path: root/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconfigparser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconfigparser.cpp')
1 files changed, 1239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconfigparser.cpp b/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconfigparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e2351d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconfigparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1239 @@
+ knetworkconfigparser.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Mon Jan 13 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by Juan Luis Baptiste
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "knetworkconfigparser.h"
+#include "knetworkconfigparser.moc"
+ networkInfo = new KNetworkInfo();
+ QString platform;
+ bool askAgain = readAskAgain(platform);
+ if (!askAgain || platform.length() > 0)
+ runDetectionScript(platform);
+ else
+ runDetectionScript(QString::null);
+/** Runs the gst backend to get network values. You can pass to the script a specific platform to load using the platform parameter. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::runDetectionScript(QString platform){
+ KDetectDistroDlg* dialog = new KDetectDistroDlg(0, 0);
+ dialog->show();
+ procDetect = new QProcess(this);
+ QString pathToProgram = locate("data",BACKEND_PATH);
+ if (pathToProgram.isEmpty())
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not find the backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation.\n Please check that \n{KDE_PATH}/%1 \nfile is present.").arg(BACKEND_PATH),
+ i18n("Could Not Find Network Configuration Backend Script"));
+ dialog->close();
+ //kapp->quit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ procDetect->addArgument( pathToProgram );
+ if (platform != QString::null)
+ {
+ procDetect->addArgument( "--platform" );
+ procDetect->addArgument( platform );
+ }
+ procDetect->addArgument( "--get" );
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()), dialog, SLOT(close()) );
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(errorDetectingPlatform()), dialog, SLOT(close()) );
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(readNetworkInfo()) );
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),this, SLOT(concatXMLOutputSlot()));
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()),this, SLOT(readXMLErrSlot()));
+ if ( !procDetect->start() )
+ {
+ // error handling
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."),
+ i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script"));
+ dialog->close();
+ }
+ }
+/** runs gst to find out the state of network devices.It runs the command:
+$knetworkconf_home/backends/networkconf [--platform platform] -d list_ifaces. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::listIfaces(const QString &platform){
+ procDetect = new QProcess(this);
+ procDetect->addArgument( locate("data",BACKEND_PATH) );
+ if (platform != QString::null)
+ {
+ procDetect->addArgument( "--platform" );
+ procDetect->addArgument( platform );
+ }
+ //procDetect->addArgument( "--get" );
+ procDetect->addArgument( "-d" );
+ procDetect->addArgument( "list_ifaces" );
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(readListIfacesSlot()) );
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),this, SLOT(concatXMLOutputSlot()));
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()),this, SLOT(readXMLErrSlot()));
+ xmlOuput = "";
+ xmlErr = "";
+ if ( !procDetect->start() )
+ {
+// error handling
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."),
+ i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script"));
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readListIfacesSlot(){
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> tempDeviceList;
+ //The gst backend puts a \n at the beginning of the xml output, so
+ //we have to erase it first before we parse it.
+ xmlOuput = xmlOuput.section('\n',1);
+ qDebug("XML -d list_ifaces: %s",xmlOuput.latin1());
+ QString err;
+ int x,y;
+ QDomDocument doc( "network-ifaces");
+ if ( !doc.setContent( xmlOuput.utf8(),false,&err,&x,&y ) )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not parse the XML output from the network configuration backend."),
+ i18n("Error While Listing Network Interfaces"));
+// qDebug("error: %s %d,%d",err.latin1(),x,y);
+ }
+ QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
+ QDomNode node = root.firstChild();
+ while( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement() && node.nodeName() == "interface" )
+ {
+ QDomElement interface = node.toElement();
+ KNetworkInterface *tempDevice = new KNetworkInterface();
+ tempDevice = getInterfaceInfo(interface,QString::null);
+ if (tempDevice->getType().lower() != LOOPBACK_IFACE_TYPE)
+ {
+ KNetworkInterface *originalDevice = getDeviceInfo(tempDevice->getDeviceName());
+ if (originalDevice == NULL)
+ {
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ continue;
+ }
+ originalDevice->setActive(tempDevice->isActive());
+ if (!tempDevice->getBroadcast().isEmpty())
+ originalDevice->setBroadcast(tempDevice->getBroadcast());
+ if (!tempDevice->getDescription().isEmpty())
+ originalDevice->setDescription(tempDevice->getDescription());
+ if (!tempDevice->getIpAddress().isEmpty())
+ originalDevice->setIpAddress(tempDevice->getIpAddress());
+ if (!tempDevice->getMacAddress().isEmpty())
+ originalDevice->setMacAddress(tempDevice->getMacAddress());
+ if (!tempDevice->getNetmask().isEmpty())
+ originalDevice->setNetmask(tempDevice->getNetmask());
+ if (!tempDevice->getNetwork().isEmpty())
+ originalDevice->setNetwork(tempDevice->getNetwork());
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ //networkInfo->setDeviceList(deviceList);
+ //Tell to interested parties when the network info is ready.
