path: root/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1243 deletions
diff --git a/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/ b/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eb789032..000000000
--- a/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1243 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 1997-2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC
-#include <aconf.h>
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "GString.h"
-#include "gmem.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "Error.h"
-#include "GlobalParams.h"
-#include "UnicodeMap.h"
-#include "GfxState.h"
-#include "TextOutputDev.h"
-#ifdef MACOS
-// needed for setting type/creator of MacOS files
-#include "ICSupport.h"
-#define textOutSpace 0.2
-#define textOutColSpace 0.2
-struct TextOutColumnEdge {
- double x, y0, y1;
-// TextBlock
-TextBlock::TextBlock() {
- strings = NULL;
- next = NULL;
- xyNext = NULL;
- text = NULL;
- xRight = NULL;
- col = NULL;
-TextBlock::~TextBlock() {
- TextString *p1, *p2;
- for (p1 = strings; p1; p1 = p2) {
- p2 = p1->next;
- delete p1;
- }
- gfree(text);
- gfree(xRight);
- gfree(col);
-// TextLine
-TextLine::TextLine() {
- blocks = NULL;
- next = NULL;
-TextLine::~TextLine() {
- TextBlock *p1, *p2;
- for (p1 = blocks; p1; p1 = p2) {
- p2 = p1->next;
- delete p1;
- }
-// TextString
-TextString::TextString(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0,
- double fontSize) {
- GfxFont *font;
- double x, y;
- state->transform(x0, y0, &x, &y);
- if ((font = state->getFont())) {
- yMin = y - font->getAscent() * fontSize;
- yMax = y - font->getDescent() * fontSize;
- } else {
- // this means that the PDF file draws text without a current font,
- // which should never happen
- yMin = y - 0.95 * fontSize;
- yMax = y + 0.35 * fontSize;
- }
- if (yMin == yMax) {
- // this is a sanity check for a case that shouldn't happen -- but
- // if it does happen, we want to avoid dividing by zero later
- yMin = y;
- yMax = y + 1;
- }
- marked = gFalse;
- text = NULL;
- xRight = NULL;
- len = size = 0;
- next = NULL;
-TextString::~TextString() {
- gfree(text);
- gfree(xRight);
-void TextString::addChar(GfxState */*state*/, double x, double /*y*/,
- double dx, double /*dy*/, Unicode u) {
- if (len == size) {
- size += 16;
- text = (Unicode *)grealloc(text, size * sizeof(Unicode));
- xRight = (double *)grealloc(xRight, size * sizeof(double));
- }
- text[len] = u;
- if (len == 0) {
- xMin = x;
- }
- xMax = xRight[len] = x + dx;
- ++len;
-// TextPage
-TextPage::TextPage(GBool rawOrderA) {
- rawOrder = rawOrderA;
- curStr = NULL;
- fontSize = 0;
- xyStrings = NULL;
- xyCur1 = xyCur2 = NULL;
- lines = NULL;
- nest = 0;
- nTinyChars = 0;
-TextPage::~TextPage() {
- clear();
-void TextPage::updateFont(GfxState *state) {
- GfxFont *font;
- double *fm;
- char *name;
- int code, mCode, letterCode, anyCode;
- double w;
- // adjust the font size
- fontSize = state->getTransformedFontSize();
- if ((font = state->getFont()) && font->getType() == fontType3) {
- // This is a hack which makes it possible to deal with some Type 3
- // fonts. The problem is that it's impossible to know what the
- // base coordinate system used in the font is without actually
- // rendering the font. This code tries to guess by looking at the
- // width of the character 'm' (which breaks if the font is a
- // subset that doesn't contain 'm').
- mCode = letterCode = anyCode = -1;
- for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
- name = ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getCharName(code);
- if (name && name[0] == 'm' && name[1] == '\0') {
- mCode = code;
- }
- if (letterCode < 0 && name && name[1] == '\0' &&
- ((name[0] >= 'A' && name[0] <= 'Z') ||
- (name[0] >= 'a' && name[0] <= 'z'))) {
- letterCode = code;
- }
- if (anyCode < 0 && name && ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getWidth(code) > 0) {
- anyCode = code;
- }
- }
- if (mCode >= 0 &&
- (w = ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getWidth(mCode)) > 0) {
- // 0.6 is a generic average 'm' width -- yes, this is a hack
- fontSize *= w / 0.6;
- } else if (letterCode >= 0 &&
- (w = ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getWidth(letterCode)) > 0) {
- // even more of a hack: 0.5 is a generic letter width
- fontSize *= w / 0.5;
- } else if (anyCode >= 0 &&
- (w = ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getWidth(anyCode)) > 0) {
- // better than nothing: 0.5 is a generic character width
- fontSize *= w / 0.5;
- }
- fm = font->getFontMatrix();
- if (fm[0] != 0) {
- fontSize *= fabs(fm[3] / fm[0]);
- }
- }
-void TextPage::beginString(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0) {
- // This check is needed because Type 3 characters can contain
- // text-drawing operations.
