path: root/kaffeine/src/player-parts/xine-part/xine_part.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kaffeine/src/player-parts/xine-part/xine_part.cpp')
1 files changed, 2111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kaffeine/src/player-parts/xine-part/xine_part.cpp b/kaffeine/src/player-parts/xine-part/xine_part.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..920a2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaffeine/src/player-parts/xine-part/xine_part.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2111 @@
+ * xine_part.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Jürgen Kofler <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "xine_part.h"
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kinstance.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kstdaction.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <kxmlguifactory.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kparts/genericfactory.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kio/netaccess.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <dcopclient.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
+#include <ktoolbar.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include <qfontmetrics.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qdatetimeedit.h>
+#include <xine/xineutils.h>
+#include "mrl.h"
+#include "kxinewidget.h"
+#include "videosettings.h"
+#include "equalizer.h"
+#include "deinterlacequality.h"
+#include "filterdialog.h"
+#include "screenshotpreview.h"
+#include "xineconfig.h"
+#include "positionslider.h"
+#include "playlistimport.h"
+#include "version.h"
+typedef KParts::GenericFactory<XinePart> XinePartFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY (libxinepart, XinePartFactory)
+XinePart::XinePart(QWidget* parentWidget, const char* widgetName, QObject* parent, const char* name, const QStringList& args)
+ : DCOPObject("XinePartIface"),
+ KaffeinePart(parent, name ? name : "XinePart"),
+ m_current(0), m_xine(NULL), m_pictureSettings(NULL), m_deinterlacerConfigWidget(NULL),
+ m_filterDialog(NULL), m_embeddedContext(NULL)
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Creating new XinePart..." << endl;
+ /*
+ * Parsing parameter given by kaffeine (audiodriver, videodriver, verbose)
+ * or parameters of <embed>...</embed>
+ *
+ * format: param="value"
+ */
+ QString audioDriver = QString::null;
+ QString videoDriver = QString::null;
+ bool verbose = false;
+ TimeShiftFilename = "";
+ for (uint i=0; i<args.count(); i++)
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Argument: " << args[i] << endl;
+ if (args[i].left(11).lower() == "audiodriver")
+ {
+ audioDriver = args[i].section( '"',1, 1 );
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Found audiodriver parameter, value: " << audioDriver << endl;
+ }
+ if (args[i].left(11).lower() == "videodriver")
+ {
+ videoDriver = args[i].section( '"',1, 1 );
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Found videodriver parameter, value: " << videoDriver << endl;
+ }
+ if (args[i].left(7).lower() == "verbose")
+ {
+ if (args[i].section( '"', 1, 1 ).lower() == "true")
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Found parameter verbose, set xine engine verbosity to max..." << endl;
+ verbose = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // we need an instance
+ setInstance(XinePartFactory::instance());
+ // be careful - we may be embedded
+ QString configPath = locate("data", "kaffeine/xine-config");
+ QString logoPath = locate("data", "kaffeine/logo");
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Using xine-config file: " << configPath << endl;
+ m_xine = new KXineWidget(parentWidget, widgetName, configPath, logoPath,
+ audioDriver, videoDriver, /* start xine manual*/true, verbose);
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalXineFatal(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(stopDvb()), this, SIGNAL(stopDvb()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalDvbOSDHidden()), this, SIGNAL(dvbOSDHide()));
+ m_xine->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus);
+ setWidget(m_xine);
+ // set our XML-UI resource file
+ setXMLFile("xine_part.rc");
+ initActions();
+ initConnections();
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotDisableAllActions()));
+ m_oldPosition = m_xine->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0));
+ m_posCheckTimer.start(333);
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: destructor" << endl;
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart destructor: calling saveConfig()" << endl;
+ saveConfig();
+ if (m_embeddedContext)
+ delete m_embeddedContext;
+KAboutData *XinePart::createAboutData()
+ KAboutData* aboutData = new KAboutData( "kaffeine", I18N_NOOP("XinePart"),
+ KAFFEINE_VERSION, I18N_NOOP("A xine based player part for Kaffeine."),
+ KAboutData::License_GPL,
+ "(c) 2003-2004, Jürgen Kofler.", 0, "");
+ aboutData->addAuthor("Jürgen Kofler.",0, "");
+ return aboutData;
+bool XinePart::openURL(const MRL& mrl)
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart::openURL(): " << mrl.url() << endl;
+ // if (!mrl.kurl().isValid())
+ // return false;
+ m_mrl = mrl;
+ m_playlist.clear();
+ m_current = 0;
+ bool playlist = false;
+ QString ext = m_mrl.kurl().fileName();
+ ext = ext.remove( 0 , ext.findRev('.')+1 ).lower();
+ if (!m_mrl.mime().isNull())
+ {
+ KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL(m_mrl.kurl().path());
+ m_mrl.setMime(mime->name());
+ }
+ /* is m_mrl a playlist? */
+ if ((m_mrl.mime() == "text/plain") || (m_mrl.mime() == "text/xml") || (m_mrl.mime() == "application/x-kaffeine")
+ || (m_mrl.mime() == "audio/x-scpls") || (m_mrl.mime() == "audio/x-mpegurl") || (m_mrl.mime() == "audio/mpegurl")
+ || (m_mrl.mime() == "application/smil")
+ || (ext == "asx") || (ext == "asf") || (ext == "wvx") || (ext == "wax")) /* windows meta files */
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Check for kaffeine/noatun/m3u/pls/asx playlist\n";
+ QString localFile;
+ if (KIO::NetAccess::download(m_mrl.kurl(), localFile, widget()))
+ {
+ QFile file(localFile);
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ QString firstLine = stream.readLine();
+ QString secondLine = stream.readLine();
+ file.close();
+ if (secondLine.contains("kaffeine", false))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "KafeinePart: Try loading kaffeine playlist\n";
+ playlist = PlaylistImport::kaffeine(localFile, m_playlist);
+ }
+ if (secondLine.contains("noatun", false))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Try loading noatun playlist\n";
+ playlist = PlaylistImport::noatun(localFile, m_playlist);
+ }
+ if (firstLine.contains("asx", false))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Try loading asx playlist\n";
+ playlist = PlaylistImport::asx(localFile, m_playlist);
+ }
+ if (firstLine.contains("smil", false))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Try loading smil playlist\n";
+ if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) support is rudimentary!\nXinePart can now try to playback contained video sources without any layout. Proceed?"), QString::null, KStdGuiItem::yes(), KStdGuiItem::no(), "smil_warning") == KMessageBox::Yes)
+ {
+ if (!PlaylistImport::smil(localFile, m_mrl, m_playlist))
+ {
+ emit signalTrackFinished();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (firstLine.contains("[playlist]", false))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Try loading pls playlist\n";
+ playlist = PlaylistImport::pls(localFile, m_playlist);
+ }
+ if (ext == "m3u") //indentify by extension
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Try loading m3u playlist\n";
+ playlist = PlaylistImport::m3u(localFile, m_playlist);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ kdError() << "XinePart: " << KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString() << endl;
+ }
+ /* check for ram playlist */
+ if ( (ext == "ra") || (ext == "rm") || (ext == "ram") || (ext == "lsc") || (ext == "pl") )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Try loading ram playlist\n";
+ playlist = PlaylistImport::ram(m_mrl, m_playlist, widget());
+ }
+ /* urls from audiocd kio-slave */
+ if (m_mrl.kurl().protocol() == "audiocd")
+ {
+ QString audioTrack = QString::number(m_mrl.kurl().fileName().remove( QRegExp("\\D" ) ).left(2).toUInt());
+ m_mrl = MRL(audioTrack.prepend( "cdda:/" ));
+ }
+ if (!playlist)
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Got single track\n";
+ m_playlist.append(m_mrl);
+ }
+ slotPlay(true);
+ return true;
+bool XinePart::closeURL()
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart::closeURL()" << endl;
+ // m_playlist.clear();
+ // m_mrl = MRL();
+ slotStop();
+ return true;
+void XinePart::slotPlay(bool forcePlay)
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart::slotPlay()" << endl;
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+ if (m_xine->isPlaying())
+ {
+ if ( (m_xine->getSpeed() != KXineWidget::Normal) && !forcePlay )
+ {
+ m_xine->slotSpeedNormal();
+ slotEnablePlayActions();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ emit stopDvb();
+ }
+ if (m_playlist.count() == 0)
+ {
+ emit signalRequestCurrentTrack();
+ return;
+ }
+ MRL mrl = m_playlist[m_current];
+ /*
+ * is protocol supported by xine or not known by KIO?
