path: root/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_frame.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/kvirc/ui/kvi_frame.h')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_frame.h b/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_frame.h
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index 0000000..d735a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kvirc/ui/kvi_frame.h
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+#ifndef _KVI_FRAME_H_
+#define _KVI_FRAME_H_
+// File : kvi_frame.h
+// Creation date : Sun Jun 18 2000 17:59:02 CEST by Szymon Stefanek
+// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
+// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// KviFrame:
+// The main window for the KVIrc application
+#include "kvi_settings.h"
+#include "kvi_tal_mainwindow.h"
+#include "kvi_qstring.h"
+#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
+class KviMenuBar;
+class KviMdiManager;
+class KviMdiChild;
+class KviWindow;
+class KviConsole;
+class KviTaskBarBase;
+class QSplitter;
+class KviConfig;
+class KviMexToolBar;
+class KviIrcContext;
+class KviIrcConnection;
+class KviStatusBar;
+class KviTalPopupMenu;
+#include "kvi_accel.h" // we need this :/
+ // MSCV has problems with KviPointerList<KviWindow> otherwise
+ #include "kvi_window.h"
+// base class for the dock extension applets..
+// this should be probably moved out of here
+class KVIRC_API KviDockExtension
+ unsigned int m_uStoredWindowState;
+ KviDockExtension() : m_uStoredWindowState(0){};
+ virtual ~KviDockExtension(){};
+ void setPrevWindowState(unsigned int state) { m_uStoredWindowState = state; };
+ unsigned int getPrevWindowState() { return m_uStoredWindowState; };
+ virtual void refresh(){};
+ virtual void die(){ delete this; };
+class KVIRC_API KviFrame : public KviTalMainWindow // , public KviIrcContextManager
+ friend class KviWindow;
+ friend class KviConsole;
+ friend class KviApp;
+ friend class KviServerParser;
+ friend class KviMexToolBar;
+ friend class KviMdiManager;
+ friend class KviIrcContext;
+ friend class KviIrcConnection;
+ friend class KviLagMeter;
+ friend class KviUserListView;
+ friend class KviUserListViewArea;
+ KviFrame();
+ ~KviFrame();
+ // subwindows
+ QSplitter * m_pSplitter; // the frame is splitted vertically and thus can host widgets
+ KviMenuBar * m_pMenuBar; // the main menu bar
+ KviMdiManager * m_pMdi; // the mdi manager widget (child of the splitter)
+ KviPointerList<KviMexToolBar> * m_pModuleExtensionToolBarList; // the module extension toolbars
+ KviTaskBarBase * m_pTaskBar; // the taskbar
+ KviStatusBar * m_pStatusBar;
+ // the mdi workspace child windows
+ KviPointerList<KviWindow> * m_pWinList; // the main list of windows
+ KviIrcContext * m_pActiveContext; // the context of the m_pActiveWindow
+ // other
+ KviDockExtension * m_pDockExtension; // the frame's dock extension: this should be prolly moved ?
+ KviAccel * m_pAccel; // the global accelelrator
+ // the mdi manager: handles mdi children
+ KviMdiManager * mdiManager(){ return m_pMdi; };
+ // the splitter is the central widget for this frame
+ QSplitter * splitter(){ return m_pSplitter; };
+ // KviTaskBarBase is the base class for KviTreeTaskBar and the KviClassicTaskBar
+ KviTaskBarBase * taskBar(){ return m_pTaskBar; };
+ // well.. the menu bar :D
+ KviMenuBar * mainMenuBar(){ return m_pMenuBar; };
+ KviStatusBar * mainStatusBar(){ return m_pStatusBar; };
+ // this function may return 0 if the active window has no irc context
+ KviIrcContext * activeContext(){ return m_pActiveContext; };
+ // shortcut to a = activeContext(); return a ? a->connection() : 0
+ KviIrcConnection * activeConnection();
+ // The list of the windows belonging to this frame
+ // Note that the windows may be also undocked, but they are still owned by the frame
+ KviPointerList<KviWindow> * windowList() { return m_pWinList; };
+ // Sets the specified window to be the active one
+ // Raises it and focuses it
+ void setActiveWindow(KviWindow *wnd);
+ // Adds a new KviWindow to this frame
+ // This should be done just after the KviWindow constructor has returned
+ // If bShow is false then the window is not explicitly shown
+ // otherwise it is set as active window.
+ void addWindow(KviWindow *wnd,bool bShow = true); // public for modules
+ // Checks if a specified window is still existing in this frame child
+ // window list. This is useful for asynchronous functions
+ // that keep a window pointer and need to ensure that it is still
+ // valid after an uncontrolled delay. (Think of a /timer implementation)
+ bool windowExists(KviWindow * wnd){ return (m_pWinList->findRef(wnd) != -1); };
+ // The number of consoles in this frame
+ unsigned int consoleCount();
+ // Creates a new console window. DON'T use the KviConsole constructor directly.
