path: root/x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h b/x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h
index 8180fe2..54400a7 100644
--- a/x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h
+++ b/x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h
@@ -2732,6 +2732,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"proc update_menu_vars {{query \"\"}} {\n"
" global all_settings menu_var query_result_list\n"
+" global x11vnc_icon_mode\n"
" set debug [in_debug_mode]\n"
@@ -2745,6 +2746,14 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" foreach piece $query_result_list {\n"
"#puts stderr \"UMV: $piece\"\n"
+" if [regexp {icon_mode:0} $piece] {\n"
+" set x11vnc_icon_mode 0\n"
+" #puts stderr \"x11vnc_icon_mode: $x11vnc_icon_mode\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" if [regexp {icon_mode:1} $piece] {\n"
+" set x11vnc_icon_mode 1\n"
+" #puts stderr \"x11vnc_icon_mode: $x11vnc_icon_mode\"\n"
+" }\n"
" if {[regexp {^([^:][^:]*):(.*)$} $piece m0 item val]} {\n"
" if {[info exists menu_var($item)]} {\n"
" set old $menu_var($item)\n"
@@ -4330,7 +4339,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"proc props_advanced {} {\n"
-" global icon_mode icon_win props_win full_win\n"
+" global icon_mode props_win full_win\n"
" global props_advanced_first\n"
" if ![info exists props_advanced_first] {\n"
@@ -4348,6 +4357,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" set w $full_win\n"
" wm minsize $w [winfo width $w] [winfo height $w]\n"
" }\n"
+" push_new_value \"remote-cmd\" \"remote-cmd\" \"Q:clients\" 1\n"
"proc do_props {} {\n"
@@ -4486,17 +4496,20 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" }\n"
" set props_buttons [list]\n"
-" set w .props\n"
-" catch {destroy $w}\n"
-" toplevel $w\n"
-" wm title $w \"x11vnc Properties\"\n"
+" set wp .props\n"
+" set w $wp\n"
+" catch {destroy $wp}\n"
+" toplevel $wp\n"
+" wm title $wp \"x11vnc Properties\"\n"
+" frame $w.lf\n"
+" set w $w.lf\n"
" set b1 \"$w.buttons1\"\n"
" frame $b1\n"
-" button $b1.ok -text OK -command \"if {\\[props_apply\\]} {destroy $w}\" -font $bfont\n"
-" button $b1.cancel -text Cancel -command \"destroy $w\" -font $bfont\n"
+" button $b1.ok -text OK -command \"if {\\[props_apply\\]} {destroy $wp}\" -font $bfont\n"
+" button $b1.cancel -text Cancel -command \"destroy $wp\" -font $bfont\n"
" button $b1.apply -text Apply -command \"props_apply\" -font $bfont\n"
-" bind $w <KeyPress-Escape> \"destroy $w\"\n"
+" bind $w <KeyPress-Escape> \"destroy $wp\"\n"
" pack $b1.ok $b1.cancel $b1.apply -side left -expand 0\n"
" lappend props_buttons $b1.apply $b1.cancel $b1.ok\n"
@@ -4505,7 +4518,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" frame $b2\n"
" button $b2.advanced -text \" Advanced ... \" \\\n"
-" -command \"destroy $w; props_advanced\" -font $bfont\n"
+" -command \"destroy $wp; props_advanced\" -font $bfont\n"
" if {! $icon_noadvanced} {\n"
" lappend props_buttons $b2.advanced\n"
" pack $b2.advanced -side left -expand 0\n"
@@ -4527,6 +4540,17 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" entry $pw.e -show \"*\" -textvariable props_passwd -font $bfont\n"
" pack $pw.e -fill x -expand 1 -padx 1m -pady $pady -side top\n"
+" global x11vnc_icon_mode\n"
+" if {! $x11vnc_icon_mode} {\n"
+" catch { $pw.e configure -state disabled}\n"
+" if {! $have_labelframes} {\n"
+" catch { $pw.l configure -state disabled}\n"
+" }\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" lappend props_buttons $pw.e\n"
+" }\n"
" set vp \"$w.viewpw\"\n"
" if {$have_labelframes} {\n"
" labelframe $vp -text \"ViewOnly Password\" -font $bfont\n"
