path: root/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_channel.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/kvirc/ui/kvi_channel.h')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_channel.h b/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_channel.h
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index 0000000..0efdabb
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+++ b/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_channel.h
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+#ifndef _KVI_CHANNEL_H_
+#define _KVI_CHANNEL_H_
+// File : kvi_channel.h
+// Creation date : Tue Aug 1 2000 01:42:00 by Szymon Stefanek
+// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
+// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kvi_settings.h"
+#include "kvi_console.h"
+#include "kvi_window.h"
+#include "kvi_string.h"
+#include "kvi_ircuserdb.h"
+#include "kvi_pixmap.h"
+#include "kvi_userlistview.h"
+#include "kvi_time.h"
+#include "kvi_modew.h"
+#include "kvi_valuelist.h"
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h"
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+class KviConsole;
+class QSplitter;
+class QToolButton;
+class KviTopicWidget;
+class KviIrcMask;
+class KviThemedLabel;
+class KviTalHBox;
+ // windows compiler wants this instead of the forward decl
+ #include "kvi_maskeditor.h"
+ typedef struct _KviMaskEntry KviMaskEntry; // kvi_maskeditor.h
+class KviMaskEditor;
+class KviModeEditor;
+typedef struct _KviChannelAction
+ QString szNick; // action source nick
+ unsigned int uActionType; // type of the action
+ kvi_time_t tTime; // time of the action
+ int iTemperature; // temperature of the action
+} KviChannelAction;
+// this is the maximum count of actions that we keep in memory
+// this is the timespan of the oldest action that we keep in memory
+// 600 secs = 10 mins
+typedef struct _KviChannelActivityStats
+ unsigned int uActionCount; // number of actions in the history
+ bool bStatsInaccurate; // the stats are inaccurate because we have just joined the chan
+ unsigned int uLastActionTimeSpan; // the timespan between the last action and now
+ unsigned int uFirstActionTimeSpan; // the time span between the first and the last action
+ double dActionsPerMinute; // average number of actions per minute in the lastActionTimeSpan
+ unsigned int uActionsInTheLastMinute; // number of actions in the last minute
+ int iAverageActionTemperature; // the average chan temperature
+ unsigned int uHotActionCount;
+ unsigned int uHotActionPercent;
+ QStringList lTalkingUsers; // users that seem to be talking NOW
+ QStringList lWereTalkingUsers;
+} KviChannelActivityStats;
+class KVIRC_API KviChannel : public KviWindow
+ KviChannel(KviFrame * lpFrm,KviConsole * lpConsole,const char * name);
+ ~KviChannel();
+ QSplitter * m_pTopSplitter;
+ QSplitter * m_pVertSplitter;
+ BUTTON_CLASS * m_pDoubleViewButton;
+ KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pListViewButton;
+ KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pBanEditorButton;
+ KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pBanExceptionEditorButton;
+ KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pInviteEditorButton;
+ KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pModeEditorButton;
+ KviMaskEditor * m_pBanEditor;
+ KviMaskEditor * m_pBanExceptionEditor;
+ KviMaskEditor * m_pInviteEditor;
+ KviModeEditor * m_pModeEditor;
+ KviIrcView * m_pMessageView;
+ KviTopicWidget * m_pTopicWidget;
+ KviUserListView * m_pUserListView;
+ KviModeWidget * m_pModeWidget;
+ int m_iStateFlags;
+ QString m_szChannelMode;
+ QString m_szChannelKey;
+ KviStr m_szChannelLimit;
+ KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> * m_pBanList;
+ KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> * m_pBanExceptionList;
+ KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> * m_pInviteList;
+ KviPixmap m_privateBackground;
+ QDateTime m_joinTime;
+ QString m_szNameWithUserFlag;
+ KviPointerHashTable<const char *,QString> * m_pTmpHighLighted;
+ unsigned int m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount;
+ KviPointerList<KviChannelAction> * m_pActionHistory;
+ kvi_time_t m_tLastReceivedWhoReply;
+ KviValueList<int> m_VertSplitterSizesList;
+ KviTalHBox * m_pButtonContainer;
+ bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *);
+ virtual QPixmap * myIconPtr();
+ virtual void fillCaptionBuffers();
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);
+ virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
+// virtual void fillContextPopup(KviTalPopupMenu * p);
+ virtual void getConfigGroupName(QString &buf);
+ virtual void saveProperties(KviConfig * cfg);
+ virtual void loadProperties(KviConfig * cfg);
+ virtual void applyOptions();
+ virtual void getBaseLogFileName(QString &buffer);
+ virtual void triggerCreationEvents();