+ */
+ if ((QString(SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS).contains(mrl.kurl().protocol()))
+ || (!KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(mrl.kurl())))
+ {
+ QString sub;
+ if ((!mrl.subtitleFiles().isEmpty()) && (mrl.currentSubtitle() > -1))
+ sub = QString("#subtitle:%1").arg(mrl.subtitleFiles()[mrl.currentSubtitle()]);
+ m_xine->clearQueue();
+ m_xine->appendToQueue(mrl.url() + sub );
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, m_xine, SLOT(slotPlay()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Protocol not supported by xine, try to download it..." << endl;
+ QString localFile;
+ if (KIO::NetAccess::download(mrl.kurl(), localFile, widget()))
+ {
+ m_xine->clearQueue();
+ m_xine->appendToQueue(localFile);
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, m_xine, SLOT(slotPlay()));
+ }
+ else
+ kdError() << "XinePart: " << KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString() << endl;
+ }
+void XinePart::slotStop()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ emit stopDvb();
+ /* if we play a DVD we cache current title and chapter */
+ if (m_playlist[m_current].url().startsWith("dvd:/"))
+ {
+ uint title = m_xine->currentDVDTitleNumber();
+ uint chapter = m_xine->currentDVDChapterNumber();
+ m_playlist[m_current] = MRL("dvd://" + QString::number(title) + "." + QString::number(chapter));
+ }
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, m_xine, SLOT(slotStop()));
+ stateChanged("not_playing");
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+ m_playTime->setText("0:00:00");
+ emit setWindowCaption("");
+void XinePart::slotNext()
+ if (m_xine->hasChapters())
+ {
+ m_xine->playNextChapter();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((m_playlist.count() > 0) && (m_current < m_playlist.count()-1))
+ {
+ m_current++;
+ slotPlay();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emit signalRequestNextTrack();
+ }
+void XinePart::slotPrevious()
+ if (m_xine->hasChapters())
+ {
+ m_xine->playPreviousChapter();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_current > 0)
+ {
+ m_current--;
+ slotPlay();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emit signalRequestPreviousTrack();
+ }
+void XinePart::requestForOSD( const QString &text, int duration, int priority )
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage( text, duration, priority );
+void XinePart::setDvbCurrentNext( const QString &channelName, const QStringList &list )
+ m_xine->setDvbCurrentNext( channelName, list );
+void XinePart::slotDvbOpen( const QString &filename, const QString &chanName, int haveVideo )
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ return;
+ m_playlist.clear();
+ m_xine->setDvb( filename, chanName, haveVideo );
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, m_xine, SLOT(openDvb()));
+ //m_xine->openDvb( filename, chanName, haveVideo );
+void XinePart::getTimeShiftFilename( const QString &filename )
+ TimeShiftFilename = filename;
+ m_xine->TimeShiftFilename = TimeShiftFilename;
+void XinePart::slotTogglePause( bool pauseLive )
+ kdDebug() << "slotSpeedPause()" << endl;
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ if (m_xine->getSpeed() == KXineWidget::Pause)
+ {
+ m_xine->slotSpeedNormal();
+ slotEnablePlayActions();
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( pauseLive )
+ emit playerPause();
+ m_xine->slotSpeedPause();
+ // kdDebug() << "XinePart: Set state to paused" << endl;
+ stateChanged("paused");
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(true);
+ }
+void XinePart::speedFaster()
+ slotFastForward();
+void XinePart::slotFastForward()
+ if (m_xine->getSpeed() == KXineWidget::Pause)
+ {
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+ slotEnablePlayActions();
+ }
+ m_xine->slotSpeedFaster();
+void XinePart::speedSlower()
+ slotSlowMotion();
+void XinePart::slotSlowMotion()
+ if (m_xine->getSpeed() == KXineWidget::Pause)
+ {
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+ slotEnablePlayActions();
+ }
+ m_xine->slotSpeedSlower();
+void XinePart::slotMute()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotToggleMute();
+void XinePart::slotVolumeUp()
+ int newVol = volume() + 5;
+ if (newVol >100)
+ newVol = 100;
+ slotSetVolume(newVol);
+void XinePart::slotVolumeDown()
+ int newVol = volume() - 5;
+ if (newVol <0)
+ newVol = 0;
+ slotSetVolume(newVol);
+void XinePart::slotPosPlusSmall()
+ slotJumpIncrement( 20 );
+void XinePart::slotPosMinusSmall()
+ slotJumpIncrement( -20 );
+void XinePart::slotPosPlusMedium()
+ slotJumpIncrement( 60 );
+void XinePart::slotPosMinusMedium()
+ slotJumpIncrement( -60 );
+void XinePart::slotPosPlusLarge()
+ slotJumpIncrement( 600 );
+void XinePart::slotPosMinusLarge()
+ slotJumpIncrement( -600 );
+void XinePart::slotJumpIncrement(int increment)
+ if (!m_xine->isSeekable())
+ return;
+ QTime timeNow;
+ QTime projectedTime;
+ QTime startTime;
+ if (!m_xine->getLength().isNull())
+ {
+ timeNow = m_xine->getPlaytime();
+ if ( increment < 0 && timeNow.msecsTo(startTime) > increment * 1000 )
+ {
+ m_xine->slotSeekToTime(startTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ projectedTime = timeNow.addSecs(increment);
+ m_xine->slotSeekToTime(projectedTime);
+ }
+ }
+void XinePart::slotAdvanceSubTitle()
+ int spuOffset;
+ m_xine->getspuOffset(spuOffset);
+ m_xine->slotSetSpuOffset(spuOffset+45000);
+void XinePart::slotDelaySubTitle()
+ int spuOffset;
+ m_xine->getspuOffset(spuOffset);
+ m_xine->slotSetSpuOffset(spuOffset-45000);
+void XinePart::slotSaveStream()
+ if (m_mrl.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QString saveDir = m_xine->getStreamSaveDir();
+ KURL kurl = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(saveDir + "/" + m_playlist[m_current].kurl().fileName(), QString::null, 0, i18n("Save Stream As"));
+ if (!kurl.isValid())
+ return;
+ if ( saveDir != )
+ m_xine->setStreamSaveDir(;
+ m_xine->clearQueue();
+ m_xine->appendToQueue(m_playlist[m_current].url() + "#save:" + kurl.path());
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, m_xine, SLOT(slotPlay()));
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+void XinePart::slotSetSubtitle(int channel)
+ if (m_playlist[m_current].subtitleFiles().isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_xine->slotSetSubtitleChannel(channel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_playlist[m_current].setCurrentSubtitle(channel - 1);
+ emit signalNewMeta(m_mrl);
+ m_xine->savePosition(m_xine->getPosition()-200);
+ slotPlay(true); //force load of new subtitle
+ }
+ emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Subtitle") + ": " + m_subtitles->items()[channel]);
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(i18n("Subtitle") + ": " + m_subtitles->items()[channel], DEFAULT_OSD_DURATION);
+void XinePart::slotAddSubtitle(void)
+ QString subtitleURL = KFileDialog::getOpenURL(m_mrl.kurl().directory(),
+ i18n("*.smi *.srt *.sub *.txt *.ssa *.asc|Subtitle Files\n*.*|All Files"),
+ 0, i18n("Select Subtitle File")).path();
+ if (!(subtitleURL.isEmpty()))
+ {
+ if (!m_playlist[m_current].subtitleFiles().contains(subtitleURL))
+ {
+ m_playlist[m_current].addSubtitleFile(subtitleURL);
+ }
+ int subchannel = m_playlist[m_current].subtitleFiles().size() - 1;
+ m_playlist[m_current].setCurrentSubtitle(subchannel);
+ emit signalNewMeta(m_mrl);
+ m_xine->savePosition(m_xine->getPosition()-200);
+ slotPlay(true); //force load of new subtitle
+ emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Subtitle") + ": " + m_subtitles->items()[subchannel]);
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(i18n("Subtitle") + ": " + m_subtitles->items()[subchannel], DEFAULT_OSD_DURATION);
+ }
+void XinePart::slotSetAudioChannel(int channel)
+ m_xine->slotSetAudioChannel(channel);
+ emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Audiochannel") + ": " + m_audioChannels->items()[channel]);
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(i18n("Audiochannel") + ": " + m_audioChannels->items()[channel], DEFAULT_OSD_DURATION);
+void XinePart::slotSetDVDTitle(const QString& titleStr)
+ bool ok;
+ uint title = titleStr.toInt(&ok);
+ if (ok && title > 0 && title <= m_xine->getDVDTitleCount())
+ {
+ KURL url = m_mrl.kurl();
+ url.addPath(QString::number(title));
+ m_playlist[m_current] = MRL(url);
+ slotPlay(true);
+ }
+void XinePart::slotSetDVDChapter(const QString& chapterStr)
+ bool ok;
+ uint chapter = chapterStr.toInt(&ok);
