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+<TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center">Python Bindings for KDE (PyKDE-3.16.0)</TH></TR>
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+<h1>DCOP and Extensions</h1>
+DCOP is KDE's acronym for it's "Desktop Communications-Oriented Protocol" - basically a
+lightweight and simple mechanism for inter-process communications (IPC). DCOP allows two
+running applications to exchange messages or other information or exercise control over
+each other.
+While the DCOP implementation is convenient for C++ programmers, it presents some difficulties
+for Python programmers. The DCOP extensions that have been added to PyKDE should make most
+DCOP applications (either DCOP-client or DCOP-enabled applications) simple to write and
+reliable to run
+<h2>What Extensions?</h2>
+There are three basic extensions added to PyKDE that are not part of KDE itself:
+<dt>Packing/Unpacking QByteArrays</dt>
+DCOP passes data between applications using QByteArrays. QByteArrays can be difficult to
+pack or unpack using PyQt or PyKDE, so PyKDE has additional methods (dcop_add and dcop_next)
+to make these operations simpler in Python
+<dt>Client Extensions</dt>
+PyKDE's DCOP client extensions make it easy and natural to call DCOP methods in other
+DCOP-enabled applications - the application or DCOP object being referenced look like
+Python classes, and the method being called looks to the programmer like a Python method.
+<dt>DCOP Enabling (Export) Extensions</dt>
+Another set of extensions makes it trivial to expose an application's methods via DCOP to
+other applications. All that is required is to subclass a pre-written Python class and
+provide a list of the methods to expose, along with a method signature listing the name
+of the method, it's return type, and the the types of its arguments.
+The methods for packing/unpacking QByteArrays are available to the programmer, but are
+primarily used transparently by the other PyKDE DCOP extensions. The client and export extensions
+are two Python modules that are included and installed as part of PyKDE.
+<h2>Calling DCOP Methods</h2>
+Accessing a DCOP method in another application requires 3 pieces of information: the name of
+the application to be accessed, the name of the DCOP object which holds the method to be
+called, and the name of the method itself.
+<h3>Collection the Information</h3>
+The easiest way to collect the required information is to use the kdcop application that
+comes with PyKDE. kdcop is graphical application that looks like the image shown.
+<IMG src="images/kdcop1.png" align="middle" border="0">
+<h3>Application/Object/Method Information</h3>
+Look at the entry for kicker, which has been expanded in the image. Underneath kicker (the
+application name - kicker is the panel on the standard KDE screen) is a list of DCOP objects,
+for example, Panel. Under each object is a list of methods the application/object exposes, for
+example, "int panelPosition ()". This indicates the method panelPosition takes no arguments
+and returns an integer.
+<h3>Writing the Code</h3>
+There are two ways to use the DCOP extensions to call the panelPosition method. The first is
+from the application level, the second is from the object level. We can use the "application
+level" in this case, because the object name "Panel" can be valid Python identifier (not all
+object names have this property).
+import dcopext
+# ! other imports not shown !
+app = KApplication ()
+dcop = app.dcopClient ()
+d = dcopext.DCOPApp ("kicker", dcop)
+ok, panelPos = d.Panel.panelPosition ()
+That's all there's to it in this case. We import dcopext, which contains the client extension
+classes; from the KApplication instance, we "borrow" the DCOPClient instance (dcop); we create a
+DCOPApp instance, passing it the name of the app ("kicker") and the DCOPClient instance; we
+call kicker's Panel object's panelPosition method (d.Panel.panelPosition); lastly, the integer
+value is returned to our application (panelPos) as the second item in a tuple - the first element
+of the tuple (ok) is a boolean value indicating whether the call succeeded (True) or failed (False).
+Many of the DCOP object names can't be used as Python identifiers (for example,"0x8239ae0" or
+KIO::Scheduler in kicker, or EditInterface#1, which kwrite exports). In that case, it's
+necessary to write the code at the object level, constructing a DCOPObj instead of a
+DCOPApp (DCOPApp actually constructs a DCOPObj behind the scenese in the example above).
+import dcopext
+# ! other imports not shown !
+o = dcopext.DCOPObj ("kicker", dcop, "Panel")
+ok, panelPos = o.panelPosition ()
+In this example, 'o' is a DCOPObj. In constructing 'o', we add a string representation of
+the name of the object ("Panel") to the application name and DCOPClient object. We then
+use the DCOPObj 'o' to call the the method (panelPosition) that the object supports.
