path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/smb.docbook
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1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/smb.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/smb.docbook
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+<article lang="&language;" id="smb">
+>&Alexander.Neundorf; &Alexander.Neundorf.mail;</author>
+<othercredit role="translator"
+>Conversion to British English</contrib
+>The smb ioslave enables you to browse the shares of a &Windows; (or Samba) network. </para>
+>To see the workgroups, enter <userinput
+>. </para>
+> will list the hosts in this workgroup. </para>
+>To see the shares of a host, enter <userinput
+> or <userinput
+>. </para>
+>To access a share directly enter <userinput
+> or <userinput
+> </para>
+>The smb ioslave is a wrapper around the command line tool <command
+>, which is part of the Samba package. This means you need to have Samba installed to use this ioslave. </para>
+>To be able to authenticate to &Windows; <acronym
+> Domain Controllers, you need at least Samba 2.0. To access the shares of &Windows; 2000 machines, you need at least Samba 2.0.7. To be able to write to Windows shares, you need at least Samba 2.2.4 or the patch from <ulink url=""
+>. </para>
+>You can set your default user name and password in the &kcontrol; in <menuchoice
+>Windows Shares</guimenuitem
+>. This is especially useful if you are a member of a &Windows; <acronym
+> domain. There you can also set your workgroup name, but in most cases this is not required. </para>
+>This ioslave is tested and developed using mainly Samba 2.0.7, but other versions of Samba should work too. </para>
+>Author: Alexander Neundorf <email
+> </para>