path: root/scripts/
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitbd9e6617827818fd043452c08c606f07b78014a0 (patch)
tree425bb4c3168f9c02f10150f235d2cb998dcc6108 /scripts/
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 1537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2a8974e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1537 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# Checks and corrects common spelling errors in text files - code
+# derived from (Dirk Mueller <>)
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Evans <>
+# License: LGPL 2.0
+# 2004-05-14: Richard Evans <>
+# Initial revision differs from as follows:
+# Text file detection no longer spawns external program.
+# No longer checks cwd if arguments omitted - just specify '.'
+# No longer recurses through sub directories without --recurse.
+# Can now check internal dictionary for mistakes using aspell.
+# Changes are not made unless --make-changes is specified.
+# File modification now uses an intermediate file to reduce the
+# chance of data loss.
+# Fixed bug that missed words with apostrophes.
+# Removed the code checking for "nonword misspelling" - I don't
+# believe it was doing anything useful, but please correct me
+# if that's not the case!
+# Corrected some dictionary entries.
+# Runs much, much faster.
+sub usage
+ warn <<"EOF";
+ [flags] filenames/directories
+This script checks for, and optionally replaces, commonly misspelled words
+with the correct US English equivalents. The behaviour has changed from - to check subdirectories you must specify --recurse,
+omitting arguments does not check the current directory, and changes are
+not made to files unless you specify --make-changes
+CAUTION IS NEEDED WHEN USING THIS SCRIPT - changes are made to the original
+file and are not programming language syntax aware - this is why the script
+only suggests the changes to be made unless --make-changes is specified.
+Hidden files, CVS directories, .desktop, and .moc files are excluded
+from checking.
+--check-dictionary : Checks the internal dictionary for potential
+ spelling mistakes - requires aspell with a US
+ English dictionary, and Text::Aspell installed.
+--suggest-corrections : Behaves as --check-dictionary, but also suggests
+ spelling corrections.
+--recurse : Check subdirectories recursively.
+--quiet : Disable informational output (not recommended).
+--make-changes : Displays the changes that would have been made.
+--help|? : Display this summary.
+ exit;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
+use File::Copy qw( copy );
+my $DICTIONARY = build_dictionary_lookup_table();
+# Add options here as necessary - perldoc Getopt::Long for details on GetOptions
+die "kde-spellcheck2 --help for usage\n"
+ unless GetOptions ( "check-dictionary" => \my $opt_check_dictionary,
+ "suggest-corrections" => \my $opt_suggest_corrections,
+ "quiet" => \my $opt_quiet,
+ "make-changes" => \my $opt_make_changes,
+ "recurse" => \my $opt_recurse,
+ "help|?" => \&usage );
+check_dictionary($opt_suggest_corrections) if $opt_suggest_corrections or $opt_check_dictionary;
+usage() unless @ARGV;
+require File::MMagic;
+my $MIME = File::MMagic->new;
+my @dirqueue;
+$opt_quiet = 0 unless $opt_make_changes;
+sub info; *info = $opt_quiet ? sub {} : sub { print @_ };
+for ( @ARGV )
+ if ( -f ) { check_file($_) }
+ elsif ( -d _ ) { push @dirqueue, $_ }
+ else { warn "Unknown: '$_' is neither a directory or file" }
+my $dir;
+process_directory($dir) while $dir = pop @dirqueue;
+$opt_make_changes or print <<EOF;
+NB No changes have been made to any file. Please check the output to
+see if the suggested changes are correct - if so, re-run this script
+adding argument --make-changes
+sub check_file
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $fh;
+ unless ( open $fh, "<", $filename )
+ {
+ warn "Failed to open: '$filename': $!";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $file_modified = 0;
