path: root/kgoldrunner/src/kgrgame.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kgoldrunner/src/kgrgame.cpp')
1 files changed, 2613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kgoldrunner/src/kgrgame.cpp b/kgoldrunner/src/kgrgame.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93164d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kgoldrunner/src/kgrgame.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2613 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 by Ian Wadham and Marco Krüger *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// If compiling for portability, redefine KDE's i18n.
+#define i18n tr
+#include "kgrconsts.h"
+#include "kgrobject.h"
+#include "kgrfigure.h"
+#include "kgrcanvas.h"
+#include "kgrdialog.h"
+#include "kgrgame.h"
+// Obsolete - #include <iostream.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+/*********************** KGOLDRUNNER GAME CLASS *************************/
+KGrGame::KGrGame (KGrCanvas * theView, QString theSystemDir, QString theUserDir)
+ view = theView;
+ systemDataDir = theSystemDir;
+ userDataDir = theUserDir;
+ // Set the game-editor OFF, but available.
+ editMode = FALSE;
+ paintEditObj = FALSE;
+ editObj = BRICK;
+ shouldSave = FALSE;
+ enemies.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ hero = new KGrHero (view, 0, 0); // The hero is born ... Yay !!!
+ hero->setPlayfield (&playfield);
+ setBlankLevel (TRUE); // Fill the playfield with blank walls.
+ enemy = NULL;
+ newLevel = TRUE; // Next level will be a new one.
+ loading = TRUE; // Stop input until it is loaded.
+ modalFreeze = FALSE;
+ messageFreeze = FALSE;
+ connect (hero, SIGNAL (gotNugget(int)), SLOT (incScore(int)));
+ connect (hero, SIGNAL (caughtHero()), SLOT (herosDead()));
+ connect (hero, SIGNAL (haveAllNuggets()), SLOT (showHiddenLadders()));
+ connect (hero, SIGNAL (leaveLevel()), SLOT (goUpOneLevel()));
+ dyingTimer = new QTimer (this);
+ connect (dyingTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()), SLOT (finalBreath()));
+ // Get the mouse position every 40 msec. It is used to steer the hero.
+ mouseSampler = new QTimer (this);
+ connect (mouseSampler, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT (readMousePos ()));
+ mouseSampler->start (40, FALSE);
+ srand(1); // initialisiere Random-Generator
+/************************* GAME SELECTION PROCEDURES ************************/
+void KGrGame::startLevelOne()
+ startLevel (SL_START, 1);
+void KGrGame::startAnyLevel()
+ startLevel (SL_ANY, level);
+void KGrGame::startNextLevel()
+ startLevel (SL_ANY, level + 1);
+void KGrGame::startLevel (int startingAt, int requestedLevel)
+ if (! saveOK (FALSE)) { // Check unsaved work.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Use dialog box to select game and level: startingAt = ID_FIRST or ID_ANY.
+ int selectedLevel = selectLevel (startingAt, requestedLevel);
+ if (selectedLevel > 0) { // If OK, start the selected game and level.
+ newGame (selectedLevel, selectedGame);
+ } else {
+ level = 0;
+ }
+/************************ MAIN GAME EVENT PROCEDURES ************************/
+void KGrGame::incScore (int n)
+ score = score + n; // SCORING: trap enemy 75, kill enemy 75,
+ emit showScore (score); // collect gold 250, complete the level 1500.
+void KGrGame::herosDead()
+ if ((level < 1) || (lives <= 0))
+ return; // Game over: we are in the "ENDE" screen.
+ // Lose a life.
+ if (--lives > 0) {
+ // Still some life left, so PAUSE and then re-start the level.
+ emit showLives (lives);
+ KGrObject::frozen = TRUE; // Freeze the animation and let
+ dyingTimer->start (1500, TRUE); // the player see what happened.
+ }
+ else {
+ // Game over: display the "ENDE" screen.
+ emit showLives (lives);
+ freeze();
+ QString gameOver = "<NOBR><B>" + i18n("GAME OVER !!!") + "</B></NOBR>";
+ KGrMessage::information (view, collection->name, gameOver);
+ checkHighScore(); // Check if there is a high score for this game.
+ enemyCount = 0;
+ enemies.clear(); // Stop the enemies catching the hero again ...
+ view->deleteEnemySprites();
+ unfreeze(); // ... NOW we can unfreeze.
+ newLevel = TRUE;
+ level = 0;
+ loadLevel (level); // Display the "ENDE" screen.
+ newLevel = FALSE;
+ }
+void KGrGame::finalBreath()
+ // Fix bug 95202: Avoid re-starting if the player selected
+ // edit mode before the 1.5 seconds were up.
+ if (! editMode) {
+ enemyCount = 0; // Hero is dead: re-start the level.
+ loadLevel (level);
+ }
+ KGrObject::frozen = FALSE; // Unfreeze the game, but don't move yet.
+void KGrGame::showHiddenLadders()
+ int i,j;
+ for (i=1;i<21;i++)
+ for (j=1;j<29;j++)
+ if (playfield[j][i]->whatIam()==HLADDER)
+ ((KGrHladder *)playfield[j][i])->showLadder();
+ view->updateCanvas();
+ initSearchMatrix();
+void KGrGame::goUpOneLevel()
+ lives++; // Level completed: gain another life.
+ emit showLives (lives);
+ incScore (1500);
+ if (level >= collection->nLevels) {
+ freeze();
+ KGrMessage::information (view, collection->name,
+ i18n("<b>CONGRATULATIONS !!!!</b>"
+ "<p>You have conquered the last level in the %1 game !!</p>")
+ .arg("<b>\"" + collection->name + "\"</b>"));
+ checkHighScore(); // Check if there is a high score for this game.
+ unfreeze();
+ level = 0; // Game completed: display the "ENDE" screen.
+ }
+ else {
+ level++; // Go up one level.
+ emit showLevel (level);
+ }
+ enemyCount = 0;
+ enemies.clear();
+ view->deleteEnemySprites();
+ newLevel = TRUE;
+ loadLevel (level);
+ newLevel = FALSE;
+void KGrGame::loseNugget()
+ hero->loseNugget(); // Enemy trapped/dead and holding a nugget.
+KGrHero * KGrGame::getHero()
+ return (hero); // Return a pointer to the hero.
+int KGrGame::getLevel() // Return the current game-level.
+ return (level);
+bool KGrGame::inMouseMode()
+ return (mouseMode); // Return TRUE if game is under mouse control.
+bool KGrGame::inEditMode()
+ return (editMode); // Return TRUE if the game-editor is active.
+bool KGrGame::isLoading()
+ return (loading); // Return TRUE if a level is being loaded.
+void KGrGame::setMouseMode (bool on_off)
+ mouseMode = on_off; // Set Mouse OR keyboard control.
+void KGrGame::freeze()
+ if ((! modalFreeze) && (! messageFreeze)) {
+ emit gameFreeze (TRUE); // Do visual feedback in the GUI.
+ }
+ KGrObject::frozen = TRUE; // Halt the game, by blocking all timer events.
+void KGrGame::unfreeze()
+ if ((! modalFreeze) && (! messageFreeze)) {
+ emit gameFreeze (FALSE);// Do visual feedback in the GUI.
+ }
+ KGrObject::frozen = FALSE; // Restart the game. Because frozen == FALSE,
+ restart(); // the game goes on running after the next step.
+void KGrGame::setMessageFreeze (bool on_off)
+ if (on_off) { // Freeze the game action during a message.
+ messageFreeze = FALSE;
+ if (! KGrObject::frozen) {
+ messageFreeze = TRUE;
+ freeze();
+ }
+ }
+ else { // Unfreeze the game action after a message.
+ if (messageFreeze) {
+ unfreeze();
+ messageFreeze = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::setBlankLevel(bool playable)
+ for (int j=0;j<20;j++)
+ for (int i=0;i<28;i++) {
+ if (playable) {
+ //playfield[i+1][j+1] = new KGrFree (freebg, nuggetbg, false, view);
+ playfield[i+1][j+1] = new KGrFree (FREE,i+1,j+1,view);
+ }
+ else {
+ //playfield[i+1][j+1] = new KGrEditable (freebg, view);
+ playfield[i+1][j+1] = new KGrEditable (FREE);
+ view->paintCell (i+1, j+1, FREE);
+ }
+ editObjArray[i+1][j+1] = FREE;
+ }
+ for (int j=0;j<30;j++) {
+ //playfield[j][0]=new KGrBeton(QPixmap ());
+ playfield[j][0]=new KGrObject (BETON);
+ editObjArray[j][0] = BETON;
+ //playfield[j][21]=new KGrBeton(QPixmap ());
+ playfield[j][21]=new KGrObject (BETON);
+ editObjArray[j][21] = BETON;
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<22;i++) {
+ //playfield[0][i]=new KGrBeton(QPixmap ());
+ playfield[0][i]=new KGrObject (BETON);
+ editObjArray[0][i] = BETON;
+ //playfield[29][i]=new KGrBeton(QPixmap ());
+ playfield[29][i]=new KGrObject (BETON);
+ editObjArray[29][i] = BETON;
+ }
+ //for (int j=0;j<22;j++)
+ //for (int i=0;i<30;i++) {
+ //playfield[i][j]->move(16+i*16,16+j*16);
+ //}
+void KGrGame::newGame (const int lev, const int gameIndex)
+ // Ignore player input from keyboard or mouse while the screen is set up.