+ void toggleEditor(KviMaskEditor ** ppEd,KviWindowToolPageButton ** ppBtn,KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> *l,char flag,const char *edName);
+ void internalMask(const QString &mask,bool bAdd,const QString &setBy,unsigned int setAt,KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> *l,KviMaskEditor **ppEd);
+ void checkChannelSync();
+ void showDoubleView(bool bShow);
+ void fixActionHistory();
+ void getTalkingUsersStats(QString &buffer,QStringList &l,bool bPast);
+ void getChannelActivityStats(KviChannelActivityStats * s);
+ //void getChannelActivityStatsDescription(QString &buffer);
+ KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> * banList(){ return m_pBanList; };
+ KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> * banExceptionList(){ return m_pBanExceptionList; };
+ KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> * inviteList(){ return m_pInviteList; };
+ QString * firstSelectedNickname(){ return m_pUserListView->firstSelectedNickname(); };
+ QString * nextSelectedNickname(){ return m_pUserListView->nextSelectedNickname(); };
+ int selectedCount(){ return m_pUserListView->selectedCount(); };
+ int opCount(){ return m_pUserListView->opCount(); };
+ int voiceCount(){ return m_pUserListView->voiceCount(); };
+ int halfOpCount(){ return m_pUserListView->halfOpCount(); };
+ int userOpCount(){ return m_pUserListView->userOpCount(); };
+ int chanAdminCount(){ return m_pUserListView->chanAdminCount(); };
+ int chanOwnerCount(){ return m_pUserListView->chanOwnerCount(); };
+ unsigned int count(){ return m_pUserListView->count(); };
+ unsigned int banCount(){ return m_pBanList->count(); };
+ unsigned int banExceptionCount(){ return m_pBanExceptionList->count(); };
+ unsigned int inviteCount(){ return m_pInviteList->count(); };
+ const QString & nameWithUserFlag(){ return m_szNameWithUserFlag; };
+ virtual const QString & target(){ return windowName(); };
+// void appendSelectedNicknames(KviStr &buffer);
+ void setMask(char flag, const QString &mask,bool bAdd,const QString &setBy,unsigned int setAt);
+ kvi_time_t lastReceivedWhoReply(){ return m_tLastReceivedWhoReply; };
+ void setLastReceivedWhoReply(kvi_time_t tTime){ m_tLastReceivedWhoReply = tTime; };
+ void setSentSyncWhoRequest(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTSYNCWHOREQUEST; };
+ void clearSentSyncWhoRequest(){ m_iStateFlags ^= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTSYNCWHOREQUEST; };
+ bool sentSyncWhoRequest(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTSYNCWHOREQUEST); };
+ bool sentWhoRequest(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTWHOREQUEST); };
+ void setSentWhoRequest(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTWHOREQUEST; };
+ bool sentInviteListRequest(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTINVITELISTREQUEST); };
+ void setSentInviteListRequest(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTINVITELISTREQUEST; };
+ void setInviteListDone(){ m_iStateFlags ^= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTINVITELISTREQUEST; };
+ bool sentBanListRequest(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTBANLISTREQUEST); };
+ void setSentBanListRequest(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTBANLISTREQUEST; };
+ void setBanListDone(){ m_iStateFlags ^= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTBANLISTREQUEST; };
+ bool sentBanExceptionListRequest(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTBANEXCEPTIONLISTREQUEST); };
+ void setSentBanExceptionListRequest(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTBANEXCEPTIONLISTREQUEST; };
+ void setBanExceptionListDone(){ m_iStateFlags ^= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_SENTBANEXCEPTIONLISTREQUEST; };
+ bool hasAllNames(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEALLNAMES); };
+ void setHasAllNames(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEALLNAMES; checkChannelSync(); };
+ bool hasInviteList(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEINVITELIST); checkChannelSync(); };
+ void setHasInviteList(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEINVITELIST; };
+ bool hasWhoList(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEWHOLIST); };
+ void setHasWhoList(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEWHOLIST; checkChannelSync(); };
+ bool hasBanList(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEBANLIST); };
+ void setHasBanList(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEBANLIST; checkChannelSync(); };
+ bool hasBanExceptionList(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEBANEXCEPTIONLIST); };
+ void setHasBanExceptionList(){ m_iStateFlags |= KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_HAVEBANEXCEPTIONLIST; checkChannelSync(); };
+ bool closeOnPart(){ return !(m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_NOCLOSEONPART); };
