path: root/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac')
9 files changed, 3834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebe5f03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Pyrex - Darwin system interface
+verbose = 0
+gcc_pendantic = False
+gcc_no_long_long = True
+gcc_warnings_are_errors = True
+gcc_all_warnings = True
+gcc_optimize = False
+import os, sys
+from Pyrex.Utils import replace_suffix
+from Pyrex.Compiler.Errors import PyrexError
+version_string = "%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:2]
+py_include_dirs = [
+ "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%s/Headers" % version_string
+compilers = ["gcc", "g++"]
+compiler_options = \
+ "-g -c -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp " \
+ "-mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic " \
+ .split()
+if gcc_pendantic:
+ compiler_options.append("-pedantic")
+if gcc_no_long_long:
+ compiler_options.append("-Wno-long-long")
+if gcc_warnings_are_errors:
+ compiler_options.append("-Werror")
+if gcc_all_warnings:
+ compiler_options.append("-Wall")
+ compiler_options.append("-Wno-unused-function")
+if gcc_optimize:
+ compiler_options.append("-O")
+linkers = ["gcc", "g++"]
+linker_options = \
+ "-Wl,-F.,-w -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup" \
+ .split()
+#linker_options = \
+# "-Wl,-F.,-w -bundle -framework Python" \
+# .split()
+class CCompilerError(PyrexError):
+ pass
+def c_compile(c_file, verbose_flag = 0, cplus = 0, obj_suffix = ".o"):
+ # Compile the given C source file to produce
+ # an object file. Returns the pathname of the
+ # resulting file.
+ c_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c_file)
+ o_file = replace_suffix(c_file, obj_suffix)
+ include_options = []
+ for dir in py_include_dirs:
+ include_options.append("-I%s" % dir)
+ compiler = compilers[bool(cplus)]
+ args = [compiler] + compiler_options + include_options + [c_file, "-o", o_file]
+ if verbose_flag or verbose:
+ print " ".join(args)
+ #print compiler, args ###
+ status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, compiler, args)
+ if status <> 0:
+ raise CCompilerError("C compiler returned status %s" % status)
+ return o_file
+def c_link(obj_file, verbose_flag = 0, extra_objects = [], cplus = 0):
+ return c_link_list([obj_file] + extra_objects, verbose_flag, cplus)
+def c_link_list(obj_files, verbose_flag = 0, cplus = 0):
+ # Link the given object files into a dynamically
+ # loadable extension file. Returns the pathname
+ # of the resulting file.
+ os.environ["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "10.3"
+ out_file = replace_suffix(obj_files[0], ".so")
+ linker = linkers[bool(cplus)]
+ args = [linker] + linker_options + obj_files + ["-o", out_file]
+ if verbose_flag or verbose:
+ print " ".join(args)
+ status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, linker, args)
+ if status <> 0:
+ raise CCompilerError("Linker returned status %s" % status)
+ return out_file
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c29e0023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Pyrex -- Mac system interface
+import os, sys, string
+import aetools
+from aetools import TalkTo
+from StdSuites.Standard_Suite import Standard_Suite_Events as Standard_Suite
+from Pyrex.Utils import replace_suffix
+from Pyrex.Compiler.Errors import PyrexError
+c_compiler = "MWCPPC"
+c_optimizations = "off"
+#c_linker = "PPCLink"
+c_linker = "MWLinkPPC"
+shared_lib_suffix = ".slb"
+#py_home = "Python2.2:Home:"
+py_home = sys.exec_prefix
+py_include_dirs = (
+ py_home + "Include:",
+ py_home + "Mac:Include:"
+pythoncore = py_home + "PythonCore"
+mwlibdir = "MPW:Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:MWPPCLibraries:"
+libraries = (
+ #mwlibdir + "'MSL C.PPC.Lib'",
+ #mwlibdir + "'MSL RuntimePPC.Lib'",
+ mwlibdir + "'MSL ShLibRuntime.Lib'",
+ mwlibdir + "InterfaceLib",
+ #mwlibdir + "MathLib",
+ )
+class CCompilerError(PyrexError):
+ pass
+#---------------- ToolServer ---------------------------
+from TS_Misc_Suite import TS_Misc_Suite
+class ToolServer(Standard_Suite, TS_Misc_Suite, TalkTo):
+ pass
+def send_toolserver_command(cmd):
+ ts = ToolServer('MPSX', start = 1)
+ return ts.DoScript(cmd)
+def do_toolserver_command(command):
+ try:
+ result = send_toolserver_command(command)
+ except aetools.Error, e:
+ raise CCompilerError("Apple Event error: %s" % e)
+ errn, stat, stdout, stderr = result
+ if errn:
+ raise CCompilerError("ToolServer error: %s" % errn)
+ stdout = string.replace(stdout, "\r", "\n")
+ stderr = string.replace(stderr, "\r", "\n")
+ if stdout:
+ #print "<<< Begin ToolServer StdOut >>>"
+ sys.stderr.write(stdout)
+ #print "<<< End ToolServer StdOut >>>"
+ if stderr:
+ #print "<<< Begin ToolServer StdErr >>>"
+ sys.stderr.write(stderr)
+ #print "<<< End ToolServer StdErr >>>"
+ return stat
+def c_compile(c_file):
+ # Compile the given C source file to produce
+ # an object file. Returns the pathname of the
+ # resulting file.
+ c_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c_file)
+ #print "c_compile: c_file =", repr(c_file) ###
+ c_file_dir = os.path.dirname(c_file)
+ o_file = replace_suffix(c_file, ".o")
+ include_options = ["-i %s" % c_file_dir]
+ for dir in py_include_dirs:
+ include_options.append("-i %s" % dir)
+ command = "%s -opt %s -nomapcr -w off -r %s %s -o %s" % (
+ c_compiler,
+ c_optimizations,
+ string.join(include_options),
+ c_file,
+ o_file,
+ #e_file
+ )
+ #print "...command =", repr(command) ###
+ stat = do_toolserver_command(command)
+ if stat:
+ raise CCompilerError("C compiler returned status %s" % stat)
+ return o_file
+def c_link(obj_file):
+ return c_link_list([obj_file])
+def c_link_list(obj_files):
+ # Link the given object files into a dynamically
+ # loadable extension file. Returns the pathname
+ # of the resulting file.
+ out_file = replace_suffix(obj_files[0], shared_lib_suffix)
+ command = "%s -xm s -export all %s %s %s -o %s" % (
+ c_linker,
+ string.join(obj_files),
+ pythoncore,
+ string.join(libraries),
+ out_file)
+ stat = do_toolserver_command(command)
+ if stat:
+ raise CCompilerError("Linker returned status %s" % stat)
+ return out_file
+def test_c_compile(link = 0):
+ objs = []
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if arg.endswith(".c"):
+ try:
+ obj = c_compile(arg)
+ except PyrexError, e:
+ #print "Caught a PyrexError:" ###
+ #print repr(e) ###
+ print "%s.%s:" % (e.__class__.__module__,
+ e.__class__.__name__), e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ obj = arg
+ objs.append(obj)
+ if link:
+ c_link_list(objs)
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91201f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Pyrex -- Misc Mac-specific things
+import os, MacOS, macfs
+def open_new_file(path):
+ # On the Mac, try to preserve Finder position
+ # of previously existing file.
+ fsspec = macfs.FSSpec(path)
+ try:
+ old_finfo = fsspec.GetFInfo()
+ except MacOS.Error, e:
+ #print "MacUtils.open_new_file:", e ###
+ old_finfo = None
+ try:
+ os.unlink(path)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ file = open(path, "w")
+ new_finfo = fsspec.GetFInfo()
+ if old_finfo:
+ #print "MacUtils.open_new_file:", path ###
+ #print "...old file info =", old_finfo.Creator, old_finfo.Type, old_finfo.Location ###
+ #print " file info =", new_finfo.Creator, new_finfo.Type, new_finfo.Location ###
+ new_finfo.Location = old_finfo.Location
+ new_finfo.Flags = old_finfo.Flags
+ # Make darn sure the type and creator are right. There seems
+ # to be a bug in MacPython 2.2 that screws them up sometimes.
+ new_finfo.Creator = "R*ch"
+ new_finfo.Type = "TEXT"
+ fsspec.SetFInfo(new_finfo)
+ return file
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/Makefile b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf47d83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Makefile for Darwin
+# Change this to your Python source location
+PYTHON := /Local/Build/Pythonic/python/2.6.1
+# Version 2.3:
+#DYNOPT := -framework Python
+# Version 2.4+:
+DYNOPT := -undefined dynamic_lookup
+INCLUDE := -I$(PYTHON) -I$(PYTHON)/Include -I$(PYTHON)/Mac/Include
+CCOPTS := -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp \
+ -mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic
+LDOPTS := -Wl,-F.,-w -bundle $(DYNOPT) -framework Carbon
+_File.o: _Filemodule_patched.c
+ gcc -c $(INCLUDE) $(OPTS) $< -o $@
+ _File.o
+ gcc $(LDOPTS) $< -o $@
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1daa7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+"""Suite Misc Suite: Suite that adds additional features to the Application.
+Level 1, version 1
+Generated from Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:ToolServer 3.4.1:ToolServer
+AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
+import aetools
+import MacOS
+_code = 'misc'
+class TS_Misc_Suite:
+ def DoScript(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
+ """DoScript: Execute an MPW command, any command that could be executed from the command line can be sent as a script.
