path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 455 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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--- a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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-//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
-package org.kde.koala;
-import org.kde.qt.Qt;
-import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject;
-import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
-import org.kde.qt.TQObject;
-import org.kde.qt.TQPopupMenu;
-import org.kde.qt.TQIconSet;
-import org.kde.qt.TQWidget;
-import org.kde.qt.TQObject;
- The TDEAction class (and derived and super classes) provides a way to
- easily encapsulate a "real" user-selected action or event in your
- program.
- For instance, a user may want to <code>paste</code> the contents of
- the clipboard or <code>scroll</code> <code>down</code> a document or <code>quit</code> the
- application. These are all <code>actions</code> -- events that the
- user causes to happen. The TDEAction class allows the developer to
- deal with these actions in an easy and intuitive manner.
- Specifically, the TDEAction class encapsulated the various attributes
- to an event/action. For instance, an action might have an icon
- that goes along with it (a clipboard for a "paste" action or
- scissors for a "cut" action). The action might have some text to
- describe the action. It will certainly have a method or function
- that actually <code>executes</code> the action! All these attributes
- are contained within the TDEAction object.
- The advantage of dealing with Actions is that you can manipulate
- the Action without regard to the GUI representation of it. For
- instance, in the "normal" way of dealing with actions like "cut",
- you would manually insert a item for Cut into a menu and a button
- into a toolbar. If you want to disable the cut action for a moment
- (maybe nothing is selected), you would have to hunt down the pointer
- to the menu item and the toolbar button and disable both
- individually. Setting the menu item and toolbar item up uses very
- similar code - but has to be done twice!
- With the Action concept, you simply "plug" the Action into whatever
- GUI element you want. The TDEAction class will then take care of
- correctly defining the menu item (with icons, accelerators, text,
- etc) or toolbar button.. or whatever. From then on, if you
- manipulate the Action at all, the effect will propogate through all
- GUI representations of it. Back to the "cut" example: if you want
- to disable the Cut Action, you would simply do
- 'cutAction.setEnabled(false)' and the menuitem and button would
- instantly be disabled!
- This is the biggest advantage to the Action concept -- there is a
- one-to-one relationship between the "real" action and <code>all</code>
- GUI representations of it.
- TDEAction emits the activated() signal if the user activated the
- corresponding GUI element ( menu item, toolbar button, etc. )
- If you are in the situation of wanting to map the activated()
- signal of multiple action objects to one slot, with a special
- argument bound to each action, then you might consider using
- TQSignalMapper . A tiny example:
- <pre>
- TQSignalMapper desktopNumberMapper = new TQSignalMapper( this );
- connect( desktopNumberMapper, SIGNAL("mapped( int )"),
- this, SLOT("moveWindowToDesktop( int )") );
- for ( uint i = 0; i < numberOfDesktops; ++i ) {
- TDEAction desktopAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "Move Window to Desktop %i" ).arg( i ), ... );
- connect( desktopAction, SIGNAL("activated()"), desktopNumberMapper, SLOT("map()") );
- desktopNumberMapper.setMapping( desktopAction, i );
- }
- </pre>
- <li><b>General Usage:</b></li>
- The steps to using actions are roughly as follows
- <li>
- Decide which attributes you want to associate with a given
- action (icons, text, keyboard shortcut, etc)
- </li>
- <li>
- Create the action using TDEAction (or derived or super class).
- </li>
- <li>
- "Plug" the Action into whatever GUI element you want. Typically,
- this will be a menu or toolbar.
- </li>
- <li><b>Detailed Example:</b></li>
- Here is an example of enabling a "New [document]" action
- <pre>
- TDEAction newAct = new TDEAction(i18n("&New"), "filenew",
- TDEStdAccel.shortcut(TDEStdAccel.New),
- this, SLOT("fileNew()"),
- actionCollection(), "new");
- </pre>
- This line creates our action. It says that wherever this action is
- displayed, it will use "&New" as the text, the standard icon, and
- the standard shortcut. It further says that whenever this action
- is invoked, it will use the fileNew() slot to execute it.
