path: root/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_input.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-02-24 02:13:59 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-02-24 02:13:59 +0000
commita6d58bb6052ac8cb01805a48c4ad2f129126116f (patch)
treedd867a099fcbb263a8009a9fb22695b87855dad6 /src/kvirc/ui/kvi_input.cpp
Added KDE3 version of kvirc
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kvirc/ui/kvi_input.cpp')
1 files changed, 2680 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_input.cpp b/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_input.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0fbbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_input.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2680 @@
+// File : kvi_input.cpp
+// Creation date : Sun Jan 3 1999 23:11:50 by Szymon Stefanek
+// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
+// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#define __KVIRC__
+#include "kvi_debug.h"
+#define _KVI_INPUT_CPP_
+#include "kvi_options.h"
+#include "kvi_app.h"
+#include "kvi_settings.h"
+#include "kvi_defaults.h"
+#include "kvi_colorwin.h"
+#include "kvi_texticonwin.h"
+#include "kvi_window.h"
+#include "kvi_locale.h"
+#include "kvi_mirccntrl.h"
+#include "kvi_userlistview.h"
+#include "kvi_ircview.h"
+#include "kvi_console.h"
+#include "kvi_out.h"
+#include "kvi_iconmanager.h"
+#include "kvi_scripteditor.h"
+#include "kvi_config.h"
+#include "kvi_historywin.h"
+#include "kvi_input.h"
+#include "kvi_userinput.h"
+#include "kvi_kvs_script.h"
+#include "kvi_kvs_kernel.h"
+#include "kvi_doublebuffer.h"
+#include "kvi_styled_controls.h"
+#include "kvi_texticonmanager.h"
+#include "kvi_draganddrop.h"
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <qfiledialog.h>
+#include "kvi_tal_popupmenu.h"
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include "kvi_tal_hbox.h"
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#ifndef ACCEL_KEY
+#define ACCEL_KEY(k) "\t" + QString(QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_ ## k ))
+// FIXME: #warning "This hack is temporary...later remove it"
+#if QT_VERSION >= 300
+ #include <qcursor.h>
+ #else
+ #include <qcursor.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <qcursor.h>
+//This comes from kvi_app.cpp
+extern KviColorWindow * g_pColorWindow;
+extern KviTextIconWindow * g_pTextIconWindow;
+extern KviHistoryWindow * g_pHistoryWindow;
+extern KviTalPopupMenu * g_pInputPopup;
+static QFontMetrics * g_pLastFontMetrics = 0;
+ extern QPixmap * g_pShadedChildGlobalDesktopBackground;
+extern KviInputHistory * g_pInputHistory;
+ m_pStringList = new KviPointerList<QString>;
+ m_pStringList->setAutoDelete(true);
+ delete m_pStringList;
+void KviInputHistory::add(QString * s)
+ m_pStringList->insert(0,s);
+ if(m_pStringList->count() > KVI_INPUT_MAX_GLOBAL_HISTORY_ENTRIES)m_pStringList->removeLast();
+void KviInputHistory::load(const char * filename)
+ KviConfig c(filename,KviConfig::Read);
+ int cnt = c.readIntEntry("Count",0);
+ KviStr tmp;
+ for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++)
+ {
+ tmp.sprintf("S%d",i);
+ QString entry = c.readQStringEntry(tmp.ptr(),"");
+ if(!entry.isEmpty())add(new QString(entry));
+ }
+void KviInputHistory::save(const char * filename)
+ KviConfig c(filename,KviConfig::Write);
+ c.clear();
+ c.writeEntry("Count",m_pStringList->count());
+ KviStr tmp;
+ int idx = 0;
+ for(QString * s = m_pStringList->first();s;s = m_pStringList->next())
+ {
+ if(!s->isEmpty())
+ {
+ tmp.sprintf("S%d",idx);
+ c.writeEntry(tmp.ptr(),*s);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+//=============== KviInputEditor ==============//
+static int g_iInputFontCharWidth[256];
+static bool g_bInputFontMetricsDirty = true;
+KviInputEditor::KviInputEditor(QWidget * par,KviWindow *wnd,KviUserListView * view)
+ m_pIconMenu = 0;
+ m_pInputParent = par;
+ m_iCursorPosition = 0; //Index of the char AFTER the cursor
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar = 0; //Index of the first visible character
+ m_iSelectionBegin = -1; //Index of the first char in the selection
+ m_iSelectionEnd = -1; //Index of the last char in the selection
+ m_bIMComposing = false; //Whether the input method is active (composing).
+ // for input method support
+ m_iIMStart = 0; //Index of the start of the preedit string.
+ m_iIMLength = 0; //Length of the preedit string.
+ m_iIMSelectionBegin = 0; //Index of the start of the selection in preedit string.
+ m_iIMSelectionLength = 0; //Length of the selection in preedit string.
+ m_bCursorOn = false; //Cursor state
+ m_iCursorTimer = 0; //Timer that iverts the cursor state
+ m_iDragTimer = 0; //Timer for drag selection updates
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition = KVI_INPUT_MARGIN; //Calculated in paintEvent
+ m_iSelectionAnchorChar = -1; //Character clicked at the beginning of the selection process
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx = -1; //No data in the history
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = true;
+ m_pKviWindow = wnd;
+ m_pUserListView = view;
+ m_pHistory = new KviPointerList<QString>;
+ m_pHistory->setAutoDelete(true);
+ m_bReadOnly = FALSE;
+ setInputMethodEnabled(true);
+ setAutoFillBackground(false);
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground);
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ setFrameStyle( LineEditPanel );
+ setFrameShadow( Plain );
+ m_pIconMenu = new KviTalPopupMenu();
+ connect(m_pIconMenu,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(iconPopupActivated(int)));
+ setCursor(Qt::IBeamCursor);
+ setCursor(IbeamCursor);
+ if(g_pLastFontMetrics) delete g_pLastFontMetrics;
+ g_pLastFontMetrics = 0;
+ if(m_pIconMenu)delete m_pIconMenu;
+ delete m_pHistory;
+ if(m_iCursorTimer)killTimer(m_iCursorTimer);
+ killDragTimer();
+void KviInputEditor::recalcFontMetrics(QFontMetrics * pFm)
+ QFontMetrics fm(KVI_OPTION_FONT(KviOption_fontInput));
+ unsigned short i;
+ for(i=1;i<32;i++)
+ {
+ QChar c = getSubstituteChar(i);
+ g_iInputFontCharWidth[i] = fm.width(c);
+ if(c != QChar(i))g_iInputFontCharWidth[i] += 4;
+ }
+ for(i=32;i<256;i++)
+ {
+ g_iInputFontCharWidth[i] = fm.width(QChar(i));
+ }
+ g_bInputFontMetricsDirty = false;
+void KviInputEditor::applyOptions()
+ g_bInputFontMetricsDirty = true;
+ update();
+void KviInputEditor::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e)
+ if(KviUriDrag::canDecode(e))
+ {
+ e->accept(true);
+ m_pKviWindow->m_pFrm->m_pStatusBar->tempText(__tr("Drop the file to /PARSE it"),5000);
+ } else e->accept(false);
+void KviInputEditor::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
+ QStringList list;
+ if(KviUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles(e,list))
+ {
+ //debug("Local files decoded");
+ if(!list.isEmpty())
+ {
+ //debug("List not empty");
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); //kewl ! :)
+ for( ; it != list.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ QString tmp = *it; //wow :)
+ if(tmp.length() > 0)
+ {
+ if(tmp[0] != QChar('/'))tmp.prepend("/"); //HACK HACK HACK for Qt bug (?!?)
+ }
+ tmp.prepend("/PARSE \"");
+ tmp.append("\"");
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ KviKvsScript::run(tmp,m_pKviWindow);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int KviInputEditor::heightHint() const
+ return sizeHint().height();
+QSize KviInputEditor::sizeHint() const
+ //grabbed from qlineedit.cpp
+ constPolish();
+ QFontMetrics fm(KVI_OPTION_FONT(KviOption_fontInput));
+ int h = QMAX(fm.lineSpacing(), 14) + 2*2; /* innerMargin */
+ int w = fm.width( 'x' ) * 17; // "some"
+ int m = frameWidth() * 2;
+ QStyleOption opt;
+ opt.initFrom(this);
+ return (style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_LineEdit,&opt,
+ QSize( w + m, h + m ).
+ expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()),this));
+ return (style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_LineEdit, this,
+ QSize( w + m, h + m ).
+ expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut())));
+#define KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK 100
+#define KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE 101
+void KviInputEditor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
+ QPainter p(this);
+ drawFrame(&p);
+ drawContents(&p);
+void KviInputEditor::drawContents(QPainter *p)
+ if(!isVisible())return;
+ QRect rect = contentsRect();
+ int widgetWidth = rect.width();
+ int widgetHeight = rect.height();
+ KviDoubleBuffer doublebuffer(widgetWidth,widgetHeight);
+ QPixmap * pDoubleBufferPixmap = doublebuffer.pixmap();
+ QPainter pa(pDoubleBufferPixmap);
+ pa.setFont(KVI_OPTION_FONT(KviOption_fontInput));
+ QFontMetrics fm(pa.fontMetrics());
+ if(!g_pLastFontMetrics)
+ g_pLastFontMetrics = new QFontMetrics(pa.fontMetrics());
+ if(g_bInputFontMetricsDirty)
+ recalcFontMetrics(&fm);
+ if(g_pShadedChildGlobalDesktopBackground)
+ {
+ QPoint pnt = mapToGlobal(rect.topLeft());
+ pa.drawTiledPixmap(0,0,widgetWidth,widgetHeight,*g_pShadedChildGlobalDesktopBackground,pnt.x(),pnt.y());
+ } else {
+ QPixmap *pix=KVI_OPTION_PIXMAP(KviOption_pixmapInputBackground).pixmap();
+ pa.fillRect(0,0,widgetWidth,widgetHeight,KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputBackground));
+ if(pix)
+ KviPixmapUtils::drawPixmapWithPainter(&pa,pix,KVI_OPTION_UINT(KviOption_uintInputPixmapAlign),rect,widgetWidth,widgetHeight);
+ }
+ int curXPos = KVI_INPUT_MARGIN;
+ int maxXPos = widgetWidth-2*KVI_INPUT_MARGIN;
+ m_iCurBack = KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK; //transparent
+ m_iCurFore = KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE; //normal fore color
+ m_bCurBold = false;
+ m_bCurUnderline = false;
+ int bottom = widgetHeight-(widgetHeight-fm.height())/2;
+ int textBaseline = fm.ascent()+(widgetHeight-fm.height())/2;
+ int top = (widgetHeight-fm.height())/2;
+ runUpToTheFirstVisibleChar();
+ int charIdx = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ pa.setClipRect(0,0,widgetWidth,widgetHeight);
+ //Control the selection state
+ if((m_iSelectionEnd < m_iSelectionBegin) || (m_iSelectionEnd == -1) || (m_iSelectionBegin == -1))
+ {
+ m_iSelectionEnd = -1;
+ m_iSelectionBegin = -1;
+ }
+ if((m_iSelectionBegin != -1) && (m_iSelectionEnd >= m_iFirstVisibleChar))
+ {
+ int iSelStart = m_iSelectionBegin;
+ // TODO Refactor: write a function to combine this with the code determining iIMStart and iIMSelectionStart
+ if(iSelStart < m_iFirstVisibleChar)iSelStart = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ int xLeft = xPositionFromCharIndex(fm,iSelStart,TRUE);
+ int xRight = xPositionFromCharIndex(fm,m_iSelectionEnd + 1,TRUE);
+// pa.setRasterOp(Qt::NotROP);
+ pa.fillRect(xLeft,frameWidth(),xRight - xLeft,widgetWidth,KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputSelectionBackground));
+// pa.setRasterOp(Qt::CopyROP);
+ }
+ // When m_bIMComposing is true, the text between m_iIMStart and m_iIMStart+m_iIMLength should be highlighted to show that this is the active
+ // preedit area for the input method, and the text outside cannot be edited while
+ // composing. Maybe this can be implemented similarly as painting the selection?
