path: root/lib/kross/python/cxx/Extensions.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kross/python/cxx/Extensions.hxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 756 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kross/python/cxx/Extensions.hxx b/lib/kross/python/cxx/Extensions.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c7c2bcf3..000000000
--- a/lib/kross/python/cxx/Extensions.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 1998 The Regents of the University of California.
-// All rights reserved. See LEGAL.LLNL for full text and disclaimer.
-#ifndef __CXX_Extensions__h
-#define __CXX_Extensions__h
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// disable warning C4786: symbol greater than 255 character,
-// okay to ignore
-#pragma warning(disable: 4786)
-#include "Config.hxx"
-#include "Objects.hxx"
-extern "C"
- {
- extern PyObject py_object_initializer;
- }
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-namespace Py
- {
- class ExtensionModuleBase;
- // Make an Exception Type for use in raising custom exceptions
- class ExtensionExceptionType : public Object
- {
- public:
- ExtensionExceptionType();
- virtual ~ExtensionExceptionType();
- // call init to create the type
- void init( ExtensionModuleBase &module, const std::string& name );
- };
- class MethodTable
- {
- public:
- MethodTable();
- virtual ~MethodTable();
- void add(const char* method_name, PyCFunction f, const char* doc="", int flag=1);
- PyMethodDef* table();
- protected:
- std::vector<PyMethodDef> t; // accumulator of PyMethodDef's
- PyMethodDef *mt; // Actual method table produced when full
- static PyMethodDef method (const char* method_name, PyCFunction f, int flags = 1, const char* doc="");
- private:
- //
- // prevent the compiler generating these unwanted functions
- //
- MethodTable(const MethodTable& m); //unimplemented
- void operator=(const MethodTable& m); //unimplemented
- }; // end class MethodTable
- extern "C"
- {
- typedef PyObject *(*method_varargs_call_handler_t)( PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args );
- typedef PyObject *(*method_keyword_call_handler_t)( PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_dict );
- }
- template<class T>
- class MethodDefExt : public PyMethodDef
- {
- public:
- typedef Object (T::*method_varargs_function_t)( const Tuple &args );
- typedef Object (T::*method_keyword_function_t)( const Tuple &args, const Dict &kws );
- MethodDefExt
- (
- const char *_name,
- method_varargs_function_t _function,
- method_varargs_call_handler_t _handler,
- const char *_doc
- )
- {
- ext_meth_def.ml_name = const_cast<char *>(_name);
- ext_meth_def.ml_meth = _handler;
- ext_meth_def.ml_flags = METH_VARARGS;
- ext_meth_def.ml_doc = const_cast<char *>(_doc);
- ext_varargs_function = _function;
- ext_keyword_function = NULL;
- }
- MethodDefExt
- (
- const char *_name,
- method_keyword_function_t _function,
- method_keyword_call_handler_t _handler,
- const char *_doc
- )
- {
- ext_meth_def.ml_name = const_cast<char *>(_name);
- ext_meth_def.ml_meth = method_varargs_call_handler_t( _handler );
- ext_meth_def.ml_flags = METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS;
- ext_meth_def.ml_doc = const_cast<char *>(_doc);
- ext_varargs_function = NULL;
- ext_keyword_function = _function;
- }
- ~MethodDefExt()
- {}
- PyMethodDef ext_meth_def;
- method_varargs_function_t ext_varargs_function;
- method_keyword_function_t ext_keyword_function;
- };
- class ExtensionModuleBase
- {
- public:
- ExtensionModuleBase( const char *name );
- virtual ~ExtensionModuleBase();
- Module module(void) const; // only valid after initialize() has been called
- Dict moduleDictionary(void) const; // only valid after initialize() has been called
- virtual Object invoke_method_keyword( const std::string &_name, const Tuple &_args, const Dict &_keywords ) = 0;
- virtual Object invoke_method_varargs( const std::string &_name, const Tuple &_args ) = 0;
- const std::string &name() const;
- const std::string &fullName() const;
- protected:
- // Initialize the module
- void initialize( const char *module_doc );
- const std::string module_name;
- const std::string full_module_name;
- MethodTable method_table;
- private:
- //
- // prevent the compiler generating these unwanted functions
- //
- ExtensionModuleBase( const ExtensionModuleBase & ); //unimplemented
- void operator=( const ExtensionModuleBase & ); //unimplemented
- };
- extern "C" PyObject *method_keyword_call_handler( PyObject *_self_and_name_tuple, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_keywords );
- extern "C" PyObject *method_varargs_call_handler( PyObject *_self_and_name_tuple, PyObject *_args );
- extern "C" void do_not_dealloc( void * );
- template<typename T>
- class ExtensionModule : public ExtensionModuleBase
- {
- public:
- ExtensionModule( const char *name )
- : ExtensionModuleBase( name )
- {}
- virtual ~ExtensionModule()
- {}
- protected:
- typedef Object (T::*method_varargs_function_t)( const Tuple &args );
- typedef Object (T::*method_keyword_function_t)( const Tuple &args, const Dict &kws );
- typedef std::map<std::string,MethodDefExt<T> *> method_map_t;
- static void add_varargs_method( const char *name, method_varargs_function_t function, const char *doc="" )
- {
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *method_definition = new MethodDefExt<T>
- (
- name,
- function,
- method_varargs_call_handler,
- doc
- );
- mm[std::string( name )] = method_definition;
- }
- static void add_keyword_method( const char *name, method_keyword_function_t function, const char *doc="" )
- {
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *method_definition = new MethodDefExt<T>
- (
- name,
- function,
- method_keyword_call_handler,
- doc
- );
- mm[std::string( name )] = method_definition;
- }
- void initialize( const char *module_doc="" )
- {
- ExtensionModuleBase::initialize( module_doc );
- Dict dict( moduleDictionary() );
- //
- // put each of the methods into the modules dictionary
- // so that we get called back at the function in T.