- <pre>
- TQPopupMenu file = new TQPopupMenu;
- newAct.plug(file);
- </pre>
- That just inserted the action into the File menu. The point is, it's not
- important in which menu it is: all manipulation of the item is
- done through the newAct object.
- <pre>
- newAct.plug(toolBar());
- </pre>
- And this inserted the Action into the main toolbar as a button.
- That's it!
- If you want to disable that action sometime later, you can do so
- with
- <pre>
- newAct.setEnabled(false)
- </pre>
- and both the menuitem in File and the toolbar button will instantly
- be disabled.
- Do not delete a TDEAction object without unplugging it from all its
- containers. The simplest way to do that is to use the unplugAll()
- as in the following example:
- <pre>
- newAct.unplugAll();
- delete newAct;
- </pre>
- Normally you will not need to do this as TDEActionCollection manages
- everything for you.
- Note: if you are using a "standard" action like "new", "paste",
- "quit", or any other action described in the KDE UI Standards,
- please use the methods in the KStdAction class rather than
- defining your own.
- <li><b>Usage Within the XML Framework:</b></li>
- If you are using TDEAction within the context of the XML menu and
- toolbar building framework, then there are a few tiny changes. The
- first is that you must insert your new action into an action
- collection. The action collection (a TDEActionCollection) is,
- logically enough, a central collection of all of the actions
- defined in your application. The XML UI framework code in KXMLGUI
- classes needs access to this collection in order to build up the
- GUI (it's how the builder code knows which actions are valid and
- which aren't).
- Also, if you use the XML builder framework, then you do not ever
- have to plug your actions into containers manually. The framework
- does that for you.
- See {@link TDEActionSignals} for signals emitted by TDEAction
- @short Class to encapsulate user-driven action or event.
- @see KStdAction
-public class TDEAction extends TQObject {
- protected TDEAction(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
- /**
- @short
- */
- public static final int UnknownActivation = 0;
- public static final int EmulatedActivation = 1;
- public static final int AccelActivation = 2;
- public static final int PopupMenuActivation = 3;
- public static final int ToolBarActivation = 4;
- public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
- public native String className();
- /**
- Constructs an action with text, potential keyboard
- shortcut, and a SLOT to call when this action is invoked by
- the user.
- If you do not want or have a keyboard shortcut,
- set the <code>cut</code> param to 0.
- This is the most common TDEAction used when you do not have a
- corresponding icon (note that it won't appear in the current version
- of the "Edit ToolBar" dialog, because an action needs an icon to be
- plugged in a toolbar...).
- @param text The text that will be displayed.
- @param cut The corresponding keyboard shortcut.
- @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
- @param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
- @param parent This action's parent.
- @param name An internal name for this action.
- @short Constructs an action with text, potential keyboard shortcut, and a SLOT to call when this action is invoked by the user.
- */
- public TDEAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTDEAction(text,cut,receiver,slot,parent,name);
- }
- private native void newTDEAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name);
- /**
- Constructs an action with text, icon, potential keyboard
- shortcut, and a SLOT to call when this action is invoked by
- the user.
- If you do not want or have a keyboard shortcut, set the
- <code>cut</code> param to 0.
- This is the other common TDEAction used. Use it when you
- <code>do</code> have a corresponding icon.
- @param text The text that will be displayed.
- @param pix The icon to display.
- @param cut The corresponding keyboard shortcut.
- @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
- @param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
- @param parent This action's parent.
- @param name An internal name for this action.
- @short Constructs an action with text, icon, potential keyboard shortcut, and a SLOT to call when this action is invoked by the user.
- */
- public TDEAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTDEAction(text,pix,cut,receiver,slot,parent,name);
- }
- private native void newTDEAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name);
- /**
- Constructs an action with text, icon, potential keyboard
- shortcut, and a SLOT to call when this action is invoked by
- the user. The icon is loaded on demand later based on where it
- is plugged in.
- If you do not want or have a keyboard shortcut, set the
- <code>cut</code> param to 0.
- This is the other common TDEAction used. Use it when you
- <code>do</code> have a corresponding icon.
- @param text The text that will be displayed.
- @param pix The icon to display.
