path: root/doc/faq
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index 000000000..9c7a6607a
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+KDE_LANG = en
+KDE_DOCS = khelpcenter/faq
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+- Cull any questions that are specific to KDE =< 3.4
+- Look into reorganising sections to make finding things much easier.
+I'm keeping this in here for the amusement factor. Every time I look at it I rememeber that while I'm not a very good FAQ maintainer, physos wasn't much better ;)
+Last modified by physos 2002-12-27
+Before 3.2 release
+- Split up the monolith docbook (done)
+- Get rid of 1.1.2 stuff (confusion)
+- check if things are still working
+ * compile tutorials for the various OS's
+ * workarounds still needed?
+ * workarounds still working?
+ * answers are still valid?
+ * easier solutions?
+- complete revision ?
+- New structure ?
+- Find maintiners for single parts
+- what needs to be added ?
+[22:15:47] <lauri> 1: move the faq (and other kdebase docs) up to kdebase/doc/<subdir>
+so that will pick them up and generate them
+[22:16:05] <lauri> then remove the copies on, put in redirects to the new
+location, and have one, autogenerated and searchable copy all the time
+[22:16:17] <physos> sounds nice
+[22:16:24] <physos> will look into it
diff --git a/doc/faq/about.docbook b/doc/faq/about.docbook
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index 000000000..89c7b6033
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="about">
+<title>About this <acronym>FAQ</acronym></title>
+<para>What can I do to help out with this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>?</para>
+<para>First, send us any errors that you may find. Also, any
+suggestions that you might have, are appreciated. Better yet, send us
+everything that you think is unclear, and if possible, send us what
+you think would be a clearer solution. The email address of the current maintainer is <email></email>.
+<para>Second, send us your solutions of those frequently-asked
+questions which are still not in this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>. We will
+put them in as soon as possible.</para>
+<para>Last but not least, please make full use of this
+<acronym>FAQ</acronym>. Read this <acronym>FAQ</acronym> (and other
+relevant documentation) well before asking questions on the various
+&kde; mailing lists or newsgroups.</para>
+<note><para> You might also want to consider becoming a
+<acronym>FAQ</acronym> maintainer. Please refer to <xref
+linkend="FAQ-maintainer-HOWTO"/> for more details. </para></note>
+<question id="FAQ-maintainer-HOWTO">
+<para>How do I become a <acronym>FAQ</acronym> maintainer?</para>
+<para>Actually, it is very easy to become an <acronym>FAQ</acronym>
+maintainer, and we are always in need of fresh blood. :-) Just send
+us an email at <email></email>.
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: xml
+sgml-parent-document:("index.docbook" "book" "chapter")
diff --git a/doc/faq/configkde.docbook b/doc/faq/configkde.docbook
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="configure">
+<title>Configuring &kde;</title>
+<para>How do I set the language used by &kde;?</para>
+<para>There are two ways to set the language &kde; uses in the
+messages it will display:</para>
+<varlistentry><term>Using the <application>&kde; Control Center</application></term>
+<listitem><para>Fire up the <application>&kde; Control Center</application> and select
+<guimenu>Regional &amp; Accessibility</guimenu> followed by
+<guimenuitem>Country/Region &amp; Language</guimenuitem>. You can select your language and location
+here. If &kde; cannot find a translation in the first language
+chosen, it will fall back on the default language. This is usually
+(American) English by default.</para>
+<note><para>Using the <application>&kde; Control Center</application> is the preferred way of choosing
+languages in &kde;.</para></note></listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>Using the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable</term>
+<listitem><para>The second method uses the standard locale setting on
+your system. To change the language, simply set the environment
+variable <envar>LANG</envar> accordingly. For example, if your shell
+is <application>bash</application>, execute
+<userinput><command>export</command> <envar>LANG</envar>=de</userinput>
+to set German as the language used.</para></listitem>
+<para>Is there any keyboard switcher for international keyboards for
+Yes, you can configure it using the <application>&kde; Control Center</application>
+<guimenu>Regional &amp; Accessibility</guimenu>
+<guimenuitem>Keyboard Layout</guimenuitem>
+ configuration page.
+<para>How do I replace the standard text login screen with the
+&kde; login screen?</para>
+<note><para>Your distribution/&UNIX; flavor may have its own setup tools to
+change this (&eg; <application>YaST</application> on &SuSE; &Linux;). This will
+be the safest way to enable the &kde; login screen. However, if for some reason
+you do not wish to use these tools, the following instructions may be useful.</para></note>
+<para>First, you need to change to the <quote>xdm runlevel</quote> (runlevel 5 on
+&RedHat; and &SuSE; systems) by editing your
+<filename>/etc/inittab</filename> file. In the file, you should have
+a line saying <userinput>id:3:initdefault:</userinput>. Change it to
+<userinput>id:5:initdefault:</userinput>. Now, at the end of the file,
+comment out the following line:
+<literal>x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon</literal> and
+replace it with
+<note><para>The location of &kdm; may differ on your
+<para>For changes to take effect immediately, type <command>init
+5</command> (for &RedHat; systems) at the shell prompt.
+<caution><para>It is risky to initiate a graphical login without
+checking beforehand whether it works. If it fails to work, you would
+be in for a hard time getting back....</para></caution></para>
+For FreeBSD, you should edit the file <filename>/etc/ttys</filename>
+and change one of the lines that look like
+<programlisting>ttyv8 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm off secure</programlisting>
+to instead say <userinput>ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/kdm -nodaemon" xterm
+off secure</userinput>.</para>
+<para>I would like to click the &LMB; anywhere on the
+desktop and have the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu displayed.</para>
+<para>Open the <application>&kde; Control Center</application> and
+choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Desktop</guisubmenu>
+<guisubmenu>Behavior</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. You
+can now choose the behavior of mouse clicks on the desktop. To have
+the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu open from a single &LMB; click, change
+the entry labeled <guilabel>Left button</guilabel> to say
+<guilabel>Application Menu</guilabel>.</para>
+<para>Where do I find information regarding &kde; themes?</para>
+<para>Go to <ulink
+url=""></ulink> or <ulink
+<para>How do I change &MIME; Types?</para>
+<para>If you are using &konqueror;, do this instead: first, open a
+&konqueror; window and choose
+Konqueror</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, then <guilabel>File Associations</guilabel>. Find the type you want to change
+(&eg; <literal>text/english</literal> or
+<literal>image/gif</literal>), and set the application preference order
+to whatever you want.</para>
+<para>&kde; (&kdm;) does not read my
+<para>The login managers<application>xdm</application> and &kdm; do
+not run a login shell, so <filename>.profile</filename>,
+<filename>.bash_profile</filename>, &etc; are not
+sourced. When the user logs in, <application>xdm</application> runs
+<command>Xstartup</command> as root and then
+<command>Xsession</command> as user. So the normal practice is to add
+statements in <filename>Xsession</filename> to source the user
+profile. Please edit your <filename>Xsession</filename> and
+<filename>.xsession</filename> files.</para>
+<para>How do I use &TrueType; fonts in &kde;?</para>
+<para>You need to install &TrueType; font support into your &X-Window; configuration.
+Please take a look at <ulink
+url=""></ulink> for the fonts, and
+<ulink url="">xfsft:
+&TrueType; Font Support For X11</ulink> or <ulink
+url="">X-&TrueType; Server Project Home
+Page</ulink> for the font servers.</para>
+<para>If you have a bunch of &TrueType; fonts from &Microsoft;
+&Windows;, edit the <filename>XF86Config</filename> file to get the
+fonts from the font folder. Then just tell &kde; to use these new
+fonts with the font administrator utility.</para>
+<para>Is it possible to enter, show and work with the Euro Symbol in
+<para>Yes and no. For details, look here: <ulink
+<question><para>How do I run a program at &kde; startup?</para></question>
+<answer><para>There are many ways to do that. If what you want to do
+is to run some scripts that would set some environment variables (for
+example, to start <command>gpg-agent</command>, <command>ssh-agent</command> and others), you can put
+these scripts into <filename class="directory">$<envar>KDEHOME</envar>/env/</filename> and make sure their names end in
+<literal role="extension">.sh</literal>. $<envar>KDEHOME</envar> is
+usually a folder named <filename class="directory">.kde</filename>
+(note the period at the beginning) in your home
+folder. If you want scripts to be executed for all &kde; users, you can
+put them under <filename class="directory">$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/env/</filename>, where $<envar>KDEDIR</envar> is the prefix &kde; was
+installed to (you can find this out using the command
+<userinput><command>kde-config</command> --prefix</userinput>).</para>
+<para>If you wish to start a program after &kde; has started, you may want to use the
+<filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder. To add
+entries to the <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder:
+<listitem><para>Open &konqueror;.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu><guimenuitem>Autostart</guimenuitem>
+</menuchoice> from the menubar.</para>
+<listitem><para>Right-click in the window view area and select <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Create New</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Link to
+<listitem><para>Click on the <guilabel>Application</guilabel> tab in
+the window that appears and enter the name of the command to run in
+the <guilabel>Command</guilabel> text box.</para>
+<para>How can I allow more than one user to be logged in a at a time? Can &kde; do <quote>fast user switching</quote>?</para>
+<para>To enable more than one user to log in at one time on the same
+computer (sometimes referred to as <quote>fast user switching</quote>) you
+need to tell the program that logs you in that it can use more than one
+session (or, in &X-Window; terms, <quote>display</quote>) at a time.</para>
+<para>In &kde;, this program is called &kdm; which stands for <quote>&kde;
+Display Manager</quote>. If you are not using &kdm; as your login screen
+then you will need to consult the documentation for the software you are using on how to
+accomplish multiple sessions.</para>
+<para>By default, this will be configured at installation time automatically
+if &kdm; supports virtual terminals on your system (currently Linux only).
+If it was not configured automatically, consult the &kdm; manual, section
+<ulink url="help:/kdm/kdmrc-xservers">Specifying permanent &X-Server;s</ulink>.
+After modifying kdmrc, you will have to let &kdm; know about it; just
+invoke <command>killall -HUP kdm</command>.</para>
diff --git a/doc/faq/contrib.docbook b/doc/faq/contrib.docbook
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index 000000000..807050ba7
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="contribute">
+<para>How can I contribute to &kde;?</para>
+<para>&kde; is a free software project that lives from voluntary
+contributions. Everybody is encouraged to contribute to &kde;. Not
+only programmers are welcome. There are many ways in which you can
+help to improve &kde;:</para>
+<listitem><para>Test the software.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Send in bug reports. For more information on this,
+see <link linkend="bug-report">How do I submit a bug
+<listitem><para>Write documentation or help files. You can get some
+information by visiting the <ulink
+url="">&kde; Editorial Team
+Home Page</ulink>.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Translate programs, documentation, and help files.
