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-** Help with porting from Qt 1.x to Qt 2.x
-** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-\page porting2.html
-\title Porting to Qt 2.x
-You're probably looking at this page because you want to port
-your application from Qt 1.x to Qt 2.x, but to be sure, let's
-review the good reasons to do this:
- <li>To get access to all the new Qt 2.x features like the rich text
- HTML subset for formatted labels, tooltips, online help etc.
- and the much easier to use layout classes and widgets.
- <li>To make your application truly international, with support
- for Unicode and translations for the languages of the world.
- <li>To allow your application to fit into the new look of the
- Unix desktop with configurable, very powerful "themes". The
- extended style system also integrates Qt applications better
- on MS-Windows desktops. Qt will automatically chose the right
- colors and fonts and obey global system setting changes.
- <li>To stay up-to-date with the version of Qt that gets all the
- new features and bug-fixes.
- <li>To get more speed and smoother widgets display with all the
- new anti-flicker changes in Qt.
- <li>Most of all though, you want to port to Qt 2.x
- so that your Wheel Mouse works!
-The Qt 2.x series is not binary compatible with the 1.x series.
-This means programs compiled for Qt 1.x must be recompiled to work
-with Qt 2.x. Qt 2.x is also not completely <em>source</em> compatible
-with 1.x, however all points of incompatibility cause
-compiler errors (rather than mysterious results), or produce run-time
-messages. The result is that Qt 2.x includes many additional features,
-discards obsolete functionality that is easily converted to use the new
-features, and that porting an application from Qt 1.x to Qt 2.x is
-a simple task well worth the amount of effort required.
-To port code using Qt 1.x to use Qt 2.x:
- <li> Briefly read the porting notes below to get an idea of what to expect.
- <li> Be sure your code compiles and runs well on all your target platforms with Qt 1.x.
- <li> Recompile with Qt 2.x. For each error, search below for related
- identifiers (eg. function names, class names) - this documented is
- structured to mention all relevant identifiers to facilitate such
- searching, even if that makes it a little verbose.
- <li> If you get stuck, ask on the qt-interest mailing list, or
- Trolltech Technical Support if you're a Professional Edition
- licensee.
-Many very major projects, such as <a href="">KDE</a>
-have been port, so there is plenty of expertise in the collective conscious
-that is the Qt Developer Community!
-<h2 align=center>The Porting Notes</h2>
- <li><b><a href="#Namespace">Namespace</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#Virtual">Virtual Functions</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#Collection">Collection classes</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#DefaultParent">No Default 0 Parent Widget</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#DebugVsRelease">Debug vs. Release</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QApplication">QApplication</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QClipboard">QClipboard</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QColor">QColor</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QDataStream">QDataStream</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QDialog">QDialog</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QDropSite">QDropSite</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QEvent">QEvent</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QFile">QFile</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QFontMetrics">QFontMetrics</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QIODevice">QIODevice</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QLabel">QLabel</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QLayout">QLayout</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QListView">QListView</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QMenuData">QMenuData</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QMenuData">QPopupMenu</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QMultiLineEdit">QMultiLineEdit</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QPainter">QPainter</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QPicture">QPicture</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QPoint">QPoint, QPointArray, QSize and QRect</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QPixmap">QPixmap</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QRgb">QRgb</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QScrollView">QScrollView</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QStrList">QStrList</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QString">QString</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QTextStream">QTextStream</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QUriDrag">QUriDrag / QUrlDrag</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QValidator">QComboBox</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QValidator">QLineEdit</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QValidator">QSpinBox</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QValidator">QValidator</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QWidget">QWidget</a></b>
- <li><b><a href="#QWindow">QWindow</a></b>
-<h3><a name="Namespace">Namespace</a></h3>
-<p> Qt 2.x is namespace-clean, unlike 1.x. Qt now uses very few
-global identifiers. Identifiers like <code>red, blue, LeftButton,
-AlignRight, Key_Up, Key_Down, NoBrush</code> etc. are now part of a
-special class <code>Qt</code> (defined in qnamespace.h),
-which is inherited by
-most Qt classes. Member functions of classes that inherit from QWidget,
-etc. are totally unaffected, but code that is
-<em>not</em> in functions of classes inherited from <code>Qt</code>,
-you must qualify these identifiers like this: <code>Qt::red,
-Qt::LeftButton, Qt::AlignRight</code>, etc.
-<p>The <code>qt/bin/qt20fix</code> script helps to fix the code that
-needs adaption, though most code does not need changing.
-Compiling with -DQT1COMPATIBILITY will help you get going with Qt 2.x
-- it allows all the old "dirty namespace" identifiers from Qt 1.x to
-continue working. Without it, you'll get compile errors that can
-easily be fixed by searching this page for the clean identifiers.
-<h3><a name="DefaultParent">No Default 0 Parent Widget</a></h3>
-In Qt 1.x, all widget constructors were defined with a default value
-of 0 for the parent widget. However, only the main window of the
-application should be created with a 0 parent, all other widgets
-should have parents. Having the 0 default made it too simple to create
-bugs by forgetting to specify the parent of non-mainwindow
-widgets. Such widgets would typically never be deleted (causing memory
-leaks), and they would become top-level widgets, confusing the window
-managers. Therefore, in Qt 2.x the 0 default parent has been removed
-for the widget classes that are not likely to be used as main windows.
-Note also that programs no longer need (or should) use 0 parent just
-to indicate that a widget should be top-level. See
-\code QWidget::isTopLevel() \endcode for details. See also the notes about
-<a href="#QMenuData">QPopupMenu</a> and <a href="#QDialog">QDialog</a>
-<h3><a name="Virtual">Virtual Functions</a></h3>
-<p> Some virtual functions have changed signature in Qt 2.x.
-If you override them in derived classes, you must change the signature
-of your functions accordingly.
