path: root/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/XPDFTree.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/XPDFTree.cpp')
1 files changed, 929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/XPDFTree.cpp b/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/XPDFTree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edc7fb8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/XPDFTree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+// XPDFTree.cpp
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "gmem.h"
+#include "XPDFTreeP.h"
+#define xpdfTreeIndent 16
+struct _XPDFTreeEntry {
+ Widget widget;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *children;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *next;
+static void classPartInitialize(WidgetClass widgetClass);
+static void initialize(Widget requestWidget, Widget newWidget,
+ ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs);
+static void destroy(Widget widget);
+static void destroySubtree(XPDFTreeEntry *e);
+static void resize(Widget widget);
+static void redisplay(Widget widget, XEvent *event, Region region);
+static void redisplaySubtree(XPDFTreeWidget w, XPDFTreeEntry *e,
+ XEvent *event, Region region);
+static void drawExpandedIcon(XPDFTreeWidget w, Position x, Position y);
+static void drawCollapsedIcon(XPDFTreeWidget w, Position x, Position y);
+static Boolean setValues(Widget oldWidget, Widget requestWidget,
+ Widget newWidget, ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs);
+static void setValuesAlmost(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *request,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
+static XtGeometryResult queryGeometry(Widget widget,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *request,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
+static XtGeometryResult geometryManager(Widget widget,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *request,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
+static void changeManaged(Widget widget);
+static void initConstraint(Widget requestWidget, Widget newWidget,
+ ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs);
+static void destroyConstraint(Widget widget);
+static void deleteSubtree(Widget widget);
+static Boolean constraintSetValues(Widget oldWidget, Widget requestWidget,
+ Widget newWidget,
+ ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs);
+static void insertChildOnList(XPDFTreeEntry *e, XPDFTreeEntry **listHead);
+static void deleteChildFromList(XPDFTreeEntry *e, XPDFTreeEntry **listHead);
+static void createGC(Widget widget);
+static void destroyGC(Widget widget);
+static void layout(Widget widget, Widget instigator);
+static int layoutSubtree(XPDFTreeWidget w, Widget instigator,
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e, Position x, Position y,
+ Boolean visible);
+static void calcSize(Widget widget, Widget instigator,
+ Dimension *totalWidth,
+ Dimension *totalHeight);
+static void calcSubtreeSize(XPDFTreeWidget w, Widget instigator,
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e,
+ Dimension *width, Dimension *height);
+static Boolean needRelayout(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget);
+static void click(Widget widget, XEvent *event,
+ String *params, Cardinal *numParams);
+static Boolean findPosition(XPDFTreeWidget w, int x, int y,
+ XPDFTreeEntry **e, Boolean *onExpandIcon);
+static Boolean findPositionInSubtree(XPDFTreeWidget w, int x, int y,
+ XPDFTreeEntry **e,
+ Boolean *onExpandIcon);
+static XtResource resources[] = {
+ { XmNmarginWidth, XmCMarginWidth, XmRHorizontalDimension,
+ sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeRec, tree.marginWidth),
+ XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
+ { XmNmarginHeight, XmCMarginHeight, XmRVerticalDimension,
+ sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeRec, tree.marginHeight),
+ XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
+ { XPDFNselectionCallback, XmCCallback, XmRCallback,
+ sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeRec, tree.selectCallback),
+ XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL }
+static XmSyntheticResource synResources[] = {
+ { XmNmarginWidth, sizeof(Dimension),
+ XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeRec, tree.marginWidth),
+#if XmVERSION > 1
+ XmeFromHorizontalPixels, XmeToHorizontalPixels
+ _XmFromHorizontalPixels, _XmToHorizontalPixels
+ },
+ { XmNmarginHeight, sizeof(Dimension),
+ XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeRec, tree.marginHeight),
+#if XmVERSION > 1
+ XmeFromVerticalPixels, XmeToVerticalPixels
+ _XmFromVerticalPixels, _XmToVerticalPixels
+ }
+static XtResource constraints[] = {
+ { XPDFNentryParent, XPDFCentryParent, XmRWidget,
+ sizeof(Widget), XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeConstraintRec, tree.entryParent),
+ XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL },
+ { XPDFNentryExpanded, XPDFCentryExpanded, XmRBoolean,
+ sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeConstraintRec, tree.entryExpanded),
+ XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)False },
+ { XPDFNentryPosition, XPDFCentryPosition, XmRInt,
+ sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(XPDFTreeConstraintRec, tree.entryPosition),
+ XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 }
+static char defaultTranslations[] =
+ "<Btn1Down>: XPDFTreeClick()";
+static XtActionsRec actions[] = {
+ { "XPDFTreeClick", click }
+externaldef(xpdftreeclassrec) XPDFTreeClassRec xpdfTreeClassRec = {
+ { // Core
+ (WidgetClass)&xmManagerClassRec, // superclass
+ "XPDFTree", // class_name
+ sizeof(XPDFTreeRec), // widget_size
+ NULL, // class_initialize
+ &classPartInitialize, // class_part_initialize
+ FALSE, // class_inited
+ &initialize, // initialize
+ NULL, // initialize_hook
+ XtInheritRealize, // realize
+ actions, // actions
+ XtNumber(actions), // num_actions
+ resources, // resources
+ XtNumber(resources), // num_resources
+ NULLQUARK, // xrm_class
+ TRUE, // compress_motion
+ XtExposeCompressMaximal, // compress_exposure
+ TRUE, // compress_enterleave
+ FALSE, // visible_interest
+ &destroy, // destroy
+ &resize, // resize
+ &redisplay, // expose
+ &setValues, // set_values
+ NULL, // set_values_hook
+ &setValuesAlmost, // set_values_almost
+ NULL, // get_values_hook
+ NULL, // accept_focus
+ XtVersion, // version
+ NULL, // callback_private
+ defaultTranslations, // tm_table
+ &queryGeometry, // query_geometry
+ NULL, // display_accelerator
+ NULL // extension
+ },
+ { // Composite
+ &geometryManager, // geometry_manager
+ &changeManaged, // change_managed
+ XtInheritInsertChild, // insert_child
+ XtInheritDeleteChild, // delete_child
+ NULL // extension
+ },
+ { // Constraint
+ constraints, // constraint_resources
+ XtNumber(constraints), // constraint_num_resources
+ sizeof(XPDFTreeConstraintRec), // constraint_size
+ &initConstraint, // constraint_initialize
+ &destroyConstraint, // constraint_destroy
+ &constraintSetValues, // constraint_set_values
+ NULL // extension
+ },
+ { // XmManager
+ XtInheritTranslations, // translations
+#if XmVERSION > 1
+ synResources, // syn_resources
+ XtNumber(synResources), // num_syn_resources
+ NULL, // syn_resources
+ 0, // num_syn_resources
+ NULL, // syn_constraint_resources
+ 0, // num_syn_constraint_res's
+ XmInheritParentProcess, // parent_process
+ NULL // extension
+ },
+ { // XPDFTree
+ &createGC, // createGC
+ &destroyGC, // destroyGC
+ &layout, // layout
+ &calcSize, // calcSize
+ &needRelayout, // needRelayout
+ NULL // extension
+ }
+externaldef(xpdftreewidgetclass) WidgetClass xpdfTreeWidgetClass =
+ (WidgetClass)&xpdfTreeClassRec;
+static void classPartInitialize(WidgetClass widgetCls) {
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass wc = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)widgetCls;
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass sc = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)wc->coreClass.superclass;