+ Required argument: The script to execute
+ Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
+ """
+ _code = 'misc'
+ _subcode = 'dosc'
+ if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
+ _arguments['----'] = _object
+ _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
+ _arguments, _attributes)
+ #if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
+ # raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
+ # XXXX Optionally decode result
+ #if _arguments.has_key('----'):
+ # return _arguments['----']
+ errn = 0
+ stat = 0
+ stdout = ""
+ stderr = ""
+ if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
+ errn = _arguments['errn']
+ if errn:
+ errn = aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
+ if _arguments.has_key('stat'):
+ stat = _arguments['stat']
+ if _arguments.has_key('----'):
+ stdout = _arguments['----']
+ if _arguments.has_key('diag'):
+ stderr = _arguments['diag']
+ return (errn, stat, stdout, stderr)
+# Indices of types declared in this module
+_classdeclarations = {
+_propdeclarations = {
+_compdeclarations = {
+_enumdeclarations = {
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/_Filemodule_patched.c b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/_Filemodule_patched.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5aaf2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/_Filemodule_patched.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3345 @@
+ * This is a hacked version of _Filemodule.c from the Python 2.3
+ * distribution to support access to the finderInfo field of the
+ * FSCatalogInfo data structure.
+ */
+/* ========================== Module _File ========================== */
+#include "Python.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "pywintoolbox.h"
+#include "macglue.h"
+#include "pymactoolbox.h"
+/* Macro to test whether a weak-loaded CFM function exists */
+#define PyMac_PRECHECK(rtn) do { if ( &rtn == NULL ) {\
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, \
+ "Not available in this shared library/OS version"); \
+ return NULL; \
+ }} while(0)
+#include <Files.h>
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+extern int _PyMac_GetFSSpec(PyObject *v, FSSpec *spec);
+extern int _PyMac_GetFSRef(PyObject *v, FSRef *fsr);
+extern PyObject *_PyMac_BuildFSSpec(FSSpec *spec);
+extern PyObject *_PyMac_BuildFSRef(FSRef *spec);
+#define PyMac_GetFSSpec _PyMac_GetFSSpec
+#define PyMac_GetFSRef _PyMac_GetFSRef
+#define PyMac_BuildFSSpec _PyMac_BuildFSSpec
+#define PyMac_BuildFSRef _PyMac_BuildFSRef
+extern int PyMac_GetFSSpec(PyObject *v, FSSpec *spec);
+extern int PyMac_GetFSRef(PyObject *v, FSRef *fsr);
+extern PyObject *PyMac_BuildFSSpec(FSSpec *spec);
+extern PyObject *PyMac_BuildFSRef(FSRef *spec);
+/* Forward declarations */
+static PyObject *FInfo_New(FInfo *itself);
+static PyObject *FSRef_New(FSRef *itself);
+static PyObject *FSSpec_New(FSSpec *itself);
+static PyObject *Alias_New(AliasHandle itself);
+static int FInfo_Convert(PyObject *v, FInfo *p_itself);
+#define FSRef_Convert PyMac_GetFSRef
+#define FSSpec_Convert PyMac_GetFSSpec
+static int Alias_Convert(PyObject *v, AliasHandle *p_itself);
+** UTCDateTime records
+static int
+UTCDateTime_Convert(PyObject *v, UTCDateTime *ptr)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "(HlH)", &ptr->highSeconds, &ptr->lowSeconds, &ptr->fraction);
+static PyObject *
+UTCDateTime_New(UTCDateTime *ptr)
+ return Py_BuildValue("(HlH)", ptr->highSeconds, ptr->lowSeconds, ptr->fraction);
+** Optional fsspec and fsref pointers. None will pass NULL
+static int
+myPyMac_GetOptFSSpecPtr(PyObject *v, FSSpec **spec)
+ if (v == Py_None) {
+ *spec = NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return PyMac_GetFSSpec(v, *spec);
+static int
+myPyMac_GetOptFSRefPtr(PyObject *v, FSRef **ref)
+ if (v == Py_None) {
+ *ref = NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return PyMac_GetFSRef(v, *ref);
+** Parse/generate objsect
+static PyObject *
+PyMac_BuildHFSUniStr255(HFSUniStr255 *itself)
+ return Py_BuildValue("u#", itself->unicode, itself->length);
+static PyObject *File_Error;
+static PyTypeObject FInfo_Type;
+#define FInfo_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &FInfo_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &FInfo_Type))
+typedef struct FInfoObject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ FInfo ob_itself;
+} FInfoObject;
+/* ------------------- Object type FSCatalogInfo -------------------- */
+static PyTypeObject FSCatalogInfo_Type;
+#define FSCatalogInfo_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &FSCatalogInfo_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &FSCatalogInfo_Type))
+typedef struct FSCatalogInfoObject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ FSCatalogInfo ob_itself;
+} FSCatalogInfoObject;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_New(FSCatalogInfo *itself)
+ FSCatalogInfoObject *it;
+ if (itself == NULL) return Py_None;
+ it = PyObject_NEW(FSCatalogInfoObject, &FSCatalogInfo_Type);
+ if (it == NULL) return NULL;
+ it->ob_itself = *itself;
+ return (PyObject *)it;
+static int FSCatalogInfo_Convert(PyObject *v, FSCatalogInfo *p_itself)
+ if (!FSCatalogInfo_Check(v))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "FSCatalogInfo required");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *p_itself = ((FSCatalogInfoObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 1;
+static void FSCatalogInfo_dealloc(FSCatalogInfoObject *self)
+ /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
+static PyMethodDef FSCatalogInfo_methods[] = {
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_nodeFlags(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("H", self->ob_itself.nodeFlags);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_nodeFlags(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "H", &self->ob_itself.nodeFlags)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_volume(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("h", self->ob_itself.volume);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_volume(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "h", &self->ob_itself.volume)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_parentDirID(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.parentDirID);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_parentDirID(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.parentDirID)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_nodeID(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.nodeID);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_nodeID(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.nodeID)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_createDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", UTCDateTime_New, &self->ob_itself.createDate);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_createDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", UTCDateTime_Convert, &self->ob_itself.createDate)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_contentModDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", UTCDateTime_New, &self->ob_itself.contentModDate);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_contentModDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", UTCDateTime_Convert, &self->ob_itself.contentModDate)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_attributeModDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", UTCDateTime_New, &self->ob_itself.attributeModDate);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_attributeModDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", UTCDateTime_Convert, &self->ob_itself.attributeModDate)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_accessDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", UTCDateTime_New, &self->ob_itself.accessDate);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_accessDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", UTCDateTime_Convert, &self->ob_itself.accessDate)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_backupDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", UTCDateTime_New, &self->ob_itself.backupDate);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_backupDate(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", UTCDateTime_Convert, &self->ob_itself.backupDate)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_permissions(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("(llll)", self->ob_itself.permissions[0], self->ob_itself.permissions[1], self->ob_itself.permissions[2], self->ob_itself.permissions[3]);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_permissions(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "(llll)", &self->ob_itself.permissions[0], &self->ob_itself.permissions[1], &self->ob_itself.permissions[2], &self->ob_itself.permissions[3])-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_valence(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.valence);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_valence(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.valence)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_dataLogicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.dataLogicalSize);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_dataLogicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.dataLogicalSize)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_dataPhysicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.dataPhysicalSize);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_dataPhysicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.dataPhysicalSize)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_rsrcLogicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.rsrcLogicalSize);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_rsrcLogicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.rsrcLogicalSize)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_rsrcPhysicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.rsrcPhysicalSize);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_rsrcPhysicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.rsrcPhysicalSize)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_sharingFlags(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.sharingFlags);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_sharingFlags(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "l", &self->ob_itself.sharingFlags)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_userPrivileges(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("b", self->ob_itself.userPrivileges);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_userPrivileges(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "b", &self->ob_itself.userPrivileges)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_finderInfo(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return FInfo_New((FInfo *)self->ob_itself.finderInfo);
+static int FSCatalogInfo_set_finderInfo(FSCatalogInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ if (!FInfo_Check(v)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected an FInfo object");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *(FInfo *)self->ob_itself.finderInfo = ((FInfoObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 0;
+static PyGetSetDef FSCatalogInfo_getsetlist[] = {
+ {"nodeFlags", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_nodeFlags, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_nodeFlags, NULL},
+ {"volume", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_volume, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_volume, NULL},
+ {"parentDirID", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_parentDirID, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_parentDirID, NULL},
+ {"nodeID", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_nodeID, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_nodeID, NULL},
+ {"createDate", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_createDate, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_createDate, NULL},
+ {"contentModDate", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_contentModDate, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_contentModDate, NULL},
+ {"attributeModDate", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_attributeModDate, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_attributeModDate, NULL},
+ {"accessDate", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_accessDate, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_accessDate, NULL},
+ {"backupDate", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_backupDate, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_backupDate, NULL},
+ {"permissions", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_permissions, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_permissions, NULL},
+ {"valence", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_valence, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_valence, NULL},
+ {"dataLogicalSize", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_dataLogicalSize, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_dataLogicalSize, NULL},
+ {"dataPhysicalSize", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_dataPhysicalSize, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_dataPhysicalSize, NULL},
