path: root/krusader/RemoteMan/remoteman.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'krusader/RemoteMan/remoteman.cpp')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/krusader/RemoteMan/remoteman.cpp b/krusader/RemoteMan/remoteman.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..848bba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krusader/RemoteMan/remoteman.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ remoteman.cpp
+ -------------------
+ copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
+ e-mail :
+ web site :
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Description
+ ***************************************************************************
+ A
+ db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
+ 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D
+ 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY'
+ 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b
+ 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88.
+ YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD
+ S o u r c e F i l e
+ ***************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "remoteman.h"
+#include "../kicons.h"
+#include "../resources.h"
+#include "../krusader.h"
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qmultilineedit.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+QString remoteMan::url=QString::null;
+remoteMan::remoteMan() : remoteManBase(0,0,true), currentItem(0) {
+ // Read the connection list from the configuration file and re-create the tree
+ config2tree();
+ sessions->setCurrentItem(sessions->firstChild());
+ // some minor fixes, left out of the designer - do again in next version !
+ password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
+ // ===> should be moved to remoteManBase <=====
+ connect( hostName, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ),
+ this, SLOT( updateConnect(const QString&) ) );
+ connect( sessions, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(connection()));
+ connect( sessions, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(connection()));
+ // execute the main dialog
+ exec();
+void remoteMan::expandDecos(QListViewItem* i) {
+ if (i->text(1)!="SESSION") i->setPixmap(0,LOADICON("folder_open"));
+void remoteMan::collapseDecos(QListViewItem* i) {
+ if (i->text(1)!="SESSION") i->setPixmap(0,LOADICON("folder_open"));
+// This is the static memeber, you'd want to call this directly !
+QString remoteMan::getHost() {
+ remoteMan *p=new remoteMan();
+ delete p;
+ return url;
+// adds a new group submenu
+void remoteMan::addGroup() {
+ QListViewItem *i=0,*current;
+ current=sessions->currentItem();
+ if (!current) // no item is current, or the list is empty (shouldn't happen)
+ i=new QListViewItem(sessions,i18n("New group"),"GROUP"); // insert into the backplane
+ else
+ if (current->text(1).left(5)=="GROUP")
+ i=new QListViewItem(current,i18n("New group"),"GROUP"); // insert under the current item
+ else return; // cannot create a new group under an item
+ // set an open folder pixmap for the group
+ i->setPixmap(0,LOADICON("folder_open"));
+ // make the new item current and refresh the view
+ sessions->setCurrentItem(i); sessions->ensureItemVisible(i);
+// add an actual session
+void remoteMan::addSession() {
+ QListViewItem *i=0,*current;
+ current=sessions->currentItem();
+ // if we are pointing to a session, then the new session will be
+ // created under the current session's parent group
+ if (current->text(1)=="SESSION") current=current->parent();
+ // create a new item and give it the appropriate pixmap
+ i=new QListViewItem(current,i18n("New session"),"SESSION");
+ i->setPixmap(0,LOADICON("kr_ftp_new"));
+ // make the new item current and refresh the view
+ sessions->setCurrentItem(i); sessions->ensureItemVisible(i);
+// called upon a selection change to update the view
+void remoteMan::refreshData() {
+ // first, update the last changes the user made
+ if (currentItem) {
+ currentItem->setText(2,hostName->text());
+ currentItem->setText(3,portNum->cleanText());
+ currentItem->setText(4,userName->text());
+ currentItem->setText(5,password->text());
+ currentItem->setText(6,remoteDir->text());
+ currentItem->setText(7,description->text());
+ currentItem->setText(8,protocol->currentText());
+ // we have to check if there's another brother-session with
+ // the same name, if so, we add a <2> to it
+ QListViewItem *i;
+ if (currentItem->parent()) i=currentItem->parent()->firstChild();
+ else i=sessions->firstChild();
+ while (i) {
+ if (i->text(0)==currentItem->text(0) && i!=currentItem) {
+ QString temp=currentItem->text(0).right(4);
+ if (temp.left(1)=="<" && temp.right(1)==">") {
+ int h=temp.mid(1,1).toInt();
+ int l=temp.mid(2,1).toInt();
+ if ((++l)==10) { ++h; l=0; }
+ temp=QString("<%1%2>").arg(h).arg(l);
+ temp=currentItem->text(0).replace(currentItem->text(0).length()-4,4,temp);
+ currentItem->setText(0,temp);
+ } else currentItem->setText(0,currentItem->text(0)+"<02>");
+ i=currentItem->parent()->firstChild();
+ } else i=i->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ // here begins the actual function
+ removeBtn->setEnabled(true); // just incase we turned it off last time
+ connectBtn->setEnabled(true);
+ QListViewItem *current=sessions->currentItem();
+ if (!current) return; // if no item is current yet
+ if (current->text(1).left(5)=="GROUP") { // disable all that don't belong to a group
+ // first, disable all the fields a user cannot change
+ hostName->setEnabled(false);
+ password->setEnabled(false);
+ portNum->setEnabled(false);
+ remoteDir->setEnabled(false);
+ userName->setEnabled(false);
+ if (current->text(1)=="GROUP!") {
+ sessionName->setEnabled(false); // even name can't be changed here!
