path: root/filters/kword/latex/export/fileheader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'filters/kword/latex/export/fileheader.cpp')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/filters/kword/latex/export/fileheader.cpp b/filters/kword/latex/export/fileheader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8da25a16e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filters/kword/latex/export/fileheader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+** A program to convert the XML rendered by KWord into LATEX.
+** Copyright (C) 2000, 2002 Robert JACOLIN
+** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** Library General Public License for more details.
+** To receive a copy of the GNU Library General Public License, write to the
+** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "fileheader.h"
+FileHeader* FileHeader::_instance = 0;
+/* Constructor */
+ _hasHeader = false;
+ _hasFooter = false;
+ _hasColor = false;
+ _hasUnderline = false;
+ _hasEnumerate = false;
+ _hasGraphics = false;
+ _hasTable = false;
+ _standardPage = 0;
+ _processing = TP_NORMAL;
+ //setFileHeader(this); /* for xmlParser class. */
+/* Destructor */
+ kdDebug(30522) << "FileHeader Destructor" << endl;
+/* AnalysePaperParam */
+void FileHeader::analysePaperParam(const TQDomNode balise)
+ setFormat(getAttr(balise, "format").toInt());
+ _width = getAttr(balise, "width").toInt();
+ _height = getAttr(balise, "height").toInt();
+ setOrientation(getAttr(balise, "orientation").toInt());
+ setColumns(getAttr(balise, "columns").toInt());
+ _columnSpacing = getAttr(balise, "columnspacing").toInt();
+ setHeadType(getAttr(balise, "hType").toInt());
+ setFootType(getAttr(balise, "fType").toInt());
+ _headBody = getAttr(balise, "spHeadBody").toInt();
+ _footBody = getAttr(balise, "spFootBody").toInt();
+ //getAttr(balise, "zoom").toInt();
+/* AnalysePaper */
+void FileHeader::analysePaper(const TQDomNode balise)
+ analysePaperParam(balise);
+ //setTokenCurrent(balise_initiale->pContent);
+ // Analyse children markups --> PAPERBORDERS
+ TQDomNode fils = getChild(balise, "PAPERSBORDERS");
+ _leftBorder = getAttr(fils, "left").toInt();
+ _rightBorder = getAttr(fils, "right").toInt();
+ _bottomBorder = getAttr(fils, "bottom").toInt();
+ _topBorder = getAttr(fils, "top").toInt();
+/* AnalyseAttributs */
+void FileHeader::analyseAttributs(const TQDomNode balise)
+ setProcessing(getAttr(balise, "processing").toInt());
+ setStandardPge(getAttr(balise, "standardpage").toInt());
+ setTOC(getAttr(balise, "hasTOC").toInt());
+ _hasHeader = getAttr(balise, "hasHeader").toInt();
+ _hasFooter = getAttr(balise, "hasFooter").toInt();
+ setUnit(getAttr(balise, "unit").toInt());
+/* Generate */
+void FileHeader::generate(TQTextStream &out)
+ kdDebug(30522) << "GENERATION OF THE FILE HEADER" << endl;
+ if(Config::instance()->mustUseLatin1())
+ generateLatinPreambule(out);
+ else if(Config::instance()->mustUseUnicode())
+ generateUnicodePreambule(out);
+ generatePackage(out);
+ if(getFormat() == TF_CUSTOM)
+ generatePaper(out);
+ out << "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" << endl << endl;
+/* GeneratePaper */
+void FileHeader::generatePaper(TQTextStream &out)
+ TQString unit;
+ out << "% Format of paper" << endl;
+ kdDebug(30522) << "Generate custom size paper" << endl;
+ /* paper size */
+ out << "\\setlength{\\paperwidth}{" << _width << "pt}" << endl;
+ out << "\\setlength{\\paperheight}{" << _height << "pt}" << endl;
+ /* FileHeader and footer */
+ out << "\\setlength{\\headsep}{" << _headBody << "pt}" << endl;
+ out << "\\setlength{\\footskip}{" << _footBody + _bottomBorder << "pt}" << endl;
+ /* Margin */
+ out << "\\setlength{\\topmargin}{" << _topBorder << "pt}" << endl;
+ out << "\\setlength{\\textwidth}{" << _width - _rightBorder - _leftBorder << "pt}" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+/* GenerateLatinPreambule */
+void FileHeader::generateLatinPreambule(TQTextStream &out)
+ out << "%% Generated by KWord. Don't modify this file but the file *.kwd." << endl;
+ out << "%% Send an email to for bugs, wishes, .... Thank you." << endl;
+ out << "%% Compile this file with : latex filename.tex" << endl;
+ out << "%% a dvi file will be generated." << endl;
