path: root/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/ b/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef47fb6e5..000000000
--- a/filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 1996-2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC
-#include <aconf.h>
-#include "gtypes.h"
-#include "GString.h"
-#include "parseargs.h"
-#include "gfile.h"
-#include "gmem.h"
-#include "GlobalParams.h"
-#include "Object.h"
-#include "XPDFApp.h"
-#include "config.h"
-// command line options
-static char t1libControlStr[16] = "";
-static char freetypeControlStr[16] = "";
-static char psFileArg[256];
-static char paperSize[15] = "";
-static int paperWidth = 0;
-static int paperHeight = 0;
-static GBool level1 = gFalse;
-static char textEncName[128] = "";
-static char textEOL[16] = "";
-static char ownerPassword[33] = "";
-static char userPassword[33] = "";
-static GBool fullScreen = gFalse;
-static char remoteName[100] = "xpdf_";
-static GBool doRemoteRaise = gFalse;
-static GBool doRemoteQuit = gFalse;
-static GBool printCommands = gFalse;
-static GBool quiet = gFalse;
-static char cfgFileName[256] = "";
-static GBool printVersion = gFalse;
-static GBool printHelp = gFalse;
-static ArgDesc argDesc[] = {
- {"-g", argStringDummy, NULL, 0,
- "initial window geometry"},
- {"-geometry", argStringDummy, NULL, 0,
- "initial window geometry"},
- {"-title", argStringDummy, NULL, 0,
- "window title"},
- {"-cmap", argFlagDummy, NULL, 0,
- "install a private colormap"},
- {"-rgb", argIntDummy, NULL, 0,
- "biggest RGB cube to allocate (default is 5)"},
- {"-rv", argFlagDummy, NULL, 0,
- "reverse video"},
- {"-papercolor", argStringDummy, NULL, 0,
- "color of paper background"},
- {"-z", argStringDummy, NULL, 0,
- "initial zoom level (-5..5, page, width)"},
- {"-t1lib", argString, t1libControlStr, sizeof(t1libControlStr),
- "t1lib font rasterizer control: none, plain, low, high"},
- {"-freetype", argString, freetypeControlStr, sizeof(freetypeControlStr),
- "FreeType font rasterizer control: none, plain, low, high"},
- {"-ps", argString, psFileArg, sizeof(psFileArg),
- "default PostScript file name or command"},
- {"-paper", argString, paperSize, sizeof(paperSize),
- "paper size (letter, legal, A4, A3)"},
- {"-paperw", argInt, &paperWidth, 0,
- "paper width, in points"},
- {"-paperh", argInt, &paperHeight, 0,
- "paper height, in points"},
- {"-level1", argFlag, &level1, 0,
- "generate Level 1 PostScript"},
- {"-enc", argString, textEncName, sizeof(textEncName),
- "output text encoding name"},
- {"-eol", argString, textEOL, sizeof(textEOL),
- "output end-of-line convention (unix, dos, or mac)"},
- {"-opw", argString, ownerPassword, sizeof(ownerPassword),
- "owner password (for encrypted files)"},
- {"-upw", argString, userPassword, sizeof(userPassword),
- "user password (for encrypted files)"},
- {"-fullscreen", argFlag, &fullScreen, 0,
- "run in full-screen (presentation) mode"},
- {"-remote", argString, remoteName + 5, sizeof(remoteName) - 5,
- "start/contact xpdf remote server with specified name"},
- {"-raise", argFlag, &doRemoteRaise, 0,
- "raise xpdf remote server window (with -remote only)"},
- {"-quit", argFlag, &doRemoteQuit, 0,
- "kill xpdf remote server (with -remote only)"},
- {"-cmd", argFlag, &printCommands, 0,
- "print commands as they're executed"},
- {"-q", argFlag, &quiet, 0,
- "don't print any messages or errors"},
- {"-cfg", argString, cfgFileName, sizeof(cfgFileName),
- "configuration file to use in place of .xpdfrc"},
- {"-v", argFlag, &printVersion, 0,
- "print copyright and version info"},
- {"-h", argFlag, &printHelp, 0,
- "print usage information"},
- {"-help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0,
- "print usage information"},
- {"--help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0,
- "print usage information"},
- {"-?", argFlag, &printHelp, 0,
- "print usage information"},
- {NULL}
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- XPDFApp *app;
