path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqdir.cpp
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqdir.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqdir.cpp
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index 311a44d..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqdir.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQDir class
-** Created : 950427
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqplatformdefs.h"
-#include "tqdir.h"
-#ifndef TQT_NO_DIR
-#include <private/tqdir_p.h>
-#include "tqfileinfo.h"
-#include "tqregexp.h"
-#include "tqstringlist.h"
-#include "tqdeepcopy.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#if defined(TQ_FS_FAT) && !defined(TQ_OS_UNIX)
-const bool CaseSensitiveFS = FALSE;
-const bool CaseSensitiveFS = TRUE;
- \class TQDir
- \reentrant
- \brief The TQDir class provides access to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way.
- \ingroup io
- \mainclass
- A TQDir is used to manipulate path names, access information
- regarding paths and files, and manipulate the underlying file
- system.
- A TQDir can point to a file using either a relative or an absolute
- path. Absolute paths begin with the directory separator "/"
- (optionally preceded by a drive specification under Windows). If
- you always use "/" as a directory separator, TQt will translate
- your paths to conform to the underlying operating system. Relative
- file names begin with a directory name or a file name and specify
- a path relative to the current directory.
- The "current" path refers to the application's working directory.
- A TQDir's own path is set and retrieved with setPath() and path().
- An example of an absolute path is the string "/tmp/quartz", a
- relative path might look like "src/fatlib". You can use the
- function isRelative() to check if a TQDir is using a relative or an
- absolute file path. Call convertToAbs() to convert a relative TQDir
- to an absolute one. For a simplified path use cleanDirPath(). To
- obtain a path which has no symbolic links or redundant ".."
- elements use canonicalPath(). The path can be set with setPath(),
- and changed with cd() and cdUp().
- TQDir provides several static functions, for example, setCurrent()
- to set the application's working directory and currentDirPath() to
- retrieve the application's working directory. Access to some
- common paths is provided with the static functions, current(),
- home() and root() which return TQDir objects or currentDirPath(),
- homeDirPath() and rootDirPath() which return the path as a string.
- If you want to know about your application's path use
- \l{TQApplication::applicationDirPath()}.
- The number of entries in a directory is returned by count().
- Obtain a string list of the names of all the files and directories
- in a directory with entryList(). If you prefer a list of TQFileInfo
- pointers use entryInfoList(). Both these functions can apply a
- name filter, an attributes filter (e.g. read-only, files not
- directories, etc.), and a sort order. The filters and sort may be
- set with calls to setNameFilter(), setFilter() and setSorting().
- They may also be specified in the entryList() and
- entryInfoList()'s arguments.
- Create a new directory with mkdir(), rename a directory with
- rename() and remove an existing directory with rmdir(). Remove a
- file with remove(). You can interrogate a directory with exists(),
- isReadable() and isRoot().
- To get a path with a filename use filePath(), and to get a
- directory name use dirName(); neither of these functions checks
- for the existence of the file or directory.
- The list of root directories is provided by drives(); on Unix
- systems this returns a list containing one root directory, "/"; on
- Windows the list will usually contain "C:/", and possibly "D:/",
- etc.
- It is easiest to work with "/" separators in TQt code. If you need
- to present a path to the user or need a path in a form suitable
- for a function in the underlying operating system use
- convertSeparators().
- Examples:
- See if a directory exists.
- \code
- TQDir d( "example" ); // "./example"
- if ( !d.exists() )
- qWarning( "Cannot find the example directory" );
- \endcode
- Traversing directories and reading a file.
- \code
- TQDir d = TQDir::root(); // "/"
- if ( !"tmp") ) { // "/tmp"
- qWarning( "Cannot find the \"/tmp\" directory" );
- } else {
- TQFile f( d.filePath("ex1.txt") ); // "/tmp/ex1.txt"
- if ( ! )
- qWarning( "Cannot create the file %s", );
- }
- \endcode
- A program that lists all the files in the current directory
- (excluding symbolic links), sorted by size, smallest first:
- \code
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <tqdir.h>
- int main( int argc, char **argv )
- {
- TQDir d;
- d.setFilter( TQDir::Files | TQDir::Hidden | TQDir::NoSymLinks );
- d.setSorting( TQDir::Size | TQDir::Reversed );
- const TQFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
- TQFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
- TQFileInfo *fi;
- printf( " Bytes Filename\n" );
- while ( (fi = it.current()) != 0 ) {
- printf( "%10li %s\n", fi->size(), fi->fileName().latin1() );
- ++it;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa TQApplication::applicationDirPath()
- Constructs a TQDir pointing to the current directory (".").