+ emit readyLoadingNetworkInfo();
+/** return tyhe number of configured devices. */
+unsigned KNetworkConfigParser::numDevices(){
+ return _numDevices;
+void KNetworkConfigParser::setProgramVersion(QString ver)
+ KNetworkConfigParser::programVersion = ver;
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readIfconfigOutput(){
+ QString s = proc->readStdout();
+ ifconfigOutput = s;
+ Reads /proc/net/route looking for the default gateway.
+ NOTE:We should use the gateway reported by gst, but if there's a
+ gw in a config file and one of the network interfaces is
+ configured to use dhcp, gst returns the value of the config
+ file instead of the gw configured by dhcp.
+void KNetworkConfigParser::loadRoutingInfo( KRoutingInfo *routingInfo){
+#ifndef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ QFile f( "/proc/net/route");
+ if ( ! )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not open file /proc/net/route."),
+ i18n("Could Not Open File"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream
+ QString s;
+ while (!t.eof())
+ {
+ s = t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
+ QString interface = s.section('\t',0,0);
+ QString destination = s.section('\t',1,1);
+ QString gw = s.section('\t',2,2);
+ if (destination == "00000000")
+ {
+ routingInfo->setGateway(hexIPv4ToDecIPv4(gw));
+ routingInfo->setGatewayDevice(interface);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f.close();
+KNetworkConfigParser::hexIPv4ToDecIPv4(const QString &hex)
+ bool ok;
+ QString dec = "";
+ QString dec2 = "";
+ QString temp = "";
+ QString temp2 = "";
+ temp = hex.mid(6,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec.append('.');
+ temp = hex.mid(4,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec.append('.');
+ temp = hex.mid(2,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec.append('.');
+ temp = hex.mid(0,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ temp = hex.mid(0,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec.append('.');
+ temp = hex.mid(2,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec.append('.');
+ temp = hex.mid(4,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec.append('.');
+ temp = hex.mid(6,2);
+ temp2 = temp2.setNum(temp.toInt(&ok,16));
+ dec.append(temp2);
+ dec2 = dec;
+ if (ok)
+ return dec2;
+ else
+ return "";
+void KNetworkConfigParser::saveNetworkInfo(KNetworkInfo *networkInfo)
+ this->networkInfo = networkInfo;
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> devList = networkInfo->getDeviceList();
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profileList = networkInfo->getProfilesList();
+ dnsInfo = networkInfo->getDNSInfo();
+ routingInfo = networkInfo->getRoutingInfo();
+ //Start xml file
+ QDomDocument doc( "network []" );
+ QDomProcessingInstruction instr = doc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version=\"1.0\" ");
+ doc.appendChild(instr);
+ QDomElement root = doc.createElement( "network" );
+ doc.appendChild( root );
+ addRoutingInfoToXMLDoc(&doc, &root, routingInfo);
+ addDNSInfoToXMLDoc(&doc, &root, dnsInfo);
+ addNetworkInterfacesToXMLDoc(&doc, &root, devList);
+ addNetworkProfilesToXMLDoc(&doc, &root, profileList);
+ //If we don't add this comment to the end of the xml file, the gst process never exits!