+ {"rsrcLogicalSize", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_rsrcLogicalSize, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_rsrcLogicalSize, NULL},
+ {"rsrcPhysicalSize", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_rsrcPhysicalSize, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_rsrcPhysicalSize, NULL},
+ {"sharingFlags", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_sharingFlags, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_sharingFlags, NULL},
+ {"userPrivileges", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_userPrivileges, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_userPrivileges, NULL},
+ {"finderInfo", (getter)FSCatalogInfo_get_finderInfo, (setter)FSCatalogInfo_set_finderInfo, NULL},
+#define FSCatalogInfo_compare NULL
+#define FSCatalogInfo_repr NULL
+#define FSCatalogInfo_hash NULL
+static int FSCatalogInfo_tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ static char *kw[] = {
+ "nodeFlags",
+ "volume",
+ "parentDirID",
+ "nodeID",
+ "createDate",
+ "contentModDate",
+ "atributeModDate",
+ "accessDate",
+ "backupDate",
+ "valence",
+ "dataLogicalSize",
+ "dataPhysicalSize",
+ "rsrcLogicalSize",
+ "rsrcPhysicalSize",
+ "sharingFlags",
+ "userPrivileges"
+ , 0};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|HhllO&O&O&O&O&llllllb", kw, &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.nodeFlags,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.volume,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.parentDirID,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.nodeID,
+ UTCDateTime_Convert, &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.createDate,
+ UTCDateTime_Convert, &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.contentModDate,
+ UTCDateTime_Convert, &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.attributeModDate,
+ UTCDateTime_Convert, &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.accessDate,
+ UTCDateTime_Convert, &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.backupDate,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.valence,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.dataLogicalSize,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.dataPhysicalSize,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.rsrcLogicalSize,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.rsrcPhysicalSize,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.sharingFlags,
+ &((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself.userPrivileges))
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#define FSCatalogInfo_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
+static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *self;
+ if ((self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
+ memset(&((FSCatalogInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself, 0, sizeof(FSCatalogInfo));
+ return self;
+#define FSCatalogInfo_tp_free PyObject_Del
+static PyTypeObject FSCatalogInfo_Type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "Carbon.File.FSCatalogInfo", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(FSCatalogInfoObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ /* methods */
+ (destructor) FSCatalogInfo_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ (cmpfunc) FSCatalogInfo_compare, /*tp_compare*/
+ (reprfunc) FSCatalogInfo_repr, /*tp_repr*/
+ (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
+ (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc) FSCatalogInfo_hash, /*tp_hash*/
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
+ PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ 0, /*tp_doc*/
+ 0, /*tp_traverse*/
+ 0, /*tp_clear*/
+ 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
+ 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
+ 0, /*tp_iter*/
+ 0, /*tp_iternext*/
+ FSCatalogInfo_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /*tp_members*/
+ FSCatalogInfo_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
+ 0, /*tp_base*/
+ 0, /*tp_dict*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
+ 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
+ FSCatalogInfo_tp_init, /* tp_init */
+ FSCatalogInfo_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
+ FSCatalogInfo_tp_new, /* tp_new */
+ FSCatalogInfo_tp_free, /* tp_free */
+/* ----------------- End object type FSCatalogInfo ------------------ */
+/* ----------------------- Object type FInfo ------------------------ */
+static PyObject *FInfo_New(FInfo *itself)
+ FInfoObject *it;
+ if (itself == NULL) return PyMac_Error(resNotFound);
+ it = PyObject_NEW(FInfoObject, &FInfo_Type);
+ if (it == NULL) return NULL;
+ it->ob_itself = *itself;
+ return (PyObject *)it;
+static int FInfo_Convert(PyObject *v, FInfo *p_itself)
+ if (!FInfo_Check(v))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "FInfo required");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *p_itself = ((FInfoObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 1;
+static void FInfo_dealloc(FInfoObject *self)
+ /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
+static PyMethodDef FInfo_methods[] = {
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static PyObject *FInfo_get_Type(FInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", PyMac_BuildOSType, self->ob_itself.fdType);
+static int FInfo_set_Type(FInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", PyMac_GetOSType, &self->ob_itself.fdType)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FInfo_get_Creator(FInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", PyMac_BuildOSType, self->ob_itself.fdCreator);
+static int FInfo_set_Creator(FInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", PyMac_GetOSType, &self->ob_itself.fdCreator)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FInfo_get_Flags(FInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("H", self->ob_itself.fdFlags);
+static int FInfo_set_Flags(FInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "H", &self->ob_itself.fdFlags)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FInfo_get_Location(FInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("O&", PyMac_BuildPoint, self->ob_itself.fdLocation);
+static int FInfo_set_Location(FInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", PyMac_GetPoint, &self->ob_itself.fdLocation)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject *FInfo_get_Fldr(FInfoObject *self, void *closure)
+ return Py_BuildValue("h", self->ob_itself.fdFldr);
+static int FInfo_set_Fldr(FInfoObject *self, PyObject *v, void *closure)
+ return PyArg_Parse(v, "h", &self->ob_itself.fdFldr)-1;
+ return 0;
+static PyGetSetDef FInfo_getsetlist[] = {
+ {"Type", (getter)FInfo_get_Type, (setter)FInfo_set_Type, "4-char file type"},
+ {"Creator", (getter)FInfo_get_Creator, (setter)FInfo_set_Creator, "4-char file creator"},
+ {"Flags", (getter)FInfo_get_Flags, (setter)FInfo_set_Flags, "Finder flag bits"},
+ {"Location", (getter)FInfo_get_Location, (setter)FInfo_set_Location, "(x, y) location of the file's icon in its parent finder window"},
+ {"Fldr", (getter)FInfo_get_Fldr, (setter)FInfo_set_Fldr, "Original folder, for 'put away'"},
+#define FInfo_compare NULL
+#define FInfo_repr NULL
+#define FInfo_hash NULL
+static int FInfo_tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ FInfo *itself = NULL;
+ static char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
+ if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|O&", kw, FInfo_Convert, &itself))
+ {
+ if (itself) memcpy(&((FInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself, itself, sizeof(FInfo));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+#define FInfo_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
+static PyObject *FInfo_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *self;
+ if ((self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
+ memset(&((FInfoObject *)self)->ob_itself, 0, sizeof(FInfo));
+ return self;
+#define FInfo_tp_free PyObject_Del
+static PyTypeObject FInfo_Type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "Carbon.File.FInfo", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(FInfoObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ /* methods */
+ (destructor) FInfo_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ (cmpfunc) FInfo_compare, /*tp_compare*/
+ (reprfunc) FInfo_repr, /*tp_repr*/
+ (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
+ (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc) FInfo_hash, /*tp_hash*/
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
+ PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ 0, /*tp_doc*/
+ 0, /*tp_traverse*/
+ 0, /*tp_clear*/
+ 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
+ 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
+ 0, /*tp_iter*/
+ 0, /*tp_iternext*/
+ FInfo_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /*tp_members*/
+ FInfo_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
+ 0, /*tp_base*/
+ 0, /*tp_dict*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
+ 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
+ FInfo_tp_init, /* tp_init */
+ FInfo_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
+ FInfo_tp_new, /* tp_new */
+ FInfo_tp_free, /* tp_free */
+/* --------------------- End object type FInfo ---------------------- */
+/* ----------------------- Object type Alias ------------------------ */
+static PyTypeObject Alias_Type;
+#define Alias_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Alias_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &Alias_Type))
+typedef struct AliasObject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ AliasHandle ob_itself;
+ void (*ob_freeit)(AliasHandle ptr);
+} AliasObject;
+static PyObject *Alias_New(AliasHandle itself)
+ AliasObject *it;
+ if (itself == NULL) return PyMac_Error(resNotFound);
+ it = PyObject_NEW(AliasObject, &Alias_Type);
+ if (it == NULL) return NULL;
+ it->ob_itself = itself;
+ it->ob_freeit = NULL;
+ return (PyObject *)it;
+static int Alias_Convert(PyObject *v, AliasHandle *p_itself)
+ if (!Alias_Check(v))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Alias required");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *p_itself = ((AliasObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 1;
+static void Alias_dealloc(AliasObject *self)
+ if (self->ob_freeit && self->ob_itself)
+ {
+ self->ob_freeit(self->ob_itself);
+ }
+ self->ob_itself = NULL;
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
+static PyObject *Alias_ResolveAlias(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec target;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSSpecPtr, &fromFile))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = ResolveAlias(fromFile,
+ _self->ob_itself,
+ &target,
+ &wasChanged);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
+ FSSpec_New, &target,
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Alias_GetAliasInfo(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ AliasInfoType index;
+ Str63 theString;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &index))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = GetAliasInfo(_self->ob_itself,
+ index,
+ theString);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ PyMac_BuildStr255, theString);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Alias_ResolveAliasWithMountFlags(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec target;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ unsigned long mountFlags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSSpecPtr, &fromFile,
+ &mountFlags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = ResolveAliasWithMountFlags(fromFile,
+ _self->ob_itself,
+ &target,
+ &wasChanged,
+ mountFlags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
+ FSSpec_New, &target,
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Alias_FollowFinderAlias(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ Boolean logon;
+ FSSpec target;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSSpecPtr, &fromFile,
+ &logon))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FollowFinderAlias(fromFile,
+ _self->ob_itself,
+ logon,
+ &target,
+ &wasChanged);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
+ FSSpec_New, &target,
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Alias_FSResolveAliasWithMountFlags(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef target;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ unsigned long mountFlags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSRefPtr, &fromFile,
+ &mountFlags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSResolveAliasWithMountFlags(fromFile,
+ _self->ob_itself,
+ &target,
+ &wasChanged,
+ mountFlags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
+ FSRef_New, &target,
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Alias_FSResolveAlias(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef target;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSRefPtr, &fromFile))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSResolveAlias(fromFile,
+ _self->ob_itself,
+ &target,
+ &wasChanged);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
+ FSRef_New, &target,
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Alias_FSFollowFinderAlias(AliasObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef fromFile;
+ Boolean logon;
+ FSRef target;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
+ &logon))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSFollowFinderAlias(&fromFile,