- \sa currentDirPath()
- dPath = TQString::tqfromLatin1(".");
- init();
- Constructs a TQDir with path \a path, that filters its entries by
- name using \a nameFilter and by attributes using \a filterSpec. It
- also sorts the names using \a sortSpec.
- The default \a nameFilter is an empty string, which excludes
- nothing; the default \a filterSpec is \c All, which also means
- exclude nothing. The default \a sortSpec is \c Name|IgnoreCase,
- i.e. sort by name case-insensitively.
- Example that lists all the files in "/tmp":
- \code
- TQDir d( "/tmp" );
- for ( int i = 0; i < d.count(); i++ )
- printf( "%s\n", d[i] );
- \endcode
- If \a path is "" or TQString::null, TQDir uses "." (the current
- directory). If \a nameFilter is "" or TQString::null, TQDir uses the
- name filter "*" (all files).
- Note that \a path need not exist.
- \sa exists(), setPath(), setNameFilter(), setFilter(), setSorting()
-TQDir::TQDir( const TQString &path, const TQString &nameFilter,
- int sortSpec, int filterSpec )
- init();
- dPath = cleanDirPath( path );
- if ( dPath.isEmpty() )
- dPath = TQString::tqfromLatin1(".");
- nameFilt = nameFilter;
- if ( nameFilt.isEmpty() )
- nameFilt = TQString::tqfromLatin1("*");
- filtS = (FilterSpec)filterSpec;
- sortS = (SortSpec)sortSpec;
- Constructs a TQDir that is a copy of the directory \a d.
- \sa operator=()
-TQDir::TQDir( const TQDir &d )
- dPath = d.dPath;
- fList = 0;
- fiList = 0;
- nameFilt = d.nameFilt;
- dirty = TRUE;
- allDirs = d.allDirs;
- filtS = d.filtS;
- sortS = d.sortS;
- Refreshes the directory information.
-void TQDir::refresh() const
- TQDir* that = (TQDir*) this;
- that->dirty = TRUE;
-void TQDir::init()
- fList = 0;
- fiList = 0;
- nameFilt = TQString::tqfromLatin1("*");
- dirty = TRUE;
- allDirs = FALSE;
- filtS = All;
- sortS = SortSpec(Name | IgnoreCase);
- Destroys the TQDir frees up its resources.
- delete fList;
- delete fiList;
- Sets the path of the directory to \a path. The path is cleaned of
- redundant ".", ".." and of multiple separators. No check is made
- to ensure that a directory with this path exists.
- The path can be either absolute or relative. Absolute paths begin
- with the directory separator "/" (optionally preceded by a drive
- specification under Windows). Relative file names begin with a
- directory name or a file name and specify a path relative to the
- current directory. An example of an absolute path is the string
- "/tmp/quartz", a relative path might look like "src/fatlib".
- \sa path(), absPath(), exists(), cleanDirPath(), dirName(),
- absFilePath(), isRelative(), convertToAbs()
-void TQDir::setPath( const TQString &path )
- dPath = cleanDirPath( path );
- if ( dPath.isEmpty() )
- dPath = TQString::tqfromLatin1(".");
- dirty = TRUE;
- \fn TQString TQDir::path() const
- Returns the path, this may contain symbolic links, but never
- contains redundant ".", ".." or multiple separators.
- The returned path can be either absolute or relative (see
- setPath()).
- \sa setPath(), absPath(), exists(), cleanDirPath(), dirName(),
- absFilePath(), convertSeparators()
- Returns the absolute path (a path that starts with "/" or with a
- drive specification), which may contain symbolic links, but never
- contains redundant ".", ".." or multiple separators.
- \sa setPath(), canonicalPath(), exists(), cleanDirPath(),
- dirName(), absFilePath()
-TQString TQDir::absPath() const
- if ( TQDir::isRelativePath(dPath) ) {
- TQString tmp = currentDirPath();
- if ( tmp.right(1) != TQString::tqfromLatin1("/") )
- tmp += '/';
- tmp += dPath;
- return cleanDirPath( tmp );
- } else {
- return cleanDirPath( dPath );
- }
- Returns the name of the directory; this is \e not the same as the
- path, e.g. a directory with the name "mail", might have the path
- "/var/spool/mail". If the directory has no name (e.g. it is the
- root directory) TQString::null is returned.
- No check is made to ensure that a directory with this name
- actually exists.