-<!-- warwick can check for additions to this with his qt-2-report -->
- <li>\code QWidget::setStyle(GUIStyle)\endcode
- <li>\code QListView::addColumn(const char *, int)\endcode
- <li>\code QListView::setColumnText(int, const char *)\endcode
- <li>\code QListViewItem::setText(int, const char *)\endcode
- <li>\code QMultiLineEdit::insertLine(const char *, int)\endcode
- <li>\code QMultiLineEdit::insertAt(const char *, int, int, bool)\endcode
- <li>\code QSpinBox::setPrefix(const char *)\endcode
- <li>\code QSpinBox::setSuffix(const char *)\endcode
- <li>\code QToolButton::setTextLabel(const char *, bool)\endcode
- <li>\code QDoubleValidator::validate(QString &, int &)\endcode
- <li>\code QIntValidator::validate(QString &, int &)\endcode
- <li>\code QValidator::fixup(QString &)\endcode
- <li>\code QSlider::paintSlider(QPainter *, const QRect &)\endcode
-This is one class of changes that are
-not detected by the compiler,
-so you should mechanically search for each of
-these function names in your header files, eg.
-egrep -w 'setStyle|addColumn|setColumnText|setText...' *.h
-Of course, you'll get a few false positives (eg. if you have a setText
-function that is not in a subclass of QListViewItem).
-<h3><a name="Collection">Collection classes</a></h3>
-<p> The collection classes include generic
-classes such as QGDict, QGList, and
-the subclasses such as QDict and QList.
-<p> The macro-based Qt collection classes are obsolete; use the
-template-based classes instead. Simply remove includes of qgeneric.h and
-replace e.g. Q_DECLARE(QCache,QPixmap) with QCache<QPixmap>.
-<p> The GCI global typedef is replaced by QCollection::Item. Only if you
-make your own subclasses of the undocumented generic collection classes
-will you have GCI in your code.
-This change has been made to avoid collisions with other namespaces.
-<p> The GCF global typedef is removed (it was not used in Qt).
-<h3><a name="DebugVsRelease">Debug vs. Release</a></h3>
-<p>The Q_ASSERT macro is now a null expression if the QT_CHECK_STATE flag
-is not set (i.e. if the QT_NO_CHECK flag is defined).
-<p>The debug() function now outputs nothing if Qt was compiled with
-the QT_NO_DEBUG macro defined.
-<h3><a name="QString">QString</a></h3>
-QString has undergone major changes internally, and although it is highly
-backward compatible, it is worth studying in detail when porting to Qt 2.x.
-The Qt 1.x QString class has been renamed to QCString in Qt 2.x, though if
-you use that you will incur a performance penalty since all Qt functions
-that took const char* now take const QString&.
-To take full advantage of the new Internationalization
-functionality in Qt 2.x, the following steps are required:
- <ul>
- <li> Start converting all uses of "const char*" in parameters to
- "const QString&" - this can often be done mechanically, eg.
- using Perl. Convert usage of char[] for temporary string
- building to QString (much software already uses QString for
- this purpose as it offers many more facilities).
- If you find that you are mixing usage of QCString, QString,
- and QByteArray, this causes lots of unnecessary copying and
- might indicate that the true nature of the data you are
- dealing with is uncertain. If the data is NUL-terminated
- 8-bit data, use QCString; if it is unterminated (ie.
- contains NULs) 8-bit data, use QByteArray; if it is text,
- use QString.
- </p>
- <li> Put a breakpoint in \code QString::latin1()\endcode
- to catch places where
- Unicode information is being converted to ASCII (loosing
- information if your user in not using Latin1). Qt has
- a small number of calls to this - ignore those. As a stricter
- alternative, compile your code with QT_NO_ASCII_CAST defined,
- which hides the automatic conversion of QString to const char*,
- so you can catch problems at compile time.
- </p>
- <li> See the Qt \link i18n.html Internationalization page\endlink
- for information about the full process of internationalizing
- your software.
- </ul>
-Points to note about the new QString are:
-<dl compact>
- Qt now uses Unicode throughout.
- data() now returns a <em>const</em> reference to an ASCII version
- of the string - you cannot directly access the
- string as an array of bytes, because it isn't one. Often, latin1() is
- what you want rather than data(), or just leave it to convert to
- const char* automatically. data() is only used now to aide porting to Qt 2.x,
- and ideally you'll only need latin1() or implicit conversion when interfacing
- to facilities that do not have Unicode support.
-A big advantage of the new QString is that it automatically expands
-when you write to an indexed position.
-<dt><b>QChar and QCharRef</b></dt>
-QChar are the Unicode characters that make up a QString. A QCharRef is
-a temporary reference to a QChar in a QString that when assigned to
-ensures that the implicit sharing semantics of the QString are maintained.
-You are unlikely to use QCharRef in your own code - but so that you
-understand compiler error messages, just know that <tt>mystring[123]</tt>
-is a QCharRef whenever <tt>mystring</tt> is not a constant string. A QCharRef
-has basically the same functionality as a QChar, except it is more restricted
-in what you can assign to it and cast it to (to avoid programming errors).
-<dt><b>Use QString</b></dt>
-Try to always use QString. If you <em>must</em>, use QCString which is the
-old implementation from Qt 1.x.
-<dt><b>Unicode vs. ASCII</b></dt>
-Every conversion to and from ASCII is wasted time, so try to use QString
- as much as possible rather than const char*. This also ensures you have
- full 16-bit support.
-<dt><b>Convertion to ASCII</b></dt>
-The return value from operator const char*() is transient - don't expect
- it to remain valid while you make deep function calls.
- It is valid for as long as you don't modify or destroy the QString.
-<dt><b>QString is simpler</b></dt>
-Expect your code to become simpler with the new QString, especially
- places where you have used a char* to wander over the string rather
- than using indexes into the string.
-<dt><b>Some hacks don't work</b></dt>
-This hack:
- use_sub_string( &my_string[index] )
- should be replaced by:
- use_sub_string( my_string.mid(index) )
-<dt><b>QString(const char*, int) is removed</b></dt>
-The QString constructor taking a const char* and an integer is removed.
-Use of this constructor was error-prone, since the length included the
-'\0' terminator. Use QString::left(int) or QString::fromLatin1( const char*,
-int ) -- in both cases the int parameter signifies the number of characters.
-<dt><b>QString(int) is private</b></dt>
-The QString constructor taking an integer is now private. This function
-is not meaningful anymore, since QString does all space allocation
-automatically. 99% of cases can simple be changed to use the
-default constructor, QString().
-In Qt 1.x the constructor was used in two ways: accidentally,
-by attempting to convert a char to a QString (the char converts to int!) -
-giving strange bugs, and as a way to make a QString big enough prior to
-calling \code QString::sprintf()\endcode. In Qt 2.x, the accidental bug case is
-prevented (you will get a compilation error) and QString::sprintf has
-been made safe - you no longer need to pre-allocate space (though for
-other reasons, sprintf is still a poor choice - eg. it doesn't pass Unicode).