+ // (The script creation events are triggered from here)
+ KviConsole * createNewConsole(bool bFirstInFrame = false);
+ // Returns the first available console.
+ // There is almost always an available console.
+ // Exceptions are the startup and the shutdown (see activeWindow())
+ KviConsole * firstConsole();
+ // Returns the first console that has no connection in progress
+ // This function CAN return 0 if all the consoles are connected
+ KviConsole * firstNotConnectedConsole();
+ // this is explicitly dedicated to the DockExtension applets
+ void setDockExtension(KviDockExtension * e){ m_pDockExtension = e; };
+ // returns the dockExtension applet. Useful for calling refresh() when
+ // some particular event happens
+ KviDockExtension * dockExtension(){ return m_pDockExtension; };
+ // Updates the main window caption.
+ // Should be called when the active window changes
+ // and the active irc context changes state
+ void updateCaption();
+ // helper for saving the window properties
+ void saveWindowProperties(KviWindow * wnd,const char * szSection);
+ // finds the module extension toolbar with the specified identifier
+ // see kvi_moduleextension.h and kvi_mextoolbar.h
+ KviMexToolBar * moduleExtensionToolBar(int extensionId);
+ // Helper to fill the toolbars popup
+ // it is used by KviToolBar and KviMenuBar
+ void fillToolBarsPopup(KviTalPopupMenu * p);
+ int registerAccelerator(const QString &szKeySequence,QObject * recv,const char * slot);
+ void unregisterAccelerator(int id);
+#if QT_VERSION == 0x030201
+ unsigned int windowState();
+ void setWindowState(unsigned int GNWState);
+public slots:
+ void newConsole();
+ void executeInternalCommand(int index);
+ void toggleStatusBar();
+ void customizeToolBars();
+ void restoreModuleExtensionToolBars();
+ void saveModuleExtensionToolBars();
+ void registerModuleExtensionToolBar(KviMexToolBar * t);
+ void unregisterModuleExtensionToolBar(KviMexToolBar * t);
+ void unhighlightWindowsOfContext(KviIrcContext * c);
+ void createTaskBar();
+ void recreateTaskBar();
+ KviMdiChild * dockWindow(KviWindow *wnd,bool bShow = true,bool bCascade = true,QRect * setGeom = 0);
+ void undockWindow(KviWindow *wnd);
+ void closeWindow(KviWindow *wnd);
+ // called by KviWindow
+ void childWindowCloseRequest(KviWindow *wnd);
+ void childWindowActivated(KviWindow *wnd);
+ void childContextStateChange(KviIrcContext * c);
+ void childConnectionNickNameChange(KviIrcConnection * c);
+ void childConnectionAwayStateChange(KviIrcConnection * c);
+ void childConnectionUserModeChange(KviIrcConnection * c);
+ void childConnectionLagChange(KviIrcConnection * c);
+ void childConnectionServerInfoChange(KviIrcConnection * c);
+ void childWindowSelectionStateChange(KviWindow * pWnd,bool bGotSelectionNow);
+ virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);
+ virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *e);
+ virtual bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next);
+ virtual void windowActivationChange(bool bOldActive);
+ void updatePseudoTransparency();
+ KviAccel * installAccelerators(QWidget * wnd);
+ virtual void hideEvent ( QHideEvent * e);
+protected slots:
+ void switchToNextWindow();
+ void switchToPrevWindow();
+ void switchToNextWindowInContext();
+ void switchToPrevWindowInContext();
+ void maximizeWindow();
+ void minimizeWindow();
+ void accelActivated(int id);
+ void enteredSdiMode();
+ void leftSdiMode();
+ void toolbarsPopupSelected(int id);
+ void activeWindowChanged(); // almost never 0.. but may be
+ void activeContextChanged(); // may be 0!
+ void activeContextStateChanged(); // emitted only when the active context is non 0 and it changes state
+ void activeConnectionNickNameChanged();
+ void activeConnectionUserModeChanged();
+ void activeConnectionAwayStateChanged();
+ void activeConnectionServerInfoChanged();
+ void activeConnectionLagChanged();
+ void activeWindowSelectionStateChanged(bool bGotSelectionNow);
+ void applyOptions();
+ void saveToolBarPositions();
+ void restoreToolBarPositions();
+#ifndef _KVI_FRAME_CPP_
+ extern KVIRC_API KviFrame * g_pFrame;
+#endif //_KVI_FRAME_H_