- \sa path(), absPath(), absFilePath(), exists(), TQString::isNull()
-TQString TQDir::dirName() const
- int pos = dPath.findRev( '/' );
- if ( pos == -1 )
- return dPath;
- return dPath.right( dPath.length() - pos - 1 );
- Returns the path name of a file in the directory. Does \e not
- check if the file actually exists in the directory. If the TQDir is
- relative the returned path name will also be relative. Redundant
- multiple separators or "." and ".." directories in \a fileName
- will not be removed (see cleanDirPath()).
- If \a acceptAbsPath is TRUE a \a fileName starting with a
- separator "/" will be returned without change. If \a acceptAbsPath
- is FALSE an absolute path will be prepended to the fileName and
- the resultant string returned.
- \sa absFilePath(), isRelative(), canonicalPath()
-TQString TQDir::filePath( const TQString &fileName,
- bool acceptAbsPath ) const
- if ( acceptAbsPath && !isRelativePath(fileName) )
- return TQString(fileName);
- TQString tmp = dPath;
- if ( tmp.isEmpty() || (tmp[(int)tmp.length()-1] != '/' && !!fileName &&
- fileName[0] != '/') )
- tmp += '/';
- tmp += fileName;
- return tmp;
- Returns the absolute path name of a file in the directory. Does \e
- not check if the file actually exists in the directory. Redundant
- multiple separators or "." and ".." directories in \a fileName
- will not be removed (see cleanDirPath()).
- If \a acceptAbsPath is TRUE a \a fileName starting with a
- separator "/" will be returned without change. If \a acceptAbsPath
- is FALSE an absolute path will be prepended to the fileName and
- the resultant string returned.
- \sa filePath()
-TQString TQDir::absFilePath( const TQString &fileName,
- bool acceptAbsPath ) const
- if ( acceptAbsPath && !isRelativePath( fileName ) )
- return fileName;
- TQString tmp = absPath();
-#ifdef TQ_OS_WIN32
- if ( fileName[0].isLetter() && fileName[1] == ':' ) {
- int drv = fileName.upper()[0].latin1() - 'A' + 1;
- if ( _getdrive() != drv ) {
- TQT_WA( {
- ::_wgetdcwd( drv, buf, PATH_MAX );
- tmp.setUnicodeCodes( (ushort*)buf, (uint)::wcslen(buf) );
- }, {
- char buf[PATH_MAX];
- ::_getdcwd( drv, buf, PATH_MAX );
- tmp = buf;
- } );
- if ( !tmp.endsWith("\\") )
- tmp += "\\";
- tmp += fileName.right( fileName.length() - 2 );
- int x;
- for ( x = 0; x < (int) tmp.length(); x++ ) {
- if ( tmp[x] == '\\' )
- tmp[x] = '/';
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- if ( tmp.isEmpty() || (tmp[(int)tmp.length()-1] != '/' && !!fileName &&
- fileName[0] != '/') )
- tmp += '/';
- tmp += fileName;
- }
- return tmp;
- Returns \a pathName with the '/' separators converted to
- separators that are appropriate for the underlying operating
- system.
- On Windows, convertSeparators("c:/winnt/system32") returns
- "c:\winnt\system32".
- The returned string may be the same as the argument on some
- operating systems, for example on Unix.
-TQString TQDir::convertSeparators( const TQString &pathName )
- TQString n( pathName );
-#if defined(TQ_FS_FAT) || defined(TQ_OS_OS2EMX)
- for ( int i=0; i<(int)n.length(); i++ ) {
- if ( n[i] == '/' )
- n[i] = '\\';
- }
-#elif defined(TQ_OS_MAC9)
- while(n.length() && n[0] == '/' ) n = n.right(n.length()-1);
- for ( int i=0; i<(int)n.length(); i++ ) {
- if ( n[i] == '/' )
- n[i] = ':';
- }
- if(n.contains(':') && n.left(1) != ':')
- n.prepend(':');
- return n;
- Changes the TQDir's directory to \a dirName.
- If \a acceptAbsPath is TRUE a path starting with separator "/"
- will cause the function to change to the absolute directory. If \a
- acceptAbsPath is FALSE any number of separators at the beginning
- of \a dirName will be removed and the function will descend into
- \a dirName.
- Returns TRUE if the new directory exists and is readable;
- otherwise returns FALSE. Note that the logical cd() operation is
- not performed if the new directory does not exist.
- Calling cd( ".." ) is equivalent to calling cdUp().