+For more information on this, you should visit <ulink
+url="">The &kde; Translators' and Documenters' Web
+<listitem><para>Draw nice icons or compose sound effects. You can
+visit the <ulink url="">&kde;
+artists page</ulink> to find out more.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Write articles and books about &kde;. If you want to
+help spread the word about &kde;, simply send an email to
+<email></email>. This will get you in touch
+with the &kde; public relations volunteers.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Program new &kde; applications. Please refer to <xref
+linkend="programming"/> for more information.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para> Of course, sponsors are also
+welcome. :-)</para></listitem>
+<para>There are several places to look for more information if you
+want to get involved in the development. The first step is to
+subscribe to some of the <ulink url="">mailing
+lists</ulink>. You will soon see something
+that can be improved or added.</para>
+<question id="bug-report">
+<para>How do I submit a bug report?</para>
+<para>There is a bug tracking system available at <ulink
+url=""></ulink>. The
+system features a wizard to submit new bug reports and a
+list of all known bugs.</para>
+<para>The easiest way to submit a bug is to select
+Bug...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu bar of the application
+with the bug. This will open a small dialog box with a link
+to the bug tracking system. Please make sure to follow the
+instructions of the bug reporting wizard.</para>
+<question id="programming">
+<para>I want to program for &kde;. What should I do first?</para>
+<para>Everybody is encouraged to develop software for &kde;. What you
+should do first depends strongly on your experience, &eg; whether you have
+already learned C++ or have experience with the &Qt; toolkit and so
+<para>To get into &kde; programming, you will need some basic tools:
+<application>autoconf</application>, and
+<application>egcs</application>. You should look to <ulink
+for more tips.</para>
+<para>Another excellent resource for learning &kde;
+programming is the &Qt;
+online tutorials. These are installed along with &Qt;. To view them,
+open <filename>$<envar>QTDIR</envar>/doc/html/index.html</filename> in
+&konqueror; and bookmark it. The tutorials
+can be found under "Using
+Qt". The source code for each lesson can be found in the <filename
+<para>There is, however, one thing that everybody interested in
+programming for &kde; should do: <emphasis>subscribe to the developers
+mailing list</emphasis>. To subscribe, you have to send an email to
+with the subject <userinput>subscribe
+<important><para>Please read <link linkend="subscribe">How to
+subscribe/unsubscribe to these lists</link> carefully. Everything
+said there applies to the development list as
+<para>How do I get access to &kde; <acronym>SVN</acronym>?</para>
+<para>The &kde; project uses <acronym>SVN</acronym> to develop the
+core parts of the software. Usually, when you have changed one of the
+parts (&eg; fixed a bug), and you want to commit this change, the best
+way is to create a patch against a current snapshot and send this
+patch to the developer/maintainer of the respective program.</para>
+<para>If you are doing this more or less regularly, there are instructions here on how to get write access to the <acronym>SVN</acronym> repository: <ulink url="">
+</ulink>. But be aware that more users will slow
+down <acronym>SVN</acronym> access for all developers, so we want to
+keep the number of people with direct <acronym>SVN</acronym> access
+reasonably small. But feel free to ask!</para>
+<para>Can I have read-only access to the <acronym>SVN</acronym> repository?</para>
+<para>Yes. Instructions on how to get anonymous, read-only <acronym>SVN</acronym> access are here: <ulink url="">
+<para>Are there any <acronym>SVN</acronym> mirror sites for &kde;?</para>
+<para>No, there are currently no anonymous <acronym>SVN</acronym> mirror sites for &kde;. If you're interested in setting one up, please contact <email></email>
+<para>How do I go about translating &kde; programs into my native
+<para>Look at the <ulink url="">The &kde;
+Translators' and Documenters' Web Site</ulink> to see whether your
+program is already translated (most are). Otherwise you will find
+information there on how to do it yourself.</para>
diff --git a/doc/faq/desktop.docbook b/doc/faq/desktop.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da3de1608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faq/desktop.docbook
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="desktop">
+<title>The desktop</title>
+<para>How do I add an application to the desktop?</para>
+<para>Just choose the desired application from the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu and drag and drop it to the Desktop.
+<para>For applications not listed in the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu,
+use the &RMB; on the desktop and choose <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Create New</guimenuitem><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu>
+<guimenuitem>Link to Application...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and fill in the configuration for the application you want to link to.
+<para>How do I mount/unmount a device from the desktop?</para>
+<para>First, make sure you are allowed to <command>mount</command>/<command>umount</command> the relevant device as a user.
+<para>Then you can add any device via &RMB; on the desktop and then choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Create New</guimenu><guimenuitem>Link to Device</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and then selecting the device of the type you wish to control from the desktop. Fill in the settings for the device in the dialog that appears and click <guilabel>OK</guilabel>. You can use the resulting desktop icon to mount/unmount the device from the desktop.
+<para>Where are the icons kept?</para>
+<para>The icons can be found only in <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>KDEDIRS</envar>/share/icons</filename> or <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde/share/icons</filename> or
+<filename class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde2/share/icons</filename>. To use icons
+stored in other locations, you must either copy them into one of the
+above-mentioned fixed &kde; locations or make symlinks.</para>
+<para>How do I use the mouse scroll wheel in &kde;?</para>
+<para>Mouse wheel support comes with &Qt; 2.0 and above, so &kde; based on
+that will automatically support the use of the mouse scroll wheel if your system is configured correctly. Check your &X-Server; settings support the use of a scrollwheel if it is not working.</para>
+<para>How do I launch applications in a particular desktop?</para>
+<para>&kde; comes with a program called &kstart;.
+To start an <application>xterm</application> on the second desktop and then activate it use:
+<userinput><command>kstart</command> <option>--desktop
+2 --activate --window "xterm" </option>xterm</userinput>.</para>
+<para>Note that the <option>--window</option> option is important. It takes an
+argument which is a regular expression matching the title of the window to
+apply the settings to.</para>
+<para>Please read <command>kstart</command> <option>--help-all</option> for more magic
+available with &kstart; (and there is an abundance).
+<para>Where do I save my files if I want them to appear directly on
+the desktop?</para>
+class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/Desktop</filename>. You might
+need to refresh your desktop after you have saved your files.</para>
diff --git a/doc/faq/filemng.docbook b/doc/faq/filemng.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfe6d1e98
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+++ b/doc/faq/filemng.docbook
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+<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd"> -->
+<chapter id="filemanager">
+<title>The File Manager</title>
+<para>&kde;'s file manager is &konqueror;. The
+&konqueror; home page is located at <ulink
+url=""></ulink> where a
+&konqueror; specific <acronym>FAQ</acronym> can be found.</para>
+<para>How can I change the appearance of a folder in
+<para>Right-click the folder, select <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>,
+click on the large icon in the dialog which appears, and choose another
+icon.</para> <para>To change the icon displayed for entries in the
+<guimenu>K Menu</guimenu>, use the <application>Menu Editor</application>,
+located at <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Settings</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Menu
+<para>How can I do non-anonymous &FTP; transfers with &konqueror;?</para>
+<para>Normally, if you enter a &URL; like
+&konqueror; will attempt an anonymous login to the &FTP; server. If you
+want to login as a particular user, enter a &URL; like
+instead. &konqueror; will ask for your password and connect to the
+<para>How do I specify the startup folder for &konqueror;?</para>
+<para>Using the &RMB;, click on the Home icon and choose
+<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. Under the
+<guilabel>Application</guilabel> tab you will probably find something like
+<command>kfmclient openProfile filemanagement</command>; just append
+<filename class="directory">file:/whereever/you/want</filename> with the
+folder you would like &konqueror; to start in.</para>
+<para>How do I rename files?</para>
+<para>Simply <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on the file and select
+<guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem> or press the keyboard shortcut <keycap>F2</keycap> with a file selected.</para>
+<para>Where did the delete entry from my right-click context menu go?</para>
+<para>In &kde; 3.4 the delete context menu entries that bypass the
+trashcan are no longer displayed by default. To enable them, go to
+&konqueror;</guimenuitem></menuchoice > and select
+<guilabel>Behaviour</guilabel> in the iconbar to the left. Tick the checkbox
+<guilabel>Show 'Delete' context menu entries which bypass the
+<question><para>How do I configure the programs that &konqueror; uses to
+open different types of files?</para></question>
+<para>In order to configure file associations, you should go to the
+&kcontrolcenter; and choose the item <guimenuitem>File
+Associations</guimenuitem> under the category <guimenu>KDE
+Suppose the default <acronym>PDF</acronym> viewer is now &kghostview; and
+you would prefer to use <application>KPDF</application> as a viewer. You
+would simply type <userinput>pdf</userinput> in the search box at the top of
+the dialog, choose <guimenuitem>pdf</guimenuitem> in the
+<guimenu>application</guimenu> group and move
+<application>KPDF</application> up. In the <guilabel>Embedding</guilabel>
+tab you can also choose which component other applications will use to
+display files (for example, when viewing files in &konqueror; or using
+&ark;'s embedded viewer).
+<question><para>When I try to click on a folder in &konqueror;, I get the
+message: <quote>There appears to be a configuration error. You have
+associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this file
+<para>You need to make sure that the embedding settings for inode/directory
+are correct:
+<listitem><para>In &konqueror;, go to
+Konqueror</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and then to the <guilabel>File
+Associations</guilabel> page.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Open
+inode->directory in the tree view.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Click on
+<guilabel>Embedding</guilabel> tab. Make sure that <guilabel>Left Click
+Action</guilabel> is set to <guilabel>Show file in embedded
+viewer</guilabel>, and by default <guilabel>Icon View (konq_iconview)</guilabel>
+is at the top
+of <guilabel>Services Preference Order.</guilabel></para></listitem>
+<qandaentry> <question> <para>What are <option>%i</option> and
+<option>%m</option> in the Execute line?</para> </question> <answer>
+<para>They are used by all &kde; applications (since they are implemented in
+<classname>KApplication</classname> and all good &kde; programs create a
+<classname>KApplication</classname> object before they even look at the
+command line arguments).</para> <para>A standard line for a &kde;
+application looks like this: <userinput><command>foo</command>
+<option>... %i %m -caption \"%c\"</option></userinput>. Pretty confusing,
+-but it has been designed in that way so that it can integrate legacy,
+non-&kde; applications as smoothly as possible. &konqueror;, when executing
+the line above, will extend the command to
+<userinput><command><replaceable>foo</replaceable></command> <option>-icon
+something.png -miniicon something_mini.png -caption \"The
+Foo\"</option></userinput>. Both the icon and the mini-icon as well as "The
+Foo" are properties defined in the <filename>.desktop</filename> file. If
+the icons are not defined, they simply default to the executable name
+<para>This way a user can change these things in &kmenuedit; for his or her
+applications. The <option>-caption</option> option is important, because no
+user will accept that the menu item <guimenuitem>Editor</guimenuitem> starts
+something called <guilabel>kedit-0.9pl4-build47</guilabel>. Instead, he
+expects a window called <guilabel>Editor</guilabel>. Furthermore these
+names are localized, <abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> an American user launches
+<guimenuitem>CD-Player</guimenuitem> and gets a window called
+<guilabel>CD-Player</guilabel> while a German user launches
+<guimenuitem>CD-Spieler</guimenuitem> and gets a window called
+<question><para>How do I make &konqueror; start up without a menu bar?
+I can't save a view profile when the menu bar is invisible!</para>
+<answer><para>The easiest way to do this is to edit &konqueror;'s
+configuration file manually. Add the following lines to
+<para>On restarting &konqueror;, the menubar should be hidden.</para>
+<!--Local variables:
+mode: xml
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+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="getting-kde">
+<title>Getting &kde;</title>
+<question id="where-to-get-kde">
+<para>Where do I get &kde;?</para>
+<!-- This needs a rewrite including informations about the latest version (link to the info page?)-->
+<para>The easiest way to get &kde; is to install a &Linux; distribution or another UNIX-like OS that ships with &kde;.
+You can find an up-to-date list of distributions that ship
+with &kde; <ulink url="">here</ulink>. For alternative methods of
+trying &kde; that do not require you to be running &Linux;, please see
+<ulink url="">Try &kde;</ulink></para>
+<para>The main distribution site for &kde; is
+<ulink url=""></ulink>. However, this site is
+often under heavy load, so you might prefer to use
+<ulink url=""></ulink> which automatically
+redirects you to the mirror nearest to you.
