path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/qmake/generators/makefile.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tqtinterface/qt4/qmake/generators/makefile.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2503 deletions
diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/qmake/generators/makefile.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/qmake/generators/makefile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc64a3..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/qmake/generators/makefile.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2503 +0,0 @@
-** Implementation of MakefileGenerator class.
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of qmake.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "makefile.h"
-#include "option.h"
-#include "meta.h"
-#include <tqdir.h>
-#include <tqfile.h>
-#include <tqtextstream.h>
-#include <tqregexp.h>
-#include <tqdict.h>
-#if defined(TQ_OS_UNIX)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <io.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-// Well, Windows doesn't have this, so here's the macro
-#ifndef S_ISDIR
-#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
-#define TQMAKE_EOL(x) (x == '\r' || x == '\n')
-TQString mkdir_p_asstring(const TQString &dir)
- TQString ret = "@$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) \"" + dir + "\" ";
- if(Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_WIN_MODE)
- ret += "$(MKDIR)";
- else
- ret += "|| $(MKDIR)";
- ret += " \"" + dir + "\"";
- return ret;
-static bool createDir(const TQString& fullPath)
- if(TQFile::exists(fullPath))
- return FALSE;
- TQDir dirTmp;
- bool ret = TRUE;
- TQString pathComponent, tmpPath;
- TQStringList hierarchy = TQStringList::split(TQString(Option::dir_sep), fullPath, TRUE);
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = hierarchy.begin(); it != hierarchy.end(); ++it) {
- pathComponent = *it + TQDir::separator();
- tmpPath += pathComponent;
- if(!dirTmp.mkdir(tmpPath)) {
- ret = FALSE;
-// break;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-MakefileGenerator::MakefileGenerator(TQMakeProject *p) : init_opath_already(FALSE),
- init_already(FALSE), tqmoc_aware(FALSE),
- no_io(FALSE), project(p)
-static char *gimme_buffer(off_t s)
- static char *big_buffer = NULL;
- static int big_buffer_size = 0;
- if(!big_buffer || big_buffer_size < s)
- big_buffer = (char *)realloc(big_buffer, s);
- return big_buffer;
-MakefileGenerator::generateMocList(const TQString &fn_target)
- if(!findMocDestination(fn_target).isEmpty())
- return TRUE;
- TQString fn_local = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(fileFixify(fn_target, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- int file = open(fn_local.latin1(), O_RDONLY);
- if(file == -1)
- return FALSE;
- struct stat fst;
- if(fstat(file, &fst) || S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode))
- return FALSE; //shouldn't happen
- char *big_buffer = gimme_buffer(fst.st_size);
- int total_size_read;
- for(int have_read = total_size_read = 0;
- (have_read = read(file, big_buffer + total_size_read,
- fst.st_size - total_size_read));
- total_size_read += have_read);
- close(file);
- bool ignore_qobject = FALSE;
- int line_count = 1;
- /* qmake ignore TQ_OBJECT */
-#define COMP_LEN 9 //strlen("TQ_OBJECT")
-#define OBJ_LEN 9 //strlen("TQ_OBJECT")
-#define DIS_LEN 11 //strlen("TQ_DISPATCH")
- int x;
- for(x = 0; x < (total_size_read-COMP_LEN); x++) {
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '/') {
- x++;
- if(total_size_read >= x) {
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '/') { //c++ style comment
- for( ;x < total_size_read && !TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x)); x++);
- line_count++;
- } else if(*(big_buffer + x) == '*') { //c style comment
- for( ;x < total_size_read; x++) {
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == 't' || *(big_buffer + x) == 'q') { //ignore
- if(total_size_read >= (x + 20)) {
- if(!strncmp(big_buffer + x + 1, "make ignore TQ_OBJECT", 20)) {
- debug_msg(2, "Mocgen: %s:%d Found \"qmake ignore TQ_OBJECT\"",
- fn_target.latin1(), line_count);
- x += 20;
- ignore_qobject = TRUE;
- }
- }
- } else if(*(big_buffer + x) == '*') {
- if(total_size_read >= (x+1) && *(big_buffer + (x+1)) == '/') {
- x += 2;
- break;
- }
- } else if(TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x))) {
- line_count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#define SYMBOL_CHAR(x) ((x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') || \
- (x <= '0' && x >= '9') || x == '_')
- bool interesting = *(big_buffer+x) == 'T' && (!strncmp(big_buffer+x, "TQ_OBJECT", OBJ_LEN) ||
- !strncmp(big_buffer+x, "TQ_DISPATCH", DIS_LEN));
- if(interesting) {
- int len = 0;
- if(!strncmp(big_buffer+x, "TQ_OBJECT", OBJ_LEN)) {
- if(ignore_qobject) {
- debug_msg(2, "Mocgen: %s:%d Ignoring TQ_OBJECT", fn_target.latin1(), line_count);
- interesting = FALSE;
- }
- len=OBJ_LEN;
- } else if(!strncmp(big_buffer+x, "TQ_DISPATCH", DIS_LEN)) {
- len=DIS_LEN;
- }
- if(SYMBOL_CHAR(*(big_buffer+x+len)))
- interesting = FALSE;
- if(interesting) {
- *(big_buffer+x+len) = '\0';
- debug_msg(2, "Mocgen: %s:%d Found TQMOC symbol %s", fn_target.latin1(),
- line_count, big_buffer+x);
- int ext_pos = fn_target.findRev('.');
- int ext_len = fn_target.length() - ext_pos;
- int dir_pos = fn_target.findRev(Option::dir_sep, ext_pos);
- TQString tqmocFile;
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMOC_DIR"))
- tqmocFile = project->first("TQMOC_DIR");
- else if(dir_pos != -1)
- tqmocFile = fn_target.left(dir_pos+1);
- bool cpp_ext = FALSE;
- for(TQStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin();
- cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit) {
- if((cpp_ext = (fn_target.right(ext_len) == (*cppit))))
- break;
- }
- if(cpp_ext) {
- tqmocFile += Option::cpp_tqmoc_mod + fn_target.mid(dir_pos+1, ext_pos - dir_pos-1) + Option::cpp_tqmoc_ext;
- project->variables()["_SRCTQMOC"].append(tqmocFile);
- } else if(project->variables()["HEADERS"].findIndex(fn_target) != -1) {
- for(TQStringList::Iterator hit = Option::h_ext.begin();
- hit != Option::h_ext.end(); ++hit) {
- if((fn_target.right(ext_len) == (*hit))) {
- tqmocFile += Option::h_tqmoc_mod + fn_target.mid(dir_pos+1, ext_pos - dir_pos-1) +
- Option::h_tqmoc_ext;
- logicWarn(tqmocFile, "SOURCES");
- project->variables()["_HDRTQMOC"].append(tqmocFile);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!tqmocFile.isEmpty()) {
- tqmocFile = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(tqmocFile);
- tqmocablesToTQMOC[cleanFilePath(fn_target)] = tqmocFile;
- tqmocablesFromTQMOC[cleanFilePath(tqmocFile)] = fn_target;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- while(x < total_size_read && SYMBOL_CHAR(*(big_buffer+x)))
- x++;
- if(TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer+x)))
- line_count++;
- }
-#undef OBJ_LEN
-#undef DIS_LEN
- return TRUE;
-MakefileGenerator::generateDependencies(TQPtrList<MakefileDependDir> &dirs, const TQString &f, bool recurse)
- if(processedDependencies(f))
- return TRUE;
- setProcessedDependencies(f, TRUE);
- TQStringList &fndeps = findDependencies(f);
- TQString fn = fileFixify(f, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- fn = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(fn, FALSE);
- TQString fix_env_fn = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(fn);
- int file = open(fix_env_fn.latin1(), O_RDONLY);
- if(file == -1)
- return FALSE;
- struct stat fst;
- if(fstat(file, &fst) || S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode))
- return FALSE; //shouldn't happen
- TQString fndir, fix_env_fndir;
- int dl = fn.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(dl != -1)
- fndir = fn.left(dl+1);
- dl = fix_env_fn.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(dl != -1)
- fix_env_fndir = fix_env_fn.left(dl + 1);
- int line_count = 1;
- char *big_buffer = gimme_buffer(fst.st_size);
- int total_size_read;
- for(int have_read = total_size_read = 0;
- (have_read = read(file, big_buffer + total_size_read,
- fst.st_size - total_size_read));
- total_size_read += have_read);
- close(file);
- bool ui_file = fn.endsWith(Option::ui_ext);
- for(int x = 0; x < total_size_read; x++) {
- TQStringList *outdeps=&fndeps;
- TQString inc;
- if(!ui_file) {
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '/') {
- x++;
- if(total_size_read >= x) {
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '/') { //c++ style comment
- for( ; x < total_size_read && !TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x)); x++);
- } else if(*(big_buffer + x) == '*') { //c style comment
- for( ; x < total_size_read; x++) {
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '*') {
- if(total_size_read >= (x+1) && *(big_buffer + (x+1)) == '/') {
- x += 2;
- break;
- }
- } else if(TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x))) {
- line_count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while(x < total_size_read && //Skip spaces
- (*(big_buffer+x) == ' ' || *(big_buffer+x) == '\t'))
- x++;
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '#') {
- x++;
- while(x < total_size_read && //Skip spaces after hash
- (*(big_buffer+x) == ' ' || *(big_buffer+x) == '\t'))
- x++;
- if(total_size_read >= x + 8 && !strncmp(big_buffer + x, "include", 7) &&
- (*(big_buffer + x + 7) == ' ' || *(big_buffer + x + 7) == '\t' ||
- *(big_buffer + x + 7) == '<' || *(big_buffer + x + 7) == '"')) {
- for(x+=7; //skip spaces after keyword
- x < total_size_read && (*(big_buffer+x) == ' ' || *(big_buffer+x) == '\t');
- x++);
- char term = *(big_buffer + x);
- if(term == '"');
- else if(term == '<')
- term = '>';
- else
- continue; //wtf?