+ description->setEnabled(false);
+ removeBtn->setEnabled(false);
+ connectBtn->setEnabled(false);
+ } else sessionName->setEnabled(true);
+ } else { // otherwise, a normal url is under the cursor
+ if( !current->text(8).isEmpty() )
+ protocol->setCurrentText(current->text(8));
+ else
+ protocol->setCurrentItem(0);
+ hostName->setEnabled(true);
+ // anonymous connection ??
+ userName->setEnabled(!anonymous->isChecked());
+ password->setEnabled(!anonymous->isChecked());
+ // for now, don't allow port settings for smb://
+ portNum->setEnabled( protocol->currentText()=="ftp://" );
+ remoteDir->setEnabled(true);
+ sessionName->setEnabled(true);
+ description->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ // now, update the session name (or group name) and needed info
+ sessionName->setText(current->text(0));
+ hostName->setText(current->text(2));
+ portNum->setValue(current->text(3).toInt());
+ if (portNum->value()==0) portNum->setValue(21);
+ userName->setText(current->text(4));
+ password->setText(current->text(5));
+ remoteDir->setText(current->text(6));
+ description->setText(current->text(7));
+ sessions->setSorting(1); sessions->sort(); // resort the tree
+ currentItem=current; // keep the active item for other jobs
+ // disable connect button if no host name is defined
+ if (hostName->text().simplifyWhiteSpace().isEmpty())
+ connectBtn->setEnabled(false);
+// called when we are changing the session/group name, so that remoteMan
+// is able to change it in the corrosponding listview at the same time
+void remoteMan::updateName(const QString &text) {
+ QListViewItem *i=sessions->currentItem();
+ i->setText(0,text);
+void remoteMan::updateConnect(const QString &) {
+ // disable connect button if no host name is defined
+ if (hostName->text().simplifyWhiteSpace().isEmpty())
+ connectBtn->setEnabled(false);
+ else connectBtn->setEnabled(true);
+// take an item, and create a "connection", built of the full
+// path of folders to the item, seperated by the ` character
+QString item2connection(QListViewItem *item) {
+ QString con=item->text(0);
+ QListViewItem *iterator=item->parent();
+ while (iterator!=0) {
+ //////////////////////// explanation: ///////////////////////////
+ // since the` char is special to us, we use it to seperate items
+ // in the connection, we cannot allow it to be inside a name, so
+ // we find it (if it exists) and replace it with a ' character
+ QString temp=iterator->text(0);
+ int i=temp.find('`'); // are there any ` in the name ?
+ while (i>-1) { // if so, change them until none are left
+ temp.replace(i,1,QChar('\''));
+ i=temp.find('`');
+ }
+ con=temp+'`'+con;
+ iterator=iterator->parent();
+ }
+ return con;
+// find an item with a specific path - if the path doesn't exist, create it
+QListViewItem* remoteMan::findItem(const QString &name, QListViewItem *p) {
+ QListViewItem *it;
+ if (name.isEmpty()) return p; // the end of the recursion has been reached!!!
+ if (p==0) it=sessions->firstChild(); else it=p->firstChild();
+ int loc=name.find('`');
+ while (it) {
+ if (it->text(0)==name.left(loc)) break;
+ it=it->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (!it) // item has not been found, create it
+ if (!p) it=new QListViewItem(sessions,name.left(loc),"GROUP");
+ else it=new QListViewItem(p,name.left(loc),"GROUP");
+ // now, it points to the item we want, so let's go down one level
+ it=findItem(name.mid(loc+1),it);
+ return it;
+// re-create the tree from a config file
+void remoteMan::config2tree() {
+ // attempt to read the tree from krusader's config file
+ krConfig->setGroup("RemoteMan");
+ QStringList lst=krConfig->readListEntry("Connections");
+ if (lst.count()<1) { // no such list in the config file - create the basics
+ // add the default groups
+ QListViewItem *i;
+ i=new QListViewItem(sessions,i18n("Sessions"),"GROUP!");
+ // the GROUP text signifies a group (duh), the GROUP! signifies a group
+ // that the user cannot change
+ i->setPixmap(0,LOADICON("folder_open"));
+ sessions->setCurrentItem(i);
+//# i=new QListViewItem(sessions,i18n("Samba sessions (comming soon)"),"GROUP!");
+//# i->setPixmap(0,LOADICON("folder"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // if we got here, we have a connection entry in the config file
+ // let's work on it...
