path: root/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/handler.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/handler.cpp')
1 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/handler.cpp b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/handler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c68c5c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/handler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+// handler.cpp --
+// $Id$
+// This is part of Metakit, see
+/** @file
+ * Handlers store data in column-wise format
+ */
+#include "header.h"
+#include "handler.h"
+#include "format.h"
+#include "field.h"
+#include "column.h"
+#include "persist.h"
+#if !q4_INLINE
+#include "handler.inl"
+// c4_Handler
+void c4_Handler::ClearBytes(c4_Bytes& buf_) const
+ static char zeros[8];
+ int n = f4_ClearFormat(Property().Type());
+ d4_assert(n <= sizeof zeros);
+ buf_ = c4_Bytes (zeros, n);
+int c4_Handler::Compare(int index_, const c4_Bytes& buf_)
+ // create a copy for small data, since ints use a common _item buffer
+ c4_Bytes copy (buf_.Contents(), buf_.Size(), buf_.Size() <= 8);
+ c4_Bytes data;
+ GetBytes(index_, data);
+ return f4_CompareFormat(Property().Type(), data, copy);
+void c4_Handler::Commit(c4_SaveContext&)
+ d4_assert(0);
+void c4_Handler::OldDefine(char, c4_Persist&)
+ d4_assert(0);
+ // this is how the old "Get" was, keep it until no longer needed
+void c4_Handler::GetBytes(int index_, c4_Bytes& buf_, bool copySmall_)
+ int n;
+ const void* p = Get(index_, n);
+ buf_ = c4_Bytes (p, n, copySmall_ && n <= 8);
+void c4_Handler::Move(int from_, int to_)
+ if (from_ != to_) {
+ c4_Bytes data;
+ GetBytes(from_, data);
+ Remove(from_, 1);
+ if (to_ > from_)
+ --to_;
+ Insert(to_, data, 1);
+ }
+// c4_HandlerSeq
+c4_HandlerSeq::c4_HandlerSeq (c4_Persist* persist_)
+ : _persist (persist_), _field (0), _parent (0), _numRows (0)
+c4_HandlerSeq::c4_HandlerSeq (c4_HandlerSeq& owner_, c4_Handler* handler_)
+ : _persist (owner_.Persist()), _field (owner_.FindField(handler_)),
+ _parent (&owner_), _numRows (0)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumFields(); ++i) {
+ c4_Field& field = Field(i);
+ c4_Property prop (field.Type(), field.Name());
+ d4_dbgdef(int n =)
+ AddHandler(f4_CreateFormat(prop, *this));
+ d4_assert(n == i);
+ }
+c4_HandlerSeq::~c4_HandlerSeq ()
+ const bool rootLevel = _parent == this;
+ c4_Persist* pers = _persist;
+ if (rootLevel && pers != 0)
+ pers->DoAutoCommit();
+ DetachFromParent();
+ DetachFromStorage(true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumHandlers(); ++i)
+ delete & NthHandler(i);
+ _handlers.SetSize(0);
+ ClearCache();
+ if (rootLevel) {
+ delete _field;
+ d4_assert(pers != 0);
+ delete pers;
+ }
+c4_Persist* c4_HandlerSeq::Persist() const
+ return _persist;
+void c4_HandlerSeq::DefineRoot()
+ d4_assert(_field == 0);
+ d4_assert(_parent == 0);
+ SetNumRows(1);
+ const char* desc = "[]";
+ _field = d4_new c4_Field (desc);
+ d4_assert(!*desc);
+ _parent = this;
+c4_Handler* c4_HandlerSeq::CreateHandler(const c4_Property& prop_)
+ return f4_CreateFormat(prop_, *this);
+c4_Field& c4_HandlerSeq::Definition() const
+ d4_assert(_field != 0);
+ return *_field;
+void c4_HandlerSeq::DetachFromParent()
+ if (_field != 0) {
+ const char* desc = "[]";
+ c4_Field f (desc);
+ d4_assert(!*desc);
+ Restructure(f, false);
+ _field = 0;
+ }
+ _parent = 0;
+void c4_HandlerSeq::DetachFromStorage(bool full_)
+ if (_persist != 0) {
+ int limit = full_ ? 0 : NumFields();
+ // get rid of all handlers which might do I/O
+ for (int c = NumHandlers(); --c >= 0; ) {
+ c4_Handler& h = NthHandler(c);
+ // all nested fields are detached recursively
+ if (IsNested(c))
+ for (int r = 0; r < NumRows(); ++r)
+ if (h.HasSubview(r))
+ SubEntry(c, r).DetachFromStorage(full_);
+ if (c >= limit) {
+ if (h.IsPersistent()) {
+ delete &h;
+ _handlers.RemoveAt(c);
+ ClearCache();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (full_) {
+ //UnmappedAll();
+ _persist = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void c4_HandlerSeq::DetermineSpaceUsage()