- @param cut The corresponding keyboard shortcut (shortcut).
- @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
- @param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
- @param parent This action's parent.
- @param name An internal name for this action.
- @short Constructs an action with text, icon, potential keyboard shortcut, and a SLOT to call when this action is invoked by the user.
- */
- public TDEAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTDEAction(text,pix,cut,receiver,slot,parent,name);
- }
- private native void newTDEAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name);
- /**
- The same as the above constructor, but with a KGuiItem providing
- the text and icon.
- @param item The KGuiItem with the label and (optional) icon.
- @param cut The corresponding keyboard shortcut (shortcut).
- @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
- @param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
- @param parent This action's parent.
- @param name An internal name for this action.
- @short The same as the above constructor, but with a KGuiItem providing the text and icon.
- */
- public TDEAction(KGuiItem item, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTDEAction(item,cut,receiver,slot,parent,name);
- }
- private native void newTDEAction(KGuiItem item, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TDEActionCollection parent, String name);
- /**
- "Plug" or insert this action into a given widget.
- This will
- typically be a menu or a toolbar. From this point on, you will
- never need to directly manipulate the item in the menu or
- toolbar. You do all enabling/disabling/manipulation directly
- with your TDEAction object.
- @param widget The GUI element to display this action
- @param index The position into which the action is plugged. If
- this is negative, the action is inserted at the end.
- @short "Plug" or insert this action into a given widget.
- */
- public native int plug(TQWidget widget, int index);
- public native int plug(TQWidget widget);
- /**
- "Unplug" or remove this action from a given widget.
- This will typically be a menu or a toolbar. This is rarely
- used in "normal" application. Typically, it would be used if
- your application has several views or modes, each with a
- completely different menu structure. If you simply want to
- disable an action for a given period, use setEnabled()
- instead.
- @param w Remove the action from this GUI element.
- @short "Unplug" or remove this action from a given widget.
- */
- public native void unplug(TQWidget w);
- /**
- returns whether the action is plugged into any container widget or not.
- @short returns whether the action is plugged into any container widget or not.
- */
- public native boolean isPlugged();
- /**
- returns whether the action is plugged into the given container
- @short returns whether the action is plugged into the given container
- */
- public native boolean isPlugged(TQWidget container);
- /**
- returns whether the action is plugged into the given container with the given, container specific, id (often
- menu or toolbar id ) .
- @short returns whether the action is plugged into the given container with the given, container specific, id (often menu or toolbar id ) .
- */
- public native boolean isPlugged(TQWidget container, int id);
- /**
- returns whether the action is plugged into the given container with the given, container specific, representative
- container widget item.
- @short returns whether the action is plugged into the given container with the given, container specific, representative container widget item.
- */
- public native boolean isPlugged(TQWidget container, TQWidget _representative);
- public native TQWidget container(int index);
- public native int itemId(int index);
- public native TQWidget representative(int index);
- public native int containerCount();
- public native int tdeaccelCount();
- public native boolean hasIcon();
- public native boolean hasIconSet();
- public native String plainText();
- /**
- Get the text associated with this action.
- @short Get the text associated with this action.
- */
- public native String text();
- /**
- Get the keyboard shortcut associated with this action.
- @short Get the keyboard shortcut associated with this action.
- */
- public native TDEShortcut shortcut();
- /**
- Get the default shortcut for this action.
- @short Get the default shortcut for this action.
- */
- public native TDEShortcut shortcutDefault();
- public native String shortcutText();
- public native void setShortcutText(String arg1);
- /**
- Returns true if this action is enabled.
- @short Returns true if this action is enabled.
- */
- public native boolean isEnabled();
- /**
- Returns true if this action's shortcut is configurable.
- @short Returns true if this action's shortcut is configurable.
- */
- public native boolean isShortcutConfigurable();
- public native String group();
- /**
- Get the What's this text for the action.
- @short Get the What's this text for the action.
- */
- public native String whatsThis();
- /**
- Get the tooltip text for the action.
- @short Get the tooltip text for the action.
- */
- public native String toolTip();
- /**
- Get the TQIconSet from which the icons used to display this action will
- be chosen.