- if (curStr) {
- ++nest;
- return;
- }
- curStr = new TextString(state, x0, y0, fontSize);
-void TextPage::addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
- double dx, double dy, Unicode *u, int uLen) {
- double x1, y1, w1, h1, dx2, dy2;
- int n, i;
- state->transform(x, y, &x1, &y1);
- if (x1 < 0 || x1 > state->getPageWidth() ||
- y1 < 0 || y1 > state->getPageHeight()) {
- return;
- }
- state->textTransformDelta(state->getCharSpace() * state->getHorizScaling(),
- 0, &dx2, &dy2);
- dx -= dx2;
- dy -= dy2;
- state->transformDelta(dx, dy, &w1, &h1);
- if (!globalParams->getTextKeepTinyChars() &&
- fabs(w1) < 3 && fabs(h1) < 3) {
- if (++nTinyChars > 20000) {
- return;
- }
- }
- n = curStr->len;
- if (n > 0 && x1 - curStr->xRight[n-1] >
- 0.1 * (curStr->yMax - curStr->yMin)) {
- // large char spacing is sometimes used to move text around
- endString();
- beginString(state, x, y);
- }
- if (uLen == 1 && u[0] == (Unicode)0x20 &&
- w1 > 0.5 * (curStr->yMax - curStr->yMin)) {
- // large word spacing is sometimes used to move text around
- return;
- }
- if (uLen != 0) {
- w1 /= uLen;
- h1 /= uLen;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < uLen; ++i) {
- curStr->addChar(state, x1 + i*w1, y1 + i*h1, w1, h1, u[i]);
- }
-void TextPage::endString() {
- // This check is needed because Type 3 characters can contain
- // text-drawing operations.
- if (nest > 0) {
- --nest;
- return;
- }
- addString(curStr);
- curStr = NULL;
-void TextPage::addString(TextString *str) {
- TextString *p1, *p2;
- // throw away zero-length strings -- they don't have valid xMin/xMax
- // values, and they're useless anyway
- if (str->len == 0) {
- delete str;
- return;
- }
- // insert string in xy list
- if (rawOrder) {
- p1 = xyCur1;
- p2 = NULL;
- } else if ((!xyCur1 || xyBefore(xyCur1, str)) &&
- (!xyCur2 || xyBefore(str, xyCur2))) {
- p1 = xyCur1;
- p2 = xyCur2;
- } else if (xyCur1 && xyBefore(xyCur1, str)) {
- for (p1 = xyCur1, p2 = xyCur2; p2; p1 = p2, p2 = p2->next) {
- if (xyBefore(str, p2)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- xyCur2 = p2;
- } else {
- for (p1 = NULL, p2 = xyStrings; p2; p1 = p2, p2 = p2->next) {
- if (xyBefore(str, p2)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- xyCur2 = p2;
- }
- xyCur1 = str;
- if (p1) {
- p1->next = str;
- } else {
- xyStrings = str;
- }
- str->next = p2;
-void TextPage::coalesce() {
- TextLine *line, *line0;
- TextBlock *yxBlocks, *xyBlocks, *blk, *blk0, *blk1, *blk2;
- TextString *str0, *str1, *str2, *str3, *str4;
- TextString *str1prev, *str2prev, *str3prev;
- TextOutColumnEdge *edges;
- UnicodeMap *uMap;
- GBool isUnicode;
- char buf[8];
- int edgesLength, edgesSize;
- double x, yMin, yMax;
- double space, fit1, fit2, h;
- int col1, col2, d;
- int i, j;
-#if 0 //~ for debugging
- for (str1 = xyStrings; str1; str1 = str1->next) {
- printf("x=%.2f..%.2f y=%.2f..%.2f size=%.2f '",
- str1->xMin, str1->xMax, str1->yMin, str1->yMax,
- (str1->yMax - str1->yMin));
- for (i = 0; i < str1->len; ++i) {
- fputc(str1->text[i] & 0xff, stdout);
- }
- printf("'\n");
- }
- printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- // build the list of column edges
- edges = NULL;
- edgesLength = edgesSize = 0;
- if (!rawOrder) {
- for (str1prev = NULL, str1 = xyStrings;
- str1;
- str1prev = str1, str1 = str1->next) {
- if (str1->marked) {
- continue;