@@ -4539,8 +4563,14 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" entry $vp.e -show \"*\" -textvariable props_viewpasswd -font $bfont\n"
" pack $vp.e -fill x -expand 1 -padx 1m -pady $pady -side top\n"
-" lappend props_buttons $vp.e\n"
+" if {! $x11vnc_icon_mode} {\n"
+" catch { $vp.e configure -state disabled}\n"
+" if {! $have_labelframes} {\n"
+" catch { $vp.l configure -state disabled}\n"
+" }\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" lappend props_buttons $vp.e\n"
+" }\n"
" if {! $icon_mode_at_startup} {\n"
" $vp.e configure -state disabled\n"
@@ -4553,8 +4583,6 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" catch {$pw configure -foreground grey60}\n"
" }\n"
-" lappend props_buttons $pw.e\n"
" set sb \"$w.solid\"\n"
" frame $sb\n"
" checkbutton $sb.button -text \"Solid Background Color\" \\\n"
@@ -4615,17 +4643,21 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" set show_props_instructions 1\n"
" }\n"
-" wm withdraw $w\n"
+" wm withdraw .props\n"
+" set wl $w\n"
+" pack $wl -side left\n"
" if {$msg != \"\"} {\n"
" set tw [textwidth $msg]\n"
" set th [textheight $msg]\n"
" set th [expr $th - 1]\n"
-" set ms \"$w.msg\"\n"
+" set ms \".props.msg\"\n"
" text $ms -font $ffont -relief ridge -width $tw -height $th\n"
" $ms insert 1.0 $msg\n"
-" set si \"$w.instructions\"\n"
+" set si \"$wl.instructions\"\n"
" frame $si\n"
" checkbutton $si.button -text \"Show Instructions\" \\\n"
" -variable show_props_instructions -anchor w -font $bfont \\\n"
@@ -4635,15 +4667,17 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" pack $si -side bottom -fill x -pady 0m -padx $px\n"
" if {$show_props_instructions} {\n"
-" pack $ms -side bottom -fill x -pady $pady -padx $px\n"
+" pack $ms -side left -fill both\n"
" }\n"
" update\n"
" }\n"
" lappend props_buttons $ac.button $cf.button $vo.button $sh.button $zc.button $jv.button $sb.button\n"
" \n"
+" set w .props\n"
" update\n"
" wm resizable $w 1 0\n"
" center_win $w\n"
@@ -4658,7 +4692,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"proc toggle_instructions {ms pady px} {\n"
" global show_props_instructions\n"
" if {$show_props_instructions} {\n"
-" pack $ms -side bottom -fill x -pady $pady -padx $px\n"
+" pack $ms -side left -fill both\n"
" } else {\n"
" pack forget $ms\n"
" }\n"
@@ -4909,6 +4943,13 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" if {$client_balloon == \"\"} {\n"
" set client_balloon $noinfo\n"
" }\n"
+" if {! [info exists icon_win]} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" } elseif {$icon_win == \"\"} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" } elseif {! [winfo exists $icon_win]} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" }\n"
" set x [expr [winfo rootx $icon_win] + ([winfo width $icon_win]/2)]\n"
" set y [expr [winfo rooty $icon_win] + [winfo height $icon_win] + 4]\n"
@@ -4957,10 +4998,11 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"proc icon_win_cfg {clients} {\n"
" global icon_win client_tail client_sock client_info_read\n"
-" if {![info exists icon_win]} {\n"
+" if {! [info exists icon_win]} {\n"
" return\n"
-" }\n"
-" if {$icon_win == \"\"} {\n"
+" } elseif {$icon_win == \"\"} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" } elseif {! [winfo exists $icon_win]} {\n"
" return\n"
" }\n"
" if {$clients > 0} {\n"
@@ -5120,6 +5162,14 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" global icon_win\n"
" set lab [get_icon_label]\n"
+" if {! [info exists icon_win]} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" } elseif {$icon_win == \"\"} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" } elseif {! [winfo exists $icon_win]} {\n"
+" return\n"
+" }\n"
" \n"