+ loading = TRUE; // "loadLevel (level)" will reset it.
+ if (editMode) {
+ emit setEditMenu (FALSE); // Disable edit menu items and toolbar.
+ editMode = FALSE;
+ paintEditObj = FALSE;
+ editObj = BRICK;
+ view->setHeroVisible (TRUE);
+ }
+ newLevel = TRUE;
+ level = lev;
+ collnIndex = gameIndex;
+ collection = (collnIndex);
+ owner = collection->owner;
+ lives = 5; // Start with 5 lives.
+ score = 0;
+ startScore = 0;
+ emit showLives (lives);
+ emit showScore (score);
+ emit showLevel (level);
+ enemyCount = 0;
+ enemies.clear();
+ view->deleteEnemySprites();
+ newLevel = TRUE;;
+ loadLevel (level);
+ newLevel = FALSE;
+void KGrGame::startTutorial()
+ if (! saveOK (FALSE)) { // Check unsaved work.
+ return;
+ }
+ int i, index;
+ int imax = collections.count();
+ bool found = FALSE;
+ index = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
+ index = i; // Index within owner.
+ if (>prefix == "tute") {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ // Start the tutorial.
+ collection = (index);
+ owner = collection->owner;
+ emit markRuleType (collection->settings);
+ collnIndex = index;
+ level = 1;
+ newGame (level, collnIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Start Tutorial"),
+ i18n("Cannot find the tutorial game (file-prefix %1) in "
+ "the %2 files.")
+ .arg("'tute'").arg("'games.dat'"));
+ }
+void KGrGame::showHint()
+ // Put out a hint for this level.
+ QString caption = i18n("Hint");
+ if (levelHint.length() > 0)
+ myMessage (view, caption, levelHint);
+ else
+ myMessage (view, caption,
+ i18n("Sorry, there is no hint for this level."));
+int KGrGame::loadLevel (int levelNo)
+ int i,j;
+ QFile openlevel;
+ if (! openLevelFile (levelNo, openlevel)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Ignore player input from keyboard or mouse while the screen is set up.
+ loading = TRUE;
+ nuggets = 0;
+ enemyCount=0;
+ startScore = score; // What we will save, if asked.
+ // lade den Level
+ for (j=1;j<21;j++)
+ for (i=1;i<29;i++) {
+ changeObject(openlevel.getch(),i,j);
+ }
+ // Absorb a newline character, then read in the level name and hint (if any).
+ int c = openlevel.getch();
+ levelName = "";
+ levelHint = "";
+ QCString levelNameC = "";
+ QCString levelHintC = "";
+ i = 1;
+ while ((c = openlevel.getch()) != EOF) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1: if (c == '\n') // Level name is on one line.
+ i = 2;
+ else
+ levelNameC += (char) c;
+ break;
+ case 2: levelHintC += (char) c; // Hint is on rest of file.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ openlevel.close();
+ // If there is a name, recode any UTF-8 substrings and translate it right now.
+ if (levelNameC.length() > 0)
+ levelName = i18n((const char *) levelNameC);
+ // Indicate on the menus whether there is a hint for this level.
+ int len = levelHintC.length();
+ emit hintAvailable (len > 0);
+ // If there is a hint, remove the final newline and translate it right now.
+ if (len > 0)
+ levelHint = i18n((const char *) levelHintC.left(len-1));
+ // Disconnect edit-mode slots from signals from "view".
+ disconnect (view, SIGNAL (mouseClick(int)), 0, 0);
+ disconnect (view, SIGNAL (mouseLetGo(int)), 0, 0);
+ if (newLevel) {
+ hero->setEnemyList (&enemies);
+ for (enemy=enemies.first();enemy != 0; enemy =
+ enemy->setEnemyList(&enemies);
+ }
+ hero->setNuggets(nuggets);
+ setTimings();
+ // Set direction-flags to use during enemy searches.
+ initSearchMatrix();
+ // Re-draw the playfield frame, level title and figures.
+ view->setTitle (getTitle());
+ view->updateCanvas();
+ // Check if this is a tutorial collection and we are not on the "ENDE" screen.
+ if ((collection->prefix.left(4) == "tute") && (levelNo != 0)) {
+ // At the start of a tutorial, put out an introduction.
+ if (levelNo == 1)
+ myMessage (view, collection->name,
+ i18n((const char *) collection->about.utf8()));
+ // Put out an explanation of this level.
+ myMessage (view, getTitle(), levelHint);
+ }
+ // Put the mouse pointer on the hero.
+ if (mouseMode)
+ view->setMousePos (startI, startJ);
+ // Connect play-mode slot to signal from "view".
+ connect (view, SIGNAL(mouseClick(int)), SLOT(doDig(int)));
+ // Re-enable player input.
+ loading = FALSE;
+ return 1;
+bool KGrGame::openLevelFile (int levelNo, QFile & openlevel)
+ QString filePath;
+ QString msg;
+ filePath = getFilePath (owner, collection, levelNo);
+ openlevel.setName (filePath);
+ // gucken ob und welcher Level existiert
+ if (! openlevel.exists()) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Level"),
+ i18n("Cannot find file '%1'. Please make sure '%2' has been "
+ "run in the '%3' folder.")
+ .arg(filePath).arg("tar xf levels.tar").arg(systemDataDir.myStr()));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ // öffne Level zum lesen
+ if (! (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Level"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for read-only.").arg(filePath));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ return (TRUE);
+void KGrGame::changeObject (unsigned char kind, int i, int j)
+ delete playfield[i][j];
+ switch(kind) {
+ case FREE: createObject(new KGrFree (FREE,i,j,view),FREE,i,j);break;
+ case LADDER: createObject(new KGrObject (LADDER),LADDER,i,j);break;
+ case HLADDER: createObject(new KGrHladder (HLADDER,i,j,view),FREE,i,j);break;
+ case BRICK: createObject(new KGrBrick (BRICK,i,j,view),BRICK,i,j);break;
+ case BETON: createObject(new KGrObject (BETON),BETON,i,j);break;
+ case FBRICK: createObject(new KGrObject (FBRICK),BRICK,i,j);break;
+ case POLE: createObject(new KGrObject (POLE),POLE,i,j);break;
+ case NUGGET: createObject(new KGrFree (NUGGET,i,j,view),NUGGET,i,j);
+ nuggets++;break;
+ case HERO: createObject(new KGrFree (FREE,i,j,view),FREE,i,j);
+ hero->init(i,j);
+ startI = i; startJ = j;
+ hero->started = FALSE;
+ hero->showFigure();
+ break;
+ case ENEMY: createObject(new KGrFree (FREE,i,j,view),FREE,i,j);
+ if (newLevel){
+ // Starting a level for the first time.
+ enemy = new KGrEnemy (view, i, j);
+ enemy->setPlayfield(&playfield);
+ enemy->enemyId = enemyCount++;
+ enemies.append(enemy);
+ connect(enemy, SIGNAL(lostNugget()), SLOT(loseNugget()));
+ connect(enemy, SIGNAL(trapped(int)), SLOT(incScore(int)));
+ connect(enemy, SIGNAL(killed(int)), SLOT(incScore(int)));
+ } else {
+ // Starting a level again after losing.
+ enemy->enemyId=enemyCount++;
+ enemy->setNuggets(0);
+ enemy->init(i,j); // Re-initialise the enemy's state information.
+ }
+ enemy->showFigure();
+ break;
+ default : createObject(new KGrBrick(BRICK,i,j,view),BRICK,i,j);break;
+ }
+void KGrGame::createObject (KGrObject *o, char picType, int x, int y)
+ playfield[x][y] = o;
+ view->paintCell (x, y, picType); // Pic maybe not same as object.
+void KGrGame::setTimings ()
+ Timing * timing;
+ int c = -1;
+ if (KGrFigure::variableTiming) {
+ c = enemies.count(); // Timing based on enemy count.
+ c = (c > 5) ? 5 : c;
+ timing = &(KGrFigure::varTiming[c]);
+ }
+ else {
+ timing = &(KGrFigure::fixedTiming); // Fixed timing.
+ }
+ KGrHero::WALKDELAY = timing->hwalk;
+ KGrHero::FALLDELAY = timing->hfall;
+ KGrEnemy::WALKDELAY = timing->ewalk;
+ KGrEnemy::FALLDELAY = timing->efall;
+ KGrEnemy::CAPTIVEDELAY = timing->ecaptive;
+ KGrBrick::HOLETIME = timing->hole;
+void KGrGame::initSearchMatrix()
+ // Called at start of level and also when hidden ladders appear.
+ int i,j;
+ for (i=1;i<21;i++){
+ for (j=1;j<29;j++)
+ {
+ // If on ladder, can walk L, R, U or D.
+ if (playfield[j][i]->whatIam()==LADDER)
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue = CANWALKLEFT + CANWALKRIGHT +
+ else
+ // If on solid ground, can walk L or R.