+ // method inheritance
+ if (wc->treeClass.createGC == XPDFInheritCreateGC) {
+ wc->treeClass.createGC = sc->treeClass.createGC;
+ }
+ if (wc->treeClass.destroyGC == XPDFInheritDestroyGC) {
+ wc->treeClass.destroyGC = sc->treeClass.destroyGC;
+ }
+ if (wc->treeClass.layout == XPDFInheritLayout) {
+ wc->treeClass.layout = sc->treeClass.layout;
+ }
+ if (wc->treeClass.calcSize == XPDFInheritCalcSize) {
+ wc->treeClass.calcSize = sc->treeClass.calcSize;
+ }
+ if (wc->treeClass.needRelayout == XPDFInheritNeedRelayout) {
+ wc->treeClass.needRelayout = sc->treeClass.needRelayout;
+ }
+static void initialize(Widget requestWidget, Widget newWidget,
+ ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget nw = (XPDFTreeWidget)newWidget;
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(newWidget);
+ nw->tree.root = NULL;
+ nw->tree.redrawY = -1;
+ if (cls->treeClass.createGC) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.createGC)(newWidget);
+ } else {
+ createGC(newWidget);
+ }
+static void destroy(Widget widget) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(widget);
+ if (w->tree.root) {
+ destroySubtree(w->tree.root);
+ w->tree.root = NULL;
+ }
+ if (cls->treeClass.destroyGC) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.destroyGC)(widget);
+ } else {
+ destroyGC(widget);
+ }
+static void destroySubtree(XPDFTreeEntry *e) {
+ if (e->children) {
+ destroySubtree(e->children);
+ }
+ if (e->next) {
+ destroySubtree(e->next);
+ }
+static void resize(Widget widget) {
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(widget);
+ if (cls->treeClass.layout) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.layout)(widget, NULL);
+ } else {
+ layout(widget, NULL);
+ }
+static void redisplay(Widget widget, XEvent *event, Region region) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e;
+ if (w->tree.redrawY >= 0) {
+ XClearArea(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w),
+ 0, w->tree.redrawY, w->core.width, w->core.height, False);
+ w->tree.redrawY = -1;
+ }
+ for (e = w->tree.root; e; e = e->next) {
+ redisplaySubtree(w, e, event, region);
+ }
+static void redisplaySubtree(XPDFTreeWidget w, XPDFTreeEntry *e,
+ XEvent *event, Region region) {
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ Position x, y, y2;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *child;
+ (*XtClass(e->widget)->core_class.expose)(e->widget, event, region);
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(e->widget);
+ x = e->widget->core.x;
+ y = e->widget->core.y + e->widget->core.height / 2;
+ if (e->children) {
+ if (c->entryExpanded) {
+ drawExpandedIcon(w, x - 8, y);
+ y2 = y; // make gcc happy
+ for (child = e->children; child; child = child->next) {
+ y2 = child->widget->core.y + child->widget->core.height / 2;
+ XDrawLine(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), w->tree.dottedGC,
+ x - 8, y2, x + 6, y2);
+ redisplaySubtree(w, child, event, region);
+ }
+ XDrawLine(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), w->tree.dottedGC,
+ x - 8, y + 2, x - 8, y2);
+ } else {
+ drawCollapsedIcon(w, x - 8, y);
+ }
+ }
+static void drawExpandedIcon(XPDFTreeWidget w, Position x, Position y) {
+ XPoint pts[4];
+ pts[0].x = x - 4; pts[0].y = y - 2;
+ pts[1].x = x + 4; pts[1].y = y - 2;
+ pts[2].x = x; pts[2].y = y + 2;
+ pts[3].x = x - 4; pts[3].y = y - 2;
+ XDrawLines(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), w->tree.plainGC,
+ pts, 4, CoordModeOrigin);
+static void drawCollapsedIcon(XPDFTreeWidget w, Position x, Position y) {
+ XPoint pts[4];
+ pts[0].x = x - 2; pts[0].y = y - 4;
+ pts[1].x = x - 2; pts[1].y = y + 4;
+ pts[2].x = x + 2; pts[2].y = y;
+ pts[3].x = x - 2; pts[3].y = y - 4;
+ XDrawLines(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), w->tree.plainGC,
+ pts, 4, CoordModeOrigin);
+static Boolean setValues(Widget oldWidget, Widget requestWidget,
+ Widget newWidget, ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget ow = (XPDFTreeWidget)oldWidget;