" if {[info exists icon_win]} {\n"
" $icon_win configure -text $lab\n"
@@ -6287,6 +6337,18 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" if {$db} {puts stderr \"run_remote_cmd_via_sock: \\\"$res\\\"\"}\n"
" set res [string trim $res]\n"
+" if [regexp {=clients:} $res] {\n"
+" regsub {^.*=clients:} $res \"\" cres\n"
+" regsub {,aro=.*$} $cres \"\" cres\n"
+" regsub {,ans=.*$} $cres \"\" cres\n"
+" if {$cres == \"none\"} {\n"
+" set cres \"\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" update_clients_menu $cres\n"
+" set client_str $cres\n"
+" set_client_balloon $cres\n"
+" }\n"
" if [regexp {^clients:} $res] {\n"
" regsub {^clients:} $res \"\" tmp\n"
" if {$tmp == \"none\"} {\n"
@@ -6674,7 +6736,6 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"proc setup_tray_embed {} {\n"
-" global icon_win\n"
" update\n"
" set w [winfo width .]\n"
" set h [winfo height .]\n"
@@ -6765,7 +6826,6 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"proc undo_tray_embed {} {\n"
-" global icon_win\n"
" set wid [winfo id .] \n"
" push_new_value \"remote-cmd\" \"remote-cmd\" \"trayunembed:$wid\" 0\n"
@@ -6793,7 +6853,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"global connected_to_x11vnc\n"
"global cache_all_query_vars\n"
"global last_query_all_time query_all_freq client_tail client_sock client_info_read\n"
-"global icon_mode icon_mode_at_startup\n"
+"global icon_mode icon_mode_at_startup x11vnc_icon_mode\n"
"global tray_embed tray_running icon_setpasswd icon_embed_id\n"
"global icon_noadvanced icon_minimal\n"
"global make_gui_count text_area_str\n"
@@ -7063,6 +7123,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
"set icon_mode 0\n"
+"set x11vnc_icon_mode 0\n"
"set tray_embed 0\n"
"set tray_running 0\n"
@@ -7170,11 +7231,11 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" set do_props_msg \"\"\n"
" if {$icon_setpasswd} {\n"
" set m \"\\n\"\n"
-" set m \" Note the x11vnc icon in the system tray \\n\" \n"
+" set m \"${m} Note the x11vnc icon in the system tray.\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} This panel is its 'Properties' dialog.\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m}\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} To specify a Session Password and to\\n\" \n"
-" set m \"${m} allow VNC clients to connect, follow\\n\" \n"
+" set m \"${m} allow VNC viewers to connect, follow\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} these steps:\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m}\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} Enter a passwd in the Password field\\n\" \n"
@@ -7184,9 +7245,12 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" set m \"${m} Set 'Accept Connections' and then Press \\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} 'Apply' to allow incoming connections.\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m}\\n\" \n"
+" set m \"${m} No Viewer can connect until you do this.\\n\" \n"
+" set m \"${m}\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} The passwords are only for this x11vnc\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} session and are not saved. Run x11vnc\\n\" \n"
-" set m \"${m} manually for more control.\\n\" \n"
+" set m \"${m} manually for more control (e.g. -rfbauth \\n\" \n"
+" set m \"${m} for a saved password.)\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m}\\n\" \n"
" set m \"${m} See 'Help' for details on each option.\\n\" \n"
@@ -7248,6 +7312,7 @@ char gui_code[] = "";
" dtime G\n"
" old_balloon\n"
" check_setpasswd\n"
+" push_new_value \"remote-cmd\" \"remote-cmd\" \"Q:clients\" 1\n"
"} else {\n"
" make_gui \"full\"\n"
" dtime G\n"