path: root/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/column.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/column.cpp')
1 files changed, 1533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/column.cpp b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/column.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d191c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/column.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1533 @@
+// column.cpp --
+// $Id$
+// This is part of Metakit, the homepage is
+/** @file
+ * Implements c4_Column, c4_ColOfInts, and c4_ColIter
+ */
+#include "header.h"
+#include "column.h"
+#include "persist.h"
+#if !q4_INLINE
+#include "column.inl"
+ // in case we have no library memmove, or one that can't handle overlap
+ void f4_memmove (void* to_, const void* from_, int n_)
+ {
+ char* to = (char*) to_;
+ const char* from = (const char*) from_;
+ if (to + n_ <= from || from + n_ <= to)
+ memcpy(to, from, n_);
+ else if (to < from)
+ while (--n_ >= 0)
+ *to++ = *from++;
+ else if (to > from)
+ while (--n_ >= 0)
+ to[n_] = from[n_];
+ }
+// c4_Column
+c4_Column::c4_Column (c4_Persist* persist_)
+ : _position (0), _size (0), _persist (persist_), _gap (0),
+ _slack (0), _dirty (false)
+#if q4_CHECK
+ // debugging version to verify that the internal data is consistent
+ void c4_Column::Validate() const
+ {
+ d4_assert(0 <= _slack && _slack < kSegMax);
+ if (_segments.GetSize() == 0)
+ return; // ok, not initialized
+ d4_assert(_gap <= _size);
+ int n = fSegIndex(_size + _slack);
+ d4_assert(n == _segments.GetSize() - 1);
+ t4_byte* p = (t4_byte*) _segments.GetAt(n);
+ if (fSegRest(_size + _slack) == 0)
+ d4_assert(p == 0);
+ else
+ d4_assert(p != 0);
+ while (--n >= 0) {
+ t4_byte* p = (t4_byte*) _segments.GetAt(n);
+ d4_assert(p != 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // nothing, so inline this thing to avoid even the calling overhead
+ d4_inline void c4_Column::Validate() const
+ {
+ }
+c4_Column::~c4_Column ()
+ Validate();
+ ReleaseAllSegments();
+ // this is needed to remove this column from the cache
+ d4_assert(_slack == 0);
+ FinishSlack();
+ _slack = -1; // bad value in case we try to set up again (!)
+c4_Strategy& c4_Column::Strategy() const
+ d4_assert(_persist != 0);
+ return _persist->Strategy();
+bool c4_Column::IsMapped() const
+ return _position > 1 && _persist != 0 && Strategy()._mapStart != 0;
+bool c4_Column::UsesMap(const t4_byte* ptr_) const
+ // the most common falsifying case is checked first
+ return _persist != 0 && ptr_ >= Strategy()._mapStart &&
+ Strategy()._dataSize != 0 && // added 2003-05-08, thx V DeMarco
+ ptr_ - Strategy()._mapStart < Strategy()._dataSize;
+bool c4_Column::RequiresMap() const
+ if (_persist != 0 && Strategy()._mapStart != 0)
+ for (int i = _segments.GetSize(); --i >= 0; )
+ if (UsesMap((t4_byte*) _segments.GetAt(i)))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void c4_Column::ReleaseSegment(int index_)
+ t4_byte* p = (t4_byte*) _segments.GetAt(index_);
+ if (!UsesMap(p))
+ delete [] p;
+void c4_Column::ReleaseAllSegments()
+ //for (int i = 0; i < _segments.GetSize(); ++i)
+ for (int i = _segments.GetSize(); --i >= 0; )
+ ReleaseSegment(i); // last one might be a null pointer
+ _segments.SetSize(0);
+ _gap = 0;
+ _slack = 0;
+ if (_size == 0)
+ _position = 0;
+ _dirty = false;
+ //@func Define where data is on file, or setup buffers (opt cleared).
+void c4_Column::SetLocation(t4_i32 pos_, t4_i32 size_)
+ d4_assert(size_ > 0 || pos_ == 0);
+ ReleaseAllSegments();
+ _position = pos_;
+ _size = size_;
+ // There are two position settings:
+ //
+ // 0 = raw buffer, no file access
+ // >1 = file position from where data can be loaded on demand
+ _dirty = pos_ == 0;
+void c4_Column::PullLocation(const t4_byte*& ptr_)
+ d4_assert(_segments.GetSize() == 0);
+ _size = PullValue(ptr_);
+ _position = 0;
+ if (_size > 0) {
+ _position = PullValue(ptr_);
+ if (_position > 0) {
+ d4_assert(_persist != 0);
+ _persist->OccupySpace(_position, _size);
+ }
+ }
+ _dirty = false;
+ //@func How many contiguous bytes are there at a specified position.
+int c4_Column::AvailAt(t4_i32 offset_) const
+ d4_assert(offset_ <= _size);
+ d4_assert(_gap <= _size);
+ t4_i32 limit = _gap;
+ if (offset_ >= _gap) {
+ offset_ += _slack;
+ limit = _size + _slack;
+ }
+ int count = kSegMax - fSegRest(offset_);
+ if (offset_ + count > limit)
+ count = (int) (limit - offset_);
+ // either some real data or it must be at the very end of all data
+ d4_assert(0 < count && count <= kSegMax ||
+ count == 0 && offset_ == _size + _slack);
+ return count;
+void c4_Column::SetupSegments()
+ d4_assert(_segments.GetSize() == 0);
+ d4_assert(_gap == 0);
+ d4_assert(_slack == 0);
+ // The last entry in the _segments array is either a partial block
+ // or a null pointer, so calling "fSegIndex(_size)" is always allowed.