- x++;
- int inc_len;
- for(inc_len = 0; *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) != term &&
- !TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x + inc_len)); inc_len++);
- *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0';
- inc = big_buffer + x;
- } else if(total_size_read >= x + 14 && !strncmp(big_buffer + x, "qmake_warning ", 14)) {
- for(x+=14; //skip spaces after keyword
- x < total_size_read && (*(big_buffer+x) == ' ' || *(big_buffer+x) == '\t');
- x++);
- char term = 0;
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '"')
- term = '"';
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '\'')
- term = '\'';
- if(term)
- x++;
- int msg_len;
- for(msg_len = 0; (term && *(big_buffer + x + msg_len) != term) &&
- !TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x + msg_len)); msg_len++);
- const char saved_term = *(big_buffer + x + msg_len);
- *(big_buffer + x + msg_len) = '\0';
- TQString msg = big_buffer + x;
- debug_msg(0, "%s:%d qmake_warning -- %s", fix_env_fn.latin1(),
- line_count, msg.latin1());
- *(big_buffer + x + msg_len) = saved_term; //put it back
- }
- }
- } else if(ui_file) {
- // skip whitespaces
- while(x < total_size_read &&
- (*(big_buffer+x) == ' ' || *(big_buffer+x) == '\t'))
- x++;
- if(*(big_buffer + x) == '<') {
- x++;
- if(total_size_read >= x + 12 && !strncmp(big_buffer + x, "includehint", 11) &&
- (*(big_buffer + x + 11) == ' ' || *(big_buffer + x + 11) == '>')) {
- for(x += 11; *(big_buffer + x) != '>'; x++);
- int inc_len = 0;
- for(x += 1 ; *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) != '<'; inc_len++);
- *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0';
- inc = big_buffer + x;
- } else if(total_size_read >= x + 13 && !strncmp(big_buffer + x, "customwidget", 12) &&
- (*(big_buffer + x + 12) == ' ' || *(big_buffer + x + 12) == '>')) {
- for(x += 13; *(big_buffer + x) != '>'; x++); //skip up to >
- while(x < total_size_read) {
- for(x++; *(big_buffer + x) != '<'; x++); //skip up to <
- x++;
- if(total_size_read >= x + 7 && !strncmp(big_buffer+x, "header", 6) &&
- (*(big_buffer + x + 6) == ' ' || *(big_buffer + x + 6) == '>')) {
- for(x += 7; *(big_buffer + x) != '>'; x++); //skip up to >
- int inc_len = 0;
- for(x += 1 ; *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) != '<'; inc_len++);
- *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0';
- inc = big_buffer + x;
- break;
- } else if(total_size_read >= x + 14 && !strncmp(big_buffer+x, "/customwidget", 13) &&
- (*(big_buffer + x + 13) == ' ' || *(big_buffer + x + 13) == '>')) {
- x += 14;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if(total_size_read >= x + 8 && !strncmp(big_buffer + x, "include", 7) &&
- (*(big_buffer + x + 7) == ' ' || *(big_buffer + x + 7) == '>')) {
- for(x += 8; *(big_buffer + x) != '>'; x++) {
- if(total_size_read >= x + 9 && *(big_buffer + x) == 'i' &&
- !strncmp(big_buffer + x, "impldecl", 8)) {
- for(x += 8; *(big_buffer + x) != '='; x++);
- if(*(big_buffer + x) != '=')
- continue;
- for(x++; *(big_buffer+x) == '\t' || *(big_buffer+x) == ' '; x++);
- char quote = 0;
- if(*(big_buffer+x) == '\'' || *(big_buffer+x) == '"') {
- quote = *(big_buffer + x);
- x++;
- }
- int val_len;
- for(val_len = 0; TRUE; val_len++) {
- if(quote) {
- if(*(big_buffer+x+val_len) == quote)
- break;
- } else if(*(big_buffer + x + val_len) == '>' ||
- *(big_buffer + x + val_len) == ' ') {
- break;
- }
- }
- char saved = *(big_buffer + x + val_len);
- *(big_buffer + x + val_len) = '\0';
- TQString where = big_buffer + x;
- *(big_buffer + x + val_len) = saved;
- if(where == "in implementation") {
- TQString cpp = fn.left(fn.length() - Option::ui_ext.length()) +
- Option::cpp_ext.first();
- outdeps = &findDependencies(cpp);
- }
- }
- }
- int inc_len = 0;
- for(x += 1 ; *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) != '<'; inc_len++);
- *(big_buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0';
- inc = big_buffer + x;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!inc.isEmpty()) {
- bool from_source_dir = TRUE;
- debug_msg(5, "%s:%d Found dependency to %s", fix_env_fn.latin1(),
- line_count, inc.latin1());
- if(!project->isEmpty("SKIP_DEPENDS")) {
- bool found = FALSE;
- TQStringList &nodeplist = project->values("SKIP_DEPENDS");
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = nodeplist.begin();
- it != nodeplist.end(); ++it) {
- TQRegExp regx((*it));
- if( != -1) {
- found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(found)
- continue;
- }
- TQString fqn;
- if(project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH") &&
- !stat(TQString(fix_env_fndir + inc), &fst) && !S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode)) {
- fqn = fndir + inc;
- goto handle_fqn;
- } else if(project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH") &&
- !stat(inc, &fst) && !S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode)) {
- fqn = inc;
- goto handle_fqn;
- } else {
- if((Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_MAC9_MODE && inc.find(':')) ||
- (Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_WIN_MODE && inc[1] != ':') ||
- ((Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_UNIX_MODE ||
- Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_TQNX6_MODE ||
- Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_MACX_MODE) &&
- inc[0] != '/')) {
- for(MakefileDependDir *mdd = dirs.first(); mdd; mdd = ) {
- if(!stat(TQString(mdd->local_dir + TQDir::separator() + inc), &fst) &&
- !S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode)) {
- fqn = mdd->real_dir + TQDir::separator() + inc;
- goto handle_fqn;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(fqn.isEmpty() && Option::mkfile::do_dep_heuristics) {
- //these are some hacky heuristics it will try to do on an include
- //however these can be turned off at runtime, I'm not sure how
- //reliable these will be, most likely when problems arise turn it off
- //and see if they go away..
- if(depHeuristics.contains(inc)) {
- fqn = depHeuristics[inc];
- from_source_dir = FALSE;
- } else if(Option::mkfile::do_dep_heuristics) { //some heuristics..
- //is it a file from a .ui?
- TQString inc_file = inc.section(Option::dir_sep, -1);
- int extn = inc_file.findRev('.');
- if(extn != -1 &&
- (inc_file.right(inc_file.length()-extn) == Option::cpp_ext.first() ||
- inc_file.right(inc_file.length()-extn) == Option::h_ext.first())) {
- TQString uip = inc_file.left(extn) + Option::ui_ext;
- TQStringList uil = project->variables()["FORMS"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = uil.begin(); it != uil.end(); ++it) {
- if((*it).section(Option::dir_sep, -1) == uip) {
- if(!project->isEmpty("UI_DIR"))
- fqn = project->first("UI_DIR");
- else if(!project->isEmpty("UI_HEADERS_DIR"))
- fqn = project->first("UI_HEADERS_DIR");
- else
- fqn = (*it).section(Option::dir_sep, 0, -2);
- if(!fqn.isEmpty() && !fqn.endsWith(Option::dir_sep))
- fqn += Option::dir_sep;
- fqn += inc_file;
- from_source_dir = FALSE; //uics go in the output_dir (so don't fix them)
- fqn = fileFixify(fqn, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- goto cache_fqn;
- }
- }
- }
- if(project->isActiveConfig("lex_included")) { //is this the lex file?
- TQString rhs = Option::lex_mod + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- if(inc.endsWith(rhs)) {
- TQString lhs = inc.left(inc.length() - rhs.length()) + Option::lex_ext;
- TQStringList ll = project->variables()["LEXSOURCES"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = ll.begin(); it != ll.end(); ++it) {
- TQString s = (*it), d;
- int slsh = s.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1) {
- d = s.left(slsh + 1);
- s = s.right(s.length() - slsh - 1);
- }
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH"))
- d = project->first("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH");
- if(s == lhs) {
- fqn = d + inc;
- from_source_dir = FALSE; //uics go in the output_dir (so don't fix them)
- fqn = fileFixify(fqn, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- goto cache_fqn;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { //is it from a .y?
- TQString rhs = Option::yacc_mod + Option::h_ext.first();
- if(inc.endsWith(rhs)) {
- TQString lhs = inc.left(inc.length() - rhs.length()) + Option::yacc_ext;
- TQStringList yl = project->variables()["YACCSOURCES"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = yl.begin(); it != yl.end(); ++it) {
- TQString s = (*it), d;
- int slsh = s.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1) {
- d = s.left(slsh + 1);
- s = s.right(s.length() - slsh - 1);
- }
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH"))
- d = project->first("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH");
- if(s == lhs) {
- fqn = d + inc;
- from_source_dir = FALSE; //uics go in the output_dir (so don't fix them)
- fqn = fileFixify(fqn, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- goto cache_fqn;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( tqmocAware() && //is it a tqmoc file?
- ( inc.endsWith(Option::cpp_ext.first()) || inc.endsWith(Option::cpp_tqmoc_ext) )
- || ( (Option::cpp_ext.first() != Option::h_tqmoc_ext) && inc.endsWith(Option::h_tqmoc_ext) )) {
- TQString tqmocs[] = { TQString("_HDRTQMOC"), TQString("_SRCTQMOC"), TQString::null };
- for(int tqmoc = 0; !tqmocs[tqmoc].isNull(); tqmoc++) {
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[tqmocs[tqmoc]];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString file = Option::fixPathToTargetOS((*it));
- if(file.section(Option::dir_sep, -(inc.contains('/')+1)) == inc) {
- fqn = (*it);
- if(tqmocs[tqmoc] == "_HDRTQMOC") {
- //Since it is include, no need to link it in as well
- project->variables()["_SRCTQMOC"].append((*it));
- l.remove(it);
- } else if(!findMocSource(fqn).endsWith(fileFixify(fn))) {
- /* Not really a very good test, but this will at least avoid
- confusion if it really does happen (since tmake/qmake
- previously didn't even allow this the test is mostly accurate) */
- warn_msg(WarnLogic,
- "Found potential multiple TQMOC include %s (%s) in '%s'",
- inc.latin1(), fqn.latin1(), fix_env_fn.latin1());
- }
- from_source_dir = FALSE; //tqmocs go in the output_dir (so don't fix them)
- goto cache_fqn;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fqn = findDependency(inc); //all else fails..
- cache_fqn:
- if(from_source_dir) {
- fqn = fileFixify(fqn);
- from_source_dir = FALSE;
- }
- depHeuristics.insert(inc, fqn);
- }
- }
- handle_fqn:
- if(fqn.isEmpty()) //I give up
- continue;
- fqn = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fqn, FALSE);
- if(from_source_dir)
- fqn = fileFixify(fqn);
- debug_msg(4, "Resolved dependency of %s to %s", inc.latin1(), fqn.latin1());
- if(outdeps && outdeps->findIndex(fqn) == -1)
- outdeps->append(fqn);
- }
- //read past new line now..
- for( ; x < total_size_read && !TQMAKE_EOL(*(big_buffer + x)); x++);
- line_count++;
- }
- if(recurse) {
- for(TQStringList::Iterator fnit = fndeps.begin(); fnit != fndeps.end(); ++fnit) {
- generateDependencies(dirs, (*fnit), recurse);
- TQStringList &deplist = findDependencies((*fnit));
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = deplist.begin(); it != deplist.end(); ++it)
- if(fndeps.findIndex((*it)) == -1 && (*it) != fn)
- fndeps.append((*it));
- }
- }
- debug_msg(2, "Dependencies: %s -> %s", fn.latin1(), fndeps.join(" :: ").latin1());
- return TRUE;
- if(init_opath_already)
- return;
- init_opath_already = TRUE;
- TQMap<TQString, TQStringList> &v = project->variables();
- if(!v.contains("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH")) {
- if(Option::mkfile::do_cache && !Option::mkfile::cachefile.isEmpty() &&
- TQString root = v["TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_ROOT"].first();
- root = Option::fixPathToTargetOS( root );
- if(!root.isEmpty()) {
- TQFileInfo fi(Option::mkfile::cachefile);
- if(!fi.convertToAbs()) {
- TQString cache_r = fi.dirPath(), pwd = Option::output_dir;
- if ( pwd.startsWith(cache_r) && !pwd.startsWith(root) ) {
- pwd = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(root + pwd.mid(cache_r.length()));
- if(TQFile::exists(pwd))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!v["TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH"].isEmpty()) {
- TQString &asp = v["TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH"].first();
- asp = Option::fixPathToTargetOS( asp );
- if(asp.isEmpty() || asp == Option::output_dir) //if they're the same, why bother?
