path: root/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/instritem.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kcachegrind/kcachegrind/instritem.cpp')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/instritem.cpp b/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/instritem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85705f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/instritem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+/* This file is part of KCachegrind.
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Josef Weidendorfer <>
+ KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * Items of instruction view.
+ */
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "configuration.h"
+#include "listutils.h"
+#include "instritem.h"
+#include "instrview.h"
+// InstrItem
+// for messages
+InstrItem::InstrItem(InstrView* iv, QListView* parent,
+ Addr addr, const QString& msg)
+ : QListViewItem(parent)
+ _view = iv;
+ _addr = addr;
+ _instr = 0;
+ _instrCall = 0;
+ _instrJump = 0;
+ _inside = false;
+ setText(0, addr.pretty());
+ setText(6, msg);
+ updateGroup();
+ updateCost();
+// for code lines
+InstrItem::InstrItem(InstrView* iv, QListView* parent,
+ Addr addr, bool inside,
+ const QString& code, const QString& cmd,
+ const QString& args, TraceInstr* instr)
+ : QListViewItem(parent)
+ _view = iv;
+ _addr = addr;
+ _instr = instr;
+ _instrCall = 0;
+ _instrJump = 0;
+ _inside = inside;
+ if (args == "...")
+ setText(0, args);
+ else
+ setText(0, addr.pretty());
+ setText(4, code);
+ setText(5, cmd);
+ setText(6, args);
+ TraceLine* l;
+ if (instr && (l = instr->line()))
+ setText(7, l->name());
+ updateGroup();
+ updateCost();
+// for call lines
+InstrItem::InstrItem(InstrView* iv, QListViewItem* parent, Addr addr,
+ TraceInstr* instr, TraceInstrCall* instrCall)
+ : QListViewItem(parent)
+ _view = iv;
+ _addr = addr;
+ _instr = instr;
+ _instrCall = instrCall;
+ _instrJump = 0;
+ _inside = true;
+ //qDebug("InstrItem: (file %d, line %d) Linecall to %s",
+ // fileno, lineno, _lineCall->call()->called()->prettyName().ascii());
+ SubCost cc = _instrCall->callCount();
+ QString templ = " ";
+ if (cc==0)
+ templ += i18n("Active call to '%1'");
+ else
+ templ += i18n("%n call to '%1'", "%n calls to '%1'", cc);
+ QString callStr = templ.arg(_instrCall->call()->calledName());
+ TraceFunction* calledF = _instrCall->call()->called();
+ calledF->addPrettyLocation(callStr);
+ setText(6, callStr);
+ updateGroup();
+ updateCost();
+// for jump lines
+InstrItem::InstrItem(InstrView* iv, QListViewItem* parent, Addr addr,
+ TraceInstr* instr, TraceInstrJump* instrJump)
+ : QListViewItem(parent)
+ _view = iv;
+ _addr = addr;
+ _inside = true;
+ _instr = instr;
+ _instrCall = 0;
+ _instrJump = instrJump;
+ //qDebug("SourceItem: (file %d, line %d) Linecall to %s",
+ // fileno, lineno, _lineCall->call()->called()->prettyName().ascii());
+ QString jStr;
+ if (_instrJump->isCondJump())
+ jStr = i18n("Jump %1 of %2 times to 0x%3")
+ .arg(_instrJump->followedCount().pretty())
+ .arg(_instrJump->executedCount().pretty())
+ .arg(_instrJump->instrTo()->addr().toString());
+ else
+ jStr = i18n("Jump %1 times to 0x%2")
+ .arg(_instrJump->executedCount().pretty())
+ .arg(_instrJump->instrTo()->addr().toString());
+ setText(6, jStr);
+ updateGroup();
+ updateCost();
+void InstrItem::updateGroup()
+ if (!_instrCall) return;
+ TraceFunction* f = _instrCall->call()->called();
+ QColor c = Configuration::functionColor(_view->groupType(), f);
+ setPixmap(6, colorPixmap(10, 10, c));
+void InstrItem::updateCost()
+ _pure = SubCost(0);
+ _pure2 = SubCost(0);
+ if (!_instr) return;
+ if (_instrJump) return;
+ TraceCost* instrCost = _instrCall ?