-The only remaining common case is conversion of 0 (NULL) to QString, which
-would usually give expected results in Qt 1.x. For Qt 2.x the correct
-syntax is to use QString::null, though note that
-the default constructor, QString(), creates a null string too.
-Assignment of 0 to a QString is ambiguous - assign
-QString::null; you'll mainly find these in code that has been converted
-from const char* types to QString.
-This also prevents a common error case from Qt 1.x - in
-that version, mystr = 'X' would <em>not</em> produce the expected
-results and was always a programming error; in Qt 2.x, it works - making
-a single-character string.
-Also see <a href="#QStrList">QStrList</a>.
-<dt><b>Signals and Slots</b></dt>
-Many signal/slots have changed from const char* to QString. You will
- get run-time errors when you try to \code QObject::connect()\endcode
- to the old
- signals and slots, usually with a message indicating the const QString&
- replacement signal/slot.
-<dt><b>Optimize with Q2HELPER</b></dt>
-In qt/src/tools/qstring.cpp there is a Q2HELPER - define it for some
-extra debugging/optimizing features (don't leave it it - it kills performance).
-You'll get an extra function, qt_qstring_stats(), which will print a
-summary of how much your application is doing Unicode and ASCII
-back-and-forth conversions.
-<dt><b>QString::detach() is obsolete and removed</b></dt>
-Since QString is now always shared, this function does nothing.
-Remove calls to QString::detach().
-<dt><b>QString::resize(int size) is obsolete and removed</b></dt>
-Code using this to truncate a string should use
- \link QString::truncate() truncate(size-1)\endlink.
-Code using qstr.resize(0) should use qstr = QString::null.
-Code calling resize(n) prior to using
- \link QString::operator[]() operator[]\endlink up to n just remove
-the resize(n) completely.
-<dt><b>QString::size() is obsolete and removed</b></dt>
-Calls to this function must be replaced by
-\link QString::length() length()\endlink+1.
-<dt><b>QString::setStr(const char*) is removed</b></dt>
-<dd>Try to understand why you were using this.
-If you just meant assignment, use that. Otherwise,
-you are probably using QString as an array of bytes, in which case use
-QByteArray or QCString instead.
-<dt><b>QString is not an array of bytes</b></dt>
-Code that uses QString as an array of bytes should use QByteArray
-or a char[], <em>then</em> convert that to a QString if needed.
-<dt><b>"string = 0"</b></dt>
-Assigning 0 to a QString should be assigning the null string,
-ie. string = QString::null.
-<dt><b>System functions</b></dt>
-You may find yourself needing latin1() for passing to the operating system
- or other libraries, and be tempted to use QCString to save the conversion,
- but you are better off using Unicode throughout, then when the operating
- system supports Unicode, you'll be prepared. Some Unix operating systems
- are now beginning to have basic Unicode support, and Qt will be tracking
- these improvements as they become more widespread.
-<dt><b>Bugs removed</b></dt>
-toShort() returns 0 (and sets *ok to false) on error.
-toUInt() now works for big valid unsigned integers.
-insert() now works into the same string.
-<dt><b>NULL pointers</b></dt>
-When converting "const char*" usage to QString in order to make your
- application fully Unicode-aware, use QString::null for the null value
- where you would have used 0 with char pointers.
-<dt><b>QString is not null terminated</b></dt>
-This means that inserting a 0-character
- in the middle of the string does <em>not</em> change the length(). ie.
- \code
- QString s = "fred";
- s[1] = '\0';
- // s.length() == 4
- // s == "f\0ed"
- // s.latin1() == "f"
- s[1] = 'r';
- // s == "fred"
- // s.latin1() == "fred"
- \endcode
- Especially look out for this type of code:
- \code
- QString s(2);
- s[0] = '?';
- s[1] = 0;
- \endcode
- This creates a string 2 characters long.
- To find these problems while converting, you might like to
- add Q_ASSERT(strlen(d->ascii)==d->len) inside
- \code QString::latin1()\endcode.
-<dt><b>QString or Standard C++ string?</b></dt>
-The Standard C++ Library string is not Unicode. Nor is wstring defined
-to be so (for the small number of platforms where it is defined at all).
-This is the same mistake made over and over
-in the history of C - only when non-8-bit characters are <em>the norm</em>
-do programmers find them usable. Though it is possible to convert between
-string and QString, it is less efficient than using QString throughout.
-For example, when using:
- QLabel::setText( const QString& )
-if you use string, like this:
- void myclass::dostuffwithtext( const string& str )
- {
- mylabel.setText( QString(str.c_str()) );
- }
-that will create a (ASCII only) copy of str, stored in mylabel.
-But this:
- void myclass::dostuffwithtext( const QString& str )
- {
- mylabel.setText( str );
- }
-will make an implicitly shared reference to str in the QLabel - no copying
-at all. This function might be 10 nested function calls away from something
-like this:
- void toplevelclass::initializationstuff()
- {
- doStuff( tr("Okay") );
- }
-At this point, in Qt 2.x, the tr() does a very fast dictionary lookup
-through memory-mapped message files, returning some Unicode QString for
-the appropriate language (the default being to just make a QString out
-of the text, of course - you're not <em>forced</em> to use any of these
-features), and that <em>same</em> memory mapped Unicode will be passed
-though the system. All occurrences of the translation of "Okay" can
-potentially be shared.
-<h3><a name="QApplication">QApplication</a></h3>
-In the function \code QApplication::setColorSpec()\endcode,
-PrivateColor and TrueColor are obsolete. Use ManyColor instead.
-<h3><a name="QColor">QColor</a></h3>
-All colors
-are in the Qt namespace.
-In members of classes that inherit the Qt namespace-class (eg. QWidget
-subclasses), you can use the unqualified names as before, but in global
-functions (eg. main()), you need to qualify them: Qt::red, Qt::white, etc.
-See also the <a href="#QRgb">QRgb</a> section below.
-<h3><a name="QRgb">QRgb</a></h3>
-In QRgb (a typedef of long), the order of the RGB channels has changed to
-be in the more efficient order (for typical contemporary hardware). If your
-code made assumptions about the order, you will get blue where you expect
-red and vice versa (you'll not notice the problem if you use shades of
-gray, green, or magenta). You should port your code to use the
-creator function qRgb(int r,int g,int b) and the
-access functions qRed(QRgb), qBlue(QRgb), and qGreen(QRgb).