- }
- h = str1->yMax - str1->yMin;
- if (str1prev && (str1->xMin - str1prev->xMax) / h < textOutColSpace) {
- continue;
- }
- x = str1->xMin;
- yMin = str1->yMin;
- yMax = str1->yMax;
- for (str2prev = str1, str2 = str1->next;
- str2;
- str2prev = str2, str2 = str2->next) {
- h = str2->yMax - str2->yMin;
- if (!str2->marked &&
- (str2->xMin - str2prev->xMax) / h > textOutColSpace &&
- fabs(str2->xMin - x) < 0.5 &&
- str2->yMin - yMax < 0.3 * h &&
- yMin - str2->yMax < 0.3 * h) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (str2) {
- if (str2->yMin < yMin) {
- yMin = str2->yMin;
- }
- if (str2->yMax > yMax) {
- yMax = str2->yMax;
- }
- str2->marked = gTrue;
- for (str3prev = str1, str3 = str1->next;
- str3;
- str3prev = str3, str3 = str3->next) {
- h = str3->yMax - str3->yMin;
- if (!str3->marked &&
- (str3->xMin - str3prev->xMax) / h > textOutColSpace &&
- fabs(str3->xMin - x) < 0.5 &&
- str3->yMin - yMax < 0.3 * h &&
- yMin - str3->yMax < 0.3 * h) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (str3) {
- if (str3->yMin < yMin) {
- yMin = str3->yMin;
- }
- if (str3->yMax > yMax) {
- yMax = str3->yMax;
- }
- str3->marked = gTrue;
- do {
- for (str2prev = str1, str2 = str1->next;
- str2;
- str2prev = str2, str2 = str2->next) {
- h = str2->yMax - str2->yMin;
- if (!str2->marked &&
- (str2->xMin - str2prev->xMax) / h > textOutColSpace &&
- fabs(str2->xMin - x) < 0.5 &&
- str2->yMin - yMax < 0.3 * h &&
- yMin - str2->yMax < 0.3 * h) {
- if (str2->yMin < yMin) {
- yMin = str2->yMin;
- }
- if (str2->yMax > yMax) {
- yMax = str2->yMax;
- }
- str2->marked = gTrue;
- break;
- }
- }
- } while (str2);
- if (edgesLength == edgesSize) {
- edgesSize = edgesSize ? 2 * edgesSize : 16;
- edges = (TextOutColumnEdge *)
- grealloc(edges, edgesSize * sizeof(TextOutColumnEdge));
- }
- edges[edgesLength].x = x;
- edges[edgesLength].y0 = yMin;
- edges[edgesLength].y1 = yMax;
- ++edgesLength;
- } else {
- str2->marked = gFalse;
- }
- }
- str1->marked = gTrue;
- }
- }
-#if 0 //~ for debugging
- printf("column edges:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < edgesLength; ++i) {
- printf("%d: x=%.2f y0=%.2f y1=%.2f\n",
- i, edges[i].x, edges[i].y0, edges[i].y1);
- }
- printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- // build the blocks
- yxBlocks = NULL;
- blk1 = blk2 = NULL;
- while (xyStrings) {
- // build the block
- str0 = xyStrings;
- xyStrings = xyStrings->next;
- str0->next = NULL;
- blk = new TextBlock();
- blk->strings = str0;
- blk->xMin = str0->xMin;
- blk->xMax = str0->xMax;
- blk->yMin = str0->yMin;
- blk->yMax = str0->yMax;
- while (xyStrings) {
- str1 = NULL;
- str2 = xyStrings;
- fit1 = coalesceFit(str0, str2);
- if (!rawOrder) {
- // look for best-fitting string
- space = str0->yMax - str0->yMin;
- for (str3 = xyStrings, str4 = xyStrings->next;
- str4 && str4->xMin - str0->xMax <= space;
- str3 = str4, str4 = str4->next) {
- fit2 = coalesceFit(str0, str4);
- if (fit2 < fit1) {
- str1 = str3;
- str2 = str4;
- fit1 = fit2;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fit1 > 1) {
- // no fit - we're done with this block
- break;
- }
- // if we've hit a column edge we're done with this block
- if (fit1 > 0.2) {
- for (i = 0; i < edgesLength; ++i) {
- if (str0->xMax < edges[i].x + 0.5 && edges[i].x - 0.5 < str2->xMin &&
- str0->yMin < edges[i].y1 && str0->yMax > edges[i].y0 &&