+ _self->ob_itself,
+ logon,
+ &target,
+ &wasChanged);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&b",
+ FSRef_New, &fromFile,
+ FSRef_New, &target,
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef Alias_methods[] = {
+ {"ResolveAlias", (PyCFunction)Alias_ResolveAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fromFile) -> (FSSpec target, Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"GetAliasInfo", (PyCFunction)Alias_GetAliasInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(AliasInfoType index) -> (Str63 theString)")},
+ {"ResolveAliasWithMountFlags", (PyCFunction)Alias_ResolveAliasWithMountFlags, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fromFile, unsigned long mountFlags) -> (FSSpec target, Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"FollowFinderAlias", (PyCFunction)Alias_FollowFinderAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fromFile, Boolean logon) -> (FSSpec target, Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"FSResolveAliasWithMountFlags", (PyCFunction)Alias_FSResolveAliasWithMountFlags, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef fromFile, unsigned long mountFlags) -> (FSRef target, Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"FSResolveAlias", (PyCFunction)Alias_FSResolveAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef fromFile) -> (FSRef target, Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"FSFollowFinderAlias", (PyCFunction)Alias_FSFollowFinderAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Boolean logon) -> (FSRef fromFile, FSRef target, Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static PyObject *Alias_get_data(AliasObject *self, void *closure)
+ int size;
+ PyObject *rv;
+ size = GetHandleSize((Handle)self->ob_itself);
+ HLock((Handle)self->ob_itself);
+ rv = PyString_FromStringAndSize(*(Handle)self->ob_itself, size);
+ HUnlock((Handle)self->ob_itself);
+ return rv;
+#define Alias_set_data NULL
+static PyGetSetDef Alias_getsetlist[] = {
+ {"data", (getter)Alias_get_data, (setter)Alias_set_data, "Raw data of the alias object"},
+#define Alias_compare NULL
+#define Alias_repr NULL
+#define Alias_hash NULL
+static int Alias_tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ AliasHandle itself = NULL;
+ char *rawdata = NULL;
+ int rawdatalen = 0;
+ Handle h;
+ static char *kw[] = {"itself", "rawdata", 0};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|O&s#", kw, Alias_Convert, &itself, &rawdata, &rawdatalen))
+ return -1;
+ if (itself && rawdata)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Only one of itself or rawdata may be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!itself && !rawdata)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "One of itself or rawdata must be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rawdata)
+ {
+ if ((h = NewHandle(rawdatalen)) == NULL)
+ {
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ HLock(h);
+ memcpy((char *)*h, rawdata, rawdatalen);
+ HUnlock(h);
+ ((AliasObject *)self)->ob_itself = (AliasHandle)h;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ((AliasObject *)self)->ob_itself = itself;
+ return 0;
+#define Alias_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
+static PyObject *Alias_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *self;
+ if ((self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
+ ((AliasObject *)self)->ob_itself = NULL;
+ return self;
+#define Alias_tp_free PyObject_Del
+static PyTypeObject Alias_Type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "Carbon.File.Alias", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(AliasObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ /* methods */
+ (destructor) Alias_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ (cmpfunc) Alias_compare, /*tp_compare*/
+ (reprfunc) Alias_repr, /*tp_repr*/
+ (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
+ (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc) Alias_hash, /*tp_hash*/
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
+ PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ 0, /*tp_doc*/
+ 0, /*tp_traverse*/
+ 0, /*tp_clear*/
+ 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
+ 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
+ 0, /*tp_iter*/
+ 0, /*tp_iternext*/
+ Alias_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /*tp_members*/
+ Alias_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
+ 0, /*tp_base*/
+ 0, /*tp_dict*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
+ 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
+ Alias_tp_init, /* tp_init */
+ Alias_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
+ Alias_tp_new, /* tp_new */
+ Alias_tp_free, /* tp_free */
+/* --------------------- End object type Alias ---------------------- */
+/* ----------------------- Object type FSSpec ----------------------- */
+static PyTypeObject FSSpec_Type;
+#define FSSpec_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &FSSpec_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &FSSpec_Type))
+typedef struct FSSpecObject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ FSSpec ob_itself;
+} FSSpecObject;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_New(FSSpec *itself)
+ FSSpecObject *it;
+ if (itself == NULL) return PyMac_Error(resNotFound);
+ it = PyObject_NEW(FSSpecObject, &FSSpec_Type);
+ if (it == NULL) return NULL;
+ it->ob_itself = *itself;
+ return (PyObject *)it;
+static void FSSpec_dealloc(FSSpecObject *self)
+ /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpOpenDF(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt8 permission;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpOpenDF(&_self->ob_itself,
+ permission,
+ &refNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ refNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpOpenRF(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt8 permission;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpOpenRF(&_self->ob_itself,
+ permission,
+ &refNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ refNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpCreate(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ OSType creator;
+ OSType fileType;
+ ScriptCode scriptTag;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
+ &scriptTag))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpCreate(&_self->ob_itself,
+ creator,
+ fileType,
+ scriptTag);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpDirCreate(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ ScriptCode scriptTag;
+ long createdDirID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &scriptTag))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpDirCreate(&_self->ob_itself,
+ scriptTag,
+ &createdDirID);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ createdDirID);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpDelete(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpDelete(&_self->ob_itself);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpGetFInfo(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FInfo fndrInfo;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpGetFInfo(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &fndrInfo);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FInfo_New, &fndrInfo);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpSetFInfo(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FInfo fndrInfo;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ FInfo_Convert, &fndrInfo))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpSetFInfo(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &fndrInfo);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpSetFLock(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpSetFLock(&_self->ob_itself);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpRstFLock(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpRstFLock(&_self->ob_itself);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpRename(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ Str255 newName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, newName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpRename(&_self->ob_itself,
+ newName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpCatMove(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec dest;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ FSSpec_Convert, &dest))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpCatMove(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &dest);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpExchangeFiles(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec dest;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ FSSpec_Convert, &dest))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpExchangeFiles(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &dest);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_FSpMakeFSRef(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef newRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSpMakeFSRef(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &newRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FSRef_New, &newRef);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_NewAliasMinimal(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ AliasHandle alias;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = NewAliasMinimal(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &alias);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ Alias_New, alias);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_IsAliasFile(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ Boolean aliasFileFlag;
+ Boolean folderFlag;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = IsAliasFile(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &aliasFileFlag,
+ &folderFlag);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("bb",
+ aliasFileFlag,
+ folderFlag);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_as_pathname(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ char strbuf[1024];
+ OSErr err;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ err = PyMac_GetFullPathname(&_self->ob_itself, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf));
+ if ( err ) {
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _res = PyString_FromString(strbuf);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSSpec_as_tuple(FSSpecObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("(iis#)", _self->ob_itself.vRefNum, _self->ob_itself.parID,
+ &_self->[1], _self->[0]);
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef FSSpec_methods[] = {
+ {"FSpOpenDF", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpOpenDF, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt8 permission) -> (short refNum)")},
+ {"FSpOpenRF", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpOpenRF, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt8 permission) -> (short refNum)")},
+ {"FSpCreate", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpCreate, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag) -> None")},
+ {"FSpDirCreate", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpDirCreate, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(ScriptCode scriptTag) -> (long createdDirID)")},
+ {"FSpDelete", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpDelete, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
+ {"FSpGetFInfo", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpGetFInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (FInfo fndrInfo)")},
+ {"FSpSetFInfo", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpSetFInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FInfo fndrInfo) -> None")},
+ {"FSpSetFLock", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpSetFLock, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
+ {"FSpRstFLock", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpRstFLock, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
+ {"FSpRename", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpRename, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Str255 newName) -> None")},
+ {"FSpCatMove", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpCatMove, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec dest) -> None")},
+ {"FSpExchangeFiles", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpExchangeFiles, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec dest) -> None")},
+ {"FSpMakeFSRef", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_FSpMakeFSRef, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (FSRef newRef)")},
+ {"NewAliasMinimal", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_NewAliasMinimal, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (AliasHandle alias)")},
+ {"IsAliasFile", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_IsAliasFile, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean aliasFileFlag, Boolean folderFlag)")},
+ {"as_pathname", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_as_pathname, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> string")},
+ {"as_tuple", (PyCFunction)FSSpec_as_tuple, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (vRefNum, dirID, name)")},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static PyObject *FSSpec_get_data(FSSpecObject *self, void *closure)
+ return PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *)&self->ob_itself, sizeof(self->ob_itself));