+You can also have a look at the list of <ulink url=""> &kde; mirror sites</ulink>.</para>
+<para>What is the current version?</para>
+<para>Currently, the latest stable version is 3.5.5</para>
+<para>The <ulink url="">&kde; 3.5.5 Info
+Page</ulink> contains a lot of information specific to this
+<para>Where do I find &kde; snapshots?</para>
+<para>You can get the latest snapshots from <ulink
+You might also want to consider setting up your own <acronym>SVN</acronym> client in order to
+maintain the latest snapshot at all times. Please refer to <ulink
+url="">Anonymous <acronym>SVN</acronym> and &kde;</ulink> for further
+<question id="where-to-get-qt">
+<para>Where do I get &Qt;?</para>
+<para>&Qt; is a product of the Norwegian company Trolltech. You can
+always get the latest &Qt; version from their
+<ulink url="">&FTP; server</ulink>.</para>
+And with most up-to-date &Linux; distributions, &Qt; is already
+included. Please see <xref linkend="prerequisites"/> for the version
+of &Qt; you need.</para>
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+ <!ENTITY faq-panel SYSTEM "panel.docbook">
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+ <!ENTITY faq-winmng SYSTEM "winmng.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-filemng SYSTEM "filemng.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-webbrowse SYSTEM "webbrowse.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-configkde SYSTEM "configkde.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-kdeapps SYSTEM "kdeapps.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-nonkdeapps SYSTEM "nonkdeapps.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-tips SYSTEM "tips.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-misc SYSTEM "misc.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-notrelated SYSTEM "notrelated.docbook">
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+ <!ENTITY faq-questions SYSTEM "questions.docbook" >
+ <!ENTITY faq-credits SYSTEM "credits.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-sound SYSTEM "sound.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY faq-qt SYSTEM "qt.docbook">
+<!--Time-stamp: "2001-09-03 00:10:00 endres"-->
+<book lang="&language;">
+<title>&kde; Frequently Asked Questions</title>
+<surname>The &kde; Team</surname>
+<holder>The &kde; Team</holder>
+<abstract> <para>This is a compilation of the most frequently asked
+questions about the K Desktop Environment. Please report any bugs,
+inconsistencies, or omissions you find in this &FAQ; to
+<email></email>. Please do not mail your questions
+to this list. Post them to the &kde; mailing lists and newsgroups
+instead. They are monitored for this &FAQ;.</para> </abstract>
+<chapter id="credits">
+<title>Credits and License</title>
+<para>The current &FAQ; maintainers are:</para>
+<listitem><para>J Hall
+<para>Many of the answers in this &FAQ; are taken
+from the various &kde; mailing lists and newsgroups. Here is a
+<emphasis>big</emphasis> thank you to all of you who have contributed
+answers that eventually appear in this &FAQ;.</para>
+<para>Special thanks go to the former &FAQ;
+maintainers, Rainer Endres and Mr. Lee Wee Tiong </para>
+Local Variables:
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+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="install">
+<title>Installation instructions</title>
+<para>These are the generic installation instructions for the K
+Desktop Environment. Please complement your reading with the
+<filename>README</filename>s and <filename>INSTALL</filename>s that
+come along with the package. Please read them carefully and try to
+help yourself out if anything goes wrong. If you need further
+assistance, consider joining the &kde; mailing lists
+(see our web site instructions for joining the &kde;
+<ulink url="">mailing
+lists</ulink>) or newsgroups.</para>
+<para>To the would-be converts</para>
+<para>So you have heard the rumors. Or you have seen the screenshots.
+And you are dying to get hold of &kde;. But you know next to nothing
+about this whole <quote>alternative OS</quote> business. Don't worry!
+You only need to do some (well, maybe not some) reading, that's
+<para>&kde; does not run on any version of &Microsoft; &Windows; or OS/2 (yet). To run
+&kde;, you need to have a &UNIX; system. Please refer to <xref
+linkend="platform"/> for more details.</para>
+<para>Decide on a platform and set it up for your system. This
+<acronym>FAQ</acronym> can not help you with this, since &kde;<ulink
+url=""> runs on many &UNIX;</ulink> platforms. </para>
+<!-- Taken out because we can not help with all platforms and KDEisnotLINUX -->
+<para>Finally, you are ready to commence the &kde; installation.
+Please start reading from the next section. To get &kde;, please
+refer to <xref linkend="where-to-get-kde"/>. Last but not least, if
+you encounter any problems while installing &kde;, please do not
+hesitate to make use of the &kde; <link
+linkend="mailing-lists">mailing lists</link> and <link
+linkend="newsgroups">newsgroups</link>. But do bear this in mind: no
+question is too silly to ask, but some are too silly to answer,
+especially when they are already answered in this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para>
+<para>Good luck and have fun!</para>
+<para>What kind of hardware do I need to run &kde; ?</para>
+<para>To run &kde; it is recommended that you have at least a pentium II processor, 64MB of memory and 500MB of free disk space for a basic installation. While &kde; may run on slower configurations than this, performance can be severely impaired. Generally, if your computer runs an &X-Server; already with other desktop environments or window managers it's probably fast enough to run &kde;.</para>
+<para>Available package formats</para>
+<para>You can find several kinds of binary and source packages for
+different distributions and operating systems on the &kde-ftp;. The
+binary packages are not made by the &kde; Team, but by the
+distributors themselves, or some dedicated individuals. Please refer to
+<ulink url="">&kde; Package Policy
+Explained</ulink> for information about the &kde; Package Policy. The
+only <quote>official</quote> release is the source tar.bz2
+packages. Please refer to the <filename>README</filename>s and
+<filename>INSTALL</filename>s in the several binaries folders. For
+a list of the available packages for a release, refer to the relevant
+info page. For the latest release this is the <ulink
+url="">&kde; 3.4.1 Info
+<question id="prerequisites">
+<!-- rewrite to make it more general, pointing to the according webpages? -->
+<para>For &kde; 3.4.1, you need the &Qt; library version 3.3 or greater.
+Please make sure you download the correct &Qt;. You will
+also need the header files, if you want to compile &kde;
+yourself. They are all available, at no cost, from <ulink
+In addition, there are optional libraries that might improve &kde; if
+installed on your system. An example is OpenSSL which will enable
+&konqueror; to browse web pages securely and is needed in a version
+>=0.9.6. These should be provided by your distributor; if not, ask
+for an update.</para>
+<para>Description of the base packages</para>
+<para>The base distribution currently consists of twenty
+packages. Some are required, while others are optional. Each package
+is available in each of the aforementioned package formats.</para>
+<para>This package contains shared libraries that are needed by all
+&kde; applications.</para>
+<para>This package contains the base applications that form the core
+of the K Desktop Environment like the window manager, the terminal
+emulator, the control center, the file manager, and the panel.</para>
+<para>The &arts; sound server. A powerful, network transparent sound
+<para>Various plugins for &kate;, &kicker;, &knewsticker;, &konqueror; and &noatun; </para>
+<para>Additional wallpapers, themes, styles, sounds ...</para>
+<para>Various bindings for other languages, including &Java;, Perl, Python, ...</para>
+<para>Various games like &kmahjongg;, &ksnake;, &kasteroids;, and
+<para>Various graphics-related programs like &PostScript; previewer,
+&DVI; previewer, and a drawing program.</para>
+<para>Various desktop tools like a calculator, an editor and other
+nifty stuff.</para>
+<para>Multimedia applications like a &CD; player and a mixer.</para>
+<para>Network applications. Currently contains the instant messaging client &kopete;, the
+download manager &kget;, and several other network-related programs.</para>
+<para>Personal information management tools. Contains the email client &kmail;, the newsreader &knode; and other related programs.</para>
+<para>System administration programs.</para>
+Educational and entertaining applications for &kde;'s younger users.
+KDE accessibility programs such as a screen magnifier and speech synthesizer front end.
+<para>A complete Integrated Development Environment for &kde; and Qt</para>
+<para>Web development applications. Contains such applications as &quanta;, an integrated web development environment and other applications useful in web development</para>
+<para>KDE Software Development Kit. Contains a collection of applications and tools used by KDE Developers.</para>
+<para>&arts; and then kdelibs should be installed before everything
+else, and kdeaddons last. The other packages can be installed in any
+arbitrary order.</para>
+<para>Most package management tools will let you put all these
+packages in one folder and install them all at once, figuring out
+the dependencies as they go.</para>
+<para>Installation instructions for the different package
+<para>Please do not forget to read the <filename>README</filename> and <filename>INSTALL</filename> files if they are available.</para>
+<term>Installation of the Debian packages</term>
+<para>The Debian packages install in accordance with the upcoming <acronym>FHS</acronym> (File
+Hierarchy Standard).</para>
+<step performance="required"><para>become superuser</para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para>run <command>dpkg <option>-i
+<replaceable>packagename.deb</replaceable></option></command> for
+every package you want to install.</para></step>
+<term>Installation of the <acronym>RPM</acronym> packages</term>
+<title>To install binary <acronym>RPM</acronym>s</title>
+<step performance="required"><para>become superuser</para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para>execute <command>rpm <option>-ivh
+<term>Installation of the source <filename>.tar.bz2</filename> files</term>
+<para>Since there are always changes and updates to the way &kde; is compiled, please
+refer to <ulink url="">Download and Install from Source</ulink> for the most up to date installation instructions for the source packages.
+<para>The general approach should work in most cases though.
+<para>The source <filename>.tar.bz2</filename> package installs into <filename
+class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename> by default. You can
+override this setting by using the <option>--prefix</option> option of
+the <filename>configure</filename> script.</para>
+<step performance="required"><para>unpack the packages with <command>tar <option>jxvf
+<step performance="required"><para>change folder to the package folder: <command>cd
+<step performance="required"><para>configure the package: <command>./configure</command>
+<note><para>Some packages (notably kdebase) have special configuration
+options that might be applicable to your installation. Type
+<command>./configure <option>--help</option></command> to see the
+available options.</para></note></para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para>build the package: <command>make</command></para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para>install the package: <command>su <option>-c "make
+install"</option></command> (if you aren't already root). If you
+already are, just type <command>make
+<para>Post-installation procedures</para>
+<para>First of all, please make sure that you have added &kde;'s binary
+installation folder (&eg; <filename
+class="directory">/usr/local/kde/bin</filename>) to your <envar>PATH</envar>
+and &kde;'s
+library installation folder to your <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar> (only
+necessary on systems that do not support rpath; on &Linux; &ELF;, it
+should work without). This environment variable may be called
+differently on some systems, &eg; it is called
+<envar>SHLIB_PATH</envar> on &IRIX;. Then set the environment variable
+<envar>KDEDIR</envar> to the base of your &kde; tree, &eg; <filename
+<para>Please bear in mind that it is unwise to set
+<envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar> blindly. In the vast majority of cases it is
+unnecessary and can do more harm than good. There is a web page
+written by <ulink url="">Dave
+Barr</ulink> explaining the evils of <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar> and it can be
+found at <ulink
+<para>Even though you can use most of the &kde; applications simply by
+calling them, you can only benefit fully from &kde;'s advanced
+features if you use the &kde; window manager and its helper
+<para>In order to make it easy for you, we have provided a simple
+script called <filename>startkde</filename> which gets installed in <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/bin</filename> and is therefore in your
+<para>Edit the file <filename>.xinitrc</filename> in your home folder (make a backup
+copy first!), remove everything that looks like calling a window
+manager, and insert <command>startkde</command> instead. Restart the &X-Server;. If you use
+&kdm;/<application>xdm</application>, you will have to edit the file <filename>.xsession</filename> instead of
+<filename>.xinitrc</filename>. And if there is no <filename>.xinitrc</filename> or <filename>.xsession</filename> in your home
+folder, simply create a new one with just one line containing
+<para>Some systems (notably &RedHat; &Linux;) use <filename>.Xclients</filename>
+<para>This should present you with a new shining &kde; desktop. You
+can now start to explore the wonderful world of &kde;. In case you
+want to read some documentation first, there is a highly recommended
+url="">Quick Start
+guide</ulink> available. Furthermore, every application has an online
+help that is available via the <guimenu>help</guimenu> menu.</para>
+<para>Should I remove old version xyz before installing a new
+<para>In principle, this is not necessary. <acronym>RPM</acronym> and Debian packages
+should take care of all dependencies.</para>
+<para>If you compile the source code yourself, you should take more care.