- \sa cdUp(), isReadable(), exists(), path()
-bool TQDir::cd( const TQString &dirName, bool acceptAbsPath )
- if ( dirName.isEmpty() || dirName == TQString::tqfromLatin1(".") )
- return TRUE;
- TQString old = dPath;
- if ( acceptAbsPath && !isRelativePath(dirName) ) {
- dPath = cleanDirPath( dirName );
- } else {
- if ( isRoot() ) {
- if ( dirName == ".." ) {
- dPath = old;
- return FALSE;
- }
- } else {
- dPath += '/';
- }
- dPath += dirName;
- if ( dirName.find('/') >= 0
- || old == TQString::tqfromLatin1(".")
- || dirName == TQString::tqfromLatin1("..") ) {
- dPath = cleanDirPath( dPath );
- /*
- If dPath starts with .., we convert it to absolute to
- avoid infinite looping on
- TQDir dir( "." );
- while ( dir.cdUp() )
- ;
- */
- if ( dPath[0] == TQChar('.') && dPath[1] == TQChar('.') &&
- (dPath.length() == 2 || dPath[2] == TQChar('/')) )
- convertToAbs();
- }
- }
- if ( !exists() ) {
- dPath = old; // regret
- return FALSE;
- }
- dirty = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- Changes directory by moving one directory up from the TQDir's
- current directory.
- Returns TRUE if the new directory exists and is readable;
- otherwise returns FALSE. Note that the logical cdUp() operation is
- not performed if the new directory does not exist.
- \sa cd(), isReadable(), exists(), path()
-bool TQDir::cdUp()
- return cd( TQString::tqfromLatin1("..") );
- \fn TQString TQDir::nameFilter() const
- Returns the string set by setNameFilter()
- Sets the name filter used by entryList() and entryInfoList() to \a
- nameFilter.
- The \a nameFilter is a wildcard (globbing) filter that understands
- "*" and "?" wildcards. (See \link tqregexp.html#wildcard-matching
- TQRegExp wildcard matching\endlink.) You may specify several filter
- entries all separated by a single space " " or by a semi-colon
- ";".
- For example, if you want entryList() and entryInfoList() to list
- all files ending with either ".cpp" or ".h", you would use either
- dir.setNameFilter("*.cpp *.h") or dir.setNameFilter("*.cpp;*.h").
- \sa nameFilter(), setFilter()
-void TQDir::setNameFilter( const TQString &nameFilter )
- nameFilt = nameFilter;
- if ( nameFilt.isEmpty() )
- nameFilt = TQString::tqfromLatin1("*");
- dirty = TRUE;
- \fn TQDir::FilterSpec TQDir::filter() const
- Returns the value set by setFilter()
- \enum TQDir::FilterSpec
- This enum describes the filtering options available to TQDir, e.g.
- for entryList() and entryInfoList(). The filter value is specified
- by OR-ing together values from the following list:
- \value Dirs List directories only.
- \value Files List files only.
- \value Drives List disk drives (ignored under Unix).
- \value NoSymLinks Do not list symbolic links (ignored by operating
- systems that don't support symbolic links).
- \value All List directories, files, drives and symlinks (this does not list
- broken symlinks unless you specify System).
- \value TypeMask A mask for the the Dirs, Files, Drives and
- NoSymLinks flags.
- \value Readable List files for which the application has read access.
- \value Writable List files for which the application has write access.
- \value Executable List files for which the application has execute
- access. Executables needs to be combined with Dirs or Files.
- \value RWEMask A mask for the Readable, Writable and Executable flags.
- \value Modified Only list files that have been modified (ignored
- under Unix).
- \value Hidden List hidden files (on Unix, files starting with a .).
- \value System List system files (on Unix, FIFOs, sockets and
- tqdevice files)
- \value AccessMask A mask for the Readable, Writable, Executable
- Modified, Hidden and System flags
- \value DefaultFilter Internal flag.
- If you do not set any of \c Readable, \c Writable or \c
- Executable, TQDir will set all three of them. This makes the
- default easy to write and at the same time useful.
- Examples: \c Readable|Writable means list all files for which the
- application has read access, write access or both. \c Dirs|Drives
- means list drives, directories, all files that the application can
- read, write or execute, and also symlinks to such
- files/directories.
- Sets the filter used by entryList() and entryInfoList() to \a
- filterSpec. The filter is used to specify the kind of files that
- should be returned by entryList() and entryInfoList(). See
- \l{TQDir::FilterSpec}.
- \sa filter(), setNameFilter()
-void TQDir::setFilter( int filterSpec )
- if ( filtS == (FilterSpec) filterSpec )
- return;
- filtS = (FilterSpec) filterSpec;
- dirty = TRUE;
- \fn TQDir::SortSpec TQDir::sorting() const
- Returns the value set by setSorting()
- \sa setSorting() SortSpec
- \enum TQDir::SortSpec
- This enum describes the sort options available to TQDir, e.g. for
- entryList() and entryInfoList(). The sort value is specified by
- OR-ing together values from the following list:
- \value Name Sort by name.