- //
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- typename method_map_t::iterator i;
- for( i=mm.begin(); i != mm.end(); ++i )
- {
- MethodDefExt<T> *method_definition = (*i).second;
- static PyObject *self = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr( this, do_not_dealloc );
- Tuple args( 2 );
- args[0] = Object( self );
- args[1] = String( (*i).first );
- PyObject *func = PyCFunction_New
- (
- &method_definition->ext_meth_def,
- new_reference_to( args )
- );
- dict[ (*i).first ] = Object( func );
- }
- }
- protected: // Tom Malcolmson reports that derived classes need access to these
- static method_map_t &methods(void)
- {
- static method_map_t *map_of_methods = NULL;
- if( map_of_methods == NULL )
- map_of_methods = new method_map_t;
- return *map_of_methods;
- }
- // this invoke function must be called from within a try catch block
- virtual Object invoke_method_keyword( const std::string &name, const Tuple &args, const Dict &keywords )
- {
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *meth_def = mm[ name ];
- if( meth_def == NULL )
- {
- std::string error_msg( "CXX - cannot invoke keyword method named " );
- error_msg += name;
- throw RuntimeError( error_msg );
- }
- // cast up to the derived class
- T *self = static_cast<T *>(this);
- return (self->*meth_def->ext_keyword_function)( args, keywords );
- }
- // this invoke function must be called from within a try catch block
- virtual Object invoke_method_varargs( const std::string &name, const Tuple &args )
- {
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *meth_def = mm[ name ];
- if( meth_def == NULL )
- {
- std::string error_msg( "CXX - cannot invoke varargs method named " );
- error_msg += name;
- throw RuntimeError( error_msg );
- }
- // cast up to the derived class
- T *self = static_cast<T *>(this);
- return (self->*meth_def->ext_varargs_function)( args );
- }
- private:
- //
- // prevent the compiler generating these unwanted functions
- //
- ExtensionModule( const ExtensionModule<T> & ); //unimplemented
- void operator=( const ExtensionModule<T> & ); //unimplemented
- };
- class PythonType
- {
- public:
- // if you define one sequence method you must define
- // all of them except the assigns
- PythonType (size_t base_size, int itemsize, const char *default_name );
- virtual ~PythonType ();
- const char *getName () const;
- const char *getDoc () const;
- PyTypeObject* type_object () const;
- void name (const char* nam);
- void doc (const char* d);
- void dealloc(void (*f)(PyObject*));
- void supportPrint(void);
- void supportGetattr(void);
- void supportSetattr(void);
- void supportGetattro(void);
- void supportSetattro(void);
- void supportCompare(void);
- void supportRepr(void);
- void supportStr(void);
- void supportHash(void);
- void supportCall(void);
- void supportSequenceType(void);
- void supportMappingType(void);
- void supportNumberType(void);
- void supportBufferType(void);
- protected:
- PyTypeObject *table;
- PySequenceMethods *sequence_table;
- PyMappingMethods *mapping_table;
- PyNumberMethods *number_table;
- PyBufferProcs *buffer_table;
- void init_sequence();
- void init_mapping();
- void init_number();
- void init_buffer();
- private:
- //
- // prevent the compiler generating these unwanted functions
- //
- PythonType (const PythonType& tb); // unimplemented
- void operator=(const PythonType& t); // unimplemented
- }; // end of PythonType
- // Class PythonExtension is what you inherit from to create
- // a new Python extension type. You give your class itself
- // as the template paramter.
- // There are two ways that extension objects can get destroyed.
