path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/installdir/synonyms
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <>2021-11-05 13:28:23 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <>2021-11-05 13:28:23 +0100
commit8c787c3591c1c885b91a54128835b400858c5cca (patch)
treeeca1b776912a305c4d45b3964038278a2fae1ead /debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/installdir/synonyms
parentfe188b907cdf30dfdfe0eba9412e7f8749fec158 (diff)
DEB htdig: Added to repository.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <>
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/installdir/synonyms')
1 files changed, 753 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/installdir/synonyms b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/installdir/synonyms
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b53de0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/installdir/synonyms
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+Paleocene Palaeocene
+Romanian Rumanian Roumanian
+Romansh Romansch Rumansh
+abridgment abridgement
+abridgments abridgements
+accouterment accoutrement
+accouterments accoutrements
+accoutre accouter
+acknowledgment acknowledgement
+acknowledgments acknowledgements
+adapter adaptor
+adapters adaptors
+adviser advisor
+advisers advisors
+adze adz
+aeon eon
+aeons eons
+aesthete esthete
+aesthetes esthetes
+aesthetic esthetic
+aggrandize aggrandise
+aging ageing
+airplane aeroplane
+airplanes aeroplanes
+aluminum aluminium
+ameba amoeba
+americanize americanise
+americanized americanised
+amid amidst
+among amongst
+amphitheater amphitheatre
+amphitheaters amphitheatres
+analogue analog
+analyze analyse
+analyzed analysed
+analyzers analysers
+analyzing analysing
+anemia anaemia
+anemic anaemic
+anesthesia anaesthesia
+anesthesiologist anaesthesiologist
+anesthesiology anaesthesiology
+anesthetic anaesthetic
+anesthetics anaesthetics
+anesthetist anaesthetist
+anesthetizing anaesthetising
+anodizing anodising
+apologize apologise
+apothegm apophthegm
+appall appal
+apprise apprize
+arbor arbour
+arbors arbours
+archaean archean
+archaeological archeological
+archaeologist archeologist
+archaeologists archeologists
+archaeology archeology
+archaeozoic archeozoic
+ardor ardour
+armor armour
+armored armoured
+armorer armourer
+armorers armourers
+armories armouries
+armoring armouring
+armory armoury
+artifact artefact
+artifacts artefacts
+atomized atomised
+atomizer atomiser
+atomizers atomisers
+atomizing atomising
+ax axe
+balk baulk
+baloney boloney
+barbecue barbeque
+barreled barelled
+barreling barelling
+battleax battleaxe
+behavior behaviour
+behavioral behavioural
+behaviorism behaviourism
+behaviors behaviours
+behoove behove
+biased biassed
+biasing biassing
+bisulfate bisulphate
+boric boracic
+burglarize burglarise
+burned burnt
+buses busses
+caenozoic cenozoic
+caliber calibre
+calibers calibres
+caliper calliper
+calipers callipers
+calisthenics callisthenics
+calk caulk
+canceled cancelled
+canceling cancelling
+candor candour
+cantaloupe cantaloup
+cantaloupes cantaloups
+capitalize capitalise
+capitalized capitalised
+carbonization carbonisation
+carburetor carburettor
+carburetors carburettors
+carcass carcase
+catalog catalogue
+catalogs catalogues
+catalyze catalyse
+catalyzed catalysed
+categorize categorise
+categorized categorised
+cauldron caldron
+cauldrons caldrons
+cauterization cauterisation
+cauterizing cauterising
+center centre
+centerboard centreboard
+centerboards centreboards
+centerfold centrefold
+centerfolds centrefolds
+centering centring centreing
+centers centres
+cesarean caesarean cesarian
+cesium caesium
+chamomile camomile
+characterize characterise
+check cheque
+checker chequer
+checks cheques
+chili chile chilli
+cigarette cigaret
+cigarettes cigarets
+citrus citrous
+clamor clamour
+clangor clangour
+clarinetist clarinettist
+clerestory clearstory
+colonize colonise
+color colour
+colorable colourable
+coloration colouration
+colorations colourations
+colored coloured