+ XPDFTreeWidget nw = (XPDFTreeWidget)newWidget;
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(nw);
+ Boolean relayout, redisp;
+ // check to see if layout-affecting resources have changed
+ if (cls->treeClass.needRelayout) {
+ relayout = (*cls->treeClass.needRelayout)((Widget)ow, (Widget)nw);
+ } else {
+ relayout = needRelayout((Widget)ow, (Widget)nw);
+ }
+ redisp = False;
+ if (relayout) {
+ // calculate a new ideal size (reset the widget size first so
+ // calcSize will compute a new one)
+ if (nw->core.width == ow->core.width) {
+ nw->core.width = 0;
+ }
+ if (nw->core.height == ow->core.height) {
+ nw->core.height = 0;
+ }
+ if (cls->treeClass.calcSize) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.calcSize)((Widget)nw, NULL,
+ &nw->core.width, &nw->core.height);
+ } else {
+ calcSize((Widget)nw, NULL, &nw->core.width, &nw->core.height);
+ }
+ // if resources have changed but size hasn't, layout manually
+ // (because Xt just looks at the size)
+ if (nw->core.width == ow->core.width &&
+ nw->core.height == ow->core.height) {
+ if (cls->treeClass.layout) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.layout)((Widget)nw, NULL);
+ } else {
+ layout((Widget)nw, NULL);
+ }
+ redisp = True;
+ }
+ }
+ return redisp;
+static void setValuesAlmost(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *request,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *reply) {
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(newWidget);
+ // our parent rejected a geometry request, so accept the compromise
+ // and relayout
+ if (!reply->request_mode) {
+ if (cls->treeClass.layout) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.layout)(newWidget, NULL);
+ } else {
+ layout(newWidget, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ *request = *reply;
+static XtGeometryResult queryGeometry(Widget widget,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *request,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *reply) {
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(widget);
+ if (!XtIsRealized(widget)) {
+ reply->width = XtWidth(widget);
+ reply->height = XtHeight(widget);
+ } else {
+ reply->width = 0;
+ reply->height = 0;
+ }
+ if (cls->treeClass.calcSize) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.calcSize)(widget, NULL, &reply->width, &reply->height);
+ } else {
+ calcSize(widget, NULL, &reply->width, &reply->height);
+ }
+#if XmVERSION > 1
+ return XmeReplyToQueryGeometry(widget, request, reply);
+ if ((request->request_mode & CWWidth) &&
+ (request->request_mode & CWHeight) &&
+ request->width == reply->width &&
+ request->height == reply->height) {
+ return XtGeometryYes;
+ }
+ if (reply->width == XtWidth(widget) &&
+ reply->height == XtHeight(widget)) {
+ return XtGeometryNo;
+ }
+ reply->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
+ return XtGeometryAlmost;
+static XtGeometryResult geometryManager(Widget widget,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *request,
+ XtWidgetGeometry *reply) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)XtParent(widget);
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(w);
+ Dimension curWidth, curHeight, curBW;
+ XtWidgetGeometry parentReq;
+ XtGeometryResult result;
+ // deny any requests for a new position
+ if ((request->request_mode & CWX) || (request->request_mode & CWY)) {
+ return XtGeometryNo;
+ }
+ // save the current geometry
+ curWidth = w->core.width;
+ curHeight = w->core.height;
+ curBW = w->core.border_width;
+ // make the requested changes
+ if (request->request_mode & CWWidth) {
+ w->core.width = request->width;
+ }
+ if (request->request_mode & CWHeight) {
+ w->core.height = request->height;
+ }
+ if (request->request_mode & CWBorderWidth) {
+ w->core.border_width = request->border_width;
+ }
+ // calculate the new ideal size
+ parentReq.width = 0;
+ parentReq.height = 0;
+ if (cls->treeClass.calcSize) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.calcSize)((Widget)w, widget,