+ // Also notice that inside the preedit, there can also be a selection, given by
+ // m_iSelectionBegin and m_iSelectionLength, and the widget needs to highlight that
+ // while in IM composition mode
+ if(m_bIMComposing && m_iIMLength > 0)
+ {
+ // TODO Write a function to combine IM selection drawing code. maybe the preedit area too.
+ int iIMSelectionStart = m_iIMSelectionBegin;
+ if(iIMSelectionStart < m_iFirstVisibleChar) iIMSelectionStart = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ int xIMSelectionLeft = xPositionFromCharIndex(fm,iIMSelectionStart,TRUE);
+ int xIMSelectionRight = xPositionFromCharIndex(fm,iIMSelectionStart + m_iIMSelectionLength,TRUE);
+// pa.setRasterOp(Qt::NotROP);
+ pa.fillRect(xIMSelectionLeft,0,xIMSelectionRight - xIMSelectionLeft, widgetWidth,KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputSelectionBackground));
+// pa.setRasterOp(Qt::CopyROP);
+ // highlight the IM selection
+ int iIMStart = m_iIMStart;
+ if(m_iIMStart < m_iFirstVisibleChar) m_iIMStart = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ int xIMLeft = xPositionFromCharIndex(fm,iIMStart,TRUE);
+ int xIMRight = xPositionFromCharIndex(fm,iIMStart + m_iIMLength,TRUE);
+ // underline the IM preedit
+ // Maybe should be put in drawTextBlock, similar to drawing underlined text
+ pa.drawLine(xIMLeft, bottom, xIMRight, bottom);
+ }
+ pa.setClipping(false);
+ while((charIdx < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length()))) && (curXPos < maxXPos))
+ {
+ extractNextBlock(charIdx,fm,curXPos,maxXPos);
+ if(m_bControlBlock)
+ {
+ pa.setPen(KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputControl));
+ QString s = getSubstituteChar(m_szTextBuffer[charIdx].unicode());
+ // the block width is 4 pixels more than the actual character
+ pa.drawText(curXPos + 2,textBaseline,s,1);
+ pa.drawRect(curXPos,top,m_iBlockWidth-1,bottom);
+ } else {
+ if(m_iSelectionBegin!=-1)
+ {
+ int iBlockEnd=charIdx+m_iBlockLen;
+ //block is selected (maybe partially)
+ if( iBlockEnd>m_iSelectionBegin && charIdx<=m_iSelectionEnd )
+ {
+ int iSubStart,iSubLen;
+ //in common it consists of 3 parts: unselected-selected-unselected
+ //some of thst parts can be empty (for example block is fully selected)
+ //first part start is always equal to the block start
+ iSubStart=charIdx;
+ iSubLen = m_iSelectionBegin>charIdx ? m_iSelectionBegin-charIdx : 0;
+ if(iSubLen)
+ {
+ drawTextBlock(&pa,fm,curXPos,textBaseline,iSubStart,iSubLen,FALSE);
+ curXPos += m_iBlockWidth;
+ m_iBlockWidth=0;
+ }
+ //second one
+ iSubStart+=iSubLen;
+ iSubLen=m_iSelectionEnd<iBlockEnd ? m_iSelectionEnd-iSubStart+1 : iBlockEnd-iSubStart;
+ if(iSubLen)
+ {
+ drawTextBlock(&pa,fm,curXPos,textBaseline,iSubStart,iSubLen,TRUE);
+ curXPos += m_iBlockWidth;
+ m_iBlockWidth=0;
+ }
+ if( m_iSelectionEnd<(iBlockEnd-1))
+ {
+ iSubStart+=iSubLen;
+ iSubLen=iBlockEnd-iSubStart;
+ drawTextBlock(&pa,fm,curXPos,textBaseline,iSubStart,iSubLen,FALSE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ drawTextBlock(&pa,fm,curXPos,textBaseline,charIdx,m_iBlockLen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ drawTextBlock(&pa,fm,curXPos,textBaseline,charIdx,m_iBlockLen);
+ }
+ }
+ curXPos += m_iBlockWidth;
+ charIdx += m_iBlockLen;
+ }
+ //Now the cursor
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition = KVI_INPUT_MARGIN;
+ m_iBlockLen = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ while(m_iBlockLen < m_iCursorPosition)
+ {
+ QChar c =;
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition+= c.unicode() < 32 ? fm.width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : fm.width(c);
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition+= (c.unicode() < 256) ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : fm.width(c);
+ m_iBlockLen++;
+ }
+ //m_iLastCursorXPosition = cur1XPos;
+ if(m_bCursorOn)
+ {
+ pa.setPen(KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputCursor));
+ pa.drawLine(m_iLastCursorXPosition,0,m_iLastCursorXPosition,widgetHeight);
+ } else {
+ pa.setPen(KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputForeground));
+ }
+ // The other version of drawPixmap seems to be buggy
+ p->drawPixmap(rect.x(),rect.y(),rect.width(),rect.height(),*pDoubleBufferPixmap,0,0,widgetWidth,widgetHeight);
+ p->drawPixmap(rect.x(),rect.y(),*pDoubleBufferPixmap,0,0,widgetWidth,widgetHeight);
+void KviInputEditor::drawTextBlock(QPainter * pa,QFontMetrics & fm,int curXPos,int textBaseline,int charIdx,int len,bool bSelected)
+ QString tmp = m_szTextBuffer.mid(charIdx,len);
+ m_iBlockWidth = fm.width(tmp);
+ QRect rect = contentsRect();
+ int widgetHeight = rect.height();
+ if(m_iCurFore == KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE)
+ {
+ pa->setPen( bSelected ? KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputSelectionForeground) : KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputForeground));
+ } else {
+ if(((unsigned char)m_iCurFore) > 16)
+ {
+ pa->setPen(KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputBackground));
+ } else {
+ pa->setPen(KVI_OPTION_MIRCCOLOR((unsigned char)m_iCurFore));
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_iCurBack != KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK)
+ {
+ if(((unsigned char)m_iCurBack) > 16)
+ {
+ pa->fillRect(curXPos,(widgetHeight-fm.height())/2,m_iBlockWidth,fm.height(),KVI_OPTION_COLOR(KviOption_colorInputForeground));
+ } else {
+ pa->fillRect(curXPos,(widgetHeight-fm.height())/2,m_iBlockWidth,fm.height(),KVI_OPTION_MIRCCOLOR((unsigned char)m_iCurBack));
+ }
+ }
+ pa->drawText(curXPos,textBaseline,tmp);
+ if(m_bCurBold)pa->drawText(curXPos+1,textBaseline,tmp);
+ if(m_bCurUnderline)
+ {
+ pa->drawLine(curXPos,textBaseline + fm.descent(),curXPos+m_iBlockWidth,textBaseline + fm.descent());
+ }
+QChar KviInputEditor::getSubstituteChar(unsigned short control_code)
+ switch(control_code)
+ {
+ return QChar('K');
+ break;
+ return QChar('B');
+ break;
+ return QChar('O');
+ break;
+ return QChar('R');
+ break;
+ return QChar('U');
+ break;
+ return QChar('P');
+ break;
+ return QChar('I');
+ break;
+ default:
+ return QChar(control_code);
+ break;
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::extractNextBlock(int idx,QFontMetrics & fm,int curXPos,int maxXPos)
+ m_iBlockLen = 0;
+ m_iBlockWidth = 0;
+ QChar c = m_szTextBuffer[idx];
+ if((c.unicode() > 32) ||
+ ((c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_COLOR)) &&
+ (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_BOLD)) && (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_UNDERLINE)) &&
+ (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_RESET)) && (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_REVERSE)) &&
+ (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_CRYPTESCAPE)) && (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_ICON))))
+ {
+ m_bControlBlock = false;
+ //Not a control
+ while((idx < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length()))) && (curXPos < maxXPos))
+ {
+ c = m_szTextBuffer[idx];
+ if((c.unicode() > 32) ||
+ ((c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_COLOR)) && (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_BOLD)) &&
+ (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_UNDERLINE)) && (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_RESET)) &&
+ (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_REVERSE)) && (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_CRYPTESCAPE)) &&
+ (c != QChar(KVI_TEXT_ICON))))
+ {
+ m_iBlockLen++;
+ int xxx = c.unicode() < 32 ? fm.width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : fm.width(c);;
+ int xxx = (c.unicode() < 256 ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : fm.width(c));
+ m_iBlockWidth +=xxx;
+ curXPos +=xxx;
+ idx++;
+ } else break;
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ m_bControlBlock = true;
+ m_iBlockLen = 1;
+ m_iBlockWidth = g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()];
+ //Control code
+ switch(c.unicode())
+ {
+ m_bCurBold = ! m_bCurBold;
+ break;
+ m_bCurUnderline = ! m_bCurUnderline;
+ break;
+ m_iCurFore = KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE;
+ m_iCurBack = KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK;
+ m_bCurBold = false;
+ m_bCurUnderline = false;
+ break;
+ {
+ char auxClr = m_iCurFore;
+ m_iCurFore = m_iCurBack;
+ m_iCurBack = auxClr;
+ }
+ break;
+ // makes a single block
+ break;
+ {
+ idx++;
+ if(idx >= ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))return;
+ unsigned char fore;
+ unsigned char back;
+ idx = getUnicodeColorBytes(m_szTextBuffer,idx,&fore,&back);
+ if(fore != KVI_NOCHANGE)
+ {
+ m_iCurFore = fore;
+ if(back != KVI_NOCHANGE)m_iCurBack = back;
+ } else {
+ // ONLY a CTRL+K
+ m_iCurBack = KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK;
+ m_iCurFore = KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug("Ops..");
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::runUpToTheFirstVisibleChar()
+ register int idx = 0;
+ while(idx < m_iFirstVisibleChar)
+ {
+ unsigned short c = m_szTextBuffer[idx].unicode();