- \value Time Sort by time (modification time).
- \value Size Sort by file size.
- \value Unsorted Do not sort.
- \value SortByMask A mask for Name, Time and Size.
- \value DirsFirst Put the directories first, then the files.
- \value Reversed Reverse the sort order.
- \value IgnoreCase Sort case-insensitively.
- \value LocaleAware Sort names using locale aware compares
- \value DefaultSort Internal flag.
- You can only specify one of the first four.
- If you specify both \c DirsFirst and \c Reversed, directories are
- still put first, but in reverse order; the files will be listed
- after the directories, again in reverse order.
-// ### Unsorted+DirsFirst ? Unsorted+Reversed?
- Sets the sort order used by entryList() and entryInfoList().
- The \a sortSpec is specified by OR-ing values from the enum
- \l{TQDir::SortSpec}.
- \sa sorting() SortSpec
-void TQDir::setSorting( int sortSpec )
- if ( sortS == (SortSpec) sortSpec )
- return;
- sortS = (SortSpec) sortSpec;
- dirty = TRUE;
- \fn bool TQDir::matchAllDirs() const
- Returns the value set by setMatchAllDirs()
- \sa setMatchAllDirs()
- If \a enable is TRUE then all directories are included (e.g. in
- entryList()), and the nameFilter() is only applied to the files.
- If \a enable is FALSE then the nameFilter() is applied to both
- directories and files.
- \sa matchAllDirs()
-void TQDir::setMatchAllDirs( bool enable )
- if ( (bool)allDirs == enable )
- return;
- allDirs = enable;
- dirty = TRUE;
- Returns the total number of directories and files that were found.
- Equivalent to entryList().count().
- \sa operator[](), entryList()
-uint TQDir::count() const
- return (uint)entryList().count();
- Returns the file name at position \a index in the list of file
- names. Equivalent to entryList().at(index).
- Returns a TQString::null if the \a index is out of range or if the
- entryList() function failed.
- \sa count(), entryList()
-TQString TQDir::operator[]( int index ) const
- entryList();
- return fList && index >= 0 && index < (int)fList->count() ?
- (*fList)[index] : TQString::null;
- \obsolete
- This function is included to easy porting from TQt 1.x to TQt 2.0,
- it is the same as entryList(), but encodes the filenames as 8-bit
- strings using TQFile::encodedName().
- It is more efficient to use entryList().
-TQStrList TQDir::encodedEntryList( int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
- TQStrList r;
- TQStringList l = entryList(filterSpec,sortSpec);
- for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) {
- r.append( TQFile::encodeName(*it) );
- }
- return r;
- \obsolete
- \overload
- This function is included to easy porting from TQt 1.x to TQt 2.0,
- it is the same as entryList(), but encodes the filenames as 8-bit
- strings using TQFile::encodedName().
- It is more efficient to use entryList().
-TQStrList TQDir::encodedEntryList( const TQString &nameFilter,
- int filterSpec,
- int sortSpec ) const
- TQStrList r;
- TQStringList l = entryList(nameFilter,filterSpec,sortSpec);
- for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) {
- r.append( TQFile::encodeName(*it) );
- }
- return r;
- \overload
- Returns a list of the names of all the files and directories in
- the directory, ordered in accordance with setSorting() and
- filtered in accordance with setFilter() and setNameFilter().
- The filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
- \a filterSpec and \a sortSpec arguments.
- Returns an empty list if the directory is unreadable or does not
- exist.
- \sa entryInfoList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter()
-TQStringList TQDir::entryList( int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
- if ( !dirty && filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter &&
- sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
- return *fList;
- return entryList( nameFilt, filterSpec, sortSpec );
- Returns a list of the names of all the files and directories in
- the directory, ordered in accordance with setSorting() and
- filtered in accordance with setFilter() and setNameFilter().
- The filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
- \a nameFilter, \a filterSpec and \a sortSpec arguments.
- Returns an empty list if the directory is unreadable or does not
- exist.
- \sa entryInfoList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter()
-TQStringList TQDir::entryList( const TQString &nameFilter,
- int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
- if ( filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter )
- filterSpec = filtS;
- if ( sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
- sortSpec = sortS;
- TQDir *that = (TQDir*)this; // mutable function
- if ( that->readDirEntries(nameFilter, filterSpec, sortSpec) ) {
- if ( that->fList )
- return *that->fList;
- }
- return TQStringList();
- \overload
- Returns a list of TQFileInfo objects for all the files and
- directories in the directory, ordered in accordance with
- setSorting() and filtered in accordance with setFilter() and
- setNameFilter().