+#define FSSpec_set_data NULL
+static PyGetSetDef FSSpec_getsetlist[] = {
+ {"data", (getter)FSSpec_get_data, (setter)FSSpec_set_data, "Raw data of the FSSpec object"},
+#define FSSpec_compare NULL
+static PyObject * FSSpec_repr(FSSpecObject *self)
+ char buf[512];
+ PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s((%d, %ld, '%.*s'))",
+ self->ob_type->tp_name,
+ self->ob_itself.vRefNum,
+ self->ob_itself.parID,
+ self->[0], self->;
+ return PyString_FromString(buf);
+#define FSSpec_hash NULL
+static int FSSpec_tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *v = NULL;
+ char *rawdata = NULL;
+ int rawdatalen = 0;
+ static char *kw[] = {"itself", "rawdata", 0};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|Os#", kw, &v, &rawdata, &rawdatalen))
+ return -1;
+ if (v && rawdata)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Only one of itself or rawdata may be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!v && !rawdata)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "One of itself or rawdata must be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rawdata)
+ {
+ if (rawdatalen != sizeof(FSSpec))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "FSSpec rawdata incorrect size");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memcpy(&((FSSpecObject *)self)->ob_itself, rawdata, rawdatalen);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (PyMac_GetFSSpec(v, &((FSSpecObject *)self)->ob_itself)) return 0;
+ return -1;
+#define FSSpec_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
+static PyObject *FSSpec_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *self;
+ if ((self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
+ memset(&((FSSpecObject *)self)->ob_itself, 0, sizeof(FSSpec));
+ return self;
+#define FSSpec_tp_free PyObject_Del
+static PyTypeObject FSSpec_Type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "Carbon.File.FSSpec", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(FSSpecObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ /* methods */
+ (destructor) FSSpec_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ (cmpfunc) FSSpec_compare, /*tp_compare*/
+ (reprfunc) FSSpec_repr, /*tp_repr*/
+ (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
+ (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc) FSSpec_hash, /*tp_hash*/
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
+ PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ 0, /*tp_doc*/
+ 0, /*tp_traverse*/
+ 0, /*tp_clear*/
+ 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
+ 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
+ 0, /*tp_iter*/
+ 0, /*tp_iternext*/
+ FSSpec_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /*tp_members*/
+ FSSpec_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
+ 0, /*tp_base*/
+ 0, /*tp_dict*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
+ 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
+ FSSpec_tp_init, /* tp_init */
+ FSSpec_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
+ FSSpec_tp_new, /* tp_new */
+ FSSpec_tp_free, /* tp_free */
+/* --------------------- End object type FSSpec --------------------- */
+/* ----------------------- Object type FSRef ------------------------ */
+static PyTypeObject FSRef_Type;
+#define FSRef_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &FSRef_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &FSRef_Type))
+typedef struct FSRefObject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ FSRef ob_itself;
+} FSRefObject;
+static PyObject *FSRef_New(FSRef *itself)
+ FSRefObject *it;
+ if (itself == NULL) return PyMac_Error(resNotFound);
+ it = PyObject_NEW(FSRefObject, &FSRef_Type);
+ if (it == NULL) return NULL;
+ it->ob_itself = *itself;
+ return (PyObject *)it;
+static void FSRef_dealloc(FSRefObject *self)
+ /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSMakeFSRefUnicode(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *nameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount nameLength__len__;
+ int nameLength__in_len__;
+ TextEncoding textEncodingHint;
+ FSRef newRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#l",
+ &nameLength__in__, &nameLength__in_len__,
+ &textEncodingHint))
+ return NULL;
+ nameLength__len__ = nameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSMakeFSRefUnicode(&_self->ob_itself,
+ nameLength__len__, nameLength__in__,
+ textEncodingHint,
+ &newRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FSRef_New, &newRef);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSCompareFSRefs(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef ref2;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ FSRef_Convert, &ref2))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSCompareFSRefs(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &ref2);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSCreateFileUnicode(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *nameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount nameLength__len__;
+ int nameLength__in_len__;
+ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo;
+ FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
+ FSRef newRef;
+ FSSpec newSpec;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#lO&",
+ &nameLength__in__, &nameLength__in_len__,
+ &whichInfo,
+ FSCatalogInfo_Convert, &catalogInfo))
+ return NULL;
+ nameLength__len__ = nameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSCreateFileUnicode(&_self->ob_itself,
+ nameLength__len__, nameLength__in__,
+ whichInfo,
+ &catalogInfo,
+ &newRef,
+ &newSpec);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
+ FSRef_New, &newRef,
+ FSSpec_New, &newSpec);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSCreateDirectoryUnicode(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *nameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount nameLength__len__;
+ int nameLength__in_len__;
+ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo;
+ FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
+ FSRef newRef;
+ FSSpec newSpec;
+ UInt32 newDirID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#lO&",
+ &nameLength__in__, &nameLength__in_len__,
+ &whichInfo,
+ FSCatalogInfo_Convert, &catalogInfo))
+ return NULL;
+ nameLength__len__ = nameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSCreateDirectoryUnicode(&_self->ob_itself,
+ nameLength__len__, nameLength__in__,
+ whichInfo,
+ &catalogInfo,
+ &newRef,
+ &newSpec,
+ &newDirID);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&l",
+ FSRef_New, &newRef,
+ FSSpec_New, &newSpec,
+ newDirID);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSDeleteObject(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSDeleteObject(&_self->ob_itself);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSMoveObject(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef destDirectory;
+ FSRef newRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ FSRef_Convert, &destDirectory))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSMoveObject(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &destDirectory,
+ &newRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FSRef_New, &newRef);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSExchangeObjects(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef destRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ FSRef_Convert, &destRef))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSExchangeObjects(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &destRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSRenameUnicode(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *nameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount nameLength__len__;
+ int nameLength__in_len__;
+ TextEncoding textEncodingHint;
+ FSRef newRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#l",
+ &nameLength__in__, &nameLength__in_len__,
+ &textEncodingHint))
+ return NULL;
+ nameLength__len__ = nameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSRenameUnicode(&_self->ob_itself,
+ nameLength__len__, nameLength__in__,
+ textEncodingHint,
+ &newRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FSRef_New, &newRef);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSGetCatalogInfo(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo;
+ FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
+ HFSUniStr255 outName;
+ FSSpec fsSpec;
+ FSRef parentRef;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
+ &whichInfo))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&_self->ob_itself,
+ whichInfo,
+ &catalogInfo,
+ &outName,
+ &fsSpec,
+ &parentRef);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&O&O&",
+ FSCatalogInfo_New, &catalogInfo,
+ PyMac_BuildHFSUniStr255, &outName,
+ FSSpec_New, &fsSpec,
+ FSRef_New, &parentRef);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSSetCatalogInfo(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo;
+ FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
+ &whichInfo,
+ FSCatalogInfo_Convert, &catalogInfo))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSSetCatalogInfo(&_self->ob_itself,
+ whichInfo,
+ &catalogInfo);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSCreateFork(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *forkNameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount forkNameLength__len__;
+ int forkNameLength__in_len__;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#",
+ &forkNameLength__in__, &forkNameLength__in_len__))
+ return NULL;
+ forkNameLength__len__ = forkNameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSCreateFork(&_self->ob_itself,
+ forkNameLength__len__, forkNameLength__in__);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSDeleteFork(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *forkNameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount forkNameLength__len__;
+ int forkNameLength__in_len__;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#",
+ &forkNameLength__in__, &forkNameLength__in_len__))
+ return NULL;
+ forkNameLength__len__ = forkNameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSDeleteFork(&_self->ob_itself,
+ forkNameLength__len__, forkNameLength__in__);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSOpenFork(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ UniChar *forkNameLength__in__;
+ UniCharCount forkNameLength__len__;
+ int forkNameLength__in_len__;
+ SInt8 permissions;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#b",
+ &forkNameLength__in__, &forkNameLength__in_len__,
+ &permissions))
+ return NULL;
+ forkNameLength__len__ = forkNameLength__in_len__;
+ _err = FSOpenFork(&_self->ob_itself,
+ forkNameLength__len__, forkNameLength__in__,
+ permissions,
+ &forkRefNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ forkRefNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FNNotify(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ FNMessage message;
+ OptionBits flags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
+ &message,
+ &flags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FNNotify(&_self->ob_itself,
+ message,
+ flags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSNewAliasMinimal(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ AliasHandle inAlias;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSNewAliasMinimal(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &inAlias);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ Alias_New, inAlias);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSIsAliasFile(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ Boolean aliasFileFlag;
+ Boolean folderFlag;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSIsAliasFile(&_self->ob_itself,
+ &aliasFileFlag,
+ &folderFlag);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("bb",
+ aliasFileFlag,
+ folderFlag);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_FSRefMakePath(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+#define MAXPATHNAME 1024
+ UInt8 path[MAXPATHNAME];
+ UInt32 maxPathSize = MAXPATHNAME;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSRefMakePath(&_self->ob_itself,
+ path,
+ maxPathSize);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("s", path);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *FSRef_as_pathname(FSRefObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _res = FSRef_FSRefMakePath(_self, _args);
+ char strbuf[1024];
+ OSErr err;
+ FSSpec fss;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ if ( !PyMac_GetFSSpec((PyObject *)_self, &fss))
+ return NULL;
+ err = PyMac_GetFullPathname(&fss, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf));
+ if ( err ) {
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _res = PyString_FromString(strbuf);
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef FSRef_methods[] = {
+ {"FSMakeFSRefUnicode", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSMakeFSRefUnicode, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer nameLength, TextEncoding textEncodingHint) -> (FSRef newRef)")},
+ {"FSCompareFSRefs", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSCompareFSRefs, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef ref2) -> None")},
+ {"FSCreateFileUnicode", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSCreateFileUnicode, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer nameLength, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo) -> (FSRef newRef, FSSpec newSpec)")},