+ if(c < 32)
+ {
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ m_bCurBold = ! m_bCurBold;
+ break;
+ m_bCurUnderline = ! m_bCurUnderline;
+ break;
+ m_iCurFore = KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE;
+ m_iCurBack = KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK;
+ m_bCurBold = false;
+ m_bCurUnderline = false;
+ break;
+ {
+ char auxClr = m_iCurFore;
+ m_iCurFore = m_iCurBack;
+ m_iCurBack = auxClr;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ idx++;
+ if(idx >= ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))return;
+ unsigned char fore;
+ unsigned char back;
+ idx = getUnicodeColorBytes(m_szTextBuffer,idx,&fore,&back);
+ idx--;
+ if(fore != KVI_NOCHANGE)m_iCurFore = fore;
+ else m_iCurFore = KVI_INPUT_DEF_FORE;
+ if(back != KVI_NOCHANGE)m_iCurBack = back;
+ else m_iCurBack = KVI_INPUT_DEF_BACK;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ debug("KviInputEditor::Encountered invisible end of the string!");
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
+ if(e->button() & Qt::LeftButton)
+ {
+ m_iCursorPosition = charIndexFromXPosition(e->pos().x());
+ //move the cursor to
+ int anchorX = xPositionFromCharIndex(m_iCursorPosition);
+ if(anchorX > (width()-frameWidth()))m_iFirstVisibleChar++;
+ m_iSelectionAnchorChar = m_iCursorPosition;
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ //grabMouse(QCursor(crossCursor));
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ killDragTimer();
+ m_iDragTimer = startTimer(KVI_INPUT_DRAG_TIMEOUT);
+ } else if(e->button() & Qt::RightButton)
+ {
+ int type = g_pActiveWindow->type();
+ //Popup menu
+ g_pInputPopup->clear();
+ QString szClip;
+ QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard();
+ if(c)
+ {
+ szClip = c->text(QClipboard::Clipboard);
+ int occ = szClip.count(QChar('\n'));
+ int occ = szClip.contains(QChar('\n'));
+ if(!szClip.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(szClip.length() > 60)
+ {
+ szClip.truncate(60);
+ szClip.append("...");
+ }
+ szClip.replace(QChar('&'),"&amp;");
+ szClip.replace(QChar('<'),"&lt;");
+ szClip.replace(QChar('>'),"&gt;");
+ szClip.replace(QChar('\n'),"<br>");
+ QString label = "<center><b>";
+ label += __tr2qs("Clipboard");
+ label += ":</b><br>";
+ label += szClip;
+ label += "<br><b>";
+ QString num;
+ num.setNum(occ);
+ label += num;
+ label += QChar(' ');
+ label += (occ == 1) ? __tr2qs("line break") : __tr2qs("line breaks");
+ label += "</b></center>";
+ QLabel * l = new QLabel(label,g_pInputPopup);
+ l->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Raised | QFrame::StyledPanel);
+ l->setMargin(5);
+ // FIXME: This does NOT work under Qt 4.x (they seem to consider it as bad UI design)
+#ifndef COMPILE_USE_QT4
+ g_pInputPopup->insertItem(l);
+ delete l;
+ }
+ }
+ int id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("Cu&t") + ACCEL_KEY(X),this,SLOT(cut()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,hasSelection());
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Copy") + ACCEL_KEY(C),this,SLOT(copyToClipboard()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,hasSelection());
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Paste") + ACCEL_KEY(V),this,SLOT(pasteClipboardWithConfirmation()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,!szClip.isEmpty() && !m_bReadOnly);
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("Paste (Slowly)"),this,SLOT(pasteSlow()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,!szClip.isEmpty() && !m_bReadOnly);
+ else
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,false);
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("Paste &File") + ACCEL_KEY(F),this,SLOT(pasteFile()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,false);
+ else
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,!m_bReadOnly);
+ if(m_bSpSlowFlag ==true)
+ {
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("Stop Paste"),this,SLOT(stopPasteSlow())); /*G&N 2005*/
+ }
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("Clear"),this,SLOT(clear()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,!m_szTextBuffer.isEmpty() && !m_bReadOnly);
+ g_pInputPopup->insertSeparator();
+ id = g_pInputPopup->insertItem(__tr2qs("Select All"),this,SLOT(selectAll()));
+ g_pInputPopup->setItemEnabled(id,(!m_szTextBuffer.isEmpty()));
+ g_pInputPopup->insertSeparator();
+ m_pIconMenu->clear();
+ KviPointerHashTable<QString,KviTextIcon> * d = g_pTextIconManager->textIconDict();
+ KviPointerHashTableIterator<QString,KviTextIcon> it(*d);
+ QStringList strList;
+ while(KviTextIcon * i = it.current())
+ {
+ strList.append(it.currentKey());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ strList.sort();
+ KviTextIcon * icon;
+ QPixmap *pix;
+ for(QStringList::Iterator iter = strList.begin(); iter != strList.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ icon=g_pTextIconManager->lookupTextIcon(*iter);
+ if(icon)
+ {
+ pix = icon->pixmap();
+ if(pix) m_pIconMenu->insertItem(*pix,*iter);
+ }
+ }
+ g_pInputPopup->insertItem(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_BIGGRIN)),__tr2qs("Insert Icon"),m_pIconMenu);
+ g_pInputPopup->popup(mapToGlobal(e->pos()));
+ } else {
+ pasteSelectionWithConfirmation();
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::iconPopupActivated(int id)
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ QString text = m_pIconMenu->text(id);
+ if(!text.isEmpty())
+ {
+ text.prepend(KVI_TEXT_ICON);
+ text.append(' ');
+ insertText(text);
+ }
+ }
+bool KviInputEditor::hasSelection()
+ return ((m_iSelectionBegin != -1)&&(m_iSelectionEnd != -1));
+void KviInputEditor::copyToClipboard()
+ if(!hasSelection())return;
+ QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard();
+ if(!c)return;
+ QString szTxt = m_szTextBuffer.mid(m_iSelectionBegin,(m_iSelectionEnd-m_iSelectionBegin)+1);
+ c->setText(szTxt,QClipboard::Clipboard);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::copyToSelection(bool bDonNotCopyToClipboard)
+ if(!hasSelection())return;
+ QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard();
+ if(!c)return;
+ QString szTxt = m_szTextBuffer.mid(m_iSelectionBegin,(m_iSelectionEnd-m_iSelectionBegin)+1);
+ if(c->supportsSelection())
+ c->setText(szTxt,QClipboard::Selection);
+ else if(!bDonNotCopyToClipboard)
+ c->setText(szTxt,QClipboard::Clipboard);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::moveCursorTo(int idx,bool bRepaint)
+ if(idx < 0)idx = 0;
+ if(idx > ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))idx = m_szTextBuffer.length();
+ if(idx > m_iCursorPosition)
+ {
+ while(m_iCursorPosition < idx)
+ {
+ moveRightFirstVisibleCharToShowCursor();
+ m_iCursorPosition++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iCursorPosition = idx;
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > m_iCursorPosition)m_iFirstVisibleChar = m_iCursorPosition;
+ }
+ if(bRepaint)repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::removeSelected()
+ if(!hasSelection())return;
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iSelectionBegin,(m_iSelectionEnd-m_iSelectionBegin)+1);
+ moveCursorTo(m_iSelectionBegin,false);
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::cut()
+ if(!hasSelection())return;
+ QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard();
+ if(!c)return;
+ c->setText(m_szTextBuffer.mid(m_iSelectionBegin,(m_iSelectionEnd-m_iSelectionBegin)+1),QClipboard::Clipboard);
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iSelectionBegin,(m_iSelectionEnd-m_iSelectionBegin)+1);
+ moveCursorTo(m_iSelectionBegin,false);
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::insertText(const QString &text)
+ QString szText = text; // crop away constness
+ if(szText.isEmpty())return;
+ //szText.replaceAll('\t'," "); //Do not paste tabs
+ //szText.replace(QRegExp("\t")," "); // do not paste tabs
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = false;
+ removeSelected();
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = true;
+ if(szText.find('\n') == -1)
+ {
+ m_szTextBuffer.insert(m_iCursorPosition,szText);
+ m_szTextBuffer.truncate(m_iMaxBufferSize);
+ moveCursorTo(m_iCursorPosition + szText.length());
+ } else {
+ //Multiline not execute commands here
+ QString szBlock;
+ while(!szText.isEmpty())
+ {
+ int idx = szText.find('\n');
+ if(idx != -1)
+ {
+ szBlock = szText.left(idx);
+ //else szBlock = QChar(KVI_TEXT_RESET);
+ szText.remove(0,idx+1);
+ } else {
+ szBlock = szText;
+ szText = "";
+ }
+ m_szTextBuffer.insert(m_iCursorPosition,szBlock);
+ m_szTextBuffer.truncate(m_iMaxBufferSize);
+ int pos = 0;
+ while((pos < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length()))) && (m_szTextBuffer[pos] < 33))pos++;
+ if((pos < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length()))) && (m_szTextBuffer[pos] == QChar('/')))m_szTextBuffer.insert(pos,"\\");
+ returnPressed(idx != -1);
+ }
+ }
+// Replace (length) characters in the buffer from (start) with (text), returns
+// the length of the text inserted (different from text.length() only if the
+// buffer was truncated.