+ int n = fSegIndex(_size) + 1;
+ _segments.SetSize(n);
+ // treat last block differently if it is a partial entry
+ int last = n;
+ if (fSegRest(_size))
+ --last; // this block is partial, size is 1 .. kSegMax-1
+ else
+ --n; // the last block is left as a null pointer
+ int id = -1;
+ if (_position < 0) { // special aside id, figure out the real position
+ d4_assert(_persist != 0);
+ id = ~_position;
+ _position = _persist->LookupAside(id);
+ d4_assert(_position >= 0);
+ }
+ if (IsMapped()) {
+ // setup for mapped files is quick, just fill in the pointers
+ d4_assert(_position > 1);
+ d4_assert(_position + (n-1) * kSegMax <= Strategy()._dataSize);
+ const t4_byte* map = Strategy()._mapStart + _position;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ _segments.SetAt(i, (t4_byte*) map); // loses const
+ map += kSegMax;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int chunk = kSegMax;
+ t4_i32 pos = _position;
+ // allocate buffers, load them if necessary
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (i == last)
+ chunk = fSegRest(_size);
+ t4_byte* p = d4_new t4_byte [chunk];
+ _segments.SetAt(i, p);
+ if (_position > 0) {
+ d4_dbgdef(int n =)
+ Strategy().DataRead(pos, p, chunk);
+ d4_assert(n == chunk);
+ pos += chunk;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (id >= 0) {
+ d4_assert(_persist != 0);
+ _persist->ApplyAside(id, *this);
+ }
+ Validate();
+ //@func Makes sure the requested data is in a modifiable buffer.
+t4_byte* c4_Column::CopyNow(t4_i32 offset_)
+ d4_assert(offset_ <= _size);
+ _dirty = true;
+ const t4_byte* ptr = LoadNow(offset_);
+ if (UsesMap(ptr)) {
+ if (offset_ >= _gap)
+ offset_ += _slack;
+ // this will only force creation of a buffer
+ ptr = CopyData(offset_, offset_, 0);
+ d4_assert(!UsesMap(ptr));
+ }
+ return (t4_byte*) ptr;
+ //@func Copies data, creating a buffer if needed. Must be in single segment.
+t4_byte* c4_Column::CopyData(t4_i32 to_, t4_i32 from_, int count_)
+ int i = fSegIndex(to_);
+ t4_byte* p = (t4_byte*) _segments.GetAt(i);
+ if (UsesMap(p)) {
+ int n = kSegMax;
+ if (fSegOffset(i) + n > _size + _slack)
+ n = (int) (_size + _slack - fSegOffset(i));
+ d4_assert(n > 0);
+ t4_byte* q = d4_new t4_byte [n];
+ memcpy(q, p, n); // some copying can be avoided, overwritten below...
+ _segments.SetAt(i, q);
+ p = q;
+ }
+ p += fSegRest(to_);
+ if (count_ > 0) {
+ d4_assert(fSegIndex(to_ + count_ - 1) == i);
+ const t4_byte* src = (const t4_byte*) _segments.GetAt(fSegIndex(from_));
+ d4_memmove(p, src + fSegRest(from_), count_);
+ }
+ return p;
+ /*
+ * Resizing a segmented vector can be a complicated operation.
+ * For now, simply making it work in all cases is the first priority.
+ *
+ * A major simplification - and good performance improvement - is caused
+ * by the trick of maintaining a "gap" in the data, which can be "moved"
+ * around to allow fast insertion as well as simple (delayed) deletion.
+ *
+ * The only complexity comes from the fact that the gap must end up being
+ * less than one full segment in size. Therefore, insertion and removal
+ * across segment boundaries needs to handle a variety of situations.
+ *
+ * Since complete segments can be inserted quickly, this approach avoids
+ * lots of copying when consecutive insertions/deletions are clustered.
+ * Even random changes move half as much (on average) as without a gap.
+ *
+ * The price is the overhead of up to one segment of empty space, and the
+ * complexity of this code (all the magic is within this c4_Column class).