+ if ((playfield[j][i+1]->whatIam()==BRICK)||
+ (playfield[j][i+1]->whatIam()==HOLE)||
+ (playfield[j][i+1]->whatIam()==USEDHOLE)||
+ (playfield[j][i+1]->whatIam()==BETON))
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue=CANWALKLEFT+CANWALKRIGHT;
+ else
+ // If on pole or top of ladder, can walk L, R or D.
+ if ((playfield[j][i]->whatIam()==POLE)||
+ (playfield[j][i+1]->whatIam()==LADDER))
+ else
+ // Otherwise, gravity takes over ...
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue=CANWALKDOWN;
+ // Clear corresponding bits if there are solids to L, R, U or D.
+ if(playfield[j][i-1]->blocker)
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue &= ~CANWALKUP;
+ if(playfield[j-1][i]->blocker)
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue &= ~CANWALKLEFT;
+ if(playfield[j+1][i]->blocker)
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue &= ~CANWALKRIGHT;
+ if(playfield[j][i+1]->blocker)
+ playfield[j][i]->searchValue &= ~CANWALKDOWN;
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::startPlaying () {
+ if (! hero->started) {
+ // Start the enemies and the hero.
+ for (--enemyCount; enemyCount>=0; --enemyCount) {
+ enemy->startSearching();
+ }
+ hero->start();
+ }
+QString KGrGame::getFilePath (Owner o, KGrCollection * colln, int lev)
+ QString filePath;
+ if (lev == 0) {
+ // End of game: show the "ENDE" screen.
+ o = SYSTEM;
+ filePath = "level000.grl";
+ }
+ else {
+ filePath.setNum (lev); // Convert INT -> QString.
+ filePath = filePath.rightJustify (3,'0'); // Add 0-2 zeros at left.
+ filePath.append (".grl"); // Add KGoldrunner level-suffix.
+ filePath.prepend (colln->prefix); // Add collection file-prefix.
+ }
+ filePath.prepend (((o == SYSTEM)? systemDataDir : userDataDir) + "levels/");
+ return (filePath);
+QString KGrGame::getTitle()
+ QString levelTitle;
+ if (level == 0) {
+ // Generate a special title: end of game or creating a new level.
+ if (! editMode)
+ levelTitle = "E N D --- F I N --- E N D E";
+ else
+ levelTitle = i18n("New Level");
+ }
+ else {
+ // Generate title string "Collection-name - NNN - Level-name".
+ levelTitle.setNum (level);
+ levelTitle = levelTitle.rightJustify (3,'0');
+ levelTitle = collection->name + " - " + levelTitle;
+ if (levelName.length() > 0) {
+ levelTitle = levelTitle + " - " + levelName;
+ }
+ }
+ return (levelTitle);
+void KGrGame::readMousePos()
+ QPoint p;
+ int i, j;
+ // If loading a level for play or editing, ignore mouse-position input.
+ if (loading) return;
+ // If game control is currently by keyboard, ignore the mouse.
+ if ((! mouseMode) && (! editMode)) return;
+ p = view->getMousePos ();
+ i = p.x(); j = p.y();
+ if (editMode) {
+ // Editing - check if we are in paint mode and have moved the mouse.
+ if (paintEditObj && ((i != oldI) || (j != oldJ))) {
+ insertEditObj (i, j);
+ view->updateCanvas();
+ oldI = i;
+ oldJ = j;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Playing - if the level has started, control the hero.
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) return; // If game is stopped, do nothing.
+ hero->setDirection (i, j);
+ // Start playing when the mouse moves off the hero.
+ if ((! hero->started) && ((i != startI) || (j != startJ))) {
+ startPlaying();
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::doDig (int button) {
+ // If game control is currently by keyboard, ignore the mouse.
+ if (editMode) return;
+ if (! mouseMode) return;
+ // If loading a level for play or editing, ignore mouse-button input.
+ if ((! loading) && (! KGrObject::frozen)) {
+ if (! hero->started) {
+ startPlaying(); // If first player-input, start playing.
+ }
+ switch (button) {
+ case LeftButton: hero->digLeft (); break;
+ case RightButton: hero->digRight (); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::heroAction (KBAction movement)
+ switch (movement) {
+ case KB_UP: hero->setKey (UP); break;
+ case KB_DOWN: hero->setKey (DOWN); break;
+ case KB_LEFT: hero->setKey (LEFT); break;
+ case KB_RIGHT: hero->setKey (RIGHT); break;
+ case KB_STOP: hero->setKey (STAND); break;
+ case KB_DIGLEFT: hero->setKey (STAND); hero->digLeft (); break;
+ case KB_DIGRIGHT: hero->setKey (STAND); hero->digRight (); break;
+ }
+/************************** SAVE AND RE-LOAD GAMES **************************/
+void KGrGame::saveGame() // Save game ID, score and level.
+ if (editMode) {myMessage (view, i18n("Save Game"),
+ i18n("Sorry, you cannot save your game play while you are editing. "
+ "Please try menu item %1.").arg("\"" + i18n("&Save Edits...") + "\""));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hero->started) {myMessage (view, i18n("Save Game"),
+ i18n("Please note: for reasons of simplicity, your saved game "
+ "position and score will be as they were at the start of this "
+ "level, not as they are now."));
+ }
+ QDate today = QDate::currentDate();
+ QTime now = QTime::currentTime();
+ QString saved;
+ QString day;
+#ifdef QT3
+ day = today.shortDayName(today.dayOfWeek());
+ day = today.dayName(today.dayOfWeek());
+ saved = saved.sprintf
+ ("%-6s %03d %03ld %7ld %s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\n",
+ collection->prefix.myStr(), level, lives, startScore,
+ day.myStr(),
+ today.year(), today.month(),,
+ now.hour(), now.minute());
+ QFile file1 (userDataDir + "savegame.dat");
+ QFile file2 (userDataDir + "savegame.tmp");
+ if (! (IO_WriteOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for output.")
+ .arg(userDataDir + "savegame.tmp"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream text2 (&file2);
+ text2 << saved;
+ if (file1.exists()) {
+ if (! (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for read-only.")
+ .arg(userDataDir + "savegame.dat"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream text1 (&file1);
+ int n = 30; // Limit the file to the last 30 saves.
+ while ((! text1.endData()) && (--n > 0)) {
+ saved = text1.readLine() + "\n";
+ text2 << saved;
+ }
+ file1.close();
+ }
+ file2.close();
+ QDir dir;
+ dir.rename (,, TRUE);
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game"),
+ i18n("Your game has been saved."));
+void KGrGame::loadGame() // Re-load game, score and level.
+ if (! saveOK (FALSE)) { // Check unsaved work.
+ return;
+ }
+ QFile savedGames (userDataDir + "savegame.dat");
+ if (! savedGames.exists()) {
+ // Use myMessage() because it stops the game while the message appears.
+ myMessage (view, i18n("Load Game"),
+ i18n("Sorry, there are no saved games."));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Game"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for read-only.")
+ .arg(userDataDir + "savegame.dat"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Halt the game during the loadGame() dialog.
+ modalFreeze = FALSE;
+ if (!KGrObject::frozen) {
+ modalFreeze = TRUE;
+ freeze();
+ }
+ QString s;
+ KGrLGDialog * lg = new KGrLGDialog (&savedGames, collections,
+ view, "loadDialog");
+ if (lg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ s = lg->getCurrentText();
+ }
+ bool found = FALSE;
+ QString pr;
+ int lev;
+ int i;
+ int imax = collections.count();
+ if (! s.isNull()) {
+ pr = s.mid (21, 7); // Get the collection prefix.
+ pr = pr.left (pr.find (" ", 0, FALSE));
+ for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) { // Find the collection.
+ if (>prefix == pr) {
+ collection =;
+ collnIndex = i;
+ owner =>owner;
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ // Set the rules for the selected game.
+ emit markRuleType (collection->settings);
+ lev = s.mid (28, 3).toInt();
+ newGame (lev, collnIndex); // Re-start the selected game.
+ lives = s.mid (32, 3).toLong(); // Update the lives.
+ emit showLives (lives);
+ score = s.mid (36, 7).toLong(); // Update the score.
+ emit showScore (score);
+ }
+ else {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Game"),
+ i18n("Cannot find the game with prefix '%1'.").arg(pr));
+ }
+ }
+ // Unfreeze the game, but only if it was previously unfrozen.
+ if (modalFreeze) {
+ unfreeze();
+ modalFreeze = FALSE;
+ }
+ delete lg;
+/************************** HIGH-SCORE PROCEDURES ***************************/
+void KGrGame::checkHighScore()
+ bool prevHigh = TRUE;
+ Q_INT16 prevLevel = 0;
+ Q_INT32 prevScore = 0;
+ QString thisUser = i18n("Unknown");
+ int highCount = 0;
+ // Don't keep high scores for tutorial games.
+ if (collection->prefix.left(4) == "tute")
+ return;
+ if (score <= 0)
+ return;
+ // Look for user's high-score file or for a released high-score file.
+ QFile high1 (userDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".dat");
+ QDataStream s1;
+ if (! high1.exists()) {
+ high1.setName (systemDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".dat");
+ if (! high1.exists()) {
+ prevHigh = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // If a previous high score file exists, check the current score against it.