+ if (ok)
+ setDVDChapter(chapter);
+void XinePart::slotSetDVDAngle(const QString& angleStr)
+ bool ok;
+ uint angle = angleStr.toInt(&ok);
+ if (ok && angle > 0 && angle <= m_xine->getDVDAngleCount())
+ {
+ uint title = m_xine->currentDVDTitleNumber();
+ uint chapter = m_xine->currentDVDChapterNumber();
+ KURL url = m_mrl.kurl();
+ url.addPath(QString::number(title) + "." + QString::number(chapter) + "." + QString::number(angle));
+ m_playlist[m_current] = MRL(url);
+ slotPlay(true);
+ }
+void XinePart::setDVDChapter(uint chapter)
+ if (chapter > 0 && chapter <= m_xine->getDVDChapterCount())
+ {
+ uint title = m_xine->currentDVDTitleNumber();
+ KURL url = m_mrl.kurl();
+ url.addPath(QString::number(title) + "." + QString::number(chapter));
+ m_playlist[m_current] = MRL(url);
+ slotPlay(true);
+ }
+void XinePart::slotChannelInfo(const QStringList& audio, const QStringList& sub, int currentAudio, int currentSub)
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: slotChannelInfo: currentAudio="<<currentAudio<< " currentSub="<<currentSub<<"\n";
+ m_audioChannels->setItems(audio);
+ m_audioChannels->setCurrentItem(currentAudio+1);
+ if (m_playlist[m_current].subtitleFiles().isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_subtitles->setItems(sub);
+ m_subtitles->setCurrentItem(currentSub+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QStringList subFiles = m_playlist[m_current].subtitleFiles();
+ QStringList subs(i18n("off"));
+ QString sub;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator end(subFiles.end());
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = subFiles.begin(); it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ sub = (*it);
+ sub = sub.remove(0 , sub.findRev('/')+1);
+ subs.append(sub);
+ }
+ m_subtitles->setItems(subs);
+ m_subtitles->setCurrentItem(m_playlist[m_current].currentSubtitle() + 1);
+ }
+ /* if we play a DVD enable and fill menus */
+ if (m_playlist[m_current].url().startsWith("dvd:/"))
+ {
+ QStringList titles;
+ QStringList chapters;
+ QStringList angles;
+ uint titlesCount = m_xine->getDVDTitleCount();
+ uint chaptersCount = m_xine->getDVDChapterCount();
+ uint anglesCount = m_xine->getDVDAngleCount();
+ for (uint i = 1; i <= titlesCount; i++)
+ titles.append(QString::number(i));
+ for (uint i = 1; i <= chaptersCount; i++)
+ chapters.append(QString::number(i));
+ for (uint i = 1; i <= anglesCount; i++)
+ angles.append(QString::number(i));
+ m_dvdTitles->setItems(titles);
+ m_dvdTitles->setCurrentItem(m_xine->currentDVDTitleNumber() - 1);
+ m_dvdChapters->setItems(chapters);
+ m_dvdChapters->setCurrentItem(m_xine->currentDVDChapterNumber() - 1);
+ m_dvdAngles->setItems(angles);
+ m_dvdAngles->setCurrentItem(m_xine->currentDVDAngleNumber() - 1);
+ stateChanged("dvd_playback");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stateChanged("dvd_playback", StateReverse);
+ }
+void XinePart::slotNewPosition(int pos, const QTime& playtime)
+ QTime length = m_xine->getLength();
+ QTime calcLength;
+ //if (!m_xine->isSeekable() || length.isNull() || length < playtime)
+ if (!m_xine->isSeekable() )
+ {
+ m_position->setPosition(0,false);
+ m_position->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_position->setPosition(pos, false);
+ m_position->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ if (m_timerDirection == BACKWARD_TIMER && !length.isNull() && length >= playtime)
+ calcLength = length.addSecs(-playtime.second()-playtime.minute()*60-playtime.hour()*60*60);
+ else
+ calcLength = playtime;
+ if (m_timerDirection == BACKWARD_TIMER)
+ m_playTime->setText("-" + calcLength.toString("h:mm:ss"));
+ else
+ m_playTime->setText(calcLength.toString("h:mm:ss"));
+ QString timeMessage;
+ if (m_isOsdTimer)
+ {
+ if (m_timerDirection == BACKWARD_TIMER || length.isNull() || length < playtime)
+ {
+ timeMessage = calcLength.toString("h:mm:ss");
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage("-" + timeMessage, 600, OSD_MESSAGE_LOW_PRIORITY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeMessage = i18n("%1 of %2").arg(calcLength.toString("h:mm:ss")).arg(length.toString("h:mm:ss"));
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(timeMessage, 600, OSD_MESSAGE_LOW_PRIORITY);
+ }
+ }
+ currentPosition = (playtime.hour()*3600)+(playtime.minute()*60)+playtime.second();
+QString XinePart::screenShot()
+ QString filename = QDir::homeDirPath()+"/kaffeinedcopshot.jpg";
+ QImage shot = m_xine->getScreenshot();
+ if ( filename, "JPEG" ) )
+ return filename;
+ else
+ return "";
+void XinePart::slotScreenshot()
+ QImage shot = m_xine->getScreenshot();
+ KFileDialog dlg(":kaffeineMain_Screenshot", i18n("*.png|PNG-File\n*.bmp|BMP-File\n*.xbm|XBM-File"),
+ 0, "save screenshot", true);
+ dlg.setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving);
+ dlg.setCaption(i18n("Save Screenshot As"));
+ dlg.setSelection("screenshot.png");
+ ScreenshotPreview* prev = new ScreenshotPreview(shot, &dlg);
+ dlg.setPreviewWidget(prev);
+ dlg.exec();
+ QString fileName = dlg.selectedFile();
+ if (fileName.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QString type = dlg.currentFilter();
+ type = (type.remove(0,2)).upper();
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Save screenshot as " << type << "\n";
+ if (!, type.ascii()))
+ kdError() << "XinePart: Screenshot not saved successfully!" << endl;
+void XinePart::slotFilterDialog()
+ if (!m_filterDialog)
+ {
+ m_filterDialog = new FilterDialog(m_xine->getAudioFilterNames(), m_xine->getVideoFilterNames());
+ connect(m_filterDialog, SIGNAL(signalCreateAudioFilter(const QString&, QWidget*)),
+ m_xine, SLOT(slotCreateAudioFilter(const QString&, QWidget*)));
+ connect(m_filterDialog, SIGNAL(signalCreateVideoFilter(const QString&, QWidget*)),
+ m_xine, SLOT(slotCreateVideoFilter(const QString&, QWidget*)));
+ connect(m_filterDialog, SIGNAL(signalRemoveAllAudioFilters()), m_xine, SLOT(slotRemoveAllAudioFilters()));
+ connect(m_filterDialog, SIGNAL(signalRemoveAllVideoFilters()), m_xine, SLOT(slotRemoveAllVideoFilters()));
+ connect(m_filterDialog, SIGNAL(signalUseAudioFilters(bool)), m_xine, SLOT(slotEnableAudioFilters(bool)));
+ connect(m_filterDialog, SIGNAL(signalUseVideoFilters(bool)), m_xine, SLOT(slotEnableVideoFilters(bool)));
+ }
+ m_filterDialog->show();
+ m_filterDialog->raise();
+void XinePart::slotDeinterlaceQuality()
+ if (!m_deinterlacerConfigWidget)
+ return;
+ DeinterlaceQuality* deinterlaceQuality = new DeinterlaceQuality((QWidget*)m_deinterlacerConfigWidget);
+ deinterlaceQuality->setQuality(m_lastDeinterlaceQuality);
+ connect(deinterlaceQuality, SIGNAL(signalSetDeinterlaceConfig(const QString&)),
+ m_xine, SLOT(slotSetDeinterlaceConfig(const QString&)));
+ deinterlaceQuality->exec();
+ m_lastDeinterlaceQuality = deinterlaceQuality->getQuality();
+ m_lastDeinterlacerConfig = m_xine->getDeinterlaceConfig();
+ delete deinterlaceQuality;
+void XinePart::slotSetHue( int i )
+ m_hue = i;
+ if ( i==-1 )
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSetHue( i );
+void XinePart::slotSetSaturation( int i )
+ m_saturation = i;
+ if ( i==-1 )
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSetSaturation( i );
+void XinePart::slotSetContrast( int i )
+ m_contrast = i;
+ if ( i==-1 )
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSetContrast( i );
+void XinePart::slotSetBrightness( int i )
+ m_brightness = i;
+ if ( i==-1 )
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSetBrightness( i );
+void XinePart::slotPictureSettings()
+ if (!m_pictureSettings)
+ {
+ int hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset;
+ m_xine->getVideoSettings(hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset);
+ m_pictureSettings = new VideoSettings(hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset);
+ connect(m_pictureSettings, SIGNAL(signalNewHue(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetHue(int)));
+ connect(m_pictureSettings, SIGNAL(signalNewSaturation(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetSaturation(int)));
+ connect(m_pictureSettings, SIGNAL(signalNewContrast(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetContrast(int)));
+ connect(m_pictureSettings, SIGNAL(signalNewBrightness(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetBrightness(int)));
+ connect(m_pictureSettings, SIGNAL(signalNewAVOffset(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetAVOffset(int)));