+ QDomComment endComment = doc.createComment(" GST: end of request ");
+ doc.appendChild( endComment );
+ QString xml = doc.toString();
+ qDebug("--set XML:\n%s",xml.latin1());
+ procSaveNetworkInfo = new QProcess(this);
+ procSaveNetworkInfo->addArgument( locate("data",BACKEND_PATH) );
+ if (!networkInfo->getPlatformName().isEmpty())
+ {
+ procSaveNetworkInfo->addArgument( "--platform" );
+ procSaveNetworkInfo->addArgument( networkInfo->getPlatformName() );
+ }
+ procSaveNetworkInfo->addArgument( "--set" );
+// KDetectDistroDlg* dialog = new KDetectDistroDlg(0, 0, true,QDialog::WStyle_Customize|QDialog::WStyle_NormalBorder|QDialog::WStyle_Title|QDialog::WStyle_SysMenu); //made it semi-modal
+ KDetectDistroDlg* dialog = new KDetectDistroDlg((QWidget*)parent(), 0, true);
+ dialog->setCaption(i18n("Reloading Network"));
+ dialog->text->setText(i18n("%1Please wait while saving the network settings...%2").arg("<center>").arg("</center>"));
+ dialog->show();
+ xmlOuput = "";
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()), dialog, SLOT(close()) );
+ connect(procSaveNetworkInfo,SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),this,SLOT(readFromStdoutSaveNetworkInfo()));
+ connect(procSaveNetworkInfo,SIGNAL(wroteToStdin()),this,SLOT(sendNetworkInfoSavedSignalSlot()));
+ connect(procSaveNetworkInfo,SIGNAL(processExited()),this,SLOT(listIfacesSlot()));
+ processRunning = true;
+ connect( procSaveNetworkInfo, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(processExitedSlot()) );
+ if ( !procSaveNetworkInfo->start() )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."),
+ i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script"));
+ }
+ procSaveNetworkInfo->writeToStdin(xml);
+ //wait around until the process has finished, otherwise it becomes a zombie
+ while (processRunning) {
+ kapp->processEvents();
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::processExitedSlot() {
+ processRunning = false;
+void KNetworkConfigParser::addNetworkProfilesToXMLDoc(QDomDocument *doc, QDomNode *root, QPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profileList)
+ QPtrListIterator<KNetworkInfo> profileIt(profileList);
+ KNetworkInfo *profile;
+ QDomElement tag = doc->createElement( "profiledb" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ while ( (profile = profileIt.current()) != 0)
+ {
+ ++profileIt;
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> devList = profile->getDeviceList();
+ KDNSInfo *dnsInfo = profile->getDNSInfo();
+ KRoutingInfo *routingInfo = profile->getRoutingInfo();
+ QDomElement profileTag = doc->createElement( "profile" );
+ tag.appendChild( profileTag );
+ QDomElement innerTag = doc->createElement( "name" );
+ profileTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ QDomText t = doc->createTextNode( profile->getProfileName() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ addRoutingInfoToXMLDoc(doc, &profileTag, routingInfo);
+ addDNSInfoToXMLDoc(doc, &profileTag, dnsInfo);
+ addNetworkInterfacesToXMLDoc(doc, &profileTag, devList);
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::addNetworkInterfacesToXMLDoc(QDomDocument *doc, QDomNode *root, QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> devList)
+ KNetworkInterface *device;
+ QPtrListIterator<KNetworkInterface> devIt(devList);
+ //Save in the configuration file the description of the interfaces as
+ //the backend no longer handles this
+ KSimpleConfig cfg("knetworkconfrc");
+ cfg.setGroup("Interfaces");
+ //Add the network interfaces list
+ while ( (device = devIt.current()) != 0 )
+ {
+ ++devIt;
+ // if protocol is not specified, then should not have entry in config
+ if (device->getBootProto().isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ QDomElement tag = doc->createElement( "interface" );
+ tag.setAttribute("type",device->getType());
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ QDomElement configurationTag;
+ configurationTag = doc->createElement( "configuration" );
+ tag.appendChild( configurationTag );
+ QDomElement innerTag;
+ QDomText t;
+ if ((device->getBootProto().lower() != "dhcp") && (device->getBootProto().lower() != "bootp"))
+ {
+ if (!device->getIpAddress().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "address" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getIpAddress() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ if (!device->getGateway().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "gateway" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getGateway() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ if (!device->getBroadcast().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "broadcast" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getBroadcast() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ if (!device->getNetmask().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "netmask" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getNetmask() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ if (!device->getNetwork().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "network" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getNetwork() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ }
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "auto" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ if (device->getOnBoot().lower() == "yes")
+ t = doc->createTextNode( "1" );
+ else
+ t = doc->createTextNode( "0" );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "bootproto" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ if (device->getBootProto().lower() == "manual")
+ t = doc->createTextNode( "none" );
+ else
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getBootProto().lower() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "file" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getDeviceName() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "dev" );
+ tag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getDeviceName() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "enabled" );
+ tag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ if (device->isActive())
+ t = doc->createTextNode( "1" );
+ else
+ t = doc->createTextNode( "0" );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "hwaddr" );
+ tag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( device->getMacAddress() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ //Wireless settings
+ if (device->getType() == WIRELESS_IFACE_TYPE)
+ {
+ KWirelessInterface *wifiDev = static_cast<KWirelessInterface*>(device);
+ if (!wifiDev->getEssid().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "essid" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( wifiDev->getEssid() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ if (!wifiDev->getWepKey().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "key" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( wifiDev->getWepKey() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ if (!wifiDev->getKeyType().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "key_type" );
+ configurationTag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( wifiDev->getKeyType().lower() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!device->getDescription().isEmpty() && device->getDeviceName()!= "lo")
+ cfg.writeEntry(device->getDeviceName(),device->getDescription());
+ cfg.sync();
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::addDNSInfoToXMLDoc(QDomDocument *doc, QDomNode *root, KDNSInfo *dnsInfo)
+ QStringList nameServerList = dnsInfo->getNameServers();
+ QPtrList<KKnownHostInfo> knownHostsList = dnsInfo->getKnownHostsList();
+ QPtrListIterator<KKnownHostInfo> knownHostsIt(knownHostsList);
+ KKnownHostInfo *host;
+ QDomElement tag = doc->createElement( "hostname" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ QDomText t = doc->createTextNode( dnsInfo->getMachineName() );
+ tag.appendChild( t );
+ tag = doc->createElement( "domain" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( dnsInfo->getDomainName() );
+ tag.appendChild( t );
+ //Add the list of name servers
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = nameServerList.begin(); it != nameServerList.end(); ++it ) {
+ tag = doc->createElement( "nameserver" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( *it );
+ tag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ //Add the list of static hosts
+ while ( (host = knownHostsIt.current()) != 0 )
+ {
+ ++knownHostsIt;
+ tag = doc->createElement( "statichost" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ QDomElement innerTag;
+ if (!host->getIpAddress().isEmpty())
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "ip" );
+ tag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( host->getIpAddress() );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ QStringList aliases = host->getAliases();
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = aliases.begin(); it != aliases.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ innerTag = doc->createElement( "alias" );
+ tag.appendChild( innerTag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( *it );
+ innerTag.appendChild( t );
+ }
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::addRoutingInfoToXMLDoc(QDomDocument *doc, QDomNode *root, KRoutingInfo *routingInfo)
+ QDomElement tag = doc->createElement( "gateway" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ QDomText t = doc->createTextNode( routingInfo->getGateway() );
+ tag.appendChild( t );
+ tag = doc->createElement( "gatewaydev" );
+ root->appendChild( tag );
+ t = doc->createTextNode( routingInfo->getGatewayDevice() );
+ tag.appendChild( t );
+/** Loads the network info from a xml file generated by the gnome system tools
+network backends that are included with this app. */
+KNetworkInfo * KNetworkConfigParser::getNetworkInfo(){
+ return networkInfo;
+/** Parses all of the <interface>...</interface> entries in the xml configuration file. Returns a KWirelessInterface
+ object that contains all the info of the wireless interface. */
+KWirelessInterface * KNetworkConfigParser::getWirelessInterfaceInfo(QDomElement interface, const QString &type){
+ KWirelessInterface *wifiDevice = new KWirelessInterface();
+ KNetworkInterface *tempDevice = NULL;
+ //first we get the standard network information
+ tempDevice = getInterfaceInfo(interface,type);
+ //Then we copy the network interface info to the wireless object. I don't
+ //know why it doesn't work with static_cast, after doing the cast, I can't
+ //write to the KWirelessInterface memebers.