+colorful colourful
+colorfully colourfully
+coloring colouring
+colorless colourless
+colorlessly colourlessly
+colors colours
+connection connexion
+connections connexions
+councillor councilor
+councillors councilors
+counseled counselled
+counseling counselling
+counselor counsellor
+cozy cosy
+crayfish crawfish
+criticize criticise
+criticized criticised
+crystallizing crystallising
+cyclization cyclisation
+curb kerb
+czar tsar tzar
+decolorizing decolourising
+defense defence
+defenses defences
+deflection deflexion
+demagnetizing demagnetising
+demeanor demeanour
+demeanors demeanours
+deodorizing deodorising
+dependent dependant
+dependents dependants
+depolarizing depolarising
+depolymerizing depolymerising
+dept department
+desensitizers desensitisers
+desulfurizing desulfurising
+deviled devilled
+deviling devilling
+diaeresis dieresis
+dialogue dialog
+dialogues dialogs
+dialyze dialyse
+diarrhea diarrhoea
+dike dyke
+dikes dykes
+disc disk
+discs disks
+disheveled dishevelled
+disheveling dishevelling
+dissension dissention
+distill distil
+disulfide disulphide
+dolor dolour
+doodad doodah
+doodads doodahs
+doughnut donut
+doughnuts donuts
+draft draught
+drafts draughts
+draftsman draughtsman
+draftsmans draughtsmans
+drafty draughty
+dramatize dramatise
+dramatized dramatised
+dreamed dreamt
+economizer economiser
+economizers economisers
+edema oedema
+emphasize emphasise
+enamor enamour
+enamored enamoured
+encase incase
+encased incased
+enclose inclose
+enclosed inclosed
+encyclopedia encyclopaedia
+encyclopedic encyclopaedic
+encyclopedias encyclopaedias
+endeavor endeavour
+endeavors endeavours
+endorse indorse
+endorsed indorsed
+enology oenology
+enroll enrol
+enrolled enroled
+enrollment enrolment
+ensure insure
+ensured insured
+enthrall enthral
+enthralled enthraled
+epilogue epilog
+epilogues epilogs
+equaled equalled
+equaling equalling
+equalize equalise
+equalized equalised
+equalizing equalising
+esophagus oesophagus
+estrogen oestrogen
+estrus oestrus
+ether aether
+etiology aetiology
+eurythmy eurhythmy
+extemporize extemporise
+extemporized extemporised
+fagot faggot
+fagoting faggoting
+fagots faggots
+favor favour
+favored favoured
+favorite favourite
+favorites favourites
+favoritism favouritism
+favors favours
+fecal faecal
+feces faeces
+fertilization fertilisation
+fertilizer fertiliser
+fertilizing fertilising
+fervor fervour
+fetal foetal
+fetid foetid
+fetor foetor
+fetus foetus
+fiber fibre
+fiberboard fibreboard
+fiberboards fibreboards
+fiberglass fibreglass
+fibers fibres
+finalize finalise
+flaky flakey
+flavor flavour
+flavored flavoured
+flavoring flavouring
+flavors flavours
+fledgling fledgeling
+flexion flection
+flexions flections
+flotation floatation
+fluidized fluidised
+fluidizing fluidising
+focused focussed
+focusing focussing
+fueled fuelled
+fueling fuelling
+fulfill fulfil
+fulfilled fulfiled
+fulfillment fulfilment
+furor furore
+galvanizing galvanising
+garrote garotte
+garroted garotted
+garrotes garottes
+garroting garotting
+gauge gage
+gauged gaged
+gauges gages
+genuflection genuflexion
+glamor glamour
+glamorize glamorise
+glamorized glamorised
+goiter goitre
+goiters goitres
+gonorrhea gonorrhoea
+gram gramme
+grams grammes
+graphitizing graphitising
+gray grey
+groveled grovelled
+groveler groveller
+groveling grovelling
+gynecological gynaecological
+gynecologist gynaecologist
+gynecology gynaecology
+gypsies gipsies
+gypsy gipsy
+harbor harbour
+harbors harbours
+hemaglobin haemaglobin hemoglobin haemoglobin
+hematin haematin
+hematite haematite
+hematologist haematologist
+hematology haematology
+hemophilia haemophilia
+hemorrhage haemorrhage
+hemorrhages haemorrhages
+hemorrhoid haemorrhoid
+hemorrhoids haemorrhoids
+homeopath homoeopath
+homeostasis homoeostasis
+homogenizing homogenising
+homologue homolog
+homologues homologs
+honor honour
+honored honoured
+honoring honouring
+honors honours
+hosteled hostelled
+hosteler hosteller
+hostelers hostellers
+hosteling hostelling
+humor humour