+ connect(m_pictureSettings, SIGNAL(signalNewSpuOffset(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetSpuOffset(int)));
+ }
+ m_pictureSettings->show();
+ m_pictureSettings->raise();
+void XinePart::slotEqualizer()
+ m_equalizer->show();
+ m_equalizer->raise();
+void XinePart::slotToggleBroadcastSend()
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (m_broadcastSend->isChecked())
+ {
+ m_broadcastPort = (uint)KInputDialog::getInteger( QString::null, i18n("Broadcasting port:"), m_broadcastPort, 0, 1000000, 1, &ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ m_broadcastSend->setChecked(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_xine->setBroadcasterPort(m_broadcastPort);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_xine->setBroadcasterPort(0); /* disable */
+ }
+void XinePart::slotBroadcastReceive()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ return;
+ }
+ KDialogBase* dialog = new KDialogBase(0, "configmaster", true, i18n("Configure Receive Broadcast Stream"), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel);
+ QVBox* page = dialog->makeVBoxMainWidget();
+ new QLabel(i18n("Sender address:"), page);
+ KLineEdit* address = new KLineEdit(m_broadcastAddress, page);
+ new QLabel(i18n("Port:"), page);
+ QSpinBox* port = new QSpinBox(0, 1000000, 1, page);
+ port->setValue(m_broadcastPort);
+ if (dialog->exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted)
+ {
+ m_broadcastPort = port->value();
+ m_broadcastAddress = address->text();
+ openURL(MRL(QString("slave://") + m_broadcastAddress + ":" + QString::number(m_broadcastPort)));
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+void XinePart::slotJumpToPosition()
+ if (!m_xine->isSeekable())
+ return;
+ KDialogBase* dialog = new KDialogBase( 0, "configmaster", true, QString::null, KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel );
+ QVBox* page = dialog->makeVBoxMainWidget();
+ page->setMargin(5);
+ page->setSpacing(5);
+ dialog->disableResize();
+ new QLabel(i18n("Jump to position:"), page);
+ QTimeEdit* timeEdit = new QTimeEdit(page);
+ if (!m_xine->getLength().isNull())
+ {
+ timeEdit->setMaxValue(m_xine->getLength());
+ timeEdit->setTime(m_xine->getPlaytime());
+ }
+ if (dialog->exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted)
+ {
+ m_xine->slotSeekToTime(timeEdit->time());
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+void XinePart::slotButtonTimerPressed()
+ m_osdTimerEnabler.start(500, true); /* Long Click is 500ms */
+void XinePart::slotButtonTimerReleased()
+ if (!m_osdTimerEnabler.isActive())
+ return; /* If short click toggle timer Mode*/
+ m_osdTimerEnabler.stop();
+ //kdDebug() << "XinePart: Toggling forward/backward Timer." << endl;
+ QTime length = m_xine->getLength();
+ if (!length.isNull()) /* if length not available counting backwards has no meaning */
+ {
+ if (m_timerDirection == FORWARD_TIMER)
+ m_timerDirection = BACKWARD_TIMER;
+ else
+ m_timerDirection = FORWARD_TIMER;
+ slotNewPosition(m_xine->getPosition(),m_xine->getPlaytime());
+ }
+void XinePart::slotToggleOsdTimer()
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Toggling Osd Timer." << endl;
+ m_isOsdTimer = !m_isOsdTimer;
+void XinePart::slotConfigXine()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ return;
+ }
+ XineConfig* xineConfigDialog = new XineConfig(m_xine->getXineEngine());
+ xineConfigDialog->exec();
+ delete xineConfigDialog;
+void XinePart::slotError(const QString& errMessage)
+ if ((m_playlist.count() > 0) && (m_current < m_playlist.count() - 1))
+ {
+ slotNext(); // try next before aborting playback; e.g. we play a PLS playlist, primary server is full, now try secondary
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //KMessageBox::detailedError(0, errMessage, m_xine->getXineLog(), i18n("xine Error"));
+ stateChanged("not_playing");
+ KMessageBox::detailedError(0, errMessage, m_xine->getXineLog(), i18n("xine Error"));
+ emit signalPlaybackFailed();
+ }
+void XinePart::slotMessage(const QString& message)
+ QString msg = message;
+ if ( msg.startsWith("@") ) {
+ if ( m_xine->isPlaying() && m_xine->getURL().contains("#") ) // do not warn for url containing #
+ return;
+ msg.remove(0,1);
+ }
+ KMessageBox::information(0, msg, i18n("xine Message"));
+void XinePart::slotStatus(const QString& status)
+ emit setStatusBarText(status);
+ if ((status != i18n("Ready")) && (status != i18n("Playing")))
+ {
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(status, DEFAULT_OSD_DURATION);
+ }
+void XinePart::slotTrackPlaying()
+ QString caption;
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: xine is playing" << endl;
+ m_pauseButton->setChecked(false);
+ QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(slotEnablePlayActions()));
+ if ( m_xine->getURL()=="DVB" )
+ {
+ caption = m_xine->getTitle();
+ emit setWindowCaption(caption);
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(caption, DEFAULT_OSD_DURATION);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* fill current mrl with meta info */
+ MRL mrl = m_playlist[m_current];
+ if (mrl.length().isNull()) /* no meta */
+ {
+ if ((!m_xine->getTitle().isEmpty()) && (!m_xine->getTitle().contains('/'))
+ && (m_xine->getTitle().contains(QRegExp("\\w")) > 2) && (m_xine->getTitle().left(5).lower() != "track"))
+ mrl.setTitle(m_xine->getTitle());
+ if ((mrl.artist().isEmpty()) && (!m_xine->getArtist().isEmpty()))
+ mrl.setArtist(m_xine->getArtist());
+ if ((mrl.album().isEmpty()) && (!m_xine->getAlbum().isEmpty()))
+ mrl.setAlbum(m_xine->getAlbum());
+ if ((mrl.year().isEmpty()) && (!m_xine->getYear().isEmpty()))
+ mrl.setYear(m_xine->getYear());
+ if ((mrl.genre().isEmpty()) && (!m_xine->getGenre().isEmpty()))
+ mrl.setGenre(m_xine->getGenre());
+ if ((mrl.comment().isEmpty()) && (!m_xine->getComment().isEmpty()))
+ mrl.setComment(m_xine->getComment());
+ mrl.setLength(m_xine->getLength());
+ m_playlist[m_current] = mrl;
+ }
+ /* if we don't have a playlist emit signalNewMeta() */
+ if (mrl.url() == m_mrl.url())
+ {
+ m_mrl = mrl;
+ emit signalNewMeta(m_mrl);
+ }
+ caption = mrl.title();
+ if (!mrl.artist().isEmpty())
+ caption.append(QString(" (") + mrl.artist() + ")");
+ emit setWindowCaption(caption);
+ m_xine->showOSDMessage(caption, DEFAULT_OSD_DURATION);
+ //emit signalNewFrameSize(m_xine->getVideoSize());
+void XinePart::slotPlaybackFinished()
+ if ((m_playlist.count() > 0) && (m_current < m_playlist.count()-1))
+ {
+ slotNext();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stateChanged("not_playing");
+ emit signalTrackFinished();
+ }
+void XinePart::slotNewLength()
+ m_mrl.setLength(m_xine->getLength());
+ emit signalNewMeta(m_mrl);
+void XinePart::slotNewTitle()
+ m_mrl.setTitle(m_xine->getTitle());
+ emit signalNewMeta(m_mrl);
+ emit setWindowCaption(m_mrl.title());
+void XinePart::slotNewFrameSize()
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: got new frame size from xine" << endl;
+ emit signalNewFrameSize(m_xine->getVideoSize());
+void XinePart::slotContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
+ if (factory())
+ {
+ KPopupMenu *pop = (KPopupMenu*)factory()->container("context_menu", this);
+ if (pop)
+ pop->popup(pos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_embeddedContext)
+ m_embeddedContext->popup(pos);
+ }
+void XinePart::slotDVDMenuLeft()
+ if (m_xine)
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuLeft();
+void XinePart::slotDVDMenuRight()
+ if (m_xine)
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuRight();
+void XinePart::slotDVDMenuUp()
+ if (m_xine)
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuUp();
+void XinePart::slotDVDMenuDown()
+ if (m_xine)
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuDown();
+void XinePart::slotDVDMenuSelect()
+ if (m_xine)
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuSelect();
+void XinePart::slotInfo()
+ MRL mrl;
+ if ( m_xine->getURL()=="DVB" )
+ mrl=MRL( QString("DVB"), m_xine->getTitle() );
+ else
+ {
+ if ((m_mrl.isEmpty()) || (m_xine->getTitle().isNull()))
+ return;
+ mrl = m_playlist[m_current];
+ }
+ QString info;
+ QTextStream ts(&info, IO_WriteOnly);
+ ts << "<qt><table width=\"90%\">";
+ ts << "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><center><b>" << mrl.title() << "</b></center></td></tr>";