+int KviInputEditor::replaceSegment(int start, int length, const QString &text)
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(start, length);
+ m_szTextBuffer.insert(start, text);
+ m_szTextBuffer.truncate(m_iMaxBufferSize);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ int iInsertedLength = text.length();
+ int iMaxInsertedLength = m_iMaxBufferSize - start;
+ if(iInsertedLength > iMaxInsertedLength) return iMaxInsertedLength;
+ return iInsertedLength;
+void KviInputEditor::pasteClipboardWithConfirmation()
+ QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard();
+ if(!c)return;
+ QString szText = c->text(QClipboard::Clipboard);
+ if(szText.contains(QChar('\n')) > 0)
+ {
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ ((KviInput*)(m_pInputParent))->multiLinePaste(szText);
+ } else {
+ insertText(szText);
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::pasteSelectionWithConfirmation()
+ QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard();
+ if(!c)return;
+ QString szText = c->text(c->supportsSelection() ? QClipboard::Selection : QClipboard::Clipboard);
+ if(szText.contains(QChar('\n')) > 0)
+ {
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ ((KviInput*)(m_pInputParent))->multiLinePaste(szText);
+ } else {
+ insertText(szText);
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::pasteSlow()
+ KviKvsScript::run("spaste.clipboard",g_pActiveWindow);
+ m_bSpSlowFlag = true;
+void KviInputEditor::stopPasteSlow()
+ KviKvsScript::run("spaste.stop",g_pActiveWindow);
+ m_bSpSlowFlag = false;
+void KviInputEditor::pasteFile()
+ QString stmp = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName("","",this,"Paste File", "Choose a file" );
+ if(stmp!="")
+ {
+ QString stmp1 = "spaste.file " + stmp ;
+ KviKvsScript::run(stmp1,g_pActiveWindow);
+ m_bSpSlowFlag = true;
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::selectAll()
+ if(m_szTextBuffer.length() > 0)
+ {
+ m_iSelectionBegin = 0;
+ m_iSelectionEnd = m_szTextBuffer.length()-1;
+ }
+ end();
+void KviInputEditor::clear()
+ m_szTextBuffer = "";
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ home();
+void KviInputEditor::setText(const QString text)
+ m_szTextBuffer = text;
+ m_szTextBuffer.truncate(m_iMaxBufferSize);
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ end();
+void KviInputEditor::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *)
+ if(m_iDragTimer)
+ {
+ m_iSelectionAnchorChar =-1;
+ //releaseMouse();
+ killDragTimer();
+ }
+ if(hasSelection())
+ copyToSelection();
+void KviInputEditor::killDragTimer()
+ if(m_iDragTimer)
+ {
+ killTimer(m_iDragTimer);
+ m_iDragTimer = 0;
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e)
+ if(e->timerId() == m_iCursorTimer)
+ {
+ if(!hasFocus() || !isVisibleToTLW())
+ {
+ killTimer(m_iCursorTimer);
+ m_iCursorTimer = 0;
+ m_bCursorOn = false;
+ } else m_bCursorOn = ! m_bCursorOn;
+ update();
+ } else {
+ //Drag timer
+ handleDragSelection();
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::handleDragSelection()
+ if(m_iSelectionAnchorChar == -1)return;
+ QPoint pnt = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
+ if(pnt.x() <= 0)
+ {
+ //Left side dragging
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > 0)m_iFirstVisibleChar--;
+ m_iCursorPosition = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ } else if(pnt.x() >= width())
+ {
+ //Right side dragging...add a single character to the selection on the right
+ if(m_iCursorPosition < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))
+ {
+ moveRightFirstVisibleCharToShowCursor();
+ m_iCursorPosition++;
+ } //else at the end of the selection...don't move anything
+ } else {
+ //Inside the window...
+ m_iCursorPosition = charIndexFromXPosition(pnt.x());
+ }
+ if(m_iCursorPosition == m_iSelectionAnchorChar)selectOneChar(-1);
+ else {
+ if(m_iCursorPosition > m_iSelectionAnchorChar)
+ {
+ m_iSelectionBegin = m_iSelectionAnchorChar;
+ m_iSelectionEnd = m_iCursorPosition-1;
+ } else {
+ m_iSelectionBegin = m_iCursorPosition;
+ m_iSelectionEnd = m_iSelectionAnchorChar-1;
+ }
+ }
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::returnPressed(bool bRepaint)
+ if (!m_szTextBuffer.isEmpty() /* && (!m_pHistory->current() ||*(m_pHistory->current())))*/)
+ {
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ g_pInputHistory->add(new QString(m_szTextBuffer));
+ m_pHistory->insert(0,new QString(m_szTextBuffer));
+ }
+ __range_valid(KVI_INPUT_MAX_LOCAL_HISTORY_ENTRIES > 1); //ABSOLUTELY NEEDED, if not, pHist will be destroyed...
+ if(m_pHistory->count() > KVI_INPUT_MAX_LOCAL_HISTORY_ENTRIES)m_pHistory->removeLast();
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx = -1;
+ /*
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ {
+ QString szBuffer(m_szTextBuffer);
+ m_szTextBuffer="";
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ m_iCursorPosition = 0;
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar = 0;
+ if(bRepaint)repaintWithCursorOn();
+ KviUserInput::parse(szBuffer,m_pKviWindow);
+ } else {
+ */
+ emit enterPressed();
+ /*
+ return;
+ }
+ */
+void KviInputEditor::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *)
+ if(m_iCursorTimer==0)
+ {
+ m_iCursorTimer = startTimer(KVI_INPUT_BLINK_TIME);
+ m_bCursorOn = true;
+ update();
+ }
+ // XIM handling...
+#ifndef COMPILE_USE_QT4
+ // THIS SEEMS TO BE GONE IN Qt4.x ? (even if the documentation states that it *should* be there)
+ setMicroFocusHint(1,1,width() - 2,height() - 2,true,0);
+void KviInputEditor::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *)
+ if(m_iCursorTimer)killTimer(m_iCursorTimer);
+ m_iCursorTimer = 0;
+ m_bCursorOn = false;
+ update();
+void KviInputEditor::internalCursorRight(bool bShift)
+ if(m_iCursorPosition >= ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))return;
+ moveRightFirstVisibleCharToShowCursor();
+ //Grow the selection if needed
+ if(bShift)
+ {
+ if((m_iSelectionBegin > -1)&&(m_iSelectionEnd > -1))
+ {
+ if(m_iSelectionEnd == m_iCursorPosition-1)m_iSelectionEnd++;
+ else if(m_iSelectionBegin == m_iCursorPosition)m_iSelectionBegin++;
+ else selectOneChar(m_iCursorPosition);
+ } else selectOneChar(m_iCursorPosition);
+ } else selectOneChar(-1);
+ m_iCursorPosition++;
+void KviInputEditor::internalCursorLeft(bool bShift)
+ if(m_iCursorPosition <= 0)return;
+ if(bShift)
+ {
+ if((m_iSelectionBegin > -1)&&(m_iSelectionEnd > -1))
+ {
+ if(m_iSelectionBegin == m_iCursorPosition)m_iSelectionBegin--;
+ else if(m_iSelectionEnd == m_iCursorPosition-1)m_iSelectionEnd--;
+ else selectOneChar(m_iCursorPosition - 1);
+ } else selectOneChar(m_iCursorPosition - 1);
+ } else selectOneChar(-1);
+ m_iCursorPosition--;
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > m_iCursorPosition)m_iFirstVisibleChar--;
+// remember the text before and after the cursor at this point, and put them
+// before and after the text inserted by IM in imEndEvent.
+// hagabaka
+void KviInputEditor::imStartEvent(QIMEvent *e)
+ removeSelected();
+ m_iIMStart = m_iIMSelectionBegin = m_iCursorPosition;
+ m_iIMLength = 0;
+ m_bIMComposing = true;
+ e->accept();
+// Whenever the IM's preedit changes, update the visuals and internal data. refer to <> */
+// hagabaka
+void KviInputEditor::imComposeEvent(QIMEvent *e)
+ // replace the old pre-edit string with e->text()
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = false;
+ // Qt 4.x ??????????
+ m_iIMLength = replaceSegment(m_iIMStart, m_iIMLength, e->commitString());
+ // update selection inside the pre-edit
+ m_iIMSelectionBegin = m_iIMStart + e->replacementStart();
+ m_iIMSelectionLength = e->replacementLength();
+ moveCursorTo(m_iIMSelectionBegin);
+ m_iIMLength = replaceSegment(m_iIMStart, m_iIMLength, e->text());
+ // update selection inside the pre-edit
+ m_iIMSelectionBegin = m_iIMStart + e->cursorPos();
+ m_iIMSelectionLength = e->selectionLength();
+ moveCursorTo(m_iIMSelectionBegin);
+ // repaint
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = true;
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ e->accept();
+// Input method is done; put its resulting text to where the preedit area was
+// hagabaka
+void KviInputEditor::imEndEvent(QIMEvent *e)
+ // replace the preedit area with the IM result text
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = false;
+ // Qt 4.x ??????????
+ m_iIMLength = replaceSegment(m_iIMStart, m_iIMLength, e->commitString());
+ m_iIMLength = replaceSegment(m_iIMStart, m_iIMLength, e->text());
+ // move cursor to after the IM result text
+ moveCursorTo(m_iIMStart + m_iIMLength);
+ // repaint
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = true;
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ // reset data
+ m_bIMComposing = false;
+ e->accept();
+// FIXME According to <>, if the XIM
+// style used is OverTheTop, code needs to be added in keyPressEvent handler */
+// hagabaka
+void KviInputEditor::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
+ // disable the keyPress handling when IM is in composition.
+ if(m_bIMComposing)
+ {
+ e->ignore();
+ return;
+ }
+ // completion thingies
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ if((e->key() == Qt::Key_Tab) || (e->key() == Qt::Key_BackTab))
+ {
+ completion(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ m_bLastCompletionFinished=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
+ {
+ emit escapePressed();
+ return;
+ }
+ if((e->state() & Qt::AltButton) || (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton))
+ {
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ {
+ ((KviInput*)(m_pInputParent))->multiLinePaste(m_szTextBuffer);
+ clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+//Make CtrlKey and CommandKey ("Apple") behave equally on MacOSX.