-If you are using the alpha channel, it hasn't moved, but you should use
-the functions qRgba(int,int,int,int) and qAlpha(QRgb). Note also that
-QColor::pixel() does <i>not</i> return a QRgb (it never did on all platforms,
-but your code may have assumed so on your platform) - this may also produce
-strange color results - use QColor::rgb() if you want a QRgb.
-<h3><a name="QDataStream">QDataStream</a></h3>
-<p>The QDatastream serialization format of most Qt classes is changed
-in Qt 2.x. Use \code QDataStream::setVersion( 1 )\endcode to get a
-datastream object that can read and write Qt 1.x format data streams.
-<p>If you want to write Qt 1.x format datastreams, note the following
-compatibility issues:
- <ul>
- <li>QString: Qt 1.x has no Unicode support, so strings will be
- serialized by writing the classic C string returned by \code
- QString::latin1().\endcode
- <li><a href="#QPoint">QPoint & al.</a>: Coordinates will be
- truncated to the Qt 1.x 16 bit format.
- </ul>
-<h3><a name="QWidget">QWidget</a></h3>
-This function is now called \link QWidget::reparent() reparent()\endlink.
-This function is removed.
-Calls like QWidget::setAcceptFocus(TRUE) should be replaced by
- \code QWidget::setFocusPolicy(StrongFocus)\endcode, and
-calls like QWidget::setAcceptFocus(FALSE) should be replaced by
- \code QWidget::setFocusPolicy(NoFocus)\endcode.
-Additional policies are TabFocus and ClickFocus.
-paintEvent(0) is not permitted - subclasses need not check for
-a null event, and might crash.
-Never pass 0 as the argument to paintEvent(). You probably
-just want repaint() or update() instead.
-When processing a paintEvent, painting is only permitted within
-the update region specified in the event. Any painting outside will be
-clipped away. This shouldn't break any code (it was always like this
-on MS-Windows) but makes many explicit calls to
-QPainter::setClipRegion() superfluous. Apart from the improved
-consistency, the change is likely to reduce flicker and to make Qt
-event slightly faster.
-<h3><a name="QIODevice">QIODevice</a></h3>
-The protected member QIODevice::index is renamed to QIODevice::ioIndex
-to avoid warnings and to allow compilation with bad C libraries that
-#define index to strchr. If you have made a subclass of QIODevice,
-check every occurrence of the string "index" in the implementation, since
-a compiler will not always catch cases like \code(uint)index\endcode
-that need to be changed.
-<h3><a name="QLabel">QLabel</a></h3>
-<h4>\code QLabel::setMargin()\endcode</h4>
-\code QLabel::setMargin()\endcode and\code QLabel::margin()\endcode
-have been renamed to \code QLabel::setIndent()\endcode and
-\code QLabel::indent()\endcode, respectively. This was done to avoid
-collision with QFrame::setMargin(), which is now virtual.
-<h4>\code QLabel::setMovie()\endcode</h4>
-Previously, setting a movie on a label cleared the value of text().
-Now it doesn't. If you somehow used <tt>QLabel::text()</tt>
-to detect if a
-movie was set, you might have trouble. This is unlikely.
-<h3><a name="QDialog">QDialog</a></h3>
-<p> The semantics of the parent pointer changed for modeless dialogs:
-In Qt-2.x, dialogs are always top level windows. The parent, however,
-takes the ownership of the dialog, i.e. it will delete the dialog at
-destruction if it has not been explicitly deleted
-already. Furthermore, the window system will be able to tell that both
-the dialog and the parent belong together. Some X11 window managers
-will for instance provide a common taskbar entry in that case.
-If the dialog belongs to a top level main window
-of your application, pass this main window as parent to the dialog's
-constructor. Old code (with 0 pointer) will still run. Old code that
-included QDialogs as child widgets will no longer work (it never really did).
-If you think you might be doing this, put a breakpoint in
-QDialog::QDialog() conditional on parent not being 0.
-<h3><a name="QStrList">QStrList</a></h3>
-Many methods that took a QStrList can now instead take a QStringList,
-which is a real list of QString values.
-To use QStringList rather than QStrList, change loops that look like this:
- QStrList list = ...;
- const char* s;
- for ( s = list.first(); s; s = ) {
- process(s);
- }
-to be like this:
- QStringList list = ...;
- QStringList::ConstIterator i;
- for ( i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i ) {
- process(*i);
- }
-In general, the QStrList functions are less efficient, building a temporary QStringList.
-The following functions now use QStringList rather than QStrList
-for return types/parameters.
- <li><tt>void QFileDialog::setFilters(const QStrList&)</tt>
- becomes <tt>void QFileDialog::setFilters(const QStringList&)</tt>
- <li><tt>QStrList QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(...)</tt>
- becomes <tt>QStringList QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(...)</tt>
- <li><tt>bool QUrlDrag::decodeLocalFiles(QMimeSource*, QStrList&)</tt>
- becomes <tt>bool QUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles(QMimeSource*, QStringList&)</tt>
- <li><tt>const QStrList *QDir::entryList(...) const</tt>
- becomes <tt>QStringList QDir::entryList(...) const</tt>
- (note that the return type is no longer a pointer). You may also
- choose to use encodedEntryList().
-The following functions are added:
- <li><tt>QComboBox::insertStringList(const QStringList &, int index=-1)</tt>
- <li><tt>QListBox::insertStringList(const QStringList &,int index=-1)</tt>
-The rarely used static function <tt>void
-QFont::listSubstitutions(QStrList*)</tt> is replaced by <tt>QStringList
-<h3><a name="QLayout">QLayout</a></h3>
-<p> Calling resize(0,0) or resize(1,1) will no longer work magically.
-Remove all such calls. The default size of top level widgets will be their
-\link QWidget::sizeHint() sizeHint()\endlink.
-<p> The default implementation of QWidget::sizeHint() will no longer
-return just an invalid size; if the widget has a layout, it will return
-the layout's preferred size.
-<p> The special maximum MaximumHeight/Width is now QWIDGETSIZE_MAX,
-<p> \link QBoxLayout::addWidget() QBoxLayout::addWidget()\endlink
-now interprets the \e alignment parameter more aggressively. A
-non-default alignment now indicates that the widget should not grow to
-fill the available space, but should be sized according to sizeHint().