+ my @contents = <$fh>;
+ close $fh or warn "Failed to close: '$filename': $!";
+ my $original;
+ my $line_no = 0;
+ for ( @contents )
+ {
+ $line_no++;
+ $original = $_ unless $opt_make_changes;
+ for my $word ( split /[^\w']/ ) # \W would split on apostrophe
+ {
+ next unless defined (my $correction = $DICTIONARY->{$word});
+ $file_modified ||= 1;
+ s/\b$word\b/$correction/g;
+ info "$filename ($line_no): $word => $correction\n";
+ }
+ print "FROM: $original",
+ " TO: $_\n" if !$opt_make_changes and $_ ne $original;
+ }
+ return unless $file_modified;
+ return unless $opt_make_changes;
+ info "Correcting: $filename\n";
+ my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 0);
+ eval
+ {
+ print $tmp_fh @contents or die "Write";
+ $tmp_fh->flush or die "Flush";
+ $tmp_fh->seek(0, 0) or die "Seek";
+ };
+ die "$@ failed on: '$tmp_filename': $!" if $@;
+ copy($tmp_fh, $filename) or die "Failed to copy: $tmp_filename => $filename: $!\n",
+ "You can manually restore from: $tmp_filename";
+ close $tmp_fh or warn "Close failed on: '$tmp_filename': $!";
+ unlink $tmp_filename or warn "Unlink failed on: '$tmp_filename': $!";
+# Could be more robustly rewitten with File::Find / File::Find::Rules etc
+sub process_directory
+ my $directory = shift;
+ info "Processing directory: $directory\n";
+ opendir my $dh, $directory or die "Failed to read dir: '$directory': $!";
+ while ( my $entry = readdir($dh) )
+ {
+ if ( $entry =~ /^\./ or
+ $entry =~ /\.desktop$/ or
+ $entry =~ /\.moc$/ or
+ $entry eq "CVS" )
+ {
+ info "Skipping excluded file or directory: $entry\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $file = "$directory/$entry";
+ if ( -d $file )
+ {
+ push(@dirqueue, $file) if $opt_recurse;
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless -f _;
+ # First use perl's heuristic check to discard files as quickly as possible...
+ unless ( -T _ )
+ {
+ info "Skipping binary file: $file\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ #'s not always good enough though, so now check the Mimetype
+ unless ( (my $type = $MIME->checktype_filename($file)) =~ /text/i )
+ {
+ info "Skipping $type file: $file\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ check_file($file);
+ }
+ closedir $dh or warn "Failed to close dir: '$directory': $!";
+sub check_dictionary
+ my $suggest_corrections = shift;
+ print <<EOF;
+Attempting to check the internal dictionary - you must have aspell
+and the perl module Text::Aspell installed for this to succeed,
+otherwise the script will fail at this point.
+ require Text::Aspell;
+ my $speller = Text::Aspell->new or die "Failed to create Text::Aspell instance";
+ # Despite the docs, set_option doesnt seem to return undef on error ...
+ $speller->set_option('lang','en_US')
+ or die "Text::Aspell failed to select language: 'en_US'", $speller->errstr;
+ # ... so try a very simple check
+ unless ( $speller->check('color') )
+ {
+ warn "You dont appear to have the en_US dictionary installed - cannot check";
+ exit;
+ }
+ print "Checking Lexicon for identical misspelling and corrections:\n";
+ while ( my($key, $value) = each %$DICTIONARY )
+ {
+ print "\n$key" if $key eq $value;
+ }
+ print "\n\nChecking Lexicon for possible misspellings:\n\n";
+ for my $word ( values %$DICTIONARY )
+ {
+ next if $speller->check($word);
+ print "$word\n";
+ print join(", ", $speller->suggest($word)), "\n\n" if $suggest_corrections;
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ exit;
+sub build_dictionary_lookup_table
+ my %hash;
+ while (<DATA>)
+ {
+ next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/; # Skip blank lines and comments
+ next unless /^\s*"([^"]+)"\s+(.*)\s*$/ or /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$/;
+ if ( $1 eq $2 )
+ {
+ warn "WARNING: Ignoring identical misspelling and correction: '$1' in __DATA__ offset line $.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $hash{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ return \%hash;