+ if (!mrl.artist().isNull())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Artist") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.artist() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (!mrl.album().isNull())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Album") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.album() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (!mrl.track().isNull())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Track") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.track() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (!mrl.year().isNull())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Year") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.year() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (!mrl.genre().isNull())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Genre") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.genre() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (!(mrl.length().isNull()))
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Length") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.length().toString("h:mm:ss") << "</td></tr>";
+ ts << "<br>";
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Mime") << ":</b></td><td> " << mrl.mime() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (m_xine->hasAudio())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Audio") << ":</b></td><td> " << m_xine->getAudioCodec() << " " << QString::number(m_xine->getAudioBitrate()/1000)
+ << "kb/s</td></tr>";
+ if (m_xine->hasVideo())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Video") << ":</b></td><td> " << m_xine->getVideoCodec() << " " << m_xine->getVideoSize().width() << "x"
+ << m_xine->getVideoSize().height() << "(" << m_xine->getVideoWidth() << "x" << m_xine->getVideoHeight() << ")"<< "</td></tr>";
+ ts << "<br>";
+ if (m_xine->hasSubtitleURL())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Subtitle File") << ":</b></td><td> " << m_xine->getSubtitleURL() << "</td></tr>";
+ if (m_xine->hasSaveURL())
+ ts << "<tr><td><b>" << i18n("Save Stream as") << ":</b></td><td> " << m_xine->getSaveURL() << "</td></tr>";
+ ts << "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>"; // added for better layout
+ ts << "</table></qt>";
+ KMessageBox::information(0, info, i18n("Track info") );
+void XinePart::slotFinalize()
+ if (factory())
+ {
+ KToolBar *pos = (KToolBar*)factory()->container("positionToolBar", this);
+ if (pos)
+ {
+ // pos->alignItemRight(pos->idAt(1), true); //align time widget right
+ pos->setItemAutoSized(pos->idAt(0), true); //set position slider to maximum width
+ }
+ else
+ kdWarning("Position toolbar not found");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: no xmlguifactory, will create a simple context menu..." << endl;
+ KAction* action = NULL;
+ m_embeddedContext = new KPopupMenu(0);
+ m_embeddedContext->insertTitle(instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon("kaffeine", KIcon::Small), i18n("Kaffeine Player"));
+ actionCollection()->action("player_play")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ actionCollection()->action("player_pause")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ actionCollection()->action("player_stop")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ actionCollection()->action("volume_increase")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ actionCollection()->action("volume_decrease")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ actionCollection()->action("audio_mute")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ m_embeddedContext->insertSeparator();
+ actionCollection()->action("player_track_info")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ m_embeddedContext->insertSeparator();
+ actionCollection()->action("file_save_screenshot")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ actionCollection()->action("file_save_stream")->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ m_embeddedContext->insertSeparator();
+ action = new KAction(i18n("Copy URL to Clipboard"), "editcopy", 0, this, SLOT(slotCopyToClipboard()), actionCollection(), "copy_to_clipboard");
+ action->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ action = new KAction(i18n("Play in Kaffeine Externally"), "gear", 0, this, SLOT(slotLaunchExternally()), actionCollection(), "play_externally");
+ action->plug(m_embeddedContext);
+ }
+ QStringList visuals = m_xine->getVisualPlugins();
+ visuals.prepend("none");
+ m_audioVisual->setItems(visuals);
+ loadConfig();
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotEnableAllActions()));
+void XinePart::slotCopyToClipboard()
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Send URL to klipper: " << m_mrl.url() << endl;
+ DCOPClient* client = KApplication::dcopClient();
+ if (!client->send("klipper", "klipper", "setClipboardContents(QString)", m_mrl.url()))
+ kdError() << "Can't send current URL to klipper" << endl;
+void XinePart::slotLaunchExternally()
+ slotStop();
+ QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotLaunchDelayed()));
+void XinePart::slotLaunchDelayed()
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Start Kaffeine with argument: " << m_mrl.url() << endl;
+ KProcess process;
+ process << "kaffeine" << m_mrl.url();
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: Launching Kaffeine externaly..." << endl;
+ process.start(KProcess::DontCare);
+ process.detach();
+void XinePart::initActions()
+ KAction* action = NULL;
+ /* file menu */
+ m_broadcastSend = new KToggleAction(i18n("&Send Broadcast Stream..."), 0, 0, this, SLOT(slotToggleBroadcastSend()), actionCollection(), "network_send");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Receive Broadcast Stream..."), "network", 0, this, SLOT(slotBroadcastReceive()), actionCollection(), "network_receive");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Save Screenshot..."), "frame_image", CTRL|Key_S, this, SLOT(slotScreenshot()), actionCollection(), "file_save_screenshot");
+ action = new KAction(i18n("Save Stream..."), "player_record", Key_R, this, SLOT(slotSaveStream()), actionCollection(), "file_save_stream");
+ action->setWhatsThis(i18n("Saves current stream to harddisc. This feature was disabled for some formats (e.g. Real Media) to prevent potential legal problems."));
+ /* player menu */
+ new KAction(i18n("Toggle Minimal Mode"), 0, 0, this, SIGNAL(signalToggleMinimalMode()), actionCollection(), "player_minimal_mode");
+ new KAction(i18n("Play"), "player_play", 0, this, SLOT(slotPlay()), actionCollection(), "player_play");
+ m_pauseButton = new KToggleAction(i18n("Pause"), "player_pause", Key_Space, this, SLOT(slotTogglePause()), actionCollection(), "player_pause");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Next"), "player_end", Key_PageDown, this, SLOT(slotNext()), actionCollection(), "player_next");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Previous"), "player_start", Key_PageUp, this, SLOT(slotPrevious()), actionCollection(), "player_previous");
+ new KAction(i18n("Stop"), "player_stop", Key_Backspace, this, SLOT(slotStop()), actionCollection(), "player_stop");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Fast Forward"), "player_fwd", ALT|Key_Right, this, SLOT(slotFastForward()), actionCollection(), "player_ff");
+ new KAction(i18n("Slow &Motion"), 0, ALT|Key_Left, this, SLOT(slotSlowMotion()), actionCollection(), "player_slowmotion");
+ new KAction(i18n("Skip Forward (20s)"), NULL, Key_Right, this, SLOT(slotPosPlusSmall()), actionCollection(), "player_posplus_small");
+ new KAction(i18n("Skip Backward (20s)"), NULL, Key_Left, this, SLOT(slotPosMinusSmall()), actionCollection(), "player_posminus_small");
+ new KAction(i18n("Skip Forward (1m)"), NULL, CTRL|Key_PageUp, this, SLOT(slotPosPlusMedium()), actionCollection(), "player_posplus_medium");
+ new KAction(i18n("Skip Backward (1m)"), NULL, CTRL|Key_PageDown, this, SLOT(slotPosMinusMedium()), actionCollection(), "player_posminus_medium");
+ new KAction(i18n("Skip Forward (10m)"), NULL, ALT|Key_PageUp, this, SLOT(slotPosPlusLarge()), actionCollection(), "player_posplus_large");
+ new KAction(i18n("Skip Backward (10m)"), NULL, ALT|Key_PageDown, this, SLOT(slotPosMinusLarge()), actionCollection(), "player_posminus_large");
+ new KAction(i18n("Jump to Position..."), "goto", CTRL|Key_J, this, SLOT(slotJumpToPosition()), actionCollection(), "player_jump_to");
+ new KAction(i18n("DVD Menu Left"), 0, CTRL|Key_Left, this, SLOT(slotDVDMenuLeft()), actionCollection(), "dvdmenuleft");
+ new KAction(i18n("DVD Menu Right"), 0, CTRL|Key_Right, this, SLOT(slotDVDMenuRight()), actionCollection(), "dvdmenuright");