+//This way typical X11 and Apple shortcuts can be used simultanously within the input line.
+#ifndef Q_OS_MACX
+ if(e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)
+ if((e->state() & Qt::ControlButton) || (e->state() & Qt::MetaButton))
+ {
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Right:
+ if(m_iCursorPosition < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))
+ {
+ // skip whitespace
+ while(m_iCursorPosition < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))
+ {
+ if(!;
+ internalCursorRight(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ }
+ // skip nonwhitespace
+ while(m_iCursorPosition < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))
+ {
+ if(;
+ internalCursorRight(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ }
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Left:
+ if(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ // skip whitespace
+ while(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ if(! - 1).isSpace())break;
+ internalCursorLeft(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ }
+ // skip nonwhitespace
+ while(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ if( - 1).isSpace())break;
+ internalCursorLeft(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ }
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_K:
+ {
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ insertChar(KVI_TEXT_COLOR);
+ int xPos = xPositionFromCharIndex(m_iCursorPosition);
+ if(xPos > 24)xPos-=24;
+ if(!g_pColorWindow)g_pColorWindow = new KviColorWindow();
+ if(xPos+g_pColorWindow->width() > width())xPos = width()-(g_pColorWindow->width()+2);
+ g_pColorWindow->move(mapToGlobal(QPoint(xPos,-35)));
+ g_pColorWindow->popup(this);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_B:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) insertChar(KVI_TEXT_BOLD);
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_O:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) insertChar(KVI_TEXT_RESET);
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_U:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) insertChar(KVI_TEXT_UNDERLINE);
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_R:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) insertChar(KVI_TEXT_REVERSE);
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_P:
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_I:
+ {
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ int xPos = xPositionFromCharIndex(m_iCursorPosition);
+ if(xPos > 24)xPos-=24;
+ if(!g_pTextIconWindow)g_pTextIconWindow = new KviTextIconWindow();
+ if(xPos+g_pTextIconWindow->width() > width())xPos = width()-(g_pTextIconWindow->width()+2);
+ g_pTextIconWindow->move(mapToGlobal(QPoint(xPos,-KVI_TEXTICON_WIN_HEIGHT)));
+ g_pTextIconWindow->popup(this);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_C:
+ copyToClipboard();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_X:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) cut();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_V:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) pasteClipboardWithConfirmation();
+ break;
+ //case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+ case Qt::Key_W:
+ if(m_iCursorPosition > 0 && !m_bReadOnly && !hasSelection())
+ {
+ // skip whitespace
+ while(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ if(! - 1).isSpace())break;
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iCursorPosition-1,1);
+ m_iCursorPosition--;
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > m_iCursorPosition)m_iFirstVisibleChar--;
+ }
+ // skip nonwhitespace
+ while(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ if( - 1).isSpace())break;
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iCursorPosition-1,1);
+ m_iCursorPosition--;
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > m_iCursorPosition)m_iFirstVisibleChar--;
+ }
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolDisableInputHistory)) break;
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ ((KviInput*)(m_pInputParent))->historyButtonClicked();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_F:
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ if(m_pKviWindow->view())m_pKviWindow->view()->toggleToolWidget();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_A:
+ m_iSelectionBegin=0;
+ m_iSelectionEnd=m_szTextBuffer.length()-1;
+ m_iCursorPosition=m_szTextBuffer.length();
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Return:
+ case Qt::Key_Enter:
+ if(m_pInputParent->inherits("KviInput"))
+ {
+ QString szBuffer(m_szTextBuffer);
+ m_szTextBuffer="";
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ m_iCursorPosition = 0;
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar = 0;
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ KviUserInput::parseNonCommand(szBuffer,m_pKviWindow);
+ if (!szBuffer.isEmpty())
+ {
+ g_pInputHistory->add(new QString(szBuffer));
+ m_pHistory->insert(0,new QString(szBuffer));
+ }
+ __range_valid(KVI_INPUT_MAX_LOCAL_HISTORY_ENTRIES > 1); //ABSOLUTELY NEEDED, if not, pHist will be destroyed...
+ if(m_pHistory->count() > KVI_INPUT_MAX_LOCAL_HISTORY_ENTRIES)m_pHistory->removeLast();
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) insertText(e->text());
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if((e->state() & Qt::AltButton) && (e->state() & Qt::Keypad))
+ {
+ // Qt::Key_Meta seems to substitute Qt::Key_Alt on some keyboards
+ if((e->key() == Qt::Key_Alt) || (e->key() == Qt::Key_Meta))
+ {
+ m_szAltKeyCode = "";
+ return;
+ } else if((e->ascii() >= '0') && (e->ascii() <= '9'))
+ {
+ m_szAltKeyCode += e->ascii();
+ return;
+ }
+ //debug("%c",e->ascii());
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) {
+ insertText(e->text());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton)
+ {
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Insert:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly) pasteClipboardWithConfirmation();
+ return;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ if(m_pKviWindow->view())m_pKviWindow->view()->prevLine();
+ return;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ if(m_pKviWindow->view())m_pKviWindow->view()->nextLine();
+ return;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Right:
+ if(m_iCursorPosition < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))
+ {
+ internalCursorRight(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Left:
+ if(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ internalCursorLeft(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ if(hasSelection() && (m_iSelectionEnd >= m_iCursorPosition-1) && (m_iSelectionBegin <= m_iCursorPosition))
+ {
+ //remove the selection
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iSelectionBegin,(m_iSelectionEnd-m_iSelectionBegin)+1);
+ m_iCursorPosition = m_iSelectionBegin;
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > m_iCursorPosition)m_iFirstVisibleChar = m_iCursorPosition;
+ } else if(m_iCursorPosition > 0) {
+ m_iCursorPosition--;
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iCursorPosition,1);
+ if(m_iFirstVisibleChar > m_iCursorPosition)m_iFirstVisibleChar--;
+ }
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Delete:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ if(hasSelection()) removeSelected();
+ else if(m_iCursorPosition < (int)m_szTextBuffer.length())
+ {
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iCursorPosition,1);
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Home:
+ if(m_iCursorPosition > 0)
+ {
+ if(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton)
+ {
+ if((m_iSelectionBegin == -1)&&(m_iSelectionEnd == -1))m_iSelectionEnd = m_iCursorPosition - 1;
+ m_iSelectionBegin = 0;
+ } else {
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ }
+ home();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_End://we should call it even the cursor is at the end for deselecting
+ if(e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton)
+ {
+ if((m_iSelectionBegin == -1)&&(m_iSelectionEnd == -1))m_iSelectionBegin = m_iCursorPosition;
+ m_iSelectionEnd = m_szTextBuffer.length()-1;
+ } else {
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ }
+ end();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Up:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ if(m_pHistory->count() > 0)
+ {
+ if(m_iCurHistoryIdx < 0)
+ {
+ m_szSaveTextBuffer = m_szTextBuffer;
+ m_szTextBuffer = *(m_pHistory->at(0));
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx = 0;
+ } else if(m_iCurHistoryIdx >= (int)(m_pHistory->count()-1))
+ {
+ m_szTextBuffer=m_szSaveTextBuffer;
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx = -1;
+ } else {
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx++;
+ m_szTextBuffer = *(m_pHistory->at(m_iCurHistoryIdx));
+ }
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolInputHistoryCursorAtEnd))end();
+ else home();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Down:
+ if(!m_bReadOnly)
+ {
+ if(m_pHistory->count() > 0)
+ {
+ if(m_iCurHistoryIdx < 0)
+ {
+ m_szSaveTextBuffer = m_szTextBuffer;
+ m_szTextBuffer = *(m_pHistory->at(m_pHistory->count()-1));
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx =m_pHistory->count()-1;
+ } else if(m_iCurHistoryIdx == 0)
+ {
+ m_szTextBuffer=m_szSaveTextBuffer;
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx = -1;
+ } else {
+ m_iCurHistoryIdx--;
+ m_szTextBuffer = *(m_pHistory->at(m_iCurHistoryIdx));
+ }
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolInputHistoryCursorAtEnd))end();
+ else home();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ if(m_pKviWindow->view())m_pKviWindow->view()->prevPage();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ if(m_pKviWindow->view())m_pKviWindow->view()->nextPage();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Return:
+ case Qt::Key_Enter:
+ returnPressed();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Alt:
+ case Qt::Key_Meta:
+ m_szAltKeyCode = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(!e->text().isEmpty() && !m_bReadOnly)
+ insertText(e->text());
+ break;
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
+ if((e->key() == Qt::Key_Alt) || (e->key() == Qt::Key_Meta))
+ {
+ if(m_szAltKeyCode.hasData())
+ {
+ bool bOk;
+ unsigned short ch = m_szAltKeyCode.toUShort(&bOk);
+ if(bOk && ch != 0)
+ {
+ //debug("INSERTING CHAR %d",ch);
+ insertChar(QChar(ch));
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ }
+ m_szAltKeyCode = "";
+ }
+ e->ignore();
+void KviInputEditor::getWordBeforeCursor(QString &buffer,bool * bIsFirstWordInLine)
+ if(m_szTextBuffer.isEmpty() || m_iCursorPosition <= 0)
+ {
+ buffer = "";
+ return;
+ }
+ buffer = m_szTextBuffer.left(m_iCursorPosition);
+ int idx = buffer.findRev(' ');
+ int idx2 = buffer.findRev(','); // This is for comma separated lists...
+ int idx3 = buffer.findRev('(');
+ int idx4 = buffer.findRev('"');
+ if(idx2 > idx)idx = idx2;
+ if(idx3 > idx)idx = idx3;
+ if(idx4 > idx)idx = idx4;
+ *bIsFirstWordInLine = false;
+ if(idx > -1)buffer.remove(0,idx+1);
+ else *bIsFirstWordInLine = true;
+void KviInputEditor::completion(bool bShift)
+ // FIXME: Spaces in directory completion can mess everything completely
+ // On windows the KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHARacters are breaking everything...