+aasumes assumes
+abailable available
+Abbrevation Abbreviation
+abbrevations abbreviations
+abbriviate abbreviate
+abbriviation abbreviation
+abilties abilities
+Ablolute Absolute
+abreviate abbreviate
+acces access
+accesible accessible
+accesing accessing
+accomodate accommodate
+accross across
+Acess Access
+achive achieve
+achived achieved
+achiving achieving
+acknoledged acknowledged
+acknowledgement acknowledgment
+Acknowledgements Acknowledgments
+Acknowlege Acknowledge
+acommodate accommodate
+aconyms acronyms
+acording according
+acount account
+acouting accounting
+activ active
+actons actions
+acually actually
+adapater adapter
+adatper adapter
+addded added
+adddress address
+Additinoally Additionally
+additionaly additionally
+Additionaly Additionally
+additionnal additional
+additonal additional
+Addtional Additional
+aditional additional
+adminstrator administrator
+Adminstrator Administrator
+adress address
+Adress Address
+adressed addressed
+adresses addresses
+advertize advertise
+aesthetic esthetic
+Afganistan Afghanistan
+agressive aggressive
+Agressive Aggressive
+agressively aggressively
+alignement alignment
+alligned aligned
+Allignment Alignment
+allmost almost
+allready already
+allways always
+Allways Always
+alook a look
+alot a lot
+alows allows
+alrady already
+alreay already
+alternativly alternatively
+ammount amount
+Ammount Amount
+analagous analogous
+analizer analyzer
+analogue analog
+analyse analyze
+analyses analyzes
+anfer after
+angainst against
+annoucement announcement
+announcments announcements
+anwer answer
+anwser answer
+anwsers answers
+aplication application
+appeareance appearance
+appearence appearance
+appeares appears
+apperarance appearance
+appers appears
+applicaiton application
+Applicalble Applicable
+appliction application
+appplication application
+approciated appreciated
+appropiate appropriate
+approriate appropriate
+approximatly approximately
+apropriate appropriate
+aquire acquire
+aquired acquired
+arbitarily arbitrarily
+arbitary arbitrary
+Arbitary Arbitrary
+aribrary arbitrary
+aribtrarily arbitrarily
+aribtrary arbitrary
+arround around
+assosciated associated
+assosiated associated
+assoziated associated
+asssembler assembler
+assumend assumed
+asume assume
+asynchonous asynchronous
+asyncronous asynchronous
+aticles articles
+atleast at least
+atomicly atomically
+attatchment attachment
+auhor author
+authentification authentication
+authoratative authoritative
+authorisations authorizations
+automaticaly automatically
+Automaticaly Automatically
+automaticly automatically
+autoreplacment autoreplacement
+auxilary auxiliary
+Auxilary Auxiliary
+avaible available
+Avaible Available
+availble available
+availibility availability
+availible available
+Availible Available
+avaliable available
+avaluate evaluate
+avare aware
+aviable available
+backrefences backreferences
+baloon balloon
+basicly basically
+Basicly Basically
+beautifull beautiful
+becuase because
+beeep beep
+beeing being
+beexported be exported
+befor before
+beggining beginning
+begining beginning
+behaviour behavior
+Behaviour Behavior
+Belarussian Belarusian
+beteen between
+betrween between
+betweeen between
+Blueish Bluish
+bofore before
+botton bottom
+boudaries boundaries
+boundries boundaries
+boundry boundary
+boxs boxes
+bruning burning
+buton button
+Buxfixes Bugfixes
+cacheing caching
+calulation calculation
+cancelation cancellation
+cancelled canceled
+cancelling canceling
+capabilites capabilities
+caracters characters
+cataloge catalog
+Cataloge Catalog
+catalogue catalog
+catched caught
+ceneration generation
+centralised centralized
+centre center
+Centre Center
+changable changeable
+chaning changing
+characers characters
+charachters characters
+Characteres Characters
+charakters characters
+charater character
+Chatacter Character
+chatwindow chat window
+childs children
+choosed chose
+choosen chosen
