit = new QLineEdit( QString::null, m_page, "select" );
+// m_lineedit->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().maxWidth()*8);
+// QHBoxLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(m_page, 0, spacingHint());
+// hlayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Verse key:"), m_page));
+// hlayout->addWidget(m_lineedit);
+// layout->addItem(hlayout);
+// layout->addWidget(m_placeholder);
+// m_chooser = NULL;
+// m_oldParent = NULL;
+// setMainWidget(m_page);
+// connect(this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), SLOT(slotPressedOk()));
+// connect(this, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), SLOT(slotPressedCancel()));
+//CRefSelectDialog::~CRefSelectDialog() {
+//void CRefSelectDialog::setChooser(CKeyChooser* const chooser) {
+// if (chooser && chooser != m_chooser) {
+// if (m_chooser) restoreParent();
+// m_chooser = chooser;
+// // store old owner and position
+// m_oldParent = chooser->parentWidget(false);
+// m_oldPos = chooser->pos();
+// // we temporary borrow chooser widget from the MDI window
+// m_placeholder->setMinimumSize(chooser->size());
+// chooser->reparent(m_placeholder, QPoint(0,0), true);
+// }
+//void CRefSelectDialog::slotPressedOk() {
+// // go to proper key
+// CSwordKey* key = m_chooser->key();
+// key->key(m_lineedit->text());
+// m_chooser->setKey(key);
+// // restore parent of stolen widget
+// restoreParent();
+//void CRefSelectDialog::slotPressedCancel() {
+// // restore parent of stolen widget
+// restoreParent();
+//void CRefSelectDialog::restoreParent() {
+// if (m_chooser && m_oldParent) {
+// m_chooser->reparent(m_oldParent, m_oldPos, true);
+// }
+// m_chooser = NULL;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/crefselectdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/crefselectdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d78ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/crefselectdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+class QLineEdit;
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+// BT includes
+#include "ckeychooser.h"
+//class CRefSelectDialog : public KDialogBase {
+// public:
+// CRefSelectDialog(QWidget *parent);
+// virtual ~CRefSelectDialog();
+// void setChooser(CKeyChooser* const chooser);
+// public slots:
+// void slotPressedOk();
+// void slotPressedCancel();
+// protected:
+// void restoreParent();
+// private:
+// QWidget* m_page;
+// QWidget* m_placeholder;
+// QWidget* m_oldParent;
+// CKeyChooser* m_chooser;
+// QLineEdit* m_lineedit;
+// QPoint m_oldPos;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollbutton.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollbutton.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9952cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollbutton.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cscrollbutton.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qcursor.h>
+CScrollButton::CScrollButton(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QToolButton(parent,name) {
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus);
+ setCursor( splitVCursor );
+ m_isLocked = false;
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(pressed() ), SLOT(was_pressed() ));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(was_released()));
+const bool CScrollButton::isLocked( ) const {
+ return m_isLocked;
+void CScrollButton::was_pressed( ) {
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( BlankCursor );
+ m_isLocked = true;
+ lock_Point = get_lock_Point();
+ emit lock()
+ ;
+void CScrollButton::was_released( ) {
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ m_isLocked = false;
+ emit unlock();
+const QPoint CScrollButton::get_lock_Point() const {
+ return mapToGlobal( QPoint( width()/2, height()/2 ) );
+void CScrollButton::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) {
+ if (m_isLocked) {
+ int vchange = (QCursor::pos().y() - lock_Point.y());
+ if (abs(vchange) < 10) {
+ vchange = (int)((vchange>0 ? 1 : -1) * pow(abs(vchange), 0.3));
+ }
+ else if (abs(vchange) < 30) {
+ vchange = (int)((vchange>0 ? 1 : -1) * pow(abs(vchange), 0.6));
+ }
+ else if (abs(vchange) < 40) {
+ vchange = (int)((vchange>0 ? 1 : -1) * pow(abs(vchange), 1.2));
+ }
+ else {
+ vchange = (int)((vchange>0 ? 1 : -1) * pow(abs(vchange), 2.0));
+ }
+ if (vchange) { //not emit 0
+ emit change_requested( vchange );
+ }
+ QCursor::setPos( lock_Point );
+ }
+ else {
+ QToolButton::mouseMoveEvent(e);
+ }
+/** If the wheel of the mouse is used while the mouse stays over our scrollbutton the content is scrolled like the mouse was pressed and moved. */
+void CScrollButton::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* e ) {
+ /**
+ * The problem is, that wheel events do everytime have the delta value 120
+ */
+ const int vchange = ((e->delta() > 0) ? (1) : (-1));
+ if (vchange!=0) {//do not emit a change with value 0
+ emit change_requested( vchange );
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ else {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollbutton.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollbutton.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6e900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollbutton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+class QMouseEvent;
+/** This Class implements the direct chooser button used in the KeyChooser Widget
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CScrollButton : public QToolButton {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ */
+ CScrollButton(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ const bool isLocked() const;
+ /**
+ * is emitted when the button enters locked state
+ */
+ void lock()
+ ;
+ /**
+ * is emitted when the button leaves locked state
+ */
+ void unlock();
+ /**
+ * indicates a change the user made by moving the mouse
+ * @param count the number of items to be changed in the KeyChooser ComboBox
+ */
+ void change_requested(int count);
+protected slots:
+ /*
+ * used to process the button press events
+ */
+ void was_pressed();
+ /**
+ * used to process the button release events
+ */
+ void was_released();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from @ref QWidget#mouseMoveEvent - processes
+ * the mouse move events
+ */
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e );
+ /**
+ * used to find the lock point - the middle of the button
+ * @return the lock point
+ */
+ const QPoint get_lock_Point() const;
+ /**
+ * If the wheel of the mouse is used while the mouse stays over our scrollbutton the content is
+ * scrolled like the mouse was pressed and moved.
+ */
+ virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* e );
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the button is in locked state or not
+ */
+ bool m_isLocked;
+ /**
+ * stores the lock point
+ */
+ QPoint lock_Point;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollerwidgetset.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollerwidgetset.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd4201b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollerwidgetset.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cscrollbutton.h"
+#include "cscrollerwidgetset.h"
+//BibleTime frontend includes
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+const unsigned int WIDTH = 16;
+const unsigned int ARROW_HEIGHT = 12;
+const unsigned int MOVER_HEIGHT = 6;
+CScrollerWidgetSet::CScrollerWidgetSet(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent,name) {
+ m_layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ m_layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter);
+ //setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter);
+ btn_up = new QToolButton( UpArrow, this, "btn_up" );
+ btn_up->setFixedSize(WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT);
+ btn_up->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ btn_fx = new CScrollButton( this, "btn_fx" );
+ btn_fx->setFixedSize(WIDTH, MOVER_HEIGHT);
+ btn_fx->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ btn_down = new QToolButton( DownArrow, this, "btn_down" );
+ btn_down->setFixedSize(WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT);
+ btn_down->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ m_layout->addWidget( btn_up,0 );
+ m_layout->addWidget( btn_fx,0 );
+ m_layout->addWidget( btn_down,0 );
+ setMinimumWidth(WIDTH+4); // Kludge to add some spacing but seems to work.
+ connect(btn_fx, SIGNAL(lock()), SLOT(slotLock()));
+ connect(btn_fx, SIGNAL(unlock()), SLOT(slotUnlock()));
+ connect(btn_fx, SIGNAL(change_requested(int)), SLOT(slotScroller(int)));
+ connect(btn_up, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotUpClick()));
+ connect(btn_down, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDownClick()));
+/** Sets the tooltips for the given entries using the parameters as text. */
+void CScrollerWidgetSet::setToolTips( const QString nextEntryTip, const QString scrollButtonTip, const QString previousEntryTip) {
+ QToolTip::add (btn_fx, scrollButtonTip);
+ QToolTip::add (btn_down, nextEntryTip);
+ QToolTip::add (btn_up, previousEntryTip);
+void CScrollerWidgetSet::slotLock() { emit scroller_pressed(); }
+void CScrollerWidgetSet::slotUnlock() { emit scroller_released(); }
+void CScrollerWidgetSet::slotScroller(int n) { emit change(n); }
+void CScrollerWidgetSet::slotUpClick() { slotScroller(-1); }
+void CScrollerWidgetSet::slotDownClick() { slotScroller(1); }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollerwidgetset.h b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollerwidgetset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3e6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/keychooser/cscrollerwidgetset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include "cscrollbutton.h"
+ * This class implements the Scroller Widget-set, which
+ * consists of two normal ref @QToolButton and a enhanced @ref CScrollButton
+ *
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CScrollerWidgetSet : public QWidget {
+ /**
+ * the constructor
+ */
+ CScrollerWidgetSet(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ /**
+ * Sets the tooltips for the given entries using the parameters as text.
+ */
+ void setToolTips( const QString nextEntry, const QString scrollButton, const QString previousEntry);
+ /**
+ * is emitted to proceed to some other entry relative to the
+ * current, indicated by the int value
+ */
+ void change(int count);
+ /**
+ * These emit when the scroll button is pressed or released
+ */
+ void scroller_pressed();
+ void scroller_released();
+ QToolButton* btn_up;
+ QToolButton* btn_down;
+ CScrollButton* btn_fx;
+protected slots:
+ void slotLock();
+ void slotUnlock();
+ void slotUpClick();
+ void slotDownClick();
+ void slotScroller(int);
+ QVBoxLayout *m_layout;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/kstartuplogo.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/kstartuplogo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c01e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/kstartuplogo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//Own includes
+#include "kstartuplogo.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+//#include <kimageio.h>
+//static objects
+KStartupLogo* KStartupLogo::startupLogo = 0;
+void KStartupLogo::createSplash() {
+ deleteSplash();
+ startupLogo = new KStartupLogo();
+void KStartupLogo::showSplash() {
+ if (KStartupLogo::startupLogo) {
+ KStartupLogo::startupLogo->show();
+ }
+void KStartupLogo::hideSplash() {
+ if (startupLogo) {
+ startupLogo->hide();
+ }
+void KStartupLogo::deleteSplash() {
+ delete startupLogo;
+ startupLogo = 0;
+void KStartupLogo::setStatusMessage(const QString& message) {
+ if (startupLogo) {
+ startupLogo->setText(message);
+ }
+: QWidget(0, "startuplogo", /*WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder*/ WStyle_NoBorder|WStyle_StaysOnTop|WX11BypassWM ) {
+ QPixmap pm;
+ if ( !pm.load(locate("BT_pic","startuplogo.png")) ) {
+ qWarning("Can't load startuplogo! Check your installation.");
+ }
+ setBackgroundPixmap(pm);
+ //Please not change the margin
+ textLabel = new QLabel(this);
+ textLabel->setGeometry(0,pm.height(),pm.width(),textLabel->sizeHint().height()+10);
+ textLabel->setBackgroundColor( QColor("#0d6de9") );
+ textLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain);
+ textLabel->setLineWidth(1);
+ textLabel->setScaledContents( true );
+ QFont f;
+ f.setBold( true );
+ textLabel->setFont( f );
+ QPalette p = palette();
+ p.setColor( QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text, Qt::white );
+ p.setColor( QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Foreground, Qt::white );
+ p.setColor( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Text, Qt::white );
+ p.setColor( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Foreground, Qt::white );
+ setPalette( p );
+ setGeometry (
+ (KApplication::desktop()->width()-pm.width())/2,
+ (KApplication::desktop()->height()-pm.height()-textLabel->height())/2,
+ pm.width(),
+ pm.height()+textLabel->height()
+ );
+void KStartupLogo::setText(const QString text) {
+ //Please not make the text bold & let the first character be blank
+ textLabel->setText( QString::fromLatin1(" %1").arg(text) );
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+/** Makes the splashscreen the toplevel window. */
+void KStartupLogo::raiseSplash() {
+ if (startupLogo) {
+ startupLogo->raise();
+ startupLogo->setActiveWindow();
+ startupLogo->textLabel->show();
+ }
+/** Lowers the splash screen one window down, so it's possible to make it not to hide tip windows or other startup stuff. */
+void KStartupLogo::lowerSplash() {
+ if (startupLogo) {
+ startupLogo->lower();
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/kstartuplogo.h b/bibletime/frontend/kstartuplogo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a7af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/kstartuplogo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qwidget.h>
+//class forward declarations
+class QLabel;
+ * This class provides a startuplogo.
+ *
+ * @author The team of BibleTime
+ */
+class KStartupLogo : public QWidget {
+ /**
+ * Create the splash screen and show it on the screen.
+ * Use hideSplash, raiseSplash and lowerSplash() to control the visibility on screen.
+ */
+ static void createSplash();
+ /**
+ * Show the splash screen on the users desktop.
+ */
+ static void showSplash();
+ /**
+ * Hides the splash screen.
+ */
+ static void hideSplash();
+ /**
+ * Delete the splash screen if it exists.
+ */
+ static void deleteSplash();
+ /**
+ * Sets the text status message in the splash screen.
+ */
+ static void setStatusMessage(const QString& message);
+ /**
+ * Makes the splashscreen the toplevel window.
+ */
+ static void raiseSplash();
+ /**
+ * Lowers the splash screen one window down,
+ * so it's possible to make it not to hide tip windows or other startup stuff.
+ */
+ static void lowerSplash();
+ KStartupLogo();
+ void setText(const QString text);
+ QLabel* textLabel;
+ static KStartupLogo* startupLogo;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/ b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79b5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libmainindex_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libmainindex.a
+libmainindex_a_SOURCES = \
+cmainindex.cpp \
+all_headers = \
+cmainindex.h \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libmainindex_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cindexitem.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cindexitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4896e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cindexitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1228 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cindexitem.h"
+#include "cmainindex.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/clanguagemgr.h"
+#include "frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cinputdialog.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "frontend/cdragdropmgr.h"
+#include "frontend/cprinter.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+#include <string.h>
+//Qt includes
+#include <qdragobject.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+using namespace Printing;
+using std::string;
+CItemBase::CItemBase(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type)
+: KListViewItem(mainIndex),
+m_sortingEnabled(true) {}
+CItemBase::CItemBase(CItemBase* parentItem, const Type type)
+: KListViewItem(parentItem),
+m_sortingEnabled(true) {}
+CItemBase::~CItemBase() {}
+const QString CItemBase::toolTip() {
+ return QString::null;
+/** Returns the used main index. */
+CMainIndex* CItemBase::listView() const {
+ return dynamic_cast<CMainIndex*>( QListViewItem::listView() );
+void CItemBase::init() {
+ update();
+void CItemBase::update() {}
+const CItemBase::Type& CItemBase::type() const {
+ return m_type;
+void CItemBase::moveAfter( CItemBase* const item ) {
+ if (!item)
+ return;
+ if ( parent() == item->parent() ) { //same parent means level
+ moveItem(item); //both items are on the same level, so we can use moveItem
+ }
+/** Returns true if the given action should be enabled in the popup menu. */
+const bool CItemBase::enableAction( const MenuAction /*action*/ ) {
+ return false; //this base class has no valif actions
+/** No descriptions */
+const bool CItemBase::isMovable() {
+ return false;
+const bool CItemBase::allowAutoOpen( const QMimeSource* ) const {
+ return false;
+/** This function engables or disables sorting depending on the parameter. */
+void CItemBase::setSortingEnabled( const bool& enableSort ) {
+ m_sortingEnabled = enableSort;
+/** Returns true whether the sorting is enabled or not. */
+const bool CItemBase::isSortingEnabled() {
+ return m_sortingEnabled;
+/** Reimplementation which takes care of the our sortingEnabled setting. */
+void CItemBase::sortChildItems( int col, bool asc ) {
+ if (!isSortingEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ KListViewItem::sortChildItems( col, asc );
+ }
+/** Reimplementation which takes care of the our sortingEnabled setting. */
+void CItemBase::sort() {
+ if (!isSortingEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ KListViewItem::sort();
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------- new class: CModuleItem ------------ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------- */
+CModuleItem::CModuleItem(CTreeFolder* parentItem, CSwordModuleInfo* module) : CItemBase(parentItem), m_module(module) {}
+CModuleItem::~CModuleItem() {}
+/** No descriptions */
+void CModuleItem::update() {
+ if (m_module) {
+ setPixmap(0, CToolClass::getIconForModule(m_module));
+ setText(0,m_module->name() );
+ }
+void CModuleItem::init() {
+ setDragEnabled(false);
+ setDropEnabled(true);
+ update();
+/** Reimplementation to handle text drops on a module. In this case open the searchdialog. In the case of a referebnce open the module at the given position. */
+bool CModuleItem::acceptDrop( const QMimeSource* src ) const {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::canDecode(src)) {
+ if (CDragDropMgr::dndType(src) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark) {
+ CDragDropMgr::Item item = CDragDropMgr::decode(src).first();
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( item.bookmarkModule() );
+ if (m && (module()->type() == m->type())) { //it makes only sense
+ return true;
+ }
+ //but we also allow drops from bibles on commentaries and the other way from commentaries
+ else if (m && (module()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) && (m->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (m && (module()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) && (m->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(CDragDropMgr::dndType(src) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Text) { //text drop on a module
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ return false; //default return value
+/** No descriptions */
+void CModuleItem::dropped( QDropEvent* e, QListViewItem* /*after*/) {
+ /* Something was dropped on a module item
+ *
+ * 1. If the drop type is plain text open the searchdialog for this text and start the search
+ * 2. If the type is Bookmark, open the module at the specified position
+ *
+ * We support only the first drop item, more is not useful
+ */
+ if (acceptDrop(e)) {
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems = CDragDropMgr::decode(e);
+ CDragDropMgr::Item item = dndItems.first();
+ if (CDragDropMgr::dndType(e) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Text) { //open the searchdialog
+ // qWarning("Text dropped!");
+ if ( module() ) {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(module());
+ Search::CSearchDialog::openDialog(modules, item.text());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CDragDropMgr::dndType(e) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark) { //open the module
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( item.bookmarkModule() );
+ if (m) { //it makes only sense to create a new window for a module with the same type
+ if ((module()->type() == m->type()) ||
+ ((module()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || module()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary)
+ && (m->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || m->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary))) { //same base type of module
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(module());
+ listView()->emitModulesChosen(modules, item.bookmarkKey());
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ };
+/** Reimplementation. */
+const QString CModuleItem::toolTip() {
+ return CToolClass::moduleToolTip(module());
+/** Returns the used module. */
+CSwordModuleInfo* const CModuleItem::module() const {
+ return m_module;
+/** Reimplementation from CItemBase. */
+const bool CModuleItem::enableAction( const MenuAction action ) {
+ if (action == EditModule) {
+ if (!module())
+ return false;
+ return module()->isWritable();
+ }
+ if (action == SearchInModules || action == AboutModule)
+ return true;
+ if (module()->isEncrypted() && action == UnlockModule)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/* ----------------------------------------------*/
+/* ---------- new class: CBookmarkItem ------------*/
+/* ----------------------------------------------*/
+CBookmarkItem::CBookmarkItem(CFolderBase* parentItem, CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& key, const QString& description)
+: CItemBase(parentItem),
+m_moduleName(module ? module->name() : QString::null) {
+ if ((module && (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) || (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary)) ) {
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(0);
+ vk = key;
+ vk.setLocale("en");
+ m_key = vk.key(); //the m_key member is always the english key!
+ }
+ else {
+ m_key = key;
+ };
+ m_startupXML = QDomElement(); //empty XML code
+CBookmarkItem::CBookmarkItem(CFolderBase* parentItem, QDomElement& xml )
+: CItemBase(parentItem),
+m_moduleName(QString::null) {
+ m_startupXML = xml;
+CBookmarkItem::~CBookmarkItem() {}
+/** No descriptions */
+void CBookmarkItem::update() {
+ setMultiLinesEnabled(true);
+ setPixmap(0,SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::bookmark::icon,16));
+ const QString title = QString::fromLatin1("%1 (%2)")
+ .arg(key())
+ .arg(module() ? module()->name() : i18n("unknown"));
+ setText(0, title);
+void CBookmarkItem::init() {
+ if (!m_startupXML.isNull()) { //we have some XML code to parse
+ loadFromXML(m_startupXML);
+ }
+ update();
+ setDropEnabled(false);
+ setDragEnabled(false);
+ // if (!module())
+ // setSelectable(false);
+/** Reimplementation. */
+const QString CBookmarkItem::toolTip() {
+ if (!module()) {
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions = CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults();
+ filterOptions.footnotes = false;
+ filterOptions.scriptureReferences = false;
+ CPointers::backend()->setFilterOptions(filterOptions);
+ QString ret;
+ util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> k( CSwordKey::createInstance(module()) );
+ k->key(this->key());
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* lang = module()->language();
+ CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair fontPair = CBTConfig::get
+ (lang);
+ Q_ASSERT(k.get());
+ if (fontPair.first) { //use a special font
+ qWarning("using a font, %s",;
+ ret = QString::fromLatin1("<b>%1 (%2)</b><br/><small>%3</small><hr><font face=\"%4\" size=\"4\">%5</font>")
+ .arg(key())
+ .arg(module()->name())
+ .arg(description())
+ .arg(
+ .arg(k->renderedText());
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = QString::fromLatin1("<b>%1 (%2)</b><br/><small>%3</small><hr>%4")
+ .arg(key())
+ .arg(module()->name())
+ .arg(description())
+ .arg(k->renderedText());
+ }
+ return ret;
+/** Returns the used module. */
+CSwordModuleInfo* const CBookmarkItem::module() {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(m_moduleName);
+ Q_ASSERT(m);
+ return m;
+/** Returns the used key. */
+const QString CBookmarkItem::key() {
+ const QString englishKeyName = englishKey();
+ if (!module()) {
+ return englishKeyName;
+ }
+ QString returnKeyName = englishKeyName;
+ if ((module()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) || (module()->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary)) {
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(0);
+ vk = englishKeyName;
+ vk.setLocale(CPointers::backend()->booknameLanguage().latin1() );
+ returnKeyName = vk.key(); //the returned key is always in the currently set bookname language
+ }
+ return returnKeyName;
+/** Returns the used description. */
+const QString& CBookmarkItem::description() {
+ return m_description;
+/** No descriptions */
+const bool CBookmarkItem::isMovable() {
+ return true;
+/** Reimplementation to handle the menu entries of the main index. */
+const bool CBookmarkItem::enableAction(const MenuAction action) {
+ if (action == ChangeBookmark || (module() && (action == PrintBookmarks)) || action == DeleteEntries)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/** Changes this bookmark. */
+void CBookmarkItem::rename() {
+ bool ok = false;
+ const QString newDescription = CInputDialog::getText(i18n("Change description ..."), i18n("Enter a new description for the chosen bookmark."), description(), &ok, listView(), true);
+ if (ok) {
+ m_description = newDescription;
+ update();
+ }
+/** Reimplementation of CItemBase::saveToXML. */
+QDomElement CBookmarkItem::saveToXML( QDomDocument& doc ) {
+ QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("Bookmark");
+ elem.setAttribute("key", englishKey());
+ elem.setAttribute("description", description());
+ elem.setAttribute("modulename", m_moduleName);
+ elem.setAttribute("moduledescription", module() ? module()->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description) : QString::null);
+ return elem;
+void CBookmarkItem::loadFromXML( QDomElement& element ) {
+ if (element.isNull())
+ return;
+ //find the right module
+ if (element.hasAttribute("modulename")) {
+ //we use the name in all cases, even if the module isn't installed anymore
+ m_moduleName = element.attribute("modulename");
+ }
+ if (element.hasAttribute("key")) {
+ m_key = element.attribute("key");
+ }
+ if (element.hasAttribute("description")) {
+ m_description = element.attribute("description");
+ }
+/** Returns the english key. */
+const QString& CBookmarkItem::englishKey() const {
+ return m_key;
+/** Reimplementation. Returns false everytime because a bookmarks has not possible drops. */
+bool CBookmarkItem::acceptDrop(const QMimeSource* /*src*/) const {
+ return false;
+/***** class: CItemFolder *************/
+CFolderBase::CFolderBase(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type) : CItemBase(mainIndex, type) {}
+CFolderBase::CFolderBase(CFolderBase* parentItem, const Type type) : CItemBase(parentItem, type) {}
+CFolderBase::CFolderBase(CFolderBase* parentFolder, const QString& caption) : CItemBase(parentFolder) {
+ setText(0, caption);
+CFolderBase::~CFolderBase() {}
+const bool CFolderBase::isFolder() {
+ return true;
+void CFolderBase::update() {
+ CItemBase::update();
+ if (isOpen() && childCount())
+ setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::openedFolder::icon, 16));
+ else
+ setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+void CFolderBase::init() {
+ CItemBase::init();
+ setDropEnabled(false);
+ setDragEnabled(false);
+/** No descriptions */
+void CFolderBase::setOpen( bool open ) {
+ KListViewItem::setOpen(open);
+ update();
+/** The function which renames this folder. */
+void CFolderBase::rename() {
+ startRename(0);
+/** Creates a new sub folder of this folder. */
+void CFolderBase::newSubFolder() {
+ if (dynamic_cast<CBookmarkFolder*>(this) || dynamic_cast<Bookmarks::SubFolder*>(this) ) {
+ Bookmarks::SubFolder* f = new Bookmarks::SubFolder(this, i18n("New folder"));
+ f->init();
+ listView()->setCurrentItem(f);
+ listView()->ensureItemVisible(f);
+ f->rename();
+ }
+/** Reimplementation. Returns true if the drop is accepted. */
+const bool CFolderBase::allowAutoOpen( const QMimeSource* ) const {
+ return true;
+/** Reimplementation. Returns false because folders have no use for drops (except for the bookmark folders) */
+bool CFolderBase::acceptDrop(const QMimeSource*) const {
+ return false;
+QPtrList<QListViewItem> CFolderBase::getChildList() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> childs;
+ if (!childCount()) //no childs available
+ return childs;
+ QListViewItem* i = firstChild();
+ while (i && (i->parent() == this)) {
+ CItemBase* item = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(i);
+ if (item) { //we found a valid item
+ childs.append(item);
+ CFolderBase* folder = dynamic_cast<CFolderBase*>(i);
+ if (folder) {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> subChilds = folder->getChildList();
+ for (QListViewItem* ci = subChilds.first(); ci; ci = {
+ childs.append(ci);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ i = i->nextSibling();
+ }
+ while (i && (i->parent() != this));
+ }
+ return childs;
+/***** class: CTreeFolder *************/
+CTreeFolder::CTreeFolder(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type, const QString& language) : CFolderBase(mainIndex, type) {
+ m_language = language;
+CTreeFolder::CTreeFolder(CFolderBase* item, const Type type, const QString& language) : CFolderBase(item, type) {
+ m_language = language;
+CTreeFolder::~CTreeFolder() {}
+void CTreeFolder::addGroup(const Type type, const QString language) {
+ CTreeFolder* i = 0;
+ if (type == BookmarkFolder) {
+ i = new CBookmarkFolder(this);
+ }
+ else if (type == OldBookmarkFolder) {
+ i = new Bookmarks::OldBookmarksFolder(this);
+ }
+ else {
+ i = new CTreeFolder(this, type, language);
+ }
+ i->init();
+ if (!i->childCount())
+ delete i;
+void CTreeFolder::addModule(CSwordModuleInfo* const module) {
+ CModuleItem* i = new CModuleItem(this, module);
+ i->init();
+void CTreeFolder::addBookmark(CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& key, const QString& description) {
+ CBookmarkItem* i = new CBookmarkItem(this, module, key, description);
+ i->init();
+void CTreeFolder::update() {
+ CFolderBase::update();
+void CTreeFolder::init() {
+ if (language() == "*") {
+ switch (type()) {
+ case BibleModuleFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Bibles"));
+ break;
+ case CommentaryModuleFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Commentaries"));
+ break;
+ case LexiconModuleFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Lexicons"));
+ break;
+ case BookModuleFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Books"));
+ break;
+ case DevotionalModuleFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Daily devotionals"));
+ break;
+ case GlossaryModuleFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Glossaries"));
+ break;
+ case BookmarkFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Bookmarks"));
+ break;
+ case OldBookmarkFolder:
+ setText(0,i18n("Old bookmarks"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ setText(0, i18n("Unknown"));
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang = CPointers::languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev( language() );
+setText(0, !language().isEmpty() ? ( lang->isValid() ? lang->translatedName() : language()) : i18n("Unknown language"));
+ }
+ initTree();
+ update();
+void CTreeFolder::initTree() {
+ // qWarning("CTreeMgr::initTree");
+ if (type() == Unknown)
+ return;
+ CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType moduleType = CSwordModuleInfo::Unknown;
+ if (type() == BibleModuleFolder)
+ moduleType = CSwordModuleInfo::Bible;
+ else if (type() == CommentaryModuleFolder)
+ moduleType = CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary;
+ else if (type() == LexiconModuleFolder || type() == GlossaryModuleFolder || type() == DevotionalModuleFolder)
+ moduleType = CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon;
+ else if (type() == BookModuleFolder)
+ moduleType = CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook;
+ //get all modules by using the given type
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo allModules =CPointers::backend()->moduleList();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo usedModules;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = allModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(allModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = allModules.first(); m; m = {
+ if ((*it)->type() == moduleType) { //found a module, check if the type is correct (devotional etc.)