+ if (prevHigh) {
+ if (! (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ QString high1_name =;
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Check for High Score"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for read-only.").arg(high1_name));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read previous users, levels and scores from the high score file.
+ s1.setDevice (&high1);
+ bool found = FALSE;
+ highCount = 0;
+ while (! s1.endData()) {
+ char * prevUser;
+ char * prevDate;
+ s1 >> prevUser;
+ s1 >> prevLevel;
+ s1 >> prevScore;
+ s1 >> prevDate;
+ delete prevUser;
+ delete prevDate;
+ highCount++;
+ if (score > prevScore) {
+ found = TRUE; // We have a high score.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if higher than one on file or fewer than 10 previous scores.
+ if ((! found) && (highCount >= 10)) {
+ return; // We did not have a high score.
+ }
+ }
+ /* ************************************************************* */
+ /* If we have come this far, we have a new high score to record. */
+ /* ************************************************************* */
+ QFile high2 (userDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".tmp");
+ QDataStream s2;
+ if (! (IO_WriteOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Check for High Score"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for output.")
+ .arg(userDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".tmp"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Dialog to ask the user to enter their name.
+ QDialog * hsn = new QDialog (view, "hsNameDialog", TRUE,
+ WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title);
+ int margin = 10;
+ int spacing = 10;
+ QVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout (hsn, margin, spacing);
+ QLabel * hsnMessage = new QLabel (
+ i18n("<b>Congratulations !!!</b> "
+ "You have achieved a high "
+ "score in this game. Please enter your name so that "
+ "it may be enshrined in the KGoldrunner Hall of Fame."),
+ hsn);
+ QLineEdit * hsnUser = new QLineEdit (hsn);
+ QPushButton * OK = new KPushButton (KStdGuiItem::ok(), hsn);
+ mainLayout-> addWidget (hsnMessage);
+ mainLayout-> addWidget (hsnUser);
+ mainLayout-> addWidget (OK);
+ hsn-> setCaption (i18n("Save High Score"));
+ QPoint p = view->mapToGlobal (QPoint (0,0));
+ hsn-> move (p.x() + 50, p.y() + 50);
+ OK-> setAccel (Key_Return);
+ hsnUser-> setFocus(); // Set the keyboard input on.
+ connect (hsnUser, SIGNAL (returnPressed ()), hsn, SLOT (accept ()));
+ connect (OK, SIGNAL (clicked ()), hsn, SLOT (accept ()));
+ while (TRUE) {
+ hsn->exec();
+ thisUser = hsnUser->text();
+ if (thisUser.length() > 0)
+ break;
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save High Score"),
+ i18n("You must enter something. Please try again."));
+ }
+ delete hsn;
+ QDate today = QDate::currentDate();
+ QString hsDate;
+#ifdef QT3
+ QString day = today.shortDayName(today.dayOfWeek());
+ QString day = today.dayName(today.dayOfWeek());
+ hsDate = hsDate.sprintf
+ ("%s %04d-%02d-%02d",
+ day.myStr(),
+ today.year(), today.month(),;
+ s2.setDevice (&high2);
+ if (prevHigh) {
+ high1.reset();
+ bool scoreRecorded = FALSE;
+ highCount = 0;
+ while ((! s1.endData()) && (highCount < 10)) {
+ char * prevUser;
+ char * prevDate;
+ s1 >> prevUser;
+ s1 >> prevLevel;
+ s1 >> prevScore;
+ s1 >> prevDate;
+ if ((! scoreRecorded) && (score > prevScore)) {
+ highCount++;
+ // Recode the user's name as UTF-8, in case it contains
+ // non-ASCII chars (e.g. "Krüger" is encoded as "Krüger").
+ s2 << (const char *) thisUser.utf8();
+ s2 << (Q_INT16) level;
+ s2 << (Q_INT32) score;
+ s2 << hsDate.myStr();
+ scoreRecorded = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (highCount < 10) {
+ highCount++;
+ s2 << prevUser;
+ s2 << prevLevel;
+ s2 << prevScore;
+ s2 << prevDate;
+ }
+ delete prevUser;
+ delete prevDate;
+ }
+ if ((! scoreRecorded) && (highCount < 10)) {
+ // Recode the user's name as UTF-8, in case it contains
+ // non-ASCII chars (e.g. "Krüger" is encoded as "Krüger").
+ s2 << (const char *) thisUser.utf8();
+ s2 << (Q_INT16) level;
+ s2 << (Q_INT32) score;
+ s2 << hsDate.myStr();
+ }
+ high1.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Recode the user's name as UTF-8, in case it contains
+ // non-ASCII chars (e.g. "Krüger" is encoded as "Krüger").
+ s2 << (const char *) thisUser.utf8();
+ s2 << (Q_INT16) level;
+ s2 << (Q_INT32) score;
+ s2 << hsDate.myStr();
+ }
+ high2.close();
+ QDir dir;
+ dir.rename (,
+ userDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".dat", TRUE);
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save High Score"),
+ i18n("Your high score has been saved."));
+ showHighScores();
+ return;
+void KGrGame::showHighScores()
+ // Don't keep high scores for tutorial games.
+ if (collection->prefix.left(4) == "tute") {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Show High Scores"),
+ i18n("Sorry, we do not keep high scores for tutorial games."));
+ return;
+ }
+ Q_INT16 prevLevel = 0;
+ Q_INT32 prevScore = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ // Look for user's high-score file or for a released high-score file.
+ QFile high1 (userDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".dat");
+ QDataStream s1;
+ if (! high1.exists()) {
+ high1.setName (systemDataDir + "hi_" + collection->prefix + ".dat");
+ if (! high1.exists()) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Show High Scores"),
+ i18n("Sorry, there are no high scores for the %1 game yet.")
+ .arg("\"" + collection->name + "\""));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ QString high1_name =;
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Show High Scores"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for read-only.").arg(high1_name));
+ return;
+ }
+ QDialog * hs = new QDialog (view, "hsDialog", TRUE,
+ WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title);
+ int margin = 10;
+ int spacing = 10;
+ QVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout (hs, margin, spacing);
+ QLabel * hsHeader = new QLabel (i18n (
+ "<center><h2>KGoldrunner Hall of Fame</h2></center><br>"
+ "<center><h3>\"%1\" Game</h3></center>")
+ .arg(collection->name),
+ hs);
+ QLabel * hsColHeader = new QLabel (
+ i18n(" Name "
+ "Level Score Date"), hs);
+ QFont f ("courier", 12);
+ QFont f = KGlobalSettings::fixedFont(); // KDE version.
+ f. setFixedPitch (TRUE);
+ f. setBold (TRUE);
+ hsColHeader-> setFont (f);
+ QLabel * hsLine [10];
+ QHBox * buttons = new QHBox (hs);
+ buttons-> setSpacing (spacing);
+ QPushButton * OK = new KPushButton (KStdGuiItem::close(), buttons);
+ mainLayout-> addWidget (hsHeader);
+ mainLayout-> addWidget (hsColHeader);
+ hs-> setCaption (i18n("High Scores"));
+ OK-> setAccel (Key_Return);
+ // Set up the format for the high-score lines.
+ f. setBold (FALSE);
+ QString line;
+ const char * hsFormat = "%2d. %-30.30s %3d %7ld %s";
+ // Read and display the users, levels and scores from the high score file.
+ s1.setDevice (&high1);
+ n = 0;
+ while ((! s1.endData()) && (n < 10)) {
+ char * prevUser;
+ char * prevDate;
+ s1 >> prevUser;
+ s1 >> prevLevel;
+ s1 >> prevScore;
+ s1 >> prevDate;
+ // QString::sprintf expects UTF-8 encoding in its string arguments, so
+ // prevUser has been saved on file as UTF-8 to allow non=ASCII chars
+ // in the user's name (e.g. "Krüger" is encoded as "Krüger" in UTF-8).
+ line = line.sprintf (hsFormat,
+ n+1, prevUser, prevLevel, prevScore, prevDate);
+ hsLine [n] = new QLabel (line, hs);
+ hsLine [n]->setFont (f);
+ mainLayout->addWidget (hsLine [n]);
+ delete prevUser;
+ delete prevDate;
+ n++;
+ }
+ QFrame * separator = new QFrame (hs);
+ separator->setFrameStyle (QFrame::HLine + QFrame::Sunken);
+ mainLayout->addWidget (separator);
+ OK-> setMaximumWidth (100);
+ mainLayout-> addWidget (buttons);
+ QPoint p = view->mapToGlobal (QPoint (0,0));
+ hs-> move (p.x() + 50, p.y() + 50);
+ // Start up the dialog box.
+ connect (OK, SIGNAL (clicked ()), hs, SLOT (accept ()));
+ hs-> exec();
+ delete hs;
+/************************** AUTHORS' DEBUGGING AIDS **************************/
+void KGrGame::doStep()
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) { // The game must have been halted.
+ restart(); // Do one step and halt again.
+ }
+void KGrGame::restart()
+ bool temp;
+ int i,j;
+ if (editMode) // Can't move figures when in Edit Mode.
+ return;
+ temp = KGrObject::frozen;
+ KGrObject::frozen = FALSE; // Temporarily restart the game, by re-running
+ // any timer events that have been blocked.