+Choosen Chosen
+chosing choosing
+cirumstances circumstances
+classess classes
+cloumn column
+Coffie Coffee
+colaboration collaboration
+collecion collection
+collumns columns
+coloum column
+coloumn column
+colour color
+colours colors
+colum column
+comamnd command
+comination combination
+commense commence
+commerical commercial
+comming coming
+commited committed
+commiting committing
+Commiting Committing
+commmand command
+commuication communication
+communcation communication
+compability compatibility
+comparision comparison
+Comparision Comparison
+comparisions comparisons
+Compatability Compatibility
+compatibilty compatibility
+compatiblity compatibility
+Compedium Compendium
+compiiled compiled
+compleion completion
+completly completely
+complient compliant
+comsumer consumer
+comunication communication
+concatonated concatenated
+concurent concurrent
+configration configuration
+Configuraton Configuration
+connent connect
+connnection connection
+consecutivly consecutively
+consequtive consecutive
+constuctors constructors
+contactlist contact list
+containg containing
+contexual contextual
+contigious contiguous
+contingous contiguous
+continouos continuous
+continous continuous
+Continous Continuous
+contiribute contribute
+contoller controller
+Contorll Control
+controler controller
+controling controlling
+controll control
+conver convert
+convient convenient
+convinience convenience
+conviniently conveniently
+coordiator coordinator
+Copys Copies
+coresponding corresponding
+corrent correct
+correponds corresponds
+Costraints Constraints
+Coudn't Couldn't
+coursor cursor
+Coverted Converted
+coypright copyright
+cricles circles
+criticisim criticism
+cryptograhy cryptography
+Culculating Calculating
+curren current
+currenty currently
+curteousy courtesy
+Custimize Customize
+customisation customization
+customise customize
+Customise Customize
+customised customized
+cutsom custom
+cutt cut
+Cutt Cut
+datas data
+DCOPCient DCOPClient
+deactive deactivate
+Deamon Daemon
+debuging debugging
+Debuging Debugging
+decriptor descriptor
+defaul default
+defered deferred
+Defininition Definition
+defintions definitions
+deleteing deleting
+Demonsrative Demonstrative
+Denstiy Density
+depencies dependencies
+dependeds depends
+dependend dependent
+dependig depending
+depricated deprecated
+derfined defined
+derivs derives
+descide decide
+desciptor descriptor
+descryption description
+desctroyed destroyed
+desiabled disabled
+desidered desired
+desination destination
+deskop desktop
+desription description
+Desription Description
+destiantion destination
+determiend determined
+determins determines
+detremines determines
+develloped developed
+developerss developers
+developped developed
+devided divided
+devide divide
+diabled disabled
+diable disable
+diaglostic diagnostic
+dialag dialog
+dialler dialer
+Dialler Dialer
+dialling dialing
+Dialling Dialing
+dialogue dialog
+diaog dialog
+didnt didn't
+diffcult difficult
+differenciate differentiate
+differenly differently
+Differntiates Differentiates
+dificulty difficulty
+Difusion Diffusion
+digitised digitized
+diplayed displayed
+dirctely directly
+dirctory directory
+direcory directory
+directorys directories
+directoy directory
+disactivate deactivate
+disappers disappears
+Disbale Disable
+discontigous discontiguous
+discpline discipline
+discription description
+disppear disappear
+dissassembler disassembler
+distingush distinguish
+distribtuion distribution
+distrubutor distributor
+divizor divisor
+docucument document
+documentaiton documentation
+documentors documenters
+doens't doesn't
+doesnt doesn't
+donnot do not
+Donot Do not
+dont don't
+dont't don't
+Dou Do
+draging dragging
+dreamt dreamed
+Droped Dropped
+duotes quotes
+durring during
+dynamicly dynamically
+eallocate deallocate
+eample example
+editory editor
+efficent efficient
+efficently efficiently
+effiency efficiency
+embedabble embeddable
+embedable embeddable