- }
- TQString currentDir = TQDir::currentDirPath();
- TQString dirs[] = { TQString("OBJECTS_DIR"), TQString("TQMOC_DIR"), TQString("UI_HEADERS_DIR"),
- TQString("UI_SOURCES_DIR"), TQString("UI_DIR"), TQString("DESTDIR"),
- TQString("SUBLIBS_DIR"), TQString("DLLDESTDIR"), TQString::null };
- for(int x = 0; dirs[x] != TQString::null; x++) {
- if ( !v[dirs[x]].isEmpty() ) {
- TQString orig_path = v[dirs[x]].first();
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- // We don't want to add a separator for DLLDESTDIR on Windows
- if (!(dirs[x] == "DLLDESTDIR"))
- {
- TQString &path = v[dirs[x]].first();
- path = fileFixify(path, Option::output_dir, Option::output_dir);
- if(path.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- path += Option::dir_sep;
- }
- if(noIO())
- continue;
- TQString path = project->first(dirs[x]); //not to be changed any further
- path = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileFixify(path, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- debug_msg(3, "Fixed output_dir %s (%s) into %s (%s)", dirs[x].latin1(), orig_path.latin1(),
- v[dirs[x]].join("::").latin1(), path.latin1());
- TQDir d;
- if(path.startsWith(Option::dir_sep)) {
- path = path.right(path.length() - 1);
- }
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- bool driveExists = TRUE;
- if ( !TQDir::isRelativePath( path ) ) {
- if ( TQFile::exists( path.left( 3 ) ) ) {
- path.left( 3 ) );
- path = path.right( path.length() - 3 );
- } else {
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "%s: Cannot access drive '%s' (%s)", dirs[x].latin1(),
- path.left( 3 ).latin1(), path.latin1() );
- driveExists = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if ( driveExists ) {
- TQStringList subs = TQStringList::split(Option::dir_sep, path);
- for(TQStringList::Iterator subit = subs.begin(); subit != subs.end(); ++subit) {
- if(!*subit)) {
- d.mkdir((*subit));
- if ( d.exists( (*subit) ) )
- else {
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "%s: Cannot access directory '%s' (%s)", dirs[x].latin1(),
- (*subit).latin1(), path.latin1() );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !v["DESTDIR"].isEmpty() ) {
- TQDir d(v["DESTDIR"].first());
- if(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(d.absPath()) == Option::fixPathToLocalOS(Option::output_dir))
- v.remove("DESTDIR");
- }
- TQDir::current().cd( currentDir );
- initOutPaths();
- if(init_already)
- return;
- init_already = TRUE;
- TQMap<TQString, TQStringList> &v = project->variables();
- TQString paths[] = { TQString("SOURCES"), TQString("FORMS"), TQString("YACCSOURCES"), TQString("INCLUDEPATH"),
- TQString("PRECOMPILED_HEADER"), TQString::null };
- for(int y = 0; paths[y] != TQString::null; y++) {
- TQStringList &l = v[paths[y]];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- if ((*it).isEmpty())
- continue;
- if(TQFile::exists((*it)))
- (*it) = fileFixify((*it));
- }
- }
- /* get deps and tqmocables */
- TQDict<void> cache_found_files;
- TQString cache_file(".qmake.internal.cache");
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_CACHE_FILE"))
- cache_file = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(project->first("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_CACHE_FILE"));
- if(cache_file.find(TQDir::separator()) == -1) //guess they know what they are doing..
- cache_file.prepend(Option::output_dir + TQDir::separator());
- if((Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT ||
- Option::mkfile::do_deps || Option::mkfile::do_tqmocs) && !noIO()) {
- TQPtrList<MakefileDependDir> deplist;
- deplist.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
- if((Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT || Option::mkfile::do_deps) &&
- doDepends()) {
- if(project->isActiveConfig("depend_includepath"))
- incDirs += v["INCLUDEPATH"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = incDirs.begin(); it != incDirs.end(); ++it) {
- TQString r = (*it), l = Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*it));
- deplist.append(new MakefileDependDir(r.replace("\"",""),
- l.replace("\"","")));
- }
- debug_msg(1, "Dependency Directories: %s", incDirs.join(" :: ").latin1());
- if( != "-" && project->isActiveConfig("qmake_cache")) {
- TQFile cachef(cache_file);
- if( | IO_Translate)) {
- TQFileInfo cachefi(cache_file);
- debug_msg(2, "Trying internal cache information: %s", cache_file.latin1());
- TQTextStream cachet( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&cachef) );
- TQString line, file;
- enum { CacheInfo, CacheDepend, CacheMoc } state = CacheInfo;
- while (!cachet.eof()) {
- line = cachet.readLine().stripWhiteSpace();
- int sep = line.find('=');
- if(line == "[depend]") {
- state = CacheDepend;
- } else if(line == "[tqmocable]") {
- state = CacheMoc;
- } else if(line == "[check]") {
- state = CacheInfo;
- } else if(!line.isEmpty() && sep != -1) {
- file = TQT_TQSTRING(line.left(sep)).stripWhiteSpace();
- line = TQT_TQSTRING(line.right(line.length() - sep - 1)).stripWhiteSpace();
- if(state == CacheInfo) {
- if(file == "TQMAKE_CACHE_VERSION") {
- if(line != qmake_version())
- break;
- } else {
- const TQStringList &l = project->variables()[file];
- if(!l.isEmpty() && !line.isEmpty() && l.join(" ") != line)
- break;
- }
- } else if(state == CacheDepend) {
- bool found = (bool)cache_found_files[file];
- TQStringList files = TQStringList::split(" ", line);
- if(!found) {
- TQFileInfo fi(fileFixify(file, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- if(fi.exists() && fi.lastModified() < cachefi.lastModified()) {
- cache_found_files.insert(file, (void *)1);
- found = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if(found) {
- for(TQStringList::Iterator dep_it = files.begin();
- dep_it != files.end(); ++dep_it) {
- if(!cache_found_files[(*dep_it)]) {
- TQFileInfo fi(fileFixify((*dep_it), TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- if(fi.exists() &&
- fi.lastModified() < cachefi.lastModified()) {
- cache_found_files.insert((*dep_it), (void *)1);
- } else {
- found = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(found) {
- debug_msg(2, "Dependencies (cached): %s -> %s", file.latin1(),
- files.join(" :: ").latin1());
- findDependencies(file) = files;
- setProcessedDependencies(file, TRUE);
- }
- }
- } else {
- void *found = cache_found_files[file];
- if(found != (void *)2) {
- if(found) {
- cache_found_files.replace(file, (void *)2);
- } else {
- TQFileInfo fi(fileFixify(file, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- if(fi.exists() && fi.lastModified() < cachefi.lastModified()) {
- cache_found_files.insert(file, (void *)2);
- found = (void*)1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(found && line != "*qmake_ignore*") {
- int ext_len = file.length() - file.findRev('.');
- bool cpp_ext = FALSE;
- for(TQStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin();
- cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit) {
- if((cpp_ext = (file.right(ext_len) == (*cppit))))
- break;
- }
- if(cpp_ext) {
- project->variables()["_SRCTQMOC"].append(line);
- } else if(project->variables()["HEADERS"].findIndex(file) != -1) {
- for(TQStringList::Iterator hit = Option::h_ext.begin();
- hit != Option::h_ext.end(); ++hit) {
- if((file.right(ext_len) == (*hit))) {
- project->variables()["_HDRTQMOC"].append(line);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- debug_msg(2, "Mocgen (cached): %s -> %s", file.latin1(),
- line.latin1());
- tqmocablesToTQMOC[file] = line;
- tqmocablesFromTQMOC[line] = file;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cachef.close();
- }
- }
- }
- if(!noIO()) {
- TQString sources[] = { TQString("OBJECTS"), TQString("LEXSOURCES"), TQString("YACCSOURCES"),
- TQString("HEADERS"), TQString("SOURCES"), TQString("FORMS"),
- TQString("PRECOMPILED_HEADER"), TQString::null };
- depHeuristics.clear();
- bool write_cache = FALSE, read_cache = TQFile::exists(cache_file);
- int x;
- for(x = 0; sources[x] != TQString::null; x++) {
- TQStringList vpath, &l = v[sources[x]];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator val_it = l.begin(); val_it != l.end(); ++val_it) {
- if(!(*val_it).isEmpty()) {
- TQString file = fileFixify((*val_it), TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!TQFile::exists(file)) {
- bool found = FALSE;
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath((*val_it))) {
- if(vpath.isEmpty())
- vpath = v["VPATH_" + sources[x]] + v["VPATH"] +
- for(TQStringList::Iterator vpath_it = vpath.begin();
- vpath_it != vpath.end(); ++vpath_it) {
- TQString real_dir = Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*vpath_it));
- if(TQFile::exists(real_dir + TQDir::separator() + (*val_it))) {
- TQString dir = (*vpath_it);
- if(dir.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- dir += Option::dir_sep;
- (*val_it) = fileFixify(dir + (*val_it));
- found = TRUE;
- debug_msg(1, "Found file through vpath %s -> %s",
- file.latin1(), (*val_it).latin1());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!found) {
- TQString dir, regex = (*val_it), real_dir;
- if(regex.findRev(Option::dir_sep) != -1) {
- dir = regex.left(regex.findRev(Option::dir_sep) + 1);
- real_dir = fileFixify(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(dir),
- TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- regex = regex.right(regex.length() - dir.length());
- }
- if(real_dir.isEmpty() || TQFile::exists(real_dir)) {
- TQDir d(real_dir, regex);
- if(!d.count()) {
- debug_msg(1, "%s:%d Failure to find %s in vpath (%s)",
- __FILE__, __LINE__,
- (*val_it).latin1(), vpath.join("::").latin1());
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Failure to find: %s", (*val_it).latin1());
- continue;
- } else {
- for(int i = 0; i < (int)d.count(); i++) {
- TQString file = fileFixify(dir + d[i]);
- if(i == (int)d.count() - 1)
- (*val_it) = file;
- else
- l.insert(val_it, file);
- }
- }
- } else {
- debug_msg(1, "%s:%d Cannot match %s%c%s, as %s does not exist.",
- __FILE__, __LINE__,
- real_dir.latin1(), TQDir::separator(), regex.latin1(),
- real_dir.latin1());
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Failure to find: %s", (*val_it).latin1());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(x = 0; sources[x] != TQString::null; x++) {
- TQStringList &l = v[sources[x]];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator val_it = l.begin(); val_it != l.end(); ++val_it) {
- bool found_cache_tqmoc = FALSE, found_cache_dep = FALSE;
- if(read_cache && != "-" &&
- project->isActiveConfig("qmake_cache")) {
- if(processedDependencies((*val_it)))
- found_cache_dep = TRUE;
- if(cache_found_files[(*val_it)] == (void *)2)
- found_cache_tqmoc = TRUE;
- if(!found_cache_tqmoc || !found_cache_dep)
- write_cache = TRUE;
- }
- /* Do tqmoc before dependency checking since some includes can come from
- tqmoc_*.cpp files */
- if(found_cache_tqmoc) {
- TQString fixed_file(fileFixify((*val_it), TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- TQString tqmoc = findMocDestination(fixed_file);
- if(!tqmoc.isEmpty()) {
- for(TQStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin();
- cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit) {
- if(fixed_file.endsWith((*cppit))) {
- TQStringList &deps = findDependencies(fixed_file);
- if(!deps.contains(tqmoc))
- deps.append(tqmoc);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if(tqmocAware() && (sources[x] == "SOURCES" || sources[x] == "HEADERS") &&
- (Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT ||
- Option::mkfile::do_tqmocs)) {
- generateMocList((*val_it));
- }
- if(!found_cache_dep && sources[x] != "OBJECTS") {
- debug_msg(5, "Looking for dependencies for %s", (*val_it).latin1());
- generateDependencies(deplist, (*val_it), doDepends());
- }
- }
- }
- if(project->isActiveConfig("qmake_cache") && (write_cache || !read_cache)) {
- TQFile cachef(cache_file);
- if( | IO_Translate)) {
- debug_msg(2, "Writing internal cache information: %s", cache_file.latin1());
- TQTextStream cachet( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&cachef) );
- cachet << "[check]" << "\n"
- << "TQMAKE_CACHE_VERSION = " << qmake_version() << "\n"
- << "TQMOC_DIR = " << var("TQMOC_DIR") << "\n"
- << "UI_DIR = " << var("UI_DIR") << "\n"
- << "UI_HEADERS_DIR = " << var("UI_HEADERS_DIR") << "\n"
- << "UI_SOURCES_DIR = " << var("UI_SOURCES_DIR") << "\n";
- cachet << "[depend]" << endl;
- for(TQMap<TQString, TQStringList>::Iterator it = depends.begin();
- it != depends.end(); ++it)
- cachet << dependencyKey(it.key()) << " = " <<" ") << endl;
- cachet << "[tqmocable]" << endl;
- TQString mc, tqmoc_sources[] = { TQString("HEADERS"), TQString("SOURCES"), TQString::null };
- for(int x = 0; tqmoc_sources[x] != TQString::null; x++) {
- TQStringList &l = v[tqmoc_sources[x]];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator val_it = l.begin(); val_it != l.end(); ++val_it) {
- TQString f = fileFixify((*val_it));
- if(!f.isEmpty()) {
- mc = tqmocablesToTQMOC[f];
- if(mc.isEmpty())
- mc = "*qmake_ignore*";
- cachet << f << " = " << mc << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- cachef.close();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- v["OBJECTS"] = createObjectList("SOURCES") + v["OBJECTS"]; // init variables
- //lex files
- {
- TQStringList &impls = v["LEXIMPLS"];
- TQStringList &l = v["LEXSOURCES"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString dir;
- TQFileInfo fi((*it));
- if(fi.dirPath() != ".")