- str2->yMin < edges[i].y1 && str2->yMax > edges[i].y0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i < edgesLength) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (str1) {
- str1->next = str2->next;
- } else {
- xyStrings = str2->next;
- }
- str0->next = str2;
- str2->next = NULL;
- if (str2->xMax > blk->xMax) {
- blk->xMax = str2->xMax;
- }
- if (str2->yMin < blk->yMin) {
- blk->yMin = str2->yMin;
- }
- if (str2->yMax > blk->yMax) {
- blk->yMax = str2->yMax;
- }
- str0 = str2;
- }
- // insert block on list
- if (!rawOrder) {
- // insert block on list in yx order
- for (blk1 = NULL, blk2 = yxBlocks;
- blk2 && !yxBefore(blk, blk2);
- blk1 = blk2, blk2 = blk2->next) ;
- }
- blk->next = blk2;
- if (blk1) {
- blk1->next = blk;
- } else {
- yxBlocks = blk;
- }
- blk1 = blk;
- }
- gfree(edges);
- // the strings are now owned by the lines/blocks tree
- xyStrings = NULL;
- // build the block text
- uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding();
- isUnicode = uMap ? uMap->isUnicode() : gFalse;
- for (blk = yxBlocks; blk; blk = blk->next) {
- blk->len = 0;
- for (str1 = blk->strings; str1; str1 = str1->next) {
- blk->len += str1->len;
- if (str1->next && str1->next->xMin - str1->xMax >
- textOutSpace * (str1->yMax - str1->yMin)) {
- str1->spaceAfter = gTrue;
- ++blk->len;
- } else {
- str1->spaceAfter = gFalse;
- }
- }
- blk->text = (Unicode *)gmalloc(blk->len * sizeof(Unicode));
- blk->xRight = (double *)gmalloc(blk->len * sizeof(double));
- blk->col = (int *)gmalloc(blk->len * sizeof(int));
- i = 0;
- for (str1 = blk->strings; str1; str1 = str1->next) {
- for (j = 0; j < str1->len; ++j) {
- blk->text[i] = str1->text[j];
- blk->xRight[i] = str1->xRight[j];
- ++i;
- }
- if (str1->spaceAfter) {
- blk->text[i] = (Unicode)0x0020;
- blk->xRight[i] = str1->next->xMin;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- blk->convertedLen = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < blk->len; ++j) {
- blk->col[j] = blk->convertedLen;
- if (isUnicode) {
- ++blk->convertedLen;
- } else if (uMap) {
- blk->convertedLen += uMap->mapUnicode(blk->text[j], buf, sizeof(buf));
- }
- }
- }
- if (uMap) {
- uMap->decRefCnt();
- }
-#if 0 //~ for debugging
- for (blk = yxBlocks; blk; blk = blk->next) {
- printf("[block: x=%.2f..%.2f y=%.2f..%.2f len=%d]\n",
- blk->xMin, blk->xMax, blk->yMin, blk->yMax, blk->len);
- TextString *str;
- for (str = blk->strings; str; str = str->next) {
- printf(" x=%.2f..%.2f y=%.2f..%.2f size=%.2f'",
- str->xMin, str->xMax, str->yMin, str->yMax,
- (str->yMax - str->yMin));
- for (i = 0; i < str->len; ++i) {
- fputc(str->text[i] & 0xff, stdout);
- }
- if (str->spaceAfter) {
- fputc(' ', stdout);
- }
- printf("'\n");
- }
- }
- printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- // build the lines
- lines = NULL;
- line0 = NULL;
- while (yxBlocks) {
- blk0 = yxBlocks;
- yxBlocks = yxBlocks->next;
- blk0->next = NULL;
- line = new TextLine();
- line->blocks = blk0;
- line->yMin = blk0->yMin;
- line->yMax = blk0->yMax;
- while (yxBlocks) {
- // remove duplicated text (fake boldface, shadowed text)
- h = blk0->yMax - blk0->yMin;
- if (yxBlocks->len == blk0->len &&
- !memcmp(yxBlocks->text, blk0->text,
- yxBlocks->len * sizeof(Unicode)) &&
- fabs(yxBlocks->yMin - blk0->yMin) / h < 0.2 &&
- fabs(yxBlocks->yMax - blk0->yMax) / h < 0.2 &&