+embeddabble embeddable
+embeded embedded
+emcompass encompass
+emty empty
+encyption encryption
+enhandcements enhancements
+enles endless
+enought enough
+entitities entities
+entrys entries
+Entrys Entries
+enumarated enumerated
+envirnment environment
+envirnoment environment
+enviroment environment
+environemnt environment
+environent environment
+Equador Ecuador
+equiped equipped
+equlas equals
+errorous erroneous
+errror error
+escriptor descriptor
+espacially especially
+espesially especially
+Evalute Evaluate
+everytime every time
+exacly exactly
+exapmle example
+excecpt except
+execeeded exceeded
+execess excess
+exection execution
+execuable executable
+executeble executable
+exept except
+exisiting existing
+existance existence
+exlusively exclusively
+exmaple example
+experienceing experiencing
+explicitely explicitly
+explicity explicitly
+explit explicit
+Expresion Expression
+expresions expressions
+extented extended
+extention extension
+Extention Extension
+extentions extensions
+extesion extension
+fabilous fabulous
+falg flag
+familar familiar
+fastes fastest
+favourable favorable
+favour favor
+favourite favorite
+favours favors
+featue feature
+feeded fed
+filsystem filesystem
+firware firmware
+fisrt first
+fixiated fixated
+fixiate fixate
+fixiating fixating
+flaged flagged
+flavours flavors
+focussed focused
+folllowed followed
+follwing following
+folowing following
+Folowing Following
+footnotexs footnotes
+formaly formally
+fortunatly fortunately
+foward forward
+fragement fragment
+framesyle framestyle
+framset frameset
+fucntion function
+Fucntion Function
+fuction function
+fuctions functions
+fufill fulfill
+fulfiling fulfilling
+fullfilled fulfilled
+funcion function
+funciton function
+functin function
+funtional functional
+funtionality functionality
+funtion function
+funtions functions
+furthur further
+gaalxies galaxies
+Gamee Game
+gernerated generated
+ges goes
+Ghostscipt Ghostscript
+giude guide
+globaly globally
+goind going
+Gostscript Ghostscript
+grapphis graphics
+greyed grayed
+guaranted guaranteed
+guarenteed guaranteed
+guarrantee guarantee
+gziped gzipped
+handeling handling
+harware hardware
+Harware Hardware
+hasnt hasn't
+havn't haven't
+heigt height
+heigth height
+hiddden hidden
+Hierachical Hierarchical
+highlighlighted highlighted
+highligting highlighting
+Higlighting Highlighting
+honour honor
+honouring honoring
+honours honors
+horziontal horizontal
+hypens hyphens
+hysical physical
+iconized iconified
+illumnating illuminating
+imaginery imaginary
+i'm I'm
+imitatation imitation
+immedialely immediately
+immediatly immediately
+imortant important
+imperical empirical
+implemantation implementation
+implemenation implementation
+implenetation implementation
+implimention implementation
+implmentation implementation
+inactiv inactive
+incldue include
+incomming incoming
+Incomming Incoming
+incovenient inconvenient
+indeces indices
+indentical identical
+Indentification Identification
+indepedancy independency
+independant independent
+independend independent
+indetectable undetectable
+indicdate indicate
+indice index
+indictes indicates
+infinitv infinitive
+infomation information
+informaion information
+informatation information
+informationon information
+informations information
+Inifity Infinity
+inital initial
+initalization initialization
+initalized initialized
+initalize initialize
+Initalize Initialize
+initialisation initialization
+initialise initialize
+initialising initializing
+Initialyze Initialize
+Initilialyze Initialize
+initilization initialization
+initilize initialize
+Initilize Initialize
+innacurate inaccurate
+innacurately inaccurately
+insde inside
+inteface interface
+interactivelly interactively
+interfer interfere
+interfrace interface
+interisting interesting
+internationalisation internationalization
+interrrupt interrupt
+interrumped interrupted
+interrups interrupts
+Interupt Interrupt