+ // Well.... :D
+ QString word;
+ QString match;
+ bool bFirstWordInLine;
+ getWordBeforeCursor(word,&bFirstWordInLine);
+ if(word.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(m_szLastCompletedNick.isEmpty())return; // nothing to complete
+ else {
+ // this is standard nick completion continued
+ standardNickCompletion(bShift,word,bFirstWordInLine);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ KviPointerList<QString> tmp;
+ tmp.setAutoDelete(true);
+ bool bIsCommand = false;
+ bool bIsDir = false;
+ bool bIsNick = false;
+ unsigned short uc = word[0].unicode();
+ if(uc == '/')
+ {
+ if(bFirstWordInLine)
+ {
+ // command completion
+ word.remove(0,1);
+ if(word.isEmpty())return;
+ KviKvsKernel::instance()->completeCommand(word,&tmp);
+ bIsCommand = true;
+ } else {
+ // directory completion attempt
+ g_pApp->completeDirectory(word,&tmp);
+ bIsDir = true;
+ }
+ } else if(uc == '$')
+ {
+ // function/identifer completion
+ word.remove(0,1);
+ if(word.isEmpty())return;
+ KviKvsKernel::instance()->completeFunction(word,&tmp);
+ } else if(uc == '#' || uc == '&' || uc == '!')
+ {
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ {
+ if( (word.length()==1) && (m_pKviWindow->windowName()[0].unicode()==uc))
+ {
+ match=m_pKviWindow->windowName();
+ match.append(" ");
+ replaceWordBeforeCursor(word,match,false);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if(m_pKviWindow->console())
+ m_pKviWindow->console()->completeChannel(word,&tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ //FIXME: Complete also on irc:// starting strings, not only irc.?
+ } else if(KviQString::equalCIN(word,"irc.",4))
+ {
+ // irc server name
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ if(m_pKviWindow->console())
+ m_pKviWindow->console()->completeServer(word,&tmp);
+ } else {
+ // empty word will end up here
+ if(m_pUserListView)
+ {
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolBashLikeNickCompletion))
+ {
+ m_pUserListView->completeNickBashLike(word,&tmp,bShift);
+ bIsNick = true;
+ } else {
+ standardNickCompletion(bShift,word,bFirstWordInLine);
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Lookup the longest exact match
+ if(tmp.count() > 0)
+ {
+ if(tmp.count() == 1)
+ {
+ match = *(tmp.first());
+ if(bIsCommand)match.append(' ');
+ else if(bIsNick)
+ {
+ if(!KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix).isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(bFirstWordInLine || (!KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolUseNickCompletionPostfixForFirstWordOnly)))
+ match.append(KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QString all;
+ QString * s = tmp.first();
+ match = *s;
+ int wLen = word.length();
+ for(;s;s =
+ {
+ if(s->length() < match.length())
+ match.remove(s->length(),match.length() - s->length());
+ // All the matches here have length >= word.len()!!!
+ const QChar * b1 = KviQString::nullTerminatedArray(*s) + wLen;
+ const QChar * b2 = KviQString::nullTerminatedArray(match) + wLen;
+ const QChar * c1 = b1;
+ const QChar * c2 = b2;
+ if(bIsDir)while(c1->unicode() && (c1->unicode() == c2->unicode()))c1++,c2++;
+ else while(c1->unicode() && (c1->lower().unicode() == c2->lower().unicode()))c1++,c2++;
+ int len = wLen + (c1 - b1);
+ if(len < ((int)(match.length())))match.remove(len,match.length() - len);
+ if(!all.isEmpty())all.append(", ");
+ all.append(*s);
+ }
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ m_pKviWindow->output(KVI_OUT_SYSTEMMESSAGE,__tr2qs("%d matches: %Q"),tmp.count(),&all);
+ }
+ } else
+ if(m_pKviWindow)
+ m_pKviWindow->outputNoFmt(KVI_OUT_SYSTEMMESSAGE,__tr2qs("No matches"));
+ if(!match.isEmpty())
+ {
+ //if(!bIsDir && !bIsNick)match = match.lower(); <-- why? It is nice to have
+ // $module.someFunctionName instad
+ // of unreadable $module.somefunctionfame
+ replaceWordBeforeCursor(word,match,false);
+ }
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::replaceWordBeforeCursor(const QString &word,const QString &replacement,bool bRepaint)
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ m_iCursorPosition -= word.length();
+ m_szTextBuffer.remove(m_iCursorPosition,word.length());
+ m_szTextBuffer.insert(m_iCursorPosition,replacement);
+ m_szTextBuffer.truncate(m_iMaxBufferSize);
+ moveCursorTo(m_iCursorPosition + replacement.length());
+ if(bRepaint)repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::standardNickCompletion(bool bAddMask,QString &word,bool bFirstWordInLine)
+ // FIXME: this could be really simplified...
+ if(!m_pUserListView)return;
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ QString buffer;
+ if(m_szLastCompletedNick.isEmpty())
+ {
+ // New completion session: we NEED sth to complete
+ if(word.isEmpty())return;
+ if(m_pUserListView->completeNickStandard(word,m_szLastCompletedNick,buffer,bAddMask))
+ {
+ // completed: save the buffer
+ m_szLastCompletionBuffer = m_szTextBuffer;
+ m_iLastCompletionCursorPosition = m_iCursorPosition;
+ m_iLastCompletionCursorXPosition = m_iLastCursorXPosition;
+ m_iLastCompletionFirstVisibleChar = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ m_szLastCompletedNick = buffer;
+ if(!KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix).isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(bFirstWordInLine || (!KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolUseNickCompletionPostfixForFirstWordOnly)))
+ buffer.append(KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix));
+ }
+ replaceWordBeforeCursor(word,buffer,false);
+ m_bLastCompletionFinished=0;
+ } // else no match at all
+ } else if(!m_bLastCompletionFinished) {
+ // Old session
+ // swap the buffers
+ m_szTextBuffer = m_szLastCompletionBuffer;
+ m_iCursorPosition = m_iLastCompletionCursorPosition;
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition = m_iLastCompletionCursorXPosition;
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar = m_iLastCompletionFirstVisibleChar;
+ // re-extract
+ //word = m_szTextBuffer.left(m_iCursorPosition);
+ getWordBeforeCursor(word,&bFirstWordInLine);
+ if(word.isEmpty())return;
+ if(m_pUserListView->completeNickStandard(word,m_szLastCompletedNick,buffer,bAddMask))
+ {
+ // completed
+ m_szLastCompletedNick = buffer;
+ if(!KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix).isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(bFirstWordInLine || (!KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolUseNickCompletionPostfixForFirstWordOnly)))
+ buffer.append(KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix));
+ }
+ replaceWordBeforeCursor(word,buffer,false);
+ m_bLastCompletionFinished=0;
+ } else {
+ m_bLastCompletionFinished=1;
+ m_szLastCompletedNick = "";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Old session finished
+ // re-extract
+ //word = m_szTextBuffer.left(m_iCursorPosition);
+ //getWordBeforeCursor(word,&bFirstWordInLine);
+ if(word.isEmpty())return;
+ if(m_pUserListView->completeNickStandard(word,"",buffer,bAddMask))
+ {
+ // completed
+ m_szLastCompletionBuffer = m_szTextBuffer;
+ m_iLastCompletionCursorPosition = m_iCursorPosition;
+ m_iLastCompletionCursorXPosition = m_iLastCursorXPosition;
+ m_iLastCompletionFirstVisibleChar = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ m_szLastCompletedNick = buffer;
+ if(!KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix).isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(bFirstWordInLine || (!KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolUseNickCompletionPostfixForFirstWordOnly)))
+ buffer.append(KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringNickCompletionPostfix));
+ }
+ replaceWordBeforeCursor(word,buffer,false);
+ m_bLastCompletionFinished=0;
+ } else {
+ m_bLastCompletionFinished=1;
+ m_szLastCompletedNick = "";
+ }
+ }
+//Funky helpers
+void KviInputEditor::end()
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition = frameWidth();
+ m_iCursorPosition = 0;
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar = 0;
+ while(m_iCursorPosition < ((int)(m_szTextBuffer.length())))
+ {
+ moveRightFirstVisibleCharToShowCursor();
+ m_iCursorPosition++;
+ }
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::home()
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar = 0;
+ m_iCursorPosition = 0;
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::insertChar(QChar c)
+ if(m_szTextBuffer.length() >= m_iMaxBufferSize)return;
+ // Kill the selection
+ if((m_iSelectionBegin > -1) || (m_iSelectionEnd > -1))
+ {
+ if((m_iCursorPosition >= m_iSelectionBegin) && (m_iCursorPosition <= m_iSelectionEnd))
+ {
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = false;
+ removeSelected();
+ m_bUpdatesEnabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ selectOneChar(-1);
+ m_szTextBuffer.insert(m_iCursorPosition,c);
+ moveRightFirstVisibleCharToShowCursor();
+ m_iCursorPosition++;
+ repaintWithCursorOn();
+void KviInputEditor::moveRightFirstVisibleCharToShowCursor()
+ // :)
+ QFontMetrics fm(KVI_OPTION_FONT(KviOption_fontInput));
+ QChar c =;
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition += c.unicode() < 32 ? fm.width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : fm.width(c);;
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition += (c.unicode() < 256) ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : fm.width(c);
+ while(m_iLastCursorXPosition >= contentsRect().width()-2*KVI_INPUT_MARGIN)
+ {
+ c =;
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition -= c.unicode() < 32 ? fm.width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : fm.width(c);;
+ m_iLastCursorXPosition -= (c.unicode() < 256) ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : fm.width(c);
+ m_iFirstVisibleChar++;
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::repaintWithCursorOn()
+ // :)
+ if(m_bUpdatesEnabled)
+ {
+ m_bCursorOn = true;
+ update();
+ }
+void KviInputEditor::selectOneChar(int pos)
+ m_iSelectionBegin = pos;
+ m_iSelectionEnd = pos;
+int KviInputEditor::charIndexFromXPosition(int xPos)
+ int curXPos = frameWidth()+KVI_INPUT_MARGIN;
+ int curChar = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ int bufLen = m_szTextBuffer.length();
+ QFontMetrics fm(KVI_OPTION_FONT(KviOption_fontInput));
+ while(curChar < bufLen)
+ {
+ QChar c =;
+ int widthCh = c.unicode() < 32 ? fm.width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : fm.width(c);;
+ int widthCh = (c.unicode() < 256) ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : fm.width(c);
+ if(xPos < (curXPos+(widthCh/2)))return curChar;
+ else if(xPos < (curXPos+widthCh))return (curChar+1);
+ {
+ curXPos+=widthCh;
+ curChar++;
+ }
+ }
+ return curChar;
+int KviInputEditor::xPositionFromCharIndex(QFontMetrics& fm,int chIdx,bool bContentsCoords)
+ // FIXME: this could use fm.width(m_szTextBuffer,chIdx)
+ int curXPos = bContentsCoords ? KVI_INPUT_MARGIN : frameWidth()+KVI_INPUT_MARGIN;
+ int curChar = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ while(curChar < chIdx)
+ {
+ QChar c =;
+ curXPos += c.unicode() < 32 ? fm.width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : fm.width(c);;
+ curXPos += (c.unicode() < 256) ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : fm.width(c);
+ curChar++;
+ }
+ return curXPos;
+int KviInputEditor::xPositionFromCharIndex(int chIdx,bool bContentsCoords)
+ // FIXME: this could use fm.width(m_szTextBuffer,chIdx)
+ int curXPos = bContentsCoords ? KVI_INPUT_MARGIN : frameWidth()+KVI_INPUT_MARGIN;
+ int curChar = m_iFirstVisibleChar;
+ //debug("%i",g_pLastFontMetrics);
+ if(!g_pLastFontMetrics) g_pLastFontMetrics = new QFontMetrics(KVI_OPTION_FONT(KviOption_fontInput));
+ while(curChar < chIdx)
+ {
+ QChar c =;
+ curXPos += c.unicode() < 32 ? g_pLastFontMetrics->width(getSubstituteChar(c.unicode())) + 3 : g_pLastFontMetrics->width(c);
+ curXPos += (c.unicode() < 256) ? g_iInputFontCharWidth[c.unicode()] : g_pLastFontMetrics->width(c);
+ curChar++;
+ }
+ return curXPos;
+ @doc: texticons
+ @type:
+ generic
+ @title:
+ The KVIrc TextIcons extension
+ @short:
+ The KVIrc TextIcons extension
+ @body:
+ Starting from version 3.0.0 KVIrc supports the TextIcon extension
+ to the standard IRC protocol. It is a mean for sending text enriched
+ of small images without sending the images themselves.[br]
+ The idea is quite simple: the IRC client (and it's user) associates
+ some small images to text strings (called icon tokens) and the strings are sent
+ in place of the images preceeded by a special escape character.[br]
+ The choosen escape character is 29 (hex 0x1d) which corresponds
+ to the ASCII group separator.[br]
+ So for example if a client has the association of the icon token "rose" with a small
+ icon containing a red rose flower then KVIrc could send the string
+ "&lt;0x1d&gt;rose" in the message stream to ask the remote parties to
+ display such an icon. If the remote parties don't have this association
+ then they will simply strip the control code and display the string "rose",
+ (eventually showing it in some enchanced way).[br]
+ The icon tokens can't contain spaces
+ so the receiving clients stop the extraction of the icon strings
+ when a space, an icon escape or the message termination is encountered.