- The filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
- \a filterSpec and \a sortSpec arguments.
- Returns 0 if the directory is unreadable or does not exist.
- The returned pointer is a const pointer to a TQFileInfoList. The
- list is owned by the TQDir object and will be reused on the next
- call to entryInfoList() for the same TQDir instance. If you want to
- keep the entries of the list after a subsequent call to this
- function you must copy them.
- Note: TQFileInfoList is really a TQPtrList<TQFileInfo>.
- \sa entryList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter()
-const TQFileInfoList *TQDir::entryInfoList( int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
- if ( !dirty && filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter &&
- sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
- return fiList;
- return entryInfoList( nameFilt, filterSpec, sortSpec );
- Returns a list of TQFileInfo objects for all the files and
- directories in the directory, ordered in accordance with
- setSorting() and filtered in accordance with setFilter() and
- setNameFilter().
- The filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
- \a nameFilter, \a filterSpec and \a sortSpec arguments.
- Returns 0 if the directory is unreadable or does not exist.
- The returned pointer is a const pointer to a TQFileInfoList. The
- list is owned by the TQDir object and will be reused on the next
- call to entryInfoList() for the same TQDir instance. If you want to
- keep the entries of the list after a subsequent call to this
- function you must copy them.
- Note: TQFileInfoList is really a TQPtrList<TQFileInfo>.
- \sa entryList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter()
-const TQFileInfoList *TQDir::entryInfoList( const TQString &nameFilter,
- int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
- if ( filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter )
- filterSpec = filtS;
- if ( sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
- sortSpec = sortS;
- TQDir *that = (TQDir*)this; // mutable function
- if ( that->readDirEntries(nameFilter, filterSpec, sortSpec) )
- return that->fiList;
- else
- return 0;
- \overload
- Returns TRUE if the \e directory exists; otherwise returns FALSE.
- (If a file with the same name is found this function will return
- \sa TQFileInfo::exists(), TQFile::exists()
-bool TQDir::exists() const
- TQFileInfo fi( dPath );
- return fi.exists() && fi.isDir();
- Returns TRUE if the directory path is relative to the current
- directory and returns FALSE if the path is absolute (e.g. under
- UNIX a path is relative if it does not start with a "/").
- \sa convertToAbs()
-bool TQDir::isRelative() const
- return isRelativePath( dPath );
- Converts the directory path to an absolute path. If it is already
- absolute nothing is done.
- \sa isRelative()
-void TQDir::convertToAbs()
- dPath = absPath();
- Makes a copy of TQDir \a d and assigns it to this TQDir.
-TQDir &TQDir::operator=( const TQDir &d )
- dPath = d.dPath;
- delete fList;
- fList = 0;
- delete fiList;
- fiList = 0;
- nameFilt = d.nameFilt;
- dirty = TRUE;
- allDirs = d.allDirs;
- filtS = d.filtS;
- sortS = d.sortS;
- return *this;
- \overload
- Sets the directory path to be the given \a path.
-TQDir &TQDir::operator=( const TQString &path )
- dPath = cleanDirPath( path );
- dirty = TRUE;
- return *this;
- \fn bool TQDir::operator!=( const TQDir &d ) const
- Returns TRUE if directory \a d and this directory have different
- paths or different sort or filter settings; otherwise returns
- Example:
- \code
- // The current directory is "/usr/local"
- TQDir d1( "/usr/local/bin" );
- TQDir d2( "bin" );
- if ( d1 != d2 )
- qDebug( "They differ" );
- \endcode
- Returns TRUE if directory \a d and this directory have the same
- path and their sort and filter settings are the same; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
- Example:
- \code
- // The current directory is "/usr/local"
- TQDir d1( "/usr/local/bin" );
- TQDir d2( "bin" );
- d2.convertToAbs();
- if ( d1 == d2 )
- qDebug( "They're the same" );
- \endcode
-bool TQDir::operator==( const TQDir &d ) const
- return dPath == d.dPath &&
- nameFilt == d.nameFilt &&
- allDirs == d.allDirs &&
- filtS == d.filtS &&
- sortS == d.sortS;
- Removes the file, \a fileName.
- If \a acceptAbsPath is TRUE a path starting with separator "/"
- will remove the file with the absolute path. If \a acceptAbsPath
- is FALSE any number of separators at the beginning of \a fileName
- will be removed and the resultant file name will be removed.