+ new KAction(i18n("DVD Menu Up"), 0, CTRL|Key_Up, this, SLOT(slotDVDMenuUp()), actionCollection(), "dvdmenuup");
+ new KAction(i18n("DVD Menu Down"), 0, CTRL|Key_Down, this, SLOT(slotDVDMenuDown()), actionCollection(), "dvdmenudown");
+ new KAction(i18n("DVD Menu Select"), 0, CTRL|Key_Return, this, SLOT(slotDVDMenuSelect()), actionCollection(), "dvdmenuselect");
+ m_audioChannels = new KSelectAction(i18n("Audio Channel"), 0, actionCollection(), "audio_channels");
+ m_audioChannels->setToolTip(i18n("Select audio channel"));
+ m_audioChannels->setComboWidth( 50 );
+ connect(m_audioChannels, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetAudioChannel(int )));
+ new KAction(i18n("&Next Audio Channel"), 0, 0, this, SLOT(slotNextAudioChannel()), actionCollection(), "next_audio_channels");
+ m_audioVisual = new KSelectAction(i18n("Audio &Visualization"), 0, actionCollection(), "audio_visualization");
+ connect(m_audioVisual, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetVisualPlugin(const QString&)));
+ new KAction(i18n("&Mute"), "player_mute", Key_U, this, SLOT(slotMute()), actionCollection(), "audio_mute");
+ new KAction(i18n("Volume Up"), NULL, Key_Plus, this, SLOT(slotVolumeUp()), actionCollection(), "volume_increase");
+ new KAction(i18n("Volume Down"), NULL, Key_Minus, this, SLOT(slotVolumeDown()), actionCollection(), "volume_decrease");
+ m_deinterlaceEnabled = new KToggleAction(i18n("&Deinterlace"), 0, Key_I, m_xine, SLOT(slotToggleDeinterlace()), actionCollection(), "video_deinterlace");
+ m_deinterlaceEnabled->setWhatsThis(i18n("Activate this for interlaced streams, some DVD's for example."));
+ new KAction(i18n("&Auto"), "viewmagfit", Key_F5, m_xine, SLOT(slotAspectRatioAuto()), actionCollection(), "aspect_auto");
+ new KAction(i18n("&4:3"), "viewmagfit", Key_F6, m_xine, SLOT(slotAspectRatio4_3()), actionCollection(), "aspect_43");
+ new KAction(i18n("A&namorphic"), "viewmagfit", Key_F7, m_xine, SLOT(slotAspectRatioAnamorphic()), actionCollection(), "aspect_anamorphic");
+ new KAction(i18n("&DVB"), "viewmagfit", Key_F8, m_xine, SLOT(slotAspectRatioDVB()), actionCollection(), "aspect_dvb");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Square"), "viewmagfit", Key_F9, m_xine, SLOT(slotAspectRatioSquare()), actionCollection(), "aspect_square");
+ KStdAction::zoomIn(m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomIn()), actionCollection(), "zoom_in");
+ KStdAction::zoomOut(m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomOut()), actionCollection(), "zoom_out");
+ KStdAction::fitToPage(m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomOff()), actionCollection(), "zoom_off");
+ new KAction(i18n("Zoom In Horizontal"), NULL, CTRL|Key_H, m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomInX()), actionCollection(), "zoom_in_x");
+ new KAction(i18n("Zoom Out Horizontal"), NULL, CTRL|SHIFT|Key_H, m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomOutX()), actionCollection(), "zoom_out_x");
+ new KAction(i18n("Zoom In Vertical"), NULL, CTRL|Key_V, m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomInY()), actionCollection(), "zoom_in_y");
+ new KAction(i18n("Zoom Out Vertical"), NULL, CTRL|SHIFT|Key_V, m_xine, SLOT(slotZoomOutY()), actionCollection(), "zoom_out_y");
+ new KAction(i18n("Deinterlace &Quality"), "blend", CTRL|Key_I, this, SLOT(slotDeinterlaceQuality()), actionCollection(), "video_deinterlace_quality");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Video Settings"), "configure", Key_V, this, SLOT(slotPictureSettings()), actionCollection(), "video_picture");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Equalizer"), NULL, Key_E, this, SLOT(slotEqualizer()), actionCollection(), "equalizer");
+ m_subtitles = new KSelectAction(i18n("Subtitle"), 0, actionCollection(), "player_subtitles");
+ m_subtitles->setToolTip(i18n("Select Subtitle"));
+ m_subtitles->setComboWidth( 50 );
+ connect(m_subtitles, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetSubtitle(int)));
+ new KAction(i18n("&Next Subtitle Channel"), 0, 0, this, SLOT(slotNextSubtitleChannel()), actionCollection(), "next_player_subtitles");
+ new KAction(i18n("Delay Subtitle"), 0, CTRL|ALT|Key_Left, this, SLOT(slotDelaySubTitle()), actionCollection(), "adv_sub");
+ new KAction(i18n("Advance Subtitle"), 0, CTRL|ALT|Key_Right, this, SLOT(slotAdvanceSubTitle()), actionCollection(), "delay_sub");
+ new KAction(i18n("Add subtitle..."), 0, 0, this, SLOT(slotAddSubtitle()), actionCollection(), "add_subtitle");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Menu Toggle"), "view_detailed", Key_D, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuToggle()), actionCollection(), "dvd_toggle");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Title"), NULL, 0, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuTitle()), actionCollection(), "dvd_title");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Root"), NULL, 0, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuRoot()), actionCollection(), "dvd_root");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Subpicture"), NULL, 0, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuSubpicture()), actionCollection(), "dvd_subpicture");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Audio"), NULL, 0, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuAudio()), actionCollection(), "dvd_audio");
+ new KAction(i18n("An&gle"), NULL, 0, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuAngle()), actionCollection(), "dvd_angle");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Part"), NULL, 0, m_xine, SLOT(slotMenuPart()), actionCollection(), "dvd_part");
+ m_dvdTitles = new KSelectAction(i18n("Titles"), 0, actionCollection(), "dvd_title_menu");
+ connect(m_dvdTitles, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotSetDVDTitle(const QString&)));
+ m_dvdChapters = new KSelectAction(i18n("Chapters"), 0, actionCollection(), "dvd_chapter_menu");
+ connect(m_dvdChapters, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotSetDVDChapter(const QString&)));
+ m_dvdAngles = new KSelectAction(i18n("Angles"), 0, actionCollection(), "dvd_angle_menu");
+ connect(m_dvdAngles, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotSetDVDAngle(const QString&)));
+ new KAction(i18n("Track &Info"), "info", 0 , this, SLOT(slotInfo()), actionCollection(), "player_track_info");
+ new KAction(i18n("Effect &Plugins..."), "filter", Key_X, this, SLOT(slotFilterDialog()), actionCollection(), "player_post_filters");
+ /* settings menu */
+ new KAction(i18n("&xine Engine Parameters"), "edit", 0, this, SLOT(slotConfigXine()), actionCollection(), "settings_xine_parameter");
+ m_volume = new VolumeSlider();
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_volume, i18n("Volume"));
+ m_volume->setRange(0, 100);
+ m_volume->setSteps(1, 10);
+ m_volume->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ m_volume->setFixedWidth(75);
+ connect(m_volume, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotVolumeChanged(int)));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalSyncVolume()), this, SLOT(slotSyncVolume()));
+ new KWidgetAction(m_volume, i18n("Volume"), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "audio_volume");
+ m_position = new PositionSlider(Horizontal);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_position, i18n("Position"));
+ m_position->setRange(0, 65535);
+ m_position->setSteps(100, 1000);
+ m_position->setTracking(false);
+ m_position->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ m_position->setMinimumWidth(180);
+ connect(m_position, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSeekToPosition(int)));
+ connect(m_position, SIGNAL(sliderLastMove(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSeekToPositionBlocking(int)));
+ connect(m_position, SIGNAL(signalStartSeeking()), m_xine, SLOT(slotStartSeeking()));
+ connect(m_position, SIGNAL(signalStopSeeking()), m_xine, SLOT(slotStopSeeking()));
+ new KWidgetAction(m_position, i18n("Position"), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "player_position");
+ m_playTime = new QPushButton(0);
+ QToolTip::add
+ (m_playTime, i18n("Short click: Toggle Timer Forward/Backward\nLong click: Toggle Timer OSD"));
+ QFontMetrics met(KGlobalSettings::generalFont());
+ m_playTime->setFixedWidth(met.width("-55:55:55") + 6);
+ m_playTime->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