-If a widget is too small, set the alignment to 0. (Zero indicates no
-alignment, and is the default.)
-<p> The class QGManager is removed. Subclasses of QLayout need to be rewritten
-to use the new, much simpler \link QLayout QLayout API\endlink.
-<p> For typical layouts, all use of
-\link QWidget::setMinimumSize() setMinimumSize()\endlink
-\link QWidget::setFixedSize() setFixedSize()\endlink
-can be removed.
-\link QLayout::activate() activate()\endlink is no longer necessary.
-You might like to look at the QGrid, QVBox, and QHBox widgets - they offer
-a simple way to build nested widget structures.
-<h3><a name="QListView">QListView</a></h3>
-<p>In Qt 1.x mouse events to the viewport where redirected to the
-event handlers for the listview; in Qt 2.x, this functionality is
-in QScrollView where mouse (and other position-oriented) events are
-redirected to viewportMousePressEvent() etc, which in turn translate
-the event to the coordinate system of the contents and call
-contentsMousePressEvent() etc, thus providing events in the most
-convenient coordinate system. If you overrode QListView::MouseButtonPress(),
-QListView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(), QListView::mouseMoveEvent(), or
-QListView::mouseReleaseEvent() you must instead override
-viewportMouseDoubleClickEvent(), viewportMouseMoveEvent(), or
-viewportMouseReleaseEvent() respectively. New code will usually override
-contentsMousePressEvent() etc.
-<p>The signal QListView::selectionChanged(QListViewItem *) can now be
-emitted with a null pointer as parameter. Programs that use the
-argument without checking for 0, may crash.
-<h3><a name="QMultiLineEdit">QMultiLineEdit</a></h3>
-The protected function
-\code QMultiLineEdit::textWidth(QString*)\endcode
-changed to
-\code QMultiLineEdit::textWidth(const QString&)\endcode.
-This is unlikely to be a problem, and you'll get a compile error
-if you called it.
-<h3><a name="QClipboard">QClipboard</a></h3>
-\code QClipboard::pixmap()\endcode now returns a QPixmap, not a QPixmap*.
-The pixmap
-will be \link QPixmap::isNull() null\endlink if no pixmap is on the
-clipboard. QClipboard now offers powerful MIME-based types on the
-clipboard, just like drag-and-drop (in fact, you can reuse most of your
-drag-and-drop code with clipboard operations).
-<h3><a name="QDropSite">QDropSite</a></h3>
-QDropSite is obsolete. If you simply passed <tt>this</tt>, just remove
-the inheritance of QDropSite and call
-\link QWidget::setAcceptDrops() setAcceptDrops(TRUE)\endlink in the class
-If you passed something other than <tt>this</tt>,
-your code will not work. A common case is passing
-\link QScrollView::viewport() viewport()\endlink of a QListView,
-in which case,
-override the
-\link QScrollView::contentsDragMoveEvent() contentsDragMoveEvent()\endlink,
-functions rather than QListView's dragMoveEvent() etc. For other
-cases, you will need to use an event filter to act on the drag/drop events
-of another widget (as is the usual way to intercept foreign events).
-<h3><a name="QScrollView">QScrollView</a></h3>
-The parameters in the signal
-\link QScrollView::contentsMoving() contentsMoving(int,int)\endlink
-are now positive rather than negative values, coinciding with
-\link QScrollView::setContentsPos() setContentsPos()\endlink. Search for
-connections you make to this signal, and either change the slot they are
-connected to such that it also expects positive rather than negative
-values, or introduce an intermediate slot and signal that negates them.
-If you used drag and drop with QScrollView, you may experience the problem
-described for <a href="#QDropSite">QDropSite</a>.
-<h3><a name="QTextStream">QTextStream</a></h3>
-\code operator<<(QTextStream&, QChar&)\endcode does not skip whitespace.
-\code operator<<(QTextStream&, char&)\endcode does,
- as was the case with Qt 1.x. This is for backward compatibility.
-<h3><a name="QUriDrag">QUriDrag</a></h3>
-The class QUrlDrag is renamed to QUriDrag, and the API has been
-broadened to include additional conversion routines, including
-conversions to Unicode filenames (see the class documentation
-for details). Note that in Qt 1.x
-the QUrlDrag class used the non-standard MIME type "url/url",
-while QUriDrag uses the standardized "text/uri-list" type. Other
-identifiers affected by the Url to Uri change are
-QUrlDrag::setUrls() and QUrlDrag::urlToLocalFile().
-<h3><a name="QPainter">QPainter</a></h3>
-<p> The GrayText painter flag has been removed. Use
-\link QPainter::setPen() setPen( palette().disabled().foreground() )\endlink
-<p> The RasterOp enum
- OrROP,
- XorROP,
- NotAndROP,
- EraseROP,
- NotCopyROP,
- NotOrROP,
- NotXorROP,
- AndROP, NotEraseROP,
- NotROP,
- ClearROP,
- SetROP,
- NopROP,
- AndNotROP,
- OrNotROP,
- NandROP,
- NorROP, LastROP)
-is now part of the Qt namespace class, so if you
-use it outside a member function, you'll need to prefix with Qt::.
-<h3><a name="QPicture">QPicture</a></h3>
-<p>The binary storage format of QPicture is changed, but the Qt 2.x
-QPicture class can both read and write Qt 1.x format QPictures. No
-special handling is required for reading; QPicture will automatically
-detect the version number. In order to write a Qt 1.x format QPicture,
-set the formatVersion parameter to 1 in the QPicture constructor.
-<p>For writing Qt 1.x format QPictures, the compatibility issues of <a
-href="#QDataStream">QDataStream</a> applies.
-<p>It is safe to try to read a QPicture file generated with Qt 2.x
-(without formatVersion set to 1) with a program compiled with Qt
-1.x. The program will not crash, it will just issue the warning
-"QPicture::play: Incompatible version 2.x" and refuse to load the
-<h3><a name="QPoint">QPoint, QPointArray, QSize and QRect</a></h3>
-<p>The basic coordinate datatype in these classes, QCOORD, is now 32
-bit (int) instead of a 16 bit (short). The const values QCOORD_MIN and
-QCOORD_MAX have changed accordingly.