+humored humoured
+humoring humouring
+humors humours
+immobilized immobilised
+immunizing immunising
+inflection inflexion
+inflections inflexions
+inquire enquire
+inquired enquired
+inquiries enquiries
+inquiring enquiring
+inquiry enquiry
+install instal
+installation instalation
+installed instaled
+installment instalment
+instill instil
+instilled instiled
+inure enure
+inured enured
+ionization ionisation
+ionized ionised
+isomerizing isomerising
+jail gaol
+jailbird gaolbird
+jailbirds gaolbirds
+jailbreak gaolbreak
+jailed gaoled
+jailer gaoler
+jailers gaolers
+jails gaols
+jeweler jeweller
+jewelers jewellers
+jewelry jewellery
+jibe gybe
+judgment judgement
+judgments judgements
+karat carat
+karats carats
+ketchup catsup
+kidnapped kidnaped
+kidnapper kidnaper
+kidnappers kidnapers
+kidnapping kidnapping
+kilogram kilogramme
+kilograms kilogrammes
+knelt kneeled
+labeled labelled
+labor labour
+laborer labourer
+laborers labourers
+laboring labouring
+labors labours
+largesse largess
+leaned leant
+leaped leapt
+learned learnt
+lens lense
+leukemia leukaemia
+leveled levelled
+leveler leveller
+levelers levellers
+leveling levelling
+libeled libelled
+libeling libelling
+libelous libellous
+liberalize liberalise
+license licence
+licensed licenced
+licenses licences
+licorice liquorice
+liter litre
+liters litres
+localizing localising
+louver louvre
+louvers louvres
+luster lustre
+magnetization magnetisation
+magnetizing magnetising
+malleableizing malleabilising
+maneuver manoeuvre
+maneuvered manoeuvred
+maneuvering manoeuvring
+maneuvers manoeuvres
+marveled marvelled
+marveling marvelling
+marvelous marvellous
+matchetes machetes
+meager meagre
+mercerizing mercerising
+medieval mediaeval
+medievalism mediaevalism
+medievalist mediaevalist
+medievalists mediaevalists
+metacenter metacentre
+metacenters metacentres
+metalized metallised
+metalizing metallising
+menorrhea menorrhoea
+merchandise merchandize
+metaled metalled
+metaling metalling
+meter metre
+meters metres
+mineralization mineralisation
+minimizing minimising
+misdemeanor misdemeanour
+misdemeanors misdemeanours
+misjudgment misjudgement
+misjudgments misjudgements
+miter mitre
+mitered mitred
+miters mitres
+mobilization mobilisation
+mobilize mobilise
+mobilized mobilised
+modeled modelled
+modeler modeller
+modeling modelling
+mold mould
+molded moulded
+molding moulding
+moldings mouldings
+molds moulds
+mollusk mollusc
+mollusks molluscs
+molt moult
+monologue monolog
+monologues monologs
+motorize motorise
+motorize motorise
+multicolor multicolour
+multicolored multicoloured
+mustache moustache
+mustaches moustaches
+naturalize naturalise
+naught nought
+nebulizer nebuliser
+nebulizers nebulisers
+neighbor neighbour
+neighborhood neighbourhood
+neighborhoods neighbourhoods
+neighborly neighbourly
+neighbors neighbours
+neutralization neutralisation
+neutralizing neutralising
+night nite
+nights nites
+niter nitre
+niters nitres
+normalize normalise
+normalized normalised
+nursling nurseling
+ocher ochre
+odor odour
+odors odours
+offense offence
+offenses offences
+omelette omelet
+omelettes omelets
+optimization optimisation
+organisation organization
+organize organise
+organised organized
+orthopedics orthopaedics
+oxidizing oxidising
+ozonizing ozonising
+pajamas pyjamas
+paleobotany palaeobotany
+paleoclimatology palaeoclimatology
+paleogeography palaeogeography
+paleography palaeography
+paleolithic palaeolithic
+paleomagnetism palaeomagnetism
+paleontological palaeontological
+paleontologist palaeontologist
+paleontology palaeontology
+paleozoic palaeozoic
+paneled panelled
+paneling panelling
+panelist panellist
+paralyze paralyse
+parameterize parametrize parametrise
+parenthesize parenthesise
+parlor parlour
+parlors parlours
+pasteurized pasteurised
+pasteurizing pasteurising
+pavior paviour
+pedagogue pedagog
+pedagogues pedagogs
+pedagogy paedagogy
+peddler pedlar
+peddlers pedlars
+pederast paederast
+pederasts paederasts
+pediatric paediatric
+pediatrician paediatrician