+ */
+void c4_Column::MoveGapUp(t4_i32 dest_)
+ d4_assert(dest_ <= _size);
+ d4_assert(_gap < dest_);
+ d4_assert(_slack > 0);
+ // forward loop to copy contents down, in little pieces if need be
+ while (_gap < dest_) {
+ int n = kSegMax - fSegRest(_gap);
+ t4_i32 curr = _gap + n;
+ if (curr > dest_)
+ curr = dest_;
+ // copy to [_gap..curr), which is inside one segment
+ d4_assert(_gap < curr);
+ d4_assert(fSegIndex(_gap) == fSegIndex(curr - 1));
+ // copy from [_gap + _slack .. curr + _slack), of the same size
+ t4_i32 fromBeg = _gap + _slack;
+ t4_i32 fromEnd = curr + _slack;
+ while (fromBeg < fromEnd) {
+ int k = kSegMax - fSegRest(fromBeg);
+ if (fromBeg + k > fromEnd)
+ k = (int) (fromEnd - fromBeg);
+ d4_assert(k > 0);
+ CopyData(_gap, fromBeg, k);
+ _gap += k;
+ fromBeg += k;
+ }
+ _gap = curr;
+ }
+ d4_assert(_gap == dest_);
+void c4_Column::MoveGapDown(t4_i32 dest_)
+ d4_assert(dest_ <= _size);
+ d4_assert(_gap > dest_);
+ d4_assert(_slack > 0);
+ // reverse loop to copy contents up, in little pieces if need be
+ t4_i32 toEnd = _gap + _slack;
+ t4_i32 toBeg = dest_ + _slack;
+ while (toEnd > toBeg) {
+ int n = fSegRest(toEnd);
+ t4_i32 curr = toEnd - (n ? n : kSegMax);
+ if (curr < toBeg)
+ curr = toBeg;
+ // copy to [curr..toEnd), which is inside one segment
+ d4_assert(curr < toEnd);
+ d4_assert(fSegIndex(curr) == fSegIndex(toEnd - 1));
+ // copy from [fromBeg .. _gap), which has the same size
+ t4_i32 fromBeg = _gap - (toEnd - curr);
+ while (_gap > fromBeg) {
+ int k = fSegRest(_gap);
+ if (k == 0)
+ k = kSegMax;
+ if (_gap - k < fromBeg)
+ k = (int) (_gap - fromBeg);
+ d4_assert(k > 0);
+ toEnd -= k;
+ _gap -= k;
+ CopyData(toEnd, _gap, k);
+ }
+ }
+ d4_assert(_gap == dest_);
+void c4_Column::MoveGapTo(t4_i32 pos_)
+ d4_assert(pos_ <= _size);
+ if (_slack == 0) // if there is no real gap, then just move it
+ _gap = pos_;
+ else if (_gap < pos_) // move the gap up, ie. some bytes down
+ MoveGapUp(pos_);
+ else if (_gap > pos_) // move the gap down, ie. some bytes up
+ if (_gap - pos_ > _size - _gap + fSegRest(pos_)) {
+ RemoveGap(); // it's faster to get rid of the gap instead
+ _gap = pos_;
+ }
+ else // normal case, move some bytes up
+ MoveGapDown(pos_);
+ d4_assert(_gap == pos_);
+ Validate();
+void c4_Column::RemoveGap()
+ if (_slack > 0) {
+ if (_gap < _size)
+ MoveGapUp(_size);
+ d4_assert(_gap == _size); // the gap is now at the end
+ d4_assert(_slack < kSegMax);
+ // Case 1: gap is at start of segment
+ // ==================================
+ //
+ // G G+S
+ //
+ // | |
+ // :----+xx:
+ // | |
+ //
+ // i i+1 (limit)
+ //
+ // Case 2: gap is inside segment
+ // =============================
+ //
+ // G G+S
+ //
+ // | |
+ // :--+--+x:
+ // | |
+ //
+ // i i+1 (limit)
+ //
+ // Case 3: gap runs to end of segment
+ // ==================================
+ //
+ // G G+S
+ //
+ // | |
+ // :--+----:0000000:
+ // | | |
+ //
+ // i i+1 i+2 (limit)
+ //
+ // Case 4: gap is across two segments
+ // ==================================
+ //
+ // G G+S
+ //
+ // | |
+ // :--+----:-+xxxxx:
+ // | | |
+ //
+ // i i+1 i+2 (limit)
+ int i = fSegIndex(_gap);
+ int n = fSegRest(_gap);
+ if (n == 0) { // case 1
+ ReleaseSegment(i);
+ _segments.SetAt(i, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (n + _slack > kSegMax) // case 4
+ ReleaseSegment(i+1);
+ // truncate rest of segment
+ t4_byte* p = d4_new t4_byte [n];
+ memcpy(p, _segments.GetAt(i), n);
+ ReleaseSegment(i);
+ _segments.SetAt(i, p);
+ _segments.SetSize(i + 1);
+ }
+ _slack = 0;
+ }
+ Validate();
+void c4_Column::Grow(t4_i32 off_, t4_i32 diff_)
+ d4_assert(off_ <= _size);
+ d4_assert(diff_ > 0);
+ if (_segments.GetSize() == 0)
+ SetupSegments();
+ Validate();
+ _dirty = true;
+ // move the gap so it starts where we want to insert
+ MoveGapTo(off_);
+ t4_i32 bigSlack = _slack;
+ if (bigSlack < diff_) { // only do more if this isn't good enough
+ // number of segments to insert
+ int n = fSegIndex(diff_ - _slack + kSegMax - 1);
+ d4_assert(n > 0);
+ int i1 = fSegIndex(_gap);
+ int i2 = fSegIndex(_gap + _slack);
+ bool moveBack = false;
+ if (i2 > i1) // cases 3 and 4
+ ++i1;
+ else if (fSegRest(_gap)) // case 2
+ moveBack = true;
+ _segments.InsertAt(i1, 0, n);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ _segments.SetAt(i1 + i, d4_new t4_byte [(int) kSegMax]);
+ bigSlack += fSegOffset(n);
+ if (moveBack) {
+ d4_assert(i1 == fSegIndex(_gap));
+ // we have inserted too low, move bytes in front of gap back
+ CopyData(fSegOffset(i1), fSegOffset(i1 + n), fSegRest(_gap));
+ }
+ }
+ d4_assert(diff_ <= bigSlack && bigSlack < diff_ + kSegMax);