- GString *fileName;
- int pg;
- GString *destName;
- GString *userPasswordStr, *ownerPasswordStr;
- GBool ok;
- int exitCode;
- exitCode = 0;
- userPasswordStr = ownerPasswordStr = NULL;
- // parse args
- ok = parseArgs(argDesc, &argc, argv);
- // read config file
- globalParams = new GlobalParams(cfgFileName);
- if (psFileArg[0]) {
- globalParams->setPSFile(psFileArg);
- }
- if (paperSize[0]) {
- if (!globalParams->setPSPaperSize(paperSize)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Invalid paper size\n");
- }
- } else {
- if (paperWidth) {
- globalParams->setPSPaperWidth(paperWidth);
- }
- if (paperHeight) {
- globalParams->setPSPaperHeight(paperHeight);
- }
- }
- if (level1) {
- globalParams->setPSLevel(psLevel1);
- }
- if (textEncName[0]) {
- globalParams->setTextEncoding(textEncName);
- }
- if (textEOL[0]) {
- if (!globalParams->setTextEOL(textEOL)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad '-eol' value on command line\n");
- }
- }
- if (t1libControlStr[0]) {
- if (!globalParams->setT1libControl(t1libControlStr)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad '-t1lib' value on command line\n");
- }
- }
- if (freetypeControlStr[0]) {
- if (!globalParams->setFreeTypeControl(freetypeControlStr)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad '-freetype' value on command line\n");
- }
- }
- if (printCommands) {
- globalParams->setPrintCommands(printCommands);
- }
- if (quiet) {
- globalParams->setErrQuiet(quiet);
- }
- // create the XPDFApp object
- app = new XPDFApp(&argc, argv);
- // the initialZoom parameter can be set in either the config file or
- // as an X resource (or command line arg)
- if (app->getInitialZoom()) {
- globalParams->setInitialZoom(app->getInitialZoom()->getCString());
- }
- // check command line
- if (doRemoteRaise) {
- ok = ok && remoteName[5] && !doRemoteQuit && argc >= 1 && argc <= 3;
- } else if (doRemoteQuit) {
- ok = ok && remoteName[5] && argc == 1;
- } else {
- ok = ok && argc >= 1 && argc <= 3;
- }
- if (!ok || printVersion || printHelp) {
- fprintf(stderr, "xpdf version %s\n", xpdfVersion);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", xpdfCopyright);
- if (!printVersion) {
- printUsage("xpdf", "[<PDF-file> [<page> | +<dest>]]", argDesc);
- }
- exitCode = 99;
- goto done1;
- }
- if (argc >= 2) {
- fileName = new GString(argv[1]);
- } else {
- fileName = NULL;
- }
- pg = 1;
- destName = NULL;
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (argv[2][0] == '+') {
- destName = new GString(&argv[2][1]);
- } else {
- pg = atoi(argv[2]);
- }
- }
- // handle remote server stuff
- if (remoteName[5]) {
- app->setRemoteName(remoteName);
- if (app->remoteServerRunning()) {
- if (fileName) {
- if (destName) {
- app->remoteOpenAtDest(fileName, destName, doRemoteRaise);
- } else {
- app->remoteOpen(fileName, pg, doRemoteRaise);
- }
- } else if (doRemoteRaise) {
- app->remoteRaise();
- } else if (doRemoteQuit) {
- app->remoteQuit();
- }
- goto done2;
- }
- if (doRemoteQuit) {
- goto done2;
- }
- }
- // set options
- app->setFullScreen(fullScreen);
- // check for password string(s)
- ownerPasswordStr = ownerPassword[0] ? new GString(ownerPassword)
- : (GString *)NULL;
- userPasswordStr = userPassword[0] ? new GString(userPassword)
- : (GString *)NULL;
- // open the file and run the main loop
- if (destName) {
- if (!app->openAtDest(fileName, destName,
- ownerPasswordStr, userPasswordStr)) {
- exitCode = 1;
- goto done2;
- }
- } else {
- if (!app->open(fileName, pg, ownerPasswordStr, userPasswordStr)) {
- exitCode = 1;
- goto done2;
- }
- }
- app->run();
- exitCode = 0;
- // clean up
- done2:
- if (userPasswordStr) {
- delete userPasswordStr;
- }
- if (ownerPasswordStr) {
- delete ownerPasswordStr;
- }
- if (destName) {
- delete destName;
- }
- if (fileName) {
- delete fileName;
- }
- done1:
- delete app;
- delete globalParams;
- // check for memory leaks
- Object::memCheck(stderr);
- gMemReport(stderr);
- return exitCode;