+ {"FSCreateDirectoryUnicode", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSCreateDirectoryUnicode, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer nameLength, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo) -> (FSRef newRef, FSSpec newSpec, UInt32 newDirID)")},
+ {"FSDeleteObject", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSDeleteObject, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
+ {"FSMoveObject", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSMoveObject, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef destDirectory) -> (FSRef newRef)")},
+ {"FSExchangeObjects", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSExchangeObjects, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef destRef) -> None")},
+ {"FSRenameUnicode", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSRenameUnicode, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer nameLength, TextEncoding textEncodingHint) -> (FSRef newRef)")},
+ {"FSGetCatalogInfo", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSGetCatalogInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo) -> (FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo, HFSUniStr255 outName, FSSpec fsSpec, FSRef parentRef)")},
+ {"FSSetCatalogInfo", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSSetCatalogInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo) -> None")},
+ {"FSCreateFork", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSCreateFork, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer forkNameLength) -> None")},
+ {"FSDeleteFork", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSDeleteFork, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer forkNameLength) -> None")},
+ {"FSOpenFork", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSOpenFork, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer forkNameLength, SInt8 permissions) -> (SInt16 forkRefNum)")},
+ {"FNNotify", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FNNotify, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FNMessage message, OptionBits flags) -> None")},
+ {"FSNewAliasMinimal", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSNewAliasMinimal, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (AliasHandle inAlias)")},
+ {"FSIsAliasFile", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSIsAliasFile, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean aliasFileFlag, Boolean folderFlag)")},
+ {"FSRefMakePath", (PyCFunction)FSRef_FSRefMakePath, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> string")},
+ {"as_pathname", (PyCFunction)FSRef_as_pathname, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> string")},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+static PyObject *FSRef_get_data(FSRefObject *self, void *closure)
+ return PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *)&self->ob_itself, sizeof(self->ob_itself));
+#define FSRef_set_data NULL
+static PyGetSetDef FSRef_getsetlist[] = {
+ {"data", (getter)FSRef_get_data, (setter)FSRef_set_data, "Raw data of the FSRef object"},
+#define FSRef_compare NULL
+#define FSRef_repr NULL
+#define FSRef_hash NULL
+static int FSRef_tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *v = NULL;
+ char *rawdata = NULL;
+ int rawdatalen = 0;
+ static char *kw[] = {"itself", "rawdata", 0};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|Os#", kw, &v, &rawdata, &rawdatalen))
+ return -1;
+ if (v && rawdata)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Only one of itself or rawdata may be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!v && !rawdata)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "One of itself or rawdata must be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rawdata)
+ {
+ if (rawdatalen != sizeof(FSRef))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "FSRef rawdata incorrect size");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memcpy(&((FSRefObject *)self)->ob_itself, rawdata, rawdatalen);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (PyMac_GetFSRef(v, &((FSRefObject *)self)->ob_itself)) return 0;
+ return -1;
+#define FSRef_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
+static PyObject *FSRef_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *self;
+ if ((self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
+ memset(&((FSRefObject *)self)->ob_itself, 0, sizeof(FSRef));
+ return self;
+#define FSRef_tp_free PyObject_Del
+static PyTypeObject FSRef_Type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "Carbon.File.FSRef", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(FSRefObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ /* methods */
+ (destructor) FSRef_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ (cmpfunc) FSRef_compare, /*tp_compare*/
+ (reprfunc) FSRef_repr, /*tp_repr*/
+ (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
+ (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc) FSRef_hash, /*tp_hash*/
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
+ PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ 0, /*tp_doc*/
+ 0, /*tp_traverse*/
+ 0, /*tp_clear*/
+ 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
+ 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
+ 0, /*tp_iter*/
+ 0, /*tp_iternext*/
+ FSRef_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /*tp_members*/
+ FSRef_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
+ 0, /*tp_base*/
+ 0, /*tp_dict*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
+ 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
+ 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
+ FSRef_tp_init, /* tp_init */
+ FSRef_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
+ FSRef_tp_new, /* tp_new */
+ FSRef_tp_free, /* tp_free */
+/* --------------------- End object type FSRef ---------------------- */
+static PyObject *File_UnmountVol(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ Str63 volName;
+ short vRefNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, volName,
+ &vRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = UnmountVol(volName,
+ vRefNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FlushVol(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ Str63 volName;
+ short vRefNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, volName,
+ &vRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FlushVol(volName,
+ vRefNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HSetVol(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ Str63 volName;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hl",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, volName,
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HSetVol(volName,
+ vRefNum,
+ dirID);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSClose(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSClose(refNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_Allocate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ long count;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = Allocate(refNum,
+ &count);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ count);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_GetEOF(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ long logEOF;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = GetEOF(refNum,
+ &logEOF);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ logEOF);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_SetEOF(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ long logEOF;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
+ &refNum,
+ &logEOF))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = SetEOF(refNum,
+ logEOF);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_GetFPos(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ long filePos;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = GetFPos(refNum,
+ &filePos);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ filePos);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_SetFPos(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ short posMode;
+ long posOff;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhl",
+ &refNum,
+ &posMode,
+ &posOff))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = SetFPos(refNum,
+ posMode,
+ posOff);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_GetVRefNum(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short fileRefNum;
+ short vRefNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &fileRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = GetVRefNum(fileRefNum,
+ &vRefNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ vRefNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HGetVol(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ StringPtr volName;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, &volName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HGetVol(volName,
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("hl",
+ vRefNum,
+ dirID);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HOpen(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ SInt8 permission;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&b",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HOpen(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ permission,
+ &refNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ refNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HOpenDF(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ SInt8 permission;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&b",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HOpenDF(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ permission,
+ &refNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ refNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HOpenRF(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ SInt8 permission;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&b",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HOpenRF(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ permission,
+ &refNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ refNum);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_AllocContig(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short refNum;
+ long count;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = AllocContig(refNum,
+ &count);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ count);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HCreate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ OSType creator;
+ OSType fileType;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&O&O&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HCreate(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ creator,
+ fileType);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_DirCreate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long parentDirID;
+ Str255 directoryName;
+ long createdDirID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &parentDirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, directoryName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = DirCreate(vRefNum,
+ parentDirID,
+ directoryName,
+ &createdDirID);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ createdDirID);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HDelete(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HDelete(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HGetFInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ FInfo fndrInfo;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HGetFInfo(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ &fndrInfo);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FInfo_New, &fndrInfo);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HSetFInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ FInfo fndrInfo;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&O&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ FInfo_Convert, &fndrInfo))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HSetFInfo(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ &fndrInfo);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HSetFLock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HSetFLock(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HRstFLock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HRstFLock(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_HRename(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 oldName;
+ Str255 newName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&O&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, oldName,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, newName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = HRename(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ oldName,
+ newName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_CatMove(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 oldName;
+ long newDirID;
+ Str255 newName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&lO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, oldName,
+ &newDirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, newName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = CatMove(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ oldName,
+ newDirID,