+ _gap += diff_;
+ _slack = (int) (bigSlack - diff_);
+ _size += diff_;
+ FinishSlack();
+void c4_Column::Shrink(t4_i32 off_, t4_i32 diff_)
+ d4_assert(off_ <= _size);
+ d4_assert(diff_ > 0);
+ if (_segments.GetSize() == 0)
+ SetupSegments();
+ Validate();
+ _dirty = true;
+ // the simplification here is that we have in fact simply *two*
+ // gaps and we must merge them together and end up with just one
+ if (_slack > 0) {
+ if (_gap < off_) // if too low, move the gap up
+ MoveGapTo(off_);
+ else if (off_ + diff_ < _gap) // if too high, move down to end
+ MoveGapTo(off_ + diff_);
+ // the gap is now inside, or adjacent to, the deleted area
+ d4_assert(off_ <= _gap && _gap <= off_ + diff_);
+ }
+ _gap = off_;
+ // check whether the merged gap would cross a segment boundary
+ int i1 = fSegIndex(_gap);
+ int i2 = fSegIndex(_gap + _slack + diff_);
+ // drop complete segments, not a partially filled boundary
+ if (fSegRest(_gap))
+ ++i1;
+ // moved up (was after the next if in the 1.7 May 28 build)
+ _slack += diff_;
+ _size -= diff_;
+ int n = i2 - i1;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ for (int i = i1; i < i2; ++i)
+ ReleaseSegment(i);
+ _segments.RemoveAt(i1, n);
+ // the logic in 1.7 of May 28 was warped (the assert "fix" was wrong)
+ d4_assert(_slack >= fSegOffset(n));
+ _slack -= fSegOffset(n);
+ }
+ d4_assert(0 <= _slack && _slack < 2 * kSegMax);
+ // if the gap is at the end, get rid of a partial segment after it
+ if (_gap == _size) {
+ int i = fSegIndex(_size + _slack);
+ if (i != fSegIndex(_gap)) {
+ d4_assert(i == fSegIndex(_gap) + 1);
+ d4_assert(i == _segments.GetSize() - 1);
+ ReleaseSegment(i);
+ _segments.SetAt(i, 0);
+ _slack -= fSegRest(_size + _slack);
+ d4_assert(_slack < kSegMax);
+ d4_assert(fSegRest(_gap + _slack) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // the slack may still be too large to leave as is
+ if (_slack >= kSegMax) {
+ // move the bytes just after the end of the gap one segment down
+ int x = fSegRest(_gap + _slack);
+ int r = kSegMax - x;
+ if (_gap + r > _size)
+ r = (int) (_size - _gap);
+ CopyData(_gap, _gap + _slack, r);
+ int i = fSegIndex(_gap + kSegMax - 1);
+ ReleaseSegment(i);
+ if (r + x < kSegMax)
+ _segments.SetAt(i, 0);
+ else
+ _segments.RemoveAt(i);
+ _slack -= r + x;
+ _gap += r;
+ }
+ // if we have no data anymore, make sure not to use the file map either
+ if (_size == 0 && _slack > 0)
+ CopyNow(0);
+ FinishSlack();
+void c4_Column::FinishSlack()
+ Validate();
+ // optimization: if partial end segment easily fits in slack, move it down
+ t4_i32 gapEnd = _gap + _slack;
+ if (!fSegRest(gapEnd) && gapEnd >= _size + 500) {
+ // slack is at least 500 bytes more than the partial end segment
+ // also, the gap must end exactly on a segment boundary
+ int i = fSegIndex(gapEnd);
+ d4_assert(i == _segments.GetSize() - 1);
+ int n = _size - _gap;
+ CopyData(gapEnd - n, gapEnd, n);
+ ReleaseSegment(i);
+ _segments.SetAt(i, 0);
+ _slack -= n;
+ d4_assert(_slack >= 500);
+ Validate();
+ }
+void c4_Column::SaveNow(c4_Strategy& strategy_, t4_i32 pos_)
+ if (_segments.GetSize() == 0)
+ SetupSegments();
+ // write all segments
+ c4_ColIter iter (*this, 0, _size);
+ while (iter.Next(kSegMax)) {
+ int n = iter.BufLen();
+ strategy_.DataWrite(pos_, iter.BufLoad(), n);
+ if (strategy_._failure != 0)
+ break;
+ pos_ += n;
+ }
+const t4_byte* c4_Column::FetchBytes(t4_i32 pos_, int len_, c4_Bytes& buffer_, bool forceCopy_)
+ d4_assert(len_ > 0);
+ d4_assert(pos_ + len_ <= ColSize());
+ d4_assert(0 <= _slack && _slack < kSegMax);
+ c4_ColIter iter (*this, pos_, pos_ + len_);
+ iter.Next();
+ // most common case, all bytes are inside the same segment
+ if (!forceCopy_ && iter.BufLen() == len_)
+ return iter.BufLoad();
+ t4_byte* p = buffer_.SetBuffer(len_);
+ do {
+ d4_assert(iter.BufLen() > 0);
+ memcpy(p, iter.BufLoad(), iter.BufLen());
+ p += iter.BufLen();
+ } while (iter.Next());
+ d4_assert(p == buffer_.Contents() + len_);
+ return buffer_.Contents();
+void c4_Column::StoreBytes(t4_i32 pos_, const c4_Bytes& buffer_)
+ int n = buffer_.Size();
+ if (n > 0) {
+ d4_assert(pos_ + n <= ColSize());
+ c4_ColIter iter (*this, pos_, pos_ + n);
+ const t4_byte* p = buffer_.Contents();
+ while (iter.Next(n)) {
+ d4_assert(iter.BufLen() > 0);
+ memcpy(iter.BufSave(), p, iter.BufLen());
+ p += iter.BufLen();
+ }
+ d4_assert(p == buffer_.Contents() + n);
+ }
+ /*
+ PushValue and PullValue deal with variable-sized storage of
+ one unsigned integer value of up to 32 bits. Depending on the
+ magnitude of the integer, 1..6 bytes are used to represent it.