+ if (type() == GlossaryModuleFolder && !(*it)->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::Glossary) { //not a gglossary
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (type() == DevotionalModuleFolder && ((*it)->category() != CSwordModuleInfo::DailyDevotional)) {//not a devotional
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (type() == LexiconModuleFolder && ( ((*it)->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::DailyDevotional) || ((*it)->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::Glossary) )) {
+ //while looking for lexicons glossaries and devotionals shouldn't be used
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (language() == QString::fromLatin1("*") || (language() != QString::fromLatin1("*") && QString::fromLatin1((*it)->module()->Lang()) == language()) )//right type and language!
+ usedModules.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ //we have now all modules we want to have
+ if (language() == QString::fromLatin1("*")) { //create subfolders for each language
+ QStringList usedLangs;
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = usedModules.first(); m; m = {
+ /*ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator*/
+ end_it = usedModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(usedModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ QString lang = QString::fromLatin1((*it)->module()->Lang());
+ // if (lang.isEmpty())
+ // lang = ");
+ if (!usedLangs.contains(lang)) {
+ usedLangs.append(lang);
+ }
+ }
+ //ToDo:: Optimize the loop with const itrs
+ QStringList::iterator lang_it;
+ for (lang_it = usedLangs.begin(); lang_it != usedLangs.end(); ++lang_it) {
+ addGroup(/**lang_it,*/ type(), *lang_it);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (usedModules.count() > 0) { //create subitems with the given type and language
+ /*ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator*/ end_it = usedModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(usedModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = usedModules.first(); m; m = {
+ addModule(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ sortChildItems(0,true);
+const QString& CTreeFolder::language() const {
+ return m_language;
+/* --------------------------------------------------*/
+/* ---------- new class: CBookmarkFolder::SubFolder--*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------*/
+namespace Bookmarks {
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* ---------- new class: CBookmarkFolder::OldBookmarkImport -----------------*/
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ const QString OldBookmarkImport::oldBookmarksXML( const QString& configFileName ) {
+ QString fileName = (configFileName.isEmpty()) ? "bt-groupmanager" : configFileName;
+ KConfig* config = new KSimpleConfig( fileName );
+ KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, configFileName.isEmpty() ? "Groupmanager" : "Bookmarks");
+ QDomDocument doc("DOC");
+ doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );
+ QDomElement content = doc.createElement("SwordBookmarks");
+ content.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION);
+ doc.appendChild(content);
+ //first create the bookmark groups in the XML document, then add the bookmarks to each parent
+ QMap<int, QDomElement> parentMap; //maps parent ids to dom elements
+ QStringList groupList = config->readListEntry("Groups");
+ QValueList<int> parentList = config->readIntListEntry("Group parents");
+ QStringList::Iterator it_groups = groupList.begin();
+ QValueList<int>::Iterator it_parents = parentList.begin();
+ int parentIDCounter = 0;
+ while ( (it_groups != groupList.end()) && (it_parents != parentList.end()) ) {
+ QDomElement parentElement = (*it_parents == -1) ? content : parentMap[*it_parents];
+ if (parentElement.isNull()) {
+ qWarning("EMPTY PARENT FOUND!");
+ parentElement = content;
+ };
+ QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("Folder");
+ elem.setAttribute("caption", (*it_groups));
+ parentMap.insert(parentIDCounter, elem);
+ parentElement.appendChild( elem );
+ ++it_parents;
+ ++it_groups;
+ ++parentIDCounter;
+ }
+ //groups are now read in, create now the bookmarks
+ parentList = config->readIntListEntry("Bookmark parents");
+ QStringList bookmarkList = config->readListEntry("Bookmarks");
+ QStringList bookmarkModulesList = config->readListEntry("Bookmark modules");
+ QStringList bookmarkDescriptionsList = config->readListEntry("Bookmark descriptions");
+ it_parents = parentList.begin();
+ QStringList::Iterator it_bookmarks = bookmarkList.begin();
+ QStringList::Iterator it_modules = bookmarkModulesList.begin();
+ QStringList::Iterator it_descriptions = bookmarkDescriptionsList.begin();
+ while ( it_bookmarks != bookmarkList.end()
+ && it_parents != parentList.end()
+ && it_modules != bookmarkModulesList.end()
+ ) {
+ QDomElement parentElement = ((*it_parents) == -1) ? content : parentMap[(*it_parents)];
+ if (parentElement.isNull()) {
+ qWarning("EMPTY PARENT FOUND!");
+ parentElement = content;
+ };
+ QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("Bookmark");
+ elem.setAttribute("key", *it_bookmarks);
+ elem.setAttribute("description", *it_descriptions);
+ elem.setAttribute("modulename", *it_modules);
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( *it_modules );
+ elem.setAttribute("moduledescription", m ? m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description) : QString::null);
+ parentElement.appendChild( elem );
+ ++it_parents;
+ ++it_modules;
+ ++it_descriptions;
+ ++it_bookmarks;
+ };
+ return doc.toString();
+ };
+ /********************
+ * New class: OldBookmarkFolder
+ *********************/
+OldBookmarksFolder::OldBookmarksFolder(CTreeFolder* folder) : CBookmarkFolder(folder, OldBookmarkFolder) {}
+ OldBookmarksFolder::~OldBookmarksFolder() {}
+ /** Reimplementation to handle special bookmark tree. */
+ void OldBookmarksFolder::initTree() {
+ // Import the bookmarks of the previous BibleTime versions
+ if (!CBTConfig::get
+ ( CBTConfig::readOldBookmarks )) { //if we havn't yet loaded the old bookmarks
+ loadBookmarksFromXML( Bookmarks::OldBookmarkImport::oldBookmarksXML() );
+ }
+ }
+ QDomElement OldBookmarksFolder::saveToXML( QDomDocument& doc ) {
+ QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("Folder");
+ elem.setAttribute("caption", text(0));
+ // Append the XML nodes of all child items
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(firstChild());
+ while( i ) {
+ if (i->parent() == this) {
+ QDomElement newElem = i->saveToXML( doc );
+ if (!newElem.isNull()) {
+ elem.appendChild( newElem ); //append to this folder
+ }
+ }
+ i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>( i->nextSibling() );
+ }
+ // Save to config, that we imported the old bookmarks and that we have them on disk
+ CBTConfig::set
+ ( CBTConfig::readOldBookmarks, true );
+ return elem;
+ }
+ void OldBookmarksFolder::loadFromXML( QDomElement& /*element*/ ) {
+ //this function is empty because the folder imports the old 1.2 bookmarks from the bt-groupmanager config file
+ }
+ // New class SubFolder
+SubFolder::SubFolder(CFolderBase* parentItem, const QString& caption) : CBookmarkFolder(parentItem, BookmarkFolder) {
+ m_startupXML = QDomElement();
+ setText( 0, caption );
+ }
+SubFolder::SubFolder(CFolderBase* parentItem, QDomElement& xml ) : CBookmarkFolder(parentItem, BookmarkFolder) {
+ m_startupXML = xml;
+ }
+ SubFolder::~SubFolder() {}
+ void SubFolder::init() {
+ CFolderBase::init();
+ if (!m_startupXML.isNull())
+ loadFromXML(m_startupXML);
+ setDropEnabled(true);
+ setRenameEnabled(0,true);
+ }
+ /** Reimplementation from CItemBase. */
+ const bool SubFolder::enableAction(const MenuAction action) {
+ if (action == ChangeFolder || action == NewFolder || action == DeleteEntries || action == ImportBookmarks )
+ return true;
+ if (action == ExportBookmarks || action == ImportBookmarks )
+ return true; //not yet implemented
+ if ((action == PrintBookmarks) && childCount()){
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = getChildList();
+ //create a tree of keytreeitems using the bookmark hierarchy.
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ CBookmarkItem* i = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>(items.current());
+ if (i) {
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem( i->key(), i->module(), settings ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return tree.collectModules().count() > 0;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** Returns the XML code which represents the content of this folder. */
+ QDomElement SubFolder::saveToXML( QDomDocument& doc ) {
+ /**
+ * Save all subitems (bookmarks and folders) to the XML file.
+ * We get the XML code for the items by calling their own saveToXML implementations.
+ */
+ QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("Folder");
+ elem.setAttribute("caption", text(0));
+ //append the XML nodes of all child items
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(firstChild());
+ while( i ) {
+ if (i->parent() == this) {
+ QDomElement newElem = i->saveToXML( doc );
+ if (!newElem.isNull()) {
+ elem.appendChild( newElem ); //append to this folder
+ }
+ }
+ i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>( i->nextSibling() );
+ }
+ return elem;
+ }
+ /** Loads the content of this folder from the XML code passed as argument to this function. */
+ void SubFolder::loadFromXML( QDomElement& elem ) {
+ //get the caption and restore all child items!
+ if (elem.hasAttribute("caption"))
+ setText(0, elem.attribute("caption"));
+ //restore all child items
+ QDomElement child = elem.firstChild().toElement();
+ CItemBase* oldItem = 0;
+ while ( !child.isNull() && child.parentNode() == elem ) {
+ CItemBase* i = 0;
+ if (child.tagName() == "Folder") {
+ i = new Bookmarks::SubFolder(this, child);
+ }
+ else if (child.tagName() == "Bookmark") {
+ i = new CBookmarkItem(this, child);
+ }
+ i->init();
+ if (oldItem)
+ i->moveAfter(oldItem);
+ oldItem = i;
+ child = child.nextSibling().toElement();
+ }
+ }
+/* --------------------------------------------------*/
+/* ---------- new class: CBookmarkFolder ------------*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------*/
+CBookmarkFolder::CBookmarkFolder(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type) : CTreeFolder(mainIndex, type, "*") {
+ setSortingEnabled(false);
+CBookmarkFolder::CBookmarkFolder(CFolderBase* parentItem, const Type type) : CTreeFolder(parentItem, type, "*") {
+ setSortingEnabled(false);
+CBookmarkFolder::~CBookmarkFolder() {}
+void CBookmarkFolder::initTree() {
+ addGroup(OldBookmarkFolder, "*");
+ KStandardDirs stdDirs;
+ const QString path = stdDirs.saveLocation("data", "bibletime/");
+ if (!path.isEmpty()) {
+ loadBookmarks(path + "bookmarks.xml");
+ }
+/** Reimplementation. */
+const bool CBookmarkFolder::enableAction(const MenuAction action) {
+ if ((action == NewFolder) || (action == ImportBookmarks))
+ return true;
+ if ((action == ExportBookmarks) && childCount())
+ return true;
+ if ((action == PrintBookmarks) && childCount())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void CBookmarkFolder::exportBookmarks() {
+ QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, i18n("*.btb | BibleTime bookmark files (*.btb)\n*.* | All files (*.*)"), 0, i18n("BibleTime - Export bookmarks"));
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ saveBookmarks( fileName, false ); //false means we don't want to overwrite the file without asking the user
+ };
+void CBookmarkFolder::importBookmarks() {
+ QString fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, i18n("*.btb | BibleTime bookmark files (*.btb)\n*.* | All files (*.*)"), 0, i18n("BibleTime - Import bookmarks"));
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ //we have to decide if we should load an old bookmark file from 1.2 or earlier or the new XML format of > 1.3
+ if ( !loadBookmarks(fileName) ) { //if this failed try to load it as old bookmark file
+ loadBookmarksFromXML( Bookmarks::OldBookmarkImport::oldBookmarksXML( fileName ) );
+ };
+ };
+bool CBookmarkFolder::acceptDrop(const QMimeSource * src) const {
+ // qWarning("bool CBookmarkFolder::acceptDrop(const QMimeSource * src): return%ii", (CDragDropMgr::canDecode(src) && (CDragDropMgr::dndType(src) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark)));
+ return CDragDropMgr::canDecode(src)
+ && (CDragDropMgr::dndType(src) == CDragDropMgr::Item::Bookmark);
+void CBookmarkFolder::dropped(QDropEvent *e, QListViewItem* after) {
+ if (acceptDrop(e)) {
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems = CDragDropMgr::decode(e);
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList::Iterator it;
+ CItemBase* previousItem = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(after);
+ for( it = dndItems.begin(); it != dndItems.end(); ++it) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(
+ (*it).bookmarkModule()
+ );
+ CBookmarkItem* i = new CBookmarkItem(
+ this,
+ module,
+ (*it).bookmarkKey(),
+ (*it).bookmarkDescription()
+ );
+ if (previousItem) {
+ i->moveAfter( previousItem );
+ }
+ i->init();
+ previousItem = i;
+ };
+ };
+/** Saves the bookmarks in a file. */
+const bool CBookmarkFolder::saveBookmarks( const QString& filename, const bool& forceOverwrite ) {
+ QDomDocument doc("DOC");
+ doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );
+ QDomElement content = doc.createElement("SwordBookmarks");
+ content.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION);
+ doc.appendChild(content);
+ //append the XML nodes of all child items
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>( firstChild() );
+ while( i ) {
+ if (i->parent() == this) { //only one level under this folder
+ QDomElement newElem = i->saveToXML( doc ); // the cild creates it's own XML code
+ if (!newElem.isNull()) {
+ content.appendChild( newElem ); //append to this folder
+ }
+ }
+ i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>( i->nextSibling() );
+ }
+ return CToolClass::savePlainFile(filename, doc.toString(), forceOverwrite, QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+const bool CBookmarkFolder::loadBookmarksFromXML( const QString& xml ) {
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ doc.setContent(xml);
+ QDomElement document = doc.documentElement();
+ if( document.tagName() != "SwordBookmarks" ) {
+ qWarning("Not a BibleTime Bookmark XML file");
+ return false;
+ }
+ CItemBase* oldItem = 0;
+ //restore all child items
+ QDomElement child = document.firstChild().toElement();
+ while ( !child.isNull() && child.parentNode() == document) {
+ CItemBase* i = 0;
+ if (child.tagName() == "Folder") {
+ i = new Bookmarks::SubFolder(this, child);
+ }
+ else if (child.tagName() == "Bookmark") {
+ i = new CBookmarkItem(this, child);
+ }
+ if (!i) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i->init();
+ if (oldItem) {
+ i->moveAfter(oldItem);
+ }
+ oldItem = i;
+ if (!child.nextSibling().isNull()) {
+ child = child.nextSibling().toElement();
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+/** Loads bookmarks from a file. */
+const bool CBookmarkFolder::loadBookmarks( const QString& filename ) {
+ QFile file(filename);
+ if (!file.exists())
+ return false;
+ QString xml;
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream t;
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); //set encoding before file is used for input!
+ t.setDevice(&file);
+ xml =;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ return loadBookmarksFromXML( xml );
+/* NEW CLASS */
+CGlossaryFolder::CGlossaryFolder(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type, const QString& fromLanguage, const QString& toLanguage)
+: CTreeFolder(mainIndex, type, fromLanguage) {
+ m_fromLanguage = fromLanguage;
+ m_toLanguage = toLanguage;
+CGlossaryFolder::CGlossaryFolder(CFolderBase* item, const Type type, const QString& fromLanguage, const QString& toLanguage)
+: CTreeFolder(item, type, fromLanguage) {
+ m_fromLanguage = fromLanguage;
+ m_toLanguage = toLanguage;
+CGlossaryFolder::~CGlossaryFolder() {}
+void CGlossaryFolder::initTree() {
+ if (type() == Unknown)
+ return;
+ //get all modules by using the lexicon type
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo allModules =CPointers::backend()->moduleList();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo usedModules;
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = allModules.first(); m; m = {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = allModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(allModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon) { //found a module, check if the type is correct (devotional etc.)
+ if ((type() == GlossaryModuleFolder) && ((*it)->category() != CSwordModuleInfo::Glossary)) { //not a glossary
+ continue;
+ }
+ //found a glossary
+ //ToDo: this is ugly code
+ if (language() == QString::fromLatin1("*")
+ || (language() != QString::fromLatin1("*")
+ && (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::GlossaryFrom) == fromLanguage()
+ && (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::GlossaryTo) == toLanguage()
+ )
+ ) { //right type and language!
+ usedModules.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //we have now all modules we want to have
+ if (language() == QString::fromLatin1("*")) { //create subfolders for each language
+ typedef std::pair<QString, QString> LanguagePair;
+ typedef QValueList<LanguagePair> LanguagePairList;
+ LanguagePairList usedLangs;
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = usedModules.first(); m; m = {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = usedModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(usedModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ LanguagePair langPair(
+ (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::GlossaryFrom),
+ (*it)->config(CSwordModuleInfo::GlossaryTo)
+ );
+ if (!usedLangs.contains(langPair)) {
+ usedLangs.append(langPair);
+ }
+ }
+ LanguagePairList::iterator lang_it;
+ for (lang_it = usedLangs.begin(); lang_it != usedLangs.end(); ++lang_it) {
+ addGroup(type(), (*lang_it).first, (*lang_it).second);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (usedModules.count() > 0) { //create subitems with the given type and languages
+ // for (CSwordModuleInfo* m = usedModules.first(); m; m = {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = usedModules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(usedModules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ addModule(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ sortChildItems(0,true);
+void CGlossaryFolder::init() {
+ if (language() == "*") {
+ setText(0,i18n("Glossaries"));
+ }
+ else {
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const fromLang = CPointers::languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev( m_fromLanguage );
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const toLang = CPointers::languageMgr()->languageForAbbrev( m_toLanguage );
+ QString fromLangString = fromLang->translatedName();
+ QString toLangString = toLang->translatedName();
+ if (fromLangString.isEmpty()) { //use abbrev!
+ fromLangString = m_fromLanguage;
+ };
+ if (toLangString.isEmpty()) { //use abbrev!
+ toLangString = m_toLanguage;
+ };
+ setText(0, fromLangString + " - " + toLangString );
+ }
+ initTree();
+ update();
+/** Returns the language this glossary folder maps from. */
+const QString& CGlossaryFolder::fromLanguage() const {
+ return m_fromLanguage;
+/** Returns the language this glossary folder maps to. */
+const QString& CGlossaryFolder::toLanguage() const {
+ return m_toLanguage;
+void CGlossaryFolder::addGroup(const Type type, const QString& fromLanguage, const QString& toLanguage) {
+ CTreeFolder* i = new CGlossaryFolder(this, type, fromLanguage, toLanguage);
+ i->init();
+ if (!i->childCount()) {
+ delete i;
+ }
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cindexitem.h b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cindexitem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7de5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cindexitem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qdom.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klistview.h>
+class KConfig;
+class CFolderBase;
+class CTreeFolder;
+class CMainIndex;
+class CItemBase : public KListViewItem/*, public CPointers */ {
+ enum Type {
+ Unknown = 0,
+ BookmarkFolder,
+ Bookmark,
+ OldBookmarkFolder, /* Bookmarks in the old format from BibleTime 1.1.x and 1.2.x */
+ BibleModuleFolder,
+ CommentaryModuleFolder,
+ LexiconModuleFolder,
+ BookModuleFolder,
+ DevotionalModuleFolder,
+ GlossaryModuleFolder,
+ ModuleLanguageFolder,
+ Module
+ };
+ enum MenuAction {
+ NewFolder = 0,
+ ChangeFolder,
+ ChangeBookmark,
+ ImportBookmarks,
+ ExportBookmarks,
+ PrintBookmarks,
+ DeleteEntries,
+ EditModule,
+ SearchInModules,
+ UnlockModule,
+ AboutModule,
+ ActionBegin = NewFolder,
+ ActionEnd = AboutModule
+ };
+ CItemBase(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type = Unknown);
+ CItemBase(CItemBase* item, const Type type = Unknown);
+ virtual ~CItemBase();
+ virtual const QString toolTip();
+ virtual CMainIndex* listView() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns if the implementation of this class is a folder item or not.
+ * Reimplement this function to return the correct value.
+ */
+ virtual const bool isFolder() {
+ return false;
+ };
+ const Type& type() const;
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual void update();
+ void moveAfter( CItemBase* const item );
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the given action should be enabled in the popup menu.
+ */
+ virtual const bool enableAction( const MenuAction action );
+ virtual const bool isMovable();
+ /**
+ * Returns the XML code which represents the content of this folder.
+ */
+ virtual QDomElement saveToXML( QDomDocument& /*document*/ ) {
+ return QDomElement();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the content of this folder from the XML code passed as argument to this function.
+ */
+ virtual void loadFromXML( QDomElement& /*element*/ ) {}
+ ;
+ /**
+ * Returns true whether the sorting is enabled or not.
+ */
+ const bool isSortingEnabled();
+ /**
+ * This function engables or disables sorting depending on the parameter.