+Instructions for running two different versions of &kde; on the same system are
+given at <ulink
+However, please note that running two different versions of &kde; from source
+can lead to problems if you are not careful. </para>
+<question id="startkde">
+<para>How do I start &kde;?</para>
+<para>The most comfortable method to start &kde; is to use the
+<filename>startkde</filename> script. Simply put the line
+<command>startkde</command> at the end of your <filename>.xsession</filename>
+file (or your <filename>.xinitrc</filename> or <filename>.Xclients</filename>
+file if you are not using &kdm; or <application>xdm</application>). Please
+also remove the lines that start your previous window manager. If there is no
+<filename>.xsession</filename>, <filename>.xinitrc</filename>, or
+<filename>.Xclients</filename> in your home folder, simply create a new one
+that contains just one line: <command>startkde</command>.</para>
+<!-- Still needed?
+<para>Whenever I start &kde;, it complains about "shadow passwords".
+<para>When your system uses shadow passwords, the screensaver can only
+run properly if the suid bit is set. This bit gives the screensavers
+root privileges, which are needed to access the shadow passwords.
+<caution><para>The screensavers might be configured to secure the
+machine until the password is entered.</para></caution></para>
+<title>Setting the suid bit on the screensavers</title>
+<step performance="required"><para>become root</para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para><command>chown root
+<step performance="required"><para><command>chmod u+s
+<para>Alternatively, if you compile &kde; from source, you can use
+<command>./configure <option>with-shadow</option></command> to
+configure kdebase. Then the suid bit is set automatically during
+<command>make install</command>.</para>
+<para>Is it possible to install &kde; in my home directory?</para>
+<para>Yes, you can install &kde; in any folder you want. What you
+have to do depends on the kind of packages you want to install:</para>
+<procedure><title>Source packages</title>
+<step performance="required"><para>Configure and install the package using <command>configure
+make; make install</command> to install into <filename
+class="directory">/home/me</filename>. Replace <replaceable>/home/me</replaceable> with your home directory, generally defined in <envar>$HOME</envar></para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para>Add the following to your init files. Please note that if
+it is not necessary for you to set <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar>, it
+is better to leave it out.</para>
+<para>For csh or tcsh:</para>
+setenv KDEDIR /home/me
+if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
+if ( ! $?LIBRARY_PATH ) then
+<para>For <application>bash</application>:</para>
+<procedure><title><acronym>RPM</acronym> packages</title>
+<step performance="required"><para><command>rpm</command> allows you to use the
+<option>--prefix</option> option to select the folder you want to
+install to. For example, executing <command>rpm <option>-i
+package.rpm</replaceable></option></command> will install the package
+to <filename
+<para>Although &kde; will run from a user folder, there are some
+problems with programs that require suid root, &eg; the programs in
+the kdeadmin package. But since they are not meant to be run by users
+in the first place, this is nothing to worry about.</para>
+<para>However, on systems using shadow passwords, the screensavers
+have to be suid root to enable password access for unlocking the
+screen, so this option will not work.</para>
+<para><command>startkde</command> fails with <errorname>can not connect to X
+server</errorname>. What is wrong?</para>
+<para>You probably tried to start the X server with <command>startkde</command>. The X
+server is started with <command>startx</command>.
+<command>startkde</command> is the
+script that should be run from your <filename>.xinitrc</filename>, <filename>.xsession</filename>, or
+<filename>.Xclients</filename> to activate the window manager and the necessary server
+daemons for &kde;. See also <xref linkend="startkde"/>.</para>
+<para>&kde; on &AIX;?</para>
+<para>If you have trouble building &kde; on
+&AIX; check out Stefan Westerfeld's <ulink
+url="">Running &kde; on
+Aix</ulink> page for lots of help on building &kde; on this
+exceptional &UNIX; variant.</para>
+<acronym>IBM</acronym> now officially support &kde; on &AIX;. You can find
+details at <ulink
+There is also some older information at <ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
+<para>&kde; on a laptop?</para>
+<para>If you can get &X-Window; to run on your laptop, you should not have any problem
+getting &kde; to run on it. In addition, you might find the following
+links helpful:</para>
+<para><ulink url=""></ulink></para>
+<para><ulink url=""></ulink></para>
+<para>I do not like the default &kde; folder after installation. How
+do I move it without breaking anything?</para>
+<para>Assuming the default is <filename
+class="directory">/opt/kde</filename> and you want to move it to
+<filename class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename>, here's what
+you have to do:</para>
+<step performance="required"><para>change to superuser if you aren't already</para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para><command>mv /opt/kde /usr/local/kde</command></para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para><command>ln -s /usr/local/kde
+<para>This will put all your &kde; files in <filename
+class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename> but everything is
+still accessible from <filename
+<para>What files can I delete from my &kde; install folder? Can all the
+<filename>*.h</filename>, <filename>*.c</filename> and <filename>*.o</filename>
+files be safely removed?</para>
+<para>There should not be any need to keep the <filename>.c</filename> and
+<filename>.o</filename> files, but you might want to keep the
+<filename>.h</filename> files, as they are used by includes if you ever want to
+compile your own &kde; programs. But if you wish to add patches to the source
+programs as they become available (rather than downloading everything again),
+then they should stay.</para>
+<para>Will I lose my current settings when I upgrade &kde;?</para>
+<para>No. In most cases &kde; will be able to transport your settings
+intact. You may need to reenter passwords in some applications (such
+as &kmail; or &knode;) but most other settings will be safe.</para>
+<para>There were mixed reports of results between some previous
+versions of &kde;. To be safe, you may like to back up your entire
+&kde; configuration. </para>
+<para>Settings are kept in the <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde</filename> or <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde2</filename> subfolder in your home
+folder. Copy your
+old <filename class="directory">.kde</filename>/<filename
+class="directory">.kde2</filename> folder to a backup location,
+install &kde; 3.2, and then copy back any necessary mail and news
+settings. That said, most people can make a direct upgrade, without
+removing the old <filename class="directory">.kde</filename> folder,
+ without a hitch.</para>
+<para>You can override the use of <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde</filename> by setting the
+$<envar>KDEHOME</envar> variable.</para>
+<qandaentry id="greyscreen">
+<para>I upgraded &kde; and it seemed to go fine, but when I start it,
+I get a blank gray screen, and nothing happens. There are errors in
+the console about DCOPserver. What's going on?</para>
+&kde; uses several temporary files during its operation.
+These are usually to be found in the following locations:</para>
+<listitem><para><filename>~/.DCOPserver-*</filename> (there are usually two of these; one is a symlink to the other)</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><filename>~/.kde/tmp-<replaceable>hostname</replaceable></filename> which is normally a symlink to the next file:</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><filename>~/.kde/socket-<replaceable>hostname</replaceable></filename> which is also normally a symlink to:</para></listitem>
+<para>If the symlinks get broken, usually because a
+<command>cron</command> or shutdown script is emptying out the
+<filename class="directory">/tmp</filename> folder, then strange
+things will happen. These files, and the symlinks, will all be
+created automatically at the start of &kde; so you can safely remove
+them <emphasis>while &kde; is not running</emphasis>.</para>
+<para>If you are only getting a gray screen when you start &kde;, or if you get an error message telling you to <errorname>Check your installation</errorname>, then shut down X and delete all the files listed above, then try to restart X.</para>
+<para>Normally (&ie; when not upgrading between &kde; versions) it's
+quite safe to leave these files intact, and you may shave a few
+seconds off your &kde; startup time by doing so.</para>
+<para>Compiling kdebase gives me a <errorname>bin/sh: msgfmt: command
+not found</errorname> error!</para>
+<para>You need the &GNU; <application>msgfmt</application> which is
+part of the &GNU; i18n package <application>gettext</application>.
+You should be able to download it from any
+&GNU; mirror.</para>
+<para>How do I uninstall &kde; applications compiled from
+<para>You can uninstall your programs by typing <command>make
+uninstall</command> in the folder where you did <command>make
+install</command>. If you have already deleted that folder,
+then there is only one way, and it is not good: go to <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/bin</filename> and start deleting files
+one by one.</para>
+<para>If you expect to find yourself in this situation, you might want to
+consider a program such as &GNU; <application>stow</application>, found at
+<ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
+<question id="gif">
+<para>What is up with &GIF; support?</para>
+<para>This has to do with issues with Unisys' &LZW; patent. &GIF;
+support is turned off from &Qt; 1.44 onwards by default. When you want to use
+&GIF;s and have the relevant license, recompile &Qt; with &GIF; support.
+<command>./configure <option>-gif</option></command>.</para>
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="introduction">
+<para>What is &kde;?</para>
+<para>&kde; is the K Desktop Environment. It is a project initiated
+by <ulink url="">Matthias Ettrich</ulink> in
+1996. The aim of the &kde; project is to connect the
+power of the &UNIX; operating systems with the comfort of a modern user
+<para>In short, &kde; will bring &UNIX; to the desktop!</para>
+<para>If you want further information about &kde;, have a look at
+<ulink url="">What is
+<question id="platform">
+<para>On which platforms can I expect &kde; to work?</para>
+<para>&kde; is a Desktop Environment for all flavors of &UNIX;. While
+it is true that most &kde; developers use &Linux;, &kde; runs smoothly
+on a wide range of systems. You may, however, need to tweak the
+source code a bit to get &kde; to compile on a not-so-popular variant
+of &UNIX;, or if you are not using the &GNU; development tools, in
+particular the &gcc; compiler.</para>
+<para>Is &kde; a window manager?</para>
+<para>No, &kde; is not a window manager. While &kde; includes a very
+sophisticated window manager (&kwin;), &kde; is much more than that.
+It is a full-blown Integrated Desktop Environment.</para>
+<para>&kde; provides a complete desktop environment, including a web
+browser, a file manager, a window manager, a help system, a
+configuration system, uncountable tools and utilities, and an ever
+increasing number of applications, including but not limited to mail
+and news clients, drawing programs, a &PostScript; and a &DVI; viewer
+and so forth.</para>
+<para>Is &kde; a <acronym>CDE</acronym>, &Windows; or &Mac;
+<acronym>OS</acronym> clone?</para>
+<para>No, &kde; is not a clone. Specifically &kde; is not a
+<acronym>CDE</acronym> or &Windows; clone. While the &kde; developers
+have and will continue to glean the best features from all existing
+desktop environments, &kde; is a truly unique environment that has and
+will continue to go its own way.</para>
+<para>Is &kde; free software?</para>
+<para>Yes, &kde; is free software according to the &GNU; General
+Public License. All &kde; libraries are available under the
+<acronym>LGPL</acronym> making commercial software development for the
+&kde; desktop possible, but all &kde; applications are licensed under
+the <acronym>GPL</acronym>.</para>
+<para>&kde; uses the <link linkend="qt">&Qt; C++ crossplatform
+toolkit</link>, which is also released (since version 2.2) under the
+<para>It is absolutely legal to make &kde; and &Qt; available on
+&CD-ROM; free of charge. No runtime fees of any kind are
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="applications">
+<title>&kde; applications</title>
+<para>Many &kde; users report problems using &kppp;. But before you
+complain about &kppp;, make sure you have already checked the
+<listitem><para>Can you dialup to your <acronym>ISP</acronym> without using &kppp;? If you cannot, then perhaps &kppp; is not the culprit after
+<listitem><para>Have you gone through the &kppp; documentation at
+least three times and followed its instructions and trouble-shooting
+<para>The &kppp; documentation can be accessed through the
+<application>&kde; Help Center</application>.