+intervall interval
+intervalls intervals
+intiailize initialize
+Intial Initial
+intialisation initialization
+intialization initialization
+intialize initialize
+Intialize Initialize
+intializing initializing
+introdutionary introductory
+introdution introduction
+intrrupt interrupt
+intruction instruction
+invarient invariant
+invokation invocation
+Ionisation Ionization
+irrevesible irreversible
+isntance instance
+is'nt isn't
+issueing issuing
+istory history
+Iterface Interface
+itselfs itself
+journalised journalized
+judgement judgment
+kdelbase kdebase
+keyboad keyboard
+klicking clicking
+knowlege knowledge
+Konquerer Konqueror
+konstants constants
+kscreensave kscreensaver
+labelling labeling
+Labelling Labeling
+lauching launching
+layed laid
+learnt learned
+leats least
+lenght length
+Lenght Length
+Licenced Licensed
+licence license
+Licence License
+Licens License
+liset list
+listenening listening
+listveiw listview
+litle little
+litteral literal
+localisation localization
+losely loosely
+maanged managed
+maching matching
+magnication magnification
+magnifcation magnification
+mailboxs mailboxes
+maillinglists mailinglists
+maintainance maintenance
+maintainence maintenance
+Malicous Malicious
+mamage manage
+managment management
+Managment Management
+manangement management
+mannually manually
+Mantainer Maintainer
+manupulation manipulation
+marbels marbles
+matchs matches
+maximimum maximum
+Maxium Maximum
+mdification modification
+mdified modified
+menues menus
+mesages messages
+messanger messenger
+messanging messaging
+Microsft Microsoft
+millimetres millimeters
+mimimum minimum
+minimise minimize
+minimising minimizing
+Minimun Minimum
+Minium Minimum
+minumum minimum
+miscelaneous miscellaneous
+miscelanous miscellaneous
+miscellaneaous miscellaneous
+miscellanous miscellaneous
+Miscellanous Miscellaneous
+mispeled misspelled
+mispelled misspelled
+mistery mystery
+Modifes Modifies
+modifing modifying
+modul module
+mosue mouse
+Mozzila Mozilla
+mssing missing
+Mulitimedia Multimedia
+mulitple multiple
+multible multiple
+multipe multiple
+multy multi
+mutiple multiple
+neccesary necessary
+neccessary necessary
+necessery necessary
+nedd need
+neet need
+negativ negative
+negociated negotiated
+negociation negotiation
+neighbourhood neighborhood
+neighbour neighbor
+Neighbour Neighbor
+neighbours neighbors
+neogtiation negotiation
+nessecarry necessary
+nessecary necessary
+nessesary necessary
+nework network
+newtork network
+nickanme nickname
+nonexistant nonexistent
+noone nobody
+Noone No-one
+normalisation normalization
+noticable noticeable
+nucleous nucleus
+obtail obtain
+occoured occurred
+occouring occurring
+occurance occurrence
+occurances occurrences
+occured occurred
+occurence occurrence
+occurences occurrences
+occure occur
+occuring occurring
+occurrance occurrence
+occurrances occurrences
+ocupied occupied
+offical official
+ommited omitted
+onthe on the
+opend opened
+optimisation optimization
+optionnal optional
+orangeish orangish
+organisational organizational
+organisation organization
+Organisation Organization
+organisations organizations
+organised organized
+organise organize
+organiser organizer
+organising organizing
+Organising Organizing
+orginate originate
+Originaly Originally
+orignal original
+oscilating oscillating
+otehr other
+ouput output
+outputing outputting
+overidden overridden
+overriden overridden
+overriden overridden
+ownes owns
+pakage package
+panelised panelized
+paramaters parameters
+parametres parameters
+parametrize parameterize
+paramter parameter
+paramters parameters
+particip participle
+particularily particularly
+paticular particular
+Pendings Pending
+percetages percentages
+Perfomance Performance
+performace performance
+Periferial Peripheral
+permision permission
+permisions permissions
+permissable permissible
+Personalizsation Personalization
+perticularly particularly
+phyiscal physical
+plaforms platforms