+ */
+ void setSortingEnabled( const bool& enableSorting );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation which takes care of the our isSortingEnabled() setting.
+ */
+ virtual void sortChildItems( int col, bool asc );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation which takes care of the our isSortingEnabled() setting.
+ */
+ virtual void sort();
+ friend class CMainIndex;
+ /** Reimplementation which uses our extended version of dropped (see below).
+ */
+ virtual void dropped( QDropEvent* e) {
+ dropped(e,0);
+ };
+ /** Our extended version of the dropped method to include a item above the point we dropped the stuff.
+ */
+ virtual void dropped( QDropEvent* /*e*/, QListViewItem* /*after*/) {}
+ ;
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Returns true if the auto opening of this folder is allowd
+ * The default return value is "false"
+ */
+ virtual const bool allowAutoOpen( const QMimeSource* src ) const;
+ Type m_type;
+ bool m_sortingEnabled;
+class CModuleItem : public CItemBase {
+ CModuleItem(CTreeFolder* item, CSwordModuleInfo* module);
+ virtual ~CModuleItem();
+ virtual CSwordModuleInfo* const module() const;
+ virtual const QString toolTip();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from CItemBase.
+ */
+ virtual const bool enableAction( const MenuAction action );
+ virtual void update();
+ virtual void init();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to handle text drops on a module.
+ * In this case open the searchdialog. In the case of a referebnce open the module at the given position.
+ */
+ virtual bool acceptDrop( const QMimeSource* src ) const;
+ virtual void dropped( QDropEvent* e, QListViewItem* after );
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m_module;
+class CBookmarkItem : public CItemBase {
+ CBookmarkItem(CFolderBase* parentItem, CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& key, const QString& description);
+ CBookmarkItem(CFolderBase* parentItem, QDomElement& xml);
+ virtual ~CBookmarkItem();
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const module();
+ const QString key();
+ const QString& description();
+ virtual const QString toolTip();
+ //virtual int compare( QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending ) const;
+ virtual void update();
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual const bool isMovable();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to handle the menu entries of the main index.
+ */
+ virtual const bool enableAction(const MenuAction action);
+ /**
+ * Prints this bookmark.
+ */
+ // void print();
+ /**
+ * Changes this bookmark.
+ */
+ void rename();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation of CItemBase::saveToXML.
+ */
+ virtual QDomElement saveToXML( QDomDocument& document );
+ /**
+ * Loads the content of this folder from the XML code passed as argument to this function.
+ */
+ virtual void loadFromXML( QDomElement& element );
+ QString m_key;
+ QString m_description;
+ QString m_moduleName;
+ QDomElement m_startupXML;
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Returns false everytime
+ * because a bookmarks
+ * has not possible drops.
+ */
+ virtual bool acceptDrop(const QMimeSource * src) const;
+private: // Private methods
+ /**
+ * Returns the english key.
+ * Only used internal of this class implementation.
+ */
+ const QString& englishKey() const;
+class CFolderBase : public CItemBase {
+ CFolderBase(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type);
+ CFolderBase(CFolderBase* parentFolder, const Type type);
+ CFolderBase(CFolderBase* parentFolder, const QString& caption);
+ virtual ~CFolderBase();
+ virtual const bool isFolder();
+ virtual void update();
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual void setOpen( bool open );
+ /**
+ * The function which renames this folder.
+ */
+ void rename();
+ virtual void newSubFolder();
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> getChildList();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Returns true if the auto opening of this folder is allowd
+ */
+ virtual const bool allowAutoOpen( const QMimeSource* src ) const;
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Returns false because folders have no use for drops
+ * (except for the bookmark folders)
+ */
+ bool acceptDrop(const QMimeSource * src) const;
+/** The base class for all items in the tree. Subclasses for module folders, modules and bookmarks exist.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CTreeFolder : public CFolderBase {
+ CTreeFolder(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type, const QString& language );
+ CTreeFolder(CFolderBase* parentFolder, const Type type, const QString& language );
+ virtual ~CTreeFolder();
+ virtual void addGroup(const Type type, const QString language);
+ virtual void addModule(CSwordModuleInfo* const);
+ virtual void addBookmark(CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& key, const QString& description);
+ virtual void initTree();
+ virtual void update();
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual const QString& language() const;
+ QString m_language;
+class CGlossaryFolder : public CTreeFolder {
+ CGlossaryFolder(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type, const QString& fromLanguage, const QString& toLanguage );
+ CGlossaryFolder(CFolderBase* parentFolder, const Type type, const QString& fromLanguage, const QString& toLanguage );
+ virtual ~CGlossaryFolder();
+ virtual void initTree();
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual void addGroup(const Type /*type*/, const QString& /*fromLanguage*/) {}
+ ; //standard reimpl to overload the old one right
+ virtual void addGroup(const Type type, const QString& fromLanguage, const QString& toLanguage);
+ /**
+ * Returns the language this glossary folder maps from.
+ */
+ const QString& fromLanguage() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the language this glossary folder maps from.
+ */
+ const QString& toLanguage() const;
+ QString m_fromLanguage;
+ QString m_toLanguage;
+class CBookmarkFolder : public CTreeFolder {
+ CBookmarkFolder(CMainIndex* mainIndex, const Type type = BookmarkFolder);
+ CBookmarkFolder(CFolderBase* parentItem, const Type type = BookmarkFolder);
+ virtual ~CBookmarkFolder();
+ virtual const bool enableAction(const MenuAction action);
+ virtual void exportBookmarks();
+ virtual void importBookmarks();
+ virtual bool acceptDrop(const QMimeSource * src) const;
+ virtual void dropped(QDropEvent *e, QListViewItem* after);
+ /**
+ * Loads bookmarks from XML content
+ */
+ const bool loadBookmarksFromXML( const QString& xml );
+ /**
+ * Loads bookmarks from a file.
+ */
+ const bool loadBookmarks( const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Saves the bookmarks in a file.
+ */
+ const bool saveBookmarks( const QString& filename, const bool& forceOverwrite = true );
+protected: // Protected methods
+ virtual void initTree();
+namespace Bookmarks {
+class OldBookmarksFolder : public CBookmarkFolder {
+ OldBookmarksFolder(CTreeFolder* item);
+ virtual ~OldBookmarksFolder();
+ virtual void initTree();
+ /**
+ * Returns the XML code which represents the content of this folder.
+ */
+ virtual QDomElement saveToXML( QDomDocument& document );
+ /**
+ * Loads the content of this folder from the XML code passed as argument to this function.
+ */
+ virtual void loadFromXML( QDomElement& element );
+ };
+ class OldBookmarkImport {
+ /**
+ * This function converts the old config based bookmarks into a valid 1.3 XML file, so importing is easy
+ */
+ static const QString oldBookmarksXML( const QString& configFileName = QString::null );
+ // made provate because we offer one static functions which doesn't need constructor and destructor
+ OldBookmarkImport();
+ virtual ~OldBookmarkImport();
+ };
+class SubFolder : public CBookmarkFolder {
+ SubFolder(CFolderBase* parentItem, const QString& caption);
+ SubFolder(CFolderBase* parentItem, QDomElement& xml);
+ virtual ~SubFolder();
+ virtual void init();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from CItemBase.
+ */
+ const bool enableAction(const MenuAction action);
+ /**
+ * Returns the XML code which represents the content of this folder.
+ */
+ virtual QDomElement saveToXML( QDomDocument& document );
+ /**
+ * Loads the content of this folder from the XML code passed as argument to this function.
+ */
+ virtual void loadFromXML( QDomElement& element );
+ QDomElement m_startupXML;
+ };
+} //end of namespace Bookmarks
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cmainindex.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cmainindex.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6c2e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cmainindex.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cmainindex.h"
+#include "cindexitem.h"
+#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cdragdropmgr.h"
+#include "frontend/cinfodisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/cprinter.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qdragobject.h>
+#include <qinputdialog.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+using namespace Printing;
+CMainIndex::ToolTip::ToolTip(CMainIndex* parent) : QToolTip(parent->viewport()), m_mainIndex(parent) {}
+void CMainIndex::ToolTip::maybeTip(const QPoint& p) {
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(m_mainIndex->itemAt(p));
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ if ( !i ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QRect r = m_mainIndex->itemRect(i);
+ if (!r.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //get type of item and display correct text
+ const QString text = i->toolTip();
+ if (!text.isEmpty()) {
+ CBookmarkItem* bookmark = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>(i);
+ if (bookmark) {
+ (CPointers::infoDisplay())->setInfo(
+ InfoDisplay::CInfoDisplay::CrossReference,
+ bookmark->module()->name() + ":" + bookmark->key()
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ CPointers::infoDisplay()->clearInfo();
+ }
+ tip(r, text);
+ }
+ else {
+ CPointers::infoDisplay()->clearInfo();
+ }
+CMainIndex::CMainIndex(QWidget *parent) : KListView(parent),
+m_searchDialog(0), m_toolTip(0), m_itemsMovable(false), m_autoOpenFolder(0), m_autoOpenTimer(this) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ //initTree() is called in polish()
+CMainIndex::~CMainIndex() {
+ saveSettings();
+ saveBookmarks();
+ m_toolTip->remove(this);
+ delete m_toolTip;
+/** Reimplementation. Adds the given group to the tree. */
+void CMainIndex::addGroup(const CItemBase::Type type, const QString language) {
+ CTreeFolder *i = 0;
+ switch (type) {
+ case CItemBase::BookmarkFolder:
+ i = new CBookmarkFolder(this);
+ break;
+ case CItemBase::GlossaryModuleFolder:
+ //we have no second language
+ i = new CGlossaryFolder(this, type, language, QString::null);
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = new CTreeFolder(this, type, language);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ i->init();
+ if (i->childCount() == 0 && type != CItemBase::BookmarkFolder) {
+ delete i;
+ }
+ }
+/** Initializes the view. */
+void CMainIndex::initView() {
+ addColumn(QString::null);
+ header()->hide();
+ m_toolTip = new ToolTip(this);
+ setTooltipColumn(-1);
+ //to disable Qt's tooltips
+ setShowToolTips(false);
+ setBackgroundMode(PaletteBase);
+ setFullWidth(true);
+ setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus);
+ setAcceptDrops( true );
+ setDragEnabled( true );
+ setDropVisualizer( true );
+ setDropHighlighter( true );
+ setAutoOpen(true);
+ viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
+ setRootIsDecorated(false);
+ setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
+ setItemsMovable(false);
+ setSelectionModeExt(Extended);
+ //setup the popup menu
+ m_popup = new KPopupMenu(viewport());
+ m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Bookshelf"));
+ m_actions.newFolder = new KAction(i18n("Create a new folder"), CResMgr::mainIndex::newFolder::icon, 0, this, SLOT(createNewFolder()), this);
+ m_actions.changeFolder = new KAction(i18n("Change this folder"),CResMgr::mainIndex::changeFolder::icon, 0, this, SLOT(changeFolder()), this);
+ m_actions.changeBookmark = new KAction(i18n("Change bookmark description"),CResMgr::mainIndex::changeBookmark::icon, 0, this, SLOT(changeBookmark()), this);
+ m_actions.importBookmarks = new KAction(i18n("Import bookmarks"),CResMgr::mainIndex::importBookmarks::icon, 0, this, SLOT(importBookmarks()), this);
+ m_actions.exportBookmarks = new KAction(i18n("Export bookmarks"),CResMgr::mainIndex::exportBookmarks::icon, 0, this, SLOT(exportBookmarks()), this);
+ m_actions.printBookmarks = new KAction(i18n("Print bookmarks"),CResMgr::mainIndex::printBookmarks::icon, 0, this, SLOT(printBookmarks()), this);
+ m_actions.deleteEntries = new KAction(i18n("Remove selected item(s)"),CResMgr::mainIndex::deleteItems::icon, 0, this, SLOT(deleteEntries()), this);
+ m_actions.editModuleMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Edit this work"),CResMgr::mainIndex::editModuleMenu::icon, this);
+ m_actions.editModuleMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.editModulePlain = new KAction(i18n("Plain text"),CResMgr::mainIndex::editModulePlain::icon, 0, this, SLOT(editModulePlain()), this);
+ m_actions.editModuleHTML = new KAction(i18n("HTML"),CResMgr::mainIndex::editModuleHTML::icon, 0, this, SLOT(editModuleHTML()), this);
+ m_actions.searchInModules = new KAction(i18n("Search in selected work(s)"),CResMgr::mainIndex::search::icon, 0, this, SLOT(searchInModules()), this);
+ m_actions.unlockModule = new KAction(i18n("Unlock this work"),CResMgr::mainIndex::unlockModule::icon, 0, this, SLOT(unlockModule()), this);
+ m_actions.aboutModule = new KAction(i18n("About this work"),CResMgr::mainIndex::aboutModule::icon, 0, this, SLOT(aboutModule()), this);
+ //fill the popup menu itself
+ m_actions.newFolder->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.changeFolder->plug(m_popup);
+ (new KActionSeparator(this))->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.changeBookmark->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.importBookmarks->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.exportBookmarks->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.printBookmarks->plug(m_popup);
+ (new KActionSeparator(this))->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.deleteEntries->plug(m_popup);
+ (new KActionSeparator(this))->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.editModuleMenu->plug(m_popup);
+ //sub item of edit module menu
+ m_actions.editModuleMenu->insert(m_actions.editModulePlain);
+ //sub item of edit module menu
+ m_actions.editModuleMenu->insert(m_actions.editModuleHTML);
+ m_actions.searchInModules->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.unlockModule->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.aboutModule->plug(m_popup);
+/** Initialize the SIGNAL<->SLOT connections */
+void CMainIndex::initConnections() {
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(executed(QListViewItem*)),
+ SLOT(slotExecuted(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(dropped(QDropEvent*, QListViewItem*, QListViewItem*)),
+ SLOT(dropped(QDropEvent*, QListViewItem*, QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)),
+ SLOT(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)));
+ connect(&m_autoOpenTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, SLOT(autoOpenTimeout()));
+/** Is called when an item was clicked/double clicked. */
+void CMainIndex::slotExecuted( QListViewItem* i ) {
+ CItemBase* ci = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(i);
+ if (!ci) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ci->isFolder()) {
+ i->setOpen(!i->isOpen());
+ }
+ else if (CModuleItem* m = dynamic_cast<CModuleItem*>(i)) { //clicked on a module
+ CSwordModuleInfo* mod = m->module();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(mod);
+ emit createReadDisplayWindow(modules, QString::null);
+ }
+ else if (CBookmarkItem* b = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>(i) ) { //clicked on a bookmark
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* mod = b->module()) {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(mod);
+ emit createReadDisplayWindow(modules, b->key());
+ }
+ }
+/** Reimplementation. Returns the drag object for the current selection. */
+QDragObject* CMainIndex::dragObject() {
+ if (!m_itemsMovable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ if (CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(items.current())) {
+ //we can move this item!
+ if (!i->isMovable()) { //we can only drag items which allow us to do it, e.g. which are movable
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (CBookmarkItem* bookmark = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>( items.current() )) {
+ //take care of bookmarks which have no valid module any more, e.g. if it was uninstalled
+ const QString moduleName = bookmark->module() ? bookmark->module()->name() : QString::null;
+ dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(moduleName, bookmark->key(), bookmark->description()) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return CDragDropMgr::dragObject( dndItems, viewport() );
+/** Reimplementation from KListView. Returns true if the drag is acceptable for the listview. */
+bool CMainIndex::acceptDrag( QDropEvent* event ) const {
+ const QPoint pos = contentsToViewport(event->pos());
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(itemAt(pos));
+ return i ? (i->acceptDrop(event) || i->isMovable()) : false;
+/** No descriptions */
+void CMainIndex::initTree() {
+ addGroup(CItemBase::BookmarkFolder, QString("*"));
+ addGroup(CItemBase::BibleModuleFolder, QString("*"));
+ addGroup(CItemBase::BookModuleFolder, QString("*"));
+ addGroup(CItemBase::CommentaryModuleFolder, QString("*"));
+ addGroup(CItemBase::DevotionalModuleFolder, QString("*"));
+ addGroup(CItemBase::GlossaryModuleFolder, QString("*"));
+ addGroup(CItemBase::LexiconModuleFolder, QString("*"));
+/** No descriptions */
+void CMainIndex::dropped( QDropEvent* e, QListViewItem* parent, QListViewItem* after) {
+ Q_ASSERT(after);
+ Q_ASSERT(parent);
+ //the drop was started in this main index widget
+ if (m_itemsMovable && ((e->source()) == (viewport()))) {
+ /*
+ * If the drag was started from the main index and should move items and if the destination is the bookmark
+ * folder or one of its subfolders
+ * we remove the current items because the new ones will be inserted soon.
+ */
+ if (dynamic_cast<CBookmarkFolder*>(parent) || dynamic_cast<Bookmarks::SubFolder*>(parent)) {
+ // we drop onto the bookmark folder or one of it's subfolders
+ // QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ // items.setAutoDelete(true);
+ // items.clear(); //delete the selected items we dragged
+ }
+ }
+ //finally do the drop, either with external drop data or with the moved items' data
+ CItemBase* const parentItem = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(parent);
+ CItemBase* const afterItem = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(after);
+ bool removeSelectedItems = true;
+ bool moveSelectedItems = false;
+ if (afterItem && afterItem->isFolder()) {
+ moveSelectedItems = false;
+ removeSelectedItems = false; //why TRUE?
+ afterItem->setOpen(true);
+ afterItem->dropped(e); //inserts new items, moving only works on the same level
+ }
+ else if (afterItem && !afterItem->isFolder() && parentItem) {
+ const bool justMoveSelected =
+ (e->source() == viewport())
+ && m_itemsMovable
+ && parentItem->acceptDrop(e)
+ && !afterItem->acceptDrop(e);
+ if (justMoveSelected) {
+ moveSelectedItems = true;
+ removeSelectedItems = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ moveSelectedItems = false;
+ removeSelectedItems = false;
+ if (afterItem->acceptDrop(e)) {
+ afterItem->dropped(e, after);
+ }
+ else { //insert in the parent folder and then move the inserted items
+ parentItem->dropped(e, after);
+ }
+ }
+ parentItem->setOpen(true);
+ }
+ else if (parentItem) { //no after item present, but a parent is there
+ moveSelectedItems = false;
+ removeSelectedItems = false;
+ parentItem->setOpen(true);
+ parentItem->dropped(e);
+ }
+ if (moveSelectedItems) {
+ //move all selected items after the afterItem
+ if (m_itemsMovable) {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ QListViewItem* i = items.first();
+ QListViewItem* after = afterItem;
+ while (i && afterItem) {
+ i->moveItem(after);
+ after = i;
+ i =;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (removeSelectedItems) {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ items.setAutoDelete(true);
+ items.clear(); //delete the selected items we dragged
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CMainIndex::emitModulesChosen( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, QString key ) {
+ emit createReadDisplayWindow(modules, key);
+/** Returns the correct KAction object for the given type of action. */
+KAction* const CMainIndex::action( const CItemBase::MenuAction type ) const {
+ switch (type) {
+ case CItemBase::NewFolder:
+ return m_actions.newFolder;
+ case CItemBase::ChangeFolder:
+ return m_actions.changeFolder;
+ case CItemBase::ChangeBookmark:
+ return m_actions.changeBookmark;
+ case CItemBase::ImportBookmarks:
+ return m_actions.importBookmarks;
+ case CItemBase::ExportBookmarks:
+ return m_actions.exportBookmarks;
+ case CItemBase::PrintBookmarks:
+ return m_actions.printBookmarks;
+ case CItemBase::DeleteEntries:
+ return m_actions.deleteEntries;
+ case CItemBase::EditModule:
+ return m_actions.editModuleMenu;
+ case CItemBase::SearchInModules:
+ return m_actions.searchInModules;
+ case CItemBase::UnlockModule:
+ return m_actions.unlockModule;
+ case CItemBase::AboutModule:
+ return m_actions.aboutModule;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+/** Shows the context menu at the given position. */
+void CMainIndex::contextMenu(KListView* /*list*/, QListViewItem* i, const QPoint& p) {
+ //setup menu entries depending on current selection
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ if (items.count() == 0) {
+ //special handling for no selection
+ }
+ else if (items.count() == 1) {
+ //special handling for one selected item
+ CItemBase* item = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(i);
+ CItemBase::MenuAction actionType;
+ for (int index = CItemBase::ActionBegin; index <= CItemBase::ActionEnd; ++index) {
+ actionType = static_cast<CItemBase::MenuAction>(index);
+ if (KAction* a = action(actionType))
+ a->setEnabled( item->enableAction(actionType) );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //first disable all actions
+ CItemBase::MenuAction actionType;
+ for (int index = CItemBase::ActionBegin; index <= CItemBase::ActionEnd; ++index) {
+ actionType = static_cast<CItemBase::MenuAction>(index);
+ if (KAction* a = action(actionType))
+ a->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ //enable the menu items depending on the types of the selected items.
+ for (int index = CItemBase::ActionBegin; index <= CItemBase::ActionEnd; ++index) {
+ actionType = static_cast<CItemBase::MenuAction>(index);
+ bool enableAction = isMultiAction(actionType);
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(items.current());
+ enableAction = enableAction && i->enableAction(actionType);
+ }
+ if (enableAction) {
+ KAction* a = action(actionType) ;
+ if (i && a)
+ a->setEnabled(enableAction);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //finally, open the popup
+ m_popup->exec(p);
+/** Adds a new subfolder to the current item. */
+void CMainIndex::createNewFolder() {
+ CFolderBase* i = dynamic_cast<CFolderBase*>(currentItem());
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ if (i) {
+ i->newSubFolder();
+ }
+/** Opens a dialog to change the current folder. */
+void CMainIndex::changeFolder() {
+ CFolderBase* i = dynamic_cast<CFolderBase*>(currentItem());
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ if (i) {
+ i->rename();
+ }
+/** Changes the current bookmark. */
+void CMainIndex::changeBookmark() {
+ CBookmarkItem* i = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>(currentItem());
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ if (i) {
+ i->rename();
+ }
+/** Exports the bookmarks being in the selected folder. */
+void CMainIndex::exportBookmarks() {
+ CBookmarkFolder* i = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkFolder*>(currentItem());
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ if (i) {
+ i->exportBookmarks();
+ }
+/** Import bookmarks from a file and add them to the selected folder. */
+void CMainIndex::importBookmarks() {
+ CBookmarkFolder* i = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkFolder*>(currentItem());
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ if (i) {
+ i->importBookmarks();
+ }
+/** Prints the selected bookmarks. */
+void CMainIndex::printBookmarks() {
+ CPrinter::KeyTree tree;
+ CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ settings.keyRenderingFace = CPrinter::KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items;
+ CBookmarkFolder* bf = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkFolder*>(currentItem());
+ if (bf) {
+ items = bf->getChildList();
+ }
+ else {
+ items = selectedItems();
+ }
+ //create a tree of keytreeitems using the bookmark hierarchy.