+ Last, but not least, the &kppp; homepage is at <ulink
+ url=""></ulink>.</para>
+<para>Now, if you still encounter problems, here's what might help you
+solve them:</para>
+<varlistentry><term>How do I change the &MTU; setting in &kppp;?</term>
+<listitem><para>Open up the &kppp; dialog box and select
+<guibutton>Setup</guibutton>. Choose an existing account and click
+<guibutton>Edit</guibutton>, or <guibutton>New</guibutton> to create a
+new dialup account. Select the <guilabel>Dial</guilabel> tab and
+click <guibutton>Arguments</guibutton>. Type what you want to change
+in the Argument textbox (&eg; <userinput>mtu 296</userinput>) and
+click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>. When you are satisfied, click
+<para>To check whether the options <quote>took</quote>, do one of the following:</para>
+<para>In a terminal window, run
+<userinput><command>/sbin/ifconfig</command> ppp0</userinput> and look
+at the reported &MTU; in the output. It should match your
+<listitem><para>Add <option>debug</option> and <option>kdebug</option>
+(each on a separate line) to your
+<filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename> file and restart your
+&PPP; session. You will find debugging messages in
+<filename>/var/log/messages</filename>, including &MRU; and &MTU;
+<para>If you want, the &MRU; and &MTU; settings can be added to the
+<filename>options</filename> file, one complete setting per line, no
+quotes or dashes.</para></listitem>
+<term>&kppp; connects at a slower speed than
+<listitem><para>The following might do the trick:</para>
+<listitem><para>Try executing <command>setserial
+<listitem><para>The default &MTU; value is 1500,
+which maybe too large
+for a dialup connection. Try changing it to a smaller value like
+or <userinput>576</userinput>.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Check in your <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde/share/config</filename> for the
+<filename>kppprc</filename>. Ensure the correct modem speed is
+actually defined there.</para></listitem>
+<term>How do I page-up or page-down?</term>
+<listitem><para>Use <keycombo action="simul">
+<keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>Page Up</keycap></keycombo>
+and <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>Pg
+<term>How do I perform a simple <quote>copy</quote> from &konsole; to
+anything else?</term>
+<listitem><para>When I do a <command>ls</command>, first I select with
+the mouse the desired text, press
+<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>,
+then I make the target application active, point the mouse to the
+relevant part and press <keycombo
+Alternatively, highlight the text by dragging with the &LMB; down and
+paste by clicking with the &MMB; (or both buttons if you are using a
+2 button mouse with 3 button emulation).
+<term>Why can't &konsole; find the <quote>9x15</quote> and the 2
+<quote>console</quote> bitmap fonts installed with &kde;?</term>
+<para><application>FontConfig</application> must find the three fonts
+installed in: <filename
+ If
+the &kde; install does not install these fonts in a directory that
+already exists (&eg; <filename
+class="directory">/usr/share/fonts</filename>) then you must add this
+directory to the configuration file <filename
+class="directory">/etc/fonts/local.conf</filename>. This should be
+the first line after <quote>&lt;fontconfig&gt;</quote>. For example:
+After adding the directory, run (as root):
+<userinput><command>fc-cache</command> -v</userinput> and check that
+it found the directory.</para>
+<para>&kmail; has its own home page at <ulink
+url=""></ulink> where an
+<acronym>FAQ</acronym> is available.</para>
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="misc">
+<title>Miscellaneous questions</title>
+<para>Does &kde; support transparency and other visual effects provided by the new composite extension to</para>
+<para> Yes! An exciting new feature for &kde; 3.4 is support for the new X composite extension. This allows for effects such as translucency and drop shadows for all windows, easily configurable through &kwin;'s configuration dialog. This requires you to be using version 6.8.0 or newer and have:
+Section "Extensions"
+Option "Composite" "Enable"
+In your <filename>xorg.conf</filename>. If you have an nvidia graphics card and use the nvidia driver you can improve the performance of these effects by also adding the RenderAccel option to the Device section for your graphics card:
+Section "Device"
+ Identifier "nvidia-fx5200"
+ Driver "nvidia"
+ Option "RenderAccel" "true"
+Once you have configured correctly, transparency and other effects can be enabled through the <menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</guimenu><guimenuitem>Window Behavior</guimenuitem></menuchoice> &kcontrolcenter; module, under the <guilabel>Translucency</guilabel> tab.
+<para>What about &kde; programs that do not have icons? How do I get
+them into the menu?</para>
+<para>Use &kmenuedit;. To access it use the &RMB; on the
+<guibutton>K</guibutton> button and select <guimenu>Menu Editor</guimenu>.</para>
+<para>Does &kde; have a graphical &FTP; client?</para>
+<para>Yes, and it is none other than your favorite file
+manager, &konqueror;. You can drag and drop remote files into local
+<para>How do I exit &kde;?</para>
+<para>Simply click on the <guibutton>K</guibutton> button and select
+<guimenu>Logout</guimenu>. In addition, if you
+<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on an
+empty area of the desktop, you will be presented with a menu
+containing logout as one of the options.
+<note><para>Depending on your configuration of the &X-Window;, <keycombo
+might also do the trick by killing the X server, but its use prevents
+session management and cannot be recommended.</para></note></para>
+<para>Is there a program that checks for new mails at my
+<acronym>ISP</acronym> if and only if I am online?</para>
+<para>&korn; will do the job. If you are not
+connected, it will just sit there (idling).</para>
+<para>Is it really necessary to upgrade to the latest version?</para>
+<para>We recommend to always use the latest stable release. If you
+don't, it will probably be difficult to get answers to your
+questions. If you have a problem with an old version, the answer will
+probably be <quote>Please upgrade and try again</quote>. Note that
+new versions also sometimes fix security problems.</para>
+<para>How do I copy and paste in &kde;?</para>
+<para>The simplest method is to use your mouse:</para>
+<step performance="required"><para>Highlight the text you want to copy by holding down the
+&LMB; and dragging across the text. This adds the selected text to the clipboard.</para></step>
+<step performance="required"><para>Go to the destination area; depending on your configuration,
+you might need to click it using the &LMB; to give it
+<step performance="required"><para>Click the &MMB; to paste. If you have a two
+button mouse and are emulating a three button mouse, push both buttons
+<para>For more information about using the clipboard in &kde; please see the &klipper; hand book, accessed by typing <userinput><command>help:/klipper</command></userinput>
+into the &konqueror; address bar. </para>
+<para>How do I convert the default &RedHat; menus into a menu in the
+<guimenu>K</guimenu> menu?</para>
+<para>Click on the <guibutton>K</guibutton> button and select
+<question id="CVS">
+<para>What is <acronym>CVS</acronym>?</para>
+<para>It stands for Concurrent Versions System. It is a version
+control system and is based on <acronym>RCS</acronym> (Revision
+Control System), but
+offers more functionality. It is used to maintain source code under
+development. It will keep multiple versions of things (handy if you
+broke something and have to back up and get a clean old version), and
+allows people remote access over the Net to pick up the latest source
+code and even to check in new files if they have permission. It is
+also open source (you pay for support if you want it), and since it is
+free it is the system of choice for people writing more free products,
+such as &kde;.</para>
+<para>Does &kde; support dual screen (Xinerama)?</para>
+<para>Yes, you need to have a multi-headed X server
+(&eg; MetroX or XFree86 4.0 and above) and a &kde; >= 2.2.1
+<para>Why does Drag and Drop not work with Xinerama?</para>
+<para>You should upgrade to XFree86 4.2.0 for this to work properly.</para>
+<para>How do I check which version of &kde; I am using?</para>
+<para>Fire up your <application>&kde; Control
+Center</application>. It comes up with an Info Screen including the version of &kde;
+The &kde; version is also included in the application's
+<guimenuitem>About</guimenuitem> dialog.
+<para>How do I go about creating themes and icons?</para>
+<para>Go see <ulink
+There is also a more informal community of &kde; related artists and
+artwork at <ulink url=""></ulink>.
+<para>How can I get to know about development updates?</para>
+<para>You might want to subscribe to the various &kde; mailing lists
+available, especially kde-cvs, which lists all commits done to the
+&kde; <acronym>CVS</acronym> repository. Check <ulink
+url=""></ulink> if you want to
+read without subscribing.</para>
diff --git a/doc/faq/moreinfo.docbook b/doc/faq/moreinfo.docbook
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="more-info">
+<title>Getting more information</title>
+<para>Where is the &kde; homepage?</para>
+<para>The &kde; homepage is located at <ulink
+url=""></ulink>. If you prefer a
+local mirror, there are several to choose from. For a current list of
+web site mirrors sorted by location, please visit <ulink
+<question id="mailing-lists">
+<para>Is there a &kde; mailing list?</para>
+<para>There are several &kde; mailing lists. Each focuses on a different
+aspect of &kde;. Some are for developers, so they are not
+discussed in detail. Some of the more important lists that users
+might be interested in are:</para>
+<listitem><para>This is the main &kde; mailing list for general
+<listitem><para>This list is used to announce new versions of &kde; as
+well as new tools and applications.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>This is the list that deals with questions about look and
+feel, and general user interface considerations.</para></listitem>
+<para>For the complete list of mailing lists available, please refer
+to <ulink
+<para>Please note that it is not a good idea to ask questions which are
+already answered in this &FAQ;.</para>
+<question id="subscribe">
+<para>How do I subscribe/unsubscribe to these lists?</para>
+<para>To subscribe, send an email to list-request, that is:</para>
+<listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
+<para>The email must contain <userinput>subscribe
+<replaceable>your_email_address</replaceable></userinput> in the
+<para>To unsubscribe, send an email to list-request, that is:</para>
+<listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
+<para>The email must contain <userinput>unsubscribe
+<replaceable>your_email_address</replaceable></userinput> in the
+<important><para>Never send subscribe/unsubscribe request to the
+mailing lists directly! Use the list-request
+<para>There is also a complete list of all &kde;-related mailing
+lists, and a web interface for subscribing and unsubscribing located
+at <ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
+<para>Is there a mailing list archive?</para>
+<para>Yes, there is a searchable mailing list archive hosted by <ulink
+url="">Progressive Computer
+Concepts</ulink>. The &URL; is <ulink
+url=""></ulink>. There you
+will see a folder listing of the mailing lists. Note that you can
+only do a subject/author search at this level. You probably will not
+find what you want doing this kind of search.</para>
+<para>To do a body search, you have to enter one of the mailing lists.
+Just click on the folder you want to search (&eg; <quote>kde</quote>
+or <quote>kde-devel</quote>) and then the pull-down menu by the search
+box will default to <quote>Body</quote> searches. To be thorough, you
+should probably search the <quote>kde</quote>, <quote>kde-linux</quote>, and <quote>kde-devel</quote> folders. </para>
+<question id="newsgroups">
+<para>Is there a newsgroup about &kde;?</para>
+<para>Yes, there is! It is at <literal></literal>.
+In addition, there is also a German newsgroup at
+<literal>de.alt.comp.kde</literal>. Please note that it is not a good
+idea to ask questions which are already answered in this
+<para>Are there any other &kde;-related
+<para>Yes. Here is a list of them:</para>
+url="">&kde; &FAQ;</ulink></para></listitem>
+sound server documentation</ulink></para></listitem>
+<!-- Removed because the kmail FAQ is part of the KMail manual and not a -->
+<!-- separate document
diff --git a/doc/faq/nonkdeapps.docbook b/doc/faq/nonkdeapps.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0e732548
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="non-kde-apps">
+<title>&kde; with non-&kde; applications</title>
+<!-- FIXME: This seems to be obsolete. The only similar option is "Apply
+*colors* to -->
+<!-- non-kde apps" -->
+<para>My non-&kde; applications like &Emacs; and
+<application>kterm</application> are running amok with strange
+<para>Start the <application>&kde; Control Center</application> and in
+<menuchoice><guimenu>Appearance &amp; Themes</guimenu><guimenuitem>
+Colors</guimenuitem></menuchoice> uncheck the <guilabel>Apply colors to
+non-KDE applications</guilabel> checkbox and click
+<question><para>How can I set my default web browser to be something other
+than &konqueror;?</para></question>
+<para>If you are using &kde; 3.3 or later, open up the &kcontrolcenter; and
+navigate to the <menuchoice><guimenu>KDE
+Chooser</guimenuitem></menuchoice> panel. Select <guilabel>Web
+Browser</guilabel> from the list on the left, then select <guilabel>Open
+http and https URLs in the following browser:</guilabel> and type in the
+name of the browser (&eg; <application>mozilla</application>,
+<application>firefox</application>, <application>opera</application>, &etc;)
+in the textbox.</para>
+<para>How can I configure the style and fonts of <acronym>GTK</acronym>
+applications within &kde; ?