-<p>QPointArray is now actually, not only seemingly, a QArray of QPoint
-objects. The semi-internal workaround classes QPointData and QPointVal
-are removed since they are no longer needed; QPoint is used directly
-instead. The function \code QPointArray::shortPoints()\endcode
-provides the point array converted to short (16bit) coordinates for
-use with external functions that demand that format.
-<h3><a name="QImage">QImage</a></h3>
-QImage uses QRgb for the colors - see <a href="#QRgb">the changes to that</a>.
-<h3><a name="QPixmap">QPixmap</a></h3>
-\code QPixmap::convertToImage()\endcode with bitmaps now guarantees that color0 pixels
-become color(0) in the resulting QImage. If you worked around the lack of
-this, you may be able to simplify your code. If you made assumptions
-about the previous undefined behavior, the symptom will be inverted
-bitmaps (eg. "inside-out" masks).
-\code QPixmap::optimize(TRUE)\endcode
-is replaced by
-\code QPixmap::setOptimization(QPixmap::NormalOptim)\endcode
-\code QPixmap::setOptimization(QPixmap::BestOptim)\endcode
-- see the documentation
-to choose which is best for your application. NormalOptim is most like
-the Qt 1.x "TRUE" optimization.
-<h3><a name="QMenuData">QMenuData / QPopupMenu</a></h3>
-In Qt 1.x, new menu items were assigned either an application-wide
-unique identifier or an identifier equal to the index of the item, depending on the
-\link QMenuData::insertItem() insertItem(...)\endlink function used.
-In Qt 2.x this confusing
-situation has been cleaned up: generated identifiers are always
-unique across the entire application.
-If your code depends on generated ids
-being equal to the item's index, a quick fix is to use
-\code QMenuData::indexOf(int id)\endcode
-in the handling function instead. You may alternatively pass
-\code QMenuData::count()\endcode
-as identifier when you insert the items.
-Furthermore, QPopupMenus can (and should!) be created with a parent
-widget now, for example the main window that is used to display the
-popup. This way, the popup will automatically be destroyed together
-with its main window. Otherwise you'll have to take care of the
-ownership manually.
-QPopupMenus are also reusable in 2.x. They may occur in different
-locations within one menu structure or be used as both a menubar
-drop-down and as a context popup-menu. This should make it possible to
-significantly simplify many applications.
-Last but not least, QPopupMenu no longer inherits QTableView. Instead,
-it directly inherits QFrame.
-<h3><a name="QValidator">QValidator (QLineEdit, QComboBox, QSpinBox) </a></h3>
-\code QValidator::validate(...)\endcode
-\code QValidator::fixup( QString & )\endcode
-are now const
-functions. If your subclass reimplements validate() as a
-non-const function,
-you will get a compile error (validate was pure virtual).
-In QLineEdit, QComboBox, and QSpinBox,
-setValidator(...) now takes a const pointer to a QValidator, and
-validator() returns a const pointer. This change highlights the fact
-that the widgets do not take the ownership of the validator (a validator is
-a QObject on its own, with its own parent - you can easily set the same validator
-object on many different widgets), so changing the state of
-such an object or deleting it is very likely a bug.
-<h3><a name="QFile">QFile, QFileInfo, QDir</a></h3>
-File and directory names are now always Unicode strings (ie. QString). If you used QString
-in the past for the simplicity it offers, you'll probably have little consequence. However,
-if you pass filenames to system functions rather than using Qt functions (eg. if you use the
-Unix <tt>unlink()</tt> function rather than <tt>QFile::remove()</tt>, your code will probably
-only work for Latin1 locales (eg. Western Europe, the U.S.). To ensure your code will support
-filenames in other locales, either use the Qt functions, or convert the filenames via
-\code QFile::encodeFilename()\endcode and \code QFile::decodeFilename()\endcode - but do it
-\e just as you call the system function - code that mixes encoded and unencoded filenames
-is very error prone. See the comments in QString, such as regarding QT_NO_ASCII_CAST that
-can help find potential problems.
-<h3><a name="QFontMetrics">QFontMetrics</a></h3>
-boundingRect(char) is replaced by
-boundingRect(QChar), but since
-char auto-converts to QChar, you're not likely to run into problems
-with this.
-<h3><a name="QWindow">QWindow</a></h3>
-This class (which was just QWidget under a different name) has been
-removed. If you used it, do a global search-and-replace of the word
-"QWindow" with "QWidget".
-<h3><a name="QEvent">QEvent</a></h3>
-<p> The global #define macros in qevent.h have been replaced by an
-enum in QEvent. Use e.g. QEvent::Paint instead of Event_Paint. Same
-for all of:
-<p> The Q_*_EVENT macros in qevent.h have been deleted. Use an
-explicit cast instead. The macros were:
-<p> QChildEvents are now sent for all QObjects, not just QWidgets.
-You may need to add extra checking if you use a QChildEvent without
-much testing of its values.
-<h3>All the removed functions</h3>
-All <a href="removed20.html">these functions</a> have been removed in
-Qt 2.x. Most are simply cases where "const char*" has changed to
-"const QString&", or when an enumeration type has moved into the Qt::
-namespace (which, technically, is a new name, but your code will
-compile just the same anyway). This list is provided for completeness.