+ &parentReq.width, &reply->height);
+ } else {
+ calcSize((Widget)w, widget, &parentReq.width, &reply->height);
+ }
+ // send geometry request to our parent
+ parentReq.request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
+ if (request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly) {
+ parentReq.request_mode |= XtCWQueryOnly;
+ }
+ result = XtMakeGeometryRequest((Widget)w, &parentReq, NULL);
+ if (result == XtGeometryAlmost) {
+ result = XtGeometryNo;
+ }
+ if (result == XtGeometryNo || (request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly)) {
+ // restore the original geometry
+ w->core.width = curWidth;
+ w->core.height = curHeight;
+ w->core.border_width = curBW;
+ } else {
+ if (cls->treeClass.layout) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.layout)((Widget)w, widget);
+ } else {
+ layout((Widget)w, widget);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static void changeManaged(Widget widget) {
+ Dimension width, height;
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass(widget);
+ // compute the ideal size
+ if (!XtIsRealized(widget)) {
+ width = XtWidth(widget);
+ height = XtHeight(widget);
+ } else {
+ width = 0;
+ height = 0;
+ }
+ if (cls->treeClass.calcSize) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.calcSize)(widget, NULL, &width, &height);
+ } else {
+ calcSize(widget, NULL, &width, &height);
+ }
+ // make resize request to parent -- keep asking until we get a yes
+ // or no
+ while (XtMakeResizeRequest(widget, width, height, &width, &height)
+ == XtGeometryAlmost) ;
+ // relayout
+ if (cls->treeClass.layout) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.layout)(widget, NULL);
+ } else {
+ layout(widget, NULL);
+ }
+#if XmVERSION > 1
+ // update keyboard traversal
+ XmeNavigChangeManaged(widget);
+ _XmNavigChangeManaged(widget);
+static void initConstraint(Widget requestWidget, Widget newWidget,
+ ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)XtParent(newWidget);
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(newWidget);
+ c->e = (XPDFTreeEntry *)gmalloc(sizeof(XPDFTreeEntry));
+ c->e->widget = newWidget;
+ c->e->children = NULL;
+ c->e->next = NULL;
+ if (c->entryParent) {
+ insertChildOnList(c->e, &XPDFTreeCPart(c->entryParent)->e->children);
+ } else {
+ insertChildOnList(c->e, &w->tree.root);
+ }
+static void destroyConstraint(Widget widget) {
+ deleteSubtree(widget);
+static void deleteSubtree(Widget widget) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)XtParent(widget);
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(widget);
+ if (!c->e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ while (c->e->children) {
+ deleteSubtree(c->e->children->widget);
+ }
+ if (c->entryParent) {
+ deleteChildFromList(c->e, &XPDFTreeCPart(c->entryParent)->e->children);
+ } else {
+ deleteChildFromList(c->e, &w->tree.root);
+ }
+ gfree(c->e);
+ c->e = NULL;
+static Boolean constraintSetValues(Widget oldWidget, Widget requestWidget,
+ Widget newWidget,
+ ArgList args, Cardinal *numArgs) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)XtParent(newWidget);
+ XPDFTreeWidgetClass cls = (XPDFTreeWidgetClass)XtClass((Widget)w);
+ XPDFTreeConstraint oc, nc;
+ Boolean relayout;
+ Dimension width, height;
+ if (!XtIsManaged(newWidget)) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ oc = XPDFTreeCPart(oldWidget);
+ nc = XPDFTreeCPart(newWidget);
+ relayout = False;
+ if (nc->entryParent != oc->entryParent ||
+ nc->entryPosition != oc->entryPosition) {
+ if (oc->entryParent) {
+ deleteChildFromList(oc->e, &XPDFTreeCPart(oc->entryParent)->e->children);
+ } else {
+ deleteChildFromList(oc->e, &w->tree.root);
+ }
+ if (nc->entryParent) {
+ insertChildOnList(nc->e, &XPDFTreeCPart(nc->entryParent)->e->children);
+ } else {
+ insertChildOnList(nc->e, &w->tree.root);
+ }
+ relayout = True;
+ } else if (nc->entryExpanded != oc->entryExpanded) {
+ relayout = True;
+ }
+ if (relayout) {
+ // calculate a new ideal size (reset the widget size first so