- fabs(yxBlocks->xMin - blk0->xMin) / h < 0.2 &&
- fabs(yxBlocks->xMax - blk0->xMax) / h < 0.2) {
- blk1 = yxBlocks;
- yxBlocks = yxBlocks->next;
- delete blk1;
- continue;
- }
- if (rawOrder && yxBlocks->yMax < blk0->yMin) {
- break;
- }
- if (yxBlocks->yMin > 0.2*blk0->yMin + 0.8*blk0->yMax ||
- yxBlocks->xMin < blk0->xMax) {
- break;
- }
- blk1 = yxBlocks;
- yxBlocks = yxBlocks->next;
- blk0->next = blk1;
- blk1->next = NULL;
- if (blk1->yMin < line->yMin) {
- line->yMin = blk1->yMin;
- }
- if (blk1->yMax > line->yMax) {
- line->yMax = blk1->yMax;
- }
- blk0 = blk1;
- }
- if (line0) {
- line0->next = line;
- } else {
- lines = line;
- }
- line->next = NULL;
- line0 = line;
- }
- // sort the blocks into xy order
- xyBlocks = NULL;
- for (line = lines; line; line = line->next) {
- for (blk = line->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) {
- for (blk1 = NULL, blk2 = xyBlocks;
- blk2 && !xyBefore(blk, blk2);
- blk1 = blk2, blk2 = blk2->xyNext) ;
- blk->xyNext = blk2;
- if (blk1) {
- blk1->xyNext = blk;
- } else {
- xyBlocks = blk;
- }
- }
- }
-#if 0 //~ for debugging
- for (blk = xyBlocks; blk; blk = blk->xyNext) {
- printf("[block: x=%.2f..%.2f y=%.2f..%.2f len=%d]\n",
- blk->xMin, blk->xMax, blk->yMin, blk->yMax, blk->len);
- TextString *str;
- for (str = blk->strings; str; str = str->next) {
- printf(" x=%.2f..%.2f y=%.2f..%.2f size=%.2f '",
- str->xMin, str->xMax, str->yMin, str->yMax,
- (str->yMax - str->yMin));
- for (i = 0; i < str->len; ++i) {
- fputc(str->text[i] & 0xff, stdout);
- }
- printf("'\n");
- }
- }
- printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- // do column assignment
- for (blk1 = xyBlocks; blk1; blk1 = blk1->xyNext) {
- col1 = 0;
- for (blk2 = xyBlocks; blk2 != blk1; blk2 = blk2->xyNext) {
- if (blk1->xMin >= blk2->xMax) {
- d = (int)((blk1->xMin - blk2->xMax) /
- (0.4 * (blk1->yMax - blk1->yMin)));
- if (d > 4) {
- d = 4;
- }
- col2 = blk2->col[0] + blk2->convertedLen + d;
- if (col2 > col1) {
- col1 = col2;
- }
- } else if (blk1->xMin > blk2->xMin) {
- for (i = 0; i < blk2->len && blk1->xMin >= blk2->xRight[i]; ++i) ;
- col2 = blk2->col[i];
- if (col2 > col1) {
- col1 = col2;
- }
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < blk1->len; ++j) {
- blk1->col[j] += col1;
- }
- }
-#if 0 //~ for debugging
- for (line = lines; line; line = line->next) {
- printf("[line]\n");
- for (blk = line->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) {
- printf("[block: col=%d, len=%d]\n", blk->col[0], blk->len);
- TextString *str;
- for (str = blk->strings; str; str = str->next) {
- printf(" x=%.2f..%.2f y=%.2f..%.2f size=%.2f '",
- str->xMin, str->xMax, str->yMin, str->yMax,
- (str->yMax - str->yMin));
- for (i = 0; i < str->len; ++i) {
- fputc(str->text[i] & 0xff, stdout);
- }
- if (str->spaceAfter) {
- printf(" [space]\n");
- }
- printf("'\n");
- }
- }
- }
- printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
-GBool TextPage::findText(Unicode *s, int len,
- GBool top, GBool bottom,
- double *xMin, double *yMin,
- double *xMax, double *yMax) {
- TextLine *line;
- TextBlock *blk;
- Unicode *p;
- Unicode u1, u2;
- int m, i, j;
- double x0, x1, x;
- // scan all blocks on page
- for (line = lines; line; line = line->next) {
- for (blk = line->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) {
- // check: above top limit?