- dir = fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep;
- dir = fileFixify(dir, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!dir.isEmpty() && dir.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- dir += Option::dir_sep;
- TQString impl = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::lex_mod + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- logicWarn(impl, "SOURCES");
- logicWarn(impl, "SOURCES");
- impls.append(impl);
- if( ! project->isActiveConfig("lex_included")) {
- v["SOURCES"].append(impl);
- // attribute deps of lex file to impl file
- TQStringList &lexdeps = findDependencies((*it));
- TQStringList &impldeps = findDependencies(impl);
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator d = lexdeps.begin(); d != lexdeps.end(); ++d) {
- if(!impldeps.contains(*d))
- impldeps.append(*d);
- }
- lexdeps.clear();
- }
- }
- if( ! project->isActiveConfig("lex_included"))
- v["OBJECTS"] += (v["LEXOBJECTS"] = createObjectList("LEXIMPLS"));
- }
- //yacc files
- {
- TQStringList &decls = v["YACCCDECLS"], &impls = v["YACCIMPLS"];
- TQStringList &l = v["YACCSOURCES"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString dir;
- TQFileInfo fi((*it));
- if(fi.dirPath() != ".")
- dir = fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep;
- dir = fileFixify(dir, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!dir.isEmpty() && dir.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- dir += Option::dir_sep;
- TQString impl = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::yacc_mod + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- logicWarn(impl, "SOURCES");
- TQString decl = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::yacc_mod + Option::h_ext.first();
- logicWarn(decl, "HEADERS");
- decls.append(decl);
- impls.append(impl);
- v["SOURCES"].append(impl);
- TQStringList &impldeps = findDependencies(impl);
- impldeps.append(decl);
- // attribute deps of yacc file to impl file
- TQStringList &yaccdeps = findDependencies((*it));
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator d = yaccdeps.begin(); d != yaccdeps.end(); ++d) {
- if(!impldeps.contains(*d))
- impldeps.append(*d);
- }
- if( project->isActiveConfig("lex_included")) {
- // is there a matching lex file ? Transfer its dependencies.
- TQString lexsrc = fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::lex_ext;
- if(fi.dirPath() != ".")
- lexsrc.prepend(fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep);
- if(v["LEXSOURCES"].findIndex(lexsrc) != -1) {
- TQString trg = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::lex_mod + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- impldeps.append(trg);
- impldeps += findDependencies(lexsrc);
- depends[lexsrc].clear();
- }
- }
- yaccdeps.clear();
- }
- v["OBJECTS"] += (v["YACCOBJECTS"] = createObjectList("YACCIMPLS"));
- }
- //UI files
- {
- TQStringList &includepath = project->variables()["INCLUDEPATH"];
- if(!project->isEmpty("UI_DIR"))
- includepath.append(project->first("UI_DIR"));
- else if(!project->isEmpty("UI_HEADERS_DIR"))
- includepath.append(project->first("UI_HEADERS_DIR"));
- TQStringList &decls = v["UICDECLS"], &impls = v["UICIMPLS"];
- TQStringList &l = v["FORMS"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString impl, decl;
- TQFileInfo fi(Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*it)));
- if ( !project->isEmpty("UI_DIR") ) {
- impl = decl = project->first("UI_DIR");
- TQString d = fi.dirPath();
- if( d == ".")
- d = TQDir::currentDirPath();
- d = fileFixify(d, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!includepath.contains(d))
- includepath.append(d);
- } else {
- if(decl.isEmpty() && !project->isEmpty("UI_HEADERS_DIR"))
- decl = project->first("UI_HEADERS_DIR");
- if(!decl.isEmpty() || (project->isEmpty("UI_HEADERS_DIR") &&
- !project->isEmpty("UI_SOURCES_DIR")) ) {
- TQString d = fi.dirPath();
- if( d == ".")
- d = TQDir::currentDirPath();
- d = fileFixify(d, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!includepath.contains(d))
- includepath.append(d);
- }
- if(impl.isEmpty() && !project->isEmpty("UI_SOURCES_DIR"))
- impl = project->first("UI_SOURCES_DIR");
- if(fi.dirPath() != ".") {
- if(impl.isEmpty())
- impl = fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep;
- if(decl.isEmpty())
- decl = fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep;
- }
- }
- impl = fileFixify(impl, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!impl.isEmpty() && !impl.endsWith(Option::dir_sep))
- impl += Option::dir_sep;
- impl += fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- if(Option::output_dir != TQDir::currentDirPath() &&
- project->isEmpty("UI_DIR") && project->isEmpty("UI_HEADERS_DIR")) {
- TQString decl_fixed = fileFixify(decl, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!includepath.contains(decl_fixed))
- includepath.append(decl_fixed);
- if(!includepath.contains(decl))
- project->variables()["INCLUDEPATH"].append(decl);
- }
- decl = fileFixify(decl, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!decl.isEmpty() && !decl.endsWith(Option::dir_sep))
- decl += Option::dir_sep;
- decl += fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::h_ext.first();
- logicWarn(impl, "SOURCES");
- logicWarn(decl, "HEADERS");
- decls.append(decl);
- impls.append(impl);
- findDependencies(impl).append(decl);
- TQString tqmocable = Option::h_tqmoc_mod + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::h_tqmoc_ext;
- if(!v["TQMOC_DIR"].isEmpty())
- tqmocable.prepend(v["TQMOC_DIR"].first());
- else if(fi.dirPath() != ".")