+ readMousePos(); // Set hero's direction.
+ hero->doStep(); // Move the hero one step.
+ j = enemies.count(); // Move each enemy one step.
+ for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
+ enemy =; // Need to use an index because called methods
+ enemy->doStep(); // change the "current()" of the "enemies" list.
+ }
+ for (i=1; i<=28; i++)
+ for (j=1; j<=20; j++) {
+ if ((playfield[i][j]->whatIam() == HOLE) ||
+ (playfield[i][j]->whatIam() == USEDHOLE) ||
+ (playfield[i][j]->whatIam() == BRICK))
+ ((KGrBrick *)playfield[i][j])->doStep();
+ }
+ KGrObject::frozen = temp; // If frozen was TRUE, halt again, which gives a
+ // single-step effect, otherwise go on running.
+void KGrGame::showFigurePositions()
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) {
+ hero->showState('p');
+ for (enemy=enemies.first();enemy != 0; enemy = {
+ enemy->showState('p');
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::showHeroState()
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) {
+ hero->showState('s');
+ }
+void KGrGame::showEnemyState(int enemyId)
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) {
+ for (enemy=enemies.first();enemy != 0; enemy = {
+ if (enemy->enemyId == enemyId) enemy->showState('s');
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::showObjectState()
+ QPoint p;
+ int i, j;
+ KGrObject * myObject;
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) {
+ p = view->getMousePos ();
+ i = p.x(); j = p.y();
+ myObject = playfield[i][j];
+ switch (myObject->whatIam()) {
+ case BRICK:
+ case HOLE:
+ case USEDHOLE:
+ ((KGrBrick *)myObject)->showState(i, j); break;
+ default: myObject->showState(i, j); break;
+ }
+ }
+void KGrGame::bugFix()
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) { // Toggle a bug fix on/off dynamically.
+ KGrObject::bugFixed = (KGrObject::bugFixed) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ printf ("%s", (KGrObject::bugFixed) ? "\n" : "");
+ printf (">>> Bug fix is %s\n", (KGrObject::bugFixed) ? "ON" : "OFF\n");
+ }
+void KGrGame::startLogging()
+ if (KGrObject::frozen) { // Toggle logging on/off dynamically.
+ KGrObject::logging = (KGrObject::logging) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ printf ("%s", (KGrObject::logging) ? "\n" : "");
+ printf (">>> Logging is %s\n", (KGrObject::logging) ? "ON" : "OFF\n");
+ }
+void KGrGame::setEditObj (char newEditObj)
+ editObj = newEditObj;
+void KGrGame::createLevel()
+ int i, j;
+ if (! saveOK (FALSE)) { // Check unsaved work.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! ownerOK (USER)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Create Level"),
+ i18n("You cannot create and save a level "
+ "until you have created a game to hold "
+ "it. Try menu item \"Create Game\"."));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ignore player input from keyboard or mouse while the screen is set up.
+ loading = TRUE;
+ level = 0;
+ initEdit();
+ levelName = "";
+ levelHint = "";
+ // Clear the playfield.
+ editObj = FREE;
+ for (i = 1; i <= FIELDWIDTH; i++)
+ for (j = 1; j <= FIELDHEIGHT; j++) {
+ insertEditObj (i, j);
+ editObjArray[i][j] = editObj;
+ }
+ editObj = HERO;
+ insertEditObj (1, 1);
+ editObjArray[1][1] = editObj;
+ editObj = BRICK;
+ showEditLevel();
+ for (j = 1; j <= FIELDHEIGHT; j++)
+ for (i = 1; i <= FIELDWIDTH; i++) {
+ lastSaveArray[i][j] = editObjArray[i][j]; // Copy for "saveOK()".
+ }
+ // Re-enable player input.
+ loading = FALSE;
+ view->updateCanvas(); // Show the edit area.
+ view->update(); // Show the level name.
+void KGrGame::updateLevel()
+ if (! saveOK (FALSE)) { // Check unsaved work.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! ownerOK (USER)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Edit Level"),
+ i18n("You cannot edit and save a level until you "
+ "have created a game and a level. Try menu item \"Create Game\"."));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (level < 0) level = 0;
+ int lev = selectLevel (SL_UPDATE, level);
+ if (lev == 0)
+ return;
+ if (owner == SYSTEM) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Edit Level"),
+ i18n("It is OK to edit a system level, but you MUST save "
+ "the level in one of your own games. You're not just "
+ "taking a peek at the hidden ladders "
+ "and fall-through bricks, are you? :-)"));
+ }
+ loadEditLevel (lev);
+void KGrGame::updateNext()
+ if (! saveOK (FALSE)) { // Check unsaved work.
+ return;
+ }
+ level++;
+ updateLevel();
+void KGrGame::loadEditLevel (int lev)
+ int i, j;
+ QFile levelFile;
+ if (! openLevelFile (lev, levelFile))
+ return;
+ // Ignore player input from keyboard or mouse while the screen is set up.
+ loading = TRUE;
+ level = lev;
+ initEdit();
+ // Load the level.
+ for (j = 1; j <= FIELDHEIGHT; j++)
+ for (i = 1; i <= FIELDWIDTH; i++) {
+ editObj = levelFile.getch ();
+ insertEditObj (i, j);
+ editObjArray[i][j] = editObj;
+ lastSaveArray[i][j] = editObjArray[i][j]; // Copy for "saveOK()".
+ }
+ // Read a newline character, then read in the level name and hint (if any).
+ int c = levelFile.getch();
+ QCString levelHintC = "";
+ QCString levelNameC = "";
+ levelHint = "";
+ levelName = "";
+ i = 1;
+ while ((c = levelFile.getch()) != EOF) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1: if (c == '\n') // Level name is on one line.
+ i = 2;
+ else
+ levelNameC += (char) c;
+ break;
+ case 2: levelHintC += (char) c; // Hint is on rest of file.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Retain the original language of the name and hint when editing,
+ // but remove the final \n and convert non-ASCII, UTF-8 substrings
+ // to Unicode (eg. ü to ü).
+ int len = levelHintC.length();
+ if (len > 0)
+ levelHint = QString::fromUtf8((const char *) levelHintC.left(len-1));
+ len = levelNameC.length();
+ if (len > 0)
+ levelName = QString::fromUtf8((const char *) levelNameC);
+ editObj = BRICK; // Reset default object.
+ levelFile.close ();
+ view->setTitle (getTitle()); // Show the level name.
+ view->updateCanvas(); // Show the edit area.
+ showEditLevel(); // Reconnect signals.
+ // Re-enable player input.
+ loading = FALSE;
+void KGrGame::editNameAndHint()
+ if (! editMode)
+ return;
+ // Run a dialog box to create/edit the level name and hint.
+ KGrNHDialog * nh = new KGrNHDialog (levelName, levelHint, view, "NHDialog");
+ if (nh->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ levelName = nh->getName();
+ levelHint = nh->getHint();
+ shouldSave = TRUE;
+ }
+ delete nh;
+bool KGrGame::saveLevelFile()
+ bool isNew;
+ int action;
+ int selectedLevel = level;
+ int i, j;
+ QString filePath;
+ if (! editMode) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Level"),
+ i18n("Inappropriate action: you are not editing a level."));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ // Save the current collection index.
+ int N = collnIndex;
+ if (selectedLevel == 0) {
+ // New level: choose a number.
+ action = SL_CREATE;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Existing level: confirm the number or choose a new number.
+ action = SL_SAVE;
+ }
+ // Pop up dialog box, which could change the collection or level or both.
+ selectedLevel = selectLevel (action, selectedLevel);
+ if (selectedLevel == 0)
+ return (FALSE);
+ // Get the new collection (if changed).
+ int n = collnIndex;
+ // Set the name of the output file.
+ filePath = getFilePath (owner, collection, selectedLevel);
+ QFile levelFile (filePath);
+ if ((action == SL_SAVE) && (n == N) && (selectedLevel == level)) {
+ // This is a normal edit: the old file is to be re-written.
+ isNew = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ isNew = TRUE;
+ // Check if the file is to be inserted in or appended to the collection.
+ if (levelFile.exists()) {
+ switch (KGrMessage::warning (view, i18n("Save Level"),
+ i18n("Do you want to insert a level and "
+ "move existing levels up by one?"),
+ i18n("&Insert Level"), i18n("&Cancel"))) {
+ case 0: if (! reNumberLevels (n, selectedLevel,
+>nLevels, +1)) {
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: return (FALSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Open the output file.
+ if (! (IO_WriteOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Level"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for output.").arg(filePath));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ // Save the level.
+ for (j = 1; j < 21; j++)
+ for (i = 1; i < 29; i++) {
+ levelFile.putch (editObjArray[i][j]);
+ lastSaveArray[i][j] = editObjArray[i][j]; // Copy for "saveOK()".
+ }
+ levelFile.putch ('\n');
+ // Save the level name, changing non-ASCII chars to UTF-8 (eg. ü to ü).
+ QCString levelNameC = levelName.utf8();
+ int len1 = levelNameC.length();
+ if (len1 > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < len1; i++)
+ levelFile.putch (levelNameC[i]);
+ levelFile.putch ('\n'); // Add a newline.