+ (TraceCost*)_instrCall : (TraceCost*)_instr;
+ // don't show any cost inside of cycles
+ if (_instrCall &&
+ ((_instrCall->call()->inCycle()>0) ||
+ (_instrCall->call()->isRecursion()>0))) {
+ QString str;
+ QPixmap p;
+ QString icon = "undo";
+ KIconLoader* loader = KApplication::kApplication()->iconLoader();
+ p= loader->loadIcon(icon, KIcon::Small, 0,
+ KIcon::DefaultState, 0, true);
+ if (p.isNull())
+ str = i18n("(cycle)");
+ setText(1, str);
+ setPixmap(1, p);
+ setText(2, str);
+ setPixmap(2, p);
+ return;
+ }
+ TraceCost* totalCost;
+ if (Configuration::showExpanded())
+ totalCost = _instr->function()->inclusive();
+ else
+ totalCost = _instr->function()->data();
+ TraceCostType *ct = _view->costType();
+ _pure = ct ? instrCost->subCost(ct) : SubCost(0);
+ if (_pure == 0) {
+ setText(1, QString::null);
+ setPixmap(1, QPixmap());
+ }
+ else {
+ double total = totalCost->subCost(ct);
+ double pure = 100.0 * _pure / total;
+ if (Configuration::showPercentage())
+ setText(1, QString("%1")
+ .arg(pure, 0, 'f', Configuration::percentPrecision()));
+ else
+ setText(1, _pure.pretty());
+ setPixmap(1, costPixmap(ct, instrCost, total, false));
+ }
+ TraceCostType *ct2 = _view->costType2();
+ _pure2 = ct2 ? instrCost->subCost(ct2) : SubCost(0);
+ if (_pure2 == 0) {
+ setText(2, QString::null);
+ setPixmap(2, QPixmap());
+ }
+ else {
+ double total = totalCost->subCost(ct2);
+ double pure = 100.0 * _pure2 / total;
+ if (Configuration::showPercentage())
+ setText(2, QString("%1")
+ .arg(pure, 0, 'f', Configuration::percentPrecision()));
+ else
+ setText(2, _pure2.pretty());
+ setPixmap(2, costPixmap(ct2, instrCost, total, false));
+ }
+int InstrItem::compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending ) const
+ const InstrItem* ii1 = this;
+ const InstrItem* ii2 = (InstrItem*) i;
+ // we always want descending order
+ if (((col>0) && ascending) ||
+ ((col==0) && !ascending) ) {
+ ii1 = ii2;
+ ii2 = this;
+ }
+ if (col==1) {
+ if (ii1->_pure < ii2->_pure) return -1;
+ if (ii1->_pure > ii2->_pure) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (col==2) {
+ if (ii1->_pure2 < ii2->_pure2) return -1;
+ if (ii1->_pure2 > ii2->_pure2) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (col==0) {
+ if (ii1->_addr < ii2->_addr) return -1;
+ if (ii1->_addr > ii2->_addr) return 1;
+ // Same address: code gets above calls/jumps
+ if (!ii1->_instrCall && !ii1->_instrJump) return -1;
+ if (!ii2->_instrCall && !ii2->_instrJump) return 1;
+ // calls above jumps
+ if (ii1->_instrCall && !ii2->_instrCall) return -1;
+ if (ii2->_instrCall && !ii1->_instrCall) return 1;
+ if (ii1->_instrCall && ii2->_instrCall) {
+ // Two calls: desending sort according costs
+ if (ii1->_pure < ii2->_pure) return 1;
+ if (ii1->_pure > ii2->_pure) return -1;
+ // Two calls: sort according function names
+ TraceFunction* f1 = ii1->_instrCall->call()->called();
+ TraceFunction* f2 = ii2->_instrCall->call()->called();
+ if (f1->prettyName() > f2->prettyName()) return 1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Two jumps: descending sort according target address
+ if (ii1->_instrJump->instrTo()->addr() <
+ ii2->_instrJump->instrTo()->addr())
+ return -1;
+ if (ii1->_instrJump->instrTo()->addr() >
+ ii2->_instrJump->instrTo()->addr())
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return QListViewItem::compare(i, col, ascending);
+void InstrItem::paintCell( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
+ int column, int width, int alignment )
+ QColorGroup _cg( cg );
+ if ( !_inside || ((column==1) || column==2))
+ _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, cg.button() );
+ else if ((_instrCall || _instrJump) && column>2)
+ _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, cg.midlight() );
+ if (column == 3)
+ paintArrows(p, _cg, width);
+ else
+ QListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, alignment );
+void InstrItem::setJumpArray(const QMemArray<TraceInstrJump*>& a)
+ _jump.duplicate(a);
+void InstrItem::paintArrows(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int width)
+ QListView *lv = listView();