+ void partMessageSent(bool bCloseOnPart = true,bool bShowMessage = true);
+ virtual bool activityMeter(unsigned int * puActivityValue,unsigned int * puActivityTemperature);
+ void setDeadChan();
+ void setAliveChan();
+ void prependUserFlag(const QString &nick,QString &buffer){ m_pUserListView->prependUserFlag(nick,buffer); };
+ char getUserFlag(const QString &nick){ return m_pUserListView->getUserFlag(nick); };
+ bool isDeadChan(){ return (m_iStateFlags & KVI_CHANNEL_STATE_DEADCHAN); };
+ virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
+ void enableUserListUpdates(bool bEnable){ m_pUserListView->enableUpdates(bEnable); };
+ KviUserListEntry * join(const QString &nick,const QString &user = QString::null,const QString &host = QString::null,int iFlags = 0)
+ { return m_pUserListView->join(nick,user,host,iFlags); };
+ bool op(const QString &nick,bool bOp){ return m_pUserListView->op(nick,bOp); };
+ bool avatarChanged(const QString &nick){ return m_pUserListView->avatarChanged(nick); };
+ bool voice(const QString &nick,bool bVoice){ return m_pUserListView->voice(nick,bVoice); };
+ bool halfop(const QString &nick,bool bHalfOp){ return m_pUserListView->halfop(nick,bHalfOp); };
+ bool userop(const QString &nick,bool bUserOp){ return m_pUserListView->userop(nick,bUserOp); };
+ bool setChanOwner(const QString &nick,bool bChanOwner){ return m_pUserListView->setChanOwner(nick,bChanOwner); };
+ bool setChanAdmin(const QString &nick,bool bChanAdmin){ return m_pUserListView->setChanAdmin(nick,bChanAdmin); };
+ void userAction(KviIrcMask * user,unsigned int uActionType);
+ void userAction(const QString &nick,unsigned int uActionType);
+ void userAction(const QString &nick,const QString &user,const QString &host,unsigned int uActionType);
+ bool nickChange(const QString &oldNick,const QString &newNick);
+ void channelAction(const QString &nick,unsigned int uActionType,int iTemperature);
+ bool part(const QString &nick);
+ bool isOn(const QString &nick){ return (m_pUserListView->findEntry(nick) != 0); };
+ KviUserListEntry * findEntry(const QString &nick){ return m_pUserListView->findEntry(nick); };
+ KviUserListView * userListView(){ return m_pUserListView; };
+ bool isMeOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
+ bool isMeChanOwner(bool bAtLeast = false);
+ bool isMeChanAdmin(bool bAtLeast = false);
+ bool isMeVoice(bool bAtLeast = false);
+ bool isMeHalfOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
+ bool isMeUserOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
+ bool isOp(const QString &nick,bool bAtLeast = false){ return m_pUserListView->isOp(nick,bAtLeast); };
+ bool isVoice(const QString &nick,bool bAtLeast = false){ return m_pUserListView->isVoice(nick,bAtLeast); };
+ bool isHalfOp(const QString &nick,bool bAtLeast = false){ return m_pUserListView->isHalfOp(nick,bAtLeast); };
+ bool isUserOp(const QString &nick,bool bAtLeast = false){ return m_pUserListView->isUserOp(nick,bAtLeast); };
+ bool isChanOwner(const QString &nick,bool bAtLeast = false){ return m_pUserListView->isChanOwner(nick,bAtLeast); };
+ bool isChanAdmin(const QString &nick,bool bAtLeast = false){ return m_pUserListView->isChanAdmin(nick,bAtLeast); };
+ int myFlags();
+ void updateModeLabel();
+ KviTopicWidget * topicWidget(){ return m_pTopicWidget; };
+ virtual void outputMessage(int msg_type,const QString &msg);
+ void ownMessage(const QString &buffer);
+ void ownAction(const QString &buffer);
+ void setChannelMode(char mode,bool bAdd);
+ void setChannelKey(const char * key);
+ void setChannelLimit(const char * limit);
+ void getChannelModeString(QString &buffer);
+ KviStr & channelLimit(){ return m_szChannelLimit; };
+ bool hasChannelLimit(){ return m_szChannelLimit.hasData(); };
+ bool hasChannelKey() { return !m_szChannelKey.isEmpty(); };
+ QString & channelKey(){ return m_szChannelKey; };
+ void addHighlightedUser(const char * nick);
+ void removeHighlightedUser(const char * nick);
+ bool isHighlightedUser(const char * nick) { return m_pTmpHighLighted->find(nick); };
+ KviIrcView * messageView() const { return m_pMessageView; };
+ virtual void lostUserFocus();
+ virtual void getTaskBarTipText(QString &buffer);
+ QString channelMode() { return m_szChannelMode; };
+ void unhighlight();
+ QFrame * buttonContainer() { return (QFrame*)m_pButtonContainer; };
+private slots:
+ void toggleDoubleView();
+ void toggleListView();
+ void toggleBanEditor();
+ void toggleBanExceptionEditor();
+ void toggleInviteEditor();
+ void toggleModeEditor();
+ void topicSelected(const QString & topic);
+ void setMode(const char * mode);
+ void modeSelectorDone();
+ void textViewRightClicked();
+ void removeMasks(KviMaskEditor *ed,KviPointerList<KviMaskEntry> *l);
+ void toggleToolButtons();
+ virtual void preprocessMessage(QString & szMessage);
+#endif //_KVI_CHANNEL_H_