-// I split this to work around limitations in perl's regexp parser. --Arnt
-// warwick can regenerate this with his qt-2-report
-/*! \page removed20.html
-\title Functions removed in Qt 2.0
-QFileDialog::fileHighlighted(const char *)
-QFileDialog::fileSelected(const char *)
-QFileDialog::dirEntered(const char *)
-QFileDialog::updatePathBox(const char *)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(const char *, const char *, QWidget *, const char *)
-QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(const char *, const char *, QWidget *, const char *)
-QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(const char *, QWidget *, const char *)
-QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(const char *, const char *, QWidget *, const char *)
-QFileDialog::setSelection(const char *)
-QFileDialog::setDir(const char *)
-QMessageBox::setText(const char *)
-QMessageBox::setButtonText(const char *)
-QMessageBox::setButtonText(int, const char *)
-QMessageBox::standardIcon(QMessageBox::Icon, GUIStyle)
-QMessageBox::information(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, int, int)
-QMessageBox::information(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, int, int, int)
-QMessageBox::warning(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, int, int)
-QMessageBox::warning(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, int, int, int)
-QMessageBox::critical(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, int, int)
-QMessageBox::critical(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, int, int, int)
-QMessageBox::about(QWidget *, const char *, const char *)
-QMessageBox::aboutQt(QWidget *, const char *)
-QMessageBox::message(const char *, const char *, const char *, QWidget *, const char *)
-QMessageBox::buttonText(void) const
-QMessageBox::query(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, QWidget *, const char *)
-QProgressDialog::setLabelText(const char *)
-QProgressDialog::setCancelButtonText(const char *)
-QProgressDialog::init(QWidget *, const char *, const char *, int)
-QTabDialog::addTab(QWidget *, const char *)
-QTabDialog::isTabEnabled(const char *) const
-QTabDialog::setTabEnabled(const char *, bool)
-QTabDialog::setDefaultButton(const char *)
-QTabDialog::setCancelButton(const char *)
-QTabDialog::setApplyButton(const char *)
-QTabDialog::setOKButton(const char *)
-QTabDialog::setOkButton(const char *)
-QTabDialog::selected(const char *)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QApplication::setPalette(const QPalette &, bool)
-QApplication::setFont(const QFont &, bool)
-QBrush::init(const QColor &, BrushStyle)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QClipboard::data(const char *) const
-QClipboard::setData(const char *, void *)
-QClipboard::setText(const char *)
-QUrlDrag::decodeLocalFiles(QDropEvent *, QStrList &)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QStoredDrag::setEncodedData(QArrayT<char> const &)
-QTextDrag::setText(const char *)
-QImageDrag::canDecode(QDragMoveEvent *)
-QTextDrag::canDecode(QDragMoveEvent *)
-QUrlDrag::canDecode(QDragMoveEvent *)
-QImageDrag::decode(QDropEvent *, QImage &)
-QImageDrag::decode(QDropEvent *, QPixmap &)
-QTextDrag::decode(QDropEvent *, QString &)
-QUrlDrag::decode(QDropEvent *, QStrList &)
-QDragMoveEvent::provides(const char *)
-QDragMoveEvent::data(const char *)
-QDropEvent::data(const char *)
-QFont::substitute(const char *)
-QFont::insertSubstitution(const char *, const char *)
-QFont::removeSubstitution(const char *)
-QFont::load(unsigned int) const
-QFont::setFamily(const char *)
-QFont::bold(void) const
-QFont::handle(unsigned int) const
-QFont::bold(void) const
-QFontInfo::font(void) const
-QFontInfo::reset(const QWidget *)
-QFontInfo::type(void) const
-QFontMetrics::inFont(char) const
-QFontMetrics::leftBearing(char) const
-QFontMetrics::rightBearing(char) const
-QFontMetrics::width(char) const
-QFontMetrics::width(const char *, int) const
-QFontMetrics::boundingRect(char) const
-QFontMetrics::boundingRect(const char *, int) const
-QFontMetrics::boundingRect(int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int, int, int *, char **) const
-QFontMetrics::size(int, const char *, int, int, int *, char **) const
-QFontMetrics::font(void) const
-QFontMetrics::reset(const QWidget *)
-QFontMetrics::type(void) const
-QObject::name(void) const
-QGManager::add(QChain *, QChain *, int)
-QGManager::addWidget(QChain *, QWidget *, int)
-QGManager::addSpacing(QChain *, int, int, int)
-QGManager::addBranch(QChain *, QChain *, int, int)
-QGManager::setStretch(QChain *, int)
-QGManager::setMenuBar(QWidget *)
-QGManager::remove(QWidget *)
-QGManager::setName(QChain *, const char *)
-QGManager::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *)
-QGManager::resizeHandle(QWidget *, const QSize &)
-QIconSet::setPixmap(const char *, QIconSet::Size, QIconSet::Mode)
-QImage::imageFormat(const char *)
-QImageIO::imageFormat(const char *)
-QImage::load(const char *, const char *)
-QImage::loadFromData(QArrayT<char>, const char *)
-QImage::save(const char *, const char *) const
-QImageIO::setFileName(const char *)
-QImageIO::setDescription(const char *)
-QBoxLayout::addB(QLayout *, int)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QLayout::verChain(QLayout *)
-QLayout::horChain(QLayout *)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QObject::tr(const char *) const
-QPaintDevice::x11Screen(voidQPaintDevice::x11Depth(voidQPaintDevice::x11Cells(voidQPaintDevice::x11Colormap(voidQPaintDevice::x11DefaultColormap(void) QPaintDevice::x11Visual(voidQPaintDevice::x11DefaultVisual(void)
-QPainter::translate(float, float)
-QPainter::scale(float, float)
-QPainter::shear(float, float)
-QPainter::drawText(const QPoint &, const char *, int)
-QPainter::drawText(const QRect &, int, const char *, int, QRect *, char **)
-QPainter::drawText(int, int, const char *, int)
-QPainter::drawText(int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int, QRect *, char **)
-QPainter::boundingRect(int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int, char **)
-QPainter::testf(unsigned short) const
-QPainter::setf(unsigned short)
-QPainter::setf(unsigned short, bool)
-QPainter::clearf(unsigned short)
-QPen::init(const QColor &, unsigned int, PenStyle)
-QPicture::load(const char *)
-QPicture::save(const char *)
-QPixmap::isOptimized(void) const
-QPixmap::imageFormat(const char *)
-QPixmap::load(const char *, const char *, QPixmap::ColorMode)
-QPixmap::load(const char *, const char *, int)
-QPixmap::loadFromData(QArrayT<char>, const char *, int)
-QPixmap::save(const char *, const char *) const
-QPixmapCache::find(const char *)
-QPixmapCache::find(const char *, QPixmap &)
-QPixmapCache::insert(const char *, QPixmap *)
-QPixmapCache::insert(const char *, const QPixmap &)