+ [br]
+ &lt;icon escape&gt; := character 0x1d (ASCII group separator)[br]
+ &lt;icon token&gt; := any character with the exception of 0x1d, CR,LF and SPACE.[br]
+ [br]
+ Please note that this is a KVIrc extension and the remote clients
+ that don't support this feature will not display the icon (and will
+ eventually show the 0x1d character in the data stream).[br]
+ If you like this feature please either convince the remote users
+ to try KVIrc or tell them to write to their client developers asking
+ for this simple feature to be implemented.[br]
+ @doc: commandline
+ @title:
+ The Commandline Input Features
+ @type:
+ generic
+ @short:
+ Commandline input features
+ @body:
+ [big]Principles of operation[/big]
+ [p]
+ The idea is simple: anything that starts with a slash (/) character
+ is interpreted as a command. Anything else is plain text that is
+ sent to the target of the window (channel, query, dcc chat etc..).
+ [/p]
+ [big]The two operating modes[/big]
+ [p]
+ The commandline input has two operating modes: the "user friendly mode" and
+ the "kvs mode". In the user friendly mode all the parameters of the commands
+ are interpreted exactly like you type them. There is no special interpretation
+ of $,%,-,( and ; characters. This allows you to type "/me is happy ;)", for example.
+ In the kvs mode the full parameter interpretation is enabled and the commands
+ work just like in any other script editor. This means that anything that
+ starts with a $ is a function call, anything that starts with a % is a variable,
+ the dash characters after command names are interpreted as switches and ; is the
+ command separator. This in turn does NOT allow you to type "/me is happy ;)"
+ because ; is the command separator and ) will be interpreted as the beginning
+ of the next command. In KVS mode you obviously have to escape the ; character
+ by typing "/me is happy \;)". The user friendly mode is good for everyday chatting
+ and for novice users while the KVS mode is for experts that know that minimum about
+ scripting languages. Please note that in the user-friendly mode you're not allowed
+ to type multiple commands at once :).
+ [/p]
+ [big]Default Key Bindings:[/big][br]
+ Ctrl+B: Inserts the 'bold' mIRC text control character<br>
+ Ctrl+K: Inserts the 'color' mIRC text control character<br>
+ Ctrl+R: Inserts the 'reverse' mIRC text control character<br>
+ Ctrl+U: Inserts the 'underline' mIRC text control character<br>
+ Ctrl+O: Inserts the 'reset' mIRC text control character<br>
+ Ctrl+P: Inserts the 'non-crypt' (plain text) KVIrc control character used to disable encryption of the current text line<br>
+ Ctrl+C: Copies the selected text to clipboard<br>
+ Ctrl+X: Cuts the selected text<br>
+ Ctrl+V: Pastes the clipboard contents (same as middle mouse click)<br>
+ Ctrl+I: Inserts the 'icon' control code and pops up the icon list box<br>
+ Ctrl+A: Select all<br>
+ CursorUp: Moves backward in the command history<br>
+ CursorDown: Moves forward in the command history<br>
+ CursorRight: Moves the cursor to the right<br>
+ CursorLeft: Moves the cursor to the left :)<br>
+ Shift+CursorLeft: Moves the selection to the left<br>
+ Shift+RightCursor: Moves the selection to the right<br>
+ Ctrl+CursorLeft: Moves the cursor one word left<br>
+ Ctrl+CursorRight: Moves the cursor one word right<br>
+ Ctrl+Shift+CursorLeft: Moves the selection one word left<br>
+ Ctrl+Shift+CursorRight: Moves the selection one word right<br>
+ Tab: Nickname, function/command, or filename completion (see below)<br>
+ Shift+Tab: Hostmask or function/command completion (see below)<br>
+ Alt+&lt;numeric_sequence&gt;: Inserts the character by ASCII/Unicode code<br>
+ <example>
+ Alt+32: Inserts ASCII/Unicode character 32: ' ' (a space)
+ Alt+00032: Same as above :)
+ Alt+13: Inserts the Carriage Return (CR) control character
+ Alt+77: Inserts ASCII/Unicode character 77: 'M'
+ Alt+23566: Inserts Unicode character 23566 (an ideogram)
+ </example>
+ Also look at the <a href="shortcuts.kvihelp">global shortcuts</a> reference.<br>
+ If you drop a file on this widget, a <a href="parse.kvihelp">/PARSE &lt;filename&gt;</a> will be executed.<br>
+ You can enable word substitution in the preferences dialog.<br>
+ For example, if you choose to substitute "afaik" with "As far as I know",<br>
+ when you will type "afaik" somewhere in the command line, and then
+ press Space or Return, that word will be replaced with "As far as I know".<br>
+ Experiment with it :)<br>
+ The Tab key activates the completion of the current word.<br>
+ If a word is prefixed with a '/', it is treated as a command to be completed,
+ if it begins with '$', it is treated as a function or identifier to be completed,
+ otherwise it is treated as a nickname or filename to be completed.<br>
+ <example>
+ /ec&lt;Tab&gt; will produce /echo&lt;space&gt
+ /echo $loca&lt;Tab&gt; will produce /echo $localhost
+ </example>
+ Multiple matches are listed in the view window and the word is completed
+ to the common part of all the matches.<br>
+ <example>
+ $sel&lt;Tab;&gt; will find multiple matches and produce $selected
+ </example>
+ Experiment with that too :)
+KviInput::KviInput(KviWindow *par,KviUserListView * view)
+: QWidget(par,"input")
+ QBoxLayout* pLayout=new QHBoxLayout(this);
+ pLayout->setAutoAdd(true);
+ pLayout->setDirection(QBoxLayout::RightToLeft);
+ pLayout->setMargin(0);
+ pLayout->setSpacing(0);
+ m_pWindow = par;
+ m_pMultiLineEditor = 0;
+ m_pHideToolsButton = new KviStyledToolButton(this,"hide_container_button");
+ m_pHideToolsButton->setUsesBigPixmap(false);
+ m_pHideToolsButton->setFixedWidth(10);
+ if(g_pIconManager->getBigIcon("kvi_horizontal_left.png"))
+ m_pHideToolsButton->setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getBigIcon("kvi_horizontal_left.png")));
+ connect(m_pHideToolsButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(toggleToolButtons()));
+ m_pButtonContainer=new KviTalHBox(this);
+ m_pButtonContainer->setSpacing(0);
+ m_pButtonContainer->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum,QSizePolicy::Preferred));
+// if(m_pButtonContainer->layout())
+// m_pButtonContainer->layout()->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinimumSize);
+ m_pHistoryButton = new KviStyledToolButton(m_pButtonContainer,"historybutton");
+ m_pHistoryButton->setUsesBigPixmap(false);
+ //m_pHistoryButton->setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE); ???