+ memcpy(wifiDevice,tempDevice,sizeof(KNetworkInterface));
+ //wifiDevice = static_cast<KWirelessInterface*>(tempDevice);
+ QDomNode node = interface.firstChild();
+ while ( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement() )
+ {
+ QString nodeName =node.nodeName();
+ //Parsing --get interfaces configuration
+ if ( node.isElement() && node.nodeName() == "configuration" )
+ {
+ QDomNode configNode = node.firstChild();
+ while ( !configNode.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( configNode.isElement() )
+ {
+ QString configNodeName =configNode.nodeName();
+ if ( configNodeName == "key" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ wifiDevice->setWepKey(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "essid" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ wifiDevice->setEssid(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "key_type" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ wifiDevice->setKeyType(e.text());
+ }
+ configNode = configNode.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ return wifiDevice;
+/** Parses all of the <interface>...</interface> entries in the xml configuration file. Returns a KNetworkInterface
+ object with all the info of the interface.*/
+KNetworkInterface * KNetworkConfigParser::getInterfaceInfo(QDomElement interface, const QString &type){
+ QDomNode node = interface.firstChild();
+ KNetworkInterface *tempDevice = new KNetworkInterface();
+ //tempDevice->setDescription(i18n("Ethernet Network Device"));
+ while ( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement() )
+ {
+ QString nodeName =node.nodeName();
+ //Parsing --get interfaces configuration
+ if ( node.isElement() && node.nodeName() == "configuration" )
+ {
+ QDomNode configNode = node.firstChild();
+ while ( !configNode.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( configNode.isElement() )
+ {
+ QString configNodeName =configNode.nodeName();
+ if ( configNodeName == "auto" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ if (e.text() == "1")
+ tempDevice->setOnBoot("yes");
+ else
+ tempDevice->setOnBoot("no");
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "bootproto" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ tempDevice->setBootProto(e.text());
+ }
+ if ( configNodeName == "address" || configNodeName == "addr")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setIpAddress(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "gateway")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setGateway(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "netmask" || configNodeName == "mask")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setNetmask(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "network" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setNetwork(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( configNodeName == "broadcast" || configNodeName == "bdcast")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = configNode.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setBroadcast(e.text());
+ }
+ configNode = configNode.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Parse -d list_ifaces interfaces configuration
+ if ( nodeName == "addr")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setIpAddress(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( nodeName == "mask")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setNetmask(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( nodeName == "bdcast")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setBroadcast(e.text());
+ }
+ //These ones are common for both --get and -d list_ifaces
+ else if ( nodeName == "dev" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ tempDevice->setDeviceName(e.text());
+ }
+ //we had to add the OR because the xml sintax when listing the interfaces
+ //is different than when loading the network info. ie.: enabled->active
+ //address->addr, etc...
+ else if ( nodeName == "enabled" || nodeName == "active")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (e.text() == "1")
+ tempDevice->setActive(true);
+ else
+ tempDevice->setActive(false);
+ }
+ else if ( nodeName == "hwaddr" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setMacAddress(e.text());
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (type != QString::null)
+ tempDevice->setType(type);
+ QString description;
+ KSimpleConfig cfg("knetworkconfrc");
+ cfg.setGroup("Interfaces");
+ description = cfg.readEntry(tempDevice->getDeviceName());
+ if (!description.isEmpty())
+ tempDevice->setDescription(description);
+ else
+ {
+ if (tempDevice->getType() == ETHERNET_IFACE_TYPE)
+ tempDevice->setDescription(i18n("Ethernet Network Device"));
+ else if (tempDevice->getType() == WIRELESS_IFACE_TYPE)
+ tempDevice->setDescription(i18n("Wireless Network Device"));
+ }
+ //Clear IP address settings if boot protocol is dhcp or bootp, in case that they are
+ //setted in the config files.