+plese please
+politness politeness
+posibilities possibilities
+posibility possibility
+posible possible
+positon position
+possebilities possibilities
+possebility possibility
+possibilty possibility
+possiblity possibility
+posssibility possibility
+potentally potentially
+practise practice
+practising practicing
+preceeded preceded
+preceeding preceding
+precison precision
+preemphasised preemphasized
+Preemphasised Preemphasized
+prefered preferred
+Prefered Preferred
+preferrable preferable
+prefiously previously
+preformance performance
+prerequisits prerequisites
+presense presence
+pressentation presentation
+prgramm program
+Prining Printing
+priveleges privileges
+priviledge privilege
+priviledges privileges
+priviliges privileges
+probatility probability
+probelm problem
+proberly properly
+problmes problems
+proceedure procedure
+proctection protection
+proecss process
+progess progress
+programing programming
+programme program
+programm program
+promille per mill
+promiscous promiscuous
+promped prompted
+pronounciation pronunciation
+Pronounciation Pronunciation
+pronunce pronounce
+pronunciated pronounced
+properies properties
+Propertites Properties
+Propogate Propagate
+protoypes prototypes
+Proxys Proxies
+psuedo pseudo
+Psuedo Pseudo
+pult desk
+purposees purposes
+quatna quanta
+queing queuing
+querys queries
+queueing queuing
+Queueing Queuing
+quiten quiet
+quiting quitting
+readony readonly
+realise realize
+realy really
+reasonnable reasonable
+receieve receive
+recepeient recipient
+recepient recipient
+recevie receive
+recevie receive
+receving receiving
+recieved received
+recieve receive
+Recieve Receive
+reciever receiver
+recieves receives
+Recieves Receives
+recives receives
+recognised recognized
+recognise recognize
+recognises recognizes
+recomended recommended
+recommanded recommended
+recommand recommend
+recommented recommended
+redialling redialing
+reets resets
+refered referred
+Refering Referring
+Refeshes Refreshes
+refreshs refreshes
+regarless regardless
+registaration registration
+registred registered
+Regsiter Register
+regulare regular
+regularily regularly
+Reigster Register
+reimplemenations reimplementations
+Reimplemenations Reimplementations
+releated related
+relection reselection
+relevent relevant
+relocateable relocatable
+remaing remaining
+remeber remember
+remebers remembers
+remotley remotely
+renderes renders
+renewd renewed
+reorienting reorientating
+Repalcement Replacement
+replys replies
+reponsibility responsibility
+requeusts requests
+resently recently
+resetted reset
+resistent resistant
+resognized recognized
+resonable reasonable
+resoure resource
+responsability responsibility
+responsivness responsiveness
+resposible responsible
+ressources resources
+retreived retrieved
+retreive retrieve
+retults results
+Rewritebles Rewritables
+richt right
+rigths rights
+Rigt Right
+saftey safety
+satified satisfied
+savely safely
+savety safety
+scalled scaled
+scather scatter
+scenerio scenario
+sceptical skeptical
+schduler scheduler
+Sectionning Sectioning
+selction selection
+selectde selected
+sensistve sensitive
+separed separated
+separeted separated
+sepcified specified
+seperated separated
+seperately separately
+seperate separate
+seperate separate
+Seperate Separate
+seperation separation
+seperatly separately
+seperator separator
+sequencially sequentially
+sertificate certificate
+serveral several
+setted set
+sheduled scheduled
+sheme scheme
+shorctuts shortcuts
+shoud should
+shouldnt shouldn't
+Shouldnt Shouldn't
+shure sure
+Similarily Similarly
+Similiarly Similarly
+similiar similar
+simlar similar
+simpliest simplest
+simultaneuosly simultaneously
+skript script
+slewin slewing
+smaple sample
+Sombody Somebody
+somehwat somewhat
+soure source
+sparcely sparsely
+speakiing speaking
+specefied specified
+specfic specific
+specfied specified
+specialised specialized
+specifc specific
+specifed specified