- tqmocable.prepend(fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep);
- logicWarn(tqmocable, "SOURCES");
- tqmocablesToTQMOC[cleanFilePath(decl)] = tqmocable;
- tqmocablesFromTQMOC[cleanFilePath(tqmocable)] = decl;
- v["_UITQMOC"].append(tqmocable);
- }
- v["OBJECTS"] += (v["UICOBJECTS"] = createObjectList("UICDECLS"));
- }
- //Translation files
- if(!project->isEmpty("TRANSLATIONS")) {
- TQStringList &trf = project->variables()["TRANSLATIONS"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = trf.begin(); it != trf.end(); ++it) {
- (*it) = Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*it));
- }
- }
- //Image files
- if(!project->isEmpty("IMAGES")) {
- if(project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"))
- v["TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"].append("qmake_image_collection" + Option::cpp_ext.first());
- TQString imgfile = project->first("TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION");
- Option::fixPathToTargetOS(imgfile);
- if(!project->isEmpty("UI_DIR") || !project->isEmpty("UI_SOURCES_DIR")) {
- if(imgfile.find(Option::dir_sep) != -1)
- imgfile = imgfile.right(imgfile.findRev(Option::dir_sep) + 1);
- imgfile.prepend( (project->isEmpty("UI_DIR") ? project->first("UI_SOURCES_DIR") :
- project->first("UI_DIR")) );
- v["TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"] = TQStringList(imgfile);
- }
- logicWarn(imgfile, "SOURCES");
- if(!noIO()) {
- TQStringList &l = v["IMAGES"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- if(!TQFile::exists((*it))) {
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Failure to open: %s", (*it).latin1());
- continue;
- }
- findDependencies(imgfile).append(fileFixify((*it)));
- }
- }
- v["OBJECTS"] += (v["IMAGEOBJECTS"] = createObjectList("TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"));
- }
- if(Option::output_dir != TQDir::currentDirPath())
- project->variables()["INCLUDEPATH"].append(fileFixify(Option::output_dir, Option::output_dir,
- Option::output_dir));
- //tqmoc files
- if ( tqmocAware() ) {
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMOC_DIR"))
- project->variables()["INCLUDEPATH"].append(project->first("TQMOC_DIR"));
- if ( Option::h_tqmoc_ext == Option::cpp_ext.first() )
- v["OBJTQMOC"] = createObjectList("_HDRTQMOC") + createObjectList("_UITQMOC");
- TQStringList &l = v["SRCTQMOC"];
- l = v["_HDRTQMOC"] + v["_UITQMOC"] + v["_SRCTQMOC"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator val_it = l.begin(); val_it != l.end(); ++val_it) {
- if(!(*val_it).isEmpty())
- (*val_it) = Option::fixPathToTargetOS((*val_it), FALSE);
- }
- }
- TQString fixpaths[] = { TQString("PRE_TARGETDEPS"), TQString("POST_TARGETDEPS"), TQString::null };
- for(int path = 0; !fixpaths[path].isNull(); path++) {
- TQStringList &l = v[fixpaths[path]];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator val_it = l.begin(); val_it != l.end(); ++val_it) {
- if(!(*val_it).isEmpty())
- (*val_it) = Option::fixPathToTargetOS((*val_it), FALSE);
- }
- }
- // Make sure the INCLUDEPATH doesn't contain any empty(/null) entries
- TQStringList &ipl = project->variables()["INCLUDEPATH"];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator ipl_it = ipl.begin(); ipl_it != ipl.end();) {
- if ((*ipl_it).isEmpty())
- ipl_it = ipl.remove(ipl_it);
- else
- ++ipl_it;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::processPrlFile(TQString &file)
- bool ret = FALSE, try_replace_file=FALSE;
- TQString meta_file, orig_file = file;
- if(TQMakeMetaInfo::libExists(file)) {
- try_replace_file = TRUE;
- meta_file = file;
- file = "";
- } else {
- TQString tmp = file;
- int ext = tmp.findRev('.');
- if(ext != -1)
- tmp = tmp.left(ext);
- meta_file = tmp;
- }
- meta_file = fileFixify(meta_file);
- if(!TQMakeMetaInfo::libExists(fileFixify(meta_file, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir)) &&
- project->isActiveConfig("qt")) {
- TQString stem = meta_file, dir, extn;
- int slsh = stem.findRev('/'), hadlib = 0;
- if(slsh != -1) {
- dir = stem.left(slsh + 1);
- stem = stem.right(stem.length() - slsh - 1);
- }
- if(stem.startsWith("lib")) {
- hadlib = 1;
- stem = stem.right(stem.length() - 3);
- }
- int dot = stem.find('.');
- if(dot != -1) {
- extn = stem.right(stem.length() - dot);
- stem = stem.left(dot);
- }
- if(stem == "qt" || stem == "qte" || stem == "qte-mt" || stem == "qt-mt") {
- if(stem.endsWith("-mt"))
- stem = stem.left(stem.length() - 3); //lose the -mt
- else
- stem += "-mt"; //try the thread case
- meta_file = dir;
- if(hadlib)
- meta_file += "lib";
- meta_file += stem + extn;
- try_replace_file = TRUE;
- }
- }
- TQString real_meta_file = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(meta_file);
- if(project->variables()["TQMAKE_PRL_INTERNAL_FILES"].findIndex(TQMakeMetaInfo::findLib(meta_file)) != -1) {
- ret = TRUE;
- } else if(!meta_file.isEmpty()) {
- TQString f = fileFixify(real_meta_file, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(TQMakeMetaInfo::libExists(f)) {
- TQMakeMetaInfo libinfo;
- debug_msg(1, "Processing PRL file: %s", real_meta_file.latin1());
- if(!libinfo.readLib(f)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error processing meta file: %s\n", real_meta_file.latin1());
- } else if(project->isActiveConfig("no_read_prl_" + libinfo.type().lower())) {
- debug_msg(2, "Ignored meta file %s [%s]", real_meta_file.latin1(), libinfo.type().latin1());
- } else {
- ret = TRUE;
- TQMap<TQString, TQStringList> &vars = libinfo.variables();
- for( TQMap<TQString, TQStringList>::Iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it)
- processPrlVariable(it.key(),;
- if(try_replace_file && !libinfo.isEmpty("TQMAKE_PRL_TARGET")) {
- TQString dir;
- int slsh = real_meta_file.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1)
- dir = real_meta_file.left(slsh+1);
- file = libinfo.first("TQMAKE_PRL_TARGET");
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(file))
- file.prepend(dir);
- }
- }
- }
- if(ret) {
- TQString mf = TQMakeMetaInfo::findLib(meta_file);
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_PRL_INTERNAL_FILES"].append(mf);
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES"].append(mf);
- }
- }
- if(try_replace_file && file.isEmpty()) {
-#if 0
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Found prl [%s] file with no target [%s]!", meta_file.latin1(),
- orig_file.latin1());
- file = orig_file;
- }
- return ret;
-MakefileGenerator::processPrlVariable(const TQString &var, const TQStringList &l)
- if(var == "TQMAKE_PRL_LIBS") {
- TQString where = "TQMAKE_LIBS";
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS"))
- where = project->first("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS");
- TQStringList &out = project->variables()[where];
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- if( out.findIndex((*it)) == -1)
- out.append((*it));
- }
- } else if(var == "TQMAKE_PRL_DEFINES") {
- TQStringList &out = project->variables()["DEFINES"];
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- if(out.findIndex((*it)) == -1 &&
- project->variables()["PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES"].findIndex((*it)) == -1)
- out.append((*it));
- }
- }
- TQDict<void> processed;
- for(bool ret = FALSE; TRUE; ret = FALSE) {
- //read in any prl files included..
- TQStringList l_out;
- TQString where = "TQMAKE_LIBS";
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS"))
- where = project->first("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS");
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[where];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString file = (*it);
- if(!processed[file] && processPrlFile(file)) {
- processed.insert(file, (void*)1);
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- if(!file.isEmpty())
- l_out.append(file);
- }
- if(ret)
- l = l_out;
- else
- break;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writePrlFile(TQTextStream &t)
- TQString target = project->first("TARGET");
- int slsh = target.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1)
- target = target.right(target.length() - slsh - 1);
- TQString bdir = Option::output_dir;
- if(bdir.isEmpty())
- bdir = TQDir::currentDirPath();
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR = " << bdir << endl;
- if(!project->projectFile().isEmpty() && project->projectFile() != "-")
- t << "TQMAKE_PRO_INPUT = " << project->projectFile().section('/', -1) << endl;
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH"))
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_SOURCE_DIR = " << project->first("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH") << endl;
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_TARGET = " << target << endl;
- if(!project->isEmpty("PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES"))
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_DEFINES = " << project->variables()["PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES"].join(" ") << endl;
- if(!project->isEmpty("PRL_EXPORT_CFLAGS"))
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_CFLAGS = " << project->variables()["PRL_EXPORT_CFLAGS"].join(" ") << endl;
- if(!project->isEmpty("PRL_EXPORT_CXXFLAGS"))
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_CXXFLAGS = " << project->variables()["PRL_EXPORT_CXXFLAGS"].join(" ") << endl;
- if(!project->isEmpty("CONFIG"))
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_CONFIG = " << project->variables()["CONFIG"].join(" ") << endl;
- if(!project->isEmpty("VERSION"))
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_VERSION = " << project->first("VERSION") << endl;
- if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") || project->isActiveConfig("explicitlib")) {
- TQStringList libs;
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS"))
- libs = project->variables()["TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS"];
- else
- libs << "TQMAKE_LIBS"; //obvious one
- t << "TQMAKE_PRL_LIBS = ";
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = libs.begin(); it != libs.end(); ++it)
- t << project->variables()[(*it)].join(" ") << " ";
- t << endl;
- }
- usePlatformDir();
- init();
- findLibraries();
- if((Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || //write prl
- Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PRL) &&
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_FAILED_RETQUIREMENTS"].isEmpty() &&
- project->isActiveConfig("create_prl") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" &&
- !project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) {
- TQString prl = var("TARGET");
- int slsh = prl.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1)
- prl = prl.right(prl.length() - slsh);
- int dot = prl.find('.');
- if(dot != -1)
- prl = prl.left(dot);
- prl += Option::prl_ext;
- if(!project->isEmpty("DESTDIR"))
- prl.prepend(var("DESTDIR"));
- TQString local_prl = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(fileFixify(prl, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir));
- TQFile ft(local_prl);
- if( {
- project->variables()["ALL_DEPS"].append(prl);
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_FILE"].append(prl);
- TQTextStream t( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&ft) );
- writePrlFile(t);
- ft.close();
- }
- }
- if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE &&
- project->isActiveConfig("link_prl")) //load up prl's'
- processPrlFiles();
- if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || //write prl file
- Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) {
- TQTextStream t( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&Option::output) );
- writeMakefile(t);
- }
- return TRUE;
-// Manipulate directories, so it's possible to build
-// several cross-platform targets concurrently
- TQString pltDir(project->first("TQMAKE_PLATFORM_DIR"));
- if(pltDir.isEmpty())
- return;
- char sep = TQDir::separator();
- TQString slashPltDir = sep + pltDir;
- TQString filePath = project->first("DESTDIR");
- project->variables()["DESTDIR"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath
- + (filePath.isEmpty() ? pltDir : slashPltDir));
- filePath = project->first("DLLDESTDIR");
- project->variables()["DLLDESTDIR"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath
- + (filePath.isEmpty() ? pltDir : slashPltDir));
- filePath = project->first("OBJECTS_DIR");
- project->variables()["OBJECTS_DIR"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath
- + (filePath.isEmpty() ? pltDir : slashPltDir));
- filePath = project->first("TQMAKE_LIBDIR_QT");
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBDIR_QT"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath
- + (filePath.isEmpty() ? pltDir : slashPltDir));
- filePath = project->first("TQMAKE_LIBS_QT");
- int fpi = filePath.findRev(sep);
- if (fpi == -1)
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBS_QT"].prepend(pltDir + sep);
- else
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBS_QT"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath.left(fpi)
- + slashPltDir
- + filePath.mid(fpi));
- filePath = project->first("TQMAKE_LIBS_TQT_THREAD");
- fpi = filePath.findRev(sep);
- if (fpi == -1)
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBS_TQT_THREAD"].prepend(pltDir + sep);
- else
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBS_TQT_THREAD"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath.left(fpi)
- + slashPltDir
- + filePath.mid(fpi));
- filePath = project->first("TQMAKE_LIBS_TQT_ENTRY");
- fpi = filePath.findRev(sep);
- if (fpi == -1)
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBS_TQT_ENTRY"].prepend(pltDir + sep);
- else
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_LIBS_TQT_ENTRY"] = TQT_TQSTRING(filePath.left(fpi)
- + slashPltDir
- + filePath.mid(fpi));
-MakefileGenerator::writeObj(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &obj, const TQString &src)
- TQStringList &objl = project->variables()[obj];
- TQStringList &srcl = project->variables()[src];
- TQStringList::Iterator oit = objl.begin();
- TQStringList::Iterator sit = srcl.begin();
- TQString stringSrc("$src");
- TQString stringObj("$obj");
- for( ;sit != srcl.end() && oit != objl.end(); oit++, sit++) {
- if((*sit).isEmpty())
- continue;
- if(!doDepends()) {
- TQString sdep, odep = (*sit) + " ";
- TQStringList deps = findDependencies((*sit));
- for(TQStringList::Iterator dit = deps.begin(); dit != deps.end(); dit++) {
- if((*dit).endsWith(Option::cpp_tqmoc_ext))
- odep += (*dit) + " ";
- else
- sdep += (*dit) + " ";
- }
- t << (*sit) << ": " << sdep << endl
- << (*oit) << ": " << odep ;
- } else {
- t << (*oit) << ": " << (*sit) << " " << findDependencies((*sit)).join(" \\\n\t\t");
- }
- TQString comp, cimp;
- for(TQStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit) {
- if((*sit).endsWith((*cppit))) {
- comp = "TQMAKE_RUN_CXX";
- cimp = "TQMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP";
- break;
- }
- }
- if(comp.isEmpty()) {
- comp = "TQMAKE_RUN_CC";
- cimp = "TQMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP";
- }
- bool use_implicit_rule = !project->isEmpty(cimp);
- if(use_implicit_rule) {
- if(!project->isEmpty("OBJECTS_DIR")) {
- use_implicit_rule = FALSE;
- } else {
- int dot = (*sit).findRev('.');
- if(dot == -1 || ((*sit).left(dot) + Option::obj_ext != (*oit)))
- use_implicit_rule = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (!use_implicit_rule && !project->isEmpty(comp)) {
- TQString p = var(comp), srcf(*sit);
- p.replace(stringSrc, srcf);
- p.replace(stringObj, (*oit));
- t << "\n\t" << p;
- }
- t << endl << endl;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeUicSrc(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &ui)
- TQStringList &uil = project->variables()[ui];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = uil.begin(); it != uil.end(); it++) {
- TQString decl, impl;
- {
- TQString tmp = (*it), impl_dir, decl_dir;
- decl = tmp.replace(TQRegExp("\\" + Option::ui_ext + "$"), Option::h_ext.first());
- int dlen = decl.findRev(Option::dir_sep) + 1;
- tmp = (*it);
- impl = tmp.replace(TQRegExp("\\" + Option::ui_ext + "$"), Option::cpp_ext.first());
- int ilen = decl.findRev(Option::dir_sep) + 1;
- if(!project->isEmpty("UI_DIR")) {
- impl_dir = project->first("UI_DIR");
- decl = project->first("UI_DIR") + decl.right(decl.length() - dlen);
- impl = project->first("UI_DIR") + impl.right(impl.length() - ilen);
- } else {
- if(!project->isEmpty("UI_HEADERS_DIR")) {
- decl_dir = project->first("UI_HEADERS_DIR");
- decl = project->first("UI_HEADERS_DIR") + decl.right(decl.length() - dlen);
- }
- if(!project->isEmpty("UI_SOURCES_DIR")) {
- impl_dir = project->first("UI_SOURCES_DIR");
- impl = project->first("UI_SOURCES_DIR") + impl.right(impl.length() - ilen);
- }
- }
- impl = fileFixify(impl, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- decl = fileFixify(decl, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(decl_dir.isEmpty())
- decl_dir = decl.section(Option::dir_sep,0,-2);
- if(impl_dir.isEmpty())
- impl_dir = impl.section(Option::dir_sep,0,-2);
- if (TQDir::isRelativePath(impl_dir))
- impl_dir.prepend(Option::output_dir + Option::dir_sep);
- if (TQDir::isRelativePath(decl_dir))
- decl_dir.prepend(Option::output_dir + Option::dir_sep);
- createDir(impl_dir);
- createDir(decl_dir);
- }
- TQStringList deps = findDependencies((*it));
- deps.remove(decl); //avoid circular dependencies..