+ }
+ // Save the level hint, changing non-ASCII chars to UTF-8 (eg. ü to ü).
+ QCString levelHintC = levelHint.utf8();
+ int len2 = levelHintC.length();
+ char ch = '\0';
+ if (len2 > 0) {
+ if (len1 <= 0)
+ levelFile.putch ('\n'); // Leave blank line for name.
+ for (i = 0; i < len2; i++) {
+ ch = levelHintC[i];
+ levelFile.putch (ch); // Copy the character.
+ }
+ if (ch != '\n')
+ levelFile.putch ('\n'); // Add a newline character.
+ }
+ levelFile.close ();
+ shouldSave = FALSE;
+ if (isNew) {
+ saveCollections (owner);
+ }
+ level = selectedLevel;
+ emit showLevel (level);
+ view->setTitle (getTitle()); // Display new title.
+ view->updateCanvas(); // Show the edit area.
+ return (TRUE);
+void KGrGame::moveLevelFile ()
+ if (level <= 0) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Move Level"),
+ i18n("You must first load a level to be moved. Use "
+ "the %1 or %2 menu.")
+ .arg("\"" + i18n("Game") + "\"")
+ .arg("\"" + i18n("Editor") + "\""));
+ return;
+ }
+ int action = SL_MOVE;
+ int fromC = collnIndex;
+ int fromL = level;
+ int toC = fromC;
+ int toL = fromL;
+ if (! ownerOK (USER)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Move Level"),
+ i18n("You cannot move a level until you "
+ "have created a game and at least two levels. Try "
+ "menu item \"Create Game\"."));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (>owner != USER) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Move Level"),
+ i18n("Sorry, you cannot move a system level."));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pop up dialog box to get the collection and level number to move to.
+ while ((toC == fromC) && (toL == fromL)) {
+ toL = selectLevel (action, toL);
+ if (toL == 0)
+ return;
+ toC = collnIndex;
+ if ((toC == fromC) && (toL == fromL)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Move Level"),
+ i18n("You must change the level or the game or both."));
+ }
+ }
+ QDir dir;
+ QString filePath1;
+ QString filePath2;
+ // Save the "fromN" file under a temporary name.
+ filePath1 = getFilePath (USER,, fromL);
+ filePath2 = filePath1;
+ filePath2 = filePath2.append (".tmp");
+ dir.rename (filePath1, filePath2, TRUE);
+ if (toC == fromC) { // Same collection.
+ if (toL < fromL) { // Decrease level.
+ // Move "toL" to "fromL - 1" up by 1.
+ if (! reNumberLevels (toC, toL, fromL-1, +1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // Increase level.
+ // Move "fromL + 1" to "toL" down by 1.
+ if (! reNumberLevels (toC, fromL+1, toL, -1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { // Different collection.
+ // In "fromC", move "fromL + 1" to "nLevels" down and update "nLevels".
+ if (! reNumberLevels (fromC, fromL + 1,
+>nLevels, -1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // In "toC", move "toL + 1" to "nLevels" up and update "nLevels".
+ if (! reNumberLevels (toC, toL,>nLevels, +1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ saveCollections (USER);
+ }
+ // Rename the saved "fromL" file to become "toL".
+ filePath1 = getFilePath (USER,, toL);
+ dir.rename (filePath2, filePath1, TRUE);
+ level = toL;
+ collection =;
+ view->setTitle (getTitle()); // Re-write title.
+ view->updateCanvas(); // Re-display details of level.
+ emit showLevel (level);
+void KGrGame::deleteLevelFile ()
+ int action = SL_DELETE;
+ int lev = level;
+ if (! ownerOK (USER)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Delete Level"),
+ i18n("You cannot delete a level until you "
+ "have created a game and a level. Try "
+ "menu item \"Create Game\"."));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pop up dialog box to get the collection and level number.
+ lev = selectLevel (action, level);
+ if (lev == 0)
+ return;
+ QString filePath;
+ // Set the name of the file to be deleted.
+ int n = collnIndex;
+ filePath = getFilePath (USER,, lev);
+ QFile levelFile (filePath);
+ // Delete the file for the selected collection and level.
+ if (levelFile.exists()) {
+ if (lev <>nLevels) {
+ switch (KGrMessage::warning (view, i18n("Delete Level"),
+ i18n("Do you want to delete a level and "
+ "move higher levels down by one?"),
+ i18n("&Delete Level"), i18n("&Cancel"))) {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 1: return; break;
+ }
+ levelFile.remove ();
+ if (! reNumberLevels (n, lev + 1,>nLevels, -1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ levelFile.remove ();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Delete Level"),
+ i18n("Cannot find file '%1' to be deleted.").arg(filePath));
+ return;
+ }
+ saveCollections (USER);
+ if (lev <=>nLevels) {
+ level = lev;
+ }
+ else {
+ level =>nLevels;
+ }
+ // Repaint the screen with the level that now has the selected number.
+ if (editMode && (level > 0)) {
+ loadEditLevel (level); // Load level in edit mode.
+ }
+ else if (level > 0) {
+ enemyCount = 0; // Load level in play mode.
+ enemies.clear();
+ view->deleteEnemySprites();
+ newLevel = TRUE;;
+ loadLevel (level);
+ newLevel = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ createLevel(); // No levels left in collection.
+ }
+ emit showLevel (level);
+void KGrGame::editCollection (int action)
+ int lev = level;
+ int n = -1;
+ // If editing, choose a collection.
+ if (action == SL_UPD_GAME) {
+ lev = selectLevel (SL_UPD_GAME, level);
+ if (lev == 0)
+ return;
+ level = lev;
+ n = collnIndex;
+ }
+ KGrECDialog * ec = new KGrECDialog (action, n, collections,
+ view, "editGameDialog");
+ while (ec->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // Loop until valid.
+ // Validate the collection details.
+ QString ecName = ec->getName();
+ int len = ecName.length();
+ if (len == 0) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("You must enter a name for the game."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ QString ecPrefix = ec->getPrefix();
+ if ((action == SL_CR_GAME) || (>nLevels <= 0)) {
+ // The filename prefix could have been entered, so validate it.
+ len = ecPrefix.length();
+ if (len == 0) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("You must enter a filename prefix for the game."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (len > 5) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("The filename prefix should not "
+ "be more than 5 characters."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool allAlpha = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (! isalpha(ecPrefix.myChar(i))) {
+ allAlpha = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! allAlpha) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("The filename prefix should be "
+ "all alphabetic characters."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool duplicatePrefix = FALSE;
+ KGrCollection * c;
+ int imax = collections.count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
+ c =;
+ if ((c->prefix == ecPrefix) && (i != n)) {
+ duplicatePrefix = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (duplicatePrefix) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("The filename prefix '%1' is already in use.")
+ .arg(ecPrefix));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Save the collection details.
+ char settings = 'K';
+ if (ec->isTrad()) {
+ settings = 'T';
+ }
+ if (action == SL_CR_GAME) {
+ collections.append (new KGrCollection (USER,
+ ecName, ecPrefix, settings, 0, ec->getAboutText()));
+ }
+ else {
+ collection->name = ecName;
+ collection->prefix = ecPrefix;
+ collection->settings = settings;
+ collection->about = ec->getAboutText();
+ }
+ saveCollections (USER);
+ break; // All done now.
+ }
+ delete ec;
+/********************* SUPPORTING GAME EDITOR FUNCTIONS *********************/
+bool KGrGame::saveOK (bool exiting)
+ int i, j;
+ bool result;
+ QString option2 = i18n("&Go on editing");
+ result = TRUE;
+ if (editMode) {
+ if (exiting) { // If window is closing,
+ option2 = ""; // can't go on editing.
+ }
+ for (j = 1; j <= FIELDHEIGHT; j++)
+ for (i = 1; i <= FIELDWIDTH; i++) { // Check cell changes.
+ if ((shouldSave) || (editObjArray[i][j] != lastSaveArray[i][j])) {
+ // If shouldSave == TRUE, level name or hint was edited.
+ switch (KGrMessage::warning (view, i18n("Editor"),
+ i18n("You have not saved your work. Do "
+ "you want to save it now?"),
+ i18n("&Save"), i18n("&Don't Save"), option2)) {
+ case 0: result = saveLevelFile(); break;// Save and continue.
+ case 1: shouldSave = FALSE; break; // Continue: don't save.
+ case 2: result = FALSE; break; // Go back to editing.
+ }
+ return (result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (result);
+void KGrGame::initEdit()
+ if (! editMode) {
+ editMode = TRUE;
+ emit setEditMenu (TRUE); // Enable edit menu items and toolbar.
+ // We were previously in play mode: stop the hero running or falling.
+ hero->init (1, 1);
+ view->setHeroVisible (FALSE);
+ }
+ paintEditObj = FALSE;
+ // Set the default object and button.
+ editObj = BRICK;
+ emit defaultEditObj(); // Set default edit-toolbar button.
+ oldI = 0;
+ oldJ = 0;
+ heroCount = 0;
+ enemyCount = 0;
+ enemies.clear();
+ view->deleteEnemySprites();
+ nuggets = 0;
+ emit showLevel (level);
+ emit showLives (0);
+ emit showScore (0);
+ deleteLevel();
+ setBlankLevel(FALSE); // Fill playfield with Editable objects.