- // 1. Their reference count goes to zero
- // 2. Someone does an explicit delete on a pointer.
- // In (1) the problem is to get the destructor called
- // We register a special deallocator in the Python type object
- // (see behaviors()) to do this.
- // In (2) there is no problem, the dtor gets called.
- // PythonExtension does not use the usual Python heap allocator,
- // instead using new/delete. We do the setting of the type object
- // and reference count, usually done by PyObject_New, in the
- // base class ctor.
- // This special deallocator does a delete on the pointer.
- class PythonExtensionBase : public PyObject
- {
- public:
- PythonExtensionBase();
- virtual ~PythonExtensionBase();
- public:
- virtual int print( FILE *, int );
- virtual Object getattr( const char * ) = 0;
- virtual int setattr( const char *, const Object & );
- virtual Object getattro( const Object & );
- virtual int setattro( const Object &, const Object & );
- virtual int compare( const Object & );
- virtual Object repr();
- virtual Object str();
- virtual long hash();
- virtual Object call( const Object &, const Object & );
- // Sequence methods
- virtual int sequence_length();
- virtual Object sequence_concat( const Object & );
- virtual Object sequence_repeat( int );
- virtual Object sequence_item( int );
- virtual Object sequence_slice( int, int );
- virtual int sequence_ass_item( int, const Object & );
- virtual int sequence_ass_slice( int, int, const Object & );
- // Mapping
- virtual int mapping_length();
- virtual Object mapping_subscript( const Object & );
- virtual int mapping_ass_subscript( const Object &, const Object & );
- // Number
- virtual int number_nonzero();
- virtual Object number_negative();
- virtual Object number_positive();
- virtual Object number_absolute();
- virtual Object number_invert();
- virtual Object number_int();
- virtual Object number_float();
- virtual Object number_long();
- virtual Object number_oct();
- virtual Object number_hex();
- virtual Object number_add( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_subtract( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_multiply( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_divide( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_remainder( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_divmod( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_lshift( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_rshift( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_and( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_xor( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_or( const Object & );
- virtual Object number_power( const Object &, const Object & );
- // Buffer
- virtual int buffer_getreadbuffer( int, void** );
- virtual int buffer_getwritebuffer( int, void** );
- virtual int buffer_getsegcount( int* );
- private:
- void missing_method( void );
- static PyObject *method_call_handler( PyObject *self, PyObject *args );
- };
- template<typename T>
- class PythonExtension: public PythonExtensionBase
- {
- public:
- static PyTypeObject* type_object()
- {
- return behaviors().type_object();
- }
- static int check( PyObject *p )
- {
- // is p like me?
- return p->ob_type == type_object();
- }
- static int check( const Object& ob )
- {
- return check( ob.ptr());
- }
- //
- // every object needs getattr implemented
- // to support methods
- //
- virtual Object getattr( const char *name )
- {
- return getattr_methods( name );
- }
- protected:
- explicit PythonExtension()
- : PythonExtensionBase()
- {
- #ifdef PyObject_INIT
- (void)PyObject_INIT( this, type_object() );
- #else
- ob_refcnt = 1;
- ob_type = type_object();
- #endif
- // every object must support getattr
- behaviors().supportGetattr();
- }
- virtual ~PythonExtension()
- {}
- static PythonType &behaviors()
- {
- static PythonType* p;
- if( p == NULL )
- {
-#if defined( _CPPRTTI )
- const char *default_name = (typeid ( T )).name();
- const char *default_name = "unknown";
- p = new PythonType( sizeof( T ), 0, default_name );
- p->dealloc( extension_object_deallocator );
- }
- return *p;
- }
- typedef Object (T::*method_varargs_function_t)( const Tuple &args );
- typedef Object (T::*method_keyword_function_t)( const Tuple &args, const Dict &kws );
- typedef std::map<std::string,MethodDefExt<T> *> method_map_t;
- // support the default attributes, __name__, __doc__ and methods
- virtual Object getattr_default( const char *_name )
- {
- std::string name( _name );
- if( name == "__name__" && type_object()->tp_name != NULL )
- {
- return Py::String( type_object()->tp_name );
- }
- else if( name == "__doc__" && type_object()->tp_doc != NULL )
- {
- return Py::String( type_object()->tp_doc );
- }
-// trying to fake out being a class for help()
-// else if( name == "__bases__" )
-// {