-QPrinter::setPrinterName(const char *)
-QPrinter::setOutputFileName(const char *)
-QPrinter::setPrintProgram(const char *)
-QPrinter::setDocName(const char *)
-QPrinter::setCreator(const char *)
-QRegion::exec(QArrayT<char> const &)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QObject::name(void) const
-QSignalMapper::setMapping(const QObject *, const char *)
-QSignalMapper::mapped(const char *)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QObject::name(void) const
-QWidget::setCaption(const char *)
-QWidget::setIconText(const char *)
-QWidget::drawText(const QPoint &, const char *)
-QWidget::drawText(int, int, const char *)
-QWidget::acceptFocus(void) const
-QWidget::create(unsigned int)
-QWidget::internalMove(int, int)
-QWidget::internalResize(int, int)
-QWidget::internalSetGeometry(int, int, int, int)
-QWidget::deferMove(const QPoint &)
-QWidget::deferResize(const QSize &)
-QWidget::cancelMove(voidQWidget::cancelResize(voidQWidget::sendDeferredEvents(voidQWidget::setBackgroundColorFromMode(voidQObject::name(void) const QWidget::setMask(QBitmapQWMatrix::setMatrix(float, float, float, float, float, float)
-QWMatrix::map(float, float, float *, float *) const
-QWMatrix::translate(float, float)
-QWMatrix::scale(float, float)
-QWMatrix::shear(float, float)
-QDir::entryList(const char *, int, int) const
-QDir::entryInfoList(const char *, int, int) const
-QDir::mkdir(const char *, bool) const
-QDir::rmdir(const char *, bool) const
-QDir::exists(const char *, bool)
-QDir::remove(const char *, bool)
-QDir::rename(const char *, const char *, bool)
-QDir::setCurrent(const char *)
-QDir::match(const char *, const char *)
-QDir::cleanDirPath(const char *)
-QDir::isRelativePath(const char *)
-QDir::setPath(const char *)
-QDir::filePath(const char *, bool) const
-QDir::absFilePath(const char *, bool) const
-QDir::convertSeparators(const char *)
-QDir::cd(const char *, bool)
-QDir::setNameFilter(const char *)
-QFile::setName(const char *)
-QFile::exists(const char *)
-QFile::remove(const char *)
-QFileInfo::setFile(const QDir &, const char *)
-QFileInfo::setFile(const char *)
-QFile::exists(const char *)
-QFileInfo::extension(void) const
-QRegExp::match(const char *, int, int *) const
-QRegExp::matchstr(unsigned short *, char *, char *) const
-QString::resize(unsigned int)
-QString::fill(char, int)
-QString::find(const char *, int, bool) const
-QString::findRev(const char *, int, bool) const
-QString::leftJustify(unsigned int, char, bool) const
-QString::rightJustify(unsigned int, char, bool) const
-QString::insert(unsigned int, const char *)
-QString::append(const char *)
-QString::prepend(const char *)
-QString::replace(const QRegExp &, const char *)
-QString::replace(unsigned int, unsigned int, const char *)
-QString::setStr(const char *)
-QString::setNum(unsigned long)
-QString::setExpand(unsigned int, char)
-QButton::setText(const char *)
-QComboBox::setEditText(const char *)
-QComboBox::activated(const char *)
-QComboBox::highlighted(const char *)
-QComboBox::insertItem(const char *, int)
-QComboBox::changeItem(const char *, int)
-QComboBox::setValidator(QValidator *)
-QGroupBox::setTitle(const char *)
-QHeader::moveAround(int, int)
-QHeader::addLabel(const char *, int)
-QHeader::setLabel(int, const char *, int)
-QHeader::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *QHeader::paintCell(QPainter *, int, intQHeader::setupPainter(QPainter *QHeader::cellHeight(intQHeader::cellWidth(int) QLabel::setText(const char *QLCDNumber::display(const char *)
-QLCDNumber::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
-QLCDNumber::internalDisplay(const char *)
-QLCDNumber::drawString(const char *, QPainter &, QBitArray *, bool)
-QLCDNumber::drawDigit(const QPoint &, QPainter &, int, char, char)
-QLCDNumber::drawSegment(const QPoint &, char, QPainter &, int, bool)
-QLineEdit::event(QEvent *)
-QLineEdit::setValidator(QValidator *)
-QLineEdit::validateAndSet(const char *, int, int, int)
-QLineEdit::setText(const char *)
-QLineEdit::insert(const char *)
-QLineEdit::textChanged(const char *)
-QListBox::insertItem(const char *, int)
-QListBox::inSort(const char *)
-QListBox::changeItem(const char *, int)
-QListBox::highlighted(const char *)
-QListBoxItem::setText(const char *)
-QListBox::selected(const char *)
-QMainWindow::addToolBar(QToolBar *, const char *, QMainWindow::ToolBarDock, bool)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const QPixmap &, const QObject *, const char *, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const QPixmap &, const char *, QPopupMenu *, int, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const QPixmap &, const char *, const QObject *, const char *, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const QPixmap &, const char *, const QObject *, const char *, int, int, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const QPixmap &, const char *, int, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const char *, QPopupMenu *, int, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const char *, const QObject *, const char *, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const char *, const QObject *, const char *, int, int, int)
-QMenuData::insertItem(const char *, int, int)
-QMenuData::changeItem(const QPixmap &, const char *, int)
-QMenuData::changeItem(const char *, int)
-QMenuData::insertAny(const char *, const QPixmap *, QPopupMenu *, int, int)
-QMenuItem::setText(const char *)
-QMultiLineEdit::textWidth(QString *)
-QMultiLineEdit::setText(const char *)
-QMultiLineEdit::append(const char *)
-QPopupMenu::itemAtPos(const QPoint &)
-QRadioButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *)
-QRadioButton::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *)
-QSpinBox::setSpecialValueText(const char *)
-QSpinBox::setValidator(QValidator *)
-QSpinBox::valueChanged(const char *)
-QSpinBox::paletteChange(const QPalette &)
-QSpinBox::fontChange(const QFont &)
-QSplitter::event(QEvent *)
-QSplitter::childInsertEvent(QChildEvent *)
-QSplitter::childRemoveEvent(QChildEvent *)
-QSplitter::newpos(void) const
-QStatusBar::message(const char *)
-QStatusBar::message(const char *, int)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QToolTipGroup::showTip(const char *)
-QToolTip::add(QWidget *, const QRect &, const char *)
-QToolTip::add(QWidget *, const QRect &, const char *, QToolTipGroup *, const char *)
-QToolTip::add(QWidget *, const char *)
-QToolTip::add(QWidget *, const char *, QToolTipGroup *, const char *)
-QToolTip::tip(const QRect &, const char *)
-QToolTip::tip(const QRect &, const char *, const char *)
-QObject::name(void) const
-QWhatsThis::add(QWidget *, const QPixmap &, const char *, const char *, bool)
-QWhatsThis::add(QWidget *, const char *, bool)
-QWhatsThis::textFor(QWidget *)
-QWidgetStack::event(QEvent *)