+ m_playTime->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ new KWidgetAction(m_playTime, i18n("Playtime"), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "player_playtime");
+ connect(m_playTime, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(slotButtonTimerPressed()));
+ connect(m_playTime, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(slotButtonTimerReleased()));
+ m_playTime->setText("0:00:00");
+ m_equalizer = new Equalizer();
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq30(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq30(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq60(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq60(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq125(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq125(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq250(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq250(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq500(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq500(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq1k(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq1k(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq2k(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq2k(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq4k(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq4k(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq8k(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq8k(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalNewEq16k(int)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetEq16k(int)));
+ connect(m_equalizer, SIGNAL(signalSetVolumeGain(bool)), m_xine, SLOT(slotSetVolumeGain(bool)));
+void XinePart::initConnections()
+ connect(&m_posCheckTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCheckMoved()));
+ connect(&m_osdTimerEnabler, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotToggleOsdTimer()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalXineReady()), this, SLOT(slotFinalize()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalNewChannels(const QStringList&, const QStringList&, int, int )),
+ this, SLOT(slotChannelInfo(const QStringList&, const QStringList&, int, int )));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalXinePlaying()), this, SLOT(slotTrackPlaying()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalNewPosition(int, const QTime&)), this, SLOT(slotNewPosition(int, const QTime&)));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalXineStatus(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotStatus(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalXineError(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotError(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalXineMessage(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotMessage(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalPlaybackFinished()), this, SLOT(slotPlaybackFinished()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalTitleChanged()), this, SLOT(slotNewTitle()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalLengthChanged()), this, SLOT(slotNewLength()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalVideoSizeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotNewFrameSize()));
+ connect(m_xine, SIGNAL(signalRightClick(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(slotContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
+void XinePart::loadConfig()
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: load config" << endl;
+ KConfig* config = instance()->config();
+ config->setGroup("General Options");
+ if (m_xine->SoftwareMixing())
+ {
+ int vol = config->readNumEntry("Volume", 70);
+ slotSetVolume(vol);
+ }
+ else
+ slotSyncVolume();
+ m_timerDirection = config->readNumEntry("Timer Direction", FORWARD_TIMER);
+ m_isOsdTimer = config->readBoolEntry("Osd Timer", false);
+ config->setGroup("Visualization");
+ QString visual = config->readEntry("Visual Plugin", "goom");
+ m_audioVisual->setCurrentItem(m_audioVisual->items().findIndex(visual));
+ m_xine->slotSetVisualPlugin(visual);
+ config->setGroup("Deinterlace");
+ m_lastDeinterlaceQuality = config->readNumEntry("Quality Level", 4);
+ m_lastDeinterlacerConfig = config->readEntry("Config String", DEFAULT_TVTIME_CONFIG);
+ DeinterlacerConfigDialog* deinterlacerConfigDialog = new DeinterlacerConfigDialog();
+ m_xine->createDeinterlacePlugin(m_lastDeinterlacerConfig, deinterlacerConfigDialog->getMainWidget());
+ m_deinterlacerConfigWidget = (QWidget*)deinterlacerConfigDialog;
+ bool deinterlaceEnabled = config->readBoolEntry("Enabled", true);
+ if (deinterlaceEnabled)
+ {
+ m_deinterlaceEnabled->setChecked(deinterlaceEnabled);
+ m_xine->slotToggleDeinterlace();
+ }
+ config->setGroup("Broadcasting Options");
+ m_broadcastPort = config->readNumEntry("Port", 8080);
+ m_broadcastAddress = config->readEntry("Master Address", "localhost");
+ config->setGroup( "Video Settings" );
+ slotSetHue(config->readNumEntry( "Hue", -1));
+ slotSetSaturation(config->readNumEntry( "Saturation", -1));
+ slotSetContrast(config->readNumEntry( "Contrast", -1));
+ slotSetBrightness(config->readNumEntry( "Brigthness", -1));
+ m_equalizer->ReadValues(config);
+void XinePart::saveConfig()
+ if (!m_audioVisual->items().count()) // no config loaded
+ return;
+ kdDebug() << "XinePart: save config" << endl;
+ KConfig* config = instance()->config();
+ config->setGroup("General Options");
+ config->writeEntry("Volume", m_volume->value());
+ config->writeEntry("Timer Direction", m_timerDirection);
+ config->writeEntry("Osd Timer", m_isOsdTimer);
+ config->setGroup("Visualization");
+ config->writeEntry("Visual Plugin", m_audioVisual->currentText());
+ config->setGroup("Deinterlace");
+ config->writeEntry("Quality Level", m_lastDeinterlaceQuality);
+ config->writeEntry("Config String", m_lastDeinterlacerConfig);
+ config->writeEntry("Enabled", m_deinterlaceEnabled->isChecked());
+ config->setGroup("Broadcasting Options");
+ config->writeEntry("Port", m_broadcastPort);
+ config->writeEntry("Master Address", m_broadcastAddress);
+ config->setGroup( "Video Settings" );
+ config->writeEntry( "Hue", m_hue );
+ config->writeEntry( "Saturation", m_saturation );
+ config->writeEntry( "Contrast", m_contrast );
+ config->writeEntry( "Brigthness", m_brightness );
+ m_equalizer->SaveValues(config);
+/* check if shell was moved, send new global position
+ of the part to xine */
+void XinePart::slotCheckMoved()
+ QPoint newPos = m_xine->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0));
+ if (newPos != m_oldPosition)
+ {
+ m_xine->globalPosChanged();
+ m_oldPosition = newPos;
+ }
+bool XinePart::isPlaying()
+ return m_xine->isPlaying();
+bool XinePart::isPaused()
+ return (m_xine->getSpeed() == KXineWidget::Pause);
+#if 0
+void XinePart::audiocdMRLS(MRL::List& mrls, bool& ok, bool& supported, const QString& device)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ {
+ supported = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ supported = true;
+ if (!device.isNull())
+ m_xine->slotSetAudiocdDevice(device);
+ QStringList list;
+ if (!m_xine->getAutoplayPluginURLS("CD", list))
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ MRL mrl;
+ /* use xine to connect to CDDB */
+ xine_stream_t* xineStreamForMeta = xine_stream_new((xine_t*)m_xine->getXineEngine(), NULL, NULL);
+ KProgressDialog* progress = new KProgressDialog(0, "cddbprogress", QString::null, i18n("Looking for CDDB entries..."));
+ progress->progressBar()->setTotalSteps(list.count());
+ progress->show();
+ QString title;
+ bool cddb = true;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)
+ {
+ mrl = MRL(list[i]);
+ mrl.setTitle(i18n("AudioCD Track %1").arg(i+1));
+ mrl.setTrack(QString::number(i+1));
+ if (xine_open(xineStreamForMeta, QFile::encodeName(mrl.url())))
+ {
+ if (cddb)
+ {
+ title = QString::fromUtf8(xine_get_meta_info(xineStreamForMeta, XINE_META_INFO_TITLE));
+ if ((!title.isNull()) && (!title.isEmpty()) ) //no meta info
+ {
+ mrl.setTitle(title);
+ mrl.setArtist(QString::fromUtf8(xine_get_meta_info(xineStreamForMeta, XINE_META_INFO_ARTIST)));
+ mrl.setAlbum(QString::fromUtf8(xine_get_meta_info(xineStreamForMeta, XINE_META_INFO_ALBUM)));
+ mrl.setYear(QString::fromUtf8(xine_get_meta_info(xineStreamForMeta, XINE_META_INFO_YEAR)));
+ mrl.setGenre(QString::fromUtf8(xine_get_meta_info(xineStreamForMeta, XINE_META_INFO_GENRE)));
+ mrl.setTrack(QString::number(i+1));
