path: root/DesktopEffects/
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Diffstat (limited to 'DesktopEffects/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/DesktopEffects/ b/DesktopEffects/
deleted file mode 100755
index 28648b0..0000000
--- a/DesktopEffects/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# Copyright 2007-2008 Martin Böhm <>
-# Copyright 2007-2008 Michael Anderson <>
-import sys
-import os
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtSvg import *
-from DesktopEffectsQt4Dialog import Ui_Dialog
-from DesktopEffectsCommon import DesktopEffectsCommon
-import gettext
-def _(str):
- ''' the traditional gettext function '''
- return unicode(gettext.gettext(str), 'UTF-8')
-def __(catalog,str):
- ''' selects a different catalog for the str translation;
- useful when you want to use the standard KDE labels. '''
- return unicode(gettext.dgettext(catalog, str), 'UTF-8')
-def utf8(str):
- if isinstance(str, unicode):
- return str
- return unicode(str, 'UTF-8')
-class DesktopEffectsKDE4(DesktopEffectsCommon):
- def __init__(self):
- '''launches the app, draws the window '''
- # needed for all Qt actions
- app = QApplication (sys.argv)
- # Qt4 explanations:
- # self.qd is the link to the main QDialog (what you can see)
- # self.ui is its UI (the UI defined in Qt-Designer
- self.qd = QDialog()
- self.ui = Ui_Dialog()
- self.ui.setupUi(self.qd)
- localesApp="desktop-effects-tde"
- localesDir="/opt/trinity/share/locale"
- gettext.bindtextdomain(localesApp, localesDir)
- gettext.textdomain(localesApp)
- # the Common class triggers some UI text settings, so we need to
- # init the UI first
- DesktopEffectsCommon.__init__(self)
- self.radioGroup = QButtonGroup(self.qd)
- self.radioGroup.setExclusive(True)
- self.radioGroup.addButton(self.ui.noEffectsButton)
- self.radioGroup.addButton(self.ui.stdEffectsButton)
- self.radioGroup.addButton(self.ui.extraEffectsButton)
- self.radioGroup.addButton(self.ui.customEffectsButton)
- # connect signals and slots -- we have to do it ourselves in Qt4
- QObject.connect(self.ui.installButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.btnInstallClicked)
- QObject.connect(self.ui.done, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.done)
- QObject.connect(self.ui.apply, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.apply)
- # connect radio buttons - methods provided by the Common class
- QObject.connect(self.ui.noEffectsButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.noEffects)
- QObject.connect(self.ui.stdEffectsButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.standardEffects)
- QObject.connect(self.ui.extraEffectsButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.extraEffects)
- QObject.connect(self.ui.customEffectsButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.customEffects)
- self.ui.installButton.setText(_("Install"))
- self.ui.warningText.setText(_("Desktop Effects are a great way to enjoy a modern desktop experience without transitioning to KDE4"))
- self.ui.groupBox.setTitle(_("Effects Level"))
- self.ui.noEffectsButton.setText(_("No Effects"))
- self.ui.label_6.setText(_("All effects are disabled and KDE Window manager is used. This is the default behaviour."))
- self.ui.stdEffectsButton.setText(_("Standard Effects"))
- self.ui.label_12.setText(_("Some simple effects."))
- self.ui.extraEffectsButton.setText(_("Extra Effects"))
- self.ui.label_14.setText(_("You\'ll need sunglasses"))
- self.ui.customEffectsButton.setText(_("Custom Effects"))
- self.ui.label_16.setText(_("Use custom settings from another settings manager. Switching from this option to another will back up any custom settings"))
- self.ui.apply.setText(_("Apply"))
- self.ui.done.setText(_("Done"))
- sys.exit(self.qd.exec_())
- def check(self):
- ''' overrides the DesktopEffectsCommon.check() method, does some painting '''
- DesktopEffectsCommon.check(self)
- self.ui.packageText.setText(self.pText)
- self.ui.installButton.setText(self.ibText)
- if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.trinity/share/config/compizasWM")):
- compizasWM = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.trinity/share/config/compizasWM"))
- state = compizasWM.readline()
- if state == "standardeffects":
- self.action = 2
- self.ui.stdEffectsButton.toggle()
- elif state == "extraeffects":
- self.action = 3
- self.ui.extraEffectsButton.toggle()
- elif state == "custom":
- self.action = 4
- self.ui.customEffectsButton.toggle()
- else:
- self.action = 1
- self.ui.noEffectsButton.toggle()
- def apply(self):
- DesktopEffectsCommon.apply(self)
- if self.action == 1:
- print "hi"
- os.popen("twin --replace &")
- def showWarning(self):
- ''' shows the warning box if the package is installed '''
- def hideWarning(self):
- ''' hides the warning because the package is not yet there '''
- self.ui.warningText.hide()
- self.ui.warningIcon.hide()
- def enable(self):
- ''' enables the radio boxes, compiz is installed '''
- self.ui.groupBox.setDisabled(False)
- def disable(self):
- ''' disables the group box, you have to install compiz first '''
- self.ui.groupBox.setDisabled(True)
- def close(self):
- ''' triggers the QDialog to close '''
- self.qd.close()