+ QIconSet is1;
+ if(!KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolDisableInputHistory))//G&N mar 2005
+ {
+ is1.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_TIME)),QIconSet::Small);
+ m_pHistoryButton->setIconSet(is1);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pHistoryButton,__tr2qs("Show History<br>&lt;Ctrl+PageUp&gt;"));
+ connect(m_pHistoryButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(historyButtonClicked()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ is1.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_QUITSPLIT)),QIconSet::Small);
+ m_pHistoryButton->setIconSet(is1);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pHistoryButton,__tr2qs("Input History Disabled"));
+ }
+ m_pIconButton = new KviStyledToolButton(m_pButtonContainer,"iconbutton");
+ m_pIconButton->setUsesBigPixmap(false);
+ QIconSet is3;
+ is3.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_BIGGRIN)),QIconSet::Small);
+ m_pIconButton->setIconSet(is3);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pIconButton,__tr2qs("Show Icons Popup<br>&lt;Ctrl+I&gt;<br>See also /help texticons"));
+ connect(m_pIconButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(iconButtonClicked()));
+ m_pCommandlineModeButton = new KviStyledToolButton(m_pButtonContainer,"commandlinemodebutton");
+ m_pCommandlineModeButton->setUsesBigPixmap(false);
+ m_pCommandlineModeButton->setToggleButton(true);
+ QIconSet is0;
+ is0.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_SAYSMILE)),QIconSet::Small,QIconSet::Normal,QIconSet::On);
+ is0.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_SAYKVS)),QIconSet::Small,QIconSet::Normal,QIconSet::Off);
+ m_pCommandlineModeButton->setIconSet(is0);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pCommandlineModeButton,__tr2qs("User friendly commandline mode<br>See also /help commandline"));
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolCommandlineInUserFriendlyModeByDefault))
+ m_pCommandlineModeButton->setOn(true);
+ m_pMultiEditorButton = new KviStyledToolButton(m_pButtonContainer,"multieditorbutton");
+ m_pMultiEditorButton->setToggleButton(true);
+ m_pMultiEditorButton->setUsesBigPixmap(false);
+ QIconSet is2;
+ is2.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_TERMINAL)),QIconSet::Small,QIconSet::Normal,QIconSet::On);
+ is2.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_TERMINAL)),QIconSet::Small,QIconSet::Normal,QIconSet::Off);
+ m_pMultiEditorButton->setIconSet(is2);
+ QString szTip = __tr2qs("Multi-line Editor<br>&lt;Alt+Backspace&gt;");
+ szTip += " - &lt;Ctrl+Backspace&gt;";
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pMultiEditorButton,szTip);
+ connect(m_pMultiEditorButton,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(multilineEditorButtonToggled(bool)));
+ m_pInputEditor = new KviInputEditor(this,par,view);
+ connect(m_pInputEditor,SIGNAL(enterPressed()),this,SLOT(inputEditorEnterPressed()));
+ m_pInputEditor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Ignored));
+ m_pInputEditor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored,QSizePolicy::Ignored));
+ m_pMultiEditorButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ m_pCommandlineModeButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ m_pIconButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ m_pHistoryButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ m_pHideToolsButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ pLayout->setStretchFactor(m_pInputEditor,100000);
+ pLayout->setStretchFactor(m_pButtonContainer,0);
+ pLayout->setStretchFactor(m_pHideToolsButton,0);
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)KviScriptEditor::destroyInstance(m_pMultiLineEditor);
+bool KviInput::isButtonsHidden()
+ return m_pButtonContainer->isHidden();
+void KviInput::setButtonsHidden(bool bHidden)
+ if(!m_pHideToolsButton || !m_pButtonContainer) return;
+ if(bHidden==m_pButtonContainer->isHidden()) return;
+ m_pButtonContainer->setHidden(bHidden);
+ QPixmap* pix= bHidden ?
+ g_pIconManager->getBigIcon("kvi_horizontal_right.png") :
+ g_pIconManager->getBigIcon("kvi_horizontal_left.png");
+ if(pix)
+ m_pHideToolsButton->setPixmap(*pix);
+void KviInput::toggleToolButtons()
+ setButtonsHidden(!isButtonsHidden());
+void KviInput::inputEditorEnterPressed()
+ QString szText = m_pInputEditor->text();
+ KviUserInput::parse(szText,m_pWindow,QString::null,m_pCommandlineModeButton->isOn());
+ m_pInputEditor->setText("");
+void KviInput::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
+ //debug("KviInput::keyPressEvent(key:%d,state:%d,text:%s)",e->key(),e->state(),e->text().isEmpty() ? "empty" : e->text().utf8().data());
+ if((e->state() & Qt::ControlButton) || (e->state() & Qt::AltButton) || (e->state() & Qt::MetaButton))
+ {
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+ //if(m_pMultiLineEditor)
+ multilineEditorButtonToggled(!m_pMultiLineEditor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)
+ {
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Enter:
+ case Qt::Key_Return:
+ {
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)
+ {
+ QString szText;
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->getText(szText);
+ if(szText.isEmpty())return;
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolWarnAboutPastingMultipleLines))
+ {
+ if(szText.length() > 256)
+ {
+ if(szText[0] != '/')
+ {
+ int nLines = szText.count('\n') + 1;
+ int nLines = szText.contains('\n') + 1;
+ if(nLines > 15)
+ {
+ int nRet = QMessageBox::question(
+ this,
+ __tr2qs("Confirm Multiline Message"),
+ __tr2qs("You're about to send a message with %1 lines of text.<br><br>" \
+ "There is nothing wrong with it, this warning is<br>" \
+ "here to prevent you from accidentally sending<br>" \
+ "a really large message just because you didn't edit it<br>" \
+ "properly after pasting text from the clipboard.<br><br>" \
+ "Do you want the message to be sent?").arg(nLines),
+ __tr2qs("Yes, always"),
+ __tr2qs("Yes"),
+ __tr2qs("No"),
+ 1,2);
+ switch(nRet)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolWarnAboutPastingMultipleLines) = false;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return;
+ break;
+ default: // also case 1
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ KviUserInput::parse(szText,m_pWindow,QString::null,m_pCommandlineModeButton->isOn());
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ historyButtonClicked();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void KviInput::multiLinePaste(const QString &text)
+ if(!m_pMultiLineEditor)multilineEditorButtonToggled(true);
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->setText(text);
+void KviInput::multilineEditorButtonToggled(bool bOn)
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)
+ {
+ if(bOn)return;
+ KviScriptEditor::destroyInstance(m_pMultiLineEditor);
+ m_pMultiLineEditor = 0;
+ m_pInputEditor->show();
+ m_pWindow->childrenTreeChanged(0);
+ m_pInputEditor->setFocus();
+ m_pMultiEditorButton->setOn(false);
+ } else {
+ if(!bOn)return;
+ m_pMultiLineEditor = KviScriptEditor::createInstance(this);
+ QString szText = __tr2qs("<Ctrl+Return>; submits, <Alt+Backspace>; hides this editor");
+ // compatibility entry to avoid breaking translation just before a release... :)
+ szText.replace("Alt+Backspace","Ctrl+Backspace");
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->setFindText(szText);
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->setFindLineeditReadOnly(true);
+ m_pInputEditor->hide();
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->show();
+ m_pWindow->childrenTreeChanged(m_pMultiLineEditor);
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->setFocus();
+ m_pMultiEditorButton->setOn(true);
+ }
+void KviInput::iconButtonClicked()
+ if(!g_pTextIconWindow)g_pTextIconWindow = new KviTextIconWindow();
+ QPoint pnt = m_pIconButton->mapToGlobal(QPoint(m_pIconButton->width(),0));
+ g_pTextIconWindow->move(pnt.x()-g_pTextIconWindow->width(),pnt.y() - g_pTextIconWindow->height());
+ g_pTextIconWindow->popup(this,true);
+void KviInput::historyButtonClicked()
+ if(!g_pHistoryWindow)g_pHistoryWindow = new KviHistoryWindow();
+ QPoint pnt = mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0));
+ g_pHistoryWindow->setGeometry(pnt.x(),pnt.y() - KVI_HISTORY_WIN_HEIGHT,width(),KVI_HISTORY_WIN_HEIGHT);
+ g_pHistoryWindow->popup(this);
+#define BUTTON_WIDTH 20
+/*void KviInput::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
+ //m_pButtonContainer
+ m_pInputEditor->setGeometry(0,0,m_pButtonContainer->isVisible() ? width() - (BUTTON_WIDTH * 4)-10 : width() - 10,height());
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)m_pMultiLineEditor->setGeometry(0,0,m_pButtonContainer->isVisible() ? width() - (BUTTON_WIDTH * 4)-10 : width() - 10,height());
+ if(m_pButtonContainer->isVisible()) m_pButtonContainer->setGeometry(width() - (BUTTON_WIDTH * 4)-10,0,BUTTON_WIDTH*4,height());
+ m_pHideToolsButton->setGeometry(width() - 10,0,10,height());
+ QWidget::resizeEvent(e);
+void KviInput::setFocus()
+ // redirect setFocus() to the right children
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)m_pMultiLineEditor->setFocus();
+ else m_pInputEditor->setFocus();
+void KviInput::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent * e)
+ // if we get a focus in event , redirect the focus to the children
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)m_pMultiLineEditor->setFocus();
+ else m_pInputEditor->setFocus();
+int KviInput::heightHint() const
+ return m_pMultiLineEditor ? 120 : m_pInputEditor->heightHint();
+void KviInput::setText(const QString &text)
+ // FIXME: Latin1 -> QString ?
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)m_pMultiLineEditor->setText(text);
+ else m_pInputEditor->setText(text);
+void KviInput::insertChar(char c)
+ m_pInputEditor->insertChar(c);
+void KviInput::insertText(const QString& text)
+ m_pInputEditor->insertText(text);
+void KviInput::applyOptions()
+ if(g_pLastFontMetrics) delete g_pLastFontMetrics;
+ g_pLastFontMetrics = 0;
+ if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolDisableInputHistory))//G&N mar 2005
+ {
+ QIconSet is1;
+ is1.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_QUITSPLIT)),QIconSet::Small);
+ m_pHistoryButton->setIconSet(is1);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pHistoryButton,__tr2qs("Input History Disabled"));
+ m_pHistoryButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(clicked()));
+ }
+ if(!KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolDisableInputHistory))
+ {
+ QIconSet is1;
+ is1.setPixmap(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_TIME)),QIconSet::Small);
+ m_pHistoryButton->setIconSet(is1);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pHistoryButton,__tr2qs("Show History<br>&lt;Ctrl+PageUp&gt;"));
+ connect(m_pHistoryButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(historyButtonClicked()));
+ }
+ m_pInputEditor->applyOptions();
+void KviInput::setFocusProxy(QWidget *)
+ /* do nothing */
+//const QString & KviInput::text()
+QString KviInput::text()
+ QString szText;
+ if(m_pMultiLineEditor)
+ m_pMultiLineEditor->getText(szText);
+ else
+ szText=m_pInputEditor->text();
+ return szText;
+#include "kvi_input.moc"