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ CBookmarkItem* i = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>(items.current());
+ if (i) {
+ tree.append( new CPrinter::KeyTreeItem( i->key(), i->module(), settings ) );
+ }
+ }
+ util::scoped_ptr<CPrinter> printer(
+ new CPrinter( this, CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults(), CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults() )
+ );
+ printer->printKeyTree(tree);
+/** Deletes the selected entries. */
+void CMainIndex::deleteEntries() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ if (!items.count())
+ return;
+ if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("Do you really want to delete the selected items and child-items?"), i18n("Delete Items")) != KMessageBox::Yes) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We have to go backwards because otherwise deleting folders would delete their childs => crash before we delete those
+ for (items.last(); items.current(); items.prev()) {
+ if (CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(items.current())) {
+ if (i->enableAction(CItemBase::DeleteEntries)) {
+ delete i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Opens the searchdialog for the selected modules. */
+void CMainIndex::searchInModules() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ if (CModuleItem* i = dynamic_cast<CModuleItem*>(items.current())) {
+ if (i->module()) {
+ modules.append(i->module());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (modules.isEmpty()) { //get a list of useful default modules for the search if no modules were selected
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::standardBible);
+ if (m) {
+ modules.append(m);
+ }
+ }
+ Search::CSearchDialog::openDialog(modules, QString::null);
+/** Unlocks the current module. */
+void CMainIndex::unlockModule() {
+ if (CModuleItem* i = dynamic_cast<CModuleItem*>(currentItem())) {
+ bool ok = false;
+ const QString unlockKey = QInputDialog::getText(i18n("BibleTime - Unlock work"),
+ i18n("Enter the unlock key for this work."),
+ QLineEdit::Normal, i->module()->config(CSwordModuleInfo::CipherKey), &ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ i->module()->unlock( unlockKey );
+ emit signalSwordSetupChanged();
+ }
+ }
+/** Shows information about the current module. */
+void CMainIndex::aboutModule() {
+ if (CModuleItem* i = dynamic_cast<CModuleItem*>(currentItem())) {
+ KMessageBox::about(this, i->module()->aboutText(), i->module()->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description), false);
+ }
+/** Reimplementation. Takes care of movable items. */
+void CMainIndex::startDrag() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ m_itemsMovable = true;
+ for (items.first(); items.current() && m_itemsMovable; {
+ if (CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>(items.current())) {
+ m_itemsMovable = (m_itemsMovable && i->isMovable());
+ }
+ else {
+ m_itemsMovable = false;
+ }
+ }
+ KListView::startDrag();
+/** Reimplementation to support the items dragEnter and dragLeave functions. */
+void CMainIndex::contentsDragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event ) {
+ // qWarning("void CMainIndex:: drag move event ( QDragLeaveEvent* e )");
+ CItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>( itemAt( contentsToViewport(event->pos())) );
+ if (i) {
+ if (i->allowAutoOpen(event) || (i->acceptDrop(event) && i->isFolder() && i->allowAutoOpen(event) && !i->isOpen() && autoOpen()) ) {
+ if (m_autoOpenFolder != i) {
+ m_autoOpenTimer.stop();
+ }
+ m_autoOpenFolder = i;
+ m_autoOpenTimer.start( 400, true );
+ }
+ else {
+ m_autoOpenFolder = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_autoOpenFolder = 0;
+ }
+ KListView::contentsDragMoveEvent(event);
+QRect CMainIndex::drawItemHighlighter(QPainter* painter, QListViewItem* item) {
+ CBookmarkItem* bookmark = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkItem*>(item);
+ if (bookmark) {
+ //no drops on bookmarks allowed, just moving items after it
+ return QRect();
+ }
+ return KListView::drawItemHighlighter(painter, item);
+void CMainIndex::autoOpenTimeout() {
+ m_autoOpenTimer.stop();
+ if (m_autoOpenFolder && !m_autoOpenFolder->isOpen() && m_autoOpenFolder->childCount()) {
+ m_autoOpenFolder->setOpen(true);
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CMainIndex::contentsDragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* e ) {
+ m_autoOpenTimer.stop();
+ KListView::contentsDragLeaveEvent(e);
+/** Returns true if more than one netry is supported by this action type. Returns false for actions which support only one entry, e.g. about module etc. */
+const bool CMainIndex::isMultiAction( const CItemBase::MenuAction type ) const {
+ switch (type) {
+ case CItemBase::NewFolder:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::ChangeFolder:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::ChangeBookmark:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::ImportBookmarks:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::ExportBookmarks:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::PrintBookmarks:
+ return true;
+ case CItemBase::DeleteEntries:
+ return true;
+ case CItemBase::EditModule:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::SearchInModules:
+ return true;
+ case CItemBase::UnlockModule:
+ return false;
+ case CItemBase::AboutModule:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+/** Is called when items should be moved. */
+void CMainIndex::moved( QPtrList<QListViewItem>& /*items*/, QPtrList<QListViewItem>& /*afterFirst*/, QPtrList<QListViewItem>& /*afterNow*/) {
+ qDebug("move items");
+/** Opens an editor window to edit the modules content. */
+void CMainIndex::editModulePlain() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ if (CModuleItem* i = dynamic_cast<CModuleItem*>(items.current())) {
+ modules.append(i->module());
+ }
+ }
+ if (modules.count() == 1) {
+ emit createWriteDisplayWindow(modules.first(), QString::null, CDisplayWindow::PlainTextWindow);
+ };
+/** Opens an editor window to edit the modules content. */
+void CMainIndex::editModuleHTML() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ if (CModuleItem* i = dynamic_cast<CModuleItem*>(items.current())) {
+ modules.append(i->module());
+ }
+ }
+ if (modules.count() == 1) {
+ emit createWriteDisplayWindow(modules.first(), QString::null, CDisplayWindow::HTMLWindow);
+ }
+/** Reloads the main index's Sword dependend things like modules */
+void CMainIndex::reloadSword() {
+ //reload the modules, save the open groups before removing the items
+ saveSettings();
+ clear();
+ initTree();
+ readSettings();
+/** Saves the bookmarks to disk */
+void CMainIndex::saveBookmarks() {
+ //find the bookmark folder
+ CItemBase* i = 0;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( this );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ i = dynamic_cast<CItemBase*>( it.current() );
+ if (i && (i->type() == CItemBase::BookmarkFolder)) {
+ //found the bookmark folder
+ KStandardDirs stdDirs;
+ const QString path = stdDirs.saveLocation("data", "bibletime/");
+ if (!path.isEmpty()) {
+ //save the bookmarks to the right file
+ if (CBookmarkFolder* f = dynamic_cast<CBookmarkFolder*>(i)) {
+ f->saveBookmarks( path + "bookmarks.xml" );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+void CMainIndex::readSettings() {
+ qDebug("CMainIndex::readSettings");
+ QStringList openGroups = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfOpenGroups);
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it( openGroups.begin() ); it != openGroups.end(); ++it) {
+ QStringList path = QStringList::split("/", (*it)); //e.g. with items parent, child
+ QListViewItem* item = firstChild(); //begin on the top for each item
+ Q_ASSERT(item);
+ unsigned int index = 1;
+ for (QStringList::Iterator p_it( path.begin() ); p_it != path.end(); ++p_it) {
+ QString itemName = (*p_it).replace("\\/", "/");
+ while (item && (item->text(0) != itemName)) {
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (item && (item->text(0) == itemName)) {
+ if (index < path.count()) { //don't call firstChild on the right, i.e. last item of the list
+ item = item->firstChild();
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (item) {
+ item->setOpen(true);
+ }
+ }
+ //restore the content position
+// setContentsPos(
+// CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfContentsX),
+// CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfContentsY)
+// );
+// horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfContentsX));
+// verticalScrollBar()->setValue(CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfContentsY));
+ //restore the selected item
+ QStringList path = QStringList::split("/", CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfCurrentItem));
+ QListViewItem* item = firstChild();
+ Q_ASSERT(item);
+ unsigned int index = 1;
+ for (QStringList::iterator it( path.begin() ); it != path.end(); ++it) {
+ //search for the current caption and go down to it's childs
+ while (item && (item->text(0) != (*it)) ) {
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (item && ((*it) == item->text(0))) {
+ if (index == path.count()) { //last item reached
+ setCurrentItem( item );
+ setSelected( item, true );
+ break;//for loop
+ }
+ else {
+ item = item->firstChild();
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+void CMainIndex::saveSettings() {
+ //save the complete names of all open groups to the settings file (e.g. Bibles/German/,Bookmarks/Jeuss Christ
+ QStringList openGroups;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( this );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isOpen() ) { //is a group and open
+ //it.current()'s full name needs to be added to the list
+ QListViewItem* i = it.current();
+ QString fullName = i->text(0);
+ while (i->parent()) {
+ i = i->parent();
+ fullName.prepend("/").prepend( i->text(0).replace("/", "\\/")); // parent / child
+ }
+ openGroups << fullName;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ CBTConfig::set(CBTConfig::bookshelfOpenGroups, openGroups);
+ //now save the position of the scrollbars
+// CBTConfig::set(CBTConfig::bookshelfContentsX,
+// horizontalScrollBar() ? horizontalScrollBar()->value() : 0);
+// CBTConfig::set(CBTConfig::bookshelfContentsY,
+// verticalScrollBar() ? verticalScrollBar()->value() : 0);
+ //save the currently selected item
+ QListViewItem* item = currentItem();
+ QString path;
+ while (item) {
+ path.prepend( item->text(0) + "/" );
+ item = item->parent();
+ }
+ CBTConfig::set(CBTConfig::bookshelfCurrentItem, path);
+void CMainIndex::polish()
+ KListView::polish();
+ initTree();
+ readSettings();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cmainindex.h b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cmainindex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9f9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/mainindex/cmainindex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "cindexitem.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+class CSearchDialog;
+/** The class which manages all bookmarks and modules. The modules are put into own, fixed subfolders sorted by language.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CMainIndex : public KListView {
+ class ToolTip : public QToolTip {
+ public:
+ ToolTip(CMainIndex* parent);
+ virtual ~ToolTip() {}
+ /**
+ * Displays a tooltip for position p using the getToolTip() function of CGroupManagerItem
+ */
+ virtual void maybeTip( const QPoint &pos);
+ private:
+ CMainIndex* m_mainIndex;
+ };
+ CMainIndex(QWidget *parent);
+ virtual ~CMainIndex();
+ void initTree();
+ /**
+ * Opens the searchdialog using the given modules using the given search text.
+ */
+ void emitModulesChosen( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, QString key );
+ /**
+ * Saves the bookmarks to disk
+ */
+ void saveBookmarks();
+ /**
+ * Reloads the main index's Sword dependend things like modules
+ */
+ void reloadSword();
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Opens the searchdialog for the selected modules.
+ */
+ void searchInModules();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Adds the given group to the tree.
+ */
+ virtual void addGroup( const CItemBase::Type type, const QString language);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the SIGNAL<->SLOT connections
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Returns the drag object for the current selection.
+ */
+ virtual QDragObject* dragObject();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from KListView. Returns true if the drag is acceptable for the listview.
+ */
+ virtual bool acceptDrag( QDropEvent* event ) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the correct KAction object for the given type of action.
+ */
+ KAction* const action( const CItemBase::MenuAction type ) const;
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation. Takes care of movable items.
+ */
+ virtual void startDrag();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to support the items dragEnter and dragLeave functions.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void contentsDragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* e );
+ QRect drawItemHighlighter(QPainter* painter, QListViewItem * item );
+ /** Read settings like open groups or scrollbar position and restore them
+ */
+ void readSettings();
+ /** Save settings like roups close/open status to the settings file.
+ */
+ void saveSettings();
+ /** Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void polish();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Is called when an item was clicked/double clicked.
+ */
+ void slotExecuted( QListViewItem* );
+ void dropped( QDropEvent*, QListViewItem*, QListViewItem*);
+ /**
+ * Shows the context menu at the given position.
+ */
+ void contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&);
+ /**
+ * Adds a new subfolder to the current item.
+ */
+ void createNewFolder();
+ /**
+ * Opens a dialog to change the current folder.
+ */
+ void changeFolder();
+ /**
+ * Exports the bookmarks being in the selected folder.
+ */
+ void exportBookmarks();
+ /**
+ * Changes the current bookmark.
+ */
+ void changeBookmark();
+ /**
+ * Import bookmarks from a file and add them to the selected folder.
+ */
+ void importBookmarks();
+ /**
+ * Deletes the selected entries.
+ */
+ void deleteEntries();
+ /**
+ * Prints the selected bookmarks.
+ */
+ void printBookmarks();
+ /**
+ * Shows information about the current module.
+ */
+ void aboutModule();
+ /**
+ * Unlocks the current module.
+ */
+ void unlockModule();
+ void autoOpenTimeout();
+ /**
+ * Is called when items should be moved.
+ */
+ void moved( QPtrList<QListViewItem>& items, QPtrList<QListViewItem>& afterFirst, QPtrList<QListViewItem>& afterNow);
+ /**
+ * Opens a plain text editor window to edit the modules content.
+ */
+ void editModulePlain();
+ /**
+ * Opens an HTML editor window to edit the modules content.
+ */
+ void editModuleHTML();
+ CSearchDialog* m_searchDialog;
+ ToolTip* m_toolTip;
+ bool m_itemsMovable;
+ QListViewItem* m_autoOpenFolder;
+ QTimer m_autoOpenTimer;
+ /**
+ * Initializes the view.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if more than one netry is supported by this action type.
+ * Returns false for actions which support only one entry, e.g. about module etc.
+ */
+ const bool isMultiAction( const CItemBase::MenuAction type ) const;
+ struct Actions {
+ KAction* newFolder;
+ KAction* changeFolder;
+ KAction* changeBookmark;
+ KAction* importBookmarks;
+ KAction* exportBookmarks;
+ KAction* printBookmarks;
+ KAction* deleteEntries;
+ KActionMenu* editModuleMenu;
+ KAction* editModulePlain;
+ KAction* editModuleHTML;
+ KAction* searchInModules;
+ KAction* unlockModule;
+ KAction* aboutModule;
+ }
+ m_actions;
+ KPopupMenu* m_popup;
+ /**
+ * Is emitted when a module should be opened,
+ */
+ void createReadDisplayWindow( ListCSwordModuleInfo, const QString& );
+ /**
+ * Is emitted when a write window should be created.
+ */
+ void createWriteDisplayWindow( CSwordModuleInfo*, const QString&, const CDisplayWindow::WriteWindowType& );
+ void signalSwordSetupChanged();
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/manageindicesform.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/manageindicesform.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c74ecd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/manageindicesform.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+** Form implementation generated from reading ui file './manageindicesform.ui'
+** Created: Sa Mai 10 13:52:34 2008
+** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+#include "manageindicesform.h"
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+ * Constructs a ManageIndicesForm as a child of 'parent', with the
+ * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
+ */
+ManageIndicesForm::ManageIndicesForm( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, fl )
+ if ( !name )
+ setName( "ManageIndicesForm" );
+ ManageIndicesFormLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, 8, "ManageIndicesFormLayout");
+ m_labelFrame = new QFrame( this, "m_labelFrame" );
+ m_labelFrame->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, m_labelFrame->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ m_labelFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
+ m_labelFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
+ ManageIndicesFormLayout->addWidget( m_labelFrame );
+ m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox = new QCheckBox( this, "m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox" );
+ ManageIndicesFormLayout->addWidget( m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox );
+ m_moduleList = new KListView( this, "m_moduleList" );
+ ManageIndicesFormLayout->addWidget( m_moduleList );
+ layout1 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout1");
+ spacer1 = new QSpacerItem( 40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
+ layout1->addItem( spacer1 );
+ m_createIndicesButton = new QPushButton( this, "m_createIndicesButton" );
+ layout1->addWidget( m_createIndicesButton );
+ m_deleteIndicesButton = new QPushButton( this, "m_deleteIndicesButton" );
+ layout1->addWidget( m_deleteIndicesButton );
+ ManageIndicesFormLayout->addLayout( layout1 );
+ languageChange();
+ resize( QSize(415, 404).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );
+ clearWState( WState_Polished );
+ * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+ */
+ // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
+ * Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current
+ * language.
+ */
+void ManageIndicesForm::languageChange()
+ setCaption( tr2i18n( "Manage Indicies" ) );
+ m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox->setText( tr2i18n( "Automaticall&y delete orphaned indices when BibleTime starts" ) );
+ m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox->setAccel( QKeySequence( tr2i18n( "Alt+Y" ) ) );
+ m_createIndicesButton->setText( tr2i18n( "&Create selected indices" ) );
+ m_deleteIndicesButton->setText( tr2i18n( "De&lete selected indices" ) );
+#include "manageindicesform.moc"
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/manageindicesform.ui b/bibletime/frontend/manageindicesform.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfd51c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/manageindicesform.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
+<widget class="QWidget">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>ManageIndicesForm</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>415</width>
+ <height>404</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="caption">
+ <string>Manage Indicies</string>
+ </property>
+ <vbox>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>8</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QFrame">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_labelFrame</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>5</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>NoFrame</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>Plain</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_autoDeleteOrphanedIndicesBox</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Automaticall&amp;y delete orphaned indices when BibleTime starts</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="accel">
+ <string>Alt+Y</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="KListView">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_moduleList</cstring>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>layout1</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <hbox>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <spacer>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>spacer1</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeType">
+ <enum>Expanding</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint">
+ <size>
+ <width>40</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ <widget class="QPushButton">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_createIndicesButton</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>&amp;Create selected indices</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QPushButton">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_deleteIndicesButton</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>De&amp;lete selected indices</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </hbox>
+ </widget>
+ </vbox>
+<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
+ <includehint>klistview.h</includehint>
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78f647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libsearchdialog_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libsearchdialog.a
+libsearchdialog_a_SOURCES = \
+searchoptionsform.ui \
+searchresultsform.ui \
+csearchdialog.cpp \
+csearchdialogpages.cpp \
+csearchanalysis.cpp \
+cmodulechooser.cpp \
+crangechooser.cpp \
+cmoduleresultview.cpp \
+all_headers = \
+csearchdialog.h \
+csearchdialogpages.h \
+csearchanalysis.h \
+cmodulechooser.h \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libsearchdialog_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmodulechooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmodulechooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5670d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmodulechooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cmodulechooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qsizepolicy.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Options {
+CModuleChooser::ModuleCheckBoxItem::ModuleCheckBoxItem(QListViewItem* item, CSwordModuleInfo* module) : QCheckListItem(item, QString::null, QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ m_module = module;
+ setText(0,m_module->name());
+CModuleChooser::ModuleCheckBoxItem::~ModuleCheckBoxItem() {}
+/** Returns the used module. */
+CSwordModuleInfo* const CModuleChooser::ModuleCheckBoxItem::module() const {
+ return m_module;
+CModuleChooser::CModuleChooser(QWidget* parent) : KListView(parent) {
+ initView();
+ initTree();
+CModuleChooser::~CModuleChooser() {}
+void CModuleChooser::show() {
+ KListView::show();
+ //open module items
+ QListViewItemIterator it( this );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( ModuleCheckBoxItem* i = dynamic_cast<ModuleCheckBoxItem*>(it.current()) ) {
+ if (i->isOn()) {
+ ensureItemVisible(i);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+/** Initializes this widget and the childs of it. */
+void CModuleChooser::initView() {
+ addColumn( i18n("Work") );
+ setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ // header()->hide();
+ setFullWidth(true);
+/** Initializes the tree of this widget. */
+void CModuleChooser::initTree() {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo mods = backend()->moduleList();
+ /**
+ * The next steps:
+ * 1. Sort by type
+ * 2. Sort the modules of this type by their language
+ * 3. Create the subfolders for this
+ */
+ QMap<CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType, QString> typenameMap;
+ typenameMap.insert(CSwordModuleInfo::Bible, i18n("Bibles"));
+ typenameMap.insert(CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary, i18n("Commentaries"));
+ typenameMap.insert(CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon, i18n("Lexicons"));
+ typenameMap.insert(CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook, i18n("Books"));
+ int type = CSwordModuleInfo::Bible;
+ bool ok = true;
+ bool addedDevotionals = false;
+ bool addedGlossaries = false;
+ bool addedLexs = false;
+ bool incType = false;
+ while (ok) {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modsForType;
+ QString typeFolderCaption = QString::null;
+ incType = false;
+ if (static_cast<CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType>(type) == CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon) {
+ if (!addedLexs) {
+ // for (mods.first(); mods.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = mods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(mods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if (((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon)
+ && ((*it)->category() != CSwordModuleInfo::DailyDevotional)
+ && ((*it)->category() != CSwordModuleInfo::Glossary)
+ ) {
+ modsForType.append( *it );
+ };
+ };
+ addedLexs = true;
+ typeFolderCaption = QString::null;
+ }
+ else if (!addedDevotionals) {
+ // for (mods.first(); mods.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = mods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(mods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::DailyDevotional) {
+ modsForType.append(*it);
+ };
+ };
+ addedDevotionals = true;
+ typeFolderCaption = i18n("Daily Devotionals");
+ }
+ else if (!addedGlossaries) {
+ // for (mods.first(); mods.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = mods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(mods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->category() == CSwordModuleInfo::Glossary) {
+ modsForType.append(*it);
+ };
+ };
+ addedGlossaries = true;
+ typeFolderCaption = i18n("Glossaries");
+ };
+ if (addedLexs && addedDevotionals && addedGlossaries)
+ incType = true;
+ }
+ else if (type == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || type == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary || type == CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook) {
+ // for (mods.first(); mods.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = mods.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(mods.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->type() == type) {
+ modsForType.append(*it);
+ };
+ };
+ incType = true;
+ }
+ else
+ ok = false;
+ if (typeFolderCaption.isEmpty()) {
+ typeFolderCaption = typenameMap[static_cast<CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType>(type)];
+ }
+ //get the available languages of the selected modules
+ QStringList langs;
+ // for (modsForType.first(); modsForType.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modsForType.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modsForType.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ( !langs.contains(QString( (*it)->module()->Lang() ))) {
+ langs.append( (*it)->module()->Lang() );
+ }
+ };
+ langs.sort();
+ //go through the list of languages and create subfolders for each language and the modules of the language
+ QListViewItem* typeFolder = 0;
+ if (modsForType.count()) {
+ typeFolder = new QListViewItem(this, typeFolder, typeFolderCaption);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (incType) {
+ type++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ };
+ QString language = QString::null;
+ CLanguageMgr* langMgr = languageMgr();
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = langs.begin(); it != langs.end(); ++it ) {
+ language = langMgr->languageForAbbrev(*it)->translatedName();
+ if (language.isEmpty()) {
+ language = (*it);
+ }
+ QListViewItem* langFolder = new QListViewItem(typeFolder,language);
+ langFolder->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ //create the module items of this lang folder
+ // for (modsForType.first(); modsForType.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_modItr = modsForType.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator mod_Itr(modsForType.begin()); mod_Itr != end_modItr; ++mod_Itr) {
+ if (QString( (*mod_Itr)->module()->Lang() ) == (*it) ) { //found correct language
+ ModuleCheckBoxItem* i = new ModuleCheckBoxItem(langFolder, *mod_Itr);
+ i->setPixmap(0, CToolClass::getIconForModule(*mod_Itr));
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ typeFolder->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::closedFolder::icon, 16));
+ if (incType) {
+ ++type;
+ }
+ };
+/** Returns a list of selected modules. */
+ListCSwordModuleInfo CModuleChooser::modules() {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo mods;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( this );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( ModuleCheckBoxItem* i = dynamic_cast<ModuleCheckBoxItem*>(it.current()) ) {
+ //add the module if the box is checked
+ if (i->isOn()) {
+ mods.append(i->module());
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return mods;
+/** Sets the list of modules and updates the state of the checkbox items. */
+void CModuleChooser::setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules ) {
+ // qWarning("CModuleChooser::setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules )");
+ QListViewItemIterator it( this );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( ModuleCheckBoxItem* i = dynamic_cast<ModuleCheckBoxItem*>(it.current()) ) {
+ i->setOn(modules.contains(i->module())); //set the status for the module checkbox item
+ // if (i->isOn()) { //if it's checked, show the item
+ // qWarning("show item!");
+ // ensureItemVisible(i);
+ // }
+ }
+ };
+CModuleChooserDialog::CModuleChooserDialog( QWidget* parentDialog, ListCSwordModuleInfo modules ) :
+KDialogBase(Plain, i18n("Choose work(s)"), Ok, Ok, parentDialog, "CModuleChooser", false, true) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ m_moduleChooser->setModules(modules);
+CModuleChooserDialog::~CModuleChooserDialog() {}
+/** Initializes the view of this dialog */
+void CModuleChooserDialog::initView() {
+ setButtonOKText(i18n("Use chosen work(s)"));
+ QFrame* page = plainPage();
+ QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(page);
+ m_moduleChooser = new CModuleChooser(page);
+ m_moduleChooser->setMinimumSize(320,400);
+ layout->addWidget(m_moduleChooser);
+/** Initializes the connections of this dialog. */
+void CModuleChooserDialog::initConnections() {}
+/** Reimplementation to handle the modules. */
+void CModuleChooserDialog::slotOk() {
+ emit modulesChanged( m_moduleChooser->modules() );
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+ } //end of namespace Search::Options
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmodulechooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmodulechooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40010e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmodulechooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmodulesearch.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Sword includes
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Options {
+class CModuleChooser : public KListView, public CPointers {
+ class ModuleCheckBoxItem : virtual public QCheckListItem {
+ public:
+ ModuleCheckBoxItem(QListViewItem* item, CSwordModuleInfo* module);
+ ~ModuleCheckBoxItem();
+ /**
+ * Returns the used module.
+ */
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const module() const;
+ private:
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m_module;
+ };
+ CModuleChooser(QWidget* parent);
+ ~CModuleChooser();
+ /**
+ * Sets the list of modules and updates the state of the checkbox items.
+ */
+ void setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules );
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of selected modules.
+ */
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules();
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Reimplemented to open the folders which contain checked module items
+ */
+ virtual void show();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes this widget and the childs of it.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the tree of this widget.
+ */
+ void initTree();
+class CModuleChooserDialog : public KDialogBase {
+ CModuleChooserDialog(QWidget* parentDialog, ListCSwordModuleInfo modules);
+ ~CModuleChooserDialog();
+ void modulesChanged(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules);
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes the view of this dialog
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the connections of this dialog.
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to handle the modules.