+ if ((tempDevice->getBootProto().lower() == "dhcp") || (tempDevice->getBootProto().lower() == "bootp"))
+ {
+ tempDevice->setIpAddress("");
+ tempDevice->setNetmask("");
+ tempDevice->setNetwork("");
+ tempDevice->setBroadcast("");
+ }
+ return tempDevice;
+/** Parses all of the <statichost>...</statichost> entries in the xml configuration file. */
+KKnownHostInfo * KNetworkConfigParser::getStaticHostInfo(QDomElement host)
+ QDomNode node = host.firstChild();
+ KKnownHostInfo *tempHost = new KKnownHostInfo();
+ while ( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement() )
+ {
+ QString nodeName =node.nodeName();
+ if ( nodeName == "ip")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempHost->setIpAddress(e.text());
+ }
+ else if ( nodeName == "alias")
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ if (!e.text().isEmpty())
+ tempHost->addAlias(e.text());
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ return tempHost;
+/** Reads the xml with the network info. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readNetworkInfo()
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profilesList;
+ //deviceList.clear();
+ //The gst backend puts a \n at the beginning of the xml output, so
+ //we have to erase it first before we can parse it.
+ xmlOuput = xmlOuput.section('\n',1);
+ qDebug("--get XML:\n%s",xmlOuput.latin1());
+ //If the platform where knetworkconf is running isn't supported, show the
+ //user a dialog with all the supported platforms to choose.
+ if (xmlErr.contains("platform_unsup::"))
+ {
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(readyLoadingSupportedPlatforms()), this, SLOT(showSupportedPlatformsDialogSlot()) );
+ loadSupportedPlatforms();
+ emit errorDetectingPlatform();
+ }
+ else //parse the XML file
+ {
+ QString err;
+ int x,y;
+ QDomDocument doc( "network");
+ if ( !doc.setContent( xmlOuput.utf8(),false,&err,&x,&y ) )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not parse the XML output from the network configuration backend."),
+ i18n("Error Loading The Network Configuration"));
+// qDebug("error: %s %d,%d",err.latin1(),x,y);
+ }
+ QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
+ QDomNode node = root.firstChild();
+ //Load first the network information
+ parseNetworkInfo(node, networkInfo, false);
+ //Then, load the network profiles
+ node = root.firstChild();
+ while( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement())
+ {
+ QString nodeName = node.nodeName();
+ if ( nodeName == "profiledb" )
+ {
+ QDomNode profileNode = node.firstChild();
+ while( !profileNode.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( profileNode.isElement())
+ {
+ QString profileName = profileNode.nodeName();
+ if (profileNode.isElement() && profileName == "profile")
+ {
+ KNetworkInfo * networkProfile = new KNetworkInfo();
+ QDomNode profileConfigurationNode = profileNode.firstChild();
+ parseNetworkInfo(profileConfigurationNode, networkProfile, true);
+ profilesList.append(networkProfile);
+ }
+ }
+ profileNode = profileNode.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ networkInfo->setProfilesList(profilesList);
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::parseNetworkInfo(QDomNode node, KNetworkInfo *_networkInfo, bool isProfile){
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList;
+ KDNSInfo *_dnsInfo = new KDNSInfo();
+ KRoutingInfo *_routingInfo = new KRoutingInfo();
+ QStringList serverList;
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> tempDeviceList;
+ QPtrList<KKnownHostInfo> knownHostsList;
+ while( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement())
+ {
+ QString nodeName = node.nodeName();
+ //Get the gatway
+ if ( nodeName == "gateway" )
+ {
+ QDomElement gateway = node.toElement();
+ _routingInfo->setGateway(gateway.text());
+ }
+ else if ( nodeName == "gatewaydev" )
+ {
+ QDomElement gatewaydev = node.toElement();
+ _routingInfo->setGatewayDevice(gatewaydev.text());
+ }
+ //The name of the profile, in the case it's a profile ;)
+ else if ( nodeName == "name" && isProfile)
+ {
+ QDomElement profileName = node.toElement();
+ _networkInfo->setProfileName(profileName.text());
+ }
+ //Get the network interfaces
+ else if ( nodeName == "interface" )
+ {
+ QDomElement interface = node.toElement();
+ QString attr = interface.attribute("type").lower();
+ //We have hardcoded to load only the supported interface types,
+ //for now, ethernet, loopback and wireless, thus loopback interfaces
+ //aren't shown.
