path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/opengl/tqglcolormap.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQGLColormap class
-** Created : 20010326
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the opengl module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
- \class TQGLColormap tqglcolormap.h
- \brief The TQGLColormap class is used for installing custom colormaps into
- TQGLWidgets.
-\if defined(commercial)
- It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">TQt Enterprise Edition</a>.
- \module OpenGL
- \ingroup graphics
- \ingroup images
- TQGLColormap provides a platform independent way of specifying and
- installing indexed colormaps into TQGLWidgets. TQGLColormap is
- especially useful when using the \link opengl.html OpenGL\endlink
- color-index mode.
- Under X11 you must use an X server that supports either a \c
- PseudoColor or \c DirectColor visual class. If your X server
- currently only provides a \c GrayScale, \c TrueColor, \c
- StaticColor or \c StaticGray visual, you will not be able to
- allocate colorcells for writing. If this is the case, try setting
- your X server to 8 bit mode. It should then provide you with at
- least a \c PseudoColor visual. Note that you may experience
- colormap flashing if your X server is running in 8 bit mode.
- Under Windows the size of the colormap is always set to 256
- colors. Note that under Windows you can also install colormaps
- in child widgets.
- This class uses explicit sharing (see \link shclass.html Shared
- Classes\endlink).
- Example of use:
- \code
- #include <tqapplication.h>
- #include <tqglcolormap.h>
- int main()
- {
- TQApplication a( argc, argv );
- MySuperGLWidget widget( 0 ); // A TQGLWidget in color-index mode
- TQGLColormap colormap;
- // This will fill the colormap with colors ranging from
- // black to white.
- for ( int i = 0; i < colormap.size(); i++ )
- colormap.setEntry( i, tqRgb( i, i, i ) );
- widget.setColormap( colormap );
- return a.exec();
- }
- \endcode
- \sa TQGLWidget::setColormap(), TQGLWidget::colormap()
-#include "tqglcolormap.h"
-#include "tqmemarray.h"
- Construct a TQGLColormap.
- d = 0;
- Construct a shallow copy of \a map.
-TQGLColormap::TQGLColormap( const TQGLColormap & map )
- d = map.d;
- if ( d )
- d->ref();
- Dereferences the TQGLColormap and deletes it if this was the last
- reference to it.
- if ( d && d->deref() ) {
- delete d;
- d = 0;
- }
- Assign a shallow copy of \a map to this TQGLColormap.
-TQGLColormap & TQGLColormap::operator=( const TQGLColormap & map )
- if ( map.d != 0 )
- map.d->ref();
- if ( d && d->deref() )
- delete d;
- d = map.d;
- return *this;
- Detaches this TQGLColormap from the shared block.
-void TQGLColormap::detach()
- if ( d && d->count != 1 ) {
- // ### What about the actual colormap handle?
- Private * newd = new Private();
- newd->cells = d->cells;
- newd->cells.detach();
- if ( d->deref() )
- delete d;
- d = newd;
- }
- Set cell at index \a idx in the colormap to color \a color.
-void TQGLColormap::setEntry( int idx, TQRgb color )
- if ( !d )
- d = new Private();
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_RANGE)
- if ( idx < 0 || idx > (int) d->cells.size() ) {
- qWarning( "TQGLColormap::setRgb: Index out of range." );
- return;
- }
- d->cells[ idx ] = color;
- Set an array of cells in this colormap. \a count is the number of
- colors that should be set, \a colors is the array of colors, and
- \a base is the starting index.
-void TQGLColormap::setEntries( int count, const TQRgb * colors, int base )
- if ( !d )
- d = new Private();
- if ( !colors || base < 0 || base >= (int) d->cells.size() )
- return;
- for( int i = base; i < base + count; i++ ) {
- if ( i < (int) d->cells.size() )
- setEntry( i, colors[i] );
- else
- break;
- }
- Returns the TQRgb value in the colorcell with index \a idx.
-TQRgb TQGLColormap::entryRgb( int idx ) const
- if ( !d || idx < 0 || idx > (int) d->cells.size() )
- return 0;
- else
- return d->cells[ idx ];
- \overload
- Set the cell with index \a idx in the colormap to color \a color.
-void TQGLColormap::setEntry( int idx, const TQColor & color )
- setEntry( idx, color.rgb() );
- Returns the TQRgb value in the colorcell with index \a idx.
-TQColor TQGLColormap::entryColor( int idx ) const
- if ( !d || idx < 0 || idx > (int) d->cells.size() )
- return TQColor();
- else
- return TQColor( d->cells[ idx ] );
- Returns TRUE if the colormap is empty; otherwise returns FALSE. A
- colormap with no color values set is considered to be empty.
-bool TQGLColormap::isEmpty() const
- return (d == 0) || (d->cells.size() == 0) || (d->cmapHandle == 0);
- Returns the number of colorcells in the colormap.
-int TQGLColormap::size() const
- return d != 0 ? d->cells.size() : 0;
- Returns the index of the color \a color. If \a color is not in the
- map, -1 is returned.
-int TQGLColormap::find( TQRgb color ) const
- if ( d )
- return d->cells.find( color );
- return -1;
- Returns the index of the color that is the closest match to color
- \a color.
-int TQGLColormap::findNearest( TQRgb color ) const
- int idx = find( color );
- if ( idx >= 0 )
- return idx;
- int mapSize = size();
- int mindist = 200000;
- int r = tqRed( color );
- int g = tqGreen( color );
- int b = tqBlue( color );
- int rx, gx, bx, dist;
- for ( int i=0; i < mapSize; i++ ) {
- TQRgb ci = d->cells[i];
- rx = r - tqRed( ci );
- gx = g - tqGreen( ci );
- bx = b - tqBlue( ci );
- dist = rx*rx + gx*gx + bx*bx; // calculate distance
- if ( dist < mindist ) { // minimal?
- mindist = dist;
- idx = i;
- }
- }
- return idx;