path: root/krusader/krusader.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'krusader/krusader.h')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/krusader/krusader.h b/krusader/krusader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f693326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krusader/krusader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ krusader.h
+ -------------------
+ begin : Thu May 4 2000
+ copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
+ e-mail :
+ web site :
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The main application ! what's more to say ?
+ ***************************************************************************
+ A
+ db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
+ 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D
+ 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY'
+ 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b
+ 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88.
+ YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD
+ H e a d e r F i l e
+ ***************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#ifndef KRUSADER_H
+#define KRUSADER_H
+#include <config.h>
+// KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kparts/mainwindow.h>
+#include <kstdaction.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <dcopobject.h>
+#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
+class KrJS;
+class KrusaderStatus;
+class KRPleaseWaitHandler;
+class KrusaderView;
+class KProcess;
+class KRslots;
+class KIconLoader;
+class KSystemTray;
+class UserMenu;
+class UserAction;
+class Expander;
+class KMountMan;
+class KrBookmarkHandler;
+class PopularUrls;
+class QueueManager;
+//static QTextOStream krOut(stdout);
+#define krOut kdDebug(50010)
+class Krusader : public KParts::MainWindow, public DCOPObject {
+ public:
+ Krusader();
+ virtual ~Krusader();
+ void refreshView(); // re-create the main view
+ void configChanged();
+ /**
+ * This returns a defferent icon if krusader runs with root-privileges
+ * @return a character string with the specitif icon-name
+ */
+ static const char* privIcon();
+ static QStringList supportedTools(); // find supported tools
+ virtual bool process (const QCString &fun, const QByteArray &data, QCString &replyType, QByteArray &replyData);
+ void moveToTop();
+ public slots:
+ // increase the internal progress bar
+ void incProgress( KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen );
+ void statusBarUpdate( QString& mess );
+ // in use by Krusader only
+ void saveSettings();
+ void savePosition();
+ void updateGUI( bool enforce = false );
+ void slotClose();
+ void setDirectExit() { directExit = true; }
+ protected:
+ bool queryExit() {
+ config->sync();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool queryClose();
+ void setupActions();
+ void setupAccels();
+ bool versionControl(); // handle version differences in krusaderrc
+ void showEvent ( QShowEvent * );
+ void hideEvent ( QHideEvent * );
+ void moveEvent ( QMoveEvent * );
+ void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * );
+ public:
+ static Krusader *App; // a kApp style pointer
+ KMountMan *mountMan; // krusader's Mount Manager
+ KrusaderView *mainView; // The GUI
+ KConfig *config; // allow everyone to access the config
+ KIconLoader *iconLoader; // the app's icon loader
+ PopularUrls *popularUrls; // holds a sorted list of the most popular urls visited
+ QueueManager *queueManager;
+ // Actions
+ static KAction *actProperties, *actPack, *actUnpack, *actTest, *actCompare, *actCmdlinePopup;
+ static KAction *actCalculate, *actSelect, *actUnselect, *actSelectAll, *actLocate, *actSwitchFullScreenTE;
+ static KAction *actUnselectAll, *actInvert, *actSync, *actDiskUsage, *actSavePosition, *actCompDirs;
+ static KAction *actHomeTerminal, *actFTPConnect, *actFTPNewConnect, *actFTPDisconnect, *actProfiles;
+ static KAction *actExecFilter, *actCustomFilter, *actMountMan, *actNewTool, *actSwapPanels, *actSwapSides;
+ static KAction *actKonfigurator, *actToolsSetup, *actBack, *actRoot, *actFind, *actDirUp;
+ static KAction *actSelectColorMask, *actMultiRename, *actAllFilter, *actOpenLeftBm, *actOpenRightBm;
+ static KAction *actNewTab, *actDupTab, *actCloseTab, *actPreviousTab, *actNextTab, *actSplit;
+ static KAction *actCombine, *actUserMenu, *actManageUseractions, *actSyncDirs, *actSyncBrowse;
+ static KAction *actF2, *actF3, *actF4, *actF5, *actF6, *actF7, *actF8, *actF9, *actF10;
+ static KAction *actPopularUrls, *actLocationBar, *actJumpBack, *actSetJumpBack, *actCreateChecksum, *actMatchChecksum;
+ static KAction *actDetailedView, *actBriefView, *actCopy, *actPaste;
+ static KToggleAction *actToggleTerminal, *actVerticalMode;
+ static KRadioAction *actSelectNewerAndSingle, *actSelectNewer, *actSelectSingle,
+ *actSelectDifferentAndSingle, *actSelectDifferent;
+ /** actions for setting the execution mode of commands from commanddline */
+ static KRadioAction *actExecStartAndForget,
+ *actExecCollectSeparate,*actExecCollectTogether,
+ *actExecTerminalExternal,*actExecTerminalEmbedded;
+ KToggleAction *actToggleFnkeys, *actToggleCmdline, *actShowToolBar,
+ *actShowStatusBar, *actToggleHidden, *actCompareDirs;
+ static KRadioAction **compareArray[];
+ /** actions for setting the execution mode of commands from commanddline */
+ static KRadioAction **execTypeArray[];
+ // return a path to a temp dir or file we can use.