- t << decl << ": " << (*it) << " ";
- t << deps.join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << "$(UIC) " << (*it) << " -o " << decl << endl << endl;
- TQString mildDecl = decl;
- int k = mildDecl.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if ( k != -1 )
- mildDecl = mildDecl.mid( k + 1 );
- t << impl << ": " << decl << " " << (*it) << " ";
- if(TQFile::exists((*it) + Option::h_ext.first()))
- t << (*it) << Option::h_ext.first() << " ";
- t << deps.join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << "$(UIC) " << (*it) << " -i " << mildDecl << " -o " << impl << endl << endl;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeMocObj(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &obj, const TQString &src)
- TQStringList &objl = project->variables()[obj],
- &srcl = project->variables()[src];
- TQStringList::Iterator oit = objl.begin(), sit = srcl.begin();
- TQString stringSrc("$src"), stringObj("$obj");
- for( ;sit != srcl.end() && oit != objl.end(); oit++, sit++) {
- TQString hdr = findMocSource((*sit));
- t << (*oit) << ": "
- << (*sit) << " " << findDependencies((*sit)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << " "
- << hdr << " " << findDependencies(hdr).join(" \\\n\t\t");
- bool use_implicit_rule = !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP");
- if(use_implicit_rule) {
- if(!project->isEmpty("OBJECTS_DIR") || !project->isEmpty("TQMOC_DIR")) {
- use_implicit_rule = FALSE;
- } else {
- int dot = (*sit).findRev('.');
- if(dot == -1 || ((*sit).left(dot) + Option::obj_ext != (*oit)))
- use_implicit_rule = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (!use_implicit_rule && !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_RUN_CXX")) {
- TQString p = var("TQMAKE_RUN_CXX"), srcf(*sit);
- p.replace(stringSrc, srcf);
- p.replace(stringObj, (*oit));
- t << "\n\t" << p;
- }
- t << endl << endl;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeMocSrc(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &src)
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[src];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString m = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(findMocDestination(*it));
- if ( !m.isEmpty()) {
- TQString deps;
- if(!project->isActiveConfig("no_tqmocdepend"))
- deps += "$(TQMOC) ";
- deps += (*it);
- t << m << ": " << deps << "\n\t"
- << "$(TQMOC)";
- t << " " << (*it) << " -o " << m << endl << endl;
- }
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeYaccSrc(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &src)
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[src];
- if(project->isActiveConfig("yacc_no_name_mangle") && l.count() > 1)
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "yacc_no_name_mangle specified, but multiple parsers expected."
- "This can lead to link problems.\n");
- TQString default_out_h = "", default_out_c = "";
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_YACC_HEADER"))
- default_out_h = project->first("TQMAKE_YACC_HEADER");
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_YACC_SOURCE"))
- default_out_c = project->first("TQMAKE_YACC_SOURCE");
- TQString stringBase("$base");
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQFileInfo fi((*it));
- TQString dir;
- if(fi.dirPath() != ".")
- dir = fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep;
- dir = fileFixify(dir, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!dir.isEmpty() && dir.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- dir += Option::dir_sep;
- TQString impl = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::yacc_mod + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- TQString decl = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::yacc_mod + Option::h_ext.first();
- TQString yaccflags = "$(YACCFLAGS)", mangle = "y";
- if(!project->isActiveConfig("yacc_no_name_mangle")) {
- mangle = fi.baseName(TRUE);
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_YACCFLAGS_MANGLE"))
- yaccflags += " " + var("TQMAKE_YACCFLAGS_MANGLE").replace(stringBase, mangle);
- else
- yaccflags += " -p " + mangle;
- }
- TQString out_h = default_out_h, out_c = default_out_c;
- if(!mangle.isEmpty()) {
- out_h.replace(stringBase, mangle);
- out_c.replace(stringBase, mangle);
- }
- t << impl << ": " << (*it) << "\n\t"
- << "$(YACC) " << yaccflags << " " << (*it) << "\n\t"
- << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << impl << " " << decl << "\n\t"
- << "-$(MOVE) " << out_h << " " << decl << "\n\t"
- << "-$(MOVE) " << out_c << " " << impl << endl << endl;
- t << decl << ": " << impl << endl << endl;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeLexSrc(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &src)
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[src];
- if(project->isActiveConfig("yacc_no_name_mangle") && l.count() > 1)
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "yacc_no_name_mangle specified, but multiple parsers expected.\n"
- "This can lead to link problems.\n");
- TQString default_out_c = "lex.$base.c";
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_LEX_SOURCE"))
- default_out_c = project->first("TQMAKE_LEX_SOURCE");
- TQString stringBase("$base");
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQFileInfo fi((*it));
- TQString dir;
- if(fi.dirPath() != ".")