+The simplest way to achieve this is to download and compile the
+<acronym>gtk-qt</acronym> theme engine from <ulink
+</ulink>. This theme engine makes
+your <acronym>GTK</acronym> applications look like your &kde; widget style
+by calling functions from &Qt; instead of drawing the styles itself. Once
+the theme engine has been installed, there will be a &kcontrolcenter; module
+under <menuchoice><guimenu>Appearance &amp; Themes</guimenu><guimenuitem>GTK
+Styles and Fonts</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
+<para>I have been hearing about this gecko kpart or &Qt; Mozilla, how do I
+get these?</para>
+Good luck! The &Qt; Mozilla code is in Mozilla cvs, and not very stable as
+of yet. In order to use it, you'll have to check out Mozilla from cvs
+according to these instructions:
+<ulink url="">
+</ulink>. Then, configure either the Mozilla
+suite or the Firefox browser with the option
+<command>--enable-default-toolkit=qt</command> in addition to any other
+options you would like to enable. More instructions on building Mozilla can
+be found <ulink url="">here</ulink>.
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: xml
+sgml-parent-document:("index.docbook" "book" "chapter")
+--> \ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..fd66e1a6c
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+++ b/doc/faq/notrelated.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+<!-- if you want to validate this file separately, uncomment this prolog:
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="not-kde">
+<title>Not really &kde;-related, but frequently asked nevertheless.</title>
+<para>How do I change the screen resolution?</para>
+<para>Use <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo> and <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo> to cycle through
+the resolutions you have defined in <filename>XF86Config</filename> (maybe under
+<filename class="directory">/etc/X11</filename>; poke around first).
+If you prefer to get your hands dirty, you can always edit the file
+directly. By placing your favorite resolution at the beginning (or
+making it the only one listed), &X-Window; will always start up with that
+<caution><para>Always make a backup copy of your <filename>XF86Config</filename> file
+<emphasis>before</emphasis> you start editing it. Errors in this file
+can render &X-Window; unusable.</para></caution>
+<note><para>These instructions are only valid if you are running
+version 3.3.x of the XFree86 server. If you are running XFree86 4.x,
+you must consult with the <ulink url="">XFree86(TM):
+Home Page</ulink>.</para></note></para>
+<para>How do I change the color depth?</para>
+<para>There is no way you can do this on the fly. You can either
+start &X-Window; using <command>startx <option> -bpp
+<replaceable>number</replaceable></option></command> where
+<replaceable>number</replaceable> can be 8, 16, 24 or 32, depending on
+the depth you want. Alternatively, if you are using
+<application>xdm</application>/&kdm;, you
+need to edit
+<filename>/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers</filename> (may vary) and enter
+<userinput>:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -bpp 16</userinput> for 16 bit color
+<para>You can also edit the <filename>XF86Config</filename> file and add a line
+like <userinput>DefaultColorDepth
+<replaceable>number</replaceable></userinput> to Section "Screen".
+The next time you start X, it will run with the newly-configured color
+<para>What can I do if I am using a 2-button mouse?</para>
+<para>Go buy a 3-button one, or use third button emulation. The third
+button is emulated by pressing both the &LMB; and the &RMB;
+together. You would need to enable <option>Emulate3Buttons</option>
+in your <filename>XF86Config</filename> file. </para>
+<para>What is a "sticky" window?</para>
+<para>In a virtual desktop environment with multiple virtual desktops, a
+"sticky" window will stay put on the screen when you switch between
+desktops, as if sticking to the glass of the screen.
+<application>Xclock</application> is a typical candidate for sticking,
+as you need to run only one instance of it, and it always stays with
+you. </para>
+<para>How do I replace the "X" mouse pointer with an arrow?</para>
+<para>The various types of cursor available in X are defined in
+<filename class="headerfile">X11/cursorfont.h</filename>. You can
+change it using <command>xsetroot -cursor_name
+<replaceable>name_of_cursor</replaceable></command>. For example, I
+have the following in my <filename>.Xclients</filename>:</para>
+xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
+<para>This will create the common left-angled pointer. To see other
+alternatives, type <command>xfd -fn cursor</command>. And of course,
+do not forget that <command>man xsetroot</command> is your
+<para>How do I extract/install diff files?</para>
+<para>To generate a context-diff suitable for patching, use
+<command>diff -u <replaceable>old-file new-file</replaceable> &gt;
+<replaceable>patchfile</replaceable></command>. To apply the diff to
+a file (<abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> "patch the file"), execute
+<command>patch &lt; <replaceable>patchfile</replaceable></command>.</para>
+<para>How do I get &Linux; to mount the floppy device for use with both
+DOS and ext2 formatted floppies?</para>
+<para>Just specify the filesystem type as auto in
+<filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. Auto detection works fine for DOS and
+<para>How do I start &kde; with the <keycap>Num Lock</keycap> on?</para>
+<para>Have you tried <command>man setleds</command>? In addition, you
+might want to edit your
+<filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.Xmodmap</filename> and put the
+following lines in:</para>
+! redefines numeric keypad to be used without NumLock
+keycode 79 = 7
+keycode 80 = 8
+keycode 81 = 9
+keycode 83 = 4
+keycode 84 = 5
+keycode 85 = 6
+keycode 87 = 1
+keycode 88 = 2
+keycode 89 = 3
+keycode 90 = 0
+keycode 91 = comma
+keycode 86 = plus
+! deactivates NumLock key
+keycode 77 =
+<para>Other possible alternatives:</para>
+<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> clicking should allow edits. You may
+have to do this as root.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><command>man XF86Config</command> and look under
+section Keyboard.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Install <application>NumLockX</application>, which is
+available from <ulink
+<para>How do I take window or desktop screenshots?</para>
+<para>Use &ksnapshot;.</para>
+<para>Is there a tool to make webpages?</para>
+<para>Yes, and there are a lot of them out there, including
+<application>StarOffice</application>, <application>&Netscape; Composer</application>, and
+There are also many &kde; applications. To find the most current
+list, go to <ulink url=""> The
+Latest in &kde; Applications</ulink> and search for <emphasis>web
+development</emphasis>. Try as many as possible and choose the one
+most suitable to your needs.</para>
+<para>What do all those acronyms like AFAIK mean?</para>
+AAMOF: as a matter of fact
+AFAIK: as far as I know
+AISE: as I see it
+BFN: bye for now
+BION: believe it or not
+BRB: be right back
+BTW: by the way
+CMIIW: correct me if I am wrong
+FUD: fear, uncertainty, and doubt
+FWIW: for what it's worth
+FYI: for your information
+HTH: hope this helps
+IIRC: if I recall correctly
+IMHO: in my humble opinion
+LOL: laughing out loud
+MYOB: mind your own business
+PITA: pain in the ass
+ROTFL: rolling on the floor laughing
+RTFM: read the fine manual
+SOP: standard operating procedure
+TIA: thanks in advance
+YMMV: your mileage may vary
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="panel">
+<title>The panel</title>
+<para>How do I add applications to the &kde; panel (&kicker;)?</para>
+<para>There are several ways to add an application to the panel, of
+which the easiest is to right-click on the panel, and from the context
+menu which appears, select <menuchoice><guimenu>Panel
+Menu</guimenu><guisubmenu>Add to
+Button</guisubmenu></menuchoice> and then the application for which
+you want to add a link.</para> <para>For more ways of adding buttons
+to the panel, refer to the &kicker; Handbook.</para>
+<para>Is it possible to change the <guibutton>K</guibutton> button of
+the panel to another picture?</para>
+<para>The simplest way is to download a new icon theme with a &kmenu; icon
+you prefer from
+<ulink url=""></ulink> and
+install it using the &kcontrolcenter;.</para>
+<para>In order to change only the &kmenu; icon you can overwrite the
+<filename>kmenu.png</filename> image for every size in an icon theme set.
+So, for &kde; default icons this would be <filename>$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/share/icons/default.kde/<replaceable>size</replaceable>/apps/kmenu.png</filename>,
+where <replaceable>size</replaceable> is one of the sizes included in the
+&kde; icon theme.
+After an upgrade my &kmenu; appears to be empty! How can I get my menu back?
+In &kde; 3.2 and later local modifications to the &kmenu; are stored
+</filename>. Try moving this file out of the way and then issuing the
+command <userinput><command>kbuildsycoca</command>
+<option>--noincremental</option></userinput>. This should restore you to the
+default system menus.
+<question><para>My desktop panel has disappeared. How can I get it
+<para>The panel disappearing is usually due to it crashing. This is
+most often caused by loading an applet that has a fatal bug or due to
+a bad installation of &kde; and/or the panel.</para>
+<para>The easiest way to get the panel back is to launch the
+<guilabel>Run Command</guilabel> window by pressing <keycombo
+action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap> </keycombo> and entering
+<userinput><command>kicker</command></userinput> and then pressing the
+<guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.</para>
+<para>If the panel continues to disappear, you may wish to either
+remove or edit by hand your
+file, where <filename
+class="directory">$<envar>KDEHOME</envar></filename> is usually
+<filename class="directory">~/.kde</filename>. If you choose to edit
+it by hand, start by removing the applet entry groups.</para>
+<para>Where did the Icon Zooming option that used to be in &kicker; go?
+Icon zooming was not actively maintained and had caused severe bugs and usability issues. It was replaced in &kde; 3.4 by the new mouse over effects, which combine esthetics with useful information.