+ for (int c = 0; c < NumFields(); ++c)
+ if (IsNested(c)) {
+ c4_Handler& h = NthHandler(c);
+ for (int r = 0; r < NumRows(); ++r)
+ if (h.HasSubview(r))
+ SubEntry(c, r).DetermineSpaceUsage();
+ }
+void c4_HandlerSeq::SetNumRows(int numRows_)
+ d4_assert(_numRows >= 0);
+ _numRows = numRows_;
+int c4_HandlerSeq::AddHandler(c4_Handler* handler_)
+ d4_assert(handler_ != 0);
+ return _handlers.Add(handler_);
+const char* c4_HandlerSeq::Description()
+ // 19-01-2003: avoid too dense code, since Sun CC seems to choke on it
+ //return _field != 0 ? UseTempBuffer(Definition().DescribeSubFields()) : 0;
+ if (_field == 0)
+ return 0;
+ c4_String s = _field->DescribeSubFields();
+ return UseTempBuffer(s);
+void c4_HandlerSeq::Restructure(c4_Field& field_, bool remove_)
+ //d4_assert(_field != 0);
+ // all nested fields must be set up, before we shuffle them around
+ for (int k = 0; k < NumHandlers(); ++k)
+ if (IsNested(k)) {
+ c4_Handler& h = NthHandler(k);
+ for (int n = 0; n < NumRows(); ++n)
+ if (h.HasSubview(n))
+ SubEntry(k, n);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < field_.NumSubFields(); ++i) {
+ c4_Field& nf = field_.SubField(i);
+ c4_Property prop (nf.Type(), nf.Name());
+ int n = PropIndex(prop.GetId());
+ if (n == i)
+ continue;
+ if (n < 0) {
+ _handlers.InsertAt(i, f4_CreateFormat(prop, *this));
+ NthHandler(i).Define(NumRows(), 0);
+ } else {
+ // move the handler to the front
+ d4_assert(n > i);
+ _handlers.InsertAt(i, _handlers.GetAt(n));
+ _handlers.RemoveAt(++n);
+ }
+ ClearCache(); // we mess with the order of handler, keep clearing it
+ d4_assert(PropIndex(prop.GetId()) == i);
+ }
+ c4_Field* ofld = _field;
+ // special case if we're "restructuring a view out of persistence", see below
+ _field = remove_ ? 0 : &field_;
+ // let handler do additional init once all have been prepared
+ //for (int n = 0; n < NumHandlers(); ++n)
+ // NthHandler(n).Define(NumRows(), 0);
+ const char* desc = "[]";
+ c4_Field temp (desc);
+ // all nested fields are restructured recursively
+ for (int j = 0; j < NumHandlers(); ++j)
+ if (IsNested(j)) {
+ c4_Handler& h = NthHandler(j);
+ for (int n = 0; n < NumRows(); ++n)
+ if (h.HasSubview(n)) {
+ c4_HandlerSeq& seq = SubEntry(j, n);
+ if (j < NumFields())
+ seq.Restructure(field_.SubField(j), false);
+ else if (seq._field != 0)
+ seq.Restructure(temp, true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_parent == this)
+ delete ofld; // the root table owns its field structure tree
+int c4_HandlerSeq::NumFields() const
+ return _field != 0 ? _field->NumSubFields() : 0;
+char c4_HandlerSeq::ColumnType(int index_) const
+ return NthHandler(index_).Property().Type();
+bool c4_HandlerSeq::IsNested(int index_) const
+ return ColumnType(index_) == 'V';
+c4_Field& c4_HandlerSeq::Field(int index_) const
+ d4_assert(_field != 0);
+ return _field->SubField(index_);
+void c4_HandlerSeq::Prepare(const t4_byte** ptr_, bool selfDesc_)
+ if (ptr_ != 0) {
+ d4_dbgdef(t4_i32 sias =)
+ c4_Column::PullValue(*ptr_);
+ d4_assert(sias == 0); // not yet
+ if (selfDesc_) {
+ t4_i32 n = c4_Column::PullValue(*ptr_);
+ if (n > 0) {
+ c4_String s = "[" + c4_String ((const char*) *ptr_, n) + "]";
+ const char* desc = s;
+ c4_Field* f = d4_new c4_Field (desc);
+ d4_assert(!*desc);
+ Restructure(*f, false);
+ *ptr_ += n;
+ }
+ }
+ int rows = (int) c4_Column::PullValue(*ptr_);
+ if (rows > 0) {
+ SetNumRows(rows);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumFields(); ++i)
+ NthHandler(i).Define(rows, ptr_);
+ }
+ }
+void c4_HandlerSeq::OldPrepare()
+ d4_assert(_persist != 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumFields(); ++i) {
+ char origType = _field->SubField(i).OrigType();
+ NthHandler(i).OldDefine(origType, *_persist);
+ }
+void c4_HandlerSeq::FlipAllBytes()
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumHandlers(); ++i) {
+ c4_Handler& h = NthHandler(i);
+ h.FlipBytes();
+ }
+ // New 19990903: swap rows in tables without touching the memo fields
+ // or subviews on disk. This is used by the new c4_View::RelocateRows.