+ view->setTitle (getTitle());// Show title of level.
+ view->updateCanvas(); // Show the edit area.
+ shouldSave = FALSE; // Used to flag editing of name or hint.
+void KGrGame::deleteLevel()
+ int i,j;
+ for (i = 1; i <= FIELDHEIGHT; i++)
+ for (j = 1; j <= FIELDWIDTH; j++)
+ delete playfield[j][i];
+void KGrGame::insertEditObj (int i, int j)
+ if ((i < 1) || (j < 1) || (i > FIELDWIDTH) || (j > FIELDHEIGHT))
+ return; // Do nothing: mouse pointer is out of playfield.
+ if (editObjArray[i][j] == HERO) {
+ // The hero is in this cell: remove him.
+ editObjArray[i][j] = FREE;
+ heroCount = 0;
+ }
+ if (editObj == HERO) {
+ if (heroCount != 0) {
+ // Can only have one hero: remove him from his previous position.
+ for (int m = 1; m <= FIELDWIDTH; m++)
+ for (int n = 1; n <= FIELDHEIGHT; n++) {
+ if (editObjArray[m][n] == HERO) {
+ setEditableCell (m, n, FREE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ heroCount = 1;
+ }
+ setEditableCell (i, j, editObj);
+void KGrGame::setEditableCell (int i, int j, char type)
+ ((KGrEditable *) playfield[i][j])->setType (type);
+ view->paintCell (i, j, type);
+ editObjArray[i][j] = type;
+void KGrGame::showEditLevel()
+ // Disconnect play-mode slots from signals from "view".
+ disconnect (view, SIGNAL(mouseClick(int)), 0, 0);
+ disconnect (view, SIGNAL(mouseLetGo(int)), 0, 0);
+ // Connect edit-mode slots to signals from "view".
+ connect (view, SIGNAL(mouseClick(int)), SLOT(doEdit(int)));
+ connect (view, SIGNAL(mouseLetGo(int)), SLOT(endEdit(int)));
+bool KGrGame::reNumberLevels (int cIndex, int first, int last, int inc)
+ int i, n, step;
+ QDir dir;
+ QString file1, file2;
+ if (inc > 0) {
+ i = last;
+ n = first - 1;
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ i = first;
+ n = last + 1;
+ step = +1;
+ }
+ while (i != n) {
+ file1 = getFilePath (USER,, i);
+ file2 = getFilePath (USER,, i - step);
+ if (! dir.rename (file1, file2, TRUE)) { // Allow absolute paths.
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Level"),
+ i18n("Cannot rename file '%1' to '%2'.")
+ .arg(file1).arg(file2));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ i = i + step;
+ }
+ return (TRUE);
+void KGrGame::setLevel (int lev)
+ level = lev;
+ return;
+/********************* EDIT ACTION SLOTS **********************************/
+void KGrGame::doEdit (int button)
+ // Mouse button down: start making changes.
+ QPoint p;
+ int i, j;
+ p = view->getMousePos ();
+ i = p.x(); j = p.y();
+ switch (button) {
+ case LeftButton:
+ case RightButton:
+ paintEditObj = TRUE;
+ insertEditObj (i, j);
+ view->updateCanvas();
+ oldI = i;
+ oldJ = j;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void KGrGame::endEdit (int button)
+ // Mouse button released: finish making changes.
+ QPoint p;
+ int i, j;
+ p = view->getMousePos ();
+ i = p.x(); j = p.y();
+ switch (button) {
+ case LeftButton:
+ case RightButton:
+ paintEditObj = FALSE;
+ if ((i != oldI) || (j != oldJ)) {
+ insertEditObj (i, j);
+ view->updateCanvas();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/********************** LEVEL SELECTION DIALOG BOX **********************/
+int KGrGame::selectLevel (int action, int requestedLevel)
+ int selectedLevel = 0; // 0 = no selection (Cancel) or invalid.
+ // Halt the game during the dialog.
+ modalFreeze = FALSE;
+ if (! KGrObject::frozen) {
+ modalFreeze = TRUE;
+ freeze();
+ }
+ // Create and run a modal dialog box to select a game and level.
+ KGrSLDialog * sl = new KGrSLDialog (action, requestedLevel, collnIndex,
+ collections, this, view, "levelDialog");
+ while (sl->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ selectedGame = sl->selectedGame();
+ selectedLevel = 0; // In case the selection is invalid.
+ if (>owner == SYSTEM) {
+ switch (action) {
+ case SL_CREATE: // Can save only in a USER collection.
+ case SL_SAVE:
+ case SL_MOVE:
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Select Level"),
+ i18n("Sorry, you can only save or move "
+ "into one of your own games."));
+ continue; // Re-run the dialog box.
+ break;
+ case SL_DELETE: // Can delete only in a USER collection.
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Select Level"),
+ i18n("Sorry, you can only delete a level "
+ "from one of your own games."));
+ continue; // Re-run the dialog box.
+ break;
+ case SL_UPD_GAME: // Can edit info only in a USER collection.
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Edit Game Info"),
+ i18n("Sorry, you can only edit the game "
+ "information on your own games."));
+ continue; // Re-run the dialog box.
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ selectedLevel = sl->selectedLevel();
+ if ((selectedLevel > (selectedGame)->nLevels) &&
+ (action != SL_CREATE) && (action != SL_SAVE) &&
+ (action != SL_MOVE) && (action != SL_UPD_GAME)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Select Level"),
+ i18n("There is no level %1 in %2, "
+ "so you cannot play or edit it.")
+ .arg(selectedLevel)
+ .arg("\"" +>name + "\""));
+ selectedLevel = 0; // Set an invalid selection.
+ continue; // Re-run the dialog box.
+ }
+ // If "OK", set the results.
+ collection = (selectedGame);
+ owner = collection->owner;
+ collnIndex = selectedGame;
+ // Set default rules for selected game.
+ emit markRuleType (collection->settings);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Unfreeze the game, but only if it was previously unfrozen.
+ if (modalFreeze) {
+ unfreeze();
+ modalFreeze = FALSE;
+ }
+ delete sl;
+ return (selectedLevel); // 0 = cancelled or invalid.
+bool KGrGame::ownerOK (Owner o)
+ // Check that this owner has at least one collection.
+ KGrCollection * c;
+ bool OK = FALSE;
+ for (c = collections.first(); c != 0; c = {
+ if (c->owner == o) {
+ OK = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (OK);
+/********************** CLASS TO DISPLAY THUMBNAIL ***********************/
+KGrThumbNail::KGrThumbNail (QWidget * parent, const char * name)
+ : QFrame (parent, name)
+ // Let the parent do all the work. We need a class here so that
+ // QFrame::drawContents (QPainter *) can be re-implemented and
+ // the thumbnail can be automatically re-painted when required.
+QColor KGrThumbNail::backgroundColor = QColor ("#dddddd");
+QColor KGrThumbNail::brickColor = QColor ("#ff0000");
+QColor KGrThumbNail::ladderColor = QColor ("#ddcc00");
+QColor KGrThumbNail::poleColor = QColor ("#aa7700");
+void KGrThumbNail::setFilePath (QString & fp, QLabel * sln)
+ filePath = fp; // Keep safe copies of file
+ lName = sln; // path and level name field.
+void KGrThumbNail::drawContents (QPainter * p) // Activated via "paintEvent".
+ QFile openFile;
+ QPen pen = p->pen();
+ char obj = FREE;
+ int fw = 1; // Set frame width.
+ int n = width() / FIELDWIDTH; // Set thumbnail cell-size.
+ pen.setColor (backgroundColor);
+ p->setPen (pen);
+ openFile.setName (filePath);
+ if ((! openFile.exists()) || (! (IO_ReadOnly))) {
+ // There is no file, so fill the thumbnail with "FREE" cells.
+ p->drawRect (QRect(fw, fw, FIELDWIDTH*n, FIELDHEIGHT*n));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < FIELDHEIGHT; j++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < FIELDWIDTH; i++) {
+ obj = openFile.getch();
+ // Set the colour of each object.
+ switch (obj) {
+ case BRICK:
+ case BETON:
+ case FBRICK:
+ pen.setColor (brickColor); p->setPen (pen); break;
+ case LADDER:
+ pen.setColor (ladderColor); p->setPen (pen); break;
+ case POLE:
+ pen.setColor (poleColor); p->setPen (pen); break;
+ case HERO:
+ pen.setColor (green); p->setPen (pen); break;
+ case ENEMY:
+ pen.setColor (blue); p->setPen (pen); break;
+ default:
+ // Set the background for FREE, HLADDER and NUGGET.
+ pen.setColor (backgroundColor); p->setPen (pen); break;
+ }
+ // Draw nxn pixels as n lines of length n.
+ p->drawLine (i*n+fw, j*n+fw, i*n+(n-1)+fw, j*n+fw);
+ if (obj == POLE) {
+ // For a pole, only the top line is drawn in white.
+ pen.setColor (backgroundColor);
+ p->setPen (pen);
+ }
+ for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) {
+ p->drawLine (i*n+fw, j*n+k+fw, i*n+(n-1)+fw, j*n+k+fw);
+ }
+ // For a nugget, add just a vertical touch of yellow (2-3 pixels).