- if (!top && (blk->yMax < *yMin ||
- (blk->yMin < *yMin && blk->xMax <= *xMin))) {
- continue;
- }
- // check: below bottom limit?
- if (!bottom && (blk->yMin > *yMax ||
- (blk->yMax > *yMax && blk->xMin >= *xMax))) {
- return gFalse;
- }
- // search each position in this block
- m = blk->len;
- for (i = 0, p = blk->text; i <= m - len; ++i, ++p) {
- x0 = (i == 0) ? blk->xMin : blk->xRight[i-1];
- x1 = blk->xRight[i];
- x = 0.5 * (x0 + x1);
- // check: above top limit?
- if (!top && blk->yMin < *yMin) {
- if (x < *xMin) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // check: below bottom limit?
- if (!bottom && blk->yMax > *yMax) {
- if (x > *xMax) {
- return gFalse;
- }
- }
- // compare the strings
- for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
-#if 1 //~ this lowercases Latin A-Z only -- this will eventually be
- //~ extended to handle other character sets
- if (p[j] >= 0x41 && p[j] <= 0x5a) {
- u1 = p[j] + 0x20;
- } else {
- u1 = p[j];
- }
- if (s[j] >= 0x41 && s[j] <= 0x5a) {
- u2 = s[j] + 0x20;
- } else {
- u2 = s[j];
- }
- if (u1 != u2) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // found it
- if (j == len) {
- *xMin = x0;
- *xMax = blk->xRight[i + len - 1];
- *yMin = blk->yMin;
- *yMax = blk->yMax;
- return gTrue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return gFalse;
-GString *TextPage::getText(double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax) {
- GString *s;
- UnicodeMap *uMap;
- GBool isUnicode;
- char space[8], eol[16], buf[8];
- int spaceLen, eolLen, len;
- TextLine *line;
- TextBlock *blk;
- double x0, x1, y;
- int firstCol, col, i;
- GBool multiLine;
- s = new GString();
- // get the output encoding
- if (!(uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding())) {
- return s;
- }
- isUnicode = uMap->isUnicode();
- spaceLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x20, space, sizeof(space));
- eolLen = 0; // make gcc happy
- switch (globalParams->getTextEOL()) {
- case eolUnix:
- eolLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0a, eol, sizeof(eol));
- break;
- case eolDOS:
- eolLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0d, eol, sizeof(eol));
- eolLen += uMap->mapUnicode(0x0a, eol + eolLen, sizeof(eol) - eolLen);
- break;
- case eolMac:
- eolLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0d, eol, sizeof(eol));
- break;
- }
- // find the leftmost column
- multiLine = gFalse;
- firstCol = -1;
- for (line = lines; line; line = line->next) {
- if (line->yMin > yMax) {
- break;
- }
- if (line->yMax < yMin) {
- continue;
- }
- for (blk = line->blocks; blk && blk->xMax < xMin; blk = blk->next) ;
- if (!blk || blk->xMin > xMax) {
- continue;
- }
- y = 0.5 * (blk->yMin + blk->yMax);
- if (y < yMin || y > yMax) {
- continue;
- }
- if (firstCol >= 0) {
- multiLine = gTrue;
- }
- i = 0;
- while (1) {
- x0 = (i==0) ? blk->xMin : blk->xRight[i-1];
- x1 = blk->xRight[i];
- if (0.5 * (x0 + x1) > xMin) {
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- col = blk->col[i];
- if (firstCol < 0 || col < firstCol) {
- firstCol = col;
- }
- }
- // extract the text
- for (line = lines; line; line = line->next) {
- if (line->yMin > yMax) {
- break;
- }
- if (line->yMax < yMin) {
- continue;
- }
- for (blk = line->blocks; blk && blk->xMax < xMin; blk = blk->next) ;
- if (!blk || blk->xMin > xMax) {
- continue;
- }
- y = 0.5 * (blk->yMin + blk->yMax);
- if (y < yMin || y > yMax) {
- continue;
- }
- i = 0;
- while (1) {
- x0 = (i==0) ? blk->xMin : blk->xRight[i-1];
- x1 = blk->xRight[i];
- if (0.5 * (x0 + x1) > xMin) {