+<h3>More on Application Names</h3>
+In the example above, kicker was the name of the application and the id we used to reference
+the application as well. kicker is an example of a unique application - only one instance of
+kicker can be running at any time.
+Many applications (konqueror, for example) can have several instances running at the same
+time. kdcop would display multiple instances like this:
+<IMG src="images/kdcop2.png" border="0">
+kdcop shows 3 instances of konqueror running in the example above. To perform a DCOP call in
+this case, we'd need to know which instance of konqueror we want to send the call to. The
+suffix on each instance of konqueror is the PID of the instance running. We simply pass the
+full id (app name + pid - eg konqueror-14409) when constructing DCOPApp or DCOPObj.
+If you instantiate the application you want to communicate with from your own application (that
+will be making the DCOP calls), methods like KApplication.startServiceByDesktopName will
+let you start the app and also return both the PID of the started app and the complete
+identifier string needed to initiate DCOP communications. The identifier's name portion may or
+may not be the same as the name of the application (see the example program,
+whose ID is "petshop-####" (#### is the PID of the application instance).
+<h3>Data Types</h3>
+The DCOP extensions will support any of the following C++ data types:
+<TR><TD>long</TD><TD>unsigned char</TD><TD>unsigned short</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD>unsigned int</TD><TD>unsigned long</TD><TD>uchar</TD></TR>
+Data conversion between C++ and Python types is done transparently. The integer types
+map to Python int or Python long, the decimal types to Python double. A Python string
+can be used for any argument that requires a QString or QCString (return types will
+always be the Qt object type). The QValueList types take or return a Python list of the
+indicated object. The QMap types take or return a Python dict with the first type as
+the key and the second type as data. All other types use the same object type in
+Python and Qt (for instance, QPoint or QStringList).
+It's possible to add support for more types in the future. To be added, a type requires
+a pair of overloaded QDataStream operators ("&lt;&lt;" and "&gt;&gt;"). Types must also
+exist in the libs that PyQt and PyKDE support - types specific to applications (like
+konqueror) cannot be supported at this time.
+<h3>Other Extension Features</h3>
+The dcopext module consists of 3 classes (DCOPApp, DCOPObj and DCOPMeth) corresponding to
+applications, objects and methods respectively. These classes have additional variables and methods:
+<li> DCOPApp.objects - returns a list of the applications DCOP objects. example: d.objects</li>
+<li> DCOPApp.object(objname) - returns a DCOPObj for the DCOPObject. example: d.object ("Panel")</li>
+<li> DCOPObj.methods - returns a list of the methods and object has. example: o.methods</li>
+<li> DCOPObj.method (methname) - returns an DCOPMeth instance corresponding to the method, which
+can be called. example: o.method("panelPosition")</li>
+<li> DCOPMeth.valid - returns whether the method is valid or not (True/False). example:
+<li>DCOPMeth.rtype - a method's return type. example d.Panel.panelPosition.rtype</li>
+<li>DCOPMeth.argtypes - a list of the method's argument types. example d.Panel.panelPosition.argtypes</li>
+<li>DCOPMeth.argnames - a list of the method's argument names. example d.Panel.panelPosition.argnames</li>
+If a method isn't valid, it's rtype, argtypes and argnames values will all be None.
+<h2>DCOP Enabling a Python Application</h2>
+Enabling a Python application to handle DCOP calls is even simpler than making calls as a
+DCOP client. Suppose a Python application has two methods we want to appear as int getValue()
+and void setValue(int). The corresponding Python methods are get_value() set_value(i).
+ We want to export these methods under the object "Value". Here's the code:
+from dcopexport import DCOPExObj
+# ! other imports not shown !
+class ValueObject (DCOPExObj):
+ def __init__ (self, id="Value"):
+ DCOPExObj.__init__ (self, id)
+ self.value = 0
+ self.addMethod ("int getValue()", self.get_value)
+ self.addMethod ("void setValue(int)", self.set_value)
+ def get_value(self):
+ return self.value
+ def set_value (self, i):
+ self.value = i
+Note that the module for the DCOPExObj class is "dcopexport". The Python methods may be
+part of the DCOPExObj subclass, part of another class, or global Python functions. They
+must be callable from the DCOPExObj subclass being created. The dcopexport extension takes
+care of everything else, including the "functions()" method which applications (yours or
+kdcop, for example) can call to find out which methods are available and their return
+and argument types. You can have multiple instances of DCOPExObj in a program. All of
+the data types listed above are supported transparently - you don't have to pack or
+unpack QByteArrays.