+ if ( !lv ) return;
+ InstrView* iv = (InstrView*) lv;
+ const BackgroundMode bgmode = lv->viewport()->backgroundMode();
+ const QColorGroup::ColorRole crole
+ = QPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode( bgmode );
+ if ( cg.brush( crole ) != lv->colorGroup().brush( crole ) )
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), cg.brush( crole ) );
+ else
+ iv->paintEmptyArea( p, QRect( 0, 0, width, height() ) );
+ if ( isSelected() && lv->allColumnsShowFocus() )
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
+ int marg = lv->itemMargin();
+ int yy = height()/2, y1, y2;
+ QColor c;
+ int start = -1, end = -1;
+ // draw line borders, detect start/stop of a line
+ for(int i=0;i< (int)_jump.size();i++) {
+ if (_jump[i] == 0) continue;
+ y1 = 0;
+ y2 = height();
+ if ((_instrJump == _jump[i]) &&
+ (_jump[i]->instrFrom()->addr() == _addr)) {
+ //kdDebug() << "InstrItem " << _addr.toString() << ": start " << i << endl;
+ if (start<0) start = i;
+ if (_jump[i]->instrTo()->addr() <= _addr)
+ y2 = yy;
+ else
+ y1 = yy;
+ }
+ else if (!_instrJump && !_instrCall &&
+ (_jump[i]->instrTo()->addr() == _addr)) {
+ //kdDebug() << "InstrItem " << _addr.toString() << ": end " << i << endl;
+ if (end<0) end = i;
+ if (_jump[i]->instrFrom()->addr() < _addr)
+ y2 = yy;
+ else
+ y1 = yy;
+ }
+ c = _jump[i]->isCondJump() ? red : blue;
+#if 0
+ if (_jump[i] == ((TraceItemView*)_view)->selectedItem()) {
+ p->fillRect( marg + 6*i-2, (y1==0) ? y1: y1-2,
+ 8, (y2-y1==height())? y2:y2+2,
+ cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
+ c = lv->colorGroup().highlightedText();
+ }
+ p->fillRect( marg + 6*i, y1, 4, y2, c);
+ p->setPen(c.light());
+ p->drawLine( marg + 6*i, y1, marg + 6*i, y2);
+ p->setPen(c.dark());
+ p->drawLine( marg + 6*i +3, y1, marg + 6*i +3, y2);
+ }
+ // draw start/stop horizontal line
+ int x, y = yy-2, w, h = 4;
+ if (start >= 0) {
+#if 0
+ if (_jump[start] == ((TraceItemView*)_view)->selectedItem()) {
+ c = lv->colorGroup().highlightedText();
+ }
+ c = _jump[start]->isCondJump() ? red : blue;
+ x = marg + 6*start;
+ w = 6*(iv->arrowLevels() - start) + 10;
+ p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, c);
+ p->setPen(c.light());
+ p->drawLine(x, y, x+w-1, y);
+ p->drawLine(x, y, x, y+h-1);
+ p->setPen(c.dark());
+ p->drawLine(x+w-1, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
+ p->drawLine(x+1, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1);
+ }
+ if (end >= 0) {
+ c = _jump[end]->isCondJump() ? red : blue;
+ x = marg + 6*end;
+ w = 6*(iv->arrowLevels() - end) + 10;
+ QPointArray a;
+ a.putPoints(0, 7, x, y+h,
+ x,y, x+w-8, y, x+w-8, y-2,
+ x+w, yy,
+ x+w-8, y+h+2, x+w-8, y+h);
+ p->setBrush(c);
+ p->drawConvexPolygon(a);
+ p->setPen(c.light());
+ p->drawPolyline(a, 0, 5);
+ p->setPen(c.dark());
+ p->drawPolyline(a, 4, 2);
+ p->setPen(c.light());
+ p->drawPolyline(a, 5, 2);
+ p->setPen(c.dark());
+ p->drawPolyline(a, 6, 2);
+ }
+ // draw inner vertical line for start/stop
+ // this overwrites borders of horizontal line
+ for(int i=0;i< (int)_jump.size();i++) {
+ if (_jump[i] == 0) continue;
+ c = _jump[i]->isCondJump() ? red : blue;
+ if (_jump[i]->instrFrom()->addr() == _addr) {
+ bool drawUp = true;
+ if (_jump[i]->instrTo()->addr() == _addr)
+ if (start<0) drawUp=false;
+ if (_jump[i]->instrTo()->addr() > _addr) drawUp=false;
+ if (drawUp)
+ p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, 0, 2, yy, c);
+ else
+ p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, yy, 2, height()-yy, c);
+ }
+ else if (_jump[i]->instrTo()->addr() == _addr) {
+ if (end<0) end = i;
+ if (_jump[i]->instrFrom()->addr() < _addr)
+ p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, 0, 2, yy, c);
+ else
+ p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, yy, 2, height()-yy, c);
+ }
+ }
+int InstrItem::width( const QFontMetrics& fm,
+ const QListView* lv, int c ) const
+ if (c != 3) return QListViewItem::width(fm, lv, c);
+ InstrView* iv = (InstrView*) lv;
+ int levels = iv->arrowLevels();
+ if (levels == 0) return 0;
+ // 10 pixels for the arrow
+ return 10 + 6*levels + lv->itemMargin() * 2;