+ */
+ virtual void slotOk();
+ CModuleChooser* m_moduleChooser;
+ } //end of namespace Search.Options
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmoduleresultview.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmoduleresultview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e1463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmoduleresultview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "cmoduleresultview.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Result {
+************ ModuleResultList **************
+CModuleResultView::CModuleResultView(QWidget* parent, const char* name) :
+ KListView(parent, name) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ strongsResults = 0;
+CModuleResultView::~CModuleResultView() {}
+/** Initializes this widget. */
+void CModuleResultView::initView() {
+ addColumn(i18n("Work"));
+ addColumn(i18n("Hits"));
+ setFullWidth(true);
+ // setFullWidth(true);
+ setSorting(0, true);
+ setSorting(1, true);
+ setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
+ //setup the popup menu
+ m_popup = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ // m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Bible window"));
+ m_actions.copyMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Copy..."), CResMgr::searchdialog::result::moduleList::copyMenu::icon, m_popup);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.copy.result = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(copyResult()), this);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.result);
+ m_actions.copy.resultWithText = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(copyResultWithText()), this);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.resultWithText);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.saveMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Save..."), CResMgr::searchdialog::result::moduleList::saveMenu::icon, m_popup);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveResult()), this);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveResultWithText()), this);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.printMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Print..."), CResMgr::searchdialog::result::moduleList::printMenu::icon, m_popup);
+ m_actions.printMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.print.result = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(printResult()), this);
+ m_actions.printMenu->insert(m_actions.print.result);
+ m_actions.printMenu->plug(m_popup);
+/** Initializes the connections of this widget, */
+void CModuleResultView::initConnections() {
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(executed(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(showPopup(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)));
+/** Setups the tree using the given list of modules. */
+void CModuleResultView::setupTree( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& searchedText ) {
+ clear();
+ util::CSortListViewItem* item = 0;
+ util::CSortListViewItem* oldItem = 0;
+ sword::ListKey result;
+ if (strongsResults) {
+ delete strongsResults;
+ strongsResults = 0;
+ }
+ bool strongsAvailable = false;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ result = (*it)->searchResult();
+ item = new util::CSortListViewItem(this, (*it)->name(), QString::number(result.Count()) );
+ item->setColumnSorting(1, util::CSortListViewItem::Number);
+ item->setPixmap(0,CToolClass::getIconForModule(*it) );
+ oldItem = item;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // we need to make a decision here. Either don't show any Strong's
+ // number translations, or show the first one in the search text, or
+ // figure out how to show them all.
+ // I choose option number 2 at this time.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ int sstIndex, sTokenIndex; // strong search text index for finding "strong:"
+ if ((sstIndex = searchedText.find("strong:", 0)) != -1) {
+ QString sNumber;
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // get the strongs number from the search text
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // first find the first space after "strong:"
+ // this should indicate a change in search token
+ sstIndex = sstIndex + 7;
+ sTokenIndex = searchedText.find(" ", sstIndex);
+ sNumber = searchedText.mid(sstIndex, sTokenIndex - sstIndex);
+ setupStrongsResults((*it), item, sNumber);
+ item->setOpen(true);
+ strongsAvailable = true;
+ }
+ };
+ //Allow to hide the module strongs if there are any available
+ setRootIsDecorated( strongsAvailable );
+ setSelected(currentItem(), true);
+ executed(currentItem());
+void CModuleResultView::setupStrongsResults(CSwordModuleInfo* module, QListViewItem* parent,
+ const QString& sNumber) {
+ QString lText;
+ util::CSortListViewItem* item = 0;
+ strongsResults = new StrongsResultClass(module, sNumber);
+ for (int cnt = 0; cnt < strongsResults->Count(); ++cnt) {
+ lText = strongsResults->keyText(cnt);
+ item = new util::CSortListViewItem(parent, lText, QString::number(strongsResults->keyCount(cnt)));
+ item->setColumnSorting(1, util::CSortListViewItem::Number);
+ }
+/** Is executed when an item was selected in the list. */
+void CModuleResultView::executed( QListViewItem* i ) {
+ QString itemText, lText;
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(i->text(0))) {
+ emit moduleChanged();
+ emit moduleSelected(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strongsResults) {
+ return;
+ }
+ itemText = i->text(0);
+ for (int cnt = 0; cnt < strongsResults->Count(); cnt++) {
+ lText = strongsResults->keyText(cnt);
+ if (lText == itemText) {
+ //clear the verses list
+ emit moduleChanged();
+ emit strongsSelected(activeModule(), strongsResults->getKeyList(cnt));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+/** Returns the currently active module. */
+CSwordModuleInfo* const CModuleResultView::activeModule() {
+ Q_ASSERT(currentItem());
+ QListViewItem* item = currentItem();
+ if (!item) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // we need to find the parent most node because that is the node
+ // that is the module name.
+ while (item->parent()) {
+ item = item->parent();
+ }
+ if (item) {
+ return CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(item->text(0));
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** No descriptions */
+void CModuleResultView::showPopup(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint& point) {
+ //make sure that all entries have the correct status
+ m_popup->exec(point);
+/** Copies the whole search result into the clipboard. */
+void CModuleResultView::copyResult() {
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = activeModule()) {
+ sword::ListKey result = m->searchResult();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Copy search result..."), true, i18n("Copying search result"));
+ mgr.copyKeyList(&result,m,CExportManager::Text,false);
+ };
+/** Copies the whole search result with the text into the clipboard. */
+void CModuleResultView::copyResultWithText() {
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = activeModule()) {
+ sword::ListKey result = m->searchResult();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Copy search result..."), true, i18n("Copying search result"));
+ mgr.copyKeyList(&result,m,CExportManager::Text,true);
+ };
+/** Saves the search result keys. */
+void CModuleResultView::saveResult() {
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = activeModule()) {
+ sword::ListKey result = m->searchResult();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Save search result..."), true, i18n("Saving search result"));
+ mgr.saveKeyList(&result,m,CExportManager::Text,false);
+ };
+/** Saves the search result with it's text. */
+void CModuleResultView::saveResultWithText() {
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = activeModule()) {
+ sword::ListKey result = m->searchResult();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Save search result..."), true, i18n("Saving search result"));
+ mgr.saveKeyList(&result,m,CExportManager::Text,true);
+ };
+/** Appends the whole search result to the printer queue. */
+void CModuleResultView::printResult() {
+ if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = activeModule()) {
+ sword::ListKey result = m->searchResult();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Print search result..."), true, i18n("Printing search result"));
+ mgr.printKeyList(&result,m,CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults(), CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults());
+ };
+ } //end of namespace Search.Result
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmoduleresultview.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmoduleresultview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7153f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/cmoduleresultview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "csearchdialogpages.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <klistview.h>
+//forward declarations
+class QLabel;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QPushButton;
+class QRadioButton;
+class KComboBox;
+class KActionMenu;
+class KAction;
+class KHistoryCombo;
+class KProgress;
+class KPopupMenu;
+class CReadDisplay;
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Result {
+class CModuleResultView : public KListView {
+ CModuleResultView(QWidget* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ ~CModuleResultView();
+ /**
+ * Setups the tree using the given list of modules.
+ */
+ void setupTree( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& searchedText );
+ /**
+ * Returns the currently active module.
+ */
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const activeModule();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes this widget.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the connections of this widget
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ void setupStrongsResults(CSwordModuleInfo* module, QListViewItem* parent, const QString& searchedText);
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Is executed when an item was selected in the list.
+ */
+ void executed( QListViewItem* );
+ /**
+ * Copies the whole search result with the text into the clipboard.
+ */
+ void copyResultWithText();
+ /**
+ * Copies the whole search result into the clipboard.
+ */
+ void copyResult();
+ /**
+ * This slot opens the popup menu at the given position
+ */
+ void showPopup(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&);
+ /**
+ * Appends the whole search result to the printer queue.
+ */
+ void printResult();
+ /**
+ * Saves the search result with it's text.
+ */
+ void saveResultWithText();
+ /**
+ * Saves the search result keys.
+ */
+ void saveResult();
+ void moduleSelected(CSwordModuleInfo*);
+ void moduleChanged();
+ void strongsSelected(CSwordModuleInfo*, QStringList*);
+ struct {
+ KActionMenu* saveMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* result;
+ KAction* resultWithText;
+ }
+ save;
+ KActionMenu* printMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* result;
+ }
+ print;
+ KActionMenu* copyMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* result;
+ KAction* resultWithText;
+ }
+ copy;
+ } m_actions;
+ KPopupMenu* m_popup;
+ StrongsResultClass* strongsResults;
+ } //end of namespace Search::Result
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/crangechooser.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/crangechooser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca9aac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/crangechooser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "crangechooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qsizepolicy.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Options {
+CRangeChooserDialog::RangeItem::RangeItem(QListView* view, QListViewItem* afterThis, const QString caption, const QString range) : KListViewItem(view, afterThis) {
+ setCaption(caption);
+ setRange(range);
+CRangeChooserDialog::RangeItem::~RangeItem() {}
+const QString& CRangeChooserDialog::RangeItem::range() {
+ // qWarning("ange is %s", (const char*)m_range.utf8());
+ return m_range;
+void CRangeChooserDialog::RangeItem::setRange(QString newRange) {
+ m_range = newRange;
+const QString CRangeChooserDialog::RangeItem::caption() {
+ return text(0);
+void CRangeChooserDialog::RangeItem::setCaption(const QString newCaption) {
+ setText(0, newCaption);
+CRangeChooserDialog::CRangeChooserDialog( QWidget* parentDialog ) : KDialogBase(Plain, i18n("Search range editor"), Default | Ok | Cancel, Ok, parentDialog, "CRangeChooserDialog", false, true) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ //add the existing scopes
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::searchScopes);
+ CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
+ for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
+ new RangeItem(m_rangeList, 0, it.key(),;
+ };
+ editRange(0);
+ if (RangeItem* i = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(m_rangeList->currentItem())
+ ) {
+ nameChanged(i->caption());
+ }
+CRangeChooserDialog::~CRangeChooserDialog() {}
+/** Initializes the view of this object. */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::initView() {
+ // setButtonOKText(i18n(""));
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(plainPage(),6,5,0,3);
+ m_rangeList = new KListView(plainPage());
+ m_rangeList->addColumn(i18n("Search range"));
+ m_rangeList->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
+ m_rangeList->setFullWidth(true);
+ m_rangeList->setSorting(0, true);
+ m_rangeList->header()->setClickEnabled(false);
+ m_rangeList->header()->setMovingEnabled(false);
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(m_rangeList,0,4,0,1);
+ m_newRangeButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Add new range"),plainPage());
+ connect(m_newRangeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNewRange()));
+ grid->addWidget(m_newRangeButton,5,0);
+ m_deleteRangeButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Delete current range"),plainPage());
+ connect(m_deleteRangeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrentRange()));
+ grid->addWidget(m_deleteRangeButton,5,1);
+ grid->addColSpacing(2, 5);
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Name:"), plainPage());
+ m_nameEdit = new QLineEdit(plainPage());
+ grid->addWidget(label,0,3);
+ grid->addWidget(m_nameEdit,0,4);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Edit current search range:"), plainPage());
+ label->setFixedSize(label->sizeHint());
+ m_rangeEdit = new QTextEdit(plainPage());
+ m_rangeEdit->setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText);
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(label,1,1,3,4);
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(m_rangeEdit,2,2,3,4);
+ grid->addRowSpacing(3, 10);
+ m_resultList = new KListView(plainPage());
+ m_resultList->addColumn(i18n("Parsed search range:"));
+ m_resultList->setFullWidth(true);
+ m_resultList->setSorting(-1);
+ m_resultList->setShowSortIndicator(false);
+ m_resultList->header()->setClickEnabled(false);
+ m_resultList->header()->setMovingEnabled(false);
+ m_resultList->setSelectionModeExt(KListView::NoSelection);
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(m_resultList, 4,5,3,4);
+ grid->setRowStretch(4,5);
+/** Initializes the connections of this widget. */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::initConnections() {
+ connect(m_rangeList, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(editRange(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(m_rangeEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(parseRange()));
+ connect(m_rangeEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(rangeChanged()));
+ connect(m_nameEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(nameChanged(const QString&)));
+/** Adds a new range to the list. */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::addNewRange() {
+ RangeItem* i = new RangeItem(m_rangeList, m_rangeList->lastItem(), i18n("New range"));
+ m_rangeList->setSelected(i, true);
+ m_rangeList->setCurrentItem(i);
+ editRange(i);
+ m_nameEdit->setFocus();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::editRange(QListViewItem* item) {
+ RangeItem* const range = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(item);
+ m_nameEdit->setEnabled( range ); //only if an item is selected enable the edit part
+ m_rangeEdit->setEnabled( range );
+ m_resultList->setEnabled( range );
+ m_deleteRangeButton->setEnabled( range );
+ if (range) {
+ m_nameEdit->setText(range->caption());
+ m_rangeEdit->setText(range->range());
+ }
+/** Parses the entered text and prints out the result in the list box below the edit area. */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::parseRange() {
+ m_resultList->clear();
+ //hack: repair range to work with Sword 1.5.6
+ QString range( m_rangeEdit->text() );
+ range.replace(QRegExp("\\s{0,}-\\s{0,}"), "-" );
+ sword::VerseKey key;
+ sword::ListKey verses = key.ParseVerseList((const char*)range.utf8(), "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < verses.Count(); ++i) {
+ new KListViewItem(m_resultList, QString::fromUtf8(verses.GetElement(i)->getRangeText()));
+ // qWarning("range=%s, text=%s",verses.GetElement(i)->getRangeText(), verses.GetElement(i)->getText() );
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::rangeChanged() {
+ if (RangeItem* i = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(m_rangeList->currentItem())
+ ) {
+ QString range( m_rangeEdit->text() );
+ //hack: repair range to work with Sword 1.5.6
+ range.replace(QRegExp("\\s{0,}-\\s{0,}"), "-" );
+ i->setRange(range);
+ };
+/** No descriptions */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::nameChanged(const QString& newCaption) {
+ m_rangeEdit->setEnabled(!newCaption.isEmpty());
+ m_resultList->setEnabled(!newCaption.isEmpty());
+ m_resultList->header()->setEnabled(!newCaption.isEmpty());
+ if (RangeItem* i = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(m_rangeList->currentItem())
+ ) {
+ if (!newCaption.isEmpty()) {
+ m_newRangeButton->setEnabled(true);
+ i->setCaption(newCaption);
+ m_rangeList->sort();
+ }
+ else { //invalid name
+ i->setCaption(i18n("<invalid name of search range>"));
+ m_newRangeButton->setEnabled(false);
+ };
+ };
+/** Deletes the selected range. */
+void CRangeChooserDialog::deleteCurrentRange() {
+ if (RangeItem* i = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(m_rangeList->currentItem())
+ ) {
+ if (QListViewItem* selection = i->itemBelow() ? i->itemBelow() : i->itemAbove()) {
+ m_rangeList->setSelected(selection, true);
+ m_rangeList->setCurrentItem(selection);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_rangeList->setSelected(m_rangeList->firstChild(), true);
+ m_rangeList->setCurrentItem(m_rangeList->firstChild());
+ }
+ delete i;
+ }
+ editRange(m_rangeList->currentItem());
+void CRangeChooserDialog::slotOk() {
+ //save the new map of search scopes
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map;
+ QListViewItemIterator it( m_rangeList );
+ for (;it.current(); ++it) {
+ if ( RangeItem* i = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(it.current()) ) {
+ map[i->caption()] = i->range();
+ };
+ };
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::searchScopes, map);
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+void CRangeChooserDialog::slotDefault() {
+ m_rangeList->clear();
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map = CBTConfig::getDefault(CBTConfig::searchScopes);
+ CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
+ for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
+ new RangeItem(m_rangeList, 0, it.key(),;
+ };
+ m_rangeList->setSelected(m_rangeList->selectedItem(), false);
+ m_rangeList->setCurrentItem(0);
+ editRange(0);
+ if (RangeItem* i = dynamic_cast<RangeItem*>(m_rangeList->currentItem())
+ ) {
+ nameChanged(i->caption());
+ }
+ KDialogBase::slotDefault();
+ } //end of namespace Search::Options
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/crangechooser.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/crangechooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8acb0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/crangechooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Sword includes
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+//forward declarations
+class CSearchAnalysisItem;
+class CSearchAnalysisLegendItem;
+class CSearchAnalysis;
+class CSearchAnalysisView;
+class QTextEdit;
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Options {
+class CRangeChooserDialog : public KDialogBase {
+ CRangeChooserDialog(QWidget* parentDialog);
+ ~CRangeChooserDialog();
+protected: // Protected methods
+class RangeItem : public KListViewItem {
+ RangeItem(QListView*, QListViewItem* afterThis = 0, const QString caption = QString::null, const QString range = QString::null);
+ ~RangeItem();
+ const QString& range();
+ const QString caption();
+ void setRange(QString range);
+ void setCaption(const QString);
+ QString m_range;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initializes the connections of this widget.
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the view of this object.
+ */
+ void initView();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Adds a new range to the list.
+ */
+ void addNewRange();
+ void editRange(QListViewItem*);
+ /**
+ * Parses the entered text and prints out the result in the list box below the edit area.
+ */
+ void parseRange();
+ void nameChanged(const QString&);
+ void rangeChanged();
+ /**
+ * Deletes the selected range.
+ */
+ void deleteCurrentRange();
+ virtual void slotDefault();
+ virtual void slotOk();
+ KListView* m_rangeList;
+ KListView* m_resultList;
+ QLineEdit* m_nameEdit;
+ QTextEdit* m_rangeEdit;
+ QPushButton* m_newRangeButton;
+ QPushButton* m_deleteRangeButton;
+ } //end of namespace Search.Options
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchanalysis.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchanalysis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c64f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchanalysis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "csearchanalysis.h"
+#include "csearchdialog.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qsizepolicy.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Analysis {
+const int SPACE_BETWEEN_PARTS = 5;
+const int RIGHT_BORDER = 15;
+const int LEFT_BORDER = 15;
+const int LOWER_BORDER = 10;
+const int UPPER_BORDER = 10;
+const int ITEM_TEXT_SIZE = 8;
+const int LABEL_TEXT_SIZE = 6;
+//used for the shift between the bars
+const int BAR_DELTAX = 4;
+const int BAR_DELTAY = 2;
+const int BAR_WIDTH = 2 + (2*BAR_DELTAX); //should be equal or bigger than the label font size
+// Used for the text below the bars
+const int BAR_LOWER_BORDER = 100;
+const int LEGEND_INNER_BORDER = 5;
+const int LEGEND_DELTAY = 4;
+const int LEGEND_WIDTH = 85;
+CSearchAnalysisDialog::CSearchAnalysisDialog( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, QWidget* parentDialog ) : KDialogBase(Plain, i18n("Search analysis"), Close, Close, parentDialog, 0, true) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ m_analysis->reset();
+ m_analysis->analyse(modules);
+ showMaximized();
+CSearchAnalysisDialog::~CSearchAnalysisDialog() {}
+/** Initializes this dialog. */
+void CSearchAnalysisDialog::initView() {
+ QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(plainPage(),0);
+ QPushButton* button = new QPushButton(plainPage(), "button");
+ button->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("filesave"));
+ button->setText(i18n("Save search analysis as HTML"));
+ button->setFixedSize(button->sizeHint());
+ layout->addWidget(button);
+ layout->addSpacing(10);
+ m_analysis = new CSearchAnalysis(plainPage());
+ m_analysisView = new CSearchAnalysisView(m_analysis, plainPage());
+ m_analysisView->show();
+ layout->addWidget(m_analysisView);
+ connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_analysis, SLOT(saveAsHTML()));
+/** Initializes the widgets SIGNAL and SLOT connections,. */
+void CSearchAnalysisDialog::initConnections() {}
+/* CSearchAnalysis */
+CSearchAnalysis::CSearchAnalysis(QObject *parent, const char *name )
+: QCanvas(parent,name) {
+ m_scaleFactor = 0.0;
+ m_legend = 0;
+ setBackgroundColor(Qt::white);
+ m_canvasItemList.resize(67);
+ m_canvasItemList.setAutoDelete(true);
+ resize(1,1);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(resized()), SLOT(slotResized()));
+CSearchAnalysis::~CSearchAnalysis() {}
+QDict<CSearchAnalysisItem>* CSearchAnalysis::getSearchAnalysisItemList() {
+ // Returns pointer to the search analysis items
+ return &m_canvasItemList;
+/** Starts the analysis of the search result. This should be called only once because QCanvas handles the updates automatically. */
+void CSearchAnalysis::analyse(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules) {
+ /**
+ * Steps of analysing our search result;
+ * -Create the items for all available books ("Genesis" - "Revelation")
+ * -Iterate through all modules we analyse
+ * -Go through all books of this module
+ * -Find out how many times we found the book
+ * -Set the count to the items which belongs to the book
+ */
+ setModules(modules);
+ m_lastPosList.clear();
+ const int numberOfModules = m_moduleList.count();
+ if (!numberOfModules)
+ return;
+ m_legend = new CSearchAnalysisLegendItem(this, &m_moduleList);
+ m_legend->setX(LEFT_BORDER);
+ m_legend->setY(UPPER_BORDER);
+ m_legend->setSize(LEGEND_WIDTH,
+ LEGEND_INNER_BORDER*2 + ITEM_TEXT_SIZE*numberOfModules + LEGEND_DELTAY*(numberOfModules-1));
+ m_legend->show();
+ int xPos = LEFT_BORDER + m_legend->width() + SPACE_BETWEEN_PARTS;
+ int moduleIndex = 0;
+ m_maxCount = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ CSwordVerseKey key(0);
+ key.key("Genesis 1:1");
+ CSearchAnalysisItem* analysisItem = m_canvasItemList[];
+ bool ok = true;
+ while (ok && analysisItem) {
+ // for (moduleIndex = 0,m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current();,++moduleIndex) {
+ moduleIndex = 0;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = m_moduleList.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(m_moduleList.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 10 ); //10 ms only
+ if (!m_lastPosList.contains(*it)) {
+ m_lastPosList.insert(*it,0);
+ }
+ analysisItem->setCountForModule(moduleIndex, (count = getCount(, *it)));
+ m_maxCount = (count > m_maxCount) ? count : m_maxCount;
+ ++moduleIndex;
+ }
+ analysisItem->setX(xPos);
+ analysisItem->setY(UPPER_BORDER);
+ analysisItem->show();
+ xPos += (int)analysisItem->width() + SPACE_BETWEEN_PARTS;
+ ok =;
+ analysisItem = m_canvasItemList[];
+ }
+ resize(xPos+BAR_WIDTH+(m_moduleList.count()-1)*BAR_DELTAX+RIGHT_BORDER, height() );
+ slotResized();
+/** Sets te module list used for the analysis. */
+void CSearchAnalysis::setModules(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules) {