+ Each byte holds 7 significant bits and one continuation bit.
+ This saves storage, but it is also byte order independent.
+ Negative values are stored as a zero byte plus positive value.
+ */
+t4_i32 c4_Column::PullValue(const t4_byte*& ptr_)
+ t4_i32 mask = *ptr_ ? 0 : ~0;
+ t4_i32 v = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ v = (v << 7) + *ptr_;
+ if (*ptr_++ & 0x80)
+ break;
+ }
+ return mask ^ (v - 0x80); // oops, last byte had bit 7 set
+void c4_Column::PushValue(t4_byte*& ptr_, t4_i32 v_)
+ if (v_ < 0) {
+ v_ = ~v_;
+ *ptr_++ = 0;
+ }
+ int n = 0;
+ do
+ n += 7;
+ while ((v_ >> n) && n < 32);
+ while (n) {
+ n -= 7;
+ t4_byte b = (t4_byte) ((v_ >> n) & 0x7F);
+ if (!n)
+ b |= 0x80; // set bit 7 on the last byte
+ *ptr_++ = b;
+ }
+void c4_Column::InsertData(t4_i32 index_, t4_i32 count_, bool clear_)
+ d4_assert(index_ <= ColSize());
+ if (count_ > 0) {
+ Grow(index_, count_);
+ // clear the contents, in separate chunks if necessary
+ if (clear_) {
+ c4_ColIter iter (*this, index_, index_ + count_);
+ while (iter.Next())
+ memset(iter.BufSave(), 0, iter.BufLen());
+ }
+ }
+void c4_Column::RemoveData(t4_i32 index_, t4_i32 count_)
+ d4_assert(index_ + count_ <= ColSize());
+ if (count_ > 0)
+ Shrink(index_, count_);
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_0b(int)
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = 0;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_1b(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ >> 3;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = (*LoadNow(off) >> (index_ & 7)) & 0x01;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_2b(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ >> 2;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = (*LoadNow(off) >> ((index_ & 3) << 1)) & 0x03;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_4b(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ >> 1;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = (*LoadNow(off) >> ((index_ & 1) << 2)) & 0x0F;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_8i(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = *(const signed char*) LoadNow(off);
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_16i(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 2;
+ d4_assert(off + 2 <= ColSize());
+ const t4_byte* vec = LoadNow(off);
+ _item[0] = vec[0];
+ _item[1] = vec[1];
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = *(const short*) _item;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_16r(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 2;
+ d4_assert(off + 2 <= ColSize());
+ const t4_byte* vec = LoadNow(off);
+ // 2003-02-02 - gcc 3.2.1 on linux (!) fails to compile this
+ // sign-extension trick properly, use a temp buffer instead:
+ //*(t4_i32*) _item = *(const short*) _item;
+ t4_byte temp[2];
+ temp[1] = vec[0];
+ temp[0] = vec[1];
+ *(t4_i32*) _item = *(const short*) temp;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_32i(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 4;
+ d4_assert(off + 4 <= ColSize());
+ const t4_byte* vec = LoadNow(off);
+ _item[0] = vec[0];
+ _item[1] = vec[1];
+ _item[2] = vec[2];
+ _item[3] = vec[3];
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_32r(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 4;
+ d4_assert(off + 4 <= ColSize());
+ const t4_byte* vec = LoadNow(off);
+ _item[3] = vec[0];
+ _item[2] = vec[1];
+ _item[1] = vec[2];
+ _item[0] = vec[3];
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_64i(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 8;
+ d4_assert(off + 8 <= ColSize());
+ const t4_byte* vec = LoadNow(off);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ _item[i] = vec[i];
+void c4_ColOfInts::Get_64r(int index_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 8;
+ d4_assert(off + 8 <= ColSize());
+ const t4_byte* vec = LoadNow(off);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ _item[7-i] = vec[i];
+ static int fBitsNeeded(t4_i32 v)
+ {
+ if ((v >> 4) == 0) {
+ static int bits[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4,
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
+ return bits[(int) v];
+ }
+ if (v < 0) // first flip all bits if bit 31 is set
+ v = ~ v; // ... bit 31 is now always zero
+ // then check if bits 15-31 used (32b), 7-31 used (16b), else (8b)