-// return Py::Tuple(0);
-// }
-// else if( name == "__module__" )
-// {
-// return Py::Nothing();
-// }
-// else if( name == "__dict__" )
-// {
-// return Py::Dict();
-// }
- else
- {
- return getattr_methods( _name );
- }
- }
- // turn a name into function object
- virtual Object getattr_methods( const char *_name )
- {
- std::string name( _name );
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- if( name == "__methods__" )
- {
- List methods;
- for( typename method_map_t::iterator i = mm.begin(); i != mm.end(); ++i )
- methods.append( String( (*i).first ) );
- return methods;
- }
- // see if name exists
- if( mm.find( name ) == mm.end() )
- throw AttributeError( "method '" + name + "' does not exist." );
- Tuple self( 2 );
- self[0] = Object( this );
- self[1] = String( name );
- MethodDefExt<T> *method_definition = mm[ name ];
- PyObject *func = PyCFunction_New( &method_definition->ext_meth_def, self.ptr() );
- return Object(func, true);
- }
- static void add_varargs_method( const char *name, method_varargs_function_t function, const char *doc="" )
- {
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *method_definition = new MethodDefExt<T>
- (
- name,
- function,
- method_varargs_call_handler,
- doc
- );
- mm[std::string( name )] = method_definition;
- }
- static void add_keyword_method( const char *name, method_keyword_function_t function, const char *doc="" )
- {
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *method_definition = new MethodDefExt<T>
- (
- name,
- function,
- method_keyword_call_handler,
- doc
- );
- mm[std::string( name )] = method_definition;
- }
- private:
- static method_map_t &methods(void)
- {
- static method_map_t *map_of_methods = NULL;
- if( map_of_methods == NULL )
- map_of_methods = new method_map_t;
- return *map_of_methods;
- }
- static PyObject *method_keyword_call_handler( PyObject *_self_and_name_tuple, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_keywords )
- {
- try
- {
- Tuple self_and_name_tuple( _self_and_name_tuple );
- PyObject *self_in_cobject = self_and_name_tuple[0].ptr();
- T *self = static_cast<T *>( self_in_cobject );
- String name( self_and_name_tuple[1] );
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *meth_def = mm[ name ];
- if( meth_def == NULL )
- return 0;
- Tuple args( _args );
- // _keywords may be NULL so be careful about the way the dict is created
- Dict keywords;
- if( _keywords != NULL )
- keywords = Dict( _keywords );
- Object result( (self->*meth_def->ext_keyword_function)( args, keywords ) );
- return new_reference_to( result.ptr() );
- }
- catch( Exception & )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static PyObject *method_varargs_call_handler( PyObject *_self_and_name_tuple, PyObject *_args )
- {
- try
- {
- Tuple self_and_name_tuple( _self_and_name_tuple );
- PyObject *self_in_cobject = self_and_name_tuple[0].ptr();
- T *self = static_cast<T *>( self_in_cobject );
- String name( self_and_name_tuple[1] );
- method_map_t &mm = methods();
- MethodDefExt<T> *meth_def = mm[ name ];
- if( meth_def == NULL )
- return 0;
- Tuple args( _args );
- Object result;
- // TMM: 7Jun'01 - Adding try & catch in case of STL debug-mode exceptions.
- #ifdef _STLP_DEBUG
- try
- {
- result = (self->*meth_def->ext_varargs_function)( args );
- }
- catch (std::__stl_debug_exception)
- {
- // throw cxx::RuntimeError( sErrMsg );
- throw cxx::RuntimeError( "Error message not set yet." );
- }
- #else
- result = (self->*meth_def->ext_varargs_function)( args );
- #endif // _STLP_DEBUG
- return new_reference_to( result.ptr() );
- }
- catch( Exception & )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static void extension_object_deallocator ( PyObject* t )
- {
- delete (T *)( t );
- }
- //
- // prevent the compiler generating these unwanted functions
- //
- explicit PythonExtension( const PythonExtension<T>& other );
- void operator=( const PythonExtension<T>& rhs );
- };
- //
- // ExtensionObject<T> is an Object that will accept only T's.
- //
- template<typename T>
- class ExtensionObject: public Object
- {
- public:
- explicit ExtensionObject ( PyObject *pyob )
- : Object( pyob )
- {
- validate();
- }
- ExtensionObject( const ExtensionObject<T>& other )
- : Object( *other )
- {
- validate();
- }
- ExtensionObject( const Object& other )
- : Object( *other )
- {
- validate();
- }
- ExtensionObject& operator= ( const Object& rhs )
- {
- return (*this = *rhs );
- }
- ExtensionObject& operator= ( PyObject* rhsp )
- {
- if( ptr() == rhsp )
- return *this;
- set( rhsp );
- return *this;
- }
- virtual bool accepts ( PyObject *pyob ) const
- {
- return ( pyob && T::check( pyob ));
- }
- //
- // Obtain a pointer to the PythonExtension object
- //
- T *extensionObject(void)
- {
- return static_cast<T *>( ptr() );
- }
- };
- } // Namespace Py
-// End of CXX_Extensions.h