+ newName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSMakeFSSpec(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ FSSpec spec;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ &spec);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ FSSpec_New, &spec);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSGetForkPosition(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ SInt64 position;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &forkRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSGetForkPosition(forkRefNum,
+ &position);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("L",
+ position);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSSetForkPosition(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ UInt16 positionMode;
+ SInt64 positionOffset;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hHL",
+ &forkRefNum,
+ &positionMode,
+ &positionOffset))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSSetForkPosition(forkRefNum,
+ positionMode,
+ positionOffset);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSGetForkSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ SInt64 forkSize;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &forkRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSGetForkSize(forkRefNum,
+ &forkSize);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("L",
+ forkSize);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSSetForkSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ UInt16 positionMode;
+ SInt64 positionOffset;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hHL",
+ &forkRefNum,
+ &positionMode,
+ &positionOffset))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSSetForkSize(forkRefNum,
+ positionMode,
+ positionOffset);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSAllocateFork(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ FSAllocationFlags flags;
+ UInt16 positionMode;
+ SInt64 positionOffset;
+ UInt64 requestCount;
+ UInt64 actualCount;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hHHLL",
+ &forkRefNum,
+ &flags,
+ &positionMode,
+ &positionOffset,
+ &requestCount))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSAllocateFork(forkRefNum,
+ flags,
+ positionMode,
+ positionOffset,
+ requestCount,
+ &actualCount);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("L",
+ actualCount);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSFlushFork(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &forkRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSFlushFork(forkRefNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSCloseFork(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ SInt16 forkRefNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &forkRefNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSCloseFork(forkRefNum);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSGetDataForkName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ HFSUniStr255 dataForkName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSGetDataForkName(&dataForkName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ PyMac_BuildHFSUniStr255, &dataForkName);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSGetResourceForkName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ HFSUniStr255 resourceForkName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSGetResourceForkName(&resourceForkName);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ PyMac_BuildHFSUniStr255, &resourceForkName);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSPathMakeRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ UInt8 * path;
+ FSRef ref;
+ Boolean isDirectory;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "s",
+ &path))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSPathMakeRef(path,
+ &ref,
+ &isDirectory);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
+ FSRef_New, &ref,
+ isDirectory);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FNNotifyByPath(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ UInt8 * path;
+ FNMessage message;
+ OptionBits flags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "sll",
+ &path,
+ &message,
+ &flags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FNNotifyByPath(path,
+ message,
+ flags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FNNotifyAll(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSStatus _err;
+ FNMessage message;
+ OptionBits flags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
+ &message,
+ &flags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FNNotifyAll(message,
+ flags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_NewAlias(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec target;
+ AliasHandle alias;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSSpecPtr, &fromFile,
+ FSSpec_Convert, &target))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = NewAlias(fromFile,
+ &target,
+ &alias);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ Alias_New, alias);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ char *fullPath__in__;
+ int fullPath__len__;
+ int fullPath__in_len__;
+ Str32 zoneName;
+ Str31 serverName;
+ AliasHandle alias;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "s#O&O&",
+ &fullPath__in__, &fullPath__in_len__,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, zoneName,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, serverName))
+ return NULL;
+ fullPath__len__ = fullPath__in_len__;
+ _err = NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath(fullPath__len__, fullPath__in__,
+ zoneName,
+ serverName,
+ &alias);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ Alias_New, alias);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_ResolveAliasFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec theSpec;
+ Boolean resolveAliasChains;
+ Boolean targetIsFolder;
+ Boolean wasAliased;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
+ FSSpec_Convert, &theSpec,
+ &resolveAliasChains))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = ResolveAliasFile(&theSpec,
+ resolveAliasChains,
+ &targetIsFolder,
+ &wasAliased);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&bb",
+ FSSpec_New, &theSpec,
+ targetIsFolder,
+ wasAliased);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec theSpec;
+ Boolean resolveAliasChains;
+ Boolean targetIsFolder;
+ Boolean wasAliased;
+ unsigned long mountFlags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&bl",
+ FSSpec_Convert, &theSpec,
+ &resolveAliasChains,
+ &mountFlags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags(&theSpec,
+ resolveAliasChains,
+ &targetIsFolder,
+ &wasAliased,
+ mountFlags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&bb",
+ FSSpec_New, &theSpec,
+ targetIsFolder,
+ wasAliased);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_UpdateAlias(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSSpec target;
+ AliasHandle alias;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSSpecPtr, &fromFile,
+ FSSpec_Convert, &target,
+ Alias_Convert, &alias))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = UpdateAlias(fromFile,
+ &target,
+ alias,
+ &wasChanged);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlagsNoUI(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSSpec theSpec;
+ Boolean resolveAliasChains;
+ Boolean targetIsFolder;
+ Boolean wasAliased;
+ unsigned long mountFlags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&bl",
+ FSSpec_Convert, &theSpec,
+ &resolveAliasChains,
+ &mountFlags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlagsNoUI(&theSpec,
+ resolveAliasChains,
+ &targetIsFolder,
+ &wasAliased,
+ mountFlags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&bb",
+ FSSpec_New, &theSpec,
+ targetIsFolder,
+ wasAliased);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSNewAlias(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef target;
+ AliasHandle inAlias;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSRefPtr, &fromFile,
+ FSRef_Convert, &target))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSNewAlias(fromFile,
+ &target,
+ &inAlias);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ Alias_New, inAlias);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef theRef;
+ Boolean resolveAliasChains;
+ Boolean targetIsFolder;
+ Boolean wasAliased;
+ unsigned long mountFlags;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&bl",
+ FSRef_Convert, &theRef,
+ &resolveAliasChains,
+ &mountFlags))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags(&theRef,
+ resolveAliasChains,
+ &targetIsFolder,
+ &wasAliased,
+ mountFlags);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&bb",
+ FSRef_New, &theRef,
+ targetIsFolder,
+ wasAliased);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSResolveAliasFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef theRef;
+ Boolean resolveAliasChains;
+ Boolean targetIsFolder;
+ Boolean wasAliased;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
+ FSRef_Convert, &theRef,
+ &resolveAliasChains))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSResolveAliasFile(&theRef,
+ resolveAliasChains,
+ &targetIsFolder,
+ &wasAliased);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&bb",
+ FSRef_New, &theRef,
+ targetIsFolder,
+ wasAliased);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_FSUpdateAlias(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ OSErr _err;
+ FSRef fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef *fromFile = &fromFile__buf__;
+ FSRef target;
+ AliasHandle alias;
+ Boolean wasChanged;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
+ myPyMac_GetOptFSRefPtr, &fromFile,
+ FSRef_Convert, &target,
+ Alias_Convert, &alias))
+ return NULL;
+ _err = FSUpdateAlias(fromFile,
+ &target,
+ alias,
+ &wasChanged);
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
+ wasChanged);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *File_pathname(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O", &obj))
+ return NULL;
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ Py_INCREF(obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ if (PyUnicode_Check(obj))
+ return PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(obj, "utf8", "strict");
+ _res = PyObject_CallMethod(obj, "as_pathname", NULL);
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef File_methods[] = {
+ {"UnmountVol", (PyCFunction)File_UnmountVol, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Str63 volName, short vRefNum) -> None")},
+ {"FlushVol", (PyCFunction)File_FlushVol, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Str63 volName, short vRefNum) -> None")},
+ {"HSetVol", (PyCFunction)File_HSetVol, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Str63 volName, short vRefNum, long dirID) -> None")},
+ {"FSClose", (PyCFunction)File_FSClose, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum) -> None")},
+ {"Allocate", (PyCFunction)File_Allocate, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum) -> (long count)")},
+ {"GetEOF", (PyCFunction)File_GetEOF, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum) -> (long logEOF)")},
+ {"SetEOF", (PyCFunction)File_SetEOF, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum, long logEOF) -> None")},
+ {"GetFPos", (PyCFunction)File_GetFPos, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum) -> (long filePos)")},
+ {"SetFPos", (PyCFunction)File_SetFPos, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum, short posMode, long posOff) -> None")},
+ {"GetVRefNum", (PyCFunction)File_GetVRefNum, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short fileRefNum) -> (short vRefNum)")},
+ {"HGetVol", (PyCFunction)File_HGetVol, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(StringPtr volName) -> (short vRefNum, long dirID)")},
+ {"HOpen", (PyCFunction)File_HOpen, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName, SInt8 permission) -> (short refNum)")},
+ {"HOpenDF", (PyCFunction)File_HOpenDF, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName, SInt8 permission) -> (short refNum)")},
+ {"HOpenRF", (PyCFunction)File_HOpenRF, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName, SInt8 permission) -> (short refNum)")},
+ {"AllocContig", (PyCFunction)File_AllocContig, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short refNum) -> (long count)")},
+ {"HCreate", (PyCFunction)File_HCreate, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName, OSType creator, OSType fileType) -> None")},
+ {"DirCreate", (PyCFunction)File_DirCreate, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long parentDirID, Str255 directoryName) -> (long createdDirID)")},
+ {"HDelete", (PyCFunction)File_HDelete, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName) -> None")},
+ {"HGetFInfo", (PyCFunction)File_HGetFInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName) -> (FInfo fndrInfo)")},
+ {"HSetFInfo", (PyCFunction)File_HSetFInfo, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName, FInfo fndrInfo) -> None")},
+ {"HSetFLock", (PyCFunction)File_HSetFLock, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName) -> None")},
+ {"HRstFLock", (PyCFunction)File_HRstFLock, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName) -> None")},
+ {"HRename", (PyCFunction)File_HRename, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 oldName, Str255 newName) -> None")},
+ {"CatMove", (PyCFunction)File_CatMove, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 oldName, long newDirID, Str255 newName) -> None")},
+ {"FSMakeFSSpec", (PyCFunction)File_FSMakeFSSpec, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName) -> (FSSpec spec)")},