+ return v >> 15 ? 32 : v >> 7 ? 16 : 8;
+ }
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_0b(int, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ return v == 0;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_1b(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_i32 off = index_ >> 3;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ index_ &= 7;
+ t4_byte* p = CopyNow(off);
+ *p = (*p & ~(1 << index_)) | (((t4_byte) v & 1) << index_);
+ return (v >> 1) == 0;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_2b(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_i32 off = index_ >> 2;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ const int n = (index_ & 3) << 1;
+ t4_byte* p = CopyNow(off);
+ *p = (*p & ~(0x03 << n)) | (((t4_byte) v & 0x03) << n);
+ return (v >> 2) == 0;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_4b(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_i32 off = index_ >> 1;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ const int n = (index_ & 1) << 2;
+ t4_byte* p = CopyNow(off);
+ *p = (*p & ~(0x0F << n)) | (((t4_byte) v & 0x0F) << n);
+ return (v >> 4) == 0;
+// avoid a bug in MS EVC 3.0's code gen for ARM (i.e. WinCE)
+#ifdef _ARM_
+#pragma optimize("g",off)
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_8i(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_i32 off = index_;
+ d4_assert(off < ColSize());
+ *(char*) CopyNow(off) = (char) v;
+ return v == (signed char) v;
+#ifdef _ARM_
+#pragma optimize("",on)
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_16i(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 2;
+ d4_assert(off + 2 <= ColSize());
+ *(short*) CopyNow(off) = (short) v;
+ return v == (short) v;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_16r(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_byte buf [2];
+ *(short*) buf = (short) v;
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 2;
+ d4_assert(off + 2 <= ColSize());
+ t4_byte* vec = CopyNow(off);
+ vec[1] = buf[0];
+ vec[0] = buf[1];
+ return v == (short) v;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_32i(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 v = *(const t4_i32*) item_;
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 4;
+ d4_assert(off + 4 <= ColSize());
+ *(t4_i32*) CopyNow(off) = (t4_i32) v;
+ return true;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_32r(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 4;
+ d4_assert(off + 4 <= ColSize());
+ t4_byte* vec = CopyNow(off);
+ vec[3] = item_[0];
+ vec[2] = item_[1];
+ vec[1] = item_[2];
+ vec[0] = item_[3];
+ return true;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_64i(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 8;
+ d4_assert(off + 8 <= ColSize());
+ t4_byte* vec = CopyNow(off);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ vec[i] = item_[i];
+ return true;
+bool c4_ColOfInts::Set_64r(int index_, const t4_byte* item_)
+ t4_i32 off = index_ * (t4_i32) 8;
+ d4_assert(off + 8 <= ColSize());
+ t4_byte* vec = CopyNow(off);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ vec[7-i] = item_[i];
+ return true;
+c4_ColOfInts::c4_ColOfInts (c4_Persist* persist_, int width_)
+ : c4_Column (persist_),
+ _getter (&c4_ColOfInts::Get_0b), _setter (&c4_ColOfInts::Set_0b),
+ _currWidth (0), _dataWidth (width_), _numRows (0), _mustFlip (false)
+void c4_ColOfInts::ForceFlip()
+ _mustFlip = true;
+int c4_ColOfInts::RowCount() const
+ d4_assert(_numRows >= 0);
+ return _numRows;
+int c4_ColOfInts::CalcAccessWidth(int numRows_, t4_i32 colSize_)
+ d4_assert(numRows_ > 0);
+ int w = (int) ((colSize_ << 3) / numRows_);
+ // deduce sub-byte sizes for small vectors, see c4_ColOfInts::Set
+ if (numRows_ <= 7 && 0 < colSize_ && colSize_ <= 6) {
+ static t4_byte realWidth [][6] = {
+ // sz = 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
+ { 8, 16, 1, 32, 2, 4 }, // n = 1
+ { 4, 8, 1, 16, 2, 0 }, // n = 2
+ { 2, 4, 8, 1, 0, 16 }, // n = 3
+ { 2, 4, 0, 8, 1, 0 }, // n = 4
+ { 1, 2, 4, 0, 8, 0 }, // n = 5
+ { 1, 2, 4, 0, 0, 8 }, // n = 6
+ { 1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0 }, // n = 7
+ };
+ w = realWidth [numRows_-1] [(int) colSize_ - 1];
+ d4_assert(w > 0);
+ }
+ return (w & (w - 1)) == 0 ? w : -1;
+void c4_ColOfInts::SetRowCount(int numRows_)