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- col = firstCol;
- do {
- // line this block up with the correct column
- for (; col < blk->col[i]; ++col) {
- s->append(space, spaceLen);
- }
- // print the block
- for (; i < blk->len; ++i) {
- x0 = (i==0) ? blk->xMin : blk->xRight[i-1];
- x1 = blk->xRight[i];
- if (0.5 * (x0 + x1) > xMax) {
- break;
- }
- len = uMap->mapUnicode(blk->text[i], buf, sizeof(buf));
- s->append(buf, len);
- col += isUnicode ? 1 : len;
- }
- if (i < blk->len) {
- break;
- }
- // next block
- blk = blk->next;
- i = 0;
- } while (blk && blk->xMin < xMax);
- if (multiLine) {
- s->append(eol, eolLen);
- }
- }
- uMap->decRefCnt();
- return s;
-void TextPage::dump(void *outputStream, TextOutputFunc outputFunc) {
- UnicodeMap *uMap;
- char space[8], eol[16], eop[8], buf[8];
- int spaceLen, eolLen, eopLen, len;
- TextLine *line;
- TextBlock *blk;
- int col, d, i;
- // get the output encoding
- if (!(uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding())) {
- return;
- }
- spaceLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x20, space, sizeof(space));
- eolLen = 0; // make gcc happy
- switch (globalParams->getTextEOL()) {
- case eolUnix:
- eolLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0a, eol, sizeof(eol));
- break;
- case eolDOS:
- eolLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0d, eol, sizeof(eol));
- eolLen += uMap->mapUnicode(0x0a, eol + eolLen, sizeof(eol) - eolLen);
- break;
- case eolMac:
- eolLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0d, eol, sizeof(eol));
- break;
- }
- eopLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x0c, eop, sizeof(eop));
- // output
- for (line = lines; line; line = line->next) {
- col = 0;
- for (blk = line->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) {
- // line this block up with the correct column
- if (rawOrder && col == 0) {
- col = blk->col[0];
- } else {
- for (; col < blk->col[0]; ++col) {
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, space, spaceLen);
- }
- }
- // print the block
- for (i = 0; i < blk->len; ++i) {
- len = uMap->mapUnicode(blk->text[i], buf, sizeof(buf));
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, buf, len);
- }
- col += blk->convertedLen;
- }
- // print a return
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, eol, eolLen);
- // print extra vertical space if necessary
- if (line->next) {
- d = (int)((line->next->yMin - line->yMax) /
- (line->blocks->strings->yMax - lines->blocks->strings->yMin)
- + 0.5);
- // various things (weird font matrices) can result in bogus
- // values here, so do a sanity check
- if (rawOrder && d > 2) {
- d = 2;
- } else if (!rawOrder && d > 5) {
- d = 5;
- }
- for (; d > 0; --d) {
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, eol, eolLen);
- }
- }
- }
- // end of page
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, eol, eolLen);
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, eop, eopLen);
- (*outputFunc)(outputStream, eol, eolLen);
- uMap->decRefCnt();
-// Returns true if <str1> should be inserted before <str2> in xy
-// order.
-GBool TextPage::xyBefore(TextString *str1, TextString *str2) {
- return str1->xMin < str2->xMin ||
- (str1->xMin == str2->xMin && str1->yMin < str2->yMin);
-// Returns true if <blk1> should be inserted before <blk2> in xy
-// order.
-GBool TextPage::xyBefore(TextBlock *blk1, TextBlock *blk2) {
- return blk1->xMin < blk2->xMin ||
- (blk1->xMin == blk2->xMin && blk1->yMin < blk2->yMin);
-// Returns true if <blk1> should be inserted before <blk2> in yx
-// order, allowing a little slack for vertically overlapping text.