- In KDE4 set group default to TDEIcon.Small while removing the other
- iconSet() function.
- @short Get the TQIconSet from which the icons used to display this action will be chosen.
- */
- public native TQIconSet iconSet(int group, int size);
- public native TQIconSet iconSet(int group);
- /**
- Remove in KDE4
- @short Remove in KDE4
- */
- public native TQIconSet iconSet();
- public native String icon();
- public native TDEActionCollection parentCollection();
- public native void unplugAll();
- public native String statusText();
- /**
- Sets the text associated with this action. The text is used for menu
- and toolbar labels etc.
- @short Sets the text associated with this action.
- */
- public native void setText(String text);
- /**
- Sets the keyboard shortcut associated with this action.
- @short Sets the keyboard shortcut associated with this action.
- */
- public native boolean setShortcut(TDEShortcut arg1);
- public native void setGroup(String arg1);
- /**
- Sets the What's this text for the action. This text will be displayed when
- a widget that has been created by plugging this action into a container
- is clicked on in What's this mode.
- The What's this text can include TQML markup as well as raw text.
- @short Sets the What's this text for the action.
- */
- public native void setWhatsThis(String text);
- /**
- Sets the tooltip text for the action.
- This will be used as a tooltip for a toolbar button, as a
- statusbar help-text for a menu item, and it also appears
- in the toolbar editor, to describe the action.
- For the tooltip to show up on the statusbar you will need to connect
- a couple of the actionclass signals to the toolbar.
- The easiest way of doing this is in your main window class, when you create
- a statusbar. See the TDEActionCollection class for more details.
- @short Sets the tooltip text for the action.
- @see TDEActionCollection
- */
- public native void setToolTip(String arg1);
- /**
- Sets the TQIconSet from which the icons used to display this action will
- be chosen.
- @short Sets the TQIconSet from which the icons used to display this action will be chosen.
- */
- public native void setIconSet(TQIconSet iconSet);
- public native void setIcon(String icon);
- /**
- Enables or disables this action. All uses of this action (eg. in menus
- or toolbars) will be updated to reflect the state of the action.
- @short Enables or disables this action.
- */
- public native void setEnabled(boolean enable);
- /**
- Calls setEnabled( !disable ).
- @short Calls setEnabled( !disable ).
- */
- public native void setDisabled(boolean disable);
- /**
- Indicate whether the user may configure the action's shortcut.
- @short Indicate whether the user may configure the action's shortcut.
- */
- public native void setShortcutConfigurable(boolean arg1);
- /**
- Emulate user's interaction programmatically, by activating the action.
- The implementation simply emits activated().
- @short Emulate user's interaction programmatically, by activating the action.
- */
- public native void activate();
- /**
- Generate a toolbar button id. Made public for reimplementations.
- @short
- */
- public static native int getToolButtonID();
- protected native TDEToolBar toolBar(int index);
- protected native TQPopupMenu popupMenu(int index);
- protected native void removeContainer(int index);
- protected native int findContainer(TQWidget widget);
- protected native int findContainer(int id);
- protected native void plugMainWindowAccel(TQWidget w);
- protected native void addContainer(TQWidget parent, int id);
- protected native void addContainer(TQWidget parent, TQWidget representative);
- protected native void updateShortcut(int i);
- protected native void updateShortcut(TQPopupMenu menu, int id);
- protected native void updateGroup(int id);
- protected native void updateText(int i);
- protected native void updateEnabled(int i);
- protected native void updateIconSet(int i);
- protected native void updateIcon(int i);
- protected native void updateToolTip(int id);
- protected native void updateWhatsThis(int i);
- protected native String whatsThisWithIcon();
- /**
- Return the underlying KGuiItem
- @short Return the underlying KGuiItem
- */
- protected native KGuiItem guiItem();
- protected native void slotDestroyed();
- protected native void slotKeycodeChanged();
- protected native void slotActivated();
- protected native void slotPopupActivated();
- protected native void slotButtonClicked(int arg1, int state);
- /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
- protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
- /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
- public native void dispose();
- /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
- public native boolean isDisposed();