- dir = fi.dirPath() + Option::dir_sep;
- dir = fileFixify(dir, TQDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir);
- if(!dir.isEmpty() && dir.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- dir += Option::dir_sep;
- TQString impl = dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::lex_mod + Option::cpp_ext.first();
- TQString lexflags = "$(LEXFLAGS)", stub="yy";
- if(!project->isActiveConfig("yacc_no_name_mangle")) {
- stub = fi.baseName(TRUE);
- lexflags += " -P" + stub;
- }
- TQString out_c = default_out_c;
- if(!stub.isEmpty())
- out_c.replace(stringBase, stub);
- t << impl << ": " << (*it) << " " << findDependencies((*it)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << ( "$(LEX) " + lexflags + " " ) << (*it) << "\n\t"
- << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << impl << " " << "\n\t"
- << "-$(MOVE) " << out_c << " " << impl << endl << endl;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeImageObj(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &obj)
- TQStringList &objl = project->variables()[obj];
- TQString stringSrc("$src");
- TQString stringObj("$obj");
- TQString uidir;
- for(TQStringList::Iterator oit = objl.begin(); oit != objl.end(); oit++) {
- TQString src(project->first("TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"));
- t << (*oit) << ": " << src;
- bool use_implicit_rule = !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP");
- if(use_implicit_rule) {
- if(!project->isEmpty("OBJECTS_DIR") || !project->isEmpty("UI_DIR") || !project->isEmpty("UI_SOURCES_DIR")) {
- use_implicit_rule = FALSE;
- } else {
- int dot = src.findRev('.');
- if(dot == -1 || (src.left(dot) + Option::obj_ext != (*oit)))
- use_implicit_rule = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if(!use_implicit_rule && !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_RUN_CXX")) {
- TQString p = var("TQMAKE_RUN_CXX"), srcf(src);
- p.replace(stringSrc, srcf);
- p.replace(stringObj, (*oit));
- t << "\n\t" << p;
- }
- t << endl << endl;
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeImageSrc(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &src)
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[src];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString gen = project->first("MAKEFILE_GENERATOR");
- if ( gen == "MSVC" ) {
- t << (*it) << ": " << findDependencies((*it)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << "$(UIC) -o " << (*it) << " -embed " << project->first("TQMAKE_ORIG_TARGET")
- << " -f <<\n" << findDependencies((*it)).join(" ") << "\n<<" << endl << endl;
- } else if ( gen == "BMAKE" ) {
- t << (*it) << ": " << findDependencies((*it)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << "$(UIC) " << " -embed " << project->first("TQMAKE_ORIG_TARGET")
- << " -f &&|\n" << findDependencies((*it)).join(" ") << "\n| -o " << (*it) << endl << endl;
- } else {
- t << (*it) << ": " << findDependencies((*it)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << "$(UIC) " << " -embed " << project->first("TQMAKE_ORIG_TARGET")
- << " " << findDependencies((*it)).join(" ") << " -o " << (*it) << endl << endl;
- }
- }
-MakefileGenerator::writeInstalls(TQTextStream &t, const TQString &installs)
- TQString all_installs, all_uninstalls;
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[installs];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQString pvar = (*it) + ".path";
- if(project->variables()[(*it) + ".CONFIG"].findIndex("no_path") == -1 &&
- project->variables()[pvar].isEmpty()) {
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "%s is not defined: install target not created\n", pvar.latin1());
- continue;
- }
- bool do_default = TRUE;
- const TQString root = "$(INSTALL_ROOT)";
- TQString target, dst= fileFixify(project->variables()[pvar].first());
- if(dst.right(1) != Option::dir_sep)
- dst += Option::dir_sep;
- TQStringList tmp, uninst = project->variables()[(*it) + ".uninstall"];
- //other
- tmp = project->variables()[(*it) + ".extra"];
- if(tmp.isEmpty())
- tmp = project->variables()[(*it) + ".commands"]; //to allow compatible name
- if(!tmp.isEmpty()) {
- do_default = FALSE;
- if(!target.isEmpty())
- target += "\n\t";
- target += tmp.join(" ");
- }
- //masks
- tmp = project->variables()[(*it) + ".files"];
- if(!tmp.isEmpty()) {
- if(!target.isEmpty())
- target += "\n";
- do_default = FALSE;
- for(TQStringList::Iterator wild_it = tmp.begin(); wild_it != tmp.end(); ++wild_it) {
- TQString wild = Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*wild_it), FALSE), wild_var = fileFixify(wild);
- TQString dirstr = TQDir::currentDirPath(), filestr = wild;
- int slsh = filestr.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1) {
- dirstr = filestr.left(slsh+1);
- filestr = filestr.right(filestr.length() - slsh - 1);
- }
- if(dirstr.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- dirstr += Option::dir_sep;
- if(TQFile::exists(wild)) { //real file
- TQString file = wild;
- TQFileInfo fi(wild);
- if(!target.isEmpty())
- target += "\t";
- TQString cmd = TQString(fi.isDir() ? "-$(INSTALL_DIR)" : "-$(INSTALL_FILE)") + " \"" +
- Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileFixify(wild, TQString::null,
- TQString::null, FALSE, FALSE), FALSE) +
- "\" \"" + root + dst + "\"\n";
- target += cmd;
- if(!project->isActiveConfig("debug") &&
- !fi.isDir() && fi.isExecutable() && !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_STRIP"))
- target += TQString("\t-") + var("TQMAKE_STRIP") + " \"" +
- root + fileFixify(dst + filestr, TQString::null, TQString::null, FALSE, FALSE) +
- "\"\n";
- if(!uninst.isEmpty())
- uninst.append("\n\t");
- uninst.append(
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- TQString("-$(DEL_FILE)")
- TQString("-$(DEL_FILE) -r")
- + " \"" + root + fileFixify(dst + filestr, TQString::null, TQString::null, FALSE, FALSE) + "\"");
- continue;
- }
- fixEnvVariables(dirstr);
- TQDir dir(dirstr, filestr); //wild
- for(uint x = 0; x < dir.count(); x++) {
- TQString file = dir[x];
- if(file == "." || file == "..") //blah
- continue;
- if(!uninst.isEmpty())
- uninst.append("\n\t");
- uninst.append(
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- TQString("-$(DEL_FILE)")
- TQString("-$(DEL_FILE) -r")
- + " \"" + root + fileFixify(dst + file, TQString::null, TQString::null, FALSE, FALSE) +
- "\"");
- TQFileInfo fi(Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileFixify(dirstr + file), TRUE));
- if(!target.isEmpty())
- target += "\t";
- TQString cmd = TQString(fi.isDir() ? "-$(INSTALL_DIR)" : "-$(INSTALL_FILE)") + " \"" +
- Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileFixify(dirstr + file, TQString::null,
- TQString::null, FALSE, FALSE), FALSE) +
- "\" \"" + root + dst + "\"\n";
- target += cmd;
- if(!project->isActiveConfig("debug") &&
- !fi.isDir() && fi.isExecutable() && !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_STRIP"))
- target += TQString("\t-") + var("TQMAKE_STRIP") + " \"" +
- root + fileFixify(dst + file, TQString::null, TQString::null, FALSE, FALSE) +
- "\"\n";
- }
- }
- }
- //default?
- if(do_default) {
- target = defaultInstall((*it));
- uninst = project->variables()[(*it) + ".uninstall"];
- }
- if(!target.isEmpty()) {
- t << "install_" << (*it) << ": all ";
- const TQStringList &deps = project->variables()[(*it) + ".depends"];
- if(!deps.isEmpty()) {
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator dep_it = deps.begin(); dep_it != deps.end(); ++dep_it) {
- TQString targ = var((*dep_it) + ".target");
- if(targ.isEmpty())
- targ = (*dep_it);
- t << targ;
- }
- }
- t << "\n\t";
- const TQStringList &dirs = project->variables()[pvar];
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator pit = dirs.begin(); pit != dirs.end(); ++pit) {
- TQString tmp_dst = fileFixify((*pit));
-#ifndef TQ_WS_WIN
- if(tmp_dst.right(1) != Option::dir_sep)
- tmp_dst += Option::dir_sep;
- t << mkdir_p_asstring(root+tmp_dst) << "\n\t";
- }
- t << target << endl << endl;
- if(!uninst.isEmpty()) {
- t << "uninstall_" << (*it) << ": " << "\n\t"
- << uninst.join("") << "\n\t"
- << "-$(DEL_DIR) \"" << ( root + dst ) << "\"" << endl << endl;
- }
- t << endl;
- if(project->variables()[(*it) + ".CONFIG"].findIndex("no_default_install") == -1) {
- all_installs += TQString("install_") + (*it) + " ";
- if(!uninst.isEmpty())
- all_uninstalls += "uninstall_" + (*it) + " ";
- }
- } else {
- debug_msg(1, "no definition for install %s: install target not created",(*it).latin1());
- }
- }
- t << "install: " << all_installs << " " << var("INSTALLDEPS") << "\n\n";
- t << "uninstall: " << all_uninstalls << " " << var("UNINSTALLDEPS") << "\n\n";
-MakefileGenerator::var(const TQString &var)
- return val(project->variables()[var]);
-MakefileGenerator::val(const TQStringList &varList)
- return valGlue(varList, "", " ", "");
-MakefileGenerator::varGlue(const TQString &var, const TQString &before, const TQString &glue, const TQString &after)
- return valGlue(project->variables()[var], before, glue, after);
-MakefileGenerator::valGlue(const TQStringList &varList, const TQString &before, const TQString &glue, const TQString &after)
- TQString ret;
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = varList.begin(); it != varList.end(); ++it) {
- if(!(*it).isEmpty()) {
- if(!ret.isEmpty())
- ret += glue;
- ret += (*it);
- }
- }
- return ret.isEmpty() ? TQString("") : before + ret + after;
-MakefileGenerator::varList(const TQString &var)
- return valList(project->variables()[var]);
-MakefileGenerator::valList(const TQStringList &varList)
- return valGlue(varList, "", " \\\n\t\t", "");
-MakefileGenerator::createObjectList(const TQString &var)
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[var], ret;
- TQString objdir, dir;
- if(!project->variables()["OBJECTS_DIR"].isEmpty())
- objdir = project->first("OBJECTS_DIR");
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
- TQFileInfo fi(Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*it)));
- if(objdir.isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("object_with_source")) {
- TQString fName = Option::fixPathToTargetOS((*it), FALSE);
- int dl = fName.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(dl != -1)
- dir = fName.left(dl + 1);
- } else {
- dir = objdir;
- }
- ret.append(dir + fi.baseName(TRUE) + Option::obj_ext);
- }
- return ret;
-MakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(TQTextStream &t)
- t << "####### Compile" << endl << endl;
- writeObj(t, "OBJECTS", "SOURCES");
- writeUicSrc(t, "FORMS");
- writeObj(t, "UICOBJECTS", "UICIMPLS");
- writeMocObj(t, "OBJTQMOC", "SRCTQMOC" );
- writeMocSrc(t, "HEADERS");
- writeMocSrc(t, "SOURCES");
- writeMocSrc(t, "UICDECLS");
- writeYaccSrc(t, "YACCSOURCES");
- writeLexSrc(t, "LEXSOURCES");
- writeImageObj(t, "IMAGEOBJECTS");
- writeImageSrc(t, "TQMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION");
- t << "####### Install" << endl << endl;
- writeInstalls(t, "INSTALLS");
- return TRUE;
-TQString MakefileGenerator::buildArgs()
- static TQString ret;
- if(ret.isEmpty()) {
- //special variables
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH"))
- ret += " TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH=\"" + project->first("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH") + "\"";
- //warnings
- else if(Option::warn_level == WarnNone)
- ret += " -Wnone";
- else if(Option::warn_level == WarnAll)
- ret += " -Wall";
- else if(Option::warn_level & WarnParser)
- ret += " -Wparser";
- //other options
- if(!Option::user_template.isEmpty())
- ret += " -t " + Option::user_template;
- if(!Option::mkfile::do_cache)
- ret += " -nocache";
- if(!Option::mkfile::do_deps)
- ret += " -nodepend";
- if(!Option::mkfile::do_tqmocs)
- ret += " -notqmoc";
- if(!Option::mkfile::do_dep_heuristics)
- ret += " -nodependheuristics";
- if(!Option::mkfile::qmakespec_commandline.isEmpty())
- ret += " -spec " + Option::mkfile::qmakespec_commandline;
- //arguments
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = Option::before_user_vars.begin();
- it != Option::before_user_vars.end(); ++it) {
- ret += " \"" + (*it) + "\"";
- }
- if(Option::after_user_vars.count()) {
- ret += " -after ";
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = Option::after_user_vars.begin();
- it != Option::after_user_vars.end(); ++it) {
- ret += " \"" + (*it) + "\"";
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
-//could get stored argv, but then it would have more options than are
-//probably necesary this will try to guess the bare minimum..
-TQString MakefileGenerator::build_args()
- static TQString ret;
- if(ret.isEmpty()) {
- ret = "$(TQMAKE)";
- // general options and arguments
- ret += buildArgs();
- //output
- TQString ofile = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileFixify(;
- if (!ofile.isEmpty() && ofile != project->first("TQMAKE_MAKEFILE"))
- ret += " -o " + ofile;
- //inputs
- TQStringList files = fileFixify(Option::mkfile::project_files);
- ret += " " + files.join(" ");
- }
- return ret;
-MakefileGenerator::writeHeader(TQTextStream &t)
- time_t foo = time(NULL);
- t << "#############################################################################" << endl;
- t << "# Makefile for building: " << var("TARGET") << endl;
- t << "# Generated by qmake (" << qmake_version() << ") (TQt " << TQT_VERSION_STR << ") on: " << ctime(&foo);
- t << "# Project: " << fileFixify(project->projectFile()) << endl;
- t << "# Template: " << var("TEMPLATE") << endl;
- t << "# Command: " << build_args() << endl;
- t << "#############################################################################" << endl;
- t << endl;
- return TRUE;
-//makes my life easier..