+ {"FSGetForkPosition", (PyCFunction)File_FSGetForkPosition, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum) -> (SInt64 position)")},
+ {"FSSetForkPosition", (PyCFunction)File_FSSetForkPosition, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset) -> None")},
+ {"FSGetForkSize", (PyCFunction)File_FSGetForkSize, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum) -> (SInt64 forkSize)")},
+ {"FSSetForkSize", (PyCFunction)File_FSSetForkSize, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset) -> None")},
+ {"FSAllocateFork", (PyCFunction)File_FSAllocateFork, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum, FSAllocationFlags flags, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt64 requestCount) -> (UInt64 actualCount)")},
+ {"FSFlushFork", (PyCFunction)File_FSFlushFork, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum) -> None")},
+ {"FSCloseFork", (PyCFunction)File_FSCloseFork, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(SInt16 forkRefNum) -> None")},
+ {"FSGetDataForkName", (PyCFunction)File_FSGetDataForkName, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (HFSUniStr255 dataForkName)")},
+ {"FSGetResourceForkName", (PyCFunction)File_FSGetResourceForkName, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("() -> (HFSUniStr255 resourceForkName)")},
+ {"FSPathMakeRef", (PyCFunction)File_FSPathMakeRef, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(UInt8 * path) -> (FSRef ref, Boolean isDirectory)")},
+ {"FNNotifyByPath", (PyCFunction)File_FNNotifyByPath, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(UInt8 * path, FNMessage message, OptionBits flags) -> None")},
+ {"FNNotifyAll", (PyCFunction)File_FNNotifyAll, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FNMessage message, OptionBits flags) -> None")},
+ {"NewAlias", (PyCFunction)File_NewAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fromFile, FSSpec target) -> (AliasHandle alias)")},
+ {"NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath", (PyCFunction)File_NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(Buffer fullPath, Str32 zoneName, Str31 serverName) -> (AliasHandle alias)")},
+ {"ResolveAliasFile", (PyCFunction)File_ResolveAliasFile, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec theSpec, Boolean resolveAliasChains) -> (FSSpec theSpec, Boolean targetIsFolder, Boolean wasAliased)")},
+ {"ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags", (PyCFunction)File_ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec theSpec, Boolean resolveAliasChains, unsigned long mountFlags) -> (FSSpec theSpec, Boolean targetIsFolder, Boolean wasAliased)")},
+ {"UpdateAlias", (PyCFunction)File_UpdateAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fromFile, FSSpec target, AliasHandle alias) -> (Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlagsNoUI", (PyCFunction)File_ResolveAliasFileWithMountFlagsNoUI, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec theSpec, Boolean resolveAliasChains, unsigned long mountFlags) -> (FSSpec theSpec, Boolean targetIsFolder, Boolean wasAliased)")},
+ {"FSNewAlias", (PyCFunction)File_FSNewAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef fromFile, FSRef target) -> (AliasHandle inAlias)")},
+ {"FSResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags", (PyCFunction)File_FSResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef theRef, Boolean resolveAliasChains, unsigned long mountFlags) -> (FSRef theRef, Boolean targetIsFolder, Boolean wasAliased)")},
+ {"FSResolveAliasFile", (PyCFunction)File_FSResolveAliasFile, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef theRef, Boolean resolveAliasChains) -> (FSRef theRef, Boolean targetIsFolder, Boolean wasAliased)")},
+ {"FSUpdateAlias", (PyCFunction)File_FSUpdateAlias, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(FSRef fromFile, FSRef target, AliasHandle alias) -> (Boolean wasChanged)")},
+ {"pathname", (PyCFunction)File_pathname, 1,
+ PyDoc_STR("(str|unicode|FSSpec|FSref) -> pathname")},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+PyMac_GetFSSpec(PyObject *v, FSSpec *spec)
+ Str255 path;
+ short refnum;
+ long parid;
+ OSErr err;
+ FSRef fsr;
+ if (FSSpec_Check(v)) {
+ *spec = ((FSSpecObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (PyArg_Parse(v, "(hlO&)",
+ &refnum, &parid, PyMac_GetStr255, &path)) {
+ err = FSMakeFSSpec(refnum, parid, path, spec);
+ if ( err && err != fnfErr ) {
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ /* On OS9 we now try a pathname */
+ if ( PyString_Check(v) ) {
+ /* It's a pathname */
+ if( !PyArg_Parse(v, "O&", PyMac_GetStr255, &path) )
+ return 0;
+ refnum = 0; /* XXXX Should get CurWD here?? */
+ parid = 0;
+ err = FSMakeFSSpec(refnum, parid, path, spec);
+ if ( err && err != fnfErr ) {
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ /* Otherwise we try to go via an FSRef. On OSX we go all the way,
+ ** on OS9 we accept only a real FSRef object
+ */
+ if ( PyMac_GetFSRef(v, &fsr) ) {
+ if (FSRef_Check(v)) {
+ fsr = ((FSRefObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsr, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, spec, NULL);
+ if (err != noErr) {
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "FSSpec, FSRef, pathname or (refnum, parid, path) required");
+ return 0;
+PyMac_GetFSRef(PyObject *v, FSRef *fsr)
+ OSStatus err;
+ FSSpec fss;
+ if (FSRef_Check(v)) {
+ *fsr = ((FSRefObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* On OSX we now try a pathname */
+ if ( PyString_Check(v) || PyUnicode_Check(v)) {
+ char *path = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_Parse(v, "et", Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding, &path))
+ return 0;
+ if ( (err=FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char *)path, fsr, NULL)) ) {
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* XXXX Should try unicode here too */
+ /* Otherwise we try to go via an FSSpec */
+ if (FSSpec_Check(v)) {
+ fss = ((FSSpecObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ if (PyMac_GetFSSpec(v, &fss)) {
+ if ((err=FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, fsr)) == 0)
+ return 1;
+ PyMac_Error(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "FSRef, FSSpec or pathname required");
+ return 0;
+extern PyObject *
+PyMac_BuildFSSpec(FSSpec *spec)
+ return FSSpec_New(spec);
+extern PyObject *
+PyMac_BuildFSRef(FSRef *spec)
+ return FSRef_New(spec);
+void init_File(void)
+ PyObject *m;
+ PyObject *d;
+ m = Py_InitModule("_File", File_methods);
+ d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+ File_Error = PyMac_GetOSErrException();
+ if (File_Error == NULL ||
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "Error", File_Error) != 0)
+ return;
+ FSCatalogInfo_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&FSCatalogInfo_Type) < 0) return;
+ Py_INCREF(&FSCatalogInfo_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FSCatalogInfo", (PyObject *)&FSCatalogInfo_Type);
+ /* Backward-compatible name */
+ Py_INCREF(&FSCatalogInfo_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FSCatalogInfoType", (PyObject *)&FSCatalogInfo_Type);
+ FInfo_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&FInfo_Type) < 0) return;
+ Py_INCREF(&FInfo_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FInfo", (PyObject *)&FInfo_Type);
+ /* Backward-compatible name */
+ Py_INCREF(&FInfo_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FInfoType", (PyObject *)&FInfo_Type);
+ Alias_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&Alias_Type) < 0) return;
+ Py_INCREF(&Alias_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Alias", (PyObject *)&Alias_Type);
+ /* Backward-compatible name */
+ Py_INCREF(&Alias_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "AliasType", (PyObject *)&Alias_Type);
+ FSSpec_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&FSSpec_Type) < 0) return;
+ Py_INCREF(&FSSpec_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FSSpec", (PyObject *)&FSSpec_Type);
+ /* Backward-compatible name */
+ Py_INCREF(&FSSpec_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FSSpecType", (PyObject *)&FSSpec_Type);
+ FSRef_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&FSRef_Type) < 0) return;
+ Py_INCREF(&FSRef_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FSRef", (PyObject *)&FSRef_Type);
+ /* Backward-compatible name */
+ Py_INCREF(&FSRef_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FSRefType", (PyObject *)&FSRef_Type);
+/* ======================== End module _File ======================== */
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/macglue.h b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/macglue.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2b0bfbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/macglue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Copyright 1991-1997 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam,
+The Netherlands.
+ All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+supporting documentation, and that the names of Stichting Mathematisch
+Centrum or CWI not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+#ifndef Py_MACGLUE_H
+#define Py_MACGLUE_H
+#include <Types.h>
+#include <Files.h>
+#include <Events.h>
+#include <StandardFile.h>
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+#include "pymactoolbox.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Scheduler parameters */
+typedef struct {
+ int check_interrupt; /* if true check for command-dot */
+ int process_events; /* if nonzero enable evt processing, this mask */
+ int besocial; /* Be social, give up CPU now and again */
+ double check_interval; /* how often to check */
+ double bg_yield; /* yield at most so long when in background */
+} PyMacSchedParams;
+unsigned char *Pstring(char *str); /* Convert c-string to pascal-string in static buffer */
+#ifdef USE_GUSI
+extern int PyMac_ConsoleIsDead; /* True when exiting */
+extern void PyMac_StopGUSISpin(void); /* Stop eventprocessing during exit() */
+extern short PyMac_AppRefNum; /* RefNum of application rsrcfork (from macmain.c) */
+extern FSSpec PyMac_ApplicationFSSpec; /* Application location (from macargv.c) */
+extern char PyMac_ApplicationPath[]; /* Application location (from macargv.c) */
+extern OSErr PyMac_init_application_location(void); /* Init the above */
+extern int PyMac_GetArgv(char ***, int); /* Get argc, argv (from macargv.c) */
+extern PyObject *PyMac_OSErrException; /* Exception for OSErr */
+PyObject *PyMac_GetOSErrException(void); /* Initialize & return it */
+void PyMac_GetSchedParams(PyMacSchedParams *); /* Get schedulers params */
+void PyMac_SetSchedParams(PyMacSchedParams *); /* Set schedulers params */
+int PyMac_DoYield(int, int); /* Yield cpu. First arg is maxtime, second ok to call python */
+int PyMac_HandleEvent(EventRecord *); /* Handle one event, possibly in Python */
+void PyMac_HandleEventIntern(EventRecord *); /* Handle one event internal only */
+int PyMac_SetEventHandler(PyObject *); /* set python-coded event handler */
+void PyMac_InitMenuBar(void); /* Setup menu bar as we want it */
+void PyMac_RestoreMenuBar(void); /* Restore menu bar for ease of exiting */
+void PyMac_RaiseConsoleWindow(); /* Bring console window to front, if it exists */
+int PyMac_FindResourceModule(PyStringObject *, char *, char *); /* Test for 'PYC ' resource in a file */
+PyObject * PyMac_LoadResourceModule(char *, char *); /* Load 'PYC ' resource from file */
+int PyMac_FindCodeResourceModule(PyStringObject *, char *, char *); /* Test for 'PYD ' resource in a file */
+PyObject * PyMac_LoadCodeResourceModule(char *, char *); /* Load 'PYD ' resource from file */
+struct filedescr *PyMac_FindModuleExtension(char *, size_t *, char *); /* Look for module in single folder */
+void PyMac_InitApplet(void); /* Initialize and run an Applet */
+void PyMac_Initialize(void); /* Initialize function for embedding Python */
+#ifdef USE_GUSI2
+short PyMac_OpenPrefFile(void); /* From macgetpath.c, open and return preference file */
+/* From macfiletype.c: */
+long PyMac_getfiletype(char *); /* Get file type */
+int PyMac_setfiletype(char *, long, long); /* Set file creator and type */
+/* from macmain.c: */
+void PyMac_Exit(int);
+void PyMac_InitApplication(void);
+void PyMac_OutputSeen(void);
+void PyMac_OutputNotSeen(void);
+int PyMac_GetDelayConsoleFlag(void);
+void PyMac_InitApplet(void);
+/* from macgetargv: */
+OSErr PyMac_init_process_location(void);
+char * strdup(const char *str);
+#ifdef USE_GUSI2
+/* from pyGUSISIOUX.cp */
+typedef long (*PyWriteHandler)(char *buffer, long n);
+typedef long (*PyReadHandler)(char *buffer, long n);
+/* Override routines that normally reads and writes to the
+** SIOUX console window. Intended for embedding applications
+** that want to forestall a Python console window ever showing up.
+void PyMac_SetConsoleHandler(PyReadHandler stdinH, PyWriteHandler stdoutH,
+ PyWriteHandler stderrH);
+/* Courtesy console handlers that drop all output and return
+** 0 on reads.
+long PyMac_DummyReadHandler(char *, long);
+long PyMac_DummyWriteHandler(char *, long);
+#endif /* USE_GUSI2 */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0da28ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Setup file for compiling _Filemodule_patched.c
+from distutils.core import setup
+from distutils.extension import Extension
+ ext_modules = [
+ Extension("_File", ["_Filemodule_patched.c"])
+ ]