+ out << "%% The file uses the latex style (not the kword style). " << endl;
+ out << "\\documentclass[";
+ switch(getFormat())
+ {
+ case TF_A3:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TF_A4:
+ out << "a4paper, ";
+ break;
+ case TF_A5:
+ out << "a5paper, ";
+ break;
+ out << "letterpaper, ";
+ break;
+ case TF_USLEGAL:
+ out << "legalpaper, ";
+ break;
+ case TF_SCREEN:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TF_CUSTOM:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TF_B3:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ out << "executivepaper, ";
+ break;
+ }
+ if(getOrientation() == TO_LANDSCAPE)
+ out << "landscape, ";
+ /* To change : will use a special latexcommand to able to
+ * obtain more than one column :))
+ */
+ switch(getColumns())
+ {
+ case TC_1:
+ //out << "onecolumn, ";
+ break;
+ case TC_2:
+ out << "twocolumn, ";
+ break;
+ case TC_MORE:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TC_NONE:
+ break;
+ }
+ out << Config::instance()->getDefaultFontSize() << "pt";
+ if(Config::instance()->getQuality() == "draft")
+ out << ", draft";
+ out << "]{";
+ out << Config::instance()->getClass() << "}" << endl;
+ out << "\\usepackage[" << Config::instance()->getEncoding() << "]{inputenc}" << endl << endl;
+/* GenerateUnicodePreambule */
+void FileHeader::generateUnicodePreambule(TQTextStream &out)
+ out << "%% Generated by KWord. Don't modify this file but the file *.kwd." << endl;
+ out << "%% Send an email to for bugs, wishes, .... Thank you." << endl;
+ out << "%% Compile this file with : lambda filename.tex" << endl;
+ out << "%% a dvi file will be generated." << endl;
+ out << "%% Use odvips to convert it and to see it with gv" << endl;
+ out << "%% The file uses the latex style (not the kword style). " << endl;
+ out << "\\ocp\\TexUTF=inutf8" << endl;
+ out << "\\InputTranslation currentfile \\TexUTF" << endl;
+ out << "\\documentclass[";
+ switch(getFormat())
+ {
+ case TF_A3:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TF_A4:
+ out << "a4paper, ";
+ break;
+ case TF_A5:
+ out << "a5paper, ";
+ break;
+ out << "letterpaper, ";
+ break;
+ case TF_USLEGAL:
+ out << "legalpaper, ";
+ break;
+ case TF_SCREEN:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TF_CUSTOM:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TF_B3:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ out << "executivepaper, ";
+ break;
+ }
+ if(getOrientation() == TO_LANDSCAPE)
+ out << "landscape, ";
+ /* To change : will use a special latexcommand to able to
+ * obtain more than one column :))
+ */
+ switch(getColumns())
+ {
+ case TC_1:
+ //out << "onecolumn, ";
+ break;
+ case TC_2:
+ out << "twocolumn, ";
+ break;
+ case TC_MORE:
+ out << "";
+ break;
+ case TC_NONE:
+ break;
+ }
+ out << Config::instance()->getDefaultFontSize() << "pt";
+ if(Config::instance()->getQuality() == "draft")
+ out << ", draft";
+ out << "]{";
+ out << Config::instance()->getClass() << "}" << endl;
+/* GeneratePackage */
+void FileHeader::generatePackage(TQTextStream &out)
+ out << "% Package(s) to include" << endl;
+ if(Config::instance()->mustUseUnicode())
+ out << "\\usepackage{omega}" << endl;
+ if(getFormat() == TF_A4)
+ out << "\\usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}" << endl;
+ if(hasFooter() || hasHeader())
+ out << "\\usepackage{fancyhdr}" << endl;
+ if(hasColor())
+ out << "\\usepackage{color}" << endl;
+ if(hasUnderline())
+ out << "\\usepackage{ulem}" << endl;
+ if(hasEnumerate())
+ out << "\\usepackage{enumerate}" << endl;
+ if(hasGraphics())
+ out << "\\usepackage{graphics}" << endl;
+ if(hasTable())
+ {
+ out << "\\usepackage{array}" << endl;
+ out << "\\usepackage{multirow}" << endl;
+ }
+ TQStringList langs = Config::instance()->getLanguagesList();
+ if(langs.count() > 0)
+ {
+ out << "\\usepackage[" << langs.join( ", " ) << "]{babel}" << endl;
+ }
+ out << "\\usepackage{textcomp}" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ if(langs.count() > 1)
+ out <<"\\selectlanguage{" << Config::instance()->getDefaultLanguage()
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+FileHeader* FileHeader::instance()
+ if(_instance == 0)
+ _instance = new FileHeader();
+ return _instance;