+Specificiation Specification
+specifieing specifying
+specifing specifying
+specifiy specify
+Specifiy Specify
+speficied specified
+speling spelling
+spezifying specifying
+sprectrum spectrum
+standar standard
+Startp Startup
+Statfeul Stateful
+statfull stateful
+storeys storys
+straighforward straightforward
+streched stretched
+Streches Stretches
+Strech Stretch
+Striked Stroked
+stuctures structures
+styleshets stylesheets
+subcribed subscribed
+subdirectorys subdirectories
+subseqently subsequently
+Substracting Subtracting
+subystem subsystem
+succeded succeeded
+succesfully successfully
+succesful successful
+succesive successive
+succesor successor
+successfull successful
+sucessfull successful
+sucessfully successfully
+sucessfuly successfully
+sucess success
+sufficent sufficient
+superflous superfluous
+supossed supposed
+supressed suppressed
+supress suppress
+suprised surprised
+susbstitute substitute
+swaped swapped
+synchonization synchronization
+synchronisation synchronization
+Synchronisation Synchronization
+synchronised synchronized
+synchronises synchronizes
+synchronise synchronize
+synchronyze synchronize
+Syncronization Synchronization
+syncronized synchronized
+Syncronizes Synchronizes
+syncronize synchronize
+syncronizing synchronizing
+Syncronizing Synchronizing
+syncronous synchronous
+syncrounous synchronous
+syndrom syndrome
+syntex syntax
+synthetizer synthesizer
+syntheziser synthesizer
+sytem system
+talbs tables
+talse false
+tecnology technology
+temparary temporary
+Tempertures Temperatures
+terminatin terminating
+texured textured
+themc them
+thet that
+threshholds thresholds
+threshhold threshold
+throtte throttle
+throught through
+throuth through
+tiggered triggered
+tihs this
+timditiy timidity
+Timdity Timidity
+timming timing
+tranceiver transceiver
+Tranfers Transfers
+tranfer transfer
+Tranlate Translate
+tranlation translation
+transalted translated
+transation transaction
+transfering transferring
+transferrable transferable
+transmiter transmitter
+transmiting transmitting
+transmition transmission
+transmittion transmission
+transparancy transparency
+transparant transparent
+trasfered transferred
+traveller traveler
+travelling traveling
+triggerg triggering
+triggerred triggered
+truely truly
+trys tries
+uglyness ugliness
+unabiguous unambiguous
+unaccesible unaccessible
+unallowed disallowed
+unamed unnamed
+unathorized unauthorized
+uncrypted unencrypted
+Uncutt Uncut
+underlieing underlying
+underrrun underrun
+undesireable undesirable
+undestood understood
+Undexpected Unexpected
+undoedne undid
+unecessary unnecessary
+unexperienced inexperienced
+unexperience inexperience
+unfortunatly unfortunately
+Unfortunatly Unfortunately
+uniq unique
+unitialized uninitialized
+unkown unknown
+Unmoveable Unmovable
+unneccessary unnecessary
+unneccessay unnecessary
+unsellectected unselected
+unsuccesful unsuccessful
+unuseable unusable
+unusuable unusable
+unvailable unavailable
+uploades uploads
+upppercase uppercase
+usally usually
+usefull useful
+usere user
+usuable usable
+usuallly usually
+Usualy Usually
+utilisation utilization
+vaild valid
+valied valid
+valueable valuable
+varb verb
+vays ways
+verfication verification
+verically vertically
+versins versions
+verticaly vertically
+verticies vertices
+Veryify Verify
+vicitim victim
+visualisations visualizations
+visualisation visualization
+Visualisation Visualization
+visualise visualize
+visul visual
+volonteer volunteer
+Volumen Volume
+Voribis Vorbis
+vrtual virtual
+waranty warranty
+watseful wasteful
+weigth weight
+wheter whether
+whicn which
+whishes wishes
+whitch which
+whith with
+Wiazrd Wizard
+wich which
+wich which
+wierd weird
+wieving viewing
+wiev view
+wih with
+willl will
+wnat want
+workimg working
+workstatio workstation
+woud would
+wouldd would
+writting writing
+Writting Writing
+yeld yield
+yorself yourself
+you'ld you would
+yourContryCode yourCountryCode