+void c4_HandlerSeq::ExchangeEntries(int srcPos_, c4_HandlerSeq& dst_, int dstPos_)
+ d4_assert(NumHandlers() == dst_.NumHandlers());
+ c4_Bytes t1, t2;
+ for (int col = 0; col < NumHandlers(); ++col)
+ {
+ if (IsNested(col))
+ {
+ d4_assert(dst_.IsNested(col));
+ int n;
+ c4_HandlerSeq** e1 = (c4_HandlerSeq**) NthHandler(col).Get(srcPos_, n);
+ c4_HandlerSeq** e2 = (c4_HandlerSeq**) dst_.NthHandler(col).Get(dstPos_, n);
+ d4_assert(*e1 != 0 && *e2 != 0);
+ // swap the two entries
+ c4_HandlerSeq* e = *e1;
+ *e1 = *e2;
+ *e2 = e;
+ // shorthand, *after* the swap
+ c4_HandlerSeq& t1 = SubEntry(col, srcPos_);
+ c4_HandlerSeq& t2 = dst_.SubEntry(col, dstPos_);
+ // adjust the parents
+ t1._parent = this;
+ t2._parent = &dst_;
+ // reattach the proper field structures
+ t1.Restructure(Field(col), false);
+ t2.Restructure(dst_.Field(col), false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d4_assert(ColumnType(col) == dst_.ColumnType(col));
+ c4_Handler& h1 = NthHandler(col);
+ c4_Handler& h2 = dst_.NthHandler(col);
+#if 0 // memo's are 'B' now, but tricky to deal with, so copy them for now
+ if (ColumnType(col) == 'M')
+ {
+ c4_Column* c1 = h1.GetNthMemoCol(srcPos_, true);
+ c4_Column* c2 = h2.GetNthMemoCol(dstPos_, true);
+ t4_i32 p1 = c1 ? c1->Position() : 0;
+ t4_i32 p2 = c2 ? c2->Position() : 0;
+ t4_i32 s1 = c1 ? c1->ColSize() : 0;
+ t4_i32 s2 = c2 ? c2->ColSize() : 0;
+ d4_assert(false); // broken
+ //!h1.SetNthMemoPos(srcPos_, p2, s2, c2);
+ //!h2.SetNthMemoPos(dstPos_, p1, s1, c1);
+ }
+ // 10-4-2002: Need to use copies in case either item points into
+ // memory that could move, or if access re-uses a shared buffer.
+ // The special cases are sufficiently tricky that it's NOT being
+ // optimized for now (temp bufs, mmap ptrs, c4_Bytes buffering).
+ int n1, n2;
+ const void* p1 = h1.Get(srcPos_, n1);
+ const void* p2 = h2.Get(dstPos_, n2);
+ c4_Bytes t1 (p1, n1, true);
+ c4_Bytes t2 (p2, n2, true);
+ h1.Set(srcPos_, t2);
+ h2.Set(dstPos_, t1);
+ }
+ }
+c4_HandlerSeq& c4_HandlerSeq::SubEntry(int col_, int row_) const
+ d4_assert(IsNested(col_));
+ c4_Bytes temp;
+ NthHandler(col_).GetBytes(row_, temp);
+ d4_assert(temp.Size() == sizeof (c4_HandlerSeq**));
+ c4_HandlerSeq** p = (c4_HandlerSeq**) temp.Contents(); // loses const
+ d4_assert(p != 0 && *p != 0);
+ return **p;
+c4_Field* c4_HandlerSeq::FindField(const c4_Handler* handler_)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumFields(); ++i)
+ if (handler_ == &NthHandler(i))
+ return &Field(i);
+ return 0;
+void c4_HandlerSeq::UnmappedAll()
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumFields(); ++i)
+ NthHandler(i).Unmapped();
+ // construct meta view from a pre-parsed field tree structure
+ // this will one day be converted to directly parse the description string
+void c4_HandlerSeq::BuildMeta(int parent_, int colnum_, c4_View& meta_,
+ const c4_Field& field_)
+ c4_IntProp pP ("P"), pC ("C");
+ c4_ViewProp pF ("F");
+ c4_StringProp pN ("N"), pT ("T");
+ int n = meta_.Add(pP [parent_] + pC [colnum_]);
+ c4_View fields = pF (meta_[n]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < field_.NumSubFields(); ++i) {
+ const c4_Field& f = field_.SubField(i);
+ char type = f.Type();
+ fields.Add(pN [f.Name()] + pT [c4_String (&type, 1)]);
+ if (type == 'V')
+ BuildMeta(n, i, meta_, f);
+ }