+ m_moduleList.clear();
+ // for (modules.first(); modules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ( ((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) || ((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) ) { //a Bible or an commentary
+ m_moduleList.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ m_canvasItemList.clear();
+ CSearchAnalysisItem* analysisItem = 0;
+ CSwordVerseKey key(0);
+ key.key("Genesis 1:1");
+ do {
+ analysisItem = new CSearchAnalysisItem(this, m_moduleList.count(),, &m_scaleFactor, &m_moduleList);
+ analysisItem->hide();
+ m_canvasItemList.insert(, analysisItem);
+ }
+ while (;
+ update();
+/** Sets back the items and deletes things to cleanup */
+void CSearchAnalysis::reset() {
+ m_scaleFactor = 0.0;
+ QDictIterator<CSearchAnalysisItem> it( m_canvasItemList ); // iterator for items
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ it.current()->hide();
+ ++it;
+ }
+ m_lastPosList.clear();
+ if (m_legend) {
+ m_legend->hide();
+ }
+ delete m_legend;
+ m_legend = 0;
+ update();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchAnalysis::slotResized() {
+ m_scaleFactor = (double)( (double)(height()-UPPER_BORDER-LOWER_BORDER-BAR_LOWER_BORDER-(m_moduleList.count()-1)*BAR_DELTAY)
+ /(double)m_maxCount);
+ QDictIterator<CSearchAnalysisItem> it( m_canvasItemList );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ it.current()->setSize(BAR_WIDTH + (m_moduleList.count()-1)*BAR_DELTAX, height()-UPPER_BORDER-LOWER_BORDER);
+ it.current()->setY(UPPER_BORDER);
+ ++it;
+ }
+ update();
+/** This function returns a color for each module */
+QColor CSearchAnalysis::getColor(int index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ return Qt::red;
+ case 1:
+ return Qt::darkGreen;
+ case 2:
+ return Qt::blue;
+ case 3:
+ return Qt::cyan;
+ case 4:
+ return Qt::magenta;
+ case 5:
+ return Qt::darkRed;
+ case 6:
+ return Qt::darkGray;
+ case 7:
+ return Qt::black;
+ case 8:
+ return Qt::darkCyan;
+ case 9:
+ return Qt::darkMagenta;
+ default:
+ return Qt::red;
+ }
+/** Returns the count of the book in the module */
+const unsigned int CSearchAnalysis::getCount( const QString book, CSwordModuleInfo* module ) {
+ sword::ListKey& result = module->searchResult();
+ const int length = book.length();
+ unsigned int i = m_lastPosList[module];
+ unsigned int count = 0;
+ const unsigned int resultCount = result.Count();
+ while (i < resultCount) {
+ if ( strncmp(book.utf8(), (const char*)*result.GetElement(i), length) )
+ break;
+ i++;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ m_lastPosList.contains(module) ? m_lastPosList.replace(module,i) : m_lastPosList.insert(module,i);
+ return count;
+CSearchAnalysisItem::CSearchAnalysisItem(QCanvas *parent, const int moduleCount, const QString &bookname, double *scaleFactor, ListCSwordModuleInfo* modules)
+: QCanvasRectangle(parent),
+m_moduleList( modules ),
+m_bufferPixmap(0) {
+ m_resultCountArray.resize(m_moduleCount);
+ int index = 0;
+ for (index = 0; index < m_moduleCount; ++index)
+ m_resultCountArray[index] = 0;
+CSearchAnalysisItem::~CSearchAnalysisItem() {
+ delete m_bufferPixmap;
+/** Sets the resultcount of this item for the given module */
+void CSearchAnalysisItem::setCountForModule( const int moduleIndex, const int count) {
+ m_resultCountArray[moduleIndex] = count;
+/** Returns the resultcount of this item for the given module */
+int CSearchAnalysisItem::getCountForModule( const int moduleIndex) {
+ return m_resultCountArray[moduleIndex];
+/** Reimplementation. Draws the content of this item. */
+void CSearchAnalysisItem::draw(QPainter& painter) {
+ QFont f = painter.font();
+ f.setPointSize(ITEM_TEXT_SIZE);
+ painter.setFont(f);
+ setPen(QPen(black,1));
+ setBrush(Qt::red);
+ /**
+ * We have to paint so many bars as we have modules available (we use m_moduleCount)
+ * We paint inside the area which is given by height and width of this rectangle item
+ */
+ int index = 0;
+ int drawn = 0;
+ int Value = 0;
+ //find out the biggest value
+ for (index=0;index < m_moduleCount; index++) {
+ if (m_resultCountArray[index] > Value) {
+ Value = m_resultCountArray[index];
+ }
+ };
+ while (drawn < m_moduleCount) {
+ for (index = 0; index < m_moduleCount; index++) {
+ if (m_resultCountArray[index] == Value) {
+ QPoint p1((int)x() + (m_moduleCount-drawn-1)*BAR_DELTAX,
+ (int)height() + (int)y() - BAR_LOWER_BORDER - (m_moduleCount-drawn)*BAR_DELTAY);
+ QPoint p2(p1.x() + BAR_WIDTH,
+ p1.y() - (int)( !m_resultCountArray[index] ? 0 : ((m_resultCountArray[index])*(*m_scaleFactor))) );
+ QRect r(p1, p2);
+ painter.fillRect(r, QBrush(CSearchAnalysis::getColor(index)) );
+ painter.drawRect(r);
+ drawn++;
+ }
+ }
+ //finds the next smaller value
+ int newValue = 0;
+ for (index=0;index < m_moduleCount; index++)
+ if (m_resultCountArray[index] < Value && m_resultCountArray[index] >= newValue)
+ newValue = m_resultCountArray[index];
+ Value = newValue;
+ }
+ if (!m_bufferPixmap) {
+ m_bufferPixmap = new QPixmap();
+ m_bufferPixmap->resize(width(),BAR_LOWER_BORDER);
+ m_bufferPixmap->fill();
+ QPainter p(m_bufferPixmap);
+ f = p.font();
+ f.setPointSize(ITEM_TEXT_SIZE);
+ p.setFont(f);
+ p.rotate(90);
+ p.drawText(QPoint(5,0), m_bookName);
+ }
+ painter.drawPixmap(QPoint(int(x()),int(height()+y()-BAR_LOWER_BORDER)), *m_bufferPixmap);
+/** Returns the width of this item. */
+int CSearchAnalysisItem::width() {
+ return m_moduleCount*(m_moduleCount>1 ? BAR_DELTAX : 0) + BAR_WIDTH;
+/** Returns the tooltip for this item. */
+const QString CSearchAnalysisItem::getToolTip() {
+ QString ret = QString("<center><b>%1</b></center><hr/>").arg(m_bookName);
+ ret += "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" align=\"center\">";
+ //ToDo: Fix that loop
+ int i = 0;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = m_moduleList->end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(m_moduleList->begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ // for (int i = 0; i < m_moduleCount; ++i) {
+ CSwordModuleInfo* info = (*it);
+ const QColor c = CSearchAnalysis::getColor(i);
+ ret.append(
+ QString("<tr bgcolor=\"white\"><td><b><font color=\"#%1\">%2</font></b></td><td>%3 (%4%)</td></tr>")
+ .arg(QString().sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",,,
+ .arg(info ? info->name() : QString::null)
+ .arg( m_resultCountArray[i] )
+ .arg( (info && m_resultCountArray[i])? ((double)m_resultCountArray[i] / (double)info->searchResult().Count())*(double)100 : 0.0, 0, 'g', 2)
+ );
+ ++i;
+ }
+ ret += "</table>";
+ return ret;
+CSearchAnalysisView::CSearchAnalysisView(QCanvas* canvas, QWidget* parent)
+: QCanvasView(canvas, parent) {
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus);
+ m_toolTip = new ToolTip(this);
+ resize(sizeHint());
+/** Returns the sizeHint for this view */
+QSize CSearchAnalysisView::sizeHint() {
+ if ( parentWidget() )
+ return parentWidget()->sizeHint();
+ return QCanvasView::sizeHint();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchAnalysisView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e) {
+ QCanvasView::resizeEvent(e);
+ canvas()->resize( canvas()->width(), viewport()->height() );
+CSearchAnalysisView::ToolTip::ToolTip(QWidget* parent) : QToolTip(parent) {}
+void CSearchAnalysisView::ToolTip::maybeTip(const QPoint& p) {
+ CSearchAnalysisView* view = dynamic_cast<CSearchAnalysisView*>(parentWidget());
+ if (!view)
+ return;
+ QPoint point(p);
+ point = view->viewport()->mapFrom(view, point);
+ CSearchAnalysisItem* i = view->itemAt( view->viewportToContents(point) );
+ if (!i)
+ return;
+ //get type of item and display correct text
+ QString text = i->getToolTip();
+ if (text.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QPoint p1 = view->viewport()->mapTo(view, view->contentsToViewport(i->rect().topLeft()));
+ p1.setY(0);
+ QPoint p2 = view->viewport()->mapTo(view, view->contentsToViewport(i->rect().bottomRight()));
+ p2.setY(view->height());
+ QRect r = QRect( p1, p2 );
+ if (r.contains(p))
+ tip(r, text);
+/** Returns the item at position p. If there no item at that point return 0. */
+CSearchAnalysisItem* CSearchAnalysisView::itemAt( const QPoint& p ) {
+ QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions(p);
+ if (!l.count())
+ return 0;
+ return dynamic_cast<CSearchAnalysisItem*>(l.first());
+CSearchAnalysisLegendItem::CSearchAnalysisLegendItem(QCanvas *parent, ListCSwordModuleInfo *list )
+: QCanvasRectangle(parent) {
+ m_moduleList = list;
+/** Reimplementation. Draws the content of this item. */
+void CSearchAnalysisLegendItem::draw (QPainter& painter) {
+ setPen( QPen(black,2) );
+ setBrush( Qt::white );
+ //the outer rectangle
+ QPoint p1( (int)x(), (int)y() );
+ QPoint p2( (int)x()+width(), (int)y() + height() );
+ QRect r(p1, p2);
+ r.normalize();
+ painter.drawRect(r);
+ QFont f = painter.font();
+ f.setPointSize(ITEM_TEXT_SIZE);
+ painter.setFont(f);
+ // for (unsigned int index=0; index < m_moduleList->count(); index++){
+ int moduleIndex = 0;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = m_moduleList->end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(m_moduleList->begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ // the module color indicators
+ QPoint p1( (int)x() + LEGEND_INNER_BORDER, (int)y() + LEGEND_INNER_BORDER + moduleIndex*(LEGEND_DELTAY + ITEM_TEXT_SIZE) );
+ QPoint p2(p1.x() + ITEM_TEXT_SIZE, p1.y() + ITEM_TEXT_SIZE);
+ QRect r(p1,p2);
+ painter.fillRect(r, QBrush(CSearchAnalysis::getColor(moduleIndex)) );
+ r.normalize();
+ painter.drawRect(r);
+ QPoint p3( p2.x() + LEGEND_INNER_BORDER, p2.y() );
+ painter.drawText(p3, (*it)->name() );
+ ++moduleIndex;
+ }
+ painter.restore();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchAnalysis::saveAsHTML() {
+ const QString file = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null,
+ QString("*.html | %1").arg(i18n("HTML files")),
+ 0,
+ i18n("Save Search Analysis"));
+ if (file.isNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int moduleIndex = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ QString countStr = "";
+ QString m_searchAnalysisHTML = "";
+ QString tableTitle = "";
+ QString tableTotals = "";
+ QString VerseRange = "";
+ const QString txtCSS = QString("<style type=\"text/css\">\ntd {border:1px solid black;}\nth {font-size: 130%; text-align:left; vertical-align:top;}\n</style>\n");
+ const QString metaEncoding = QString("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">");
+ CSwordVerseKey key(0);
+ sword::ListKey searchResult;
+ key.key("Genesis 1:1");
+ CSearchAnalysisItem* analysisItem = m_canvasItemList.find( );
+ QString text = "<html>\n<head>\n<title>" + i18n("BibleTime Search Analysis") + "</title>\n" + txtCSS + metaEncoding + "</head>\n<body>\n";
+ text += "<table>\n<tr><th>" + i18n("Search text :") + "</th><th>" + CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchText() + "</th></tr>\n";
+ tableTitle = "<tr><th align=\"left\">" + i18n("Book") + "</th>";
+ tableTotals = "<tr><td align=\"left\">" + i18n("Total hits") + "</td>";
+ // for (moduleIndex = 0,m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current();,++moduleIndex) {
+ moduleIndex = 0;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = m_moduleList.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(m_moduleList.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ tableTitle += QString("<th align=\"left\">") + (*it)->name() + QString("</th>");
+ searchResult = (*it)->searchResult();
+ countStr.setNum(searchResult.Count());
+ tableTotals += QString("<td align=\"right\">") + countStr + QString("</td>");
+ ++moduleIndex;
+ }
+ tableTitle += QString("</tr>\n");
+ tableTotals += QString("</tr>\n");
+ m_searchAnalysisHTML = "";
+ bool ok = true;
+ while (ok) {
+ m_searchAnalysisHTML += QString("<tr><td>") + + QString("</td>");
+ analysisItem = m_canvasItemList.find( );
+ // for (moduleIndex = 0, m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current();, ++moduleIndex) {
+ moduleIndex = 0;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = m_moduleList.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(m_moduleList.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ count = analysisItem->getCountForModule(moduleIndex);
+ countStr.setNum(count);
+ m_searchAnalysisHTML += QString("<td align=\"right\">") + countStr + QString("</td>");
+ ++moduleIndex;
+ }
+ m_searchAnalysisHTML += QString("</tr>\n");
+ ok =;
+ }
+ text += QString("<table>\n") + tableTitle + tableTotals + m_searchAnalysisHTML + QString("</table>\n");
+ text += QString("<center>") + i18n("Created by") + QString(" <a href=\"\">BibleTime</a></center>");
+ text += QString("</body></html>");
+ CToolClass::savePlainFile(file, text, false, QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ } //end of namespace Search::Analysis
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchanalysis.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchanalysis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..013efaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchanalysis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmodulesearch.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Sword includes
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+class QTextEdit;
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Analysis {
+//forward declarations
+class CSearchAnalysisItem;
+class CSearchAnalysisLegendItem;
+class CSearchAnalysisView;
+ * CSearchDialogAnaylsis shows the graphical analysis of the search result.
+ * @author The BibleTime Team
+ */
+class CSearchAnalysis : public QCanvas {
+ CSearchAnalysis(QObject *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ virtual ~CSearchAnalysis();
+ /**
+ * Starts the analysis of the search result.
+ * This should be called only once because
+ * QCanvas handles the updates automatically.
+ */
+ void analyse(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules);
+ /**
+ * This function returns a color for each module
+ * @return The color at position index in the list
+ */
+ static QColor getColor(int index);
+ /*
+ * This function returns a pointer to the list of AnalysisItems
+ */
+ QDict<CSearchAnalysisItem>* getSearchAnalysisItemList();
+ void reset();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * No descriptions
+ */
+ void slotResized();
+ void setModules(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules);
+ /**
+ * Returns the count of the book in the module
+ */
+ const unsigned int getCount( const QString book, CSwordModuleInfo* module );
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo m_moduleList;
+ QDict<CSearchAnalysisItem> m_canvasItemList;
+ QMap<CSwordModuleInfo*,unsigned int> m_lastPosList;
+ int m_maxCount;
+ double m_scaleFactor;
+ CSearchAnalysisLegendItem* m_legend;
+public slots: // Public slots
+ void saveAsHTML();
+class CSearchAnalysisDialog : public KDialogBase {
+ CSearchAnalysisDialog(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, QWidget* parentDialog);
+ ~CSearchAnalysisDialog();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes the widgets SIGNAL and SLOT connections,.
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ /**
+ * Initializes this dialog.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ CSearchAnalysis* m_analysis;
+ CSearchAnalysisView* m_analysisView;
+/** Paints the bars for one book for one or more modules
+ *
+ */
+class CSearchAnalysisItem : public QCanvasRectangle {
+ /**
+ * Standard constructor.
+ */
+ CSearchAnalysisItem(QCanvas* parent, const int moduleCount, const QString& bookname, double *scaleFactor, ListCSwordModuleInfo* modules);
+ virtual ~CSearchAnalysisItem();
+ /**
+ * Sets the resultcount of this item
+ */
+ void setCountForModule( const int moduleIndex, const int count);
+ /**
+ * Returns the resultcount of this item
+ */
+ int getCountForModule( const int moduleIndex);
+ /**
+ * Returns the width of this item.
+ */
+ virtual int width();
+ /**
+ * Returns the tooltip for this item.
+ */
+ const QString getToolTip();
+ virtual void draw (QPainter & painter);
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo* m_moduleList;
+ double *m_scaleFactor;
+ QString m_bookName;
+ int m_moduleCount;
+ QMemArray<int> m_resultCountArray;
+ QPixmap* m_bufferPixmap;
+class CSearchAnalysisLegendItem : public QCanvasRectangle {
+ CSearchAnalysisLegendItem(QCanvas* parent, ListCSwordModuleInfo* list );
+ virtual void draw (QPainter & painter);
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo* m_moduleList;
+class CSearchAnalysisView : public QCanvasView {
+ /**
+ * Standard constructor
+ */
+ CSearchAnalysisView(QCanvas* canvas, QWidget* parent);
+ /**
+ * Returns the sizeHint for this view
+ * We give back the size of the parent widgetas default.
+ * This is a reimplementation from QCanvasView::sizeHint().
+ */
+ virtual QSize sizeHint();
+ /**
+ * Returns the item at position p.
+ * If there no item at that point return 0.
+ */
+ CSearchAnalysisItem* itemAt( const QPoint& p );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);
+ class ToolTip : public QToolTip {
+ public:
+ ToolTip(QWidget* parent);
+ virtual ~ToolTip() {}
+ ;
+ /**
+ * Displays a tooltip for position p
+ */
+ virtual void maybeTip(const QPoint &pos);
+ };
+ ToolTip* m_toolTip;
+ } //end of namespace Search::Analysis
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beef7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "csearchdialog.h"
+#include "csearchanalysis.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmodulesearch.h"
+#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
+#include "frontend/cmoduleindexdialog.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qtextedit.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qsizepolicy.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+namespace Search {
+static CSearchDialog* m_staticDialog = 0;
+void CSearchDialog::openDialog(const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& searchText, QWidget* parentDialog) {
+ if (!m_staticDialog) {
+ m_staticDialog = new CSearchDialog(parentDialog);
+ };
+ m_staticDialog->reset();
+ if (modules.count()) {
+ m_staticDialog->setModules(modules);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_staticDialog->showModulesSelector();
+ }
+ m_staticDialog->setSearchText(searchText);
+ if (m_staticDialog->isHidden()) {
+ m_staticDialog->show();
+ }
+ if (modules.count() && !searchText.isEmpty()) {
+ m_staticDialog->startSearch();
+ }
+ // moved these to after the startSearch() because
+ // the progress dialog caused them to loose focus.
+ m_staticDialog->raise();
+ m_staticDialog->setActiveWindow();
+CSearchDialog* const CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog() {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_staticDialog);
+ return m_staticDialog;
+CSearchDialog::CSearchDialog(QWidget *parent)
+: KDialogBase(Plain, i18n("Search dialog"), Close | User1, User1, parent, "CSearchDialog", false, true, i18n("Search")) {
+ setWFlags( getWFlags() | Qt::WStyle_MinMax );
+ setIcon(CResMgr::searchdialog::icon);
+ m_searcher.connectFinished( this, SLOT(searchFinished()));
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+ // Added code for saving last size of dialog
+ saveDialogSize("CSearchDialog");
+/** Starts the search with the set modules and the set search text. */
+void CSearchDialog::startSearch() {
+ QString searchText(m_searchOptionsPage->searchText());
+ if (searchText.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // check that we have the indices we need for searching
+ if (!m_searcher.modulesHaveIndices( modules() ) ) {
+ int result = QMessageBox::question(this, i18n("Missing indices"),
+ i18n("One or more modules need indexing before they can be searched.\n"
+ "This could take a long time. Proceed with indexing?"),
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
+ QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape);
+ // In SuSE 10.0 the result is the logical or of the button type, just like it is
+ // inputed into the QMessageBox.
+ if ( (result == (QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default)) ||
+ (result == QMessageBox::Yes) || (result == QMessageBox::Default) ) {
+ CModuleIndexDialog* dlg = CModuleIndexDialog::getInstance();
+ dlg->indexUnindexedModules( modules() );
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_searchResultPage->reset();
+// const int searchFlags = m_searchOptionsPage->searchFlags();
+// const CSwordModuleSearch::scopeType scopeType = m_searchOptionsPage->scopeType();
+// if (scopeType == CSwordModuleSearch::Scope_LastSearch) {
+// searchFlags |= CSwordModuleSearch::useLastResult;
+// }
+// else if ( (scopeType == CSwordModuleSearch::Scope_Bounds)
+// && strlen(m_searchOptionsPage->searchScope().getRangeText())) {
+// //we need the scope flag and a valid scope!
+// searchFlags |= CSwordModuleSearch::useScope;
+// m_searcher.setSearchScope( m_searchOptionsPage->searchScope() );
+// }
+ if (m_searchOptionsPage->hasSearchScope()) {
+ m_searcher.setSearchScope( m_searchOptionsPage->searchScope() );
+ }
+ else {
+ m_searcher.resetSearchScope();
+ }
+ m_searcher.setModules( modules() );
+ m_searcher.setSearchedText(searchText);
+// m_searcher.setSearchOptions(searchFlags);
+ m_searcher.startSearch();
+/** Starts the search with the given module list and given search text. */
+void CSearchDialog::startSearch( const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& searchText) {
+ m_searchResultPage->reset();
+ m_searchOptionsPage->reset();
+ setModules(modules);
+ setSearchText(searchText);
+ startSearch();
+/** Returns the list of used modules. */
+const ListCSwordModuleInfo CSearchDialog::modules() {
+ return m_searchOptionsPage->modules();
+/** Sets the list of modules for the search. */
+void CSearchDialog::setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules ) {
+ m_searchOptionsPage->setModules(modules);
+ resize( sizeHint() );
+/** Returns the search text which is set currently. */
+const QString CSearchDialog::searchText() {
+ return m_searchOptionsPage->searchText();
+sword::ListKey CSearchDialog::searchScope() {
+ return m_searchOptionsPage->searchScope();
+/** Returns true if the search used a scope, otherwise false. */
+// const CSwordModuleSearch::scopeType CSearchDialog::searchScopeType() const {
+// return m_searchOptionsPage->scopeType();
+// }
+/** Returns true if the search used a scope, otherwise false. */
+// const int CSearchDialog::searchFlags() const {
+// return m_searchOptionsPage->searchFlags();
+// }
+/** Returns the search text which is used for the search. */
+void CSearchDialog::setSearchText( const QString searchText ) {
+ m_searchOptionsPage->setSearchText(searchText);
+/** Initializes this object. */
+void CSearchDialog::initView() {
+ setButtonTip(User1, CResMgr::searchdialog::searchButton::tooltip);
+ QVBoxLayout *box = new QVBoxLayout( plainPage(), 0, spacingHint() );
+ m_searchOptionsPage = new Options::CSearchOptionsPage(plainPage());
+ box->addWidget( m_searchOptionsPage );
+ m_searchResultPage = new Result::CSearchResultPage(plainPage());
+ box->addWidget( m_searchResultPage );
+ // The dialog doesn't resize properly if the minimum size of the
+ // plain page is lower than the minimumsize of our two widgets.
+ // You can resize the dialog, but it just starts covering up the
+ // button bar and the two widgets instead of stopping at the
+ // minimum size. The following code sets the minimum with some
+ // margin. If you know of a better way to do this, do it!
+ int w = m_searchOptionsPage->minimumWidth();
+ int h = m_searchOptionsPage->minimumHeight() +
+ m_searchResultPage->minimumHeight();
+ plainPage()->setMinimumSize(w+10, h+100);
+ // Added code for loading last size of dialog
+ setInitialSize(configDialogSize("CSearchDialog"));
+void CSearchDialog::searchFinished() {
+// qWarning("CSearchDialog::searchFinished()");
+ if ( m_searcher.foundItems() ) {
+ m_searchResultPage->setSearchResult(modules());
+ }
+ else {
+ m_searchResultPage->reset();
+ }
+ m_staticDialog->raise();
+ m_staticDialog->setActiveWindow();
+void CSearchDialog::showModulesSelector() {
+ m_searchOptionsPage->chooseModules();
+/** Initializes the signal slot connections */
+void CSearchDialog::initConnections() {
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(user1Clicked()), SLOT(startSearch()));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(closeClicked()), SLOT(slotDelayedDestruct()));
+/** Resets the parts to the default. */
+void CSearchDialog::reset() {
+ m_searchOptionsPage->reset();
+ m_searchResultPage->reset();
+/** Reimplementation. */
+void CSearchDialog::slotClose() {
+ delayedDestruct();
+ m_staticDialog = 0;
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64ff44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "csearchdialogpages.h"
+#include "csearchanalysis.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "util/cpointers.h"
+//Sword includes
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+//forward declarations
+class QLineEdit;
+class QTextEdit;
+namespace Search {
+ *@author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CSearchDialog : public KDialogBase {
+ static void openDialog(const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& searchText = QString::null, QWidget* parentDialog = 0);
+ friend class Analysis::CSearchAnalysis;
+ friend class Result::CSearchResultPage;
+ friend class BibleTime;
+ /**
+ * Only interesting for the class members! Useful to get the searched text etc.
+ */
+ static CSearchDialog* const getSearchDialog();
+ /**
+ * The cinstructor of the dialog. It's protected because you should use the static public function openDialog.
+ * The dialog destroys itself if it was closed.
+ */
+ CSearchDialog(QWidget *parent);
+ ~CSearchDialog();
+ /**
+ * Initializes this object.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Starts the search with the given module list and given search text.
+ * Doesn't wait for the start button press, starts immediatly
+ */
+ void startSearch( const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, const QString& searchText);
+ /**
+ * Sets the list of modules for the search.
+ */
+ void setModules( const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules );
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of used modules.
+ */
+ const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules();
+ /**
+ * Returns the search text which is used for the search.
+ */
+ void setSearchText( const QString searchText );
+ /**
+ * Returns the search text which is set currently.
+ */
+ const QString searchText();
+ /**
+ * Returns the used search scope as a list key
+ */
+ sword::ListKey searchScope();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the search used a scope, otherwise false.
+ */
+ //const CSwordModuleSearch::scopeType searchScopeType() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns they type of search which is set
+ */
+// const int searchFlags() const;
+ /**
+ * Resets the parts to the default.
+ */
+ void reset();
+protected slots:
+ /**
+ * Starts the search with the set modules and the set search text.