+ // calcSize will compute a new one)
+ width = 0;
+ height = 0;
+ if (cls->treeClass.calcSize) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.calcSize)((Widget)w, NULL, &width, &height);
+ } else {
+ calcSize((Widget)w, NULL, &width, &height);
+ }
+ // make resize request to parent -- keep asking until we get a yes
+ // or no
+ while (XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)w, width, height, &width, &height)
+ == XtGeometryAlmost) ;
+ // relayout the widget
+ if (cls->treeClass.layout) {
+ (*cls->treeClass.layout)((Widget)w, NULL);
+ } else {
+ layout((Widget)w, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return relayout;
+static void insertChildOnList(XPDFTreeEntry *e, XPDFTreeEntry **listHead) {
+ int pos;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e2;
+ pos = XPDFTreeCPart(e->widget)->entryPosition;
+ if (!*listHead || pos < XPDFTreeCPart((*listHead)->widget)->entryPosition) {
+ e->next = *listHead;
+ *listHead = e;
+ } else {
+ for (e2 = *listHead;
+ e2->next && pos >= XPDFTreeCPart(e2->next->widget)->entryPosition;
+ e2 = e2->next) ;
+ e->next = e2->next;
+ e2->next = e;
+ }
+static void deleteChildFromList(XPDFTreeEntry *e, XPDFTreeEntry **listHead) {
+ XPDFTreeEntry **p;
+ for (p = listHead; *p; p = &(*p)->next) {
+ if (*p == e) {
+ *p = e->next;
+ e->next = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+static void createGC(Widget widget) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XGCValues gcValues;
+ gcValues.foreground = w->manager.foreground;
+ gcValues.line_width = 0;
+ gcValues.line_style = LineSolid;
+ w->tree.plainGC = XtGetGC(widget,
+ GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle,
+ &gcValues);
+ gcValues.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
+ gcValues.dashes = 1;
+ gcValues.dash_offset = 0;
+ w->tree.dottedGC = XtGetGC(widget,
+ GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle |
+ GCDashList | GCDashOffset,
+ &gcValues);
+static void destroyGC(Widget widget) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XtReleaseGC(widget, w->tree.plainGC);
+ XtReleaseGC(widget, w->tree.dottedGC);
+static void layout(Widget widget, Widget instigator) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e;
+ Position x, y;
+ x = w->tree.marginWidth + xpdfTreeIndent;
+ y = w->tree.marginHeight;
+ for (e = w->tree.root; e; e = e->next) {
+ y = layoutSubtree(w, instigator, e, x, y, True);
+ }
+static int layoutSubtree(XPDFTreeWidget w, Widget instigator,
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e, Position x, Position y,
+ Boolean visible) {
+ Widget ew;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *child;
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ ew = e->widget;
+ if (!XtIsManaged(ew)) {
+ return y;
+ }
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(ew);
+ // place this entry
+ if (ew) {
+ if (visible) {
+ if (ew == instigator) {
+ ew->core.x = x;
+ ew->core.y = y;
+ } else {
+#if XmVERSION > 1
+ XmeConfigureObject(ew, x, y, ew->core.width, ew->core.height,
+ ew->core.border_width);
+ _XmConfigureObject(ew, x, y, ew->core.width, ew->core.height,
+ ew->core.border_width);
+ }
+ y += ew->core.height + 2 * ew->core.border_width;
+ }
+ }
+ // place this entry's children
+ x += xpdfTreeIndent;
+ for (child = e->children; child; child = child->next) {
+ y = layoutSubtree(w, instigator, child, x, y,
+ visible && (!c || c->entryExpanded));
+ }
+ return y;
+static void calcSize(Widget widget, Widget instigator,
+ Dimension *totalWidth,
+ Dimension *totalHeight) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e;
+ Dimension w1, h1, w2, h2;
+ w1 = h1 = 0;
+ for (e = w->tree.root; e; e = e->next) {
+ calcSubtreeSize(w, instigator, e, &w2, &h2);
+ if (w2 > w1) {
+ w1 = w2;
+ }
+ h1 += h2;
+ }
+ w1 += xpdfTreeIndent + 2 * w->tree.marginWidth;
+ h1 += 2 * w->tree.marginHeight;
+ if (h1 == 0) {
+ h1 = 1;
+ }
+ if (!*totalWidth) {
+ *totalWidth = w1;
+ }
+ if (!*totalHeight) {
+ *totalHeight = h1;
+ }