+ {
+ KNetworkInterface *tempDevice = NULL;
+ tempDevice = getInterfaceInfo(interface,attr);
+ deviceList.append(tempDevice);
+ }
+ else if (attr == WIRELESS_IFACE_TYPE)
+ {
+ KWirelessInterface *wifiDevice = NULL;
+ wifiDevice = getWirelessInterfaceInfo(interface,attr);
+ deviceList.append(wifiDevice);
+ }
+ }
+ //Get domain and host names
+ else if ( nodeName == "hostname" )
+ {
+ QDomElement hostname = node.toElement();
+ _dnsInfo->setMachineName(hostname.text());
+ }
+ else if ( nodeName == "domain" )
+ {
+ QDomElement domainname = node.toElement();
+ _dnsInfo->setDomainName(domainname.text());
+ }
+ //Get the nameServers
+ else if ( nodeName == "nameserver" )
+ {
+ QDomElement nameserver = node.toElement();
+ serverList.append(nameserver.text());
+ }
+ //Get the static hosts
+ else if ( nodeName == "statichost" )
+ {
+ QDomElement host = node.toElement();
+ KKnownHostInfo *tempHost = getStaticHostInfo(host);
+ knownHostsList.append(tempHost);
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ _dnsInfo->setNameServers(serverList);
+ _dnsInfo->setKnownHostsList(knownHostsList);
+ _networkInfo->setDeviceList(deviceList);
+ loadRoutingInfo(_routingInfo);
+ _networkInfo->setRoutingInfo(_routingInfo);
+ _networkInfo->setDNSInfo(_dnsInfo);
+ //if we are loading a profile, don't try to find the IP address of DHCP
+ //interfaces and their states
+ if (!isProfile)
+ {
+ listIfaces(_networkInfo->getPlatformName());
+ }
+ //return _networkInfo;
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readFromStdoutReloadScript(){
+ QString s = procReloadNetwork->readStdout();
+ reloadScriptOutput.append(s);
+/** emits a signal when the network changes have benn saved. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::sendNetworkInfoSavedSignalSlot(){
+ procSaveNetworkInfo->closeStdin();
+/** Concatenates into a QString the xml output of the network backend. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::concatXMLOutputSlot(){
+ xmlOuput.append(procDetect->readStdout());
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readXMLErrSlot(){
+ xmlErr.append(procDetect->readStderr());
+/** lists all platforms supported by GST. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::loadSupportedPlatforms(){
+ procDetect = new QProcess(this);
+ procDetect->addArgument( locate("data",BACKEND_PATH) );
+ procDetect->addArgument( "-d" );
+ procDetect->addArgument( "platforms" );
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(readSupportedPlatformsSlot()) );
+ xmlOuput = "";
+ connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),this, SLOT(concatXMLOutputSlot()));
+// connect( procDetect, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()),this, SLOT(readXMLErrSlot()));
+ if ( !procDetect->start() )
+ {
+// error handling
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."),
+ i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script"));
+ }
+/** Parses the xml ouput generated by GST that has all the supported platforms. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readSupportedPlatformsSlot(){
+ //The gst backend puts a \n at the beginning of the xml output, so
+ //we have to erase it first before we parse it.
