path: root/tde-i18n-es/docs/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/webarchiver/index.docbook
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-21 02:23:03 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-21 02:23:03 -0600
commit9b58d35185905f8334142bf4988cb784e993aea7 (patch)
treef83ec30722464f6e4d23d6e7a40201d7ef5b6bf4 /tde-i18n-es/docs/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/webarchiver/index.docbook
Initial import of extracted KDE i18n tarballs
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-es/docs/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/webarchiver/index.docbook')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-es/docs/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/webarchiver/index.docbook b/tde-i18n-es/docs/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/webarchiver/index.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7702d2f221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tde-i18n-es/docs/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/webarchiver/index.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % Spanish "INCLUDE"
+> <!-- change language only here -->
+<article lang="&language;">
+<sect1 id="webarchiver">
+> <surname
+> <affiliation
+<othercredit role="translator"
+> <firstname
+> <surname
+> <affiliation
+> <contrib
+> </othercredit
+> <othercredit role="translator"
+> <firstname
+> <surname
+>Revilla Rodríguez</surname
+> <affiliation
+> <contrib
+> </othercredit
+><othercredit role="translator"
+> <firstname
+> <surname
+>Fernández Sancho</surname
+> <affiliation
+> <contrib
+> </othercredit
+> <releaseinfo
+> <abstract
+> <para
+>El complemento del archivador web para &konqueror; permite archivar páginas web, documentos e imágenes en el formato <literal role="extension"
+>Archivador web</title>
+>Uso del archivador de web</title>
+>Para acceder al archivador web pinche con el ratón en <menuchoice
+>Archivar página web...</guimenuitem
+>. Aparecerá un diálogo que le permitirá guardar el sitio web que se esté viendo en ese momento.</para>
+>Derechos de autor del complemento webarchiver &copy;. 2001-2003. Andreas Schlapbach <email
+>, Antonio Larossa <email
+> y Malte Starostik <email