- Returns TRUE if the file is removed successfully; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
-bool TQDir::remove( const TQString &fileName, bool acceptAbsPath )
- if ( fileName.isEmpty() ) {
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_NULL)
- qWarning( "TQDir::remove: Empty or null file name" );
- return FALSE;
- }
- TQString p = filePath( fileName, acceptAbsPath );
- return TQFile::remove( p );
- Checks for the existence of the file \a name.
- If \a acceptAbsPath is TRUE a path starting with separator "/"
- will check the file with the absolute path. If \a acceptAbsPath is
- FALSE any number of separators at the beginning of \a name will be
- removed and the resultant file name will be checked.
- Returns TRUE if the file exists; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa TQFileInfo::exists(), TQFile::exists()
-bool TQDir::exists( const TQString &name, bool acceptAbsPath ) //### const in 4.0
- if ( name.isEmpty() ) {
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_NULL)
- qWarning( "TQDir::exists: Empty or null file name" );
- return FALSE;
- }
- TQString tmp = filePath( name, acceptAbsPath );
- return TQFile::exists( tmp );
- Returns the native directory separator; "/" under UNIX (including
- Mac OS X) and "\" under Windows.
- You do not need to use this function to build file paths. If you
- always use "/", TQt will translate your paths to conform to the
- underlying operating system.
-char TQDir::separator()
-#if defined(TQ_OS_UNIX)
- return '/';
-#elif defined (TQ_FS_FAT) || defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- return '\\';
-#elif defined (TQ_OS_MAC)
- return ':';
- return '/';
- Returns the application's current directory.
- Use path() to access a TQDir object's path.
- \sa currentDirPath(), TQDir::TQDir()
-TQDir TQDir::current()
- return TQDir( currentDirPath() );
- Returns the home directory.
- Under Windows the \c HOME environment variable is used. If this
- does not exist the \c USERPROFILE environment variable is used. If
- that does not exist the path is formed by concatenating the \c
- HOMEDRIVE and \c HOMEPATH environment variables. If they don't
- exist the rootDirPath() is used (this uses the \c SystemDrive
- environment variable). If none of these exist "C:\" is used.
- Under non-Windows operating systems the \c HOME environment
- variable is used if it exists, otherwise rootDirPath() is used.
- \sa homeDirPath()
-TQDir TQDir::home()
- return TQDir( homeDirPath() );
- Returns the root directory.
- \sa rootDirPath() drives()
-TQDir TQDir::root()
- return TQDir( rootDirPath() );
- \fn TQString TQDir::homeDirPath()
- Returns the absolute path of the user's home directory.
- \sa home()
-TQValueList<TQRegExp> qt_makeFilterList( const TQString &filter )
- TQValueList<TQRegExp> regExps;
- if ( filter.isEmpty() )
- return regExps;
- TQChar sep( ';' );
- int i = filter.find( sep, 0 );
- if ( i == -1 && filter.find( ' ', 0 ) != -1 )
- sep = TQChar( ' ' );
- TQStringList list = TQStringList::split( sep, filter );
- TQStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while ( it != list.end() ) {
- regExps << TQRegExp( (*it).stripWhiteSpace(), CaseSensitiveFS, TRUE );
- ++it;
- }
- return regExps;
-bool qt_matchFilterList( const TQValueList<TQRegExp>& filters,
- const TQString &fileName )
- TQValueList<TQRegExp>::ConstIterator rit = filters.begin();
- while ( rit != filters.end() ) {
- if ( (*rit).exactMatch(fileName) )
- return TRUE;
- ++rit;
- }
- return FALSE;
- \overload
- Returns TRUE if the \a fileName matches any of the wildcard (glob)
- patterns in the list of \a filters; otherwise returns FALSE.
- (See \link tqregexp.html#wildcard-matching TQRegExp wildcard
- matching.\endlink)
- \sa TQRegExp::match()
-bool TQDir::match( const TQStringList &filters, const TQString &fileName )
- TQStringList::ConstIterator sit = filters.begin();
- while ( sit != filters.end() ) {
- TQRegExp rx( *sit, CaseSensitiveFS, TRUE );
- if ( rx.exactMatch(fileName) )
- return TRUE;
- ++sit;
- }
- return FALSE;
- Returns TRUE if the \a fileName matches the wildcard (glob)
- pattern \a filter; otherwise returns FALSE. The \a filter may
- contain multiple patterns separated by spaces or semicolons.
- (See \link tqregexp.html#wildcard-matching TQRegExp wildcard
- matching.\endlink)
- \sa TQRegExp::match()
-bool TQDir::match( const TQString &filter, const TQString &fileName )
- return qt_matchFilterList( qt_makeFilterList(filter), fileName );
- Removes all multiple directory separators "/" and resolves any
- "."s or ".."s found in the path, \a filePath.