+ */
+ void startSearch();
+ void searchFinished();
+ void showModulesSelector();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the signal slot connections
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ virtual void slotClose();
+ Result::CSearchResultPage* m_searchResultPage;
+ Options::CSearchOptionsPage* m_searchOptionsPage;
+ CSwordModuleSearch m_searcher;
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialogpages.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialogpages.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473dc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialogpages.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "csearchdialogpages.h"
+#include "csearchdialog.h"
+#include "csearchanalysis.h"
+#include "crangechooser.h"
+#include "cmoduleresultview.h"
+#include "csearchresultview.h"
+#include "cmodulechooser.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "backend/cdisplayrendering.h"
+#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
+#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
+//Qt includes
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+//Lucence includes
+//#include "CLucene.h"
+//#include "CLucene/util/Reader.h"
+//#include "CLucene/util/Misc.h"
+//#include "CLucene/util/dirent.h"
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Result {
+************ StrongsResulClass *************
+void StrongsResultClass::initStrongsResults(void) {
+ using namespace Rendering;
+ CDisplayRendering render;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ QString rText, lText, key;
+ bool found;
+ int sIndex;
+ int count;
+ int index;
+ QString text;
+ modules.append(srModule);
+ sword::ListKey& result = srModule->searchResult();
+ count = result.Count();
+ if (!count)
+ return;
+KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 1 ); //1 ms only
+ srList.clear();
+ // for whatever reason the text "Parsing...translations." does not appear.
+ // this is not critical but the text is necessary to get the dialog box
+ // to be wide enough.
+ KProgressDialog* progress = new KProgressDialog(0, "progressDialog", i18n("Parsing Stong's Numbers"), i18n("Parsing Stong's numbers for translations."), true);
+ progress->setAllowCancel(false);
+ progress->setMinimumDuration(0);
+ progress->show();
+ progress->raise();
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index++){
+ progress->progressBar()->setProgress( int( (index*100) / count ) );
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 1 ); //1 ms only
+ key = QString::fromUtf8(result.GetElement(index)->getText());
+ text = render.renderSingleKey(key, modules, settings);
+ sIndex = 0;
+ while ((rText = getStrongsNumberText(text, &sIndex)) != "")
+ {
+ StrongsResultList::iterator it;
+ found = FALSE;
+ for ( it = srList.begin(); it != srList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ lText = (*it).keyText();
+ if (lText == rText)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ (*it).addKeyName(key);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found == FALSE)
+ srList.append( StrongsResult(rText, key) );
+ }
+ }
+ delete progress;
+ progress = 0;
+ //qHeapSort(srList);
+ }
+QString StrongsResultClass::getStrongsNumberText(const QString& verseContent, int *startIndex) {
+ // get the strongs text
+ int idx1, idx2, index;
+ QString sNumber, strongsText;
+ //const bool cs = CSwordModuleSearch::caseSensitive;
+ const bool cs = false;
+ if (*startIndex == 0) {
+ index = verseContent.find("<body", 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ index = *startIndex;
+ }
+ // find all the "lemma=" inside the the content
+ while((index = verseContent.find("lemma=", index, cs)) != -1) {
+ // get the strongs number after the lemma and compare it with the
+ // strongs number we are looking for
+ idx1 = verseContent.find("\"", index) + 1;
+ idx2 = verseContent.find("\"", idx1 + 1);
+ sNumber = verseContent.mid(idx1, idx2 - idx1);
+ if (sNumber == lemmaText) {
+ // strongs number is found now we need to get the text of this node
+ // search right until the ">" is found. Get the text from here to
+ // the next "<".
+ index = verseContent.find(">", index, cs) + 1;
+ idx2 = verseContent.find("<", index, cs);
+ strongsText = verseContent.mid(index, idx2 - index);
+ index = idx2;
+ *startIndex = index;
+ return(strongsText);
+ }
+ else {
+ index += 6; // 6 is the length of "lemma="
+ }
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+********** CSearchDialogResultPage *********
+CSearchResultPage::CSearchResultPage(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
+ SearchResultsForm(parent, name) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+CSearchResultPage::~CSearchResultPage() {}
+/** Initializes the view of this widget. */
+void CSearchResultPage::initView() {
+ QVBoxLayout* frameLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_displayFrame, 0, 6, "frameLayout");
+ m_previewDisplay = CDisplay::createReadInstance(0, m_displayFrame);
+ frameLayout->addWidget(m_previewDisplay->view());
+/** Sets the modules which contain the result of each. */
+void CSearchResultPage::setSearchResult(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules) {
+ const QString searchedText = CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchText();
+ reset(); //clear current modules
+ m_modules = modules;
+ m_moduleListBox->setupTree(modules, searchedText);
+ //have a Bible or commentary in the modules?
+ bool enable = false;
+ // for (modules.first(); !enable && modules.current(); {
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible ) {
+ enable = true;
+ break;
+ };
+ };
+ m_analyseButton->setEnabled(enable);
+/** Resets the current list of modules and the displayed list of found entries. */
+void CSearchResultPage::reset() {
+ m_moduleListBox->clear();
+ m_resultListBox->clear();
+ m_previewDisplay->setText(QString::null);
+ m_analyseButton->setEnabled(false);
+ // m_modules.setAutoDelete(false); //make sure we don't delete modules accidentally
+ m_modules.clear();
+/** Update the preview of the selected key. */
+void CSearchResultPage::updatePreview(const QString& key) {
+ using namespace Rendering;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* module = m_moduleListBox->activeModule();
+ if ( module ) {
+ const QString searchedText = CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchText();
+ //const int searchFlags = CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchFlags();
+ QString text;
+ CDisplayRendering render;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
+ modules.append(module);
+ CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
+ //for bibles render 5 context verses
+ if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) {
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(module);
+ vk.Headings(1);
+ vk.key(key);
+ ((VerseKey*)(module->module()->getKey()))->Headings(1); //HACK: enable headings for VerseKeys
+ //first go back and then go forward the keys to be in context
+ vk.previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse);
+ vk.previous(CSwordVerseKey::UseVerse);
+ //include Headings in display, they are indexed and searched too
+ if (vk.Verse() == 1){
+ if (vk.Chapter() == 1){
+ vk.Chapter(0);
+ }
+ vk.Verse(0);
+ }
+ const QString startKey = vk.key();
+ vk.key(key);
+ const QString endKey = vk.key();
+ settings.keyRenderingFace = CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort;
+ text = render.renderKeyRange(startKey, endKey, modules, key, settings);
+ }
+ //for commentaries only one verse, but with heading
+ else if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) {
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(module);
+ vk.Headings(1);
+ vk.key(key);
+ ((VerseKey*)(module->module()->getKey()))->Headings(1); //HACK: enable headings for VerseKeys
+ //include Headings in display, they are indexed and searched too
+ if (vk.Verse() == 1){
+ if (vk.Chapter() == 1){
+ vk.Chapter(0);
+ }
+ vk.Verse(0);
+ }
+ const QString startKey = vk.key();
+ vk.key(key);
+ const QString endKey = vk.key();
+ settings.keyRenderingFace = CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;
+ text = render.renderKeyRange(startKey, endKey, modules, key, settings);
+ }
+ else {
+ text = render.renderSingleKey(key, modules, settings);
+ }
+ m_previewDisplay->setText( highlightSearchedText(text, searchedText/*, searchFlags*/) );
+ m_previewDisplay->moveToAnchor( CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(key) );
+ }
+QStringList CSearchResultPage::QueryParser(const QString& queryString) {
+ QString token;
+ QStringList tokenList;
+ int cnt, pos;
+ token = "";
+ cnt = 0;
+ while(cnt < queryString.length()) {
+ // add to token
+ if ((queryString[cnt]).isLetterOrNumber() || (queryString[cnt] == '*')) {
+ token = token + queryString[cnt];
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ // token break
+ else if (queryString[cnt] == ' ') {
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ token = "";
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ // clucene appears to ignore quoted strings in the sence
+ // that it treats all the words within quoted strings as
+ // regular tokens and not as a single token.
+ else if (queryString[cnt] == '"') {
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ // wild card - treat as a special token break
+ //else if (queryString[cnt] == '*') {
+ // token = token + queryString[cnt];
+ // token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ // if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ // tokenList.append(token);
+ // // start next token with wildcard (kin*m -> kin* *m)
+ // token = "*";
+ // cnt++;
+ //}
+ // the ! token is also a token break
+ else if (queryString[cnt] == '!') {
+ // store away current token
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ // add the ! token
+ tokenList.append("!");
+ token = "";
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ // the - token is also a token break
+ else if (queryString[cnt] == '-') {
+ // store away current token
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ // add the ! token
+ tokenList.append("-");
+ token = "";
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ // the + token is also a token break
+ else if (queryString[cnt] == '+') {
+ // store away current token
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ // add the + token
+ tokenList.append("+");
+ token = "";
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ // the || token is also a token break
+ else if ((queryString[cnt] == '|') && (queryString[cnt+1] == '|')) {
+ // store away current token
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ // add the || token
+ tokenList.append("||");
+ token = "";
+ cnt += 2;
+ }
+ // the && token is also a token break
+ else if ((queryString[cnt] == '&') && (queryString[cnt+1] == '&')) {
+ // store away current token
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ // add the || token
+ tokenList.append("&&");
+ token = "";
+ cnt += 2;
+ }
+ else cnt++;
+ }
+ token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ cnt = 0;
+ QStringList::iterator it;
+ for ( it = tokenList.begin(); it != tokenList.end(); it++ ) {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ // remove all the NOT(!) tokens - these do not need to be
+ // highlighted in the highlighter
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ if (((*it) == "!") || ((*it) == "NOT") || ((*it) == "-")) {
+ it = tokenList.remove(it);
+ if (it == tokenList.end())
+ break;
+ it = tokenList.remove(it);
+ if (it == tokenList.end())
+ break;
+ it--;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ // remove all the operator tokens - these do not need to be
+ // highlighted in the highlighter
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ else if ( ((*it) == "||") || ((*it) == "OR") || ((*it) == "+") ||
+ ((*it) == "AND") || ((*it) == "&&") )
+ {
+ it = tokenList.remove(it);
+ if (it == tokenList.end())
+ break;
+ it--;
+ }
+ // if the token contains a ^ then trim the remainder of the
+ // token from the ^
+ else if ( (pos = (*it).contains("^")) >= 0 ) {
+ (*it) = (*it).left(pos - 1);
+ }
+ // if the token contains a ~ then trim the remainder of the
+ // token from the ~
+ else if ( (pos = (*it).contains("~")) >= 0 ) {
+ (*it) = (*it).left(pos - 2) + "*";
+ }
+ }
+ return(tokenList);
+const QString CSearchResultPage::highlightSearchedText(const QString& content, const QString& searchedText/*, const int searchFlags*/) {
+ QString ret = content;
+ //const bool cs = (searchFlags & CSwordModuleSearch::caseSensitive);
+ const bool cs = false;
+ // int index = 0;
+ int index = ret.find("<body", 0);
+ int matchLen = 0;
+ int length = searchedText.length();
+ const QString rep1("<span style=\"background-color:#FFFF66;\">");
+ const QString rep2("</span>");
+ const unsigned int repLength = rep1.length() + rep1.length();
+ int sstIndex; // strong search text index for finding "strong:"
+ bool inQuote;
+ QString newSearchText;
+ newSearchText = searchedText;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // find the strongs search lemma and highlight it
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // search the searched text for "strong:" until it is not found anymore
+ sstIndex = 0;
+ while ((sstIndex = newSearchText.find("strong:", sstIndex)) != -1) {
+ int idx1, idx2, sTokenIndex, sTokenIndex2;
+ QString sNumber, lemmaText;
+ const QString rep3("style=\"background-color:#FFFF66;\" ");
+ const unsigned int rep3Length = rep3.length();
+ int strongIndex = index;
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // get the strongs number from the search text
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // first find the first space after "strong:"
+ // this should indicate a change in search token
+ sstIndex = sstIndex + 7;
+ sTokenIndex = newSearchText.find(" ", sstIndex);
+ sTokenIndex2 = newSearchText.find("|", sstIndex);
+ if ((sTokenIndex2 != -1) && (sTokenIndex2 < sTokenIndex)) {
+ sNumber = newSearchText.mid(sstIndex, sTokenIndex2 - sstIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ sNumber = newSearchText.mid(sstIndex, sTokenIndex - sstIndex);
+ }
+ // remove this strong entry
+ sstIndex -= 7;
+ newSearchText.replace(sstIndex, sTokenIndex - sstIndex, "");
+ // find all the "lemma=" inside the the content
+ while((strongIndex = ret.find("lemma=", strongIndex, cs)) != -1) {
+ // get the strongs number after the lemma and compare it with the
+ // strongs number we are looking for
+ idx1 = ret.find("\"", strongIndex) + 1;
+ idx2 = ret.find("\"", idx1 + 1);
+ lemmaText = ret.mid(idx1, idx2 - idx1);
+ if (lemmaText == sNumber) {
+ // strongs number is found now we need to highlight it
+ // I believe the easiest way is to insert rep3 just before "lemma="
+ ret = ret.insert(strongIndex, rep3);
+ strongIndex += rep3Length;
+ }
+ strongIndex += 6; // 6 is the length of "lemma="
+ }
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // now that the strong: stuff is out of the way continue with
+ // other search options
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ // try to figure out how to use the lucene query parser
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ //using namespace lucene::queryParser;
+ //using namespace lucene::search;
+ //using namespace lucene::analysis;
+ //using namespace lucene::util;
+ //wchar_t *buf;
+ //char buf8[1000];
+ //standard::WhitespaceAnalyzer analyzer;
+ //lucene_utf8towcs(m_wcharBuffer, searchedText.utf8(), MAX_CONV_SIZE);
+ //util::scoped_ptr<Query> q( QueryParser::parse(m_wcharBuffer, _T("content"), &analyzer) );
+ //StringReader reader(m_wcharBuffer);
+ //TokenStream* tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream( _T("field"), &reader);
+ //Token token;
+ //while(tokenStream->next(&token) != 0) {
+ // lucene_wcstoutf8(buf8, token.termText(), 1000);
+ // printf("%s\n", buf8);
+ //}
+ //===========================================================
+ // since I could not figure out the lucene query parser, I
+ // made a simple parser.
+ //===========================================================
+ QStringList words = QueryParser(newSearchText);
+ for ( int wi = 0; (unsigned int)wi < words.count(); ++wi ) { //search for every word in the list
+ QRegExp findExp;
+ QString word = words[ wi ];
+ if (word.contains("*")) {
+ length = word.length() - 1;
+ word.replace('*', "\\S*"); //match within a word
+ findExp = QRegExp(word);
+ findExp.setMinimal(TRUE);
+ }
+ else {
+ length = word.length();
+ findExp = QRegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b");
+ }
+ // index = 0; //for every word start at the beginning
+ index = ret.find("<body", 0);
+ findExp.setCaseSensitive(cs);
+ //while ( (index = ret.find(findExp, index)) != -1 ) { //while we found the word
+ while ( (index =, index)) != -1 ) { //while we found the word
+ matchLen = findExp.matchedLength();
+ if (!CToolClass::inHTMLTag(index, ret)) {
+ length = matchLen;
+ ret = ret.insert( index+length, rep2 );
+ ret = ret.insert( index, rep1 );
+ index += repLength;
+ }
+ index += length;
+ }
+ }
+ //qWarning("\n\n\n%s", ret.latin1());
+ return ret;
+/** Initializes the signal slot conections of the child widgets, */
+void CSearchResultPage::initConnections() {
+ connect(m_resultListBox, SIGNAL(keySelected(const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(updatePreview(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_moduleListBox, SIGNAL(moduleSelected(CSwordModuleInfo*)),
+ m_resultListBox, SLOT(setupTree(CSwordModuleInfo*)));
+ connect(m_moduleListBox, SIGNAL(moduleChanged()),
+ m_previewDisplay->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(clear()));
+ connect(m_analyseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(showAnalysis()));
+ // connect the strongs list
+ connect(m_moduleListBox, SIGNAL(strongsSelected(CSwordModuleInfo*, QStringList*)),
+ m_resultListBox, SLOT(setupStrongsTree(CSwordModuleInfo*, QStringList*)));
+/** Shows a dialog with the search analysis of the current search. */
+void CSearchResultPage::showAnalysis() {
+ Analysis::CSearchAnalysisDialog dlg(m_modules, this);
+ dlg.exec();
+ } //end of namespace Search.Result
+ /*************************/
+ namespace Options {
+CSearchOptionsPage::CSearchOptionsPage(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
+ SearchOptionsForm(parent,name) {
+ initView();
+ readSettings();
+CSearchOptionsPage::~CSearchOptionsPage() {
+ saveSettings();
+/** Returns the search text set in this page. */
+const QString CSearchOptionsPage::searchText() {
+ return m_searchTextCombo->currentText();
+/** Sets the search text used in the page. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::setSearchText(const QString& text) {
+ bool found = false;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; !found && i < m_searchTextCombo->count(); ++i) {
+ if (m_searchTextCombo->text(i) == text) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is needed because in the for loop i is incremented before the comparison (++i)
+ // As a result the index i is actually one greater than expected.
+ i--;
+ if (!found) {
+ i = 0;
+ m_searchTextCombo->insertItem( text,0 );
+ }
+ m_searchTextCombo->setCurrentItem(i);
+ m_searchTextCombo->reset();
+ m_searchTextCombo->setFocus();
+/** Initializes this page. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::initView() {
+ connect( m_searchTextCombo, SIGNAL(activated( const QString& )),
+ m_searchTextCombo, SLOT( addToHistory( const QString& ))
+ );
+ connect( m_searchTextCombo, SIGNAL(returnPressed ( const QString& )),
+ m_searchTextCombo, SLOT(addToHistory(const QString&))
+ );
+ QToolTip::add(m_searchTextCombo, CResMgr::searchdialog::options::searchedText::tooltip);
+ m_syntaxButton->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("contexthelp"));
+ connect( m_syntaxButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(syntaxHelp()));
+ m_chooseModulesButton->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("wizard"));
+ connect(m_chooseModulesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(chooseModules()));
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_chooseModulesButton, CResMgr::searchdialog::options::moduleChooserButton::tooltip);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_rangeChooserCombo, CResMgr::searchdialog::options::chooseScope::tooltip);
+ refreshRanges();
+ m_chooseRangeButton->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("configure"));
+ connect(m_chooseRangeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(setupRanges()));
+ //set the initial focus
+ m_searchTextCombo->setFocus();
+/** Sets the modules used by the search. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules ) {
+ QString t = i18n("Searching in: ");
+ m_modules.clear(); //remove old modules
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
+ for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
+ //ToDo: Check for containsRef compat
+ if (*it == 0) { //don't operate on null modules.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !m_modules.contains(*it) ) {
+ m_modules.append( *it );
+ t.append( (*it)->name() );
+ if (*it != modules.last()) {
+ t += QString::fromLatin1(", "); // so that it will become a readable list (WLC, LXX, GerLut...)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ m_modulesLabel->setText(t);
+ emit( sigSetSearchButtonStatus( (modules.count() != 0) ) );
+/** Opens the modules chooser dialog. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::chooseModules() {
+ CModuleChooserDialog* dlg = new CModuleChooserDialog(this, modules());
+ connect(dlg, SIGNAL(modulesChanged(ListCSwordModuleInfo)),
+ this, SLOT(setModules(ListCSwordModuleInfo)));
+ dlg->exec();
+/** Returns the list of used modules. */
+const ListCSwordModuleInfo CSearchOptionsPage::modules() {
+ return m_modules;
+/** Sets all options back to the default. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::reset() {
+ m_rangeChooserCombo->setCurrentItem(0); //no scope
+ m_searchTextCombo->clearEdit();
+/** Reads the settings for the searchdialog from disk. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::saveSettings() {
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::searchCompletionTexts, m_searchTextCombo->completionObject()->items());
+ CBTConfig::set
+ (CBTConfig::searchTexts, m_searchTextCombo->historyItems());
+/** Reads the settings of the last searchdialog session. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::readSettings() {
+ m_searchTextCombo->completionObject()->setItems( CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::searchCompletionTexts) );
+ m_searchTextCombo->setHistoryItems( CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::searchTexts) );
+void CSearchOptionsPage::aboutToShow() {
+ m_searchTextCombo->setFocus();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::setupRanges() {
+ CRangeChooserDialog* chooser = new CRangeChooserDialog(this);
+ chooser->exec();
+ refreshRanges();
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::syntaxHelp() {
+ QString syntax = i18n (
+ "<p>Enter search terms separated by spaces. By default the search "
+ "function will return results that match any of the search terms (OR). "
+ "To search for all the terms separate the terms by AND.</p>") + i18n(
+ "<p>You can use wildcards: '*' matches any sequence of characters, "
+ "while '?' matches any single character. The use of brackets allows you to "
+ "group your search terms, e.g. '(Jesus OR spirit) AND God'.</p>") + i18n(
+ "<p>To search text other than the main text, enter the text type followed "
+ "by \":\", and then the search term. For example, to search for the Strong's "
+ "number H8077, use 'strong:H8077'.</p>") + i18n(
+ "<p>Available text types:<br><table>"
+ "<tr><td>heading:</td><td>searches headings</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td>footnote:</td><td>searches footnotes</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td>strong:</td><td>searches Strong's Numbers</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td>morph:</td><td>searches morphology codes</td></tr></table></p>") + i18n(
+ "<p>BibleTime uses the Lucene search engine to perform your searches. "
+ "It has many advanced features, and you can read more about it here: "
+ "<a href=\"\">"
+ "</a></p>");
+ KMessageBox::about( this, syntax, i18n("Basic Search Syntax Introduction"));
+/** refreshes the listof ranges and the range combobox. */
+void CSearchOptionsPage::refreshRanges() {
+ //the first two options are fixed, the others can be edited using the "Setup ranges" button.
+ m_rangeChooserCombo->clear();
+ m_rangeChooserCombo->insertItem(i18n("No search scope"));
+ //m_rangeChooserCombo->insertItem(i18n("Last search result"));
+ //insert the user-defined ranges
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map = CBTConfig::get
+ (CBTConfig::searchScopes);
+ CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
+ for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
+ m_rangeChooserCombo->insertItem(it.key());
+ };
+/** Returns the selected search scope if a search scope was selected. */
+sword::ListKey CSearchOptionsPage::searchScope() {
+ if (m_rangeChooserCombo->currentItem() > 0) { //is not "no scope"
+ CBTConfig::StringMap map = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::searchScopes);
+ QString scope = map[ m_rangeChooserCombo->currentText() ];
+ if (!scope.isEmpty()) {
+ return sword::VerseKey().ParseVerseList( (const char*)scope.utf8(), "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ }
+ }
+ return sword::ListKey();
+ \fn CSearchOptionsPage::hasSearchScope()
+ */
+bool CSearchOptionsPage::hasSearchScope() {
+ return (searchScope().Count() > 0);
+ } //end of namespace Options
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialogpages.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialogpages.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7949a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialogpages.h
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+#include "backend/cswordbackend.h"
+#include "backend/cswordmodulesearch.h"
+#include "frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.h" // uic generated
+#include "frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.h" // uic generated
+//Qt includes
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qvgroupbox.h>
+//KDE includes
+#include <klistview.h>
+//forward declarations
+class QLabel;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QPushButton;
+class QRadioButton;
+class KComboBox;
+class KActionMenu;
+class KAction;
+class KHistoryCombo;
+class KProgress;
+class KPopupMenu;
+class CReadDisplay;
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Result {
+* This class is used to keep track of the text strongs results.
+* It only keeps track of one instance of a strongs text result.
+* The functions of the class are:
+* - Store an instance of a strongs text result.
+* - Each strongs text result will contain a list of verses (keyNames).
+* - The number of verses (keyNames) is returned by keyCount().
+* - The text for the strongs text result is returned by keyText().
+* - The list of verses (keyNames) is returned by getKeyList() [as QStringList].
+* To add a new verse to a strongs text result use addKeyName.
+class StrongsResult {
+ StrongsResult() /*: text(QString::null)*/ {
+ //keyNameList.clear();
+ }
+ StrongsResult(const QString& text, const QString &keyName)
+ : text(text)
+ {
+ //keyNameList.clear();
+ keyNameList.append(keyName);
+ }
+ QString keyText() const {
+ return text;
+ }
+ int keyCount() const {
+ return keyNameList.count();
+ }
+ void addKeyName(const QString& keyName) {
+ if (keyNameList.findIndex(keyName) == -1)
+ keyNameList.append(keyName);
+ }
+ QStringList* getKeyList() {
+ return & keyNameList;
+ }
+ /* ????
+ bool operator==(const StrongsResult &l, const StrongsResult &r)
+ { return (l.keyText() == r.keyText()); }
+ bool operator<(const StrongsResult &l, const StrongsResult &r)
+ { return (l->keyText() < r->keyText()); }
+ bool operator>(const StrongsResult &l, const StrongsResult &r)
+ { return (l->keyText() > r->keyText()); }
+ */
+ QString text;
+ QStringList keyNameList;
+typedef QValueList<StrongsResult> StrongsResultList;
+* This class is used to keep track of the text strongs results.
+* It keeps track of all instances of all strongs text results.
+* This class makes use of the above class StrongsResult.
+* The functions of the class are:
+* - Store an instance of a strongs text result.
+* - Each strongs text result will contain a list of verses (keyNames).