+ _numRows = numRows_;
+ if (numRows_ > 0) {
+ int w = CalcAccessWidth(numRows_, ColSize());
+ d4_assert(w >= 0);
+ SetAccessWidth(w);
+ }
+void c4_ColOfInts::FlipBytes()
+ if (_currWidth > 8) {
+ int step = _currWidth >> 3;
+ c4_ColIter iter (*this, 0, ColSize());
+ while (iter.Next(step)) {
+ t4_byte* data = iter.BufSave();
+ d4_assert(data != 0);
+ for (int j = 0; j < step; ++j) {
+ t4_byte c = data[j];
+ data[j] = data[step-j-1];
+ data[step-j-1] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void c4_ColOfInts::SetAccessWidth(int bits_)
+ d4_assert((bits_ & (bits_ - 1)) == 0);
+ int l2bp1 = 0; // "log2 bits plus one" needed to represent value
+ while (bits_) {
+ ++l2bp1;
+ bits_ >>= 1;
+ }
+ d4_assert(0 <= l2bp1 && l2bp1 < 8);
+ _currWidth = (1 << l2bp1) >> 1;
+ if (l2bp1 > 4 && (_mustFlip || Persist() != 0 && Strategy()._bytesFlipped))
+ l2bp1 += 3; // switch to the trailing entries for byte flipping
+ // Metrowerks Codewarrior 11 is dumb, it requires the "&c4_ColOfInts::"
+ static tGetter gTab [] =
+ {
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_0b, // 0: 0 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_1b, // 1: 1 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_2b, // 2: 2 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_4b, // 3: 4 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_8i, // 4: 8 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_16i, // 5: 16 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_32i, // 6: 32 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_64i, // 7: 64 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_16r, // 8: 16 bits/entry, reversed
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_32r, // 9: 32 bits/entry, reversed
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Get_64r, // 10: 64 bits/entry, reversed
+ };
+ static tSetter sTab [] =
+ {
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_0b, // 0: 0 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_1b, // 1: 1 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_2b, // 2: 2 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_4b, // 3: 4 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_8i, // 4: 8 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_16i, // 5: 16 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_32i, // 6: 32 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_64i, // 7: 64 bits/entry
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_16r, // 8: 16 bits/entry, reversed
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_32r, // 9: 32 bits/entry, reversed
+ &c4_ColOfInts::Set_64r, // 10: 64 bits/entry, reversed
+ };
+ d4_assert(l2bp1 < sizeof gTab / sizeof *gTab);
+ _getter = gTab[l2bp1];
+ _setter = sTab[l2bp1];
+ d4_assert(_getter != 0 && _setter != 0);
+int c4_ColOfInts::ItemSize(int)
+ return _currWidth >= 8 ? _currWidth >> 3 : - _currWidth;
+const void* c4_ColOfInts::Get(int index_, int& length_)
+ d4_assert(sizeof _item >= _dataWidth);
+ (this->*_getter)(index_);
+ length_ = _dataWidth;
+ return _item;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Set(int index_, const c4_Bytes& buf_)
+ d4_assert(buf_.Size() == _dataWidth);
+ if ((this->*_setter)(index_, buf_.Contents()))
+ return;
+ d4_assert(buf_.Size() == sizeof (t4_i32));
+ int n = fBitsNeeded(*(const t4_i32*) buf_.Contents());
+ if (n > _currWidth) {
+ int k = RowCount();
+ t4_i32 oldEnd = ColSize();
+ t4_i32 newEnd = ((t4_i32) k * n + 7) >> 3;
+ if (newEnd > oldEnd) {
+ InsertData(oldEnd, newEnd - oldEnd, _currWidth == 0);
+ // 14-5-2002: need to get rid of gap in case it risks not being a
+ // multiple of the increased size (bug, see s46 regression test)
+ //
+ // Example scenario: gap size is odd, data gets resized to 2/4-byte
+ // ints, data at end fits without moving gap to end, then we end
+ // up with a vector that has an int split *across* the gap - this
+ // commits just fine, but access to that split int is now bad.
+ //
+ // Lesson: need stricter/simpler consistency, it's way too complex!
+ if (n > 8)
+ RemoveGap();
+ }
+ // data value exceeds width, expand to new size and repeat
+ if (_currWidth > 0) {
+ d4_assert(n % _currWidth == 0); // must be expanding by a multiple
+ // To expand, we start by inserting a new appropriate chunk
+ // at the end, and expand the entries in place (last to first).