- Symbolic links are kept. This function does not return the
- canonical path, but rather the simplest version of the input.
- For example, "./local" becomes "local", "local/../bin" becomes
- "bin" and "/local/usr/../bin" becomes "/local/bin".
- \sa absPath() canonicalPath()
-TQString TQDir::cleanDirPath( const TQString &filePath )
- TQString name = filePath;
- TQString newPath;
- if ( name.isEmpty() )
- return name;
- slashify( name );
- bool addedSeparator = isRelativePath( name );
- if ( addedSeparator )
- name.insert( 0, '/' );
- int ePos, pos, upLevel;
- pos = ePos = name.length();
- upLevel = 0;
- int len;
- while ( pos && (pos = name.findRev('/', pos - 1)) != -1 ) {
- len = ePos - pos - 1;
- if ( len == 2 && + 1) == '.'
- && + 2) == '.' ) {
- upLevel++;
- } else {
- if ( len != 0 && (len != 1 || + 1) != '.') ) {
- if ( !upLevel )
- newPath = TQString::tqfromLatin1("/")
- + name.mid(pos + 1, len) + newPath;
- else
- upLevel--;
- }
- }
- ePos = pos;
- }
- if ( addedSeparator ) {
- while ( upLevel-- )
- newPath.insert( 0, TQString::tqfromLatin1("/..") );
- if ( !newPath.isEmpty() )
- newPath.remove( (uint)0, (uint)1 );
- else
- newPath = TQString::tqfromLatin1(".");
- } else {
- if ( newPath.isEmpty() )
- newPath = TQString::tqfromLatin1("/");
-#if defined(TQ_FS_FAT) || defined(TQ_OS_OS2EMX)
- if ( name[0] == '/' ) {
- if ( name[1] == '/' ) // "\\machine\x\ ..."
- newPath.insert( 0, '/' );
- } else {
- newPath = name.left(2) + newPath;
- }
- }
- return newPath;
-int qt_cmp_si_sortSpec;
-#if defined(TQ_C_CALLBACKS)
-extern "C" {
-#ifdef TQ_OS_TEMP
-int __cdecl qt_cmp_si( const void *n1, const void *n2 )
-int qt_cmp_si( const void *n1, const void *n2 )
- if ( !n1 || !n2 )
- return 0;
- TQDirSortItem* f1 = (TQDirSortItem*)n1;
- TQDirSortItem* f2 = (TQDirSortItem*)n2;
- if ( qt_cmp_si_sortSpec & TQDir::DirsFirst )
- if ( f1->item->isDir() != f2->item->isDir() )
- return f1->item->isDir() ? -1 : 1;
- int r = 0;
- int sortBy = qt_cmp_si_sortSpec & TQDir::SortByMask;
- switch ( sortBy ) {
- case TQDir::Time:
- r = f1->item->lastModified().secsTo(f2->item->lastModified());
- break;
- case TQDir::Size:
- r = f2->item->size() - f1->item->size();
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if ( r == 0 && sortBy != TQDir::Unsorted ) {
- // Still not sorted - sort by name
- bool ic = qt_cmp_si_sortSpec & TQDir::IgnoreCase;
- if ( f1->filename_cache.isNull() )
- f1->filename_cache = ic ? f1->item->fileName().lower()
- : f1->item->fileName();
- if ( f2->filename_cache.isNull() )
- f2->filename_cache = ic ? f2->item->fileName().lower()
- : f2->item->fileName();
- r = qt_cmp_si_sortSpec & TQDir::LocaleAware
- ? f1->filename_cache.localeAwareCompare(f2->filename_cache)
- : f1->>filename_cache);
- }
- if ( r == 0 ) {
- // Enforce an order - the order the items appear in the array
- r = (char*)n1 - (char*)n2;
- }
- if ( qt_cmp_si_sortSpec & TQDir::Reversed )
- return -r;
- else
- return r;
-#if defined(TQ_C_CALLBACKS)
-/*! \internal
- Detaches all internal data.
-void TQDir::detach()
- // deepcopy
- dPath = TQDeepCopy<TQString>(dPath);
- nameFilt = TQDeepCopy<TQString>(nameFilt);
- if ( fList )
- *fList = TQDeepCopy<TQStringList>( *fList );
- if ( fiList ) {
- TQFileInfoList *newlist = new TQFileInfoList( *fiList );
- delete fiList;
- fiList = newlist;
- }
-#endif // TQT_NO_DIR