-GBool TextPage::yxBefore(TextBlock *blk1, TextBlock *blk2) {
- double h1, h2, overlap;
- h1 = blk1->yMax - blk1->yMin;
- h2 = blk2->yMax - blk2->yMin;
- overlap = ((blk1->yMax < blk2->yMax ? blk1->yMax : blk2->yMax) -
- (blk1->yMin > blk2->yMin ? blk1->yMin : blk2->yMin)) /
- (h1 < h2 ? h1 : h2);
- if (overlap > 0.6) {
- return blk1->xMin < blk2->xMin;
- }
- return blk1->yMin < blk2->yMin;
-double TextPage::coalesceFit(TextString *str1, TextString *str2) {
- double h1, h2, w1, w2, r, overlap, spacing;
- h1 = str1->yMax - str1->yMin;
- h2 = str2->yMax - str2->yMin;
- w1 = str1->xMax - str1->xMin;
- w2 = str2->xMax - str2->xMin;
- r = h1 / h2;
- if (r < (1.0 / 3.0) || r > 3) {
- return 10;
- }
- overlap = ((str1->yMax < str2->yMax ? str1->yMax : str2->yMax) -
- (str1->yMin > str2->yMin ? str1->yMin : str2->yMin)) /
- (h1 < h2 ? h1 : h2);
- if (overlap < 0.5) {
- return 10;
- }
- spacing = (str2->xMin - str1->xMax) / (h1 > h2 ? h1 : h2);
- if (spacing < -0.5) {
- return 10;
- }
- // separate text that overlaps - duplicated text (so that fake
- // boldface and shadowed text can be cleanly removed)
- if ((str2->xMin - str1->xMax) / (w1 < w2 ? w1 : w2) < -0.7) {
- return 10;
- }
- return spacing;
-void TextPage::clear() {
- TextLine *p1, *p2;
- TextString *s1, *s2;
- if (curStr) {
- delete curStr;
- curStr = NULL;
- }
- if (lines) {
- for (p1 = lines; p1; p1 = p2) {
- p2 = p1->next;
- delete p1;
- }
- } else if (xyStrings) {
- for (s1 = xyStrings; s1; s1 = s2) {
- s2 = s1->next;
- delete s1;
- }
- }
- xyStrings = NULL;
- xyCur1 = xyCur2 = NULL;
- lines = NULL;
- nest = 0;
- nTinyChars = 0;
-// TextOutputDev
-static void outputToFile(void *stream, char *text, int len) {
- fwrite(text, 1, len, (FILE *)stream);
-TextOutputDev::TextOutputDev(char *fileName, GBool rawOrderA, GBool append) {
- text = NULL;
- rawOrder = rawOrderA;
- ok = gTrue;
- // open file
- needClose = gFalse;
- if (fileName) {
- if (!strcmp(fileName, "-")) {
- outputStream = stdout;
- } else if ((outputStream = fopen(fileName, append ? "ab" : "wb"))) {
- needClose = gTrue;
- } else {
- error(-1, "Couldn't open text file '%s'", fileName);
- ok = gFalse;
- return;
- }
- outputFunc = &outputToFile;
- } else {
- outputStream = NULL;
- }
- // set up text object
- text = new TextPage(rawOrder);
-TextOutputDev::TextOutputDev(TextOutputFunc func, void *stream,
- GBool rawOrderA) {
- outputFunc = func;
- outputStream = stream;
- needClose = gFalse;
- rawOrder = rawOrderA;
- text = new TextPage(rawOrder);
- ok = gTrue;
-TextOutputDev::~TextOutputDev() {
- if (needClose) {
-#ifdef MACOS
- ICS_MapRefNumAndAssign((short)((FILE *)outputStream)->handle);
- fclose((FILE *)outputStream);
- }
- if (text) {
- delete text;
- }
-void TextOutputDev::startPage(int /*pageNum*/, GfxState */*state*/) {
- text->clear();
-void TextOutputDev::endPage() {
- text->coalesce();
- if (outputStream) {
- text->dump(outputStream, outputFunc);
- }
-void TextOutputDev::updateFont(GfxState *state) {
- text->updateFont(state);
-void TextOutputDev::beginString(GfxState *state, GString */*s*/) {
- text->beginString(state, state->getCurX(), state->getCurY());
-void TextOutputDev::endString(GfxState */*state*/) {
- text->endString();
-void TextOutputDev::drawChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
- double dx, double dy,
- double /*originX*/, double /*originY*/,
- CharCode /*c*/, Unicode *u, int uLen) {
- text->addChar(state, x, y, dx, dy, u, uLen);
-GBool TextOutputDev::findText(Unicode *s, int len,
- GBool top, GBool bottom,
- double *xMin, double *yMin,
- double *xMax, double *yMax) {
- return text->findText(s, len, top, bottom, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
-GString *TextOutputDev::getText(double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax) {
- return text->getText(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);