+ if (obj == NUGGET) {
+ int k = (n/2)+fw;
+ // pen.setColor (QColor("#ffff00"));
+ pen.setColor (ladderColor);
+ p->setPen (pen);
+ p->drawLine (i*n+k, j*n+k, i*n+k, j*n+(n-1)+fw);
+ p->drawLine (i*n+k+1, j*n+k, i*n+k+1, j*n+(n-1)+fw);
+ }
+ }
+ // Absorb a newline character, then read in the level name (if any).
+ int c = openFile.getch();
+ QCString s = "";
+ while ((c = openFile.getch()) != EOF) {
+ if (c == '\n') // Level name is on one line.
+ break;
+ s += (char) c;
+ }
+ if (s.length() > 0) // If there is a name, translate it.
+ lName->setText (i18n((const char *) s));
+ else
+ lName->setText ("");
+ openFile.close();
+/************************* COLLECTIONS HANDLING ***************************/
+// NOTE: Macros "myStr" and "myChar", defined in "kgrgame.h", are used
+// to smooth out differences between Qt 1 and Qt2 QString classes.
+bool KGrGame::initCollections ()
+ // Initialise the list of collections of levels (i.e. the list of games).
+ collections.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ owner = SYSTEM; // Use system levels initially.
+ if (! loadCollections (SYSTEM)) // Load system collections list.
+ return (FALSE); // If no collections, abort.
+ loadCollections (USER); // Load user collections list.
+ // If none, don't worry.
+ mapCollections(); // Check ".grl" file integrity.
+ // Set the default collection (first one in the SYSTEM "games.dat" file).
+ collnIndex = 0;
+ collection = (collnIndex);
+ level = 1; // Default start is at level 1.
+ return (TRUE);
+void KGrGame::mapCollections()
+ QDir d;
+ KGrCollection * colln;
+ QString d_path;
+ QString fileName1;
+ QString fileName2;
+ // Find KGoldrunner level files, sorted by name (same as numerical order).
+ for (colln = collections.first(); colln != 0; colln = {
+ d.setPath ((colln->owner == SYSTEM) ? systemDataDir + "levels/"
+ : userDataDir + "levels/");
+ d_path = d.path();
+ if (! d.exists()) {
+ // There is no "levels" sub-directory: OK if game has no levels yet.
+ if (colln->nLevels > 0) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Check Games & Levels"),
+ i18n("There is no folder '%1' to hold levels for"
+ " the '%2' game. Please make sure '%3' "
+ "has been run in the '%4' folder.")
+ .arg(d_path)
+ .arg(colln->name)
+ .arg("tar xf levels.tar")
+ .arg(systemDataDir));
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ const QFileInfoList * files = d.entryInfoList
+ (colln->prefix + "???.grl", QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
+ QFileInfoListIterator i (* files);
+ QFileInfo * file;
+ if ((files->count() <= 0) && (colln->nLevels > 0)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Check Games & Levels"),
+ i18n("There are no files '%1/%2???.grl' for the %3 game.")
+ .arg(d_path)
+ .arg(colln->prefix)
+ .arg("\"" + colln->name + "\""));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the prefix is "level", the first file is the "ENDE" screen.
+ int lev = (colln->prefix == "level") ? 0 : 1;
+ while ((file = i.current())) {
+ // Get the name of the file found on disk.
+ fileName1 = file->fileName();
+ while (TRUE) {
+ // Work out what the file name should be, based on the level no.
+ fileName2.setNum (lev); // Convert to QString.
+ fileName2 = fileName2.rightJustify (3,'0'); // Add zeros.
+ fileName2.append (".grl"); // Add level-suffix.
+ fileName2.prepend (colln->prefix); // Add colln. prefix.
+ if (lev > colln->nLevels) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view,
+ i18n("Check Games & Levels"),
+ i18n("File '%1' is beyond the highest level for "
+ "the %2 game and cannot be played.")
+ .arg(fileName1)
+ .arg("\"" + colln->name + "\""));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (fileName1 == fileName2) {
+ lev++;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (fileName1.myStr() < fileName2.myStr()) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view,
+ i18n("Check Games & Levels"),
+ i18n("File '%1' is before the lowest level for "
+ "the %2 game and cannot be played.")
+ .arg(fileName1)
+ .arg("\"" + colln->name + "\""));
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ KGrMessage::information (view,
+ i18n("Check Games & Levels"),
+ i18n("Cannot find file '%1' for the %2 game.")
+ .arg(fileName2)
+ .arg("\"" + colln->name + "\""));
+ lev++;
+ }
+ }
+ ++i; // Go to next file info entry.
+ }
+ }
+bool KGrGame::loadCollections (Owner o)
+ QString filePath;
+ filePath = ((o == SYSTEM)? systemDataDir : userDataDir) + "games.dat";
+ QFile c (filePath);
+ if (! c.exists()) {
+ // If the user has not yet created a collection, don't worry.
+ if (o == SYSTEM) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Game Info"),
+ i18n("Cannot find game info file '%1'.")
+ .arg(filePath));
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ if (! (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Game Info"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for read-only.").arg(filePath));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ QCString line = "";
+ QCString name = "";
+ QString prefix = "";
+ char settings = ' ';
+ int nLevels = -1;
+ int ch = 0;
+ while (ch >= 0) {
+ ch = c.getch();
+ if (((char) ch != '\n') && (ch >= 0)) {
+ // If not end-of-line and not end-of-file, add to the line.
+ if (ch == '\r') {line += '\n';}
+ else if (ch == '\\') {ch = c.getch(); line += '\n';}
+ else {line += (char) ch;}
+ }
+ else {
+ // If first character is a digit, we have a new collection.
+ if (isdigit(line[0])) {
+ if (nLevels >= 0) {
+ // If previous collection with no "about" exists, load it.
+ collections.append (new KGrCollection
+ (o, name, prefix, settings, nLevels, ""));
+ name = ""; prefix = ""; settings = ' '; nLevels = -1;
+ }
+ // Decode the first (maybe the only) line in the new collection.
+ line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+ int i, j, len;
+ len = line.length();
+ i = 0; j = line.find(' ',i); nLevels = line.left(j).toInt();
+ i = j+1; j = line.find(' ',i); settings = line[i];
+ i = j+1; j = line.find(' ',i); prefix = line.mid(i,j-i);
+ i = j+1; name = line.right(len-i);
+ }
+ // If first character is not a digit, the line should be an "about".
+ else if (nLevels >= 0) {
+ collections.append (new KGrCollection
+ (o, i18n((const char *) name), // Translate now.
+ prefix, settings, nLevels,
+ QString::fromUtf8((const char *) line)));
+ name = ""; prefix = ""; settings = ' '; nLevels = -1;
+ }
+ else if (ch >= 0) {
+ // Not EOF: it's an empty line or out-of-context "about" line.
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Load Game Info"),
+ i18n("Format error in game info file '%1'.")
+ .arg(filePath));
+ c.close();
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ line = "";
+ }
+ }
+ c.close();
+ return (TRUE);
+bool KGrGame::saveCollections (Owner o)
+ QString filePath;
+ if (o != USER) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("You can only modify user games."));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ filePath = ((o == SYSTEM)? systemDataDir : userDataDir) + "games.dat";
+ QFile c (filePath);
+ // Open the output file.
+ if (! (IO_WriteOnly)) {
+ KGrMessage::information (view, i18n("Save Game Info"),
+ i18n("Cannot open file '%1' for output.").arg(filePath));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ // Save the collections.
+ KGrCollection * colln;
+ QCString line;
+ int i, len;
+ char ch;
+ for (colln = collections.first(); colln != 0; colln = {
+ if (colln->owner == o) {
+ line.sprintf ("%03d %c %s %s\n", colln->nLevels, colln->settings,
+ colln->prefix.myStr(),
+ (const char *) colln->name.utf8());
+ len = line.length();
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ c.putch (line[i]);
+ len = colln->about.length();
+ if (len > 0) {
+ QCString aboutC = colln->about.utf8();
+ len = aboutC.length(); // Might be longer now.
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ ch = aboutC[i];
+ if (ch != '\n') {
+ c.putch (ch); // Copy the character.
+ }
+ else {
+ c.putch ('\\'); // Change newline to \ and n.
+ c.putch ('n');
+ }
+ }
+ c.putch ('\n'); // Add a real newline.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c.close();
+ return (TRUE);
+/********************** WORD-WRAPPED MESSAGE BOX ************************/
+void KGrGame::myMessage (QWidget * parent, QString title, QString contents)
+ // Halt the game while the message is displayed.
+ setMessageFreeze (TRUE);
+ KGrMessage::wrapped (parent, title, contents);
+ // Unfreeze the game, but only if it was previously unfrozen.
+ setMessageFreeze (FALSE);
+/*********************** COLLECTION DATA CLASS **************************/
+KGrCollection::KGrCollection (Owner o, const QString & n, const QString & p,
+ const char s, int nl, const QString & a)
+ // Holds information about a collection of KGoldrunner levels (i.e. a game).
+ owner = o; name = n; prefix = p; settings = s; nLevels = nl; about = a;
+#include "kgrgame.moc"