+<question><para>How can I start an application minimized to the system
+<para>Use <command>ksystraycmd</command>. For example, to start a &konsole; hidden
+in the system tray, run <userinput><command>ksystraycmd </command>
+<option>--hidden</option> <command>konsole</command></userinput>. For
+more information about <command>ksystraycmd</command>, see the section
+<quote>Advanced Window Management</quote> in the &kde;
+User Guide.</para>
+<question><para>How do I use the &Windows; key to open the &kmenu;?</para>
+<answer><para>Previous versions of &kde; provided a trick to allow you to
+use the &Windows; key both as a modifier (so you could have shortcuts
+like <keycombo action="simul"><keysym>Win</keysym><keycap>R</keycap>
+</keycombo>), and as a regular key (so that pressing
+<keysym>Win</keysym> on its own could open the &kmenu;). This feature
+was removed for reasons of usability and accessibility, as well as
+keeping the code clean. For current versions of &kde;, you have two
+options: either use a different shortcut to open the &kmenu; (the
+default is <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F1</keycap>
+</keycombo>), or remap the <keysym>Win</keysym> key to be a regular
+key, rather than a modifier.</para>
+<para>If you choose to do the second, here's one way:
+<listitem><para>Find the keycode for your <keysym>Win</keysym> key
+using <command>xev</command>: Run the command
+<userinput><command>xev</command></userinput> in a &konsole;, and
+press the <keysym>Win</keysym> key. Look in the output of
+<command>xev</command> for
+<computeroutput>keycode <replaceable>n</replaceable></computeroutput>,
+where <replaceable>n</replaceable> is the keycode of the
+<keysym>Win</keysym> key.</para>
+<listitem><para>Use <command>xmodmap</command> to remap the
+<keysym>Win</keysym> key. An appropriate command is <userinput><command>xmodmap
+<option>-e</option> 'keycode
+<listitem><para>In the &kcontrolcenter;, go to
+<menuchoice><guimenu>Regional &amp;
+Accessibility</guimenu><guimenuitem>Keyboard Shortcuts</guimenuitem>
+</menuchoice> and set the shortcut for <guilabel>Popup Launch
+Menu</guilabel> to the <keysym>Win</keysym> key. You should now be
+able to popup the &kmenu; by pressing the <keysym>Win</keysym> key.</para>
+<listitem><para>One more step is required to save the changes across
+settings: Create a file <filename>~/.kde/env/</filename>
+(create the directory if it doesn't exist), and add the
+<command>xmodmap</command> command you used previously to it. The
+change should now be applied every time you start &kde;.</para>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: xml
+sgml-parent-document:("index.docbook" "book" "chapter")
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+<chapter id="licensing">
+<title>&Qt; and Licensing questions</title>
+<question id="qt">
+<para>What is &Qt;, by the way?</para>
+<para>&Qt; is a C++-based class library to build user interfaces. It
+also includes many utility classes like string classes and classes
+to handle input and output. It
+provides most of the widgets you will see in a &kde; application:
+menus, buttons, sliders, &etc;. &Qt; is a cross-platform library that
+allows you to write code that will compile on &UNIX; systems as well as
+&Windows; and embedded devices. You can learn more about &Qt; at <ulink
+<para>Why does &kde; use &Qt;?</para>
+<para>&Qt; is a very sophisticated toolkit that provides everything that
+is needed to build a modern user interface. &Qt; is written in C++, thus
+allowing object-oriented development which ensures efficiency and
+code reuse in a project the size and scope of &kde;. In our opinion
+there is no better toolkit available for &UNIX; systems and that it
+would have been a grave mistake to try to build &kde; on anything but
+the best.</para>
+<para>Why does &kde; not use gtk, xforms, xlib, whatever?</para>
+<para>There are a number of toolkits available. To provide a
+consistent user interface and to keep used resources such as memory to
+a minimum, &kde; can use only one of them. &Qt; was selected for the
+reasons mentioned above.</para>
+<para>But &Qt; isn't free, is it?</para>
+<para>It is! As of September 4, 2000, version 2.2 of the &Qt;
+libraries were licensed under the <acronym>GPL</acronym>, thereby
+fulfiling all aspects of <quote>free software</quote>.</para>
+<para>Can I write commercial software for &kde;?</para>
+<para>You can use the &kde; libraries to write <quote>commercial and
+closed source</quote> as well as <quote>commercial and open
+source</quote> software. If you write open source software you can
+use the &Qt; free edition. But if you write closed source software
+you may not use the &Qt; free edition; you need to obtain the &Qt;
+professional edition from Troll Tech. </para> <para>If you want more
+information, please contact <ulink
+url="">Troll Tech</ulink> directly.</para>
+</chapter> \ No newline at end of file
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+<chapter id="questions">
+<title>Asking Questions</title>
+<para>Chances are, you have been linked to this document from IRC or a
+mailing list. You've asked a question, and someone has told you that you
+need how to ask more effectively. In order to get an appropriate, clear
+answer you need to ask an appropriate, clear question in a manner that's
+going to provide an incentive for people to take their time to help you. If
+you appear to be rude, lazy or use bad or unclear language then chances are
+your question will be ignored</para>
+<question><para>What do I do before I ask?</para></question>
+<answer><para>Read the documentation and &FAQ; for the application. There is
+a wealth of &kde; documentation availible both in the help center and
+online. A lot of time and effort has gone into this documentation, and
+quite often the answer to your question is here. The general &kde; userguide
+can be found by typing
+<userinput><command>help:/userguide</command></userinput> into your
+&konqueror; addressbar.</para>
+<para>Search the web: Usually googling for a specific error message or
+searching mailing list archives can come up with a solution for you.</para>
+<para>Try it and see! Look through all the application options, read the
+What's this? and tooltips for the ones you're not sure about. If you're
+really unsure about an option save your data and then try it. As long as you
+use some common sense, you are very unlikely to break anything by clicking
+<para>Above all, don't be lazy. If you show the people who you are asking
+that you are able to troubleshoot and research in a logical manner, you're
+showing them you're a reasonable person who is worth their time to
+help. It's your problem and not theirs so the legwork is yours to do. Save
+your helpers as much time as you can, they're busy people.</para> </answer>
+<question><para>Where do I ask?</para></question>
+<answer><para>Usually the best place to ask a question is on the
+<acronym>IRC</acronym> channels and mailing lists devoted to user
+questions. Don't post simple questions about using &kde; to the devel
+channels and mailing lists, these are for technical discussions. Some good
+places are #kde on, and the &kde; mailing
+lists.</para></answer> </qandaentry>
+<question><para>How do I ask?</para></question>
+<answer><para>Try to word your questions in a manner that gives the most
+information possible and is polite and courteous. Don't ask to ask, just
+<para>Q: &kde; sucks, it's being slow</para>
+<para>Is not a question that is likely to get you a useful answer. It does
+not give any useful information about troubleshooting the problem, and it
+starts out attacking the software in a way that isn't productive.</para>
+<para>Q: Since upgrading &kde; on Slackware &Linux; from version 3.2.3 to
+3.3.2 using sources, I have noticed it's being really slow &mdash; sometimes
+applications take up to 20 seconts to launch. I am using the same user
+configuration as I had with the previous version, and I have tried as a new
+user. I can't find anything about this on the mailing lists or by a google
+search. Could anyone point me to some information that could help?</para>
+<para>This question is polite, contains information to help people
+troubleshoot the problem and shows your helpers what avenues you have
+already tried.</para>
+<para>Don't assume automatically that the problem is the fault of
+&kde;. Proceed as though this is your error, otherwise you will quickly
+annoy people if it does indeed turn out to be your problem and not
+<para>Use clear language with correct spelling. Watch out for any
+ambiguities and make sure you think about what you say before you write
+it. If you are asked for clarification, give it as best you can. &kde; is a
+project where many of the users and developers are not native english
+speakers and if you don't use correct english, misunderstandings may
+ensue. Use the language appropriate to the channel or mailing list you are
+in &mdash; if you don't, people who might have been able to help you may
+ignore your message because it is not in a language they understand.</para>
+<para>Include all information that could be relevant, even if you're not
+sure. Have you upgraded other software or hardware on your system,
+particularly system libraries or a new kernel? These things could affect how
+&kde; performs. Even if you cannot see a link, someone else might.</para>
+<para>Don't paraphrase error messages. Paste in the exact error, and if it's
+more than a line or two don't paste them directly into an
+<acronym>IRC</acronym> channel. Use a paste service like <ulink
+url=""></ulink>. If you
+must type them in by hand, be sure you are 100% accurate. When you provide
+faulty information, your helpers cannot help you as easily. </para>
+<para>Follow up on your solution! Tell us if it worked, or if you have
+solved it yourself in the meantime. This helps us know for sure if our
+solution worked, and helps other users who may be searching mailing list
+archives for a solution to the problem themselves.</para> </answer>
+<question><para>What do I do when told to look elsewhere?</para></question>
+<answer><para>When you're told <quote>google knows</quote> or <quote>google
+is your friend</quote> then chances are, you have not followed the above
+advice. You've not done your research, and the solution is probably one the
+helper knows very well to be easy to find. When you're linked to a
+<acronym>FAQ</acronym> or a usermanual don't ever say, <quote>No, I don't
+want to have to read this I want you to just tell me</quote>. This is very
+bad manners. If you cannot put in the effort to read the document, what is
+the incentive for your helper to put in the time and effort to help you? If
+you're told to go use google, take it graciously and do so.</para> </answer>
+</qandaentry> </qandaset>
+<para>Above all, use common courtesy. &kde; users and developers are usually
+volunteering their time out of an already very busy schedule, and like to
+know that you are appreciating that they are helping you for free. Be
+polite, say please and thank you and try to be pleasant and
+friendly. </para>
+<para> Does this seem like a lot of trouble to ask a question? If you want
+to be able to feel that people owe you an answer or support, then you're
+quite welcome to pay for commercial support from companies that support
+&kde; on &UNIX; platforms. If you don't want to pay money, then pay the
+people who do this for free with your politeness and appreciation :)</para>
+<para>If you think the answer to your question should be included in the
+&kde; &FAQ; please feel free to submit any patches or suggestions to the
+&kde; &FAQ; Maintainer, at <email></email></para>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: xml
+sgml-parent-document:("index.docbook" "book" "chapter")
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index 000000000..d7db604bc
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<chapter id="sound">
+<title>Troubleshooting sound problems</title>
+<para>&kde; uses the &arts; sound system which is complex and powerful,
+making it difficult for some users to troubleshoot when things go
+wrong. Here are some tips to help you diagnose what it's doing when your
+sound misbehaves :</para>
+<para>How can I troubleshoot sound related problems in &kde;?</para>
+<answer><para> To check that sound is working independently of &arts;, make
+sure that <command>artsd</command> isn't running and then try playing sound
+through <application>XMMS</application> or another multimedia application
+that isn't a part of &kde;. If that application doesn't play sound, then
+your general sound setup is probably broken and it's not a &kde;
+<para>Try playing sound with
+/path/to/some/soundfile</replaceable></option></userinput>. Try various
+formats, ogg, mp3 and wav. Any error messages there might be useful in
+pointing you in the right direction.</para>
+<para>Try setting the &arts; output method to <acronym>OSS</acronym>. In the
+&kcontrolcenter; go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Sound &amp; Multimedia</guimenu>
+<guimenuitem>Sound System</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. On the
+<guilabel>Hardware</guilabel> tab, under <guilabel>Select the audio
+device</guilabel> choose <guilabel>Open Sound System</guilabel>. If you are
+running <acronym>alsa</acronym> this will use the <acronym>OSS</acronym>
+emulation, which may give better or worse results.</para>
+<para>Running <userinput><command>artsd</command><option> -l
+0</option></userinput> from a terminal will give you a lot of debug output,
+some of which might help you to diagnose the problem. Trying this in
+conjunction with using <command>artsplay</command> in a second terminal can give a wealth of information. If an <application>artsd</application> instance is already running, exit it with <userinput><command>artsshell
+I've upgraded to the latest version of &kde; keeping my old configuration, and my system sounds don't work anymore!</para></question>
+Assuming you've installed &arts; correctly and you still have the codecs installed your previous &kde; installation needed, chances are this is a small problem with your <filename>knotifyrc</filename>. To confirm this, try creating an entirely new user and seeing if system notifications work under the new account. If they do, try moving your <filename>$<envar>KDEHOME</envar>/share/config/knotifyrc</filename> out of the way for your original user to see if this solves the problem.
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="tips">
+<title>Useful tips</title>
+<para>Reading documentation in &kde;</para>
+<para>Pop up the <guilabel>Run Command</guilabel> window (<keycombo
+action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> by
+default) and type:
+<para><command>man:<replaceable>command</replaceable></command> for man pages. It
+even unpacks on the fly if the man pages are gzipped.</para>
+<para><command>info:<replaceable>command</replaceable></command> for info
+<para><command>help:<replaceable>kdeappname</replaceable></command> for &kde;
+application help pages.</para>
+<para>You can also enter any of these in the <guilabel>Location</guilabel> text
+box in &konqueror;.</para>
+<para>Or you can use the <application>&kde; Help Center</application> if you are using &kde;
+2. Simply start the <application>&kde; Help Center</application> by clicking on the icon (the blue
+book with the yellow key) on the toolbar. Once the <application>&kde; Help Center</application> has
+loaded, the window on the left will contain an entry called
+<guilabel>Unix manual pages</guilabel>. Click once on this entry, and
+you can browse through all the installed manual pages on your
+<para>Move or resize windows quickly</para>
+<para>To move a window, use <keycombo
+action="simul">&Alt;<mousebutton>left</mousebutton></keycombo> mouse
+button. <keycombo
+action="simul">&Alt;<mousebutton>right</mousebutton></keycombo> mouse
+button will resize the window. Last but not least, <keycombo
+action="simul">&Alt;<mousebutton>middle</mousebutton></keycombo> mouse button
+raises/lowers the window. The <application>&kde; Control Center</application>
+allows you to change these mouse bindings.</para>
+<para>Killing windows in &kde;</para>
+<para>There is a standard keybinding (<keycombo
+that gives you a skull &amp; crossbones cursor. Click that cursor on a
+window to kill it. The keybindings are viewable/changeable from the
+<application>&kde; Control Center</application>.