+<h2>Packing and Unpacking QByteArrays</h2>
+NOTE: It isn't necessary to use the dcop_add and dcop_next functions or worry about
+QByteArrays at all when using dcopext or dcopexport as shown above. Those modules
+handle the packing and unpacking details automatically behind the scenes.
+The dcop_add and dcop_next functions are available in the PyKDE kdecore module (they
+may be relocated to a different module in the future). They use a QDataStream to operate
+on a QByteArray. The QByteArray can be thought of as a stack (a FIFO stack though) -
+dcop_add pushes objects onto the stack, dcop_next pops objects off the stack. The first
+object popped off will be the first object pushed on, etc.
+The dcop_add function is actually a group of overloaded functions, some of which take
+different argument counts. Here are some examples:
+from kdecore import dcop_add, dcop_next
+from qt import QByteArray, QDataStream, IO_ReadOnly, IO_WriteOnly, QString,\
+ QCString, QValueList&lt;QCString&gt;
+from dcopext import numericTypes, stringTypes
+b = QByteArray ()
+s = QDataStream (b, IO_WriteOnly)
+i = 6
+d = 3.14
+t = QString ("Hello, World")
+x = QCString ("One")
+y = QCString ("Two")
+z = QCString ("Three")
+l = [x, y, z]
+dcop_add (s, i, "long")
+dcop_add (s, d, "double")
+dcop_add (s, t)
+dcop_add (s, x)
+dcop_add (s, l, "QValueList&lt;QCString&gt;")
+Notice that for numeric types (integer or decimal) an additional string is needed to
+specify the C++ type of the object - that's because Python has only 3 basic numeric
+types, while C++ has at least 10 basic numeric types plus variations via typedefs.
+Also, the QValueList (and QMap - not shown) type needs a qualifier - a Python list
+type doesn't know (or care) what the type of its elements is.
+Other types (QString, QCString) are uniquely typed, so no modifier is needed.
+While it may change in the future, dcop_add right now retains the variable argument lists.
+You can handle this in your own code easily if you import "numericTypes" and
+"stringTypes" from dcopext as shown above. The following code will sort things out:
+# atype is the type of the argument being processed (as a string)
+# value is the object being packed into the QByteArray
+if atype in numericTypes:
+ dcop_add (s, value, atype)
+elif atype in stringTypes and isinstance (value, str):
+ dcop_add (s, eval ("%s('%s')" % (atype, value)))
+elif atype.startswith ("QMap") or atype.startswith ("QValueList"):
+ dcop_add (params, value, atype)
+ dcop_add (s, value)
+At least in DCOP related applications, all of the necessary type information is always
+easily available. The first if clause above processes numeric types; the second if
+clause allows you to use Python strings in place of Qt's QString or QCString types; the
+third if clause handles QValueList and QMap based types; the else clause handles
+everything else.
+Unpacking a QByteArray is simpler - dcop_next always takes a QDataStream instance and
+a type name string. The code below assumes the same set of imports as above:
+# b is a QByteArray to be unpacked
+s = QDataStream (b, IO_ReadOnly)
+i1 = dcop_next (s, "long")
+d1 = dcop_next (s, "double")
+t1 = dcop_next (s, "QString")
+x1 = dcop_next (s, "QCString")
+l1 = dcop_next (s, "QValueList&lt;QCString&gt;")
+Of course the type specified in dcop_next to unpack the object must match the type of
+the object originally packed, and must happen in the same order (you can't use this to cast or convert types). i1, d1, etc
+should contain the same values as i, d, etc above.
+The types that dcop_add/dcop_next can handle are the same types listed in the dcopext
+section above.
+The code for dcopext and dcopexport is based on and pcop.cpp written by Torben Weis
+and Julian Rockey. It's available in the dcoppython/ section of the kde-bindings source code,
+and can be used to implement DCOP communication without using PyQt or PyKDE.
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