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ QListViewItem *item=0;
+ for( it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
+ QString t=(*it); // easier to work with
+ // this part creates the path to the session
+ int loc=t.findRev('`');
+ if (loc>-1) item=findItem(t.left(loc+1),0);
+ // at this point we have the complete path to the object
+ // let's keep only the item's name
+ t=t.mid(loc+1);
+ // now, we are left with only the session name itself
+ // so, we create it as a son of the active item
+ QStringList newLst=krConfig->readListEntry(*it); // and fill in
+ bool group=(newLst[1]!="SESSION");
+ QListViewItem *newItem;
+ if (item==0) // if this item originating from the backplane
+ newItem=new QListViewItem(sessions,t,group ? "GROUP" : "SESSION");
+ else
+ newItem=new QListViewItem(item,t,group ? "GROUP" : "SESSION");
+ newItem->setPixmap(0,group ? LOADICON("folder") : LOADICON("kr_ftp_new")); // update a pixmap
+ newItem->setText(0,t);
+ // expand the item, if needed
+ ++it; if ((*it) == "expanded") newItem->setOpen(true);
+ for (int i=1; i<9; ++i) newItem->setText(i,newLst[i]);// the details
+ item=0; // clean up pointers
+ }
+// make a single pass on the tree and create a configuration file
+void remoteMan::tree2config() {
+ // first, set the stage
+ krConfig->setGroup("RemoteMan");
+ QStringList lst;
+ QListViewItemIterator it(sessions);
+ while (it.current()) { // while there are still items in the tree
+ QString temp=item2connection((it.current()));
+ lst.append(temp); // write the connection into the "connection-index"
+ if (it.current()->isOpen())
+ lst.append("expanded"); else lst.append("collapsed");
+ QStringList data;
+ for (int i=0; i<9; ++i) data.append((it.current())->text(i));
+ // write the specific entry into the config file
+ krConfig->writeEntry(temp,data);
+ ++it;
+ }
+ // now we write the index
+ krConfig->writeEntry("Connections",lst);
+ krConfig->sync(); // force an immediate write to the disk
+void remoteMan::connection() {
+ // if clicked on a group...
+ QListViewItem *i=sessions->currentItem();
+ if (i->text(1)!="SESSION") {
+ i->setOpen(i->isOpen());
+ return;
+ }
+ // build a url
+ if (anonymous->isChecked()) {
+ userName->setText(QString::null);
+ password->setText(QString::null);
+ } else {
+ userName->setText(userName->text().simplifyWhiteSpace());
+ password->setText(password->text().simplifyWhiteSpace());
+ }
+ hostName->setText(hostName->text().simplifyWhiteSpace().lower());
+ if (hostName->text().left(6)=="ftp://" || hostName->text().left(6)=="smb://")
+ hostName->setText(hostName->text().mid(6));
+ remoteDir->setText(remoteDir->text().simplifyWhiteSpace());
+ if ( !remoteDir->text().isEmpty() && remoteDir->text().left(1)!="/")
+ remoteDir->setText("/"+remoteDir->text());
+ QString port="";
+ if (protocol->currentText()=="ftp://" && portNum->value()!=21 )
+ port=":"+portNum->cleanText();
+ url=protocol->currentText();
+ if( !userName->text().isEmpty() ){
+ url = url+userName->text();
+ if( !password->text().isEmpty() );
+ url = url+":"+password->text();
+ url = url+"@";
+ }
+ url=url+ hostName->text()+port+remoteDir->text();
+ // now, let's close cleanly
+ refreshData(); // make sure all is updated
+ tree2config(); // write the sessions to a configuration file
+ remoteManBase::accept(); // tidy up
+// remove a connection or a group of connections
+void remoteMan::removeSession() {
+ QListViewItem *it=sessions->currentItem();
+ if (!it) return; // don't do anything if no item is selected
+ switch( QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("RemoteMan"),
+ i18n("Are you sure you want to delete this item ???"),
+ QMessageBox::Yes,
+ QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Default | QMessageBox::Escape)) {
+ case QMessageBox::No : return;
+ }
+ // since we're here, the user must have pressed YES, let's delete
+ delete it;
+ sessions->triggerUpdate();
+// what we do when the user clicked the close button
+void remoteMan::accept() {
+ refreshData(); // make sure all is updated
+ tree2config(); // write the sessions to a configuration file
+ url=QString::null; // this signals getHost() we didn't click CONNECT
+ remoteManBase::accept(); // tidy up
+void remoteMan::reject() {
+ refreshData(); // make sure all is updated
+ tree2config(); // write the sessions to a configuration file
+ url=QString::null; // this signals getHost() we didn't click CONNECT
+ remoteManBase::reject();
+#include "remoteman.moc"