+ tGetter oldGetter = _getter;
+ SetAccessWidth(n);
+ d4_assert(sizeof _item >= _dataWidth);
+ // this expansion in place works because it runs backwards
+ while (--k >= 0) {
+ (this->*oldGetter)(k);
+ (this->*_setter)(k, _item);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_dataWidth > (int) sizeof (t4_i32))
+ n = _dataWidth << 3; // don't trust setter result, use max instead
+ SetAccessWidth(n);
+ }
+ // now repeat the failed call to _setter
+ /* bool f = */ (this->*_setter)(index_, buf_.Contents());
+ //? d4_assert(f);
+ }
+t4_i32 c4_ColOfInts::GetInt(int index_)
+ int n;
+ const void* p = Get(index_, n);
+ d4_assert(n == sizeof (t4_i32));
+ return *(const t4_i32*) p;
+void c4_ColOfInts::SetInt(int index_, t4_i32 value_)
+ Set(index_, c4_Bytes (&value_, sizeof value_));
+int c4_ColOfInts::DoCompare(const c4_Bytes& b1_, const c4_Bytes& b2_)
+ d4_assert(b1_.Size() == sizeof (t4_i32));
+ d4_assert(b2_.Size() == sizeof (t4_i32));
+ t4_i32 v1 = *(const t4_i32*) b1_.Contents();
+ t4_i32 v2 = *(const t4_i32*) b2_.Contents();
+ return v1 == v2 ? 0 : v1 < v2 ? -1 : +1;
+void c4_ColOfInts::Insert(int index_, const c4_Bytes& buf_, int count_)
+ d4_assert(buf_.Size() == _dataWidth);
+ d4_assert(count_ > 0);
+ bool clear = true;
+ const t4_byte* ptr = buf_.Contents();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _dataWidth; ++i)
+ if (*ptr++) {
+ clear = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ ResizeData(index_, count_, clear);
+ if (!clear)
+ while (--count_ >= 0)
+ Set(index_++, buf_);
+void c4_ColOfInts::Remove(int index_, int count_)
+ d4_assert(count_ > 0);
+ ResizeData(index_, - count_);
+void c4_ColOfInts::ResizeData(int index_, int count_, bool clear_)
+ _numRows += count_;
+ if (!(_currWidth & 7)) { // not 1, 2, or 4
+ const t4_i32 w = (t4_i32) (_currWidth >> 3);
+ if (count_ > 0)
+ InsertData(index_ * w, count_ * w, clear_);
+ else
+ RemoveData(index_ * w, - count_ * w);
+ return;
+ }
+ d4_assert(_currWidth == 1 || _currWidth == 2 || _currWidth == 4);
+ /* _currwidth 1: 2: 4:
+ * shiftPos 3 2 1 shift the offset right this much
+ * maskPos 7 3 1 mask the offset with this
+ */
+ const int shiftPos = _currWidth == 4 ? 1 : 4 - _currWidth;
+ const int maskPos = (1 << shiftPos) - 1;
+ // the following code is similar to c4_Column::Resize, but at bit level
+ // turn insertion into deletion by inserting entire bytes
+ if (count_ > 0) {
+ unsigned off = (unsigned) index_ >> shiftPos;
+ int gapBytes = (count_ + maskPos) >> shiftPos;
+ InsertData(off, gapBytes, clear_);
+ // oops, we might have inserted too low by a few entries
+ const int bits = (index_ & maskPos) * _currWidth;
+ if (bits) {
+ const int maskLow = (1 << bits) - 1;
+ // move the first few bits to start of inserted range
+ t4_byte* p = CopyNow(off + gapBytes);
+ t4_byte one = *p & maskLow;
+ *p &= ~maskLow;
+ * CopyNow(off) = one;
+ }
+ index_ += count_;
+ count_ -= gapBytes << shiftPos;
+ d4_assert(count_ <= 0);
+ }
+ // now perform a deletion using a forward loop to copy down
+ if (count_ < 0) {
+ c4_Bytes temp;
+ while (index_ < _numRows) {
+ int length;
+ const void* ptr = Get(index_ - count_, length);
+ Set(index_++, c4_Bytes (ptr, length));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ d4_assert(count_ == 0);
+ }
+ FixSize(false);
+void c4_ColOfInts::FixSize(bool fudge_)
+ int n = RowCount();
+ t4_i32 needBytes = ((t4_i32) n * _currWidth + 7) >> 3;
+ // use a special trick to mark sizes less than 1 byte in storage
+ if (fudge_ && 1 <= n && n <= 4 && (_currWidth & 7)) {
+ const int shiftPos = _currWidth == 4 ? 1 : 4 - _currWidth;
+ static t4_byte fakeSizes [3][4] = { // n: 1: 2: 3: 4:
+ { 6, 1, 2, 2 }, // 4-bit entries: 4b 8b 12b 16b
+ { 5, 5, 1, 1 }, // 2-bit entries: 2b 4b 6b 8b
+ { 3, 3, 4, 5 }, // 1-bit entries: 1b 2b 3b 4b
+ };
+ // The idea is to use an "impossible" size (ie. 5, for n = 2)
+ // to give information about the current bit packing density.
+ d4_assert(needBytes <= 2);
+ needBytes = fakeSizes [shiftPos-1] [n-1];
+ }
+ t4_i32 currSize = ColSize();
+ if (needBytes < currSize)
+ RemoveData(needBytes, currSize - needBytes);
+ else if (needBytes > currSize)
+ InsertData(currSize, needBytes - currSize, true);
+bool c4_ColIter::Next()
+ _pos += _len;
+ _len = _column.AvailAt(_pos);
+ _ptr = _column.LoadNow(_pos);
+ if (!_ptr)
+ _len = 0;
+ else if (_pos + _len >= _limit)
+ _len = _limit - _pos;
+ else { // 19990831 - optimization to avoid most copying
+ // while the end is adjacent to the next segment, extend it
+ while (_ptr + _len == _column.LoadNow(_pos + _len)) {
+ int n = _column.AvailAt(_pos + _len);
+ if (n == 0)
+ break; // may be a short column (strings)
+ _len += n;
+ if (_pos + _len >= _limit) {
+ _len = _limit - _pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _len > 0;
+bool c4_ColIter::Next(int max_)
+ _pos += _len;
+ _len = _column.AvailAt(_pos);
+ _ptr = _column.LoadNow(_pos);
+ if (!_ptr)
+ _len = 0;
+ else if (_pos + _len > _limit)
+ _len = _limit - _pos;
+ if (_len <= 0)
+ return false;
+ if (_len > max_)
+ _len = max_;
+ return true;