+* - The number of verses (keyNames) is returned by keyCount().
+* - The text for the strongs text result is returned by keyText().
+* - The list of verses (keyNames) is returned by getKeyList() [as QStringList].
+* To add a new verse to a strongs text result use addKeyName.
+class StrongsResultClass {
+ StrongsResultClass(CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& strongsNumber)
+ : srModule(module), lemmaText(strongsNumber)
+ {
+ initStrongsResults();
+ }
+ QString keyText(int index) const {
+ return srList[index].keyText();
+ }
+ int keyCount(int index) const {
+ return srList[index].keyCount();
+ }
+ QStringList* getKeyList(int index) {
+ return srList[index].getKeyList();
+ }
+ int Count() const {
+ return srList.count();
+ }
+ void initStrongsResults(void);
+ QString getStrongsNumberText(const QString& verseContent, int *startIndex);
+ StrongsResultList srList;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* srModule;
+ QString lemmaText;
+/** The page of the search dialog which contains the search result part.
+ * @author The BibleTime team
+ */
+class CSearchResultPage : public SearchResultsForm {
+ CSearchResultPage(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ ~CSearchResultPage();
+ /**
+ * Sets the modules which contain the result of each.
+ */
+ void setSearchResult(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules);
+ QSize sizeHint() const { return baseSize(); }
+ QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return minimumSize(); }
+public slots: // Public slots
+ /**
+ * Resets the current l�st of modules and the displayed list of found entries.
+ */
+ void reset();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes the view of this widget.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the signal slot conections of the child widgets
+ */
+ void initConnections();
+ /**
+ * This function breakes the queryString into clucene tokens
+ */
+ QStringList QueryParser(const QString& queryString);
+ /**
+ * This function highlights the searched text in the content using the search type given by search flags
+ */
+ const QString highlightSearchedText(const QString& content, const QString& searchedText/*, const int searchFlags*/);
+ CReadDisplay* m_previewDisplay;
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo m_modules;
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ /**
+ * Update the preview of the selected key.
+ */
+ void updatePreview(const QString& key);
+ /**
+ * Shows a dialog with the search analysis of the current search.
+ */
+ void showAnalysis();
+ } //end of namespace Search::Result
+ namespace Options {
+class CSearchOptionsPage : public SearchOptionsForm {
+ CSearchOptionsPage(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
+ ~CSearchOptionsPage();
+ /**
+ * Sets the search text used in the page.
+ */
+ void setSearchText(const QString& text);
+ /**
+ * Returns the search text set in this page.
+ */
+ const QString searchText();
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of used modules.
+ */
+ const ListCSwordModuleInfo modules();
+ /**
+ * Return the selected search type,.
+ */
+// const int searchFlags();
+ /**
+ * Sets all options back to the default.
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /**
+ * Returns the selected search scope if a search scope was selected.
+ */
+ sword::ListKey searchScope();
+ /**
+ * Returns the selected scope type.
+ */
+ //const CSwordModuleSearch::scopeType scopeType();
+ QSize sizeHint() const { return baseSize(); }
+ QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return minimumSize(); }
+ bool hasSearchScope();
+ ListCSwordModuleInfo m_modules;
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes this page.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ /**
+ * Reads the settings of the last searchdialog session.
+ */
+ void readSettings();
+ /**
+ * Reads the settings for the searchdialog from disk.
+ */
+ void saveSettings();
+public slots: // Public slots
+ /**
+ * Sets the modules used by the search.
+ */
+ void setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation.
+ */
+ void aboutToShow();
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the list of ranges and the range combobox.
+ */
+ void refreshRanges();
+ /**
+ * Opens the modules chooser dialog.
+ */
+ void chooseModules();
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ void setupRanges();
+ void syntaxHelp();
+ void sigSetSearchButtonStatus(bool);
+ } //end of namespace Search::Options
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchresultview.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchresultview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb2ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchresultview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "csearchresultview.h"
+#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
+#include "frontend/cdragdropmgr.h"
+#include "frontend/cexportmanager.h"
+#include "util/cresmgr.h"
+//Qt includes
+//KDE includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Result {
+CSearchResultView::CSearchResultView(QWidget* parent, const char* name) :
+ KListView(parent, name), m_module(0) {
+ initView();
+ initConnections();
+CSearchResultView::~CSearchResultView() {}
+/** Initializes the view of this widget. */
+void CSearchResultView::initView() {
+ addColumn(i18n("Results"));
+ setFullWidth(true);
+ setSorting(-1);
+ setDragEnabled(true);
+ setSelectionModeExt(KListView::Extended);
+ //setup the popup menu
+ m_popup = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ m_actions.copyMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Copy..."), CResMgr::searchdialog::result::foundItems::copyMenu::icon, m_popup);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.copy.result = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(copyItems()), this);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.result);
+ m_actions.copy.resultWithText = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(copyItemsWithText()), this);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->insert(m_actions.copy.resultWithText);
+ m_actions.copyMenu->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.saveMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Save..."),CResMgr::searchdialog::result::foundItems::saveMenu::icon, m_popup);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ = new KAction(i18n("Reference only"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveItems()), this);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(saveItemsWithText()), this);
+ m_actions.saveMenu->insert(;
+ m_actions.saveMenu->plug(m_popup);
+ m_actions.printMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Print..."),CResMgr::searchdialog::result::foundItems::printMenu::icon, m_popup);
+ m_actions.printMenu->setDelayed(false);
+ m_actions.print.result = new KAction(i18n("Reference with text"), KShortcut(0), this, SLOT(printItems()), this);
+ m_actions.printMenu->insert(m_actions.print.result);
+ m_actions.printMenu->plug(m_popup);
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchResultView::initConnections() {
+ // connect(this, SIGNAL(executed(QListViewItem*)),
+ // this, SLOT(executed(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(executed(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(showPopup(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)));
+/** Setups the list with the given module. */
+void CSearchResultView::setupTree(CSwordModuleInfo* m) {
+ clear();
+ if (!m) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_module = m;
+ sword::ListKey& result = m->searchResult();
+ const int count = result.Count();
+ if (!count) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ QListViewItem* oldItem = 0;
+ KListViewItem* item = 0;
+ for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
+ item = new KListViewItem(this, oldItem);
+ item->setText(0, QString::fromUtf8(result.GetElement(index)->getText()));
+ oldItem = item;
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ setSelected(firstChild(), true);
+ executed(currentItem());
+void CSearchResultView::setupStrongsTree(CSwordModuleInfo* m, QStringList* vList) {
+ clear();
+ if (!m) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_module = m;
+ if (vList->count() <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ KListViewItem* oldItem = 0;
+ KListViewItem* item = 0;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = vList->begin(); it != vList->end(); ++it ) {
+ item = new KListViewItem(this, oldItem);
+ item->setText(0, (*it));
+ oldItem = item;
+ }
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ setSelected(firstChild(), true);
+ executed(currentItem());
+/** Is connected to the signal executed, which is emitted when a mew item was chosen. */
+void CSearchResultView::executed(QListViewItem* item) {
+ // Q_ASSERT(item);
+ // qWarning("executed");
+ emit keySelected(item->text(0));
+/** Reimplementation to show the popup menu. */
+void CSearchResultView::showPopup(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint& point) {
+ m_popup->exec(point);
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchResultView::printItems() {
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Print search result..."), true, i18n("Printing search result"));
+ QStringList list;
+ for (QListViewItem* k = items.first(); k; k = {
+ list.append( k->text(0) );
+ };
+ mgr.printKeyList( list, module(), CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults(), CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults() );
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchResultView::saveItems() {
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Save search result..."), true, i18n("Saving search result"));
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = module();
+ CSwordKey* k = 0;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ QPtrList<CSwordKey> keys;
+ for (QListViewItem* i = items.first(); i; i = {
+ k = CSwordKey::createInstance( m );
+ k->key(i->text(0));
+ keys.append( k );
+ };
+ mgr.saveKeyList( keys, CExportManager::Text, false);
+ keys.setAutoDelete(true);
+ keys.clear(); //delete all the keys we created
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchResultView::saveItemsWithText() {
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Save search result..."), true, i18n("Saving search result"));
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = module();
+ CSwordKey* k = 0;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ QPtrList<CSwordKey> keys;
+ for (QListViewItem* i = items.first(); i; i = {
+ k = CSwordKey::createInstance( m );
+ k->key(i->text(0));
+ keys.append( k );
+ };
+ mgr.saveKeyList( keys, CExportManager::Text, true);
+ keys.setAutoDelete(true);
+ keys.clear(); //delete all the keys we created
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchResultView::copyItems() {
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Copy search result..."), true, i18n("Copying search result"));
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = module();
+ CSwordKey* k = 0;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ QPtrList<CSwordKey> keys;
+ for (QListViewItem* i = items.first(); i; i = {
+ k = CSwordKey::createInstance( m );
+ k->key(i->text(0));
+ keys.append( k );
+ };
+ mgr.copyKeyList( keys, CExportManager::Text, false);
+ keys.setAutoDelete(true);
+ keys.clear(); //delete all the keys we created
+/** No descriptions */
+void CSearchResultView::copyItemsWithText() {
+ CExportManager mgr(i18n("Copy search result..."), true, i18n("Copying search result"));
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m = module();
+ CSwordKey* k = 0;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ QPtrList<CSwordKey> keys;
+ for (QListViewItem* i = items.first(); i; i = {
+ k = CSwordKey::createInstance( m );
+ k->key(i->text(0));
+ keys.append( k );
+ };
+ mgr.copyKeyList( keys, CExportManager::Text, true);
+ keys.setAutoDelete(true);
+ keys.clear(); //delete all the keys we created
+/** Returns the module which is currently used. */
+CSwordModuleInfo* const CSearchResultView::module() {
+ return m_module;
+QDragObject* CSearchResultView::dragObject() {
+ //return a valid DragObject to make DnD possible!
+ /*
+ * First get all selected items and fill with them the dndItems list. The return the QDragObject we got from CDRagDropMgr
+ */
+ CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems;
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = selectedItems();
+ for (items.first(); items.current(); {
+ dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(m_module->name(), items.current()->text(0), QString::null) ); //no description
+ };
+ return CDragDropMgr::dragObject(dndItems, viewport());
+ } //end of namespace Search::Result
+} //end of namespace
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchresultview.h b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchresultview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f4dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/csearchresultview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+//BibleTime includes
+#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
+//KDE includes
+#include <klistview.h>
+//forward declarations
+class QLabel;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QPushButton;
+class QRadioButton;
+class KComboBox;
+class KActionMenu;
+class KAction;
+class KHistoryCombo;
+class KProgress;
+class KPopupMenu;
+class CReadDisplay;
+namespace Search {
+ namespace Result {
+class CSearchResultView : public KListView {
+ CSearchResultView(QWidget* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ virtual ~CSearchResultView();
+ /** Returns the module which is currently used. */
+ CSwordModuleInfo* const module();
+protected: // Protected methods
+ /**
+ * Initializes the view of this widget.
+ */
+ void initView();
+ void initConnections();
+ virtual QDragObject* dragObject();
+public slots: // Public slots
+ void saveItems();
+ /**
+ * Setups the list with the given module.
+ */
+ void setupTree(CSwordModuleInfo*);
+ void setupStrongsTree(CSwordModuleInfo*, QStringList*);
+ void copyItemsWithText();
+ void copyItems();
+ void saveItemsWithText();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation to show the popup menu.
+ */
+ virtual void showPopup(KListView*, QListViewItem* i, const QPoint& point);
+protected slots: // Protected slots
+ void printItems();
+ /**
+ * Is connected to the signal executed, which is emitted when a mew item was chosen.
+ */
+ void executed(QListViewItem*);
+ struct {
+ KActionMenu* saveMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* result;
+ KAction* resultWithText;
+ }
+ save;
+ KActionMenu* printMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* result;
+ }
+ print;
+ KActionMenu* copyMenu;
+ struct {
+ KAction* result;
+ KAction* resultWithText;
+ }
+ copy;
+ }
+ m_actions;
+ KPopupMenu* m_popup;
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m_module;
+signals: // Signals
+ void keySelected(const QString&);
+ } //end of namespace Result
+} //end of namespace Search
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18035c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+** Form implementation generated from reading ui file './searchoptionsform.ui'
+** Created: Sa Mai 10 13:52:35 2008
+** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+#include "searchoptionsform.h"
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+ * Constructs a SearchOptionsForm as a child of 'parent', with the
+ * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
+ */
+SearchOptionsForm::SearchOptionsForm( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, fl )
+ if ( !name )
+ setName( "SearchOptionsForm" );
+ setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ setMinimumSize( QSize( 260, 130 ) );
+ setBaseSize( QSize( 420, 150 ) );
+ SearchOptionsFormLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this, 0, 3, "SearchOptionsFormLayout");
+ searchGroupBox = new QGroupBox( this, "searchGroupBox" );
+ searchGroupBox->setMargin( 0 );
+ searchGroupBox->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
+ searchGroupBox->layout()->setSpacing( 3 );
+ searchGroupBox->layout()->setMargin( 6 );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout = new QGridLayout( searchGroupBox->layout() );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
+ m_searchTextLabel = new QLabel( searchGroupBox, "m_searchTextLabel" );
+ m_searchTextLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, 0, 0, m_searchTextLabel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_searchTextLabel, 0, 0 );
+ m_syntaxButton = new QPushButton( searchGroupBox, "m_syntaxButton" );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_syntaxButton, 0, 2 );
+ m_chooseModulesButton = new QPushButton( searchGroupBox, "m_chooseModulesButton" );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_chooseModulesButton, 1, 2 );
+ m_chooseRangeButton = new QPushButton( searchGroupBox, "m_chooseRangeButton" );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_chooseRangeButton, 2, 2 );
+ m_searchScopeLabel = new QLabel( searchGroupBox, "m_searchScopeLabel" );
+ m_searchScopeLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, 0, 0, m_searchScopeLabel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_searchScopeLabel, 2, 0 );
+ m_rangeChooserCombo = new KComboBox( FALSE, searchGroupBox, "m_rangeChooserCombo" );
+ m_rangeChooserCombo->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, m_rangeChooserCombo->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_rangeChooserCombo, 2, 1 );
+ m_searchTextCombo = new KHistoryCombo( searchGroupBox, "m_searchTextCombo" );
+ m_searchTextCombo->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, m_searchTextCombo->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ m_searchTextCombo->setFocusPolicy( KHistoryCombo::WheelFocus );
+ m_searchTextCombo->setSizeLimit( 25 );
+ m_searchTextCombo->setInsertionPolicy( KHistoryCombo::AtBottom );
+ m_searchTextCombo->setDuplicatesEnabled( FALSE );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_searchTextCombo, 0, 1 );
+ m_modulesLabel = new QLabel( searchGroupBox, "m_modulesLabel" );
+ m_modulesLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, 0, 0, m_modulesLabel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ m_modulesLabel->setTextFormat( QLabel::RichText );
+ m_modulesLabel->setAlignment( int( QLabel::WordBreak | QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignLeft ) );
+ searchGroupBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( m_modulesLabel, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
+ SearchOptionsFormLayout->addWidget( searchGroupBox );
+ languageChange();
+ resize( QSize(648, 130).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );
+ clearWState( WState_Polished );
+ * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+ */
+ // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
+ * Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current
+ * language.
+ */
+void SearchOptionsForm::languageChange()
+ setCaption( tr2i18n( "Search Options" ) );
+ searchGroupBox->setTitle( tr2i18n( "Search parameters" ) );
+ m_searchTextLabel->setText( tr2i18n( "Search for:" ) );
+ m_syntaxButton->setText( tr2i18n( "&Help" ) );
+ m_syntaxButton->setAccel( QKeySequence( tr2i18n( "Alt+H" ) ) );
+ m_chooseModulesButton->setText( tr2i18n( "&Choose" ) );
+ m_chooseModulesButton->setAccel( QKeySequence( tr2i18n( "Alt+C" ) ) );
+ m_chooseRangeButton->setText( tr2i18n( "&Setup" ) );
+ m_chooseRangeButton->setAccel( QKeySequence( tr2i18n( "Alt+S" ) ) );
+ m_searchScopeLabel->setText( tr2i18n( "Search scope:" ) );
+ m_modulesLabel->setText( tr2i18n( "Search in:" ) );
+#include "searchoptionsform.moc"
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.ui b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e31b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchoptionsform.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
+<widget class="QWidget">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>SearchOptionsForm</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>648</width>
+ <height>130</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>5</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>260</width>
+ <height>130</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="baseSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>420</width>
+ <height>150</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="caption">
+ <string>Search Options</string>
+ </property>
+ <hbox>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QGroupBox">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>searchGroupBox</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Search parameters</string>
+ </property>
+ <grid>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>3</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_searchTextLabel</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>1</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Search for:</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" row="0" column="2">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_syntaxButton</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>&amp;Help</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="accel">
+ <string>Alt+H</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" row="1" column="2">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_chooseModulesButton</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>&amp;Choose</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="accel">
+ <string>Alt+C</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="2">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_chooseRangeButton</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>&amp;Setup</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="accel">
+ <string>Alt+S</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_searchScopeLabel</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>1</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Search scope:</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="KComboBox" row="2" column="1">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_rangeChooserCombo</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="KHistoryCombo" row="0" column="1">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_searchTextCombo</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="focusPolicy">
+ <enum>WheelFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeLimit">
+ <number>25</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="insertionPolicy">
+ <enum>AtBottom</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="duplicatesEnabled">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_modulesLabel</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>1</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Search in:</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="textFormat">
+ <enum>RichText</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </grid>
+ </widget>
+ </hbox>
+<layoutdefaults spacing="3" margin="0"/>
+ <includehint>kcombobox.h</includehint>
+ <includehint>kcombobox.h</includehint>
+ <includehint>klineedit.h</includehint>
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1f77b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+** Form implementation generated from reading ui file './searchresultsform.ui'
+** Created: Sa Mai 10 13:52:35 2008
+** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+#include "searchresultsform.h"
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qsplitter.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include "cmoduleresultview.h"
+#include "csearchresultview.h"
+ * Constructs a SearchResultsForm as a child of 'parent', with the
+ * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
+ */
+SearchResultsForm::SearchResultsForm( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, fl )
+ if ( !name )
+ setName( "SearchResultsForm" );
+ setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, 0, 0, sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ setMinimumSize( QSize( 300, 220 ) );
+ setBaseSize( QSize( 440, 290 ) );
+ SearchResultsFormLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, 3, "SearchResultsFormLayout");
+ displaySplitter = new QSplitter( this, "displaySplitter" );
+ displaySplitter->setMinimumSize( QSize( 134, 44 ) );
+ displaySplitter->setOrientation( QSplitter::Horizontal );
+ QWidget* privateLayoutWidget = new QWidget( displaySplitter, "rightSideBox" );
+ rightSideBox = new QVBoxLayout( privateLayoutWidget, 0, 6, "rightSideBox");
+ resultSplitter = new QSplitter( privateLayoutWidget, "resultSplitter" );
+ resultSplitter->setOrientation( QSplitter::Vertical );
+ m_moduleListBox = new Search::Result::CModuleResultView( resultSplitter, "m_moduleListBox" );
+ m_resultListBox = new Search::Result::CSearchResultView( resultSplitter, "m_resultListBox" );
+ rightSideBox->addWidget( resultSplitter );
+ buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "buttonLayout");
+ m_analyseButton = new QPushButton( privateLayoutWidget, "m_analyseButton" );
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( m_analyseButton );
+ buttonSpacer = new QSpacerItem( 10, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
+ buttonLayout->addItem( buttonSpacer );
+ rightSideBox->addLayout( buttonLayout );
+ m_displayFrame = new QFrame( displaySplitter, "m_displayFrame" );
+ m_displayFrame->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, 0, 0, m_displayFrame->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
+ m_displayFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
+ m_displayFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
+ SearchResultsFormLayout->addWidget( displaySplitter );
+ languageChange();
+ resize( QSize(300, 220).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );
+ clearWState( WState_Polished );
+ * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+ */
+ // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
+ * Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current
+ * language.
+ */
+void SearchResultsForm::languageChange()
+ setCaption( tr2i18n( "SearchResults" ) );
+ m_analyseButton->setText( tr2i18n( "Analyze search" ) );
+#include "searchresultsform.moc"
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.ui b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5001d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/searchdialog/searchresultsform.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
+<widget class="QWidget">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>SearchResultsForm</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>300</width>
+ <height>220</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>7</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>300</width>
+ <height>220</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="baseSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>440</width>
+ <height>290</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="caption">
+ <string>SearchResults</string>
+ </property>
+ <vbox>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>3</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QSplitter">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>displaySplitter</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>134</width>
+ <height>44</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>rightSideBox</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <vbox>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QSplitter">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>resultSplitter</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="Search::Result::CModuleResultView">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_moduleListBox</cstring>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="Search::Result::CSearchResultView">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_resultListBox</cstring>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>buttonLayout</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <hbox>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QPushButton">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_analyseButton</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Analyze search</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <spacer>
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>buttonSpacer</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeType">
+ <enum>Expanding</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint">
+ <size>
+ <width>10</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </hbox>
+ </widget>
+ </vbox>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QFrame">
+ <property name="name">
+ <cstring>m_displayFrame</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
+ <vsizetype>7</vsizetype>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>NoFrame</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>Plain</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </widget>
+ </vbox>
+ <customwidget>
+ <class>Search::Result::CModuleResultView</class>
+ <header location="local">cmoduleresultview.h</header>
+ <sizehint>
+ <width>50</width>
+ <height>50</height>
+ </sizehint>
+ <container>0</container>
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hordata>5</hordata>
+ <verdata>7</verdata>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ <pixmap>image0</pixmap>
+ </customwidget>
+ <customwidget>
+ <class>Search::Result::CSearchResultView</class>
+ <header location="local">csearchresultview.h</header>
+ <sizehint>
+ <width>50</width>
+ <height>50</height>
+ </sizehint>
+ <container>0</container>
+ <sizepolicy>
+ <hordata>5</hordata>
+ <verdata>7</verdata>
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ <pixmap>image0</pixmap>
+ </customwidget>
+ <image name="image0">
+ <data format="PNG" length="1002">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</data>
+ </image>
+<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
+ <includehint>cmoduleresultview.h</includehint>
+ <includehint>csearchresultview.h</includehint>
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/util/ b/bibletime/frontend/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ad0794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+libfrontendutil_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libfrontendutil.a
+libfrontendutil_a_SOURCES = \
+all_headers = \
+EXTRA_DIST = $(libfrontendutil_a_SOURCES) $(all_headers)
+noinst_HEADERS = csortlistviewitem.h
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc089f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include "csortlistviewitem.h"
+//#include <versekey.h>
+namespace util {
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem(QListViewItem* parent) : KListViewItem(parent)
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after )
+ : KListViewItem ( parent, after )
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after )
+ : KListViewItem ( parent, after )
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4, QString label5, QString label6, QString label7, QString label8 )
+ : KListViewItem( parent, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8 )
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4, QString label5, QString label6, QString label7, QString label8 )
+ : KListViewItem ( parent, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8 )
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4, QString label5, QString label6, QString label7, QString label8 )
+ : KListViewItem ( parent, after, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8 )
+CSortListViewItem::CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4, QString label5, QString label6, QString label7, QString label8 )
+ : KListViewItem ( parent, after, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8 )
+CSortListViewItem::~CSortListViewItem() {
+int CSortListViewItem::compare( QListViewItem* i, int col, bool ascending ) const {
+ int ret = 0;
+ if ( !columnSorting.contains(col) ) {
+ return KListViewItem::compare(i, col, ascending);
+ }
+ Type t = columnSorting[col];
+ if (t == String) {
+ ret = KListViewItem::compare(i, col, ascending);
+ }
+ else if (t == Number) {
+ ret = (int) (text(col).toLong() - (i->text(col).toLong()));
+ }
+// else if (t == BibleKey) {
+// //ret = (int) (text(col).toLong() - (i->text(col).toLong()));
+// ret = sword::VerseKey( (const char*) text(col).utf8() )._compare( sword::VerseKey( (const char*) i->text(col).utf8()) );
+// }
+ return ret;
+void CSortListViewItem::setColumnSorting(int column, CSortListViewItem::Type type) {
+ columnSorting[ column ] = type;
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.h b/bibletime/frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f66ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bibletime/frontend/util/csortlistviewitem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+namespace util {
+ * A implementation of a QListViewItem to allow special sort orders for it's columns.
+ * @author The BibleTime team <>
+class CSortListViewItem : public KListViewItem {
+ enum Type {
+ Number, String/*, BibleKey*/
+ };
+ CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem* parent );
+ CSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after );
+ CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after );
+ CSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null );
+ CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null );
+ CSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null );
+ CSortListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null );
+ virtual ~CSortListViewItem();
+ virtual int compare( QListViewItem* i, int col, bool ascending ) const;
+ void setColumnSorting(int column, Type type);
+ QMap<int, Type> columnSorting;