+static void calcSubtreeSize(XPDFTreeWidget w, Widget instigator,
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e,
+ Dimension *width, Dimension *height) {
+ Widget ew;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *child;
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ XtWidgetGeometry geom;
+ Dimension w1, h1, w2, h2;
+ ew = e->widget;
+ if (!XtIsManaged(ew)) {
+ *width = *height = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(ew);
+ // get size of this entry
+ if (ew) {
+ if (!XtIsManaged(ew)) {
+ *width = *height = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ew == instigator) {
+ w1 = ew->core.width;
+ h1 = ew->core.height;
+ } else {
+ XtQueryGeometry(ew, NULL, &geom);
+ w1 = (geom.request_mode & CWWidth) ? geom.width : ew->core.width;
+ h1 = (geom.request_mode & CWHeight) ? geom.height : ew->core.height;
+ }
+ h1 += 2 * ew->core.border_width;
+ } else {
+ // root of tree
+ w1 = 0;
+ h1 = 0;
+ }
+ // if this entry is expanded, get size of all of its children
+ if (c->entryExpanded) {
+ for (child = e->children; child; child = child->next) {
+ calcSubtreeSize(w, instigator, child, &w2, &h2);
+ w2 += xpdfTreeIndent;
+ if (w2 > w1) {
+ w1 = w2;
+ }
+ h1 += h2;
+ }
+ }
+ *width = w1;
+ *height = h1;
+static Boolean needRelayout(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget ow = (XPDFTreeWidget)oldWidget;
+ XPDFTreeWidget nw = (XPDFTreeWidget)newWidget;
+ if (nw->tree.marginWidth != ow->tree.marginWidth ||
+ nw->tree.marginHeight != ow->tree.marginHeight) {
+ return True;
+ }
+ return False;
+static void click(Widget widget, XEvent *event,
+ String *params, Cardinal *numParams) {
+ XPDFTreeWidget w = (XPDFTreeWidget)widget;
+ XButtonPressedEvent *bpe;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e;
+ Boolean onExpandIcon;
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ XPDFTreeSelectCallbackStruct cbs;
+ if (event->type != ButtonPress) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bpe = (XButtonPressedEvent *)event;
+ if (findPosition(w, bpe->x, bpe->y, &e, &onExpandIcon)) {
+ if (onExpandIcon) {
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(e->widget);
+ w->tree.redrawY = e->widget->core.y;
+ XtVaSetValues(e->widget, XPDFNentryExpanded, !c->entryExpanded, NULL);
+ } else {
+ XmProcessTraversal(e->widget, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
+ XtCallActionProc(widget, "ManagerGadgetActivate", event, NULL, 0);
+ cbs.reason = XmCR_ACTIVATE;
+ cbs.event = event;
+ cbs.selectedItem = e->widget;
+ XtCallCallbackList(widget, w->tree.selectCallback, &cbs);
+ }
+ }
+static Boolean findPosition(XPDFTreeWidget w, int x, int y,
+ XPDFTreeEntry **e, Boolean *onExpandIcon) {
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e2;
+ for (e2 = w->tree.root; e2; e2 = e2->next) {
+ *e = e2;
+ if (findPositionInSubtree(w, x, y, e, onExpandIcon)) {
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+// If (x,y) falls on either an expand/collapse icon or a label gadget,
+// set *<e> and *<onExpandIcon> and return true.
+static Boolean findPositionInSubtree(XPDFTreeWidget w, int x, int y,
+ XPDFTreeEntry **e,
+ Boolean *onExpandIcon) {
+ Widget child;
+ XPDFTreeConstraint c;
+ XPDFTreeEntry *e2;
+ int y1;
+ child = (*e)->widget;
+ y1 = child->core.y + child->core.height / 2;
+ if (x >= child->core.x && x < child->core.x + child->core.width &&
+ y >= child->core.y && y < child->core.y + child->core.height) {
+ *onExpandIcon = False;
+ return True;
+ } else if (x >= child->core.x - 16 && x < child->core.x - 4 &&
+ y >= y1 - 6 && y < y1 + 6 &&
+ (*e)->children) {
+ *onExpandIcon = True;
+ return True;
+ }
+ c = XPDFTreeCPart(child);
+ if (!c || c->entryExpanded) {
+ for (e2 = (*e)->children; e2; e2 = e2->next) {
+ *e = e2;
+ if (findPositionInSubtree(w, x, y, e, onExpandIcon)) {
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+Widget XPDFCreateTree(Widget parent, char *name,
+ ArgList argList, Cardinal numArgs) {
+ return XtCreateWidget(name, xpdfTreeWidgetClass, parent, argList, numArgs);