+ QString getTempDir();
+ QString getTempFile();
+ // the internal progress bar variales + functions
+ KRPleaseWaitHandler* plzWait;
+ void startWaiting( QString msg = "Please Wait", int count = 0 , bool cancel = false );
+ void stopWait();
+ bool wasWaitingCancelled() const;
+ KrusaderStatus *status;
+ KRslots *slot;
+ KAccel *accels; // global accelerators
+ static KPopupMenu *userActionMenu;
+ static UserMenu *userMenu;
+ static UserAction *userAction;
+ static KrBookmarkHandler *bookman;
+ #ifdef __KJSEMBED__
+ static KrJS *js;
+ static KAction *actShowJSConsole;
+ #endif
+ signals:
+ void changeMessage( QString );
+ private:
+ KSystemTray *sysTray;
+ QPoint oldPos;
+ QSize oldSize;
+ bool isStarting;
+ bool isExiting;
+ bool directExit;
+// main modules
+#define krApp Krusader::App
+#define krConfig Krusader::App->config
+#define krMtMan (*(Krusader::App->mountMan))
+#define krBookMan Krusader::App->bookman
+#define SLOTS Krusader::App->slot
+#define krLoader Krusader::App->iconLoader
+#define MAIN_VIEW (krApp->mainView)
+#define ACTIVE_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->activeManager())
+#define ACTIVE_PANEL (MAIN_VIEW->activePanel)
+#define OTHER_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->inactiveManager())
+#define OTHER_PANEL (ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel)
+#define OTHER_FUNC (OTHER_PANEL->func)
+#define LEFT_PANEL (MAIN_VIEW->left)
+#define LEFT_FUNC (LEFT_PANEL->func)
+#define LEFT_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->leftMng)
+#define RIGHT_PANEL (MAIN_VIEW->right)
+#define RIGHT_FUNC (RIGHT_PANEL->func)
+#define RIGHT_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->rightMng)
+// krusader's actions - things krusader can do!
+#define krProperties Krusader::App->actProperties // file properties
+#define krPack Krusader::App->actPack // pack files into an archive
+#define krUnpack Krusader::App->actUnpack // unpack archive
+#define krTest Krusader::App->actTest // test archive
+#define krCompare Krusader::App->actCompare // compare 2 files by content
+#define krCalculate Krusader::App->actCalculate // calculate occupied space
+#define krCreateCS Krusader::App->actCreateChecksum
+#define krMatchCS Krusader::App->actMatchChecksum
+#define krSelect Krusader::App->actSelect // select a group by filter
+#define krSelectAll Krusader::App->actSelectAll // select all files
+#define krUnselect Krusader::App->actUnselect // unselect by filter
+#define krUnselectAll Krusader::App->actUnselectAll // remove all selections
+#define krInvert Krusader::App->actInvert // invert the selection
+#define krSyncDirs Krusader::App->actSync // syncronize directories
+#define krHomeTerm Krusader::App->actHomeTerminal // open terminal@home dir
+#define krFTPConnect Krusader::App->actFTPConnect // connect to an ftp
+#define krFTPNew Krusader::App->actFTPNewConnect // create a new connection
+#define krFTPDiss Krusader::App->actFTPDisconnect // disconnect an FTP session
+#define krAllFiles Krusader::App->actAllFilter // show all files in list
+#define krExecFiles Krusader::App->actExecFilter // show only executables
+#define krCustomFiles Krusader::App->actCustomFilter // show a custom set of files
+#define krMountMan Krusader::App->actMountMan // run Mount-manager
+#define krNewTool Krusader::App->actNewTool // Add a new tool to menu
+#define krKonfigurator Krusader::App->actKonfigurator
+#define krToolsSetup Krusader::App->actToolsSetup // setup the tools menu
+#define krBack Krusader::App->actBack
+#define krRoot Krusader::App->actRoot
+#define krFind Krusader::App->actFind // find files
+#define krMultiRename Krusader::App->actMultiRename
+#define krToggleTerminal Krusader::App->actToggleTerminal
+#define krToggleSortByExt Krusader::App->actToggleSortByExt// Sort by extention
+#define krOpenLeftBm Krusader::App->actOpenLeftBm // open left bookmarks
+#define krOpenRightBm Krusader::App->actOpenRightBm // open left bookmarks
+#define krDirUp Krusader::App->actDirUp
+#define krCmdlinePopup Krusader::App->actCmdlinePopup
+#define krNewTab Krusader::App->actNewTab
+#define krDupTab Krusader::App->actDupTab
+#define krCloseTab Krusader::App->actCloseTab
+#define krNextTab Krusader::App->actNextTab
+#define krPreviousTab Krusader::App->actPreviousTab
+#define krSplit Krusader::App->actSplit
+#define krCombine Krusader::App->actCombine
+#define krUserMenu Krusader::App->actUserMenu
+#define krUserActionMenu Krusader::App->userActionMenu
+#define krUserAction Krusader::App->userAction
+#define krF2 Krusader::App->actF2
+#define krF3 Krusader::App->actF3
+#define krF4 Krusader::App->actF4
+#define krF5 Krusader::App->actF5
+#define krF6 Krusader::App->actF6
+#define krF7 Krusader::App->actF7
+#define krF8 Krusader::App->actF8
+#define krF9 Krusader::App->actF9
+#define krF10 Krusader::App->actF10
+#define krPopularUrls Krusader::App->actPopularUrls
+#define krLocationBar Krusader::App->actLocationBar
+#define krJumpBack Krusader::App->actJumpBack
+#define krSetJumpBack Krusader::App->actSetJumpBack
+#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
+#define krJS Krusader::App->js
+#define krJSConsole Krusader::App->actShowJSConsole