+ xmlOuput = xmlOuput.section('\n',1);
+ QDomDocument doc( "platforms" );
+ if ( !doc.setContent( xmlOuput.utf8() ) )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0,
+ i18n("Could not parse the list of supported platforms from the network configuration backend."),
+ i18n("Error Obtaining Supported Platforms List"));
+ }
+ QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
+ QDomNode node = root.firstChild();
+ QString s;
+ while( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement() && node.nodeName() == "platform" )
+ {
+ QDomElement platform = node.toElement();
+ s = getPlatformInfo(platform);
+ }
+ supportedPlatformsList << s;
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ emit readyLoadingSupportedPlatforms();
+/** Returns the info of a platform in the form of 'key:value' . */
+QString KNetworkConfigParser::getPlatformInfo(QDomElement platform){
+ QDomNode node = platform.firstChild();
+ QString s;
+ while ( !node.isNull() )
+ {
+ if ( node.isElement() )
+ {
+ if ( node.nodeName() == "key" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ s += e.text();
+ s += ":";
+ }
+ else if ( node.nodeName() == "name" )
+ {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ s += e.text();
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ return s;
+/** Shows the dialog with all the supported platforms by GST. */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::showSupportedPlatformsDialogSlot(){
+ KSelectDistroDlg* dialog = new KSelectDistroDlg(0, 0);
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = supportedPlatformsList.begin(); it != supportedPlatformsList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ QString key = (*it);
+ key = key.section(":",0,0);
+ QString name = (*it);
+ name = name.section(":",1,1);
+ if (key.contains("debian"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/debian.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("mandriva"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/mandriva.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("conectiva"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/conectiva.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("pld"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/pld.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("redhat"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/redhat.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("suse"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/suse.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("turbolinux"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/turbolinux.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("fedora"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/fedora.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("openna"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/openna.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("slackware"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/slackware.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("freebsd"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/freebsd.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("gentoo"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/gentoo.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("blackpanther"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/blackpanther.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("rpath"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/rpath.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("vine"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/vine.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("ubuntu"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/kubuntu.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("yoper"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/yoper.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ else if (key.contains("ark"))
+ {
+ QPixmap distroImg(locate("data","knetworkconf/pixmaps/ark.png"));
+ dialog->klbDistroList->insertItem(distroImg, name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dialog->exec())
+ emit setReadOnly(true);
+ else
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ QStringList::Iterator it = supportedPlatformsList.begin();
+ while (i < dialog->klbDistroList->currentItem())
+ {
+ i++;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ QString key = (*it);
+ key = key.section(":",0,0);
+ //clean variables and run again the detection script but now don't
+ //auto-detect.
+ xmlErr = "";
+ xmlOuput = "";
+ networkInfo->setPlatformName(key);
+ runDetectionScript(key);
+ if (dialog->cbAskAgain->isChecked())
+ saveAskAgain(key,!dialog->cbAskAgain->isChecked());
+ }
+void KNetworkConfigParser::saveAskAgain(const QString &platform, bool askAgain)
+ KSimpleConfig cfg("knetworkconfrc");
+ cfg.setGroup("General");
+ cfg.writeEntry("detectedPlatform",platform);
+ cfg.writeEntry("askAgainPlatform",askAgain);
+ cfg.sync();
+bool KNetworkConfigParser::readAskAgain(QString &platform)
+ KSimpleConfig cfg("knetworkconfrc");
+ cfg.setGroup("General");
+ platform = cfg.readEntry("detectedPlatform");
+ return cfg.readBoolEntry("askAgainPlatform");
+/** No descriptions */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::readFromStdoutSaveNetworkInfo(){
+ xmlOuput.append(procSaveNetworkInfo->readStdout());
+/** Calls runDetectionScript(). */
+void KNetworkConfigParser::listIfacesSlot(){
+ listIfaces(networkInfo->getPlatformName());
+/**Returns the info of the network device 'device or NULL if not found.'*/
+KNetworkInterface * KNetworkConfigParser::getDeviceInfo(QString device){
+ QPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = networkInfo->getDeviceList();
+ QPtrListIterator<KNetworkInterface> i(deviceList);
+ KNetworkInterface *temp;
+ while ((temp = i.current()) != 0)
+ {
+ if (temp->getDeviceName() == device)
+ {
+ return temp;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return NULL;