+ }
+ else
+ cddb = false;
+ }
+ int pos, time, len;
+ int t = 0, ret = 0;
+ while(((ret = xine_get_pos_length(xineStreamForMeta, &pos, &time, &len)) == 0) && (++t < 5))
+ xine_usec_sleep(100000);
+ if ( ( ret != 0 ) && (len > 0) )
+ mrl.setLength(QTime().addMSecs(len));
+ xine_close( xineStreamForMeta );
+ }
+ mrl.setMime("audio/cd");
+ mrls.append(mrl);
+ if (progress->wasCancelled())
+ break;
+ progress->progressBar()->setProgress(i+1);
+ KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents();
+ }
+ xine_dispose(xineStreamForMeta);
+ delete progress;
+ if (mrls.count())
+ ok = true;
+void XinePart::vcdMRLS(MRL::List& mrls, bool& ok, bool& supported, const QString& device)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ {
+ supported = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ supported = true;
+ if (!device.isNull())
+ m_xine->slotSetVcdDevice(device);
+ QStringList list;
+ if (!m_xine->getAutoplayPluginURLS("VCD", list))
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->getAutoplayPluginURLS("VCDO", list))
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ MRL mrl;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)
+ {
+ mrl = MRL(list[i]);
+ mrl.setMime("video/vcd");
+ mrl.setTrack(QString::number(i+1));
+ mrl.setTitle(i18n("VCD Track %1").arg(i+1));
+ mrls.append(mrl);
+ }
+ if (mrls.count())
+ ok = true;
+void XinePart::dvdMRLS(MRL::List& mrls, bool& ok, bool& supported, const QString& device)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ {
+ if (!m_xine->initXine())
+ {
+ supported = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ supported = true;
+ if (!device.isNull())
+ m_xine->slotSetDvdDevice(device);
+ QStringList list;
+ if (!m_xine->getAutoplayPluginURLS("DVD", list))
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ MRL mrl;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)
+ {
+ mrl = MRL(list[i]);
+ mrl.setMime("video/dvd");
+ mrl.setTitle("DVD");
+ mrl.setTrack(QString::number(i+1));
+ mrls.append(mrl);
+ }
+ if (mrls.count())
+ ok = true;
+bool XinePart::hasChapters()
+ if (m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return m_xine->hasChapters();
+ else
+ return false;
+bool XinePart::hasVideo()
+ return m_xine->hasVideo();
+void XinePart::playNextChapter()
+ if (m_xine->isXineReady())
+ m_xine->playNextChapter();
+void XinePart::playPreviousChapter()
+ if (m_xine->isXineReady())
+ m_xine->playPreviousChapter();
+void XinePart::slotPrepareForFullscreen(bool fullscreen)
+ if (fullscreen)
+ m_xine->startMouseHideTimer();
+ else
+ m_xine->stopMouseHideTimer();
+uint XinePart::volume() const
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return 0;
+ return m_xine->getVolume();
+uint XinePart::position() const
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return 0;
+ if ( m_xine->isPlaying() )
+ return currentPosition;
+ else
+ return 0;
+void XinePart::slotSetVolume(uint vol)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ kdDebug() << "Set volume to: " << vol << endl;
+ m_volume->setValue(vol);
+void XinePart::slotVolumeChanged(int vol)
+ m_xine->slotSetVolume(vol);
+void XinePart::slotSyncVolume()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ uint vol = volume();
+ slotSetVolume(vol);
+void XinePart::slotSetPosition(uint pos)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSeekToPosition((int)(pos * 655.35));
+QString XinePart::supportedExtensions()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return QString::null;
+ QString ext = m_xine->getSupportedExtensions();
+ ext = ext.remove("txt");
+ ext = "*." + ext;
+ ext.append(" smil");
+ ext = ext.replace( ' ', " *." );
+ ext = ext + " " + ext.upper();
+ return ext;
+void* XinePart::engine()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return NULL;
+ return (void*)m_xine->getXineEngine();
+void XinePart::slotDisableAllActions()
+ stateChanged("xine_not_ready");
+void XinePart::slotEnableAllActions()
+ stateChanged("xine_not_ready", StateReverse);
+ stateChanged("not_playing");
+void XinePart::slotEnablePlayActions()
+ if ((m_playlist.count() > 1) || (m_xine->hasChapters())) // we need next/previous buttons
+ stateChanged("play_multiple_tracks");
+ else
+ stateChanged("play_single_track");
+void XinePart::slotNextAudioChannel()
+ nextAudioChannel();
+void XinePart::slotNextSubtitleChannel()
+ nextSubtitleChannel();
+/********* DCOP INTERFACE *********/
+void XinePart::nextAudioChannel()
+ int num = m_audioChannels->items().count();
+ int index = m_audioChannels->currentItem()+1;
+ if ( index>=num )
+ index = 0;
+ m_audioChannels->setCurrentItem( index );
+ slotSetAudioChannel( index );
+void XinePart::nextSubtitleChannel()
+ int num = m_subtitles->items().count();
+ int index = m_subtitles->currentItem()+1;
+ if ( index>=num )
+ index = 0;
+ m_subtitles->setCurrentItem( index );
+ slotSetSubtitle( index );
+int XinePart::getContrast()
+ int hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset;
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return -1;
+ m_xine->getVideoSettings(hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset);
+ return contrast;
+void XinePart::setContrast(int c)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSetContrast(c);
+int XinePart::getBrightness()
+ int hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset;
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return -1;
+ m_xine->getVideoSettings(hue, sat, contrast, bright, avOffset, spuOffset);
+ return bright;
+void XinePart::setBrightness(int b)
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotSetBrightness(b);
+void XinePart::dvdMenuUp()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuUp();
+void XinePart::dvdMenuDown()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuDown();
+void XinePart::dvdMenuLeft()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuLeft();
+void XinePart::dvdMenuRight()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuRight();
+void XinePart::dvdMenuSelect()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotDVDMenuSelect();
+void XinePart::dvdMenuToggle()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotMenuToggle();
+void XinePart::aspectRatioAuto()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotAspectRatioAuto();
+void XinePart::aspectRatio4_3()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotAspectRatio4_3();
+void XinePart::aspectRatioAnamorphic()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotAspectRatioAnamorphic();
+void XinePart::aspectRatioSquare()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotAspectRatioSquare();
+void XinePart::aspectRatioDVB()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotAspectRatioDVB();
+void XinePart::zoomInX()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomInX();
+void XinePart::zoomOutX()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomOutX();
+void XinePart::zoomInY()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomInY();
+void XinePart::zoomOutY()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomOutY();
+void XinePart::zoomIn()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomIn();
+void XinePart::zoomOut()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomOut();
+void XinePart::zoomOff()
+ if (!m_xine->isXineReady())
+ return;
+ m_xine->slotZoomOff();
+/********** volume slider ****************/
+VolumeSlider::VolumeSlider() : QSlider(Horizontal, 0)
+ installEventFilter(this);
+void VolumeSlider::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e)
+ int newVal = value();
+ if (e->delta() > 0)
+ newVal -= 5;
+ else if (e->delta() < 0)
+ newVal += 5;
+ setValue(newVal);
+ e->accept();
+/*bool VolumeSlider::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev)
+ if( obj == this && (ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ||
+ ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) )
+ {
+ QMouseEvent *e = (QMouseEvent *)ev;
+ QRect r = sliderRect();
+ if( r.contains( e->pos() ) || e->button() != LeftButton )
+ return FALSE;
+ int range = maxValue() - minValue();
+ int pos = (orientation() == Horizontal) ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y();
+ int maxpos = (orientation() == Horizontal) ? width() : height();
+ int value = pos * range / maxpos + minValue();
+ if (QApplication::reverseLayout())
+ value = maxValue() - (value - minValue());
+ setValue(value);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#include "xine_part.moc"