-MakefileGenerator::writeMakeQmake(TQTextStream &t)
- TQString ofile = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileFixify(;
- if(project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_FAILED_RETQUIREMENTS") && !project->isActiveConfig("no_autoqmake") &&
- !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_FILE")) {
- TQStringList files = fileFixify(Option::mkfile::project_files);
- t << project->first("TQMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_FILE") << ": " << "\n\t"
- << "@$(TQMAKE) -prl " << buildArgs() << " " << files.join(" ") << endl;
- }
- TQString pfile = project->projectFile();
- if(pfile != "(stdin)") {
- TQString qmake = build_args();
- if(!ofile.isEmpty() && !project->isActiveConfig("no_autoqmake")) {
- t << ofile << ": " << fileFixify(pfile) << " ";
- if(Option::mkfile::do_cache)
- t << fileFixify(Option::mkfile::cachefile) << " ";
- if(!specdir().isEmpty()) {
- if (TQFile::exists(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(specdir()+TQDir::separator()+"qmake.conf")))
- t << specdir() << Option::dir_sep << "qmake.conf" << " ";
- else if (TQFile::exists(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(specdir()+TQDir::separator()+"tmake.conf")))
- t << specdir() << Option::dir_sep << "tmake.conf" << " ";
- }
- t << project->variables()["TQMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES"].join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << qmake <<endl;
- }
- if(project->first("TQMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") != "qmake") {
- t << "qmake: " <<
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_INTERNAL_TQMAKE_DEPS"].join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t"
- << "@" << qmake << endl << endl;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-MakefileGenerator::fileFixify(const TQStringList& files, const TQString &out_dir, const TQString &in_dir,
- bool force_fix, bool canon) const
- if(files.isEmpty())
- return files;
- TQStringList ret;
- for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) {
- if(!(*it).isEmpty())
- ret << fileFixify((*it), out_dir, in_dir, force_fix, canon);
- }
- return ret;
-MakefileGenerator::fileFixify(const TQString& file0, const TQString &out_d,
- const TQString &in_d, bool force_fix, bool canon) const
- if(file0.isEmpty())
- return file0;
- TQString key = file0;
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(file0))
- key.prepend(TQDir::currentDirPath() + "--");
- if(!in_d.isEmpty() || !out_d.isEmpty() || force_fix || !canon)
- key.prepend(in_d + "--" + out_d + "--" + TQString::number((int)force_fix) + "--" +
- TQString::number((int)canon) + "-");
- if(fileFixed.contains(key))
- return fileFixed[key];
- TQString file = file0;
- int depth = 4;
- if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE ||
- Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PRL) {
- if(project && !project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_PROJECT_DEPTH"))
- depth = project->first("TQMAKE_PROJECT_DEPTH").toInt();
- else if(Option::mkfile::cachefile_depth != -1)
- depth = Option::mkfile::cachefile_depth;
- }
- TQChar quote;
- if((file.startsWith("'") || file.startsWith("\"")) && file.startsWith(file.right(1))) {
- quote =;
- file = file.mid(1, file.length() - 2);
- }
- TQString orig_file = file;
- if(!force_fix && project->isActiveConfig("no_fixpath")) {
- if(!project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH")) { //absoluteify it
- TQString qfile = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(file, TRUE, canon);
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(file)) { //already absolute
- TQFileInfo fi(qfile);
- if(!fi.convertToAbs()) //strange
- file = fi.filePath();
- }
- }
- } else { //fix it..
- TQString qfile(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(file, TRUE, canon)), in_dir(in_d), out_dir(out_d);
- {
- if(out_dir.isNull() || TQDir::isRelativePath(out_dir))
- out_dir.prepend(Option::output_dir + TQDir::separator());
- if(out_dir == ".")
- out_dir = TQDir::currentDirPath();
- if(in_dir.isEmpty() || TQDir::isRelativePath(in_dir))
- in_dir.prepend(TQDir::currentDirPath() + TQDir::separator());
- if(in_dir == ".")
- in_dir = TQDir::currentDirPath();
- if(!TQDir::isRelativePath(in_dir) || !TQDir::isRelativePath(out_dir)) {
- TQFileInfo in_fi(in_dir);
- if(!in_fi.convertToAbs())
- in_dir = in_fi.filePath();
- TQFileInfo out_fi(out_dir);
- if(!out_fi.convertToAbs())
- out_dir = out_fi.filePath();
- }
- TQString in_canonical_dir = TQDir(in_dir).canonicalPath(),
- out_canonical_dir = TQDir(out_dir).canonicalPath();
- if(!in_canonical_dir.isEmpty())
- in_dir = in_canonical_dir;
- if(!out_canonical_dir.isEmpty())
- out_dir = out_canonical_dir;
- }
- if(out_dir != in_dir || !TQDir::isRelativePath(qfile)) {
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(qfile)) {
- if(file.left(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep &&
- in_dir.right(Option::dir_sep.length()) != Option::dir_sep)
- file.prepend(Option::dir_sep);
- file.prepend(in_dir);
- }
- file = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(file, FALSE, canon);
- if(canon && TQFile::exists(file) && file == Option::fixPathToTargetOS(file, TRUE, canon)) {
- TQString real_file = TQDir(file).canonicalPath();
- if(!real_file.isEmpty())
- file = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(real_file, false, canon);
- }
- TQString match_dir = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(out_dir, FALSE, canon);
- if(file == match_dir) {
- file = "";
- } else if(file.startsWith(match_dir) &&
- file.mid(match_dir.length(), Option::dir_sep.length()) == Option::dir_sep) {
- file = file.right(file.length() - (match_dir.length() + 1));
- } else {
- for(int i = 1; i <= depth; i++) {
- int sl = match_dir.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(sl == -1)
- break;
- match_dir = match_dir.left(sl);
- if(match_dir.isEmpty())
- break;
- if(file.startsWith(match_dir) &&
- file.mid(match_dir.length(), Option::dir_sep.length()) == Option::dir_sep) {
- //concat
- int remlen = file.length() - (match_dir.length() + 1);
- if (remlen < 0)
- remlen = 0;
- file = file.right(remlen);
- //prepend
- for(int o = 0; o < i; o++)
- file.prepend(".." + Option::dir_sep);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- file = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(file, FALSE, canon);
- if(file.isEmpty())
- file = ".";
- if(!quote.isNull())
- file = quote + file + quote;
- debug_msg(3, "Fixed %s :: to :: %s (%d) [%s::%s]", orig_file.latin1(), file.latin1(), depth,
- in_d.latin1(), out_d.latin1());
- ((MakefileGenerator*)this)->fileFixed.insert(key, file);
- return file;
-MakefileGenerator::cleanFilePath(const TQString &file) const
- return fileFixify(Option::fixPathToTargetOS(file));
-void MakefileGenerator::logicWarn(const TQString &f, const TQString &w)
- if(!(Option::warn_level & WarnLogic))
- return;
- TQString file = f;
- int slsh = f.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1)
- file = file.right(file.length() - slsh - 1);
- TQStringList &l = project->variables()[w];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator val_it = l.begin(); val_it != l.end(); ++val_it) {
- TQString file2((*val_it));
- slsh = file2.findRev(Option::dir_sep);
- if(slsh != -1)
- file2 = file2.right(file2.length() - slsh - 1);
- if(file2 == file) {
- warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Found potential symbol conflict of %s (%s) in %s",
- file.latin1(), (*val_it).latin1(), w.latin1());
- break;
- }
- }
-MakefileGenerator::dependencyKey(const TQString &file) const
- TQString key = file;
- Option::fixPathToTargetOS(key);
- if(key.find(Option::dir_sep))
- key = key.right(key.length() - key.findRev(Option::dir_sep) - 1);
- return key;
-MakefileGenerator::setProcessedDependencies(const TQString &file, bool b)
- depProcessed[dependencyKey(file)] = b;
-MakefileGenerator::processedDependencies(const TQString &file)
- TQString key = dependencyKey(file);
- if(!depProcessed.contains(key))
- return FALSE;
- return depProcessed[key];
-&MakefileGenerator::findDependencies(const TQString &file)
- return depends[dependencyKey(file)];
- if(!spec.isEmpty())
- return spec;
- spec = Option::mkfile::qmakespec;
-#if 0
- if(const char *d = getenv("TQTDIR")) {
- TQString qdir = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(TQString(d));
- if(qdir.endsWith(TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator()))))
- qdir.truncate(qdir.length()-1);
- //fix path
- TQFileInfo fi(spec);
- TQString absSpec(fi.absFilePath());
- absSpec = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(absSpec);
- //replace what you can
- if(absSpec.startsWith(qdir)) {
- absSpec.replace(0, qdir.length(), "$(TQTDIR)");
- spec = absSpec;
- }
- }
- spec = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(spec);
- return spec;
-MakefileGenerator::openOutput(TQFile &file) const
- {
- TQString outdir;
- if(! {
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(
- file.setName(Option::output_dir +; //pwd when qmake was run
- TQFileInfo fi(file);
- if(fi.isDir())
- outdir = + TQDir::separator();
- }
- if(!outdir.isEmpty() || {
- TQString fname = "Makefile";
- if(!project->isEmpty("MAKEFILE"))
- fname = project->first("MAKEFILE");
- file.setName(outdir + fname);
- }
- }
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(
- file.setName(Option::output_dir +; //pwd when qmake was run
- if(project->isEmpty("TQMAKE_MAKEFILE"))
- project->variables()["TQMAKE_MAKEFILE"].append(;
- int slsh =;
- if(slsh != -1)
- createDir(;
- if( | IO_Translate)) {
- TQFileInfo fi(Option::output);
- TQString od = Option::fixPathToTargetOS((fi.isSymLink() ? fi.readLink() : fi.dirPath()) );
- if(TQDir::isRelativePath(od))
- od.prepend(Option::output_dir);
- Option::output_dir = od;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-//Factory thing
-#include "unixmake.h"
-#include "msvc_nmake.h"
-#include "borland_bmake.h"
-#include "mingw_make.h"
-#include "msvc_dsp.h"
-#include "msvc_vcproj.h"
-#include "metrowerks_xml.h"
-#include "pbuilder_pbx.h"
-#include "projectgenerator.h"
-MakefileGenerator *
-MakefileGenerator::create(TQMakeProject *proj)
- if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::TQMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT)
- return new ProjectGenerator(proj);
- MakefileGenerator *mkfile = NULL;
- TQString gen = proj->first("MAKEFILE_GENERATOR");
- if(gen.isEmpty()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "No generator specified in config file: %s\n",
- proj->projectFile().latin1());
- } else if(gen == "UNIX") {
- mkfile = new UnixMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else if(gen == "MSVC") {
- // Visual Studio =< v6.0
- if(proj->first("TEMPLATE").find(TQRegExp("^vc.*")) != -1)
- mkfile = new DspMakefileGenerator(proj);
- else
- mkfile = new NmakeMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else if(gen == "MSVC.NET") {
- // Visual Studio >= v7.0
- if(proj->first("TEMPLATE").find(TQRegExp("^vc.*")) != -1)
- mkfile = new VcprojGenerator(proj);
- else
- mkfile = new NmakeMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else if(gen == "BMAKE") {
- mkfile = new BorlandMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else if(gen == "MINGW") {
- mkfile = new MingwMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else if(gen == "METROWERKS") {
- mkfile = new MetrowerksMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else if(gen == "PROJECTBUILDER") {
- mkfile = new ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator(proj);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown generator specified: %s\n", gen.latin1());
- }
- return mkfile;