+<caution><para>Using this option kills the program forcibly. Data may be lost,
+and some processes related to the program may remain active. Use only as a
+last resort.</para></caution>
+<!-- fixme: use only if necessary; processes might remain --></para>
+<para>What if something is so wrong that I can't even get the skull
+&amp; crossbones cursor? How do I get out of a total lockup?</para>
+<para>These kind of locks tend to occur when an application locks up
+while it has a so called <quote>mouse/keyboard grab</quote>. When that
+happens you can try to select a virtual text console with <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo> and login. With the
+following command you will get a list of all running processes:</para>
+<screen><userinput> <command>ps</command> <option>-aux</option> | <command>more</command></userinput></screen>
+<para>By killing the process that has the mousegrab, your desktop will
+come to life again. Unfortunately you can't see which process that is,
+so you will have to find out through trial and error. To kill a process
+<screen><userinput> <command>kill</command> <option>-9</option> <replaceable>pid</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+<para>Here <replaceable>pid</replaceable> is the process id of the
+process, which is the first number on each line reported by
+<command>ps</command> <option>-aux</option>.</para>
+<para>You can switch back to the desktop with <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>F7</keycap></keycombo> (or
+<keycap>F8</keycap> through <keycap>F9</keycap> depending on your
+operating system) to see if things work again. When you press
+<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo> you should get a
+response from the window manager. If not, you need to get back to the
+text console and try to kill another process.</para>
+<para>Good candidates to kill are: the application you were working
+with, &kicker;, &klipper; and &kdesktop;.</para>
+<!-- fixme: how to do in KDE2.x
+<para>Switching window managers on the fly in &kde; 1.x</para>
+<para>If you want to switch your window manager on the fly, type the
+following into a terminal window: <command>kwmcom
+go:<replaceable>blackbox</replaceable></command>. This switches to
+Blackbox, but you can substitute any window manager you like.</para>
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+<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd"> -->
+<chapter id="webbrowser">
+<title>Webbrowsing with &konqueror;</title>
+<para>&konqueror; is &kde;'s open source, standards compliant webbrowser.
+It's home page is
+url=""></ulink> where a
+&konqueror; specific <acronym>FAQ</acronym> can be found.</para>
+<question><para>Where does the name &konqueror; come from?</para></question>
+<answer><para>It's a word play on the other browsers' names. After the Navigator and the Explorer comes the Conqueror; it's spelled with a K to show that it's part of &kde;. The name change also moves away from <quote>kfm</quote> (the &kde; file manager, &konqueror;'s predecessor) which represented only file management.</para></answer>
+<question><para>Can I run &konqueror; without running &kde;?</para></question>
+<answer><para>Yes. Just install &Qt;, kdelibs and kdebase, and from your favorite window manager just launch &konqueror;. It should work just fine, but if it doesn't (&kde; developers don't test that case often), report it to and try running "kdeinit" before running &konqueror;, it usually helps.
+This is of course the same for any other &kde; application. </para>
+<question><para>Why doesn't &konqueror; show the contents of an image's <sgmltag class="attribute">ALT</sgmltag> attribute in a tooltip?</para></question>
+There is no standard that states the <sgmltag class="attribute">ALT</sgmltag> attribute should appear as a tooltip. The specification calls for <sgmltag class="attribute">ALT</sgmltag> to be displayed in place of the image, as in text-mode only browsers such at lynx or w3m. Abusing the <sgmltag class="attribute">ALT</sgmltag> attribute is bad for accessibility. Tooltips are supposed to come from the <sgmltag class="attribute">TITLE</sgmltag> attribute and this is implemented in &konqueror;
+<para>How do I use &konqueror; as a web browser with a proxy?</para>
+<para>&konqueror; can be used with &HTTP; and &FTP; proxies. To set
+up the proxy server in &konqueror;, just select
+&konqueror;...</guisubmenu></menuchoice> from the &konqueror; menu and
+go to the <guilabel>Proxy</guilabel> tab.</para>
+<question id="nsbookmark">
+<para>How do I import bookmarks from another browser into &konqueror; ?</para>
+<para>To import bookmarks from another browser into &konqueror; select
+<guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
+and then in the <application>Bookmark Editor</application> select
+<guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Import</guimenuitem>. Then select
+the browser you would like to import bookmarks from. In the Open dialog,
+navigate to the location of the folder or file your bookmarks are
+contained in and click <guilabel>Open</guilabel>
+<question><para>How can I make &konqueror; only show certain bookmarks in the bookmarks toolbar?</para></question>
+<answer><para>In &konqueror; go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &konqueror;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Then select <guilabel>Web Behaviour</guilabel> from the icon list. Under the <guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> heading, place a check in the box next to <guilabel>Show only marked bookmarks in bookmark toolbar</guilabel>. Now in the <application>Bookmark Editor</application> an option to <guilabel>Show in Toolbar</guilabel> appears on clicking with the &RMB; on any bookmark entry or in the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu when the entry is highlighted. Folders can also be shown in the bookmarks toolbar in much the same way.</para></answer>
+<para>How do I fool a site into believing &konqueror; is &Netscape; or
+some other browser?</para>
+<para>In &konqueror;, select
+Konqueror...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and in the configuration
+dialog, select <guilabel>Browser Identification</guilabel>. Default
+and site-specific browser identifications can be set from here.</para>
+<para>&konqueror; is taking a really long time to load webpages, what
+could cause this?</para></question>
+<para>Quite often &konqueror; loading webpages slowly is caused by
+<acronym>DNS</acronym> servers with broken <acronym>IPV6</acronym>
+support. Adding the following to <filename>/etc/profile</filename> or any
+other script that is sourced on login should solve this problem:
+export KDE_NO_IPV6=true
+for bourne compatible shells, and for C-style shells:
+setenv KDE_NO_IPV6 true
+<para>How do I configure &konqueror; to run &Java; applets?</para>
+&konqueror;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from &konqueror;'s menubar
+and then select <guilabel>Java &amp; Javascript</guilabel>. Set the
+<guilabel>Path to Java executable</guilabel> correctly. If it doesn't
+work, please check the <ulink
+url="">Konqueror + Java
+<para>How do I block unrequested popup windows in &konqueror;?</para>
+<para>&konqueror; has a new 'smart' policy for JavaScript popups. From the
+&konqueror; main window, select <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
+<guimenuitem>Configure &konqueror;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and then
+<guilabel>Java &amp; JavaScript</guilabel>. On the
+<guilabel>JavaScript</guilabel> tab, under <guilabel>Global JavaScript
+Policies</guilabel> set the radio button beside <guilabel>Open new
+windows:</guilabel> to <guilabel>Smart</guilabel>.
+<para>Why doesn't my banking site work with &konqueror;? It pops up a new
+window with the login screen in other browsers, but not in
+Make sure you have Javascript enabled, and the default JavaScript web popups
+policy set to <guilabel>Ask</guilabel> or <guilabel>Allow</guilabel>. The
+<guilabel>Smart</guilabel> policy is not always sufficient for some banks.
+Many banks also require &Java; support. You can find more help on enabling
+this at <ulink
+<para>Can &konqueror; use user-specified stylesheets, like those in the
+Firefox adblock extention?</para>
+<para>Yes, you can set &konqueror; to use any kind of valid
+<acronym>css</acronym> stylesheet to filter webcontent or improve accessibility.
+From the &konqueror; main window simply click
+<guimenuitem>Configure &konqueror;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and select
+<guilabel>Stylesheets</guilabel>. Set the radio button to
+<guilabel>Use user-defined stylesheet</guilabel> and browse to where the
+stylesheet you want to use is located. Alternatively, you can select
+<guilabel>Use accessibility stylesheet defined in "Customize"
+tab</guilabel> and then set your own options.</para>
+An example of <acronym>css</acronym> rules that implement ad blocking can be
+found at:
+<ulink url="">
+Why does &konqueror; display a plain grey square when I try to view flash animations, even though the flash plugin is installed?
+Under the latest versions of, having the composite extension loaded can cause problems with the flash plugin. Try disabling the composite extension and see if normal flash operation is restored.
+<para>Why can't &konqueror; render &GIF; images?</para>
+<para>It is because you did not enable &GIF; support in &Qt;. Please see
+<xref linkend="gif"/> for more details.</para>
+<question><para>When I try to open a web page with &konqueror;, I get the
+message: <quote>There appears to be a configuration error. You have
+associated Konqueror with text/html, but it cannot handle this file
+<para>You need to make sure that the embedding settings for the text/html
+<acronym>MIME</acronym> type are correct:
+<listitem><para>In &konqueror;, go to
+&konqueror;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and then to the <guilabel>File
+Associations</guilabel> page.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Open
+text->html in the tree view.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Click on the
+<guilabel>Embedding</guilabel> tab. Make sure that <guilabel>Left Click
+Action</guilabel> is set to <guilabel>Show file in embedded
+viewer</guilabel>, and that <guilabel>KHTML (khtml)</guilabel> is at the top
+of <guilabel>Services Preference Order</guilabel>.</para></listitem>
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+ "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="windowmanager">
+<title>The window manager</title>
+<para>The default window manager provided by &kde; is the K Window
+Manager (&kwin;). Please read <quote>The
+K Window Manager Handbook</quote> (which should be accessible from the
+<application>&kde; Help Center</application>) for usage information.</para>
+<para>Are there keyboard shortcuts for &kwin; operations?</para>
+<para>Yes. Please refer to "The K Window Manager Handbook" for the
+list of shortcuts available.</para>
+<para>Can I define my own set of keyboard shortcuts?</para>
+<para>Yes. Launch the
+<application>&kde; Control Center</application> and select
+<menuchoice><guimenu>Regional &amp; Accessibility</guimenu><guimenuitem>Keyboard Shortcuts</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to
+configure window manager bindings like maximizing windows, &etc;.
+<para>When I "iconify" a window, it disappears. Where does it
+<para>With many &X-Window; &GUI;s, the minimize button (a little dot) will
+erase the window that the program is running in and create, instead,
+an icon on the desktop. &kde; does not do this. Instead, when a
+window is iconified it is simply hidden (but the program is still
+<para>There are a few ways to access <quote>disappeared</quote> windows:</para>
+<para>If you are running the taskbar part of &kicker;,
+you can choose to have a list of tasks displayed on your desktop.
+Iconified tasks will have their names displayed in gray.</para>
+<para>If you click the &MMB; on the root window (&ie;,
+the background of the desktop), &kwin; will give you a list
+of all available tasks.</para>
+<para>How do I maximize windows only vertically or horizontally?</para>
+<para>Provided your window is not already maximized, clicking on the
+maximize button with the &LMB;/&MMB;/&RMB; will
+maximize fully/vertically/horizontally respectively.</para>
+<para>What is <quote>shading</quote> a window?</para>
+<para>By <quote>shading</quote> a window we mean <quote>rolling up</quote> the window leaving just
+the title bar visible. You can do this by double clicking on the
+window title bar.</para>
+<!-- This is kinda covered in desktop.docbook, but the question here -->
+<!-- is different, even if the answer is nearly the same -->
+<para>How can I start an application with special window options, like
+maximized/minimized/to stay on top?</para>
+<para>Use the <command>kstart</command> command. As an example, to
+open &kcalc; with the <quote>Stay on Top</quote> option, use:
+<screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>kstart</command> <option>--ontop</option> <option>kcalc</option></userinput></screen>
+<para>For maximized windows, use the <option>--maximize</option>
+option, for minimized windows, use <option>--iconify</option>. You can
+see a full list of <command>kstart</command> options with
+<warning><para>If you're using <command>kstart</command> to start
+applications at &kde; startup, you should use the
+<option>--window</option> option. See the &kde; User Guide, section
+<quote>Advanced Window Management</quote> for more information about
+this feature.</para>
+<!-- Not sure this is still applicable
+<para>Is it possible to have FVWM2-like shadow frameworks for the
+placement of windows?</para>
+<para>Yes. Run <application>&kde; Control Center</application> and select <guimenu>Look and Feel</guimenu>
+followed by <guisubmenu>Window Behavior</guisubmenu> and finally
+<guimenuitem>Advanced</guimenuitem>. There is a dialog option that
+allows you to set the placement policy you want.</para>