+pediatricians paediatricians
+pediatrics paediatrics
+pedodontia paedodontia
+pedodontics paedodontics
+pedophile paedophile
+pedophiles paedophiles
+pedophilia paedophilia
+penology poenology
+persnickety pernickety
+philter philtre
+philters philtres
+pickaninny picaninny piccaninny
+plasticizers plasticisers
+plow plough
+plowed ploughed
+plowing ploughing
+plowman ploughman
+plowmen ploughmen
+plows ploughs
+plowshare ploughshare
+plowshares ploughshares
+polarization polarisation
+polarized polarised
+polyethylene polythene polyethene
+polymerizable polymerisable
+polymerized polymerised
+popularize popularise
+practice practise
+practiced practised
+practices practises
+practicing practising
+premise premiss
+premises premisses
+pretense pretence
+pretenses pretences
+primeval primaeval
+program programme
+programmed programed
+programmer programer
+programmers programers
+programming programing
+programs programmes
+prologue prolog
+prologues prologs
+propellant propellent
+propellants propellents
+propeller propellor
+propellers propellors
+pulverized pulverised
+pulverizing pulverising
+pupilage pupillage
+quarreled quarrelled
+quarreler quarreller
+quarreling quarrelling
+rancor rancour
+realize realise
+recognize recognise
+recognizing recognising
+reconnoiter reconnoitre
+reflection reflexion
+renege renegue
+retroflection retroflexion
+reveled revelled
+reveling revelling
+reverie revery
+rigor rigour
+rigors rigours
+romanize romanise
+ruble rouble
+rubles roubles
+rumor rumour
+rumored rumoured
+rumors rumours
+saber sabre
+sabers sabres
+saltpeter saltpetre
+sanatorium sanitarium sanitorium
+satirize satirise
+satirized satirised
+savior saviour
+saviors saviours
+savor savour
+savory savoury
+scalawag scallywag
+scalawags scallywags
+scepter sceptre
+sceptered sceptred
+scepters sceptres
+scion cion
+selvage selvedge
+selvages selvedges
+sensitizing sensitising
+stabilized stabilised
+stabilizer stabiliser
+stabilizers stabilisers
+stabilizing stabilising
+sepulchre sepulcher
+sepulchres sepulchers
+siphon syphon
+siphoning syphoning
+sissy cissy
+skeptic sceptic
+skeptical sceptical
+skepticism scepticism
+skeptics sceptics
+skillful skilful
+smelled smelt
+smolder smoulder
+snowplow snowplough
+snowplows snowploughs
+somber sombre
+specialty speciality
+specter spectre
+specters spectres
+spelled spelt
+spilled spilt
+splendor splendour
+splendors splendours
+spoiled spoilt
+stabilize stabilise
+standardize standardise
+sterilization sterilisation
+subsidizing subsidising
+succor succour
+sulfate sulphate
+sulfates sulphates
+sulfide sulphide
+sulfides sulphides
+sulfites sulphites
+sulfur sulphur
+sulfureted sulphuretted
+summarize summarise
+summarized summarised
+surprise surprize
+surprised surprized
+surprises surprizes
+swab swob
+swabs swobs
+swap swop
+swaps swops
+symbolize symbolise
+symbolizes symbolises
+synagogue synagog
+synagogues synagogs
+synchronise synchronize
+synchronization synchronisation
+syneresis synaeresis
+synesthesia synaesthesia
+synthesizing synthesising
+tableting tabletting
+tantalize tantalise
+theater theatre
+theaters theatres
+thiosulfate thiosulphate
+thiosulfates thiosulphates
+though tho
+thralldom thraldom
+through thru
+tidbit titbit
+tidbits titbits
+tire tyre
+tires tyres
+titer titre
+tonight tonite
+traveled travelled
+traveler traveller
+traveling travelling
+travelogue travelog
+trisulfate trisulphate
+troweled trowelled
+troweling trowelling
+tumor tumour
+tumors tumours
+tyke tike
+tykes tikes
+tyro tiro
+tyros tiros
+unauthorized unauthorised
+valor valour
+vapor vapour
+vaporization vaporisation
+vaporize vaporise
+vaporized vaporised
+vaporizers vaporisers
+vapors vapours
+vial phial
+vials phials
+vigor vigour
+vise vice
+vises vices
+vulcanized vulcanised
+vulcanizing vulcanising
+wagon waggon
+while whilst
+whiskey whisky
+whiskeys whiskies
+willfull wilful
+woolen woollen
+woolens woollens
+woollie woolies
+woolly wooly woolie
+worshiped worshipped
+worshiper worshipper
+worshipers worshippers
+worshiping worshipping